
Associations ( Anglèis )

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Foodplant / sap sucker
Aphis gossypii sucks sap of live, distorted leaf of Cucumis melo
Remarks: season: mainly under glass

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / pathogen
colony of Cladosporium dematiaceous anamorph of Cladosporium cucumerinum infects and damages live Cucumis melo
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / pathogen
pycnidium of Colletotrichum coelomycetous anamorph of Colletotrichum lagenarium infects and damages live fruit of Cucumis melo
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / shot hole causer
effuse colony of Corynespora dematiaceous anamorph of Corynespora cassiicola causes shot holes on live leaf of Cucumis melo

Foodplant / spot causer
erumpent pycnidium of Ascochyta coelomycetous anamorph of Didymella bryoniae causes spots on live stem of Cucumis melo

Foodplant / parasite
Golovinomyces orontii parasitises live Cucumis melo

Foodplant / parasite
sporangium of Pseudoperonospora cubensis parasitises live Cucumis melo

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Description ( Anglèis )

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Annual or sometimes perennial (in wild form), trailing, prostrate or rarely climbing herb. Stem angular and hirsute, sometimes becoming circular and glabrous. Leaves ± reniform, 5-angled or shallowly 5-lobed, lobes obtuse, both surfaces covered with soft villous hairs; size variable, 5-15 cm long and as much broad, smaller in wild forms. Male flowers fasciculate; peduncle 5-3 cm long. Calyx tube villous, 5-8 mm long, sepals subulate. Corolla 1-2 cm long. Fruits variable in size, shape, texture and colour, generally glabrous. Seeds white, oblong and emarginate.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Flora of Pakistan Vol. 0: 44 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of Pakistan @ eFloras.org
S. I. Ali & M. Qaiser
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Distribution ( Anglèis )

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Widely cultivated in tropical and warm countries.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Elevation Range ( Anglèis )

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200-800 m
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
sitassion bibliogràfica
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Cucumis melo, melon, is a member of the horticulturally diverse gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) likely native to Central Asia (although uncultivated relatives are indigenous to tropical and sub-tropical Africa). Melons have been developed into numerous varieties that are now cultivated in warm areas worldwide for their juicy, edible, often musky-scented flesh. Melon plants are frost-tender annuals with soft, hairy climbing or trailing vines with tendrils, and large round to lobed leaves. Flowers are unisexual; female flowers are yellow, and around 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter. Fruits (pepos) vary considerably in size, shape, texture, flavors, and rind and flesh colors across the numerous cultivars, but generally weigh from 1 to 5 kilograms (2 to 11 pounds). The center of the fruit is filled with white, oblong seeds, around 1 cm long. There are seven major groups of cultivated melon varieties (sometimes divided into ten groups, or two subspecies). Among them are the Cantalupensis group (name after Cantalupo, near Rome, where they were developed), which have sweet orange flesh and a warty rind; the Inodorous group, or winter melons, which are large, smooth-skinned, and mildly flavored, including the honeydew and casaba melons; and the Reticulatis group, netted or nutmeg melons, with sweet orange flesh (although some green-fleshed varieties have been developed) and a netted rind, including small muskmelons and Persian melons. Other groups are the Flexuosus (snake or serpent melons), Conomon (oriental pickling melons), Chito (mango melons), and Dudaim (stinking melons). Cantaloupes, which are a good source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, are widely cultivated for commercial use in Europe. The melons often sold as cantaloupes in North America are more typically netted melons, which, along with the winter melons, are commercially grown and important in parts of the U.S., with numerous cultivars adapted to growing conditions of various regions. Snake, pickling, and mango melons, used for pickles and preserves, and stinking melons, which are ornamental and fragrant, are grown locally in Eurasia. Melons are susceptible to many serious fungal, viral, and bacterial and insect pests, which limits production. Melons were known and cultivated in ancient times by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and were used as medicinals. Domestication and development of horticultural varieties was also important in India, Persia, south Russia, and China. Herbals 16th and 17th century Europe list many medicinal uses. The seeds have been used to treat intestinal parasites, but must be used with caution, as sprouting seeds produce toxic compounds. Melons are primarily eaten fresh, but in various parts of Africa, oil expressed from the seeds is used in cooking. The term "melon" is also used to refer to a number of other species: watermelon (Citrullus vulgarism); Chinese watermelon or wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); melon shrub or pear melon (Solanum muricata); papaya, sometimes called melon tree (Carica papaya); and others. (Encyclopedia Britanica 1993, Hedrick 1919, Kirkbride 1993, PFAF 2011, Simon et al. 1993, Whittaker and Davis 1962)
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Jacqueline Courteau
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EOL authors

Economic Significance ( Anglèis )

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Cucumis melo is the species of melon from which the popular fruits cantaloupe and honey dew are derived.

