Scat analyses indicate that M. melampus is omnivorous. However, it may be characterized as an opportunistic generalist. It eats a highly diverse array of food through the year. Important foods are fruits and berries from spring to autumn, insects in summer and autumn, and small mammals and birds all year round. It likely competes with other carnivores for small mammals (Tatara and Doi 1994).
Foods eaten include plants (mostly berries and seeds): Diospyros kaki, Actinidia arguta, Rubus hirsutus, Elaeagnus pungens, E. umbellata, Vitis ficifolia, Ficus electa, Morus australis, Rhus spp., Stauntonia hexaphylla, and Camellia japonica, rabbits and other small mammals: Lepus brachyurus angustidens, Petaurista leucogenys niddonis, Clethrionomys rufocanus andersoni, Apodemus speciosus, Apodemus argenteus, Mus musculus, and Rattus, birds and their eggs: Phasianus soemmeringii scintillans, Phasianus colchicus karpowi, Turdus naumanni eunomus, and Emberiza cioides ciopsis, invertebrates: Coleoptera and Mantodea centipedes and spiders, Scolopendra subspinipes, frogs and their eggs: Rana tsushimensis, earthworms, fish, gastropods, and crustaceans: Ligia exotica and Sesarma haematocheir.
Japanese martens adapt their fruit and berry foraging to local plant phenology. In the presence of interspecific competitors or human disturbance, they change to alternative food resources, making them more adaptable than Mustela sibirica and Felis bengalensis, which are more prey specific (Tatara and Doi 1994).
Animal Foods: mammals; amphibians; fish; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods; mollusks; terrestrial worms; aquatic crustaceans
Plant Foods: fruit
Primary Diet: omnivore
Genetic studies show that M. melampus separated from Martes zibellina about 1.8 million years ago (Hosoda et al. 1999; Kurose et al. 1999).
Hepatozoonosis is prevalent, but susceptibility to it may be low. The most commonly parasitized organ was the heart (Yanai et al. 1995).
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Martes melampus is a species of concern due to pressure from human activities in recent years, which has brought drastic changes in the natural environment of Japan. It is decreasing in numbers due to excessive trapping for its fur and because of the harmful effects of agricultural insecticides. As a result, females are protected from trapping (Otsu 1972).
Martes melampus tsuensis was designated a vulnerable Natural Monument Species by the Japanese Agency of Cultural Affairs in 1971 (Buskirk 1994), which supported its classification as vulnerable by the IUCN (Hilton-Taylor 2000). This subspecies is now legally protected on the Tsushima Islands (Schreiber et al. 1989). Although the Tsushima Islands are 88% forested, 34% of the forest is conifer plantation. This poses a challenge, because important foods of M. melampus tsuensis may not be common in these plantations (Tatara and Doi 1994). Between 1986 and 1989, 38 M. melampus tsuensis were found killed by vehicles and another 5 were found killed by feral dogs. The conservation plan for this subspecies should consider further habitat degredation by forestry practices and road development, as well as a method to control feral dogs (Buskirk 1994).
If there are no mating isolation mechanisms between endemic M. zibellina and introduced M. melampus in Hokkaido, natural hybridization between them may be possible (Hosoda et al. 1999). Hosoda suggests protection of M. zibellina from gene contamination by introduced M. melampus. Fortunately, there is no documentation of hybridization yet. However, mating isolation mechanisms between them have not been studied. Further research should evaluate whether there are different pre- and post-mating isolation mechanisms, in order to maintain the endemism of M. zibellina.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
See reproduction.
These martens may consume insects that are beneficial to agriculture (Otsu 1972).
Martes melampus is trapped for fur from 1 December through 31 January (Nowak 1999) except on Hokkaido and the Tsushima Islands, where it is protected (Buskirk 1994). It is illegal to harvest females (Otsu 1972), a restriction that helps to preserve the population. Martes melampus predation of Lepus brachyurus is beneficial to the timber industry, because L. brachyurus browsing may destroy tree quality (Otsu 1972).
Positive Impacts: body parts are source of valuable material; controls pest population
Little is known about the ecology of the M. melampus (Buskirk 1994). It may be surmized from its predatory feeding habits, however, that populations of M. melampus affect local populations of small mammals and birds, thereby affecting seed dispersal, etc.
Martes melampus melampus is found on the islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu in Japan. M. melampus melampus was introduced from Honshu to Sado and Hokkaido Islands in Japan by 1949 to increase fur products (Hosoda et al. 1999). Its distribution is southwestern Hokkaido, specifically the low altitude areas of the Oshima Peninsula and Ishikari, but research is needed to confirm its distribution (Murakami and Ohtaishi 2000). Martes melampus tsuensis is sparsely distributed on the Tsushima Islands of Japan (Buskirk 1994). Martes melampus coreensis is found on the mainland of South Korea into North Korea.
Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Introduced , Native )
Japanese martens are found along valleys, primarily in broad-leaved forests (dominated by Quercus serrata and Castanopsis cuspidata). This species will use conifer plantations and open fields (Tatara and Doi 1994). It will use dens in trees and ground burrows (Nowak 1999). Characteristics of the Tsushima Islands include: 88% forested, mean low January temperature of 4°C, mean high August temperature of 26°C, uncommon and light snowfall, and a low human population (Buskirk 1994). The habitat of this species is similar to that of Martes zibellina (Otsu 1972).
