
Associations ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Ensina sonchi feeds within capitulum of Picris echioides

Foodplant / parasite
Golovinomyces cichoracearum parasitises live Picris echioides

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / spot causer
amphigenous colony of Ramularia hyphomycetous anamorph of Mycosphaerella hieracii causes spots on live leaf of Picris echioides

Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Tephritis separata feeds on Picris echioides
Other: sole host/prey

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Tephritis vespertina feeds within capitulum of Picris echioides

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Comments ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Reports for British Columbia and Nova Scotia need confirmation.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 300, 301 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Leaf blades 50–150(–250) × 10–50(–80+) mm. Peduncles 1–5+ cm, bristly hispid. Calyculi: bracts 9–15+ × 3–5+ mm, margins and tips bristly-ciliate. Phyllaries often sigmoid in fruit, abaxial faces and tips bristly. Cypselae: bodies 2.5–3 mm, beaks 2.5–5 mm; pappi 4–7 mm. 2n = 10.
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 300, 301 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Synonym ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من eFloras
Picris echioides Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 792. 1753
حقوق النشر
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 300, 301 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Derivation of specific name ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Flora of Zimbabwe
echioides: resembling the genus Echium
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Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Picris echioides L. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=162060
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe

Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Flora of Zimbabwe
Annual or biennial herb, up to 1 m tall. Stems stout, bearing rigid hairs which are tuberculate at the base and 3-fid and hooked at the apex. Basal leaves elliptic to oblanceolate, decurrent into a winged petiole; cauline leaves sessile, amplexicaul. Capitula borne in an irregular corymb. Outer phyllaries 3-5, large, ovate-cordate; inner lanceolate. Flowers yellow. Achenes 2.5-3.5 mm; beak slender, as long as the achene.
حقوق النشر
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Picris echioides L. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=162060
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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Flora of Zimbabwe

Worldwide distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Flora of Zimbabwe
Native to the Mediterranean region, the Canary Isles and SW Asia; widely naturalised in Europe, N America and other parts of the world.
حقوق النشر
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Picris echioides L. Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at http://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species.php?species_id=162060
Mark Hyde
Bart Wursten
Petra Ballings
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موقع الشريك
Flora of Zimbabwe

Picris echioides ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Picris echioides és una herba anual o biennal originària d'Europa i nord d'Àfrica. Va ser usada tradicionalment com un tractament antihelmíntic.[4] L'epítet específic «echioides» prové de la semblança de les fulles d'aquesta espècie a les d'Echium vulgare.[5] S'han reconegut un gran nombre de tàxons infraespecífics que varien en la seva forma de la fulla.[6] Picris echioides és nativa de la conca del Mediterrani, però s'ha naturalitzat fora d'aquest rang. A les Illes Britàniques està àmpliament distribuïda al sud i l'est, però més irregularment distribuïda al nord i l'oest.[7] A Irlanda del Nord, P. echioides només es troba al costat nord de Belfast Lough.[3] S'ha introduït a Amèrica del Nord, on es poden trobar des de Nova Escòcia fins a la Colúmbia Britànica i Califòrnia.[8]

P. echioides pot créixer fins a 90 cm d'alçada, amb una tija gruixuda i arrugat i branques esteses. Les fulles mesuren 10–20 cm de llargada, oblanceolades amb un pecíol curt. Les fulles, branques i tiges estan cobertes de cerres gruixudes. Les inflorescències mesuren 2–3.5 cm d'ample i suportades per entre 3 i 5 grans bràctees involucrals ovato-cordades.[9] Aquestes grans bràctees són la característica definitòria del gènere Helminthotheca, a la qual P. echioides pot ser assignat.[10]


  1. Picris echioides (TSN 38247) al web del Sistema Integrat d'Informació Taxonòmica. (anglès)
  2. «Picris echioides L.». Calflora: information on California plants for education, research and conservation. The Calflora Database.
  3. 3,0 3,1 «Picris echioides (Compositae / Asteraceae) — bristly oxtongue». Flora of Northern Ireland. National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
  4. M. A. Fischer, W. Adler & K. Oswald. Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 2nd ed. (en german). Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, 2005.
  5. H. Genaust. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen (en german). Nikol-Verlag, 2005. ISBN 3-937872-16-7.
  6. David Broughton. «Huntingdonshire Newsletter». Botanical Society of the British Isles, 2008.
  7. C. D. Preston, D. A. Pearman & T. D. Dines. New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. Oxford University Press, 2002, p. 928. ISBN 0-19-851067-5.
  8. «Picris echioides L., bristly oxtongue». PLANTS Database. United States Department of Agriculture.
  9. A. R. Clapham, T. G. Tutin & E. F. Warburg. Excursion Flora of the British Isles. 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press, 1981. ISBN 0-521-23290-2.
  10. Rosabelle Samuel, Walter Gutermann, Tod F. Stuessy, Claudette F. Ruas, Hans-Walter Lack, Karin Tremetsberger, Salvador Talavera, Barbara Hermanowski & Friedrich Ehrendorfer «Molecular phylogenetics reveals Leontodon (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) to be diphyletic». American Journal of Botany, vol. 93, 8, 2006, pàg. 1193–1205. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.93.8.1193. PMID: 21642184.
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Picris echioides: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Picris echioides és una herba anual o biennal originària d'Europa i nord d'Àfrica. Va ser usada tradicionalment com un tractament antihelmíntic. L'epítet específic «echioides» prové de la semblança de les fulles d'aquesta espècie a les d'Echium vulgare. S'han reconegut un gran nombre de tàxons infraespecífics que varien en la seva forma de la fulla. Picris echioides és nativa de la conca del Mediterrani, però s'ha naturalitzat fora d'aquest rang. A les Illes Britàniques està àmpliament distribuïda al sud i l'est, però més irregularment distribuïda al nord i l'oest. A Irlanda del Nord, P. echioides només es troba al costat nord de Belfast Lough. S'ha introduït a Amèrica del Nord, on es poden trobar des de Nova Escòcia fins a la Colúmbia Britànica i Califòrnia.

P. echioides pot créixer fins a 90 cm d'alçada, amb una tija gruixuda i arrugat i branques esteses. Les fulles mesuren 10–20 cm de llargada, oblanceolades amb un pecíol curt. Les fulles, branques i tiges estan cobertes de cerres gruixudes. Les inflorescències mesuren 2–3.5 cm d'ample i suportades per entre 3 i 5 grans bràctees involucrals ovato-cordades. Aquestes grans bràctees són la característica definitòria del gènere Helminthotheca, a la qual P. echioides pot ser assignat.

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Tafod-y-llew gwrychog ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Planhigyn blodeuol o deulu llygad y dydd a blodyn haul ydy Tafod-y-llew gwrychog sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Asteraceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Picris echioides a'r enw Saesneg yw Bristly ox-tongue.[1] Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Tafod y Llew, Chwerwylaeth Garw, Gwylaeth Chwerw.

Daw'r gair "Asteraceae", sef yr enw ar y teulu hwn, o'r gair 'Aster', y genws mwyaf lluosog o'r teulu - ac sy'n tarddu o'r gair Groeg ἀστήρ, sef 'seren'.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gerddi Kew; adalwyd 21 Ionawr 2015
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Tafod-y-llew gwrychog: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Planhigyn blodeuol o deulu llygad y dydd a blodyn haul ydy Tafod-y-llew gwrychog sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Asteraceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Picris echioides a'r enw Saesneg yw Bristly ox-tongue. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Tafod y Llew, Chwerwylaeth Garw, Gwylaeth Chwerw.

Daw'r gair "Asteraceae", sef yr enw ar y teulu hwn, o'r gair 'Aster', y genws mwyaf lluosog o'r teulu - ac sy'n tarddu o'r gair Groeg ἀστήρ, sef 'seren'.

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Natternkopf-Wurmlattich ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Natternkopf-Bitterkraut (Helminthotheca echioides), auch Wurmlattich genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Helminthotheca innerhalb der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae).

