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Witkruisarend ( الأفريكانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AF

Die Witkruisarend (Aquila verreauxii) is 'n groot donker swart roofvoël met 'n kenmerkende wit kruis of V-vorm op die rug. Die arend leef in die afgeleë en bergagtige gebiede van suidelike en oostelike Afrika (tot in Tsjad), asook in beperkte areas in westelike Asië.

Die voël het 'n spanwydte van 186 tot 222 cm. Hulle lê 1-3 eiers wat deur beide ouers oor 43-46 dae uitgebroei word. Die kuikens bly vir 84-99 dae in die nes en is 'n maksimum van 6 maande van hulle ouers afhanklik. Hulle vreet hoofsaaklik soogdiere en het 'n voorliefde vir dassies, maar vreet ook ander voëls en reptiele.

Ander name

  • Engels: Verreaux's Eagle of African Black Eagle of Black Eagle
  • Wetenskaplike naam: Aquila verreauxii

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Witkruisarend: Brief Summary ( الأفريكانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AF

Die Witkruisarend (Aquila verreauxii) is 'n groot donker swart roofvoël met 'n kenmerkende wit kruis of V-vorm op die rug. Die arend leef in die afgeleë en bergagtige gebiede van suidelike en oostelike Afrika (tot in Tsjad), asook in beperkte areas in westelike Asië.

Die voël het 'n spanwydte van 186 tot 222 cm. Hulle lê 1-3 eiers wat deur beide ouers oor 43-46 dae uitgebroei word. Die kuikens bly vir 84-99 dae in die nes en is 'n maksimum van 6 maande van hulle ouers afhanklik. Hulle vreet hoofsaaklik soogdiere en het 'n voorliefde vir dassies, maar vreet ook ander voëls en reptiele.

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Aquila verreauxii ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST


El águila cafre[1] (Aquila verreauxii), tamién conocida como águila negra africana o águila de Verreaux, n'honor al naturista francés Edouard Verreaux, ye una especie d'ave accipitriforme de la familia Accipitridae. Trátase d'un ave de presa estendida pol África subsaḥariana y el sur de la península arábiga; nun se conocen subespecies.[2] Suel añerar en zones montascoses, onde s'alimenta principalmente de damanes.


Primer planu d'una águila cafre, en condiciones controlaes

Ye un animal grande. Mide de 75 a 96 cm de llargor y pesa de 3 a 6.2 kg. El valumbu de les sos ales puede algamar los 2,5 m. Xeneralmente son de color negru con una V blanca distintiva nel so llombu. Los xuveniles son de normal más claros, de tonu marrón escuru cola cara negra. El so aspeutu ye bien similar al del águila real.

Historia natural

Ye altamente territorial y puede ser vistu con frecuencia dientro de la so territoriu al pie de otru individuu del sexu opuesto, que va ser la so pareya pa tola vida. Aliméntase principalmente de damanes, y tamién come, monos, llebres y pequeños antilopes. La fema pon de normal dos güevos de color blancu cremosu, de los que pasaos 45 díes van nacer los pitucos.

La estensión del so territoriu ta inversamente amestada a la cantidá de preses. Cuando l'alimentu abonda'l so territoriu puede ser d'apenes 10 km², y cuando l'alimentu arralez puede espandir la so área hasta 250 km².


  1. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1994). «Nomes en castellanu de les aves del mundu recomendaos pola Sociedá Española d'Ornitoloxía (Segunda parte: Falconiformes y Galliformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 41 (2): pp. 183-191. ISSN 0570-7358. http://www.ardeola.org/files/285.pdf. Consultáu 'l 3 d'agostu de 2014.
  2. «The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, Version 6.5». Cornell University Press. Archiváu dende l'orixinal, el 03 de payares de 2015. Consultáu'l 12 de xunu de 2011.

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Aquila verreauxii: Brief Summary ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST
Aquila verreauxii


El águila cafre (Aquila verreauxii), tamién conocida como águila negra africana o águila de Verreaux, n'honor al naturista francés Edouard Verreaux, ye una especie d'ave accipitriforme de la familia Accipitridae. Trátase d'un ave de presa estendida pol África subsaḥariana y el sur de la península arábiga; nun se conocen subespecies. Suel añerar en zones montascoses, onde s'alimenta principalmente de damanes.

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Afrika qara qartalı ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Afrika qara qartalı, Kafr qartalı (lat. Aquila verreauxii) - qartal cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

Afrika qara qartalı Kafr qartalı (Aquila verreauxii) — Afrikada yaşayır. Növün latınca adı fransız botaniki və ornitoloqu Jül-Pyer Verronun şərəfinə adlandırılmışdır.


Kafr qartalının arealı Afrikada - Çad və Keniya Samburu Parkının cənubunda Finboş və Əjdaha dağları əraziləridir.[1].


  1. Aquila verreauxii
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Afrika qara qartalı: Brief Summary ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Afrika qara qartalı, Kafr qartalı (lat. Aquila verreauxii) - qartal cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

Afrika qara qartalı Kafr qartalı (Aquila verreauxii) — Afrikada yaşayır. Növün latınca adı fransız botaniki və ornitoloqu Jül-Pyer Verronun şərəfinə adlandırılmışdır.

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Àguila de Verreaux ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

L'àguila de Verreaux (Aquila verreauxii) és un gran ocell rapinyaire de la família dels accipítrids (Accipitridae) que habita zones obertes i de muntanya de gran part de l'Àfrica Oriental i del sud. També està pressent al sud de la Península Aràbiga, la Península del Sinaí i Palestina. Aquesta àguila és de proporcions similars a les de l'àguila daurada, es diferencia pel seu color negre amb un dibuix clar en forma de V al dors.[1]


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Àguila de Verreaux Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  1. Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, 1970. Enciclopèdia Salvat de la Fauna. Tom 2, pàg. 258
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Àguila de Verreaux: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

L'àguila de Verreaux (Aquila verreauxii) és un gran ocell rapinyaire de la família dels accipítrids (Accipitridae) que habita zones obertes i de muntanya de gran part de l'Àfrica Oriental i del sud. També està pressent al sud de la Península Aràbiga, la Península del Sinaí i Palestina. Aquesta àguila és de proporcions similars a les de l'àguila daurada, es diferencia pel seu color negre amb un dibuix clar en forma de V al dors.

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Eryr du Affrica ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Eryr du Affrica (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: eryrod duon Affrica) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Aquila verreauxii; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Verreaux's eagle. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Eryr (Lladin: Accipitridae) sydd yn urdd y Falconiformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn A. verreauxii, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Affrica.


Mae'r eryr du Affrica yn perthyn i deulu'r Eryr (Lladin: Accipitridae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

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Aquila wahlbergi.jpg
Barcud wynepgoch Gampsonyx swainsonii
Gampsonyx swainsonii Pearl Kite.jpg
Eryr Adalbert Aquila adalberti
Aquila adalberti (ad.).jpg
Eryr Bonelli Aquila fasciata
Bonelli's Eagle.jpg
Eryr euraid Aquila chrysaetos
Maakotka (Aquila chrysaetos) by Jarkko Järvinen.jpg
Eryr Gurney Aquila gurneyi
Eryr nadroedd Madagasgar Eutriorchis astur
Eryr rheibus Aquila rapax
Eryr rheibus y diffeithwch Aquila nipalensis
Steppe Eagle Portrait.jpg
Eryr ymerodrol Aquila heliaca
Eastern Imperial Eagle cr.jpg
Fwltur yr Aifft Neophron percnopterus
Egyptian vulture.jpg
Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
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Eryr du Affrica: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Eryr du Affrica (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: eryrod duon Affrica) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Aquila verreauxii; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Verreaux's eagle. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Eryr (Lladin: Accipitridae) sydd yn urdd y Falconiformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn A. verreauxii, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yn Affrica.

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Orel damaní ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Orel damaní (též orel kaferský nebo orel Verreauxův;[2] Aquila verreauxii) je velký druh dravce z čeledi jestřábovitých (Accipitridae).


Dorůstá 75–95 cm a v rozpětí křídel měří až 2,2 m. Průměrná hmotnost u samců činí 3,7 kg a u samic 4,5 kg. Opeření má celkově černé s bílým zbarvením na svrchní části těla, které na hřbetě vytváří tvar písmene V.

Pár orlů damaních u jezera Baringo v Keni


Jedná se stálý druh žijící v říčních roklích a na skalnatých výchozech v jižní a východní Africe, Čadu a roztroušeně i na území Arabského poloostrova.


Je specializován na lov damanů, na jejichž početnosti často nepřímo závisí velikost jeho přísně obhajovaného teritoria; občas se živí také jinými savci nebo ptáky, včetně pávů.


V jedné snůšce jsou 2 krémově zbarvená vejce, jejichž inkubace trvá přibližně 45 dnů. Rodiče zasedají již na první snesené vejce a proto se jedno mládě líhne dříve. To starší zabije mladší, i když je dostatek potravy pro obě.


Je pojmenován po francouzském přírodovědci Julesi Verreauxovi, který na počátku 18. století navštívil jižní Afriku. Noha samice je větší než lidská ruka.[3][4][5]


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-09]
  2. POŘÍZ, Jindřich. orel damaní Aquila verreauxii [online]. BioLib [cit. 2010-11-19]. Dostupné online.
  3. Gargett, Valerie (1990). The Black Eagle: A Study. South Africa: Acorn Books and Russel Friedman Books. str. 19, 30–31. ISBN 0 620 11915 2 (anglicky)
  4. KHOLOVÁ, Helena (autorka českého překladu). Ptáci. Praha: Euromedia Group, k. s., 2008. ISBN 9788024222356. S. 202.
  5. Mearns, Barbara & Mearns, Richard (1988). Biographies for Birdwatchers. The lives of those commemorated in Western Palaearctic bird names. Academic Press: Londýn. ISBN 0-12-487422-3 (anglicky)

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Orel damaní: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

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Orel damaní (též orel kaferský nebo orel Verreauxův; Aquila verreauxii) je velký druh dravce z čeledi jestřábovitých (Accipitridae).

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Klippenadler ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Klippenadler (Aquila verreauxii), früher auch als Kaffernadler bezeichnet, ist ein sehr großer Vertreter der Gattung Echte Adler (Aquila). Das Hauptverbreitungsgebiet der nirgendwo häufigen Art liegt im südlichen Afrika. Der trotz seiner Größe und seines beträchtlichen Gewichtes agile und gewandte Adler ist in seinem Verbreitungsgebiet unverwechselbar. Adulte Vögel wirken fast einheitlich schwarz.



Die Grundfarbe des Gefieders erwachsener Vögel ist Schwarz. Beim sitzenden Adler ist meist ein schmales reinweißes V zu erkennen, das sich von den Schultern zum Oberrücken hin schließt. Beim fliegenden Vogel ist in der Oberansicht dieses Merkmal viel deutlicher und bildet ein deutliches Y mit sehr breiter Basis, da auch die Schwanzwurzel des Adlers reinweiß gefärbt ist. Der mächtige Schnabel ist mehrheitlich hellgrau, zur Spitze hin wird er dunkler. Stark zur schwarzen Grundfärbung kontrastieren die dottergelbe Wachshaut sowie ebenso Farbelemente an der Schnabelbasis, am Unterschnabel und um die Augen. Die Adler haben ziemlich lange Füße, die bis zu den Zehen schwarz befiedert sind; die Zehen selbst sind blassgelb, die Krallen sind schwarz.

Der reverse Geschlechtsdimorphismus ist nur schwach ausgeprägt. Ausgewachsene Weibchen sind oft etwas heller, mehr schwarzbraun gefärbt, doch ist die Unterscheidung der Geschlechter nicht immer einfach. Weibchen sind im Mittel etwas größer und meist erheblich schwerer als die Männchen.

In der Unteransicht wirken fliegende Klippenadler ebenfalls sehr dunkel. Auffallend ist das weiße, ins Graue hin verlaufende Flügelfeld, das zu den dunklen Flügelspitzen hin abdunkelt.

Das Federkleid der Jungvögel unterscheidet sich stark von dem adulter, ist in sich aber wenig variabel. Sie sind insgesamt viel heller als ausgefärbte und an den Flanken und Oberschenkeln fast weiß. Kennzeichnend für Jungvögel sind auch der sehr helle Oberkopf mit goldgelben Farbschattierungen zum Nacken hin sowie der rostbraune Schultergürtel. Jungvögel sind abhängig von ihrem Alter auch im Flugbild heller, insbesondere weisen die Unterflügeldecken eine weiße, stellenweise auch rostbraune Sprenkelung auf. Frühestens mit fünf Jahren tragen Klippenadler das Erwachsenenkleid, meist aber erst ein Jahr später.