Range elevation: 0 to 1807 m.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: taiga ; forest
Information on lifespan in Japanese martens is unavailable.
The head and body length is 470 to 545 mm (Anderson 1970). The tail length is 170 to 223 mm. Age of martens is determined by tooth eruption and wear. Sexes are significantly different in size, with males being larger (Tatara and Doi 1994). Mass varies from 500 to 1,700 g for adults. Nine live-captured males averaged 1,563 g and 4 females averaged 1,011 g (Tatara and Doi 1994). Pelage coloration varies from yellowish brown to dark brown throughout with a white to cream-colored neck patch.
Range mass: 500 to 1700 g.
Average mass: 250.5 g.
Range length: 470 to 545 mm.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: male larger
Den selection is the most obvious adaptation to protection from predation. Martes melampus rests in tree and ground dens. Five adults were found killed by feral dogs and 38 killed by vehicle collisions between 1986 and 1989 (Tatara and Doi 1994). Humans also trap them.
Known Predators:
Information on mating behaviors of Japanese martens is unavailable.
Martes melampus reach sexual maturity between one and two years of age. They are seasonal breeders, mating from late March through Mid-May, and giving birth between mid-July and early August. Embryonic diapause probably occurs in M. melampus (Buskirk 1994). Japanese martens produce 1 to 5 offspring per litter, with a mean of 1.5. They are iteroparous.
Breeding interval: Japanese martens breed once yearly.
Breeding season: Breeding occurs in late March to mid-May.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 5.
Average number of offspring: 1.50.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 1 to 2 years.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 1 to 2 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous ; delayed implantation
Young are altricial, and are cared for by the mother. As in all mammals, the mother produces milk with which to feed her young. Japanese Marten kits are born deaf, blind, and furred (Macdonald 1999). Young martens can kill prey by 3 to 4 months and leave their mother shortly thereafter.
Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
Yapon dələsi[1] (lat. Martes melampus) — Məməlilərin Dələlər fəsiləsinə aid olan növ.
Yapon dələsinin xəzi sarı-qəhvəyidən tünd-qəhvəyi çaları arasında dəyişir. Üzərlərində ağ ləkələrə rast gəlinir. Digər dələlərdən demək olar ki, kəskin fərqlənmirlər. Quyruqları qısa və qalın yumşaq tükə malikdir. Bu canlıların uzunluqları 47 - 54 sm arasında dəyişir. Quyruqları isə 17-23 santımetrdir. Erkəklər dişilərə nisbətdə çəki baxımından ağır olur. Erkəklər 1,6 kq, dişilər isə 1,0 kq təşkil edir.
Yapon dələsi əsasən Yaponiyanın cənub adalarında daha geniş yayılmışdır: Honşu, Şikoku, Kyuşu və Tsuşima. Xəz əldə etmək məqsədi ilə Hokkaydo və Sado adalarlarına da köçürülmüşlər. Əsasən meşə sahələrində yayılsalarda düzən ərazilərdə belə rast gəlmək olar.
Yapon dələsinin həyat tərzi zəif öyrənilmişdir. Onlar yaşıllıqlarda yerləşən oyuqlarda və ağaclarda yuva qoyurlar. Çütləşmə dövrü istisna olaraq fərdlər ayrı yaşayır. Qida toplanması əsasən gecə saatları həyata keçirilir. Kiçik məməlilər, quşlar, qurbağalar, xərçəngkimilər, cücülər, giləmeyvələr və tumlarla qidalanır.
Çütləşmə mart-may aylarına təsadüf edir. İyul-avqust ayları 1-5 arası bala verir. 4 aydan sonra balalar artıq müstəqil olur[2].
Yapon dələlərinə qarşı ov əsasən onların xəz dərilərinə görə aparılır. Hokkaydo və Suşima adalarında bir sıra populyasiyalar qoruma altındadır. Suşimada yayılmış M. m. tsuensis yarımnövü Ümumdünya təbiəti qoruma təşkilatı tərəfindən nəslinin nəsilmə təhlükə qarşısında olması ilə xəbərdarlıq etmişdir.
Yapon dələsi (lat. Martes melampus) — Məməlilərin Dələlər fəsiləsinə aid olan növ.
Mart Japan (Martes melampus) a zo ur bronneg bihan eus kerentiad ar mustelideged ha kar d'ar sebelinez.
Muzuliañ a ra 50 cm gant ul lost 20 cm. Etre 1 ha 1,5 kg eo e bouez. Brasoc'h eo ar pared eget ar parezed. E vlevenn a gemm eus gell-du da velen. Un tarch sklaer zo war e c'houzoug.
Cheñch a ra ment e diriad diouzh kementad ar boued a c'hell kavout ennañ. Un hollzebrer eo. En em vagañ a ra diwar pesked, raned, evned ha bronneged bihan dreist-holl, met gallout a ra debriñ amprevaned ha frouezh ivez.
Bez' ez eus tri isspesad:
Mart Japan (Martes melampus) a zo ur bronneg bihan eus kerentiad ar mustelideged ha kar d'ar sebelinez.
Muzuliañ a ra 50 cm gant ul lost 20 cm. Etre 1 ha 1,5 kg eo e bouez. Brasoc'h eo ar pared eget ar parezed. E vlevenn a gemm eus gell-du da velen. Un tarch sklaer zo war e c'houzoug.
