
Pristidae ( Afrikaans )

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Die Saagvisse (Pristidae) is 'n kraakbeenvis-familie wat hoort tot die orde Pristiformes. Daar is twee genera met ses spesies wat hoort tot dié familie en drie van die spesies kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor.


Die uitstaande kenmerk van die familie is die plat snawel met tande aan weerskante wat soos 'n saag lyk. Die kop en voorste gedeelte van die lyf is plat terwyl die agterste gedeelte meer soos die lyf van 'n haai lyk. Die familie het twee dorsale vinne, 'n asimmetriese stertvin (die boonste lob is langer) en die pektorale vinne is langs die kop geheg en lyk amper soos twee vlerke. Daar is vyf pare kieue splete teenwoordig aan die onderkant van die kop. Die familie word tot 7 m lank - die saag ingesluit en is ovovivipaar. Hulle kom voor in vlak water by sanderige bodems, soms in riviermondings. Die familie is eetbaar. Die saag word gebruik om kos uit te krap en ook om prooi mee dood te maak.


Die volgende genera en gepaardgaande spesies kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor:

  • Pristis

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Pristidae: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

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Die Saagvisse (Pristidae) is 'n kraakbeenvis-familie wat hoort tot die orde Pristiformes. Daar is twee genera met ses spesies wat hoort tot dié familie en drie van die spesies kom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kus voor.

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Pristiformes ( Asturian )

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Nun confundir con Pristiophoriformes.

Los pristiformes (del lat. pristis, "pez sierra") son un orde de elasmobranquios del superorde Batoidea, conocíos vulgarmente como pez sierra. Inclúin una sola familia, Pristidae, con dos xéneros y siete especies.[2]

Los pexes sierra tán más rellacionaos coles rayes que colos tiburones. La so apariencia ye la d'un pexe con un focico llargu y llenu de dientes. Tienen un cadarma cartilaxinosu.

Nun tienen de ser confundíos colos tiburones sierra (orde Pristiophoriformes), que tienen una apariencia similar.


Les dimensiones de los pexes sierra van de 1,5 m a 6 m. La carauterística más sobresaliente del pexe sierra ye, poques gracies, la so focico con forma de sierra. Ésti atópase cubiertu con poros sensibles al movimientu y a la eletricidá, que-yos dexa detectar el movimientu ya inclusive los llatíos cardiacos de preses soterraes nel sedimentu marino. El so focico actúa entós como un detector mientres el pexe sierra nada sobre'l fondu marín, en busca d'alimentu. El so focico tamién sirve como ferramienta escavador pa desenterrar crustáceos.

Cuando una presa nada cerca, el pexe sierra ataca dende embaxo y utiliza furiosamente la so sierra. Esto xeneralmente manca a la presa lo suficiente por que'l pexe taramiar ensin muncha dificultá. Los pexes sierra tamién utilicen la so focico como arma de defensa contra otru depredadores como tiburones, delfines y buzus intrusos. Los dientes que sobresalen del focico nun son verdaderos dientes, sinón escames dentales modificaes.

El cuerpu y la cabeza de los pexes sierra son apandaos yá que pasen la mayoría del tiempu recostados nel suelu marín. Al igual que les rayes, la so boca ta alcontrada nel so parte inferior. Na so boca esisten pequeños dientes pa comer pequeños crustáceos y otros pexes, anque dacuando taramiar enteros.

Los pexes sierra alienden por dos espiráculos alcontraos detrás de los sos güeyos que conducen l'agua a les branquies. El so piel ta cubierta por pequeños dentículos que-y dan una testura rasposa. El so color ye xeneralmente gris o café, anque la especie Pristis pectinata ye color verde oliva.

Los güeyos de los pexes sierra nun tán bien desenvueltos pola so hábitat lodoso. El so focico ye la so principal ferramienta sensorial. Los sos intestíns tienen forma de sacacorchos.

Localización y hábitat

Los pexes sierra alcontrar n'árees tropicales y subtropicales alredor d'África, Australia y el Caribe. Los pexes sierra viven n'agües pocu fondes y lodosas, n'agües salaes y duces. La mayoría prefier boques de ríu y sistemes d'agua duce. Tolos pexes sierra tien l'habilidá de camudar d'agües salaes a agües duces, y xeneralmente facer, nadando dientro de ríos, según en badees y estuarios.


Son nocherniegos; usualmente duermen mientres el día y cacen a la nueche. A pesar de les apariencies, son pexes que nun ataquen a les persones nun siendo que sían provocaos o sosprendíos.


Poco se conoz sobre la la reproducción del pexe sierra. Cada individuu vive ente 25 y 30 años, maureciendo a los 10.

Maurecen amodo; envalórase que nun se reproducen hasta qu'algamen ente 3,5 y 4 metros de llargu y tienen ente 10 y 12 años d'edá, y reprodúcense a niveles inmensamente menores que la mayoría de los pexes. Esto fai qu'a estos animales cuéste-yos demasiáu recuperase, cuantimás tres una sobrepesca.


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Pristiformes: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Nun confundir con Pristiophoriformes.

Los pristiformes (del lat. pristis, "pez sierra") son un orde de elasmobranquios del superorde Batoidea, conocíos vulgarmente como pez sierra. Inclúin una sola familia, Pristidae, con dos xéneros y siete especies.

Los pexes sierra tán más rellacionaos coles rayes que colos tiburones. La so apariencia ye la d'un pexe con un focico llargu y llenu de dientes. Tienen un cadarma cartilaxinosu.

Nun tienen de ser confundíos colos tiburones sierra (orde Pristiophoriformes), que tienen una apariencia similar.

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Pesk-heskenn ( Breton )

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Ar pesked-heskenn eo ar pesked mor a ya d'ober ar c'herentiad Pristidae. Kondriktied (pesked migornek) int, evel ar rinkined hag ar raeed.


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Pesk-heskenn: Brief Summary ( Breton )

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lang="br" dir="ltr">

Ar pesked-heskenn eo ar pesked mor a ya d'ober ar c'herentiad Pristidae. Kondriktied (pesked migornek) int, evel ar rinkined hag ar raeed.

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Peix serra ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Els peixos serra (Pristidae, del Grec πριστήρ pristēr que significa "serra") són una família d'animals marins emparentats amb els taurons i les rajades. El tret característic més punyent és la presència d'un morro llarg i dentat. En l'ordre Pristiformes només hi ha la família Pristidae.

No s'han de confondre amb els taurons serra (ordre Pristiophoriformes), que tenen una aparença física similar.

Totes les espècies de peix serra es troben en perill, o en perill greu i el comerç internacional d'aquestes està prohibit.[1] Capturar-los és il·legal als Estats Units i a Austràlia.


La primera característica que s'aprecia del peix serra és el seu morro en forma de serra, anomenat rostrum. El rostrum està cobert per porus electrosensitius que el permeten detectar moviment i fins i tot els batecs cardíacs d'una possible presa amagada sota la sorra del fons marí. El rostrum serveix també com a eina per a excavar a la recerca de crustacis enterrats. Quan un peix serra detecta una presa adient s'hi abraona i l'ataca furiosament amb la seva serra. Generalment això fereix suficientment la presa perquè el peix serra la pugui devorar sense massa resistència. Els peixos serra també utilitzen el rostrum per a defensar-se dels depredadors (com els taurons) i intrusos diversos. Les "dents" que sobresurten del rostrum no són dents de debò sinó escates modificades.

Tant el cos com el cap dels peixos serra són plans, adaptats per a passar la major part del temps reposant sobre el fons marí. Com les rajades, la boca i les narius dels peixos serra se situen a la part inferior del cos. La boca està aprovisionada de petites dents en forma de cúpula per a menjar petits peixos i crustacis, tot i que a vegades se'ls poden empassin sencers. Els peixos serra respiren per dos espiracles que se situen just entre els ulls, a través dels quals inspiren aigua cap a les brànquies. La pell és coberta per diminuts denticles dèrmics que els atorga una textura rugosa. Els peixos serra generalment són d'un color gris o marró, mentre que el Pristis pectinata presenta un color verd oliva.

Distribució i hàbitat

Els peixos serra es troben en àrees tropicals i subtropicals al voltant d'Àfrica i Austràlia i al Carib, no és rar que remuntin els rius terra endins.

Viuen en aigües fangoses i poc fondes i es poden trobar tant en aigua dolça com salada. La majoria prefereixen viure a les boques dels rius i els sistemes d'aigua dolça. Tots els peixos serra posseeixen l'habilitat de travessar el pas d'aigua dolça a salada, i sovint ho fan.


Els peixos serra són nocturns, dormint usualment durant el dia, caçant de nit. Tot i l'aparença monstruosa d'aquests peixos, són tranquils i no ataquen als humans si no són provocats o sorpresos.


Es sap poca cosa sobre els hàbits reproductius dels peixos serra. Cada individu viu entre 25 i 30 anys, i madura als 10 anys.

S'ha estimat que s'aparellen cada dos anys. Maduren lentament - no es reprodueixen fins que no assumeixen entre 3,5 i 4 metres de longitud i 10 o 12 anys - i tenen unes tasses de reproducció molt més petites que la majoria dels peixos. Aquest fet els dificulta la recuperació de la sobreexplotació pesquera.[2]



  1. Sawfish protection acquires teeth - BBC NEWS (anglès)
  2. Raloff, Janet (2007). Hammered Saws, Science News vol. 172, pp. 90-92. (anglès)
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Peix serra: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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Els peixos serra (Pristidae, del Grec πριστήρ pristēr que significa "serra") són una família d'animals marins emparentats amb els taurons i les rajades. El tret característic més punyent és la presència d'un morro llarg i dentat. En l'ordre Pristiformes només hi ha la família Pristidae.

No s'han de confondre amb els taurons serra (ordre Pristiophoriformes), que tenen una aparença física similar.

Totes les espècies de peix serra es troben en perill, o en perill greu i el comerç internacional d'aquestes està prohibit. Capturar-los és il·legal als Estats Units i a Austràlia.

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Savfisk ( Danish )

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Savfisk er en familie af rokker som er karakteriseret af en forlænget snude besat med talrige tænder. Flere arter af savfisk kan blive op til 7,5 meter. Familien er kun studeret meget lidt, hvorfor kendskabet til adfærd og reproduktion er meget begrænset. Alle arter af savfisk er truet af udryddelse. Savfisk bør ikke forveksles med savhajer (Pristiophoridae) som har en lignende kropsbygning.

Beskrivelse og adfærd

Savfiskens kropsbygning er meget hajagtig med to store rygfinner og en kraftig asymmetrisk halefinne. Kroppen og hovedet er fladtrykt. Øjnene er dårligt udviklede, måske fordi den fortrinsvis lever i mudrede områder. Bag øjnende har savfisken to åndehuller, hvor vandet til gællerne trækkes igennem. Undersiden af fisken er flad og her findes næseborene, munden og gællespalterne. Der er 5 gællespalter i hver side. Munden er foret med små kuppelformede tænder som er velegnede til at spise mindre fisk og krebsdyr. Den forlængede snude benævnes ofte rostrum eller sværd. Den er fladtrykt og indeholder sanseceller, som savfisken kan benytte til at spore byttedyr, som gemmer sig i bundlaget. Sværdet kan bruges til at grave i bunden efter krebsdyr eller andet bytte. Med kraftige sideværts sving kan sværdet også bruges til såre eller dræbe byttedyr som svømmer forbi og endelig kan savfisken bruge sværdet til at forsvare sig mod fjender. Tænderne på sværdet er ikke tænder i egentlig forstand men omdannede hudtænder. De vokser hele tiden og erstattes med nye tænder, hvis de falder af. Ligesom andre bruskfisk, mangler savfisk svømmeblære og anvender i stedet deres store, oliefyldte lever til at styre opdriften. Savfisk er normalt lys grå eller brune med undtagelse af Pristis pectinata som er olivengrøn.

Savfisk er et bundlevende natdyr og tilbringer det meste af dagen liggende på havbunden.

På trods af deres frygtindgydende udseende, angriber de ikke mennesker medmindre de bliver provokeret eller overrasket.


Der kendes kun lidt til reproduktionen hos savfisk. Det formodes at savfisk parrer en gang hvert andet år, med en gennemsnitlig kuld på omkring otte. De kønsmodnes meget langsomt, og det skønnes, at de større arter ikke bliver kønsmodne, før de er 3,5 til 4 meter lange og 10 til 12 år gamle. Deres reproduktionsrate er lavere end de fleste andre fisk, og det betyder at bestandene er særlig langsomme til at komme sig efter overfiskning. Savfisk er ovovivipar dvs. æggene befrugtes og udvikles inde i moderen. Æggenes klækkes inden ungerne fødes. Indtil ungerne fødes er deres semi-hærdede sværd dækket med en membran. Dette forhindrer ungen i at skade sin mor under fødslen. Membranen nedbrydes sidenhen og falder af.

Udbredelse og habitat

Savfisk findes i Atlanterhavet, det Indiske Ocean og dele af Stillehavet i tropiske og subtropiske kystregioner. De findes ofte i mudrede bugter og floddeltaer. Alle arter kan tåle ferskvand og kan migrere op i floder.


Slægten Anoxypristis

Slægten Pristis

Fredning og bevarelse

Alle arter af savfisk betragtes kritisk truet. De fanges som bifangst i fiskenet eller jages for deres sværd (som er værdsat af samlere), deres finner (som regnes for en delikatesse), eller olie fra deres lever (til brug i folkemedicin).

Mens finner fra mange hajarter udnyttes i handelen, er visse arter blevet identificeret til at levere de mest velsmagende og saftige finner. De haj-lignende rokker (såsom savfisk og guitarfisk) anses for at leverer den højeste kvalitet af finner. Finnerne fra de stærkt truede savfisk er meget efterspurgte på de asiatiske markeder og er nogle af de mest værdifulde "hajfinner". Savfisk er nu beskyttet under det højeste beskyttelsesniveau i konventionen om international handel med udryddelsestruede dyrearter (CITES), tillæg I, men i betragtning af det store omfang af hajfinne handlen, og at afskårne hajfinner er vanskelige at identificere, er det usandsynligt, at CITES beskyttelsen vil forhindre at finner fra savfisk inddrages i handelen.

Det er ulovligt at fange savfisk i USA og i Australien. Det er også forbudt at sælge sværdet af småtandet savfisk i USA under Endangered Species Act (ESA). Alligevel er de fleste sværd på det amerikanske marked fra småtandet savfisk, fordi salg af sværdet fra andre savfisk stadig er lovlig og lægfolk har svært ved at skelne mellem arterne.


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Savfisk: Brief Summary ( Danish )

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Savfisk er en familie af rokker som er karakteriseret af en forlænget snude besat med talrige tænder. Flere arter af savfisk kan blive op til 7,5 meter. Familien er kun studeret meget lidt, hvorfor kendskabet til adfærd og reproduktion er meget begrænset. Alle arter af savfisk er truet af udryddelse. Savfisk bør ikke forveksles med savhajer (Pristiophoridae) som har en lignende kropsbygning.

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Sägerochen ( German )

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Sägefisch ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Für die Typusart siehe Gewöhnlicher Sägefisch. Für die Schlüsselmaschine mit diesem Decknamen siehe Siemens & Halske T52.

Sägerochen (Pristidae (Gr.: „pristis“ = Säge)), oft auch Sägefische genannt und von den Sägehaien zu unterscheiden, sind Rochen, die einen eher gestreckten, haiähnlichen Körper haben. Ihr auffallendstes Merkmal ist die "Säge", ein knorpeliger, seitlich mit Zähnen besetzter Auswuchs des Kopfes, der mehr als 25 % der Gesamtlänge der Fische ausmachen kann. Die Säge dient dem Beutefang. Dazu schwimmen die Tiere in Fischschwärme und schlagen dann mit der Säge hin und her, um anschließend die verletzten Opfer zu fressen. Weiterhin wird sie benutzt, um in schlammigem Boden nach Weich- und Krebstieren zu wühlen. Die Säge dient auch als Sinnesorgan für elektromagnetische Signale, um Beutetiere aufzuspüren.


Sägerochen sind große Rochen und erreichen ausgewachsen eine Länge von 2,4 bis 5, nach einigen Berichten sogar 6 bis 8 Metern. Nur Pristis clavata bleibt mit 1,40 Meter eher klein. Der Körper ist leicht abgeflacht und haiartig. Der Schwanzstiel ist sehr kräftig, seitlich abgeflacht und verfügt über seitliche Kiele. Der Übergang vom Körper zum Schwanzstiel verläuft allmählich. Der Körper ist mit kleinen Placoidschuppen bedeckt. Größere Stacheln sind weder auf der Körperoberseite noch auf dem Schwanzstiel vorhanden. Der Kopf ist abgeflacht und trägt die namensgebende "Säge", ein stark verlängertes, flaches Rostrum, das zu beiden Seiten mit je einer Reihe von sägezahnartigen gleichförmigen Zähnen besetzt ist. Die Zähne sitzen in tiefen Sockeln, wachsen ständig weiter und werden bei Verlust durch nachwachsende ersetzt. Die Säge ist vor allem ein Sinnesorgan, um Beutetiere aufzuspüren, und dient daneben dazu, durch Stochern im Boden Nahrung aufzuscheuchen oder Schwarmfische durch wildes Hin- und Herschlagen bewegungsunfähig zu machen oder zu töten. Die Augen auf der Kopfoberseite befinden sich weit vor den Spritzlöchern. Auf der Kopfunterseite befinden sich auf jeder Seite fünf Kiemenspalten etwa auf Höhe der Mitte der Brustflossenbasis. Kiemenreusenstrahlen fehlen. Das Maul an der Kopfunterseite steht quer, ist gerade und ohne Gruben, Falten oder ähnliche Merkmale. Die Nasenöffnungen liegen vor dem Maul, stehen weit auseinander und sind deutlich vom Maul getrennt. Die vorderen Nasenklappen sind kurz, nicht miteinander verbunden und erreichen auch nicht das Maul. Die Kieferzähne sind sehr klein, von runder oder ovaler Form und ohne irgendwelche Spitzen. Sie sitzen in 60 oder mehr Reihen in jedem Kiefer, sind uniform und nicht plattenartig.

Die Brustflossen sind im Vergleich zu denen anderer Rochen relativ klein und nicht mit dem Rumpf zu einer Körperscheibe verwachsen. Sie setzen an den hinteren Kopfseiten hinter dem Maul an und enden deutlich vor dem Beginn der Bauchflossenbasis. Die Bauchflossen sind dreieckig und nicht in zwei Loben geteilt. Auf der Oberseite befinden sich zwei große und gleich große Rückenflossen, die sichelförmig oder dreieckig sein können. Sie stehen weit auseinander: die erste vor oder über der Bauchflossenbasis, die zweite auf dem Schwanzstiel. Die Schwanzflosse ist groß und ähnelt der der Haie. Sie ist asymmetrisch (heterocerk), die Wirbelsäule verläuft in der Schwanzflosse nach oben und stützt den oberen Lobus. Der untere Lobus kann mehr oder weniger gut entwickelt sein oder auch ganz fehlen. Sägerochen sind oberseits von gelblicher, brauner, grünlicher oder graubrauner Farbe, der Bauch ist weißlich. Weder auf dem Körper noch auf den Flossen finden sich Zeichnungen oder Markierungen irgendwelcher Art.

Sägerochen können nur mit Sägehaien (Pristiophoridae) verwechselt werden, die ebenfalls ein sägeartiges Rostrum haben. Diese leben jedoch eher in tieferen Meeresregionen und gemäßigten Breiten. Ihre Kiemenöffnungen befinden sich an den Kopfseiten und vor den Brustflossenbasen. Ihr Körper ist weniger abgeflacht, die Sägezähne am Rostrum sind kleiner und auch dessen Unterseite ist mit einer Reihe kleiner Zähne besetzt. In der Mitte des Sägehairostrums findet sich an den Seiten ein Paar langer Barteln.

Ober- und Unterseite des Rostrums eines australischen Sägerochens.


Sägerochen leben in tropischen Bereichen des Atlantiks und des Indopazifiks in Küstennähe. Fünf Arten leben an der nördlichen Küste Australiens. Manche Arten gehen auch in die Brackwasserzonen und schwimmen mehrere hundert Kilometer in die Unterläufe großer Flüsse Südostasiens, Neuguineas, Australiens und des Amazonas. Pristis microdon ist in Australien als Süßwassersägerochen bekannt. Große Populationen von Pristis perotteti waren aus dem Nicaraguasee bekannt, wo sie in den 70er Jahren durch kommerziellen Fang wahrscheinlich ausgerottet wurden. Erst 2006 wurden Sägerochen und der Bullenhai (Carcharhinus leucas) in Nicaragua unter Schutz gestellt.

Der Gewöhnliche Sägefisch (Pristis pristis) kommt auch in subtropischen Gewässern vor, z. B. im westlichen Mittelmeer oder im kühleren Ostpazifik vom Golf von Kalifornien bis nach Ecuador.


Sägerochen sind langsam schwimmende Fische, die ihre aus Wirbellosen und kleinen Fischen bestehende Nahrung vor allem in Bodennähe aufnehmen. Schwarmfische werden durch schnelle seitliche Schläge mit der Säge getötet oder verletzt und dann gefressen.


Sägerochen sind eilebendgebärend (ovovivipar). Sie können mehr als 20 Junge bekommen. Die Säge ist bei der Geburt noch weich und wird erst hart, wenn der bei der Geburt sehr große Dottersack aufgebraucht ist.


Schon 1758 wurde der erste Sägefisch durch den Begründer der binären Nomenklatur Carl von Linné in seiner Systema Naturae als Squalus pristis (heute Pristis pristis) beschrieben. Die Familie der Sägerochen (Pristidae) wurde 1838 durch den Biologen Charles Lucien Bonaparte aufgestellt. Meist werden die Pristidae heute einer eigenständigen Ordnung (Pristiformes) innerhalb der Rochen zugeordnet. Phylogenetisch stehen die Sägerochen jedoch tief innerhalb einer Klade von verschiedenen Geigenrochengattungen. Die Geigenrochen werden dadurch zu einem paraphyletischen Taxon.[1] Einer neuen, Säge- und Geigenrochen umfassende Ordnung, wurde der Name Rhinopristiformes gegeben.[2]

Es gibt zwei Gattungen, davon ist eine monotypisch, und fünf Arten:[3]

Gattung Wissenschaftlicher Name Trivialname IUCN status Verbreitung Anoxypristis AnoxypristisCuspidataCSIRO.jpg Anoxypristis cuspidata
(Latham, 1794)[4] Spitzkopf-Sägerochen EN IUCN 3 1.svg Stark gefährdet[5] Rotes Meer, Persischer Golf und Indopazifik nördlich bis zum südlichen Japan, südlich bis zum nördlichen Australien und östlich bis in den westlichen Zentralpazifik. Pristis Pristis clavata (Dwarf sawfish) in Aqua park.png Pristis clavata
Garman, 1906[6] Zwergsägerochen EN IUCN 3 1.svg Stark gefährdet[7] Westlicher Indopazifik vom Golf von Bengalen über Indonesien bis zum östlichen, tropischen Australien. Pristis pectinata SI.jpg Pristis pectinata
Latham, 1794[8] Schmalzahn-Sägerochen CR IUCN 3 1.svg Vom Aussterben bedroht [9] Tropischer und subtropischer Atlantik, möglicherweise auch im Mittelmeer. Pristis pristis townsville.jpg Pristis pristis
(Linnaeus, 1758)[10] Gewöhnlicher Sägefisch CR IUCN 3 1.svg Vom Aussterben bedroht [11] Weltweit in den Tropen und Subtropen, auch im westlichen Mittelmeer. Im Nicaraguasee, in westafrikanischen Flüssen, im Kongo und im Sambesi auch im Süßwasser. Sawfish genova.jpg Pristis zijsron
Bleeker, 1851[12] Langkamm-Sägerochen CR IUCN 3 1.svg Vom Aussterben bedroht [13] Rotes Meer, Persischer Golf und Indopazifik bis zum östlichen, tropischen Australien.

Stammesgeschichte und Fossilbericht

Libanopristis hiram, ein Sclerorhynchide aus der Oberkreide des Libanon.

Fossil treten Sägerochen gesichert ab dem Eozän auf, darunter bereits die beiden rezenten Gattungen Anoxypristis und Pristis. Nur fossil bekannt ist die Gattung Propristis, die in eozänen Ablagerungen West-Afrikas und Nordamerikas gefunden wurde. Ein sehr früher Sägerochen ist möglicherweise Peyeria aus dem Cenoman des östlichen Nordafrika, aber seine Zuordnung zu den Pristiden ist umstritten.

Rein fossile Vertreter und äußerlich den Sägerochen stark ähnelnd sind die sogenannten Pseudosägerochen (Sclerorhynchidae). Diese Gruppe gilt als die Schwestergruppe einer Klade aus Sägerochen und anderen Rochenfamilien, das heißt, die Sägerochen sind wahrscheinlich mit anderen Rochenfamilien enger verwandt als mit den Pseudosägerochen und der „Sägerochen-Habitus“ hat sich in beiden Familien unabhängig voneinander entwickelt (konvergente Evolution).[14][15] Die Pseudosägerochen lebten von der Oberkreide bis ins Paläozän und wurden vor allem in den USA gefunden. Exemplare von Libanopristis, Micropristis und Sclerorhynchus stammen aus dem Libanon.[16]

Es wird vermutet, dass die Sägerochen erst deshalb im Paläogen eine höhere Diversität entwickeln konnten, weil die heute von ihnen besetzte ökologische Nische bis dahin durch die Pseudosägerochen besetzt war.


Alle Sägerochenarten sind weltweit vom Aussterben bedroht und stehen auf der Roten Liste (IUCN). Sie werden vor allem als Beifang gefischt, verheddern sich schnell mit ihrer Säge in Netzen und haben nicht die Möglichkeit, sich alleine zu befreien. Außerdem werden Sägen noch immer als Trophäen gesammelt und für die traditionelle chinesische Medizin verwendet, weil ihnen heilende Wirkung zugesprochen wird. Um ein erhöhtes Bewusstsein für die weltweite Gefährdung der Sägerochenarten zu schaffen, wurde 2017 von der American Associations of Zoos and Aquariums und der Sawfish Conservation Society der 17. Oktober zum Tag des Sägefischs („Sawfish Day“) ernannt.[17]


  • Sägefische – Neptuns vergessene Kinder. Dokumentation, 2008, 43 Min., Regie: Florian Guthknecht, Produktion: Bayerischer Rundfunk, Inhaltsangabe von arte. Dokumentation über Sägefische an der Nordküste Australiens und ein Projekt, sie vor dem Aussterben zu bewahren.
  • Der auf den Turm von U96 gemalte lachende Sägefisch wurde durch den Film Das Boot berühmt.



  • L.J.V. Compagno, P.R. Last: Order Pristiformes. Pristidae. Sawfishes. S. 1410–1417 in: K.E. Carpenter, V.H. Niem (Hrsg.): FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 3. Batoid fishes, chimaeras and bony fishes part 1 (Elopidae to Linophrynidae). FAO, Rom 1999 (PDF 469 kB)
  • Kurt Fiedler: Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, Band II, Teil 2: Fische. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1991, ISBN 3-334-00339-6.
  • Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, 2006, ISBN 0-471-25031-7.
  • Barbara E. Wueringer, Lyle Squire Jr., Shaun P. Collin: The biology of extinct and extant sawfish (Batoidea: Sclerorhynchidae and Pristidae). Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Bd. 19, Nr. 4, 2009, S. 445–464, doi:10.1007/s11160-009-9112-7


  1. a b Neil C. Aschliman, Mutsumi Nishida, Masaki Miya, Jun G. Inoue, Kerri M. Rosana, Gavin J.P. Naylord: Body plan convergence in the evolution of skates and rays (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Band 63, Nr. 1, April 2012, S. 28–42. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2011.12.012.
  2. Gavin J. P. Naylor, Janine N. Caira, Kirsten Jensen, Kerri A. M. Rosana, Nicolas Straube, Clemens Lakner: Elasmobranch Phylogeny: A Mitochondrial Estimate Based on 595 Species. Seite 43 in Jeffrey C. Carrier, John A. Musick, Michael R. Heithaus: Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives (Marine Biology). Verlag: Crc Pr Inc, 2012, ISBN 1-43983-924-7.
  3. a b Vicente V. Faria, Matthew T. McDavitt, Patricia Charvet, Tonya R. Wiley, Colin A. Simpfendorfer & Gavin J. P. Naylor: Species delineation and global population structure of Critically Endangered sawfishes (Pristidae). Zoological Journal o the Linnean Society, Vol 167, Issue 1, 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00872.x
  4. Anoxypristis cuspidata auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  5. Anoxypristis cuspidata bei der IUCN (englisch)
  6. Pristis clavata auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  7. Pristis clavata bei der IUCN (englisch)
  8. Pristis pectinata auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  9. Pristis pectinata bei der IUCN (englisch)
  10. Pristis pristis auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  11. Pristis pristis bei der IUCN (englisch)
  12. Pristis zijsron auf Fishbase.org (englisch)
  13. Pristis zijsron bei der IUCN (englisch)
  14. Jürgen Kriwet: The systematic position of the Cretaceous sclerorhynchid sawfishes (Elasmobranchii, Pristiorajea). S. 57–73 in: G. Arratia, A. Tintori (Hrsg.): Mesozoic Fishes 3 – Systematics, Paleoenvironments and Biodiversity. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München 2004, ISBN 3-89937-053-8
  15. Henri Cappetta: Sclerorhynchidae nov. fam., Pristidae et Pristiophoridae : un exemple de parallélisme chez les Sélaciens. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série D, Sciences naturelles. Bd. 278, Nr. 1, 1974, S. 225–228 (gallica.bnf.fr)
  16. Karl Albert Frickhinger: Fossilien Atlas Fische, Mergus-Verlag, Melle 1999, ISBN 3-88244-018-X
  17. Tonya Wiley: International Sawfish Day is October 17. ourpositiveplanet.com, 8. Oktober 2019, abgerufen am 23. August 2020


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Sägerochen: Brief Summary ( German )

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 src= Sägefisch ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Für die Typusart siehe Gewöhnlicher Sägefisch. Für die Schlüsselmaschine mit diesem Decknamen siehe Siemens & Halske T52.

Sägerochen (Pristidae (Gr.: „pristis“ = Säge)), oft auch Sägefische genannt und von den Sägehaien zu unterscheiden, sind Rochen, die einen eher gestreckten, haiähnlichen Körper haben. Ihr auffallendstes Merkmal ist die "Säge", ein knorpeliger, seitlich mit Zähnen besetzter Auswuchs des Kopfes, der mehr als 25 % der Gesamtlänge der Fische ausmachen kann. Die Säge dient dem Beutefang. Dazu schwimmen die Tiere in Fischschwärme und schlagen dann mit der Säge hin und her, um anschließend die verletzten Opfer zu fressen. Weiterhin wird sie benutzt, um in schlammigem Boden nach Weich- und Krebstieren zu wühlen. Die Säge dient auch als Sinnesorgan für elektromagnetische Signale, um Beutetiere aufzuspüren.

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Tag-an ( Tagalog )

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Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang Tag-an (paglilinaw).
Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang Barasan (paglilinaw).

Ang mga tag-an[2][3][4] o barasan (Ingles: sawfish [literal na "isdang-lagare"] ay isang pamilya ng mga hayop-dagat na kaugnay ng mga pating at mga batoidea (mga manta). Kabilan sa pinakanatatanging kaanyuan nila ang mahaba at mangiping mga nguso. Kasapi sila sa mga pamilyang Pristidae sa loob ng ordeng Pristiformes, na nagmula ang pangalan sa Griyegong pristēs na nangangahulugang "isang lagari". Hindi sila dapat ikalito sa mga bukawin (ordeng Pristiophoriformes, tinatawag ding katambak o sapingan, mga "lagaring pating"), na may kahawig na anyong pangpangangatawan. Dahil nga sa pagkakahawig na ito, may kamaliang natatawag din ang mga tag-an bilang mga lagaring-pating[5] din.

Itinuturing ang lahat ng mga uri ng mga tag-an na lubhang nanganganib at ipinagbabawal ang pandaigdigang pangangalakal ng mga ito.[6]


Mga may-akda at editor ng Wikipedia

Tag-an: Brief Summary ( Tagalog )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang Tag-an (paglilinaw). Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang Barasan (paglilinaw).

Ang mga tag-an o barasan (Ingles: sawfish [literal na "isdang-lagare"] ay isang pamilya ng mga hayop-dagat na kaugnay ng mga pating at mga batoidea (mga manta). Kabilan sa pinakanatatanging kaanyuan nila ang mahaba at mangiping mga nguso. Kasapi sila sa mga pamilyang Pristidae sa loob ng ordeng Pristiformes, na nagmula ang pangalan sa Griyegong pristēs na nangangahulugang "isang lagari". Hindi sila dapat ikalito sa mga bukawin (ordeng Pristiophoriformes, tinatawag ding katambak o sapingan, mga "lagaring pating"), na may kahawig na anyong pangpangangatawan. Dahil nga sa pagkakahawig na ito, may kamaliang natatawag din ang mga tag-an bilang mga lagaring-pating din.

Itinuturing ang lahat ng mga uri ng mga tag-an na lubhang nanganganib at ipinagbabawal ang pandaigdigang pangangalakal ng mga ito.

Mga may-akda at editor ng Wikipedia

Πριονόψαρο ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

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Το Πριονόψαρο είναι ψάρι των αλμυρών υδάτων, το οποίο ανήκει στο γένος Pristis, της οικογένειας των πριστίδων και τάξης των σελαχομόρφων, αριθμεί, περίπου, πέντε είδη. Τα σημαντικότερα από αυτά είναι τα είδη:Pristis pristis, Pristis pectinata, Pristis microdon. Όλα τα είδη κινδυνεύουν με εξαφάνιση λόγω της παράνομης αλιείας τους και της καταστροφής του φυσικού τους περιβάλλοντος. Γενικά, είναι ένα "δειλό" ψάρι, όμως, γίνεται επικίνδυνο όταν του επιτεθούν.

Εξωτερικά Χαρακτηριστικά

Το πριονόψαρο, αν και μοιάζει με καρχαρία, ανήκει στα σελάχια. Έχει καφέ-λαδί-γκρίζο χρώμα στην ράχη και λευκό στην κοιλιά. Το χαρακτηριστικό γνώρισμα του ψαριού αυτού είναι το μακρύ ρύγχος του, το οποίο μοιάζει με πριόνι. Το μήκος του φτάνει τα 2 με 9 μέτρα και καλύπτεται από μικρά λέπια.


Το πριονόψαρο τρέφεται, κυρίως, με μικρά ψάρια και καρκινοειδή. Προμηθεύεται την τροφή του ψάχνοντας στην άμμο ή στην λάσπη του βυθού, είτε χτυπώντας ψάρια που είναι συγκεντρωμένα σε κοπάδια με την βοήθεια του ρύγχους του.

Τόπος Διαβίωσης

Το πριονόψαρο ζει σε τροπικές θάλασσες.


Pristis pristis: Το βάρος του φτάνει τα 700 κιλά΄, κατά μέσο όρο, και το μήκος του τα 4 με 9 μέτρα. Ζει στα παράκτια θερμά νερά του Ατλαντικού και μερικές φορές φτάνει εώς την Μεσόγειο θάλασσα. Επίσης, συναντάται στον Ειρηνικό Ωκεανό, στην περιοχή της Αυστραλίας.

Pristis microdon: Το μήκος του φτάνει τα 6 μέτρα. Συναντάται στις τροπικές ζώνες και των τριών ωκεανών.

Pristis pectinatus: Το μήκος του φτάνει τα 4 μέτρα περίπου. Συναντάται στις τροπικές ζώνες και των τριών ωκεανών.




Βιβλιογραφία: Εγκυκλοπαίδεια "Νεα Δομή", Εκδόσεις «ΔΟΜΗ», Αθήνα, 1996, τόμος 29

Συγγραφείς και συντάκτες της Wikipedia

Πριονόψαρο: Brief Summary ( Greek, Modern (1453-) )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Το Πριονόψαρο είναι ψάρι των αλμυρών υδάτων, το οποίο ανήκει στο γένος Pristis, της οικογένειας των πριστίδων και τάξης των σελαχομόρφων, αριθμεί, περίπου, πέντε είδη. Τα σημαντικότερα από αυτά είναι τα είδη:Pristis pristis, Pristis pectinata, Pristis microdon. Όλα τα είδη κινδυνεύουν με εξαφάνιση λόγω της παράνομης αλιείας τους και της καταστροφής του φυσικού τους περιβάλλοντος. Γενικά, είναι ένα "δειλό" ψάρι, όμως, γίνεται επικίνδυνο όταν του επιτεθούν.

Συγγραφείς και συντάκτες της Wikipedia

வேளா மீன் ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
ஜார்ஜியா மீன் காட்சியகத்தில் ஒரு வேளா மீன், 2006
ஒரு பெரிய வேளா மீன் கட்டப்பட்ட நிலையில்

வேளா மீன் (Sawfish) அல்லது தச்சன் சுறா (Carpenter shark) என்பது ஒரு திருக்கை குடும்ப மீனாகும். இவற்றிற்கு நீண்ட தட்டையான கொம்பு அல்லது முக்கு உள்ளது. கொம்பின் இரு ஒரங்களிலில் ரம்பப் பற்கள் போன்ற கூரான பற்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த மீன்களில் பல இனங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த மீன்கள் 7 m (23 ft) நீளம்வரை வளரக்கூடியன.[2][3][4] இக்குடும்ப மீன்கள்பற்றி பெரியதாக அறியப்படாமல் உள்ளது காரணம் இவைபற்றி சிறிய அளவே ஆய்வு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதன் பெயர் பண்டைய கிரேக்க மொழியில்: πρίστης prístēs "saw, sawyer".[5] இருந்து பெறப்பட்டது.


A 3.5-ft sawfish rostrum

இந்த வாள் சுறாக்களின் தனித்துவமான அமைப்பு தன் நீண்ட வாள் கொம்பு அமைப்புதான். இவை இந்தக் கொம்பு, கடலடி சகதியைக் கிளறி அங்கு மறைந்திருக்கும் கடல் உயிரினங்களை வேட்டையாட உதவுகிறது. மேலும் மீன் கூட்டங்களில் புகுந்து தன் வாள் கொம்பால் மீன்களைத் தாக்கிக் காயமாக்கி தத்தளிக்கும் மீனை பிடித்து உண்ணும்.


  1. "Pristis microdon". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. February 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
  2. "Pristis perotteti". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. February 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
  3. "Pristis pristis". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. February 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
  4. πρίστης in Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940) A Greek–English Lexicon, revised and augmented throughout by Jones, Sir Henry Stuart, with the assistance of McKenzie, Roderick. Oxford: Clarendon Press. In the Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University.Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940) A Greek–English Lexicon, revised and augmented throughout by Jones, Sir Henry Stuart, with the assistance of McKenzie, Roderick.
விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

வேளா மீன்: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

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 src= ஜார்ஜியா மீன் காட்சியகத்தில் ஒரு வேளா மீன், 2006  src= ஒரு பெரிய வேளா மீன் கட்டப்பட்ட நிலையில்

வேளா மீன் (Sawfish) அல்லது தச்சன் சுறா (Carpenter shark) என்பது ஒரு திருக்கை குடும்ப மீனாகும். இவற்றிற்கு நீண்ட தட்டையான கொம்பு அல்லது முக்கு உள்ளது. கொம்பின் இரு ஒரங்களிலில் ரம்பப் பற்கள் போன்ற கூரான பற்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த மீன்களில் பல இனங்கள் உள்ளன. இந்த மீன்கள் 7 m (23 ft) நீளம்வரை வளரக்கூடியன. இக்குடும்ப மீன்கள்பற்றி பெரியதாக அறியப்படாமல் உள்ளது காரணம் இவைபற்றி சிறிய அளவே ஆய்வு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதன் பெயர் பண்டைய கிரேக்க மொழியில்: πρίστης prístēs "saw, sawyer". இருந்து பெறப்பட்டது.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು ( Kannada )

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Sawfish in Georgia Aquarium, 2006
A large sawfish brought alongside for tagging
ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು

ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು ಪ್ರಪಂಚದ ಉಷ್ಣವಲಯ ಸಾಗರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಸಿಗುವ ಒಂದು ಬಗೆಯ ಮೃದ್ವಸ್ಥಿ ಮೀನು (ಸಾ ಫಿಶ್). ಶಾರ್ಕ್, ರೇ, ಸ್ಕೇಟ್ ಮೀನುಗಳ ವರ್ಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಕ್ವಾಲಿಫಾರ್ಮಿಸ್ ಗಣದ ಪ್ರಿಸ್ಟಿಡೆ ಕುಟುಂಬದ ಮೀನು. ಇದರ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಹೆಸರು ಪ್ರಿಸ್ಟಿಸ್. ಅಕ್ಕ ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಚೂಪಾದ ಹಲ್ಲುಗಳಿರುವ ಮತ್ತು ಬಲು ಉದ್ದವಾಗಿರುವ ಗರಗಸದಂಥ ಮೂತಿಯಿರುವುದರಿಂದ ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಈ ಹೆಸರು.ಇದು ಸುಮಾರು ೭ ಮೀಟರ್ ಉದ್ದವಿರುತ್ತದೆ.[೧][೨]


೩.೫ ಅಡಿ ಉದ್ದವಿರುವ ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನಿನ ಮೂತಿ

ಇದರಲ್ಲಿ ಆರು ಪ್ರಬೇಧಗಳಿವೆ. ಇವುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಅಮೆರಿಕದ ಆಗ್ನೇಯ ಹಾಗೂ ಗಲ್ಫ್ ತೀರ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಬರುವ ಪೆಕ್ಟಿನೇಟಸ್ ಪ್ರಭೇದ, ಮೆಡಿಟರೇನಿಯನ್ ಮತ್ತು ಅಟ್ಲಾಂಟಿಕ್ ಸಾಗರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಬರುವ ಆಂಟಿಕೋರಮ್ ಪ್ರಭೇದ ಮತ್ತು ಭಾರತದ ತೀರ ಪ್ರದೇಶಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿಕ್ಕುವ ಕಸ್ಪಿಡೇಟಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಮೈಕ್ರೋಡಾನ್ ಪ್ರಭೇದಗಳು ಪ್ರಮುಖವಾದವು.


ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನುಗಳು ತೀರಕ್ಕೆ ಸಮೀಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ಅಳಿವೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಜೀವಿಸುವುವು. ಅನೇಕ ಸಂದರ್ಭದಲ್ಲಿ ನದಿಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಒಳನಾಡಿಗೂ ಹಲವಾರು ಮೈಲಿಗಳಷ್ಟು ದೂರ ಬರುವುದೂ ಉಂಟು.


ಇದು ಸು. 6.1 ಮೀ ಗಳವರೆಗೆ ಬೆಳೆಯುತ್ತದೆ. ದೇಹರಚನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಶಾರ್ಕ್ ಮೀನನ್ನು ಹೋಲುತ್ತದಾದರೂ ಇದು ರೇ ಮೀನುಗಳ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಸಂಬಂಧಿ ಅಂದರೆ ಕಿವಿರು ದ್ವಾರಗಳು ದೇಹದ ತಳ ಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿರುತ್ತವೆ. (ಶಾರ್ಕ್ ಮೀನುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಿವಿರು ದ್ವಾರಗಳು ದೇಹದ ಪಾರ್ಶ್ವದಲ್ಲಿರುತ್ತವೆ). ಅಗಲವಾದ ಎದೆಯ ಈಜುರೆಕ್ಕೆಗಳು, ಎರಡು ಬೆನ್ನಿನ ಈಜುರೆಕ್ಕೆಗಳು, ಬಾಲದ ಈಜುರೆಕ್ಕೆ, ಗರಗಸದಂತಹ ಮೂತಿ, ತಲೆಯ ಕೆಳಭಾಗದಲ್ಲಿನ ಅರ್ಧಚಂದ್ರಾಕೃತಿಯ ಬಾಯಿ, ಬಾಲದ ಆಚೀಚೆ ದೋಣಿಯ ಆಕಾರದ ಚರ್ಮದ ಮಡಿಕೆ-ಇವು ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನಿನ ಬಾಹ್ಯ ಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು. ಮೂತಿ ಚಪ್ಪಟೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಲು ಉದ್ದವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ; ಕೆಲವು ಮೀನುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸು. 1.8ಮೀ ಉದ್ದವಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ಅದರ ಒಂದೊಂದು ಅಲುಗಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಚೂಪಾದ ಸುಮಾರು 22-32 ಹಲ್ಲುಗಳಿರುತ್ತವೆ. ಸಾಗರತಳವನ್ನು ಹೆಕ್ಕಿ ಅದರೊಳಗಿರುವ ಹಲವಾರು ಬಗೆಯ ಪ್ರಾಣಿಗಳನ್ನು ತಿನ್ನಲು ಈ ಗರಗಸವನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಅಲ್ಲದೆ ಚಲಿಸುವಾಗ ಸಣ್ಣ ಮೀನುಗಳ ಗುಂಪಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮಧ್ಯೆ ನುಗ್ಗಿ ಗರಗಸವನ್ನು ಅತ್ತಿತ್ತ ಬಲವಾಗಿ ಆಡಿಸಿ ಕೆಲವು ಮೀನುಗಳು ಇದರ ಹೊಡೆತಕ್ಕೆ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿ ಸಾಯುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡಿ ತಿನ್ನುವುದೂ ಉಂಟು. ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು ಜರಾಯುಜ ಪ್ರಾಣಿ. ಹುಟ್ಟುವ ಮುನ್ನವೇ ಮರಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಗರಗಸವಿರುವುದಾದರೂ ಅದು ಬಲು ಮೃದುವಾಗಿಯೂ ಒಂದು ಬಗೆಯ ಹೊದಿಕೆಯಿಂದ ಆವೃತವಾಗಿರುವುದರಿಂದ ತಾಯಿಯ ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಲ್ಲಿರುವಾಗ ಅಲ್ಲಿನ ಅಂಗಾಂಶಗಳಿಗೆ ಹಾನಿಯಾಗುವ ಸಂಭವವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.


ಮಲೇಶಿಯಾ, ಇಂಡೋನೇಶಿಯಾ ಮತ್ತು ಚೀನಾಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನನ್ನು ತಿನ್ನುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಇದರ ಮಾಂಸ ಶಾರ್ಕ್ ಮೀನಿನ ಮಾಂಸದಷ್ಟೇ ರುಚಿ ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಅಲ್ಲದೆ ಈ ಮೀನಿನ ಚರ್ಮದಿಂದ ಕತ್ತಿಯ ಒರೆಯನ್ನು ಮಾಡುವುದಿದೆ. ಇದರ ಯಕೃತ್ತಿನಿಂದ ಎಣ್ಣೆಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆಯುತ್ತಾರೆ.


  1. FishBase species | genus = Pristis | species = microdon | month = February | year = 2011
  2. FishBase species | genus = Pristis | species = perotteti | month = February | year = 2011

ಬಾಹ್ಯ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು

ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ ಲೇಖಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪಾದಕರು

ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು: Brief Summary ( Kannada )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Sawfish in Georgia Aquarium, 2006  src= A large sawfish brought alongside for tagging  src= ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು

ಗರಗಸ ಮೀನು ಪ್ರಪಂಚದ ಉಷ್ಣವಲಯ ಸಾಗರಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಸಿಗುವ ಒಂದು ಬಗೆಯ ಮೃದ್ವಸ್ಥಿ ಮೀನು (ಸಾ ಫಿಶ್). ಶಾರ್ಕ್, ರೇ, ಸ್ಕೇಟ್ ಮೀನುಗಳ ವರ್ಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಕ್ವಾಲಿಫಾರ್ಮಿಸ್ ಗಣದ ಪ್ರಿಸ್ಟಿಡೆ ಕುಟುಂಬದ ಮೀನು. ಇದರ ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರೀಯ ಹೆಸರು ಪ್ರಿಸ್ಟಿಸ್. ಅಕ್ಕ ಪಕ್ಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಚೂಪಾದ ಹಲ್ಲುಗಳಿರುವ ಮತ್ತು ಬಲು ಉದ್ದವಾಗಿರುವ ಗರಗಸದಂಥ ಮೂತಿಯಿರುವುದರಿಂದ ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ಈ ಹೆಸರು.ಇದು ಸುಮಾರು ೭ ಮೀಟರ್ ಉದ್ದವಿರುತ್ತದೆ.

ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯ ಲೇಖಕರು ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಪಾದಕರು


provided by wikipedia EN

Sawfish, also known as carpenter sharks, are a family of rays characterized by a long, narrow, flattened rostrum, or nose extension, lined with sharp transverse teeth, arranged in a way that resembles a saw. They are among the largest fish with some species reaching lengths of about 7–7.6 m (23–25 ft).[2] They are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions in coastal marine and brackish estuarine waters, as well as freshwater rivers and lakes. All species are endangered.[3]

They should not be confused with sawsharks (order Pristiophoriformes) or the extinct sclerorhynchoids (order Rajiformes) which have a similar appearance, or swordfish (family Xiphiidae) which have a similar name but a very different appearance.[1][4]

Sawfishes are relatively slow breeders and the females give birth to live young.[2] They feed on fish and invertebrates that are detected and captured with the use of their saw.[5] They are generally harmless to humans, but can inflict serious injuries with the saw when captured and defending themselves.[6]

Sawfish have been known and hunted for thousands of years,[7] and play an important mythological and spiritual role in many societies around the world.[8]

Once common, sawfish have experienced a drastic decline in recent decades, and the only remaining strongholds are in Northern Australia and Florida, United States.[4][9] The five species are rated as Endangered or Critically Endangered by the IUCN.[10] They are hunted for their fins (shark fin soup), use of parts as traditional medicine, their teeth and saw. They also face habitat loss.[4] Sawfish have been listed by CITES since 2007, restricting international trade in them and their parts.[11][12] They are protected in Australia, the United States and several other countries, meaning that sawfish caught by accident have to be released and violations can be punished with hefty fines.[13][14]

Taxonomy and etymology

The scientific names of the sawfish family Pristidae and its type genus Pristis are derived from the Ancient Greek: πρίστης, romanized: prístēs, lit.'saw, sawyer'.[15][16]

Despite their appearance, sawfish are rays (superorder Batoidea). The sawfish family has traditionally been considered the sole living member of the order Pristiformes, but recent authorities have generally subsumed it into Rhinopristiformes, an order that now includes the sawfish family, as well as families containing guitarfish, wedgefish, banjo rays and the like.[17][18] Sawfish quite resemble guitarfish, except that the latter group lacks a saw, and their common ancestor likely was similar to guitarfish.[5]

Living species

The species level taxonomy in the sawfish family has historically caused considerable confusion and was often described as chaotic.[7] Only in 2013 was it firmly established that there are five living species in two genera.[4][19]

Anoxypristis contains a single living species that historically was included in Pristis, but the two genera are morphologically and genetically highly distinct.[1][20] Today Pristis contains four living, valid species divided into two species groups. Three species are in the smalltooth group, and there is only a single in the largetooth group.[4] Three poorly defined species were formerly recognized in the largetooth group, but in 2013 it was shown that P. pristis, P. microdon and P. perotteti do not differ in morphology or genetics.[19] As a consequence, recent authorities treat P. microdon and P. perotteti as junior synonyms of P. pristis.[3][21][22][23][24][25]

Extinct (fossil) species

Extinct sawfish are often only known from their rostral teeth, here from the Eocene species Pristis lathami.[26]

In addition to the living sawfish, there are several extinct species that only are known from fossil remains. The oldest known is the monotypic genus Peyeria whose remains date back 100 million years, from the Cenomanian age (Late Cretaceous),[1] though it may represent a rhinid rather than a sawfish.[27] Indisputable sawfish genera emerged in the Cenozoic age about 60 million years ago, relatively soon after the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction. Among these are Propristis, a monotypic genus only known from fossil remains, as well as several extinct Pristis species and several extinct Anoxypristis species (both of these genera are also represented by living species).[1][28] Historically, palaeontologists have not separated Anoxypristis from Pristis.[1] In contrast, several additional extinct genera are occasionally listed, including Dalpiazia, Onchopristis, Oxypristis,[29] and Mesopristis,[28] but recent authorities generally include the first two in the family Sclerorhynchidae and the last two are synonyms of Anoxypristis.[1][30] Fossils of sawfish have been found around the world in all continents.[29]

The extinct family Sclerorhynchidae resemble sawfish. They are known only from Cretaceous fossils,[1][31] and usually reached lengths only of approximately 1 m (3.3 ft).[5][27] Some have suggested that sawfish and sclerorhynchids form a clade, the Pristiorajea,[31] while others believe the groups are not particularly close, making the proposed clade polyphyletic.[27]

Appearance and anatomy

Sawfish are dull brownish, greyish, greenish or yellowish above,[2] but the shade varies and dark individuals can be almost black.[32] The underside is pale,[32] and typically whitish.[2]


Upperside of saws of a narrow sawfish above and green sawfish below. Notice difference in tooth shape and absence/presence of teeth on basal quarter of rostrum (each red or black section on ruler is 10 cm or 3.9 in)

The most distinctive feature of sawfish is their saw-like rostrum with a row of whitish teeth (rostral teeth) on either side of it. The rostrum is an extension of the chondrocranium ("skull"),[27] made of cartilage and covered in skin.[33] The rostrum length is typically about one-quarter to one-third of the total length of the fish,[5] but it varies depending on species, and sometimes with age and sex.[1] The rostral teeth are not teeth in the traditional sense, but heavily modified dermal denticles.[34] The rostral teeth grow in size throughout the life of the sawfish and a tooth is not replaced if it is lost.[34][35] In Pristis sawfish the teeth are found along the entire length of the rostrum, but in adult Anoxypristis there are no teeth on the basal one-quarter of the rostrum (about one-sixth in juvenile Anoxypristis).[36][37] The number of teeth varies depending on the species and can range from 14 to 37 on each side of the rostrum.[2][38][note 1] It is common for a sawfish to have slightly different tooth counts on each side of its rostrum (difference typically does not surpass three).[39][40] In some species, females on average have fewer teeth than males.[1][39] Each tooth is peg-like in Pristis sawfish, and flattened and broadly triangular in Anoxypristis.[2] A combination of features, including fins and rostrum, are typically used to separate the species,[2][38] but it is possible to do it by the rostrum alone.[41]

Head, body and fins

The whitish underside of a largetooth sawfish showing its nostrils (near the base of the saw), mouth, and two rows of gill slits (at the base of either pectoral fin)
Comparison of the largetooth (top), green (middle) and narrow sawfish (bottom). Notice especially the structure of the saw, tail and pectoral fins, and the position of the first dorsal fin compared to the pelvic fins

Sawfish have a strong shark-like body, a flat underside and a flat head. Pristis sawfish have a rough sandpaper-like skin texture because of the covering of dermal denticles, but in Anoxypristis the skin is largely smooth.[2] The mouth and nostrils are placed on the underside of the head.[2] There are about 88–128 small, blunt-edged teeth in the upper jaw of the mouth and about 84–176 in the lower jaw (not to be confused with the teeth on the saw). These are arranged in 10–12 rows on each jaw,[42] and somewhat resemble a cobblestone road.[43] They have small eyes and behind each is a spiracle, which is used to draw water past the gills.[44] The gill slits, five on each side, are placed on the underside of the body near the base of the pectoral fins.[43] The position of the gill openings separates them from the superficially similar, but generally much smaller (up to c. 1.5 m or 5 ft long) sawsharks, where the slits are placed on the side of the neck.[1][45] Unlike sawfish, sawsharks also have a pair of long barbels on the rostrum ("saw").[1][45]

Sawfish have two relatively high and distinct dorsal fins, wing-like pectoral and pelvic fins, and a tail with a distinct upper lobe and a variably sized lower lobe (lower lobe relatively large in Anoxypristis; small to absent in Pristis sawfish).[2] The position of the first dorsal fin compared to the pelvic fins varies and is a useful feature for separating some of the species.[2] There are no anal fins.[42]

Like other elasmobranches, sawfish lack a swim bladder (instead controlling their buoyancy with a large oil-rich liver), have a skeleton consisting of cartilage,[46] and the males have claspers, a pair of elongated structures used for mating and positioned on the underside at the pelvic fins.[42] The claspers are small and indistinct in young males.[38]

Their small intestines contain an internal partition shaped like a corkscrew, called a spiral valve, which increases the surface area available for food absorption.


Compare the sizes of Green sawfish (top) and Dwarf sawfish(bottom).

Sawfish are large to very large fish, but the maximum size of each species is generally uncertain. The smalltooth sawfish, largetooth sawfish and green sawfish are among the world's largest fish. They can certainly all reach about 6 m (20 ft) in total length and there are reports of individuals larger than 7 m (23 ft), but these are often labeled with some uncertainty.[2] Typically reported maximum total lengths of these three are from 7 to 7.6 m (23–25 ft).[2] Large individuals may weigh as much as 500–600 kg (1,102–1,323 lb),[47] or possibly even more.[48][49] Old unconfirmed and highly questionable reports of much larger individuals do exist, including one that reputedly had a length of 9.14 m (30 ft), another that had a weight of 2,400 kg (5,300 lb), and a third that was 9.45 m (31 ft) long and weighed 2,591 kg (5,712 lb).[48]

The two remaining species, the dwarf sawfish and narrow sawfish, are considerably smaller, but are still large fish with a maximum total length of at least 3.2 m (10.5 ft) and 3.5 m (11.5 ft) respectively.[2][50] In the past it was often reported that the dwarf sawfish only reaches about 1.4 m (4.6 ft), but this is now known to be incorrect.[51]


The smalltooth sawfish is the only species found strictly in the Atlantic region and the only that survives in the United States.[3]


Sawfish are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters.[3]

Historically they ranged in the East Atlantic from Morocco to South Africa,[52] and in the West Atlantic from New York (United States)[32] to Uruguay, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.[3] There are old reports (last in the late 1950s or shortly after) from the Mediterranean and these have typically been regarded as vagrants,[3] but a review of records strongly suggests that this sea had a breeding population.[53] In the East Pacific they ranged from Mazatlán (Mexico) to northern Peru.[54] Although the Gulf of California occasionally has been included in their range, the only known Pacific Mexican records of sawfish are from south of its mouth.[54] They were widespread in the western and central Indo-Pacific, ranging from South Africa to the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, east and north to Korea and southern Japan, through Southeast Asia to Papua New Guinea and Australia.[3] Today sawfish have disappeared from much of their historical range.[3]


A smalltooth sawfish in shallow water at Bimini, the Bahamas

Sawfish are primarily found in coastal marine and estuarine brackish waters, but they are euryhaline (can adapt to various salinities) and also found in freshwater.[2] The largetooth sawfish, alternatively called the freshwater sawfish, has the greatest affinity for freshwater.[55] For example, it has been reported as far as 1,340 km (830 mi) up the Amazon River and in Lake Nicaragua, and its young spend the first years of their life in freshwater.[21] In contrast, the smalltooth, green and dwarf sawfish typically avoid pure freshwater, but may occasionally move far up rivers, especially during periods when there is an increased salinity.[51][56][57] There are reports of narrow sawfish seen far upriver, but these need confirmation and may involve misidentifications of other species of sawfish.[58]

Sawfish are mostly found in relatively shallow waters, typically at depths less than 10 m (33 ft),[3] and occasionally less than 1 m (3.3 ft).[56] Young prefer very shallow places and are often found in water only 25 cm (10 in) deep.[4] Sawfish can occur offshore, but are rare deeper than 100 m (330 ft).[3] An unidentified sawfish (either a largetooth or smalltooth sawfish) was captured off Central America at a depth in excess of 175 m (575 ft).[59]

The dwarf and largetooth sawfish are strictly warm-water species that generally live in waters that are 25–32 °C (77–90 °F) and 24–32 °C (75–90 °F) respectively.[51][55] The green and smalltooth sawfish also occur in colder waters, in the latter down to 16–18 °C (61–64 °F), as illustrated by their (original) distributions that ranged further north and south of the strictly warm-water species.[55][60] Sawfish are bottom-dwellers, but in captivity it has been noted that at least the largetooth and green sawfish readily take food from the water surface.[55] Sawfish are mostly found in places with soft bottoms such as mud or sand, but may also occur over hard rocky bottoms or at coral reefs.[61] They are often found in areas with seagrass or mangrove.[3]

Sawsharks are typically found much deeper, often at depths in excess of 200 m (660 ft), and when shallower mostly in colder subtropical or temperate waters than sawfish.[1][45]


Breeding and life cycle

A juvenile smalltooth sawfish being released

Relatively little is known about the reproductive habits of the sawfish, but all species are ovoviviparous with the adult females giving birth to live young once a year or every second year.[3] In general, males appear to reach sexual maturity at a slightly younger age and smaller size than females.[3] As far as known, sexual maturity is reached at an age of 7–12 years in Pristis and 2–3 years in Anoxypristis. In the smalltooth and green sawfish this equals a total length of 3.7–4.15 m (12.1–13.6 ft), in the largetooth sawfish at 2.8–3 m (9.2–9.8 ft), in the dwarf sawfish about 2.55–2.6 m (8.4–8.5 ft), and in the narrow sawfish at 2–2.25 m (6.6–7.4 ft).[3] This means that the generation length is about 4.6 years in the narrow sawfish and 14.6–17.2 years in the remaining species.[3]

Mating involves the male inserting a clasper, organs at the pelvic fins, into the female to fertilize the eggs.[33] As known from many elasmobranchs, the mating appears to be rough, with the sawfish often sustaining lacerations from its partner's saw.[62] However, through genetic testing it has been shown that at least the smalltooth sawfish also can reproduce by parthenogenesis where no male is involved and the offspring are clones of their mother.[63][64] In Florida, United States, it appears that about 3% of the smalltooth sawfish offspring are the result of parthenogenesis.[65] It is speculated that this may be in response to being unable to find a partner, allowing the females to reproduce anyway.[64][65]

The pregnancy lasts several months.[33] There are 1–23 young in each sawfish litter, which are 60–90 cm (2–3 ft) long at birth.[3][33] In the embryos the rostrum is flexible and it only hardens shortly before birth.[33] To protect the mother the saws of the young have a soft cover, which falls off shortly after birth.[66][67] The pupping grounds are in coastal and estuarine waters. In most species the young generally stay there for the first part of their lives, occasionally moving upriver when there is an increase in salinity.[51][56][57][68] The exception is the largetooth sawfish where the young move upriver into freshwater where they stay for 3–5 years, sometimes as much as 400 km (250 mi) from the sea.[59] In at least the smalltooth sawfish the young show a degree of site fidelity, generally staying in the same fairly small area in the first part of their lives.[69] In the green and dwarf sawfish there are indications that both sexes remain in the same overall region throughout their lives with little mixing between the subpopulations. In the largetooth sawfish the males appear to move more freely between the subpopulations, while mothers return to the region where they were born to give birth to their own young.[70][71]

The length of the full lifespan of sawfish is labeled with considerable uncertainty. A green sawfish caught as a juvenile lived for 35 years in captivity,[55] and a smalltooth sawfish lived for more than 42 years in captivity.[72] In the narrow sawfish it has been estimated that the lifespan is about 9 years, and in the Pristis sawfish it has been estimated that it varies from about 30 to more than 50 years depending on the exact species.[3]


The rostrum (saw), unique among jawed fish, plays a significant role in both locating and capturing prey.[73][74] The head and rostrum contain thousands of sensory organs, the ampullae of Lorenzini, that allow the sawfish to detect and monitor the movements of other organisms by measuring the electric fields they emit.[75] Electroreception is found in all cartilaginous fishes and some bony fishes. In sawfish the sensory organs are packed most densely on the upper- and underside of the rostrum, varying in position and numbers depending on the species.[75][73] Utilizing their saw as an extended sensing device, sawfish are able to examine their entire surroundings from a position close to the seafloor.[1] It appears that sawfish can detect potential prey by electroreception from a distance of about 40 cm (16 in).[5] Some waters where sawfish live are very murky, limiting the possibility of hunting by sight.[71]


Sawfish are predators that feed on fish, crustaceans and molluscs.[2] Old stories of sawfish attacking large prey such as whales and dolphins by cutting out pieces of flesh are now considered to be wholly unsubstantiated.[1][60] Humans are far too large to be considered potential prey.[76] In captivity they are typically fed ad libitum or in set amounts that (per week) equal 1–4% of the total weight of the sawfish, but there are indications that captives grow considerably faster than their wild counterparts.[55]

Exactly how they use their saw after the prey has been located has been debated, and some scholarship on the subject has been based on speculations rather than real observations.[5][74] In 2012 it was shown that there are three primary techniques, informally called "saw in water", "saw on substrate" and "pin".[74] If a prey item such as a fish is located in the open water, the sawfish uses the first method, making a rapid swipe at the prey with its saw to incapacitate it. It is then brought to the seabed and eaten.[5][55][74] The "saw on substrate" is similar, but used on prey at the seabed.[5][74] The saw is highly streamlined and when swiped it causes very little water movement.[77] The final method involves pinning the prey against the seabed with the underside of the saw, in a manner similar to that seen in guitarfish.[5][74] The "pin" is also used to manipulate the position of the prey, allowing fish to be swallowed head-first and thus without engaging any possible fin spines.[5][74] The spines of catfish, a common prey, have been found imbedded in the rostrum of sawfish.[33] Schools of mullets have been observed trying to escape sawfish.[78] Prey fish are typically swallowed whole and not cut into small pieces with the saw,[33] although on occasion one may be split in half during capture by the slashing motion.[5] Prey choice is therefore limited by the size of the mouth.[27] A 1.3 m (4.3 ft) sawfish had a 33 cm (13 in) catfish in its stomach.[71]

It had been suggested that sawfish use their saw to dig/rake in the bottom for prey,[79] but this was not observed during a 2012 study,[74] or supported by later hydrodynamic studies.[77] Large sawfish often have rostral teeth with tips that are notably worn.[35]

Saw and self-defense

Old stories often describe sawfish as highly dangerous to humans, sinking ships and cutting people in half, but today these are considered myths and not factual.[1][60] Sawfish are actually docile and harmless to humans, except when captured, where they can inflict serious injuries when defending themselves by thrashing the saw from side-to-side.[6][16][55] The saw is also used in self-defense against predators such as sharks that may eat sawfish.[33] In captivity, they have been seen using their saws during fights over hierarchy or food.[71]

Relationship with humans

In history, culture and mythology

Engraving showing a whale and several fish, including a sawfish, in China (Johan Nieuhof: Het gezantschap der Neêrlandtsche Oost-Indische Compagnie, 1665)

The largetooth sawfish was among the species formally described by Carl Linnaeus (as "Squalus pristis") in Systema Naturae in 1758,[21] but sawfish were already known thousands of years earlier.[7]

Sawfish were occasionally mentioned in antiquity, in works such as Pliny's Natural History (77–79 AD).[4] Pristis, the scientific name formalised for sawfish by Linnaeus in 1758, was also in use as a name even before his publication. For example, sawfish or "priste" were included in Libri de piscibus marinis in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt by Guillaume Rondelet in 1554, and "pristi" were included in De piscibus libri V, et De cetis lib. vnus by Ulisse Aldrovandi in 1613. Outside Europe, sawfish are mentioned in old Persian texts, such as 13th century writings by Zakariya al-Qazwini.[4]

Sawfish have been found among archaeological remains in several parts of the world, including the Persian Gulf region, the Pacific coast of Panama, coastal Brazil and elsewhere.[4][80]

A mask with a sawfish rostrum from Sepik, Papua New Guinea, now housed at the Ethnological Museum of Berlin

The cultural significance of sawfish varies significantly. The Aztecs in what is currently Mexico often included depictions of sawfish rostra (saws), notably as the striker/sword of the monster Cipactli.[81] Numerous sawfish rostra have been found buried at the Templo Mayor and two locations in coastal Veracruz had Aztec names referring to sawfish.[4] In the same general region, sawfish teeth have been found in Mayan graves.[82] The saw of sawfish is part of the dancing masks of the Huave and Zapotecs in Oaxaca, Mexico.[4][83] The Kuna people on the Caribbean coast of Panama and Colombia considers sawfish as rescuers of drowning people and protectors against dangerous sea creatures.[8] Also in Panama sawfish were recognized as containing powerful spirits that could protect humans against supernatural enemies.[8]

In the Bissagos Islands off West Africa dancing dressed as sawfish and other sea creatures is part of men's coming-of-age ceremonies.[81][84] In Gambia the saws indicate courage; the more on display at a house the more courageous the owner.[84] In Senegal the Lebu people believe the saw can protect their family, house and livestock. In the same general region they are recognized as ancestral spirits with the saw as a magic weapon. The Akan people of Ghana see sawfish as an authority symbol. There are proverbs with sawfish in the African language Duala.[85] In some other parts of coastal Africa, sawfish are considered extremely dangerous and supernatural, but their powers can be used by humans as their saw retains the powers against disease, bad luck and evil.[85] Among most African groups consumption of meat from sawfish is entirely acceptable, but in a few (in West Africa the Fula, Serer and Wolof people) it is taboo.[84] In the Niger Delta region of southern Nigeria, the saws of sawfish (known as oki in Ijaw and neighbouring languages) are often used in masquerades.[86]

In Asia, sawfish are a powerful symbol in many cultures. Asian shamans use sawfish rostrums for exorcisms and in other ceremonies to repel demons and disease.[87] They are believed to protect houses from ghosts when hung over doorways.[4] Illustrations of sawfish are often found at Buddhist temples in Thailand.[82] In the Sepik region of New Guinea locals admire sawfish, but also see them as punishers that will unleash heavy rainstorms on anyone breaking fishing taboos.[8] Among the Warnindhilyagwa, a group of Indigenous Australians, the ancestral sawfish Yukwurrirrindangwa and rays created the land. The ancestral sawfish carved out the river of Groote Eylandt with their saw.[8][88] Among European sailors sawfish were often feared as animals that could sink ships by piercing/sawing in the hull with their saw (claims now known to be entirely untrue),[60] but there are also stories of them saving people. In one case it was described how a ship almost sank during a storm in Italy in 1573. The sailors prayed and made it safely ashore where they discovered a sawfish that had "plugged" a hole in the ship with its saw. A sawfish rostrum said to be from this miraculous event is kept at the Sanctuary of Carmine Maggiore in Naples.[4]

The German World War II Kampfabzeichen der Kleinkampfverbände (Battle Badge of Small Combat Units)
10000 CFA franc Banknote showing a form of sawfish imagery

Sawfish have been used as symbols in recent history. During World War II, illustrations of sawfish were placed on navy ships, and used as symbols by both American and Nazi German submarines.[8] Sawfish served as the emblem of the German U-96 submarine, known for its portrayal in Das Boot, and was later the symbol of the 9th U-boat Flotilla. The German World War II Kampfabzeichen der Kleinkampfverbände (Battle Badge of Small Combat Units) depicted a sawfish.

In cartoons and humorous popular culture, the sawfish—particularly its rostrum ("nose")—has been employed as a sort of living tool. Examples of this can be found in Vicke Viking and Fighting Fantasy volume "Demons of the Deep".

A stylized sawfish was chosen by the Central Bank of the West African States to appear on coins and banknotes of the CFA currency. This was due to the mythological value representing fecundity and prosperity. The image takes its form from an Akan and Baoule bronze weight used for exchanges in the commercial trade of gold powder.[84]

In aquariums

Atlantis Paradise Island became the world's first to breed a member of this family in captivity when smalltooth sawfish pups were born in 2012.[89][90]

Sawfish are popular in public aquariums, but require very large tanks. In a review of 10 North American and European public aquariums that kept sawfish, their tanks were all very large and ranged from about 1,500,000 to 24,200,000 L (400,000–6,390,000 US gal).[55] Individuals in public aquariums often function as "ambassadors" for sawfish and their conservation plight.[90][91] In captivity they are quite robust, appear to grow faster than their wild counterparts (perhaps due to consistent access to food) and individuals have lived for decades, but breeding them has proven difficult.[55] In 2012, four smalltooth sawfish pups were born at Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas and this remains the only time a member of this family has been successfully bred in captivity[55][89] (unsuccessful breeding attempts had happened earlier at the same facility, including a miscarriage in 2003).[92] Nevertheless, it is hoped that this success may be the first step in a captive breeding program for the threatened sawfish.[4] It is speculated that seasonal variations in water temperature, salinity and photoperiod are necessary to encourage breeding.[55] Artificial insemination, as already has been done in a few captive sharks, is also being considered.[93] Tracking studies indicate that if sawfish are released to the wild after spending a period in captivity (for example, if they outgrow their exhibit), they rapidly adopt a movement pattern similar to that of fully wild sawfish.[94]

Among the five sawfish species, only the four Pristis species are known to be kept in public aquariums. The most common is the largetooth sawfish with studbooks including 16 individuals in North America in 2014, 5 individuals in Europe in 2013 and 13 individuals in Australia in 2017, followed by the green sawfish with 13 individuals in North America and 6 in Europe.[55] Both these species are also kept at public aquariums in Asia and the only captive dwarf sawfish are in Japan.[95] In 2014, studbooks included 12 smalltooth sawfish in North America,[55] and the only kept elsewhere are at a public aquarium in Colombia.[95]

Decline and conservation

A narrow sawfish caught by a local fisherman almost 100 years ago in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia)

Sawfish were once common, with habitat found along the coastline of 90 countries,[96] locally even abundant,[4][7] but they have declined drastically and are now among the most threatened groups of marine fish.[3]

Fishing for various uses

Sawfish and their parts have been used for numerous things. In approximate order of impact, the four most serious threats today are use in shark fin soup, as traditional medicine, rostral teeth for cockfighting spurs and the saw as a novelty item.[4] Despite being rays rather than sharks,[2] sawfish have some of most prized fins for use in shark fin soup, on level with tiger, mako, blue, porbeagle, thresher, hammerhead, blacktip, sandbar and bull shark.[97] As traditional medicine (especially Chinese medicine, but also known from Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Eritrea, Yemen, Iran, India and Bangladesh) sawfish parts, oil or powder have been claimed to work against respiratory ailments, eye problems, rheumatism, pain, inflammation, scabies, skin ulcers, diarrhea and stomach problems, but there is no evidence supporting any of these uses.[4] The saws are used in ceremonies and as curiosities. Until relatively recently many saws were sold to visiting tourists, or through antique stores or shell shops, but they are now mostly sold online, often illegally.[4] In 2007 it was estimated that the fins and saw from a single sawfish potentially could earn a fisher more than US$5,000 in Kenya and in 2014 a single rostral tooth sold as cockfighting spurs in Peru or Ecuador had a value of up to US$220.[4] Secondary uses are the meat for consumption and the skin for leather.[4] Historically the saws were used as weapons (large saws) and combs (small saws).[88] Oil from the liver was prized for use in boat repairs and street lights,[98] and as recent as the 1920s in Florida it was regarded as the best fish oil for consumption.[4]

Sawfish fishing goes back several thousand years,[7] but until relatively recently it typically involved traditional low-intensity methods such as simple hook-and-line or spearing. In most regions the major population decline in sawfish started in the 1960s–1980s.[7][84][98] This coincided with a major growth in demand of fins for shark fin soup, the expansion of the international shark finning fishing fleet,[84] and a proliferation of modern nylon fishing nets.[98] The exception is the dwarf sawfish which was relatively widespread in the Indo-Pacific, but by the early 1900s it had already disappeared from most of its range, only surviving for certain in Australia (there is a single recent possible record from the Arabian region).[3][99] The saw has been described as sawfish's Achilles' heel, as it easily becomes entangled in fishing nets.[100] Sawfish can also be difficult or dangerous to release from nets, meaning that some fishers will kill them even before bringing them aboard the boat,[56] or cut off the saw to keep it/release the fish. Because it is their main hunting device, the long-term survival of saw-less sawfish is highly questionable.[101] In Australia where sawfish have to be released if caught, the narrow sawfish has the highest mortality rate,[68] but it is still almost 50% for dwarf sawfish caught in gill nets.[99] In an attempt of lowering this, a guide to sawfish release has been published.[102]

Habitat destruction and vulnerability to predators

Although fishing is the main cause of the drastic decline in sawfish, another serious problem is habitat destruction. Coastal and estuarine habitats, including mangrove and seagrass meadows, are often degraded by human developments and pollution, and these are important habitats for sawfish, especially their young.[4][103] In a study of juvenile sawfish in Western Australia's Fitzroy River about 60% had bite marks from bull sharks or crocodiles.[104] Changes to river flows, such as by dams or droughts, can increase the risk faced by sawfish young by bringing them into more contact with predators.[69][105][106]

21st century status

The combined range of the five sawfish species encompassed 90 countries, but today they have certainly disappeared entirely from 20 of these and possibly disappeared from several others.[3] Many more have lost at least one of their species, leaving only one or two remaining.[3] Of the five species of sawfish, three are critically endangered and two are endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species.[107] The sawfish is now presumed extinct in 55 nations (including China, Iraq, Haiti, Japan, Timor-Leste, EL Salvador, Taiwan, Djibouti and Brunei), with 18 countries with at least one species of sawfish missing and 28 countries with at least two.[107] The United States and Australia appear to be the last strongholds of the species, where sawfish are better protected.[107] Science Advances identifies Cuba, Tanzania, Colombia, Madagascar, Panama, Brazil, Mexico and Sri Lanka as the nations where urgent action could make a big contribution to saving the species.[107]

A largetooth sawfish in Northern Australia, which is the only remaining stronghold for four of the five species.[4][71]

The only remaining stronghold of the four species in the Indo-Pacific region (narrow, dwarf, largetooth and green sawfish) is in Northern Australia, but they have also experienced a decline there.[4][71] Pristis sawfish are protected in Australia and only Indigenous Australians can legally catch them.[103][108] Violations can result in a fine of up to AU$121,900.[13] The narrow sawfish does not receive the same level of protection as the Pristis sawfish.[103][109] Under CITES regulations, Australia was the only country that could export wild-caught sawfish for the aquarium trade from 2007 to 2013 (no country afterwards).[21] This strictly involved the largetooth sawfish where the Australian population remains relatively robust, and only living individuals "to appropriate and acceptable aquaria for primarily conservation purposes".[21] Numbers traded were very low (eight between 2007 and 2011),[4] and following a review Australia did not export any after 2011.[21]

Largetooth sawfish have been monitored in Fitzroy River, Western Australia, a primary stronghold for the species, since 2000. In December 2018, the largest recorded mass fish death in the river occurred when more than 40 sawfish died, mainly because of heat and a severe lack of rainfall during a poor wet season.[106] A 14-day research expedition in Far North Queensland in October 2019 did not spot a single sawfish. Expert Dr Peter Kyne of Charles Darwin University said that habitat change in the south and gillnet fishing in the north had contributed to the decline in numbers, but now that fishers had started working with the conservationists, dams and water diversions to the river flows had become a bigger problem in the north. Also, impact of successful saltwater crocodile conservation is a negative one on sawfish populations. However, there were still good populations in the Adelaide River and Daly River in the Northern Territory, and the Fitzroy River in the Kimberley.[110]

A study by Murdoch University researchers and Indigenous rangers, which captured more than 500 sawfish between 2002 and 2018, concluded that the survival of the sawfish could be at risk from dams or major water diversions on the Fitzroy River. It found that the fish are completely reliant on the Kimberley's wet season floods to complete their breeding cycle; in recent drier years, the population has suffered. There has been debate about using water from the river for agriculture and to grow fodder crops for cattle in the region.[111]

Sharks and Rays Australia (SARA) are conducting a citizen science investigation to understand the sawfish's historical habitats. Citizen can report their sawfish sighting online.[112]

Rest of the world

Except for Australia, sawfish have been extirpated or only survive in very low numbers in the Indo-Pacific region. For example, among the four species only two (narrow and largetooth sawfish) certainly survive in South Asia, and only two (narrow and green sawfish) certainly survive in Southeast Asia.[3]

Sign for the protection of smalltooth sawfish in Florida, USA

The status of the two species of the Atlantic region, the smalltooth and largetooth sawfish, is comparable to the Indo-Pacific. For example, sawfish have been entirely extirpated from most of the Atlantic coast of Africa (only survives for certain in Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone), as well as South Africa.[3][113] The only relatively large remaining population of the largetooth sawfish in the Atlantic region is at the Amazon estuary in Brazil, but there are smaller in Central America and West Africa, and this species is also found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.[114] The smalltooth sawfish is only found in the Atlantic region and it is possibly the most threatened of all the species, as it had the smallest original range (range c. 2,100,000 km2 or 810,000 sq mi) and has experienced the greatest contraction (disappeared from c. 81% of its original range).[4] It only survives for certain in six countries,[115] and it is possible that the only remaining viable population is in the United States.[100] In the United States the smalltooth sawfish once occurred from Texas to New York, but its numbers have declined by at least 95% and today it is essentially restricted to Florida.[116][117] However, the Florida population retains a high genetic diversity,[116] has now stabilised and appears to be slowly increasing.[82][117] A Recovery Plan for the smalltooth sawfish has been in effect since 2002.[103] It has been strictly protected in the United States since 2003 when it was added to the Endangered Species Act as the first marine fish.[118] This makes it "illegal to harm, harass, hook, or net sawfish in any way, except with a permit or in a permitted fishery".[14] The fine is up to US$10,000 for the first violation alone.[14] If accidentally caught, the sawfish has to be released as carefully as possible and a basic how-to guide has been published.[14] In 2003 an attempt of adding the largetooth sawfish to the Endangered Species Act was denied, in part because this species does not occur in the United States anymore[118] (last confirmed US record in 1961).[114] However, it was added in 2011,[119] and all the remaining sawfish species were added in 2014, restricting trade in them and their parts in the United States.[36] In 2020, a Florida fisherman used a power saw to remove a smalltooth sawfish's rostrum and then released the maimed fish; he received a fine, community service and probation.[120]

A smalltooth sawfish briefly captured for tagging as part of a conservation project

Since 2007, all sawfish species have been listed on CITES Appendix I, which prohibits international trade in them and their parts.[11][12][121] The only exception was the relatively robust Australian population of the largetooth sawfish that was listed on CITES Appendix II, which allowed trade to public aquariums only.[11] Following reviews Australia did not use this option after 2011 and in 2013 it too was moved to Appendix I.[21] In addition to Australia and the United States, sawfish are protected in the European Union, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Guinea, Senegal and South Africa, but they are likely already functionally extirpated or entirely extirpated from several of these countries.[3][7][122][123] Illegal fishing continues and in many countries enforcement of fishing laws is lacking.[3][21] Even in Australia where relatively well-protected, people are occasionally caught illegally trying to sell sawfish parts, especially the saw.[13] The saw is distinctive, but it can be difficult to identify flesh or fins as originating from sawfish when cut up for sale at fish markets. This can be resolved with DNA testing.[124] If protected their relatively low reproduction rates make these animals especially slow to recover from overfishing.[87] An example of this is the largetooth sawfish in Lake Nicaragua where once abundant. The population rapidly crashed during the 1970s when tens of thousands were caught. It was protected by the Nicaraguan government in the early 1980s, but remains rare today.[4] Nevertheless, there are indications that at least the smalltooth sawfish population may be able to recover at a faster pace than formerly believed, if well-protected.[125] Uniquely in this family, the narrow sawfish has a relatively fast reproduction rate (generation length about 4.6 years, less than one-third the time of the other species), it has experienced the smallest contraction of its range (30%) and it is one of only two species considered Endangered rather than Critically Endangered by the IUCN.[3] The other rated as Endangered is the dwarf sawfish, but this primarily reflects that its main decline happened at least 100 years ago and IUCN ratings are based on the time period of the last three generations (estimated about 49 years in dwarf sawfish).[3][99]

There are several research projects aimed at sawfish in Australia and North America, but also a few in other continents.[126] The Florida Museum of Natural History maintains the International Sawfish Encounter Database where people worldwide are encouraged to report any sawfish encounters, whether it was living or a rostrum seen for sale in a shop/online.[4][14][82] Its data is used by biologists and conservationists for evaluating the habitat, range and abundance of sawfish around the world.[4] In an attempt of increasing the knowledge of their plight the first "Sawfish Day" was held on 17 October 2017,[83][127] and this was repeated on the same date in 2018.[128]

See also


  1. ^ Correct rostral tooth count refers to visible teeth and alveoli ("tooth sockets") from lost teeth.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Wueringer, B.E.; L. Squire Jr.; S.P. Collin (2009). "The biology of extinct and extant sawfish (Batoidea: Sclerorhynchidae and Pristidae)". Review in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 19 (4): 445–464. doi:10.1007/s11160-009-9112-7. S2CID 3352391.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Last; White; de Carvalho; Séret; Stehmann; Naylor (2016). Rays of the World. CSIRO. pp. 57–66. ISBN 9780643109148.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Dulvy; Davidson; Kyne; Simpfendorfer; Harrison; Carlson; Fordham (2014). "Ghosts of the coast: Global extinction risk and conservation of sawfishes" (PDF). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 26 (1): 134–153. doi:10.1002/aqc.2525.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Harrison, L.R.; N.K. Dulvy, eds. (2014). Sawfish: A Global Strategy for Conservation (PDF). IUCN Species Survival Commission’s Shark Specialist Group. ISBN 978-0-9561063-3-9.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Wueringer, B. "How sawfish use their saw". Sawfish Conservation Society. Archived from the original on 30 November 2017. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  6. ^ a b Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2017). "Pristidae" in FishBase. November 2017 version.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g Moore, A.L.B. (2015). "A review of sawfishes (Pristidae) in the Arabian region: diversity, distribution, and functional extinction of large and historically abundant marine vertebrates". Aquatic Conservation. 25 (5): 656–677. doi:10.1002/aqc.2441.
  8. ^ a b c d e f "Cultural Importance of Sawfish". Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Archived from the original on 1 December 2017. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  9. ^ Platt, J.R. (2 July 2013). "Last Chance for Sawfish?". Scientific American. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  10. ^ a b c d e "Pristidae". IUCN Red List. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  11. ^ a b c Black, Richard (June 11, 2007). "Sawfish protection acquires teeth". BBC News.
  12. ^ a b "Appendices I, II and III". CITES. 4 October 2017. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  13. ^ a b c Slezak, M. (3 August 2016). "Queensland fisherman caught selling bills of endangered sawfish". The Guardian. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  14. ^ a b c d e "Why Report Sawfish Encounters?". University of Florida. 2017-05-16. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  15. ^ πρίστης in Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (1940) A Greek–English Lexicon, revised and augmented throughout by Jones, Sir Henry Stuart, with the assistance of McKenzie, Roderick. Oxford: Clarendon Press. In the Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University.
  16. ^ a b Sullivan, T.; C. Elenberger (April 2012). "Largetooth Sawfish". University of Florida. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
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  18. ^ Last, P.R.; Séret, B.; Naylor, G.J.P. (2016). "A new species of guitarfish, Rhinobatos borneensis sp. nov. with a redefinition of the family-level classification in the order Rhinopristiformes (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea)". Zootaxa. 4117 (4): 451–475. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4117.4.1. PMID 27395187.
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  20. ^ Naylor, G.J.P.; J.N. Caira; K. Jensen; K.A.M. Rosana; W.T. White; P.R. Last (2012). "A DNA sequence-based approach to the identification of shark and ray species and its implications for global elasmobranch diversity and parasitology". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 367: 1–262. doi:10.1206/754.1. hdl:2246/6183. S2CID 83264478.
  21. ^ a b c d e f g h Kyne, P.M.; Carlson, J. & Smith, K. (2013). "Pristis pristis". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2013: e.T18584848A18620395. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T18584848A18620395.en.
  22. ^ a b Department of the Environment (2017). "Pristis pristis — Freshwater Sawfish, Largetooth Sawfish, River Sawfish, Leichhardt's Sawfish, Northern Sawfish". Department of the Environment and Energy. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
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  24. ^ Eschmeyer, W.N.; R. Fricke; R. van der Laan (17 November 2017). "Catalog of Fishes". California Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  25. ^ Pollerspöck, J.; N. Straube. "Pristis pristis". shark-references.com. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
  26. ^ Cicimurri, D.J. (2009). "A Partial Rostrum of the Sawfish Pristis lathami Galeotti, 1837, from the Eocene of South Carolina". Journal of Paleontology. 81 (3): 597–601. doi:10.1666/05086.1. S2CID 130683481.
  27. ^ a b c d e Seitz, J.C. (2014). "A Brief Review of the Fossil Record of the Pristids and Sclerorhynchids". Fossil Sawfish. Retrieved 17 November 2017.
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Sawfish: Brief Summary

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Sawfish, also known as carpenter sharks, are a family of rays characterized by a long, narrow, flattened rostrum, or nose extension, lined with sharp transverse teeth, arranged in a way that resembles a saw. They are among the largest fish with some species reaching lengths of about 7–7.6 m (23–25 ft). They are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions in coastal marine and brackish estuarine waters, as well as freshwater rivers and lakes. All species are endangered.

They should not be confused with sawsharks (order Pristiophoriformes) or the extinct sclerorhynchoids (order Rajiformes) which have a similar appearance, or swordfish (family Xiphiidae) which have a similar name but a very different appearance.

Sawfishes are relatively slow breeders and the females give birth to live young. They feed on fish and invertebrates that are detected and captured with the use of their saw. They are generally harmless to humans, but can inflict serious injuries with the saw when captured and defending themselves.

Sawfish have been known and hunted for thousands of years, and play an important mythological and spiritual role in many societies around the world.

Once common, sawfish have experienced a drastic decline in recent decades, and the only remaining strongholds are in Northern Australia and Florida, United States. The five species are rated as Endangered or Critically Endangered by the IUCN. They are hunted for their fins (shark fin soup), use of parts as traditional medicine, their teeth and saw. They also face habitat loss. Sawfish have been listed by CITES since 2007, restricting international trade in them and their parts. They are protected in Australia, the United States and several other countries, meaning that sawfish caught by accident have to be released and violations can be punished with hefty fines.

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Segilofiŝo ( Esperanto )

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Segilofiŝoj (biologie latine pristidae laŭ la greka vorto „pristis“ = segilo, do faktermine ankaŭ nomeblaj pristedoj, neformale nomataj segilorajoj) estas la nura familio de la ordo de pristoformaj. Segilofiŝoj havas longecan korpon iom similan al ŝarkoj. Plej elstara karakterizaĵo de la segilofiŝoj estas kartilaga "korno" pinte de la kapo, kiu kutime ampleksas pli ol kvaronon de la tuta fiŝa longo kaj flanke havas multajn "segilajn" dentojn. Tiu segilo servas al kaptado de manĝaĵo: La segilofiŝo naĝas en fiŝarojn kaj tiam rapide movas la segilon dekstren kaj maldekstren, en provo vundi iujn fiŝojn kaj poste manĝi la vunditajn viktimojn. Krome la segiloj uzatas por manĝocele serĉi krustacojn en ŝlima grundo, kaj krome ankaŭ havas elektromagnetajn receptorojn por trovo de ĉaseblaj marbestoj.

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Pristiformes ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Los pristiformes (del lat. pristis, "pez sierra") son un orden de elasmobranquios del superorden Batoidea, conocidos vulgarmente como peces sierra. Incluyen una sola familia, Pristidae, con dos géneros y siete especies.[2]

Los peces sierra están más relacionados con las rayas que con los tiburones. Su apariencia es la de un pez con un hocico largo y lleno de dientes. Poseen un esqueleto cartilaginoso.

No deben ser confundidos con los tiburones sierra (orden Pristiophoriformes), que tienen una apariencia similar.


Las dimensiones de los peces sierra van de 1,5 m a 6 m. La característica más sobresaliente del pez sierra es, por supuesto, su hocico con forma de sierra. Este se encuentra cubierto con poros sensibles al movimiento y a la electricidad, que les permite detectar el movimiento e incluso los latidos cardíacos de presas enterradas en el sedimento marino. Su hocico actúa entonces como un detector mientras el pez sierra nada sobre el fondo marino, en busca de alimento. Su hocico también sirve como herramienta excavadora para desenterrar crustáceos.

Cuando una presa nada cerca, el pez sierra ataca desde abajo y utiliza furiosamente su sierra. Esto generalmente hiere a la presa lo suficiente para que el pez la devore sin mucha dificultad. Los peces sierra también utilizan su hocico como arma de defensa contra otros depredadores como tiburones, delfines y buzos intrusos. Los dientes que sobresalen del hocico no son verdaderos dientes, sino escamas dentales modificadas.

El cuerpo y la cabeza de los peces sierra son aplanados ya que pasan la mayoría del tiempo recostados en el suelo marino. Al igual que las rayas, su boca está localizada en su parte inferior. En su boca existen pequeños dientes para comer pequeños crustáceos y otros peces, aunque a veces los devora enteros.

Los peces sierra respiran por dos espiráculos localizados detrás de sus ojos que conducen el agua a las branquias. Su piel está cubierta por pequeños dentículos que le dan una textura rasposa. Su color es generalmente gris o café, aunque la especie Pristis pectinata es color verde oliva.

Los ojos de los peces sierra no están muy desarrollados por su hábitat lodoso. Su hocico es su principal herramienta sensorial. Sus intestinos tienen forma de sacacorchos.

Localización y hábitat

Los peces sierra se localizan en áreas Zona intertropical tropicales y subtropicales alrededor de África, Australia y el Caribe. Los peces sierra viven en aguas poco profundas y lodosas, en aguas saladas y dulces. La mayoría prefiere bocas de río y sistemas de agua dulce. Todos los peces sierra tienen la habilidad de cambiar de aguas saladas a aguas dulces, y generalmente lo hacen, nadando dentro de ríos, así como en bahías y estuarios.


Son nocturnos; usualmente duermen durante el día y cazan a la noche. A pesar de las apariencias, son peces que no atacan a las personas a menos que sean provocados o sorprendidos.


Poco se conoce sobre la reproducción del pez sierra. Cada individuo vive entre 25 y 30 años, madurando a los 10.

Maduran lentamente; se estima que no se reproducen hasta que alcanzan entre 3,5 y 4 metros de largo y tienen entre 10 y 12 años de edad, y se reproducen a niveles inmensamente menores que la mayoría de los peces. Esto hace que a estos animales les cueste demasiado recuperarse, en especial tras una sobrepesca.


  1. Wueringer, Barbara E.; Squire, Lyle; Collin, Shaun P. (2009). «The biology of extinct and extant sawfish (Batoidea: Sclerorhynchidae and Pristidae)». Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19 (4): 445-464. doi:10.1007/s11160-009-9112-7.
  2. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Editors). 2009. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. Pristidae. www.fishbase.org, version (10/2009).

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Pristiformes: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Los pristiformes (del lat. pristis, "pez sierra") son un orden de elasmobranquios del superorden Batoidea, conocidos vulgarmente como peces sierra. Incluyen una sola familia, Pristidae, con dos géneros y siete especies.​

Los peces sierra están más relacionados con las rayas que con los tiburones. Su apariencia es la de un pez con un hocico largo y lleno de dientes. Poseen un esqueleto cartilaginoso.

No deben ser confundidos con los tiburones sierra (orden Pristiophoriformes), que tienen una apariencia similar.

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Zerra-arrain ( Basque )

provided by wikipedia EU

Zerra-arrainak itsas-arrain selazeoak dira, Pristidae familia osatzen dutenak. Gorputz zapala dute eta zerra itxurako muturra. Genero bakarra hartzen du familia horrek, Pristis izenekoa. Sarritan aurkitzen dira kostako itsasaldeetan, batez ere ur epel eta tropikaletan. Askotan ibaietan barneratzen dira.[1]

Taxonomia eta espezieak

Genero Irudia Izen zientifikoa Izen arrunta IUCNren egoera Oharrak Anoxypristis AnoxypristisCuspidataCSIRO.jpg Anoxypristis cuspidata
(Latham, 1794) EN IUCN 3 1.svg Arriskuan Lehen Pristis generoan sailkatua izan zen. Pristis Hortz
txikidunak Pristis clavata 2.jpg Pristis clavata
Garman, 1906 EN IUCN 3 1.svg Arriskuan Australiako iparraldeko kostaldean bizi da. Pristis pristis - Georgia Aquarium Jan 2006.jpg Pristis pectinata
Latham, 1794 Zerra-arrain arrunta CR IUCN 3 1.svg Arrisku larrian Ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoan eta Mediterraneoan bizi da. Sawfish genova.jpg Pristis zijsron
Bleeker, 1851 CR IUCN 3 1.svg Arrisku larrian Mendebaldeko Ozeano Barean bizi da. Hortz
handidunak Pristis pristis
(Linnaeus, 1758) CR IUCN 3 1.svg Arrisku larrian Mundu osoko ur epeletan bizi da. Pristis microdon.jpg Pristis microdon
Latham, 1794
Zalantzan.[2] Pristis perotteti
J. P. Müller & Henle, 1841


  1. Lur entziklopedietatik hartua.
  2. a b Faria, V. V.; McDavitt, M. T.; Charvet, P.; Wiley, T. R.; Simpfendorfer, C. A.; Naylor, G. J. P. (2013) «Species delineation and global population structure of Critically Endangered sawfishes (Pristidae)» Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167: 136–164 doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00872.x.
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Zerra-arrain: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Zerra-arrainak itsas-arrain selazeoak dira, Pristidae familia osatzen dutenak. Gorputz zapala dute eta zerra itxurako muturra. Genero bakarra hartzen du familia horrek, Pristis izenekoa. Sarritan aurkitzen dira kostako itsasaldeetan, batez ere ur epel eta tropikaletan. Askotan ibaietan barneratzen dira.

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Saharauskukalat ( Finnish )

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Saharauskukalat (Pristiformes) on rustokalalahko. Lahkoon kuuluu vain yksi heimo saharauskut (Pristidae).


Sahahaikaloihin kuuluvien lajien fossiileista vanhimmat on ajoitettu liitukauden keski- ja myöhäisvaiheille. Nykyään heimoon kuuluu seitsemän lajia, jotka jaetaan kahteen sukuun.[3][4][5][6] Lajit ovat[7]:


Saharauskukaloihin kuuluvat lajit ovat hyvin suurikokoisia ja aikuiset ovat yli kaksi metriä pitkiä. Suurin laji kampasaharausku voi kasvaa jopa 7,3 metriä pitkäksi ja saavuttaa yli 2 200 kilon painon. Ruumiinrakenteeltaan lajit ovat haiden ja rauskujen väliltä. Ruumis on litteä ja rintaevät hyvin kookkaat, mutta eivät kiinnittyneet päähän kuten muilla rauskuilla. Muiden rauskujen kanssa yhteistä ovat pään alla sijaitsevat kidusaukot ja silmien takana sijaitsevat suuret ruiskureiät. Nokka saharauskukaloilla on pitkä ja litteä ja suuret hampaat sijaitsevat kuonon sivuilla. Selkäeviä kaloilla on kaksi ja ne ovat kolmionmuotoiset ja kookkaat. Pyrstö on kookas ja epäsymmetrinen ja muistuttaa haiden pyrstöjä. Saharauskunaaraat ovat ovovivipaarisia eli synnyttävät eläviä poikasia. Poikasten kuonon ympärillä on pehmeä suojus, jonka tehtävänä on todennäköisesti estää naarasta loukkaantumasta synnyttäessään poikaset.[3][5][6][8]

Levinneisyys ja elintavat

Saharauskukaloihin kuuluvia lajeja tavataan Atlantista, Intian valtamerestä ja Tyynenmeren alueelta tyypillisesti jokien suissa ja murtovesissä. Lisäksi monet lajit elävät makeissa vesissä esimerkiksi Mississipissä, Nicaraguajärvessä, Australian, Uuden-Guinean ja Kaakkois-Aasian suurissa joissa ja jokisaharausku Sambesijoessa. Koska nämä elinympäristöt ovat herkkiä pilaantumiselle ja lajeja kalastetaan paljon, useat niistä ovat uhanalaisia.[3][5][6][8]

Saharauskujen ravintoa ovat kalat ja selkärangattomat eläimet. Ne käyttävät litteää kuonoaan parvissa liikkuvien kalojen tainnuttamiseen ja tonkiessaan ruokaa pohjasta. Saharauskuja kalastetaan trooleilla. Lihaa syödään kuivattuna ja suolattuna, eviä ja ihoa käytetään saippuoiden valmistamiseen ja perinteisessä lääkinnässä sekä kuonoja myydään turisteille matkamuistoina. Lajit lisääntyvät hitaasti ja monet niistä ovatkin erittäin tai äärimmäisen uhanalaisia.[8][6]


  1. P.P. Deynat: New data on the systematics and interrelationships of sawfishes (Elasmobranchii, Batoidea, Pristiformes). Journal of Fish Biology, 2005, 66. vsk, s. 1447-1458. Artikkelin verkkoversio Viitattu 2.4.2011. (englanniksi)
  2. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS): Pristiformes (TSN 649683) itis.gov. Viitattu 02.04.2011. (englanniksi)
  3. a b c Family Pristidae (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). Viitattu 2.4.2011. (englanniksi)
  4. Order Summary for Pristiformes (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). Viitattu 2.4.2011. (englanniksi)
  5. a b c Order Pristiformes:Sawfishes ReefQuest. Viitattu 02.04.2011. (englanniksi)
  6. a b c d Robert Burton: International Wildlife Encyclopedia, s. 2239. Marshall Cavendish, 2002. ISBN 978-0761472667. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 02.04.2011). (englanniksi)
  7. Markku Varjo, Lauri Koli ja Harri Dahlström: Maailman kalojen nimet, s. 11. Suomen Biologian Seura Vanamo, 2004. ISBN 951-9108-13-0.
  8. a b c Family Pristidae (PDF) FAO. Viitattu 02.04.2011. (englanniksi)
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Saharauskukalat: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Saharauskukalat (Pristiformes) on rustokalalahko. Lahkoon kuuluu vain yksi heimo saharauskut (Pristidae).

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Pristidae ( French )

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Les poissons-scies, ou Pristidae, sont une famille de raies. On en trouve encore en Australie ou dans d'autres pays d'Océanie, mais presque toutes les espèces sont menacées d'extinction.

Caractéristiques physiques

Les poissons-scies se distinguent par le prolongement osseux de leur museau, appelé rostre, qui mesure jusqu’à deux mètres et comporte une vingtaine de dents longues de deux centimètres, disposées perpendiculairement, ce qui donne au tout l’apparence d’une scie[1]. Rostre inclus, le corps peut mesurer d'un à sept mètres, selon les espèces. Leur silhouette allongée, surmontée de deux ailerons dorsaux et prolongée par une queue imposante évoque celle du requin, mais les poissons-scies sont des raies[réf. souhaitée], comme le prouve la présence de spiracles respiratoires (à la place des fentes branchiales latérales caractéristiques des requins).

Ces raies ne doivent pas être confondues avec les requins-scies, des poissons plus petits et plus rares de l'ordre des Pristiophoriformes.

Biologie et comportement

Prédateurs et nourriture

En dehors de l'homme, les poissons-scies ont peu de prédateurs connus à l'âge adulte. Ils se nourrissent de poissons, de crustacés, de vers, de bivalves et de végétaux, qu'ils déterrent du sédiment grâce à leur rostre. Ce sont des animaux inoffensifs malgré leur apparence impressionnante.


Ces raies sont ovovivipares[1]. La maturité sexuelle n'est atteinte que vers l’âge de 10 ans, et la reproduction est relativement lente, chaque femelle ne donnant naissance qu’à un faible nombre de petits à la fois.

Espèces et habitat

Il existe sept espèces de poisson-scie, qui vivent dans les régions tropicales ou subtropicales, rarement loin des côtes. Certaines espèces sont capables de remonter les rivières sur de longues distances[1]. Très menacées[2],[3], les dernières populations importantes se trouvent en Australie ou dans d'autres pays d'Océanie.

Liste des espèces

Selon FishBase (13 février 2014)[1], NCBI (13 février 2014)[4] et World Register of Marine Species (13 février 2014)[5] :

  • genre Anoxypristis
    • Anoxypristis cuspidata (Latham, 1794) – poisson-scie étroit (en danger d'extinction). Répartition : de la Somalie au Japon et à l'Australie.
  • genre Pristis
    • Pristis clavata Garman, 1906 – poisson-scie nain (en danger d'extinction). Répartition : nord de l'Australie.
    • Pristis microdon Latham, 1794Poisson-scie grandent[réf. souhaitée].
    • Pristis pectinata Latham, 1794 – poisson-scie à petites dents (en danger critique d'extinction). Répartition : Caraïbes.
    • Pristis perotteti Müller & Henle, 1841.
    • Pristis pristis Linnaeus (1758) – poisson-scie commun (en danger critique d'extinction). Répartition : circumtropical.
    • Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851 – poisson-scie vert (en danger critique d'extinction). Répartition : Indo-Pacifique de l'Afrique à Taiwan et Australie.

Paleobiology Database (17 octobre 2018)[6] ajoute plusieurs genres éteints :

Certaines espèces éteintes avaient des dents plus complexes que les espèces actuelles, qui sont utiles pour les identifier.

Voir aussi

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Pristidae: Brief Summary ( French )

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Les poissons-scies, ou Pristidae, sont une famille de raies. On en trouve encore en Australie ou dans d'autres pays d'Océanie, mais presque toutes les espèces sont menacées d'extinction.

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Sábh mara ( Irish )

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Pristis pectinata

Roc an-mhór an-difriúil, le soc atá fadaithe go mór, armtha ar an dá thaobh le líne rialta fiacla láidre maola. Rómhraíonn sé i ndríodar bog i gcomhair bia. An-fhlúirseach i bhfarraigí trópaiceacha, coitianta in inbhir agus isteach san uisce úr. Bíonn an cineál is mó, an Piscis pectinata, suas le 7.5 m ar fhad.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Peixes serra ( Galician )

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Non confundir con tiburóns serra, un grupo diferente.

Co nome de peixes serra coñécense os peixes cartilaxinosos elasmobranquios da superorde dos batoideos que integran a orde dos pristiformes (Pristiformes, do latín pristis, "peixe serra", e -formes, "en forma de").

A orde comprende unha soa familia, a dos prístidos (Pristidae), con dous xéneros e sete especies.[2]

A súa aparencia é a dun peixe cun fociño longo e cheo de dentes, pero os peixes serra están máis relacionados coas raias que cos tiburóns, de aí que se inclúan na superorde dos batoideos.

Por iso non deben confundirse cos tiburóns serra (orde Pristiophoriformes), que teñen unha aparencia similar, pero que son "verdadeiros" tiburóns.


Pristis clavata.

As dimensións dos peixes serra oscilan entre 1,4 m e os 7 m de lonxitude.

A súa característica máis sobresaínte é, xa que logo, o seu fociño en forma de serra. Este está dotado cunha serie de poros sensíbeis ao movemento e á electricidade, o que lles permite a estes peixes detectar o movemento e mesmo os latexos cardíacos de presas enterradas no sedimento mariño. O fociño actúa entón como un detector mentres o peixe serra nada sobre o fondo en busca de alimento. Tamén serve como ferramenta escavadora para desenterrar crustáceos.

Cando unha presa nada cerca, o peixe serra ataca desde abaixo e utiliza eficazmente a súa serra. Isto xeralmente fere á presa o suficiente como para que o peixe a devore sen moita dificultade.

Os peixes serra tamén utilizan o fociño como arma de defensa contra outros depredadores (como tiburóns) e mergulladores intrusos.

O "dentes" que sobresaen do fociño non son verdadeiros dentes, senón escamas dentais modificadas.

Todo o corpo dos peixes serra, incluída a cabeza, é aplanado, xa que pasan a maior parte do tempo deitados no fondo mariño. Ao igual que as raias, a súa boca está localizada ventralmente. Na boca teñen pequenos dentes para comer crustáceos e outros peixes de pequenas dimensións, aínda que ás veces devóranos enteiros.

Os peixes serra respiran por dous espiráculos localizados detrás dos ollos que conducen a auga ás branquias.

A pel está cuberta por pequenos dentículos que lle dan unha textura áspera. A súa cor é xeralmente gris ou apardazada, aínda que a especie Pristis pectinata é cor verde oliva.

Os ollos dos peixes serra non están moi desenvolvidos, debido ao seu hábitat lamacento; o fociño é a súa principal ferramenta sensorial.

Localización e hábitat

Os peixes serra viven en zonas tropicais e subtropicais ao redor de África, Australia e no Caribe.

Viven en augas, salgadas e doces, pouco profundas e lamacentas. A maioría das especies prefiren foces de ríos e sistemas de auga doce. Todos os peixes serra teñen a capacidade de cambiar de augas salgadas a doces, e xeralmente fano, nadando dentro de ríos, así como en baías e esteiros.


Son nocturnos; usualmente dormen durante o día e cazan á noite. A pesar das aparencias, son peixes que non atacan ás persoas a menos que sexan provocados ou sorprendidos.


Pouco se coñece sobre a reprodución dos peixes serra. Cada individuo vive entre 25 e 30 anos. Maduran lentamente, estimándose que non se reproducen até que alcanzan entre 3,5 e 4 m de longo e teñen entre 10 e 12 anos de idade, reproducíndose a niveis moito menores que a maioría dos peixes. Isto fai que a estes animais lles custe moito recuperar as súas poboacións, en especial tras unha sobrepesca.


Un peixe serra suxeitado para o seu etiquetado.

Os peixes serra comprenden sete especies en dous xéneros.[2] Este esquema foi descrito como caótico,[3] e posibelmente omita especies non descritas. Pristis pristis (especie complexa), incluíndo P. microdon e P. perotteti, necesita unha revisión taxonómica.


  1. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (Editors). 2009. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. Pristiformes. www.fishbase.org, version (10/2009).
  2. 2,0 2,1 Froese & Pauly (2009), Op. cit.
  3. Compagno, L. J. V., Cook, S. F. & Fowler, S. L. (2006): Pristis microdon. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Véxase tamén


  • Compagno, Leonard J. V. e Hamlett, William C., eds. (1999): Checklist of Living Elasmobranchs. Sharks, Skates, and Rays: The Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-6048-2.
  • Nelson, Joseph S. (2006): Fishes of the World. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-25031-7.

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Peixes serra: Brief Summary ( Galician )

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Non confundir con tiburóns serra, un grupo diferente.

Co nome de peixes serra coñécense os peixes cartilaxinosos elasmobranquios da superorde dos batoideos que integran a orde dos pristiformes (Pristiformes, do latín pristis, "peixe serra", e -formes, "en forma de").

A orde comprende unha soa familia, a dos prístidos (Pristidae), con dous xéneros e sete especies.

A súa aparencia é a dun peixe cun fociño longo e cheo de dentes, pero os peixes serra están máis relacionados coas raias que cos tiburóns, de aí que se inclúan na superorde dos batoideos.

Por iso non deben confundirse cos tiburóns serra (orde Pristiophoriformes), que teñen unha aparencia similar, pero que son "verdadeiros" tiburóns.

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Sagskötur ( Icelandic )

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Sagskötur (fræðiheiti: Pristidae) eru ættbálkur flatra brjóskfiska skyldar hákörlum. Einkenni á sagskötum er langt trýni þeirra sem líkist helst sög.

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Pristidae ( Italian )

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I Pristidi (Pristidae) sono una famiglia di pesci dell'ordine Pristiformes,[1] conosciuti comunemente come pesci sega.