Illustration aus Flora Batava, Band 12


Vegetative Merkmale

Beim Natternkopf-Bitterkraut handelt es sich um eine einjährige, krautige Pflanze, die meist Wuchshöhen von 30 bis 80 Zentimetern erreicht. Der aufrechte, ästig verzweigte Stängel ist borstig behaart. Die unteren Laubblätter sind eiförmig-länglich, buchtig gezähnt und in den Stiel verschmälert, die oberen eher länglich-lanzettlich, gezähnt und etwas stängelumfassend. Die Laubblätter tragen auf kleinen weißen Pusteln wachsende Borstenhaare, die zum Teil mit Widerhaken besetzt sind.

Generative Merkmale

Die Blütezeit liegt vorwiegend in den Monaten Juni bis August. Die Blütenkörbe stehen endständig an den Verzweigungen des Gesamtblütenstandes. Alle Hüllblätter sind mit steifen Borsten begrannt. Die auffallend großen, breiten, ei- bis herzförmigen Außenhüllblätter sind fast so lang wie die inneren, die jedoch viel schmaler sind. Die Blütenkörbe enthalten nur gelbe Zungenblüten, wobei die randständigen außen oft purpurfarben überlaufen sind.

Die lang geschnäbelten Achänen, die einen federigen Pappus besitzen, wachsen im inneren Teil des Körbchens gerade, während die äußeren gekrümmt sind.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 10.[1]


Der Natternkopf-Wurmlattich ist ein in Mitteleuropa in Ausbreitung befindlicher Neophyt. Helminthotheca echioides wächst in Mitteleuropa in Unkrautgesellschaften, an Ufern, auf Äckern, an Dämmen und zwischen Schutt. Häufig findet man Helminthotheca echioides auch an Weg- und Straßenrändern. Sie kommt meist in Pflanzengesellschaften der Verbände Sisymbrion oder Agropyro-Rumicion vor.[1]

Die ursprüngliche Heimat von Helminthotheca echioides ist der Mittelmeerraum. Das gesamte Verbreitungsgebiet reicht aber von Nordafrika und den Kanarischen Inseln bis zur Krim, der Türkei und dem Iran.[2] Auch in Australien und in Nord- und Südamerika kommt Helminthotheca echioides als Neophyt vor.[2]

In Deutschland ist Helminthotheca echioides sehr zerstreut, besonders im mittleren und südlichen Teil. Sie ist jedoch in Ausbreitung begriffen. In Österreich und der Schweiz ist das Natternkopf-Bitterkraut selten und meist unbeständig im gesamten Gebiet zu finden.

Durch regelmäßige Verschleppung der Samen kann sich Helminthotheca echioides auch außerhalb des Mittelmeergebiets durchsetzen, wobei im west- und mitteleuropäischen Raum von einer festen Einbürgerung gesprochen werden darf.


Die Erstveröffentlichung erfolgte unter dem Namen (Basionym) Picris echioides durch Carl von Linné. Die Neukombination zu Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub wurde 1973 durch Josef Ludwig Holub in Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica, Band 8, 2, Seite 176 veröffentlicht.


Dieser Artikel oder nachfolgende Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (beispielsweise Einzelnachweisen) ausgestattet. Angaben ohne ausreichenden Beleg könnten demnächst entfernt werden. Bitte hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und gute Belege einfügst.

Der Wurmlattich wurde früher häufig als Mittel gegen Wurmbefall (Name) angebaut. Teilweise findet man diese Praxis auch noch im mediterranen Raum, wobei dieser Lattich auch als Wildgemüse verzehrt wird.


  • Oskar Sebald, Siegmund Seybold, Georg Philippi (Hrsg.): Die Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Baden-Württembergs. 2., ergänzte Auflage. Band 1: Allgemeiner Teil, Spezieller Teil (Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta): Lycopodiaceae bis Plumbaginaceae. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1993, ISBN 3-8001-3322-9.
  • Wolfgang Adler, Karl Oswald, Raimund Fischer: Exkursionsflora von Österreich. Hrsg.: Manfred A. Fischer. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart/Wien 1994, ISBN 3-8001-3461-6.
  • Christian Heitz: Schul- und Exkursionsflora für die Schweiz. Mit Berücksichtigung der Grenzgebiete. Bestimmungsbuch für die wildwachsenden Gefässpflanzen. Begründet von August Binz. 18. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Schwabe & Co., Basel 1986, ISBN 3-7965-0832-4.
  • Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora. Unter Mitarbeit von Theo Müller. 6., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1990, ISBN 3-8001-3454-3.
  • Konrad von Weihe (Hrsg.): Illustrierte Flora. Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Gefäßkryptogamen und Blütenpflanzen. Begründet von August Garcke. 23. Auflage. Paul Parey, Berlin/Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-489-68034-0.
  • Werner Greuter, Eckhard von Raab-Straube (Hrsg.): Med-Checklist. A critical inventory of vascular plants of the circum-mediterranean countries. Vol. 2: Dicotyledones (Compositae). Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area (OPTIMA), Genève 2008, ISBN 978-2-8279-0011-4, S. 240.
  • Werner Greuter: Compositae (pro parte majore): Datenblatt Helminthotheca echioides. In: Werner Greuter, Eckhard von Raab-Straube (Hrsg.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Berlin 2006–2009.
  • Walter Erhardt, Erich Götz, Nils Bödeker, Siegmund Seybold: Der Große Zander. Enzyklopädie der Pflanzennamen. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-8001-5406-7.


  1. a b Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Unter Mitarbeit von Angelika Schwabe und Theo Müller. 8., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5, S. 981.
  2. a b Helminthotheca im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 8. April 2018.
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Natternkopf-Wurmlattich: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Natternkopf-Bitterkraut (Helminthotheca echioides), auch Wurmlattich genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Helminthotheca innerhalb der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae).

 src= Illustration aus Flora Batava, Band 12
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Boglus ( المنكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

She lus daa-vleeanagh eh boglus (Picris echioides). T'eh dooghyssagh da'n Oarpey as yn Affrick Hwoaie.


T'eh gaase wheesh as 90cm er yrjid. Ta gass çhiu banglaneagh echey. Ta duillagyn noi-sleeanagh 10-20cm er lhiurid echey, as cass beg oc. Ta ny duillagyn, banglaneyn as gass friogganagh. Ta dhossanyn blaaghey echey, mysh 2-3.5cm er lheead, as ta 3-5 braghtyn oochrooagh dys cree-chrooagh mygeayrt oc.[3]


Va ymmyd tradishoonagh jeant jeh myr noi-helmintagh.[4].


Ta echioides er y fa dy vel duillagyn boglus gollrish adsyn t'ec Echium vulgare.[5]


  1. Picris echioides L.. Calflora: information on California plants for education, research and conservation. The Calflora Database.
  2. Picris echioides (Compositae / Asteraceae) — bristly oxtongue. Flora of Northern Ireland. National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland as Northern Ireland Environment Agency. Feddynit er 2009-03-01.
  3. A. R. Clapham; T. G. Tutin & E. F. Warburg (1981). Excursion Flora of the British Isles, 3oo, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23290-2.
  4. M. A. Fischer; W. Adler & K. Oswald (2005). Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol, 2oo (Germaanish), Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen.
  5. H. Genaust (2005). Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen (Germaanish). Nikol-Verlag. ISBN 3-937872-16-7.

Kianglaghyn mooie

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Boglus: Brief Summary ( المنكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

She lus daa-vleeanagh eh boglus (Picris echioides). T'eh dooghyssagh da'n Oarpey as yn Affrick Hwoaie.

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Spráine ( اللغة النابولية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

La spráine è n'èrvacea annuale e la famiglia e l'Asteraceae.

Nome scendífeche

Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub, (Picris echioides L., Helminthia echioides (L.) Gaertner)


Gle fušte è irte, ramuse é celíndreche, ávete affin'a 40–60 cm. Le frunne suó vérde cáreche che cèrte ròsse mbolle ghiangaštre; chélle e sotte tiéve ne përnucce che na scénna tòrne tòrne, chélle e ngima nen gle tiéve é s'abbetínene attòrn'a gle fušte. Gle sciuore suó gialle (20 a 36 mm) é sceríscene da giugne a aušte.



Se tròva dénd'a le cámbera fatiate é pure dénd'a chélle lassate a suode, mmiés'a le vigne, a gle late e le vie é mmiés'a gle burie. È netròfela.


Le frunne gione se mágnene allésse o dénd'a la menèštra, ammešchiata che la cecòria p'avé ne sapore cchiù buone. Piácene pure ne muare a gle cunigle.

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Spráine: Brief Summary ( اللغة النابولية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

La spráine è n'èrvacea annuale e la famiglia e l'Asteraceae.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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Ḥlafa ( القبايلية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Ḥlafa (Isem usnan: Helminthotheca echioides) d talmest n yemɣi seg twacult n tetrawt. Josef Holub Suqel d amdan amezwaru i yuran fell-as.

Helminthotheca echioides - Ḥlafa[1]
Helminthotheca echioides - Ḥlafa


  • Isem-is s latinit: Helminthotheca echioides
  • Isem-is s tefransist: Picride fausse vipérine
  • Ismawen-is nniḍen s teqbaylit: Timenṭeṭ[2]
  • Ismawen-is nniḍen s tmaziɣt:



  1. 'Imɣan n Tensawt - Plantes de Kabylie ' - Saïd Zidat - Editions Innexsys, Luxembourg, Avril 2016 ISBN 978-99959-0-205-6 www.imghantensawt.lu
  2. ‘Noms arabes et berbères – Plantes, arbustes et arbres algériens et sahariens introduits et cultivés en Algérie’ Fernand Foureau, Noms arabes et berbères, plantes, arbres et arbustes algériens et sahariens. Paris 1896
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Ḥlafa: Brief Summary ( القبايلية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Ḥlafa (Isem usnan: Helminthotheca echioides) d talmest n yemɣi seg twacult n tetrawt. Josef Holub Suqel d amdan amezwaru i yuran fell-as.

 src= Helminthotheca echioides - Ḥlafa  src= Helminthotheca echioides - Ḥlafa
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Helminthotheca echioides ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Helminthotheca echioides, known as bristly (or prickly) oxtongue, is a sprawling annual or biennial herb native to Europe and North Africa. It was originally placed within the genus Picris but is often separated within the small genus Helminthotheca alongside a few other (mainly North African) plants which also have the distinctive outer row of bracts around the flowerheads. It is a ruderal plant, found on waste ground and agricultural soils around the world, and in some places it is considered a troublesome weed.


The seed head of Helminthotheca echioides
Outer and inner rows of involucral bracts on a flowerhead of bristly oxtongue
Stiff, bulbous-based hairs on the leaf surface are characteristic of bristly oxtongue
The seeds of bristly oxtongue apparently resemble the eggs of intestinal parasites
The outermost fruits in a flowerhead are sometimes different to the ones on the disk
Basal rosette of leaves of Helminthotheca echioides
Close-up of the stem, showing typical coloration
The second ring of tiny bracts, at the base of the inner whorl, are useful in differentiating the species within the genus

Bristly oxtongue is an annual to biennial herb with an erect or sprawling habit that grows up to 90 cm (35 in) tall (often up to 150 cm in fertile soils and shady places),[1] with a solid, furrowed stem and spreading branches. The basal rosette leaves are 10–20 cm (4–8 in) long, oblanceolate with a short petiole, whereas the cauline leaves are lanceolate and sessile with clasping, cordate bases. On the leaves and stem (especially on the basal leaves) there are distinctive sharp bristles, 2 mm long, with swollen whitish bases that resemble blisters. On other parts of the plant there is a scattering of smaller, anchor-shaped hairs with recurved double-pronged tips which make the plant feel sticky.[2][3]

In northern Europe it flowers from May to October. The inflorescences arise on long stalks from the leaf axils in an irregular corymb. Each flowerhead is 2–3.5 cm (0.8–1.4 in) wide with numerous yellow ray flowers (the outer florets sometimes tinged red/brown). They are surrounded by three rows of involucral bracts: an inner ring which is narrow and blunt-tipped with a spiny awn that arises just below the tip; a middle ring of tiny bracts which are easily overlooked and sit at the base of the inner row (they are important in separating this from other species of Helminthotheca);[4] and an outer ring which is made up of 3 to 5 large, ovate-cordate flaps that later surround the seed head. This outer ring of bracts are the defining feature of the genus Helminthotheca.[5][6]

Helminthotheca echioides is said to be heterocarpic (i.e. it has fruits of two different shapes),[4] however, not all authors report this. When it is so, the outer achenes (which are retained inside the closed-up seedhead after the central ones have dispersed) are slightly longer (7 mm) and curved, while the inner ones are only 5 mm long and straight. The normal achenes are yellow to orange or brown in colour and have transverse scaly ridges, and a narrowed tip (beak) about as long as the body, to which is affixed a pappus of two rows of white, feathery plumes which enable the seeds to be dispersed by the wind. Reproduction is believed to be apomictic, so the plants effectively clone themselves, but the flowers are also visited by bees.[3]


The genus Helminthotheca was originally described by the pre-Linnean author Sébastien Vaillant in 1754 but, because such names are ruled out by the Code of Nomenclature, the recognised author is Johann Gottfried Zinn, who listed it in his Description of the flora around Göttingen in 1757. However, Linnaeus had by this time already published a valid name for bristly oxtongue in Species Plantarum, so Linnaeus's name, Picris echioides, is the basionym and has precedence over the name Zinn used. Prickly oxtongue has therefore been assigned to two different genera from earliest days, but the combination of Zinn's Helminthotheca and Linnaeus's echioides was not formed until 1973, when the name was coined by the Czech botanist Josef Holub in a paper in the journal Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica. In the English-speaking world, endorsement for the new combination was given by Walter Lack in a paper in the journal Taxon in 1975.[7][8][9]

Many other synonyms for Helminthotheca echioides have been coined over the years, which are listed in the International Cichorieae Network: Cichorieae Portal.

Modern molecular studies show that Picris and Helminthotheca are closely related. The studies are consistent with the current view that they be considered separate genera. Anatomically, they are separated mainly by the presence of an outer row of enlarged involucral bracts in Helminthotheca.[10][6]

Its chromosome number is 2n = 10.[11]

Helminthotheca echioides is not known to hybridise with any other species.[12]

A number of infraspecific taxa have been described, varying in their leaf shape,[13] although they are not widely accepted. Sell & Murrell[3] list four varieties in Britain:

  • var. mollis (Duby) P.D. Sell, with large dentate but not incised leaves
  • var. pratensis (Chevall.) P.D. Sell, narrowly elliptical dentate leaves
  • var. echioides, with broadly elliptical leaves
  • var. incisa P.D. Sell, with large, deeply incised leaves.

The generic name Helminthotheca derives from the Ancient Greek ἕλμινθος (helmins, helminthos), which means "intestinal worm", and θήκη (theca), which is a box or a case (used in anatomy and zoology to describe the sheath around an organ), to make the word "worm-case". It refers to the appearance of the seeds of oxtongue, which look rather like nematode eggs.[14][15] The "theca" part of the name might be a reference to the way the capitulum closes up after fruiting, trapping some of the seeds within the "case" of the dead flowerhead.[16][4] The specific epithet echioides comes from the similarity of the leaves to those of viper's bugloss, which also have blister-like hairs on the surface.[17] The suffix -oides means "-like".[18]

The common name also describes the shape and appearance of the leaves.

Similar species

Hawkweed oxtongue has very similar flowers to bristly oxtongue, but they can easily be separate by these features:

  • Hawkweed oxtongue: no blisters on the leaves, distinctly wavy edges to the leaves, and recurved bracts around the flowerheads
  • Bristly oxtongue: blisters on the leaves and the characteristic bracts around the flowerhead.

