
Lifespan, longevity, and ageing

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"Maximum longevity: 59.4 years (captivity) Observations: Physiological observations indicate that chimpanzees develop age-related changes typical of humans at considerably earlier ages, and geriatric chimpanzees were originally defined as animals with 34 years of age and older (http://www.chimpanzoo.org/). Even in captivity, young adult chimpanzees have considerably higher mortality rates than humans (Hill et al. 2001). Therefore, while it is not known whether the pace of ageing is different between chimpanzees and humans, the onset of ageing appears to occur at earlier ages in chimpanzees. The MRDT and IMR were estimated based on mortality rates obtained from field sites (de Magalhaes 2006).+p Determining the maximum longevity of chimpanzees is problematic due to the many anecdotal reports. "Cheeta", a male chimpanzee who participated in some Tarzan movies, has been reported to be 75 years of age and still alive, though these claims have not been verified and might well be overestimated (http://cheetathechimp.org/). One wild-born female called "Little Mama" was estimated to be over 70 years of age at Lion Country Safari in Florida (http://www.lioncountrysafari.com/). Another specimen, called "Gregoire", reportedly died at the age of 66 in Congo after living most of his life in Brazzaville Zoo. In spite of these claims, chimpanzees in captivity have not been confirmed to live for more than 60 years (Richard Weigl 2005). Therefore, although the issue is controversial, the established maximum longevity of chimpanzees remains the 59.4 years that a female called "Gamma" was when she died in 1992 at Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center in Atlanta (Hakeem et al. 1996). Similarly, the maximum longevity in the wild belongs to one 55 year-old female, though there are unverified reports suggesting a longer lifespan (Hill et al. 2001)."
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Joao Pedro de Magalhaes
de Magalhaes, J. P.
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AnAge articles

غير معنونة ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Animal Diversity Web

The scientific name for this species is somewhat misleading. Pan refers to the greek god of forests, and is not entirely inappropriate for these animals. However the term troglodytes means one who crawls into holes or caves. As demonstrated in the report above, these animals do not typically use caves.

Relationships among the subspecies are of interest to many, especially those seeking to understand human diversity by looking at diversity in our closest relatives. Research on the DNA of these subspecies indicates that P. troglodytes troglodytes and P. troglodytes schweinfurthi are most closely related. Their lineages likely separated around 440,000 years before present. In contrast, the lineage of P. t. verus separated from the other common chimpanzees around 1.58 million years before present. Because of this relatively distant relationship, some researchers believe that P. t. verus may warrant elevation to species status.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( الإنجليزية )

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Communication in this highly social species is an area of great interest to human researchers. Chimpanzees in captivity have been involved in a number of experiments designed to show how their minds work with regard to signs, signals, and speech. In this account, communication in wild chimpanzees will be discussed first, followed by a discussion of what language studies in captivity have helped us to understand about these animals.

Visual Communication

Chimpanzees communicate with a wide variety of gestures, postures, and facial expressions. In addition, body language and physical cues are used in communication.

Gestures such as arm raising, slapping the ground, or a direct stare are threatening signals used between individuals. Male courtship signals, like branch shaking or foot stamping, may be directed at particular female with whom he wishes to mate. Some facial expressions and vocalizations may also be directed at particular individuals. Loud arm scratching while looking at another individual may be interpreted as a request for grooming.

When excited or fearful, chimps may show low closed grins, full closed grins, or open grins. Snears may also be shown in a fearful context. When the distress is less severe, communicative facial expressions include pouts and horizontal pouts. Compressed lips are often used in threatening displays, and play is generally accompanied by a “play face”, in which the chimp has an open smile with top teeth covered.

Erection of body hair (piloerection) is an important signal communicating excitement. It occurs in most chimps when a strange or frightening stimulus is encountered, during times of aggression, and in other contexts of social excitment. This bristling of the hair is an autonomic response, so it is not under the conscious control of an individual animal. It is a reliable signal of excitement in this species, just as blushing is a reliable signal of embarrassment in humans.

In times of fear induced by the behavior or presence of a dominant animal, chimpanzees never show piloerection. Instead, they have incredibly sleek hair, making them appear smaller. Also, the alpha male chimpanzee in a community, although not frightened or excited, almost always has bristled hair--making him appear even larger than he is.

The swelling of the anogenital skin of females clearly communicates their sexual state to other members of the community. Because the bright pink swelling is highly visible, even at a distance, and can be seen by all, it is considered a non-directed signal.

Auditory Communication

All chimpanzee vocalizations are closely tied to their emotions. Their vocalizations are usually spontaneous, signalling the excitment of arriving at a food source, greeting of old friends, or moments of acute fear or distress. However, producing a particular vocalizations without experiencing the underlying emotion seems to be a task that surpasses a chimpanzee's abilities. Conversely, chimps can learn through experience to suppress a particular call in contexts where the vocalizations may lead to an unwelcome result.

Chimpanzees can be quite vocal. They use a variety of grunts, barks, squeaks, whimpers, and screams. Each call is typically tied to a particular emotional context, such as fear, excitment, bewilderment, or annoyance, so that vocalizations provide information to other chimps about what is happening to other members of their community, even if they cannot see them directly. Subordinate animals direct pant-grunts at more dominant animals. During grooming, chimpanzees often lip-smack or tooth-clack. Play is often accompanied by laughter which, although very raspy-sounding to humans, is similar enough to our own laughter to be easily recognized. Some vocalizations (food grunts) attract other party members to an plentiful food source. Some louder vocalizations (food aaa calls) may attract other chimpanzees in the community from a greater distance. The famous “pant hoot” call of chimps seems to serve as a means of individual identification, and allows friends and family to locate one another even though they may not be within visual range. A detailed listing of calls made by the chimps of Gombe is available in Goodall (1986), and should be consulted by those wishing to know more about specific calls.

That chimpanzees understand the meaning of their vocalizations is clear from contexts in which they purposefully supress vocalizations. Although typically vocal--especially when traveling in groups-- male chimpanzees are almost entirely silent when they are performing a border patrol, or when raiding into the home range of a neighboring group. It is as if they understand that the success of their mission depends upon remaining covert, and that vocalizations will assuredly attract the notice of neighboring animals whom they would prefer to surprise. Similarly, during the course of a consortship, both male and female remain almost entirely silent. This silence may serve two different functions. First, it may prevent the pair from being discovered by other males in the community, disrupting the temporarily monogamous union. Second, because most consortships take place on the outskirts of the community’s range, silence helps the consorting pair to avoid attracting the attention of neighboring males, who may themselves be out patrolling their borders.

Tactile Communication

Various forms of tactile communication occur between pairs of chimps. Physical contact helps to reassure distressed individuals, to placate aggressive individuals, and to appease stress. Embracing, patting, kissing, mounting, and touching all occur in a variety of contexts, including greetings, reconciliations, and reunions. As mentioned in the section on behavior, relaxed physical contact is provided by frequent bouts of social grooming. Such friendly contact helps to cement social bonds. Playful contact, such as finger wrestling or tickling may also occur.

Although the bulk of physical contact seen in chimpanzees is friendly, there is also physical contact associated with aggression. Hitting, slapping, kicking, and biting also occur, as do pounding, dragging, and stamping. Although such aggressive physical contact usually occurs between two individuals as the result of a specific conflict, it may also sometimes be incidental, as when a chimpanzee is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and becomes incorporated into the display of a dominant or irritated individual.

Chemical Communication

Chimpanzees are very interested in smells, and seem to be using them in a variety of contexts. However, the degree to which they use smells, or the specific information they obtain from smells, is not known. Chimpanzees sniff and smell at the anogenital swellings of females. They smell the ground after a mother with a new infant has moved away, apparently trying to catch the scent of the newborn. Individual chimps may have unique odors, recognized by their fellows, but research on this point is lacking. Wild chimpanzees sometimes appear to use scent cues in tracking missing family members. Olfactory cues may be used in helping males to identifiy the approach of ovulation in females, although the specific mechanism or chemicals used for this have not been described.

Communication Studies in Captivity

Although wild chimpanzees have complex communication, they do not possess what we would call language. They do not use specific calls to identify specific objects or individuals. Indeed, they seem unable to produce vocalizations at will, instead uttering cries and calls as a result of impulsive emotions. However, in spite of having no true language, the mental function of chimpanzees is well developed and they possess many of the cognitive abilities necessary for language to develop, as studies of their acquisition of lexigrams (keyboard symbols) and sign language have shown.

Chimpanzees can be taught large numbers of signs or symbols, which they can use to respond to questions reliably and repeatably. They can identify sizes, shapes, colors, and can distinguish what attributes of objects make them different (e.g., two circles, one blue, one red, differ in color). They can use abstract concepts and generalize. For example, they can know that a wrench is a tool and a banana is a food. They are able to spontaneously mix and use symbols they know to describe novel objects. For example, one chimpanzee described a cucumber as a “banana which is green”. Further, research has demonstrated that chimpanzees can understand spoken language, responding appropriately to requests, even though they are, themselves, unable to speak.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzee populations are jeopardized by human expansion into rainforests and mixed forest environments. Humans destroy habitats required by chimpanzees for survival and hunt them for bushmeat. They are listed as an Appendix I species by CITES, and are considered endangered by IUCN redlist. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service consideres the species endangered in the wild, and threatened in captivity outside of the natural range.

US Federal List: endangered

CITES: appendix i

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: endangered

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzees have been known to prey upon young humans when the opportunity arises, although the propensity for this behavior is closely related to the presence of waste from human beer-making facilities. Chimpanzees eat these attractive, fermented leavings and become intoxicated, making them more likely to become aggressive. When frightened or aggressive chimpanzees can be dangerous, even to adult humans. In addition, because of their biological similarity to humans, they may serve as a reservoir or host for diseases that affect humans.

Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings, carries human disease)

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzees, being among our closest living relatives, are of tremendous importance in medical research. They are also heavily used in studies of behavior, both in captivity and in the wild. They are the focus of valuable ecotourism enterprises and are popular in zoos. Finally, there is some illegal pet trade in chimpanzees and they are hunted for bushmeat.

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; ecotourism ; research and education

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( الإنجليزية )

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As predators, chimpanzees may be a factor in structuring populations of their prey species. Certainly, they have a strong impact on red colobus monkeys (Colobus mitis) at Gombe, and they are likely to have effects on other species as well. As frugivores, chimps may help to disperse seeds of certain plants, either through transportation, or by processing the fruit. There are competitive interactions with other primates, and so chimpanzees may have an additional negative effect on other primate species.

Various parsites, such as intestinal helminths, trematodes, and schistosomes, have been reported in these animals.

Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • intestinal helminths
  • trematodes (Trematoda)
  • schistosomes (Schistosomatidae)
حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzees are broadly omnivorous. They rely heavily on ripe fruits and young leaves, with additional consumption of stems, buds, bark, pith, seeds, and resins. This diet is supplemented by a variety of insects, small vertebrates, and eggs. Soil is sometimes consumed, especially that associated with termite mounds, presumably for the minerals it contains. Diets vary seasonally, as different foods are available at different times of year. Diets also vary geographically. Some foods eaten by chimpanzees in one location are not eaten by chimpanzees in another location, even when the food in question is present at both locations, making it possible that geographical differences in diet are cultural.

Chimpanzees spend the bulk their time feeding or moving from one food source to another. Although foods may be eaten at any time of the day or night, there are typically two major peaks in feeding activities. The first occurs in the morning between 7 and 9 AM. The other is in the afternoon, between 3:30 and 7:30 PM.

Chimps may use a food source until the food is gone, or they may leave before having consumed all of the food. This may depend upon how many chimps are feeding at the site. Variety in the diet seems to be important, and after consuming enough of a particular food, chimps may move on in search of something else to eat.

Chimpanzees are known to hunt other large vertebrates on occasion. The largest animals hunted are bush pigs (Potamochoerus larvatus), colobus monkeys (Colobinae) and baboons (Papio). Although adults are sometimes taken, it is more common for chimps to take young animals.

The predatory behaviors of chimpanzees vary between sexes, individuals, and locations. Males typically consume more meat than females, who seem to specialize more on insect foods than do males. Chimps in the Ivory Coast are known to use more cooperative hunting techniques than the chimpanzees in Tanzania and Uganda. This may be related to differences in the habitat and the behavior of prey. In the Ivory Coast, there is a well developed canopy to the forest, and monkeys may escape chimp predators by climbing high into the trees. In this situation, only cooperative hunting tactics work well for capturing prey. However, at both Gombe and Mahale in Tanzania, the forest is not as dense, and the upper portions of the canopy are not as well developed. As a result, individuals have high success at hunting without enlisting the aid of other chimps.

Another consequence of habitat differences between western and eastern populations of chimpanzees is that in the east, the colobus monkeys preyed cannot take refuge in areas inacessible to chimpanzees. Under these conditions, colobus monkeys are more aggressive toward the chimpanzees. Coupled with the smaller size of the subspecies of chimp found in this area (P. t. schweinfurthi), a different dynamic is established between predator and prey. Chimpanzees in this area are sometimes fearful of adult male monkeys, and are most likely to attack females with young, in the hope of snatching a baby monkey to eat.

Cannibalism has been reported in chimpanzees. The circumstances under which this behavior has been observed vary, although typically chimps do not kill and eat members of their own communities. Most commonly, infants killed during intercommunity aggression may be eaten by the males of the neighboring community. However, in a famous case at Gombe, an adult female and her adolescent daughter were responsible for killing several infants of other females in their community. These infants were eaten, often in front of the mother. This behavior ended when the adult female died. The daughter has shown no inclination toward cannibalism since her mother's death.

Captive chimps commonly exhibit coprophagy and repetitive regurgitation and reingestion. These behaviors appear to be an aberration seen in captivity, as they are not found in wild chimpanzees.

Finally, sick chimpanzees are known to consume a variety of plants with potentially medicinal value. For a more comprehensive discussion of this behavior, please refer to the behavior section.

Animal Foods: birds; mammals; reptiles; eggs; insects

Plant Foods: leaves; wood, bark, or stems; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers; sap or other plant fluids

Primary Diet: omnivore

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) inhabit the tropical forests of central Africa. They are distributed from about 10 degrees N to 8 degrees S, and from 15 degrees W to 32 degrees E. They are found from Gambia in the west to Uganda in the east, excluding the region bordered by the Congo and Lualaba rivers in central Zaire (Congo) where their sister species, bonobos (Pan paniscus), are found.

There are three recognized subspecies of common chimpanzee. Pan troglodytes verus occurs in the western portions of the range, from Gambia to the Niger river. From the Niger river to Congo, in the central portion of the range, P. troglodytes troglodytes inhabits forested regions. In the far eastern portion of the range, from the northwestern corner of Zaire into western Uganda and Tanzania, P. troglodytes schweinfurthi is found.

Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzees utilize a great diversity of habitat types. Although they are typically thought of as living in tropical rainforests, they are also found in forest-savanna mosaic environments, as well as in montain forests at elevations up to 2,750 m. Some populations are known to inhabit primarily savanna habitat.

Range elevation: 0 to 2,750 m.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; chaparral ; forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Animal Diversity Web

Chimpanzees can live from 40 to 60 years.

A variety of ailments trouble chimpanzees in natural habitats, and affect survivorship and longevity. Respiratory diseases, such as colds and coughs, seem prevalent during the rainy season. Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, peritonitis, and enteritis have been seen and can be lethal, especially in young or very old chimps. Skin ulcers and osteoarthritis have affected some chimpanzees. One chimpanzee at Gombe had a goiter. Abcesses of various sorts have been seen, as have rashes, fungal diseases, and parasitic infections. Even human diseases may sometimes affect wild chimpanzees. A polio epidemic in local human populatons devastated the chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park in 1966, killing some and leaving many chimpanzees partially paralyzed.

In addition to disease, injuries are an important source of infections and can lead to mortality in chimpanzees. Injuries may be sustained during falls, or as a result of aggressive interactions within groups or among neighboring groups.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
59 (high) years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
51.0 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: male
Status: captivity:
56.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
44.5 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
60.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
53.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
45.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
50.0 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
40.0 years.

Average lifespan
Sex: female
Status: captivity:
59.4 years.

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( الإنجليزية )

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Adult chimpanzees have a head and body length ranging between 635 and 925 mm. When standing erect, they are 1 to 1.7 m tall. In the wild, males weigh between 34 and 70 kg, whereas females are slightly smaller, weighing between 26 and 50 kg. In captivity individuals typically attain greater weights, with the top weight reaching 80 kg for males and 68 kg for females. Although data from individual subspecies are not available, it appears that P. t. schweinfurthi is smaller than P. t. verus, which is smaller than P. t. troglodytes. Some of the differences seen between captive chimps and wild chimps may be due to subspecific differences in size.

The arms are long, such that the spread of the arms is 1.5 times the height of an individual. Legs are shorter than are the arms, which allows these animals to walk on all fours with the anterior portion of the body higher than the posterior. Chimpanzees have very long hands and fingers, with short thumbs. This hand morphology allows chimpanzees to use their hands as “hooks” while climbing, without interference from the thumb. In trees, chimpanzees may move by swinging from their arms, in a form of brachiation. Although useful in locomotion, the shortness of the thumb relative to the fingers prevents precision grip between the index finger and thumb. Instead, fine manipulations require using the middle finger in opposition to the thumb.

The long hands of chimpanzees also function in quadrupedal locomotion. Fingertips are typically curled upward into the palm during locomotion, and the weight is borne along backs of the fingers. Much of the length of the hand thus contributes to the length of the forelimbs while walking. In combination with the short legs, this gives the back a downward slope from neck to rump, and orients the head into a forward facing position.

Chimpanzees have prominent ears, and a prominent superorbital crest. This gives the brows a somewhat rigid and bony appearance. A sagittal crest may be present on very large individuals, but is not common. There is no nuchal crest. Cranial capacity of these animals ranges from 320 to 480 cc. The face is slightly prognathic. The lips protrude and are very flexible, allowing an individual to accomplish many tasks through labial manipulation.

Dentition is typical of primates. The dental arch is square in shape, and there is a prominent diastema. Canines are large, as are molars. Molars decrease in size toward the back of the mouth, and lack the enamel wrinkling seen in orangutans.

The face of adults is typically black, or mottled with brown. Hair is black to brown, and there is no underfur present. There may be some white hairs around the face (looking a bit like a white beard in some individuals). Infant chimpanzees have a white tuft of hair on their rumps, which identifies their age quite clearly. This white tail tuft is lost as an individual ages.

Individuals of both sexes are prone to lose the hair on the head as they age, producing a bald patch behind the brow ridge. Graying of hairs in the lumbar region and on the back is common with age, also.

Range mass: 26 to 70 kg.

Range length: 635 to 925 mm.

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( الإنجليزية )

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Chimpanzees are hunted as food by humans in many parts of their range. There is no direct evidence of predation on chimps by other animals, although there are some sympatric predators that are likely candidates for taking an occasional chimpanzee--especially young ones. These are leopards (Panthera pardus), pythons (Phython sabae), and martial eagles (Poleamaetus bellicosus).

Known Predators:

  • humans (Homo sapiens)
حقوق النشر
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Animal Diversity Web

Chimpanzee reproduction is very complex, and many misconceptions arose early in the study of these animals about the nature of their mating system. Both males and females are known to mate with multiple partners, so they can be considered polygynandrous. However, at times a male may control sexual access to a female, preventing other males from mating with her. A male may do this either through force and dominance in a group mating situation, or by taking the female on a consortship away from other males and thereby securing exclusive sexual access to her. Each of these situations will be discussed at length below.

It is important to note that copulation may serve a number of social functions in this species. Females and males mate more often than would be necessary to ensure impregnation. Copulation may help to develop bonds between males and females. It may funtion in establishing and maintaining group unity.

Females have an estrus cycle which lasts approximately 36 days. During the course of this cycle, as her hormone levels change, a female experiences changes is the size, shape, and color of her genital skin. As circulating estrogens increase during the follicular phase of the cycle, the size of the swelling increases. When the anogenital skin is fully engorged, it is typically bright pink, and can measure from 938 to 1400 cc. The state of maximal tumescence is of variable length in different individuals and at different stages of maturity, but lasts an average of 6.5 days. It is during this time that females are sexually receptive and that the bulk of copulations with mature males occur.

The anogenital swelling of females is very important in the sexual behavior of these animals. Most copulations involving mature males and females (96.2%) seen at the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania were observed with females who were maximally tumescent. Of the few copulations observed when females were not maximally swollen, almost 75% were performed by one of two adult males, indicating that the propensity to copulate with females who are not at their peak swelling may be something of an individual idiosynchracy.

The role of the anogenital swelling is many-fold. First, it serves as a signal, visible to males from a great distance, that a female is sexually receptive. Since females tend to be relatively solitary, advertizement of their sexual state to potential mates is essential for reproduction to occur. Males are very interested in the condition of the genitals of each female they encounter. Second, the anogenital swelling may aid females in obtaining food resources including meat. Females who are maximally swollen are often able to supplant more dominant animals at a food source, and are more successful at begging food from males than are unswollen females. Finally, because the males find sexual swellings so attractive, having a maximally engorged genital region may help stranger females to interact peacefully with unfamiliar males as they disperse into new areas.

There are several possible mating scenarios that males and females may encounter. Each of these is based in part on the phase of the female’s cycle. A female may experience one or more of these scenarios during a particular cycle. The types of situations she encounters depend upon a female’s popularity as a sexual partner, how many other females are in estrus at the same time, how popular those females are, and how attractive the female is to the dominant male.

First, during early tumescence, females are mated by infants, juveniles and early adolescents. Infants and juveniles are probably gaining experience through the copulation, they are unlikely to sire offspring. Mature males do not typically copulate with females until they are maximally tumescent, although exceptions to this rule have been observed.

In the second sexual scenario, a female who has achieved maximal tumescence becomes the nucleus of a multi-male party. Other estrus females may travel in the same sexual party. These parties can include some or all of community males. During this phase of a female’s cycle, mating can be promiscuous. The males are typically not comepetitive in this situation, and different males may mate with the female in rapid succession.

The third situation a female might encounter occurs during the second half of maximal tumescence. As the timing of ovulation approaches, dominant males may become possessive and prevent subordinates from copulating with the female. This may involve outright conflicts or, because the dominance relationship between males is well established, may be as simple as the dominant male maintaining close proximity to the female, thereby communicating to his subordinates that the female is no longer up for grabs. Inhibition of the copulations of other males may also occur through threats or attacks. Interestingly, these attacks and threats are often directed at the female, should she express sexual interest in another male. Directing aggression toward the female benefits the male in several ways: 1) it prevents potentially costly fights with other large males, 2) it teaches the female not to copulate with anybody else, and 3) it prevents a third male from mating with the female while the possessive male is punishing another sexual rival. If the possesive male is the highest ranking male in a party, he can inhibit copulations between the female and all other males.

The result of this restriction of mates late in the course of maximal tumescence has the effect of reducing the number of potential sires for any offspring conceived during that estrus cycle. Since sperm remain viable in the fallopian tubes for 48 hours, only males copulating with a female during the last four days of her swelling could fertilize an egg. Even though a female may mate with many males during any particular cycle, not all of these matings have the potential of resulting in impregnation.

The fourth sexual mating situation is the consortship. During a consortship, the female may be led away from the group by a particular male. When consorting, male/female pairs often move to the periphery of the community range. Pairs can stay together up to 3 months. During consortship, both members of the pair maintain relative vocal silence, helping to avoid the attention of other community members, as well as attention from the males of neighboring communities who might behave with hostility toward the pair. Consortships inherently involve the cooperation of female.

Whether males engage in any of these sexual scenarios is highly variable among individuals. A male's preference for, or success in, group mating versus consortships may change depending upon the rise and fall of his fortunes in the constant struggle for dominance between community males. Males who are actively moving up the dominance heirarchy may not spend time away from other males frequently, as in doing so, they may sacrifice social status. Such males, who are in their prime, are more likely to be able to monopolize sexual access to a female in a group situation. High ranking males, especially the alpha male, may take females on consortships, but because of the need to maintain their social standing, these consortships tend to be short in duration.

It may benefit lower-ranking males to initiate consortships when possible, as in consortships there is no mating competition from other males. This may represent the most likely chance the male has to sire offspring. However, it is harder to entice a female to come on a consortship if she is close to ovulation because of competition/possessiveness of other males. A female may benefit from consortships by being able to choose the male with whom she mates. There may also be better access to food and reduced aggression during a consortship as compared to a group mating situation. However, these benefits must be weighed against the potential cost of encountering hostile neighboring chimpanzee groups when spending time in the periphery of the range.

Most consortships (40%) at Gombe Stream National Park were initiated when a female was maximally swollen. Only 16% of consortships were intiated when the female was at variable tumescence, and even fewer consortships began when females were flabby (12%) or pregnant (12%).

To initiate a consortship, a male may gaze toward the female he desires to consort with. This is often accompanied by piloerection (fluffed-out hair), branch shaking, arm stretching, and rocking. If the male succeeds in getting the female to follow him away from the group, he will often walk while looking over his shoulder to make sure she’s still tagging along. This sequence of behaviors may be repeated until the female follows him. If the female does not comply with the male’s wishes, he may become hostile, using aggression to force her to follow him.

During just over half of fertile cycles, females are confined to multi-male groups. About 21% of fertile cycles occur on consortships. The remaining 15% of cycles occur when young females visit males in other communities. In spite of the numbers of fertile cycles which fall under each mating situation, females are disproportionately likely to conceive during consortships. The exact mechanism of this is not understood.

Male mate choice

Because males become possesive of females only late in the course of maximal tumescence, it appears that they have some ability to discern the fertile period of females. The ability of male chimpanzees to gauge the potential fertility of a given female can unquestionably be inferred from patterns of copulations. The increase in the copulation frequency of dominant or older males as ovulation approaches demonstrates that males do not respond the same to females throughout the duration of maximal tumescence. Copulations increase as fertilization and impregnation become more likely. In addition, females who were presumed to be undergoing nonfertile cycles (such as during pregnancy and early in the postpartum period) are typically not sexually popular with mature males.

Aside from potential fertility, one characteristic involved in male mate choice is the age of the female. When presented with two receptive females, males typically show a preference for copulating with the older of the two. Personality traits of individual females may also contribute to males favoring them. A female who is relaxed in the presense of males may be prefered over a more skittish female. Novelty can also play a role in attracting males, since they seem to prefer unfamiliar females over those with whom they have longstanding relationships.

Female mate choice

Females have some ability to choose the males with whom they mate. They may choose to accept or decline a male’s invitation to consortship. This may allow a female to ensure that a particular male who is low in dominance standing, and therefore is less successful in group mating competitions, sires her offspring. The characteristics of males with whom females consort may vary. It seems that the overall “friendliness” of a female’s relationship with a male may play some role in her choice of him as a consortship partner. Whether the male has played with her, groomed her, or engaged in other friendly behaviors with her as she matured or when she is not maximally swollen, may play some role.

Although consenting to a consortship clearly demonstrates choice on the part of the female, it should not be assumed that by staying in a multi-male mating party as ovulation approaches, a female is relinquishing her mate choice. She may be choosing to mate with particular dominant individuals. Or, she may be enhancing her social status and familiarity to all the community males by remaining in the group.

That females discriminate between various males in mating situations is clear. Females avoid copulations with their mature sons and their brothers. There is also some evidence that young females avoid copulations with the older males in their communities (who may potentially have sired them). Although matings do occur between siblings, and occasionally between mothers and their mature sons, the frequency of such matings is much less than would be expected by random pairings of adults within the community.

Initiating a copulation

Copulations are typically initiated by males. The male sits in what is called the “male invite” posture, with his legs flexed and slightly splayed. This displays his erect penis to a potential mate. A male chimpanzee’s penis is bright pink, thin, and tapered to a point. It is very visible against the black hair and pale skin on the male’s lower abdomen and thighs. The value of the erect penis as a signal may be enhanced as the male “flicks” it-- causing the penis to make a rapid “tapping” movement.

In addition to displaying his penis, a courting male may show piloerection (fluffed-out hair). A male may gaze directly at a female. Such a gaze directed at a male rival is an unambiguous threat, but in a sexual context appears to serve as an invitation. He may place his raised hand on a branch overhead, and he may shake the branch. This is all a low-key invitation to the female to present her hindquarters to the male for copulation. If he fails to attract the notice of the female, he may incorporate one or more of the following behaviors into his display: arms outstretched toward the female, a bipedal swagger, a sitting hunch, side to side rocking, swaying of vegetation, or stamping with the foot or knuckes.

Copulation usually occurs in a squatting position after the female crouches and presents her rump to the male. Often, there is no contact between the participants in the mating except at their genitals, although sometimes the male may hold the female.

Ejaculation is usually achieved within 8.8 thrusts. The copulation is ended as the male scoots back or the female darts forward. Males and females have been seen to clean themselves with leaves after copulating. Females not infrequently consume the vaginal plug (congealed semen) after mating.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous) ; cooperative breeder

There is no clear seasonality in the reproduction of chimpanzees. Females cycle throughout the year, and males copulate with them when they are receptive. Females may have infertile cycles, such as are seen during the period of adolescent sterility, during pregnancy, and early in the postpartum period. Males copulate with females during infertile cycles as well as during fertile cycles. This indicates that there are social functions other than reproduction related to sexual behavior in these animals.

The female reproductive cycle lasts an average of 36 days. As hormone levels change during their cycle, so does the size of the female’s anogenital swelling. There are four main phases to the cycle, including inflation, as the size of the swelling increases, maximal tumescence. when the sexual skin is fully distended, detumescence, when the previously swollen skin looses all turgidity, and flat, when there is no sign of swelling in the anogenital area. Menstruation occurs about nine days after detumescence begins, and lasts for about three days. Ovulation typically occurs on the last day of maximal tumescence.

Females do not reproduce frequently. There is a prolonged period of juvenile dependence during which the offspring relies on the mother for milk, protection, and education. Becuse of the care required by a single offpspring, females cannot produce offspring frequently. The duration of the interbirth interval varies from population to population. Some of the variability may be due to ecological factors (highly productive habitats may allow females to wean their young sooner, or may result in higher rates of infant survival, both of which would affect interbirth intervals). Because different populations may also represent different subspecies, genetic differences in the timing of reproduction may also be involved.

Average interbirth intervals range between 3 and 6 years. Gestation lasts from 202 to 260 days, with a mean of 230 days. Typically, a single young is born, weighing about 2 kg. Twinning is rare, but may be more common than in humans. The infant is carried ventrally by the mother for about 3 to 6 months, after which infants may either ride on their mother’s ventrum or on her back. As the young chimp grows, it increasingly rides on its mother’s back during travel. Although young chimps sometimes walk on their own, they regularly ride on mom until the time of weaning at 3.5 to 4.5 years.

The age of independece is somewhat difficult to judge in this very social species. Young chimps can survive without their mother after they are weaned. However, orphaned chimps are often “adopted” by an older sibling or another close relative, who provides the young chimp with care similar to that which the mother would provide. Young typically travel all the time with their mother until they reach puberty. At puberty, females may become the focus of sexual parties, and males become very interested in establishing themselves in the dominance hierarchy. The activities of maturing chimps around the age of 10 years lead to the parting of ways between a mother and her son.

Females and males enter puberty around the age of 7 years. Females experience a period of adolescent sterility of about three years, during which they cycle, but do not ovulate. During this period, females may transfer into a neighboring chimpanzee community.

As in humans, there is a great deal of variability between different populations and between individuals within populations in the timing of first birth. Female chimpanzees in the wild give birth to their first offspring between the ages of 11 and 23 years. In Tanzania, the average age at which a female first gives birth is between 14.5 and 15 years. Captive chimpanzees reach sexual maturity at younger ages, and have been known to have babies at ages as young a 7.5 years. However, even for well-fed captive animals, the average age at which a female has her first offspring is between 10.5 and 11.15 years.

Like females, males enter puberty around the age of 7 years. Males of any age, including infants, may mate with females, but these copulations are unlikely to result in impregnation of the female. It is not until males attain social maturity that they can effectively compete for access to females who are fertile. In the wild, males are first seen to ejaculate around the age of 9 years. They do not reach adult weight and social maturity until they are about 15 years of age.

In general, chimpanzees can be classified into age categories that represent developmental stages. Until the age of 5 years, chimpanzees are infants. From 5 to 7 years of age, chimpanzees are called juveniles. From 7 to 10 years of age, females are called adolescents. Similarly aged males, from 7 to 12 years are also called adolescents. Females aged 10 to 13 years are considered subadults, as are males aged 12 to 15 years. Females are considered fully adult around the age of 13 years, whereas males reach maturity later, around 15 years.

Breeding interval: The breeding interval varies. Female cycles last about 36 days, and females mate during each cycle. However, if pregnancy ensues, a female may not begin cycling again for 2.5 to 5.5 years.

Breeding season: Chimpanzees may breed throughout the year.

Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.

Average number of offspring: 1.

Range gestation period: 202 to 260 days.

Average gestation period: 230 days.

Range weaning age: 30 to 54 months.

Average time to independence: 6 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 10 to 13 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 12 to 15 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; year-round breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous

Average birth mass: 1821 g.

Average number of offspring: 1.

As is true for most mammals, females provide the bulk of parental care. They carry their offspring, groom them, nurse them, and provide them with opportunites to learn all of the complex behavioral patterns of the species. Young are completely dependent upon their mother until weaning at 3 to 4 years of age, but continue to travel with her and rely heavily upon her for support until they reach adulthood. Bonds with the mother extend throughout an individual’s life. In spite of having achieved independence, both males and females may maintain social bonds with their mother for the remainder of their lives. Although females sometimes emmigrate into a new community of chimpanzees, thereby severing ties with their mother, females may also stay in their natal community as adults. In this case, they may occasionally travel with their mother. Males often use their mother for emotional support when establishing themselves in the male dominance hierarchy. When things are not going particularly well for them, some males may seek the comfort, stability, and quiet that only their natal family can provide.

Because multiple young of different ages may be traveling with their mother at any time, bonds between siblings are also strong. These bonds may remain strong during adulthood, and brothers are frequent allies in intragroup intrigues. Older siblings frequently help to carry infants and play with infants. If the mother should die, older siblings will often assume the care of their immature, weaned siblings.

Males do not provide any direct parental care for young, although they can be quite gentle and playful with young members of their community, especially those still possessing a white tail tuft. Males may indirectly provide protection for their young. Adult males in the community engage in border patrols, which may help to protect the young from potentially dangerous stanger males.

The relationship between a mother and her offspring can have many repercussions during the life of the offspring. Although rank is not technically inherited from the mother, the rank of a female does affect her offspring. A mother who has a high rank, who is confident and relaxed in dealing with other chimpanzees, is likely to have offspring who behave in a similar fashion. Nervous mothers may produce offspring who are fearful of other chimpanzees, and who may not do well in dominance competition.

Because young males do not emmigrate at maturity, they inherit the home range of dominant males. There is no certainty of paternity in this polygynandrous species, so transmission is not directly from father to son and it is unlikely that such relatives would recognize one another as such. Females may remain in their natal community also, although they may transfer to a different chimpanzee social unit upon reaching maturity.

Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning; inherits maternal/paternal territory; maternal position in the dominance hierarchy affects status of young

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Shefferly, N. 2005. "Pan troglodytes" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pan_troglodytes.html
Nancy Shefferly, Animal Diversity Web
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
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Animal Diversity Web

Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Chimpanzees are highly intelligent, social animals with a startlingly complex culture. They live in stable communities which range in size from 15 to 150 members, although individuals tend to travel and forage in much smaller groups (4). Males stay in their natal community for life and male relationships are ordered in a strict linear hierarchy, which allows many disputes to be settled without the need for violence (4); males are also dominant over all of the females in the group (5). Chimpanzees are long-lived and do not reach sexual maturity until they are around 10 to 11 years old, with inter-birth intervals of around five years (5). Young chimpanzees develop slowly and are weaned at around four years old (4), although they retain strong ties with their mother after this. Chimps are active throughout the day and feed mainly on fruit, supplementing their diet with leaves, flowers, seeds and insects when fruit is scarce (4). Meat is a favourite food for chimps and groups will cooperate together to hunt and kill monkeys (5). Chimpanzees are remarkably dextrous and are one of the few species to exhibit tool use; from fly wisps and nutcrackers to rods used to probe for ants and termites (4). Chimps exhibit complex communication in the form of expressions, postures and calls (5); social grooming is vital for maintaining bonds between individuals (4).
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Conservation ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Chimpanzees are protected by law throughout their range although this is often poorly enforced. The precise impact of the bushmeat trade is currently being investigated by the Bushmeat Working Group, part of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) (9). The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) has recently recognised the urgent need to protect our closest relatives and has established a Great Ape Survival Project (GRASP) aimed at identifying the conservation initiatives required to secure the future of the apes and obtaining political support and funding to allow these to be achieved (10). The Jane Goodall Institute, amongst other organisations, is involving local people in chimp conservation in the form of sanctuaries and education programmes (5).
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Along with the pygmy chimp or bonobo (Pan paniscus), the chimpanzee is the closest living relative (4) to humans and is estimated to share 98 percent of our genes (6). There are currently four recognised subspecies of chimpanzee, showing differences in appearance and geographic range: the western or masked chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus), central or black-faced chimpanzee (P. t. troglodytes), eastern or long-haired chimpanzee (P. t. schweinfurthii) and the eastern Nigeria chimpanzee (P. t. vellerosus) (3). They all have the characteristic chimpanzee body shape with longer arms than legs, together with opposable thumbs and big toes (5). The bare skin on the face, ears, palms, and soles of the feet is pinkish to black (5), whilst the rest of the body is covered with brown to black hairs (6). Chimpanzees have very expressive features with their bulging eyebrows and protrusive lips (6). The long arms and fingers and mobile shoulder joints allow chimps to move easily in the trees where they forage and rest (4). The majority of their locomotion however, takes place on the ground in the form of 'knuckle-walking' (4).
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Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Inhabits a variety of woodlands from humid evergreen forests to deciduous forest and dry savanna woodlands (7).
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Range ( الإنجليزية )

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Once found throughout the equatorial forest belt of Africa from the west to east coast of the continent (5), between 13°N and 7°S (2). Populations are today found where tracts of these forests remain and the largest populations are located in Gabon, Zaire and Cameroon (2).
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Status ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1), and listed on Appendix I of CITES (3). Subspecies: western or masked chimpanzee (P. t. verus); central or black-faced chimpanzee (P. t. troglodytes); eastern or long-haired chimpanzee (P. t. schweinfurthii); eastern Nigeria chimpanzee (P. t. vellerosus) are all classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List 2007 (1).
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Threats ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
Habitat loss from mining, forestry and agriculture is one of the major threats to wildlife in equatorial Africa at present (8). Deforestation in west Africa is most severe and remaining pockets of undisturbed forest are home to highly fragmented populations of chimpanzees (8). The demand for bushmeat has recently exploded due in part to the growing human population, more accessible forests and the increased availability of firearms (4); some conservationists believe this trade is currently the biggest threat to species' survival in the area. Exposure to human diseases presents a further threat to the chimpanzee (8).
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Niger Delta Terrestrial Vertebrate Associates ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors

The Niger Delta is an enormous classic distributary system located in West Africa, which stretches more than 300 kilometres wide and serves to capture most of the heavy silt load carried by the Niger River. The peak discharge at the mouth is around 21,800 cubic metres per second in mid-October. The Niger Delta coastal region is arguably the wettest place in Africa with an annual rainfall of over 4000 millimetres. Vertebrate species richness is relatively high in the Niger Delta, although vertebrate endemism is quite low. The Niger Delta swamp forests occupy the entire upper coastal delta. Historically the most important timber species of the inner delta was the Abura (Fleroya ledermannii), a Vulnerable swamp-loving West African tree, which has been reduced below populations viable for timber harvesting in the Niger Delta due to recent over-harvesting of this species as well as general habitat destruction of the delta due to the expanding human population here. Other plants prominent in the inner delta flood forest are: the Azobe tree (Lophira alata), the Okhuen tree (Ricinodendron heudelotii ), the Bitter Bark Tree (Sacoglottis gabonensis), the Rough-barked Flat-top Tree (Albizia adianthifolia), and Pycnanthus angolensis. Also present in its native range is the African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis)

There are a number of notable mammals present in the upper (or inner) coastal delta in addition to the The Endangered Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). The near-endemic White-cheeked Guenon (Cercopithecus erythrogaster, VU) is found in the inner delta. The Critically Endangered Niger Delta Red Colubus (Procolobus pennantii ssp. epieni), which primate is endemic to the Niger Delta is also found in the inner delta. The limited range Black Duiker (Cephalophus niger) is fournd in the inner delta and is a near-endemic to the Niger River Basin. The restricted distribution Mona Monkey (Cercopithecus mona), a primate often associated with rivers, is found here in the Niger Delta. The Near Threatened Olive Colobus (Procolobus verus) is restricted to coastal forests of West Africa and is found here in the upper delta.

Some of the reptiles found in the upper coastal Niger Delta are the African Banded Snake (Chamaelycus fasciatus); the West African Dwarf Crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis, VU); the African Slender-snouted Crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus); the Benin Agama (Agama gracilimembris); the Owen's Chameleon (Chamaeleo oweni); the limited range Marsh Snake (Natriciteres fuliginoides); the rather widely distributed Black-line Green Snake (Hapsidophrys lineatus); Cross's Beaked Snake (Rhinotyphlops crossii), an endemic to the Niger Basin as a whole; Morquard's File Snake (Mehelya guirali); the Dull Purple-glossed Snake (Amblyodipsas unicolor); the Rhinoceros Viper (Bitis nasicornis). In addition several of the reptiles found in the outer delta are found within this inner delta area.

Five threatened marine turtle species are found in the mangroves of the lower coastal delta: Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coricea, EN), Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta, EN), Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea, EN), Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretomychelys imbricata, CR), and Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas, EN).

Other reptiles found in the outer NIger Delta are the Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), African Softshell Turtle (Trionyx triunguis), African Rock Python (Python sebae), Boomslang Snake (Dispholidus typus), Cabinda Lidless Skink (Panaspis cabindae), Neon Blue Tailed Tree Lizard (Holaspis guentheri), Fischer's Dwarf Gecko (Lygodactylus fischeri), Richardson's Leaf-Toed Gecko (Hemidactylus richardsonii), Spotted Night Adder (Causus maculatus), Tholloni's African Water Snake (Grayia tholloni), Smith's African Water Snake (Grayia smythii), Small-eyed File Snake (Mehelya stenophthalmus), Western Forest File Snake (Mehelya poensis), Western Crowned Snake (Meizodon coronatus), Western Green Snake (Philothamnus irregularis), Variable Green Snake (Philothamnus heterodermus), Slender Burrowing Asp (Atractaspis aterrima), Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca), Rough-scaled Bush Viper (Atheris squamigera), and Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus).

There are a limited number of amphibians in the inner coastal delta including the Marble-legged Frog (Hylarana galamensis). At the extreme eastern edge of the upper delta is a part of the lower Niger and Cross River watersheds that drains the Cross-Sanaka Bioko coastal forests, where the near endemic anuran Cameroon Slippery Frog (Conraua robusta) occurs.

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C. Michael Hogan
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
C. Michael Hogan. 2013. ''Niger River''. Encyclopedia of Earth, National Council for Science and the Environment, Washington DC ed. M. McGinley
C. Michael Hogan (cmichaelhogan)
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Sjimpansee ( الأفريكانية )

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Die sjimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is ’n spesie van mensape. ’n Nabyverwant is die bonobo. Fossiel- en DNA-toetse wys albei spesies is sustersgroepe van die moderne menslike lyn.

Die sjimpansee is bedek met growwe, swart hare, maar het ’n haarlose gesig, vingers, tone, handpalms en voetsole. Dit is sterker gebou as die bonobo; dit weeg tussen 40 en 65 kg en is van kop tot stert sowat 1,3 tot 1,6 m lank. Sjimpansees is agt maande lank dragtig. Babas word op sowat drie jaar gespeen, maar het gewoonlik jare daarna nog ’n sterk verhouding met die ma. Hulle bereik puberteit op sowat 10 jaar en hul lewensverwagting is sowat 50 jaar.

Sjimpansees woon in groepe van 15 tot 150 lede, hoewel individue bedags in veel kleiner groepe rondbeweeg. Die spesie word deur die manlike diere oorheers en lewe volgens ’n streng hiërargie, wat beteken verskille kan gewoonlik sonder geweld opgelos word. Byna alle sjimpanseebevolkings gebruik gereedskap, aangepaste stokke, klippe, gras en blare om heuning, termiete, miere, neute en water bymekaar te maak.

Die sjimpansee is op die Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur (IUBN) se lys van bedreigde spesies. Daar is na raming tussen 170 000 en 300 000 sjimpansees oor in die woude en grasvelde van Wes- en Sentraal-Afrika. Hul grootste bedreiging is die vernietiging van hul habitat, wilddiefstal en siektes.


Die spesienaam troglodytes (Grieks vir "grotbewoner") is deur Johann Friedrich Blumenbach gebruik in sy boek De generis humani varietate nativa liber, wat in 1776 gepubliseer is.[2][3] Die boek is gebaseer op sy verhandeling ’n jaar voor die publikasiedatum slegs vir interne gebruik aan die Universiteit van Göttingen,[4] en die verhandeling self het dus nie voldoen aan die voorwaardes vir gepubliseerde werke met betrekking tot dierkundige naamgewing nie.[5]


Ondanks ’n groot aantal vondste van Homo-fossiele, is sjimpanseefossiele in 2005 vir die eerste keer beskryf. Bestaande sjimpanseebevolkings in Wes- en Sentraal-Afrika oorvleuel nie met die groot fossielvondste van mense in Oos-Afrika nie. Daar is egter nou sjimpanseefossiele uit Kenia aangeteken. Dit sou beteken mense sowel as lede van die Pan-klade het tydens die Middel-Pleistoseen in die vallei van die Groot Skeurvallei voorgekom.

John Gribbin en Jeremy Cherfas meen in hul boeke The Monkey Puzzle: Reshaping the Evolutionary Tree en The First Chimpanzee: In Search of Human Origins sjimpansees en bonobo's kan van Australopithecus afstam.


Volgens DNS-bewyse het die sjimpansee en bonobo moontlik minder as ’n miljoen jaar gelede van mekaar geskei (nes Homo sapiens en die Neanderdallers).[6][7] Die sjimpanseelyn het sowat 6 miljoen jaar gelede van die laaste gemeenskaplike voorouer van die menslike lyn geskei. Omdat geen spesie behalwe Homo sapiens van die menslike lyn oorleef het nie, is die twee sjimpanseespesies die mens se naaste verwante. Die sjimpanseegenus, Pan, het sowat 7 miljoen jaar gelede van die gorillas se genus afgeskei.

Vier subspesies van die sjimpansee word erken,[8][9] met die moontlikheid van ’n vyfde:[10]

Fisiese eienskappe

Die manlike volwasse sjimpansee weeg tussen 40 en 60 kg en die wyfie tussen 32 en 47 kg.[11] Groot, wilde mannetjies kan egter tot 70 kg weeg en mannetjies in aanhouding het al tot 91 kg gehaal.[12][13][14] Die lengte van die neus tot die agterlyf wissel van 63 tot 94 cm.[14][15] Manntjies wat staan, kan tot 1,6 m lank wees en wyfies tot 1,3 m. Hul lywe is bedek met growwe, swart hare, behalwe die gesig, vingers, tone, handpalms en voetsole. Hul spiere is "tot vyf keer digter as mense s’n. So dig dat hulle nie kan swem nie."[16]

Sjimpansees kom in bome (snags) en op die grond (bedags) voor.[17] Hulle loop of staan gewoonlik op al vier pote, maar kan vir kort entjies op twee pote loop. Hulle loop op hul kneukels, nes gorillas en bonobos,[17] teenoor die orangoetang, wat op die buitekant van sy palms loop.


’n Sjimpansee in ’n boom met sy prooi.

Sjimpansees is hoogs aanpasbaar. Hulle woon in ’n verskeidenheid habitats, onder meer droë grasvelde, immergroen reënwoude en moeraswoude.[18][19] Hulle het ’n goeie geheue wat hul tuiste aanbetref. Hulle maak elke aand ’n slaapplek in ’n nuwe boom en slaap apart, behalwe die baba- of jong sjimpansees, wat by hul ma slaap.[20] Wanneer hulle ’n indringer gewaar, sal hulle hard skree en enige voorwerp moontlik gebruik om hulle te verdedig.

Luiperds is ’n groot bedreiging en gevalle is aangemeld waar sjimpansees luiperdwelpies doodmaak,[21] blykbaar hoofsaaklik as ’n beskermingsmetode.

Dieet en jag

’n Sjimpansee aan die vrugte eet.

Sjimpansees verkies vrugte bo enige ander kos en sal dit selfs gaan soek as dit nie volop is nie. Hulle sal ook blare eet. Sade, bloeisels, boombas en gom maak die res van hul plantdieet uit.[19][22] Hoewel hulle hoofsaaklik planteters is,[23][24] eet hulle ook heuning, grond, insekte, voëls en hul eiers en klein tot mediumgrootte soogdiere, insluitende ander primate.[19][25] Soogdiere wat hulle eet, sluit in sekere soorte ape, bobbejane, blouduikers, bosbokke en vlakvarke.[26]

Sjimpansees jag soms alleen, en soms in groepe sodat hulle hul prooi makliker kan vaskeer.[27] As hulle saam in bome jag, het elke sjimpansee ’n rol. Sommige sorg dat die prooi in ’n sekere rigting hardloop en jaag hulle sonder om hulle te probeer vang. Ander sal onder bome staan en opklim om te keer dat die prooi in ’n ander rigting hardloop. Dan is daar dié wat vinnig beweeg en die prooi probeer vang, en dié wat wegkruip en die prooi vang as hulle nader kom.[27] Hulle sal sowel volwassenes as kleintjies vang. Hulle is egter bang vir sekere soorte ape en sal die kleintjies probeer gryp sonder om die ma aan te val.[19] Die mannetjies jag meer as die wyfies. Wanneer die prooi gevang is, sal dit verdeel word onder almal wat gejag het, en selfs onder die omstanders.[27]



Sjimpansees versorg mekaar.

Sjimpansees woon in gemeenskappe van gewoonlik tussen 15 en meer as 150 lede, maar loop meestal rond in kleiner, tydelike groepe van ’n paar individue – dié kan voorkom in enige kombinasie van ouderdom en geslag.[20] Beide mans en wyfies kan ook alleen rondloop.[20] Hulle het ingewikkelde sosiale verhoudings en bestee baie tyd daaraan om mekaar te versorg (groom).[28]

Mannetjies vorm die kern van die sosiale struktuur. Hulle loop rond, beskerm groeplede en soek kos. Hulle bly in die gemeenskappe waarin hulle gebore is, maar wyfies kan na ander groepe oorloop as hulle volgroei is. Daarom is mannetjies in ’n groep meer geneig om aan mekaar verwant te wees as aan die wyfies. Onder die mannetjies is daar gewoonlik ’n dominansie-hiërargie en hulle oorheers ook die wyfies.[29] Groepe of individue wyk ook gereeld van die groter gemeenskap af en sluit dan weer later by hulle aan.[19] Dié kleiner groepe kan in ’n verskeidenheid vorme voorkom, om verskeie redes. ’n Groep mannetjies kan byvoorbeeld bymekaarkom om te jag, terwyl ’n groep wyfies saam ’n paar kleintjies kan grootmaak.[30] ’n Individuele sjimpansee sal ander gereeld raakloop, maar feitlik nooit baklei nie – hulle baklei net in groot groepe.

Mannetjies in die Mahale Nasionale Park in Tanzanië.

Omdat groepe en individue voortdurend kom en gaan, is die struktuur van die gemeenskap baie ingewikkeld. ’n Mannetjie kan byvoorbeeld ná ’n tyd terugkeer en onseker wees of daar enige "politieke skuiwe" tydens sy afwesigheid plaasgevind het; dan sal hy sy heerskappy probeer hervestig. ’n Groot mate van aggressie vind dus plaas binne die eerste vyf tot vyftien minute nadat ’n mannetjie weer by die gemeenskap aangesluit het.[31][32]

Mannetjies behou en verbeter hul sosiale rang deur koalisies te vorm. Dié is gebaseer op ’n sjimpansee se invloed in vyandige interaksies.[33] As twee sjimpansees in ’n koalisie is, kan hulle ’n derde sjimpansee oorheers wat hulle nie op hul eie sou kon nie, want sjimpansees wat hul hand goed speel, kan mag in aggressiewe interaksies uitoefen ongeag hul rang. Hoe meer bondgenote ’n sjimpansee het, hoe ’n beter kans het hy om ’n oorheersende rol te spel. Mannetjies in ’n koalisie kan egter ook teen mekaar draai as dit hulle pas.[34]

Manntjies met ’n lae rang verander dikwels van kant in geskille tussen meer dominante sjimpansees. Hulle kan voordeel trek uit ’n onstabiele hiërargie en meer seksuele geleenthede kry.[33][34] Verder konsentreer dominante mannetjies op mekaar tydens ’n konflik in plaas van op dié met ’n laer rang. Die hiërargie tusen wyfies is swakker, maar ’n klein sjimpansee kan voordeel trek uit sy ma se status.[35] Sosiale versorging blyk ook belangrik te wees in die instandhouding van koalisies,[36] veral tussen mannetjies.

Paring en ouerskap

’n Ma en haar kleintjie.

Sjimpansees paar regdeur die jaar, hoewel die aantal wyfies wat bronstig is, van seisoen tot seisoen in ’n groep wissel.[37][38] Hulle is meer geneig om bronstig te wees as kos volop is. Paring tussen sjimpansees is promisku – ’n wyfie kan met verskeie mannetjies in die groep paar terwyl sy bronstig is.[19] Die patrone wissel egter. Soms beperk dominante mannetjies toegang tot wyfies. ’n Mannetjie en wyfie kan ook buite hul gemeenskap paar – soms verlaat wyfies die groep om met ’n mannetjie van ’n ander groep te paar.[19][39]

Dis gewoonlik die ma wat ’n kleintjie versorg. Die oorlewing en emosionele gesondheid van ’n kleintjie hang van moederlike sorg af.[19] Die ma gee die kleintjie kos, hitte en beskerming en leer hulle sekere vaardighede. ’n Kleintjie se toekomstige rang in die gemeenskap kan ook afhang van die ma se status.[19][37] Vir die eerste 30 dae klou ’n kleintjie aan die ma se maag vas. Wanneer hulle vyf tot ses maande oud is, ry hulle op die ma se rug. Hulle het permanente kontak vir die eerste jaar. Wanneer hulle twee jaar oud is, kan hulle self rondbeweeg en sit.[40] Teen hul derde jaar sal kleintjies begin wegbeweeg van die ma af. Hulle word gespeen op tussen vier en ses jaar.[40]

Tussen hul sesde tot negende jaar sal die jong sjimpansee naby sy ma bly, maar ook meer interaksies met ander lede van die gemeenskap hê. Jong wyfies beweeg tussen groepe en word deur die ma bygestaan in vyandige situasies. Jong mannetjies bring tyd saam met die ouer mannetjies deur en sal saam met hulle jag of die gebied patrolleer.[40]


Sjimpansees gebruik ’n verskeidenheid gesigsuitdrukkings, houdings en klanke om met mekaar te kommunikeer.[19] Hulle kan grynslag, pruil en hul lippe teen mekaar druk.[19] ’n Aggressiewe mannetjie sal op twee voete staan en sy arms swaai om hom groter te laat lyk.[19] Soms stamp sjimpansees hul hande en voete teen ’n groot boomstam.[41]

As hulle opgewonde is, sal hulle sagte "hoe"-geluide maak, wat al hoe harder word tot dit ’n skree of soms blaf word. Dié sal dan weer sagter word en eindig in nog sagte "hoe"-geluide.[41] Hulle sal uitroep as hulle ander teen gevaar waarsku of kos sien.[19] Kort blafgeluide word ook gemaak wanneer hulle jag.[41]


Die gebruik van gereedskap is al in feitlik alle sjimpanseegemeenskappe waargeneem. Hulle sal stokke, rotse, gras en blare aanpas en dit gebruik om heuning, miere, neute en water te soek. Al is die gereedskap nie ingewikkeld nie, verg dit tog vaardigheid en lyk dit of vooraf daaroor gedink is.[42] Volgens die resultate van ’n ondersoek wat in 2007 gepubliseer is, lyk dit of die gebruik van gereedskap deur sjimpansees uit minstens 4 300 jaar gelede dateer.[43]

’n Sjimpansee in Tanzanië was die eerste nie-menslike dier wat waargeneem is terwyl hy ’n stuk gereedskap maak – ’n tak wat hy aangepas het om miere uit ’n miershoop te krap.[44][45][46] Wanneer hulle heuning kry, sal sjimpansees aangepaste, kort stokke gebruik om die heuning uit die bynes te skep as die bye hulle nie steek nie. As die bye gevaarliker is, sal hulle langer, dunner stokke gebruik.[47] Hulle sal op dieselfde manier miere uit miershope grawe.[19][42]

Sommige sjimpansees sal harde neute met klippe of takke kraak.[37][42] Daar is ’n vorm van voorbedagde rade, want die klippe en takke word nie aangetref op plekke naby neute nie. Om neute te kraak is ’n vaardigheid wat aangeleer moet word.[37] Sjimpansees sal ook blare gebruik om water mee te skep.[48]

In ’n onlangse studie is die gebruik van spiese selfs waargeneem wat sjimpansees in Senegal met hul tande skerp maak. Daarmee gooi hulle klein bosape uit gate in bome.[49]

Sjimpansees en mense


Die Britse primatoloog Jane Goodall het die eerste langtermyn-veldstudie van sjimpansees gedoen. Dit het in 1960 in die Nasionale Park Gombe Stream in Tanzanië begin en 50 jaar geduur. Die kennis oor die spesie se tipiese gedrag en sosiale strukture is in ’n groot mate danksy Goodall se navorsing.[50]


Die mens en die sjimpansee is baie eenders. In Desember 2003 het ’n voorlopige ontleding van 7 600 gene wat die twee spesies deel, gewys sekere gene wat met spraakontwikkeling verband hou, het ’n vinnige evolusie in die menslike lyn ondergaan. ’n Voorlopige weergawe van die sjimpansee-genoom is op 1 September 2005 gepubliseer in ’n artikel deur ’n groep wetenskaplikes.[51]

Daar is baie min verskille tussen die mens en sjimpansee se DNA. Die duplisering van klein dele van chromosome was die grootste bron van verskille tussen die spesies se genetiese materiaal. Sowat 2,7% van die ooreenstemmende moderne genome verteenwoordig verskille, wat ontstaan het deur die duplisering of weglating van gene in die sowat 4 miljoen tot 6 miljoen jaar sedert die mens en die sjimpansee afgeskei het van hul gemeenskaplike voorouer.


Dit het al gebeur dat sjimpansees mense aanval.[52][53] Die gevare wat onverskillige menslike optrede teenoor sjimpansees inhou, word vererger deur die feit dat baie sjimpansees mense as moontlike mededingers beskou.[54]

Omdat ’n sjimpansee soveel sterker is, is dit vir hom maklik om ’n mens dood te maak as hy kwaad is, soos blyk uit ’n paar aangetekende voorvalle.[55][56][57][58] Daar is minstens ses aangetekende gevalle van sjimpansees wat menslike babas gegryp en geëet het.[59]

Verband met MIV tipe 1

Dié jong sjimpansee van Kameroen is na ’n reddingsentrum gebring nadat wilddiewe sy ma doodgemaak het.

Twee tipes MI-virusse word in mense aangetref: HIV-1 en HIV-2. Eersgenoemde kom die meeste voor en word die maklikste oorgedra; HIV-2 is grootliks beperk tot Wes-Afrika.[60] Albei tipes het in Wes- en Sentraal-Afrika ontstaan – oorgedra van ape na mense. HIV-1 het ontwikkel uit ’n aap-immuniteitsgebreksvirus (SIVcpz) wat in die sjimpansee-subspesie Pan troglodytes troglodytes voorkom; hulle is inheems aan Suid-Kameroen.[61][62] Kinshasa, in die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo, het die grootste genetiese verskeidenheid van HIV-1 wat nog ontdek is, wat daarop dui dat die virus daar langer kan bestaan as op enige ander plek. HIV-2 is van ’n ander stam van die aap-immuniteitsgebreksvirus na die mens oorgedra – dit word in die roetmangabie van Guinee-Bissau aangetref.[60]

Status en bewaring

Sjimpansees word in die meeste wêrelddele waar hulle voorkom, deur die wet beskerm en word in en buite nasionale parke aangetref.[1] Daar is vermoedelik tussen 172 700 en 299 700 van hulle in die natuur oor.[1]

Hul grootste bedreiging is die vernietiging van hul habitat, wilddiefstal en siektes.[1] Hul habitats het kleiner geword weens ontbossing in beide Wes- en Sentraal-Afrika. Die bou van paaie het hul habitat verdeel en dit toegankliker gemaak vir wilddiewe.[1]

Sjimpansees word algemeen deur wilddiewe geteiken. In die Ivoorkus maak sjimpansees 1–3% uit van wilde diere se vleis wat op plaaslike markte verkoop word.[1] Hulle word ook gevang en as troeteldiere verkoop ondanks ’n verbod daarop in die meeste lande waarin hulle voorkom.[1] Verder word hulle in sommige gebiede vir medisyne gejag.[1] Om sjimpansees te vang vir wetenskaplike navorsing is steeds wettig in sommige lande soos Guinee.[1] Mense sal ook enige sjimpansee doodmaak wat hul oeste bedreig[1] en hulle beland per ongeluk in strikke wat vir ander diere bedoel is.

Aansteeklike siektes is die hoofoorsaak van dood onder sjimpansees. Hulle kry baie siektes wat mense ook bedreig aangesien die spesies so ooreenstem.[1] Namate menslike bevolkings toeneem, vergroot die gevaar dat siektes van die mens aan die sjimpansee oorgedra kan word.[1]


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  8. 8,0 8,1 Groves, Colin. (2001) "Primate Taxonomy", pp. 303-307. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, ISBN 978-1-56098-872-4.
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  34. 34,0 34,1 Nishida, T., M. Hiraiwa-Hasegawa. (1986) "Chimpanzees and Bonobos: Cooperative Relationships among Males". pp. 165–177 in B.B. Smuts, D.L. Cheyney, R.M. Seyfarth, R.W. Wrangham, T.T. Struhsaker (eds.) Primate Societies. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-76716-7.
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  36. Watts DP (2001). “Reciprocity and interchange in the social relationships of wild male chimpanzees”. Behaviour 139 (2): 343–370. doi:10.1163/156853902760102708.
  37. 37,0 37,1 37,2 37,3 Boesch C, Boesch-Achermann H. (2000) The chimpanzees of the Taï Forest: behavioral ecology and evolution. Oxford, England: Oxford Univ Pr.
  38. Wallis J. (2002) "Seasonal aspects of reproduction and sexual behavior in two chimpanzee populations: a comparison of Gombe (Tanzania) and Budongo (Uganda)", pp. 181–91 in: Boesch C, Hohmann G, Marchant LF (eds.) Behavioural diversity in chimpanzees and bonobos. Cambridge (Engeland): Cambridge Univ Press, ISBN 0-521-00613-9.
  39. Gagneux P, Boesch C, Woodruff DS (1999). “Female reproductive strategies, paternity and community structure in wild West African chimpanzees”. Anim Beh 57: 19–32. doi:10.1006/anbe.1998.0972.
  40. 40,0 40,1 40,2 Bard KA. (1995) "Parenting in primates", pp. 27–58 in: Bornstein MH, editor. Handbook of parenting. Volume 2, Biology and ecology of parenting. Mahwah (NJ): L Erlbaum Associates, ISBN 0-8058-3779-5.
  41. 41,0 41,1 41,2 Crockford C, Boesch C (2005). “Call combinations in wild chimpanzees”. Behaviour 142 (4): 397–421. doi:10.1163/1568539054012047.
  42. 42,0 42,1 42,2 Boesch C, Boesch H. (1993) "Diversity of tool use and tool-making in wild chimpanzees", pp. 158–87 in: Berthelet A, Chavaillon J (eds.) The use of tools by human and non-human primates. Oxford, Engeland: Oxford Univ Press, ISBN 0-19-852263-0.
  43. Mercader J, Barton H, Gillespie J, et al. (2007). “4,300-year-old chimpanzee sites and the origins of percussive stone technology”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104 (9): 3043–8. doi:10.1073/pnas.0607909104.
  44. Goodall, J. (1986). The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. pp. 535–539. ISBN 0-674-11649-6.
  45. Goodall, J. (1971). In the Shadow of Man. Houghton Mifflin. pp. 35–37. ISBN 0-395-33145-5.
  46. "Gombe Timeline". Jane Goodall Institute. Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 2008-01-25. Besoek op 2009-03-05.
  47. Stanford CB, Gamaneza C, Nkurunungui JB, Goldsmith ML (2000). “Chimpanzees in Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, use different tools to obtain different types of honey”. Primates 41 (3): 337–41. doi:10.1007/BF02557602.
  48. Sugiyama Y (1995). “Drinking tools of wild chimpanzees at Bossou”. Am J Prim 37 (1): 263–9. doi:10.1002/ajp.1350370308.
  49. Fox, M. (2007-02-22). "Hunting chimps may change view of human evolution". Geargiveer vanaf die oorspronklike op 2007-02-24. Besoek op 2007-02-22.
  50. Power, Margaret (Desember 1993). “Divergence population genetics of chimpanzees”. American Anthropologist 95 (4): 1010–11.
  51. Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium (September 2005). “Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome”. Nature 437 (7055): 69–87. doi:10.1038/nature04072.
    Cheng Z, Ventura M, She X, et al. (September 2005). “A genome-wide comparison of recent chimpanzee and human segmental duplications”. Nature 437 (7055): 88–93. doi:10.1038/nature04000.
  52. Osborn, Claire (2006-04-27). "Texas man saves friend during fatal chimp attack". The Pulse Journal. Besoek op 2006-06-27.
  53. "Chimp attack kills cabbie and injures tourists". Londen: The Guardian. 2006-04-25. Besoek op 2006-06-27. Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  54. "Chimp attack doesn't surprise experts". MSNBC. 2005-03-05. Besoek op 2006-06-27. External link in |work= (help)
  55. "Birthday party turns bloody when chimps attack". USATODAY. 2005-03-04. Besoek op 2006-06-27.
  56. Argetsinger, Amy (2005-05-24). "The Animal Within". The Washington Post. Besoek op 2006-06-27.
  57. Sandoval, Edgar (2009-02-18). "911 tape captures chimpanzee owner's horror as 200-pound ape mauls friend". New York: Nydailynews.com. Besoek op 2009-06-06.
  58. Gallman, Stephanie (2009-02-18). "Chimp attack 911 call: 'He's ripping her apart'". CNN. Besoek op 2009-06-06.
  59. "Online Extra: Frodo @ National Geographic Magazine". Ngm.nationalgeographic.com. 2002-05-15. Besoek op 2009-06-06.
  60. 60,0 60,1 Reeves JD, Doms RW (Junie 2002). “Human immunodeficiency virus type 2”. J. Gen. Virol. 83 (Pt 6): 1253–65. doi:10.1099/vir.0.18253-0.
  61. Keele BF, Van Heuverswyn F, Li Y, et al. (Julie 2006). “Chimpanzee reservoirs of pandemic and nonpandemic HIV-1”. Science 313 (5786): 523–6. doi:10.1126/science.1126531.
  62. Gao F, Bailes E, Robertson DL, et al. (Februarie 1999). “Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes”. Nature 397 (6718): 436–41. doi:10.1038/17130.

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Sjimpansee: Brief Summary ( الأفريكانية )

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Die sjimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is ’n spesie van mensape. ’n Nabyverwant is die bonobo. Fossiel- en DNA-toetse wys albei spesies is sustersgroepe van die moderne menslike lyn.

Die sjimpansee is bedek met growwe, swart hare, maar het ’n haarlose gesig, vingers, tone, handpalms en voetsole. Dit is sterker gebou as die bonobo; dit weeg tussen 40 en 65 kg en is van kop tot stert sowat 1,3 tot 1,6 m lank. Sjimpansees is agt maande lank dragtig. Babas word op sowat drie jaar gespeen, maar het gewoonlik jare daarna nog ’n sterk verhouding met die ma. Hulle bereik puberteit op sowat 10 jaar en hul lewensverwagting is sowat 50 jaar.

Sjimpansees woon in groepe van 15 tot 150 lede, hoewel individue bedags in veel kleiner groepe rondbeweeg. Die spesie word deur die manlike diere oorheers en lewe volgens ’n streng hiërargie, wat beteken verskille kan gewoonlik sonder geweld opgelos word. Byna alle sjimpanseebevolkings gebruik gereedskap, aangepaste stokke, klippe, gras en blare om heuning, termiete, miere, neute en water bymekaar te maak.

Die sjimpansee is op die Internasionale Unie vir die Bewaring van die Natuur (IUBN) se lys van bedreigde spesies. Daar is na raming tussen 170 000 en 300 000 sjimpansees oor in die woude en grasvelde van Wes- en Sentraal-Afrika. Hul grootste bedreiging is die vernietiging van hul habitat, wilddiefstal en siektes.

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Chimpanze boutin ( البريتانية )

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Ar chimpanze boutin (Pan troglodytes), anvet ivez chimpanze hepken alies p’eo ar spesad chimpanzeed boutinañ, a zo ur "marmouz meur" rummataet e kerentiad an Hominidae. Eus ar memes genad hag ar bonobo eo, nemet ez eo brasoc'h ha postekoc'h. Bevañ a ra en Afrika. Hervez an DNA ez eo al loen tostañ d'an den. Ul loen en arvar ez eo.


Pevar isspesad a zo da vihanañ:

  • Pan troglodytes verus (takad 1 war ar gartenn)
  • Pan troglodytes ellioti (takad 2 war ar gartenn)
  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes (takad 3 war ar gartenn)
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii (takad 4 war ar gartenn)
Tiriadoù annezet gant ar chimpanzeed.

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Chimpanze boutin: Brief Summary ( البريتانية )

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Ar chimpanze boutin (Pan troglodytes), anvet ivez chimpanze hepken alies p’eo ar spesad chimpanzeed boutinañ, a zo ur "marmouz meur" rummataet e kerentiad an Hominidae. Eus ar memes genad hag ar bonobo eo, nemet ez eo brasoc'h ha postekoc'h. Bevañ a ra en Afrika. Hervez an DNA ez eo al loen tostañ d'an den. Ul loen en arvar ez eo.

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Ximpanzé comú ( الكتالونية )

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El ximpanzé comú (Pan troglodytes) és una espècie de primat de la família dels homínids pròpia de l'Àfrica tropical. Els ximpanzés —al costat dels bonobos— són els parents vius més propers a l'ésser humà; la seva branca evolutiva es va separar de la branca dels humans fa aproximadament 7 milions d'anys i comparteixen el 96% de l'ADN amb ells,[1] el que ha portat a Jared Diamond a utilitzar el terme "el tercer ximpanzé" per referir-se a la nostra pròpia espècie. Els mascles arriben a pesar uns 80 kg en captivitat i a mesurar fins a 1,7 m. Es caracteritza per la seva intel·ligència avançada sovint comparada a la dels éssers humans. Per exemple, s'ha observat que els ximpanzés joves es construeixen "ninots" i altres joguines amb pals i bastons.[2]

Actualment està en perill d'extinció a causa de la desforestació del seu hàbitat natural.

Distribució geogràfica

Podem trobar ximpanzés a les selves tropicals i a les sabanes humides de l'Àfrica central i occidental. Solien habitar la major part d'aquesta regió, però el seu hàbitat ha estat dràsticament reduït en els últims anys per la desforestació.


Esquelet de ximpanzé

En posició erecta els adults mesuren entre 1 m i 1,7 m d'alçada. Els mascles en llibertat pesen entre 34 i 70 kg, mentre les femelles pesen entre 26 i 50 kg. En captivitat els mascles poden pesar fins a 80 kg i les femelles fins a 68 kg. Aparentment P. t. schweinfurthii pesa menys que P. t. verus, el qual és més petit que P. t. troglodytes. Els braços dels ximpanzés són molt més llargs que les seves cames. L'envergadura dels seus braços és d'aproximadament 1,5 vegades l'alçada de l'individu. Els braços llargs li permeten a aquests primats balancejar-se passant de branca en branca, aquesta modalitat de locomoció es denomina braquiació. També posseeixen dits i mans llargues, però el polze és curt. Això els permet sostenir-se de les branques sense interferir amb la mobilitat dels polzes.[3]

Els ximpanzés tenen una capacitat cranial de 320 a 480 centímetres cúbics, molt inferior a la dels humans moderns (Homo sapiens) que té de mitjana 1400 centímetres cúbics.

Tenen el cos cobert per un pelatge gruixut de color marró fosc, amb excepció del rostre, dits, palmells de la mà i plantes del peu. Tant els seus polzes com el dit gran del peu són oposables, permetent una agafada precisa. La gestació del ximpanzé dura vuit mesos. Les cries són deslletades aproximadament a l'edat de tres anys, però generalment mantenen una relació propera amb la seva mare diversos anys més. La pubertat és aconseguida a l'edat de vuit a deu anys i la seva esperança de vida és de 50 anys en captivitat.


La seva alimentació és principalment vegetariana (fruites, fulles, nous, arrels, tubercles, etc.), complementada per insectes i petites preses; existeixen instàncies de caceres organitzades. En alguns casos —com la matança de cadells de lleopard— aquesta cacera sembla ser un esforç de protecció dels ximpanzés, més que una motivació per la gana. Existeixen casos documentats de canibalisme, encara que és poc comú.


Esquelet de ximpanzé, exhibit en el Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Plata.
Pintura realitzada per Congo, el ximpanzé.

Els ximpanzés viuen en grups anomenats comunitats que oscil·len entre els 20 i més de 150 membres, consistint de diversos mascles, femelles i joves. No obstant això, la major part del temps es desplacen en petits grups d'uns pocs individus. Els ximpanzés són tant arboris com terrestres, passant la mateixa quantitat de temps sobre els arbres que sobre el terra. La seva manera de desplaçament habitual és de quatre grapes, utilitzant les plantes dels peus i les segones falanges dels dits de les mans, i poden caminar en posició bípeda únicament per distàncies curtes.

El ximpanzé comú viu en societats de fissió-fusió (en primatologia, una organització de fissió-fusió és aquella en què la composició canvia dia a dia, separant-se durant períodes de temps més o menys perllongats; per exemple, els individus dormen junts en un lloc, però busquen aliment en petits grups que es desplacen en diferents adreces durant el dia).[4] on l'aparellament és promiscu. Els ximpanzés poden tenir els següents grups: només mascles, femelles adultes i la seva descendència, grups amb membres de tots dos sexes, una femella i la seva descendència, o individus solitaris. En el centre de l'estructura social es troben els mascles, els qui patrullen i cuiden als membres del seu grup, i participen en la cerca d'aliment. Entre els mascles usualment hi ha una jerarquia de domini. No obstant això, la inusual estructura social de fissió-fusió, en la qual porcions del grup parental pot separar-se o tornar-se a unir a ell, és altament variable en termes de quins individus particulars es congreguen en un moment donat. Això es deu principalment al fet que els ximpanzés tenen un alt nivell d'autonomia dins de la fissió-fusió dels grups als quals pertanyen. També les comunitats de ximpanzés tenen grans rangs de territori que se solapen amb els dels altres grups.

Com a resultat, individus ximpanzés amb freqüència van sols en la cerca d'aliments, o en grups petits. Com s'indicava, aquests petits grups també emergeixen en una gran varietat de tipus per a una gran varietat de propòsits. Per exemple, una petita tropa de mascles pot organitzar-se per caçar i obtenir carn, mentre que un grup consistent d'un mascle madur i una femella madura poden establir-se com a grup amb el propòsit de copular. Un individu pot trobar-se amb altres individus amb certa freqüència però poden haver-hi baralles amb altres individus no freqüentats. A causa de la varietat freqüent de la forma com els ximpanzés s'associen, l'estructura de les seves societats és molt complicada.


Durant el segle XX s'han fet diversos treballs tendents a establir una taxonomia clara del ximpanzé. Va ser el zoòleg alemany Ernst Schwarz qui va descriure la majoria de les subespècies actualment acceptades, després de centenars de mesuraments d'esquelets i anàlisis de les pells portades als museus. Schwartz, qui va descriure el bonobo, el va considerar com una subespècie de Pan troglodytes i no com una espècie a part. Aquest autor va establir les subespècies de Pan troglodytes de la següent manera:

  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes. Aquesta subespècie pot arribar a tenir la cara totalment negra, de manera similar com la presenten els goril·les. La seva distribució geogràfica abasta l'Àfrica occidental: Camerun, Riu Muni i Gabon. Es caracteritza per tenir la cara d'un negre intens. Aquesta subespècie s'ha fet coneguda per creure's el reservori natural de diverses soques del VIH que infecten l'home. El salt interespècie del virus s'hauria donat diverses vegades entre aquest primat i l'home.
  • Pan troglodytes verus. Té una coloració més clara en la cara i en els torus supraorbitals, en els exemplars juvenils s'evidencia una taca de pèl blanca a la regió anal. La seva distribució geogràfica abasta la costa de Guinea des del Senegal fins a Nigèria. Es caracteritza per ser la raça que té la cara d'un color més clar. S'ha calculat per marcadors genètics que va divergir de la resta d'exemplars del ximpanzé comú fa més d'1,5 milions d'anys, per la qual cosa hi ha qui en reclama considerar-los una espècie a part.[5]
  • Pan troglodytes vellerosus. Es troba a l'oest de Nigèria i a l'est del Camerun. Es considera la subespècie de ximpanzé més vulnerable a l'extinció. S'estima que hi ha menys de 8.000 exemplars i que aquest nombre disminueix amb força. La seva distinció es va dur a terme per marcadors genètics.
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii. Tenen el pelatge més llarg i llustrós que les altres races de ximpanzés, a més es caracteritzen per tenir en l'edat adulta una calvície similar a la dels humans. La seva distribució geogràfica abasta l'Àfrica central: Regió dels Grans Llacs i Congo oriental (exemplars d'aquesta subespècie foren objecte d'estudi per la primatòloga Jane Goodall). Es caracteritzen per tenir un pèl més llarg que les altres races de ximpanzé.

Divergència amb el bonobo

Recent evidència provinent de les anàlisis d'ADN suggereixen que el bonobo (Pan paniscus) i el ximpanzé comú se separaren fa un milió d'anys aproximadament. La línia del ximpanzé es va separar del llinatge que va desembocar en els humans aproximadament fa sis milions d'anys. Les dues espècies de ximpanzés estan igualment relacionades amb els éssers humans i atès que no han sobreviscut cap altra espècie dels gèneres Homo, Australopithecus o Paranthropus, són els seus parents vius més propers. El bonobo no fou reconegut com una espècie independent fins al 1929, i en l'idioma comú la designació "ximpanzé" sovint s'aplica a tots dos simis. Els primatòlegs prefereixen reservar el nom "ximpanzé" per a Pan troglodytes. Encara que les diferències anatòmiques entre ambdues espècies són petites, el seu comportament tant sexual com social mostren diferències marcades. Pan troglodytes posseeix un comportament de caça grupal basat en mascles beta liderats per mascles alfa relativament febles, una dieta omnívora i una cultura complexa amb forts llaços.


  1. "New Genome Comparison Finds Chimps, Humans Very Similar at the DNA Level" National Human Genome Research Institute
  2. Kahlenberg, S. M. i Wrangham, R. W. «Sex differences in chimpanzees' use of sticks as play objects resemble those of children» (resum) (en anglès). Current Biology, 20, 24, 2010, p. R1067-R1068.
  3. cita web|url=http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/pan_troglodytes.html#2f44c6a41cf7i96i4ff8d2741769d46i%7Cautor=Animal Diversity Web - Museu de Zoologia de la Universida de Míchigan|títol=Pa trogodytes - Physical Description|idioma=anglès|data=14 d'agost de 2010
  4. cita llibre | url=http://books.google.cat/books?id=vt1bf53n3woc&pg=pa88&lpg=pa88 |pàgina=88 | títol=Diccionari d'ecologia: paisatges, conservació i desenvolupament sustentable per a Llatinoamèrica |autor=Sarment, F. O.; Vera, F. i Juncosa, J. |editorial=Editorial Abya Yala |any=2000 |isbn=9978046771|name="fision-fusion"|group="N"
  5. Nowak, R. 1999. Walker's Mammals of the World, Sixth Edition. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

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Ximpanzé comú: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

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El ximpanzé comú (Pan troglodytes) és una espècie de primat de la família dels homínids pròpia de l'Àfrica tropical. Els ximpanzés —al costat dels bonobos— són els parents vius més propers a l'ésser humà; la seva branca evolutiva es va separar de la branca dels humans fa aproximadament 7 milions d'anys i comparteixen el 96% de l'ADN amb ells, el que ha portat a Jared Diamond a utilitzar el terme "el tercer ximpanzé" per referir-se a la nostra pròpia espècie. Els mascles arriben a pesar uns 80 kg en captivitat i a mesurar fins a 1,7 m. Es caracteritza per la seva intel·ligència avançada sovint comparada a la dels éssers humans. Per exemple, s'ha observat que els ximpanzés joves es construeixen "ninots" i altres joguines amb pals i bastons.

Actualment està en perill d'extinció a causa de la desforestació del seu hàbitat natural.

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Šimpanz učenlivý ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ
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Šimpanz učenlivý (Pan troglodytes) je africký lidoop. Společně s bonobem je nejbližším žijícím příbuzným člověka a je mu ze všech primátů nejpodobnější. Nejbližším příbuzným šimpanze učenlivého je bonobo, s nímž tvoří společný rod Pan. Odhaduje se, že oba druhy se oddělily zhruba před 0,8-1,8 miliony let. Srst má tmavou, lysé části těla bývají u některých poddruhů světlé. Dorůstá obvykle délky 65 až 95 cm a hmotnosti od 32 do 70 kg. Přestože se převážně živí rostlinnou stravou, doplňuje svůj jídelníček o termity, mravence a jiný hmyz. V některých oblastech tvoří část jeho jídelníčku i maso získané lovem (malé antilopy, guerézy, kočkodani a mláďata paviánů). Samice je březí osm měsíců, rodí jediné mládě. Pohlavně dospělý je po 6–10 letech života.

Šimpanz učenlivý je intenzivně zkoumaným druhem, velmi zajímavé jsou např. kulturní odlišnosti jednotlivých tlup.


Šimpanz učenlivý je rozšířen v rovníkové Africe ve čtyřech poddruzích. Šimpanz učenlivý je nejbližším zvířecím příbuzným člověka. Obývá tropické deštné pralesy, husté stromové savany a křovinatou krajinu. Dokonce žije i v galeriových a horských lesích do výšky 3 000 metrů nad mořem.

I když jich žije ve své domovině zatím poměrně dost, jejich počet radikálně klesá a odhaduje se v divočině západní a východní Afriky již jen na 100 000 jedinců. Hlavním důvodem je, že je narušováno jejich přirozené prostředí.


Šimpanzi jsou zajímaví tím, že pokud se potkají dva – vítají se skoro lidským způsobem. A pokud se osobně znají, dokáží se dokonce políbit, poplácat po zádech či si dokonce podají i ruce. Dokáží si vyrobit i jednoduché nástroje, ale nikdy si je neuchovávají, protože si pokaždé vyrobí nové.

V zoologických zahradách se dožívají šimpanzi vysokého věku. Není výjimkou i dožití se skoro 50 let. Dlouho se tradovalo, že se bojí vody, ale dokáží si na ni časem zvyknout. Velmi rádi si vzájemně pečují o svou srst a díky tomu se zlepšuje i jejich případná nervozita.


Jejich potrava se skládá hlavně z rostlin, různých plodů, listí či pupenů, semen různého druhu. Mají rádi i termity, mravence, živý hmyz a umí se spojit dokonce i při lovu gueréz, kočkodanů, mladých paviánů a nepohrdnou dokonce i malou antilopou. Samice rodí po 225 dnech březosti jedno mládě, které zůstává s matkou až do věku 8 let. Každý šimpanz má svůj charakteristický obličej.


Takzvaný bilijský šimpanz, o němž se spekulovalo jako o novém poddruhu, či dokonce druhu šimpanze, je podle genetických analýz poddruhem šimpanze východního.

Chov v zoologických zahradách

Šimpanz učenlivý je v ČR chován v ZOO Ostrava, Brno, Liberec, Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Plzeň, Hodonín a Dvorec.

Od roku 1950 do roku 1999 chovala šimpanze také pražská zoologická zahrada. Historicky byl rovněž chován v zoologických zahradách Ústí nad Labem, Děčín a Zlín.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Šimpanz učenlivý: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

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Šimpanz učenlivý (Pan troglodytes) je africký lidoop. Společně s bonobem je nejbližším žijícím příbuzným člověka a je mu ze všech primátů nejpodobnější. Nejbližším příbuzným šimpanze učenlivého je bonobo, s nímž tvoří společný rod Pan. Odhaduje se, že oba druhy se oddělily zhruba před 0,8-1,8 miliony let. Srst má tmavou, lysé části těla bývají u některých poddruhů světlé. Dorůstá obvykle délky 65 až 95 cm a hmotnosti od 32 do 70 kg. Přestože se převážně živí rostlinnou stravou, doplňuje svůj jídelníček o termity, mravence a jiný hmyz. V některých oblastech tvoří část jeho jídelníčku i maso získané lovem (malé antilopy, guerézy, kočkodani a mláďata paviánů). Samice je březí osm měsíců, rodí jediné mládě. Pohlavně dospělý je po 6–10 letech života.

Šimpanz učenlivý je intenzivně zkoumaným druhem, velmi zajímavé jsou např. kulturní odlišnosti jednotlivých tlup.

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Chimpanse ( الدانماركية )

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Chimpansen (Pan troglodytes) er sammen med bonoboen menneskets nærmeste slægtning. Chimpanser deler næsten alle menneskets gener[1][2][3][4]. Menneskets og menneskeabernes genom er på omkring 20.000 gener, og ny dansk forskning viser at chimpansens gener er 99%, gorillaens er 98% og orangutangens er 97% de samme som menneskets gener.[5]

Den almindelige chimpanse, som denne artikel omhandler, er opdelt i flere underarter:

  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
  • Pan troglodytes marungensis
  • Pan troglodytes verus
  • Pan troglodytes vellerosus

Chimpanser findes i tropiske skove og på våde græsstepper i Vest- og Centralafrika. Voksne chimpanser kan blive op til 130 cm (hunner) og 160 cm (hanner), og kan veje mellem 40-70 kg. Trods deres ringe højde og drøjde i forhold til mennesker er de mange gange stærkere end os. Chimpansens krop er hovedsagelig dækket af sortbrune hår, kun ansigt, fingre, håndflader, tæer og fodsåler er hårløse. Ligesom mennesket har chimpansen modsatstillede tommelfingre. Men chimpansens storetå er ligeledes modsatstillet, så dyret kan også gribe med tæerne. Graviditeten varer 8 måneder. Ungerne bliver vænnet fra, når de er ca. 3 år, men de bevarer ofte en tæt kontakt til moderen mange år herefter. Chimpansen bliver kønsmoden, når den er omkring 8-10 år. Den højeste levealder, man kender til, er 66 år.

Chimpanser lever i familiegrupper med både hunner, hanner og unger. Grupperne kan blive store med op til 150 medlemmer, men oftest holder de sammen i noget mindre grupper. Chimpanserne bevæger sig både på jorden og i træer. De går for det meste på fire ben, men kan over korte distancer bevæge sig på to ben.

Føden består hovedsagelig af grønfoder – frugter, blade, nødder og frø, men bliver suppleret af proteinkilder, f.eks. insekter og nedlagt bytte fra organiseret jagt. Chimpanser kan her jage og dræbe f.eks. leopardunger, andre aber og tilmed chimpanser fra andre familiegrupper.

Jagten har oftest til formål at beskytte gruppen og dens yngleterritorium, men der er også eksempler på jagt udelukkende for at stille sulten. I jagten på insekter demonstrerer chimpanserne en formidabel evne til at fremstille redskaber – en evne, der definitionsmæssigt længe var forbeholdt mennesket som et af de grundtræk, der adskilte dem fra dyrene. Chimpansen kan tilvirke små grene, så de virker som "fiskestænger" – perfekte til at stikke i hullerne i et termitbo og fiske termitter frem med. Herudover er der f.eks. også eksempler på chimpanser, der har bestemte nøddeknækkersten; de dygtigste chimpanser lærer de andre, hvordan man hermed knækker skallen på genstridige nødder.

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Chimpanse: Brief Summary ( الدانماركية )

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Chimpansen (Pan troglodytes) er sammen med bonoboen menneskets nærmeste slægtning. Chimpanser deler næsten alle menneskets gener. Menneskets og menneskeabernes genom er på omkring 20.000 gener, og ny dansk forskning viser at chimpansens gener er 99%, gorillaens er 98% og orangutangens er 97% de samme som menneskets gener.

Den almindelige chimpanse, som denne artikel omhandler, er opdelt i flere underarter:

Pan troglodytes troglodytes Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii Pan troglodytes marungensis Pan troglodytes verus Pan troglodytes vellerosus

Chimpanser findes i tropiske skove og på våde græsstepper i Vest- og Centralafrika. Voksne chimpanser kan blive op til 130 cm (hunner) og 160 cm (hanner), og kan veje mellem 40-70 kg. Trods deres ringe højde og drøjde i forhold til mennesker er de mange gange stærkere end os. Chimpansens krop er hovedsagelig dækket af sortbrune hår, kun ansigt, fingre, håndflader, tæer og fodsåler er hårløse. Ligesom mennesket har chimpansen modsatstillede tommelfingre. Men chimpansens storetå er ligeledes modsatstillet, så dyret kan også gribe med tæerne. Graviditeten varer 8 måneder. Ungerne bliver vænnet fra, når de er ca. 3 år, men de bevarer ofte en tæt kontakt til moderen mange år herefter. Chimpansen bliver kønsmoden, når den er omkring 8-10 år. Den højeste levealder, man kender til, er 66 år.

Chimpanser lever i familiegrupper med både hunner, hanner og unger. Grupperne kan blive store med op til 150 medlemmer, men oftest holder de sammen i noget mindre grupper. Chimpanserne bevæger sig både på jorden og i træer. De går for det meste på fire ben, men kan over korte distancer bevæge sig på to ben.

Føden består hovedsagelig af grønfoder – frugter, blade, nødder og frø, men bliver suppleret af proteinkilder, f.eks. insekter og nedlagt bytte fra organiseret jagt. Chimpanser kan her jage og dræbe f.eks. leopardunger, andre aber og tilmed chimpanser fra andre familiegrupper.

Jagten har oftest til formål at beskytte gruppen og dens yngleterritorium, men der er også eksempler på jagt udelukkende for at stille sulten. I jagten på insekter demonstrerer chimpanserne en formidabel evne til at fremstille redskaber – en evne, der definitionsmæssigt længe var forbeholdt mennesket som et af de grundtræk, der adskilte dem fra dyrene. Chimpansen kan tilvirke små grene, så de virker som "fiskestænger" – perfekte til at stikke i hullerne i et termitbo og fiske termitter frem med. Herudover er der f.eks. også eksempler på chimpanser, der har bestemte nøddeknækkersten; de dygtigste chimpanser lærer de andre, hvordan man hermed knækker skallen på genstridige nødder.

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Gemeiner Schimpanse ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Gemeine Schimpanse, auch Gewöhnlicher Schimpanse oder einfach nur Schimpanse genannt (Pan troglodytes), ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Menschenaffen (Hominidae). Zusammen mit dem Bonobo (Zwergschimpansen) bildet er die Gattung der Schimpansen (Pan). Beide Spezies sind die biologisch engsten Verwandten des Menschen. Der Schimpanse ist robuster gebaut als der Bonobo und hat ein größeres Verbreitungsgebiet, das sich über weite Teile des mittleren Afrika erstreckt.


Nachbildung eines weiblichen Schimpansenschädels, Zoologische Sammlung Rostock

Gemeine Schimpansen erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 64 bis 94 Zentimetern, wie alle Menschenaffen sind sie schwanzlos. Stehend werden sie zwischen 1 und 1,7 Metern hoch. Männchen erreichen ein Gewicht von 34 bis 70 Kilogramm und sind damit deutlich schwerer als Weibchen, die zwischen 26 und 50 Kilogramm erreichen. Tiere in Gefangenschaft können schwerer werden und 80 Kilogramm wiegen. Das Fell ist schwarz oder dunkelbraun gefärbt.

Die Arme sind deutlich länger als die Beine, die Spannweite zwischen den ausgestreckten Armen ist um die Hälfte größer als die Höhe des Tiers. Die Hände sind durch die langen Finger und die vergleichsweise kurzen Daumen charakterisiert, bei den Füßen ist die erste Zehe wie bei den meisten Primaten opponierbar.

Das Gesicht ist unbehaart. Es ist generell heller als das des Bonobos, auch haben Jungtiere ein helleres Gesicht als Erwachsene, es gibt jedoch zusätzlich regionale Unterschiede. Der Kopf der Schimpansen ist durch die hervorragenden, runden Ohren, die Überaugenwülste und die hervorstehende Schnauze charakterisiert. Die Größe der Eckzähne ist stark geschlechtsdimorph (bei Männchen sind sie deutlich größer).

Karyotyp und Genom

Die genetische Information des Gemeinen Schimpansen ist innerhalb des Zellkerns in 24 Paaren von Chromosomen organisiert, zwei davon Geschlechtschromosomen. Das vollständige Genom wurde erstmals 2005 analysiert; es besteht aus 3.349.642.171 Basenpaaren. Die genaue Anzahl der Gene ist noch unbekannt.[1][2] Bonobos und Schimpansen haben sich im Verlauf ihrer Entwicklung mehrfach miteinander vermischt wie Studien am Genom beider Spezies zeigen.[3]

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Verbreitung des Gemeinen Schimpansen mit vier Unterarten:
1. Westlicher Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes verus)
2. Nigeria-Schimpanse (P. t. vellerosus, auch P. t. ellioti)
3. Zentralafrikanischer Schimpanse (P. t. troglodytes)
4. Östlicher Schimpanse (P. t. schweinfurthii)

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Gemeinen Schimpansen erstreckt sich in einem breiten Gürtel durch das mittlere Afrika. Es reicht in Westafrika vom Senegal über die südöstlich angrenzenden Länder bis in den westlichen Teil Ghanas, über Nigeria, Kamerun, Gabun, die Republik Kongo, den Südosten der Zentralafrikanischen Republik, die südwestlichen Grenzregionen Südsudans und den Norden und Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo bis in die westlichen Regionen Ugandas und Tansanias. In der Demokratischen Republik Kongo bildet der kaum überquerbare Kongo-Fluss die Südgrenze ihres Verbreitungsgebietes, südlich davon leben die Bonobos. Die menschliche Besiedlung hat den Lebensraum dieser Tiere verkleinert und in eine Vielzahl kleinerer Flecken zerteilt.

Diese Tiere sind flexibler in Bezug auf ihren Lebensraum als andere Menschenaffen. Sie kommen sowohl in tropischen Regenwäldern, in trockenen Savannen sowie im Bergland bis zu 3000 Metern Höhe vor.

Schimpanse im Regenwald


Fortbewegung und Aktivitätszeiten

Gemeine Schimpansen können sowohl am Boden als auch auf den Bäumen nach Nahrung suchen, meist geschieht dies jedoch auf Bäumen. Am Boden bewegen sie sich wie alle afrikanischen Menschenaffen in einem vierfüßigen Knöchelgang fort, das heißt, dass sie sich auf den zweiten und dritten Fingergliedern aufstützen. Im Geäst klettern sie entweder mit allen vier Gliedmaßen oder bewegen sich an den Armen hängend (suspensorisch) fort. In der Regel sind Schimpansen tagaktiv. Zur Nachtruhe fertigen sie ein Nest aus Zweigen und Laub an. Dieses Nest liegt meist auf Bäumen in 9 bis 12 Meter Höhe und wird üblicherweise nur einmal verwendet. Insbesondere in der Regenzeit ruhen sie auch manchmal tagsüber, wofür sie ebenfalls Nester errichten.


Innerhalb der Großgruppe

Die Sozialstruktur der Schimpansen wird als „Fission-Fusion-Organisation“ („Trennen und Zusammengehen“) beschrieben. Das heißt, sie leben in Großgruppen, die sich aus 20 bis 80 Tieren zusammensetzen, die sich oft in Untergruppen aufspalten – etwa zur Nahrungssuche – und dann wieder zusammenkommen, insbesondere zur Nachtruhe. Erwachsene Tiere gehen beispielsweise oft allein auf Futtersuche oder schließen sich mit anderen zu einer kurzlebigen, vorübergehenden Untergruppe zusammen. Diese Untergruppen sind sehr flexibel und umfassen meist vier bis acht Tiere, also deutlich weniger als beim Bonobo. Die Zusammensetzung und Größe der Untergruppen ist sehr variabel und unterscheidet sich auch von Population zu Population.

Starke und ältere Männchen führen und verteidigen die ganze Großgruppe. Die Männchen entwickeln eine ausgeprägte Rangstruktur. Dazu dienen verschiedene Rituale wie laute Schreie, Trommeln auf Baumstämmen, Kraftdemonstrationen – sie schütteln Äste oder werfen Steine – und demonstrativ schnelles Laufen oder Springen. Sie investieren viel Zeit und Energie, um ihren Rang innerhalb der Gruppe zu verbessern. Sie bilden dazu unter anderem Koalitionen, dies kann aber auch ein Täuschungsmanöver, eine Scheinallianz sein. Die Jagd auf kleine Säugetiere und die Bewachung der Reviergrenzen, die beide von Männchen durchgeführt werden, dienen ebenfalls diesem Zweck. Auch die gegenseitige Fellpflege (Komfortverhalten) ist bei den Männchen stark ausgeprägt und unterstützt die soziale Kommunikation.

Im Gegensatz dazu sind Weibchen oft einzelgängerischer und entwickeln eine weniger auffällige Hierarchie. Eine Rangordnung ist aber trotzdem vorhanden, das zeigt sich darin, dass höhergestellte Weibchen etwa häufiger Nachwuchs haben. Generell haben Weibchen außer mit ihren Töchtern wenig Interaktion mit anderen Weibchen. Das liegt auch daran, dass die Weibchen ihre Geburtsgruppe bei Erreichen der Geschlechtsreife verlassen, während die Männchen die meiste Zeit ihres Lebens bei ihrer Gruppe bleiben.

Die Interaktionen zwischen Männchen und Weibchen sind variabel und näher im Abschnitt Paarungsverhalten beschrieben.

Außerhalb der Großgruppe

Eine Großgruppe hat in der Regel ein bestimmtes Streifgebiet. Dieses ist in Wäldern 5 bis 40 Quadratkilometer groß, in Savannen mit 120 bis 560 Quadratkilometern hingegen deutlich größer. Kleine Männchengruppen patrouillieren oft an den Grenzen des Territoriums. Tiere, die nicht der eigenen Großgruppe angehören, werden meist sehr aggressiv behandelt. Die Verfolgung einzelner fremder Tiere wird manchmal dermaßen brutal geführt, dass dafür das Wort „Krieg“ verwendet wurde.[4] (siehe auch → Schimpansenkrieg von Gombe). Auch nicht-fruchtbare Weibchen werden dabei nicht verschont. Diese kriegsartigen Übergriffe, bei denen Gemeine Schimpansen manchmal auch unprovoziert in fremdes Territorium eindringen und die dortigen Tiere verfolgen und töten, ist außer bei ihnen und beim Menschen unter Primaten unbekannt.[5]


Gemeine Schimpansen wurden wiederholt beim Gebrauch von Werkzeugen beobachtet. So verwenden sie zerkaute Blätter als Schwämme, um Wasser aus Baumlöchern zu schöpfen, Grashalme und Stöcke werden bearbeitet und in Termitenhügel eingeführt, um die Insekten verzehren zu können. Steine oder Äste dienen als Hammer und Amboss, um Nüsse zu knacken, und Äste werden als Haken benutzt, um fruchttragende Äste heranziehen zu können. Stöcke und Steine dienen als Wurfgeschosse bei der Jagd und zur Verteidigung. In jüngster Zeit wurde auch beobachtet, dass sie bearbeitete und zugespitzte Holzstöcke als Spieße verwenden, um damit Galagos zu jagen.[6] Es gibt zwar keine Hinweise, dass sie Steine bearbeiten, jedoch bewahren sie besonders geeignete Steine auf oder lagern sie an einer sicheren Stelle, wo sie diese im Bedarfsfall wiederfinden können.[7]

Die einzelnen Populationen unterscheiden sich deutlich in Art und Häufigkeit des Werkzeuggebrauchs, und keine einzelne Verwendung kommt bei allen Populationen vor. So ist das Nussknacken mittels Steinen bislang nur bei der westlichen Unterart beobachtet worden, bei den Tieren im Osten des Verbreitungsgebietes ist diese Praxis unbekannt. Funde aus dem Nationalpark Taï in der Elfenbeinküste belegen, dass diese Praxis seit zumindest 4300 Jahren angewandt wird.[8] In einer im Februar 2019 veröffentlichten Studie wird eine im Norden der Demokratischen Republik Kongo lebende Population des Ostafrikanischen Schimpansen (P. t. schweinfurthii) beschrieben, die Stöcke verschiedener Art (kurze, lange, dicke oder dünne) benutzt um verschiedene Ameisenarten oder den Honig von Stachellosen Bienen zu erbeuten. Nüsse und andere harte Früchte, sowie die Nester von Baumtermiten und die Gehäuse von Afrikanischen Riesenschnecken (Achatina) und Gelenkschildkröten (Kinixys) werden geöffnet, indem diese an Baumstämme oder Steine geschlagen werden. Bemerkenswert ist auch, dass diese Schimpansen bevorzugt nicht auf Bäumen, sondern auf dem Erdboden schlafen.[9]

Der Werkzeuggebrauch ist ebenso wie der allabendliche Nestbau keine instinktive Tätigkeit, sondern wird von den jüngeren Tieren durch Beobachten von erfahrenen Tieren erlernt.


Wie von dem Menschenaffen erforschenden Biologen Richard Wrangham 1972 in einem Nationalpark Tansanias beobachtet wurde, haben Schimpansen verschiedene Methoden entwickelt, sich von Parasiten zu befreien. Hierfür werden raue, scharfkantige Blätter bestimmter Pflanzen abgerissen, sorgfältig zusammengefaltet und unzerkaut geschluckt. Infrage kommen die Blätter von etwa 30 Baumarten. Kot-Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die Blätter unverdaut wieder ausgeschieden werden, zusammen mit zahlreichen großen Darmparasiten. Es wird angenommen, dass die raue Blattstruktur die Würmer von den Darmwänden abschabt. Hinzu kommt die abführende Wirkung der in verschiedenen Blättern enthaltenen Gerbstoffe. Ebenso zur Parasitenabwehr dient die abführende Wirkung der in dem sehr bitteren Mark des Strauches Vernonia amygdalina enthaltenen Gerbstoffe, der im Westen von Tansania wächst und von Schimpansen bei Bedarf gefressen wird.

Selbstmedikation ist ebenfalls keine angeborene, sondern eine erworbene beziehungsweise gelernte Verhaltensweise, die nur von einigen Populationen tradiert wird. Einer solchen Horde neu hinzuwandernde Schimpansenweibchen, die dieses Verhalten nicht kennen, lernen es von den Mitgliedern der Horde durch Nachahmung.[10][11][12]


Kopf eines Schimpansen

Gemeine Schimpansen kommunizieren untereinander mit einer Reihe von Lauten und Körperhaltungen. Der häufigste Laut ist der „Pant-hoot“ genannte Ruf, der der Kontaktaufnahme mit entfernten Gruppenmitgliedern dient. Daneben verwenden sie auch einen Nahrungsruf, ein bellendes Keuchen, um andere Tiere auf eine Nahrungsquelle aufmerksam zu machen, Gekreische oder grölendes Brüllen bei der Jagd oder einen klagenden „Wraaa-Ruf“, der als Alarmsignal dient. Ein hechelndes Ein- und Ausatmen stellt ein Äquivalent zum menschlichen Lachen dar.

Auch Gesichtsausdrücke und Körperhaltungen dienen der Interaktion. So wird Unterwerfung durch Ducken oder Präsentieren des Hinterteils signalisiert. Zornige oder aufgeregte Tiere stellen sich auf zwei Beine, sträuben das Fell und pressen die Lippen zusammen. Breites Grinsen ist oft ein Zeichen für Nervosität oder Furcht. Zum spektakulären Imponierverhalten dieser Tiere zählen lautes Gebrüll, schnelles Umherlaufen, Schleudern von Steinen oder Ziehen von großen Ästen.


Gemeine Schimpansen sind Allesfresser, den Schwerpunkt ihrer Nahrung machen allerdings Pflanzen aus. Wichtigster Nahrungsbestandteil sind Früchte und Nüsse (45 bis 76 %) sowie Blätter (12 bis 45 %).[13] Ergänzt wird die Nahrung durch Blüten, Samen und tierische Beute, so werden regelmäßig Insekten verzehrt. Gelegentlich machen sie auch Jagd auf Säugetiere wie kleine Paarhufer und kleinere Primaten wie Rote Stummelaffen, Galagos und sogar Paviane. Die Jagd wird meist von erwachsenen Männchen durchgeführt und hat eine sehr starke soziale Komponente. Männchen teilen das Fleisch mit anderen Gruppenmitgliedern und versuchen so, ihre Position in der Gruppenhierarchie zu verbessern oder beizubehalten.


Junger Schimpanse


Die Paarung kann das ganze Jahr über erfolgen, die Länge des Sexualzyklus beträgt rund 36 Tage. Der Östrus dauert rund 6 bis 7 Tage, während dieser Zeit weisen die Weibchen eine deutliche Regelschwellung vor. Neben Bonobos sind sie die einzigen Menschenaffen, die dieses Merkmal haben; es tritt aber beispielsweise auch bei Pavianen auf.

Das Paarungsverhalten ist variabel und kann verschiedene Formen annehmen. Einerseits kann es zu einem promiskuitiven Verhalten innerhalb der Großgruppe kommen, sodass sich mehrere Männchen und mehrere Weibchen untereinander fortpflanzen. Daneben kann auch beobachtet werden, dass ein Männchen sich mit einem fruchtbaren Weibchen paart und es anschließend bewacht und keine anderen Paarungspartner zulässt. Schließlich kommt es auch vor, dass ein Männchen und ein Weibchen eine kurzfristige Paarbildung eingehen und sich während ihrer fruchtbaren Periode mehrere Tage zu zweit von der Großgruppe absondern. Der Paarungserfolg einzelner Männchen kann sich durch Futtergabe an ausgewählte Weibchen nahezu verdoppeln und stützt damit die „Fleisch-gegen-Sex-Hypothese“.[14][15]

Geburt und Jungenaufzucht

Nach einer Tragezeit von durchschnittlich 230 Tagen bringt das Weibchen in der Regel ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt, Zwillingsgeburten sind selten. Das Geburtsgewicht der Neugeborenen beträgt rund 1,9 Kilogramm. In den ersten sechs Lebensmonaten klammert sich das Jungtier am Fell der Mutter fest, später reitet es auf ihrem Rücken. Die Entwöhnung erfolgt erst nach 3,5 bis 4,5 Jahren, doch bleibt das Jungtier meist noch eine längere Zeit (bis zu zehn Jahre) bei der Mutter.

Ein Weibchen kann alle fünf bis sechs Jahre Nachwuchs zur Welt bringen, es sei denn, das Jungtier stirbt früher. Die Geschlechtsreife tritt im Alter von rund sieben Jahren ein, aufgrund der Gruppenhierarchie erfolgt die erste Fortpflanzung meist einige Jahre später: bei Weibchen mit 13 bis 14 Jahren und bei Männchen mit 15 bis 16 Jahren. Im Gegensatz zu Menschen oder Gorillas tritt bei Schimpansen keine Menopause ein. Zwar bekommen Weibchen ab dem 40. Lebensjahr seltener Junge, dies ist allerdings allein auf gesundheitliche Gründe zurückzuführen.[16]

Die Lebenserwartung Gemeiner Schimpansen beträgt in der Natur 30 bis 40 Jahre; in Zoos werden sie manchmal über 50 Jahre alt.[17]

Gemeine Schimpansen und Menschen

Forschung und Forschungsgeschichte

Jane Goodall betrieb bahnbrechende Forschungen an freilebenden Schimpansen

Seit wann die westliche Welt vom Schimpansen weiß, ist nicht bekannt. Der karthagische Seefahrer Hanno († 440 v. Chr.) brachte von seiner Afrikareise die Felle von drei „wilden Frauen“ mit, vermutlich Schimpansen oder Gorillas. 1641 kam erstmals ein lebendiger Schimpanse in die Niederlande. Er wurde vom niederländischen Arzt Nicolaes Tulpius (1593–1674), der durch Rembrandts Gemälde „Die Anatomie des Dr. Tulp“ bekannt wurde, untersucht; die Befunde wurden unter dem Titel „Indischer Satyr“ veröffentlicht. Der englische Arzt und Zoologe Edward Tyson (1650–1708) untersuchte 1699 einen Schimpansen und stellte eine Reihe von Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen diesem und dem Menschen fest. Spätestens seit Darwins und Huxleys Werken zur Evolutionstheorie rückten Schimpansen als nahe Verwandte des Menschen ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit.

1915 gelang Rosalía Abreu auf Kuba die erste Nachzucht eines Schimpansen in Gefangenschaft. Wolfgang Köhler studierte von 1914 bis 1920 auf Teneriffa das Lernverhalten und den Werkzeuggebrauch von Schimpansen. In der 2. Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts rückte die Lebensweise und das Verhalten der Schimpansen in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Bahnbrechend wurde die Forschungstätigkeit Jane Goodalls an freilebenden Tieren im Gombe Stream National Park in Tansania. Mitte der 1960er-Jahre begann 150 Kilometer südlich des Gombe Stream National Parks ein japanisches Forscherteam unter der Leitung von Professor Nishida mit der Habituierung zweier Schimpansengruppen im Mahale Mountains National Park. Seit Mitte der 1980er-Jahre erforscht hier Dr. Michael Huffmann von der Kyoto-Universität den Medizinalpflanzengebrauch bei Schimpansen.

Die Kommunikationsfähigkeit dieser Tiere steht bis heute im Mittelpunkt der Forschung. In den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren gelang es dem Psychologen Roger Fouts, mehreren Schimpansen Begriffe der amerikanischen Gebärdensprache (American Sign Language, ASL) beizubringen. Die Schimpansin Washoe gilt heute als erstes nichtmenschliches Wesen, das eine menschliche Sprache erlernt hat.

David Premack betrieb ähnliche Forschungen, allerdings benutzte er Symbolkärtchen. Daneben werden weiterhin auch der Werkzeuggebrauch, die Intelligenz und die Lernfähigkeit untersucht. Gemeine Schimpansen schaffen es, knifflige Probleme zu lösen (beispielsweise eine Frucht aus einem verschlossenen Behälter herauszuholen) und bestehen den Spiegeltest – das heißt, sie erkennen sich selbst im Spiegel. Um spezifische Vergleiche zwischen Menschen und diesen Tieren ziehen zu können, wurde ein Genom-Projekt für Schimpansen initiiert.

In Leipzig wurde im Jahr 1997 das Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie neu gegründet. In der von Christophe Boesch geleiteten Abteilung Primatologie werden Sozialverhalten, sprachliche Lernfähigkeit und Strategien der Fortpflanzung von Menschenaffen im Vergleich zum Menschen untersucht.

Haltung und Nutzung

Vermenschlichung eines Schimpansen zu Unterhaltungszwecken um 1910 in Ostafrika
Schimpansen werden auch als Unterhaltungsobjekte benutzt, meist ohne artgerechte Haltung

Diese nahe Verwandtschaft der Schimpansen zu den Menschen bestimmt das Verhältnis zu diesen Tieren deutlich mit. Eine ausdrucksstarke Mimik und oft verblüffend menschenähnliche Verhaltensweisen machen den Gemeinen Schimpansen zur beliebtesten und bekanntesten aller Menschenaffenarten. Im Tiergarten, Zirkus, auf Postern oder in Fernsehsendungen (z. B. Daktari, Unser Charly) sind diese Tiere vielfach zu sehen. Manchmal werden Gemeine Schimpansen auch als Heimtiere gehalten, am bekanntesten war „Bubbles“, der Affe Michael Jacksons.

In Forschung und Wissenschaft spielen diese Tiere eine wichtige Rolle. So gibt es Erkrankungen, die sich außer am Menschen nur bei Schimpansen untersuchen lassen. Beispielsweise können Schimpansen mit HI- oder Hepatitis-Viren infiziert werden, erkranken jedoch nicht an Hepatitis oder AIDS. Da mittlerweile einige symptomatische Therapieoptionen für diese Erkrankungen zur Verfügung stehen, geht die Anzahl der für biomedizinische Forschungsaufgaben gebrauchten Schimpansen ständig zurück. In einigen Staaten (darunter auch Österreich) existieren mittlerweile Gesetze, die die Verwendung großer Menschenaffen für die biomedizinische Forschung verbieten. Da sich durch die lange Lebenserwartung und die Praxis, ausgediente Laborschimpansen nicht einzuschläfern, gemischt mit den Zuchtbestrebungen der letzten Jahrzehnte eine Überzahl an Schimpansen aus europäischen und amerikanischen Labors ergeben hat, gibt es mittlerweile auch Auffangstationen für ehemalige Laborschimpansen (Stichting Aap in den Niederlanden;[18] Monkey World in Großbritannien;[19] HOPE in Österreich[20] und Chimp Haven in den USA[21]).

Auch in der Raumfahrt wurden Schimpansen eingesetzt. Am 31. Januar 1961 wurde der Schimpanse Ham im Rahmen des Mercury-Programms der NASA mit der Mercury-Redstone 2 (MR-2) in den Weltraum geschossen. Er überlebte den 16-minütigen Flug. In einem weiteren Experiment flog am 29. November 1961 der Schimpanse Enos mit der Mercury-Atlas 5 drei Stunden und 20 Minuten durch das All.


In freier Natur gelten Gemeine Schimpansen als bedroht. Der Hauptgrund dafür ist die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraums durch Waldrodungen, die dazu geführt hat, dass ihr Verbreitungsgebiet immer stärker eingeschränkt und stark zersplittert wird. Insbesondere die Populationen in Westafrika sind davon betroffen. Doch werden sie auch wegen ihres Fleisches („Bushmeat“) gejagt oder weil sie manchmal Plantagen verwüsten. Während früher lebende Tiere oft gefangen wurden, um sie für Tierversuche einzusetzen oder zu Haustieren zu machen, ist der Lebendfang heute zurückgegangen. Das Washingtoner Artenschutz-Übereinkommen (CITES) verbietet den Handel mit Schimpansen komplett.

Die IUCN listet die Art als stark bedroht (endangered) und fürchtet einen weiteren Rückgang der Populationen. Die beiden westlicheren Unterarten sind demnach stärker bedroht als die Tiere im Osten des Verbreitungsgebietes.

Schätzungen über die Populationsgröße sind schwer durchzuführen. Möglicherweise lebten Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts noch mehrere Millionen Gemeine Schimpansen; diese Anzahl ist drastisch gesunken. Eine Schätzung aus dem Jahr 1999 beziffert die Gesamtpopulation auf 150.000 bis 235.000,[22] andere Quellen gehen von weniger als 100.000 Tieren aus.[23] Der WWF veröffentlichte 2009 folgende Zahlen: 21.000 bis 56.000 westafrikanische Schimpansen, 70.000 bis 117.000 zentralafrikanische, 76.000 bis 120.000 ostafrikanische und nur noch 5.000 bis 8.000 Nigeriaschimpansen, somit insgesamt zwischen 172.000 und 301.000 Individuen.[24][25] 2019 ergab eine Schätzung für die westafrikanischen Schimpansen einen Bestand von rund 53.000 Individuen, bei einem Konfidenzintervall (95 %) von 17.577 bis 96.564 Individuen.[26]

Population des Westlichen Schimpansen

Die folgenden Zahlen, basierend auf unterschiedlichen Studien, stammen aus den Jahren 1998 bis 2010.[27]

Systematik und Unterarten

Kladogramm der Menschenaffen; Pongo steht dabei für Orang-Utans, Pan für Schimpansen

Der Gemeine Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes) bildet zusammen mit dem Bonobo oder Zwergschimpansen die Gattung der Schimpansen (Pan). Schätzungen zufolge trennten sich die beiden Arten vor zwischen 1,8 und 0,8 Millionen Jahren.[29] Die Gattung der Schimpansen stellt innerhalb der Familie der Menschenaffen (Hominidae) das Schwestertaxon des Menschen dar.

Innerhalb der Gemeinen Schimpansen werden vier Unterarten unterschieden:[30]

  • Der Westafrikanische Schimpanse oder Echtschimpanse (Pan troglodytes verus) ist westlich des Dahomey Gaps im westlichen Afrika (von Senegal bis Ghana) verbreitet. Äußerlich ist er durch ein rosafarbenes Gesicht gekennzeichnet, das sich erst nach und nach dunkel färbt. Diese Unterart unterscheidet sich im Schädelbau und in der Molekularstruktur deutlich von den anderen Unterarten, sodass sie von einigen Autoren als eigene Art (Pan verus) geführt wird.
  • Der Nigerianisch-Kamerunsche Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes ellioti) wurde erst kürzlich als Unterart anerkannt. Er ist die seltenste Unterart und lebt im östlichen Nigeria und dem westlichen Kamerun. Der Sanaga trennt sein Verbreitungsgebiet von dem des Zentralafrikanischen Schimpansen.
  • Der Zentralafrikanische Schimpanse oder Tschego (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) ist durch ein dunkleres Gesicht als die übrigen Unterarten charakterisiert. Er ist westlich des Ubangi vom südlichen Kamerun über Gabun und die Republik Kongo bis in den Westen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo verbreitet und ist die bei weitem häufigste Unterart.
  • Der Ostafrikanische Schimpanse oder Langhaarschimpanse (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii; sein Name geht auf den deutschen Afrikaforscher Georg Schweinfurth zurück). Als einer der ersten beschrieb Schweinfurth regionale Unterschiede zwischen den Schimpansen im Westen und im Osten des afrikanischen Kontinents. Darum trägt der Ostafrikanische Schimpanse seinen Namen. Er lebt nördlich und westlich des Kongos von der Zentralafrikanischen Republik und dem Norden der Demokratischen Republik Kongo bis in die westlichen Landesteile Ugandas und Tansanias. Diese Unterart unterscheidet sich durch ein bronzefarbenes Gesicht und ein längeres Fell von den übrigen Vertretern dieser Art.[31]

Der manchmal als eigene Art oder Unterart postulierte „Riesenschimpanse“ oder „Bili-Schimpanse“ hat sich nach DNA-Untersuchungen als Vertreter der östlichen Unterart (P. t. schweinfurthii) herausgestellt.[32]



  1. MapViewer Eintrag
  2. Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome. In: Nature. 437, Nr. 7055, September 2005, S. 69–87. doi:10.1038/nature04072. PMID 16136131.
  3. M. de Manuel, M. Kuhlwilm u. a.: Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos. In: Science. 354, 2016, S. 477, doi:10.1126/science.aag2602.
  4. Jane-Goodall-Institut: Schimpansen – Konflikte, Krieg und Frieden (Memento vom 10. Juni 2008 im Internet Archive)
  5. R. M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Baltimore 1999, S. 624.
  6. Jill D. Pruetz, Paco Bertolani: Savanna Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus, Hunt with Tools. In: Current Biology. Band 17, Nr. 5, 2007, S. 412–417, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2006.12.042
  7. Siehe dazu auch: Mathias Osvath und Elin Karvonen: Spontaneous Innovation for Future Deception in a Male Chimpanzee. In: PLoS ONE. Band 7, Nr. 5, 2012: e36782, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036782.
  8. Julio Mercader et al.: 4300-year-old chimpanzee sites and the origins of percussive stone technology. In: PNAS. Band 104, Nr. 9, 2007, S. 3043–3048, doi:10.1073/pnas.0607909104
    mpg.de vom 13. Februar 2007: Die Schimpansen-Steinzeit. Westafrikanische Schimpansen knacken Nüsse mit Steinwerkzeugen bereits seit Tausenden von Jahren.
  9. Thurston C. Hicks, Hjalmar S. Kühl u. a.: Bili-Uéré: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. In: Folia Primatologica. 90, 2019, S. 3, doi:10.1159/000492998.
  10. Jean Marie Pelt: Die Geheimnisse der Heilpflanzen. Knesebeck, München 2005, ISBN 3-89660-291-8, S. 17f.
  11. Alessandra Mascaro et al.: Application of insects to wounds of self and others by chimpanzees in the wild. In: Current Biology. Band 32, Nr. 3, 2022, S. PR112–R113, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2021.12.045.
    Chimpanzees apply insects to wounds, a potential case of medication? Auf: eurekalert.org vom 7. Februar 2022.
  12. Michael A. Huffman: Self-Medicative Behavior in the African Great Apes: An Evolutionary Perspective into the Origins of Human Traditional Medicine. In: BioScience. Band 51, Nr. 8, 2001, S. 651–661, doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2001)051[0651:SMBITA]2.0.CO;2.
  13. Zahlen nach T. Geissmann: Vergleichende Primatologie. Berlin 2002, S. 301.
  14. Fleischeslust. Schimpansenweibchen kopulieren häufiger mit Futterlieferanten. In: Spektrumdirekt. Bericht am 8. April 2009.
  15. C. M. Gomes, C. Boesch: Wild Chimpanzees Exchange Meat for Sex on a Long-Term Basis. In: Public Library of Science One. 2009, Vol. 4, Iss. 4, Artikel e5116.
  16. Fortpflanzung: Keine Menopause bei Schimpansen. (spektrum.de [abgerufen am 18. März 2017]).
  17. C. E. Finch: Evolution of the human lifespan and diseases of aging: Roles of infection, inflammation, and nutrition. In: PNAS 2009 Internetveröffentlichung vor Druck doi:10.1073/pnas.0909606106.
  18. Sanctuary for exotic animals
  19. Ape Rescue Center, GB
  20. Home Of Primates Europe
  21. Amerikanische Auffangstation für ehemalige Laborschimpansen
  22. R. M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. Baltimore 1999, S. 625.
  23. Lebensraum Schimpansen. In: janegoodall.de. Jane Goodall Institut e.V. Deutschland, 2008, archiviert vom Original am 3. Juni 2008; abgerufen am 5. März 2016.
  24. Stefan Ziegler, Frank Barsch: Das Schwinden der Großen Menschenaffen. In: WWF Magazin. Nr. 3, 2009, S. 13, (online Auf: schattenblick.de; zuletzt abgerufen am 28. September 2013).
  25. Hintergrundinformation Schimpanse (Pan troglodytes). (PDF; 128 kB) In: wwf.de. WWF Deutschland & TRAFFIC Europe-Germany, April 2007, abgerufen am 5. März 2016.
  26. Stefanie Heinicke et al.: Advancing conservation planning for western chimpanzees using IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. – the case of a taxon-specific database. In: Environmental Research Letters. Online-Veröffentlichung vom 26. März 2019, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab1379
  27. Sierra Leone National Chimpanzee Census August 2010. Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, 2010, S. 95.
  28. One of the last strongholds for Western chimpanzees. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 9. April 2014.
  29. Evidence for a Complex Demographic History of Chimpanzees
  30. Jack D. Lester et al.: Recent genetic connectivity and clinal variation in chimpanzees. In: Communications Biology. Band 4, Artikel-Nr. 283, 2021, doi:10.1038/s42003-021-01806-x (open access).
    Schimpansen ohne Grenzen: Schimpansenunterarten genetisch miteinander verknüpft. Auf: idw-online.de vom 5. März 2021.
  31. Jutta Hof, Volker Sommer: Menschenaffen wie wir: Porträts einer Verwandtschaft. Ed. Panorama, Mannheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-89823-435-1, S. 110.
  32. Emma Young, Adrian Barnett: DNA tests solve mystery of giant apes. In: New Scientist. Nr. 2558, 2006, (Online-Preview).
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Gemeiner Schimpanse: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Gemeine Schimpanse, auch Gewöhnlicher Schimpanse oder einfach nur Schimpanse genannt (Pan troglodytes), ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Menschenaffen (Hominidae). Zusammen mit dem Bonobo (Zwergschimpansen) bildet er die Gattung der Schimpansen (Pan). Beide Spezies sind die biologisch engsten Verwandten des Menschen. Der Schimpanse ist robuster gebaut als der Bonobo und hat ein größeres Verbreitungsgebiet, das sich über weite Teile des mittleren Afrika erstreckt.

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Chimpansee ( Nds Nl )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
n Chimpansee

De chimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is n Afrikaanse meansaap. Zien naauwste verwant is de dwargchimpansee of bonobo (Pan paniscus). Beide chimpansees wöd beschouwd as t nauwst nog leevnde verwant van de meanse. Sommige wetenskappers beschouwt de relasie tussn meanse en chimpansee op basis van DNA-onderzuuk as nauw genog um de chimpansee en de bonobo net as de meanse in t geslacht Homo te plaasn.

Relasie met de meense

Vanweeng eure evolutionair nauwe verwantschap met meansn wödt zi'j vake gebruukt veur mediese en gedragsproewm, hoewel dit de leste tied stieds minder gebeurt en verbeudn is in verscheidne laandn, waoronder Nederlaand. De maote waorin chimpansees en meansn geneties an mekare geliek bint is onderwarp van geschil. Opgaawm van t persentage identiek DNA löp uut mekare van 94,6% tot 99,4%. De verwantschap tussn n chimpansee en n meanse is groter as de verwantschap tussn n chimpansee en n gorilla. Sunds t genoom van de chimpansee, net as dat van n meanse, in kaarte is ebrach is hier veul meer oover te zegn. n Meniere um t uut te drökkn is dat de genetiese verschilln tussn n meanse en n chimpansee oangveer tien maol zoo groot bint as die tussn twee niet-verwante meansn. Grootn deeln van t DNA bint haost t zölfde. Chimpansees hebt n chromosoom meer, umdat zi'j t chromosoom dat bi'j n meanse nummer 2 is in twee apatte deeln hebt.

Ok t gedrag van n chimpansee lek völle op dat van n meanse. Chimpansees bint sociale diern, die völle mut leern en dus ok n lange opgreuitied hebt. Daornaos vörmpt chimpansees koalities en vriendn. Chimpansees in t wild laot ok kultuurn zien, waor t gedrag van n iene gruup verschilt van n aander. Ok hebt onderzuukn bewezzn dat chimpansees empathie bezit en zich töt op zekere heugte kunt inleewn in n aander. Ze adopteert ok söms verweesde jonks van niet-verwante gruupsleedn, wat wes op altruïstisch gedrag. Dit gedrag is zowel bi'j mannechies as vrouwchies observeerd. Zi'j kent zi'j ok verdriet bi'j t starvn van verwantn.

Binn gruupn chimpansees speult zich komplexe gedragspatroonn of saomnhangnd met de veurtduurnde stried um dominantie, en daormet weer saomnhangnd t recht um zich veurt te plaantn en de verdeeling van ettn. Primatoloogn as Jane Goodall en Frans de Waal hebt op dit gebied deur langdurige observaties verbaazingwekknde waornemmings op-edaone. De verdienste van disse onderzuukers is ewest dat zi'j hebt an-eteund dat zeer veul chimpanseegedragings heel good te beschrievn en te duudn bint met tarms en mechanismn die ok uut de meenslijke psychologie bekend bint. Familiebaandn en coalities speult in t spel um de macht n groote rol in de chimpanseesaomnleeving.

Tussn chimpansees en bonobo's bestiet oovrigens groote gedragsverschilln. Bi'j bonobo's wörd veul meugelike konflictn op-elös deur seksueel gedrag, bi'j chimpansees veul vaker deur agressie.

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Chimpansee: Brief Summary ( Nds Nl )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
 src= n Chimpansee

De chimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is n Afrikaanse meansaap. Zien naauwste verwant is de dwargchimpansee of bonobo (Pan paniscus). Beide chimpansees wöd beschouwd as t nauwst nog leevnde verwant van de meanse. Sommige wetenskappers beschouwt de relasie tussn meanse en chimpansee op basis van DNA-onderzuuk as nauw genog um de chimpansee en de bonobo net as de meanse in t geslacht Homo te plaasn.

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Chimpanzee ( التاغالوغية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Ang karaniwang chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) na karaniwang tinatawag lang na chimpanzee o chimp at tinatawag ring robust chimpanzee ay isang espesye ng Hominidae. Ito ay kabilang sa henus na pan. Ang ebidensiya sa mga fossil at pagsesekwensiyang DNA ay nagpapakitang ang parehong mga espesye ng Pan ang mga kapatid na takson ng modernong lipi ng tao.


Ang ebidensiyang DNA ay nagmumungkahing ang bonobo at karaniwang chimpanzee ay naghiwalay mula sa bawat isa ng mababa sa isang milyong taon ang nakalilipas(katulad ng relasyon sa pagitan ng mga Homo sapiens at Neandertal).[3][4] Ang linyang chimpanzee ay naghiwalay mula sa huling karaniwang ninuno ng linyang tao ng tinatayang anim na milyong taon ang nakalilipas. Dahil walang espesye maliban sa Homo sapiens ang nakapagpatuloy mula sa linyang tao sa pagsasangang ito, ang parehong mga espesye ng Pan ang pinaka-malapit na mga nabubuhay na kamag-anak ng mga tao. Ang henus na Pan ay nag-diberhente mula sa henus ng gorilya mga pitong milyong taon ang nakalilipas. Ang ilang mga subespesye ng karaniwang chimpanzee ang: [5]

Mga sanggunian

  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (mga pat.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd edisyon). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 183. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. (2008). Pan troglodytes. 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2008. Hinango noong 4 January 2009. Database entry includes justification for why this species is endangered
  3. Won YJ, Hey J (2005). "Divergence population genetics of chimpanzees". Mol. Biol. Evol. 22 (2): 297–307. doi:10.1093/molbev/msi017. PMID 15483319. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (tulong)
  4. Fischer A, Wiebe V, Pääbo S, Przeworski M (2004). "Evidence for a complex demographic history of chimpanzees". Mol. Biol. Evol. 21 (5): 799–808. doi:10.1093/molbev/msh083. PMID 14963091. Unknown parameter |month= ignored (tulong)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. Hof, Jutta; Sommer, Volker: Apes Like Us: Portraits of a Kinship, Edition Panorama , Mannheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-89823-435-1, p. 114.
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Chimpanzee: Brief Summary ( التاغالوغية )

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Ang karaniwang chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) na karaniwang tinatawag lang na chimpanzee o chimp at tinatawag ring robust chimpanzee ay isang espesye ng Hominidae. Ito ay kabilang sa henus na pan. Ang ebidensiya sa mga fossil at pagsesekwensiyang DNA ay nagpapakitang ang parehong mga espesye ng Pan ang mga kapatid na takson ng modernong lipi ng tao.

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Common chimpanzee ( الإسكتلنديون )

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The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), kent as the robust chimpanzee an aw, is a species o great ape. Colloquially, the common chimpanzee is aften cried the chimpanzee (or "chimp"), tho this term can be uised tae refer tae baith species in the genus Pan: the common chimpanzee an the closely relatit bonobo, umwhile cried the pygmy chimpanzee. Evidence frae fossils an DNA sequencing shaws baith species o chimpanzees are the sister group tae the modren human lineage.


  1. Groves, C. P. (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 183. OCLC 62265494. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
  2. Humle, T.; Maisels, F.; Oates, J. F.; Plumptre, A.; Williamson, E. A. (2016). "Pan troglodytes". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2016: e.T15933A17964454. Retrieved 5 September 2016.CS1 maint: uises authors parameter (link)
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Common chimpanzee: Brief Summary ( الإسكتلنديون )

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The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), kent as the robust chimpanzee an aw, is a species o great ape. Colloquially, the common chimpanzee is aften cried the chimpanzee (or "chimp"), tho this term can be uised tae refer tae baith species in the genus Pan: the common chimpanzee an the closely relatit bonobo, umwhile cried the pygmy chimpanzee. Evidence frae fossils an DNA sequencing shaws baith species o chimpanzees are the sister group tae the modren human lineage.

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Gewoene chimpansee ( الليمبرجيشية )

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Gewoene sjimpansee, speulend mèt e stök pepier

De Gewoene sjimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is 'ne hoegoontwikkelden aap oet de femilie Minsape, dee in Middel-Afrika veurkump, en dèks zoonder mie sjimpansee geneump weurt; in dees encyclopedie weurt mèt deen term evels nao alle bieste vaan 't geslach Pan verweze, dus ouch nao de bonobo. Zien leefumgeving zien oerwoude en nate savannes; door oontbossing en bejaoging is hun leefgebeed de aofgeloupe decennia sterk trökgeloupe.

Fysieke kinmèrke

De gewoene sjimpansee waog gemeinlik tösse de 40 en 70 kg; de mennekes weure zwoerder en veural langer es de vruiwkes: ze hole 160 cm tegeneuver 130 cm bij de vruiwkes. Ze zien väöl sterker es lui, en höbbe, zjus wie al aander Ape boete de mins, geliekweerdege han en veu, zoetot ze mèt veer ledemate al kinne pakke. Ze höbbe 'nen draagtied vaan 8 maond en weure mèt naoventrint tien jaor volwasse; hun levesverwachting is oongeveer 50 jaor, tien jaor minder es me eins veur gezoonde lui rekende. Allewel tot de bieste veural fruit en blajer ete zien ze neet gaans vegetarisch: ouch insekte (wie termiete) en klein gewèrvelde bieste stoon op 't menu. Soms goon ze same op jach.

De gene vaan 'ne gewoene sjimpansee koume veur e hiel groet deil euverein mèt die vaan de mins (ongeveer 96% geliek); zoeväöl tot sommege biologe gemeind höbbe tot de sjimpansee in 't zelfde geslach es de mins eingedeild mós weure ("Homo troglodytes" en "Homo paniscus" zouw me daan kriege). 't Veurnaomste versjèl is tot de mins ei paar chromosome mis wat de ander minsape wel höbbe (23 bij de mins tegeneuver 24 bij de sjimpansees dus); veur de rès zien de versjèlle erg klein. Gemiddeld versjèlt 'ne gewoene sjimpansee genetisch tien kier zoeväöl vaan 'ne mins es twie willekäörige lui oonderein.

Sociaal verhajdinge

Gewoene sjampansees zien georganiseerd in gemeinsjappe vaan inkel tientalle bieste, meh bringe väöl tied mètein door in kleiner gróppe. Ze kinne zoewel in buim es euver de groond good veurtbewege en zien op bei plaotse oongeveer eveväöl te vinde. Mennekes en vruiwkes kinne eder hun eige organisatie, meh in principe zien de diere patriarchaal (aanders es bij de bonobo's). Sjimpansees make gein langdurege relaties wie de mins dat deit.

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Gewoene chimpansee: Brief Summary ( الليمبرجيشية )

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 src= Gewoene sjimpansee, speulend mèt e stök pepier

De Gewoene sjimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is 'ne hoegoontwikkelden aap oet de femilie Minsape, dee in Middel-Afrika veurkump, en dèks zoonder mie sjimpansee geneump weurt; in dees encyclopedie weurt mèt deen term evels nao alle bieste vaan 't geslach Pan verweze, dus ouch nao de bonobo. Zien leefumgeving zien oerwoude en nate savannes; door oontbossing en bejaoging is hun leefgebeed de aofgeloupe decennia sterk trökgeloupe.

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Hatun chimpansi ( كتشوا )

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Hatun chimpansi (Pan troglodytes) nisqaqa huk hatun k'usillum, aswan hatun chimpansi rikch'aqmi, Afrikapi kawsaq.

Hawa t'inkikuna

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Hatun chimpansi: Brief Summary ( كتشوا )

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Hatun chimpansi (Pan troglodytes) nisqaqa huk hatun k'usillum, aswan hatun chimpansi rikch'aqmi, Afrikapi kawsaq.

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Pan troglodytes ( اللغة الوسيطة (الرابطة الدولية للغات المساعدة) )

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Pan troglodytes es un taxon.


Es un specie.


Es del genere Pan, classe Mammalia.


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Pan troglodytes: Brief Summary ( اللغة الوسيطة (الرابطة الدولية للغات المساعدة) )

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Pan troglodytes es un taxon.

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Sjimpansa ( الفاروية )

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Pan troglodytes (male).jpg

Sjimpansur halda fyri tað mesta til í trøum. Sjimpansur halda til í afrikonskum frumskógum, í skógum og graslendum. Tær kunnu flyta seg skjótt gjøgnum frumskógin við at sveiggja frá grein til grein. Sjimpansur eta mest plantur og frukt, men teimum dámar eisini væl kjøt, egg og skordjór. Um náttina sova tær uppi í trætoppunum í bólum, sum tær gera úr bløðum og greinum. Sjimpansur kunnu verða 1,7 metrar høgar og viga upp í 60 kilo. Hóast tær vanliga ganga á øllum fýra, eisini nevnt knúgva-gongd, so duga tær eisini at standa og ganga upprættar. Sjimpansur eru súgdjór og hoyra til mannapurnar, eins og vit menniskju.

Sjimpansur eru eitt av fáum djórum, sum duga at brúka amboð. Tær brúka til dømis ein pinn fyri at fáa fatur á skordjórum, sum halda til í rivum í viðarbulum, og brúka steinar at bróta nøtir við.

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Sokwe Mtu wa Kawaida ( السواحلية )

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Sokwe Mtu wa Kawaida (Pan troglodytes) ni jina la nyani wakubwa wa familia Hominidae wanaofanana sana na binadamu. Sokwe Mtu wa Kawaida wanaishi katika maeneo ya tropiki ya Afrika.



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Sokwe Mtu wa Kawaida: Brief Summary ( السواحلية )

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Sokwe Mtu wa Kawaida (Pan troglodytes) ni jina la nyani wakubwa wa familia Hominidae wanaofanana sana na binadamu. Sokwe Mtu wa Kawaida wanaishi katika maeneo ya tropiki ya Afrika.

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Χιμπαντζής ο κοινός ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

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Ο Χιμπαντζής ο κοινός (Pan troglodytes - Παν ο τρωγλοδύτης) είναι πρωτεύον της οικογένειας των Ανθρωποειδών. Αν και συχνά αποκαλείται απλά χιμπαντζής, τεχνικά αυτός ο όρος χρησιμοποιείται για να περιγράψει κάθε είδος του γένους Παν (Pan), δηλαδή τον κοινό χιμπαντζή και τον Μπονόμπο ή Πυγμαίο Χιμπαντζή (Pan paniscus - Παν ο πανίσκος).


Πρόσφατες έρευνες στο DNA του Μπονόμπο και του κοινού Χιμπαντζή υποστηρίζουν πως η εξελικτική πορεία των δύο ειδών διαχωρίστηκε περίπου ένα εκατομμύριο χρόνια πριν. Ο τελευταίος κοινός πρόγονος όλων των χιμπαντζήδων με τον άνθρωπο έζησε περίπου έξι εκατομμύρια χρόνια πριν.[1][2] Επειδή κανένα άλλο είδος εκτός του ανθρώπου δεν επέζησε κατά την ανθρώπινη εξέλιξη στο γένος Homo, τα δύο είδη των χιμπαντζήδων αποτελούν τους πιο στενούς εξελικτικούς συγγενείς του ανθρώπου. Το γένος των χιμπαντζήδων, Παν, διαχωρίστηκε από το γένος των Γορίλων επτά εκατομμύρια χρόνια πριν.


Υπάρχουν πολλά διαφορετικά υποείδη κοινού Χιμπαντζή:

Ανατομία και Φυσιολογία

Οι ενήλικες στη φύση έχουν βάρος μεταξύ 40 και 65 κιλών. Τα αρσενικά έχουν ύψος 1,6 μέτρα και τα θηλυκά 1,3 μέτρα. Το τρίχωμα τους είναι μαύρο και το πρόσωπο, οι παλάμες, οι πατούσες και τα δάχτυλα είναι άτριχα. Οι αντίχειρες τους είναι αντιτάξιμοι, γεγονός που τους επιτρέπει να κάνουν κινήσεις των άνω άκρων με ακρίβεια.


  1. Won YJ, Hey J (February 2005). «Divergence population genetics of chimpanzees». Mol. Biol. Evol. 2264553998=297–307%54565: 297. doi:10.1093/molbev/msi017. PMID 15483319.
  2. Fischer A, Wiebe V, Pääbo S, Przeworski M (May 2004). «Evidence for a complex demographic history of chimpanzees». Mol. Biol. Evol. 21 (5): 799–808. doi:10.1093/molbev/msh083. PMID 14963091.

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Χιμπαντζής ο κοινός: Brief Summary ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

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Ο Χιμπαντζής ο κοινός (Pan troglodytes - Παν ο τρωγλοδύτης) είναι πρωτεύον της οικογένειας των Ανθρωποειδών. Αν και συχνά αποκαλείται απλά χιμπαντζής, τεχνικά αυτός ο όρος χρησιμοποιείται για να περιγράψει κάθε είδος του γένους Παν (Pan), δηλαδή τον κοινό χιμπαντζή και τον Μπονόμπο ή Πυγμαίο Χιμπαντζή (Pan paniscus - Παν ο πανίσκος).

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Шимпанзе ( لغة لاك )

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Шимпанзе ва Бонобо

Шимпанзе (латIин Pan troglodytes ) – маймунни.

  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes
  • Pan troglodytes verus
  • Pan troglodytes vellerosus
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii

Шаблон:Link GA

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Шимпанзе ( Meadow Mari )

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Шимпанзе (лат. Pan troglodytes ) – Африкын Hominidae йамагатын Hominini йыжыҥын гыч кугу маймыл.

Бонобо але изи шимпанзе (Pan paniscus).


  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes
  • Pan troglodytes verus
  • Pan troglodytes vellerosus
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
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Шимпанзе ( الأدمرت )

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Шимпанзе (ӵуж, вож, ӵыж-горд, чагыр)
Бонобо (горд)

Шимпанзе (латин кылын Pan troglodytes) – Hominidae семьяысь Африкалэн бадӟым маймыл.

Мукет вид бонобо яке пичи шимпанзе (Pan paniscus).


  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes
  • Pan troglodytes verus
  • Pan troglodytes vellerosus
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
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Шимпанзе: Brief Summary ( Meadow Mari )

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Шимпанзе (лат. Pan troglodytes ) – Африкын Hominidae йамагатын Hominini йыжыҥын гыч кугу маймыл.

Бонобо але изи шимпанзе (Pan paniscus).

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Шимпанзе: Brief Summary ( الأدمرت )

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 src= Шимпанзе  src= Шимпанзе (ӵуж, вож, ӵыж-горд, чагыр)
Бонобо (горд)

Шимпанзе (латин кылын Pan troglodytes) – Hominidae семьяысь Африкалэн бадӟым маймыл.

Мукет вид бонобо яке пичи шимпанзе (Pan paniscus).

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சிம்பன்சி ( التاميلية )

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சிம்பன்சி என்பது வாலில்லா ஒரு மனிதக் குரங்கு இனம். பல மரபியல் ஆய்வு முடிவுகள் சிம்பன்சியே மனிதனுக்கு மிக நெருங்கிய இனம் எனக் கூறுகின்றன. வெவ்வேறு ஆய்வு முடிவுகளிடையே சிறிய வேறுபாடுகள் இருப்பினும், மனிதரிலுள்ள 95-99% டி.என்.ஏ சிம்பன்சிகளில் டி.என்.ஏ யை ஒத்திருப்பதாக அறியப்படுகின்றது. இவை மனிதனை ஒத்திருந்தாலும், உருவில் சற்று சிறியதாக இருக்கும். உயரத்தில் சுமார் 1 மீ (3-4 அடி) இருக்கும். மனிதனோடு இவையும் முதனி என்னும் உயிரின உட்பிரிவில் சேரும் என உயிரின வகையாளர்கள் கருதுகிறார்கள். இவை ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் மேற்குப் பகுதிகளிலும், நடுப் பகுதிகளிலும் வாழ்கின்றன.

இதனை பொதுவாக சாதாரண சிம்பன்சி என்று அழைப்பர். இந்த சாதாரண சிம்பன்சிக்கு நெருங்கிய இனமான போனபோ என்னும் இன்னுமொரு வாலில்லாக் குரங்கினத்தையும் சேர்த்தே சிம்பன்சி என பெயரிடுவர்[3]. இவ்விரு இனங்களும் காங்கோ ஆற்றுக்குக் கிழக்காக வாழ்கின்றன.

சிம்பன்சிகள் மாமிசங்களை சிறிய கற்கருவிகளால் வெட்டி உண்ணத்தொடங்கியதால், அதன் பற்கள் கடித்து மெல்ல குறைவான அழுத்தமே தேவைப்பட்டது. அதன் பின் சந்ததியினர் இதனாலேயே அதன் வாய் பரிணாமம் அடைந்து பேசுவதற்கு ஏற்ற உடலமைப்பாக மாறியது என காட்டுவேர்டு பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் பரிணாம ஆய்வாளர் டேனியல் லைபர்மேன் தனது ஆய்வு அறிக்கையில் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.[4]


  1. Colin Groves (16 நவம்பர் 2005). Wilson, D. E., and Reeder, D. M. (eds). ed. Mammal Species of the World (3rd edition ). Johns Hopkins University Press. பக். 183. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. http://www.bucknell.edu/msw3/browse.asp?id=12100797.
  2. "Pan troglodytes". பன்னாட்டு இயற்கைப் பாதுகாப்புச் சங்கத்தின் செம்பட்டியல் பதிப்பு 2008. பன்னாட்டு இயற்கைப் பாதுகாப்புச் சங்கம் (2008). Database entry includes justification for why this species is endangered
  3. [1]
  4. How sliced meat drove human evolution
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சிம்பன்சி: Brief Summary ( التاميلية )

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 src= சிம்பன்சி

சிம்பன்சி என்பது வாலில்லா ஒரு மனிதக் குரங்கு இனம். பல மரபியல் ஆய்வு முடிவுகள் சிம்பன்சியே மனிதனுக்கு மிக நெருங்கிய இனம் எனக் கூறுகின்றன. வெவ்வேறு ஆய்வு முடிவுகளிடையே சிறிய வேறுபாடுகள் இருப்பினும், மனிதரிலுள்ள 95-99% டி.என்.ஏ சிம்பன்சிகளில் டி.என்.ஏ யை ஒத்திருப்பதாக அறியப்படுகின்றது. இவை மனிதனை ஒத்திருந்தாலும், உருவில் சற்று சிறியதாக இருக்கும். உயரத்தில் சுமார் 1 மீ (3-4 அடி) இருக்கும். மனிதனோடு இவையும் முதனி என்னும் உயிரின உட்பிரிவில் சேரும் என உயிரின வகையாளர்கள் கருதுகிறார்கள். இவை ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் மேற்குப் பகுதிகளிலும், நடுப் பகுதிகளிலும் வாழ்கின்றன.

இதனை பொதுவாக சாதாரண சிம்பன்சி என்று அழைப்பர். இந்த சாதாரண சிம்பன்சிக்கு நெருங்கிய இனமான போனபோ என்னும் இன்னுமொரு வாலில்லாக் குரங்கினத்தையும் சேர்த்தே சிம்பன்சி என பெயரிடுவர். இவ்விரு இனங்களும் காங்கோ ஆற்றுக்குக் கிழக்காக வாழ்கின்றன.

சிம்பன்சிகள் மாமிசங்களை சிறிய கற்கருவிகளால் வெட்டி உண்ணத்தொடங்கியதால், அதன் பற்கள் கடித்து மெல்ல குறைவான அழுத்தமே தேவைப்பட்டது. அதன் பின் சந்ததியினர் இதனாலேயே அதன் வாய் பரிணாமம் அடைந்து பேசுவதற்கு ஏற்ற உடலமைப்பாக மாறியது என காட்டுவேர்டு பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் பரிணாம ஆய்வாளர் டேனியல் லைபர்மேன் தனது ஆய்வு அறிக்கையில் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.

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விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
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Mokómbósó ( لينغالا )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging_languages
Schimpanse Zoo Leipzig.jpg

Mokómbósó[1] (Pan troglodytes)


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  1. Guthrie, Malcolm: Lingala Grammar and Dictionary
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Mokómbósó: Brief Summary ( لينغالا )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging_languages
Schimpanse Zoo Leipzig.jpg

Mokómbósó (Pan troglodytes)

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Chimpanzee ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The chimpanzee (/ɪmpænˈzi/; Pan troglodytes), also known as simply the chimp, is a species of great ape native to the forest and savannah of tropical Africa. It has four confirmed subspecies and a fifth proposed one. When its close relative the bonobo was more commonly known as the pygmy chimpanzee, this species was often called the common chimpanzee or the robust chimpanzee. The chimpanzee and the bonobo are the only species in the genus Pan. Evidence from fossils and DNA sequencing shows that Pan is a sister taxon to the human lineage and is humans' closest living relative. The chimpanzee is covered in coarse black hair, but has a bare face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It is larger and more robust than the bonobo, weighing 40–70 kg (88–154 lb) for males and 27–50 kg (60–110 lb) for females and standing 150 cm (4 ft 11 in).

The chimpanzee lives in groups that range in size from 15 to 150 members, although individuals travel and forage in much smaller groups during the day. The species lives in a strict male-dominated hierarchy, where disputes are generally settled without the need for violence. Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recorded using tools, modifying sticks, rocks, grass and leaves and using them for hunting and acquiring honey, termites, ants, nuts and water. The species has also been found creating sharpened sticks to spear small mammals. Its gestation period is eight months. The infant is weaned at about three years old but usually maintains a close relationship with its mother for several years more.

The chimpanzee is listed on the IUCN Red List as an endangered species. Between 170,000 and 300,000 individuals are estimated across its range. The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Chimpanzees appear in Western popular culture as stereotyped clown-figures and have featured in entertainments such as chimpanzees' tea parties, circus acts and stage shows. Although many chimpanzees have been kept as pets, their strength, aggressiveness, and unpredictability makes them dangerous in this role. Some hundreds have been kept in laboratories for research, especially in the United States. Many attempts have been made to teach languages such as American Sign Language to chimpanzees, with limited success.


The English word chimpanzee is first recorded in 1738.[5] It is derived from Vili ci-mpenze[6] or Tshiluba language chimpenze, with a meaning of "ape".[7] The colloquialism "chimp" was most likely coined some time in the late 1870s.[8] The genus name Pan derives from the Greek god, while the specific name troglodytes was taken from the Troglodytae, a mythical race of cave-dwellers.[9][10]

Taxonomy and genetics

The first great ape known to Western science in the 17th century was the "orang-outang" (genus Pongo), the local Malay name being recorded in Java by the Dutch physician Jacobus Bontius. In 1641, the Dutch anatomist Nicolaes Tulp applied the name to a chimpanzee or bonobo brought to the Netherlands from Angola.[11] Another Dutch anatomist, Peter Camper, dissected specimens from Central Africa and Southeast Asia in the 1770s, noting the differences between the African and Asian apes. The German naturalist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach classified the chimpanzee as Simia troglodytes by 1775. Another German naturalist, Lorenz Oken, coined the genus Pan in 1816. The bonobo was recognised as distinct from the chimpanzee by 1933.[9][10][12]


Relationships among apes. The branch lengths are a measure of evolutionary distinctness. Based on genome sequencing by The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium. Figure from Yousaf et al. 2021,[13] adapted from Prado-Martinez et al. 2013.[14]

Despite a large number of Homo fossil finds, Pan fossils were not described until 2005. Existing chimpanzee populations in West and Central Africa do not overlap with the major human fossil sites in East Africa, but chimpanzee fossils have now been reported from Kenya. This indicates that both humans and members of the Pan clade were present in the East African Rift Valley during the Middle Pleistocene.[15]

According to studies published in 2017 by researchers at George Washington University, bonobos, along with chimpanzees, split from the human line about 8 million years ago; moreover, bonobos split from the common chimpanzee line about 2 million years ago.[16][17] Another 2017 genetic study suggests ancient gene flow (introgression) between 200 and 550 thousand years ago from the bonobo into the ancestors of central and eastern chimpanzees.[18]

Subspecies and population status

Four subspecies of the chimpanzee have been recognised,[19][20] with the possibility of a fifth:[18][21]


A draft version of the chimpanzee genome was published in 2005 and encodes 18,759 proteins,[28][29] (compared to 20,383 in the human proteome).[30] The DNA sequences of humans and chimpanzees are very similar and the difference in protein number mostly arises from incomplete sequences in the chimp genome. Both species differ by about 35 million single-nucleotide changes, five million insertion/deletion events and various chromosomal rearrangements.[31] Typical human and chimpanzee protein homologs differ in an average of only two amino acids. About 30% of all human proteins are identical in sequence to the corresponding chimpanzee protein. Duplications of small parts of chromosomes have been the major source of differences between human and chimpanzee genetic material; about 2.7% of the corresponding modern genomes represent differences, produced by gene duplications or deletions, since humans and chimpanzees diverged from their common evolutionary ancestor.[28][31]



Adult chimpanzees have an average standing height of 150 cm (4 ft 11 in).[32] Wild adult males weigh between 40 and 70 kg (88 and 154 lb)[33][34][35] with females weighing between 27 and 50 kg (60 and 110 lb).[36] In exceptional cases, certain individuals may considerably exceed these measurements, standing over 168 cm (5 ft 6 in) on two legs and weighing up to 136 kg (300 lb) in captivity.[a]

The chimpanzee is more robustly built than the bonobo but less than the gorilla. The arms of a chimpanzee are longer than its legs and can reach below the knees. The hands have long fingers with short thumbs and flat fingernails. The feet are adapted for grasping, and the big toe is opposable. The pelvis is long with an extended ilium. A chimpanzee's head is rounded with a prominent and prognathous face and a pronounced brow ridge. It has forward-facing eyes, a small nose, rounded non-lobed ears and a long mobile upper lip. Additionally, adult males have sharp canine teeth. Chimpanzees lack the prominent sagittal crest and associated head and neck musculature of gorillas.[39][12]

Chimpanzee bodies are covered by coarse hair, except for the face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Chimpanzees lose more hair as they age and develop bald spots. The hair of a chimpanzee is typically black but can be brown or ginger. As they get older, white or grey patches may appear, particularly on the chin and lower region. The skin may range from pale to dark, though females develop swelling pink skin when in oestrus.[39][12]

Chimpanzees are adapted for both arboreal and terrestrial locomotion. Arboreal locomotion consists of vertical climbing and brachiation.[40][41] On the ground, chimpanzees move both quadrupedally and bipedally. These movements appear to have similar energy costs.[42] As with bonobos and gorillas, chimpanzees move quadrupedally by knuckle-walking, which probably evolved independently in Pan and Gorilla.[43] Their physical strength is around 1.5 times greater than humans due to higher content of fast twitch muscle fibres, one of the chimpanzee's adaptations for climbing and swinging.[44] According to Japan's Asahiyama Zoo, the grip strength of an adult chimpanzee is estimated to be 200 kg (440 lb),[45] while other sources claim figures of up to 330 kg (730 lb).[b]


Overnight nest in a tree

The chimpanzee is a highly adaptable species. It lives in a variety of habitats, including dry savanna, evergreen rainforest, montane forest, swamp forest, and dry woodland-savanna mosaic.[48][49] In Gombe, the chimpanzee mostly uses semideciduous and evergreen forest as well as open woodland.[50] At Bossou, the chimpanzee inhabits multistage secondary deciduous forest, which has grown after shifting cultivation, as well as primary forest and grassland.[51] At Taï, it is found in the last remaining tropical rain forest in Ivory Coast.[52] The chimpanzee has an advanced cognitive map of its home range and can repeatedly find food.[53] The chimpanzee builds a sleeping nest in a tree in a different location each night, never using the same nest more than once. Chimpanzees sleep alone in separate nests except for infants or juvenile chimpanzees, which sleep with their mothers.[54]


A mother with young eating Ficus fruit in Kibale National Park, Uganda

The chimpanzee is an omnivorous frugivore. It prefers fruit above all other food items but also eats leaves, leaf buds, seeds, blossoms, stems, pith, bark, and resin.[55][56] A study in Budongo Forest, Uganda found that 64.5% of their feeding time concentrated on fruits (84.6% of which being ripe), particularly those from two species of Ficus, Maesopsis eminii, and Celtis gomphophylla. In addition, 19% of feeding time was spent on arboreal leaves, mostly Broussonetia papyrifera and Celtis mildbraedii.[57] While the chimpanzee is mostly herbivorous, it does eat honey, soil, insects, birds and their eggs, and small to medium-sized mammals, including other primates.[55][58] Insect species consumed include the weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda, Macrotermes termites, and honey bees.[59][60] The red colobus ranks at the top of preferred mammal prey. Other mammalian prey include red-tailed monkeys, infant and juvenile yellow baboons, bush babies, blue duikers, bushbucks, and common warthogs.[61]

Despite the fact that chimpanzees are known to hunt and to collect both insects and other invertebrates, such food actually makes up a very small portion of their diet, from as little as 2% yearly to as much as 65 grams of animal flesh per day for each adult chimpanzee in peak hunting seasons. This also varies from troop to troop and year to year. However, in all cases, the majority of their diet consists of fruits, leaves, roots, and other plant matter.[56][62] Female chimpanzees appear to consume much less animal flesh than males, according to several studies.[63] Jane Goodall documented many occasions within Gombe Stream National Park of chimpanzees and western red colobus monkeys ignoring each other despite close proximity.[64][54]

Chimpanzees do not appear to directly compete with gorillas in areas where they overlap. When fruit is abundant, gorilla and chimpanzee diets converge, but when fruit is scarce gorillas resort to vegetation.[65] The two apes may also feed on different species, whether fruit or insects.[66][59][60] Interactions between them can range from friendly and even stable social bonding,[67] to avoidance,[65][68] to aggression and predation on part of chimpanzees.[69]

Mortality and health

Chimpanzee named "Gregoire" on 9 December 2006, born in 1944 (Jane Goodall sanctuary of Tchimpounga, Republic of the Congo)

The average lifespan of a chimpanzee in the wild is relatively short, usually less than 15 years, although individuals that reach 12 years may live an additional 15 years. On rare occasions, wild chimpanzees may live nearly 60 years. Captive chimpanzees tend to live longer than most wild ones, with median lifespans of 31.7 years for males and 38.7 years for females.[70] The oldest known male captive chimpanzee to have been documented lived to 66 years,[71] and the oldest female, Little Mama, was over 70 years old.[72]

Leopards prey on chimpanzees in some areas.[73][74] It is possible that much of the mortality caused by leopards can be attributed to individuals that have specialised in chimp-killing.[73] Chimpanzees may react to a leopard's presence with loud vocalising, branch shaking, and throwing objects.[75][73] There is at least one record of chimpanzees killing a leopard cub after mobbing it and its mother in their den.[76] Four chimpanzees could have fallen prey to lions at Mahale Mountains National Park. Although no other instances of lion predation on chimpanzees have been recorded, lions likely do kill chimpanzees occasionally, and the larger group sizes of savanna chimpanzees may have developed as a response to threats from these big cats. Chimpanzees may react to lions by fleeing up trees, vocalising, or hiding in silence.[77]

The chimpanzee louse Pediculus schaeffi is closely related to the human body louse P. humanus.

Chimpanzees and humans share only 50% of their parasite and microbe species. This is due to the differences in environmental and dietary adaptations; human internal parasite species overlap more with omnivorous, savanna-dwelling baboons. The chimpanzee is host to the louse species Pediculus schaeffi, a close relative of P. humanus, which infests human head and body hair. By contrast, the human pubic louse Pthirus pubis is closely related to Pthirus gorillae, which infests gorillas.[78]A 2017 study of gastrointestinal parasites of wild chimpanzees in degraded forest in Uganda found nine species of protozoa, five nematodes, one cestode, and one trematode. The most prevalent species was the protozoan Troglodytella abrassarti.[79]


Recent studies have suggested that human observers influence chimpanzee behaviour. One suggestion is that drones, camera traps, and remote microphones should be used to record and monitor chimpanzees rather than direct human observation.[80]

Group structure

Group in Uganda

Chimpanzees live in communities that typically range from around 20 to more than 150 members but spend most of their time traveling in small, temporary groups consisting of a few individuals. These groups may consist of any combination of age and sexes. Both males and females sometimes travel alone.[54] This fission-fusion society may include groups of four types: all-male, adult females and offspring, adults of both sexes, or one female and her offspring. These smaller groups emerge in a variety of types, for a variety of purposes. For example, an all-male troop may be organised to hunt for meat, while a group consisting of lactating females serves to act as a "nursery group" for the young.[81]

At the core of social structures are males, which patrol the territory, protect group members, and search for food. Males remain in their natal communities, while females generally emigrate at adolescence. Males in a community are more likely to be related to one another than females are to each other. Among males, there is generally a dominance hierarchy, and males are dominant over females.[82] However, this unusual fission-fusion social structure, "in which portions of the parent group may on a regular basis separate from and then rejoin the rest,"[83] is highly variable in terms of which particular individual chimpanzees congregate at a given time. This is caused mainly by the large measure of individual autonomy that individuals have within their fission-fusion social groups.[39] As a result, individual chimpanzees often forage for food alone, or in smaller groups, as opposed to the much larger "parent" group, which encompasses all the chimpanzees which regularly come into contact with each other and congregate into parties in a particular area.[81]

Mutual grooming, removing lice

Male chimpanzees exist in a linear dominance hierarchy. Top-ranking males tend to be aggressive even during dominance stability.[84] This is probably due to the chimpanzee's fission-fusion society, with male chimpanzees leaving groups and returning after extended periods of time. With this, a dominant male is unsure if any "political maneuvering" has occurred in his absence and must re-establish his dominance. Thus, a large amount of aggression occurs within five to fifteen minutes after a reunion. During these encounters, displays of aggression are generally preferred over physical attacks.[84][85]

Males maintain and improve their social ranks by forming coalitions, which have been characterised as "exploitative" and based on an individual's influence in agonistic interactions.[86] Being in a coalition allows males to dominate a third individual when they could not by themselves, as politically apt chimpanzees can exert power over aggressive interactions regardless of their rank. Coalitions can also give an individual male the confidence to challenge a dominant or larger male. The more allies a male has, the better his chance of becoming dominant. However, most changes in hierarchical rank are caused by dyadic interactions.[84][87] Chimpanzee alliances can be very fickle, and one member may suddenly turn on another if it is to his advantage.[88]

Males in Mahale National Park, Tanzania

Low-ranking males frequently switch sides in disputes between more dominant individuals. Low-ranking males benefit from an unstable hierarchy and often find increased sexual opportunities if a dispute or conflict occurs.[86][88] In addition, conflicts between dominant males cause them to focus on each other rather than the lower-ranking males. Social hierarchies among adult females tend to be weaker. Nevertheless, the status of an adult female may be important for her offspring.[89] Females in Taï have also been recorded to form alliances.[90] While chimpanzee social structure is often referred to as patriarchal, it is not entirely unheard of for females to forge coalitions against males.[91] There is also at least one recorded case of females securing a dominant position over males in their respective troop, albeit in a captive environment.[92] Social grooming appears to be important in the formation and maintenance of coalitions. It is more common among adult males than either between adult females or between males and females.[87]

Chimpanzees have been described as highly territorial and will frequently kill other chimpanzees,[93] although Margaret Power wrote in her 1991 book The Egalitarians that the field studies from which the aggressive data came, Gombe and Mahale, used artificial feeding systems that increased aggression in the chimpanzee populations studied. Thus, the behaviour may not reflect innate characteristics of the species as a whole.[94] In the years following her artificial feeding conditions at Gombe, Jane Goodall described groups of male chimpanzees patrolling the borders of their territory, brutally attacking chimpanzees that had split off from the Gombe group. A study published in 2010 found that the chimpanzees wage wars over territory, not mates.[95] Patrols from smaller groups are more likely to avoid contact with their neighbours. Patrols from large groups even take over a smaller group's territory, gaining access to more resources, food, and females.[96][88] While it was traditionally accepted that only female chimpanzees immigrate and males remain in their natal troop for life, there are confirmed cases of adult males safely integrating themselves into new communities among West African chimpanzees, suggesting they are less territorial than other subspecies.[97]

Mating and parenting

Infant and mother

Chimpanzees mate throughout the year, although the number of females in oestrus varies seasonally in a group.[98] Female chimpanzees are more likely to come into oestrus when food is readily available. Oestrous females exhibit sexual swellings. Chimpanzees are promiscuous: during oestrus, females mate with several males in their community, while males have large testicles for sperm competition. Other forms of mating also exist. A community's dominant males sometimes restrict reproductive access to females. A male and female can form a consortship and mate outside their community. In addition, females sometimes leave their community and mate with males from neighboring communities.[99][100]

These alternative mating strategies give females more mating opportunities without losing the support of the males in their community.[100] Infanticide has been recorded in chimpanzee communities in some areas, and the victims are often consumed. Male chimpanzees practice infanticide on unrelated young to shorten the interbirth intervals in the females.[101][102] Females sometimes practice infanticide. This may be related to the dominance hierarchy in females or may simply be pathological.[89]

Copulation is brief, lasting approximately seven seconds.[103] The gestation period is eight months.[39] Care for the young is provided mostly by their mothers. The survival and emotional health of the young is dependent on maternal care. Mothers provide their young with food, warmth, and protection, and teach them certain skills. In addition, a chimpanzee's future rank may be dependent on its mother's status.[104][105] Male chimpanzees continue to associate with the females they impregnated and interact with and support their offsping.[106] Newborn chimpanzees are helpless. For example, their grasping reflex is not strong enough to support them for more than a few seconds. For their first 30 days, infants cling to their mother's bellies. Infants are unable to support their own weight for their first two months and need their mothers' support.[107]

When they reach five to six months, infants ride on their mothers' backs. They remain in continual contact for the rest of their first year. When they reach two years of age, they are able to move and sit independently and start moving beyond the arms' reach of their mothers. By four to six years, chimpanzees are weaned and infancy ends. The juvenile period for chimpanzees lasts from their sixth to ninth years. Juveniles remain close to their mothers, but interact an increasing amount with other members of their community. Adolescent females move between groups and are supported by their mothers in agonistic encounters. Adolescent males spend time with adult males in social activities like hunting and boundary patrolling.[107] A captive study suggests males can safely immigrate to a new group if accompanied by immigrant females who have an existing relationship with this male. This gives the resident males reproductive advantages with these females, as they are more inclined to remain in the group if their male friend is also accepted.[108]


Pant-hoot call made by an adult male, demonstrating the introduction, build-up, climax, and let-down phases.[109]

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Chimpanzees use facial expressions, postures, and sounds to communicate with each other. Chimpanzees have expressive faces that are important in close-up communications. When frightened, a "full closed grin" causes nearby individuals to be fearful, as well. Playful chimpanzees display an open-mouthed grin. Chimpanzees may also express themselves with the "pout", which is made in distress, the "sneer", which is made when threatening or fearful, and "compressed-lips face", which is a type of display. When submitting to a dominant individual, a chimpanzee crunches, bobs, and extends a hand. When in an aggressive mode, a chimpanzee swaggers bipedally, hunched over and arms waving, in an attempt to exaggerate its size.[110] While travelling, chimpanzees keep in contact by beating their hands and feet against the trunks of large trees, an act that is known as "drumming". They also do this when encountering individuals from other communities.[111]

Vocalisations are also important in chimpanzee communication. The most common call in adults is the "pant-hoot", which may signal social rank and bond along with keeping groups together. Pant-hoots are made of four parts, starting with soft "hoos", the introduction; that gets louder and louder, the build-up; and climax into screams and sometimes barks; these die down back to soft "hoos" during the letdown phase as the call ends.[111][109] Grunting is made in situations like feeding and greeting.[111] Submissive individuals make "pant-grunts" towards their superiors.[112][89] Whimpering is made by young chimpanzees as a form of begging or when lost from the group.[111] Chimpanzees use distance calls to draw attention to danger, food sources, or other community members.[113] "Barks" may be made as "short barks" when hunting and "tonal barks" when sighting large snakes.[111]

Adult male eastern chimpanzee snatches a dead bushbuck antelope from a baboon in Gombe Stream National Park.


When hunting small monkeys such as the red colobus, chimpanzees hunt where the forest canopy is interrupted or irregular. This allows them to easily corner the monkeys when chasing them in the appropriate direction. Chimpanzees may also hunt as a coordinated team, so that they can corner their prey even in a continuous canopy. During an arboreal hunt, each chimpanzee in the hunting groups has a role. "Drivers" serve to keep the prey running in a certain direction and follow them without attempting to make a catch. "Blockers" are stationed at the bottom of the trees and climb up to block prey that takes off in a different direction. "Chasers" move quickly and try to make a catch. Finally, "ambushers" hide and rush out when a monkey nears.[114] While both adults and infants are taken, adult male colobus monkeys will attack the hunting chimps.[115] Male chimpanzees hunt more than females. When caught and killed, the meal is distributed to all hunting party members and even bystanders.[114]

Intelligence and cognition

Drawing of human and chimpanzee skull and brain
Human and chimpanzee skull and brain. Diagram by Paul Gervais from Histoire naturelle des mammifères (1854).

Chimpanzees display numerous signs of intelligence, from the ability to remember symbols[116] to cooperation,[117] tool use,[118] and perhaps language.[119] They are among species that have passed the mirror test, suggesting self-awareness.[120] In one study, two young chimpanzees showed retention of mirror self-recognition after one year without access to mirrors.[121] Chimpanzees have been observed to use insects to treat their own wounds and those of others. They catch them and apply them directly to the injury.[122] Chimpanzees also display signs of culture among groups, with the learning and transmission of variations in grooming, tool use and foraging techniques leading to localized traditions.[123]

A 30-year study at Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute has shown that chimpanzees are able to learn to recognise the numbers 1 to 9 and their values. The chimpanzees further show an aptitude for eidetic memory, demonstrated in experiments in which the jumbled digits are flashed onto a computer screen for less than a quarter of a second. One chimpanzee, Ayumu, was able to correctly and quickly point to the positions where they appeared in ascending order. Ayumu performed better than human adults who were given the same test.[116]

In controlled experiments on cooperation, chimpanzees show a basic understanding of cooperation, and recruit the best collaborators.[117] In a group setting with a device that delivered food rewards only to cooperating chimpanzees, cooperation first increased, then, due to competitive behaviour, decreased, before finally increasing to the highest level through punishment and other arbitrage behaviours.[124]

Great apes show laughter-like vocalisations in response to physical contact, such as wrestling, play chasing, or tickling. This is documented in wild and captive chimpanzees. Chimpanzee laughter is not readily recognisable to humans as such, because it is generated by alternating inhalations and exhalations that sound more like breathing and panting. Instances in which nonhuman primates have expressed joy have been reported. Humans and chimpanzees share similar ticklish areas of the body, such as the armpits and belly. The enjoyment of tickling in chimpanzees does not diminish with age.[125]

Chimpanzees have displayed different behaviours in response to a dying or dead group member. When witnessing a sudden death, the other group members act in frenzy, with vocalisations, aggressive displays, and touching of the corpse. In one case chimpanzees cared for a dying elder, then attended and cleaned the corpse. Afterward, they avoided the spot where the elder died and behaved in a more subdued manner.[126] Mothers have been reported to carry around and groom their dead infants for several days.[127]

Experimenters now and then witness behaviour that cannot be readily reconciled with chimpanzee intelligence or theory of mind. Wolfgang Köhler, for instance, reported insightful behaviour in chimpanzees, but he likewise often observed that they experienced "special difficulty" in solving simple problems.[128] Researchers also reported that, when faced with a choice between two persons, chimpanzees were just as likely to beg food from a person who could see the begging gesture as from a person who could not, thereby raising the possibility that chimpanzees lack theory of mind.[129]

Tool use

Chimpanzees using twigs to dip for ants

Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recorded using tools. They modify sticks, rocks, grass, and leaves and use them when foraging for termites and ants,[130] nuts,[131][132][130][133] honey,[134] algae[135] or water. Despite the lack of complexity, forethought and skill are apparent in making these tools.[118] Chimpanzees have used stone tools since at least 4,300 years ago.[136]

A chimpanzee from the Kasakela chimpanzee community was the first nonhuman animal reported making a tool, by modifying a twig to use as an instrument for extracting termites from their mound.[137][138] At Taï, chimpanzees simply use their hands to extract termites.[118] When foraging for honey, chimpanzees use modified short sticks to scoop the honey out of the hive if the bees are stingless. For hives of the dangerous African honeybees, chimpanzees use longer and thinner sticks to extract the honey.[139]

Chimpanzees also fish for ants using the same tactic.[140] Ant dipping is difficult and some chimpanzees never master it. West African chimpanzees crack open hard nuts with stones or branches.[140][118] Some forethought in this activity is apparent, as these tools are not found together or where the nuts are collected. Nut cracking is also difficult and must be learned.[140] Chimpanzees also use leaves as sponges or spoons to drink water.[141]

West African chimpanzees in Senegal were found to sharpen sticks with their teeth, which were then used to spear Senegal bushbabies out of small holes in trees.[142] An eastern chimpanzee has been observed using a modified branch as a tool to capture a squirrel.[143]

Whilst experimental studies on captive chimpanzees have found that many of their species-typical tool-use behaviours can be individually learnt by each chimpanzees,[144] a 2021 study on their abilities to make and use stone flakes, in a similar way as hypothesised for early hominins, did not find this behaviour across two populations of chimpanzees - suggesting that this behaviour is outside the chimpanzee species-typical range.[145]


Hugo Rheinhold's Affe mit Schädel ("Ape with skull"), c. 1893

Scientists have attempted to teach human language to several species of great ape. One early attempt by Allen and Beatrix Gardner in the 1960s involved spending 51 months teaching American Sign Language to a chimpanzee named Washoe. The Gardners reported that Washoe learned 151 signs, and had spontaneously taught them to other chimpanzees, including her adopted son, Loulis.[146] Over a longer period of time, Washoe was reported to have learned over 350 signs.[147]

Debate is ongoing among scientists such as David Premack about chimpanzees' ability to learn language. Since the early reports on Washoe, numerous other studies have been conducted, with varying levels of success.[119] One involved a chimpanzee jokingly named Nim Chimpsky (in allusion to the theorist of language Noam Chomsky), trained by Herbert Terrace of Columbia University. Although his initial reports were quite positive, in November 1979, Terrace and his team, including psycholinguist Thomas Bever, re-evaluated the videotapes of Nim with his trainers, analyzing them frame by frame for signs, as well as for exact context (what was happening both before and after Nim's signs). In the reanalysis, Terrace and Bever concluded that Nim's utterances could be explained merely as prompting on the part of the experimenters, as well as mistakes in reporting the data. "Much of the apes' behaviour is pure drill", he said. "Language still stands as an important definition of the human species." In this reversal, Terrace now argued Nim's use of ASL was not like human language acquisition. Nim never initiated conversations himself, rarely introduced new words, and mostly imitated what the humans did. More importantly, Nim's word strings varied in their ordering, suggesting that he was incapable of syntax. Nim's sentences also did not grow in length, unlike human children whose vocabulary and sentence length show a strong positive correlation.[148]

Relations with humans

In culture

Chimpanzee mask, Gio tribe, Liberia

Chimpanzees are rarely represented in African culture, as people find their resemblance to humans discomforting. The Gio people of Liberia and the Hemba people of the Congo have created masks of the animals. Gio masks are crude and blocky, and worn when teaching young people how not to behave. The Hemba masks have a smile that suggests drunken anger, insanity or horror and are worn during rituals at funerals, representing the "awful reality of death". The masks may also serve to guard households and protect both human and plant fertility. Stories have been told of chimpanzees kidnapping and raping women.[149]

In Western popular culture, chimpanzees have occasionally been stereotyped as childlike companions, sidekicks or clowns. They are especially suited for the latter role on account of their prominent facial features, long limbs and fast movements, which humans often find amusing. Accordingly, entertainment acts featuring chimpanzees dressed up as humans with lip-synchronised human voices have been traditional staples of circuses, stage shows and TV shows like Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp (1970-1972) and The Chimp Channel (1999).[150] From 1926 until 1972, London Zoo, followed by several other zoos around the world, held a chimpanzees' tea party daily, inspiring a long-running series of advertisements for PG Tips tea featuring such a party.[151][152] Animal rights groups have urged a stop to such acts, considering them abusive.[153]

Poster for the 1931 film Aping Hollywood. Media like this relied on the novelty of performing apes to carry their gags.[150]

Chimpanzees in media include Judy on the television series Daktari in the 1960s and Darwin on The Wild Thornberrys in the 1990s. In contrast to the fictional depictions of other animals, such as dogs (as in Lassie), dolphins (Flipper), horses (The Black Stallion) or even other great apes (King Kong), chimpanzee characters and actions are rarely relevant to the plot. Depictions of chimpanzees as individuals rather than stock characters, and as central rather than incidental to the plot can be found in science fiction. Robert A. Heinlein's 1947 short story "Jerry Was a Man" concerns a genetically enhanced chimpanzee suing for better treatment. The 1972 film Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, the third sequel of the 1968 film Planet of the Apes, portrays a futuristic revolt of enslaved apes led by the only talking chimpanzee, Caesar, against their human masters.[150]

As pets

Chimpanzees have traditionally been kept as pets in a few African villages, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Virunga National Park in the east of the country, the park authorities regularly confiscate chimpanzees from people keeping them as pets.[154] Outside their range, chimpanzees are popular as exotic pets despite their strength and aggression. Even where keeping non-human primates as pets is illegal, the exotic pet trade continues to prosper, leading to injuries from attacks.[155]

Use in research

Hundreds of chimpanzees have been kept in laboratories for research. Most such laboratories either conduct or make the animals available for invasive research,[156] defined as "inoculation with an infectious agent, surgery or biopsy conducted for the sake of research and not for the sake of the chimpanzee, and/or drug testing".[157] Research chimpanzees tend to be used repeatedly over decades for up to 40 years, unlike the pattern of use of most laboratory animals.[158] Two federally funded American laboratories use chimpanzees: the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Southwest National Primate Center in San Antonio, Texas.[159] Five hundred chimpanzees have been retired from laboratory use in the U.S. and live in animal sanctuaries in the U.S. or Canada.[156]

A five-year moratorium was imposed by the US National Institutes of Health in 1996, because too many chimpanzees had been bred for HIV research, and it has been extended annually since 2001.[159] With the publication of the chimpanzee genome, plans to increase the use of chimpanzees in America were reportedly increasing in 2006, some scientists arguing that the federal moratorium on breeding chimpanzees for research should be lifted.[159][160] However, in 2007, the NIH made the moratorium permanent.[161]

Ham, the first great ape in space, before being inserted into his Mercury-Redstone 2 capsule on 31 January 1961

Other researchers argue that chimpanzees either should not be used in research, or should be treated differently, for instance with legal status as persons.[162] Pascal Gagneux, an evolutionary biologist and primate expert at the University of California, San Diego, argues, given chimpanzees' sense of self, tool use, and genetic similarity to human beings, studies using chimpanzees should follow the ethical guidelines used for human subjects unable to give consent.[159] A recent study suggests chimpanzees which are retired from labs exhibit a form of post-traumatic stress disorder.[163] Stuart Zola, director of the Yerkes laboratory, disagrees. He told National Geographic: "I don't think we should make a distinction between our obligation to treat humanely any species, whether it's a rat or a monkey or a chimpanzee. No matter how much we may wish it, chimps are not human."[159]

Only one European laboratory, the Biomedical Primate Research Centre in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, used chimpanzees in research. It formerly held 108 chimpanzees among 1,300 non-human primates. The Dutch ministry of science decided to phase out research at the centre from 2001.[164] Trials already under way were however allowed to run their course.[165] Chimpanzees including the female Ai have been studied at the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Japan, formerly directed by Tetsuro Matsuzawa, since 1978. Some 12 chimpanzees are currently held at the facility.[166]

Two chimpanzees have been sent into outer space as NASA research subjects. Ham, the first great ape in space, was launched in the Mercury-Redstone 2 capsule on 31 January 1961, and survived the suborbital flight. Enos, the third primate to orbit Earth after Soviet cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Gherman Titov, flew on Mercury-Atlas 5 on 29 November of the same year.[167][168]

Field study

Feeding station at Gombe, where Jane Goodall used to feed and observe the chimpanzees

Jane Goodall undertook the first long-term field study of the chimpanzee, begun in Tanzania at Gombe Stream National Park in 1960.[169] Other long-term studies begun in the 1960s include A. Kortlandt's in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and Toshisada Nishida's in Mahale Mountains National Park in Tanzania.[170][171] Current understanding of the species' typical behaviours and social organisation has been formed largely from Goodall's ongoing 60-year Gombe research study.[172][173][94]


Chimpanzees have attacked humans.[174][175] In Uganda, several attacks on children have happened, some of them fatal. Some of these attacks may have been due to the chimpanzees being intoxicated (from alcohol obtained from rural brewing operations) and becoming aggressive towards humans.[176] Human interactions with chimpanzees may be especially dangerous if the chimpanzees perceive humans as potential rivals.[177] At least six cases of chimpanzees snatching and eating human babies are documented.[178]

A chimpanzee's strength and sharp teeth mean that attacks, even on adult humans, can cause severe injuries. This was evident after the attack and near death of former NASCAR driver St. James Davis, who was mauled by two escaped chimpanzees (in the St. James Davis Chimpanzee Attack) while he and his wife were celebrating the birthday of their former pet chimpanzee.[179][180] Another example of chimpanzees being aggressive toward humans occurred in 2009 in Stamford, Connecticut, when a 90-kilogram (200 lb), 13-year-old pet chimpanzee named Travis attacked his owner's friend, who lost her hands, eyes, nose, and part of her maxilla from the attack.[181][182]

Human immunodeficiency virus

Two primary classes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the more virulent and easily transmitted, and is the source of the majority of HIV infections throughout the world; HIV-2 is largely confined to west Africa.[183] Both types originated in west and central Africa, jumping from other primates to humans. HIV-1 has evolved from a simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVcpz) found in the subspecies P. t. troglodytes of southern Cameroon.[184][185] Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has the greatest genetic diversity of HIV-1 so far discovered, suggesting the virus has been there longer than anywhere else. HIV-2 crossed species from a different strain of HIV, found in the sooty mangabey monkeys in Guinea-Bissau.[183]

Status and conservation

Cameroonian chimpanzee at a rescue centre after its mother was killed by poachers

The chimpanzee is on the IUCN Red List as an endangered species. Chimpanzees are legally protected in most of their range and are found both in and outside national parks. Between 172,700 and 299,700 individuals are thought to be living in the wild,[3] a decrease from about a million chimpanzees in the early 1900s.[186] Chimpanzees are listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meaning that commercial international trade in wild-sourced specimens is prohibited and all other international trade (including in parts and derivatives) is regulated by the CITES permitting system.[4]

The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat destruction, poaching, and disease. Chimpanzee habitats have been limited by deforestation in both West and Central Africa. Road building has caused habitat degradation and fragmentation of chimpanzee populations and may allow poachers more access to areas that had not been seriously affected by humans. Although deforestation rates are low in western Central Africa, selective logging may take place outside national parks.[3]

Chimpanzees are a common target for poachers. In Ivory Coast, chimpanzees make up 1–3% of bushmeat sold in urban markets. They are also taken, often illegally, for the pet trade and are hunted for medicinal purposes in some areas. Farmers sometimes kill chimpanzees that threaten their crops; others are unintentionally maimed or killed by snares meant for other animals.[3]

Infectious diseases are a main cause of death for chimpanzees. They succumb to many diseases that afflict humans because the two species are so similar. As human populations grow, so does the risk of disease transmission between humans and chimpanzees.[3]

See also


  1. ^ One captive male, "Kermit", attained a height of 168 cm (5 ft 6 in) and a body weight of 82 kg (181 lb) when he was 11 years old.[37] As a fully grown adult, he weighed almost 136 kg (300 lb).[38]
  2. ^ According to A. S. Vanesyan's "Anthropology" (2015), a study by "Vorden" (probably 'Worden' or 'Warden') reported that a 54 kg (119 lb) male chimpanzee squeezed 330 kg (730 lb) on a dynamometer, while an angry female squeezed 504 kg (1,111 lb) with both hands. Of the hundreds of human students who also participated in the experiment, only one could squeeze more than 200 kg (440 lb) with both hands.[46] The source is said to be "Jan Dembowskiy, The Psychology of Monkeys."[47] This study is listed in: Dembowski, J. (1946). "Psychology of Monkeys". The Chimpanzee: A Topical Bibliography (PDF) (2nd ed.). Warsaw: Ksrazka. p. 359. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 July 2021. Retrieved 19 March 2021.


  1. ^ Groves, C. P. (2005). Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 183. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.
  2. ^ McBrearty, S.; Jablonski, N. G. (2005). "First fossil chimpanzee". Nature. 437 (7055): 105–108. Bibcode:2005Natur.437..105M. doi:10.1038/nature04008. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 16136135. S2CID 4423286.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Humle, T.; Maisels, F.; Oates, J. F.; Plumptre, A.; Williamson, E. A. (2018) [errata version of 2016 assessment]. "Pan troglodytes". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T15933A129038584. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T15933A17964454.en. Retrieved 8 August 2021.
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  169. ^ "Jane in the forest again". National Geographic. April 2003. Retrieved 17 November 2014.
  170. ^ Nishida, T. (2012). Chimpanzees of the Lakeshore: Natural History and Culture at Mahale. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  171. ^ Cohen, J. E. (Winter 1993). "Going bananas". American Scholar. pp. 154–157.
  172. ^ Wilson, M. L. (2012). "Long-term studies of the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park, Tanzania". In Kappeler, P. M.; Watts, D. P. (eds.). Long-term Field Studies of Primates. Springer. pp. 357–384. ISBN 9783642225130.
  173. ^ Wilson, M. L.; et al. (2020). "Research and conservation in the greater Gombe ecosystem: challenges and opportunities". Biological Conservation. 252: 108853. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108853. PMC 7743041. PMID 33343005.
  174. ^ Osborn, C. (27 April 2006). "Texas man saves friend during fatal chimp attack". The Pulse Journal. Archived from the original on 8 June 2019. Retrieved 27 June 2006.
  175. ^ "Chimp attack kills cabbie and injures tourists". The Guardian. London. 25 April 2006. Retrieved 27 June 2006.
  176. ^ "'Drunk and disorderly' chimps attacking Ugandan children". 9 February 2004. Archived from the original on 19 June 2006. Retrieved 27 June 2006.
  177. ^ "Chimp attack doesn't surprise experts". NBC News. 5 March 2005. Retrieved 27 June 2006.
  178. ^ "Frodo: the alpha male". National Geographic. 15 May 2002. Archived from the original on 14 July 2009. Retrieved 6 June 2009.
  179. ^ "Birthday party turns bloody when chimps attack". USATODAY. 4 March 2005. Retrieved 27 June 2006.
  180. ^ Argetsinger, A. (24 May 2005). "The animal within". The Washington Post. Retrieved 27 June 2006.
  181. ^ Sandoval, E. (18 February 2009). "911 tape captures chimpanzee owner's horror as 200-pound ape mauls friend". New York Daily News. New York. Archived from the original on 19 February 2009. Retrieved 6 June 2009.
  182. ^ Gallman, S. (18 February 2009). "Chimp attack 911 call: 'He's ripping her apart'". CNN. Retrieved 6 June 2009.
  183. ^ a b Reeves, J. D.; Doms, R. W. (June 2002). "Human immunodeficiency virus type 2". The Journal of General Virology. 83 (Pt 6): 1253–65. CiteSeerX doi:10.1099/0022-1317-83-6-1253. PMID 12029140. Archived from the original on 28 December 2012.
  184. ^ Keele, B. F.; et al. (July 2006). "Chimpanzee reservoirs of pandemic and nonpandemic HIV-1". Science. 313 (5786): 523–526. Bibcode:2006Sci...313..523K. doi:10.1126/science.1126531. PMC 2442710. PMID 16728595.
  185. ^ Gao, F.; et al. (February 1999). "Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes". Nature. 397 (6718): 436–41. Bibcode:1999Natur.397..436G. doi:10.1038/17130. PMID 9989410. S2CID 4432185.
  186. ^ St. Fleur, N. (12 June 2015). "U.S. will call all chimps 'endangered'". The New York Times. Archived from the original on 1 January 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2015.

Literature cited

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wikipedia EN

Chimpanzee: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The chimpanzee (/tʃɪmpænˈzi/; Pan troglodytes), also known as simply the chimp, is a species of great ape native to the forest and savannah of tropical Africa. It has four confirmed subspecies and a fifth proposed one. When its close relative the bonobo was more commonly known as the pygmy chimpanzee, this species was often called the common chimpanzee or the robust chimpanzee. The chimpanzee and the bonobo are the only species in the genus Pan. Evidence from fossils and DNA sequencing shows that Pan is a sister taxon to the human lineage and is humans' closest living relative. The chimpanzee is covered in coarse black hair, but has a bare face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It is larger and more robust than the bonobo, weighing 40–70 kg (88–154 lb) for males and 27–50 kg (60–110 lb) for females and standing 150 cm (4 ft 11 in).

The chimpanzee lives in groups that range in size from 15 to 150 members, although individuals travel and forage in much smaller groups during the day. The species lives in a strict male-dominated hierarchy, where disputes are generally settled without the need for violence. Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recorded using tools, modifying sticks, rocks, grass and leaves and using them for hunting and acquiring honey, termites, ants, nuts and water. The species has also been found creating sharpened sticks to spear small mammals. Its gestation period is eight months. The infant is weaned at about three years old but usually maintains a close relationship with its mother for several years more.

The chimpanzee is listed on the IUCN Red List as an endangered species. Between 170,000 and 300,000 individuals are estimated across its range. The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Chimpanzees appear in Western popular culture as stereotyped clown-figures and have featured in entertainments such as chimpanzees' tea parties, circus acts and stage shows. Although many chimpanzees have been kept as pets, their strength, aggressiveness, and unpredictability makes them dangerous in this role. Some hundreds have been kept in laboratories for research, especially in the United States. Many attempts have been made to teach languages such as American Sign Language to chimpanzees, with limited success.

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wikipedia EN

Ĉimpanzo ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

La ĉimpanzo (science: Pan troglodytes)[2] estas primato kiu estas membro de la familio homedoj. Ĉimpanzoj kaj bonoboj estas la du specioj de la ĉimpanza genro, kiun oni konsideras la plej proksima kuzo al homo inter la bestoj (vidu la artikolon pri homedoj). La konga formado povus esti kondukinta al alopatria speciiĝo de la bonobo kaj de la ĉimpanzo el ties Plej ĵusa komuna praulo.[3]

Nomo de la specio

Linnaeus nomis ilin Homo troglodytes - "homo de la kaverno". La unua parto de la nomo estis korektita, sed ne la dua, kvankam ĉimpanzoj ne loĝas en kavernoj.

Klopodoj instrui lingvon al ĉimpanzoj

En la 1960-aj kaj poste, Jane Goodall loĝis en la ĝangalo por studi la ĉimpanzojn. Ŝi trovis, inter alie, ke ili estas pli agresemaj ol ni supozis kaj povas inventi simplajn ilojn.
Kvankam al afrotropisa specio oni ne povas instrui paroli, pro la formiĝo de la laringo, kiun posedas nur la homoj, oni ekde 1966 (projekto Washoe, fare de Allen kaj Beatrix Gardner) sukcsesis lernigi al ili certagrade gestolingvon de la surduloj (Ameslan). En tiuj eksperimentoj, pluigitaj de Roger Fouts, montriĝis, ke ili kapablas kombini spontane signojn, simile al tio, kion faras homoj (ekzemple "frukto-trinkaĵo" por akvomelono aŭ "frukto-dolorigi-plori" por akra rafano), kaj derivi figurajn sencojn el konkretaj (ekzemple ili spontane kreis insultojn per konkreta vorto: "malpura") Aliaj eksperimentoj evidentigis la samajn lingvokapablojn per uzo de komputiloj (Ĉimpazino Lana) aŭ de simbolaj pecoj el plasto (vidu Yerkish). Unu jaron post la komenco de tiuj eksperimentoj nederlanda esploristo montris, ke ankaŭ en la naturo ili komunikas per gestoj, kaj ke tiuj malsamas laŭ la komunumoj, kiel iaj "dialektoj". Por pli da detaloj vidu artikolon: Lingvokapabloj de simioj.

Vidu ankaŭ



  1. Pan troglodytes en Internacia Ruĝa Listo de Endanĝeritaj Specioj
  2. ĉimpanzo en vortaro.net
  3. Caswell JL, Mallick S, Richter DJ, et al. (2008). “Analysis of chimpanzee history based on genome sequence alignments”, PLoS Genet. 4 (4), p. e1000057. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000057.
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Ĉimpanzo: Brief Summary ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

La ĉimpanzo (science: Pan troglodytes) estas primato kiu estas membro de la familio homedoj. Ĉimpanzoj kaj bonoboj estas la du specioj de la ĉimpanza genro, kiun oni konsideras la plej proksima kuzo al homo inter la bestoj (vidu la artikolon pri homedoj). La konga formado povus esti kondukinta al alopatria speciiĝo de la bonobo kaj de la ĉimpanzo el ties Plej ĵusa komuna praulo.

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wikipedia EO

Pan troglodytes ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

El chimpancé común (Pan troglodytes) o simplemente chimpancé es una especie de primate homínido propia de África tropical. Los chimpancés —junto a los bonobos— son los parientes vivos más cercanos al ser humano; su rama evolutiva se separó de la rama de los humanos hace aproximadamente siete millones de años y comparten el 98 % del ADN con ellos,[2]​ lo que ha llevado a Jared Diamond a utilizar el término "el tercer chimpancé" para referirse a nuestra propia especie. Los machos llegan a pesar unos 80 kg en cautiverio y a medir hasta 1,7 m. Se caracteriza por su inteligencia avanzada, a menudo comparada con la de los seres humanos. Por ejemplo, se ha observado que los chimpancés jóvenes se construyen "muñecos" y otros juguetes con palos y bastones.[3]

Actualmente está en peligro de extinción debido a la deforestación de su hábitat natural.

Distribución geográfica

Podemos encontrar chimpancés en las selvas tropicales y sabanas húmedas de África central y occidental. Solían habitar la mayor parte de esta región, pero su hábitat ha sido drásticamente reducido en los últimos años por la deforestación.


Esqueleto de chimpancé.

En posición erecta los adultos miden entre 1 m y 1,7 m de estatura. Los machos en libertad pesan entre 34 y 70 kg, mientras las hembras tienen entre 26 y 50 kg. En cautiverio los machos pueden pesar hasta 80 kg y las hembras 68 kg. Aparentemente P. t. schweinfurthii pesa menos que P. t. verus, el cual es más pequeño que P. t. troglodytes. Los brazos de los chimpancés son mucho más largos que sus piernas. La envergadura de sus brazos es de aproximadamente 1,5 veces la estatura del individuo. Los brazos largos les permiten a estos primates balancearse pasando de rama en rama; esta modalidad de locomoción se denomina braquiación. También poseen dedos y manos largos, pero el pulgar es corto. Esto les permite sostenerse de las ramas sin interferir con la movilidad de los pulgares.[4]

Los chimpancés tienen una capacidad craneal de 320 a 480 centímetros cúbicos, muy inferior a la de los humanos modernos (Homo sapiens), que tienen en promedio 1400 centímetros cúbicos.[4]

Sus cuerpos están cubiertos por un pelaje grueso de color marrón oscuro, con excepción del rostro, dedos, palmas de las manos y plantas de los pies. Tanto sus pulgares como el dedo grande del pie son oponibles, permitiendo un agarre preciso. La gestación del chimpancé dura ocho meses. Las crías son destetadas aproximadamente a la edad de tres años, pero generalmente mantienen una relación cercana con su madre por varios años más. La pubertad es alcanzada a la edad de ocho a diez años y su esperanza de vida es de 50 años en cautiverio.


Su dieta es principalmente vegetariana (frutas, hojas, nueces, raíces, tubérculos, etc.), complementada por insectos y pequeñas presas; existen instancias de cacerías organizadas. En algunos casos —como la matanza de cachorros de leopardo— esta cacería parece ser un esfuerzo de protección por los chimpancés, más que una motivación por el hambre. Existen casos documentados de canibalismo, aunque es poco común.[cita requerida]


Los chimpancés adultos poseen pocos depredadores naturales. El más frecuente es el leopardo, que igualmente prefiere otro tipo de presas debido al peligro que suponen los chimpancés en grupos. En un segundo lugar está el cocodrilo del Nilo, que puede cazarlos cuando se acercan a beber agua o cruzar ríos o arroyos donde habite el predador, pero esto sucede de manera poco frecuente debido a que los chimpancés conocen el peligro que suponen los cursos de agua y tratan de evitarlos. Y el otro depredador se trata de la pitón de roca africana, que también prefiere otro tipo de presas debido a que los chimpancés suelen estar en grupo y ello representa un riesgo.


Esqueleto de Pan troglodytes, exhibido en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata.
Pintura realizada por Congo, el chimpancé.

Los chimpancés viven en grupos llamados comunidades que oscilan entre los 20 y más de 150 miembros, consistiendo de varios machos, hembras y jóvenes. Sin embargo, la mayor parte del tiempo se desplazan en pequeños grupos de unos pocos individuos. Los chimpancés son tanto arbóreos como terrestres, pasando la misma cantidad de tiempo sobre los árboles que sobre el suelo. Su modo de desplazamiento habitual es a cuatro patas, utilizando las plantas de los pies y las segundas falanges de los dedos de las manos, y pueden caminar en posición bípeda únicamente por distancias cortas.

El chimpancé común vive en sociedades de fisión-fusión,[N 1]​ donde el apareamiento es promiscuo. Los chimpancés pueden tener los siguientes grupos: Solo machos, hembras adultas y su descendencia, grupos con miembros de ambos sexos, una hembra y su descendencia, o individuos solitarios. En el centro de la estructura social se encuentran los machos, quienes patrullan y cuidan a los miembros de su grupo, y participan en la búsqueda de alimento. Entre los machos usualmente hay una jerarquía de dominancia. Sin embargo, la inusual estructura social de fisión-fusión, en la cual porciones del grupo parental puede separarse o volverse a unir a él, es altamente variable en términos de que individuos particulares se congregan en un momento dado. Esto se debe principalmente a que los chimpancés tienen un alto nivel de autonomía dentro de la fisión-fusión de los grupos a los que pertenecen. También las comunidades de chimpancés tienen grandes rangos de territorio que se solapan con los de otros grupos.

Como resultado, individuos chimpancés con frecuencia van solos en la búsqueda de alimentos, o en grupos pequeños. Como se indicaba, estos pequeños grupos también emergen en una gran variedad de tipos para una gran variedad de propósitos. Por ejemplo, una pequeña tropa de machos puede organizarse para cazar y obtener carne, mientras que un grupo consistente de un macho maduro y una hembra madura pueden establecerse como grupo con el propósito de copular. Un individuo puede encontrarse con otros individuos con cierta frecuencia pero puede haber peleas con otros individuos no frecuentados. Debido a la varianza frecuente de la forma como los chimpancés se asocian, la estructura de sus sociedades es muy complicada.


Durante el siglo XX se han hecho varios trabajos tendientes a establecer una taxonomía clara del chimpancé. Fue el zoólogo alemán Ernst Schwarz quien describió la mayoría de las subespecies actualmente aceptadas, después de cientos de mediciones de esqueletos y análisis de las pieles llevadas a los museos. Schwartz, quien describió al bonobo lo consideró como una subespecie de Pan troglodytes y no como una especie aparte. Este autor estableció las subespecies de Pan troglodytes de la siguiente manera:

  • Pan troglodytes verus. Tiene una coloración más clara en la cara y en los torus supraorbitales, en los ejemplares juveniles se evidencia una mota de pelo blanca en la región anal. Su distribución geográfica abarca la costa de Guinea desde Senegal hasta Nigeria.
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii. Tienen el pelaje más largo y lustroso que las otras razas de chimpancés, además se caracterizan por tener en la edad adulta una calvicie similar a la de los humanos. Su distribución geográfica abarca el África central: Región de los grandes lagos y Congo oriental (ejemplares de esta subespecie fueron objeto de estudio por la primatóloga Jane Goodall).

Divergencia con el bonobo

Reciente evidencia proveniente de los análisis de ADN sugieren que el bonobo (Pan paniscus) y el chimpancé común se separaron hace un millón de años aproximadamente. La línea del chimpancé se separó del linaje que desembocó en los humanos aproximadamente hace seis millones de años. Las dos especies de chimpancés están igualmente relacionadas con los seres humanos y dado que no han sobrevivido ninguna otra especie de los géneros Homo, Australopithecus o Paranthropus, son sus parientes vivos más próximos. El bonobo no fue reconocido como una especie independiente hasta 1929, y en el idioma común la designación "chimpancé" a menudo se aplica a ambos simios. Los primatólogos prefieren reservar el nombre "chimpancé" para Pan troglodytes. Aunque las diferencias anatómicas entre ambas especies son pequeñas, su comportamiento tanto sexual como social muestran diferencias marcadas. Pan troglodytes posee un comportamiento de caza grupal basado en machos beta liderados por machos alfa relativamente débiles, una dieta omnívora y una cultura compleja con fuertes lazos.

Chimpancés y el origen del VIH

Existen dos tipos de virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) que infectan a los humanos: el VIH-1 y el VIH-2. El VIH-1 es más virulento y el más fácilmente transmitido, y es la causa de la mayor fuente de infecciones a través del mundo; El VIH-2 está principalmente confinado en África occidental. Ambos tipos de virus se originaron en África central y occidental pasando de los primates no humanos a las personas. El VIH-1 evolucionó a partir del virus de inmunodeficiencia simiesca VIS (SIVcpz, en inglés) hallado en el 35 % de los chimpancés salvajes en Camerún. Básicamente, los virus encontrados en los chimpancés (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) del sudeste de Camerún eran muy similares al VIH que se ha propagado en todo el mundo. Los investigadores notaron que el VIS no causa una sintomatología tan grave en los chimpancés como si lo hace el VIH en los seres humanos, lo que ha motivado una serie de investigaciones. El VIH-1 ha mostrado una gran diversidad genética en el sudeste de Camerún lo que sugiere que el virus ha estado allí más tiempo que en cualquier otro lugar. El VIH-2 pasó de diferentes especies con diferentes cadenas de VIS, encontradas en el mangabey gris (Cercocebus atys) en Guinea-Bisáu. Los chimpancés adquirieron el VIS de otros monos a los cuales dan caza. Dicho virus entró a sus cuerpos por medio de heridas o magulladuras.


Está en peligro de extinción debido a la pérdida de su ambiente natural, la caza y el comercio ilegal, entre otros.

Véase también


  1. En primatología, una organización de fisión-fusión es aquella en que la composición cambia día a día, separándose durante periodos de tiempo más o menos prolongados; por ejemplo, los individuos duermen juntos en un lugar, pero buscan alimento en pequeños grupos que se desplazan en diferentes direcciones durante el día.[5]


  1. Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. (2008). «Pan troglodytes». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2014.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 23 de octubre de 2014.
  2. "New Genome Comparison Finds Chimps, Humans Very Similar at the DNA Level" National Human Genome Research Institute
  3. Kahlenberg, Sonya M.; Wrangham, Richard W. (2010). «Sex differences in chimpanzees' use of sticks as play objects resemble those of children». Current Biology (en inglés) 20 (24): p. R1067-R1068. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.11.024.
  4. a b Animal Diversity Web - Museo de Zoología de la Universida de Míchigan. «Pan trogodytes - Physical Description» (en inglés). Consultado el 14 de agosto de 2010.
  5. Sarmiento, F. O.; Vera, F. y Juncosa, J. (2000). Diccionario de ecología: paisajes, conservación y desarrollo sustentable para Latinoamérica. Editorial Abya Yala. p. 88. ISBN 9978046771.

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wikipedia ES

Pan troglodytes: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

El chimpancé común (Pan troglodytes) o simplemente chimpancé es una especie de primate homínido propia de África tropical. Los chimpancés —junto a los bonobos— son los parientes vivos más cercanos al ser humano; su rama evolutiva se separó de la rama de los humanos hace aproximadamente siete millones de años y comparten el 98 % del ADN con ellos,​ lo que ha llevado a Jared Diamond a utilizar el término "el tercer chimpancé" para referirse a nuestra propia especie. Los machos llegan a pesar unos 80 kg en cautiverio y a medir hasta 1,7 m. Se caracteriza por su inteligencia avanzada, a menudo comparada con la de los seres humanos. Por ejemplo, se ha observado que los chimpancés jóvenes se construyen "muñecos" y otros juguetes con palos y bastones.​

Actualmente está en peligro de extinción debido a la deforestación de su hábitat natural.

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Šimpans ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET
Disambig gray.svg See artikkel räägib liigist; perekonna kohta vaata artiklit Šimpans (perekond)

Šimpans ehk tavašimpans[viide?] (Pan troglodytes) on inimlaste sugukonda šimpansi perekonda kuuluv ahv.

Chimpanzee (3265647592).jpg

Šimpansid elavad looduslikult Kesk- ja Lääne-Aafrika aladel. Geograafilise levila järgi on eristatud mitmeid alamliike:

Elupiirkonda kaitsevad šimpansid raevukalt. Nende haistmismeel on väga terav ja lõhnataju mängib karjas suurt rolli.[1]



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wikipedia ET

Šimpans: Brief Summary ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET

Šimpans ehk tavašimpans[viide?] (Pan troglodytes) on inimlaste sugukonda šimpansi perekonda kuuluv ahv.

Chimpanzee (3265647592).jpg

Šimpansid elavad looduslikult Kesk- ja Lääne-Aafrika aladel. Geograafilise levila järgi on eristatud mitmeid alamliike:

Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii Giglioli, 1872 - schweinfurthi šimpans Pan troglodytes troglodytes Blumenbach, 1775 - tšegošimpans Pan troglodytes verus Schwarz, 1934 - tavašimpans Pan troglodytes vellerosus.

Elupiirkonda kaitsevad šimpansid raevukalt. Nende haistmismeel on väga terav ja lõhnataju mängib karjas suurt rolli.

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Vikipeedia autorid ja toimetajad
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wikipedia ET

Txinpantze ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Txinpantze arrunta (Pan troglodytes) primate oso adimenduna da.[1] Afrika tropikalean bakarrik bizi dira, eta desagertzeko arriskuan daude.

Euren DNAren %97,3a gizakienaren berdin-berdina da. Gizaki itxurako tximino handia da, ile-iluna duena.[2]

Sailkapena (azpiespeziak)


  1. Kahlenberg, S. M. & Wrangham, R. W. (2010) «Sex differences in chimpanzees' use of sticks as play objects resemble those of children» Current Biology 20 (= 24 orrialdea).
  2. Lur entziklopedietatik hartua.
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wikipedia EU

Txinpantze: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Txinpantze arrunta (Pan troglodytes) primate oso adimenduna da. Afrika tropikalean bakarrik bizi dira, eta desagertzeko arriskuan daude.

Euren DNAren %97,3a gizakienaren berdin-berdina da. Gizaki itxurako tximino handia da, ile-iluna duena.

حقوق النشر
Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
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wikipedia EU

Simpanssi ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Simpanssi (Pan troglodytes) on Keski-Afrikassa esiintyvä ihmisapinoihin kuuluva laji. Se kuuluu simpanssien sukuun, johon kuuluva toinen laji on bonobo eli kääpiösimpanssi. Ihmisen ja simpanssin genomit ovat hyvin samanlaiset. Simpansseja arvioidaan elävän luonnossa 150 000 – 250 000 yksilöä.[2] Ravinnokseen simpanssi käyttää enimmäkseen hedelmiä, mutta se myös metsästää esimerkiksi pienempiä apinoita.[3]

Simpanssit käyttävät taitavasti työkaluja, osaavat tunnistaa esineitä kuvista ja pystyvät oppimaan jopa viittomakieltä. Simpanssit myös läpäisevät peilitestin nopeasti eli tiedostavat itse olevansa peilikuvassa. Simpansseja ja kääpiösimpansseja pidetään usein älykkäimpinä eläinlajeina ihmisten jälkeen.[4][5][6]


Simpanssit painavat 30–60 kilogrammaa, ja urokset ovat 160 senttimetriä pitkiä ja naarat 130 senttimetriä. Simpanssien ravinto koostuu pääosin hedelmistä, lehdistä, pähkinöistä ja siemenistä. Lisäksi ne täydentävät ruokavaliotaan hyönteisillä sekä toisinaan pikkuapinoiden, antilooppien ja villisikojen lihalla. 5–10 prosenttia simpanssin ravinnosta koostuu lihasta, linnunmunista ja hyönteisistä.

2010-luvulla Ugandassa havaittiin simpanssien metsästäneen häntäapinoita eräällä alueella niin paljon, että häntäapinoiden populaatio oli pienentynyt lähes 90 prosenttia. Kun saaliiden määrä väheni, simpanssit alkoivat metsästää enemmän muita lajeja.[3]

Simpanssit asuvat luonnossa Länsi- ja Keski-Afrikan trooppisissa metsissä sekä savanneilla. Aiemmin simpansseja tavattiin koko tällä alueella, mutta nykyään elinalue on kutistunut selvästi pienemmäksi.

Täysikasvuinen urossimpanssi pystyy nostamaan suunnilleen saman taakan kuin täysikasvuinen mies; koska simpanssi on pienikokoisempi, on se kokoon suhteutettuna käsivoimiltaan ihmistä selvästi voimakkaampi.[7] Simpanssin voimakkuudesta on tehty paljon tutkimuksia, ja niiden on väitetty olevan paljon ihmistä voimakkaampia. Niiden lihakset ovat kuitenkin ehkä vain noin 1,5 kertaa voimakkaampia kuin ihmisen.[8][9]

Simpanssien kehoa peittää tumma karva. Karvaa ei kuitenkaan ole kasvoissa, sormissa, varpaissa, kämmenissä eikä jalkapohjissa. Sekä peukalot että isovarpaat ovat simpansseilla asettuneet vastoin muita sormia ja varpaita, mikä mahdollistaa vankan puristusotteen. Raskaus kestää simpansseilla kahdeksan kuukautta. Poikaset vieroitetaan emostaan kolmen vuoden iässä, mutta ne säilyttävät läheisen suhteen äitiinsä vielä useita vuosia. Murrosikä saavutetaan 8–10 vuoden iässä. Vankeudessa elinikä on noin viisikymmentä vuotta.


Simpanssit elävät yhteisöissä, joissa on yleensä 20–150 jäsentä, mutta suurimman osan ajasta ne kulkevat pienissä muutaman hengen ryhmissä. Simpanssit elävät suunnilleen yhtä suuren osan elämästään puussa ja maassa. Simpanssien tyypillinen eteneminen tapahtuu nelin kontin, käyttämällä jalkapohjia kävelyyn ja rystysiä levossa. Simpanssit voivat kuitenkin myös kävellä pystysuorassa lyhyitä matkoja. Simpansseja pidetään rystyskävelijöinä gorillojen tapaan. Sen sijaan orangit ja kääpiösimpanssit kävelevät kämmeniensä ulkopinnan tukemana.

Simpanssiyhteisöt muodostuvat pienemmistä osaryhmistä. Ryhmät yhteisöjen sisällä vaihtelevat paljon jäsentensä sukupuolen ja iän puolesta. Yhteisöt ovat hyvin väljiä ja vaihtuvia, ja niiden osaryhmät ja yksilöt voivat erota yhteisöstä ja liittyä niihin myöhemmin uudestaan. Yksilöllä on paljon liikkumavaraa yhteisön sisällä ja yhteisöt eivät ole tiukasti suljettuja kokonaisuuksia, vaan samoja simpanssiryhmiä voi kuulua useampiin yhteisöihin. Urosten kesken vallitsee usein valtahierarkia. Vakinaisia ”aviopareja” ei yleensä muodosteta, vaan simpanssien parittelukumppanit voivat vaihtua usein. Parittelukumppanit saattavat lähteä vaeltamaan yhdessä jättäen yhteisönsä tilapäisesti.

Ruokaa etsitään usein pienissä ryhmissä tai yksin. Simpanssien yhteiskunnassa keskeisessä asemassa ovat urokset, jotka kiertelevät ympäriinsä suojellen ryhmänsä jäseniä ja etsien ruokaa. Metsästystä varten saatetaan muodostaa pelkistä uroksista koostuvia ryhmiä. Jotkut tutkijat, kuten simpanssitutkimuksen pioneereihin kuuluva Jane Goodall, ovat kirjoittaneet eri simpanssiyhteisöjen välisistä "sodista", joissa taistellaan ja tulee kuolonuhreja.

Länsi-Afrikan simpanssit ovat ihmisen lisäksi ainoa eläin, jonka on havaittu rutiininomaisesti tekevän ja käyttävän erikoistuneita työkaluja metsästykseen. Senegalissa asuvien simpanssien on esimerkiksi nähty katkaisevan keihäitä puunoksista ja teroittavan niitä hampaillaan. Keihäillä on metsästetty galagoja (puoliapinoita), ja tarkoitukseen muokatuilla kepeillä oravia. Vanhimmat löydetyt todisteet simpanssien käyttämistä kivityökaluista ajoittuvat 4 300 vuoden päähän.


Simpansseilla on urosten johtama lauma, jossa ylintä valtaa käyttää aggressiivinen alfauros. Simpanssiurokset tappelevat hierarkkisen lauman johtajuudesta ja alfauros on jatkuvien hyökkäysten kohteena säilyttääkseen aseman lauman johtajana. Muut simpanssiurokset voivat syrjäyttää alfauroksen tappamalla ja joissain tapauksissa syövät sen.[10] Simpanssi on luonnollisesti väkivaltainen tappaja ja harjoittaa jengiväkivaltaa ja koordinoituja hyökkäyksiä.[11]

Simpanssit tappavat ihmisiä Kongossa[12]. Jotkut ihmiset pitävät simpanssinpoikasia lemmikkeinä, mutta ne kasvavat nopeasti ja niin vaarallisiksi että lemmikistä on luovuttava. Jo viisivuotiaana simpanssi on vahvempi kuin ihminen. Lukuisat ihmiset ovat saaneet vakavia vammoja lemmikkisimpanssin hyökkäyksestä siksi että lemmikistä luopumista lykätään. Lemmikkisimpanssi kasvaa aina aggressiiviseksi villieläimeksi: siitä tulee tuhoisa, se vastustaa kurinpitoa ja puree naamaan.[13]

Eläintarhassa simpanssit heittelevät yleisöön ulosteitaan ja kiviä.[14][15]

Viittomakielen omaksuminen

Tutkimusten mukaan simpanssit pystyvät oppimaan parista sadasta viittomasta koostuvan viittomakielen, muodostamaan uusia lauseita ja opettamaan viittomakieltä jälkeläisilleen. Nämä tutkimustulokset ovat herättäneet kiistoja, eivätkä kaikki ole pitäneet simpanssien viittomakieltä ihmisten kielen kaltaisena. Simpanssien kielentutkimuksen tärkeä pioneerihenkilö on ollut esimerkiksi Washoe-nimisen simpanssin parissa työskennellyt Roger Fouts.

Simpanssit ja ihminen

Afrikassa simpanssien määrä on huvennut rajusti ihmisten toimien takia. Simpansseja varten on perustettu suojeltuja alueita, joissa ne voivat rauhassa asua. Simpansseja käytetään laajalti koe-eläiminä sekä jonkin verran sirkus- ja viihdeteollisuudessa. Käyttö koe-eläiminä liittyy geneettiseen läheisyyteen ihmisten kanssa. Jotkut tutkijat ovat vastustaneet simpanssien käyttöä koe-eläiminä sekä viihteessä vedoten niiden hyvinvointiin. He ovat perustaneet muutamia asuinpaikkoja ihmisten pariin joutuneille ja sittemmin hylätyille simpansseille.

Ihmisten yhteiskunnassa pitkään eläneen simpanssin onnistunut luontoon palauttaminen on lähes mahdotonta, koska niiden pitäisi oppia niin paljon uutta sekä omaksua uusi asenne elämiseen. Simpansseja on joskus pidetty lemmikkeinä, mutta tavallisessa ihmiskodissa ne eivät voi vilkkautensa ja voimakkuutensa vuoksi asua.Alalajit

Eri puolilla Afrikkaa simpanssi on jakautunut alalajeiksi:[16]


Guineansimpanssi (Pan troglodytes verus) on kriittisen uhanalainen. Ihmisten nopea lisääntyminen ja elinalueiden kaventuminen ovat syynä tähän, lisäksi alueella 2002 käyty sisällissota on verottanut kantaa merkittävästi. Vuonna 1960 simpansseja oli Norsunluurannikolla 100 000 ja vuonna 1980 koko maan kattavassa laskennassa 10 000. Puolet lajin lukumäärästä on Norsunluurannikon alueella. Nykyisin niitä on jäljellä enää 500 ja lisäksi yksi toimiva simpanssiyhteisö Tain kansallispuistossa.[17]

Geenien samankaltaisuus ihmiseen verrattuna

Ihmisen ja simpanssin kromosomit muistuttavat melkoisesti toisiaan. Kun vuonna 2005 julkistettiin tuhansien geenien vertailu ihmisen ja simpanssin välillä, genomit todettiin 96-prosenttisesti samanlaisiksi[18]. Vaikka erot olivat suurempia kuin tähän mennessä arveltiin, samanlaisuus genomeissa on silmiinpistävä. Uudet geenit syntyvät useimmin vanhojen geenien monistuessa ja muuntuessa. Ei-monistuneet ihmisen ja simpanssin geenien osat ovat melkein 99 prosenttisesti samoja. Monistuneistakin geeneistä noin 36 prosenttia on samoja.[19]

Tunnettuja simpansseja


  1. Humle, T., Maisels, F., Oates, J.F., Plumptre, A. & Williamson, E.A.: Pan troglodytes IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2017.2. 2016. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 29.10.2017. (englanniksi)
  2. Chimpanzees WWF. Viitattu 26.4.2018. (englanniksi)
  3. a b Chimpanzees over-hunt monkey prey almost to extinction BBC. Viitattu 26.4.2018. (englanniksi)
  4. Top 25 Most Intelligent Animals On Earth List25. 3.6.2013. Viitattu 28.8.2018. (englanniksi)
  5. What are the smartest animals in the world and how do we know? Popular Science. Viitattu 28.8.2018. (englanniksi)
  6. Top 10 Most Intelligent Animals Mercola.com. Viitattu 28.8.2018. (englanniksi)
  7. Hawks, John: How Strong Is a Chimpanzee? Slate. Viitattu 21.5.2011.
  8. Chimps are not as superhumanly strong as we thought they were New Scientist. Viitattu 26.4.2018. (englanniksi)
  9. The Secret to Chimpanzee Super-Strength Has Finally Been Revealed ScienceAlert. Viitattu 26.4.2018. (englanniksi)
  10. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2119677-chimps-beat-up-murder-and-then-cannibalise-their-former-tyrant/
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/18/chimpanzees-are-natural-born-killers-study-says-and-they-prefer-mob-violence/?utm_term=.5ab01be1e500
  12. http://www.businessinsider.com/chimps-attacking-humans-in-the-congo-2012-10?r=US&IR=T&IR=T
  13. http://www.janegoodall.org.uk/chimpanzees/chimpanzee-central/15-chimpanzees/chimpanzee-central/28-chimps-as-pets-the-reality
  14. https://phys.org/news/2011-11-poop-throwing-chimps-intelligence.html
  15. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/chimpanzee-plans-throws-stones-zoo/
  16. Palmén, Ernst & Nurminen, Matti (toim.): Eläinten maailma, Otavan iso eläintietosanakirja. 4. Perhoskala–Suutari, s. 1680. Helsinki: Otava, 1975. ISBN 951-1-01817-5. (suomenkielisten nimien lähde)
  17. Länsi-Afrikan simpanssit perikadon partaalla Yle Tiedeuutiset. Yleisradio. Viitattu 25.5.2009.
  18. New Genome Comparison Finds Chimps, Humans Very Similar at the DNA Level NIH News. 31.8.2009. National Human Genome Research Institute. Viitattu 25.5.2009. (englanniksi)
  19. Ihminen, simpanssi, oranki ja makaki genomivertailussa ensimmäisen kerran Yle Tiedeuutiset. Yleisradio. Viitattu 25.5.2009.

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Simpanssi: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Simpanssi (Pan troglodytes) on Keski-Afrikassa esiintyvä ihmisapinoihin kuuluva laji. Se kuuluu simpanssien sukuun, johon kuuluva toinen laji on bonobo eli kääpiösimpanssi. Ihmisen ja simpanssin genomit ovat hyvin samanlaiset. Simpansseja arvioidaan elävän luonnossa 150 000 – 250 000 yksilöä. Ravinnokseen simpanssi käyttää enimmäkseen hedelmiä, mutta se myös metsästää esimerkiksi pienempiä apinoita.

Simpanssit käyttävät taitavasti työkaluja, osaavat tunnistaa esineitä kuvista ja pystyvät oppimaan jopa viittomakieltä. Simpanssit myös läpäisevät peilitestin nopeasti eli tiedostavat itse olevansa peilikuvassa. Simpansseja ja kääpiösimpansseja pidetään usein älykkäimpinä eläinlajeina ihmisten jälkeen.

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wikipedia FI

Pan troglodytes ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Chimpanzé commun, Chimpanzé

Le Chimpanzé commun (Pan troglodytes) est une espèce de singes appartenant à la famille des hominidés. Avec le Bonobo, il forme le genre Pan, ou Chimpanzé. Le chimpanzé commun est menacé d'extinction du fait de l'activité humaine : destruction de son habitat et braconnage.


Cette espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1776 par l'anthropologue et zoologiste allemand Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) :

  • Nom scientifique : Pan troglodytes (Blumenbach, 1776)[1] ;
  • Autres noms (vulgarisation scientifique) : Chimpanzé commun[2], Troglodyte noir[2] ;
  • Noms vernaculaires (langage courant) : Chimpanzé[3]. Par « chimpanzés » au pluriel, les zoologistes entendent tous les singes du genre Pan[4], tandis que dans le langage commun il peut s'agir de plusieurs individus de l'espèce Pan troglodytes, les chimpanzés nains étant généralement appelés des bonobos[5],[2].


Squelette de Pan troglodytes.

Les pieds de ce quadrumane sont mieux adaptés à la marche que ceux des orangs-outans : la plante des pieds est plus large et les orteils plus courts. Ses longs bras ont une envergure égale à une fois et demie la hauteur du corps. Comme l'Homme, chaque individu possède ses propres empreintes digitales. Le pelage est sombre et la face, la paume des mains et la plante des pieds sont nues. Sa peau est rosée, noire ou tachetée, selon les populations, avec une grande variabilité. Les oreilles, les lèvres et les arcades sourcilières sont saillantes. Le cerveau du chimpanzé, d'un volume de 380 cm3[6],[7] est entre trois et quatre fois moins volumineux que celui de l'homme.

  • Longévité : 45 ans environ.
  • Poids : 45-80 kg.
  • Hauteur : mâles 170 cm[réf. nécessaire] ; femelles 130 cm.
  • Longueur du corps et de la tête : 82 cm[8].

Écologie et comportement

Comportement social

L'épouillage est consciencieux et mutuel, il renforce les liens de la communauté, parc national de Gombe Stream, Tanzanie.

Les chimpanzés forment des communautés organisées de deux à quatre-vingts individus sur des territoires assez vastes. Ils vivent et voyagent en petits sous-groupes et évoluent tant à terre que dans les arbres. Les adultes construisent chaque soir un nouveau nid dans un arbre pour y dormir. À l'intérieur d'une communauté, de plus petits sous-groupes peuvent se former, se défaire et se reformer (division-fusion) ; les femelles ont tendance à migrer vers une autre communauté à l'adolescence mais les mâles ne migrent jamais.

Des interactions sociales complexes existent entre eux, comme des liens maternels solides, qui se prolongent jusque dans la vie adulte.

Les femelles en rut s'accouplent souvent avec tous les mâles d'une communauté. Certains mâles tentent de monopoliser une femelle ou de former un couple provisoire.

Les membres d'une bande coopèrent, notamment pour chasser et partager leur nourriture. La rivalité entre les femelles pour les bonnes aires de nourrissage peut conduire au meurtre de bébés par d'autres femelles.

Les mâles des sous-groupes frappent les troncs pour communiquer à longue distance (tambourinages). Ces bruits sourds s'entendent à un kilomètre et demi au plus.

Il existe une interaction constante entre les adultes, et tous les membres du groupe se toilettent mutuellement. C'est un comportement culturel : par exemple, les Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii de certaines communautés d'Ouganda et de Tanzanie pratiquent le grooming hand claps et s'épouillent en se tenant les mains au-dessus de la tête[9].

Jane Goodall est la première à avoir observé et rapporté que les chimpanzés ont de nombreuses similitudes comportementales avec l'Homme, et notamment qu'ils utilisent des outils pour s'alimenter. Ses travaux ont profondément transformé la vision des chimpanzés par l'homme.


Grégoire, le chimpanzé en captivité ayant vécu le plus longtemps dans un sanctuaire de l'Institut Jane Goodall. Il est mort à 64 ans, en 2008.

Pour communiquer entre eux, ils ululent, grognent, rugissent ou crient selon leur humeur. Ils semblent éprouver beaucoup de plaisir à entendre les sons qu'ils émettent. Les chimpanzés communiquent aussi par les expressions de la face, la posture, le toucher et les mouvements. Un jeune chimpanzé peut émettre au moins trente-deux sons différents et ses mimiques peuvent exprimer toute une gamme d'émotions.

Les chimpanzés peuvent apprendre jusqu'à un certain point à utiliser un langage si des hommes le leur enseignent en laboratoire. Par exemple, ils sont capables de combiner de courtes suites de symboles arbitraires en les pointant sur un tableau pour exprimer des idées relativement simples. Ils peuvent être entrainés à utiliser certains gestes-mots de la langue des signes avec une forme de syntaxe rudimentaire, comme ce fut le cas avec la femelle chimpanzé Washoe, célèbre pour avoir ainsi appris à maitriser environ 250 mots qu'elle a en partie transmis à son enfant Loulis. Néanmoins, dans leur milieu naturel, les chimpanzés semblent ne pas utiliser de véritable langage pour communiquer[10].


Outils et armes

Ces animaux font preuve d'une réelle intelligence dans la résolution de problèmes et l'utilisation d'outils simples, tels que de petites branches qui leur servent à extraire les termites de leur nid (technique dite de pêche aux termites) ou pour en faire une sonde leur servant à traverser un cours d'eau, comportement également observé chez les gorilles. Les jeunes apprennent en observant les autres. Les études récentes en primatologie ont mis en évidence des transmissions différentes de savoirs entre groupes de chimpanzés, au point qu'on peut désormais parler de culture animale[11].

Les chimpanzés seraient aussi les premiers animaux à avoir été observés fabriquant des armes. En effet, en 2007, le primatologue Jill Pruetz, de l'Université de l'Iowa, a décrit 22 observations de chimpanzés femelles du Sénégal qui élaboraient des lances en bois qu'elles utiliseraient pour poignarder des galagos qui se réfugient dans les troncs d'arbres vides[12].

Une équipe d'archéologues dirigés par l'Espagnol Julio Mercader, de l'université de Calgary, au Canada, a annoncé avoir trouvé en Côte d'Ivoire des pierres que les chimpanzés utilisaient il y a 4 300 ans pour ouvrir des fruits secs. Il est courant de nos jours d'observer des chimpanzés utilisant une pierre en guise de marteau[13].


Comparaison d'un cerveau d'Homo sapiens et de Pan troglodytes.

Une équipe de l'université de Kyoto au Japon aurait démontré qu'ils ont une meilleure mémoire eidétique que l'être humain. Le primatologue Tetsurō Matsuzawa avance que « Les chimpanzés sont supérieurs à l'homme dans ce domaine ». Pour lui, les premiers hommes ont « perdu la mémoire immédiate et, en échange, ont appris la symbolisation, et le langage ». C'est l'hypothèse du compromis cognitif : « si vous avez une faculté particulière, par exemple, une meilleure mémoire immédiate, alors vous devez en perdre une autre. »[13]


Les chimpanzés sont omnivores. Ils se nourrissent principalement de fruits (60 % de leur alimentation[14]), mais également de feuilles (21 %[14]) ou de bourgeons, de fleurs, de graines, de miel, etc. Ils consomment aussi des protéines d'origine animale[15] : insectes, œufs d'oiseaux et à l'occasion de petits mammifères.

On a longtemps pensé que les chimpanzés étaient exclusivement herbivores. En septembre 1960, Jane Goodall constate que les chimpanzés sont aussi carnivores, notamment insectivores, et non pas uniquement frugivores[16]. Ils peuvent même à l'occasion chasser en groupe des singes comme les colobes[17],[18]. Dans le parc national de Gombe en Tanzanie, par exemple, ils ne passent que 3 % de leur temps à manger de la viande, mais durant la saison sèche un adulte peut avaler jusqu'à 65 g de viande par jour[19].

Femelle chimpanzé avec son petit.

Parmi les environ 300 aliments qu'ils consomment, ils pratiquent l'automédication en mangeant : de l'écorce et de la résine d'Albizia grandibracteata à l'activité vermicide, antiparasitaire et anticancéreuse[20] ; des baies de Phytolacca docecandra aux propriétés antiparasitaires ; des feuilles de Trichilia rubescens aux molécules antipaludiques[21] ; des feuilles d'Aneilema aequinoctiale hérissées de poils qu'ils veillent à ne pas mâcher pour débarrasser leurs intestins des vers ; des feuilles de Diospyros abissinica aux molécules actives anticancéreuses mais aussi anti-inflammatoires ; de la rubia cordifolia, un excellent antiparasitaire ; de l'écorce de Markhamia playcalyx efficace contre les maux de gorge[22], etc. Les chimpanzés choisissent donc 1 % de plantes pharmacologiques pour leur alimentation (cette médication est parfois copiée par les tradipraticiens pour les populations forestières et le bétail) comme l'a révélé le primatologue Richard Wrangham (en) dès 1977[23].

Rôle écologique

Les chimpanzés consomment plusieurs espèces de plantes à fruit et avalent et dispersent les graines de ces végétaux. Ils ont alors un rôle important de disperseurs de graines de nombreuses plantes zoochoriques. Plusieurs de ces plantes dépendent des grands singes pour leur reproduction[24].


La femelle a un cycle menstruel de 36 jours. Elle est fécondable pendant six jours et demi lors de chaque cycle et peut s'accoupler à tout moment de l'année[25].

La gestation dure plus de sept mois et produit un seul petit (rarement des jumeaux).

Tout de suite après la naissance, le petit sans défense s'accroche au pelage de sa mère et s'installe sur son dos quand elle se déplace.

Le jeune chimpanzé est sevré vers quatre ans, mais peut continuer à se déplacer avec sa mère jusqu'à l'âge de dix ans.

Il arrive que la descendance reste en contact avec la mère pendant toute sa vie, qui peut atteindre soixante ans dans la nature.

Répartition et habitat

Répartition géographique du genre Pan :
  • Pan troglodytes verus (chimpanzé commun d'Afrique occidentale)
  • Pan troglodytes ellioti (chimpanzé commun du Nigeria et du Cameroun)
  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes (chimpanzé commun d'Afrique centrale)
  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii (chimpanzé commun de Schweinfurth)
  • Pan paniscus (bonobo)

La répartition géographique du chimpanzé commun s'étend de la Guinée, à l'ouest, aux lacs Tanganyika et Victoria, à l'est. Il est limité au sud par le fleuve Congo, au-delà duquel vit son cousin le Bonobo.


Phylogénie des espèces actuelles d'hominidés, d'après Shoshani et al. (1996)[26] et Springer et al. (2012)[27][réf. nécessaire] :

Hominidae PonginaePongo

Pongo abelii – Orang-outan de Sumatra

Pongo pygmaeus – Orang-outan de Bornéo

Pongo tapanuliensis – Orang-outan de Tapanuli

Homininae GorilliniGorilla

Gorilla beringei – Gorille de l'Est

Gorilla gorilla – Gorille de l'Ouest

Hominini PaninaPan

Pan paniscus – Chimpanzé pygmée ou Bonobo

Pan troglodytes – Chimpanzé commun


Homo sapiens – Homme moderne

Liste des sous-espèces

Pan troglodytes compte quatre sous-espèces actuelles[28] :

Selon Paleobiology Database (13 mai 2014)[29] :

  • sous-espèce Pan troglodytes koolookamba
  • sous-espèce Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii
  • sous-espèce Pan troglodytes troglodytes
  • sous-espèce Pan troglodytes verus
  • sous-espèce Pithecus satyrus wurmbii

Les chimpanzés communs et l'espèce humaine

Le premier chimpanzé arrivé en Europe est celui de la ménagerie du duc d'Orange. Il mourut en 1641 et fut disséqué.

Au cours des siècles suivants, de nombreux animaux sont capturés pour être rapportés en Occident. Doué d'une mimique extrêmement expressive, le chimpanzé est en effet une source de distraction dans les cirques et les jardins zoologiques. Les spectacles les plus appréciés font alors apparaître des animaux dressés et accoutrés dans des vêtements humains jouant des scènes quotidiennes. L'intelligence du chimpanzé le rend en effet capable de maîtriser des tours complexes. Par la suite, on verra plusieurs individus chimpanzés au cinéma, le plus célèbre étant sans doute Cheeta, un chimpanzé qu'on a pu voir régulièrement à l'affiche des films de Tarzan.

Les chimpanzés ont aussi contribué à l'aventure scientifique et technologique du XXe siècle. En 1961, envoyé à bord d'une capsule spatiale américaine en orbite autour de la Terre, le chimpanzé Ham précède de quelques mois le cosmonaute soviétique Youri Gagarine dans l'espace. De par sa proximité génétique avec l'humain, le chimpanzé a aussi souvent été utilisé comme modèle animal dans les domaines médicaux et scientifiques. La prise de conscience publique et l'évolution des pratiques en laboratoires ont toutefois largement réduit son utilisation à des fins d'expérimentation animale. Au XXIe siècle, le chimpanzé reste un animal de prédilection pour la psychologie comparée car en étudiant ses capacités cognitives en lien avec celles des êtres humains, on peut mieux comprendre la spécificité et l'évolution de l'esprit humain[11].

Dans les années 1960 et les suivantes, Jane Goodall a vécu dans la jungle pour étudier les chimpanzés. Elle a découvert, entre autres, qu'ils sont plus agressifs qu'on ne le supposait et qu'ils peuvent inventer des outils simples. Les chimpanzés peuvent apprendre à utiliser un langage élémentaire si des hommes le leur enseignent (voir ci-dessus). Elle fut aussi la première personnalité à s'engager pour la protection des chimpanzés en fondant l'Institut Jane Goodall.

Aujourd'hui classés comme des espèces en danger par la CITES, le chimpanzé commun et, surtout, le chimpanzé nain vivant en milieu naturel sont sous le coup de diverses menaces dont les principales sont la destruction de leur écosystème et le braconnage pour la viande de brousse et la capture (qui passe souvent par la mise à mort des adultes pour récupérer les petits destinés à être revendus comme animaux de compagnie).

Menaces et conservation

Le chimpanzé commun est classé « en danger d'extinction » sur la liste rouge de l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN). Ses quatre sous-espèces font face à des menaces diverses et sont inégalement protégées.

Comme les autres genres de primates, les chimpanzés sont menacés par le développement des activités humaines (déforestation, trafic, consommation), et par des maladies comme la maladie à virus Ebola.

Partout en Afrique les populations sont en régression. La population totale initiale de chimpanzés se montait à plusieurs millions d'individus. Elle est passée de 2 millions au début du XXe siècle à 1 million en 1960 pour tomber à 300 000 dans les années 1980, et moins de 150 000 dans les années 2000. 90 % de la population des chimpanzés a disparu au cours des 50 dernières années[32].

Les estimations actuelles seraient les suivantes :

Depuis 2001, les chimpanzés font l'objet d'un programme de protection (Grasp) dans le cadre du PNUE (Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement).

Chimpanzé et fiction

  • L'étude des comportements (éthologie) des chimpanzés est au cœur du roman de William Boyd, Brazzaville Plage (1990).
  • Le film La Planète des singes, d'après le roman de Pierre Boulle met en scène une société dans laquelle les chimpanzés sont portés sur les sciences (et les orang-outans sont les administrateurs, tandis que les gorilles sont détenteurs du pouvoir exécutif).

Notes et références

  1. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 13 mai 2014
  2. a b et c Meyer C., ed. sc., 2009, Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales. consulter en ligne. Montpellier, France, Cirad.
  3. Nom vernaculaire français d'après Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names sur Nomen.at
  4. Voir cette espèce sur le site idRef
  5. a et b (en) Murray Wrobel, 2007. Elsevier's dictionary of mammals: in Latin, English, German, French and Italian. Elsevier, 2007. (ISBN 0444518770), 9780444518774. 857 page, Rechercher dans le document numérisé.
  6. Diagramme montrant la masse du cerveau de quelques vertébrés en fonction de leur masse corporel
  7. Le chimpanzé commun sur Larousse.fr
  8. Jean-Jacques Petter (préf. Yves Coppens, ill. François Desbordes), Primates, Nathan, 2010, 256 p. (ISBN 978-2-09-260543-1), p. Chimpanzés et bonobos pages 228 et 229.
  9. Jean-Jacques Petter (préf. Yves Coppens, ill. François Desbordes), Primates, Nathan, 2010, 256 p. (ISBN 978-2-09-260543-1), p. Les relations d'attachement entre chimpanzés par Claude-Marcel Hladik pages 244 à 247
  10. Laurent Cohen, Pourquoi les chimpanzés ne parlent pas et 30 autres questions sur le cerveau de l’homme, Paris, Éditions Odile Jacob, 2009, 255 p. (ISBN 978-2-7381-2221-6, lire en ligne). L’auteur est professeur de neurologie à l’Hôpital de la Salpêtrière à Paris.
  11. a et b Georges Chapouthier, Kant et le chimpanzé, essai sur l'être humain, la morale et l'art, Paris, Éditions Belin, 2009, 143 p. (ISBN 978-2-7011-4698-0)
  12. (en) Jill D. Pruetz et Paco Bertolani, « Savanna Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus, Hunt with Tools », Current Biology, vol. 17, no 5,‎ mars 2007, p. 412-417 (DOI ).
  13. a et b Les chimpanzés, presque humains et parfois même plus intelligents. Lemonde.fr, édition du 04.05.07.
  14. a et b (en) John G. Fleagle, Primate Adaptation and Evolution, 3e édition, p. 162. Éditeur Academic Press, 2013. (ISBN 0123786339), 9780123786333.
  15. Landing Badji, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, Stacy Marie Lindshield, Cheikh Tidiane Bâ et Jill Pruetz, « Contribution à l’étude du régime alimentaire du Chimpanzé, Pan troglodytes verus (Schwarz, 1934), à Fongoli (Kédougou, Sénégal) », Revue de primatologie, vol. 6,‎ 2015 (DOI , lire en ligne).
  16. « Les chimpanzés de Gombe, racontés par Jane Goodall » (version du 17 septembre 2014 sur l'Internet Archive), sur National Geographic, 15 septembre 2014.
  17. (en) Simone Teelen, Influence of chimpanzee predation on the red colobus population at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda publié dans Primates (2008) 49:41–49 DOI 10.1007/s10329-007-0062-1
  18. Christophe Boesch, Chimanzees-red colobus monkeys, a predator-prey system paru dans Animal behavior, 1994, n°47, page 1135-1148.
  19. Page 57, Maddalena Bearzi, Craig Stanford, Ces belles intelligences : Grands singes et Dauphins, éditions Dunod, 2009. (ISBN 2100541986), 9782100541980.
  20. Corinne Soulay (photogr. Jean-Michel Krief), « Sabrina Krief : Les chimpanzés dans la peau », Ça m'intéresse, no 483,‎ mai 2021, p. 70-72 (ISSN )
  21. Jean-Jacques Petter (préf. Yves Coppens, ill. François Desbordes), Primates, Nathan, 2010, 256 p. (ISBN 978-2-09-260543-1), Du Congo à l'Ouganda : découverte de la « pharmacopée » des chimpanzés par Sabrina Krief, pages 240 à 243
  22. Jean-Marie Bretagne (photogr. Jean-Michel Krief), « Comment les chimpanzés se soignent tout seuls : Une exposition du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris raconte la vie des grands singes », Ça m'intéresse, no 412,‎ juin 2015, p. 26,27,28 et 30 (ISSN )
  23. Sabrina Krief, conférence Médecine naturelle chez les grands singes en Afrique à la Cité des sciences, 4 octobre 2011.
  24. David Beaune, « What would happen to the trees and lianas if apes disappeared? », Oryx, vol. 49, no 3,‎ 27 février 2015, p. 442–446 (ISSN et , DOI , lire en ligne, consulté le 23 janvier 2021)
  25. (en) Référence Animal Diversity Web : Pan troglodytes
  26. (en) J. Shoshani, C. P. Groves et al., « Primate phylogeny : morphological vs. molecular results », Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 5, no 1,‎ 1996, p. 102-54 (PMID , lire en ligne)
  27. (en) Mark S. Springer, Robert W. Meredith et al., « Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Historical Biogeography of Primate Diversification Inferred from a Species Supermatrix », PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no 11,‎ 2012, e49521 (ISSN , PMID , PMCID , DOI , lire en ligne)
  28. Mammal Species of the World (version 3, 2005), consulté le 13 mai 2014
  29. Fossilworks Paleobiology Database, consulté le 13 mai 2014
  30. (en) Humle, T., Boesch, C., Campbell, G., Junker, J., Koops, K., Kuehl, H. & Sop, T., « Pan troglodytes ssp. verus », The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species,‎ 2016 (lire en ligne)
  31. (en) « ZIMS - Species holding - Pan troglodytes verus », sur zims.species360.org (consulté le 1er septembre 2019).
  32. Chimpanzés d'Afrique de l'Ouest : État de conservation de l'espèce et plan d'action, par Rebecca Kormos, Commission de sauvegarde des espèces UICN

Voir aussi

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Pan troglodytes: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Chimpanzé commun, Chimpanzé

Le Chimpanzé commun (Pan troglodytes) est une espèce de singes appartenant à la famille des hominidés. Avec le Bonobo, il forme le genre Pan, ou Chimpanzé. Le chimpanzé commun est menacé d'extinction du fait de l'activité humaine : destruction de son habitat et braconnage.

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Chimpancé común ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

O chimpancé común (Pan troglodytes) é unha das dúas especies do xénero Pan. Habita os bosques tropicais e as sabanas da África central e occidental. Os adultos, no seu estado natural, teñen un peso medio de 43 kg para os machos e 33 kg para as femias. a súa altura media é respectivamente de 160 cm e 130 cm. Corren perigo de extinción pola degradación e destrución do seu hábitat natural. Estimábase no ano 2003 que o seu número oscilaba entre os 170.000 e os 300.000 individuos.



  1. Humle, T.; Maisels, F.; Oates, J. F.; Plumptre, A.; Williamson, E. A. (2016). "Pan troglodytes". Lista Vermella da IUCN 2016: e.T15933A17964454. Consultado o 5 de setembro de 2016.

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Chimpancé común: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

O chimpancé común (Pan troglodytes) é unha das dúas especies do xénero Pan. Habita os bosques tropicais e as sabanas da África central e occidental. Os adultos, no seu estado natural, teñen un peso medio de 43 kg para os machos e 33 kg para as femias. a súa altura media é respectivamente de 160 cm e 130 cm. Corren perigo de extinción pola degradación e destrución do seu hábitat natural. Estimábase no ano 2003 que o seu número oscilaba entre os 170.000 e os 300.000 individuos.

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Pan troglodytes ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Lo scimpanzé comune (Pan troglodytes Blumenbach, 1775) è un primate della famiglia degli ominidi.[2]

Lo scimpanzé comune e il bonobo sono le uniche specie viventi del genere Pan[2]. Secondo alcuni scienziati dovrebbero essere riclassificati, in virtù della parentela collaterale con l'Homo sapiens[3], di cui costituiscono le specie viventi evolutivamente più affini, come membri del genere Homo[4]; secondo altri è il termine Homo sapiens ad essere inadeguato e l'umanità andrebbe riclassificata sotto il genere Pan[5], come già fece Linneo nella prima edizione del suo Systema naturæ.[6][7]

Filogenesi e genetica

Magnifying glass icon mgx2.svgLo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Pan paniscus § Filogenesi ed evoluzione.

Insieme al bonobo, appartiene a un ramo evolutivo collaterale alla specie umana, condividendo con essa un antenato comune circa 5 milioni di anni addietro ed essendone la specie vivente filogeneticamente e geneticamente più vicina. Il DNA dello scimpanzé infatti corrisponde a quello dell'uomo in una percentuale oscillante intorno al 98%[8] e si articola in n=24 coppie di cromosomi. I cromosomi 12 e 13, come anche nel gorilla, si sono fusi nel cromosoma 2 dell'uomo, che pertanto ha n=23. Il National Human Genome Research Institute ha inoltre confermato che il genoma dello scimpanzé è di circa lo 0,4% divergente dal genoma del bonobo, la specie vivente a lui più affine, separatosi intorno al milione di anni fa nell'area del bacino del fiume Congo, probabilmente per speciazione allopatrica.

La differenza di sequenza del DNA tra gli esseri umani e gli scimpanzé è di circa 35 milioni di cambiamenti di singolo nucleotide, cinque milioni di eventi di inserzione/delezione e vari riarrangiamenti cromosomici. Omologhi proteici umani e di scimpanzé differiscono tipicamente solo in media di due aminoacidi. Circa il 30% di tutte le proteine umane sono identiche in sequenza per la proteina corrispondente dello scimpanzé. Duplicazioni di piccole parti di cromosomi sono stati la principale fonte di differenze in materiale genetico tra umani e scimpanzé; circa il 2,7% dei genomi corrispondenti moderni rappresentano le differenze, prodotti da duplicazioni geniche o cancellazioni, durante i circa 4-6 000 000 anni da quando gli esseri umani e gli scimpanzé si discostarono dal loro antenato comune evolutivo. I risultati delle analisi del genoma umano e di scimpanzé, attualmente in corso da parte di genetisti tra cui David Reich, dell'Harvard Medical School, che ipotizza una lunga e articolata serie di reincroci all'origine della divergenza evolutiva tra umani e antropomorfi attuali, dovrebbero aiutare a comprendere le basi genetiche di alcune malattie umane.

Aspetto ed etologia

Pan troglodytes

Gli scimpanzé sono mediamente alti dagli 80 ai 130 cm sulle quattro zampe e pesano 35–45 kg le femmine e 45–65 kg i maschi. I maschi sono più grossi delle femmine, e quando si alzano sulle zampe posteriori raggiungono anche i 160 cm di altezza, mentre le seconde in genere non superano i 130. La colorazione del pelo è di solito molto scura e tendente al nero, anche se si sono registrati casi eccezionali di scimpanzé albini.

Vivono in branchi più o meno numerosi, composti di maschi, femmine e cuccioli. A guidarli sono di solito i maschi. Una delle attività più curiose del branco è quella dello "spulciamento" reciproco (il "grooming"), che è un importante fattore di aggregazione sociale. Gli scimpanzé sono prevalentemente arboricoli e usano costruirsi un nido fra i rami per la notte, ma passano anche molto tempo a terra. Il loro principale nemico naturale è il leopardo, che tende loro agguati di notte e li uccide azzannandoli alla gola.[9]


Lo scimpanzé come l'uomo è onnivoro, anche se prevalentemente vegetariano[10]. Oltre che di frutta, si ciba anche di semi, fiori, gemme, steli, midollo (vegetale), corteccia e resina. Lo scimpanzé completa la sua alimentazione con miele, insetti, lumache, ragni e scorpioni,uccelli e loro uova, talora piccoli mammiferi compresi i primati stessi. Si stima che la carne consista nel 3% del totale della sua alimentazione. Il colobo rosso è in cima alle sue preferenze tra le prede mammifere. Altre prede sono i cercopitechi nasobianco del Congo, i babbuini gialli e i facoceri.

Comportamento nella caccia

Quando preda scimmie di piccole dimensioni come il colobo rosso, lo scimpanzé caccia in zone cui la copertura forestale è interrotta o irregolare. Questo gli permette di monopolizzare facilmente le scimmie quando le insegue nella direzione appropriata.

Gli scimpanzé possono anche cacciare come una squadra coordinata, in modo da potersi accaparrare la preda con una copertura continua. Durante una caccia arborea ogni scimpanzé, nei gruppi di caccia, ha un ruolo specifico.
I drivers servono a mantenere la preda in fuga in una certa direzione e seguirla senza tentare una cattura. I bloccanti sono di stanza alla base degli alberi e salgono fino a bloccare la preda che ripartirà in una direzione diversa. I cacciatori sanno muoversi rapidamente per tentare una cattura. Infine, gli attaccanti si nascondono e si posizionano in aree non ancora raggiunte dalla preda e scattano quando si avvicina la scimmia predata. Sia adulti che cuccioli sono predati; tuttavia i maschi adulti di colobo nero-bianco attaccheranno preventivamente gli scimpanzé in caccia. A Gombe, lo scimpanzé teme in genere i colobi adulti. Preferisce strappare cuccioli dal ventre della madre, senza danneggiare le madri[11]. Gli scimpanzé maschi cacciano più delle femmine. Quando hanno catturato e ucciso, il pasto è distribuito a tutti i membri del gruppo di caccia e agli altri astanti.

Da uno studio nel Parco Nazionale Kibale in Uganda, è stato osservato che gli scimpanzé raramente mostrano interesse per le carcasse di grandi animali uccisi da leopardi o altri predatori. Questo potrebbe verificarsi perché gli scimpanzé non riconoscono tali animali come loro prede o per evitare di ammalarsi mangiando carne morta.[12]

Studi sull'intelligenza

È opinione diffusa che lo scimpanzé sia l'animale più intelligente dopo l'uomo; alcuni esemplari particolarmente dotati, in cattività hanno avuto un quoziente d'intelligenza - solitamente intorno ai 40 - valutato tra 80 e 90, cioè come un essere umano di intelligenza al di sotto della media (100); questa intelligenza animale superiore è condivisa con i delfini e alcune specie di pappagalli.[13]

In natura sono in grado di usare utensili, ad esempio un rametto da inserire in un termitaio per catturare gli insetti, oppure pietre da tirare addosso ad un eventuale predatore. Allevati in cattività, gli scimpanzé dimostrano di poter apprendere la lingua dei segni e di poter esprimere numerosi concetti e imparare ad usare diversi strumenti, quali computer e telefoni, o eseguire rapidi e semplici calcoli matematici, grazie anche alla propria velocità di memoria visiva. Alcuni scimpanzé in cattività guardano la televisione per divertimento, bevono bibite gassate dopo aver aperto le lattine e qualcuno ha persino sviluppato il vizio del fumo.[14]

La capacità di utilizzare utensili rese famoso nel 1964 un esemplare dello zoo svedese; all'animale furono fatti dipingere da un giornalista, con la complicità di un guardiano, alcuni quadri. Le opere, firmate dall'uomo con lo pseudonimo di Pierre Brassau,[15] furono esposte in una galleria d'arte e spacciate come il lavoro di un giovane artista d'avanguardia. La burla riuscì tanto che alcuni critici apprezzarono pubblicamente i dipinti.[16]

Cultura degli scimpanzé

Gli studi di Jane Goodall hanno dimostrato l'esistenza di una vera e propria cultura nelle comunità di scimpanzé della Tanzania, analoga a quella dei primi appartenenti al genere Homo e Australopithecus. Questi studi hanno consentito di chiarire le differenze fra scimpanzé e bonobo e di identificare entrambe le specie come ominidi (insieme ai gorilla), a differenza dell'orango (primate appartenente ai pongidi); la Goodall è stata fra gli ideatori del Progetto Grandi Scimmie Antropomorfe che mira a ottenere, per i grandi primati, un certo numero di diritti fondamentali riconosciuti a livello internazionale all'uomo, quali il diritto alla vita, alla protezione della libertà individuale e alla protezione dalla tortura. Ha inoltre evidenziato la scoperta dell'uso di utensili da parte degli scimpanzé: la studiosa, infatti, ha scoperto che questi animali sono soliti utilizzare, ad esempio, degli stecchini per "pescare" le termiti all'interno dei loro nidi, le larve e i galagoni dalle cavità dei tronchi d'albero o il miele dagli alveari, o ancora l'utilizzo di pietre per rompere i gusci dei semi più duri.

Studi recenti hanno dimostrato che gli scimpanzé hanno la consapevolezza della morte degli altri individui, non solamente come accade in altri animali molto intelligenti, che spesso appaiono depressi o provano vero dispiacere per la morte di un compagno, di un cucciolo o di un umano (se addomesticati), ma come vera capacità di astrazione e autocoscienza, dimostrata anche dai comportamenti ritualistici documentati. Essi hanno inoltre una morale di gruppo, talvolta comportamenti negativi - come "fare la guerra", organizzati in piccoli "eserciti" o "bande", composti dal clan famigliare o dal branco che divengono così una tribù; talvolta indulgere al cannibalismo di membri estranei al gruppo appena uccisi, se particolarmente affamati - del tutto analoghi a quelli umani e ben distinti da quelli di altri animali gregari.[17][18][19]

Studi sulla forza

Come in molte altre scimmie, le braccia sono più lunghe e robuste delle gambe, e lo rendono molto più forte di quanto sembri. Da esperimenti effettuati si evince che uno scimpanzé è da 4 a 7 volte più forte di un uomo adulto. In un test del 1924, un uomo di 75 kg con una mano ha spostato 90 kg, uno scimpanzé maschio di 75 kg ne ha spostati 390 e una femmina di 61 kg ha mosso 550 kg. Questo si ritiene sia dovuto al fatto che lo scimpanzé è parzialmente un quadrupede, quindi usa le braccia per la locomozione e per questa ragione avrebbe gli arti superiori molto più sviluppati rispetto all'uomo.[20]

Classificazione e distribuzione

Areali delle sottospecie di Pan troglodytes

Allo stato naturale gli scimpanzé vivono solo in Africa centro-occidentale, nella zona equatoriale, e il loro habitat tipico è la foresta tropicale. Sono state descritte quattro[21] diverse sottospecie di scimpanzé:

Una popolazione di scimpanzé occidentali si è separata dalle altre sottospecie circa 500 000 anni fa.[22]

Studi genetici riconoscono l'esistenza di tre popolazioni di due cladi distinti[23] sottolineando che la popolazione del Golfo di Guinea è significativamente diversa dalle altre[24].


La specie, in base ai criteri della Lista rossa IUCN è considerata in pericolo di estinzione.

È inserita nella Appendice I della CITES (divieto assoluto di commercio tranne che per documentate esigenze di ricerca scientifica).

Gli scimpanzé al cinema

Molti scimpanzé addestrati sono diventati famosi come star del cinema: basti pensare all'esemplare che ha interpretato i film di Tarzan nella parte di Cheeta. In realtà per il ruolo di Cheeta sono stati usati negli anni diversi scimpanzé, talora anche più di un esemplare nello stesso film, ma non esiste una documentazione affidabile e dettagliata in merito.[25]

Uno scimpanzé di nome Jiggs, che oggi si trova al C.H.E.E.T.A. Primate Sanctuary[26], è stato per diverso tempo indicato come lo scimpanzé più longevo di cui si avesse notizia (cosa che gli valse anche la menzione nel Guinness dei Primati), in quanto si sosteneva che fosse nato negli anni trenta e che avesse interpretato Cheeta in molti film di Johnny Weissmuller e di Lex Barker. Questa affermazione fu contestata nel 2008 dal giornalista R. D. Rosen, che dimostrò che il Jiggs del C.H.E.E.T.A. era nato negli anni sessanta e non era mai comparso nei film di Tarzan.[25]

In televisione, gli scimpanzé sono comparsi nelle serie Monk, Io e la scimmia, Lancillotto 008 e, più di recente, in Il nostro amico Charly.

Due esemplari di nome Phil e Mason appaiono nei film d'animazione Madagascar, Madagascar 2 e Madagascar 3 - Ricercati in Europa e nella serie spin-off I pinguini di Madagascar.


  1. ^ (EN) Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C.,nano Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D., Pan troglodytes, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ a b (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Pan troglodytes, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Febo Zamboni, Universo e Homo sapiens, Ed. Lulu.com, 2011, pag. 16
  4. ^ (EN) Report: Humans, chimps should be in same genus, su edition.cnn.com, 21 maggio 2003.
  5. ^ Jeff Hecht, Chimps are human, gene study implies, in New Scientist, maggio 2003.
  6. ^ p. 24 in Linnæus, C. 1758. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. – pp. [1–4], 1–824. Holmiæ. (Salvius).
  7. ^ p. 84 in Bontius, Historiæ naturalis & medicæ Indiæ Orientalis libri sex. I. 1658. – pp. 1–226, in: Piso, G.: De Indiæ Utriusque re naturali et medica libri quatuordecim. Quorum contenta pagina sequens exhibet. – pp. [1–22], 1–327 [= 329], [1–5], 1–39, 1–226. Amstelædami. (Elzevier).
  8. ^ The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium, Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome, in Nature, vol. 437, n. 7055, 1º settembre 2005, pp. 69–87, DOI:10.1038/nature04072, PMID 16136131.
  9. ^ agraria.org/faunaselvatica/leopardo.htm.
  10. ^ Voce "scimpanzé" sull'Enciclopedia Treccani Online, su treccani.it.
  11. ^ Goodall, Jane, The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. 1986. ISBN 0-674-11649-6.
  12. ^ David P. Watts, Scavenging by chimpanzees at Ngogo and the relevance of chimpanzee scavenging to early hominin behavioral ecology, in Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 54, n. 1, 2008-01, pp. 125–133, DOI:10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.07.008. URL consultato il 10 febbraio 2022.
  13. ^ I.Q. ranges and real-life functioning, su paulcooijmans.com. URL consultato il 10 febbraio 2022.
  14. ^ E' morto Charlie, scimpanzé fumatore - Corriere della Sera, su www.corriere.it. URL consultato il 10 febbraio 2022.
  15. ^ (EN) Zoo Story, in Time, 21 febbraio 1964.
  16. ^ Pierre Brassau, Monkey Artist, su hoaxes.org, The Museum of Hoaxes.
  17. ^ Leonardo Ambasciano, Sciamanesimo senza sciamanesimo: Le radici intellettuali del modello sciamanico di Mircea Eliade: evoluzionismo, psicanalisi, te(le)ologia, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2014, pag. 158
  18. ^ Il senso della morte negli scimpanzé, su Le Scienze. URL consultato il 10 febbraio 2022.
  19. ^ Scimpanzé in guerra per il territorio (come gli uomini)
  20. ^ Interspecies Conflict - Strength of primates Archiviato il 24 marzo 2011 in Internet Archive.
  21. ^ Hof, Jutta; Sommer, Volker: Apes Like Us: Portraits of a Kinship, Edizioni Panorama, Mannheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-89823-435-1, p. 114.
  22. ^ Cadell Last, Are Western Chimpanzees a New Species of Pan? | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network, su blogs.scientificamerican.com, 19 maggio 1980. URL consultato il 13 dicembre 2012.
  23. ^ Mary Katherine Gonder, Sabrina Locatelli e Lora Ghobrial, Evidence from Cameroon reveals differences in the genetic structure and histories of chimpanzee populations, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 108, n. 12, 22 marzo 2011, pp. 4766–4771, DOI:10.1073/pnas.1015422108. URL consultato il 10 febbraio 2022.
  24. ^ We find that chimpanzees fall into three major populations: (i) Upper Guinea in western Africa (P. t. verus); (ii) the Gulf of Guinea region (P. t. ellioti); and (iii) equatorial Africa (P. t. troglodytes and P. t. schweinfurthii). Importantly, the Gulf of Guinea population is significantly different genetically from the others, sharing a last common ancestor with the populations in Upper Guinea ~0.46 million years ago (mya) and equatorial Africa ~0.32 mya.
  25. ^ a b R. D. Rosen, "Lie of the Jungle", «Washington Post Magazine», 7 dicembre 2008.
  26. ^ cheetathechimp.org, http://cheetathechimp.org/ Titolo mancante per url url (aiuto). URL consultato il 10 febbraio 2022.


  • Goodall, Jane. The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. Harvard University Press, 1986. ISBN 0-674-11649-6
  • (EN) Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. 2007, Pan troglodytes, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  • Gonder, M.K., Disotell, T.R. and Oates, J.F. New genetic evidence on the evolution of chimpanzee populations, and implications for taxonomy. International Journal of Primatology 2006; 27: 1103-1127.
  • (EN) Colin Groves, Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, a cura di D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.

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Pan troglodytes: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Lo scimpanzé comune (Pan troglodytes Blumenbach, 1775) è un primate della famiglia degli ominidi.

Lo scimpanzé comune e il bonobo sono le uniche specie viventi del genere Pan. Secondo alcuni scienziati dovrebbero essere riclassificati, in virtù della parentela collaterale con l'Homo sapiens, di cui costituiscono le specie viventi evolutivamente più affini, come membri del genere Homo; secondo altri è il termine Homo sapiens ad essere inadeguato e l'umanità andrebbe riclassificata sotto il genere Pan, come già fece Linneo nella prima edizione del suo Systema naturæ.

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Pan troglodytes ( لاتينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LA

Pan troglodўtes (gen. panos troglodўtae) est species generis panos, cuius generis altera species est Pan paniscus. Ambae una cum homine et pongone in familia hominidarum comprehenduntur.

Animalia huius speciei plantis ad morbos praesertim parasiticos medendos uti censentur, foliis videlicet specierum Aneilema aequinoctiale, Aspilia mossambicensis, Aspilia pluriseta, Commelina diffusa, Ficus exasperata, Ficus mucuso, Hibiscus aponeurus, Lippia plicata, Manniophyton fulvum, Melastomastrum capitatum, Polycephalium capitatum, Rubia cordifolia, Trema orientalis, Vernonia amygdalina, Vernonia colorata.[2]


  1. IUCN Red List
  2. Huffman et Wrangham (1994)



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Pan troglodytes: Brief Summary ( لاتينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LA

Pan troglodўtes (gen. panos troglodўtae) est species generis panos, cuius generis altera species est Pan paniscus. Ambae una cum homine et pongone in familia hominidarum comprehenduntur.

Animalia huius speciei plantis ad morbos praesertim parasiticos medendos uti censentur, foliis videlicet specierum Aneilema aequinoctiale, Aspilia mossambicensis, Aspilia pluriseta, Commelina diffusa, Ficus exasperata, Ficus mucuso, Hibiscus aponeurus, Lippia plicata, Manniophyton fulvum, Melastomastrum capitatum, Polycephalium capitatum, Rubia cordifolia, Trema orientalis, Vernonia amygdalina, Vernonia colorata.

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Paprastoji šimpanzė ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT
Binomas Pan troglodytes

Paprastoji šimpanzė (lot. Pan troglodytes, angl. Common Chimpanzee, vok. Gemeiner Schimpanse) – hominidų (Hominidae) šeimos primatas, priklausantis šimpanzių (Pan) genčiai.


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Paprastoji šimpanzė: Brief Summary ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT

Paprastoji šimpanzė (lot. Pan troglodytes, angl. Common Chimpanzee, vok. Gemeiner Schimpanse) – hominidų (Hominidae) šeimos primatas, priklausantis šimpanzių (Pan) genčiai.


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Parastā šimpanze ( اللاتفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LV

Parastā šimpanze (Pan troglodytes) ir līdz 1,7 m garš, melns cilvēkpērtiķu dzimtas šimpanžu ģints dzīvnieks, visaugstāk attīstītā cilvēkveidīgo pērtiķu suga; dzīvo ekvatoriālās Āfrikas tropos.[1]


  1. I. Andersone, I. Čerņevska, I. Kalniņa, D. Nātiņa, R. Puriņa, L. Vjatere, Ilustrētā svešvārdu vārdnīca, Izdevniecība Avots, 2005, 767.lpp.

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Parastā šimpanze: Brief Summary ( اللاتفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LV

Parastā šimpanze (Pan troglodytes) ir līdz 1,7 m garš, melns cilvēkpērtiķu dzimtas šimpanžu ģints dzīvnieks, visaugstāk attīstītā cilvēkveidīgo pērtiķu suga; dzīvo ekvatoriālās Āfrikas tropos.

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Chimpansee ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De chimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is een Afrikaanse mensaap. Zijn nauwste verwant is de dwergchimpansee of bonobo (Pan paniscus). Beide chimpansees worden beschouwd als de nauwste nog levende verwanten van de mens. Sommige wetenschappers beschouwen de relatie tussen mens en chimpansee op basis van DNA-onderzoek als nauw genoeg om de chimpansee en de bonobo net als de mens in het geslacht Homo te plaatsen.[2]


De chimpansee is een grote, sterke mensaap met een gedrongen lichaamsbouw. Een volwassen chimpansee heeft een kop-romplengte van 75 tot 100 cm[3], een schouderhoogte van 100 tot 179 cm en een lichaamsgewicht van ongeveer 35 tot 65 kg. Vrouwtjes wegen gemiddeld 45 kg, mannetjes 55 kg. Het gewicht van chimpansees in gevangenschap ligt over het algemeen hoger. Een chimpansee heeft lange armen die samen tot 2,7 m kunnen worden uitgespreid. Ze zijn meestal rechtshandig.[4] De schouders en armen van een chimpansee zijn zeer gespierd, veel sterker dan die van de mens. De benen zijn daarentegen vrij kort. Het gezicht heeft een smalle neus, diepgelegen ogen, opvallende wenkbrauwbogen, grote, ronde oren, een brede bovenkaak en smalle lippen.

De chimpansee is bedekt met lang, zwart haar over het grootste deel van het lichaam en heeft een nagenoeg naakt gezicht met een kleur die varieert van bijna roze (vooral jonge dieren) tot bijna zwart (vooral volwassen dieren). Ook dieren met bijna witte gezichten komen voor. Ook het achterste is kaal. Bij volwassen vrouwtjes is de huid van het achterste gezwollen en roze van kleur. De grootte van de zwellingen is afhankelijk van de fase van de menstruatiecyclus waar zij zich in bevindt. Deze menstruatiecyclus duurt ongeveer vierentwintig dagen.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

De chimpansee komt voor in equatoriale bossen in Centraal- en West-Afrika, van Senegal via Congo-Kinshasa, ten noorden van de Kongostroom, oostwaarts tot westelijk Tanzania en westelijk Oeganda. Hij leeft voornamelijk in open wouden en regenwouden, maar is ook te vinden in bergbossen en bossavannes.

De schattingen over het aantal nog in het wild levende chimpansees lopen uiteen. Volgens sommige deskundigen zouden er nog zo'n 150.000 tot 200.000 levende individuen over zijn, volgens anderen nauwelijks 100.000. Een eeuw geleden waren het er misschien nog 2 miljoen.


De chimpansee is een dagdier. Hij is voornamelijk vroeg in de ochtend en in de namiddag actief, op het heetst van de dag rust hij. Hij brengt veel tijd op de grond door, maar klimt ook regelmatig in bomen om voedsel te zoeken en te slapen. In de boom slaapt hij in een zelfgemaakt slaapnest van bladeren en takken, dat hij aan het einde van de avond bouwt. Het nest is gelegen op een hoogte van 6 tot 25 m. Hij loopt meestal op handen en voeten, en gebruikt de voetzolen en de knokkels van de handen om zich voort te bewegen. Hij kan ook op de achterpoten lopen, maar doet dit enkel over korte afstanden. Lopen op twee poten gebeurt meestal als de voorpoten al ergens anders voor worden gebruikt, bijvoorbeeld het dragen van voedsel of voorwerpen. Met zijn krachtige armen kan hij in een boom van tak naar tak slingeren.

Jonge chimpansee

Ze eten vooral fruit, aangevuld met bladeren, noten, schors en stengels, maar ook dierlijk materiaal als insecten en vogeleieren. Volwassen mannetjes jagen zelfs soms in groepen op kleine dieren, waaronder kleinere apen (voornamelijk rode franjeapen en jonge bavianen), jonge antilopen, zwijnen en vogels. Ook kannibalisme komt voor.[5] De chimpansee gebruikt en maakt primitieve gereedschappen als stokjes en twijgjes om insectenlarven, mieren en termieten te vangen uit holen en termietennesten en stenen om noten open te breken, of gekauwde blaadjes die als spons gebruikt worden om water op te zuigen.[6] Recent onderzoek heeft ook laten zien dat chimpansees gereedschap maken, zoals speren om kleine aapjes mee te doden. Gebruik van gereedschap verschilt per gemeenschap.

Chimpansees leven in het bos in kleine, losse groepen met een variërende samenstelling, gewoonlijk bestaande uit zes tot tien apen, maar variërend van twee tot wel honderdtwintig dieren. De groep heeft een groot territorium, dat door beide geslachten wordt verdedigd. Vooral mannetjes zijn zeer agressief tegenover vreemden en doden soms (systematisch) chimpansees uit naburige groepen. Vreemde wijfjes in oestrus worden wel getolereerd. In dicht regenwoud is het territorium kleiner dan in meer open gebied. De mannetjes vechten vaak onderling machtskwesties uit, hetgeen gepaard gaat met veel gegil en machogedrag. Vanwege deze machtskwesties worden vaak coalities gevormd tussen bepaalde mannetjes, waardoor de desbetreffende mannetjes sterker staan in de strijd om de macht binnen de groep.

Chimpanseemannetjes vermoorden soms ook leden van naburige groepen om hun eigen territorium uit te breiden. Daarbij vermoorden ze vaak jonge dieren omdat die een gemakkelijker doelwit zijn.[7]

De wijfjes paren met het dominante mannetje tijdens hun vruchtbare periode, hoewel 'vreemdgaan' voorkomt. Met de zwellingen van de huid rond de anus en de genitaliën trekt het wijfje de aandacht van de mannetjes. Een vrouwtje krijgt om de drie tot acht jaar één enkel jong, na een draagtijd van acht maanden. Bij de geboorte zijn de ogen al geopend en klampt het jong zich stevig vast aan de moeder. Een jonge chimpansee zit op de rug van zijn moeder. Na zes maanden zijn ze al onafhankelijk. Een chimpanseejong is rond de 12 jaar volledig volwassen en onafhankelijk van zijn of haar moeder. De band tussen moeder en kind is echter vaak levenslang. Wijfjes zijn geslachtsrijp als ze elf à twaalf jaar oud zijn, mannetjes als ze ongeveer vijftien jaar oud zijn. Ze hebben echter meestal op jongere leeftijd geslachtsgemeenschap, mannetjes al als ze vijf jaar oud zijn. In gevangenschap kunnen chimpansees ongeveer 50 jaar oud worden, hoewel er ook enkele chimpansees zijn die ouder dan 60 jaar zijn. In het wild leven chimpansees zelden langer dan 50 jaar.

Relatie met de mens

Komedie uit 1916: 'Uit het leven van twee chimpansees'

Wegens hun evolutionair nauwe verwantschap met mensen worden zij vaak gebruikt voor medische en gedragsproeven, hoewel dit de laatste tijd steeds minder gebeurt en verboden is in verscheidene landen, waaronder Nederland. De mate waarin chimpansees en mensen genetisch aan elkaar gelijk zijn is een onderwerp van geschil. Opgaven van het percentage identiek DNA lopen uiteen van 94,6% tot 99,4%. De verwantschap tussen een chimpansee en een mens, is echter wel groter dan de verwantschap tussen een chimpansee en een gorilla. Sinds het genoom van de chimpansee, net als dat van de mens, in kaart is gebracht is hier echter veel meer over te zeggen (genoom mens en chimpansee). Een manier om het uit te drukken is dat de genetische verschillen tussen een mens en een chimpansee ongeveer tien keer zo groot zijn als die tussen twee niet-verwante mensen. Grote delen van het DNA zijn nagenoeg identiek. Chimpansees hebben een chromosoom meer, omdat zij het chromosoom dat bij de mens nummer 2 is in twee aparte delen hebben.

Ook het gedrag van een chimpansee lijkt zeer op dat van een mens. Chimpansees zijn zeer sociale dieren, die veel moeten leren en dus ook een lange opgroeiperiode hebben. Daarnaast vormen chimpansees coalities en vrienden. Chimpansees in het wild tonen ook culturen, waar het gedrag van de ene groep verschilt van een ander. Bovendien hebben onderzoeken bewezen dat chimpansees ook empathie bezitten en zich tot op een zekere hoogte kunnen inleven in een ander. Ze adopteren ook soms verweesde jongen van niet-verwante groepsleden, wat wijst op altruïstisch gedrag. Dit gedrag is zowel bij mannetjes als vrouwtjes geobserveerd.[8] Waarschijnlijk kennen ze ook verdriet bij het sterven van verwanten.[9]

Binnen groepen chimpansees spelen zich zeer complexe gedragspatronen af samenhangend met de voortdurende strijd om dominantie, en daarmee weer samenhangend het recht om zich voort te planten en de verdeling van eten. Primatologen als Jane Goodall en Frans de Waal hebben op dit gebied door langdurige observaties verbazingwekkende waarnemingen gedaan. De verdienste van deze onderzoekers is geweest dat zij hebben aangetoond dat zeer veel chimpanseegedragingen heel goed te beschrijven en te duiden zijn met termen en mechanismen die ook uit de menselijke psychologie bekend zijn. Familiebanden en coalities spelen in het spel om de macht een grote rol in de chimpanseesamenleving.

Tussen chimpansees en bonobo's bestaan overigens grote gedragsverschillen. Bij bonobo's worden veel potentiële conflicten opgelost door seksueel gedrag, bij gewone chimpansees veel vaker door agressie.

Chimpansee en cultuur

Uit veldonderzoek van wilde chimpansees in Afrika is gebleken dat groepen chimpansees die op verschillende locaties leven ook eigen gedragsrepertoires vertonen. Zij vertonen bijvoorbeeld verschillen in het verzorgen van zichzelf en hun kinderen, de onderlinge omgang, gebruik van bepaalde voorwerpen of gereedschappen. Deze gedragsverschillen kunnen verklaard worden als een gevolg van cultuur, dat wil zeggen van sociaal gevormd gedrag dat van de ene generatie aan de volgende generatie wordt doorgegeven[10]. Een tweede mogelijk is dat deze gedragsverschillen voortkomen uit verschillen in genetische kenmerken. Een recente studie waarbij bij groepen wilde chimpansees ook het DNA is gemeten[11], heeft kunnen vaststellen dat deze groepen ook verschillen in genetische kenmerken. Het laatste woord over de vraag in hoeverre gedragsverschillen tussen chimpanseekolonies nu een gevolg zijn van 'cultuur' (aangeleerd gedrag) of 'natuur' (aangeboren gedrag) lijkt dus nog niet gesproken te zijn.

Chimpansee en taal

Chimpansees zijn niet in staat te praten. Wel hebben ze een groot aantal geluiden tot hun beschikking met duidelijk te onderscheiden betekenis. Het gebruikte 'vocabularium' is afhankelijk van de sociale status van de toehoorder.[12] Ook zijn ze in staat te communiceren door middel van visuele in plaats van mondelinge symbolen, en blijkt uit experimenten dat ze gebarentaal kunnen leren en grammaticaal in principe correct kunnen toepassen.

Hoewel geen enkel dier beschikt over dezelfde taalkundige vermogens als de mens, blijkt dat chimpansees, mits getraind, in staat zijn taalachtige symbolen te begrijpen. Dit is aangetoond door Amerikaanse onderzoekers als Beatrix T. Gardner en Allen Gardner, David Premack en Sue Savage-Rumbaugh. De Gardners leerden bijvoorbeeld de bij hun thuis opgevoede chimpansee Washoe handgebaren die ook door slechthorenden en doven worden gebruikt (het zogeheten American Sign Language) te begrijpen en zelf ook toe te passen, ook aan soortgenoten te leren. Toch lijken chimpansees essentiële vaardigheden te missen om van echt taalgebruik te kunnen spreken.[13] Alles lijkt te moeten worden aangeleerd. Er is geen verdere afleiding van betekenissen.

Wetenschappelijke naamgeving

In 1758 publiceerde Carl Linnaeus de naam Homo troglodytes,[14] waarbij hij de inheemse namen "Orang Outang" (genoemd door Jacob de Bondt[15]) en "Kakurlacko" (genoemd door Nils Matsson Kiöping en Olof von Dalin) vermeldde. De eerste heeft betrekking op een mensaap, de tweede op een mens met een Europees uiterlijk maar enig Aziatisch bloed, in Nederlands-Indië in die tijd in slang "kakkerlak" genoemd.[16] In 1775 hergebruikte Johann Friedrich Blumenbach de naam in Simia troglodytes.[17] Dat hij niet Linnaeus' naam naar het geslacht Simia verplaatste blijkt onder meer uit zijn opmerking in 1779 dat Linnaeus' naam een mengeling betreft van gemankeerde mensen en de orang-oetan.[18] Blumenbach gaf bovendien de orang-oetan de naam Simia satyrus, en vermeldde bij Simia troglodytes de inheemse naam "Chimpansi" ("Chimpansée" waar hij Scotin[19] citeert).

Externe links


  • Gardner, R.A. & Gardner, B.T., 1978. Comparative psychology and languag acquisition. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 309: 37-76.
  • Premack, D., 1983. The codes of man and beasts. Behavioral and Brain sciences 6: 125-167.


  1. (en) Chimpansee op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Chimps Belong on Human Branch of Family Tree, Study Says National Geographic, 20 mei 2003
  3. Charlotte Uhlenbroek (2008) - Animal Life, Tirion Uitgevers BV, Baarn. ISBN 978-90-5210-774-5
  4. Like Humans, Chimps Tend to Be Right-Handed. Discovery News (28 oktober 2010). Geraadpleegd op 2 november 2010.
  5. Zeldzaam: nijlpaard eet nijlpaard. National Geographic (10 februari 2015). Geraadpleegd op 10 februari 2015.
  6. McGrew WC (2010) Chimpanzee technology. Science 328: 579–580
  7. Chimpanzees Kill for Land. Science Now (21 juni 2010). Geraadpleegd op 24 juni 2010.
  8. Boesch, C., Bolé, C., Eckhardt, N. & Boesch, H., 2010. Altruism in Forest Chimpanzees: The Case of Adoption. PLoS ONE 5 (1). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0008901
  9. Chimps Grieve Over Dead Relatives. ScienceNOW (26 april 2010). Geraadpleegd op 26 april 2010.
  10. Whiten et al. (1999). Nature, 399, 682-685
  11. Langergraber et al. (2010). Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. , 1-9
  12. Chatting chimps in Uganda, Africa are 'socially aware'. BBC - Earth News (9 juli 2010). Geraadpleegd op 12 juli 2010.
  13. Dugdale en Lowe (2000):https://web.archive.org/web/20060830174138/http://seab.envmed.rochester.edu/jeab/articles/2000/jeab-73-01-0005.pdf
  14. Linnaeus, C. (1758). Systeman naturae ed. 10: 24
  15. Bondt, J. de (1658). Historiae naturalis et medicae Indiae orientalis in: Piso, W. De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica deel 3: 84
  16. Zie ICZN (1985). Opinion 1368. The generic names Pan and Panthera (Mammalia Carnivora): available as from Oken, 1816. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 42(4): 368 en het corrigendum m.b.t. Blumenbachs publicatie van de naam Simia troglodytes in Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 45: 304
  17. Blumenbach, J.F. (1775). De generis humani varietate native: 37
  18. Blumenbach, J.F. (1779). Handbuch der Naturgeschichte 1: 64: "Linne's Homo troglodytes ist ein Gemisch aus der Geschichte dieser presshaften waren Menschen, und des Orangutangs."
  19. Zie British Museum Collection online
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Chimpansee: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De chimpansee (Pan troglodytes) is een Afrikaanse mensaap. Zijn nauwste verwant is de dwergchimpansee of bonobo (Pan paniscus). Beide chimpansees worden beschouwd als de nauwste nog levende verwanten van de mens. Sommige wetenschappers beschouwen de relatie tussen mens en chimpansee op basis van DNA-onderzoek als nauw genoeg om de chimpansee en de bonobo net als de mens in het geslacht Homo te plaatsen.

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Sjimpanse ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NN

Sjimpansen (Pan troglodytes) er ein menneskeape som lever i skogar i Afrika. Han høyrer til mellom dei dyra som står mennesket nærast evolusjonsmessig; mellom 0,5% og 5 % av gena skil oss.Dette kan illustrerast ved at menneska og sjimpansane har identiske cytokrom c-protein, og det i ein variant ingen andre dyreartar er kjent å ha.


Sjimpansar er ein menneskeape som på same måte som oss har motsette tomlar og manglar hale. Dei er dekt med mørk brun til svart pels, er mellom 130 og 170 cm høge når dei står på bakbeina, og veg mellom 30 og 40 kg i naturen. Individ i fangenskap kan derimot vega opp mot 100 kg.


Sjimpansar lever vilt i regnskog og tresavannar i vest- og sentral-Afrika.


Sjimpansar er sosiale, dagaktive dyr som lever vekselvis på bakken og i tre. Dei lever i flokkar på mellom 15 og 150 dyr leidd av ein dominerande hann. Den sosiale rangordninga kjem fram gjennom eit avansert kroppsspråk, som hovudsakleg baserer seg på andletsuttrykk.

Sjimpansen og mennesket

Sjimpansen står mennesket nærare enn noko anna dyr. Dette har ført til at han er mykje brukt både i forsking og underhaldning, noko som har vorte eit trugsmål for bestanden. Kanskje er trugsmålet gjensidig; nokre forskarar meiner t.d. at HIV-viruset oppstod i sjimpanseflokkar før det spreidde seg til menneske.



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Sjimpanse: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NN

Sjimpansen (Pan troglodytes) er ein menneskeape som lever i skogar i Afrika. Han høyrer til mellom dei dyra som står mennesket nærast evolusjonsmessig; mellom 0,5% og 5 % av gena skil oss.Dette kan illustrerast ved at menneska og sjimpansane har identiske cytokrom c-protein, og det i ein variant ingen andre dyreartar er kjent å ha.

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Sjimpanse ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO
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Sjimpanse (Pan troglodytes) tilhører slekten sjimpanser (Pan) og er store aper (Hominidae). Arten er endemisk for Afrika sør for Sahel og nord for Kongofloden. Fire underarter aksepteres.


Sjimpanser har formidable hjørnetenner

Sjimpansen kan bli opptil 30–50 kg tung, men betydelig mer i fangenskap. Hannen kan bli opptil 160 cm høy, mens hunnen blir opptil 130 cm. Ansiktshuden kan være lys eller mørk. Armlengden tilsvarer omkring halvparten av kroppslengden.

Sjimpansene trives i tett skog og lever i Vest- og Sentral-Afrika. Arten har relativt stor spredning og er utbredt i fire større populasjoner, nord for Kongofloden.

Sjimpansene lever sammen i flokker fra 2 til 80 individer. Flokkens revir er i skogsområder på mellom 10 og 50 km², mens det i mer åpent terreng er på mellom 200 og 400 km².[1]

Sjimpansens svangerskap varer i sju måneder, og ungen blir brystfødd av moren i fire år. En unge kan bli hos moren i opptil ti år, men moren parer seg når den yngste ungen er omtrent tre år gammel[1].

Sjimpansers levealder er opptil 40-45 år.

Sjimpanser spiser både andre dyr, planter og frukter.




Det berømte «håndtrykket». Sjimpansen Ham blir hilset av kapteinen på bergingsskipet etter hans flytur på Mercury Redstone-raketten.

Sjimpanser ble tidligere ofte brukt som forsøksdyr, men dette har av etiske årsaker blitt mindre vanlig med årene. Sjimpansen Ham ble i så måte første menneskelignende skapning i verdensrommet, da han den 31. januar 1961 ble skutt opp i en Mercury-kapsel fra Cape Canaveral i Florida, USA. Sjimpanser er også svært vanlige å holde i fangenskap, spesielt i dyrehager. Det finnes blant annet flere i Norge.

Den mest kjente sjimpansen i Norge er trolig Julius, en sjimpanse som ble født i Kristiansand Dyrepark den 26. desember i 1979. Han ble avvist av moren og måtte hentes ut fra sjimpanseflokken og ales opp blant folk. NRK lagde en tv-serie på tre episoder om Julius, som gikk som barne-TV i 1981. Etter dette ble Julius landskjent, og var i mange år dyreparkens største attraksjon. Julius ble tilbakeført til flokken da han ble for stor og voldsom å holde privat. Som voksen ble han leder for hele sjimpanseflokken i parken.


  1. ^ a b Vår fantastiske verden, Skandinavisk Presse 1990

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Sjimpanse: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Sjimpanse (Pan troglodytes) tilhører slekten sjimpanser (Pan) og er store aper (Hominidae). Arten er endemisk for Afrika sør for Sahel og nord for Kongofloden. Fire underarter aksepteres.

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Szympans zwyczajny ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
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Szympans zwyczajny[3] (Pan troglodytes) – gatunek wąskonosej małpy z rodziny człowiekowatych (Hominidae), jeden z dwóch gatunków szympansów, hominidów najbliżej spokrewnionych z rodzajem Homo. Do niedawna nazywany szympansem. Dopiero po odkryciu drugiego, blisko z nim spokrewnionego i nieco mniejszego bonobo, czyli szympansa karłowatego przyznano mu epitet[4] zwyczajny dla odróżnienia od nazwy rodzajowej szympans (Pan).


Zachodnia i środkowa Afryka równikowa. Wykazuje duże zdolności przystosowawcze do warunków panujących w różnych habitatach. Żyje w dżunglach, na suchych sawannach, bagnach oraz w górskich lasach. Najliczniej obecnie występujący przedstawiciel szympansów.


Gatunek po raz pierwszy naukowo opisał w 1775 roku niemiecki antropolog Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, nadając mu nazwę Simia troglodytes[5]. Jako miejsce typowe Blumenbach wskazał Mayoumba w Gabonie[5].


Wyróżniono kilka podgatunków P. troglodytes[6][2][3]:

  • P. troglodytes elliotiszympans krzepki
  • P. troglodytes schweinfurthiiszympans wschodni
  • P. troglodytes troglodytesszympans zwyczajny
  • P. troglodytes verusszympans długowłosy

Tryb życia

Szympans zwyczajny prowadzi nadrzewny i naziemny tryb życia. Na ziemi spędza od 20-50% swojego czasu.[7]. Potrafi poruszać się w postawie dwunożnej, choć woli podpierać się zgiętymi palcami ręki, podobnie jak to robią goryle. Aktywny w ciągu dnia, noce spędza w koronie drzew w specjalnie do tego celu budowanych gniazdach-posłaniach. Posłania są jednorazowe, każdego wieczoru szympans buduje nowe. Połowę dnia spędza na jedzeniu, pozostałą część zajmują mu wędrówki w poszukiwaniu kolejnego źródła pokarmu oraz dzienna drzemka.

W warunkach naturalnych długość życia szympansów zwyczajnych mieści się w granicach 40-45 lat. W niewoli notowano przypadki starszych osobników.

Struktury społeczne

Szympansy uważane są za zwierzęta wysoce uspołecznione. Wielopokoleniowe stada szympansów liczą od 25-80 osobników zajmujących dość stabilny areał o powierzchni od 5-20 km2. Stada sąsiadujące ze sobą stykają się ze sobą, wspólnie wędrują, a nawet jednocześnie korzystają z tego samego źródła pożywienia bez okazywania wzajemnej agresji. Grupa, która znajduje pożywienie oznajmia ten fakt pozostałym osobnikom poprzez głośne nawoływanie i uderzanie kijami w pnie drzew. W odróżnieniu od większości innych zwierząt migracje pomiędzy stadami dotyczą samic, a nie samców.

W kontaktach interpersonalnych duże znaczenie mają gesty, dotyk i rytuały wzajemnej pielęgnacji. Władzę w grupie sprawuje dominujący samiec, zwany niekiedy samcem alfa, który obejmuje panowanie po serii walk stoczonych z konkurencyjnymi samcami. Panuje on na ogół przez kilka lat, do chwili, gdy ulegnie następnemu samcowi pretendującemu do tej roli. Wszystkie samce mają ściśle określony status, rangę, która dokładnie plasuje ich w hierarchii i wyznacza kolejność, w jakiej mogą korzystać z wszelkich przywilejów w obrębie grupy, a zwłaszcza z dostępu do samic[8].


Okres rui sygnalizowany jest u samic charakterystycznym pokaźnym obrzmieniem i zaróżowieniem okolicy sromowej. Występuje niekiedy zwyczaj zawierania czegoś w rodzaju czasowego "małżeństwa", które polega na tym, że samiec uprowadza aktywną seksualnie samicę na kilka dni w odosobnione miejsce i cieszy się w tym czasie wyłącznością kopulacji. Także samice obejmuje ścisła hierarchia, która wyraża stopień atrakcyjności seksualnej, a tym samym kolejność, w jakiej będą one pozostawały w sferze zainteresowania najwyższych kolejno rangą samców. Atrakcyjność seksualna zależy od statusu ich matek oraz liczby odchowanego potomstwa[9].


Szympansy wspólnie polują na inne zwierzęta. Zwykle zajmują się tym samce, ale zaobserwowano również przypadki udziału samic w polowaniu.[10] Przyjmują przy tym różne techniki polowań. W trakcie pościgu zachowują się bardzo cicho.


Po ciąży trwającej 220-245 dni samica rodzi jedno, rzadko dwoje młodych. Młode pozostają przy matce do ok. 4-5 roku życia. Dojrzewają ok. 9 roku życia. Więzi pomiędzy samicą a jej potomstwem są podtrzymywane jeszcze długo po odstawieniu młodych od matki.


Jest zwierzęciem wszystkożernym. Zjada głównie rośliny, od czasu do czasu owady (termity, mrówki) lub mięso. Zabija i zjada małe i średniej wielkości ssaki, w tym młode pawiany, a czasem inne małpy.


Społeczności szympansów wypracowały bogaty system komunikowania się (van Lewick-Goodall, 1968, 1974). Porozumiewają się za pomocą złożonych sygnałów zbudowanych z gestów, dźwięków, postawy i ruchów ciała oraz bogatej mimiki.


Potrafią posługiwać się narzędziami. Zachodnioafrykański Pan troglodytes verus wytwarza rodzaj prymitywnej dzidy, poprzez zaostrzenie zębami gałęzi, którą następnie wykorzystuje do zabijania drobnych zwierząt ukrywających się w dziuplach. Narzędzie tego rodzaju jest jednorazowe, po użyciu jest wyrzucane[11]


Wszystkie podgatunki szympansa zwyczajnego narażone są na wyginięcie. Populacje zachodnioafrykańskie są rozproszone i stosunkowo małe, przez co podatne na zagrożenia. Podgatunki występujące w środkowym i wschodnim obszarze występowania całego gatunku są często celem polowań. Jedynie w kilku dużych parkach narodowych (m. in. w Tanzanii) objęte są zadowalającą ochroną, ale nawet w największych parkach lokalne populacje nie przekraczają tysiąca osobników.

Badaniem szympansów zajmowali się m.in.: Jane Goodall, K. Izawa i Kenji Kawanaka.


Poczta Polska wyemitowała 21 sierpnia 1972 r. znaczek pocztowy przedstawiający głowę szympansa zwyczajnego o nominale 1,35 , w serii Zwierzęta ZOO. Druk w technice offsetowej na papierze kredowym. Autorem projektu znaczka był Janusz Grabiański. Znaczek pozostawał w obiegu do 31 grudnia 1994 r.[12].

Zobacz też


  1. Pan troglodytes, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b T. Humle, F. Maisels, J.F. Oates, A. Plumptre, E.A. Williamson 2016, Pan troglodytes [w:] The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016 [online], wersja 2016-2 [dostęp 2016-11-07] (ang.).
  3. a b W. Cichocki, A. Ważna, J. Cichocki, E. Rajska-Jurgiel, A. Jasiński, W. Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 54. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9. (pol.ang.)
  4. Epitet gatunkowy w systematyce to drugi wyraz w nazwie systematycznej gatunku. Zobacz: Zasady tworzenia nazw systematycznych
  5. a b J.F. Blumenbach: De generis humani varietate nativa. Goettingae: Typis Frid. Andr. Rosenbuschii, 1775, s. 37. (łac.)
  6. Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Pan troglodytes. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2016-11-07]
  7. Doran (1996) stwierdził, że czas spędzany na ziemi jest różny w zależności od stada oraz płci
  8. Seks naszych kuzynów [w:] Jerzy AdamJ.A. Kowalski Jerzy AdamJ.A., Homo eroticus (Eros i logos), Opole: Wydawnictwo IBS, 2011, s. 14, ISBN 978-83-931776-0-8 .
  9. Jerzy A. Kowalski: tamże,. s. 15-16.
  10. Edward Osborne Wilson: Socjobiologia. Poznań: Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo s.c., 2001. ISBN 83-7150-682-1.
  11. Jill D. Pruetz, Paco Bertolani Savanna Chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus, Hunt with Tools
  12. Marek Jedziniak: Zwierzęta ZOO (pol.). www.kzp.pl. [dostęp 2018-07-21].
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Szympans zwyczajny: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Szympans zwyczajny (Pan troglodytes) – gatunek wąskonosej małpy z rodziny człowiekowatych (Hominidae), jeden z dwóch gatunków szympansów, hominidów najbliżej spokrewnionych z rodzajem Homo. Do niedawna nazywany szympansem. Dopiero po odkryciu drugiego, blisko z nim spokrewnionego i nieco mniejszego bonobo, czyli szympansa karłowatego przyznano mu epitet zwyczajny dla odróżnienia od nazwy rodzajowej szympans (Pan).

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Chimpanzé-comum ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

O chimpanzé-comum (nome científico: Pan troglodytes), também conhecido como chimpanzé-robusto,[2] é uma das duas espécies de chimpanzés que vivem no continente africano, juntamente com o chimpanzé-pigmeu (bonobo). Evidências de fósseis e sequenciamento de DNA mostram que essas duas espécies são os parentes vivos mais próximos dos humanos.[3] O chimpanzé-comum possui quatro subespécies confirmadas e uma quinta subespécie proposta.

O chimpanzé-comum é coberto por pêlos grossos e pretos, mas tem o rosto, dedos, palmas das mãos e solas dos pés desprovidos de pêlos. É maior e mais robusto que o bonobo, com machos pesando 40-70 kg e fêmeas pesando 27-50 kg, medindo de 100 a 150 cm. Seu período de gestação é de oito meses, muito semelhante à dos humanos que é de 9 meses. O bebê é desmamado por volta dos três anos de idade, mas geralmente mantém um relacionamento próximo com sua mãe por mais alguns anos, atingindo a puberdade entre os 8 e 10 anos.

Os chimpanzés-comuns vivem em grupos que variam de entre 15 a 150 indivíduos, embora viajam em grupos menores durante o dia. A espécie vive em uma hierarquia patriarcal e rigorosa, o que significa que as disputas geralmente podem ser resolvidas sem a necessidade de violência. Quase todas as populações de chimpanzés foram registadas utilizando ferramentas, modificando gravetos, pedras, relva, folhas e usando-os para adquirir mel, cupins, formigas, nozes e água.[4] A espécie também foi encontrada utilizando gravetos afiados como uma lança para caçar pequenos mamíferos.[5]

O chimpanzé-comum está listado na lista vermelha da IUCN como uma das espécies ameaçadas de extinção.[2] A população estimada de chimpanzés-comuns em vida selvagem é de cerca de 170.000 a 300.000 indivíduos, na África Ocidental e Central.[2] As maiores ameaças para o chimpanzé-comum são a destruição do habitat, a caça furtiva e doenças infecciosas transmitidas majoritariamente por seres humanos.


A palavra chimpanzé é derivada do dialeto Banto, o Tshiluba, onde era kivili-chimpenze[6], com o significado de "macaco" ou semelhante ao homem. O nome científico Pan troglodytes reflete a grande confusão que prevalecia no status taxonômico da espécie no início de suas pesquisas científicas, bem como a influência de mitos e lendas. O nome do gênero Pan, definido em 1816 pelo naturalista alemão Lorenz Oken (1851-1779),[7] deriva do deus grego . O nome da espécie troglodita em grego significa "morador das cavernas", um nome inapropriado, uma vez que o chimpanzé comum não habita cavernas. Este nome foi originalmente cunhado no século XVII pelo naturalista sueco Carlos Lineu como o nome da suposta espécie Homo troglodytes (que significa "o homem mora em cavernas") para denotar uma tribo humana lendária que supostamente existiu na África.[8]

Taxonomia e genética

O primeiro grande macaco conhecido pela ciência ocidental no século XVII foi o orangotango (gênero Pongo), o nome malaio local sendo registrado em Java pelo médico holandês Jacob de Bondt. Em 1641, o anatomista holandês Nicolaes Tulp atribuiu o nome incorretamente a um chimpanzé ou bonobo da Angola levado para a Holanda por comerciantes holandeses.[9] O naturalista alemão Johann Friedrich Blumenbach classificou o chimpanzé como Simia troglodytes em 1775. Outro naturalista alemão, Lorenz Oken, cunhou o gênero Pan em 1816. O bonobo foi reconhecido como uma espécie distinta do chimpanzé em 1933.[8][10]


Até à data, foram definidas quatro subespécies do chimpanzé-comum,[11][12] que diferem umas das outras principalmente na sua área de distribuição ao longo do Continente Africano:

As diferenças externas entre essas subespécies não são significativas, exceto pela tendência de tamanhos menores do corpo nas subespécies da África Ocidental. Estudos genéticos mostram que as subespécies da África Ocidental e as subespécies da Nigéria-Camarões estiveram, de fato, relativamente isoladas umas das outras e umas das outras por centenas de milhares de anos, mas não há diferenças genéticas significativas entre as subespécies da África Central e da África Oriental.[13]

Uma quinta subespécie foi proposta, o chimpanzé do sudeste (P. troglodytes marungensis), sendo encontrada em Burundi, Ruanda, Tanzânia e Uganda.[14]


Apesar de um grande número de descobertas de fósseis de Homo, os fósseis de Pan não foram descritos até 2005. As populações de chimpanzés existentes na África Ocidental e Central não se sobrepõem aos principais sítios de fósseis humanos na África Oriental, mas fósseis de chimpanzés já foram relatados no Quênia, o que indica que tanto humanos quanto membros do clado Pan estavam presentes no Vale do Rift da África Oriental durante o Pleistoceno Médio.[15]

Evidências de DNA sugerem que as espécies de bonobos e chimpanzés se separaram há menos de um milhão de anos (semelhante em relação ao Homo sapiens e Homo neanderthalensis).[16][17] Um estudo genético de 2017 sugere um fluxo gênico antigo (introgressão) do bonobo para os ancestrais dos chimpanzés entre 200 e 550 mil anos atrás.[18]

A linhagem do chimpanzé se separou do último ancestral comum da linhagem humana há cerca de seis milhões de anos. Já que nenhuma outra espécie além do Homo sapiens sobreviveu da linhagem humana dessa ramificação, ambas as espécies de chimpanzés são os parentes vivos mais próximos dos humanos; a linhagem de humanos e chimpanzés divergiu dos gorilas (gênero Gorilla) há cerca de sete milhões de anos.

Características físicas

Os chimpanzés adultos têm uma altura média de 150 cm.[19] Os machos adultos selvagens pesam entre 40–70 kg, com as fêmeas pesando entre 27–50 kg.[20]

O chimpanzé é mais robusto que o bonobo, mas menos que o gorila. Os braços de um chimpanzé são mais longos que as pernas e podem chegar abaixo dos joelhos. As mãos têm dedos longos com polegares curtos e unhas planas. Os pés são adaptados para agarrar, sendo o dedão do pé oponível. A pelve é longa com um ílio estendido. A cabeça do chimpanzé é arredondada, com um rosto proeminente e prognóstico e uma sobrancelha pronunciada. Possui olhos voltados para a frente, nariz pequeno, orelhas arredondadas não lobuladas, lábio superior longo e móvel e, nos machos adultos, caninos afiados. Os chimpanzés não têm a crista sagital proeminente e a musculatura associada da cabeça e pescoço dos gorilas.[10][21]

Os corpos dos chimpanzés são cobertos por pêlos grossos, exceto o rosto, dedos das mãos e dos pés, palmas das mãos e solas dos pés. Os chimpanzés perdem mais cabelo à medida que envelhecem e desenvolvem manchas calvas. O cabelo de um chimpanzé é geralmente preto, mas pode ser castanho ou ruivo. À medida que envelhecem, podem aparecer manchas brancas ou cinzentas, principalmente no queixo e na região inferior. A pele pode variar de pálida a escura, as fêmeas desenvolvem uma pele inchada e rosada durante o estro.[10][21]

Os chimpanzés são adaptados para locomoção arbórea e terrestre. A locomoção arbórea consiste em escalada vertical e braquiação.[22][23] No solo, os chimpanzés movem-se tanto quadrúpede quanto bípede, que parecem ter custos de energia semelhantes. Tal como acontece com os bonobos e gorilas, os chimpanzés são quadrúpedes e andam pelos nós dos dedos, o que possivelmente evoluiu de forma independente em cada gênero.[24] A força física dos chimpanzés é cerca de 1,5 vezes maior do que a dos humanos, devido ao maior conteúdo de fibras musculares de contração rápida, uma das adaptações do chimpanzé para escalar e balançar.[25]


O chimpanzé é uma espécie altamente adaptável e vive em uma variedade de habitats, incluindo savana seca, floresta tropical perene, floresta montana, floresta pantanosa e em áreas mistas de floresta e savana.[26][27]


Uma mãe com seu filhote comendo figo no Parque Nacional de Kibale, Uganda.

Os chimpanzés-comuns são frugívoros onívoros e sua dieta é altamente variável de acordo com as suas populações individuais e estações do ano. As frutas compreendem cerca de metade da dieta, mas as folhas, cascas e talos também são importantes. Os pequenos mamíferos compreendem um pequeno componente, mas significativo na dieta de muitas populações.[2]

Um estudo na floresta de Budongo, Uganda, descobriu que 64,5% do tempo de alimentação dos chimpanzés concentrava-se em frutas (84,6% das quais maduras), particularmente aquelas de duas espécies de Ficus, Maesopsis eminii e Celtis durandii. Além disso, 19% do tempo de alimentação foi gasto em folhas arbóreas, principalmente Broussonetia papyrifera e Celtis gentlebraedii.[28] Embora o chimpanzé seja principalmente herbívoro, ele também come mel, insetos, pássaros e seus ovos, e mamíferos de pequeno a médio porte, incluindo outros primatas.[29] As espécies de insetos consumidas incluem a formiga tecelã Oecophylla longinoda, os Macrotermes, os cupins e as abelhas.[30][31] A espécie Piliocolobus badius está no topo das presas preferidas dos mamíferos, juntamente ao macaco de cauda vermelha, babuínos amarelos, jagra, cabrito-azul e javalis.[32]

Ver também


  1. Groves, C.P. (2005). Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (eds.), ed. Mammal Species of the World 3 ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 183 páginas. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de editores (link)
  2. a b c d e Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. (2008). Pan troglodytes (em inglês). IUCN 2012. Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da IUCN de 2012 . Página visitada em 06 de dezembro de 2012..
  3. «Estudo: genoma do bonobo é 98,7% igual ao do ser humano». 13 de junho de 2012
  4. Boesch C, Boesch H. (1993) "Diversity of tool use and tool-making in wild chimpanzees". In: Berthelet A, Chavaillon J, editors. The use of tools by human and non-human primates. Oxford, England: Oxford Univ Pr; p 158-87.
  5. Gibbons, A. (23 de fevereiro de 2007). «PRIMATE BEHAVIOR: Spear-Wielding Chimps Seen Hunting Bush Babies». Science. 315 (5815): 1063–1063. ISSN 0036-8075. doi:10.1126/science.315.5815.1063
  6. «chimpanzé | Palavras | Origem Da Palavra». origemdapalavra.com.br. Consultado em 25 de agosto de 2020
  7. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, London (1985). Bulletin of zoological nomenclature (em English). [S.l.]: London !CS1 manut: Língua não reconhecida (link)
  8. a b Stanford, Craig B. (Craig Britton), 1956-. The new chimpanzee : a twenty-first-century portrait of our closest kin. Cambridge, Massachusetts: [s.n.] OCLC 1005760108 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  9. «Going the whole orang: Darwin, Wallace and the natural history of orangutans». Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (em inglês). 51: 53–63. 1 de junho de 2015. ISSN 1369-8486. doi:10.1016/j.shpsc.2015.02.006
  10. a b c Jones, Clyde; Jones, Cheri A.; Jones, J. Knox; Wilson, Don E. (17 de maio de 1996). «Pan troglodytes». Mammalian Species (em inglês) (529): 1–9. ISSN 0076-3519. doi:10.2307/3504299
  11. Groves, Colin P. (2001). Primate taxonomy. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. OCLC 44868886
  12. de Manuel, Marc; Kuhlwilm, Martin; Frandsen, Peter; Sousa, Vitor C.; Desai, Tariq; Prado-Martinez, Javier; Hernandez-Rodriguez, Jessica; Dupanloup, Isabelle; Lao, Oscar (28 de outubro de 2016). «Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos». Science (New York, N.Y.). 354 (6311): 477–481. ISSN 0036-8075. PMC . PMID 27789843. doi:10.1126/science.aag2602
  13. Hey, Jody (1 de abril de 2010). «The Divergence of Chimpanzee Species and Subspecies as Revealed in Multipopulation Isolation-with-Migration Analyses». Molecular Biology and Evolution (em inglês). 27 (4): 921–933. ISSN 0737-4038. doi:10.1093/molbev/msp298
  14. Shea, Brian T.; Leigh, Steven R.; Groves, Colin P. (1993). «Multivariate Craniometric Variation in Chimpanzees». Boston, MA: Springer US: 265–296. ISBN 978-1-4899-3747-6
  15. McBrearty, Sally; Jablonski, Nina G. (1 de setembro de 2005). «First fossil chimpanzee». Nature. 437 (7055): 105–108. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 16136135. doi:10.1038/nature04008
  16. Won, Yong-Jin; Hey, Jody (1 de fevereiro de 2005). «Divergence Population Genetics of Chimpanzees». Molecular Biology and Evolution (em inglês). 22 (2): 297–307. ISSN 0737-4038. doi:10.1093/molbev/msi017
  17. Fischer, Anne; Wiebe, Victor; Pääbo, Svante; Przeworski, Molly (1 de maio de 2004). «Evidence for a Complex Demographic History of Chimpanzees». Molecular Biology and Evolution (em inglês). 21 (5): 799–808. ISSN 0737-4038. doi:10.1093/molbev/msh083
  18. de Manuel, Marc; Kuhlwilm, Martin; Frandsen, Peter; Sousa, Vitor C.; Desai, Tariq; Prado-Martinez, Javier; Hernandez-Rodriguez, Jessica; Dupanloup, Isabelle; Lao, Oscar (28 de outubro de 2016). «Chimpanzee genomic diversity reveals ancient admixture with bonobos». Science (New York, N.Y.). 354 (6311): 477–481. ISSN 0036-8075. PMC . PMID 27789843. doi:10.1126/science.aag2602
  19. Braccini, Stephanie; Lambeth, Susan; Schapiro, Steve; Fitch, W. Tecumseh (2010). «Bipedal tool use strengthens chimpanzee hand preferences». Journal of human evolution. 58 (3): 234–241. ISSN 0047-2484. PMC . PMID 20089294. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2009.11.008
  20. Smith, R. J.; Jungers, W. L. (1997). «Body mass in comparative primatology». Journal of Human Evolution. 32 (6): 523–559. ISSN 0047-2484. PMID 9210017. doi:10.1006/jhev.1996.0122
  21. a b «The behavior guide to African mammals : including hoofed mammals, carnivores, primates : Estes, Richard : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming». Internet Archive (em inglês). Consultado em 25 de agosto de 2020
  22. Hunt, K. D. (1991). «Mechanical implications of chimpanzee positional behavior». American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 86 (4): 521–536. ISSN 0002-9483. PMID 1776659. doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330860408
  23. Pontzer, Herman; Wrangham, Richard W. (2004). «Climbing and the daily energy cost of locomotion in wild chimpanzees: implications for hominoid locomotor evolution». Journal of Human Evolution. 46 (3): 317–335. ISSN 0047-2484. PMID 14984786. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2003.12.006
  24. Kivell, Tracy L.; Schmitt, Daniel (25 de agosto de 2009). «Independent evolution of knuckle-walking in African apes shows that humans did not evolve from a knuckle-walking ancestor». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106 (34): 14241–14246. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC . PMID 19667206. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901280106
  25. O’Neill, Matthew C.; Umberger, Brian R.; Holowka, Nicholas B.; Larson, Susan G.; Reiser, Peter J. (11 de julho de 2017). «Chimpanzee super strength and human skeletal muscle evolution». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114 (28): 7343–7348. ISSN 0027-8424. PMC . PMID 28652350. doi:10.1073/pnas.1619071114
  26. Poulsen, John R.; Clark, Connie J. (1 de abril de 2004). «Densities, Distributions, and Seasonal Movements of Gorillas and Chimpanzees in Swamp Forest in Northern Congo». International Journal of Primatology (em inglês). 25 (2): 285–306. ISSN 1573-8604. doi:10.1023/B:IJOP.0000019153.50161.58
  27. Goodall, Jane, 1934- (1986). The chimpanzees of Gombe : patterns of behavior. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. OCLC 12550961 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  28. Newton-Fisher, Nicholas E. (1999). «The diet of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda». African Journal of Ecology. 37 (3): 344–354. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2028.1999.00186.x
  29. Isabirye-Basuta, G. (1989). «Feeding ecology of chimpanzees in the Kibale Forest, Uganda». In: Heltne, P. G.; Marquardt, L. A. Understanding chimpanzees. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 116–127. ISBN 978-0-674-92091-0
  30. Tutin, Caroline E. G.; Fernandez, Michel (1992). «Insect‐eating by sympatric Lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan t. troglodytes) in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon». American Journal of Primatology. 28 (1): 29–40. PMID 31941221. doi:10.1002/ajp.1350280103
  31. Deblauwe, Isra (2007). «New insights in insect prey choice by chimpanzees and gorillas in Southeast Cameroon: The role of nutritional value». American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 135 (1): 42–55. PMID 17902166. doi:10.1002/ajpa.20703
  32. Boesch, C.; Uehara, S.; Ihobe, H. (2002). «Variations in chimpanzee-red colobus interactions». In: Boesch, C.; Hohmann, G.; Marchant, L. F. Behavioral diversity in chimpanzees and bonobos. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 221–30. ISBN 978-0-521-00613-2
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Chimpanzé-comum: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

O chimpanzé-comum (nome científico: Pan troglodytes), também conhecido como chimpanzé-robusto, é uma das duas espécies de chimpanzés que vivem no continente africano, juntamente com o chimpanzé-pigmeu (bonobo). Evidências de fósseis e sequenciamento de DNA mostram que essas duas espécies são os parentes vivos mais próximos dos humanos. O chimpanzé-comum possui quatro subespécies confirmadas e uma quinta subespécie proposta.

O chimpanzé-comum é coberto por pêlos grossos e pretos, mas tem o rosto, dedos, palmas das mãos e solas dos pés desprovidos de pêlos. É maior e mais robusto que o bonobo, com machos pesando 40-70 kg e fêmeas pesando 27-50 kg, medindo de 100 a 150 cm. Seu período de gestação é de oito meses, muito semelhante à dos humanos que é de 9 meses. O bebê é desmamado por volta dos três anos de idade, mas geralmente mantém um relacionamento próximo com sua mãe por mais alguns anos, atingindo a puberdade entre os 8 e 10 anos.

Os chimpanzés-comuns vivem em grupos que variam de entre 15 a 150 indivíduos, embora viajam em grupos menores durante o dia. A espécie vive em uma hierarquia patriarcal e rigorosa, o que significa que as disputas geralmente podem ser resolvidas sem a necessidade de violência. Quase todas as populações de chimpanzés foram registadas utilizando ferramentas, modificando gravetos, pedras, relva, folhas e usando-os para adquirir mel, cupins, formigas, nozes e água. A espécie também foi encontrada utilizando gravetos afiados como uma lança para caçar pequenos mamíferos.

O chimpanzé-comum está listado na lista vermelha da IUCN como uma das espécies ameaçadas de extinção. A população estimada de chimpanzés-comuns em vida selvagem é de cerca de 170.000 a 300.000 indivíduos, na África Ocidental e Central. As maiores ameaças para o chimpanzé-comum são a destruição do habitat, a caça furtiva e doenças infecciosas transmitidas majoritariamente por seres humanos.

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Pan troglodytes ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Pan troglodytes este o specie de primate hominide, nativă din Africa tropicală.


  1. ^ Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. (2008). Pan troglodytes. În: IUCN 2008. Lista roșie a speciiilor periclitate IUCN. Descărcat pe 4 January 2009. Database entry includes justification for why this species is endangered

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Pan troglodytes: Brief Summary ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Pan troglodytes este o specie de primate hominide, nativă din Africa tropicală.

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Šimpanz učenlivý ( السلوفاكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SK

Šimpanz učenlivý [1][2] alebo šimpanz [3][4](lat. Pan troglodytes alebo zriedkavo Homo troglodytes) je druh z rodu šimpanz.

V minulosti tento druh niekedy zahŕňal aj dnes samostatný druh šimpanz bonobo.


Vyskytuje sa v štyroch poddruhoch:

Použitie nástrojov

Bolo zaznamenaných viacero prípadov použitia nástrojov. Upravujú palice, kamene, trávu a listy, ktoré používajú na získanie medu, termitov, mravcov, orechov a vody.[5]


Jeho populácia sa odhaduje od 172 do 299 tisíc jedincov a klesá. Dôvodom je strata habitatu, pytliactvo a choroby.[6]


  1. a b c d e LUPTÁK, P. Slovenské mená cicavcov sveta. Bojnice: Zoologická záhrada Bojnice, 2003. ISBN 80-969059-9-6. s. 60
  2. a b c d šimpanz. In: Pyramída
  3. šimpanz. In: PAULIČKA, Ivan, ed. Všeobecný encyklopedický slovník S – Ž. 1. slovenské vyd. Praha: Ottovo nakladatelství - Cesty, 2002. ISBN 80-7181-768-6. (V spojení s článkom ľudoopice)
  4. opice. In: Pyramída
  5. Boesch C, Boesch H. (1993) "Diversity of tool use and tool-making in wild chimpanzees", pp. 158–87 in: Berthelet A, Chavaillon J (eds.) The use of tools by human and non-human primates. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0198522630.
  6. Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. 2008. Pan troglodytes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T15933A5322627. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T15933A5322627.en. Prístup 17. december 2015.

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Šimpanz učenlivý: Brief Summary ( السلوفاكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SK

Šimpanz učenlivý alebo šimpanz (lat. Pan troglodytes alebo zriedkavo Homo troglodytes) je druh z rodu šimpanz.

V minulosti tento druh niekedy zahŕňal aj dnes samostatný druh šimpanz bonobo.

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Navadni šimpanz ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SL

Navadni šimpanz (znanstveno ime Pan troglodytes) je vrsta opic iz rodu šimpanzov.

Šimpanz je izjemen tako po tem da se lahko uči kakor tudi po svoji podobnosti človeku. Šimpanz je tudi zelo pameten; kadar telo odpove uporablja orodja, rešuje probleme in celo pozna govorico znakov s katerimi se šimpanzi sporazumevajo. So zelo radovedni in radi raziskujejo. Znanstveniki so naredili poizkus: 9-letnemu šimpanzu so dali kos rumenega lepo tkanega blaga: šimpanz je najprej seveda poizkusil če je užitno, potem ga je začel vleči, da je videl, da je trpežno, nato pa je preizkušal, kako bi ga oblekel najprej kot klobuk potem kot ogrinjalo. Ta poizkus je dokazal da šimpanzi posnemajo ljudi. Šimpanzi so zelo glasne živali, po navadi se oglašajo s tridesetimi različnimi glasovi. Njihov jezik in glasilke sta okornejša od človekovih zato ne morejo oblikovati besed in govoriti. Zato se sporazumevajo z nekakšnim lajanjem,tuljenjem in sopihanjem. Kadar so šimpanzi jezni, preplašeni in razburjeni divje vreščijo, če pa so zadovoljni, pa to slišimo po globokih vzdihljajih in po tihem zavijanju.


Šimpanzi so videti kot majhne gorile, le da je njihov obraz po navadi bolj bled. Njihov obraz je rožnat včasih pa ima kateri šimpanz skoraj črn obraz. Njihovo telo je pokrito z dolgo črno ali rjavo dlako. Šimpanzi nimajo repa. Imajo štiri roke, prednje so daljše, vse roke imajo dolge prste, da se lahko hitro oprimejo za veje, kar jim pomaga pri plezanju. Šimpanzi imajo velika raztegljiva usta za prenašanje sadja in drugih stvari. Šimpanzi kot vse druge opice dobro vidijo, nad očmi imajo močan nadočesni obok. Njihovi veliki uhlji lovijo glasove drugih živali.

Samec doseže do 170 cm in 60 kg, samica 130 cm in 47 kg. V živalskih vrtovih dočaka 60 let, v divjini pa 40-50 let.

Navadnega šimpanza najdemo v Afriki, od Gvineje do zahodne Ugande in v Tanzaniji. Živijo v gozdovih in območjih savane. Najbližji sorodnik navadnega je pritlikavi šimpanz ali bonobo (Pan paniscus), ki živi južno od reke Kongo.

Obrazna mimika

Šimpanzi se med seboj sporazumevajo z vrsto izrazov obraza – obrazno mimiko. Ugotovili so da šimpanzi poznajo veliko izrazov s katerimi izražajo svoja čustva in oddajajo različna sporočila prav tako kot ljudje.

Najbolj znani izrazi:

  • pasivni izraz – šimpanz je sproščen in miren.
  • agresivni izraz - šimpanz pokaže zgornje in spodnje zobe in se namršči. S tem izrazom šimpanz pokaže svoj bes in pove tekmecu naj ga ne nadleguje več.
  • prijateljski izraz - šimpanz iztegne ustnice kakor bi z njimi hotel kaj doseči. Tako pozdravlja svojega vrstnika.
  • vesel izraz – šimpanz naredi nasmešek, pri katerem pa ne pokaže zgornjih zob. Tak nasmešek s spodnjimi zobmi nam pove da se šimpanz dobro počuti in da je vesel.

Način življenja

Šimpanzi so zelo družabni, živijo v skupinah, ki včasih štejejo več kot sto članov, vendar po gozdu hodijo v skupinah, v katerih je do osem članov. Vodi jih vodilni samec. Njihov teritorij v gozdu ob sega od 18 do 21 kvadratnih kilometrov, na travnikih pa karod 100 do 200 kvadratnih kilometrov. Včasih se teritoriji dveh skupin prekrivajo. Dan preživi aktivno. Šimpanzi si naredijo gnezda na drevesih, da so med spanjem varni pred vsiljivci. Šimpanz vzdržuje svoje gnezdo in skrbi za čistočo, saj skrbi da iztrebki padejo ven iz gnezda. Če se skupina ne preseli, v gnezdu ostane več časa. Razen ponoči, ko spi na drevesu, je šimpanz večino časa na tleh. Šimpanzi ki spadajo v isti trop, se radi stiskajo in drug drugemu brskajo s prsti po kožuhu. Iz kože mu tako odstranjujejo umazanijo, prhljaj in majhne zajedavce. Z rednim praskanjem in negovanjem skrbijo za lepo in zdravo kožo in pa tudi dlako. S tem pa se hkrati sproščajo in utrjujejo zaupljivost in prijateljstvo med člani tropa.

Prehrana in prehranjevanje

Šimpanza boste največkrat videli jesti sadje. Šimpanzi jedo vse vrste sadja, sadje predstavlja njihovo glavno vrsto hrane. Jejo tudi smolo, jajca, oreščke in semena. Zgodaj zjutraj po obroku se šimpanzove aktivnosti zmanjšajo, postane bolj len, poležava, si privošči kakšen prigrizek kot na primer: zrela jagoda, slastni listi, drevesno lubje in cvetove in skratka zapravlja čas. Njegov drugi obrok je po navadi obilnejši in je pozno popoldne. Večino tekočine šimpanz dobi s sadjem, s katerim se hrani, včasih pa pije deževnico, ki jo najde v vdolbinah v drevesih. Vemo tudi da šimpanz je med in različne insekte pa tudi termite. Ker do termitov in mravelj težko pride pa šimpanz uporabi svoje možgane: oslini palico in jo položi tja, kjer jih je veliko. Da šimpanz je termite, mravlje in insekte, je bilo že dolgo znano, nismo pa vedeli da šimpanz je tudi meso, na lov za različne sesalce, po navadi druge primate, se poda cela skupina. Te živali skoraj vedno ubije odrasel samec, ki se najprej sam naje potem pa šele deli s skupino.

Šimpanzi in ljudje

Na svetu živi 4000 vrst sesalcev od vseh teh je šimpanz najbolj podoben človeku. Ta opica ima kar 97 % enakih genov kot ljudje. Grajen je neverjetno podobno kot človek. Ima veliko človeških lastnosti. Šimpanza lahko vidite v živalskih vrtovih, po navadi je zelo popularen saj mladiči uganjajo različne vragolije, vendar kljub temu in njegovi podobnosti človeku ga vseeno najbolj ogroža človek. Že na začetku razvoja sta obe vrsti tekmovali med seboj za vire hrane. Vendar je že kmalu po tem človek pregnal šimpanze iz območij kjer je bil gosto naseljen. Dandanes šimpanz ni neposredno ogrožen razen na nekaterih manjših območjih. Na nekaterih delih Afrike lovijo šimpanze za živalske vrtove in za poizkuse na živalih, zaradi podobnosti človeku lahko znanstveniki sklepajo kaj bi se zgodilo človeku, če bi vzel zdravilo ali se namazal s kremo. Ljudje so zelo kritični do tega, vendar se to še naprej dogaja. Bolj ogrožen je njegov sorodnik pritlikavi šimpanz.


Samci spolno dozorijo pri 7-8 letih samice pa pri 6-10 letih. Šimpanzi nimajo nobenega posebnega časa parjenja, vrši se preko celega leta, samice se po navadi parijo, ko je prejšnji mladič star približno 3 leta in ko postanejo plodne. Ko postane plodna, se včasih brez kakršne tekmovalnosti pari z njo več samcev. Tako kot ženske imajo tudi šimpanzje samičke menstruacijo približno na 36 dni.

Brejost in odraščanje mladiča

Pri šimpanzih brejost traja od 202 do 261 dni, potem pa se skotita 1-2 mladiča. Če ima mati vodilno vlogo v tropu, se bodo druge opice vedle spoštljivo do nje in njenega mladiča. V prvih petih mesecih svojega življenja se mladič trdno drži matere za kožuh, mati pa ga prenaša povsod s seboj. Prve korake naredi s šestimi meseci. Šimpanz po enem letu tehta približno 9 kg, od mame pa je odvisen vsaj tri leta. Ko je šimpanz star 4 leta se največ časa druži s svojimi vrstniki. Mati ga do šestega leta nauči življenjske spretnosti kot so: obnašanje do drugih članov in tropa, gibanja po gozdu in katera hrana je užitna. Od takrat se mora naučiti kako biti odrasel član družbe, pri 10 letih se mora vesti že kot odrasel šimpanz, znati se mora izogniti nevarnostim in znati mora loviti.


Šimpanz je podoben človeku skoraj v vsem:

  • navadni šimpanzi so zelo egoistični; čeprav živijo v skupinah neradi delajo usluge in si ne pomagajo med seboj.
  • zaradi genetske podobnosti s človekom šimpanzi lahko zbolijo tudi za človeškimi boleznimi, na primer malarijo. Ko so znanstveniki sledili šimpanzom po džungli, so odkrili, da šimpanzi poznajo nekatere zdravilne rastline, s katerimi se zdravijo proti boleznim in si celijo rane z njimi, nekatere naj bi bile celo proti tumorjem.
  • pred nalivi dežja se moški šimpanzi zberejo k deževnem plesu.
  • poleg človeka so šimpanzi edine živali ki se prepoznajo v ogledalu.
  • šimpanzi po navadi hodijo po vseh štirih nogah, stojijo pa samo na zadnjih dveh. Uporabljajo kamne za kladivo, prav tako kot je pračlovek uporabljal pestnjak in še zdaj uporabljamo kamen da si stremo lešnik in vse ostale sadeže s trdo lupino. Odrasli šimpanzi učijo mladiče iskati hrano.
  • ko šimpanzi doživijo petdeset let so že tako stari da, kakor pri človeku, njihova dlaka postana siva, posivijo.
  • šimpanzi ne znajo plavati, vendar se jih tako kot človeka da naučiti plavati.


Wikimedijina zbirka ponuja več predstavnostnega gradiva o temi: Šimpanz
  1. Groves, Colin (2005). Wilson, D. E. in Reeder, D. M. (ured.), ur. Mammal Species of the World (3. izdaja izd.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. str. 183. OCLC 62265494. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. CS1 vzdrževanje: Večkratna imena: editors list (link)
  2. Butynski et al (2000). Pan troglodytes . Rdeči seznam IUCN ogroženih vrst 2006. IUCN 2006. Pridobljeno: 10 May 2006. Geslo vsebuje pojasnilo, zakaj je vrsta ogrožena
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Navadni šimpanz: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SL

Navadni šimpanz (znanstveno ime Pan troglodytes) je vrsta opic iz rodu šimpanzov.

Šimpanz je izjemen tako po tem da se lahko uči kakor tudi po svoji podobnosti človeku. Šimpanz je tudi zelo pameten; kadar telo odpove uporablja orodja, rešuje probleme in celo pozna govorico znakov s katerimi se šimpanzi sporazumevajo. So zelo radovedni in radi raziskujejo. Znanstveniki so naredili poizkus: 9-letnemu šimpanzu so dali kos rumenega lepo tkanega blaga: šimpanz je najprej seveda poizkusil če je užitno, potem ga je začel vleči, da je videl, da je trpežno, nato pa je preizkušal, kako bi ga oblekel najprej kot klobuk potem kot ogrinjalo. Ta poizkus je dokazal da šimpanzi posnemajo ljudi. Šimpanzi so zelo glasne živali, po navadi se oglašajo s tridesetimi različnimi glasovi. Njihov jezik in glasilke sta okornejša od človekovih zato ne morejo oblikovati besed in govoriti. Zato se sporazumevajo z nekakšnim lajanjem,tuljenjem in sopihanjem. Kadar so šimpanzi jezni, preplašeni in razburjeni divje vreščijo, če pa so zadovoljni, pa to slišimo po globokih vzdihljajih in po tihem zavijanju.

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Schimpans ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Schimpansen (Pan troglodytes) är tillsammans med bonobon den människoapa som är närmast släkt med människan, den delar omkring 99 % av sitt DNA med den moderna människan.[2] Schimpansens närmaste släkting är dock bonobon.

Artepitet i det vetenskapliga namnet är bildat av ett grekiskt ord som beskriver en individ som uppsöker hålor eller som vilar i en grotta. Ursprunget till namnet schimpans är djurets trivialnamn i ett bantuspråk som talas i norra Angola och angränsande delar av Kongo-Kinshasa.[3]


Närbild på ansiktet.

I vilt tillstånd väger en vuxen schimpanshona i genomsnitt 40,6 kg och hannar har en genomsnittlig vikt av 48,9 kg. Hannar når allmänt en kroppslängd (huvud och bål) av 77 till 92,5 cm, och honor blir vanligen 70 till 85 cm långa.[3] Huvudsakligen täcks kroppen av grovt, svart hår, med undantag för ansikte, fingrar, tår, handflator och fotsulor. Vuxna exemplar har dessutom vita hår vid hakan och ibland gråa hår över höfterna på baksidan. Ungdjur kännetecknas av en tofs med vita hår på stjärten. Huden i ansiktet kan ha ljusa eller mörka pigment och bär bara några glest fördelade hår.[3] Schimpansens tummar är motställbara, precis som på människan, men även stortårna fungerar på samma sätt och medger precisionsgrepp.

Artens tandformel är I 2/2 C 1/1 P 2/2 M 3/3, alltså 32 tänder. Framtänderna är breda och bredast är de första framtänder i varje sida av överkäken. Dessutom har schimpansen stora hörntänder, särskild hannar. Arterna i släktet Pan har molarer som är mest lika människans kindtänder.[3] Denna primat saknar svans och har främre extremiteter som är längre än bakbenen. Huvudet kännetecknas av en rund form med ganska små avrundade öron. Tillsammans med bonobon har schimpansen det smalaste bröstbenet av alla hominider.[3]

Underarter och utbredning

De tre första underarterna är genetiskt belagda som separerade grupper med ingen eller ytterst liten kontakt sinsemellan, medan den sista (P t vellerosus) inte har kunnat styrkas.[4]

Denna primat lever i olika slags ursprungliga och återskapade skogar som oftast ligger i låglandet men den hittas även i bergsskogar. Arten vistas i träskmarker med träd, i galleriskogar, i mindre skogsdungar i savannen, på jordbruksmark med glest fördelade träd samt i trädodlingar (främst oljepalm).[1]


Schimpanser lever i grupper om 15-120 individer och bildar patriarkaliska samhällen. De äter mest vegetarisk föda, men kan även äta animalisk föda och kan då samarbeta för att jaga och döda bytesdjur som mindre apor, fåglar och antiloper. Revirstrider utförs främst av vuxna hanar som kan angripa och även döda schimpanser från andra grupper.[5] Arten äter även insekter.[3]

När schimpansen klättrar uppför trädstammar använder den armarna som stöd och pressar sig uppåt med hjälp av bakbenen. I träd går arten ofta på fyra extremiteter över grenar och ibland hänger den bara på armarna och svänger sig framåt (brachiation). Det kan även hända att en individ hoppar från en gren till en annan gren på lägre höjd. På marken går schimpansen likaså på fyra fötter eller den vandrar en kortare sträcka på bakbenen. I flera fall står arten på bakbenen för att få bättre översikt eller på grund av att händerna är sysselsatta med föremål.[3]

Under ensamma eller gemensamma vandringar når arten en hastighet upp till 16 km/h. Schimpansen äter vanligen två timmar på morgonen. Under dagens mitt kan den vandra, vila eller likaså äta och under senare delen av dagen är den åter upptagen med födointag. Sedan byggs nästet för natten.[3]

Boet ligger vanligen 4 till 50 meter över marken och i sällsynta fall på marken. Oftast byggs ett nytt näste per natt men ibland används gamla bon.[3]

Socialt liv

Gruppens sammansättning skiftar ideligen (fission-fusion society), vilket beror på att djuren vandrar mellan små grupper inom ett visst område. Inom varje grupp finns en viss rangordning, beroende på kön, fysisk styrka, ålder och personlighet. Högst i rang står en vuxen hane. I övrigt är inte rangordningen speciellt strikt, men man kan notera att en brunstig hona stiger i rang. Samma sak när honan blir mor.

Det sociala livet är komplext, med bland annat maktspel och skiftande allianser, vilket kan leda till blodiga uppgörelser, ibland med dödlig utgång.[6] Det finns också många tendenser till altruism,[7][8] bl.a. förekommer det att föräldralösa ungar "adopteras", och därmed drastiskt ökar chansen till överlevnad, av individer som de inte ens är släkt med.[9]. De sociala banden är starka och håller i åratal, men det finns inga långa parförhållanden mellan hane och hona i samband med reproduktion.

Livslängd och utveckling

En schimpans blir cirka 40–45 år gammal;[10] i djurparker kan de bli över 50 år. De blir könsmogna i 7–13-årsåldern och dräktighetstiden är cirka 7,5 månad (i medeltal 228 dagar, dock minst drygt 200 för livsduglighet[11]). En nyfödd schimpansunge väger cirka 2 kilo och kan gå själv när den är ett år precis som människan.


Med undantag för människan är schimpansen det djur som i störst utsträckning använder sig av redskap, troligen på grund av att dess miljö erbjuder möjligheter till användning av redskap i större utsträckning än miljön som de andra stora människoaporna lever i. Förutsättningar för tillverkning och användning av redskap är schimpansens upprätta sittställning och dess motsättliga tummar. En studie nyligen (2010) tyder på att det främst är honorna som bidrar till att föra kulturen vidare, då antalet kulturella drag tydligt hängde ihop med antalet honor i flera studerade grupper.[12] Det har också visats i specialdesignade experiment att schimpanser tenderar att i första hand lära sig nya beteenden av högre rankade individer.[13] Att helt nya rörelsemönster kan läras och spridas har kunnat studeras i en vild population, där ett antal unga individer kopierat en delvis rörelsehindrad äldre individs sätt att klia kroppen med hjälp av en lian.[14]

Schimpansen och människan

Schimpansen är en hotad art och har utrotats i flera länder. Man skjuter vuxna djur och äter köttet, ungarna säljs. Eller så får de leva fastkedjade på serveringar för att locka kunder. Det är också vanligt att de blir försöksdjur. En del sjukdomar kan spridas från människa till schimpans bland annat ebolavirus.

I några äldre avhandlingar förekommer auktorsnamnet Gmelin (1788) men enligt Collin Groves (1993 och senare) beskrevs schimpansen först av Johann Friedrich Blumenbach 1775.[3]

Kända forskare

  • Jane Goodall, som studerade schimpanser under 44 år, förändrade bilden av schimpanser som lugna växtätande primater när hon såg och rapporterade att de dödade små apor och även varandra.
  • Frans de Waal, holländsk forskare och primatolog, har beskrivit mycket av schimpansernas komplexa sociala liv (bibliografi).

Se även


  1. ^ [a b] Humle, T., Maisels, F., Oates, J.F., Plumptre, A. & Williamson, E.A. 2016 Pan troglodytes Från: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 10 april 2017.
  2. ^ Hans Ellegren (2004). Lotta Fredholm. red. ”Vad är en människa?”. Forskning & Framsteg (4). http://www.fof.se/tidning/2004/4/vad-ar-en-manniska. Läst 4 december 2010.
  3. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j] Jones, Jones, Knox Jones & Wilson (17 maj 1996). Pan troglodytes (på engelska). Mammalian Species #529. American Society of Mammalogists. http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Biology/VHAYSSEN/msi/pdf/i0076-3519-529-01-0001.pdf. Läst 10 april 2017.
  4. ^ Becquet C, Patterson N, Stone AC, Przeworski M, Reich D (2007) Genetic Structure of Chimpanzee Populations. PLoS Genet 3(4): e66. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030066
  5. ^ Djur-illustrerat uppslagsverk (2007). Sid 134. ISBN 978-91-7166-036-7.
  6. ^ Frans de Waal, Vår inre apa: det bästa och sämsta i den mänskliga naturen, 2005, ISBN 91-7738-707-4.
  7. ^ Yamamoto S, Humle T, Tanaka M (2009) Chimpanzees Help Each Other upon Request. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7416. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007416
  8. ^ Warneken F, Hare B, Melis AP, Hanus D, Tomasello M (2007) Spontaneous Altruism by Chimpanzees and Young Children. PLoS Biol 5(7): e184. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050184
  9. ^ Boesch C, Bolé C, Eckhardt N, Boesch H (2010) Altruism in Forest Chimpanzees: The Case of Adoption. PLoS ONE 5(1): e8901. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008901
  10. ^ Cawthon Lang KA: Primate Factsheets: Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). University of Wisconsin, 13 april 2006. (läst 2011-10-14)
  11. ^ ”Spontaneous Abortion and Preterm Labor and Delivery in Nonhuman Primates: Evidence from a Captive Colony of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)”. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24509. 2011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024509. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0024509. Läst 17 september 2011. ”[...] we estimated the mean gestation length of normal chimpanzee pregnancies to be 228 days [...] viability for chimpanzees requires a gestation of approximately 200 days.”
  12. ^ ”The Number of Cultural Traits Is Correlated with Female Group Size but Not with Male Group Size in Chimpanzee Communities”. PLoS ONE 5(3): e9241. 2010. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009241. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0009241. Läst 2 april 2010. ”Here we show that the reported number of cultural traits in chimpanzee communities correlates with the number of females in chimpanzee communities, but not with the number of males.”
  13. ^ ”Prestige Affects Cultural Learning in Chimpanzees”. PLoS ONE 5(5): e10625. 2010. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010625. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0010625. Läst 22 maj 2010. ”Here we report that when given opportunities to watch alternative solutions to a foraging problem performed by two different models of their own species, chimpanzees preferentially copy the method shown by the older, higher-ranking individual with a prior track-record of success.”
  14. ^ ”Able-Bodied Wild Chimpanzees Imitate a Motor Procedure Used by a Disabled Individual to Overcome Handicap”. PLoS ONE 5(8): e11959. 2010. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011959. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0011959. Läst 7 augusti 2010. ”Adult male Tinka, with near-total paralysis of both hands, compensates inability to scratch his back manually by employing a distinctive technique of holding a growing liana taut while making side-to-side body movements against it. We found that seven able-bodied young chimpanzees also used this 'liana-scratch' technique, although they had no need to. The distribution of the liana-scratch technique was statistically associated with individuals' range overlap with Tinka and the extent of time they spent in parties with him, confirming that the technique is acquired by social learning.”

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Schimpans: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Schimpansen (Pan troglodytes) är tillsammans med bonobon den människoapa som är närmast släkt med människan, den delar omkring 99 % av sitt DNA med den moderna människan. Schimpansens närmaste släkting är dock bonobon.

Artepitet i det vetenskapliga namnet är bildat av ett grekiskt ord som beskriver en individ som uppsöker hålor eller som vilar i en grotta. Ursprunget till namnet schimpans är djurets trivialnamn i ett bantuspråk som talas i norra Angola och angränsande delar av Kongo-Kinshasa.

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Bayağı şempanze ( التركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia TR
? Bayağı şempanze Lightmatter chimp.jpg Bilimsel sınıflandırma Üst âlem: Eukaryota Âlem: Animalia Şube: Chordata Sınıf: Mammalia Takım: Primates Familya: Hominidae
Cins: Pan
Tür: Pan troglodytes
Blumenbach, 1775 Korunma durumu
IUCN Kırmızı Listesi 3.1 (2001) sürümü :
Tehlikede Alt türlerPan troglodytes schweinfurthii
Pan troglodytes troglodytes
Pan troglodytes vellerosus
Pan troglodytes verus Dağılım haritası Pan troglodytes area.png Pan troglodytes (adi şempanze) alt türlerinin dağılım haritası: 1. P. t. verus ; 2. P. t. vellerosus ; 3. P. t. troglodytes ; 4. P. t. schweinfurthii.

Bayağı şempanze (Pan troglodytes), Primates (primatlar) takımının Hominidae (büyük insansı maymunlar) familyasına dahil Pan (şempanze) cinsini oluşturan iki türün daha iri yapılı olanıdır. "Şempanze" adı daha çok bu türü ifade etmek için kullanılsa da bu durum teknik açıdan hatalıdır. Yakın geçmişe dek daha çok "pigme şempanze" ya da "cüce şempanze" adları ile anılmış olan Pan paniscus (bonobo), Pan cinsinin diğer türüdür.

Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti'nin ormanlarıyla sınırlı bir dağılım alanı olan bonobonun aksine, bayağı şempanzenin Batı ve Orta Afrika'da daha geniş bir dağılım alanı vardır ve bu dağılım alanları içinde ayrı bölgelerde izlenen dört alt türü bulunur. Bu alt türler şöyle sıralanabilir:

  • Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii (Doğu şempanzesi)
  • Pan troglodytes troglodytes (Merkezî şempanze)
  • Pan troglodytes vellerosus (Nijerya şempanzesi)
  • Pan troglodytes verus (Batı Afrika şempanzesi)


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Bayağı şempanze: Brief Summary ( التركية )

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Bayağı şempanze (Pan troglodytes), Primates (primatlar) takımının Hominidae (büyük insansı maymunlar) familyasına dahil Pan (şempanze) cinsini oluşturan iki türün daha iri yapılı olanıdır. "Şempanze" adı daha çok bu türü ifade etmek için kullanılsa da bu durum teknik açıdan hatalıdır. Yakın geçmişe dek daha çok "pigme şempanze" ya da "cüce şempanze" adları ile anılmış olan Pan paniscus (bonobo), Pan cinsinin diğer türüdür.

Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti'nin ormanlarıyla sınırlı bir dağılım alanı olan bonobonun aksine, bayağı şempanzenin Batı ve Orta Afrika'da daha geniş bir dağılım alanı vardır ve bu dağılım alanları içinde ayrı bölgelerde izlenen dört alt türü bulunur. Bu alt türler şöyle sıralanabilir:

Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii (Doğu şempanzesi) Pan troglodytes troglodytes (Merkezî şempanze) Pan troglodytes vellerosus (Nijerya şempanzesi) Pan troglodytes verus (Batı Afrika şempanzesi)
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Шимпанзе звичайний ( الأوكرانية )

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Це велика мавпа із загальною довжиною тіла до 160 см, з яких на довжину голови і тулуба доводиться 75-95 см, маса тіла 45-50 кг і навіть до 80 кг. Спостерігається статевий диморфізм: самці більші за самиць. У шимпанзе він менш виражений, ніж в орангутанів — наприклад, маса тіла у самиць лише на 10 % менша, ніж у самців. Руки значно довше ніг. Кисті з довгими пальцями, але перший палець малий. На стопах перший палець великий, між останніми пальцями є шкірні перетинки. Вушні раковини великі, схожі на людські, верхня губа висока, ніс маленький. Шкіра обличчя, а також тильних поверхонь кистей і стоп зморшкувата.

Шерсть чорна, у обох статей на підборідді росте біле волосся. Шкіра тіла світла, але на обличчі у різних видів її забарвлення варіює. Середня температура тіла 37,2°.

Спосіб життя

Полюбляє лісисті місцини та савани. Зустрічається на висоті до 3000 м над рівнем моря. Веде напівназемний, напівдеревний спосіб життя, на землі проводить близько 30% денних годин. Тут зазвичай пересувається на чотирьох кінцівках, спираючись на всю підошву і на тильні поверхні середніх фаланг зігнутих пальців кистей. У такій позі може швидко бігати, зрідка ходить на двох ногах. По деревах пересувається швидко по способу брахіації, підвішуючись на руках, м'язи яких володіють великою підйомною силою. Але в пересуванні по гілках часто використовуються руки і ноги одночасно. Володіє хапальною кистю, а їх великий палець, незважаючи на малі розміри, може протиставлятися іншим. Під час локомоції на деревах кисть слугує «схоплюючим крюком». Кисть звичайного шимпанзе здатна до активної маніпуляції, яка включає процес обшукування, будівництво гнізда, «використання знарядь», сюди ж слід віднести і «малювання» в неволі.

Тримаються шимпанзе групами, чисельність яких не є стабільною. Кожна група включає від 2 до 25 і більше індивідів, іноді зустрічаються змішані групи навіть із 40—45 особин. Склад групи також нестабільний. Група може складатися з пари — самець і самка, трапляються тільки групи, які складаються тільки з самців; групи — мати з дитинчатами різних поколінь; змішані групи. Зустрічаються також самці-одинаки. У стадних взаєминах між індивідами особливої ієрархії не відзначається. Між дорослими особинами поширене взаємне залицяння. Спілкуючись один з одним, шимпанзе видають близько 30 різних звуків, велику роль також відіграють жести рук і пози тіла. Особливе місце займає вираз обличчя. Добре розвинена мімічна мускулатура особи, а звідси і різноманітність міміки. Спить шимпанзе в гніздах, лежачи на боці із зігнутими колінами, а іноді на спині з витягнутими або притиснутими до живота ногами. Стадне життя шимпанзе полягає в пошуках їжі і в різних взаєминах.

Гнізда будує подібно до орангутанів у середній частині дерева. Для денного відпочинку гніздо будується на землі або на деревах. У неволі гнізда влаштовує із ганчірок і паперу. Статевої зрілості самиці досягають у 6—10 років, самці — у 7—8 років. Розмножуються цілий рік. Вагітність триває 225 днів. Як правило, народжується одне дитинча. Відомі випадки народження двійні. Дитинча народжується майже голе, безпомічне. Багато місяців воно тісно пов'язане з матір'ю. Дитинчата й підлітки 3—8-річного віку багато часу проводять в іграх, з віком гри поступово змінюються ритуальним обшукуванням у дорослих.

Тривалість життя до 60 років.


Шимпанзе всеїдний, але головним чином його дієта рослинна (але їсть м'ясо всякий раз, коли воно доступне), складається з фруктів, листя, горіхів, насіння, бульб, та іншої рослинності, а також грибів, комах, меду, пташиних яєць та дрібних хребетних. Для видобування термітів та розколювання горіхів створють примітивні інструменти. Є також випадки організованого полювання; в деяких випадках, такі як вбивство дитинчат плямистої пантери[1], це насамперед є захисною дією, оскільки плямиста пантера — його головний природний ворог. Однак, м'ясо — необхідне джерело живильних речовин, і звичайні шимпанзе іноді об'єднуються в групи та полюють на здобич, таку як західні червоні колобуси та мавпи.

Західноафриканський шимпанзе (Pan troglodytes verus) є єдиними відомими з тварин крім людей та деяких птахів, які можуть створювати та використовувати спеціалізовані інструменти для полювання. Спостерігали, що шимпанзе в савані на південному сході Сенегалу створили списа, обриваючи гілки з дерева та знімаючи з них кору, потім загострюючи один кінець своїми зубами. Вони використовували їх як зброю, убивши тварину.[2] Там, де немає червоних колобусів, самки та дитинчата полюють на сплячих сенегальських галаго (Galago senegalensis), на пробу тикаючи в дупла саморобні списи[3].


Мешкає в Африці від Сенегалу й Малі до Центральноафриканської Республіки та Демократичної Республіки Конго. Також зустрічається у Південному Судані, Уганді, Бурунді, Танзанії та Замбії.


Шимпанзе чорномордий, або шимпанзе «чого» (P. troglodytes troglodytes) з Центральний Африки (басейни рік Нігер і Конго) відрізняється веснянкуватим обличчям на білому фоні, яке з віком стає бруднуватим, з більш великими плямами.

У швейнфуртовського шимпанзе (P. t. Schweinfurthii) із Центральної та Східної Африки (басейни річок Луабала і Убангі) в районах озер Вікторія і Танганьїка обличчя світле, з віком переходить у темно-бруднуватий, шерсть довша.

Західний шимпанзе (P. t. verus) із Західної Африки (Сьєрра-Леоне, Гвінея на схід до річки Нігер) має чорну пігментацію обличчя, яка за формою нагадує метеликоподібну маску (надбрів'я і нижня частина обличчя світліші).

Нігерійсько-камерунський шимпанзе (P. t. vellerosus), що мешкає на кордоні Нігерії та Камеруну, доволі рідкісний. Найменше відомо про їх екологію, поведінку. Найбільш уразливий підвид.



  • Jean Marie Pelt: Die Geheimnisse der Heilpflanzen, Verlag Knesebeck, München 2005, ISBN 3-89660-291-8, S. 17f
  • Gonder, M.K., Disotell, T.R. and Oates, J.F. New genetic evidence on the evolution of chimpanzee populations, and implications for taxonomy. International Journal of Primatology 2006; 27: 1103–1127. DOI:10.1007/s10764-006-9063-y
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Tinh tinh thông thường ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Tinh tinh thông thường hay còn gọi là hắc tinh tinh (danh pháp hai phần: Pan troglodytes) là một loài tinh tinh trong họ Hominidae, bộ Linh trưởng, được Blumenbach mô tả năm 1775.[3]. Nguyên loài này thường được gọi là tinh tinh nhưng tên gọi này chỉ cả chi Tinh tinh (Pan).

Mô tả

Tinh tinh thường sinh sống ở Tây và Trung Phi. Họ hàng gần nhất với nó là tinh tinh lùn (Pan paniscus), được tìm thấy tại các cánh rừng của Cộng hòa dân chủ Congo. Ranh giới địa lý giữa hai loài này là sông Congo.

Tinh tinh trưởng thành có thể cân nặng 40 và 65 kg (88 và 143 lb) và cao 1,6 đến 1,3 m (5 ft 3 in đến 4 ft 3 in)[Chuyển đổi: Số không hợp lệ] khi đứng thẳng. Thời gian mang thai kéo dài 8 tháng. Con tinh tinh sơ sinh là cai sữa khoảng ba năm tuổi, nhưng thường duy trì một mối quan hệ gần gũi với mẹ của nó trong vài năm nữa, nó đạt đến tuổi dậy thì ở độ tuổi lên 8 hoặcn 10, và tuổi thọ của nó trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt là khoảng 50 năm.

Tinh tinh sống phổ biến ở các nhóm có từ 15 đến 150 thành viên, mặc dù các cá thể đi và kiếm thức ăn thành nhóm nhỏ hơn nhiều trong ngày. Cuộc sống các loài trong một hệ thống cấp bậc nghiêm ngặt, con đực thống trị, có nghĩa là tranh chấp có thể được giải quyết mà không cần bạo lực. Gần như tất cả các quần thể tinh tinh đã được ghi nhận có thể sử dụng các công cụ, dậy được sửa đổi, đá, cỏ, và lá và sử dụng chúng để lấy mật ong, mối, kiến, các loại hạt, và nước. Loài này cũng đã được tìm thấy tạo gậy mài nhọn để đâm Galago senegalensis ra khỏi lỗ nhỏ trên cây.

Tinh tinh thông thường được liệt kê trên Sách đỏ IUCNloài nguy cấp. Từ 170.000 và 300.000 cá thể được ước tính trên phạm vi của nó trong rừng và hoang mạc của TâyTrung Phi. Các mối đe dọa lớn nhất đối với tinh tinh thông thường là tình trạng phá hủy môi trường sống, săn bắn và bệnh tật. Tinh tinh hiếm khi thọ quá 40 năm trong điều kiện sống hoang dã, nhưng có thể sống tới 60 năm trong điều kiện giam giữ và con tinh tinh có tên gọi là Cheetah trong phim Tarzan sống đến 80 tuổi.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Groves, Colin (16 tháng 11 năm 2005). Wilson D. E. và Reeder D. M. (chủ biên), biên tập. Mammal Species of the World . Nhà xuất bản Đại học Johns Hopkins. tr. 183. ISBN 0-801-88221-4.
  2. ^ Oates, J.F., Tutin, C.E.G., Humle, T., Wilson, M.L., Baillie, J.E.M., Balmforth, Z., Blom, A., Boesch, C., Cox, D., Davenport, T., Dunn, A., Dupain, J., Duvall, C., Ellis, C.M., Farmer, K.H., Gatti, S., Greengrass, E., Hart, J., Herbinger, I., Hicks, C., Hunt, K.D., Kamenya, S., Maisels, F., Mitani, J.C., Moore, J., Morgan, B.J., Morgan, D.B., Nakamura, M., Nixon, S., Plumptre, A.J., Reynolds, V., Stokes, E.J. & Walsh, P.D. (2008). Pan troglodytes. 2008 Sách đỏ IUCN. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế 2008. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 1 năm 2009. Database entry includes justification for why this species is endangered
  3. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Pan troglodytes”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Tinh tinh thông thường
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Tinh tinh thông thường: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Tinh tinh thông thường hay còn gọi là hắc tinh tinh (danh pháp hai phần: Pan troglodytes) là một loài tinh tinh trong họ Hominidae, bộ Linh trưởng, được Blumenbach mô tả năm 1775.. Nguyên loài này thường được gọi là tinh tinh nhưng tên gọi này chỉ cả chi Tinh tinh (Pan).

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Обыкновенный шимпанзе ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
Младенец обыкновенного шимпанзе и его мать

Обыкновенные шимпанзе живут в сообществах, которые типично колеблются от 20 до более чем 150 особей. Они живут и на деревьях и на земле равное время. Их обычная походка является четвероногой, используя подошвы ног и опоры на суставы рук, но они могут идти и вертикально на короткие расстояния. Ночь проводят в гнёздах на деревьях, гнёзда каждый вечер строят заново (выросшие в неволе особи строить гнёзда, как правило, не умеют). Спят, лёжа на боку с согнутыми коленями или на спине с прижатыми к животу ногами[5].


Общаются между собой, используя около 30 различных звуков, большую роль играют жесты, позы, мимика. Они умеют плакать (в отличие от человека — без слёз), смеяться. Чтобы подозвать сородича, обезьяна ухает, подкрепляя звуки специфическим «зовущим» выражением лица. Поджатые губы и пронзительный взгляд — угрожающая демонстрация (с таким лицом бросается в драку). Губы раздвинуты, дёсны обнажены, рот приоткрыт — покорность или испуг. Сходная мимика, но зубы сжаты — это «подобострастная улыбка» в присутствии доминантной особи. Улыбаясь, не показывая зубов, детёныши показывают, что агрессия не всерьёз. Ноющие звуки при вытянутых в трубку губах — знак дискомфорта, когда обезьяне требуется корм, груминг или что-то ещё. Топая, доминантная особь отгоняет подчинённую.[9]

При всём желании шимпанзе могут усвоить всего несколько слов из человеческих языков, поскольку их речевой аппарат устроен иначе, чем у человека. Успешными оказались опыты по обучению шимпанзе Уошо, а затем и других её соплеменников, жестовому языку.

Расхождение от других гоминидов

Исследования ДНК, опубликованные в 2004—2005 годах показали различия между карликовым и обыкновенным шимпанзе, эти виды разделились меньше миллиона лет назад (примерно в то же время, что человек и неандерталец)[10][11]. Разделение линии шимпанзе от последнего общего предка человеческой линии произошло приблизительно 6 миллионов лет назад. Поскольку никакой другой вид гоминидов, кроме человека разумного, не сохранился, то обе разновидности шимпанзе являются самыми близкими живущими родственниками современных людей. Род шимпанзе отклонился от рода гориллы около 7 миллионов лет назад.

История взаимодействия с человеком

Более 150 лет численность шимпанзе сокращается главным образом из-за антропогенных факторов: уничтожения мест обитания (вырубки лесов), браконьерства, большей частью, ради мяса (англ.) (которое и раньше входило в меню различных народов континента)[12]. Вид находится под угрозой вымирания.

Представители этого вида по имени Хэм и Энос летали в космос на созданных человеком кораблях в рамках программы «Меркурий».

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  1. Соколов В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Млекопитающие. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1984. — С. 93. — 10 000 экз.
  2. Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 1 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 407. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
  3. Ancient chimpanzee 'Adam' lived over one million years ago, research reveals, 2016.
  4. Винс Смит Жизнь Софи. — М.: «Ридерз дайджест», 2005. — С. 496—497. — (Избранные романы). — ISBN 5-89355-110-9
  5. 1 2 «Энциклопедия живой природы». В 10 тт. Т. 10. — М.: ОЛМА Медиа Групп, 2007. 160 с., ил. — ISBN 978-5-373-00832-7
  6. Aggression toward Large Carnivores by Wild Chimpanzees of Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
  7. Pruetz JD, Bertolani P (March 2007). “Savanna chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus, hunt with tools”. Curr. Biol. 17 (5): 412—7. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2006.12.042. PMID 17320393. Архивировано из оригинала 2007-02-28. Проверено 2009-04-12. Используется устаревший параметр |month= (справка)
  8. Шимпанзе ломают копья для охоты на спящих симпатяг
  9. 1000 чудес природы. — 2007. — С. 192—193. — ISBN 5-89355-027-7
  10. Won YJ, Hey J (February 2005). “Divergence population genetics of chimpanzees”. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22 (2): 297—307. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msi017. PMID 15483319. Используется устаревший параметр |month= (справка)
  11. Fischer A, Wiebe V, Pääbo S, Przeworski M (May 2004). “Evidence for a complex demographic history of chimpanzees”. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21 (5): 799—808. DOI:10.1093/molbev/msh083. PMID 14963091. Используется устаревший параметр |month= (справка)
  12. Bowen-Jones, E., Pendry, S. (1999) The Threats to Primates and Other Mammals from the Bushmeat Trade in Africa and How This Could Be Diminished. Oryx, vol. 33, no. 3: 233-247.
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Обыкновенный шимпанзе: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Младенец обыкновенного шимпанзе и его мать

Обыкновенные шимпанзе живут в сообществах, которые типично колеблются от 20 до более чем 150 особей. Они живут и на деревьях и на земле равное время. Их обычная походка является четвероногой, используя подошвы ног и опоры на суставы рук, но они могут идти и вертикально на короткие расстояния. Ночь проводят в гнёздах на деревьях, гнёзда каждый вечер строят заново (выросшие в неволе особи строить гнёзда, как правило, не умеют). Спят, лёжа на боку с согнутыми коленями или на спине с прижатыми к животу ногами.


Общаются между собой, используя около 30 различных звуков, большую роль играют жесты, позы, мимика. Они умеют плакать (в отличие от человека — без слёз), смеяться. Чтобы подозвать сородича, обезьяна ухает, подкрепляя звуки специфическим «зовущим» выражением лица. Поджатые губы и пронзительный взгляд — угрожающая демонстрация (с таким лицом бросается в драку). Губы раздвинуты, дёсны обнажены, рот приоткрыт — покорность или испуг. Сходная мимика, но зубы сжаты — это «подобострастная улыбка» в присутствии доминантной особи. Улыбаясь, не показывая зубов, детёныши показывают, что агрессия не всерьёз. Ноющие звуки при вытянутых в трубку губах — знак дискомфорта, когда обезьяне требуется корм, груминг или что-то ещё. Топая, доминантная особь отгоняет подчинённую.

При всём желании шимпанзе могут усвоить всего несколько слов из человеческих языков, поскольку их речевой аппарат устроен иначе, чем у человека. Успешными оказались опыты по обучению шимпанзе Уошо, а затем и других её соплеменников, жестовому языку.

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wikipedia русскую Википедию

黑猩猩 ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

黑猩猩学名Pan troglodytes)是黑猩猩属下的两个物种之一,另一种是倭黑猩猩Bonobo (Pan paniscus))。根据黑猩猩基因组计划的研究结果,黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩与人类具有较高的基因相似度,与人类有最近的共同祖先,從演化的角度看是現存生物中與人类最近的姊妹種,黑猩猩跟人類基因組的相似度高達98.8%[2],大約在600萬年前「分家」。


英文名Chimpanzee首次使用於1738年,載於《The London Magazine》,義為「mockman」[3]












美國佐治亞州立大學教授霍普金斯(William Hopkins)等人2014年7月在《當代生物學》期刊發表報告,稱他們對年齡介於9歲到54歲之間的99隻黑猩猩進行了測試。每隻黑猩猩都要參與13項認知測試,包括使用工具和空間記憶等。結果顯示,這些黑猩猩當中,有超過一半的認知能力受遺傳基因顯著影響。[4]










  1. ^ Humle, T., Maisels, F., Oates, J.F., Plumptre, A. & Williamson, E.A. Pan troglodytes. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. International Union for Conservation of Nature. 2016 [2018-07-27].
  2. ^ http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent-exhibitions/human-origins-and-cultural-halls/anne-and-bernard-spitzer-hall-of-human-origins/understanding-our-past/dna-comparing-humans-and-chimps/
  3. ^ The London Magazine 465, September 1738. "A most surprising creature is brought over in the Speaker, just arrived from Carolina, that was taken in a wood at Guinea. She is the Female of the Creature which the Angolans call chimpanze, or the mockman." (cited after OED)
  4. ^ 黑猩猩智力基因左右. 明報. 2014-07-14 [2014-07-15].
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

黑猩猩: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

黑猩猩(学名:Pan troglodytes)是黑猩猩属下的两个物种之一,另一种是倭黑猩猩(Bonobo (Pan paniscus))。根据黑猩猩基因组计划的研究结果,黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩与人类具有较高的基因相似度,与人类有最近的共同祖先,從演化的角度看是現存生物中與人类最近的姊妹種,黑猩猩跟人類基因組的相似度高達98.8%,大約在600萬年前「分家」。


英文名Chimpanzee首次使用於1738年,載於《The London Magazine》,義為「mockman」

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チンパンジー ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
チンパンジー チンパンジー
チンパンジー Pan troglodytes
保全状況評価[1][2][注 1] ENDANGERED
(IUCN Red List Ver.3.1 (2001))
Status iucn3.1 EN.svgワシントン条約附属書I 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 霊長目 Primates 亜目 : 直鼻亜目 Haplorhini : ヒト科 Hominidae : チンパンジー属 Pan : チンパンジー P. troglodytes 学名 Pan troglodytes
(Blumenbach, 1799)[2] 和名 チンパンジー[3][4] 英名 Chimpanzee
Common chimpanzee
1. P. t. verus、2. P. t. vellerosus
3. P. t. troglodytes、4. P. t. schweinfurthii

チンパンジーPan troglodytes)は、霊長目ヒト科チンパンジー属に分類される類人猿。





体長オス85センチメートル、メス77.5センチメートル[4]。体重オス40 - 60キログラム、メス32 - 47キログラム[4]。全身の毛衣は黒く、顎の毛衣は白い[4]。脳容積は397 mL前後である[5]





国際チンパンジー22番染色体解読コンソーシアム(The International Chimpanzee Chromosome 22 Consortium, 理化学研究所なども参加)によってチンパンジーの第22番染色体がほぼ完全に解読され、これに対応するヒトの第21番染色体の比較が報告されている[7]。その報告によると、DNAレベルの比較では、ヒトとチンパンジーの間で1.44%の一塩基置換(点突然変異)とそれに加えて68,000箇所の配列の挿入または欠失が生じていた。翻訳される231種類のタンパク質について比較したところ、83%でアミノ酸レベルの変化が生じていた。




Pan troglodytes troglodytes (Blumenbach, 1799)[注 2] チュウオウチンパンジー[14] Central chimpanzee[2]
Pan troglodytes ellioti (Matschie, 1914) ナイジェリアチンパンジー[要出典] Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee[2]
以前はP. t. vellerosusとされていた[2][16][17][18]
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii (Giglioli, 1872) ヒガシチンパンジー[14] Eastern chimpanzee[2]
Pan troglodytes verus Schwartz, 1934 ニシチンパンジー[14] Western chimpanzee[2]

コリン・グローヴズは、ブルンジ、ルワンダ、タンザニア、ウガンダの個体群がケナガチンパンジー(ヒガシチンパンジー)と異なる亜種Pan troglodytes marungensisであると主張している[19]


樹上棲だが、地表では前肢の指関節外側を接地して四足歩行(ナックルウォーク)する[4]昼行性[4]。夜間になると樹上に日ごとに新しく寝床を作って休むが、同じ寝床を再利用したり地表に寝床を作ることもある[4]。10 - 20平方キロメートルの行動圏内で生活するが、乾燥した地域では行動圏が数百平方キロメートルに達することもある[4]




繁殖形態は胎生。生後8 - 11年で性成熟し、生後14 - 15年で初産を迎える[4]。生後10年以下で産むこともあるが、メスが別の群れに移籍することから通常は性成熟から初産までに間隔がある[22]。寿命は50年と考えられ、飼育下では57年の飼育記録がある[4]

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Question book-4.svg




チンパンジーには笑いがある。くすぐったり、追いかけ合ったりして笑い声を出す。ただし、テレビ番組でチンパンジーが芸などを披露する[注 3]際、歯を見せて笑っているように見えることがあるが、これは英語で「グリマス」 (grimace) と称される表情であり、チンパンジーが恐がっている時の顔である。











アメリカの弁護士であり「非人間権利プロジェクト(Nonhuman Rights Project)」の代表も務めるスティーヴ・ワイズが「もし自分の好きなように人生を送ることができるだけの認知能力があるなら、そうする権利をもつべきです。どのような種に属しているかはまったく重要ではないはずです」という主張から彼が世話しているアメリカ在住の4匹のチンパンジーに「人」として法的人格が認められる権利を求めてアメリカの3つの裁判所で3つの訴訟を起こしたという事例も存在し、現在上告することを発表している[36]。ワイズは自身の主張を裏付けるために9人の専門家の協力を得て「チンパンジーの認知能力について今日知ることのできるすべての知識をまとめた200ページの文書」を用意し、その9人の専門家も法廷で証人を務める予定である[37]








  1. ^ 亜種ごとのIUCNレッドデータでは、2018年現在ニシチンパンジーP. t. verusがCR(深刻な危機)、それ以外がEN(危機)に指定されている。
  2. ^ 命名者と発表年は、岩本 (1987) によると「(Blumenbach, 1779)」を不適切として「(Gmelin, 1788)」とする説がある。一方で「(Blumenbach, 1775)」とする説もある (杉山ら, 1996; Groves, 2005a)。ここでは2018年現在のIUCNレッドリスト (Humle et al., 2016) による分類に従う。
  3. ^ ワシントン条約で保護されている種であるため、テレビ出演は商業目的と見なされて問題となるケースがある。


  1. ^ Appendices I, II and III<https://cites.org/eng>(accessed 08 April 2018)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Humle, T., Maisels, F., Oates, J.F., Plumptre, A. & Williamson, E.A. 2016. Pan troglodytes (errata version published in 2016). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T15933A102326672. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T15933A17964454.en. Downloaded on 08 April 2018.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o 岩本光雄 「サルの分類名(その4:類人猿)」『霊長類研究』第3巻 2号、日本霊長類学会、1987年、119-126頁。
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v 山極寿一 「チンパンジー」『動物世界遺産 レッド・データ・アニマルズ6 アフリカ』小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著、講談社、2000年、148-149頁
  5. ^ 三上章允. “化石人類の脳”. 中部学院大学. ^ DNA人類進化学 - 3.ヒトがサルと分かれた日 ”. 遺伝学電子博物館. ^ The International Chimpanzee Chromosome 22 Consortium (2004). “DNA sequence and comparative analysis of chimpanzee chromosome 22”. Nature 429: 382-388. doi:10.1038/nature02564. PMID 15164055.
  6. ^ Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium (September 2005). “Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome”. Nature 437 (7055): 69?87. Bibcode 2005Natur.437...69.. doi:10.1038/nature04072. PMID 16136131. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v437/n7055/full/nature04072.html.
  7. ^ Kuroki et al. (2006). “Comparative analysis of chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes unveils complex evolutionary pathway”. Nat. Genet. 38: 158-167. doi:10.1038/ng1729. PMID 16388311.
  8. ^ Varki A. and Altheide T.K. (2005). “Comparing the human and chimpanzee genomes: searching for needles in a haystack”. Genome Res. 15: 1746-1758. doi:10.1101/gr.3737405. PMID 16339373.
  9. ^ Webster M.T. Smith N.G. and Ellegren H. (2003). “Compositional evolution of noncoding DNA in the human and chimpanzee genomes”. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20: 278-286. doi:10.1093/molbev/msg037. PMID 12598695.
  10. ^ Groves, Colin. (2001) "Primate Taxonomy", pp. 303-307. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, ISBN 9781560988724.
  11. ^ Hof, Jutta; Sommer, Volker: Apes Like Us: Portraits of a Kinship, Edition Panorama , Mannheim 2010, ISBN 978-3-89823-435-1, p. 114.
  12. ^ a b c d e 橋本千絵 「ヒガシチンパンジー」「チュウオウチンパンジー」「ニシチンパンジー」『世界で一番美しいサルの図鑑』 京都大学霊長類研究所編、湯本貴和全体監修・古市剛史「アフリカ」監修、エクスナレッジ、2017年、206-213頁。
  13. ^ a b 中村美知夫 「霊長類の文化」『霊長類研究』第24巻 3号、日本霊長類学会、2009年、229-240頁。
  14. ^ M. Katherine Gonder, John F. Oates, Todd R. Disotell, Michael R. J. Forstner, Juan Carlos Morales & Don J. Melnick (1997). “A new west African chimpanzee subspecies?”. Nature 388: 337. doi:10.1038/41005.
  15. ^ Colin P. Groves (2005a). “Order Primates”. In Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (editors). Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 111-184. https://www.departments.bucknell.edu/biology/resources/msw3/browse.asp?id=12100798.
  16. ^ John F.Oates, Colin P. Goves & Paulina D. Jenkins (2008). “The type locality of Pan troglodytes vellerosus (Gray, 1862), and implications for the nomenclature of West African chimpanzees”. Primates 80 (1): 78-80. doi:10.1007/s10329-008-0116-z.
  17. ^ Groves, CP (2005b). “Geographic variation within eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes cf. schweinfurthii Giglioli, 1872)”. Australasian Primatology. http://arts.anu.edu.au/grovco/schweinfurthii.pdf+html.
  18. ^ ワイルドライフ 「"文化"を受け継ぐチンパンジー -ウガンダの森-」 (BShi) 2010年9月27日放映
  19. ^ a b 京都新聞 - ヒョウがチンパンジー捕食、東アフリカでも 京大グループ確認 Archived 2014年4月23日, at the Wayback Machine.[リンク切れ]
  20. ^ 杉山幸丸、相見満、斉藤千映美、室山泰之、松村秀一、浜井美弥 「チンパンジー」『サルの百科』 杉山幸丸編、嶋田雅一イラスト、データハウス、1996年、213-217頁。
  21. ^ Whiten A; Goodall J,McGrew WC,Nishida T,Reynolds V,Sugiyama Y,Tutin CEG,Wrangham RW,Boesch C (1999). “Cultures in chimpanzees”. NATURE 399 (6737): 682-685.
  22. ^ Nakamura M (2009). “Culture in nonhuman primates”. REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RESEARCH 24: 229-240.
  23. ^ a b 佐川峻. “(3) 思考と信号 その17 サルは言語を理解するか”. 三陸書房 身のまわりの科学最前線. ^ チンパンジーがじゃんけん学習=認知能力、4歳児と同程度-京大
  24. ^ チンパンジーはジャンケン理解…100日で学習
  25. ^ HAM 〜チンパンジー宇宙飛行士の物語〜”. NHK国際共同制作. ^ チンパンジー7匹、枝の「はしご」で脱走 米動物園”. CNN (2014年5月31日閲覧。
  26. ^ a b ニュース - 動物 - 赤ちゃんチンパンジーを保護、コンゴ - ナショナルジオグラフィック 公式日本語サイト(ナショジオ) Archived 2013年3月24日, at the Wayback Machine.
  27. ^ 竹ノ下祐二「大型類人猿の保護における感染症問題」『霊長類研究』Vol.21 No.1、日本霊長類学会、2005年、48-50頁。
  28. ^ a b 落合-大平知美、倉島治、赤見理恵、長谷川寿一、平井百樹、松沢哲郎、吉川泰弘 「日本国内の大型類人猿の飼育の過去と現在」『霊長類研究』Vol.26 No.2、日本霊長類学会、2006年、128-131頁。
  29. ^ 動物展示法変遷 2.動物園における動物展示の変遷概観博物館と動物園での学び 並木美砂子 千葉市動物公園
  30. ^ チンパンジーを使った動物実験を制限へ、米国 国際ニュース2011年12月20日 11:51 発信地:ワシントンD.C./米国 AFPBB News 2013-2-6閲覧
  31. ^ 実験用チンパンジーに「引退勧告」 利用中止の動き加速 米2013.02.04 Mon posted at 15:12 JST CNN.co.jp 2013年2月6日閲覧
  32. ^ New York Cases – Judges’ Decisions and Next Steps Nonhuman Rights Project on Tuesday, December 10, 2013
  33. ^ Legal Documents re. Tommy the ChimpanzeeNonhuman Rights Project December 2, 2013
  34. ^ あなたの知らない猛獣の能力「時速40kmのカバ」「握力300kgのチンパンジー」”. マイナビウーマン (2014年5月31日閲覧。
  35. ^ 米国で女性を襲ったチンパンジー、警察官が射殺”. ロイター (2014年5月31日閲覧。
  36. ^ Chimp mauling victim Charla Nash's $150 million lawsuit against Connecticut denied”. デイリーニューズ (2014年5月31日閲覧。
  37. ^ ベルリン動物園のチンパンジー、園長の指をかみ切る”. ロイター (2014年6月2日閲覧。
  38. ^ Chimp bites off Berlin Zoo director's finger”. ロイター (2014年6月2日閲覧。
  39. ^ 読売新聞 「パンくん」、研修生にかみつきけが負わす 2012年9月7日21時55分
  40. ^ チンパンジーがキレた!わるふざけ高校生に投石―台湾”. Record China (2014年5月31日閲覧。
  41. ^ Sid Perkins. Baseball players reveal how humans evolved to throw so well ---A catapult-like mechanism allows energy to be stored in shoulder and torso, a video study of pitchers reveals.Nture Nature doi:10.1038/nature.2013.13281
  42. ^ 30度の打ち出し角度で計算した場合
  43. ^ Our Great Apes | Bubbies”. Center for Great Apes. オリジナルよりアーカイブ。^ 特定動物リスト (動物の愛護と適切な管理)環境省・2015年10月8日に利用)


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、チンパンジーに関連するメディアおよびカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにチンパンジーに関する情報があります。


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チンパンジー: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

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チンパンジー(Pan troglodytes)は、霊長目ヒト科チンパンジー属に分類される類人猿。

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침팬지 ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

침팬지(영어: chimpanzee, 문화어: 침판지, 학명 : Pan troglodytes)는 사람과 침팬지 속에 속하는 유인원이다. 한때는 초식동물로 여겨졌으나, 영국의 동물학자이자 평화운동가제인 구달에 의해 무리 지어서 원숭이천산갑을 사냥하는 모습이 밝혀지면서 잡식동물로 재해석되었다. 유전적으로 사람과 가장 유사한 동물이라고 알려져 있다.

침팬지의 몸은 전체적으로 거친 검은 털로 뒤덮여 있지만 얼굴, 손가락, 손바닥, 발가락, 발바닥에는 털이 없다. 일반적으로 몸무게는 40-65kg이며 몸길이는 63-94cm이다. 임신 기간은 약 8개월이다. 새끼 침팬지는 3살이 되면 젖을 떼지만 그 이후로도 몇년간 어미 침팬지와 가까운 관계를 유지한다. 침팬지는 8-10살이 되면 사춘기를 맞이한다. 야생 침팬지의 수명은 대략 36년이며[1] 사육되는 침팬지의 경우 50년이다.

침팬지는 삼림 속에서 살며 땅이나 나무 위에서 활동한다. 20-150마리의 무리를 지어 살지만, 낮에 돌아다니거나 먹이를 찾으러 다닐 땐 적은 마릿수의 무리를 지어 다닌다. 수컷 중심으로 무리가 돌아가며 엄격한 위계질서가 존재한다, 따라서 무리 속 분쟁이 일어날 경우 위계질서에 따라 해결하므로 비폭력적인 해결이 가능하다. 대부분의 경우, 침팬지는 도구를 사용할 줄 아는 것으로 기록되어 있다. 막대, 돌, 풀, 나뭇잎 등을 꿀, 흰개미 혹은 개미, 견과류, 물을 얻는데 사용하였다. 또한, 막대 끝을 날카롭게 만들어 나무에 작은 구멍에 서식하는 세네갈갈라고를 사냥하는 모습이 발견되었다. 이동할 때는 주로 일어서서 걸으며 나무 오르기나 점프를 하고 밤에는 나무 위에 나뭇가지를 꺾어 만든 잠자리에서 잔다. 먹이는 주로 과일이지만 잎·줄기·나무껍질·꽃 등과 영양 새끼·다람쥐 등의 포유동물도 잡아먹는다. 또한 새의 새끼나, 알, 혹은 개미 등의 곤충도 잡아먹는다. 먹이 때문에 서식장소를 변경하는 습성이 있으며 때로는 원주민들의 과수원을 습격하여 과일을 약탈하기도 한다. 항상 큰 목소리를 내며 먹이를 잡을 때 도구를 사용한다. 도구를 사용하는 행동은 지역에 따라 차이가 있는데 이는 각 지역집단에서 전승되어 온 문화적 행동인 것으로 추정된다. 우간다에서는 나뭇잎이 달린 나뭇가지를 부채처럼 흔들며 벌레를 쫓는 광경이 포착되었다.[2] 분포 지역은 아프리카 중부이며 서식 지역은 저지대열대다우림·산지림·건조림 등이고 적응력이 좋다. 보통 20-80마리가 안정된 사회적 단위를 유지하면서 생활한다. 단위집단 내에는 가족과 같은 하위 단위는 없고 통일성이 없는 이합집산을 되풀이한다. 단위집단 내에서의 성관계는 자유롭다. 암컷은 성적 성숙기에 이르면 원래의 집단을 떠나고 인접 집단에 들어가 새끼를 낳고 키운다. 침팬지 사회는 집단 사이에 암컷을 교환하는 부계사회이다. 생태 특성상 공격성이 매우 강하다. 대중매체에서는 치타타잔에서 나오는 침팬지로 등장하며, 타잔의 친구이다.

침팬지는 IUCN 적색 목록에 등록된 멸종 위기 등급의 동물이다. 대략 170,000-300,000마리의 침팬지가 아프리카 서부와 중부의 숲과 사바나에 서식하는 것으로 추정된다. 침팬지에게 있어 가장 큰 위협은 서식지 감소, 밀렵, 질병이다.


수컷 성체의 몸무게는 40-60kg, 암컷의 경우 32-47kg이다.[3] 큰 야생 침팬지의 경우 70kg까지 자라날 수 있으며 트래비스와 같은 사육 침팬지들은 무게가 91kg에 육박하는 것으로 알려져 있다.[4][5][6]네다리로 서 있을 때 코부터 엉덩이까지의 몸길이는 대략 63-94cm 사이며, 두 다리로 서 있을 때는 수컷은 160cm, 암컷은 130cm까지로 측정된다. 몸은 전체적으로 거친 검은 털로 뒤덮여 있지만 얼굴, 손가락, 손바닥, 발가락, 발바닥에는 털이 없다. 꼬리가 없는 게 특징이며 앞다리가 뒷다리보다 길고 귀가 크다. 다른 손가락과 마주 볼 수 있는 엄지손가락을 가졌고, 마찬가지로 엄지발가락 또한 다른 발가락과 마주 볼 수 있다. 이를 통해 더욱 정밀한 손,발 사용이 가능하고 나무에 기어오를 때 발가락으로 나뭇가지를 붙잡을 수 있다. 앞머리에는 긴 털이 있고 입술 부근에는 거친 흰 털이 있다. 코는 편평하여 피부의 주름과 같이 보이고 몸과 다리는 통통하고 짧다. 이빨 수는 사람과 같은 32개이고 염색체 수는 사람보다 한 쌍이 많다. 침팬지의 시력은 약 1.5 정도이다. 성적으로 성숙하기까지는 암컷이 약 7년, 수컷이 약 8년이 걸린다. 암컷은 약 11살이 되면 첫 새끼를 낳는데, 임신 기간은 약 8개월이고, 3-4년마다 한 마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 새끼는 암컷이 키우는데, 약 5개월이 될 때까지 안고 다니고 새끼 침팬지가 3살이 되면 젖을 뗀다. 그 이후로도 몇년간 어미 침팬지와 가까운 관계를 유지하다 약 6년이 지나면 떠나보낸다. 침팬지는 서로 '털 고르기'를 통해서 오물이나 벌레 등을 떼어 준다. 투덜대거나 비명을 질러 감정을 표현하고, 상대방을 껴안거나 몸을 만지며 의사 표현을 한다. 짧은 거리의 경우 이족보행이 가능하지만, 일반적으로 사족보행을 하는 동물이다. 걸을 때 뒷다리는 발바닥 전체를 사용하고 앞다리는 손등을 땅에 디디며 걷는다. 이는 손바닥을 사용하여 걷는 오랑우탄과는 대비되는 특성이며, 침팬지와 같은 손등 걷기를 사용하는 동물은 고릴라보노보가 있다.


침팬지는 적응력이 좋은 동물이며 서식지가 다양하게 분포되어 있는 것이 특징이다. 서식지는 열대다우림, 산지림, 건조림이다. 침팬지는 행동 범위를 기억하고 먹이를 꾸준하게 찾아낼 수 있을 만큼 인지지도가 뛰어난 동물이다.[7] 어미의 보살핌이 필요한 어린 침팬지를 제외하고 모든 침팬지들은 각기 다른 나무에서 둥지를 트고 매일 다른 곳에서 밤을 지낸다[8]. 코트디부아르와 가봉에서는 표범이 침팬지의 생태계에 위협을 가하는 포식자이다[9][10]. 이들을 경계하기 위해 침팬지들은 집단으로 모여 표범을 공격하거나 새끼를 죽이기도 한다. 탄자니아의 국립공원에서는 사자가 4마리의 침팬지를 잡아먹은 것으로 추정되나[11] 이후 더 이상 포착된 바는 없다. 사바나의 침팬지들이 더 큰 무리를 지어 고양잇과의 포식자들을 견제한 것으로 추정된다.[11]


잡식성이지만 과일을 가장 선호한다. 나뭇잎, 잎눈, 씨앗, 꽃, 줄기, 중과피, 나무껍질, 나뭇진 또한 먹는다. 곤충과 고기도 먹지만 비율로 계산하면 2%로 추정된다.[7][12]침팬지는 대부분 초식 생활을 하지만 꿀, 흙, 곤충, 새, 달걀, 작은 포유류 동물, 다른 종의 영장류 등을 먹기도 한다.[7][13] 침팬지가 가장 선호하는 포유류 동물은 서부붉은콜로부스이며, 그 외에는 동부콜로부스, 검댕망가베이, 다이애나원숭이, 브라자원숭이, 붉은꼬리원숭이, 노랑개코원숭이, 파란다이커, 천산갑, 임바발라, 혹멧돼지가 있다.[14]

곤충과 무척추동물 등을 사냥하고 잡아 먹는 것으로 널리 알려진 사실과는 달리 침팬지의 섭식 비율을 계산하면 사냥하여 먹는 동물의 비율은 2%밖에 차지 하지않으며 사냥철에는 하루에 65g의 고기를 먹는다. 이 측정치는 무리에 따라 다르고 또 매년 다르다. 그러나 대부분의 경우 과일, 잎, 뿌리, 등 식물을 주로 섭취한다.[12][15]연구 결과에 따르면 암컷 침팬지는 수컷보다 적은 양의 고기를 먹는다.[16]


사람이 침팬지를 관찰할 경우 행동에 영향을 끼칠 수 있기 때문에 드론, 카메라, 마이크 등을 사용하여 관찰하는 것이 더욱 정확하다.[17]

조직 구조

20-150마리의 무리를 지어 살지만, 낮에 돌아다니거나 먹이를 찾으러 다닐 땐 적은 마릿수의 무리를 지어 다니며 이때의 무리는 나이와 성별에 관계없이 구성되어 있다. 암컷과 수컷 모두 때때로 홀로 이동할 때가 있다.[8] 환경과 때에 따라 무리를 변경한다. 침팬지 무리의 종류를 살펴보자면 '수컷 무리', '암컷과 새끼 무리', '암컷과 수컷 무리', '어미 침팬지와 새끼 무리'가 있다. 침팬지는 조직 내에서 복잡한 상호 관계망을 이루고 있으며 많은 시간을 서로에게 '털 고르기'를 해주는데 할애한다.[18]

조직 사회의 핵심적 역할은 수컷이 맡고 있다. 자신의 무리를 보호하고 먹이를 찾아다니려 주위를 돌아다닌다. 수컷은 자신이 태어난 무리에 머무르지만 암컷은 청년기에 원래의 무리를 떠나 다른 무리로 이동한다. 수컷들 사이에선 지배 계급에 따라 위계질서가 이루어져 있고 암컷은 수컷의 지배하에 생활한다.[19]


다양한 표정, 몸짓, 소리를 통해 다른 개체와 소통한다.[7] 가까이 있는 개체와 소통할 때 얼굴 표정이 중요한 역할을 한다. 무서울 땐 ‘이빨을 내보이며 웃는 표정’을 지으며 이를 통해 근처에 있는 다른 침팬지들에게도 알린다. 다른 얼굴 표정으로는 ‘입술을 젖히는 표정’, ‘입을 뿌루퉁하게 내미는 표정’, ‘입을 굳게 다문 표정’이 있다.[7]

발성 또한 중요한 의사소통 방법이다. “팬트 후트”는 성체 침팬지들끼리 서로를 부를 때 쓰는 가장 대표적인 인사법이며 흥분했을 때 사용된다.[7] 팬트 후트는 ‘우우우우’라고 외치는 인사법이며 네 파트로 나뉘어 있다. 처음의 ‘우’는 부드럽게 시작하여 점차 커지고 나중엔 크게 소리 지르는 듯이 들리며 이후엔 다시 부드럽게 ‘우’를 외치고 끝난다.[20] 서열이 낮은 침팬지는 높은 침팬지에게 “팬트 그런트”라는 인사법을 사용한다.[7][21]

도구 사용

대부분의 경우, 도구를 사용할 줄 아는 것으로 기록되어 있다. 막대, 돌, 풀, 잎을 조작하여 꿀, 개미, 흰개미, 견과류, 물을 얻는데 사용한다. 어렵고 복잡한 차원은 아니지만 행동 전에 사전 숙고를 하고 기술을 사용하는 것이 포착되었다.[22] 1960년 제인 구달의 연구를 통해 현대의 침팬지들이 도구 사용을 시작한 것으로 알려져 있다. 하지만 2007년 발표된 연구결과에 따르면 침팬지는 최소 4,300년 전부터 돌을 가지고 도구 사용을 해왔다.[23]

침팬지와 사람

현장 연구

처음으로 침팬지에 대한 장기 현장 연구를 실행한 사람이 제인 구달이다. 1960년 탄자니아의 곰비 국립공원에서 연구를 시작하였다. 오늘날 알려진 침팬지의 행동 양식과 조직 문화에 대한 지식은 상당 부분 50년째 진행되고 있는 제인 구달의 곰비 현장 연구에서 기초하였다. 그 외의 다른 현장 연구로는 1960년 아드리안 코르틀란트의 콩고 민주 공화국 연구와 주니치로 이타니의 탄자니아의 마할레 마운틴 국립공원 연구가 있다.[24][25]

공격 행동

침팬지는 사람을 공격하는 것으로 알려져 있다.[26][27] 우간다에서 침팬지가 어린아이들을 공격한 일이 여러 번 있었으며 그중 목숨까지 위험했던 경우도 있다. 공격의 원인으로는 근처 맥주 양조장에서 술을 마시고 취한 침팬지가 공격했을 가능성과 어린아이를 자신들이 즐겨 먹는 서부붉은콜로부스[28]로 오인하여 공격했을 가능성이 있다.[29] 침팬지가 인간을 잠재적 경쟁자로 생각할 경우 이들과 교감하려는 시도는 위험할 수 있다.[30] 인간 아기를 낚아채 먹었다는 6개의 기록이 있다.

침팬지의 힘과 날카로운 이빨은 성인에게도 치명적일 수 있다. 침팬지의 공격으로 다친 사례가 있다. 종합 스톡 자동차 경주 선수 출신 제임스 데이비스는 침팬지 두 마리가 덤벼들어 살이 찢기는 상처를 입었고 침팬지는 도살되었다.[31][32] 또 다른 사건으로는 2009년에 미국 스탬퍼드 도시에서 애완 침팬지 트래비스가 주인의 친구를 공격한 경우가 있다. 트래비스의 경우 91kg에 육박하는 13살 침팬지였으며 피해자는 손, 눈꺼풀, 코, 상악골 일부를 잃었다.[33][34]



서아프리카의 시에라리온·가이아나 부근을 경계로 하여 적도를 비스듬히 가로질러 남쪽으로 탕가니카호(湖)까지 분포한다. 아종의 종류와 분포 지역은 다음과 같다.

침팬지가 모티브인 캐릭터

같이 보기


  1. “The emergence of longevous populations”.
  2. 피터 왓슨, 《생각의 역사1》(들녘, 2009) 50쪽 ISBN 978-89-7527-836-5
  3. Cawthon Lang; K. A. (2006년 4월 13일). 《Primate Factsheets: Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)》.
  4. “Chimpanzee Attack Revives Calls for Federal Primate Law”. 《Fox News》. 2009년 2월 18일.
  5. “Eskeletons”. 《Eskeletons.org》.
  6. DK Adult (2005). “Burnie D and Wilson DE (Eds.), Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife.” (ISBN 0789477645).
  7. 1934-, Goodall, Jane, (1986). 《The chimpanzees of Gombe : patterns of behavior》. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674116496.
  8. Van Lawick-Goodall, Jane (1968년 1월). “The Behaviour of Free-living Chimpanzees in the Gombe Stream Reserve”. 《Animal Behaviour Monographs》 1: 161–IN12. doi:10.1016/s0066-1856(68)80003-2. ISSN 0066-1856.
  9. Boesch C, Boesch-Achermann H. (2000). 《The chimpanzees of the Taï Forest: behavioral ecology and evolution.》. Oxford University Press.
  10. Henschel, P.; Abernethy, K. A.; White, L. J. T. (2005년 3월). “Leopard food habits in the Lope National Park, Gabon, Central Africa”. 《African Journal of Ecology》 (영어) 43 (1): 21–28. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2004.00518.x. ISSN 0141-6707.
  11. Tsukahara T (1992년 9월 10일). “Lions eat chimpanzees: The first evidence of predation by lions on wild chimpanzees”. 《American Journal of Primatology.》.
  12. Guernsey, Paul. (Retrieved 22 April 2013.). “WHAT DO CHIMPS EAT?”. 《All About Wildlife》. 2019년 11월 18일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서.
  13. 《Understanding chimpanzees》. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1989. ISBN 0674920910.
  14. 《Behavioural diversity in chimpanzees and bonobos》. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 051106358X.
  15. Stanford, Craig. (Retrieved 11 September 2013.). “The Predatory Behavior and Ecology of Wild Chimpanzees”. USC. 2013년 6월 6일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서.
  16. Nicholas E. Newton-Fisher. 《Chimpanzee Hunting Behavior》 (PDF).
  17. Victoria Gill (2017년 6월 23일). “Watched chimps change their hunting habits”. 《www.bbc.com》. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
  18. “The Chimpanzees of Tanzania”. 《Wild Kingdom》. December 31, 1976.
  19. GOLDBERG, TONY L; WRANGHAM, RICHARD W (1997년 9월). “Genetic correlates of social behaviour in wild chimpanzees: evidence from mitochondrial DNA”. 《Animal Behaviour》 54 (3): 559–570. doi:10.1006/anbe.1996.0450. ISSN 0003-3472.
  20. Crockford, Catherine; Boesch, Christophe (2005년 4월 1일). “Call combinations in wild chimpanzees”. 《Behaviour》 (영어) 142 (4): 397–421. doi:10.1163/1568539054012047. ISSN 1568-539X.
  21. Pusey, Anne; Williams, Jennifer; Goodall, Jane (1997년 8월 8일). “The Influence of Dominance Rank on the Reproductive Success of Female Chimpanzees”. 《Science》 (영어) 277 (5327): 828–831. doi:10.1126/science.277.5327.828. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 9242614.
  22. 《The Use of tools by human and non-human primates》. Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press. 1993. ISBN 0198522630.
  23. Mercader, Julio; Barton, Huw; Gillespie, Jason; Harris, Jack; Kuhn, Steven; Tyler, Robert; Boesch, Christophe (2007년 2월 27일). “4,300-Year-old chimpanzee sites and the origins of percussive stone technology”. 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》 104 (9): 3043–3048. doi:10.1073/pnas.0607909104. PMC 1805589. PMID 17360606.
  24. Cohen, Joel E. (Winter 1993). “Going Bananas”. American Scholar.
  25. Power, Margaret (1993년 12월). “Innovative and Unorthodox Use -- Not Misuse and Abuse -- of Scientific Writings”. 《American Anthropologist》 (영어) 95 (4): 1010–1011. doi:10.1525/aa.1993.95.4.02a00180. ISSN 0002-7294.
  26. Osborn, Claire (2006년 6월 27일). “Texas man saves friend during fatal chimp attack”. 《The Pulse Journal》. 2019년 6월 8일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 6월 18일에 확인함.
  27. “Chimp attack kills cabbie and injures tourists”. 《The Guardian》. 2006년 4월 25일.
  28. Waterman, Tara (1999). “Ebola Cote D'Ivoire Outbreaks”. 2008년 2월 16일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
  29. WAIRAGALA WAKABI (2004년 2월 9일). 'Drunk and Disorderly' Chimps Attacking Ugandan Children”. 《www.primates.com》. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
  30. “Chimp attack doesn't surprise experts”. 《www.nbcnews.com》. 2005년 3월 5일. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
  31. “Birthday party turns bloody when chimps attack”. 《usatoday30.usatoday》. 2005년 3월 4일. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
  32. Amy Argetsinger (2005년 5월 24일). “The Animal Within”. 《Washington Post》.
  33. EDGAR SANDOVAL (2009년 2월 18일). “911 tape captures chimpanzee owner's horror as 200-pound ape mauls friend”. 《nydailynews》. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
  34. Stephanie Gallman (2009년 2월 18일). “Chimp attack 911 call: 'He's ripping her apart'. 《CNN》. 2018년 6월 19일에 확인함.
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침팬지: Brief Summary ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

침팬지(영어: chimpanzee, 문화어: 침판지, 학명 : Pan troglodytes)는 사람과 침팬지 속에 속하는 유인원이다. 한때는 초식동물로 여겨졌으나, 영국의 동물학자이자 평화운동가제인 구달에 의해 무리 지어서 원숭이천산갑을 사냥하는 모습이 밝혀지면서 잡식동물로 재해석되었다. 유전적으로 사람과 가장 유사한 동물이라고 알려져 있다.

침팬지의 몸은 전체적으로 거친 검은 털로 뒤덮여 있지만 얼굴, 손가락, 손바닥, 발가락, 발바닥에는 털이 없다. 일반적으로 몸무게는 40-65kg이며 몸길이는 63-94cm이다. 임신 기간은 약 8개월이다. 새끼 침팬지는 3살이 되면 젖을 떼지만 그 이후로도 몇년간 어미 침팬지와 가까운 관계를 유지한다. 침팬지는 8-10살이 되면 사춘기를 맞이한다. 야생 침팬지의 수명은 대략 36년이며 사육되는 침팬지의 경우 50년이다.

침팬지는 삼림 속에서 살며 땅이나 나무 위에서 활동한다. 20-150마리의 무리를 지어 살지만, 낮에 돌아다니거나 먹이를 찾으러 다닐 땐 적은 마릿수의 무리를 지어 다닌다. 수컷 중심으로 무리가 돌아가며 엄격한 위계질서가 존재한다, 따라서 무리 속 분쟁이 일어날 경우 위계질서에 따라 해결하므로 비폭력적인 해결이 가능하다. 대부분의 경우, 침팬지는 도구를 사용할 줄 아는 것으로 기록되어 있다. 막대, 돌, 풀, 나뭇잎 등을 꿀, 흰개미 혹은 개미, 견과류, 물을 얻는데 사용하였다. 또한, 막대 끝을 날카롭게 만들어 나무에 작은 구멍에 서식하는 세네갈갈라고를 사냥하는 모습이 발견되었다. 이동할 때는 주로 일어서서 걸으며 나무 오르기나 점프를 하고 밤에는 나무 위에 나뭇가지를 꺾어 만든 잠자리에서 잔다. 먹이는 주로 과일이지만 잎·줄기·나무껍질·꽃 등과 영양 새끼·다람쥐 등의 포유동물도 잡아먹는다. 또한 새의 새끼나, 알, 혹은 개미 등의 곤충도 잡아먹는다. 먹이 때문에 서식장소를 변경하는 습성이 있으며 때로는 원주민들의 과수원을 습격하여 과일을 약탈하기도 한다. 항상 큰 목소리를 내며 먹이를 잡을 때 도구를 사용한다. 도구를 사용하는 행동은 지역에 따라 차이가 있는데 이는 각 지역집단에서 전승되어 온 문화적 행동인 것으로 추정된다. 우간다에서는 나뭇잎이 달린 나뭇가지를 부채처럼 흔들며 벌레를 쫓는 광경이 포착되었다. 분포 지역은 아프리카 중부이며 서식 지역은 저지대열대다우림·산지림·건조림 등이고 적응력이 좋다. 보통 20-80마리가 안정된 사회적 단위를 유지하면서 생활한다. 단위집단 내에는 가족과 같은 하위 단위는 없고 통일성이 없는 이합집산을 되풀이한다. 단위집단 내에서의 성관계는 자유롭다. 암컷은 성적 성숙기에 이르면 원래의 집단을 떠나고 인접 집단에 들어가 새끼를 낳고 키운다. 침팬지 사회는 집단 사이에 암컷을 교환하는 부계사회이다. 생태 특성상 공격성이 매우 강하다. 대중매체에서는 치타타잔에서 나오는 침팬지로 등장하며, 타잔의 친구이다.

침팬지는 IUCN 적색 목록에 등록된 멸종 위기 등급의 동물이다. 대략 170,000-300,000마리의 침팬지가 아프리카 서부와 중부의 숲과 사바나에 서식하는 것으로 추정된다. 침팬지에게 있어 가장 큰 위협은 서식지 감소, 밀렵, 질병이다.

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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
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wikipedia 한국어 위키백과