Maße und Gewicht

Die Größe dieses Adlers liegt zwischen 78 Zentimetern und 90 Zentimetern. Die Flügellänge erreicht beim Männchen fast 60 Zentimeter, beim Weibchen ist sie um etwa 5 Zentimeter größer. Die Spannweite sehr großer Weibchen kann über 210 Zentimeter betragen. Männchen wiegen zwischen drei und etwas über vier Kilogramm, das Gewicht eines Weibchens kann sechs bis sieben Kilogramm erreichen.

Lebensraum und Verbreitung

Brutgebiete des Klippenadlers

Klippenadler bewohnen vor allem aride und semiaride felsige Hügel- und Gebirgslandschaften, Klippen, Schluchten und Inselberge. Sie kommen bis in Höhen von über 5000 m vor.

Klippenadler sind in aufgesplitterten Vorkommen vom Südrand der zentralen Sahara, dem Südsudan und den Staaten des östlichen Afrikas südwärts bis in die Kapregion verbreitet. In Westafrika kommt er küstennah nordwärts bis Mittelangola vor. Zusätzlich bestehen mit wenigen Paaren Brutvorkommen im Jemen und im Oman, möglicherweise auch in der israelischen Negev.

Klippenadler sind ortstreu, nur Jungvögel dismigrieren.

Nahrung und Nahrungserwerb

Klippenadler mit Beute

Die Hauptbeutetiere dieses Adlers sind Klippschliefer (Procavia sp.) und Busch- oder Steppenschliefer (Heterohyrax sp.). Daneben jagt er noch eine Vielzahl an Säugetieren wie kleinere Antilopen, Hasen, Kaninchen und Affen sowie Vögel und Schildkröten. Selten sieht man Klippenadler auch an Aas.

Während der Jagd gleitet die Art in niedriger Höhe und versucht ein Beutetier zu überraschen. Häufig wird paarweises Jagen beobachtet, bei dem der eine Adler eine Schlieferkolonie aufscheucht, während der andere, von hinten kommend, ein Tier zu schlagen trachtet. Meist wird die Beute am Boden geschlagen, weniger häufig ist Ansitzjagd. Gelegentlich jagt er auch anderen Greifvögeln ihre Beute ab.

Sozialverhalten und Brut

Juveniles Tier im Flug

Klippenadler leben einzeln oder in Paaren. Paare zeigen das ganze Jahr über eindrucksvolle Flüge über ihrem Revier, in die spektakuläre Flugmanöver eingestreut sind. Darüber hinaus verhalten sie sich jedoch relativ ruhig.

Das Nest ist ein gewaltiger Bau aus Ästen und Zweigen, der Durchmesser von bis zu zwei Metern erreichen kann. Üblicherweise ist es an die zwei Meter hoch, bei länger benutzten Horsten wurden auch Höhen von über vier Metern festgestellt.

Neststandorte sind meist Felsplattformen, häufig sind sie ganz oder teilweise überdacht. Selten werden die Horste auch auf verschiedenen Bäumen, zum Beispiel auf Akazien, oder auf Euphorbien errichtet.

In der Regel besteht das Gelege aus zwei Eiern, seltener aus einem oder drei. Nach einer Brutdauer von 43–47 Tagen schlüpfen die Jungen. Das älteste attackiert bald nach dem Schlupf das Jüngere und tötet es schließlich (Kainismus). Bis zum Flüggewerden vergehen an die 100 Tage, auch danach ist der Jungvogel noch eine gewisse Zeit von den Eltern abhängig.

Bestand und Bestandsentwicklung


Über die Gesamtpopulation der Art bestehen nur sehr vage Schätzungen, die sich um einige 10.000 Individuen bewegen. Da die Art vor allem unwegsame, gebirgige, somit landwirtschaftlich nicht nutzbare Gebiete bewohnt, scheint sie zurzeit nicht gefährdet.

Etymologie und Forschungsgeschichte

René Primevère Lesson beschrieb den Klippenadler unter dem heutigen Namen Aquila Verreauxii.[A 1] Das Typusexemplar stammte vom Kap der Guten Hoffnung.[1] »Aquila«, ein Name den Mathurin-Jacques Brisson (1723–1806) bereits 1760 einführte, ist das lateinische Wort für »Adler«.[2] Das Artepitheton ist Jules Verreaux gewidmet, der den Balg gesammelt hatte und diesen zu seinem Vater in Paris schickte.[1] Zum Zeitpunkt der Erstbeschreibung befand er sich im Besitz von Adolphe Jean Audenet (1800–1872).[3] Die Illustration des Kaffernadlers fertigte Jean-Gabriel Prêtre (1768–1849) an.[4]


  • James Ferguson-Lees und David A. Christie: Raptors of the World. Helm-London 2001, S. 748–750.
  • James A. Jobling: Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. Christopher Helm, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
  • René Primevère Lesson: Centurie zoologique, ou, Choix d’animaux rares, nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus: enrichi de planches inédites, dessinées d’après nature par M. Prêtre, gravées et coloriées avec le plus grand soin. F.G. Levrault, Paris 1830 (online [abgerufen am 13. Mai 2015]).
  • Edward Clive Dickinson, Colin Jones: Some corrections to information provided in Priority! The Dating of Scientific Names in Ornithology”. In: Zoological Bibliography. Band 2, Nr. 2/3, 2012, S. 75–89 (online [PDF; 192 kB; abgerufen am 13. Mai 2015]).


  1. a b René Primevère Lesson, S. 105.
  2. James A. Jobling, S. 52.
  3. René Primevère Lesson, S. 106.
  4. René Primevère Lesson, Tafel 38.
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Klippenadler: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Klippenadler (Aquila verreauxii), früher auch als Kaffernadler bezeichnet, ist ein sehr großer Vertreter der Gattung Echte Adler (Aquila). Das Hauptverbreitungsgebiet der nirgendwo häufigen Art liegt im südlichen Afrika. Der trotz seiner Größe und seines beträchtlichen Gewichtes agile und gewandte Adler ist in seinem Verbreitungsgebiet unverwechselbar. Adulte Vögel wirken fast einheitlich schwarz.

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Shqiponja Kafire ( الألبانية )

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Shqiponja Kafire (nga arabishtja - Kufr=i pafe) është një përfaqësues shumë i madh i Gjinisë Aquila. Vendi më i madh i përhapjes së këtij lloji të rrallë është në jugun e Afrikës.


Shqiponja Kafire

Ngjyra kryesore e pendlave te Shqiponjat kafire të rritura është ngjyra e zezë. Te një Shqiponjë Kafire të ulur mund të dallohet një V e bardhë, e cila ngjitet prej Shpines deri te krahët. Kur është në fluturim kjo shenjë dallohet edhe më mirë, por formon një Y, sepse edhe nga rrënja e bishtit kalon një vijë e bardhë dhe ngjitet me V-jen. Sqepi i tij ka ngjyrë të përhimtë t'qelët, por duke shkuar nga maja ngjyra errësohet. Këto Shqiponja kanë këmbë shumë të gjata të cilat deri te gishtat e këmbëve janë me pendla të zeza; gishtat e këmbëve vetë, janë të verdhë, kurse thonjtë kanë ngjyrë të zezë. Femrat nga meshkujt nuk dallohen lehtë. Femrat e rritura kanë ngjyrën pak më të qelët. Femrat janë pak më të mëdha dhe janë më të rënda. Shqiponjat e reja ngjyren e kanë më të qelët se të rriturit dhe kukat i kanë gati të bardhë. Dallimi i të rejave mund të shihet edhe në kokën e tyre me ngjyrë më të qelët, disa vija të verdha të cilat shkojnë deri në qafë dhe krahët me ngjyrë kafe ndryshku. Me gjashtë vjet Shqiponja Kafire merr ngjyrën e të rriturve. Gjatësia e Shqiponjës Kafire varion nga 78 deri 90 cm. Gjatësia e krahëve te disa femra të mëdha arrin deri në 210 cm. Meshkujt peshojnë ndërmjet 3 dhe pak mbi 4 kg, pesha e një femre deri në 6 kg.


Përhapja e Shqiponjës Kafire

Shqiponjat Kafire jetojnë në brigje gurore, vende kodrinore, humnera e shkrepa. Hasen deri pak mbi 5000m ni vel mbidetar. Shqiponja Kafire prej kufirit jugorë të Sahares Qëndrore, në Sudanin jugorë, Afrikës Lindore në drejtim të jugut deri në Kapstadt është e përhapur, por në mënyrë të copëtuar; në Afriken Perëndimore përgjatë bregdetit deri në Angolen Qendrore; me disa qifte gjendet edhe në Jemen dhe Oman, dhe mendohet se edhe në Negev të Izraelit. Shqiponjat Kafire vendit i qëndrojnë besnik, vetëm Shqiponjat e reja ndërrojnë vendin.


  • James Ferguson-Lees and David A. Christie: Raptors of the World. Helm-London 2001. S. 748-750.
  • ^ Gargett, Valerie (1990). The Black Eagle: A Study. South Africa: Acorn Books and Russel Friedman Books. pp. 19, 30-31. ISBN 0-620-11915-2.
  • ^ Gargett, p. 29.
  • ^ Gargett, p. 31.
  • ^ Gargett, p. 30.
  • ^ Mearns, Barbara; & Mearns, Richard. (1988). Biographies for Birdwatchers. The lives of those commemorated in Western Palaearctic bird names. Academic Press: London. ISBN 0-12-487422-3
  • BirdLife International (2004). Aquila verreauxii. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. www.iucnredlist.org. Retrieved on 6 May 2006. Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern
  • Clements, J. F. 2007. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 6th Edition. Cornell University Press. Downloadable from Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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Shqiponja Kafire: Brief Summary ( الألبانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Shqiponja Kafire (nga arabishtja - Kufr=i pafe) është një përfaqësues shumë i madh i Gjinisë Aquila. Vendi më i madh i përhapjes së këtij lloji të rrallë është në jugun e Afrikës.

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Африкадин чIулав лекь

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging_languages

Африкадин чIулав лекь тахьайтIа Кафрдин лекь[1] (лат. Aquila verreauxii) [2] - Африкада яшамиш жезвай лекьерин жуьрейрикай сад я. Латин таксондал Франция ботаникни орнитолог Жюль-Пьер Верродин гьуьрметдай тIвар эцигна.


Кафрдин лекьрен ареал - Африка я, Чаддин кьибледин паталай ва кениядин Самбуру хьуьтелай кефердин пата Финбошдал ва Дракондин суварал кьван кьибледин пата. Адетдалди кьурагьвал авай мукьайра (чкайра) гьалт жезва[3].

Шикил кхьин

Кафрдин лекь - йиртижи нуькI, бедендин яргъивал - 70—95 см, заланвал - 3,5—4,5 кг, луварин ахъавал - 2 метр кьван я.[4] Адан рациондик асул гьисабдалди юкьван гьалдин кьадарар авай некхъвадайбур, иллаки чакъвалайдайбур акатзава.


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Африкадин чIулав лекь: Brief Summary

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging_languages

Африкадин чIулав лекь тахьайтIа Кафрдин лекь (лат. Aquila verreauxii) - Африкада яшамиш жезвай лекьерин жуьрейрикай сад я. Латин таксондал Франция ботаникни орнитолог Жюль-Пьер Верродин гьуьрметдай тIвар эцигна.

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Verreaux's eagle ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Verreaux's eagle (Aquila verreauxii) is a large, mostly African, bird of prey. It is also called the black eagle, especially in southern Africa, not to be confused with the Indian black eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis), which lives far to the east in Asia.[2] It lives in hilly and mountainous regions of southern and eastern Africa (extending marginally into Chad), and very locally in West Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the southern Middle East.

Verreaux's eagle is one of the most specialized species of accipitrid in the world, with its distribution and life history revolving around its favorite prey species, the rock hyraxes. When hyrax populations decline, the species have been shown to survive with mixed success on other prey, such as small antelopes, gamebirds, hares, monkeys and other assorted vertebrates. Despite a high degree of specialization, Verreaux's eagle has, from a conservation standpoint, been faring relatively well in historic times. One population of this species, in the Matobo Hills of Zimbabwe, is arguably the best studied eagle population in the world, having been subject to continuous detailed study since the late 1950s.[2][3] Like all eagles, this species belongs to the taxonomic order Accipitriformes (formerly included in Falconiformes) and the family Accipitridae, which may be referred to colloquially as accipitrids or raptors.