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Amy Chang
Amy Chang
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EOL authors

Cucumis melo ( Anglèis )

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Cucumis melo, also known as melon,[2][3] is a species of Cucumis that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. The fruit is a pepo. The flesh is either sweet or bland, with or without a musky aroma, and the rind can be smooth (such as honeydew), ribbed (such as European cantaloupe), wrinkled (such as casaba melon), or netted (such as muskmelon). In North America, the sweet-flesh varieties are often collectively called muskmelon, including the musky netted-rind varieties and the inodorous smooth-rind varieties,[4] and cantaloupe usually means the former type.[5] However, muskmelon in a narrow sense only refers to the musky netted-rind type, while the true cantaloupe is the European type with ribbed and often warty rind that is seldom grown in North America.[6]

The origin of melons is not known. Research has revealed that seeds and rootstocks were among the goods traded along the caravan routes of the Ancient World. Some botanists consider melons native to the Levant and Egypt, while others place their origin in Iran,[7] India or Central Asia.[8] Still others support an African origin, and in modern times wild melons can still be found in some African countries.[9]


The melon is an annual, trailing herb.[8] It grows well in subtropical or warm, temperate climates.[9] Melons prefer warm, well-fertilized soil with good drainage that is rich in nutrients,[8] but are vulnerable to downy mildew and anthracnose. Disease risk is reduced by crop rotation with non-cucurbit crops, avoiding crops susceptible to similar diseases as melons. Cross pollination has resulted in some varieties developing resistance to powdery mildew.[10] Insects attracted to melons include the cucumber beetle, melon aphid, melonworm moth and the pickleworm.[10]


Melons are monoecious plants. They do not cross with watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin, or squash, but varieties within the species intercross frequently.[11] The genome of Cucumis melo was first sequenced in 2012.[12] Some authors treat C. melo as having two subspecies, C. melo agrestis and C. melo melo. Variants within these subspecies fall into groups whose genetics largely agree with their phenotypic traits, such as disease resistance, rind texture, flesh color, and fruit shape. Variants or landraces (some of which were originally classified as species; see the synonyms list to the right) include C. melo var. acidulus, adana, agrestis, ameri, cantalupensis, chandalak, chate, chinensis, chito, conomon, dudaim, flexuosus, inodorus, makuwa, momordica, reticulatus and tibish.

Not all varieties are sweet melons. The snake melon, also called the Armenian cucumber and Serpent cucumber, is a non-sweet melon found throughout Asia from Turkey to Japan.[13][9] It is similar to a cucumber in taste and appearance.[14] Outside Asia, snake melons are grown in the United States, Italy, Sudan and parts of North Africa, including Egypt.[9] The snake melon is more popular in Arab countries.[14]

Other varieties grown in Africa are bitter, cultivated for their edible seeds.[9]

For commercially grown varieties certain features like protective hard netting and firm flesh are preferred for purposes of shipping and other requirements of commercial markets.[10]


Per 100 gram serving, cantaloupe melons provide 34 calories and are a rich source (defined as at least 20% of daily value, or DV) of both vitamin A (68% DV) and vitamin C (61% DV). Other nutrients are at a negligible level.[15] Melons are 90% water and 9% carbohydrates, with less than 1% each of protein and fat.[15]


In addition to their consumption when fresh, melons are sometimes dried. Other varieties are cooked, or grown for their seeds, which are processed to produce melon oil. Still other varieties are grown only for their pleasant fragrance.[16] The Japanese liqueur Midori is flavored with melon.


There is debate among scholars whether the abattiach in The Book of Numbers 11:5 refers to a melon or a watermelon.[17] Both types of melon were known in Ancient Egypt and other settled areas. Some botanists consider melons native to the Levant and Egypt, while others place the origin in Persia,[18] India or Central Asia, thus the origin is uncertain. Researchers have shown that seeds and rootstocks were among the goods traded along the caravan routes of the Ancient World.[8] Several scientists support an African origin, and in modern times wild melons can still be found in several African countries in East Africa like Ethiopia, Somalia and Tanzania.[9]

Melon was domesticated in West Asia and over time many cultivars developed with variety in shape and sweetness. Iran, India, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and China become centers for melon production.[9] Melons were consumed in Ancient Greece and Rome.[19]