Cheñch a ra ment e diriad diouzh kementad ar boued a c'hell kavout ennañ. Un hollzebrer eo. En em vagañ a ra diwar pesked, raned, evned ha bronneged bihan dreist-holl, met gallout a ra debriñ amprevaned ha frouezh ivez.
Bez' ez eus tri isspesad:
M. m. melampus, kavet e Japan; M. m. tsuensis kavet e Tsushima, ma'z eo gwarezet gant al lezenn; M. m. coreensis kavet e Korea.La marta del Japó (Martes melampus) viu al Japó i a Corea.
N'hi ha tres subespècies:
La marta del Japó (Martes melampus) viu al Japó i a Corea.
N'hi ha tres subespècies:
Martes melampus melampus, que viu a diferents illes japoneses. Martes melampus tsuensis, que viu a l'illa de Tsushima. Martes melampus coreensis, que viu a Corea.Der Japanische Marder (Martes melampus) ist eine Raubtierart aus der Gattung der Echten Marder. Er ist eng mit dem Zobel und dem europäischen Baummarder verwandt.
Die Fellfärbung des Japanischen Marders variiert von gelbbraun bis dunkelbraun, am Nacken hat er einen weißlichen Fleck. Er weist den typischen langgestreckten Körperbau vieler Marder auf, die Gliedmaßen sind kurz, der Schwanz buschig. Diese Tiere erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 47 bis 54 Zentimetern und eine Schwanzlänge von 17 bis 23 Zentimetern. Mit durchschnittlich 1,6 Kilogramm Gewicht sind Männchen deutlich schwerer als Weibchen, die nur rund 1,0 Kilogramm wiegen.
Japanische Marder waren ursprünglich auf den drei südlichen japanischen Hauptinseln (Honshū, Shikoku, Kyūshū), auf Tsushima sowie in Korea beheimatet. Zur Pelzgewinnung wurden sie auch auf Hokkaidō und Sado eingeführt. Ihr Lebensraum sind vorrangig Wälder, manchmal halten sie sich aber auch in offenerem Terrain auf.
Über die Lebensweise der Japanischen Marder ist nicht viel bekannt. Sie errichten Nester in Erdbauen und auch auf Bäumen. Dorthin ziehen sie sich am Tag zurück, um in der Nacht auf Nahrungssuche zu gehen. Es sind territoriale Tiere, die ihr Revier mit dem Sekret von Duftdrüsen markieren und außerhalb der Paarungszeit einzelgängerisch leben. Wie die meisten Marder sind sie Allesfresser, die kleine Säugetiere und andere Wirbeltiere wie Vögel und Frösche, Krebstiere und Insekten, aber auch Beeren und Samen zu sich nehmen.
Die Paarungszeit liegt zwischen März und Mai, zwischen Juli und August bringt das Weibchen dann ein bis fünf Jungtiere zur Welt. Diese sind mit rund vier Monaten selbständig.
Japanische Marder werden ihres Felles wegen gejagt, einige Populationen (wie auf Hokkaidō und Tsushima) sind allerdings gänzlich geschützt. Die auf Tsushima lebende Unterart M. m. tsuensis ist laut IUCN gefährdet.
Der Japanische Marder (Martes melampus) ist eine Raubtierart aus der Gattung der Echten Marder. Er ist eng mit dem Zobel und dem europäischen Baummarder verwandt.
The Japanese marten (Martes melampus) is a marten species endemic to Japan.
It is 0.5 m (1.6 ft) in length typically, not counting a 20 cm (7.9 in) long tail, and between 1 and 1.5 kg (2.2 and 3.3 lb) in weight. Males are generally larger than females. The pelage varies in color from dark brown to dull yellow with a cream-colored throat.[2]
Both males and females are territorial, and the size of each individual's territory depending on food availability. The Japanese marten is omnivorous, preferring meat from fish, frogs, and small birds and mammals, but consuming insects, fruit, and seeds when necessary.[2]
The two confirmed subspecies of Japanese marten are:
It is most closely related to the sable (M. zibellina), with which it is sympatric on Hokkaido.
The Japanese marten's presence on Hokkaido and Sado islands are due to introductions. It has been recorded in South Korea, but no locality details prove a wild origin and no native population has been confirmed.
The Japanese martens' breeding season occurs between March and the middle of May. They usually produce one offspring; however, they can have up to five kits per mating season. The offspring are born blind and deaf. As a mammal, the female produces milk for her young offspring, but by 3–4 months of age, the kits are able to hunt and soon leave their mother. Sexual maturity occurs between 1 and 2 years old. Average lifespan in the wild is unknown, although a specimen in captivity lived for a little more than 12 years.
