
Behavior ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas sing most frequently at dawn and dusk. Their calls are short whistles and trills. They often call from treetops, and in some species both the male and female will call. They often call in choruses with their neighbors and will give alarm calls in the presence of a predator. Pittas also communicate with displays. They have both threat displays that they use to defend territories and courtship displays that they use to attract mates.

Communication Channels: visual ; acoustic

Other Communication Modes: choruses

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas are threatened by habitat destruction and fragmentation, hunting for food and the pet-trade, introduced species and uncontrolled fire. As human populations increase throughout their range, pittas are likely to lose more habitat to slash and burn agriculture. Many populations of pittas are declining and will likely continue to do so unless their declines prompt the establishment of more national parks and wildlife preserves. Currently one species (Gurney’s pitta (Pitta gurneyi) is listed as critically endangered by the IUCN, eight species are listed as vulnerable, and four as near threatened. Several species of pitta are also listed under CITES Appendices I and II.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Even though pittas are often very brightly colored, the color is usually located either on their undersides or on areas that can be covered when the wings are folded. Females and juveniles also tend to be more cryptic than males. Pitta nests are well camouflaged as a defense against predators, although many nests are still lost due to depredation. Snakes (suborder Serpentes) are common nest predators. Pittas give alarm calls and flash the white patch on their wing to startle predators. Nighttime migration may protect pittas from predation by diurnal raptors (order Falconiformes). Introduced predators, such as feral cats (Felis silvestris) also pose a threat to pittas.

Known Predators:

  • snakes (Serpentes)
  • raptors (Falconiformes)
  • feral cats (Felis silvestris)

Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas are small to medium sized birds (15 to 29 cm long, 42 to 210 g) with long legs, short tails and strong, downcurved bills. Their large eyes help them to see in their dark interior forest habitat. There is a lot of variation in leg and foot color. Pittas tend to have colorful plumage, a trait that is unique for understory bids. Some have bright, colorful stripes with black face masks on the head and barring on the breast. Their colors may be bright reds, blues, greens and yellows. The brighter colors are usually on the bird’s underparts. The upperparts of the birds tend to be duller, making them more difficult for predators to spot. Many species have bright colors on their rump, wings and upper tail coverts that can be covered by their wings while they are on the ground foraging. Most species also have a white wing-patch that can usually be seen only when they are flying. A few species have long feathers on their nape that can be raised to resemble horns.

Some pittas are sexually monomorphic and others are dimorphic. In dimorphic species, females are duller and more cryptic than males. Juveniles are duller than adults and are generally brownish with streaking and spotting.

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike; sexes colored or patterned differently; male more colorful; ornamentation

Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

The oldest recorded pitta in the wild is a blue-winged pitta (Pitta moluccensis) that was recaptured 5.5 years after being banded. Giant pittas (Pitta caerulea) in a zoo lived for more than 12 years.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas are found in tropical rainforest, scrub jungle, bamboo, mangroves, deciduous and evergreen forest and semi-cultivated areas. They are found in coastal areas at sea level to elevations of 2500 m. They are usually found near flowing water and only in areas where the groundcover is leaf litter. While migrating they are often attracted to lights and may come to gardens and enter buildings.

Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial

Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest ; scrub forest

Aquatic Biomes: rivers and streams; coastal

Other Habitat Features: urban ; suburban ; agricultural ; riparian

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas are found only in the Old World. The largest diversity of pittas is found in southeast Asia. However, they can be found in the Australian, Ethiopian and Oriental regions.

Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native ); ethiopian (Native ); australian (Native )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas primarily eat invertebrates, although they occasionally eat small vertebrates and vegetable matter. They seem to eat more annelid worms and insects than any other prey, and chicks are fed mostly earthworms. Pittas also eat: insects (including termites, ants, grasshoppers, beetles, bugs and moths), snails, spiders, centipedes, crabs, lizards, snakes, frogs, fruit and seeds. They forage by scratching through the leaves and debris on the forest floor, using their feet or overturning it with their beak. They may also locate some prey by smell and by sound. When eating snails, they use rocks as “anvils” to break open the shells.

