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Stapeliinae ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Die Stapeliinae sind eine Untertribus in der Tribus Ceropegieae aus der Unterfamilie der Seidenpflanzengewächse (Asclepiadoideae) in der Familie der Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae). Die Arten dieses Taxons haben ihre Areale nur in der Alten Welt. Ein Diversitätszentrum (Zentrum der Artenvielfalt) ist die Capensis. Die meisten Arten der Stapeliinae werden Aasblumen genannt. Diese Bezeichnung wird jedoch auch für die Arten der Gattung Rafflesia verwendet, die auch über ihre Blüten Aasgeruch ausströmen, um Aasfliegen zur Bestäubung der Blüte anzulocken.


Es sind sukkulente Pflanzen. Den Blüten vieler Taxa strömt Aasgeruch aus, um Aasfliegen zur Bestäubung anzulocken.


Äußere Systematik

Die Stapeliinae sind eine Untertribus in der Tribus Ceropegieae aus der Unterfamilie der Seidenpflanzengewächse (Asclepiadoideae) in der Familie der Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae). Phylogenetische Untersuchungen zeigten folgende Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb der Tribus Ceropegieae auf:[1]







Innere Systematik

Der erste Verwendung der Subtribus – noch als „Stapelieae“ – erfolgte 1837/1838 durch George Don.[2] Die Typusgattung der Subtribus Stapeliinae ist Stapelia L. Die Subtribus wurde 2004 durch Ulrich Meve und Sigrid Liede im Rahmen ihrer molekulargenetischen Untersuchungen wieder eingeführt.

Ein Synonym ist Ceropegiinae Decne. ex Miq. (1857).[3]

Stapelia hirsuta ist die Typusart der Typusgattung Stapelia

Derzeit gehören folgende 37 Gattungen zur Subtribus Stapeliinae:[4]


  • Mary E. Endress, Sigrid Liede-Schumann, Ulrich Meve: Advances in Apocynaceae: The enlightenment, an Introduction. In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Band 94, Nummer 2, 2007, S. 259–267 doi:10.3417/0026-6493(2007)94[259:AIATEA]2.0.CO;2.
  • Ulrich Meve, Sigrid Liede-Schumann: A molecular phylogeny and generic rearrangement of the stapelioid Ceropegieae (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae). In: Plant Systematics and Evolution, Band 234, Nummer 1–4, 2002, S. 171–209, doi:10.1007/s00606-002-0220-2.
  • Ulrich Meve, Sigrid Liede: Subtribal Division of Ceropegieae (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae). In: Taxon. Band 53, Nummer 1, 2004, S. 61–72 (JSTOR).


  1. Ulrich Meve, Sigrid Liede: Subtribal Division of Ceropegieae (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae). In: Taxon. Band 53, Nummer 1, 2004, S. 67.
  2. George Don: A general system of gardening and botany. Founded upon Miller’s Gardener’s dictionary, and arranged according to the natural system. Band 4, London 1837, S. 109 (online).
  3. F. A. W. Miquel: Flora van Nederlandsch Indië. Band 2, 1857, S. 501 (online).
  4. Ulrich Meve: Baynesia und Socotrella - noch wenig bekannte Taxa der Stapeliinae. In: Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten. Band 60, Nr. 8, August 2009, S. 214.
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wikipedia DE

Stapeliinae: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Die Stapeliinae sind eine Untertribus in der Tribus Ceropegieae aus der Unterfamilie der Seidenpflanzengewächse (Asclepiadoideae) in der Familie der Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae). Die Arten dieses Taxons haben ihre Areale nur in der Alten Welt. Ein Diversitätszentrum (Zentrum der Artenvielfalt) ist die Capensis. Die meisten Arten der Stapeliinae werden Aasblumen genannt. Diese Bezeichnung wird jedoch auch für die Arten der Gattung Rafflesia verwendet, die auch über ihre Blüten Aasgeruch ausströmen, um Aasfliegen zur Bestäubung der Blüte anzulocken.