After reaching maturity, young martens often try to establish their territory. They mark their territory with scent marking.[2]
Japanese martens live in boreal forests in much of Japan's mainland. In the winter, martens tend to go to the forests where they can get the most prey. They tend to choose well-established forests because of the ways the creatures have specialized and due to their long lifespan. As such, martens likely are valuable in assessing the health of the forest. However, in the summer, their habitat and diet become much more generalized, allowing them to live in a much more varied environment.[3]
One of the biggest roles martens play in the environment is seed dispersal. Many fleshy fruits rely on birds and bats to disperse their seeds; however, in more northern climates, the numbers of these species decrease. With the decrease of these species also comes a decrease in seed dispersal. In these areas, carnivores with omnivorous diets, like the Japanese marten, can become the vector of dispersal. These carnivores prove to be good dispersal mechanisms because they often have large home ranges leading to dispersal farther from the parent. Furthermore, since the carnivores are usually larger than birds or bats, the can carry and disperse larger seeds. Around 62% of the Japanese martens' feces contained one or more seeds.[4]
Japanese martens have both positive and negative impacts on human activities in their habitats. As a positive, the martens prey on Japanese hares (Lepus brachyurus), which lower the quality of trees by their browsing. However, their prey also can include many insects which aid agriculture.[2]
The biggest threat to the Japanese marten is the logging industry, which targets its preferred habitat of well-established forests. The industry often clear cuts forests quickly destroying the creatures habitat without allowing it to recover. This practice also causes insularization of marten populations, in turn causing changes in foraging behaviors and the decrease of the genetic pool.[3] Furthermore, pine plantations in their ecosystems do not contain important food for the martens.[2]
Steps have been taken to try to conserve the martens. The most common are regulations on trapping.[3] The species has been named as a Natural Monument Species in Japan in 1971, calling for attention to the species' vulnerability. The species also has been given legal protection on the Tsushima Islands.[2]
In the Iga region, Mie Prefecture, is the saying, "the fox has seven disguises, the tanuki has eight, and the marten has nine," and a legend relates how the marten has greater ability in shapeshifting than the fox (kitsune) or tanuki. In the Akita Prefecture and the Ishikawa Prefecture, if a marten crosses in front of someone, it is said to be an omen for bad luck (the weasel has the same kind of legend), and in the Hiroshima Prefecture, if one kills a marten, one is said to soon encounter a fire. In the Fukushima Prefecture, they are also called heko, fuchikari, komono, and haya, and they are said to be those who have died in avalanches in disguise.[5]
In the collection of yōkai depictions, the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō by Sekien Toriyama, they were depicted under the title "鼬", but this was read not as "itachi" but rather "ten",[6] and "ten" are weasels that have reached several years of age and became yōkai that have acquired supernatural powers.[7] In the depiction, several martens have gathered together above a ladder and created a column of fire, and one fear about them was that if martens that have gathered together in this form appear next to a house, the house would catch on fire.[8]
Martes melampus es una especie de mamíferos carnívoros de la familia Mustelidae, subfamilia Mustelinae.
Los análisis de escretas indican que la marta japonesa es omnívoro. Sin embargo, puede caracterizarse como un generalista oportunista. Se come una gran variedad de alimentos durante todo el año. Los alimentos importantes son frutas y bayas de primavera a otoño, insectos en verano y otoño, y pequeños mamíferos y aves durante todo el año. Es probable que compita con otros carnívoros para mamíferos pequeños los cuales son el gato leopardo y la comadreja siberiana. Los alimentos ingeridos incluyen plantas (principalmente bayas y semillas): Diospyros kaki, Actinidia arguta, Rubus hirsutus, Elaeagnus pungens, E. umbellata, Vitis ficifolia, Ficus electa, Morus australis, Rhus spp., Stauntonia hexaphylla y Camellia japonica, conejos y otros pequeños mamíferos: Lepus brachyurus angustidens, Petaurista leucogenys niddonis, Clethrionomys rufocanus andersoni, Apodemus speciosus, Apodemus argenteus, Mus musculus y Rattus, aves y sus huevos: Phasianus soemmeringii scintillans, Phasianus colchicus karpowi, Turdus naumanni eunomus y Emberiza cioides ciopsis, invertebrados : Ciempiés y arañas Coleoptera y Mantodea, Scolopendra subspinipes, ranas y sus huevos: Rana tsushimensis, lombrices, peces, gasterópodos y crustáceos: Ligia exotica y Sesarma haematocheir.
Hay tres subespecies:
Martes melampus es una especie de mamíferos carnívoros de la familia Mustelidae, subfamilia Mustelinae.
Martes melampus Martes generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Mustelinae azpifamilia eta Mustelidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Martes melampus Martes generoko animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko Mustelinae azpifamilia eta Mustelidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Marte du Japon
La Martre du Japon (Martes Melampus) est une espèce de la famille des Mustélidés. C'est un petit mammifère carnivore, une martre rare, méconnue, discrète et qui n'existe qu'au Japon.
La zibeline japonaise se reconnaît grâce à son pelage caractéristique brun jaunâtre.
Les mâles et les femelles sont territoriaux, la taille du territoire variant selon la disponibilité des ressources alimentaires. La marte japonaise est omnivore, préférant les poissons, grenouilles et les petits oiseaux et petits mammifères, mais consommant aussi volontiers des insectes, des fruits et des graines lorsque c'est nécessaire. Elle dort dans le creux d'un arbre ou dans un terrier.
L'espèce est endémique du Japon.
Cette espèce a été décrite pour la première fois en 1841 par le zoologiste allemand Johann Andreas Wagner (1797-1861).
Selon Mammal Species of the World (version 3, 2005) (16 juillet 2013)[5] et Catalogue of Life (16 juillet 2013)[6] :
Marte du Japon
La Martre du Japon (Martes Melampus) est une espèce de la famille des Mustélidés. C'est un petit mammifère carnivore, une martre rare, méconnue, discrète et qui n'existe qu'au Japon.