Primary Diet: carnivore (Insectivore )

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas have an impact on populations of the prey they eat. They may also have an affect on decomposition rates as they sift through and turn over the leaf litter and debris on the forest floor in search of prey.

Ecosystem Impact: biodegradation

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas are actively hunted by people in the regions they inhabit. They are caught both for food and for the pet-trade. Pittas are also important for ecotourism as they are highly sought after by bird watchers.

Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; ecotourism

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

There are no known adverse affects of pittas on humans.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas belong to the order Passeriformes and family Pittidae. All 30 species of pitta are grouped into one genus. Their closest relatives are broadbills (Eurylaimidae) and asities (Philepittidae). Pittas are small to medium sized birds (15 to 29 cm long) and can be quite colorful; bright blues, greens, reds and yellows are commonly seen. The bright coloration is usually on the birds’ underparts or is hidden when their wings are folded. This makes the birds more difficult for predators to spot. Males and females look alike in some species and are dimorphic in others. Pittas are stout birds with long legs, short tails and strong bills.

Pittas are monogamous and both males and females take part in raising young. They primarily eat invertebrates (annelid worms and arthropods) that they find by digging through leaf litter on the forest floor. They are found in the Ethiopian, Oriental, and Australian regions and prefer tropical forest habitats. Because their preferred habitat is disappearing rapidly as a result of human disturbance, many species of pitta are of conservation concern.

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( 英語 )

由Animal Diversity Web提供

Pittas are monogamous. Males perform many different courtship displays which may include ruffling feathers, raising their “horns” and bowing. African pittas have a more dramatic display where they stand on a branch and jump up 25 to 45 cm and then flap back down to the perch. They call while displaying and fluff their red breast feathers.

Mating System: monogamous

Breeding season usually begins with the rainy season. This is usually the time when food is in high abundance and there is dense vegetation to hide the nest and young. Some species breed in all but the wettest months. Both the male and female take part in nest building, which takes from two to eight days. Nests are usually on the ground or one to two meters high. They are built in stumps, fallen trees, banks, cliffs, roots or vegetation. The nests are globular and usually domed, and have a side entrance. They are made of twigs, roots and leaves and are covered in moss and leaves. The moss and leaf covering helps to camouflage the nest. Some species build a platform of mammal dung at the entrance to the nest.

Clutch size is usually three to five (range is two to seven). Eggs are ovoid, glossy or buff white and have reddish or purplish spots. Both males and females incubate the eggs, which hatch in 14 to 18 days. In some species hatching is synchronous. In others it is asynchronous and occurs over a couple of days. Adults eat the eggshells after the chicks hatch (the eggshells are a good source of calcium). The altricial young are brooded and fed by both the male and female. Earthworms are the food most frequently given to chicks. Nestlings fledge in 15 to 17 days and continue to be fed by the adults for another ten days. Pittas will often chase off their fledglings in order to have a second clutch. Though they are well camouflaged, many nests are lost to predators.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (Internal ); oviparous

Both males and females incubate the eggs, and the chicks hatch in 14 to 18 days. Adults eat the eggshells (which are a good source of calcium) after the chicks hatch. The altricial young are brooded and fed by both the male and female. Earthworms are the food most frequently given to chicks. Both parents also remove fecal sacks from the nest. Nestlings fledge in 15 to 17 days and continue to be fed by the adults for another ten days. Pittas will often chase off their fledglings in order to have a second clutch.

Parental Investment: altricial ; male parental care ; female parental care

The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Camfield, A. 2004. "Pittidae" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pittidae.html
Kari Kirschbaum, Animal Diversity Web
Alaine Camfield, Animal Diversity Web
Animal Diversity Web

Pitta ( 南非語 )

由wikipedia AF提供


  • Pitta phayrei
  • Pitta nipalensis
  • Pitta soror
  • Pitta oatesi
  • Pitta schneideri
  • Pitta caerulea
  • Pitta cyanea
  • Pitta guajana
  • Pitta elliotii
  • Pitta gurneyi
  • Pitta baudii
  • Pitta sordida
  • Pitta maxima
  • Pitta superba
  • Pitta steerii
  • Pitta kochi
  • Pitta erythrogaster
  • Pitta dohertyi
  • Pitta arcuata
  • Pitta granatina
  • Pitta ussheri
  • Pitta venusta
  • Angolapitta, Pitta angolensis
  • Pitta reichenowi
  • Pitta brachyura
  • Pitta nympha
  • Pitta moluccensis
  • Pitta megarhyncha
  • Pitta elegans
  • Pitta versicolor
  • Pitta anerythra
  • Pitta iris
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Pittidae ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Pittidae a zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1831 gant an evnoniour saoz William Swainson (1789-1855)[1].

Diwar al labourioù kaset da benn war dTDN izili ar genad kozh Pitta hag embannet e 2006[2] ez a tri genad d'ober ar c'herentiad an deiz a hiziv :

Genadoù[3] (renket diouzh an urzh filogenetek)

Notennoù ha daveennoù

  1. (en) Pittidae: Pittas Swainson, 1831.
  2. Martin Irestedt, Jan I. Ohlson, Dario Zuccon, Mari Källersjö & Per G. P. Ericson, Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves, Passeriformes), Zoologica Scripta 35: 567–580.
  3. (en) Roadennoù IOC World Bird List diwar-benn Passeriformes/Pittidae (lennet e-barzh d'an 30 a viz Genver 2017).

Muioc'h a restroù diwar-benn

a vo kavet e Wikimedia Commons.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Pittidae: Brief Summary ( 布列塔尼語 )

由wikipedia BR提供

Pittidae a zo ur c'herentiad e rummatadur an evned, krouet e 1831 gant an evnoniour saoz William Swainson (1789-1855).

Diwar al labourioù kaset da benn war dTDN izili ar genad kozh Pitta hag embannet e 2006 ez a tri genad d'ober ar c'herentiad an deiz a hiziv :

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia BR

Pita (ocell) ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Els pites són una sèrie d'espècies d'aus passeriformes, que formen la família dels pítids (Pittidae).


  • Fan 15 – 25 cm de llargària, amb un pes de 42 – 220 g.
  • Són aus robustes amb potes llargues i cua curta.
  • Fort bec
  • Plomatge en general, però no sempre, molt acolorit, amb colors blaus, verds, rojos, grocs. Els colors més vistosos estan normalment al cap i a les parts inferiors.
  • En la major part de les espècies no hi ha pràcticament diferències entre el plomatge del mascle i la femella, únicament en unes poques espècies les femelles tenen uns colors més apagats.
  • Els joves són més apagats i tacats.

Hàbitat i distribució

Són aus terrestres que viuen al terra de zones forestals denses, des de les selves humides fins manglars i jardins poc cuidats; en Àfrica subsahariana, Àsia meridional i oriental (fins al Japó) i des d'allà fins a Nova Guinea, Austràlia i Salomó.


Amb branquetes fan uns gran nius consistents en estructures el·líptiques amb l'entrada lateral, on ponen generalment 3 -5 ous de diferent forma i característica segons l'espècie. Els coven 15 – 17 dies. Els pollets romanen la niu 2 – 3 setmanes. Ambdós pares curen dels pollets.


Mengen cucs, cargols i insectes que troben entre les fulles del terra.

Llista de gèneres

En la classificació del Congrés Ornitològic Internacional (versió 2.9, 2011) figuren tres gèneres de pites:

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Pita Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata


Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Pita (ocell): Brief Summary ( 加泰隆語 )

由wikipedia CA提供

Els pites són una sèrie d'espècies d'aus passeriformes, que formen la família dels pítids (Pittidae).

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia CA

Pittaer ( 丹麥語 )

由wikipedia DA提供
Blåvinget pitta
Sang af blåvinget pitta i nationalparken Si Phang-nga i Thailand.

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Pittaer (Pittidae) er en familie af spurvefugle, som lever i det tropiske Asien og Australasien samt for enkelte arters vedkommende i Afrika. Familien indeholder tre slægter: Pitta, Erythropitta og Hydrornis.

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Pittas ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Pittas (Pittidae) sind eine Familie in der Ordnung der Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes). Die Vögel leben in Zentralafrika, Süd- und Südostasien und in Australien. Die meisten Arten kommen in Südostasien vor.


Es handelt sich um kleine, kurzschwänzige und drosselartige Waldbodenbewohner mit buntem Gefieder. Der Kopf ist relativ groß, der Hals kurz, der Körper gedrungen und die Flügel kurz und an der Spitze abgerundet. Die verschiedenen Arten werden 15 bis 28 Zentimeter lang. Unter den 31 Arten zeigen einige einen ausgeprägten Geschlechtsdimorphismus, bei anderen Arten sind dagegen beide Geschlechter gleich gefärbt. Viele Pittaarten sind sehr bunt gefärbt, vor allem blau, grün, rot und gelb kommen häufig vor. Die leuchtenden Farben befinden sich vor allem auf der Bauchseite oder sind bei gefalteten Flügeln nicht sichtbar, so dass Vögel Raubtieren nicht zu sehr ins Auge fallen.


Pittas leben einzelgängerisch versteckt in unterholzreichen Regenwäldern, Bambusdickichten, Buschlandschaften und Mangroven. Sie bevorzugen die Nähe von fließenden Gewässern und gehen im Gebirge bis in Höhen von 2500 Metern. Tagsüber halten sie sich meist auf dem Boden auf, die Nacht verbringen sie hoch in den Bäumen. Auch in Gefahr flüchten sie meist zuerst zu Fuß. Die Vögel markieren ihr Revier durch einen Gesang, der aus mehrsilbigen Pfiffen, aber auch grunzenden und wimmernden Tönen besteht. Zum Singen fliegen sie in die Bäume. Sie suchen ihre Nahrung auf dem Erdboden und ernähren sich hauptsächlich von Würmern, Spinnen, Insekten, Samen und Früchten, aber auch von kleinen Echsen und Fröschen. Einige Pittaarten unternehmen während der Nacht weite Wanderzüge.


Pittas sind monogam. Sie brüten in den Tropen am Ende der Regenzeit, wenn ihre Hauptnahrung, Insekten, besonders zahlreich sind. In gemäßigteren Zonen pflanzen sie sich im Sommer fort. Bei einigen Arten hat man einen Balztanz beobachtet, bei dem das Männchen von einem Ast in Bodennähe Luftsprünge macht und seinen farbigen Bauch präsentiert. Pittas bauen große, kuppelförmige, mit Moos und Blätter getarnte Nester mit seitlichem Eingang zwischen Wurzeln, herabgefallenen Ästen oder niedrigen Büschen in Höhen von einem bis zwei Metern. Diese enthalten zwei bis sieben glänzend weiße oder isabellfarbene Eier mit rötlichen bis purpurfarbenen Sprenkeln und Punkten. Beide Geschlechter beteiligen sich an der Aufzucht der Jungen. Nach 14 bis 18 Tagen schlüpfen die zunächst nackten Jungen, die nach 15 bis 17 Tagen das Nest verlassen, von den Eltern aber noch etwa zehn Tage lang weiter gefüttert werden.


Die natürlichen Feinde der Pittas sind Greifvögel, Kleinkatzen und Schlangen. Heute sind Pittas durch die Abholzung der Regenwälder, Waldbrände und die Zerstörung ihrer sonstigen Habitate gefährdet. Sie werden als Nahrungsmittel oder zur Käfighaltung vom Menschen gefangen. Die IUCN stuft den Goldkehlpitta[1] Thailands und des südlichen Myanmar als stark gefährdet ein. Schneiderpitta, Rotrückenpitta, Schwarzrückenpitta, Blaubauchpitta, Kochpitta, Maronenrückenpitta, Nymphenpitta und Schwarzgesichtpitta gelten als gefährdet, Riesenpitta, Sulapitta, Granatpitta und Mangrovepitta als potenziell gefährdet.


Pittas gehören innerhalb der Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes) zu der Unterordnung der Schreivögel (Tyranni). Ihre nächsten Verwandten sind die Lappenpittas (Philepittidae) und die Breitrachen (Eurylaimidae).

Regenbogenpitta (Pitta iris)
Javabindenpitta (Pitta guajana)
Kappenpitta (Pitta sordida)
Kleine Blauflügelpitta (Pitta moluccensis)



  1. BirdLife International 2005. Pitta gurneyi. In: IUCN 2007 Red List of Threatened Species. www.iucnredlist.org. Downloaded on 13 December 2007.
  2. Große Blauflügelpitta (Pitta megarhyncha) bei Avibase; abgerufen am 27. Dezember 2013.
  3. Kleine Blauflügelpitta (Pitta moluccensis) bei Avibase; abgerufen am 27. Dezember 2013.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Pittas: Brief Summary ( 德語 )

由wikipedia DE提供

Die Pittas (Pittidae) sind eine Familie in der Ordnung der Sperlingsvögel (Passeriformes). Die Vögel leben in Zentralafrika, Süd- und Südostasien und in Australien. Die meisten Arten kommen in Südostasien vor.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia DE

Hinabuluu ( 斯瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Hinabuluu ni ndege wa ardhi wa familia Pittidae. Ndege hawa ni wakubwa na wanene kiasi wenye miguu mirefu, mkia mfupi sana na domo lenye nguvu. Spishi nyingi zina rangi kali. Wanatokea ardhini kwa misitu minyevu ya tropiki ya Afrika, Asia na Australia. Hula makoa, wadudu na wanyama wengini kama wale. Hujenga tago la mviringo kwa manyasi na majani lenye mwingilio kwa upande wake. Jike huyataga mayai 4-5.


Hinabuluu ni ndege wadogo hadi wakubwa kiasi ambao ukubwa wao unaenda kutoka hinabuluu milia-buluu aliye na sm 15 hadi hinabuluu mkubwa ambaye anaweza kufikia urefu wa sm 29. Wana uzito wa g 42 hadi 210. Wana mwili imara na tarsusi ndefu zenye nguvu (mifupa ya chini ya mguu) na miguu mirefu. Rangi ya miguu na vidole inaweza kutofautiana sana hata ndani ya spishi. Hii inaweza kuwa tabia inayotumiwa na majike katika kuhukumu ubora wa mwenzi atakayependa. Mabawa yana manyoya makuu kumi yaliyoviringa na yaliyo mafupi kwa kawaida; yale ya spishi nne zinazohamahama yamechongoka zaidi. Kuna manyoya tisa ya kufuata na lile la kumi ni dogo. Kitabia kinabuluu husita kuruka lakini wana uwezo na hata nguvu ya kuruka. Mkia ni mfupi hadi mfupi sana na hujumuisha manyoya kumi na mawili.

Kinyume na spishi nyingi za ndege wa sakafu ya msitu, manyoya ya hinabuluu mara nyingi yana rangi kali. Spishi moja tu, hinabuluu masikio, ina rangi za kujificha kenyekenye kwa wapevu wa jinsia zote mbili. Katika jenasi hiyo hiyo, Hydrornis, kuna spishi tatu nyingine zilizo na manyoya yenye rangi hafifu kuliko manyoya ya wastani, hinabuluu kisogo-buluu, hinabuluu kiuno-buluu na hinabuluu kisogo-kutu. Kama hinabuluu wengine wa Hydrornis wana manyoya tofauti kulingana na jinsia, majike wakiwa na rangi hafifu na kujificha zaidi kuliko madume. Kwa kawaida jinsia katika familia hiyo huwa kufanana sana ikiwa siyo sawa kabisa. Katika takriban familia nzima rangi kali huwa kuwako upande wa chini na mabaka ya rangi kali kwenye kiuno, mabawa na manyoya wa msingi wa mkia zinaweza kufichwa. Kuwa na uwezo wa kuficha rangi kali kutoka juu ni muhimu kwa sababu mbuai wengi hukaribia kutoka juu. Spishi nne zinakuwa na sehemu za juu zenye rangi kali.