Distribuzione e habitat

I pesci sega abitano i bassi fondali delle acque tropicali e temperate del globo.


La caratteristica più spiccata è certamente il rostro, un prolungamento cefalico costeggiato da ambo i lati da scaglie placoidi lunghe 5 cm simili a denti, e che può raggiungere oltre 1/4 della lunghezza totale dell'esemplare. Lo scopo di questa arma è quello di smuovere la sabbia del fondale alla ricerca delle prede, oltre che di ferirle con energici colpi. Uno studio recente ha evidenziato inoltre che nel rostro sono presenti dei pori atti ad intercettare i campi elettrici delle prede.[2] Il corpo è appiattito sul ventre, squaliforme, con due pinne dorsali a triangolo, pettorali allargate, simili alle ali delle razze e coda composta da due lobi, con quello superiore più allungato. La pinna anale è assente. Le aperture branchiali sono sul lato piatto, ventrale.
Le dimensioni dei pesci sega sono considerevoli: si va da 1,40 m di Pristis clavata fino a 7,6 m di Pristis pectinata. Il peso raggiunge i 1780 kg.

Un pesce sega visto dal basso
Pesci sega fotografati presso l'Acquario di Genova



I pesci sega predano pesci, raiformi, molluschi e crostacei.


La fecondazione è interna; sono specie ovovivipare, la femmina partorisce piccoli già formati. Una ricerca condotta in sinergia tra la Stony Brook University di New York, il Field Museum di Chicago e la Commissione della Florida per la Conservazione dei pesci e della fauna selvatica ha mostrato come, prima specie in natura, il pesce sega sia in grado di riprodursi anche per partenogenesi.[3]

Rapporti con l'uomo

Pescati per le loro pinne e per pesca sportiva, nonché per il rostro, ritenuto un souvenir in alcune zone turistiche tropicali.
Questi pesci possono colpire con il loro rostro se accidentalmente toccati e infastiditi.


La famiglia comprende 7 specie in 2 generi[1]:


  1. ^ a b (EN) Pristidae, in WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). URL consultato il 2 dicembre 2014.
  2. ^ (EN) Christine Dell'Amore, Il sesto senso del pesce sega, su National Geographic Italia, Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso, 20 giugno 2011. URL consultato il 26 ottobre 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 ottobre 2014).
  3. ^ ANSA, Riproduzione senza sesso in una specie selvatica minacciata, su ANSA, 1º giugno 2015. URL consultato il 3 giugno 2015.


  • E. Vannini & V. Vialli - "Zoologia dei Vertebrati" III Ed. Utet

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Pristidae: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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I Pristidi (Pristidae) sono una famiglia di pesci dell'ordine Pristiformes, conosciuti comunemente come pesci sega.

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Pristis (genus) ( Latin )

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Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Pristis

Pristis est genus piscium familiae Pristidarum. Hi magni pisces aquas litorales, aestuaria, ac lacûs fluviaque aquae dulcis in regionibus tropicis et subtropicis habitant.[1] Hodie omnes species Pristis in discrimen adductae sunt.[2][3]


  1. Last; White; de Carvalho; Séret; Stehmann; Naylor (2016). Rays of the World. CSIRO. pp. 59–66. ISBN 9780643109148
  2. "Pristis". International Union for Conservation of Nature, Red List of Threatened Species. 14 November 2017
  3. Dulvy; Davidson; Kyne; Simpfendorfer; Harrison; Carlson; and Fordham (2014). "Ghosts of the coast: global extinction risk and conservation of sawfishes". Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 26 (1): 134–153


Pristis in opere Ulixis Aldrovandi depictus (De piscibus libri V, et De cetis lib. unus,, 1613, p. 693)
Fontes antiquiores
  • 1613 : Ulysses Aldrovandus; Ioannes Cornelius Uterverius, Hieronymus Tamburinus, edd., De piscibus libri V, et De cetis lib. unus (Bononiae) pp. 692-696

Nexus externi

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Pristis (genus): Brief Summary ( Latin )

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Vide etiam paginam discretivam: Pristis

Pristis est genus piscium familiae Pristidarum. Hi magni pisces aquas litorales, aestuaria, ac lacûs fluviaque aquae dulcis in regionibus tropicis et subtropicis habitant. Hodie omnes species Pristis in discrimen adductae sunt.

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Pjūklažuvės ( Lithuanian )

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Pjūklažuvės (lot. Pristiformes, angl. Sawfishes, vok. Sägerochen) – kremzlinių žuvų (Chondrichthyes) būrys. Kūnas nelabai suplotas, kartais net iki 10 m ilgio. Plaukioja vingiuodamos stora uodega. Plokščias sukietėjęs rostrumas virtęs ilgu pjūklu, kuris sudaro trečdalį kūno ilgio. Šiuo pjūklu rausiasi grunte, kerta žuvis ir ginasi. Paplitusios šiltose jūrose, grynai upinės pjūklažuvės (Pristis microdon) gyvena Australijoje.[1]

Būryje yra viena šeima – pjūklažuvinės (Pristidae), 2 gentys ir 7 rūšys.


  1. MAŽEIKA, Vilius. Iš jūros į ežerus ir upes. Kaunas: Smaltija, 1998, 6 p. ISBN 9986-708-28-1.



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Pjūklažuvės: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

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Pjūklažuvės (lot. Pristiformes, angl. Sawfishes, vok. Sägerochen) – kremzlinių žuvų (Chondrichthyes) būrys. Kūnas nelabai suplotas, kartais net iki 10 m ilgio. Plaukioja vingiuodamos stora uodega. Plokščias sukietėjęs rostrumas virtęs ilgu pjūklu, kuris sudaro trečdalį kūno ilgio. Šiuo pjūklu rausiasi grunte, kerta žuvis ir ginasi. Paplitusios šiltose jūrose, grynai upinės pjūklažuvės (Pristis microdon) gyvena Australijoje.

Būryje yra viena šeima – pjūklažuvinės (Pristidae), 2 gentys ir 7 rūšys.

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Zaagvissen ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De zaagvissen (Pristidae) is de enige familie uit de orde Pristiformes. Binnen deze familie vallen twee geslachten met daarbinnen zeven soorten. Ze moeten niet verward worden met de zaaghaaien (Pristiophoriformes) die wel op zaagvissen lijken maar tot de haaien behoren. Zaagvissen staan nog verder af van de zwaardvis die tot de klasse van de straalvinnigen (infraklasse beenvissen) en de orde van de baarzen behoort.

Alle soorten zijn bedreigd en de meeste soorten vallen onder de bijlage I van de CITES-overeenkomst, die handel in deze vissen verbiedt. Uitzondering vormt Pristis microdon; die staat sinds 2013 op de bijlage II waardoor handel mogelijk is onder strikte voorwaarden en alleen in het kader van projecten die te maken hebben met natuurbehoud.


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Zaagvissen: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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De zaagvissen (Pristidae) is de enige familie uit de orde Pristiformes. Binnen deze familie vallen twee geslachten met daarbinnen zeven soorten. Ze moeten niet verward worden met de zaaghaaien (Pristiophoriformes) die wel op zaagvissen lijken maar tot de haaien behoren. Zaagvissen staan nog verder af van de zwaardvis die tot de klasse van de straalvinnigen (infraklasse beenvissen) en de orde van de baarzen behoort.

Alle soorten zijn bedreigd en de meeste soorten vallen onder de bijlage I van de CITES-overeenkomst, die handel in deze vissen verbiedt. Uitzondering vormt Pristis microdon; die staat sinds 2013 op de bijlage II waardoor handel mogelijk is onder strikte voorwaarden en alleen in het kader van projecten die te maken hebben met natuurbehoud.

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Sagskater ( Norwegian )

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Sagskater (Pristidae) er ein familie bruskfiskar. Dei liknar på haiar i forma, men hovudet er flatare. Dessutan er snuten lengja til eit flatt blad som på kvar side har 16 til 32 store hudtenner. Sagskater kan skiljast frå saghaiane ved at gjellespalta finst på undersida av kroppen.

Sagskatefamilien femnar om sju artar i to slekter som finst i tropiske saltvass- og brakkvass-strok; nokre går dessutan opp i ferskvatn. Dei kan verta 10 meter lange (saga kring 25 centimeter) og vega 2 300 kilogram. Sagskater lever mest av botndyr som dei rotar opp av sanden med saga, men dei tek òg mindre fisk som dei slår i svime ved å slå med saga i vatnet.


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Sagskater: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

provided by wikipedia NN

Sagskater (Pristidae) er ein familie bruskfiskar. Dei liknar på haiar i forma, men hovudet er flatare. Dessutan er snuten lengja til eit flatt blad som på kvar side har 16 til 32 store hudtenner. Sagskater kan skiljast frå saghaiane ved at gjellespalta finst på undersida av kroppen.

Sagskatefamilien femnar om sju artar i to slekter som finst i tropiske saltvass- og brakkvass-strok; nokre går dessutan opp i ferskvatn. Dei kan verta 10 meter lange (saga kring 25 centimeter) og vega 2 300 kilogram. Sagskater lever mest av botndyr som dei rotar opp av sanden med saga, men dei tek òg mindre fisk som dei slår i svime ved å slå med saga i vatnet.

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Piłokształtne ( Polish )

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Piłokształtne[2] (Pristiformes) – monotypowy rząd ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych (Chondrichthyes), obejmujący siedem gatunków o pyskach wydłużonych w kształt płaskiej łopatki z zębami położonymi po obu jej stronach. Z tego powodu określane są mianem ryby piły[3]. Zaliczane są do płaszczek, choć zachowały wiele cech ryb rekinokształtnych.

Zasięg występowania

Zamieszkują ciepłe wody nad szelfem kontynentalnym wszystkich oceanów[4]. Są rybami dwuśrodowiskowymi, mogą przebywać zarówno w wodach słonych, jak i słodkich.

Cechy charakterystyczne

Ciało długie, wrzecionowate. Głowa spłaszczona grzbietobrzusznie. Pysk wyciągnięty w tzw. rostrum, przypominające kształtem miecz lub piłę, wykorzystywany do ogłuszania i zabijania ofiar. Na każdej z bocznych krawędzi rostrum występuje 16–32 par ostrych, głęboko osadzonych zębów jednakowej wielkości. Oczy i tryskawki na wierzchniej, a otwór gębowy i szczeliny skrzelowe na spodniej części głowy. Małe zęby szczękowe ułożone są w licznych rzędach. Brak wąsików. Występują dwie płetwy grzbietowe o zbliżonej wielkości[4]. Pierwsza z nich leży nad płetwami brzusznymi. Płetwy piersiowe szerokie. Ich przednia część jest zrośnięta z głową. Płetwa odbytowa nie występuje. Tylne promienie płetw brzusznych samców są przekształcone w pterygopodium. Piłokształtne są żyworodne[3]. Żywią się głównie rybami.

Osiągają długość od 1,4 m (Pristis clavata) do 7,6 m (Pristis pectinata).


Rząd piłokształtnych obejmuje rodzinę[5]:


Wszystkie gatunki rodziny piłowatych wpisane są w Czerwonej Księdze IUCN jako krytycznie zagrożone wyginięciem (kategoria CR).

Zobacz też


  1. Pristiformes, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. Fritz Terofal, Claus Militz: Ryby morskie. Leksykon przyrodniczy. Przekład i adaptacja: Henryk Garbarczyk i Eligiusz Nowakowski. Warszawa: Świat Książki, 1996. ISBN 83-7129-306-2.
  3. a b G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970.
  4. a b Joseph S. Nelson: Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. ISBN 0-471-25031-7.
  5. Eschmeyer, W. N. & Fricke, R.: Catalog of Fishes electronic version (7 June 2012) (ang.). California Academy of Sciences. [dostęp 13 sierpnia 2012].
p d e
Systematyka ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych Królestwo: zwierzęta • Typ: strunowce • Podtyp: kręgowce
Ryby (Pisces): śluzice (Myxini) • minogi (Petromyzontida) • ryby pancerne (†Placodermi) • chrzęstnoszkieletowe (Chondrichthyes) • fałdopłetwe (†Acanthodii) • kostnoszkieletowe (Osteichthyes)

ryby chrzęstnoszkieletowe (Chondrichthyes)zrosłogłowe
chimerokształtne (Chimaeriformes)

Galeomorphi: rogatkokształtne (Heterodontiformes) • dywanokształtne (Orectolobiformes) • lamnokształtne (Lamniformes) • żarłaczokształtne (Carcharhiniformes)

Squalomorphi: sześcioszparokształtne (Hexanchiformes) • Echinorhiniformeskoleniokształtne (Squaliformes) • raszplokształtne (Squatiniformes) • piłonosokształtne (Pristiophoriformes)
orleniokształtne (Myliobatiformes) • piłokształtne (Pristiformes) • rajokształtne (Rajiformes) • Rhiniformesrochokształtne (Rhinobatiformes) • drętwokształtne (Torpediniformes)
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Piłokształtne: Brief Summary ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL

Piłokształtne (Pristiformes) – monotypowy rząd ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych (Chondrichthyes), obejmujący siedem gatunków o pyskach wydłużonych w kształt płaskiej łopatki z zębami położonymi po obu jej stronach. Z tego powodu określane są mianem ryby piły. Zaliczane są do płaszczek, choć zachowały wiele cech ryb rekinokształtnych.

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Pristidae ( Portuguese )

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Pristidae é a única família da ordem Pristiformes e compreende espécies vulgarmente conhecidas como peixes-serra. A sua característica principal é a maxila muito alongada, com dentes iguais colocados regularmente nos bordos exteriores.[1] Esta característica é semelhante à dos tubarões-serra, da ordem Pristiophoriformes, mas os peixes-serra, como todos os batoides, têm a cabeça achatada dorsiventralmente, com as fendas branquiais na face ventral. Atingem grandes tamanhos e são ovovivíparos. Eles estão entre os maiores peixes com algumas espécies atingindo comprimentos de cerca de 7–7,6 m.[2]


Os peixes-serra são encontrados em áreas costeiras tropicais e sub-tropicais de todos os oceanos. São encontrados também nas baías e nos estuários. São demersais e alimentam-se de pequenos peixes e crustáceos.

O nome

Os nomes "serra" e "peixe-serra" são também usados vulgarmente para espécies do género Scomberomorus, da família dos atuns.[3] Tubarão-serra é o nome vulgar duma outra ordem de peixes cartilagíneos, os Pristiophoriformes.


  1. “Family Pristidae - Sawfishes” in FishBase.org (em inglês) acessado a 12 de julho de 2009
  2. Last, Peter; White, William; de Carvalho, Marcelo; Séret, Bernard; Stehmann, Matthias; Naylor, Gavin, eds. (2016). «Rays of the World». doi:10.1071/9780643109148. Consultado em 13 de abril de 2021
  3. “List of Common Names with serra” in FishBase.org acessado a 12 de julho de 2009
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Pristidae: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Pristidae é a única família da ordem Pristiformes e compreende espécies vulgarmente conhecidas como peixes-serra. A sua característica principal é a maxila muito alongada, com dentes iguais colocados regularmente nos bordos exteriores. Esta característica é semelhante à dos tubarões-serra, da ordem Pristiophoriformes, mas os peixes-serra, como todos os batoides, têm a cabeça achatada dorsiventralmente, com as fendas branquiais na face ventral. Atingem grandes tamanhos e são ovovivíparos. Eles estão entre os maiores peixes com algumas espécies atingindo comprimentos de cerca de 7–7,6 m.

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Pristidae ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Peștii ferăstrău (Pristidae) sau rechinii-ferăstrău fac parte din clasa peștilor cartilaginoși (Chondrichthyes). Carateristic acestor specii este botul prelungit, care are lungimea de peste 25% din lungimea peștelui și care este prevăzută pe ambele părți cu dinți asemănător unui ferăstrău de pădure. Această prelungire este o armă de apărare sau de atac al peștelui. Prin mișcări rapide poate tăia prada, care se compune mai ales din pești, sau mai poate servi ca organ de simț cu care detectează crustaceii, moluștele, care se ascund în mâlul apelor. Peștii ferăstrău au două înotătoare dorsale, o înotătoare mare codală, corpul fiind acoperit de solzi sub formă de plăci. Nu au mustăți, unele specii pot atinge dimensiuni între 4,70 și 7,60 m, arealul lor de răspândire fiind apele calde tropicale.


  1. ^ Faria, V. V.; McDavitt, M. T.; Charvet, P.; Wiley, T. R.; Simpfendorfer, C. A.; Naylor, G. J. P. (2013). „Species delineation and global population structure of Critically Endangered sawfishes (Pristidae)”. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 167: 136–164. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00872.x. Accesat în 7 martie 2013.

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Pristidae: Brief Summary ( Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan )

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Peștii ferăstrău (Pristidae) sau rechinii-ferăstrău fac parte din clasa peștilor cartilaginoși (Chondrichthyes). Carateristic acestor specii este botul prelungit, care are lungimea de peste 25% din lungimea peștelui și care este prevăzută pe ambele părți cu dinți asemănător unui ferăstrău de pădure. Această prelungire este o armă de apărare sau de atac al peștelui. Prin mișcări rapide poate tăia prada, care se compune mai ales din pești, sau mai poate servi ca organ de simț cu care detectează crustaceii, moluștele, care se ascund în mâlul apelor. Peștii ferăstrău au două înotătoare dorsale, o înotătoare mare codală, corpul fiind acoperit de solzi sub formă de plăci. Nu au mustăți, unele specii pot atinge dimensiuni între 4,70 și 7,60 m, arealul lor de răspândire fiind apele calde tropicale.

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Sågfiskar ( Swedish )

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Sågfiskar (Pristiformes) är en fiskordning, som tillhör överordningen rockor och som endast omfattar familjen Pristidae. Sju arter är kända, varav sex tillhör släktet Pristis. En art, Anoxypristis cuspidata, förs till ett eget släkte. Alla är starkt hotade, främst av överfiske på grund av sitt eftertraktade kött, sitt värde som souvenirer eller status som troféer, och uppförda på IUCN:s lista över hotade arter. De anses alla som akut hotade.[källa behövs]


Sågfisk sedd underifrån. Atlantis Paradise Island, Nassau, Bahamas.
Skiss av en sågfisk.

Det mest kännetecknande för sågfiskarna är deras sågliknande nos (rostrum). Denna är mycket känslig och hjälper fisken att upptäcka tänkbara byten när den simmar över botten. Om bytet är svåråtkomligt, som ett nedgrävt kräftdjur, kan nosen också användas till att gräva fram det ur bottnen. Sågfiskarna kan även använda sin nos för att bedöva eller såra mer rörliga byten, som andra fiskar, så att dessa sedan kan sväljas utan något större motstånd. Det händer också att de vassa tänderna på nosen, som inte är några riktiga tänder utan ombildade plakoidfjäll, används när fisken måste värja sig mot predatorer.

Andra kännetecken är att sågfiskar har förhållandevis platt kropp och huvud, särskilt undersidan. Munnen och gälspringorna sitter på undersidan av huvudet och bakom ögonen finns två öppningar som tillför gälarna vatten. Huden är täckt av små plakoidfjäll som ger den en sträv struktur. Färgen är vanligen ljust gråaktig eller brunaktig, men en art, Pristis pectinata, kan vara något olivgrönaktig. Storleksmässigt når den minsta arten, Pristis clavata, en längd på omkring 1,4 meter och de största arterna, Pristis microdon, Pristis perotteti och Pristis zijsron kan nå en längd på upp mot 7 meter.


Sågfiskar finns i grunda, tropiska och subtropiska vatten runt Afrika, Australien och i Karibien. De kan leva både i salt havsvatten och i sötvatten och många arter håller till i flodmynningar och simmar även upp i flodsystem. Arten Pristis pristis fanns tidigare i Medelhavet, men den är nu försvunnen därifrån.


Sågfiskar är nattaktiva och vilar vanligen under dagen. Trots sitt utseende, som gör att de påminner om såghajar, är sågfiskar inte aggressiva och attackerar inte dykare om de inte blir överraskade eller provocerade. Reproduktionen är långsam, de flesta sågfiskar blir inte könsmogna före 10 års ålder och det uppskattas att parning bara sker vartannat år. Livslängden kan nå upp till 25-30 år.

Taxonomi och arter

Taxonomin för familjen sågfiskar, Pristidae, är osäker vad gäller antalet arter. Den består av två släkten.[1] Släktet Anoxypristis består av en enda art, A. cuspidata och släktet Pristis består av fyra till sex arter.

Släkte Bild Artnamn Trivialnamn IUCN-status Fish
FAO Kommentarer Anoxypristis AnoxypristisCuspidataCSIRO.jpg Anoxypristis cuspidata
(Latham, 1794) EN IUCN 3 1.svg Hotad[2] Har tidigare räknats till släktet Pristis Pristis Småtandade Pristis clavata 2.jpg Pristis clavata
Garman, 1906 EN IUCN 3 1.svg Hotad[3] [4] Pristis pristis - Georgia Aquarium Jan 2006.jpg Pristis pectinata
Latham, 1794 Sågfisk CR IUCN 3 1.svg Akut hotad[5] [6] I kustområden längs Atlanten, även i Medelhavet Sawfish genova.jpg Pristis zijsron
Bleeker, 1851 CR IUCN 3 1.svg Akut hotad[7] [8] Föredrar grunt vatten och estuarier Stortandade Pristis pristis
(Linnaeus, 1758) Sydlig sågfisk CR IUCN 3 1.svg Akut hotad[9] [10] Pristis microdon.jpg Pristis microdon
Latham, 1794
[11] Omtvistad som art[12] Pristis perotteti
J. P. Müller & Henle, 1841
[13] Omtvistad som art[12]


Denna artikel är baserad på en översättning från engelska Wikipedia 25 juli 2009


  1. ^ Rainer Froese och Daniel Pauly (red.) (2009). ”Pristidae” (på engelska). FishBase. http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/FamilySummary.php?Family=Pristidae. Läst 18 november 2014.
  2. ^ D'Anastasi, B., Simpfendorfer, C. & van Herwerden, L. 2013 Anoxypristis cuspidata Från: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 26 August 2013.
  3. ^ Kyne, P.M., Rigby, C. & Simpfendorfer, C. 2013 Pristis clavata Från: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 26 augusti 2013.
  4. ^ ”Pristis clavata” (på engelska). FishBase. mars 2013. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Pristis-clavata.html. Läst 18 november 2014.
  5. ^ Carlson, J., Wiley, T. & Smith, K. 2013 Pristis pectinata Från: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 26 augusti 2013.
  6. ^ ”Pristis pectinata” (på engelska). FishBase. mars 2013. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Pristis-pectinata.html. Läst 18 november 2014.
  7. ^ Simpfendorfer, C. 2013 Pristis zijsron Från: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 26 augusti 2013.
  8. ^ ”Pristis zijsron” (på engelska). FishBase. mars 2013. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Pristis-zijsron.html. Läst 18 november 2014.
  9. ^ Kyne, P.M., Carlson, J. & Smith, K. 2013 Pristis pristis Från: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 26 augusti 2013.
  10. ^ ”Pristis pristis” (på engelska). FishBase. mars 2013. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Pristis-pristis.html. Läst 18 november 2014.
  11. ^ ”Pristis microdon” (på engelska). FishBase. mars 2013. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Pristis-microdon.html. Läst 18 november 2014.
  12. ^ [a b] V. V. Faria, M. T. McDavitt, P. Charvet, T. R. Wiley, C. A. Simpfendorfer , G. J. P. Naylor (2013). ”Species delineation and global population structure of Critically Endangered sawfishes (Pristidae)” (på engelska). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167: sid. 136–164. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00872.x. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00872.x/full. Läst 18 november 2014.
  13. ^ ”Pristis perotteti” (på engelska). FishBase. mars 2013. http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Pristis-perotteti.html. Läst 18 november 2014.