At the rosette stage, there are two plants in Britain which are very similar to bristly oxtongue: viper's bugloss and teasel.

  • Viper's bugloss has distinctly more dense rosettes, more glaucous leaves with a concolorous central vein (reddish or pale in bristly oxtongue) and is covered in long (3 mm) hairs.
  • Teasel has large spines along the midrib on the lower side of the leaves.[2][19]

Distribution and status

Outer rays of bristly oxtongue are sometimes red striped

Helminthotheca echioides is thought to be native to North Africa and the Mediterranean Basin, where it grows in semi-arid conditions that are reproduced in the ruderal habitats associated with agriculture and the disturbed soils created by human activity throughout the world. As a result, it has spread as a weed to all the continents (except mainland Antarctica), and it is often abundant in farmland and towns.[20]

In Great Britain it is common in the south and east and more patchily distributed to the north and west, whereas it is rare in Ireland. It is considered to be an archaeophyte (ancient introduction) throughout the British Isles, and it is not considered rare or threatened.[21][22]

It has been introduced to North America, where it can now be found from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and California, and it is classified as an invasive weed.[23]

It was first noticed in Australia in 1871 and has since spread to most parts of the country.[4]


Typical habitat for bristly oxtongue, along a verge
Bristly oxtongue growing as a pavement weed

Bristly oxtongue is an opportunist species which will colonise disturbed ground very quickly. It is considered to act as a therophyte, which completes its life cycle quickly, or a hemicryptophyte, which has a basal rosette to survive unfavourable conditions such as winter or drought. The feathery pappus allows seeds to be widely dispersed by the wind, but it has no capacity for vegetative spread (for example, by stolons or bulbs).[1] Typical habitats for it include waste ground, field margins, sea walls, road verges and banks on clay soils or chalk.[21] One reason for its success is that it is particularly resistant to drought, being able to sprout from basal shoots after dry periods.[11]

It generally grows in places where there is full sunlight, whilst also tolerating partial shade, for example, by hedgerows; it requires moderately damp soils with a slightly alkaline reaction; and it prefers moderately fertile conditions. The Ellenberg values in Britain are L = 7, F = 5, R = 7, N = 6, and S = 0.[24]

It is a lowland plant in the British Isles, recorded only up to 370 m (in south Wales).[25]

The UK Database of Insects and their Food Plants lists four species that make use of bristly oxtongue. The larvae of the fly Tephritis separata, which is widespread throughout Europe and Asia, live on the flowers. The wasp Phanacis caulicola (Hedicke, 1939) has larvae that tunnel chambers inside the stem, leaving no visible sign of their presence until they emerge.[26] Two moths also live on this species: Neocochylis hybridella caterpillars feed within the seedheads,[27] and the Tortrix moth Aethes tesserana larvae feed within the roots.[28] Both these species are also widespread in Europe and western Asia.


The leaves were formerly used as a pot herb, and were "esteemed good to relax the bowels".[29] There are also various reports of it being used as an antihelminthic treatment, although this may be due to confusion about the meaning of its name.[30][16] The English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper considered "Lang de Boeuf" to be a good cure for melancholy (when steeped in wine), and a general alexipharmic (antidote to unspecified toxins).[31]

Although it is not a popular culinary herb, some foragers like to use the flowers to flavour vinegar.[32]

Some pet owners feed the leaves to their tortoises, but many apparently do not like it.[33][34]


  1. ^ a b Hill, M.O.; Preston, C.D.; Roy, D.B. "PLANTATT - Attributes of British and Irish Plants - Spreadsheet". UK Biological Records Centre.
  2. ^ a b Rose, Francis (2006). The Wild Flower Key. London: Frederick Warne. ISBN 978-0-7232-5175-0.
  3. ^ a b c Sell, P.; Murrell, G. (2006). Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, vol 4: Campanulaceae - Asteraceae. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  4. ^ a b c d Holzapfel, S. (1994). "A revision of the genus Picris (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) s.l. in Australia". Willdenowia. 21 (1/2): 97–218. JSTOR 3996683.
  5. ^ A. R. Clapham; T. G. Tutin; E. F. Warburg (1981). Excursion Flora of the British Isles. 3rd edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23290-2.
  6. ^ a b Rosabelle Samuel; Walter Gutermann; Tod F. Stuessy; Claudette F. Ruas; Hans-Walter Lack; Karin Tremetsberger; Salvador Talavera; Barbara Hermanowski; Friedrich Ehrendorfer (2006). "Molecular phylogenetics reveals Leontodon (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) to be diphyletic". American Journal of Botany. 93 (8): 1193–1205. doi:10.3732/ajb.93.8.1193. PMID 21642184.
  7. ^ Global Biodiversity Information Facility. "Helminthotheca Zinn".
  8. ^ International Plant Names index. "Helminthotheca Zinn". Retrieved 21 September 2022.
  9. ^ Lack, H.W. (1975). "Type specimens of the Linnaean species of Picris L. (Compositae)". Taxon. 24 (1): 113–116. doi:10.2307/1219007. JSTOR 1219007.
  10. ^ Samuel, R.; Stuessy, S.T.; Tremetsberger, K. (2003). "Phylogenetic relationships among species of Hypochaeris (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) based on its plastid TRNL intron, TRNL-F spacer, and MATK sequences". American Journal of Botany. 90 (3): 496–507. doi:10.3732/ajb.90.3.496. PMID 21659142.
  11. ^ a b CABI. "Invasive Species Compendium: Helminthotheca echioides datasheet". Retrieved 30 September 2022.
  12. ^ Stace, C.A. (1975). Hybridization and the Flora of the British Isles. London: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-661650-7.
  13. ^ David Broughton (2008). "Huntingdonshire Newsletter" (PDF). Botanical Society of the British Isles.
  14. ^ Wiktionary (6 February 2023). "Helminth".
  15. ^ Jepson Herbarium. "Helminthotheca".
  16. ^ a b Grieve, Maud (1931). A Modern Herbal. New York: Dover Publications Inc. ISBN 0-486-22798-7.
  17. ^ H. Genaust (2005). Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen (in German). Nikol-Verlag. ISBN 3-937872-16-7.
  18. ^ Wright, Charles Henry; Dewar, Daniel (1894). Johnson's Gardener's Dictionary. G. Bell. p. 1066. -oides, -like
  19. ^ Poland, John; Clement, Eric (2009). The Vegetative Key to the British Flora. Southampton: John Poland. ISBN 978-0-9560144-0-5.
  20. ^ Global Biodiversity Information Facility. "Helminthotheca echioides (L) Holub".
  21. ^ a b C.D. Preston; D.A. Pearman; T.D. Dines (2002). New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. Oxford University Press. p. 928. ISBN 0-19-851067-5.
  22. ^ Cheffings, C.M.; Farrell, L. (2005). The Vascular Plant Red Data List for Great Britain. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
  23. ^ "Picris echioides L., bristly oxtongue". PLANTS Database. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2009-03-01.
  24. ^ Hill, M.O.; Mountford, J.O.; Roy, D.B.; Bunce, R.G.H. (1999). Ellenberg's indicator values for British plants. ECOFACT Volume 2. Technical Annex (PDF). Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. ISBN 1870393481. Retrieved 29 May 2017.
  25. ^ Pearman, D.A. "Altitudinal Limits of British Plants, 2021".
  26. ^ Dorset Nature. "Galls - Phanacis caulicola". Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  27. ^ UK Moths. "49.136 BF965 Neocochylis hybridella". Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  28. ^ UK Moths. "49.121 BF939 Aethes tesserana". Retrieved 22 September 2022.
  29. ^ Bryant, Charles (1783). Flora Diaetetica, or History of Esculent Plants. London: B. White. p. 141.
  30. ^ M. A. Fischer; W. Adler; K. Oswald (2005). Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 2nd ed (in German). Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen.
  31. ^ Potterton, David (2002). Culpeper's Colour Herbal. ISBN 978-0572027940.
  32. ^ Julia's Edible Weeds (25 April 2022). "Bristly Oxtongue". Retrieved 24 September 2022.
  33. ^ The Tortoise Table. "Bristly Oxtongue". Retrieved 24 September 2022.
  34. ^ King, Linda (2020). Edible Plants for Tortoises in the UK (4 ed.). Linkingarts. ISBN 9780993417634.
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Helminthotheca echioides: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Helminthotheca echioides, known as bristly (or prickly) oxtongue, is a sprawling annual or biennial herb native to Europe and North Africa. It was originally placed within the genus Picris but is often separated within the small genus Helminthotheca alongside a few other (mainly North African) plants which also have the distinctive outer row of bracts around the flowerheads. It is a ruderal plant, found on waste ground and agricultural soils around the world, and in some places it is considered a troublesome weed.

