Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw rhisglyn y derw, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy rhisgl y derw; yr enw Saesneg yw Oak Beauty, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Biston strataria.[1][2] Mae i'w ganfod yng ngwledydd Prydain a rhannau eraill o Ewrop.
40 to 56 mm ydy lled ei adenydd agored.
Prif fwyd y lindysyn ydy dail a rhisgl y y dderwen, llwyfen (Ulmus spp.), collen (Corylus avellana), Aethnen (Populus tremula) a'r wernen (Alnus glutinosa).<[3].
Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.
Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r rhisglyn y derw yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.
Mae’r lindys yn bwyta dail derw, llwyfen, cyll, aethnen, gwern a choed eraill[4].
Mae’r oedolyn yn hedfan ym misoedd Mawrth ac Ebrill ar ôl gaeafu fel chwiler. Un genhedlaeth y flwyddyn sydd ganddo[4].
Eang ei ddosbarthiad yn Nghymru ac ym Mhrydain heb fod yn anghyffredin. Yn fwyclytiog yn ne yr Alban ac Iwerddon[4].
Mae B.s. amr. melanaria yn ffurf unlliw du a gofnodwyd o Gaint, Surrey a Hampshire. Digwydd ffurfiau llai eithafol gyda lliw y ddwy asgell yn niwl o frown tywyll yn amlach[4]
value (help). Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium. Flemish Entomological Society. Cyrchwyd 21 Gorffennaf 2008. Unknown parameter |coauthors=
ignored (help) Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw rhisglyn y derw, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy rhisgl y derw; yr enw Saesneg yw Oak Beauty, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Biston strataria. Mae i'w ganfod yng ngwledydd Prydain a rhannau eraill o Ewrop.
40 to 56 mm ydy lled ei adenydd agored.
Prif fwyd y lindysyn ydy dail a rhisgl y y dderwen, llwyfen (Ulmus spp.), collen (Corylus avellana), Aethnen (Populus tremula) a'r wernen (Alnus glutinosa).
Drsnokřídlec lipový (Biston strataria) je velký a poměrně hojný noční motýl z čeledi píďalkovitých, který se vyskytuje i v České republice.
Vyskytuje se spíše v teplejších oblastech Evropy. Jeho stanovištěm jsou nížinné, řídké lesy s převahou dubu, objevuje se u vodních toků, ale také v zahradách a parcích, kde rostou živné rostliny housenek.
Motýli se vyskytují brzy na jaře a ve vhodném biotopu mohou být i poměrně hojní.[1][2]
Rozpětí křídel drsnokřídlece lipového dosahuje 40–50 mm.[1] Zbarvení motýlů je variabilní co do odstínu, přední křídlo je však vždy rozděleno na 5 pásů, ve kterých se střídá barva základní (bílá až smetanová) s barvou doplňující (šedohnědá až světle okrová), přičemž pásy jsou odděleny tenkou černou klikatou linkou. Krom toho je celá plocha předních křídel jemně černě skvrnitá. Zadní křídla jsou hnědě poprášená, se zřetelnou příčkou.[2] Hruď motýla je hustě chlupatá a barvou odpovídá předním křídlům, zadeček je hnědý až okrový. Tykadla jsou spolehlivým určovacím znakem pohlaví dospělců – samci (viz obrázek) mají tykadla nápadně hřebenitá, samičky nikoli.
Housenkou drsnokřídlece lipového je robustní šedohnědá píďalka s hnědými klínovitými skvrnami na hřbetě. Na 1., 7. a 8. článku jsou hřbetní hrbolky, 11. článek je zduřený.[2]
Kukla je červenohnědá.[1]
Dospělci se vyskytují brzy na jaře (březen–duben). Přes den odpočívají na kmenech stromů (čerstvě vylíhnutí motýli sedají při patě kmene, starší vyletují výše do koruny).[1]
Housenky se vyvíjejí od května do července a jsou polyfágní – hlavními živnými rostlinami jsou duby, lípy, břízy a jilmy,[1] ale lze je nalézt i na jiných stromech, včetně ovocných. Kuklí se v zemi.[2]
Drsnokřídlec lipový (Biston strataria) je velký a poměrně hojný noční motýl z čeledi píďalkovitých, který se vyskytuje i v České republice.
Der Pappel-Dickleibspanner (Biston strataria) ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Spanner (Geometridae). Die Art wird auch als Pappelspanner bezeichnet.
Der Pappel-Dickleibspanner erreicht eine Flügelspannweite von 40 bis 55 Millimeter.[1] Die Vorderflügel sind grauweiß und mehr oder weniger schwärzlich bestäubt, wobei die Färbung variabel ist (s. Formen). Das Mittelfeld wird von stark gezackten schwarzen Querlinien begrenzt, an die sich ein breites, rötlichbraunes Querband anschließt. Die Mittelschatten sind oft erloschen und am Vorderrand schwärzlich verdickt. Die Hinterflügel besitzen ein oder zwei Querlinien, welche unterschiedlich stark ausgebildet sein können. Der Saugrüssel der Falter ist stark zurückgebildet.
Die Raupen erreichen eine Länge von bis zu 55 Millimeter. Die Färbung ist variabel und reicht von graubraun über lilabraun bis zu olivgrün. Der Raupenkörper besitzt am siebten und achten Segment seitlich je einen Rückenbuckel und darüber hinaus drei kleinere Buckel auf der Unterseite des Körpers. Am elften Segment befindet sich auch ein Querwulst. Der Rücken ist gelegentlich dunkel rautenförmig gezeichnet. Der stark eingekerbte Kopf ist rötlichbraun und stark eingekerbt.
Bergmann bezeichnet den Pappel-Dickleibspanner als die Leitart der Baumschicht älterer Bestände von Eichen in frischen Laubgehölzen warmer Lagen des Flach- und der Täler des Hügellandes.[8] Er kommt lokal in ganz Europa mit Ausnahme des hohen Nordens und des äußersten Südens vor. Im Süden erstreckt sich sein Verbreitungsgebiet durch den gesamten Mittelmeerraum, die Balkanländer und das Schwarzmeergebiet bis Kleinasien und den Kaukasus. Im Norden findet man die Art bis ins südliche Fennoskandien. Sie ist häufig.
Die Weibchen legen die Eier auf den Blättern verschiedener Laubbäume ab. Die Raupen leben einzeln oder in Gruppen und ernähren sich polyphag von verschiedenen Laubbäumen oder Sträuchern wie
Die Raupen sind nachtaktiv und ruhen tagsüber auf einem Zweig der Futterpflanze. Der Raupenkörper ist dabei schräg nach vorn gestreckt, sodass er einem kleinen Zweig zum Verwechseln ähnlich sieht (Mimese).
Die Verpuppung erfolgt etwa Ende Juni in der Erde. Die Art überwintert als Puppe. Die Falter schlüpfen von Februar bis März im darauf folgenden Jahr. Diese sind nachtaktiv und werden von künstlichen Lichtquellen angezogen. Tagsüber ruhen sie an Stämmen oder verbergen sich in der Vegetation. Über die Nahrungsquellen der Falter ist nichts bekannt.[7]
Der Pappel-Dickleibspanner bildet eine Generation im Jahr, die von Mitte März, teilweise auch schon ab Ende Februar in Nächten mit Temperaturen um den Gefrierpunkt bis Anfang Mai fliegt.[7] Die Raupen sind von Mai bis Juli, gelegentlich auch noch im August anzutreffen.[5]
Der Pappel-Dickleibspanner (Biston strataria) ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Spanner (Geometridae). Die Art wird auch als Pappelspanner bezeichnet.
Biston strataria, the oak beauty, is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is native to Europe, the Balkan countries and the Black Sea region as far as Asia Minor and the Caucasus. The species was first described by Johann Siegfried Hufnagel in 1767. B. strataria is found in a variety of habitats, but is mostly found in woodlands where it rests on the bark of trees, camouflaged by its mottled black and grey wings. The male has feather-like antennae while those of the female are more thread-like. The moth has a wingspan of 40 to 56 mm (1.6 to 2.2 in).
The larvae are mainly brown with three lumps near the end of the abdomen. They have evolved to resemble sticks which helps protect them from predators. The larvae feed on many species of trees, but the most commonly used host plants are oaks.[1]
The oak beauty has white forewings with two irregular broad brown bands along each wing. The first band is short, located near the base of the wing, and surrounded with a black border. The second band is located near the outer margin with a black border surrounding the inner edge. Between these two bands is a white space sprinkled with black dots as well as a crescent-shaped black mark near the middle. The overall appearance gives the oak beauty a mottled look. B. strataria‘s forewings are 17–27 mm (0.67–1.06 in) in diameter, while its wingspan ranges from 40–56 mm (1.6–2.2 in). The oak beauty's hind wings are paler than its fore wings and have transverse black bands. The forehead and the front of the thorax are white while its sides are a white-grey blend. Its body is covered with many hairs. The back of the thorax and the body are a darker shade of brown.[2] [3]
The oak beauty exhibits melanism and comes in two different variations; a dark (melanic) form and light (typica) form. The melanic form is prevalent in the Netherlands, but this form has not been observed in Britain. Details explaining this discrepancy are not yet known. The closest relative to B. strataria is the peppered moth (Biston betularia), which also has two forms. The proportion of melanics is higher in B. betularia compared to B. strataria. This is unusual since, between the two species, it is B. strataria that should have a greater evolutionary selection for the prevalence of melanic individuals due to the higher pollution concentrations in the area.[4][5]
Adult males possess feathered antennae and are frequently observed during the daytime. Such feathered antennae are thought to aid in sensing female pheromones from over a kilometre away (0.6 miles). This helps males locate females for mating.[2]
Females are observed less often during the day than their male counterparts, and their antennae are thinner and more threadlike than the males'.[2]
It is common throughout Europe, with the exception of the far north and the far south. In the south, its range extends through the entire Mediterranean, the Balkan countries and the Black Sea region as far as Asia Minor and the Caucasus. In the north it reaches the southern Fennoscandia. It is found in the British Isles including Ireland.
In July and August, the larvae can be found feeding on various host plants.[6] B. strataria is prevalent in wooded areas including parks, gardens, and other suburban habitats.[2] It is usually found on the trunk of trees where it can blend with its surroundings[2][4]
Adults emerge in early spring.[6] B. strataria begins its flight period from mid-March to April, which is an early flight period compared to other moth species.[2] B. strataria usually flies at night and is readily attracted to light. Its mottled appearance aids in its concealment from predators when it rests on tree trunks during the day[2] Although the adult camouflages well with its surroundings, predators may occasionally spot the moth. In these circumstances the moth has one last defense mechanism – its hindwings, which were previously hidden in the resting position, carries shocking markings which may warn off predators when suddenly exposed.[7]
The oak beauty caterpillar is brown, marbled with white, and has two small red lumps on the back of its eighth, ninth and twelfth segments and a small lump on the belly on the seventh, eighth and ninth segments. The caterpillar's head is slightly notched in the middle, possibly due to evolutionary pressures to resemble twigs in appearance.[6]
The larvae are found from spring to fall feed on a variety of deciduous trees including oak (Quercus spp.), elm (Ulmus spp.), hazel (Corylus avellana), aspen (Populus tremula) and alder (Alnus glutinosa).[2]
An experiment was carried out to discover whether caterpillars of B. strataria, Ennomos alniaria, and Lycia hirtaria were protected from Eurasian jays and common chaffinches by their resemblance to the sticks they resided upon.[8] In this experiment, the larvae and twigs were scattered across an area while seven Garrulus glandarius were positioned to prey on the larvae. When the larvae were not confused as twigs, it took G. glandarius ten seconds to find their prey. When more twigs were present than caterpillars, it took the birds between one and forty minutes to find the larvae. After finding the first caterpillar, G. glandarius quickly increased its rate of attack on both the larvae and the twigs.[8][9] This experiment concluded that these caterpillars' adaptation to their environment does not give them the best possible protection.[8][9]
Tinbergen added on to de Ruiter's experiments and found that when caterpillars were more abundant than twigs, birds continued to hunt; when caterpillars seemed rare in comparison to twigs, birds stopped hunting altogether.[9] Brower concludes that a bird's continuous quest for caterpillars after discovering larvae puts surrounding larvae in danger, despite how well these caterpillars blend in with their environment. Brower has speculated that bird behaviour is density-dependent as well as dependent upon finding surrounding larvae of the similar phenotypic properties to the one it just consumed.[7] Although past theories have speculated that either Batesian mimicry or crypsis were at play to explain these circumstances, further studies by Skelhorn have proven neither are correct.[10] Rather, this phenomenon is quite different from the former two and is now commonly recognized as masquerade.[10]
B. strataria demonstrates coincident colouration.[7] A cryptic disruptive pattern on the wings breaks up the outline, while the colouration blends well with the tree bark on which the oak beauty rests.[2]
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(help) Biston strataria, the oak beauty, is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is native to Europe, the Balkan countries and the Black Sea region as far as Asia Minor and the Caucasus. The species was first described by Johann Siegfried Hufnagel in 1767. B. strataria is found in a variety of habitats, but is mostly found in woodlands where it rests on the bark of trees, camouflaged by its mottled black and grey wings. The male has feather-like antennae while those of the female are more thread-like. The moth has a wingspan of 40 to 56 mm (1.6 to 2.2 in).
Fig 4,4a,4b,4c Larva after final moultThe larvae are mainly brown with three lumps near the end of the abdomen. They have evolved to resemble sticks which helps protect them from predators. The larvae feed on many species of trees, but the most commonly used host plants are oaks.
Tamme-kedrikvaksik (Biston strataria või Biston stratarius) on vaksiklaste sugukonda kedrikvaksiku perekonda kuuluv liblikaliik.
Tamme-kedrikvaksik (Biston strataria või Biston stratarius) on vaksiklaste sugukonda kedrikvaksiku perekonda kuuluv liblikaliik.
Biston strataria, la Marbrée, la Phalène marbrée ou le Biston marbré, est un lépidoptère (papillon) de la famille des Geometridae, de la sous-famille des Ennominae.
Biston strataria, la Marbrée, la Phalène marbrée ou le Biston marbré, est un lépidoptère (papillon) de la famille des Geometridae, de la sous-famille des Ennominae.
De vroege spanner (Biston strataria) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Geometridae, de spanners. De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 17 en 27 millimeter. Hij overwintert als pop.
De vroege spanner heeft als waardplanten diverse loofbomen, met name eik.
De vroege spanner is in Nederland een niet zo algemene soort, er zijn vooral waarnemingen gedaan op zandgronden en in de duinen. in België is de soort algemeen. De vlinder kent één generatie die vliegt van maart tot halverwege mei.
De vroege spanner (Biston strataria) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Geometridae, de spanners. De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 17 en 27 millimeter. Hij overwintert als pop.
Eikelurvemåler (Biston strataria) er en sommerfugl i gruppen av de egentlige målere (Geometridae). Den er hovedsakelig knyttet til eik og finnes derfor bare i det sørligste Norge.
En ganske stor (vingspenn 40 – 55 mm) og kraftig måler med avlange forvinger. Hannen har fjærformede antenner. Forkroppen er gråhvit med en mørk tegning på brystet, bakkroppen lysbrun. Forvingen er gråhvit med to brede, uregelmessige, brune, svartkantede tverrbånd, det ytterste av disse langs vingens ytterkant. Mellom de to brune tverrbåndene er det et smalt, ofte ufullstendig, svart tverrbånd. Bakvingen har bare ett brunt tverrbånd. Den ligner slektningen bjørkelurvemåler (Biston betularia), men kan kjennes på vingenes brune tverrbånd, dessuten flyr den tidligere på våren. Larven er mørkebrun og litt knudrete.
Arten er knyttet til eikeskog hos oss, men larvene kan også forekomme på andre trær enn eik. De voksne målerne flyr i mars – mai.
Eikelurvemåleren finnes over det meste av Europa, unntatt lengst i nord, dessuten i Nord-Afrika og Midtøsten. I Norge følger den eikeskogens utbredelse og er funnet vest til Vest-Agder.
Eikelurvemåler (Biston strataria) er en sommerfugl i gruppen av de egentlige målere (Geometridae). Den er hovedsakelig knyttet til eik og finnes derfor bare i det sørligste Norge.
Biston strataria é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Geometridae.[1]
A autoridade científica da espécie é Johann Siegfried Hufnagel, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1767.
Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.
Biston strataria é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de traças, pertencente à família Geometridae.
A autoridade científica da espécie é Johann Siegfried Hufnagel, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1767.
Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.
Biston strataria là một loài bướm đêm trong họ Geometridae.[1]
Biston strataria là một loài bướm đêm trong họ Geometridae.