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wikipedia DE

Stapelieae ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The genera of plants within the tribe Stapelieae are all to varying degrees stem succulents. Many of the species resemble cacti, though are not closely related, as an example of convergent evolution. The stems are often angular, mostly four-angled in cross-section, but in some species there are six or more, with some species of Hoodia having more than thirty angles. In size they vary from less than 2.5 cm/1" in length to over 2 m/6" tall. The leaves are in most species reduced to rudiments, sometimes hardened and thorn-like, arranged on bumps or tubercles on the angles. Some species, however, still have recognisable leaves, most notably the Indian species Frerea indica, and some members of Tridentea. Stapeliads are most abundant in warm, dry climates. In Africa, there are two separate regions where Stapeliads have most diversified: northeast Africa, and Southern Africa. Several species are endemic to the small island of Socotra off the Horn of Africa. The Arabian Peninsula, and most specifically the country of Yemen, contain another concentration of species. Several more are found in the drier parts of Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Myanmar. A single species, Caralluma europea is found in Europe, in the very southern part of the Iberian peninsula and in the island of Lampedusa. Stapeliads are often regarded as a climax group within the family because of their often structurally complex flowers. Certain aspects of these reproductive parts mirror the pollination systems in the Orchid family and represent a case of parallel evolution though both groups are quite unrelated and have developed similar, though not identical means to achieve the ultimate goal of pollination and therefore reproduction. Most stapeliads use flies as pollinators, that are attracted to odours resembling dung or rotting meat, emanating from the flowers. Many of the flowers also bear some physical resemblance to rotting animal carcasses, leading to their popular name of Carrion Flowers. However, not all stapeliads smell bad, or attract flies. Some species use beetles, bees, wasps, butterflies or moths as pollinators. Stapeliad flowers range in size from mere millimetres in species of Echidnopsis and Pseudolithos to those of Stapelia gigantea that can reach 40 cm/16" in diameter, and are some the largest of flowers to be found on any species of succulent.

Flowers are actinomorphic (radially symmetrical) with 5 free or fused sepals and petals. Some petals are formed in a shape of a star while some have a tubular shaped corolla. On some species, a raised ring or annulus is present in the center of the corolla. Instead of stamens and pistils, Stapeliads contain a pollinarium.[1][2]

List of genera


  1. ^ "International Asclepiad Society". www.asclepiad-international.org. Retrieved 2022-04-27.
  2. ^ "Pollination of Stapeliads". www.cactus-mall.com. Retrieved 2022-04-27.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Stapelieae: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The genera of plants within the tribe Stapelieae are all to varying degrees stem succulents. Many of the species resemble cacti, though are not closely related, as an example of convergent evolution. The stems are often angular, mostly four-angled in cross-section, but in some species there are six or more, with some species of Hoodia having more than thirty angles. In size they vary from less than 2.5 cm/1" in length to over 2 m/6" tall. The leaves are in most species reduced to rudiments, sometimes hardened and thorn-like, arranged on bumps or tubercles on the angles. Some species, however, still have recognisable leaves, most notably the Indian species Frerea indica, and some members of Tridentea. Stapeliads are most abundant in warm, dry climates. In Africa, there are two separate regions where Stapeliads have most diversified: northeast Africa, and Southern Africa. Several species are endemic to the small island of Socotra off the Horn of Africa. The Arabian Peninsula, and most specifically the country of Yemen, contain another concentration of species. Several more are found in the drier parts of Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, and Myanmar. A single species, Caralluma europea is found in Europe, in the very southern part of the Iberian peninsula and in the island of Lampedusa. Stapeliads are often regarded as a climax group within the family because of their often structurally complex flowers. Certain aspects of these reproductive parts mirror the pollination systems in the Orchid family and represent a case of parallel evolution though both groups are quite unrelated and have developed similar, though not identical means to achieve the ultimate goal of pollination and therefore reproduction. Most stapeliads use flies as pollinators, that are attracted to odours resembling dung or rotting meat, emanating from the flowers. Many of the flowers also bear some physical resemblance to rotting animal carcasses, leading to their popular name of Carrion Flowers. However, not all stapeliads smell bad, or attract flies. Some species use beetles, bees, wasps, butterflies or moths as pollinators. Stapeliad flowers range in size from mere millimetres in species of Echidnopsis and Pseudolithos to those of Stapelia gigantea that can reach 40 cm/16" in diameter, and are some the largest of flowers to be found on any species of succulent.

Flowers are actinomorphic (radially symmetrical) with 5 free or fused sepals and petals. Some petals are formed in a shape of a star while some have a tubular shaped corolla. On some species, a raised ring or annulus is present in the center of the corolla. Instead of stamens and pistils, Stapeliads contain a pollinarium.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Stapeliinae ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Stapeliinae es una subtribu de plantas perteneciente a la familia Apocynaceae (orden Gentianales). Esta subtribu tiene los siguientes géneros.[1]



  1. USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. URL: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2049 (03 August 2013)
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wikipedia ES

Stapeliinae: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Stapeliinae es una subtribu de plantas perteneciente a la familia Apocynaceae (orden Gentianales). Esta subtribu tiene los siguientes géneros.​

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES