tabakiay apalu, tabakiay apalo
u satabakiay a heci i kanatal. maka 10-20m talakaw. baeket ku heci maka 5-20kg.
salaedan(界):植物界 Plantae
panan(門):被子植物門 Magnoliophyta
mata(目):薔薇目 Rosales
sapamat(科):桑科 Moraceae
mikitinay(屬):桂木屬 Artocarpus
hicahicaay(種):波羅蜜 A. heterophyllus
波羅蜜(學名:Artocarpus heterophyllus),亦稱菠蘿蜜,在廣州、香港、澳門及其他粵語地區,波羅蜜一般被稱為大樹菠蘿,在廣西等地稱為木波羅,滇西地區稱牛肚子果,是桑科波羅蜜屬常綠喬木。
The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as jack tree, fenne, jakfruit, or sometimes simply jack or jak, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family (Moraceae) native to South India.
The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit, reaching as much as 35 kg (80 lb) in weight, 90 cm (35 in) in length, and 50 cm (20 in) in diameter.A mature jackfruit tree can produce about 100 to 200 fruits in a year. The jackfruit is a multiple fruit, composed of hundreds to thousands of individual flowers, and it is the fleshy petals that are eaten.
The jackfruit tree is a widely cultivated and popular food item throughout the tropical regions of the world. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.
《中國高等植物資料庫全庫》. 中國科學院微生物研究所. [2009-02-24].
《台灣蔬果實用百科第三輯》,薛聰賢 著,薛聰賢出版社,2003年
波羅蜜 Boluomi 藥用植物圖像資料庫 (香港浸會大學中醫藥學院) (繁體中文)(英文)
tabakiay apalu, tabakiay apalo
Jackfruit hanging(俗名:天波羅、婆那娑、波羅密樹、婆羅蜜、樹波羅、木波羅、天羅、包密、優珠曇、將軍木、囊加結、優珠縣、牛肚子果)
u satabakiay a heci i kanatal. maka 10-20m talakaw. baeket ku heci maka 5-20kg.