See also


  1. ^ The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species, retrieved 23 January 2016
  2. ^ "Cucumis melo". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  3. ^ "Definition of Melon by Oxford Dictionary". Lexico Dictionaries | English. Archived from the original on June 28, 2021. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
  4. ^ "Definition of muskmelon". Dictionary by Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
  5. ^ "Definition of cantaloupe". Dictionary by Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
  6. ^ "Melon". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2021-02-13.
  7. ^ Raghami, Mahmoud; López-Sesé, Ana Isabel; Hasandokht, Mohamad Reza; Zamani, Zabihollah; Moghadam, Mahmoud Reza Fattahi; Kashi, Abdolkarim (2014-01-01). "Genetic diversity among melon accessions from Iran and their relationships with melon germplasm of diverse origins using microsatellite markers". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 300 (1): 139–151. doi:10.1007/s00606-013-0866-y. ISSN 1615-6110. Melons or muskmelon are native to Iran and adjacent countries toward the west and east. In fact, 'Musk' is a Persian word for a kind of perfume and 'melon' is derived from Greek words (Robinson and Decker-Walters 1997). The origin of diversity for melon was traditionally believed to be in Africa (Robinson and Decker-Walters 1997), although recent molecular systematic studies, suggested that it may be originated from Asia and then reached to Africa (Renner et al. 2007). Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Transcaucasia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as Afghanistan and China (Robinson and Decker-Walters 1997) are considered primary diversity centre for melon (Tzitzikas et al. 2009).
  8. ^ a b c d Swenson, Allan A. (1995). Plants of the Bible: And How to Grow Them. Citadel Press. p. 77. ISBN 9780806516158. Retrieved 26 August 2019.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g Grubben, G. J. H. (2004). Vegetables. PROTA Foundation. p. 243. ISBN 9789057821479. Retrieved 26 August 2019.
  10. ^ a b c Beattie, James Herbert (1951). Muskmelons. Agricultural Research Service. Retrieved 26 August 2019.
  11. ^ Martin Anderson, Texas AgriLife Extension Service. "Muskmelons Originated in Persia - Archives - Aggie Horticulture". tamu.edu.
  12. ^ Jordi Garcia-Mas (2012). "The genome of melon (Cucumis melo L.)". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109 (29): 11872–11877. Bibcode:2012PNAS..10911872G. doi:10.1073/pnas.1205415109. PMC 3406823. PMID 22753475.
  13. ^ Ashworth, Suzanne (2012-10-31). Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for the Vegetable Gardener. Chelsea Green Publishing. p. 97. ISBN 9780988474901. Retrieved 26 August 2019.
  14. ^ a b Goldman, Amy (January 2002). Melons: For the Passionate Grower. Artisan Books. p. 112. ISBN 9781579652135. Retrieved 26 August 2019.
  15. ^ a b "Nutrition Facts for 100 g of melons, cantaloupe, raw [includes USDA commodity food A415]". Conde Nast for the USDA National Nutrient Database, version SR-21. 2014.
  16. ^ National Research Council (2008-01-25). "Melon". Lost Crops of Africa: Volume III: Fruits. Lost Crops of Africa. Vol. 3. National Academies Press. doi:10.17226/11879. ISBN 978-0-309-10596-5. Retrieved 2008-07-17.
  17. ^ "We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick" Numbers 11:5
  18. ^ Raghami, Mahmoud; López-Sesé, Ana Isabel; Hasandokht, Mohamad Reza; Zamani, Zabihollah; Moghadam, Mahmoud Reza Fattahi; Kashi, Abdolkarim (2014-01-01). "Genetic diversity among melon accessions from Iran and their relationships with melon germplasm of diverse origins using microsatellite markers". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 300 (1): 139–151. doi:10.1007/s00606-013-0866-y. ISSN 1615-6110. Melons or muskmelon are native to Iran and adjacent countries toward the west and east. In fact, 'Musk' is a Persian word for a kind of perfume and 'melon' is derived from Greek words (Robinson and Decker-Walters 1997). The origin of diversity for melon was traditionally believed to be in Africa (Robinson and Decker-Walters 1997), although recent molecular systematic studies, suggested that it may be originated from Asia and then reached to Africa (Renner et al. 2007). Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Transcaucasia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as Afghanistan and China (Robinson and Decker-Walters 1997) are considered primary diversity centre for melon (Tzitzikas et al. 2009).
  19. ^ Ensminger, Marion Eugene (1993-11-09). Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set. CRC Publisher. ISBN 9780849389801. Retrieved 26 August 2019.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Cucumis melo: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Cucumis melo, also known as melon, is a species of Cucumis that has been developed into many cultivated varieties. The fruit is a pepo. The flesh is either sweet or bland, with or without a musky aroma, and the rind can be smooth (such as honeydew), ribbed (such as European cantaloupe), wrinkled (such as casaba melon), or netted (such as muskmelon). In North America, the sweet-flesh varieties are often collectively called muskmelon, including the musky netted-rind varieties and the inodorous smooth-rind varieties, and cantaloupe usually means the former type. However, muskmelon in a narrow sense only refers to the musky netted-rind type, while the true cantaloupe is the European type with ribbed and often warty rind that is seldom grown in North America.

The origin of melons is not known. Research has revealed that seeds and rootstocks were among the goods traded along the caravan routes of the Ancient World. Some botanists consider melons native to the Levant and Egypt, while others place their origin in Iran, India or Central Asia. Still others support an African origin, and in modern times wild melons can still be found in some African countries.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN