
Trophic Strategy ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Feeds on plants and invertebrates (Ref. 26100).
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Pascualita Sa-a
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Morphology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Dorsal soft rays (total): 12; Analsoft rays: 12
حقوق النشر
Armi G. Torres
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Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Leucos aula is distinguished from all congeners by having a middle lateral band and a smaller head length, which in fish of comparable size is less than 4.5 times in the SL, except L.panosi, and more than 4.0 times in the others species. It further differs by having 12 modal scales around caudal peduncle (vs. 14) (Ref. 96829). It can be diagnosed from its congeners in Apennine Peninsula by having the following characters: dorsal and anal fins with 9½ branched rays; 36-42 (usually 38-39) scales along lateral line; mouth subterminal; pelvic, pectoral and anal fins greyish; eye red in life; conspicuous dark brown midlateral stripe from eye to caudal fin base (Ref. 59043).
حقوق النشر
Armi G. Torres
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Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Found in canals, swamps, lakes and streams with slow current and dense vegetation (Ref. 59043). Prefers to inhabit lakes and still waters of rivers; does not thrive in moderately to fast flowing rivers (Ref. 96829). Lives in groups. Omnivorous, feeding mainly on insect larvae, other invertebrates, algae and aquatic macrophytes. Spawns in small groups composed of one female and several males. Deposits eggs on aquatic vegetation (Ref. 59043). Age at first maturity is 1+ or 2+ for males and 2+ for females; maximum age observed is 7+ years (Ref. 96829). Abundant, but locally declining due to the introduction of Carassius gibelio, Ctenopharyngodon idella and Silurus glanis ( in lakes). There are introduced populations locally responsible for extirpation of Rutilus rubilio (Ref. 59043).
حقوق النشر
Armi G. Torres
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Importance ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
fisheries: of no interest; gamefish: yes
حقوق النشر
Armi G. Torres
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موقع الشريك

Triotto ( أليمانيك )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

De Triotto (Rutilus aula) isch e Süesswasserfisch wo z Norditalie endemisch isch und au im Tessin vorchunnt.


De Triotto isch e länglich Fisch, wo 12 bis 20 cm lang werd. Er het e wiisse Buuch und e schwaarze Rugge. Vom Aug bis zo de Schwanzflosse goot e dünne bruune Straiffe. Sini Flosse sind grau und e bitzeli dorsichtig. Er het groossi rooti Auge.


De Triotto isch im Iizugspiet vom Po endemisch, im nördliche Italie, im Tessin, z Slowenie und au imenen chliine Piet z Kroatie um Zadar ume. Er mag langsami Flüüssgwässer mit vill Wasserpflanze und chunnt au i Seeje, Kanääl und sumpfige Gwässer vor.


De Triotto isch e Schwarmfisch, wo sich vo de langsame Ströömig loot lo triibe. Er fresst Alge, Insektelaarfe und Waichtier. D Laichziit goot vom Mai bis in Juli. Debi bildet ai Wiibli und e paar Mandli e chliini Gruppe. De Laich bliibt a Wasserpflanze chlebe. De Triotto cha 7 Joor alt were.


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wikipedia emerging languages

Triotto: Brief Summary ( أليمانيك )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

De Triotto (Rutilus aula) isch e Süesswasserfisch wo z Norditalie endemisch isch und au im Tessin vorchunnt.

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wikipedia emerging languages

Leucos aula ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Leucos aula is a species of freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae.[2] It is native to the Adriatic basin in southern Europe, originally occurring in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, and Switzerland. It has been introduced to other parts of Italy. This is an abundant fish, occurring in canals, swamps, lakes, and streams with slow current and dense vegetation.[3]


  1. ^ Freyhof, J. (2006). "Rutilus aula". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2006: e.T19781A9013177. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2006.RLTS.T19781A9013177.en.
  2. ^ Bianco, P.G. & Ketmaier, V. (2014): A revision of the Rutilus complex from Mediterranean Europe with description of a new genus, Sarmarutilus, and a new species, Rutilus stoumboudae (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa, 3841 (3): 379–402.
  3. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2012). "Leucos aula" in FishBase. April 2012 version.
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wikipedia EN

Leucos aula: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Leucos aula is a species of freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae. It is native to the Adriatic basin in southern Europe, originally occurring in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, and Switzerland. It has been introduced to other parts of Italy. This is an abundant fish, occurring in canals, swamps, lakes, and streams with slow current and dense vegetation.

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wikipedia EN

Rutilus aula ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Rutilus aula es una especie de peces de la familia de los Cyprinidae en el orden de los Cypriniformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 18 cm de longitud total.[2][3]


Es un pez de agua dulce.

Distribución geográfica

Se distribuye por ríos de Italia, Croacia, Eslovenia y Suiza.


  1. Freyhof, J. (2011). «Rutilus aula». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2011.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 5 de mayo de 2012.
  2. FishBase (en inglés)
  3. Kottelat, M. y J. Freyhof, 2007. Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Publications Kottelat, Cornol, Suiza. 646 p.


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wikipedia ES

Rutilus aula: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Rutilus aula es una especie de peces de la familia de los Cyprinidae en el orden de los Cypriniformes.

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wikipedia ES

Rutilus aula ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Rutilus aula Rutilus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.



  1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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Rutilus aula: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Rutilus aula Rutilus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.

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Rutilus aula ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Il triotto (Rutilus aula) è un pesce d'acqua dolce, della famiglia dei ciprinidi.

Distribuzione e habitat

È una specie endemica dei corsi d'acqua della Pianura Padana, presente anche in alcuni fiumi dell'Istria slovena e croata[1] . È stato introdotto in molti corsi d'acqua dell'Italia peninsulare dove ha formato popolazioni stabili (fenomeno noto come transfaunazione).

Predilige acque stagnanti o a corrente lentissima con ricca presenza di vegetazione acquatica.


Il triotto è abbastanza snello ed un po' compresso lateralmente. La livrea è argentea con tonalità verdastre sul dorso e con una striscia scura (spesso con riflessi violacei) sul fianco. L'iride dell'occhio è rossastra mentre le pinne sono incolori o verde brunastro.


Il periodo della fregola avviene in tarda primavera.
La femmina depone migliaia di uova di circa 1 mm di diametro, che si schiudono in 5-10 giorni, a seconda della temperatura dell'acqua.


Ha dieta onnivora, nutrendosi di vegetali, crostacei, vermi ed insetti.

Effetti ecologici della sua introduzione

A causa della sua introduzione nell'areale della congenere rovella (dove prima non era presente) si sono trovate in simpatria le due specie. Si è verificato un certo differenziamento dell'habitat fra le due, infatti la rovella è prevalente nei corsi d'acqua in cui c'è un minimo di corrente, dove la vegetazione è più scarsa e dove il fondo è più sabbioso mentre il triotto prevale nelle acque ferme, ricche di vegetazione sommersa ed a fondo fangoso o terroso. Comunque la sua introduzione ha prodotto una netta rarefazione della rovella.


È molto conosciuto dai pescatori come pesce da gara, ma poco apprezzate risultano le sue carni, accettabili ma liscosissime e poco consistenti. Viene spesso confuso e scambiato per altri pesciolini suoi simili (alborella, rovella, scardola).



  • Stefano Porcellotti, Pesci d'Italia, Ittiofauna delle acque dolci Edizioni PLAN 2005
  • Zerunian S. Condannati all'estinzione? Biodiversità, biologia, minacce e strategie di conservazione dei Pesci d'acqua dolce indigeni in Italia, Edagricole 2002
  • Bruno S., Maugeri S. Pesci d'acqua dolce, atlante d'Europa, Mondadori 1992
  • Kottelat M., Freyhof J. Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes, Publications Kottelat, Cornol (CH), 2007

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wikipedia IT

Rutilus aula: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Il triotto (Rutilus aula) è un pesce d'acqua dolce, della famiglia dei ciprinidi.

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wikipedia IT

Leucos aula ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Leucos aula é uma espécie de peixe actinopterígeo da família Cyprinidae.

Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Croácia, Itália, Eslovénia e Suíça.

Os seus habitats naturais são: rios e lagos de água doce.


  1. Freyhof, J. (2006). «Rutilus aula». The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2006: e.T19781A9013177. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2006.RLTS.T19781A9013177.en
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wikipedia PT

Leucos aula: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Leucos aula é uma espécie de peixe actinopterígeo da família Cyprinidae.

Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Croácia, Itália, Eslovénia e Suíça.

Os seus habitats naturais são: rios e lagos de água doce.

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Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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