Japanska kuna (Martes melampus) sisavac je unutar roda Martes blisko povezana sa samurom. Pripadnik je potporidice Mustelinae unutar porodice Mustelidae. Duljina tijela dostiže joj u prosjeku polovicu metra, ne ubrajajući pritom i duljinu repa koja iznosi 20 centimetara. Prosječna težina japanske kune iznosi između 1 do 1,5 kilograma. Mužjaci su u pravilu veći od ženki. Boja krzna japanske kune varira od tamnosmeđe i tamnožute s kremasto obojenim vratom.
I mužjaci i ženke ove vrste teritorijalne su naravi, te veličina jedinkinog teritorija ovisi o dostupnosti hrane. Japanska je kuna svejed, preferirajući meso riba, žaba, manjih ptica i sisavaca, no prehranjuje se i kukcima, voćem i sjemenkama kada je potrebno. Spava u jazbinama unutar šupljeg drveta ili podzemnog brloga.
Postoje tri podvrste japanske kune:
Japanska kuna (Martes melampus) sisavac je unutar roda Martes blisko povezana sa samurom. Pripadnik je potporidice Mustelinae unutar porodice Mustelidae. Duljina tijela dostiže joj u prosjeku polovicu metra, ne ubrajajući pritom i duljinu repa koja iznosi 20 centimetara. Prosječna težina japanske kune iznosi između 1 do 1,5 kilograma. Mužjaci su u pravilu veći od ženki. Boja krzna japanske kune varira od tamnosmeđe i tamnožute s kremasto obojenim vratom.
I mužjaci i ženke ove vrste teritorijalne su naravi, te veličina jedinkinog teritorija ovisi o dostupnosti hrane. Japanska je kuna svejed, preferirajući meso riba, žaba, manjih ptica i sisavaca, no prehranjuje se i kukcima, voćem i sjemenkama kada je potrebno. Spava u jazbinama unutar šupljeg drveta ili podzemnog brloga.
Postoje tri podvrste japanske kune:
M. m. melampus živi na nekoliko japanskih otoka. M. m. tsuensis obitava na otoku Tsushima, gdje je zakonom zaštićena. M. m. coreensis obitava u Sjevernoj i Južnoj Koreji.La martora giapponese (Martes melampus) è l'animale del genere delle martore più strettamente imparentato con lo zibellino. È lunga in media mezzo metro, senza contare la coda lunga 20 centimetri, e pesa tra i 1.000 e i 1.500 grammi. I maschi sono generalmente più grandi delle femmine. Il pelame varia nel colore dal bruno scuro al giallo chiaro con una gola color crema.
Sia i maschi che le femmine sono territoriali e le dimensioni dei territori individuali dipendono dalla disponibilità di cibo. La martora giapponese è onnivora e preferisce la carne di pesci, rane, piccoli uccelli e mammiferi, ma consuma anche insetti, frutti e semi, quando è necessario. Dorme in un covo nella cavità di un albero o in una tana sul terreno.
Esistono tre sottospecie di martora giapponese:
La martora giapponese (Martes melampus) è l'animale del genere delle martore più strettamente imparentato con lo zibellino. È lunga in media mezzo metro, senza contare la coda lunga 20 centimetri, e pesa tra i 1.000 e i 1.500 grammi. I maschi sono generalmente più grandi delle femmine. Il pelame varia nel colore dal bruno scuro al giallo chiaro con una gola color crema.
Sia i maschi che le femmine sono territoriali e le dimensioni dei territori individuali dipendono dalla disponibilità di cibo. La martora giapponese è onnivora e preferisce la carne di pesci, rane, piccoli uccelli e mammiferi, ma consuma anche insetti, frutti e semi, quando è necessario. Dorme in un covo nella cavità di un albero o in una tana sul terreno.
Esistono tre sottospecie di martora giapponese:
M. m. melampus, che vive su alcune delle isole giapponesi. M. m. tsuensis, che vive sull'isola di Tsushima, dove è protetta legalmente. M. m. coreensis, che vive nella Corea del Nord e del Sud.Japānas cauna (Martes melampus) ir vidēja auguma sermuļu dzimtas (Mustelidae) plēsējs, kas pieder caunu ģintij (Martes). Tās tuvākais radinieks ir sabulis.
Japānas cauna dzīvo Japānas salu arhipelāga dienvidu daļā[1] un Korejas pussalā. Tās var sastapt līdz 2000 metriem virs jūras līmeņa.[2] Tā apmetas uz dzīvi mežos, bet Japānas caunu var sastapt arī piepilsētu teritorijās, ja tur aug koki. Koku augļi ir viens no galvenajiem caunas barības avotiem.[2] Japānas cauna dzīvo kokos un migu tā iekārto veca koka dobumā. Tā lieliski rāpjas kokos un ļoti veikli pārvietojas no zara uz zaru. Tā pat pārlec no viena koka uz nākamo.[1] Kopumā Japānas cauna ir bieži novērojams Japānas dzīvnieks,[3] tomēr dažās salās tā ir reti sastopama suga un ir uz izmiršanas robežas.[4]
Japānas cauna ir 47—54 cm gara bez astes, astes garums 17—22 cm, svars 0,5—1,7 kg.[5] Tēviņi ir lielāki par mātītēm. Kažoka krāsa vasarā ir tumši brūna, bet ziemā tā ir koši oranža[4] vai brūna.[6] Pakakle un seja Japānas caunām ir krēmīgi balta. Ziemā gaišajām Japānas caunām kājas joprojām ir tumši brūnas. Japānas caunas foto skatīt šeit.