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Ekieca helmintoteko ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

Ekieca helmintoteko (Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub) aŭ Pikro (Picris echioides L.) estas herbeca jara planto el la familio Asteracoj. La specio echioides estas nomata tiel pro la simileco kun specioj de la genro Echium (Ekio), kiuj posedas etajn aspraĵojn surface de la folioj.


  • La planto altas de 30 ĝis 60 cm kaj estas plene kovrita de rigidaj haroj, foje kurbaj, kun kroĉiloj finiĝantaj per glandetoj.
  • La tigo staras, rondas, striatas kaj malregule disbranĉiĝas.
  • La folioj intense verdas kaj lancformas. La bordo ondumas. Ili pli grandas kaj larĝas ĉe la bazo, kie ili ligiĝas al la tigo per ala petiolo. Tiu ĉi petiolo malaperas ĉe la supera parto de la planto, kie la folioj pli etas.
  • La floroj, orflavaj kaj 20 ĝis 30 mm longaj, havas ligulon kaj pedunklon.
  • La frukto estas brun-flava akeno, iom kurba kun ondumantaj strioj kaj denta apekso, finiĝanta per longa beko portanta flugilojn kaj fiksita sur konveksa flora receptaklo.
Rigidaj haroj sur la tigo.
Bazaj folioj.
Floro sur ties pedunklo kaj ligulo.
Frukto kun ondumantaj strioj kaj denta apekso, finita per longa beko portanta flugilojn.
Konveksa flora receptaklo.


Ĝi kreskas de julio ĝis septembro ĉu en kultivataj lokoj, kiel trudherboj, ĉu en nekultivejoj, ĉu borde de vojoj. Ĝi ŝatas varmon kaj sekecon kaj estas nitroema. Ĝi troviĝas ĉefe en suda Eŭropo (mediteranea regiono), en sud-orienta Azio, en Nordafriko kaj Makaronezio, sed pli kaj pli disvastiĝas en orienta Eŭropo, kie ĝi fariĝas adventica.

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Ekieca helmintoteko: Brief Summary ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

Ekieca helmintoteko (Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub) aŭ Pikro (Picris echioides L.) estas herbeca jara planto el la familio Asteracoj. La specio echioides estas nomata tiel pro la simileco kun specioj de la genro Echium (Ekio), kiuj posedas etajn aspraĵojn surface de la folioj.

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Karheakitkerö ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Karheakitkerö, myös etelänkitkerö, muikio, karheamuikio (Picris echioides) on yksivuotinen mykerökukkaiskasvi, jota esiintyy Etelä-Euroopassa. Sen haarova ja kankeakarvainen varsi kasvaa 20–50 senttimetriä korkeaksi. Lehdet sepivät paitsi alimmat. Niiden lapa on pitkulainen. Kahdesta kolmeen senttimetriin leveitä keltakukkaisia mykeröitä on runsaslukuisesti.


  • Hämet-Ahti, Leena, Suominen, Juha, Ulvinen, Tauno & Uotila, Pertti (toim.) 1998: Retkeilykasvio, 4. uudistettu painos, 656 s. Luonnontieteellisen keskusmuseon kasvimuseo. Helsinki.

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Karheakitkerö: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Karheakitkerö, myös etelänkitkerö, muikio, karheamuikio (Picris echioides) on yksivuotinen mykerökukkaiskasvi, jota esiintyy Etelä-Euroopassa. Sen haarova ja kankeakarvainen varsi kasvaa 20–50 senttimetriä korkeaksi. Lehdet sepivät paitsi alimmat. Niiden lapa on pitkulainen. Kahdesta kolmeen senttimetriin leveitä keltakukkaisia mykeröitä on runsaslukuisesti.

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Helminthotheca echioides ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Helminthotheca echioides, la Picride fausse vipérine, est une espèce de plante herbacée de la famille des Asteraceae, de la sous-famille des Cichorioideae et de la tribu des Cichorieae. Elle est souvent désignée comme étant une « mauvaise herbe ».


La taille varie de 30 cm à 60 cm. Toute la plante est hérissée de poils raides à 2 crochets. La tige est dressée, striée et irrégulièrement ramifiée. Les feuilles sont longues à bord ondulé très rugueuses avec des pétioles ailés ; les supérieures sont sessiles et engainent la tige. Les fleurs sont toutes ligulées. Les capitules sont jaune doré de 20 à 35 mm pédonculés.

Le fruit est un akène brun-jaunâtre, légèrement courbé, à stries transversales ondulées et apex denticulé, terminé par un long bec, portant un pappus à soies blanches et plumeuses, sur un réceptacle floral très convexe. C'est le calice accrescent qui est à l'origine de cette aigrette[2].

L'espèce est fréquemment confondue avec la Picride fausse épervière (Picris hieracioides) qui s'en distingue notamment en examinant la forme de l'involucre, à la base des fleurs.


C'est une thérophyte ou hémicryptophyte bisannuelle.


La floraison a lieu de juillet à septembre.


Cette plante pousse dans les cultures, les friches, les bords de chemins, les digues. Elle est thermoxérophile et nitrophile.


L'espèce est indigène en Europe méridionale (subméditerranéen), Asie du sud-ouest, Afrique du Nord et Macaronésie. Elle a été introduite en Amérique du Nord, en Afrique du Sud et en Australie[3]. L'espèce est à l'origine considérée comme peu fréquente en France, cependant son aire semble s'étendre vers l'Est de l'Europe où elle devient adventice.


L'espèce a été initialement classée dans le genre Picris sous le basionyme Picris echioides par le naturaliste suédois Carl von Linné en 1753. Elle est déplacée dans le genre Helminthotheca par le botaniste tchèque Josef Holub, en 1973. Elle a également été classée dans le genre Helminthia. Le nom correct est cependant Helminthotheca echioides[1],[3].

Ce taxon porte en français les noms vernaculaires ou normalisés suivants : Helminthie[4], Helminthie fausse Vipérine[4],[5], Picride Vipérine[4],[5], Picride fausse Vipérine[4],[5],[1], Picris Vipérine[4], Picris fausse Vipérine[4],[5], Helminthine fausse-vipérine[5], Langue de bœuf[5], Picride[5].

Helminthotheca echioides a pour synonymes :

  • Crepis echioides (L.) All., 1785[1],[3]
  • Helminthia dichotoma Dulac[3]
  • Helminthia dichotomos Dulac, 1867[1]
  • Helminthia echioides proles humifusa (Trevis.) Rouy, 1908[1]
  • Helminthia echioides subsp. humifusa (Trevis.) Arcang., 1882[1]
  • Helminthia echioides (L.) Gaertn., 1791[1],[3]
  • Helminthia humifusa (Willd.) Trevir.[3]
  • Helminthia humifusa Trevis., 1826[1]
  • Helminthia pratensis Chevall.[3]
  • Helminthia rigida Schult. ex Steud.[3]
  • Helminthia spinosa DC.[3]
  • Helminthia tuberculata Moench, 1794[1],[3]
  • Helminthotheca echioides var. incisa P.D.Sell[3]
  • Helminthotheca echioides var. mollis (Duby) P.D.Sell[3]
  • Helminthotheca echioides var. pratensis (Chevall.) P.D.Sell[3]
  • Hieracium helminthia E.H.L.Krause[3]
  • Picris echioides L., 1753[1],[3]
  • Picris humifusa Willd.[3]
  • Picris ruderalis Salisb.[3]
  • Picris spinosa (DC.) Poir.[3]

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Helminthotheca echioides: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Helminthotheca echioides, la Picride fausse vipérine, est une espèce de plante herbacée de la famille des Asteraceae, de la sous-famille des Cichorioideae et de la tribu des Cichorieae. Elle est souvent désignée comme étant une « mauvaise herbe ».

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Teanga bhó gharbh ( الأيرلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia GA

Is planda í an teanga bhó gharbh.

Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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Helminthotheca echioides ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

L'aspraggine (nome scientifico Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub, 1973 è una specie di pianta angiosperma dicotiledone della famiglia delle Asteraceae.[1][2]


Il nome comune deriva dal caratteristico sapore amarognolo dato dal lattice bianco secreto in seguito alla rottura del fusto. La specie (echioides) è così chiamata invece a causa della rassomiglianza con le specie del genere Echium che posseggono delle piccole estroflessioni sulla superficie fogliare.[3]

Il nome scientifico del genere è stato definito dai botanici Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) e Josef Holub (1930-1999) nella pubblicazione " Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica. Prague." (Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8(2): 176) del 1973.[4]


Il portamento
Le foglie
I fiori
Il pappo

Habitus. La forma biologica è terofita scaposa (T scap), ossia in generale sono piante erbacee che differiscono dalle altre forme biologiche poiché, essendo annuali, superano la stagione avversa sotto forma di seme e sono munite di asse fiorale eretto e spesso privo di foglie. Queste piante sono provviste di latice; la superficie è inoltre ricoperta di peli rigidi a forma di ancora. Sono possibili anche altre forme biologiche come emicriptofita bienne (H bienn).[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]

Fusto. I fusti sono eretti/ascendenti, striati e arrossati. La ramosità è soprattutto in alto. Le radici in genere sono di tipo fittonante. Queste piante arrivano ad una altezza di 3 - 9 dm.

Foglie. Sono presenti sia foglie delle rosette basali che cauline con disposizione alterna. Le lamine basali sono intere con forme da ovate a lanceolate. I margini sono dentati o sinuati. In maggioranza sono ricoperte da peli ispidi, tubercolati e irsuti (a volte sono spinose). Il picciolo è alato. Le foglie cauline sono simili, ma ridotte e sessili o semi-amplessicauli. Dimensione delle foglie basali: larghezza 5 - 8 cm; lunghezza 35 - 22 cm.

Infiorescenza. L'infiorescenza, di tipo corimboso, è composta da numerosi capolini peduncolati terminali. I peduncoli non sono ingrossati all'antesi. I capolini, solamente di tipo ligulifloro, sono formati da un involucro composto da diverse brattee (o squame) all'interno delle quali un ricettacolo fa da base ai fiori ligulati. L'involucro ha una forma più o meno cilindrica ed è formato da due (o più) serie di brattee. Le brattee esterne hanno delle forme triangolari, codato-astate con margini ciliati; quelle interne sono lanceolate; quelle interne hanno delle forme da lanceolate a lineari con margini mucronati. Il ricettacolo, alla base dei fiori, è nudo. Dimensione degli involucri: larghezza 10 - 15 mm; lunghezza 12 - 20 mm. Dimensioni delle brattee esterne: larghezza 6 mm; lunghezza 12 mm.

Fiori. I fiori, (circa una trentina e più per capolino) tutti ligulati, sono tetra-ciclici (ossia sono presenti 4 verticilli: calicecorollaandroceogineceo) e pentameri (ogni verticillo ha in genere 5 elementi). I fiori sono ermafroditi, fertili e zigomorfi.

*/x K ∞ {displaystyle infty } infty , [C (5), A (5)], G 2 (infero), achenio[13]

Frutti. I frutti sono degli acheni con pappo. Gli acheni, talvolta eteromorfici, colorati da biancastro a bruno-rossastro, sono provvisti di un lungo becco. Il pappo è formato da setole piumose con pinnule rigide. Sono presenti delle striature trasversali. Lunghezza degli acheni: 4 - 7 mm.


  • Impollinazione: l'impollinazione avviene tramite insetti (impollinazione entomogama tramite farfalle diurne e notturne).
  • Riproduzione: la fecondazione avviene fondamentalmente tramite l'impollinazione dei fiori (vedi sopra).
  • Dispersione: i semi (gli acheni) cadendo a terra sono successivamente dispersi soprattutto da insetti tipo formiche (disseminazione mirmecoria). In questo tipo di piante avviene anche un altro tipo di dispersione: zoocoria. Infatti gli uncini delle brattee dell'involucro si agganciano ai peli degli animali di passaggio disperdendo così anche su lunghe distanze i semi della pianta.

Distribuzione e habitat

Distribuzione della pianta (Distribuzione regionale[17] – Distribuzione alpina[18])
  • Habitat: l'habitat preferito per queste piante sono le siepi, i bordi delle vie, i pascoli aridi e gl'incolti. Il substrato preferito è calcareo ma anche siliceo con pH neutro, alti valori nutrizionali del terreno che deve essere mediamente umido.
  • Distribuzione altitudinale: sui rilievi alpini, in Italia, queste piante si possono trovare fino a 1.300 m s.l.m.; nelle Alpi frequentano quindi i seguenti piani vegetazionali: collinare e in parte quello montano (oltre a quello planiziale).


Areale alpino

Dal punto di vista fitosociologico alpino la specie di questa voce appartiene alla seguente comunità vegetale:[18]

Formazione: delle comunità terofiche pioniere nitrofile
Classe: Stellarietea mediae

Areale italiano

Per l'areale completo italiano la specie di questa voce appartiene alla seguente comunità vegetale:[19]

Macrotipologia: vegetazione erbacea sinantropica, ruderale e megaforbieti
Subclasse: Stellarienea mediae
Ordine: Solano nigri-polygonetalia convolvuli (Sissingh in Westhoff, Dijk, Passchier & Sissingh 1946) O. Bolòs, 1962
Alleanza: Diplotaxion erucoidis Br.-Bl., in Br.-Bl., Gajewski, Wraber & Walas (1936) em. Brullo & Marcenò, 1980

Descrizione: l'alleanza Diplotaxion erucoidis è relativa alle comunità terofitiche infestanti delle colture sarchiate e fertilizzate (non irrigate durante il periodo estivo) quali: oliveti, vigneti e frutteti, che si sviluppano su suoli calcarei, argillosi e marnosi (piani termo- e mesomediterranei). La distribuzione di questa alleanza e relativa soprattutto alla Sicilia e nella penisola meridionale italiana. È distribuita anche nelle zone più calde dell’Europa meridionale (Francia meridionale, Spagna centrale e meridionale, Dalmazia e Balcani) e in Nord-Africa. Il livello di conservazione di queste cenosi è fortemente variabile a causa dei continui disturbi e rimaneggiamenti dei suoli, per effetto delle operazioni agricole, del calpestìo, ecc.[20]

Specie presenti nell'associazione: Chrozophora tinctoria, Hypericum triquetrifolium, Heliotropium europaeum, Cynodon dactylon, Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium opulifolium, Diplotaxis erucoides, Ammi visnaga, Chrozophora obliqua, Silene diversifolia, Euphorbia chamaesyce e Helminthotheca echioides.[20]


La famiglia di appartenenza di questa voce (Asteraceae o Compositae, nomen conservandum) probabilmente originaria del Sud America, è la più numerosa del mondo vegetale, comprende oltre 23.000 specie distribuite su 1.535 generi[21], oppure 22.750 specie e 1.530 generi secondo altre fonti[22] (una delle checklist più aggiornata elenca fino a 1.679 generi)[23]. La famiglia attualmente (2021) è divisa in 16 sottofamiglie.[1][8][9]


Il genere di questa voce appartiene alla sottotribù Hypochaeridinae della tribù Cichorieae (unica tribù della sottofamiglia Cichorioideae). In base ai dati filogenetici la sottofamiglia Cichorioideae è il terz'ultimo gruppo che si è separato dal nucleo delle Asteraceae (gli ultimi due sono Corymbioideae e Asteroideae).[1] La sottotribù Hypochaeridinae fa parte del "quarto" clade della tribù; in questo clade è posizionata nel "core" del gruppo , vicina alle sottotribù Crepidinae e Chondrillinae.[9]

I seguenti caratteri sono distintivi per la sottotribù:[8]

  • l'indumento delle piante è formato da peli grossolani;
  • le setole del pappo hanno delle sporgenze laterali rigide costituite da un'unica cellula tubolare gigante.