Msambazo na makazi

Kwa ujumla hinabuluu ni ndege wa misitu na maeneo ya vichaka ya kitropiki. Spishi nyingi zinahitaji misitu yenye gubiko jingi, tabaka tajiri la chini, na takataka za majani kwa kusudi la kujilisha, na mara nyingi hupatikana karibu na maji pia. Spishi fulani hukaa katika vinamasi na misitu ya mianzi, na hinabuluu kapa, kama jina lake linavyoonyesha, ni stadi wa kapa. Spishi kadhaa ni stadi wa misitu ya maeneo ya chini. Kwa mfano, hinabuluu upinde-mvua haipatikani juu ya m 400. Spishi nyingine zinaweza kutokea kwenye miinuko ya juu zaidi, kutia ndani, kwa mfano, hinabuluu kisogo-kutu, ambaye amepata hadi m 2,600. Mapendekezo ya mwinuko hutofautiana katika hinabuluu kupendeza ndani ya eneo lake. Anaweza kupatikana hadi m 1,300 nchini Taiwan lakini hukaa miinuko ya chini nchini Japani. Pamoja na mazingira ya asili, hinabuluu wanaweza kutumia mahali palipobadilishwa na binadamu. Kwa mfano, hinabuluu mabawa-buluu na hinabuluu kofia hutumia mbuga na bustani za mijini Singapore.

Miendo ya hinabuluu imefahamika vibaya na kuichunguza ni ngumu sana. Machunguzi ya kuwawekelea ndege koa hayakusaidia kuitambulisha. Katika uchunguzi mmoja nchini Ufilipino hinabulu tumbo-jekundu 2000 waliwekelewa koa lakini ndege kumi tu walikamatwa tena, na mmoja tu wa ndege waliokamatwa tena alikamatwa zaidi ya miezi miwili baada ya kukamatwa mara ya kwanza. Spishi nne tu za hinabuluu ni wahamiaji kabisa au ghalibu, zote katika jenasi Pitta: Hinabuluu Hindi, hinabuluu wa Afrika, hinabuluu kupendeza na hinabuluu mabawa-buluu. Kama vile hizi nne, nususpishi ya kaskazini ya hinabuluu kofia ni mhamiaji kamili. Spishi nyingine hufanya miendo midogo zaidi na ndani ya eneo lao, ambayo haifahamiki vizuri, zinazoshirikisha hinabuluu mpiga-kelele wa Australia. Uhamiaji wa hinabuluu inaonekana kutokea usiku, na hinabulu huhamia katika makundi madogo kejekeje ambayo hutumia mahali sawa pa kupumzika na kujilisha kila mwaka.

Mwenendo na ekolojia

Ujamii na miito

Hinabuluu hukiakia mchana kwa kuwa wanahitaji mwangaza ili kupata mbuawa wao walio na rangi za kujificha mara nyingi. Hata hivyo hupatikana katika maeneo ya giza mara nyingi na hujificha sana, ingawa wataitikia miigo ya miito yao. Kwa kawaida hupatikana kama ndege moja na hata ndege wachanga hawashirikiana na wazazi wao isipokuwa wakilishwa. Jambo la pekee kwa maisha yao ya faragha ni makundi madogo yaliyoonekana wakati wa uhamiaji.

Hinabuluu hupenda kukaa katika eneo lao, na maeneo yana ukubwa kutoka 3,000 katika hinabuluu wa Afrika hadi m² 10,000 katika hinabulu upinde-mvua. Wamepata pia wakiwa na ugomvi sana katika kifungo na hushambulia spishi nyingine na hata wenzao. Mwenendo kama huo haujaonekana mwituni. Hinabuluu watafanya maonyesho ya ulinzi wa eneo kwenye kingo za maeneo yao. Mapigano kati ya wapinzani wametiwa kumbukumbu mara moja tu. Uonyesho mmoja wa kieneo kama hao hufanywa na hinabuluu upinde-mvua, ambaye anaweka miguu yake minyofu na anainamia mpinzani kwenye kingo ya eneo lake akitoa mwito wa kukoroma. Maonyesho kama hayo yanaunganishwa kwa miito iliyotolewa wasipoonwa na wapinzani. Miito hiyo wa kieneo hutolewa mara nyingi na inaweza kujaza hadi 12% ya matendo ya mchana ya ndege. Spishi zinazohamia hutetea maeneo ya kujilisha ambapo hawazai kama vile yale ambapo wanazaa.