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Sågfiskar: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

provided by wikipedia SV

Sågfiskar (Pristiformes) är en fiskordning, som tillhör överordningen rockor och som endast omfattar familjen Pristidae. Sju arter är kända, varav sex tillhör släktet Pristis. En art, Anoxypristis cuspidata, förs till ett eget släkte. Alla är starkt hotade, främst av överfiske på grund av sitt eftertraktade kött, sitt värde som souvenirer eller status som troféer, och uppförda på IUCN:s lista över hotade arter. De anses alla som akut hotade.[källa behövs]

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Риби-пилки ( Ukrainian )

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Риба-пила сягає в довжину 6-8 метрів, але за непідтвердженими даними розмір може досягати 10 метрів. Максимальна зафіксована вага склала 2400 кг.

Спосіб життя

Живе риба в прибережній смузі на такій малій глибині, що її плавники виступають над поверхнею води. Здійснюючи сезонні міграції риба-пила може запливати в прісноводні річки.

Основний раціон живлення складають тварини, що мешкають на дні. Риба виколупує їх своїм рилом, діючи їм як лопатою. Іноді вона вривається в зграю дрібних риб, і махаючи пилкою з боку в бік калічить жертву, потім підбирає її з дна. Їжу пилорилів складають головним чином різні дрібні тварини, що живуть у ґрунті. Для викопування їх з мулу пилорили використовують свою пилку, уживану в цьому випадку як лопату та граблі. Іноді спостерігали, як вони, увірвавшись в зграю дрібних риб (сардина, кефаль), діяли пилкою як шаблею, вражаючи свою здобич, а потім заковтували її на дні.

Риби-пили розмножуються шляхом яйцеживородження, причому самка приносить 15-20 дитинчат. У ембріонів, що знаходяться в утробі матері, рило м'яке, а зуби «пилки» повністю сховані під шкірою до самого народження. Цей вид, як і інші представники родини, зустрічається лише в прибережній смузі, часто на настільки малій глибині, що спинні плавники ската виступають на поверхню. Біля берегів Америки пилорил робить сезонні міграції: з південних районів у північні влітку, і в зворотному напрямку восени. Він зустрічається не тільки в морській, але і в солонуватій і навіть прісній воді. Цей вид заходить іноді в річки, піднімаючись високо проти течії (інші види, наприклад австралійський пилорил — Pristis leichhardti, постійно живуть у річках).

Скат й людина


Скати-пилорили мають невелике господарське значення. М'ясо їх досить грубе, але цілком їстівне. Традиційно вважається, що риба-пилка не представляє загрози для людини. Однак випадки нападу на людей все ж були зафіксовані. Найбільше побоюються риб в Панамській затоці, де жертви нападів померли. Іхтіолог Френсіс Дей, в 19 столітті описав напад риби-пили на плавця і розсічення його надвоє ударом риби. Важко сказати наскільки відповідає істині цей випадок, проте повірити в нього можна: розмір пилки досягає 1/3 від загальної довжини риби, а при вазі в кілька тонн, удар може бути дуже сильним.


Риба-пила (Pristis pectinatus) або звичайний пилорил, зустрічається біля берегів Атлантичного океану, в Середземному морі, біля узбереж Тихого і Індійського океанів. Вона досягає 4,8 м в довжину, а можливо, і більше (є повідомлення про спійманих риб довжиною до 6 м) і досить значної ваги — екземпляр довжиною 4,2 м важив 315 кг, а найбільша зафіксована вага склала майже 2400 кг (довжина цієї риби не була вказана).

Роди та види


  • Kurt Fiedler: Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, Band II, Teil 2: Fische. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1991, ISBN 3-334-00339-6.
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Pristidae ( Vietnamese )

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Các nghĩa khác, xem Cá đao.

Bộ Cá đao (danh pháp khoa học: Pristiformes), là một bộ cá dạng cá đuối, với đặc trưng là một mũi sụn dài ra ở mõm. Một số loài có thể phát triển dài tới 7 mét.[2][3][4]. Phần lớn các loài là không biết rõ và ít được nghiên cứu. Chúng là thành viên của họ còn sinh tồn duy nhất là Pristidae trong bộ Pristiformes, với từ nguyên bắt nguồn từ tiếng Hy Lạp cổ đại pristēs (πρίστης) có nghĩa là "thợ cưa" hay "cái cưa". Chúng thường hay bị nhầm lẫn với các loài trong bộ Cá nhám cưa (Pristiophoriformes) vì hình dáng tương tự.

Tất cả các loài cá đao được xếp vào danh sách loài cực kỳ nguy cấp của IUCN.[5][6]

Phân bố và môi trường sống

Cá đao được tìm thấy trong khu vực nhiệt đớicận nhiệt đớiĐại Tây DươngẤn Độ-Thái Bình Dương. Chúng sinh sống ở các vùng ven biển như vịnh và các cửa sông, nhưng thường xuyên thâm nhập vào các con sông và hồ lớn như hồ Nicaragua.

Cá đao chỉ sống ở vùng nước nông và lầy lội, có thể được tìm thấy trong cả khu vực nước ngọt và nước mặn. Tất cả các loài cá đao có khả năng di chuyển qua lại giữa khu vực nước ngọt và nước mặn.

Mô tả

Điểm đặc biệt nhất của cá đao là phần mõm dài hình lưỡi cưa. Phần mõm được bao phủ bởi các lỗ chân lông nhạy cảm cho phép cá đao phát hiện chuyển động của con mồi ẩn dưới đáy biển. Đồng thời nó cũng được dùng như là một công cụ đào bới để tìm kiếm các động vật giáp xác và vũ khí tự vệ, chống lại sự săn bắt của con người và động vật ăn thịt như cá mập. "Răng" nhô ra từ mõm không phải là răng thực sự, nhưng chúng là các cấu trúc giống như răng đã biến đổi, được gọi là các "răng nhỏ".

Cơ thể và đầu của cá đao phẳng, và chúng dành phần lớn thời gian của mình để nằm trên đáy biển. Miệng và lỗ mũi của chúng nằm ở mặt dưới giống như các loài cá đuối. Miệng được lót bằng răng nhỏ, hình vòm để ăn cá nhỏ và động vật giáp xác. Cá đao thở bằng hai lỗ thở phía sau mắt. Lớp da được bao phủ bằng một lớp răng nhỏ xíu bằng chất da, tạo ra một kết cấu thô ráp. Cá đao thường có màu xám nhạt hoặc nâu, riêng cá đao răng nhỏ Đại Tây Dương (Pristis pectinata) có màu xanh ô liu.

Giống như các loài elasmobranchii khác, cá đao thiếu bong bóng và chúng kiểm soát sức nổi bằng một lá gan lớn chứa nhiều dầu. Bộ xương của chúng được cấu tạo bằng chất sụn.

Đôi mắt của cá đao không phát triển do môi trường sống trong bùn. Thiết bị cảm giác chính của cá đao là phần mõm. Ruột có hình dạng giống như cái mở nút chai, được gọi là van xoắn ốc.

Cá đao nhỏ nhất là cá đao lùn (P. clavata), có thể phát triển tới chiều dài đạt 1,4 mét (4,6 ft),[7] nhỏ hơn nhiều hơn so với những thành viên khác. Loài lớn nhất là cá đao răng lớn (P. perotteti), cá đao răng nhỏ (P. microdon), và cá đao thường (P. pristis), tất cả đều có thể đạt tới 7 m (23 ft) [2][3][4] Một con cá đao phía Nam được ghi nhận là có trọng lượng tới 2,455 tấn (£ 5410).[8]

Sinh học

Cá đao hoạt động về đêm, thường ngủ vào ban ngày và đi săn vào ban đêm. Mặc dù xuất hiện với hình dáng đáng sợ nhưng chúng lại không hề tấn công con người trừ khi bị khiêu khích hoặc hoảng sợ. Săn bắt cá đao là bất hợp pháp ở MỹÚc.

Ít có thông tin về thói quen sinh sản của cá đao. Chúng trưởng thành đạt khả năng sinh sản trong 10 năm.

Cá đao được ước tính giao phối hai năm một lần, với một lứa trung bình sinh khoảng tám con non. Các con non trưởng thành rất chậm, người ta ước tính rằng các loài cá đao lớn không đạt đến độ thuần thục sinh sản cho đến khi có chiều dài 3,5 đến 4 mét (11 đến 13 ft) và từ 10 đến 12 năm tuổi. Chúng sinh sản ở mức độ thấp nhất so với nhiều loài cá khác. Điều này làm cho các loài cá đao phục hồi chậm bởi tình trạng săn bắt quá mức.[9] Phôi thai phát triển bên trong cơ thể con mẹ cho tới khi con non được sinh ra. Phần mõm bán cứng của con non khi đẻ được bao phủ bởi một lớp màng. Điều này giúp con mẹ không bị thương trong quá trình sinh.

Phân loại

Một con cá đao lớn bị buộc dọc mạn tàu

Có 7 loài cá đao nằm trong hai chi.[1]. Phức hợp loài Pristis pristis, bao gồm cả P. microdonP. perotteti nên phân loại của chúng đang được xem xét lại[10]

Họ Pristidae Bonaparte, 1838

  • Chi Anoxypristis E. I. WhiteMoy-Thomas, 1941
    • Anoxypristis cuspidata (Latham, 1794) (Cá đao răng nhọn)
      Còn được gọi là cá đao hẹp hay cá đao nhọn. Loài này sống ở khu vực bùn lầy Ấn Độ-Tây Thái Bình Dương. Có màu xám, nhưng có một cưa hẹp giống mỏ chim, có nhiều răng ở phần đỉnh của cưa và không có răng ở đoạn cưa gần đầu.
  • Chi Pristis H. F. Linck, 1790
    • Pristis clavata Garman, 1906 (Cá đao lùn)
      Còn được gọi là cá đao Queensland. Chúng sống ở dưới bùn tại các vịnh và cửa sông dọc theo bờ biển phía bắc của Úc. Cơ thể của loài này tương đối nhỏ, chỉ đạt khoảng 1,4 m (4,6 ft).
    • Pristis microdon Latham, 1794 (Cá đao răng nhỏ hay cá đao Leichhardt)
      Còn được gọi là cá đao răng lớn (tuy nhiên điều này có thể dẫn đến sự nhầm lẫn với loài P. perotteti khi cả hai được coi là loài riêng biệt) hay cá đao nước ngọt. Chúng được giới hạn trong các khu vực ven biển Ấn Độ-Thái Bình Dương, nhưng đôi khi được coi là cùng loài với P. perotteti, và không chắc chắn về sự tồn tại với tên P. microdon, do mô tả ban đầu thiếu địa điểm thu mẫu.
    • Pristis pectinata Latham, 1794 (Cá đao răng nhỏ Đại Tây Dương)
      Còn được gọi là cá đao rộng. Chúng có màu xanh lá cây hoặc xanh xám và sống ở ven biển của Đại Tây Dương, bao gồm cả vùng Địa Trung Hải.[11]
    • Pristis perotteti J. P. Müller & Henle, 1841 (Cá đao răng lớn)
      Chúng giới hạn tại ven biển nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới Đại Tây Dương, phía đông Thái Bình Dương, nhưng có thể sống tại các khu vực nước nội địa (Santarém và hồ Nicaragua). Xem thêm loài P. microdon.
    • Pristis pristis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cá đao thường)
      Sống ở các vùng ven biển nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới Đại Tây Dương, Địa Trung Hải, phía đông Thái Bình Dương và miền bắc Australia. Theo như tên của chúng, chúng là loài từng rất phong phú nhưng giảm nhanh chóng về số lượng như nhiều loài cá đao khác.
    • Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851 (Cá đao đuôi nhỏ)
      Được tìm thấy ở Ấn Độ-Tây Thái Bình Dương. Chúng thích sống ở khu vực bùn tại các vịnh và cửa sông.

Bảo tồn

Tất cả các loài cá đao được coi là cực kỳ nguy cấp. Chúng bị săn bắt có thể là do vô tình, do săn bắt để lấy phần mõm hình cưa của chúng (có thể do sự tò mò về chúng), vây (là một món ăn ngon), và dầu gan được sử dụng trong y học dân gian.

Phá hủy môi trường sống là một mối đe dọa tới cá đao. Do kích thước lớn lên cá đao đòi hỏi khu vực sinh sống rộng lớn. Trong môi trường nuôi nhốt, cho đến nay cũng đã thành công với loài P. pectinata[12] tại bể cá ở Atlantis Paradise Island.[13]

Ghi chú

  1. ^ a ă Chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. (2009). "Pristidae" trên FishBase. Phiên bản tháng tháng 1 năm 2009.
  2. ^ a ă Thông tin "Pristis microdon" trên FishBase, chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng tháng 2 năm 2011.
  3. ^ a ă Thông tin "Pristis perotteti" trên FishBase, chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng tháng 2 năm 2011.
  4. ^ a ă Thông tin "Pristis pristis" trên FishBase, chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng tháng 2 năm 2011.
  5. ^ IUCN Red List. Truy cập 19-10-2009.
  6. ^ Các phụ lục I, II và III của CITES. Phiên bản 22-5-2009.
  7. ^ Thông tin "Pristis clavata" trên FishBase, chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng tháng 5 năm 2010.
  8. ^ R. Aidan Martin. “Big Fish Stories”. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research.
  9. ^ Raloff, Janet (2007). Hammered Saws, Science News vol. 172, pp. 90-92.
  10. ^ Compagno, L.J.V., Cook, S.F. & Fowler, S.L. (2006) Pristis microdon Trong: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Ấn bản 2009.2. www.iucnredlist.org Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 3 năm 2010.
  11. ^ Adams, W.F., Fowler, S.L., Charvet-Almeida, P., Faria, V., Soto, J. & Furtado, M. (2006) Pristis pectinata Trong: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Ấn bản 2009.2. www.iucnredlist.org Truy cập ngày 25 tháng 3 năm 2010.
  12. ^ Smith, M., D. Warmolts, D. Thoney, & R. Hueter (2004). The Elasmobranch Husbandry Manual: Captive Care of Sharks, Rays and their Relatives.
  13. ^ Sawfish: Treaties tabled on 12 March and ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2008. Cairns Marine

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Pristidae: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI
Các nghĩa khác, xem Cá đao.

Bộ Cá đao (danh pháp khoa học: Pristiformes), là một bộ cá dạng cá đuối, với đặc trưng là một mũi sụn dài ra ở mõm. Một số loài có thể phát triển dài tới 7 mét.. Phần lớn các loài là không biết rõ và ít được nghiên cứu. Chúng là thành viên của họ còn sinh tồn duy nhất là Pristidae trong bộ Pristiformes, với từ nguyên bắt nguồn từ tiếng Hy Lạp cổ đại pristēs (πρίστης) có nghĩa là "thợ cưa" hay "cái cưa". Chúng thường hay bị nhầm lẫn với các loài trong bộ Cá nhám cưa (Pristiophoriformes) vì hình dáng tương tự.

Tất cả các loài cá đao được xếp vào danh sách loài cực kỳ nguy cấp của IUCN.

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Пилорылые скаты ( Russian )

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Рострум рыбы-пилы длиной 1 м

Пилоры́лые скаты[1] (лат. Pristidae) — семейство хрящевых рыб из надотряда скатов, выделяемое в монотипический отряд Пилорылообразные (Pristiformes). Самым заметным признаком является длинный плоский вырост рыла, обрамлённый по бокам зубцами одинаковой величины. Эти выросты расположены в один ряд с каждой стороны и придают рылу сходство с пилой[2]. «Пила» составляет около четверти длины тела пилорылых скатов. Внешне пилорылые скаты больше напоминают акул. У них вытянутое тело, хвостовая часть почти не обособлена от туловищной, а у некоторых видов имеется двухлопастный хвостовой плавник. От внешне с ними похожих пилоносых акул пилорылые скаты отличаются уплощённым телом, жаберными отверстиями, лежащими на нижней поверхности головы, краями грудных плавников, которые срастаются с головой на уровне рта, а также отсутствием усиков на рыле[2]. По сравнению с пилоносыми акулами, пилорылые скаты намного крупнее, они достигают в длину 7 метров[3][4][5] и веса 2400 кг[2][6]. Ископаемые остатки пилоносых акул известны из гораздо более древних геологических слоев — на границе юрского и мелового периодов, а пилорылые скаты появились в конце мезозойской эры, на 60 млн лет позже[7].

Название семейства происходит от др.-греч. πριόνι «пила»[8]. Пилорылые скаты размножаются яйцеживорождением. Рацион состоит из мелких рыб и ракообразных. Продолжительность жизни до 80 лет[3].

Эти скаты находятся на грани исчезновения из-за ухудшения условий среды обитания и перелова. Численность их популяций снизилась до 10% от исторического уровня, а ареал сократился на 90 %. С 2007 года международная торговля пилорылыми скатами находится под запретом[9].


Пилорылые скаты обитают в морской или солоноватой воде, некоторые виды являются эвригалиннымиruen, а мелкозубый пилорыл живёт в пресной воде. Они широко распространены в тропических и тёплых умеренных водах Атлантического, Индийского и Тихого океанов. Встречаются у берега, в лагунах, эстуариях и дельтах рек. Иногда они заплывают вверх по течению рек[2] и даже заходят в озёра, например, Никарагуа[3].

Эти рыбы предпочитают мелкие, мутные воды, большую часть времени проводят у дна и лишь изредка поднимаются на поверхность. Молодые особи держатся на мелководье, а взрослые попадаются на глубине до 40 м и более. Ведут ночной образ жизни.


Наиболее характерной чертой пилорылых скатов является удлинённый плоский рострум, по обе стороны усеянный зубовидными выростами. Зубья крепко и глубоко закреплены в твёрдой хрящевой ткани и не отрастают заново, будучи повреждёнными. Число пар зубцов колеблется от 14 до 34 в зависимости от вида[3].

У пилорылых скатов уплощённое тело, рот, ноздри и жаберные щели, как и прочих скатов, расположены на вентральной поверхности. Во рту имеются небольшие зубы. Позади мелких глаз расположены брызгальца, которые прокачивают воду через жабры и позволяют скатам неподвижно лежать на дне[3]. Имеются 2 довольно крупных спинных плавника примерно одинакового размера, широкие грудные и уступающие им по размеру брюшные плавники треугольной формы, хвостовой плавник с развитой верхней лопастью. Анальный плавник отсутствует. Кожа покрыта плакоидной чешуёй. Дорсальная поверхность тела тёмная, а вентральная светлая. Как и у прочих пластиножаберных плавательный пузырь отсутствует, а плавучесть поддерживается за счёт печени, богатой жиром. Размеры колеблются от 1,4 м (квинслендский пилорыл)[10] до 7 м (европейский пилорыл).

Сравнение пилоносых акул и пилорылообразных скатов Характеристика Пилоносые акулы Пилорылообразные скаты Источники Жаберные щели по бокам туловища на вентральной стороне туловища Усики пара длинных усиков на середине рострума нет Ростральные зубцы как правило, чередуются крупные и мелкие одинакового размера Среда обитания глубокие воды открытого моря прибрежное мелководье Размер мелкий, не более 170 см крупный, до 7 м


Пилорылые скаты размножаются путём яйцеживорождения. Эмбрионы развиваются в утробе матери, питаясь желтком. В помёте до 20 новорождённых. У эмбрионов рострум мягкий, а зубья покрыты кожей вплоть до рождения[2]. Взрослеют медленно, к примеру, мелкозубые пилорылы достигают половой зрелости только к 10—12 годам[12].

Рацион состоит из небольших рыб и донных беспозвоночных, которых скаты выкапывают из грунта с помощью рострума[13].

Функции рострума

Долгое время недостаток наблюдений за пилорылыми скатами в естественной среде не давал возможности учёным собрать данные о функционировании их рострума. Считалось, что пилорылые скаты, подобно прочим морским позвоночным, обладающим подобием «клюва» или удлинённым рострумом, используют его либо для обнаружения, либо для поимки добычи, но не того и другого одновременно. Однако недавние исследования продемонстрировали, что их «пила» выполняет обе эти функции[14].

Рострум покрыт электрорецепторами, улавливающими малейшее движение потенциальной добычи, зарывшейся на дне[15]. Ампулы Лоренцини сконцентрированы на дорсальной поверхности «пилы». Они позволяют рыбе, ведущей донный образ жизни, «создать» трёхмерную картинку того, что происходит над ней, даже в мутной воде[14] и лучше сориентироваться[16]. Кроме того, рылом скаты вскапывают грунт в поисках закопавшихся ракообразных и моллюсков, которые служат им пищей[17]. Считается, что первичной функцией рострума пилорылых скатов было обездвиживание жертвы[16]. Иногда обыкновенные пилорылы приближаются к крупным стаям рыб и начинают размахивать «пилой» из стороны в сторону. Высокая плотность добычи в таких скоплениях повышает вероятность того, что в ходе атаки скату удастся оглушить или наколоть на зубья несколько рыбёшек[18]. Кроме того, иногда пилорылые скаты нападают на крупных рыб и вырывают из их тела куски мяса[17].