Il nucleo della sottotribù Hypochaeridinae è l'alleanza Hypochaeris-Leontodon/Picris e formano (insieme ad altri generi minori) un "gruppo fratello". Rispetto a precedenti raggruppamenti delle Hypochaeridinae, diversi generi sono stati esclusi dalla circoscrizione rivista sulla base di recenti analisi filogenetiche molecolari. Il gruppo attualmente si presenta monofiletico (a parte l'enigmatica Prenanthes purpurea attualmente descritta nelle Lactucinae).[10] Il genere di questa voce, nell'ambito della sottostribù occupa una posizione politomica (tricotomia) nel "core" del gruppo insieme al genere Leontodon (sezione Thrincia) e Picris al quale risulta strettamente legato (entrambi i generi hanno un "indumentum" di, oltre a peli semplici e raramente ramificati, peli peculiari uncinati a 2 - 4 forche, simili ad una ancora; il ricettacolo è inoltre nudo; infine i fusti sono generalmente ramificati e frondosi). Helminthotheca si distingue comunque da Picris per la presenza di 5 brattee esterne uniseriate con forme allargate da ovate a cordate.[10][24]

I caratteri distintivi per la specie di questa voce sono:[8][11]

  • il portamento di questa specie è annuale (talvolta bienne);
  • sulle piante sono presenti peli a forma di ancora;
  • i peduncoli dell'infiorescenza non sono ingrossati all'antesi;
  • le brattee dell'involucro sono disposte su due o più serie;
  • le brattee esterne dell'involucro sono ben cordate;
  • l'achenio è provvisto di un lungo becco portante un ombrello di peli patenti.

Il numero cromosomico della specie è: 2n = 10.[11]


Questa specie è variabile. I caratteri soggetti a variabilità sono:

  • il portamento (da prostrato ad eretto);
  • la pubescenza (da densa a subglabra).

Specie simili

Helminthotheca echioides si distingue dalla specie Helminthotheca aculeata (Vahl) Lack, 1975 (Aspraggine pungente) in quanto quest'ultima ha un ciclo biologico perenne, e i peduncoli dei capolini si ingrossano alla fruttificazione.


Sono elencati alcuni sinonimi per questa entità:[2]

  • Crepis echioides (L.) All.
  • Helminthia dichotoma Dulac
  • Helminthia echioides (L.) Gaertn.
  • Helminthia echioides var. mollis Duby
  • Helminthia humifusa (Willd.) Trevir.
  • Helminthia pratensis Chevall.
  • Helminthia rigida Schult. ex Steud.
  • Helminthia spinosa DC.
  • Helminthia tuberculata Moench
  • Helminthotheca echioides var. incisa P.D.Sell
  • Helminthotheca echioides var. mollis (Duby) P.D.Sell
  • Helminthotheca echioides var. pratensis (Chevall.) P.D.Sell
  • Hieracium helminthia E.H.L.Krause
  • Picris echioides L.
  • Picris humifusa Willd.
  • Picris ruderalis Salisb.
  • Picris spinosa (DC.) Poir.

Usi culinari

Si utilizzano esclusivamente le rosette basali giovani. Si può utilizzare anche da sola, per zuppe, minestroni, risotti o per farcire torte e focacce, ma più spesso viene mescolata con altre cicorie o con altre erbe amare per migliorarne il gusto, rendendole più gradevoli.[25]

Come tutte le spontanee, si presenta particolarmente ricca di sali minerali.


  1. ^ a b c (EN) The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the ordines and families of flowering plants: APG IV, in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181, n. 1, 2016, pp. 1–20.
  2. ^ a b c World Checklist - Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, su powo.science.kew.org. URL consultato il 19 marzo 2022.
  3. ^ Botanical names, su calflora.net. URL consultato il 19 marzo 2022.
  4. ^ The International Plant Names Index, su ipni.org. URL consultato il 19 marzo 2022.
  5. ^ Pignatti 1982, vol.3 pag.1.
  6. ^ Strasburger 2007, pag. 860.
  7. ^ Judd 2007, pag.517.
  8. ^ a b c d Kadereit & Jeffrey 2007, pag.196.
  9. ^ a b c Funk & Susanna 2009, pag. 352.
  10. ^ a b c Cichorieae Portal, su cichorieae.e-taxonomy.net. URL consultato il 18 dicembre 2021.
  11. ^ a b c Pignatti 2018, Vol. 3 - pag. 1075.
  12. ^ Picris echioides, su flora.uniud.it. URL consultato il 18 marzo 2012.
  13. ^ Judd-Campbell-Kellogg-Stevens-Donoghue, Botanica Sistematica - Un approccio filogenetico, Padova, Piccin Nuova Libraria, 2007, p. 520, ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
  14. ^ Pignatti 1982, Vol. 3 - pag. 1.
  15. ^ Strasburger 2007, Vol. 2 - pag. 760.
  16. ^ Judd 2007, pag. 523.
  17. ^ Checklist of the Italian Vascular Flora, p. 105.
  18. ^ a b c Flora Alpina, Vol. 2 - p. 634.
  19. ^ Prodromo della vegetazione italiana, su prodromo-vegetazione-italia.org, p. Kickxia spuria subsp. integrifolia. URL consultato il 19 marzo 2022.
  20. ^ a b Prodromo della vegetazione italiana, su prodromo-vegetazione-italia.org, p. 39A.3.3 ALL. DIPLOTAXION ERUCOIDIS BR.-BL. IN BR.-BL., GAJEWSKI, WRABER & WALAS 1936 EM. BRULLO & MARCENÒ 1980. URL consultato il 29 marzo 2018.
  21. ^ Judd 2007, pag. 520.
  22. ^ Strasburger 2007, pag. 858.
  23. ^ World Checklist - Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, su powo.science.kew.org. URL consultato il 18 marzo 2021.
  24. ^ Enke et al. 2012.
  25. ^ Picris echioides, su tusciaintavola.tusciamedia.com. URL consultato il 18 marzo 2012.


  • Kadereit J.W. & Jeffrey C., The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Volume VIII. Asterales., Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
  • V.A. Funk, A. Susanna, T.F. Steussy & R.J. Bayer, Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of Compositae, Vienna, International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), 2009.
  • Judd S.W. et al, Botanica Sistematica - Un approccio filogenetico, Padova, Piccin Nuova Libraria, 2007, ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
  • Strasburger E, Trattato di Botanica. Volume secondo, Roma, Antonio Delfino Editore, 2007, ISBN 88-7287-344-4.
  • Sandro Pignatti, Flora d'Italia., Bologna, Edagricole, 1982, ISBN 88-506-2449-2.
  • Sandro Pignatti, Flora d'Italia. Seconda edizione., Bologna, Edagricole, 2018.
  • F.Conti, G. Abbate, A.Alessandrini, C.Blasi, An annotated checklist of the Italian Vascular Flora, Roma, Palombi Editore, 2005, ISBN 88-7621-458-5.
  • Alfonso Susanna et al., The classification of the Compositae: A tribute to Vicki Ann Funk (1947–2019, in Taxon, vol. 69, n. 4, 2020, pp. 807-814.
  • D.Aeschimann, K.Lauber, D.M.Moser, J-P. Theurillat, Flora Alpina., Bologna, Zanichelli, 2004.
  • Giacomo Nicolini, Enciclopedia Botanica Motta., Milano, Federico Motta Editore., 1960.
  • Neela Enke & Birgit Gemeinholzer & Christian Zidorn, Molecular and phytochemical systematics of the subtribe Hypochaeridinae (Asteraceae, Cichorieae), in Organisms Diversity & Evolution, vol. 12, n. 1, 2012, pp. 1-16.
  • Targioni Tozzetti, Dizionario Botanico Italiano Volume secondo, Firenze, 1858, pag. 115.

