Language support in EOL v3 is in continuous development, but many features are internationalized. Here's where things stand at the moment:
The interface- navigating EOL in different languages:
Thanks to our collaborators at translatewiki and their corps of volunteer translators, the full EOL basic interface navigation is available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Piedmontese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Read more about becoming a volunteer translator.
Common or vernacular names for taxa:
Most of the common or vernacular taxon names in EOL are from the holdings of the wikidata, which include just over a million names in 466 languages. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.
We have articles in many languages. The article tab has a language filter, which is set to English by default. We hope soon to make that default setting configurable in your EOL profile.
Structured data:Our valiant translatewiki community
One of the great advantages of structured attribute and interaction data is that it is very efficient to translate. Commonly used data terms like "body length" and "predator" in our taxon page summaries are translated by the translatewiki community, and many place names have translations available from our geographic terms providers, geonames and wikidata.