Illustration from the species description by Lesson published in 1830[4]

This species was first described by René Primevère Lesson in his 1830 publication, Centurie zoologique, ou choix d'animaux rares, nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus, as Aquila Verreauxii.[5] The species’ name commemorates the French naturalist Jules Verreaux, who visited southern Africa in the early 19th century and collected the type specimen for the French Academy of Sciences.[6][7]

Verreaux's eagle is part of a broad group of raptors called "booted eagles" which are defined by the feature that all included species have feathering over their tarsus, whereas most other accipitrids have bare legs. Included in this group are all species described as "hawk eagles" including the genera Spizaetus and Nisaetus, as well as assorted monotypical genera such as Oroaetus, Lophaetus, Stephanoaetus, Polemaetus, Lophotriorchis and Ictinaetus. The genus Aquila is distributed across every continent but for South America and Antarctica. Up to 20 species have been classified in the genus but the taxonomic placement of some of the traditionally included species has recently been questioned. Traditionally, the Aquila eagles have been grouped superficially as largish, mainly brownish or dark-colored booted eagles that vary little in transition from their juvenile to their adult plumages.

Genetic research has recently shown the Verreaux's eagle is included in a clade with its nearest relatives, the sister species Bonelli's eagle (A. fasciatus) and African hawk-eagle (A. spilogaster), as well as the golden eagle. More distantly related are the sister species pair, the wedge-tailed eagle (A. audax) and Gurney's eagle (A. gurneyi).[8] Closely related to this clade are the Cassin's hawk-eagle (A. africanus).[8] Some of the relationships within this group have long been suspected based on morphological similarities among the large-bodied species.[9] The identification of the smaller, much paler-bellied A. fasciatus and A. spilogaster as members of the clade was a surprise, given that they were previously included in the genus Hieraaetus.[3][10][11] Cassin's hawk-eagle has been assigned to both the Hieraaetus group and the Spizaetus/Nisaetus "hawk-eagle" group but is now known based on this genetic data to also nest within Aquila.[8]

Other largish Aquila species, the eastern imperial eagle (A. heliaca), the Spanish imperial eagle (A. adaberti), the tawny eagle (A. rapax) and the steppe eagles (A. nipalensis), are now thought to be separate, close-knit clade, which attained some characteristics similar to those of the prior clade via convergent evolution.[10][11] Genetically, the "spotted eagles" (C. pomarina, C. hastata & C. clanga), have been discovered to be more closely related to the long-crested eagle (Lophaetus occipitalis) and the black eagle,[10][12] and have been transferred to the genus Clanga.[8] The genus Hieraaetus, traditionally including the booted eagle (H. pennatus), little eagle (H. morphnoides) and Ayres's hawk-eagle (H. ayresii), consists of much smaller species, that are in fact the smallest birds called eagles outside of the unrelated Spilornis serpent-eagle genus. This genus has recently been eliminated by many authorities and is now occasionally also included in Aquila, although not all ornithological unions have followed this suit in this re-classification.[3][11][13] The small-bodied Wahlberg's eagle (H. wahlbergi) has been traditionally considered an Aquila species due to its lack of change from juvenile to adult plumage and brownish color but it is actually genetically aligned to the Hieraaetus lineage.[10][14]


Portrait of Aquila verreauxii
Adult Verreaux's eagle in flight in South Africa.

Verreaux's eagle is a very large eagle. It measures 75 to 96 cm (30 to 38 in) long from the bill to the tip of the tail, making it the sixth longest eagle in the world.[15] Males can weigh 3 to 4.2 kg (6.6 to 9.3 lb) and the larger females weigh 3.1 to 7 kg (6.8 to 15.4 lb). The average weight is approximately 4.19 kg (9.2 lb), based on the weights of 21 eagles of both sexes. Other reported mean body mass measurements of Verreaux's eagles were lower however, with seven unsexed birds averaging 3.32 kg (7.3 lb), while four unsexed eagles in an additional study averaged 3.72 kg (8.2 lb). In yet another study, seven males were found to average 3.76 kg (8.3 lb) and seven females to average 4.31 kg (9.5 lb). In another group of weighed eagles, four females were found to average 4.6 kg (10 lb). It is the seventh or eighth heaviest living eagle in the world. In average mass and overall weight range, if not linear measurements, the Verreaux's is very similar in size to its occasional competitor, the martial eagle, which is regularly titled the largest of the African eagles. It also rivals the martial and golden eagles as the largest extant member of the "booted eagle" clan.[15][16][17][18][19][20][21] It has a wingspan of 1.81 to 2.3 m (5 ft 11 in to 7 ft 7 in).[15][22] The wing chord of the male is 56.5 to 59.5 cm (22.2 to 23.4 in) and that of the female is 59 to 64 cm (23 to 25 in). Among other standard measurements in the Verreaux's eagles, both sexes measure 27.2 to 36 cm (10.7 to 14.2 in) in tail length and 9.5 to 11 cm (3.7 to 4.3 in) in tarsus length.[9][15] Other than the female's slight size advantage, adult males and females are physically indistinguishable from each other.[15] Adult Verreaux's eagles are mostly jet-black in color.[9] The yellow coloration of the cere (the bill is gun-metal grey), eye-ring and “eye-brows”, all stand out in contrast to the black plumage.[15] Even more prominent on flying birds when seen from above is the white on the back, rump and upper-tail coverts and part of the scapulars, which forms a V-shaped patch, although this feature is partially obscured in perched birds.[9] Adults also have conspicuous white windows on the wing quills at the carpal joint (at the base of the primaries) when seen flying both from above and below.[9][15] The bill is stout, the head is prominent on the relatively long neck and the legs are fully feathered.[15]

Juvenile Verreaux's eagle.

Juvenile and immature plumages differ markedly from the plumage of adults. They are overall a dark brown color.[23] Immatures have a strongly contrasting golden crown and a rufous or ginger nape and mantle. They have small white streaks on the forehead and black on their cheeks. The throat is dark streaked, the lower throat is pale brown and the upper-chest is brown.[15] The rest of the underside is brown but for a blackish-blotched rufous to cream-colored abdomen and lightly marked creamy thighs and legs. The feathers of the upper-tail and upper-wing coverts are brown with white streaks in young birds, while the other tail and wing quills are nearly black. The wing quills when seen from below in flight show considerable whitish mottling, with more extensive white than is typically seen in adult plumages. The immature has a dark brown iris and yellowish feet.[9] Black feathers increase from 2 to 5 years of age amongst a scattering of brown-tipped feathers, though the contrasting creamy trousers are maintained through the 3rd year. By the 4th year, they look dark grey-brown with a buff-patch on the nape and mottling of retained brownish feathers. At the end of the subadult phase at around 5 years of age, the plumage is practically indistinguishable from the adult.[24] Full adult plumage is probably attained in 5 to 6 years.[25]

The Verreaux's eagle is essentially unmistakable, especially in adulthood. No other black-colored raptor in its range approaches this species’ large size, nor possesses its distinctive patterns of white.[15] The golden eagle is of similar size or marginally larger size and the two species are the heaviest living Aquila species and measure only marginally less than the slightly lighter-weight Australasian wedge-tailed eagle in total wing and bill-to-tail length.[3] While the juvenile Verreaux's eagle is quite different from the adult's, its plumage is no less distinctive. No other accipitrid shares the mottled brownish body, blackish wings with large white patches or contrasting whitish, rufous and golden color around the head and neck. The flight profile of Verreaux's eagle is also distinctive: it is the only Aquila species other than the golden eagle to soar in a pronounced dihedral, with the wings held slightly above the back and primaries upturned at the tip to make a V shape. In the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia and possibly in some parts of the Arabian Peninsula and the southwestern edge of the Middle East, the ranges of the golden and Verreaux's eagles overlap, but the golden is a mostly brown bird and shares none of the Verreaux's black plumage. The immature golden eagle has white patches on its underwing as do Verreaux's, but they are less extensive than those of the latter species. The wing shape also differs from the golden's, as the Verreaux's eagle has very broad outer secondaries and a relatively narrow pinch at the base of the primaries, whereas the tapering of a golden eagle's wing is more gradual. The Verreaux's eagle wings have variously been described as paddle, spoon or leaf shaped.[9][15] Imperial eagles too have white markings on their wing coverts, but are different in flight profile (flatter winged) and overall coloration (dark brown).[15]

Subadult Verreaux's eagle flying


A captive Verreaux's eagle in South Africa.

This species is largely silent, though is arguably a stronger vocalist than its close cousin, the golden eagle.[15] Chicking and chirruping sounds like that of a young turkey or francolin, pyuck, have been heard in various contexts, such as pairs being reunited. More striking sounds are loud, ringing whaeee-whaeee, heeeee-oh or keeooo-keeooo calls used as contact calls or during intruder chases. Various screams, barks, yelps and mews have been heard to be issued at potential mammalian predators.[9][15] The young emits feeble chirps at first, later more likely to cluck like the adults.[9]

Habitat and distribution

Verreaux's eagle has specific habitat requirements and is rare outside of its particular habitat type. It lives in kopjes, which are dry, rocky environments in anything from rocky hills to high mountains amongst cliffs, gorges and inselbergs often surrounded by savanna, thornbush and sub-desert.[15] It is often found in dry areas with less than 60 cm (24 in) of average annual rainfall.

It is highest ranging in elevation in Ethiopia and East Africa, where found up to 4,000 m (13,000 ft) above sea level.[9] Verreaux's eagle is found from the Marra Mountains[26] of Sudan southward through that country[27] to 16°N in Eritrea,[28] along the northern mountains of Somalia,[29] in much of Ethiopia (mostly the central, mountainous spine),[30] possibly some mountains in northeastern Uganda,[31] Kenya, easternmost Democratic Republic of the Congo and possibly Tanzania.[15]

Southeastern Africa is the heart of the Verreaux's eagle range: they are found in most mountain ranges in Malawi but for the Nyika Plateau, the Mafinga Hills and the Lulwe Hills,[32] in Zambia (especially the escarpments bordering Lake Kariba to the gorges below Victoria Falls), in Zimbabwe (especially east of the central plateau),[33]Mozambique, Eswatini,[34] Lesotho and down into South Africa, where they largely inhabit the Karoo, along the cliffs of the Great Escarpment, the Cape Fold Mountains and Cape Peninsula.[35][36][37] A somewhat more sparse distribution is known in Botswana, western Namibia and southwestern Angola (in the Serra da Chela).[38][39] Elsewhere in Africa, the Verreaux's eagle may be found but tends to be rare and only spottily seen, such as in eastern Mali, northeastern Chad,[40] the Aïr Mountains of Niger[41] and southwestern Cameroon (where known only as a vagrant).[42] In 1968, only a single record of Verreaux's eagle (from Jordan) was known from outside of Africa, but now it is known to be a rare breeder in the Middle East: from a handful of immature records and territorial adult behavior, breeding has been inferred in Lebanon,[43][44] Israel,[45] Oman,[46] Saudi Arabia[47] and Yemen.[48][49]

Dietary ecology

Few accipitrids are as specialized as the Verreaux's eagle. One of their two favored prey species: Cape hyrax.

Two species comprise considerably more than half of (often more than 90% of) the Verreaux's eagle's diet: the Cape hyrax (Procavia capensis) and the yellow-spotted rock hyrax (Heterohyrax brucei). Few other accipitrids are as singularly specialized to hunt a single prey family as Verreaux's eagles, perhaps excluding the snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) and the slender-billed kite (Helicolestes hamatus) with their specialization on Pomacea snails. Not even accipitrids named after their staple food are known to be as specialized, i.e. the bat hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus), palm-nut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis), lizard buzzard (Kaupifalco monogrammicus) and perhaps the rufous crab hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis). Certainly, the Verreaux's eagle has the most conservative diet of Aquila species, though the diet is more diverse in South Africa than in Zimbabwe.[50]

In the Matobo Hills of Zimbabwe, the two hyraxes comprised 1,448 out of 1,550 eagle prey items recorded at eyries just after the breeding season from 1995 to 2003.[51] In the same area, from 1957 to 1990, 98.1% of the diet was made up of rock hyrax.[2] In a sample size of 224 from 102 nests in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, 99.1% of the remains were of hyrax.[52] Elsewhere in Tanzania, the diet is more mixed, with 53.7% of the remains from 24 nests made up of hyrax.[53] In a nest in South Africa, 89.1% of the remains from a sampling of 55 were of hyrax.[54] No detailed statistics are known but the hyrax are likely to the main prey in every population and have been mentioned to dominate the diet in Mozambique,[55] Malawi[32] and Botswana[56] Around 400 hyrax may be taken through the year by a pair with young.[15] The entire distribution of the species neatly corresponds with that of the two species of rock hyrax.[9] To date, there are no known instances of Verreaux's eagle hunting the two species of tree hyraxes.[50]