Многочисленные ростральные зубцы на самом деле не являются зубами, а представляют собой видоизменённую плакоидную чешую[19]. Это оружие вкупе со способностью пилорылых скатов размахивать им из стороны в сторону обеспечивает мощную защиту от врагов[17], которыми в естественной среде являются акулы, морские млекопитающие и крокодилы[13]. Наблюдения за скатами в неволе также подтвердили предположение, что они способны использовать пилу не только чтобы охотиться, но и защищаться[18].

Взаимодействие с человеком

Пилорылые скаты долгое время были объектом коммерческого промысла. Мясо этих рыб, особенно плавники, которые являются ингредиентом знаменитого супа, высоко ценится[20]. Жир печени используют в народной медицине. Цена за рострум может достигать $ 1000 и более[21]. Все виды пилорылых скатов имеют охранный статус «Вымирающий» или «На грани исчезновения» из-за ухудшения экологической ситуации и перелова. По оценкам численность мировой популяции каждого из видов упала до 10 % от своего исторического уровня, а их ареал сократился на 80 %[22]. Ареал широко распространённого ранее гребенчатого пилорыла уменьшился на 90 %, а численность популяции снизилась на 95 %[5]. C 2007 года в глобальном масштабе введён запрет на международную торговлю пилорылыми скатами, единственное исключение было сделано на вылов живого мелкозубого пилорыла для содержания в публичном океанариуме с целью сохранения вида[9].

Пилорылые скаты в культуре

Во многих культурах рыба с зазубренным рострумом используется в качестве символа. У ацтеков они почитались «земляным монстром», «пилы» были найдены в храмовых захоронениях Теночтитлана[23][24]. У некоторых азиатских народов с их помощью изгоняют духов и болезни[25]. Пила-рыба служила эмблемой немецкой субмарины U-96 (1940), а также была изображена на нагрудном знаке для малых катеров и лодок в Кригсмарине.

В романе Жюля Верна «20 тысяч лье под водой» Капитан Немо отговаривает гарпунёра Неда Ленда охотиться на китов, приводя следующий аргумент, который на самом деле не соответствует действительности, поскольку пилорылые скаты не представляют опасности для китов[26]:

Оставьте-ка в покое несчастных китов! И без вас у них

много своих врагов: кашалоты, меч-рыба, пила-рыба!

Жюль Верн. «20 тысяч лье под водой»

Пила-рыба — персонаж мультфильма «Голубой щенок». Пилорылый скат является символом Центрального банка государств Западной Африки.

Позади глаз у пилорылых скатов расположены брызгальца


В семействе 2 рода и 7 современных видов[4][1]:

Ископаемые пилорыловые[28]:

  • Pristis amblodon — 16,0—13,6 млн лет назад, Северная Америка
  • Pristis aquitanicus
  • Pristis atlanticus — 11,6 — 7,3 млн лет назад, Европа
  • Pristis brachyodon
  • Pristis brayi
  • Pristis caheni
  • Pristis curvidens
  • Pristis dubius
  • Pristis ensidens
  • Pristis fajumensis
  • Pristis lanceolatus
  • Pristis lathami
  • Pristis olbrechtsi
  • Pristis prosulcatus
  • Pristis reinachi


  1. 1 2 Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 39. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Жизнь животных. Том 4. Ланцетники. Круглоротые. Хрящевые рыбы. Костные рыбы / под ред. Т. С. Расса, гл. ред. В. Е. Соколов. — 2-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 1983. — С. 45. — 575 с.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis pristis) (неопр.). NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources (27 February 2013).
  4. 1 2 FishBase: Specieslist of Pristidae
  5. 1 2 Smalltooth Sawfish (Pristis pectinata) (неопр.). NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources (27 February 2013).
  6. R. Aidan Martin. Big Fish Stories (неопр.). ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research.
  7. Н. Ю. Феоктистова. Рыбы с... пилами: акулы-пилоносы (Pristiophoriformes) и пилорылые скаты (Pristidae) (неопр.). Мир животных.
  8. Christopher Scharpf and Kenneth J. Lazara. Fish Name Etymology Database (неопр.). The ETYFish Project. Проверено 27 февраля 2014.
  9. 1 2 CITES Appendices I, II and III (неопр.). Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
  10. Пилорылые скаты (англ.) в базе данных FishBase.
  11. 1 2 3 Ichthyology: Sawfish Biology University of Florida, Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 23 March 2013.
  12. Mol,, Jan H.A. The Freshwater Fishes of Suriname. — BRILL, 2012-09-19. — P. 136. — ISBN 9789004207660.
  13. 1 2 Jason Seitz. Sawfish Biology (неопр.). Florida Museum of Natural History.
  14. 1 2 Crew, Becky. Zombie birds, astronaut fish, and other weird animals. — Avon, Mass. — Adams Media, 2013. — P. 55—58. — 240 p. — ISBN 9781440560262.
  15. Wueringer B.E., Peverell S.C., Seymour J., Squire, Jr. L., Kajiura S.M., Collin S.P. Sensory Systems in Sawfishes. 1. The Ampullae of Lorenzini // Brain, Behavior and Evolution. — 2011. — Т. 78, № 2. — С. 139—149. — ISSN 1421-9743. — DOI:10.1159/000329515. [исправить]
  16. 1 2 Wueringer Barbara E., Squire Lyle, Collin Shaun P. The biology of extinct and extant sawfish (Batoidea: Sclerorhynchidae and Pristidae) // Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. — 2009. — 19 марта (т. 19, № 4). — С. 445—464. — ISSN 0960-3166. — DOI:10.1007/s11160-009-9112-7. [исправить]
  17. 1 2 3 C. M., Jr. Breder. On the Utility of the Saw of the Sawfish // Copeia. — 1952-06-26. — Т. 1952, вып. 2. — С. 90—91. — DOI:10.2307/1438539.
  18. 1 2 Scott, Micheal. Reef Sharks & Rays of the World. — Prostar Pubns., 2005. — ISBN 1577855388.
  19. Bob H. Slaughter, Stewart Springer. Replacement of Rostral Teeth in Sawfishes and Sawsharks // Copeia. — 1968-08-31. — Т. 1968, вып. 3. — С. 499—506. — DOI:10.2307/1442018.
  20. Recovery Plan for Smalltooth Sawfish (Pristis pectinata) (неопр.). National Marine Fisheries Service (2009).
  21. Richard Black. Sawfish protection acquires teeth (неопр.). BBC News (11 June 2007).
  22. Dulvy Nicholas K., Davidson Lindsay N. K., Kyne Peter M., Simpfendorfer Colin A., Harrison Lucy R., Carlson John K., Fordham Sonja V. Ghosts of the coast: global extinction risk and conservation of sawfishes // Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. — 2014. — 15 октября (т. 26, № 1). — С. 134—153. — ISSN 1052-7613. — DOI:10.1002/aqc.2525. [исправить]
  23. Непомнящий Н. Н. Сто великих тайн Древнего мира. — Вече, 2013. — 480 с. — ISBN 978-5-9533-4582-8.
  24. Захоронения ацтеков (неопр.). http://tainy.net/.
  25. Raloff, Janet. Hammered Saws // Science News. — 2007. — Vol. 172. — P. 90—92.
  26. Жюль Верн. 36 // Собрание сочинений. — ГИХЛ, 1954. — Т. 4.
  27. Линдберг, Г. У., Герд, А. С., Расс, Т. С. Словарь названий морских промысловых рыб мировой фауны. — Ленинград: Наука, 1980. — С. 51. — 562 с.
  28. The Paleobiology Database: Pristidae
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Пилорылые скаты: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Рострум рыбы-пилы длиной 1 м

Пилоры́лые скаты (лат. Pristidae) — семейство хрящевых рыб из надотряда скатов, выделяемое в монотипический отряд Пилорылообразные (Pristiformes). Самым заметным признаком является длинный плоский вырост рыла, обрамлённый по бокам зубцами одинаковой величины. Эти выросты расположены в один ряд с каждой стороны и придают рылу сходство с пилой. «Пила» составляет около четверти длины тела пилорылых скатов. Внешне пилорылые скаты больше напоминают акул. У них вытянутое тело, хвостовая часть почти не обособлена от туловищной, а у некоторых видов имеется двухлопастный хвостовой плавник. От внешне с ними похожих пилоносых акул пилорылые скаты отличаются уплощённым телом, жаберными отверстиями, лежащими на нижней поверхности головы, краями грудных плавников, которые срастаются с головой на уровне рта, а также отсутствием усиков на рыле. По сравнению с пилоносыми акулами, пилорылые скаты намного крупнее, они достигают в длину 7 метров и веса 2400 кг. Ископаемые остатки пилоносых акул известны из гораздо более древних геологических слоев — на границе юрского и мелового периодов, а пилорылые скаты появились в конце мезозойской эры, на 60 млн лет позже.

Название семейства происходит от др.-греч. πριόνι «пила». Пилорылые скаты размножаются яйцеживорождением. Рацион состоит из мелких рыб и ракообразных. Продолжительность жизни до 80 лет.

Эти скаты находятся на грани исчезновения из-за ухудшения условий среды обитания и перелова. Численность их популяций снизилась до 10% от исторического уровня, а ареал сократился на 90 %. С 2007 года международная торговля пилорылыми скатами находится под запретом.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

锯鳐科 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科







锯鳐科: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科




ノコギリエイ ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
曖昧さ回避ソーフィッシュ」はこの項目へ転送されています。アメリカ海軍の潜水艦については「ソーフィッシュ (潜水艦)」をご覧ください。
Question book-4.svg
ノコギリエイ Pristis pristis - Georgia Aquarium Jan 2006.jpg
Pristis pectinata
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 軟骨魚綱 Chondrichthyes 亜綱 : 板鰓亜綱 Elasmobranchii : ノコギリエイ目 Pristiformes : ノコギリエイ科 Pristidae 下位分類群 本文参照

ノコギリエイ(鋸鱏、鋸鱝、英名:Sawfishソーフィッシュ)とは、ノコギリエイ目ノコギリエイ科 Pristidae に属するの総称。稀種。最大の特徴は、頭部から長く突き出たノコギリ状の吻である。Pristis はラテン語で、「ノコギリエイ」を意味する。




インド洋から太平洋の熱帯・亜熱帯海域に広く分布し、さらに河川などの淡水域にも生息する。特に、砂泥質の沿岸域や汽水域を好むが、これは淡水・海水の両方に適応できる浸透圧調節能力が備わっているためと考えられる。このように海水と淡水を行き来できる軟骨魚類はノコギリエイのほか、オオメジロザメ Carcharhinus leucasガンジスメジロザメ属 Glyphisに属する数種類、Dasyatis garouaensisなどアカエイ科の数種類が知られている程度であり[1]、さらにサメ類は淡水域で繁殖まではしないのに対してノコギリエイの仲間はニカラグア湖での出産例が報告されていることなど、このグループの中では特異な性質であると言える。







  • ノコギリザメの吻には2 本のヒゲが生えているのに対し、本種ではヒゲが見られない。
  • ノコギリザメの吻の歯は大きさがまちまちだが、本種では全てほぼ同じ大きさである。
  • ノコギリザメの吻の歯は抜け落ちても生え替わるが、本種のものは脱落しても生え替わらない。
  • ノコギリザメの鰓は体側面に開いているのに対し、本種では体下面に開く。
  • 胸鰭に関して、ノコギリザメより本種の方が相対的に大きい。
  • ノコギリエイは最大8メートルにも達する巨大な種もいるが、ノコギリザメは小さく、最大でも2メートル位にしかならない。


ドワーフ・ソーフィッシュ Pristis clavataラージトゥース・ソーフィッシュ Pristis microdonエプソン アクアパーク品川にて飼育されている(P. microdon はグリーン・ソーフィッシュと記載されている)。P. clavata は世界唯一の展示。他にも登別マリンパークニクス伊勢夫婦岩ふれあい水族館シーパラダイスにてそれぞれ1 個体が展示されている。


恐ろしい外見とは裏腹に、積極的に人に危害を加えることはない。ただし、ノコギリ状の吻は非常に危険なので、むやみに刺激したりしないよう注意が必要である。おとなしくても餌を見つけたときなどは攻撃的になることもある。大型のノコギリエイは1m 以上もある巨大な吻をもつので、それだけでも十分危険である。

吻や鰭、肝臓脂肪を採集するため、多くのノコギリエイが乱獲された。肝臓脂肪は医薬品に、鰭はフカヒレのスープの材料に、吻は単なるコレクションや魔除けなどに使われる。また生息地の環境変化もノコギリエイの生存に大きな影響を与えている。以前は太平洋大西洋インド洋地中海などに広く分布していたが、現在、ほとんどの種が数を減らし、あるものは絶滅の危機に瀕しているという。オーストラリア産のスモールトゥース・ソーフィッシュ Pristis pectinataIUCN国際自然保護連合)のレッドリストに記載されており、(CR、絶滅寸前)に指定されている[2]。オーストラリアやアメリカでは保護の対象になっており、商取引は禁じられている。


ノコギリエイ科 Pristidae には2 属5 種が属する。


  • Knifetooth sawfishナイフトゥース・ソーフィッシュAnoxypristis cuspidata (Latham, 1794)


  • Dwarf sawfishドワーフ・ソーフィッシュPristis clavata Garman, 1906
    • Dwarf (ドワーフ)は「小さい」の意。ノコギリエイの中では最も小型の種。オーストラリア産。
  • Common sawfishコモン・ソーフィッシュPristis pristis (Linnaeus, 1758)
    • 太平洋東部、カリブ海、大西洋の西部および東部、インド洋、北オーストラリアにかけて広い海域に分布している[3]。地中海で採取された標本もあるが、これは本来の生息域ではなく、迷い込んだ個体と考えられている[4]
      • Large-tooth sawfishラージ・トゥース・ソーフィッシュPristis perotteti Müller & Henle, 1841
      • Largetooth sawfish ノコギリエイラージトゥース・ソーフィッシュPristis microdon Latham, 1794: これらは、以前は別種とされていたが、2013年に、形態的、遺伝的にPristis pristisと同一種であることが示され、同種のシノニムとして扱われている[3]
  • Smalltooth sawfishスモールトゥース・ソーフィッシュPristis pectinata Latham, 1794
  • Longcomb sawfishロングコウム・ソーフィッシュPristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851
    • 最も普通に見られる種。

日本では狭義の「ノコギリエイ」という和名を永らく山陰沖で採取されAnoxypristis cuspidata として報告された魚に対して与えていた。しかし最近になってこれは実体がなく非常に疑わしいという研究結果が出され、あらためて八重山諸島で採取されたという報告が確実であるPristis microdon に対してノコギリエイという和名(狭義)が与え直されている。一方で最も古くリンネによって記載されたPristis pristis に対してノコギリエイという和名を使用している例もある。単純に種の和名として「ノコギリエイ」とされている場合は、文献の種類や時期によってこの3種を含んでいる可能性がある。ただし、2013年以降、Pristis microdonPristis pristisシノニムとされている[3]


  1. ^ 谷内透 (1997). サメの自然史. 東京大学出版会. pp. 180-189.
  2. ^ http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/18175/0
  3. ^ a b c Vicente V. Faria, Matthew T. McDavitt, Patricia Charvet, Tonya R. Wiley, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Gavin J. P. Naylor (2013). “Species delineation and global population structure of Critically Endangered sawfishes (Pristidae)” (PDF). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 167 (1): 136–164. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00872.x. https://academic.oup.com/zoolinnean/article-pdf/167/1/136/16616036/zoj872.pdf
  4. ^ Nicholas K. Dulvy, Lindsay N. K. Davidson, Peter M. Kyne, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Lucy R. Harrison, John K. Carlson, Sonja V. Fordham (2014). “Ghosts of the coast: global extinction risk and conservation of sawfishes” (PDF). Aquatic Conservation : Marine and Freshwater Ecosysts 26 (1): 134–153. doi:10.1002/aqc.2525. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aqc.2525/pdf


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ノコギリエイに関連するカテゴリがあります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、魚類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然/プロジェクト:生物)。
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wikipedia 日本語

ノコギリエイ: Brief Summary ( Japanese )

provided by wikipedia 日本語
 src= 全身のスケッチ

ノコギリエイ(鋸鱏、鋸鱝、英名:Sawfish、ソーフィッシュ)とは、ノコギリエイ目ノコギリエイ科 Pristidae に属するの総称。稀種。最大の特徴は、頭部から長く突き出たノコギリ状の吻である。Pristis はラテン語で、「ノコギリエイ」を意味する。


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wikipedia 日本語

톱가오리 ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

긴톱 가오리톱 가오리과에 속하는 가오리의 총칭이다. 톱 가오리(Common sawFish)로 흔히 잘못 알려져 있으나 톱 가오리과에 속한다. 톱 가오리 아가미가 옆에 있고 크기도 긴톱 가오리처럼 다 자라면 몸길이가 무려 7m에 달하는 이 포식자는 주로 밤에 활발히 활동하고, 민물과 바닷물 양쪽에서 모두 살 수 있다.

880 cm 넘은 몸집이 크나 긴톱 가오리는 입과 아가미가 아래쪽에 붙어있고 몸집도 훨씬 크다. 톱날처럼 날카로운 주둥이, 긴톱 가오리

세계에서 가장 큰 담수어 긴톱 가오리는 이름 그대로 톱처럼 생긴 주둥이를 가지고 있다. 톱상어와 비슷해 보이나 긴톱 가오리는 입과 아가미가 가오리처럼 아래쪽에 있고 몸집도 훨씬 큰다. 다 자라면 몸길이가 무려 880cm에 달하는 이 포식자는 주로 낮, 밤에 활발히 활동하고, 인도양 바닷물 양쪽에서 모두 살 수 있다. 많은 이빨이 달린 주둥이는 방어와 공격 모두를 위한 무기로서 먹이의 움직임과 심장 박동을 감지한다. 긴톱 가오리는 먹잇감을 사냥할 때 이 날카로운 주둥이를 이용해 먹이를 기절시켜 죽인다. 또한 포식자로부터 자신을 방어하기 위해 무기처럼 휘두르기도 한다. 긴톱 가오리는 몸이 납작하기 때문에 강바닥을 따라 몸을 붙이고 유유히 헤엄쳐 다니면서 주둥이로 어류와 갑각류를 찾은 후, 톱날 모양의 이빨로 먹이를 사냥한다. 그러나 거친 살갗과 날카로운 주둥이를 가진 긴톱 가오리는 진화적인 면에서 단점이 있다. 입의 특성상 먹이를 물어뜯을 수가 없기 때문에 입에 들어갈 수 있는 크기의 작은 먹이만 삼킬 수 있다. 또한 적극적으로 공격하는 포악한 성격을 가지고 있지 않다. 오늘날 멸종위기에 처한 긴톱 가오리. 하지만 긴톱 가오리의 날카로운 주둥이는 여전히 무서운 무기이다.

하위 분류

  • 톱가오리목
    • 톱가오리과 (Pristidae) Bonaparte, 1838
      • 아녹시톱가오리속 (Anoxypristis) E. I. White & Moy-Thomas, 1941
        • 아녹시톱가오리 (Anoxypristis cuspidata) (Latham, 1794)
      • 톱가오리속 (Pristis) H. F. Linck, 1790
        • Pristis clavata Garman, 1906
        • Pristis microdon Latham, 1794
        • Pristis pectinata Latham, 1794
        • Pristis perotteti J. P. Müller & Henle, 1841
        • Pristis pristis (Linnaeus, 1758)
        • Pristis zijsron Bleeker, 1851

멸종 위기

톱가오리과의 모든 종들은 심각한 멸종위기에 놓여있으며, 이에 따라 국제적으로 종의 거래가 금지된다.[1]


Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

톱가오리: Brief Summary ( Korean )

provided by wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

긴톱 가오리는 톱 가오리과에 속하는 가오리의 총칭이다. 톱 가오리(Common sawFish)로 흔히 잘못 알려져 있으나 톱 가오리과에 속한다. 톱 가오리 아가미가 옆에 있고 크기도 긴톱 가오리처럼 다 자라면 몸길이가 무려 7m에 달하는 이 포식자는 주로 밤에 활발히 활동하고, 민물과 바닷물 양쪽에서 모두 살 수 있다.

880 cm 넘은 몸집이 크나 긴톱 가오리는 입과 아가미가 아래쪽에 붙어있고 몸집도 훨씬 크다. 톱날처럼 날카로운 주둥이, 긴톱 가오리

세계에서 가장 큰 담수어 긴톱 가오리는 이름 그대로 톱처럼 생긴 주둥이를 가지고 있다. 톱상어와 비슷해 보이나 긴톱 가오리는 입과 아가미가 가오리처럼 아래쪽에 있고 몸집도 훨씬 큰다. 다 자라면 몸길이가 무려 880cm에 달하는 이 포식자는 주로 낮, 밤에 활발히 활동하고, 인도양 바닷물 양쪽에서 모두 살 수 있다. 많은 이빨이 달린 주둥이는 방어와 공격 모두를 위한 무기로서 먹이의 움직임과 심장 박동을 감지한다. 긴톱 가오리는 먹잇감을 사냥할 때 이 날카로운 주둥이를 이용해 먹이를 기절시켜 죽인다. 또한 포식자로부터 자신을 방어하기 위해 무기처럼 휘두르기도 한다. 긴톱 가오리는 몸이 납작하기 때문에 강바닥을 따라 몸을 붙이고 유유히 헤엄쳐 다니면서 주둥이로 어류와 갑각류를 찾은 후, 톱날 모양의 이빨로 먹이를 사냥한다. 그러나 거친 살갗과 날카로운 주둥이를 가진 긴톱 가오리는 진화적인 면에서 단점이 있다. 입의 특성상 먹이를 물어뜯을 수가 없기 때문에 입에 들어갈 수 있는 크기의 작은 먹이만 삼킬 수 있다. 또한 적극적으로 공격하는 포악한 성격을 가지고 있지 않다. 오늘날 멸종위기에 처한 긴톱 가오리. 하지만 긴톱 가오리의 날카로운 주둥이는 여전히 무서운 무기이다.

Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자


provided by World Register of Marine Species
Distribution: Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Snout elongated into a long flat blade with teeth of uniform size deeply embedded on each side. No barbels. Head depressed. The body more or less resembling a shark. Two distinct dorsal fins. Giant fishes of coastal waters, entering estuaries and ascending large rivers for great distances. Used for food and regarded as exciting game fishes because of their size. Although generally harmless to humans, their large size and sawlike beak make them dangerous when hooked or speared. Of the many nominal species only four appear to be valid.


MASDEA (1997).

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Edward Vanden Berghe [email]