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Helminthotheca echioides: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

L'aspraggine (nome scientifico Helminthotheca echioides (L.) Holub, 1973 è una specie di pianta angiosperma dicotiledone della famiglia delle Asteraceae.

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Dubbelkelk ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Dubbelkelk (Picris echioides, synoniem:Helminthotheca echioides) is een eenjarige plant, die behoort tot de composietenfamilie ((Asteraceae). De soort staat op de Nederlandse Rode lijst van planten als een soort die in Nederland vrij zeldzaam en stabiel of toegenomen is. De plant komt van nature voor in Europa, Zuidwest-Azië en Noord-Afrika en is van daaruit verspreid naar Noord-Amerika. Het aantal chromosomen is 2n = 10.

De plant wordt 30 - 80 cm hoog. De vertakte stengel is stekelig behaard. De onderste, gesteelde bladeren zijn eirond-langwerpig en de bladrand is bochtig getand. De bovenste bladeren zijn min of meer stengelomvattend en lang-lancetvormig met een getande bladrand. Op de bladeren zitten witte, behaarde bultjes. Een gedeelte van de haren heeft weerhaakjes.

De plant bloeit vanaf juli tot in september. De bloeiwijze is een 2 - 2,5 cm groot hoofdje met alleen goudgele lintbloemen. De randstandige lintbloemen zijn vaak aan de buitenkant met een purperachtige kleur overtrokken. De buitenste, rechtopstaande, 3-5 omwindselbladeren zijn bijna bladachtig, breed driehoekig-eirond met een iets hartvormige voet en de binnenste omwindselbladen lijnvormig. De hoofdjes staan in een schermvormige tros.

De vrucht is een lang gesnaveld nootje met vruchtpluis. De buitenste nootjes zijn bleek en gekromd, de anderen zijn bruin en recht.


Dubbelkelk komt voor op zonnige en warme, vochtige, stikstofrijke, kalkhoudende klei-, zavel- en zandgrond. De plant groeit in ruige graslanden, op open plekken in bermen en dijken, op omgewerkte grond, ruigten, stortterreinen, graanvelden en langs beken.

Externe links

Wikimedia Commons Zie de categorie Picris echioides van Wikimedia Commons voor mediabestanden over dit onderwerp.
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wikipedia NL

Dubbelkelk: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Dubbelkelk (Picris echioides, synoniem:Helminthotheca echioides) is een eenjarige plant, die behoort tot de composietenfamilie ((Asteraceae). De soort staat op de Nederlandse Rode lijst van planten als een soort die in Nederland vrij zeldzaam en stabiel of toegenomen is. De plant komt van nature voor in Europa, Zuidwest-Azië en Noord-Afrika en is van daaruit verspreid naar Noord-Amerika. Het aantal chromosomen is 2n = 10.

De plant wordt 30 - 80 cm hoog. De vertakte stengel is stekelig behaard. De onderste, gesteelde bladeren zijn eirond-langwerpig en de bladrand is bochtig getand. De bovenste bladeren zijn min of meer stengelomvattend en lang-lancetvormig met een getande bladrand. Op de bladeren zitten witte, behaarde bultjes. Een gedeelte van de haren heeft weerhaakjes.

De plant bloeit vanaf juli tot in september. De bloeiwijze is een 2 - 2,5 cm groot hoofdje met alleen goudgele lintbloemen. De randstandige lintbloemen zijn vaak aan de buitenkant met een purperachtige kleur overtrokken. De buitenste, rechtopstaande, 3-5 omwindselbladeren zijn bijna bladachtig, breed driehoekig-eirond met een iets hartvormige voet en de binnenste omwindselbladen lijnvormig. De hoofdjes staan in een schermvormige tros.

De vrucht is een lang gesnaveld nootje met vruchtpluis. De buitenste nootjes zijn bleek en gekromd, de anderen zijn bruin en recht.


a=haar, b=binnenste omwindselblad, c=buitenste omwindselblad (Flora Batava)











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Picris echioides ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

P. echiodes é uma espécie do género botânico Picris, da família Asteraceae.[1]

Planta anual ou bianual, herbácia que pode medir entre 30 a 90 cm.

Nome comum

Repassage, ou raspa-saias


  1. «Picris echioides». Flora of Australia (em inglês). Consultado em 3 de abril de 2021
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wikipedia PT

Picris echioides: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

P. echiodes é uma espécie do género botânico Picris, da família Asteraceae.

Planta anual ou bianual, herbácia que pode medir entre 30 a 90 cm.

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Helminthotheca echioides ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK


Цей вид був описаний Карлом Ліннеєм у 1753 році як Picris echioides[3] та належав до роду Гіркуша (Picris). У 1973 році Йозеф Людвіг Голуб відніс його до роду Helminthotheca.


Родова назва походить від грецького helminthos — «хробак» й theca — «контейнер», натякаючи, можливо, на форму плодів. Видовий епітет echioides походить від подібності листя цього виду на Синяк звичайний, рід Echium[4].


Однорічна трав'яниста рослина, яка зазвичай досягає висоти росту між 30 і 80 см. Стебла, як правило, дуже розгалужені у верхній половині, щетинисті. Прикореневі листки черешкові, довго оберненоланцетовиді, зубчасті й звужуються до стовбура, а верхні ланцетні, зубчасті й дещо включені в стебло. Квіткові голівки сидять у верхній частині гілок. Всі приквітки остисті з жорсткою щетиною. Квіткові голівки містять тільки жовті променеві квіточки. Довгі виступаючі сім'янки мають перисті чубки. Переважно квітне в період з червня по серпень.


Батьківщина: Північна Африка: Алжир; Єгипет; Лівія; Марокко; Туніс. Кавказ: Азербайджан; Грузія. Західна Азія: Кіпр; Іран; Ізраїль; Йорданія; Ліван; Сирія; Туреччина; Пакистан. Європа: Австрія; Нідерланди; Швейцарія; Албанія; Боснія і Герцеговина; Болгарія; Греція; Італія; Македонія; Чорногорія; Сербія; Словенія; Франція; Португалія; Іспанія; Гібралтар; Україна (Крим). Натуралізований: Південна Африка, Туркменістан, Австралія, Нова Зеландія, Австрія; Бельгія; Німеччина; Угорщина; Польща; Данія; Ірландія; Норвегія; Об'єднане Королівство; Румунія, Канада, Сполучені Штати, Аргентина; Чилі; Уругвай. Росте на берегах, полях, на греблях і між уламками.


Молоді розеткові листки можуть використовуватися в салати, а також для супів, тушкованого м'яса, ризото або начинки для тортів і тістечок, але найбільш часто змішують з цикорієм або іншими гіркими травами, щоб покращити смак страви.


  1. а б Picris echioides // Ю. Кобів. Словник українських наукових і народних назв судинних рослин (Серія «Словники України»). — Київ : Наукова думка, 2004. — 800 с. — ISBN 966-00-0355-2.
  2. Довідник назв рослин України. Наукове товариство імені Шевченка Лісівничої академії наук України, за участю працівників Державного природознавчого музею НАН України та студентів і викладачів Прикарпатського лісогосподарського коледжу. Розробка веб-ресурсу: Третяк Платон Романович.
  3. Picris echioides L. на сайті The Plant List
  4. Michael L. Charters California Plant Names



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Helminthotheca echioides ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Helminthotheca echioides là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) Holub mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1973.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Helminthotheca echioides. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Helminthotheca echioides  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Helminthotheca echioides

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Helminthotheca echioides: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Helminthotheca echioides là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) Holub mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1973.

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