In the first 10 years of constant observation of the population from the Matobo Hills, only two kills were witnessed. However, enough hunting behavior has been ultimately observed to give a good idea how a Verreaux's eagle obtains its prey.[24] This species most often forages in low-level quartering flight, with the rock hyraxes chiefly caught after a rapid, somewhat twisting dive in the few seconds after the eagle surprises the hyrax. Like the golden eagle, Verreaux's eagle uses natural contours of the ground in rocky and mountainous habitats to increase the element of surprise, as hyraxes (appropriately considering their diverse range of predators) tend to be highly wary.[15][50] Verreaux's eagle have been known to hunt from a perch, though rarely.[9][57] Hunting hyrax cooperatively has been recorded, with one eagle of a pair flying past and distracting the prey while the other strikes from behind. Verreaux's eagle may knock hyraxes off cliffs and take arboreal prey from treetops, but it usually kills on the ground.[15] The daily estimate food requirements of this species are around 350 g (12 oz), nearly a third more than that of a golden eagle despite the latter's marginally heavier body weight.[24] Rock hyraxes are often difficult to observe for humans, other than a glimpse, but a Verreaux's eagle can fly out and then return to the nest with a kill in the matter of a few minutes.[24]

Of the two species regularly taken, the yellow-spotted rock hyrax can weigh from 1 to 3.63 kg (2.2 to 8.0 lb) with an average of 2.4 kg (5.3 lb), although specimens from Zimbabwe are noticeably heavier and larger than specimens from Serengeti National Park. Cape hyrax, weighing from 1.8 to 5.5 kg (4.0 to 12.1 lb) with average of around 3.14 kg (6.9 lb), can be even larger than the Verreaux's eagles themselves, so can be more difficult to kill. Yellow-spotted rock hyraxes are more often taken in the Matobo Hills, perhaps because of their smaller size or its more diurnal habits. Adult rock hyraxes are disproportionately selected, perhaps due to being out in the open more regularly. In Cape hyraxes, 1- to 2-year-old males are particularly vulnerable, since they are forced to disperse at sexual maturity. Juvenile hyraxes constituted from 11–33% of prey remains in the Western Cape while 18% of hyraxes killed were juveniles in Matobo Hills. Because of their greater weight, Cape hyraxes are frequently either consumed at the kill site (putting the eagle at risk of losing prey to competing predators or to attack by large mammalian carnivores) or are decapitated and brought to the nest or perch. Fewer skulls or jaws of Cape hyraxes than of yellow-spotted rock hyraxes have been found at nest sites.[58][59] However, the Cape hyrax has a wider distribution than the yellow-spotted and the Verreaux's eagle may hunt the Cape hyrax almost exclusively outside of the long band of eastern Africa where the smaller species is distributed.[50] In comparison to the golden eagle, Verreaux's eagle has a foot pad that about 20% wider, which may be an adaptation to taking the bulky and broad-backed rock hyrax.[60] The foot of the Verreaux's eagle is reportedly larger than a human hand.[61] The enlarged rear hallux claw of a Verreaux's at an average of 52.3 mm (2.06 in) in 4 females and 49.1 mm (1.93 in) in 5 males is quite similar in size to that of a golden eagle.[21] In South Africa, where the Cape hyrax is the main prey species, the estimated mean size of prey taken to the nest is around 2.6 kg (5.7 lb), perhaps twice as heavy as prey taken by some nesting golden eagles.[60] However, the mean size of prey taken by Verreaux's eagle in the Matobo Hills, with more yellow-spotted rock hyrax, was around 1.82 kg (4.0 lb), around the same estimated weight as prey taken by golden eagles in Europe and smaller than the average estimated mass of prey taken to golden eagle nests in regions like Scotland or Mongolia.[3][62]

Other prey

An adult Verreaux's eagle carrying avian prey.

Verreaux's eagle are capable of taking diverse prey, but this is infrequent in areas with healthy rock hyrax populations. Cases where more diverse food is brought to the nest are usually either considered to be areas where rock hyrax populations have declined or areas where eagles occupy home ranges which included non-rocky habitat such as savanna, which are described by Valerie Gargett as “poor food areas” due to their lack of hyrax.[2][63] In such areas, about 80% of prey is mammalian.[9] Verreaux's eagles that are less specialized have diets and hunting capacities that are similar to those of the golden eagle, although the latter species often subsists on hares, rabbits, ground squirrels or grouse for about half or two-thirds of its diet, a portion still comprised by rock hyrax in the Verreaux's.[2][3] One study accumulated records of Verreaux's eagle preying on at least 100 prey species.[64] Other prey types recorded have included small (mainly juvenile) antelopes, hares, rabbits, meerkats (Suricata suricatta), other mongooses, monkeys, squirrels, cane rats, bushbabies and lambs (Ovis aries) and kids (Capra aegagrus hircus). Francolin (Francolinus ssp.) and guineafowl (Numina ssp.) as well as waterfowl, herons, egrets, bustards, pigeons, crows (Corvus ssp.), doves, chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and a great sparrowhawk (Accipiter melanoleucus) have been among the recorded avian prey.[15][65] Avian prey ranging in size from 102.6 g (3.62 oz) alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba) to 7.26 kg (16.0 lb) adult male Denham's bustards (Neotis denhami).[16][66][67] In Tanzania, out of a sample size of 41 from 26 nests, 53.7% of remains were of hyraxes, 29.3% of francolins, guineafowl and chickens, 12.2% of antelopes, 2.4% of hares and rabbits and 2.4% of mongoose.[53] Tortoises made up 145 of 5748 from 73 sites (2.5%) in South Africa. Rarely, snakes and lizards may also be taken and even termites have been eaten by this species.[15][24]

In South Africa, the commonest foods were (in descending order of preference): Cape hyrax, Smith's red rock hare (Pronolagus rupertris), meerkat, mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula), goats and sheep, scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis), Cape francolin (Francolinus capensis), helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris), yellow mongoose (Cynictis penicillata) and Angulate tortoise (Chersina angulata).[15] In “poor food areas” of the Matobo Hills, three nests included 53.6% hyrax, 10.7% cane-rats, 7.1% monkeys, 7.1% mongoose and 3.6% antelope.[2] From 1997 to 2005 in the same area, non-hyrax prey (each representing less than 10 out of 1550 prey items at nests) included white-tailed mongoose (Ichneumia albicauda), steenbok (Raphicerus campestris), domestic goat, vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus), Jameson's red rock hare (Pronolagus randensis), helmeted guineafowl, Swainson's francolin (Pternistis swainsonii), Natal francolin (Pternistis natalensis), southern red-billed hornbill (Tockus rufirostris), rock pigeon (Columba livia), white-necked raven (Corvus albicollis), leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) and giant plated lizard (Gerrhosaurus validus).[51] In the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden of South Africa, the primary prey found around nests after a perceptible hyrax decline has become helmeted guineafowl and francolins, followed by cane rats, rabbits and dikdiks (Rhynchotragus ssp.).[63] Young baboons may also be hunted, even the large-bodied chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) which have issued a predator alarm call in response to the presence of Verreaux's eagles.[68] Carrion either fairly frequent or none at all.[2][57] A study of the taking of domestic lambs in the Karoo found only two cases of lambs being eaten by Verreaux's eagle and these were already dead when carried off. This contrasts with the golden eagle, which in some areas may eat many dead lambs and occasionally hunt lives ones.[3][69] An impressive range of mammalIan carnivores is known to be taken by Verreaux's eagles. Some of these may consist of genets, mongooses, felids, bat-eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) and even black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas), apparently carnivores can become more significant in human developed areas.[70][71] Although any prey weighing over 4.5 kg (9.9 lb) is rarely taken, some ungulates hunted by Verreaux's eagles can be considerably larger.[15] Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) brought to the nest have weighed up to an estimated 12 kg (26 lb).[60] A Verreaux's eagle was observed to hunt and kill a mountain reedbuck lamb estimated to weigh 15 kg (33 lb).[72] The smallest known mammalian prey was a 97.6 g (3.44 oz) Cape gerbil (Gerbilliscus afra).[66][73]

Interspecies competition

A Verreaux's eagle finds itself attacked by a lanner falcon when it enters the latter's home range, but the falcon quickly veers off when the eagle presents its talons.

Although it is the most specialized predator of rock hyrax in the world, it does not have monopoly on this prey. Many other predators also hunt rock hyraxes, which thus puts them in potential competition with the Verreaux's eagles. Amongst the other very large eagles which are widely found in sub-Saharan Africa, both the crowned eagle and the martial eagle may also locally favor rock hyraxes in their diets. However, these species have highly different habitat preferences and hunting techniques. The crowned eagle, a forest-dwelling species, is primarily a perch-hunter and can spend hours watching for prey activity from a prominent tree perch. The martial eagle is a dweller mainly of lightly wooded savanna and often hunts on the wing, soaring high and watching for prey activity with its superb vision, quite unlike the contour-hunting technique used by Verreaux's eagles. While the habitats of crowned and Verreaux's eagle keep them segregated enough to likely eliminate competition, confrontations between Verreaux's and martial eagles have been recorded. Although somewhat larger and more powerful, the martial eagle is relatively less nimble in the air and there is a case where a martial eagle was robbed of rock hyrax prey by a Verreaux's eagle.[15][24] Another case of kleptoparasitism by a Verreaux's eagle involved one stealing some carrion from a lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus).[15] Verreaux's eagles occasionally prey on other large raptors including vultures, including white-headed vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis), white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus) and Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres), though the earlier cases probably refer to nestling or juvenile predation and the latter to nest defense on the part of the eagles.[50][64][74] An apparent predation attempt on a full grown juvenile Rüppell's griffon (Gyps rueppellii) was abortive.[75] A unique opportunity to study Verreaux's eagle living with its closest extant cousin, the golden eagle, has been afforded in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia. The two species, with similar habitat preferences, were observed to defend their territories from one another exclusively, with many cases of goldens chasing Verreaux's eagles out of their respective territories in flight and only one of Verreaux's chasing the goldens. However, since the golden eagles prefer hares and Verreaux prefers rock hyraxes, they actually seem to have no deleterious effect on each other's breeding activities.[76] African hawk-eagles (Aquila spilogaster) may also take a few hyraxes, but are likely to avoid direct conflicts with their much larger cousins, so will tawny eagles (Aquila rapax).[24] Other predators of rock hyrax may include felids like African wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica), servals (Leptailurus serval), caracals (Caracal caracal) and leopards (Panthera pardus) as well as jackals (Canis ssp.), African rock pythons (Python sebae) and owls (mainly the large Verreaux's eagle-owl (Ketupa lacteus) or possibly the Cape eagle-owl (Bubo capensis)). Neonate rock hyraxes may fall prey to mongooses and venomous snakes like Egyptian cobras (Naja haje) and puff adders (Bitis arietans).[77][78] Due to the formidable range of competitors it pays for Verreaux's eagle to be cautious from the moment it bears down on its prey. Cases where pirating has been attempted has involved diverse carnivores like caracals and jackals. In at least one case, a Verreaux's eagle was observed to be displaced off a rodent-kill (likely a cane-rat) by an Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis).[79] Unlikely competitors for nest sites are known to have included baboons and even geese.[80][81] As is often the case with reintroduced eagles (i.e. seen even in the huge harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)), reintroduced Verreaux's eagle may lose their fear of other predators to their own detriment and one such bird fell victim to a caracal.[82] Cases where Verreaux's eagles have swooped at leopards are not likely competitive but are more likely to try to displace the cat from their territory, and such attacks have occasionally had fatal results for the birds.[9][83] This species is not normally aggressive to humans but may swoop uncomfortably close when the nest is being investigated.[9]


Territoriality and movements

A rough estimated average of home range size in Verreaux's eagle is 10.9 km2 (4.2 sq mi).[24] Density of breeding pairs varies from 1 pair per 10.3 km2 (4.0 sq mi) in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe, 1 pair per 24 km2 (9.3 sq mi) in the Karoo, 1 pair per 25 km2 (9.7 sq mi) in East Africa, 1 pair per 28 km2 (11 sq mi) in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia to a known maximum spacing of 1 pair per 35 to 65 km2 (14 to 25 sq mi) in the Magaliesberg and Drakensberg ranges.[2][50][84][85][86] The Matobo Hills reportedly has one of the greatest breeding densities known of any large eagle and territories are extremely stable through seasons and years. Such stable distributions are expected of long-lived raptors living in the tropics with a relatively stable food supply outside the seasonal variation of temperate zones.[87] While Matobo Hill home ranges ranged from 6 to 14 km2 (2.3 to 5.4 sq mi), most were observed to include about the same amount of kopje habitat (up to 5 km2 (1.9 sq mi)).[2] Populations fluctuate surprisingly little despite four-fold changes between peaks and troughs in hyrax numbers.[88] At troughs, eagles may temporarily disappear or switch to alternate prey. This is only especially marked in drought periods and on average occurs once every 20 years.[89] Some authors consider the Verreaux's eagle to be a partial migrant,[90] others describe it as sedentary.[91] This is more a matter of terminology than unclear behaviour, since this species is well known to behave like almost all raptors that breed in Sub-Saharan Africa. That is the young wander relatively widely once dispersed from their parent's territory but the adults generally remain sedentary on their home range for the remainder of their lives.[2]

Verreaux's eagle displays may potentially occur almost throughout the year. Frequently displays are in response to the presence of another soaring pair or after repelling a single intruder from the territory. They will also display if anxious about the nest when humans or other large mammals approach too closely.[24] The male's display often consists of him first flying up in an undulating flight with wings readily held spread or closed. Then, once at a great height, he plunges down as far as 305 m (1,001 ft) at a time, then quickly rises back up, sometimes swinging to and fro like the arms of a pendulum, at other times diving and rising along a straight line. These evolutions may be embellished with somersaults and sideways rolls at the peak before the descent.[9][24] Some displays involve pairs of eagles. A pair frequently circles or makes figures of eight over their territory. One bird may roll over and present claws in flight or the male may fly behind female with exaggeratedly upcurved wings.[15] It is now the prevalent thought that most displays in Aquila eagles are territorial, as they often occur along the boundary of a given home range rather than near the nest.[3] Displays with talon-grappling and tumbling are often aerial fights between territorial birds and occasionally the eagles may clasp and whirl downwards (one such fight reportedly resulting in the birds plunging into the sea).[9][15]


A breeding pair of Verreaux's eagles.

In Zimbabwe, 60 pairs may nest in 620 km2 (240 sq mi), equivalent to 1 pair per 10.3 km2 (4.0 sq mi), but this is exceptional. In East Africa, one pair nests each 25 km2 (9.7 sq mi) and in South Africa sometimes as little as 1 pair per 10.2 to 15 km2 (3.9 to 5.8 sq mi), but nearer 60 km2 (23 sq mi) being more typical.[15] Verreaux's eagle may build from 1 to 3 nests, sometimes none over the course of a year. In the Matobo Hills, the average number of nests built per pair is 1.4.[24] Eagles nesting in the Karoo have much larger territories, though are subject to persecution and habitat change, more so than many other populations.[24] In the Matobos, the species is near the breeding population capacity level with almost unlimited nests that are rather unevenly distributed among available jumbles of rocky kopjes. In Kenya, nests are more scattered and Verreaux's eagle sometimes do not breed even where the habitat seems appropriate and there are good numbers of rock hyrax.[9] By virtue of location on a narrow ledge, nests tend to be much broader than deep and a relatively small for the size of the eagle.[9] The flattish nests, made out of green branches and lined with green leaves, are up to 1.8 m (71 in) across and 2 m (6.6 ft) deep. Though a nest depth of around 0.6 m (2.0 ft) is typical, one old nest was 4.1 m (13 ft) deep.[9][15] Typically nests are on cliffs, often in an overhung crevice or in a small cave, sometimes on an open ledge. The nest site is generally marked by a 'whitewash' which is formed by the birds' droppings.[92] Verreaux's is the most cliff dependent of all eagle species, in the late 1970s only 3 known nests were in trees.[24] Very rarely, they may nest in trees, such as Euphorbia or Acacia, often those growing out of a cliff crevice.[15] A handful of nests in South Africa have even been on electric pylons.[93] A new nest takes up to four months to construct, with some repair being typical upon each use. Both sexes participate in the nest construction, though the female usually takes the lead.[9] It may take several hundred feet of rope for a human to reach the nest.[9] Predation of young in the nest is either suspected or anecdotely reported as having been committed by African rock pythons, baboons and caracals. However, predation is believed to be normally quite rare, due to the combination of factors such as the inaccessibility of most nests by foot (thus cutting off all but the most nimble mammalian carnivores) and the bold defenses of the parent eagles.[2] Verreaux's eagle have reportedly dropped sticks on potential nest predators. This has been considered a form of tool-use, which is generally unknown in other raptorial birds and has been mostly reported in corvids and herons.[94]

Egg laying may occur from November to August in Sudan and Arabia, October to May in Ethiopia and Somalia, year around in East Africa (with a peak of June to December) and anywhere from April to November in Africa from Zambia southwards.[15] In an unusual behaviour for eagles, the males may bring food to females before egg laying and, more typically, males bring almost all food during the incubation stage.[2] Two eggs are generally laid, though a range of one to three is known. The eggs are rather elongated ovals and being chalky white sometimes with a bluish tinge or a few reddish-brown marking, measuring from 71 to 83.4 mm (2.80 to 3.28 in) in length and 56–62 mm (2.2–2.4 in) in width, with an average of 76.9 mm × 58.6 mm (3.03 in × 2.31 in).[9] The eggs are laid at three-day intervals starting in the middle of the day. Both sexes incubate, but the female takes the major share and tends to sit all night over them. Sometimes, the male may sit for 40-50% of the day with more shifts for him towards the end of incubation. These are close-sitters, which are not easily disturbed off the nest.[9] Incubation is 43 to 47 days. Hatching happens at about to 2–3 days apart, with about 24 hours from the first chipping of the egg's surface to complete hatching. One egg is sometimes infertile and the second egg tends to be about 10% smaller.[9] The Verreaux's eagle is considered an “obligate cainist”, that is the older sibling normally kills the younger one (in more than 90% of observed nests), by either starvation or direct attack. Aggression may continue for up to 70 days after hatching.[2][95] At one time no cases of two young successfully reaching the fledging stage were known, however a couple of cases of two healthy fledglings from a nest have been recorded.[9] Siblicide is regularly observed in raptorial birds, including unrelated families like owls and skuas and is common, even typical, in Aquila eagles. The behaviour is most commonly explained as a kind of insurance policy, with the second nestling existing both to act as a backup if the first egg or nestling perishes and to mitigate the stressful workload demanded of the parent raptors in feeding, brooding and defending the young.[95] The odds of survival for the second fledging are better in the golden eagle and other temperate-breeding Aquila eagles, possibly due to a shorter nesting stage in these species.[95] In roughly 20% of golden eagle nests and in some cases, such as prey-rich areas of North America, about half of the nests will successfully produce two fledglings.[3] In the Verreaux's eagle, no food is given to the hatchling in the first 36 hours, thereafter they are regularly fed.[2] Early in the fledging stage, the young is brooded up to 90% of the time. After 20 days, parents spend up to 20% of time with their eaglet around the nest, not brooding in daylight after 21 days. Feathers appear through the down at about 34 days, by 60 days feathers cover the down.[9] In Equatorial Africa, the eaglet fledges from the nest at 95–99 days, though sometimes as little as 90 days further south. In the golden eagle, the fledging stage is roughly 35 days shorter.[24] The young Verreaux's eagle takes its first flight and then returns to the nest for the first fortnight.[9] In the early fledging period, the male brings more food, later it is largely the female. At some point during the post-fledging stage, she ceases to roost with the young one and sits with the male at some distance, a behaviour that seems to vary from nest to nest in timing. After 45–50 days, food is caught by the parents but is likely eaten by themselves and not brought to the young. After leaving the nest, family parties may be together for up to 6 months. The eaglet grows stronger after the first month and accompanies the parents on hunting forays away from the nest. It often breeds every year, occasionally only on every other year.[9]

Population and status

A Verreaux's eagle at Giant's Castle.

Verreaux's eagles’ nests are estimated to have a 40–50% success rate per year.[9] Success of nesting is significantly higher when hyrax are common: 0.56 young per year dropped to 0.28 young per year. In fact, in poor food areas no breeding attempt commonly occurred (66% did not attempt to breed) whereas 24% did not attempt to breed in better food areas. Frequency of breeding attempts is lower in wetter years. Near 90% attempted nesting in years with 300 mm (12 in) of rainfall whereas 45% attempted during years with roughly 1,000 mm (39 in) rainfall.[89] In the Matobo Hills, persistent intrusion by an unmated adult into a pair's nesting territory seemed to have an adverse effect on nesting success.[96]

The estimated average lifespan is 16 years.[9] Verreaux's eagle has a total population estimated very roughly to be somewhere in the tens of thousands in total. In northeastern South Africa, the local breeding population is estimated to include 240 pairs, while the western Cape region of the country may hold possibly more than 2,000 pairs.[35][86] Verreaux's eagle lives in kopje habitat, which is generally non-vulnerable to human destruction, unlike, say, the savanna inhabited by martial eagles or the forests inhabited by crowned eagles.[15] Unlike the other two big African eagles, they do not often partake of much carrion, so are at little risk of poisoning from carcass left out to control jackals.[15] Nonetheless, some people shoot at or otherwise persecute them when given the opportunity due to the largely mistaken belief that they are a threat to small livestock.[69]

Perhaps the greatest concern for the species is when rock hyraxes are locally hunted by humans for food and skins, leading to likely declines and requiring the eagles to either switch to other prey or have their nesting attempts fail. In Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden in South Africa, despite an appreciable decline in rock hyrax populations, breeding data revealed few changes in the incubation period, nestling period and post-fledging dispersal period in two known pairs of the eagles.[63] At this same site, despite it being one of the most popular nature areas in metropolitan Johannesburg, high levels of human activity have had no apparent adverse effect on the eagles’ breeding behaviour (by contrast, when exposed to similar levels of disturbance, golden eagles have been shown to temporarily abandon their nests).[3][97] However, in South Africa, the overall number of pairs declined from 78 in 1980 (25 in reserves) to 27 in 1988 (with 19 in preserves).[15] In the Sisulu Botanical Garden, artificial feeding has been contemplated to maintain a breeding pair in the face of continuing declines of available wild prey.[97]


  1. ^ BirdLife International (2016). "Aquila verreauxii". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22696067A95221980. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22696067A95221980.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
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  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Watson, Jeff (2010). The Golden Eagle. A&C Black. ISBN 978-1-4081-1420-9.
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  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Eagles, Hawks and Falcons of the World by Leslie Brown & Dean Amadon. The Wellfleet Press (1986), ISBN 978-1555214722.
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  51. ^ a b Chiweshe, N. 2007. Black Eagles and hyraxes -- the two flagship species in the conservation of wildlife in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe. Ostrich 78:381-386.
  52. ^ Hoeck, H.N. 1982. Population dynamics, dispersal and genetic isolation in two species of Hyrax (Heterohyrax brucei and Procavia johnstoni) on habitat islands in the Serengeti. Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, 59: 177-210.
  53. ^ a b Rowe, E.G. 1947. The breeding biology of Aquila verreauxi, Lesson. Ibis, 89: 387-410; 576-606.
  54. ^ Jenkins, A. 1984. Hunting behaviour and success of in a pair of Black Eagles. Ostrich, 55: 102-103.
  55. ^ Parker, V. (2005). The atlas of the birds of central Mozambique. Endangered Wildlife Trust and the Avian Demography Unit.
  56. ^ Penry, H. 1994. Bird Atlas of Botswana: NHBS, University of Natal Press- 319 pages.
  57. ^ a b Maclean; 1993; p. 113
  58. ^ Barry, R. E. and L. M. Barry. 1996. Species composition and age structure of remains of hyraxes (Hyracoidea: Procaviidae) at nests of black eagles. Journal of Mammalogy 77:702–707.
  59. ^ Barry, R., & Mundy, P. 1998. Population dynamics of two species of hyraxes in the Matobo National Park, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology, 36(3), 221-233.
  60. ^ a b c Munir Virani. "The Verreaux's Eagle- An Interview with Dr Rob Davies". African Raptors. Retrieved 12 August 2013.
  61. ^ Parry-Jones, J. 1997. Eagles & Birds of Prey: Eyewitness Books. Dorling Kindersley Limited, New York City. ISBN 978-0-7894-6618-1.
  62. ^ Ellis, D.H., Tsengeg, P., Whitlock, P. & Ellis, M.H. 2000. Predators as prey at a Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos eyrie in Mongolia. Ibis, 142: 139 – 141.
  63. ^ a b c Kruger, T. L. (2010). Long term prospects for the persistence of breeding Verreaux's Eagles (Aquila verreauxii) at the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Johannesburg (Doctoral dissertation).
  64. ^ a b Thompson, L. J., Clemence, L., Clemence, B., & Goosen, D. (2018). Nestling White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus) eaten by a Verreaux’s Eagle (Aquila verreauxii) at a nest occupied for a record 21 years. Vulture News, 74(1), 24-30.
  65. ^ Mortimer, J. 2009. Verreaux's Eagle preying on Grey Heron. Gabar 20:39.
  66. ^ a b Boshoff, A. F., Palmer, N. G., Avery, G., Davies, R. A. G., & Jarvis, M. J. F. (1991). Biogeographical and topographical variation in the prey of the black eagle in the Cape Province, South Africa. Ostrich, 62(1-2), 59-72.
  67. ^ Armstrong, A., & Avery, G. (2014). Taphonomy of Verreaux's Eagle (Aquila verreauxii) prey accumulations from the Cape Floral Region, South Africa: implications for archaeological interpretations. Journal of Archaeological Science, 52, 163-183.
  68. ^ Zinner, D., & Peláez, F. (1999). Verreaux's eagles (Aquila verreauxi) as potential predators of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) in Eritrea. American journal of primatology, 47(1), 61-66.
  69. ^ a b Davies, R.A.G. 1999. "The extent, cost and control of livestock predation by eagles with a case study on black eagles (Aquila verreauxii) in Karoo". Journal of Raptor Research, 33: 67-72.
  70. ^ Padayachee, K., Malan, G., Lubcker, N., Woodborne, S., & Hall, G. (2021). Differences in the dietary habits of Verreaux’s Eagles Aquila verreauxii between peri-urban and rural populations. Bird Conservation International, 31(1), 96-110.
  71. ^ McPherson, S. C., Sumasgutner, P., & Downs, C. T. (2021). South African raptors in urban landscapes: a review. Ostrich, 92(1), 41-57.
  72. ^ Henwood, R.R., and W.W. Howells. 1990. "Mountain Reedbuck lamb as Black Eagle prey". Lammergeyer 41:48.
  73. ^ Skinner, J. D., & Chimimba, C. T. (2005). The mammals of the southern African sub-region. Cambridge University Press.
  74. ^ Mundy, P. J., Robertson, A. S., Komen, J., and O’Connell, T. J. 1986. Attacks by Black Eagles on vultures. Raptor Research 20: 61–64
  75. ^ Thomsett, S., and Aldred, J. (2015). Attempted Verreaux’s Eagle predation on Rüppell’s Vulture and breeding observations at Lake Kwenia colony, Kenya. Vulture News 68: 59–63.
  76. ^ Clouet, M. 1981. L'Aigle Royal Aquila chrysaetos dans les Pyrenees Francaises. Resultats de 5 ans d'observations. L'Oiseau et R.F.O., 51: 89-100.
  77. ^ Estes, R. 1991. The Behavior Guide to African Mammals. Berkeley: The University of California Press.
  78. ^ Olds, N., J. Shoshani. 1982. Mammalian Species Procavia capensis. American Society of Mammalogists, 171: 1-7.
  79. ^ Sillero-Zubiri, C., & Gottelli, D. (1995). Diet and feeding behavior of Ethiopian wolves (Canis simensis). Journal of Mammalogy, 531-541.
  80. ^ Malan, G. M., & Padayachee, K. P. (2020). Interspecific competition for cliff ledges on the Magaliesberg between nesting Verreaux's Eagles and roosting Chacma baboons. African Zoology, 55(4), 368-371.
  81. ^ Thompson, L. J., Hickman, C. J., Davies, J. P., Fern, F., & Downs, C. T. (2019). A review of the use of birds’ nests by Egyptian geese, including a breeding attempt in a hooded vulture nest. African Zoology, 54(3), 169-173.
  82. ^ "The Breeding Cycle". Black Eagle Project. Retrieved 12 August 2013.
  83. ^ Norton, P.M., and S.R. Henley. 1985. Black Eagles "attacking" leopards. Bokmakierie 37:114-115.
  84. ^ Allan, D.G. 1988. Breeding success, nest spacing and territory size of Black Eagles in the Magaliesberg, South Africa. Gabar 3: 76-81.
  85. ^ Clouet, M., Barrau, C. & Goar, J.-L. 2000. The diurnal Afro-alpine raptor community of the Ethiopian Bale Highlands. Ostrich 71: 380-384.
  86. ^ a b Davies. R.A.G. 1994. Black Eagle Aquila verreauxii predation on rock hyrax Procavia capensis and other prey in the Karoo. PhD thesis, University of Pretoria.
  87. ^ Newton, I. 1979. Population Ecology of Raptors. Poyser, Berkhamsted.
  88. ^ Davies, R.A.G. & Ferguson, J.W.H. 2000. The influence of predation by Black Eagles Aquila verreauxii on Rock Hyrax numbers in the arid Karoo. In: Chancellor RD & Meyburg, B-U. (Eds.) Raptors at risk. WWGBP, Hancock House, UK.
  89. ^ a b Gargett, V., Gargett, E. & Damania, D. 1995. The influence of rainfall on Black Eagle breeding over 31 years in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe. Ostrich 66: 114-121.
  90. ^ Bildstein, K.L. 2006. (Book) Migrating raptors of the world: their ecology and conservation. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
  91. ^ Hartley, R. 1998. Raptor migration and conservation in Zimbabwe. Torgos 28:135-150.
  92. ^ Kemp; 2001; p.78
  93. ^ Griesel, R. 2004. Verreaux's Eagle nest sites in the southern Free State. Gabar 15:20-22.
  94. ^ Dick, J. A., & Fenton, M. B. (1979). Tool-using by a black eagle.
  95. ^ a b c Simmons, R. 1988. Offspring quality and the evolution of cainism. Ibis, 130: 339-357.
  96. ^ Gargett, V. 1977. A 13-year population study of the Black Eagles in the Matopos, Rhodesia, 1964-1976. Ostrich, 48: 17-27.
  97. ^ a b Simmons, R., Rodrigues, L., Woodcock, L., Steyn, P. & Jenkins, A. 2007. City Limits: Can the Verreaux's Eagle survive urbanisation? Birds and Birding, pp. 43-45.
  • 'Gordon Lindsay Maclean; 1993; Robert's Birds of Southern Africa; Sixth Edition; John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, p. 112-113
  • 'Alan and Meg Kemp; 2001; Birds of Prey of Africa and its Islands; SASOL, p. 78
  • 'Wonderboom Urban Verreaux's Eagle Project' http://www.blackeagleswb.com

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Verreaux's eagle: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Verreaux's eagle (Aquila verreauxii) is a large, mostly African, bird of prey. It is also called the black eagle, especially in southern Africa, not to be confused with the Indian black eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis), which lives far to the east in Asia. It lives in hilly and mountainous regions of southern and eastern Africa (extending marginally into Chad), and very locally in West Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the southern Middle East.

Verreaux's eagle is one of the most specialized species of accipitrid in the world, with its distribution and life history revolving around its favorite prey species, the rock hyraxes. When hyrax populations decline, the species have been shown to survive with mixed success on other prey, such as small antelopes, gamebirds, hares, monkeys and other assorted vertebrates. Despite a high degree of specialization, Verreaux's eagle has, from a conservation standpoint, been faring relatively well in historic times. One population of this species, in the Matobo Hills of Zimbabwe, is arguably the best studied eagle population in the world, having been subject to continuous detailed study since the late 1950s. Like all eagles, this species belongs to the taxonomic order Accipitriformes (formerly included in Falconiformes) and the family Accipitridae, which may be referred to colloquially as accipitrids or raptors.

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Veroksia aglo ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

La Veroksia aglo (Aquila verreauxii), foje konata kiel Nigra aglo (kio kondukas al konfuzo kun la azia Nigra aglo), estas granda rabobirdo.[1]

Teritorio de tiu specio verde

Tiu aglo loĝas en montecaj kaj montaraj regionoj de suda (ĉefe en okcidenta marbordo de suda Angolo al Sudafriko) kaj orienta Afriko ĉefe ĉe Okavambo, centraj Kenjo kaj Tanzanio (etende marĝene al Ĉado), kaj tre surloke en Okcidenta Azio, nome suda kaj sudokcidenta Arabio.

Ilustraĵo de tiu specio laŭ priskribo fare de Lesson publikigita en 1830[2]

Ĝi estas 75 al 95 cm longa. La averaĝa pezo ĉe maskloj estas 3.7 kg kaj ĉe inoj 4.5 kg. Ĝi havas enverguron de ĝis 2.2 m.[3] Ĝi estas nigra kun distinga blanka V marke en dorso.[4] La beko estas tre fortika kaj griza. La kruroj estas flavaj kun nigrecaj ungoj. Junuloj estas kutime helaj kaj malhelbrunaj kun nigreca vizaĝo. Strukture ĝi estas tre simila al la Reĝa aglo de la Norda Hemisfero, kaj al la Kojnvosta aglo de Aŭstralio.

Ĝi estas tre teritoriema kaj povas ofte esti vidata kun aliaj samgenranoj, kun kiuj ĝi pariĝas por vivo. La ino demetas du kremokolorajn ovojn, ĉiun kvaran tagon aŭtune, kaj eloviĝo okazas post proksimume 45 tagoj.

Ĝi estas specialista ĉasisto de prokaviuloj. La grando de ties teritorio ofte inverse reflektas la grandon de la loka populacio de prokaviuloj. Foje ĝi predas birdojn kiaj numidoj aŭ mamuloj de grando simila al tiu de prokaviuloj, kiaj grandaj roduloj.

La nomo de Veroksia aglo rememoras la francan naturaliston Jules Verreaux, kiu vizitis sudan Afrikon komence de la 18a jarcento.[5][6]


  1. Gargett, Valerie. (1990) The Black Eagle: A Study. South Africa: Acorn Books and Russel Friedman Books, p. 19, 30–31. ISBN 0 620 11915 2.
  2. Lesson, R. P.. (1830) Centurie zoologique, ou, Choix d'animaux rares, nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus par R.P. Lesson. Chez F.G. Levrault, Paris, p. 104–106.
  3. Gargett, p. 29.
  4. Gargett, p. 31.
  5. Gargett, p. 30.
  6. Mearns, Barbara; & Mearns, Richard. (1988). Biographies for Birdwatchers. The lives of those commemorated in Western Palaearctic bird names. Academic Press: London. ISBN 0-12-487422-3
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Veroksia aglo: Brief Summary ( إسبرانتو )

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La Veroksia aglo (Aquila verreauxii), foje konata kiel Nigra aglo (kio kondukas al konfuzo kun la azia Nigra aglo), estas granda rabobirdo.

 src= Teritorio de tiu specio verde

Tiu aglo loĝas en montecaj kaj montaraj regionoj de suda (ĉefe en okcidenta marbordo de suda Angolo al Sudafriko) kaj orienta Afriko ĉefe ĉe Okavambo, centraj Kenjo kaj Tanzanio (etende marĝene al Ĉado), kaj tre surloke en Okcidenta Azio, nome suda kaj sudokcidenta Arabio.

 src= Ilustraĵo de tiu specio laŭ priskribo fare de Lesson publikigita en 1830

Ĝi estas 75 al 95 cm longa. La averaĝa pezo ĉe maskloj estas 3.7 kg kaj ĉe inoj 4.5 kg. Ĝi havas enverguron de ĝis 2.2 m. Ĝi estas nigra kun distinga blanka V marke en dorso. La beko estas tre fortika kaj griza. La kruroj estas flavaj kun nigrecaj ungoj. Junuloj estas kutime helaj kaj malhelbrunaj kun nigreca vizaĝo. Strukture ĝi estas tre simila al la Reĝa aglo de la Norda Hemisfero, kaj al la Kojnvosta aglo de Aŭstralio.

Ĝi estas tre teritoriema kaj povas ofte esti vidata kun aliaj samgenranoj, kun kiuj ĝi pariĝas por vivo. La ino demetas du kremokolorajn ovojn, ĉiun kvaran tagon aŭtune, kaj eloviĝo okazas post proksimume 45 tagoj.

Ĝi estas specialista ĉasisto de prokaviuloj. La grando de ties teritorio ofte inverse reflektas la grandon de la loka populacio de prokaviuloj. Foje ĝi predas birdojn kiaj numidoj aŭ mamuloj de grando simila al tiu de prokaviuloj, kiaj grandaj roduloj.

La nomo de Veroksia aglo rememoras la francan naturaliston Jules Verreaux, kiu vizitis sudan Afrikon komence de la 18a jarcento.

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Aquila verreauxii ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

El águila cafre[1]​ (Aquila verreauxii), también conocida como águila negra africana o águila de Verreaux, en honor al naturalista francés Edouard Verreaux, es una especie de ave accipitriforme de la familia Accipitridae. Se trata de un ave de presa extendida por el África subsahariana y el sur de la península arábiga; no se conocen subespecies.[2]​ Suele anidar en zonas montañosas, donde se alimenta principalmente de damanes.


Primer plano de un águila cafre, en condiciones controladas

Es un animal grande. Mide de 75 a 96 cm de longitud y pesa de 3 a 6.2 kg. La envergadura de sus alas puede alcanzar los 2,5 m. Generalmente son de color negro con una V blanca distintiva en su espalda. Los juveniles son normalmente más claros, de tono marrón oscuro con la cara negra. Su aspecto es muy similar al del águila real.