Japānas cauna ir nometnieks, un tās teritorijas lielums ir atkarīgs no barības ieguves iespējām. Tā ir visēdāja, bet vislabāk tai garšo zivis, vardes, putni, grauzēji un citi mazi dzīvnieki. Bet tā neatsakās no kukaiņiem, augļiem un riekstiem.
Japānas cauna dzimumbriedumu sasniedz 1—2 gadu vecumā. Riesta laiks tai ir no marta līdz maijam, bet mazuļi dzimst jūlijā vai augustā. Piedzimst 1—5 akli, kurli un nevarīgi mazuļi. Par tiem rūpējas tikai māte. Jau 3—4 mēnešu vecumā tie spēj paši medīt, un drīz pēc tam mazuļi pamet ģimeni.[5]
Japānas caunai ir 3 pasugas:[5]
Japānas cauna (Martes melampus) ir vidēja auguma sermuļu dzimtas (Mustelidae) plēsējs, kas pieder caunu ģintij (Martes). Tās tuvākais radinieks ir sabulis.
Japānas cauna dzīvo Japānas salu arhipelāga dienvidu daļā un Korejas pussalā. Tās var sastapt līdz 2000 metriem virs jūras līmeņa. Tā apmetas uz dzīvi mežos, bet Japānas caunu var sastapt arī piepilsētu teritorijās, ja tur aug koki. Koku augļi ir viens no galvenajiem caunas barības avotiem. Japānas cauna dzīvo kokos un migu tā iekārto veca koka dobumā. Tā lieliski rāpjas kokos un ļoti veikli pārvietojas no zara uz zaru. Tā pat pārlec no viena koka uz nākamo. Kopumā Japānas cauna ir bieži novērojams Japānas dzīvnieks, tomēr dažās salās tā ir reti sastopama suga un ir uz izmiršanas robežas.
De Japanse marter (Martes melampus) is een roofdier uit de familie van de marterachtigen (Mustelidae).
Ze worden ongeveer 47-55 cm lang en wegen ongeveer 500-1700 gram.
De vrouwtjes krijgen meestal 1-5 jongen.
Deze soort komt voor in Japan en Korea, op hoogtes tot 1800 meter.
Er zijn 3 ondersoorten:
De Japanse marter (Martes melampus) is een roofdier uit de familie van de marterachtigen (Mustelidae).
Kuna japońska (Martes melampus) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny łasicowatych. Występuje endemicznie w Japonii. Nie jest zagrożony wyginięciem.
Długość ciała wynosi 47–54,5 cm. Długość ogona wynosi 170–223 mm. Masa ciała waha się między 500 a 1700 g. U 9 zważonych samców średnia masa wyniosła 1563 g, a u 4 samic – 1011 g. Barwa sierści zmienna, od żółtobrązowej po ciemnobrązową[3].
IUCN rozróżnia dwa podgatunki. Przedstawiciele M. m. melampus występują na Honsiu, Sikoku, Kiusiu i przyległych wyspach, zaś kuny z podgatunku M. m. tsuensis zamieszkują wyspy Cuszima[2].
Kuny japońskie zamieszkują lasy, pojawiają się również na zadrzewionych obszarach podmiejskich[2]. Pełnią ważną rolę w przenoszeniu nasion owoców w podgórskich zakrzewieniach[4]. Choć kuny japońskie zjadają różnorodne owoce, najprawdopodobniej są głównie mięsożerne. Tatara (1994) badał te ssaki za pomocą nadajników w celu ustalenia, jakie środowisko życia preferują. Przedstawiciele M. m. tsuensis najczęściej przebywali w lasach z drzewami zrzucającymi liście i w lasach wiecznie zielonych; unikały otwartych pól i plantacji drzew iglastych oraz obszarów porośniętych młodymi drzewami. Reprezentantów M. m. melampus odnotowno na wysokościach 609–1687 m n.p.m. Osobniki z Japonii najchętniej jako siedlisko życia wybierają wiecznie zielone lasy szerokolistne[2]. Okres rozrodczy trwa od końca marca do środka maja. Miot liczy od 1 do 5 młodych. Po 3 lub 4 miesiącach życia są zdolne do samodzielnego pozyskiwania pożywienia i wkrótce potem opuszczają matkę[3].
IUCN uznaje kunę japońską za gatunek najmniejszej troski (LC, Least Concern) nieprzerwanie od 1966 (stan w 2017)[2].
Kuna japońska (Martes melampus) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny łasicowatych. Występuje endemicznie w Japonii. Nie jest zagrożony wyginięciem.
Marta-japonesa(Martes melampus) é uma espécie de mustelídeo do gênero Martes e uma das espécies de martas existentes.
É mais relacionada a zibelina e inclusive é sua parente mais próxima,ambas compartilham diversas características físicas comportamentais.
São seres ornívoros,sendo um dos únicos mustelídeos com tal alimentação. É um animal que consome frutas mas é uma devodora de passaros e esquilos.
mas também consome peixes e anfíbios dada a oportunidade.
sua reprodução é entre março e períodos de maio,a fêmea procura árvores ou tocas abandonadas para ter seus filhotes que costuma ser de 2 a 5 filhotes.
O desenvolvimento dos mesmos é rápido,com 3-4 meses de idade as jovens martas já tem uma independência elevada e já podem caçar sozinhas,a maturidade é atingida em 1 ou 2 anos.
O tempo de vida é desconhecido,mas o mais velho exemplar viveu 12 anos em cativeiro.
A marta-japonesa não possue predadores,é um superpredador de pequeno porte.
Marta-japonesa(Martes melampus) é uma espécie de mustelídeo do gênero Martes e uma das espécies de martas existentes.
É mais relacionada a zibelina e inclusive é sua parente mais próxima,ambas compartilham diversas características físicas comportamentais.
Japansk mård (Martes melampus) är ett rovdjur i släktet mårdar, nära släkt med europeiska mård, amerikansk mård och sobeln.[2]
Pälsens färg varierar mellan gulbrun och mörkbrun. Vid halsens baksida finns en vit fläck.[3] Liksom hos flera andra mårdar är kroppen långsträckt, extremiteterna korta och svansen yvig. Kroppens längd (huvud och bål) är hos vuxna djur 47 till 54 cm och svanslängden 17 till 23 cm. Med genomsnittligt 1,56 kg är hanarna tydligt tyngre än honorna som når en vikt av 1,01 kg. Allmänt kan vikten variera mellan 0,5 och 1,7 kg.[3]
Den japanska mården fanns ursprungligen på Japans tre sydligaste huvudöar (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), på Tsushima och i Korea. För pälsens skull infördes de även på Hokkaido och Sado. Habitatet utgörs huvudsakligen av skogar men de förekommer ibland i öppen terräng.
Det är inte mycket känt om artens levnadssätt. De skapar bon under markytan eller i träd. Där gömmer de sig på dagen och jagar under natten. Varje individ har ett revir som markeras med doftande körtelvätska. Utanför parningstiden lever japanska mårdar ensamma. Reviren är i genomsnitt 0,6 (honor) till 0,7 km² (hannar) stora och viss överlappning förekommer.[3] Som de flesta mårddjuren är de allätare som livnär sig av ryggradsdjur som fåglar, mindre däggdjur och grodor eller av kräftdjur och insekter, men de äter även bär och frukter.[3]
Parningstiden ligger mellan mars och maj. Mellan juli och augusti föder honan ett till fem ungdjur. Vid födelsen är ungarna blinda och döva men de har redan hår på kroppen. Dessa är självständiga efter cirka fyra månader.[3]
Den japanska mården jagas för pälsens skull. För några populationer (till exempel på Hokkaido och Tsushima) finns omfattande skyddsåtgärder. Den på Tsushima förekommande underarten M. m. tsuensis listas av IUCN som sårbar.
Japansk mård (Martes melampus) är ett rovdjur i släktet mårdar, nära släkt med europeiska mård, amerikansk mård och sobeln.
Довжина японської куни в середньому складає півметра, не враховуючи 20-сантиметрового хвоста. Вага тварини дорівнює 1000 — 1500 г. Самці, як правило, більші за самок. Колір хутра різниться від темно-брунатного до блідо-жовтого.
Самки і самиці куни мають свої зони проживання, розмір яких залежить від доступності харчів. Куни всеїдні, надають перевагу м'ясу риб, жаб, малих птахів і ссавців, але інколи, за необхідності, їдять комах, плоди і насіння рослин.
Сплять куни в норах, дуплах чи замляних ямах.
В японській традиційній культурі куна уявлялася лихим звіром. Разом із лисицею і єнотом її вважали твариною-перевертнем, яка вміє змінювати свою подобу на що завгодно.
З куною пов'язано багато японських прикмет. Наприклад, в префектурах Акіта та Ісікава говорять, що якщо перед очима пробігла куна — станеться лихо, а в префектурі Хіросіма переказують, що якщо вбити цього звіра — згорить дім. В префектурі Фукусіма вважається, що куна є перевертнем духа людини, що загинула в сніговій лавині.[1]
Chồn vàng Nhật Bản (Martes melampus) là một loài chồn mactet có quan hệ gần gũi nhất với chồn zibelin. Chiều dài thân mình của nó là 0,5 m (1,5 ft), chưa tính cái đuôi dài 20 cm (7.9 in), và nặng 1-1,5 kg (2,2-3,3 lb). Con đực thường lớn hơn con cái. Màu lông biến thiên từ nâu đậm đến vàng sậm.[2]
Cả con đực và cái có lãnh thổ riêng, và kích thước lãnh thổ tùy thuộc vào sự có sẵn của thức ăn. Đây là loài ăn tạp, ăn từ thịt, cá, ếch, chim và thú có vú nhỏ, đến côn trùng, trái cây và hạt.[2]
Có hai phân loài chồn vàng Nhật Bản:
Chồn vàng Nhật Bản (Martes melampus) là một loài chồn mactet có quan hệ gần gũi nhất với chồn zibelin. Chiều dài thân mình của nó là 0,5 m (1,5 ft), chưa tính cái đuôi dài 20 cm (7.9 in), và nặng 1-1,5 kg (2,2-3,3 lb). Con đực thường lớn hơn con cái. Màu lông biến thiên từ nâu đậm đến vàng sậm.
Cả con đực và cái có lãnh thổ riêng, và kích thước lãnh thổ tùy thuộc vào sự có sẵn của thức ăn. Đây là loài ăn tạp, ăn từ thịt, cá, ếch, chim và thú có vú nhỏ, đến côn trùng, trái cây và hạt.
Có hai phân loài chồn vàng Nhật Bản:
M. m. melampus sống trên hầu hết các đảo của quần đảo Nhật Bản. M. m. tsuensis sống trên đảo Tsushima.Martes melampus (Wagner, 1840)
Ареал Охранный статусЯпо́нский со́боль[1] (лат. Martes melampus) — вид хищных млекопитающих из семейства куньих (Mustelidae).
Окрас меха японского соболя варьирует от жёлто-коричневого до тёмно-коричневого, на затылке имеется белёсое пятно. Имеет типичное для многих куниц вытянутое телосложение, короткие конечности, пушистый хвост. Длина тела этих животных достигает от 47 до 54 см, а длина хвоста от 17 до 23 см. Самцы значительно тяжелее самок и весят в среднем 1,6 кг, в то время как самки только около 1,0 кг.
Японские соболи обитали первоначально на трёх основных южных японских островах (Хонсю, Сикоку, Кюсю, Цусиме). Для получения меха были завезены также на острова Хоккайдо и Садо. Его природный ареал — это, преимущественно, леса, но иногда они водятся и на более открытой местности.
Об образе жизни японских соболей известно немного. Они строят гнёзда в земляных норах, а также на деревьях. Там они прячутся днём, чтобы ночью выйти на поиски корма. Это территориальные животные, которые помечают свой участок секретом пахучих желёз. Исключая период спаривания, живут поодиночке. Как большинство куниц, они — всеядные животные, питаются мелкими млекопитающими и другими позвоночными животными, такими как птицы и лягушки, а также ракообразными, насекомыми, ягодами и семенами.
Спаривание начинается в марте—мае, в июле—августе самка приносит от 1 до 5 детёнышей. Через 4 месяца они становятся самостоятельными.
На японских соболей охотятся из-за их меха, однако некоторые популяции (на Хоккайдо и Цусиме) находятся полностью под охраной. Распространённый на Цусиме подвид M. m. tsuensis находится согласно ВСОП под угрозой исчезновения.
Япо́нский со́боль (лат. Martes melampus) — вид хищных млекопитающих из семейства куньих (Mustelidae).
テン(貂[2]、黄鼬[2]、Martes melampus)は、哺乳綱ネコ目(食肉目)イヌ亜目 イタチ科テン属に分類される食肉類。北海道に生息するエゾクロテン(蝦夷黒貂、Martes zibellina brachyura)は同属異種。
テン(貂、黄鼬、Martes melampus)は、哺乳綱ネコ目(食肉目)イヌ亜目 イタチ科テン属に分類される食肉類。北海道に生息するエゾクロテン(蝦夷黒貂、Martes zibellina brachyura)は同属異種。
산달(山獺, Japanese marten)은 족제비과의 담비류 동물이다. 일본 본토와 쓰시마섬 아종으로 나뉜다.
한반도 아종 M. m. coreensis도 존재하였으나, 한반도 개체의 보전 상태 여부는 알 수 없다. 대한민국의 야생 개체임을 증명할 수 있는 자료가 없고, 한국 고유종인 것 또한 입증되지 않아서, 충분히 검증된 아종은 2개뿐이다.[1]
우리말로는 '누른돈' 혹은 '노란담비'로 부른다. 몸길이 44∼49cm, 꼬리길이 17∼20cm이다. 크기는 검은담비와 비슷하지만 꼬리가 훨씬 더 길고, 겨울철이 되어도 발바닥이 털에 덮이지 않는 점이 검은담비와 다르다. 머리는 약간 뾰족하고, 귓바퀴는 검은담비보다 짧으나 폭이 넓다. 머리털은 황백색, 목에서 어깨까지는 황색, 뺨과 귓바퀴는 흰색, 이마는 붉은색, 꼬리와 다리는 황백색, 발톱은 회백색이다.
보통 1,800m 높이의 산림지대에 서식한다. 겨울에는 나무의 빈 구멍에서 지내고, 여름에는 바위 틈이나 나무뿌리의 구멍에서 살며, 먹이가 드문 겨울에는 인가 근처에 내려와서 쥐를 잡아먹기도 한다. 번식 시기는 2∼3월이며, 임신 기간은 7주 정도로 한배에 1∼2마리의 새끼를 낳는다.
야행성으로, 주로 들쥐와 야생조류를 잡아 먹으며, 장지뱀·도마뱀·개구리·하늘다람쥐·날다람쥐도 잡아 먹는다. 가을에는 감나무 위에 올라가 감도 잘 따 먹는다. 모피는 부드러운 점에서는 검은담비를 따르지 못하나 아름다운 점에서는 어느 모피에도 뒤지지 않는다. 한국·일본 등지에 분포하는데, 아직 상세한 학술 연구는 이루어지지 않은 상태다. 한국에서는 1920년대 일본학자에 의하여 함경북도 갑산, 경기도 광릉, 충남 천안 지역에서 포획되었다는 문헌상 기록은 있으나 신뢰성이 없고, 또한 이 동물에 대한 표본이나 실체가 정확히 밝혀진 적이 전혀 없을 정도로 희귀한 동물이다. 캐나다의 포유동물학자가 경상남도 거제도에서 산달로 추정되는 동물을 우연히 한참동안 마주쳤다고한 적이 있고, 이에 따라 초록빛깔사람들과 산하 한국생태연구소에서는 산달에 대한 실체를 추적하는 작업을 2005년 11월부터 착수하였다.[2] 그러나 현재까지도 한반도의 산달의 보전 상태는 알 수 없다.