Historia natural

Es altamente territorial y puede ser visto con frecuencia dentro de su territorio junto a otro individuo del opuesto, que será su pareja de por vida. Se alimenta principalmente de damanes, y también come, monos, liebres y pequeños antilopes. La hembra pone normalmente dos huevos de color blanco cremoso, de los que pasados 45 días nacerán los polluelos.

La extensión de su territorio está inversamente ligada a la cantidad de presas. Cuando el alimento abunda su territorio puede ser de apenas 10 km², y cuando el alimento escasea puede expandir su área hasta 250 km².


  1. Bernis, F; De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (1994). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Segunda parte: Falconiformes y Galliformes)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 41 (2): 183-191. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 3 de agosto de 2014.
  2. Clements, J.F.; Schulenberg, T.S.; Iliff, M.J.; Sullivan, B.L.; Wood, C.L. (2010). «The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, Version 6.5» (xls). Cornell University Press. Archivado desde el original el 2 de junio de 2011. Consultado el 12 de junio de 2011.

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Aquila verreauxii: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

El águila cafre​ (Aquila verreauxii), también conocida como águila negra africana o águila de Verreaux, en honor al naturalista francés Edouard Verreaux, es una especie de ave accipitriforme de la familia Accipitridae. Se trata de un ave de presa extendida por el África subsahariana y el sur de la península arábiga; no se conocen subespecies.​ Suele anidar en zonas montañosas, donde se alimenta principalmente de damanes.

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Aquila verreauxii ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Aquila verreauxii Aquila generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Accipitridae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Aquila verreauxii: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

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Aquila verreauxii Aquila generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Accipitridae familian sailkatua dago.

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Mustakotka ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Mustakotka (Aquila verreauxii) on Afrikan vuoristoalueiden suurikokoinen petolintu. Se on nimetty ranskalaisen luonnontieteilijä Jules Verreauxin kunniaksi.[2]

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Mustakotka muistuttaa ruumiinrakenteeltaan maakotkaa, mutta on isompi ja tummempi. Se voi kasvaa liki metrin pituiseksi, 80–96 cm. Siipien kärkiväli on 225–245 cm ja painoa 3,6–5,7 kg. Naaras on koirasta kookkaampi. Aikuinen lintu on lähes kokonaan musta, yläselkä ja yläperä ovat valkoiset ja käsisiivellä on valkoinen laikku. Päälaki ja niska ovat kotkamaisen kellertävät.


Mustakotkaa tavataan Saharan eteläpuolisen Afrikan vuorilla Itä- ja Etelä-Afrikassa, erillispopulaationa Ennedin tasangolla Tšadissa, sekä harvinaisena Punaisenmeren vastarannalla Arabian niemimaan puolella. Lajin esiintymisalueen pinta-ala on 1–10 miljoonaa neliökilometriä ja maailman populaation koko on 10 000–100 000 yksilöä. Laji on enimmäkseen paikkalintu.


Mustakotka elää vuoristoisilla seuduilla ja kuivilla savanneilla kaukana ihmisasutuksesta.


Pesä on yleensä vuoren tai kallion rinteessä ulkoneman alla, harvoin puussa. Se on laakea, matala, oksista ja risuista rakennettu, ja pesämalja on matala. Molemmat puolisot rakentavat pesää, tosin naaras aktiivisemmin. Naaras munii tavallisesti kaksi, joskus yhden tai kolme munaa. Munintaväli on kolme päivää. Haudonta-aika on 43–46 päivää. Naaras hautoo enimmäkseen öisin, koiras noin puoli päivää. Poikaset kuoriutuvat eriaikaisesti ja ovat lentokykyisiä 12–14 viikon ikäisinä. Lentokykyiseksi selviää lähes aina vain yksi poikanen toisten joutuessa jossain vaiheessa sen syömäksi. Poikanen pysyy emojen seurassa vielä puolisen vuotta.


Tamaanit ovat mustakotkien pääravintoa. Niiden puutteessa kotka voi napata jonkun muun suunnilleen samankokoisen jyrsijän, matelijan tai linnun, esimerkiksi helmikanan.


  • Cramp, Stanley (päätoim.) 1980: Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Vol. II. – Oxford University Press. Hongkong.


  1. BirdLife International: Aquila verreauxii IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. 2013. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 11.5.2014. (englanniksi)
  2. BirdLife (suomenkielisen nimen lähde)
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Mustakotka: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

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Mustakotka (Aquila verreauxii) on Afrikan vuoristoalueiden suurikokoinen petolintu. Se on nimetty ranskalaisen luonnontieteilijä Jules Verreauxin kunniaksi.

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Aigle de Verreaux ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Aquila verreauxii

L'Aigle de Verreaux (Aquila verreauxii) ou Aigle noir (d'Afrique) ou aigle noir à dos blanc, est une espèce de rapaces diurnes appartenant à la famille des Accipitridae.


Cet oiseau est nommé en hommage au botaniste et ornithologue français Jules Verreaux (1807-1873).


Il vit de manière disparate en Afrique subsaharienne ainsi que dans le nord-est du Niger, l'est du Tchad, au Darfour, le sud-est de l'Égypte et la péninsule Arabique[1].


L'aigle de Verreaux est un très grand rapace, qui mesure entre 74 et 95 cm et pèse jusqu’à 6 kg. Il peut atteindre 2,20 m d'envergure. Son plumage est noir, avec une zone claire à la main. Au milieu du dos se dessine un motif caractéristique en "U" ou en "V". En vol, ce motif est relié au croupion immaculé par une raie blanche. La forme des ailes est aussi typique, avec une base et une main étroites, et un centre plus large (secondaires saillantes). Le bec est assez gros avec une base jaune, et une extrémité grise très crochue. Le cercle oculaire et les pattes sont également jaunes.

Le juvénile rappelle l'aigle royal adulte, mais il en diffère notamment par la forme caractéristique de ses ailes, mais aussi par une tête plus petite, un cou noir et plus long et une queue un peu plus courte[2]. C'est une espèce où le caïnisme est systématique avec l'oisillon le plus fort qui tue le plus faible dans la nichée.

Le réserve naturelle du Cederberg, dans le massif montagneux du même nom en Afrique du Sud, héberge l'une des plus grandes concentrations au monde d'aigles de Verreaux qui y privilégient son grand nombre de falaises[3].


  1. http://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/22696067
  2. le guide ornitho - Lars Svensson - édition delachaux et niestlé
  3. Floriane Dupuis, « Massif du Cederberg - Ballade nature en grès massif », Terre Sauvage,‎ déc.-janv.-fév. 2012, p. 92-94

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Aigle de Verreaux: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Aquila verreauxii

L'Aigle de Verreaux (Aquila verreauxii) ou Aigle noir (d'Afrique) ou aigle noir à dos blanc, est une espèce de rapaces diurnes appartenant à la famille des Accipitridae.

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Aquila verreauxii ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

L'aquila di Verraux (Aquila verreauxii Lesson, 1831) è un uccello rapace appartenente alla famiglia Accipitridae, diffuso nell'Africa centro-meridionale ed in alcune zone del Medio Oriente.[2]


Lunghezza da 75 a 95 cm. Peso tra i 3,7 ed i 4,5 kg. Apertura alare sino a 220 cm.


Preda mammiferi, tra cui soprattutto roditori, ed altri uccelli.

Distribuzione e habitat

Vive in quasi tutta l'Africa, specialmente nelle zone montuose dell'Africa subsahariana, e in Medio Oriente.[1][2]


  1. ^ a b (EN) BirdLife International 2012, Aquila verreauxii, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ a b (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Accipitridae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 9 maggio 2014.


  • Ferguson-Lees, J., Christie, D. A., Raptors of the world, London, Christopher Helm, 2001.

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Aquila verreauxii: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

L'aquila di Verraux (Aquila verreauxii Lesson, 1831) è un uccello rapace appartenente alla famiglia Accipitridae, diffuso nell'Africa centro-meridionale ed in alcune zone del Medio Oriente.

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Zwarte arend ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL


De Zwarte arend (Aquila verreauxii) is een donkere zeer grote arend en behorende tot de familie Accipitridae.

Uiterlijke kenmerken

Deze vogel heeft een zwart verenkleed met een witte stuit, achterrug en twee witten banden op de rug. De vogel heeft een spanwijdte van 186 tot 222 cm.


Het voedsel bestaat voornamelijk uit zoogdieren met een voorkeur voor klipdassen maar ook wel vogels en reptielen.


Zij leggen 1-3 eieren welke door beide partners worden uitgebroed in 43-46 dagen. De nestduur is 84-99 dagen en de afhankelijkheid is maximaal 6 maanden.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Het verspreidingsgebied is zuidelijk en oostelijk Afrika en het Midden-Oosten. De habitat is een rotsachtig landschap ver verwijderd van menselijke bewoning.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Benny Génsbøl, Roofvogels van Europa Noord-Afrika en het Midden-Oosten. ISBN 906097431X

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Zwarte arend: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

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De Zwarte arend (Aquila verreauxii) is een donkere zeer grote arend en behorende tot de familie Accipitridae.

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Orzeł czarny ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
 src= Ten artykuł dotyczy ptaka. Zobacz też: Czarny Orzeł (czołg). Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Orzeł czarny (Aquila verreauxii) – gatunek dużego ptaka drapieżnego z rodziny jastrzębiowatych, występujący w górskich rejonach Afryki, przede wszystkim na południe od Sahary.

Cechy gatunku
Upierzenie czarne, dziób jasnożółty, nogi żółte. Na grzbiecie białe plamy ułożone w literę V. Młode rdzawe na plecach, karku i ciemieniu, czarniejsze na piersi i masce. Z wyglądu podobny do orła przedniego zamieszkującego północną półkulę oraz orła australijskiego z Australii.
Długość ciała – 75-95 cm, rozpiętość skrzydeł do 2,5 m.
samica ok. 4,45 kg, samiec ok. 3,7 kg
Gniazdo zakłada na niedostępnych skałach. Jest ptakiem bardzo terytorialnym. Często może być obserwowany w parach.
Samica składa zwykle dwa kremowobiałe jaja, wysiadywane przez ok. 45 dni. Starsze pisklę po wykluciu często zabija młodsze.
Specjalizuje się w polowaniu na góralki. Poza tym żywi się też ptakami, takimi jak perlice, lub ssakami wielkości góralków, np. dużymi gryzoniami. Poluje, wykorzystując prądy powietrza wznoszące się nad zboczami gór i spadając znienacka na ofiarę.


  1. Aquila verreauxii, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Aquila verreauxii. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
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Orzeł czarny: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Orzeł czarny (Aquila verreauxii) – gatunek dużego ptaka drapieżnego z rodziny jastrzębiowatych, występujący w górskich rejonach Afryki, przede wszystkim na południe od Sahary.

Cechy gatunku Upierzenie czarne, dziób jasnożółty, nogi żółte. Na grzbiecie białe plamy ułożone w literę V. Młode rdzawe na plecach, karku i ciemieniu, czarniejsze na piersi i masce. Z wyglądu podobny do orła przedniego zamieszkującego północną półkulę oraz orła australijskiego z Australii. Wymiary Długość ciała – 75-95 cm, rozpiętość skrzydeł do 2,5 m. Waga samica ok. 4,45 kg, samiec ok. 3,7 kg Gniazdo Gniazdo zakłada na niedostępnych skałach. Jest ptakiem bardzo terytorialnym. Często może być obserwowany w parach. Jaja Samica składa zwykle dwa kremowobiałe jaja, wysiadywane przez ok. 45 dni. Starsze pisklę po wykluciu często zabija młodsze. Pożywienie Specjalizuje się w polowaniu na góralki. Poza tym żywi się też ptakami, takimi jak perlice, lub ssakami wielkości góralków, np. dużymi gryzoniami. Poluje, wykorzystując prądy powietrza wznoszące się nad zboczami gór i spadając znienacka na ofiarę.
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Águia-negra-africana ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

A Águia-negra-africana (Aquila verreauxii) é uma grande ave de rapina. [1] Esta águia vive em regiões acidentadas ou montanhosas da África Austral e Oriental (que se estende ligeiramente para o Chade), e muito localmente na Ásia Ocidental. O nome recorda o naturalista francês Jules Verreaux, que visitou a África do Sul no início do século XVIII.[2][3]

Apesar do nome, a Águia Negra Africana não é totalmente negra: tem tons de cinza, branco e amarelo pelo corpo. Alimenta-se de pequenos animais, como roedores e pássaros; usando suas garras para matar as presas. É rápida e veloz.


  1. Gargett, Valerie (1990). The Black Eagle: A Study. South Africa: Acorn Books and Russel Friedman Books. pp. 19, 30–31. ISBN 0-620-11915-2
  2. Gargett, p. 30.
  3. Mearns, Barbara; & Mearns, Richard. (1988). Biographies for Birdwatchers. The lives of those commemorated in Western Palaearctic bird names. Academic Press: London. ISBN 0-12-487422-3
  • 'Gordon Lindsay Maclean; 1993; Robert's Birds of Southern Africa; Sixth Edition; John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, p. 112-113
  • 'Alan and Meg Kemp; 2001; Birds of Prey of Africa and its Islands; SASOL, p. 78
  • 'Wonderboom Urban Verreaux's Eagle Project' http://www.blackeagleswb.com

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Águia-negra-africana: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

A Águia-negra-africana (Aquila verreauxii) é uma grande ave de rapina. Esta águia vive em regiões acidentadas ou montanhosas da África Austral e Oriental (que se estende ligeiramente para o Chade), e muito localmente na Ásia Ocidental. O nome recorda o naturalista francês Jules Verreaux, que visitou a África do Sul no início do século XVIII.

Apesar do nome, a Águia Negra Africana não é totalmente negra: tem tons de cinza, branco e amarelo pelo corpo. Alimenta-se de pequenos animais, como roedores e pássaros; usando suas garras para matar as presas. É rápida e veloz.

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Klippörn ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Klippörn[2] (Aquila verreauxii) är en huvudsakligen afrikansk fågel i familjen hökartade rovfåglar inom ordningen hökfåglar.[3]


Klippörnen är en karakteristisk stor örn med en kroppslängd på 78–88 centimeter och vingbredden 189–209 centimeter, det vill säga något mindre än en kungsörn (Aquila chrysaetos). Fjäderdräkten är kolsvart med vit övergump och vita sidofält på ryggen som bildar ett V på kroppsovansidan. I flykten syns två vita fläckar på "handflatan", på både ovan- och undersidan av vingarna. Silhuetten är säregen med smal inre hand, åtsnörpt vingbas och utbuktande armpennor.[4]

Ungfågeln är mer lik kungsörnen med gulbrunt på nacken. Den har dock förutom den annorlunda vingformen, de ljusa handpennebaserna och ljusa övergumpen även kortare stjärt, mindre huvud, längre och smalare hals och längre ben.[4]


Fågeln förekommer lokalt i Afrika söder om Sahara och på södra Arabiska halvön.[3] Den ses även i Israel där den tidigare har häckat.[5] Fågeln har tillfälligt observerats i Libanon och Algeriet.[5]


Klippörnen är närmast släkt med afrikansk hökörn (Aquila spilogaster) och hökörn (Aquila fasciata).[6] Den behandlas som monotypisk, det vill säga att den inte delas in i några underarter.


Klippörnen förekommer som namnet avslöjar i klippiga bergstrakter, men även på savann och i halvöken, varhelst dess favoritföda klippgrävlingar finns. Den kan också ta andra däggdjur, fåglar, sköldpaddor och sällsynt även reptiler. Det upp till 1,8 meter breda kvistboet byggs oftast på en klipphylla eller i en grotta, men även i träd. I Östafrika häckar den året runt, från Zambia och söderut april till november och i Etiopien/Somalia från oktober till maj. Den lägger nästan alltid två ägg, men den äldre ungen dödar den yngre inom tre dagar efter kläckning.[1][7][8]

Status och hot

Arten har ett stort utbredningsområde och en stor population med stabilutveckling.[1] Utifrån dessa kriterier kategoriserar IUCN arten som livskraftig (LC).[1] Världspopulationen räknas i tiotusentals individer.[1]


Fågelns vetenskapliga artnamn hedrar Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873), fransk samlare och handlare med specimen. [9]


  1. ^ [a b c d e] Birdlife International 2012 Aquila verreauxii Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2017) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2017-08-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2015) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2015 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2016-02-11
  4. ^ [a b] Svensson, Lars; Peter J. Grant, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström (2009). Fågelguiden: Europas och Medelhavsområdets fåglar i fält (andra upplagan). Stockholm: Bonnier Fakta. sid. 98. ISBN 978-91-7424-039-9
  5. ^ [a b] Mitchell, Dominic (2017). Birds of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East : An Annotated Checklist. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. sid. 76. ISBN 978-84-941892-9-6
  6. ^ Lerner, H., L. Christidis, A. Gamauf, C. Griffiths, E. Haring, C.J. Huddleston, S. Kabra, A. Kocum, M. Krosby, K. Kvalø y, D. Mindell, P. Rasmussen, N. Røv, R. Wadleigh, M. Wink, and J, Ove Gjershaug (2017), Phylogeny and new taxonomy of the Booted Eagles (Accipitriformes: Aquilinae), Zootaxa 4216, 301-320.
  7. ^ del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. 1994. Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain.
  8. ^ Ferguson-Lees, J. and Christie, D.A. 2001. Raptors of the world. Christopher Helm, London.
  9. ^ Jobling, J. A. (2016). Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. Ur del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. & de Juana, E. (eds.) (2016). Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Hämtad från www.hbw.com.

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Klippörn: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

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Klippörn (Aquila verreauxii) är en huvudsakligen afrikansk fågel i familjen hökartade rovfåglar inom ordningen hökfåglar.

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Afrika siyah kartalı ( التركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia TR

Afrika siyah kartalı (Aquila verreauxii), atmacagiller (Accipitridae) familyasından bir kartal türü. Verreaux kartalı olarak da bilinir, büyük bir kartaldır. Boyu 75 – 95 cm arasında değişir. Ortalama erkek ağırlığı 3,7 kg'dır. Dişiler için bu 4,5 kg civarındadır. Kanat açıklıkları 2 m'yi geçer. Altın kartala oldukça benzer. Ana besini kır sıçanıdır. Bununla birlikte kemiriciler gibi küçük memeliler Gine tavukları ve maymunlar besinlerinin önemli bir bölümünü oluşturur. Afrika'daki Sahra Çölü'nün tropik iklime sahip bölgelerinde yaşar. Dişiler çiftleşmeden 45 gün sonra bir seferde 2 beyaz yumurta bırakır.

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Орел кафрський ( الأوكرانية )

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Морфологічні особливості


Довжина: 90 см, Розмах крила: 181–219 см, Вага: 3000-5800 гр. Оперення яскраво чорне, за винятком крупу і нижньої частини спини, котрі білі.


Країни проживання: Ангола, Ботсвана, Центральноафриканська Республіка, Чад, Джибуті, Єгипет, Еритрея, Ефіопія, Ізраїль, Йорданія, Кенія, Лесото, Малаві, Мозамбік, Намібія, Нігер, Оман, Саудівська Аравія, Сомалі, ПАР, Південний Судан, Судан, Свазіленд, Танзанія, Уганда, Ємен, Замбія, Зімбабве. Перебуває в Африці від 30° пн.ш. до 35° пд.ш. і має висотний розподіл від рівня моря до 5000 м.

Спосіб життя

Дорослі ведуть осілий спосіб життя поки молоді птахи не залишають гніздову територію. Вид займає віддалені гірські, скелясті області, а також савани і напівпустелі, скрізь, де даман капський зустрічається в значній кількості. Більше 60% раціону це даман капський, але іноді здобиччю є інші ссавці, птахи, черепахи і рідко інші рептилії. Пари полюють спільно.

Гніздо являє собою структуру з палиць, до 1,8 м у діаметрі, як правило, розташоване на виступі скелі або в печері, хоча також використовуються дерева і штучні споруди. Розмноження відбувається цілий рік в Східній Африці, досягаючи максимуму в травні-грудні, а з квітня по листопад від Замбії на південь, в той час як в Ефіопії та Сомалі розмноження з жовтня по травень. Розміри виводку майже завжди два, старше пташеня незмінно вбиває молодше протягом трьох днів.


  1. Фесенко Г. В. Вітчизняна номенклатура птахів світу. — Кривий Ріг : ДІОНАТ, 2018. — 580 с. — ISBN 978-617-7553-34-1.


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Aquila verreauxii ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Aquila verreauxii, còn được gọi là đại bàng đen châu Phi, là một loài chim săn mồi lớn trong họ Accipitridae.[2]. Loài đại bàng này sống ở vùng đồi núi miền nam và miền đông châu Phi, và ở Tây Á. Vào mùa thu mỗi cặp đôi sẽ đẻ 2-3 trứng màu kem, và trứng sẽ nở khoảng 45 ngày sau đó.

Miêu tả

Đại bàng đen châu Phi có chiều dài 75–96 cm, với sải cánh dài 1,81-2,2 m.. Chim trống nặng 3-4,2 kg và chim mái nặng 3,1-5,8 kg. Bộ lông màu đen với một vệt màu trắng hình chữ V trên lưng. Chim non có màu nâu sáng hoặc sẫm với một khuôn mặt màu đen. Nó có hình dáng tương tự như đại bàng vàng ở Bắc bán cầu, và đại bàng đuôi nhọn (Aquila verreauxii) ở lục địa Úc.

Con mồi

Đại bàng đen châu Phi chuyên săn bắt chuột lang hyrax. Kích thước của lãnh thổ của chúng phụ thuộc vào số lượng chuột lang hyrax. Thỉnh thoảng, chúng cũng săn các loài chim trong đó có gà Phi hoặc gà gô, và động vật có vú kích thước tương tự như chuột lang hyrax (khoảng 2–5 kg), chẳng hạn như loài gặm nhấm lớn. Chúng cũng săn các con mồi là khỉ, linh dương nhỏ và hiếm hơn là bò sát và xác chết. Chúng săn mồi bằng cách sà xung quanh các góc của vách đá và bất ngờ lao xuống con mồi. Chúng cũng săn mồi từ trên cành cây, mặc dù cách này ít được sử dụng. Chúng cũng có thể kết hợp đi săn theo cặp. Đôi khi chúng cũng cướp thức ăn từ các loài chim ăn thịt khác, bao gồm cả Kền kền râu (Chim diều râu) và đại bàng khác.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ BirdLife International (2013). Aquila verreauxii. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2013.2. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Aquila verreauxii: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

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Aquila verreauxii, còn được gọi là đại bàng đen châu Phi, là một loài chim săn mồi lớn trong họ Accipitridae.. Loài đại bàng này sống ở vùng đồi núi miền nam và miền đông châu Phi, và ở Tây Á. Vào mùa thu mỗi cặp đôi sẽ đẻ 2-3 trứng màu kem, và trứng sẽ nở khoảng 45 ngày sau đó.

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Кафрский орёл ( الروسية )

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Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Вторичноротые
Подтип: Позвоночные
Инфратип: Челюстноротые
Надкласс: Четвероногие
Класс: Птицы
Подкласс: Настоящие птицы
Инфракласс: Новонёбные
Семейство: Ястребиные
Подсемейство: Орлиные
Род: Орлы
Вид: Кафрский орёл
Международное научное название

Aquila verreauxii Lesson, 1830



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У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Чёрный орёл (значения).

Кафрский орёл[1] (лат. Aquila verreauxii)[2] — один из видов орлов, обитающих в Африке. Латинский таксон назван в честь французского ботаника и орнитолога Жюля-Пьера Верро.


Ареал кафрского орла — Африка, от юга Чада и кенийского парка Самбуру на севере до Финбоша и Драконовых гор на юге, обычно обитает в сухих местностях[3].

Описание вида

Кафрский орёл — хищная птица с длиной тела 70—95 см, массой 3,5—4,5 кг и размахом крыльев около 2 м[4]. Основная добыча — млекопитающие среднего размера, особенно грызуны.


  1. Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 40. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
  2. Кафрский орёл (Aquila verreauxii) Архивная копия от 21 марта 2012 на Wayback Machine
  3. Aquila verreauxii
  4. [Gargett, Valerie (1990). The Black Eagle: A Study. South Africa: Acorn Books and Russel Friedman Books. pp. 19, 30—31. ISBN 0-620-11915-2.]
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Кафрский орёл: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

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У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Чёрный орёл (значения).

Кафрский орёл (лат. Aquila verreauxii) — один из видов орлов, обитающих в Африке. Латинский таксон назван в честь французского ботаника и орнитолога Жюля-Пьера Верро.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии
النص الأصلي
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موقع الشريك
wikipedia русскую Википедию

コシジロイヌワシ ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
コシジロイヌワシ コシジロイヌワシ
コシジロイヌワシ Aquila verreauxii
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 LC.svg 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : タカ目 Falconiformes : タカ科 Accipitridae : イヌワシ属 Aquila : コシジロイヌワシ A. verreauxii 学名 Aquila verreauxii
(Lesson, 1830) 和名 コシジロイヌワシ 英名 Verreaux's Eagle

コシジロイヌワシ(腰白狗鷲、学名:Aquila verreauxii)は、タカ目タカ科に分類される鳥。








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コシジロイヌワシ: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

コシジロイヌワシ(腰白狗鷲、学名:Aquila verreauxii)は、タカ目タカ科に分類される鳥。

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wikipedia 日本語