Sauti za hinabuluu zinaelezwa vizuri zaidi kama miito, kwa kuwa zina muda mfupi na silabi moja au mbili, na mara nyingi zina sauti ya filimbi au kuvuma. Hufanywa na jinsia zote mbili mwaka mzima. Spishi moja, hinabuluu mweusi-na-mwekundu, pia alielezwa kufanya kelele ya mitambo mwaka 2013. Sauti hii ya kugongagonga ilitolewa wakati wa kuruka na nadharia tete ni kwamba inafanywa na mabawa.


Sehemu kubwa sana ya chakula cha hinabuluu ni nyungunyungu wakifuatwa na konokono. Nyungunyungu wanaweza kuwa haipatikani kimsimu katika hali kavu wakati wanapoendelea zaidi kwenye udongo. Hinabuluu pia huchukua mbuawa wengi wa invertebrata wanaojumuisha vikundi vingi vya wadudu kama vile mchwa, sisimizi, mbawakawa, wadudu kama visulisuli, vipepeo na nondo. Kaa wa maji baridi, tangu, majongoo, na buibui huchukuliwa pia. Spishi fulani, kama vile hinabuluu kupendeza na hinabuluu upinde-mvua, wamewekwa kumbukumbu kwa kujilisha kwa mbuawa wadogo wa vertebrata. Hao ni pamoja na mijusi-islam, vyura, nyoka na, kwa kisa cha hinabuluu kupendeza, virukanjia. Pia kuna kumbukumbu za hinabuluu kadhaa wanaochukua chakula cha mimea, kama vile matunda ya mikindu ya Carpentaria au mbegu za mahindi.

Hinabuluu hujilisha kwa mtindo wa mikesha wakisogeza majani kando kwa mwendo wa kufagia wa domo. Pia wameonwa kupekechua udongo mnyevu kwa domo lao ili kutambua nyungunyungu. Wana hisia nzuri ya harufu na kumedokezwa kuwa wanaweza kutambua nyungunyungu kwa njia hii. Dokezo hilo limeegemezwa na utafiti ambao uligundua kuwa hinabuluu Hindi ana tunguu kubwa kabisa la ndege 25 kama shomoro wanaochunguzwa. Spishi nane zimewekwa kumbukumbu kwa kutumia mawe kama fuawe ambazo juu yao koa hupigwa mpaka kuwa wazi ili kuliwa na hinabuluu upinde-mvua ameonwa kutumia mzizi wa mti ili kufanya hiyo.


Kama ndege wengi hinabuluu huzaliana na mwenzi mmoja na kulinda maeneo ya kuzaliana. Spishi nyingi huzaliana kwa kimsimu na kuchagua wakati wa uzazi wao kutokea mwanzoni mwa msimu wa mvua. Mbali na hii ni hinabuluu mrembo, ambaye huzaa takriban mwaka mzima, kwa sababu kisiwa cha Manus ambapo anazaa kinapata mvua mwaka mzima. Mienendo ya ubembelezi ya familia haijulikani vizuri, lakini dansi yenye madoido ya hinabuluu wa Afrika inajumuisha kuruka hewani huku kifua kilichojikuta na kutua mabawa yakitandika na kurudi chini kwenye kitulio.

Hinabuluu hujenga kiota cha msingi ambacho ni kuba lenye mwingilio kwa upande mmoja. Muundo wa kiota una upatano katika familia nzima. Ukubwa wa kiota ni kama mpira wa raga na kwa kawaida hufichwa vizuri kati ya mimea inayotambaa na aina nyingine. Uonekano wa kiota pia ni mgumu kutofautisha kutoka chungu la majani yanayotiwa pamoja na upepo. Spishi chache huunda "mkeka wa mlango" kwa vijiti (wakati mwingine hupambwa na mavi ya mamalia) mbele ya mwingilio. Viota vinaweza kuwekwa ardhini au mitini. Spishi fulani hujenga viota mitini kila mara, kama spishi zote mbili za Afrika. Wengine hujenga viota ardhini tu na wengine huonyesha hitilafu kubwa. Jinsia zote mbili husaidia kujenga kiota, lakini dume anafanya takriban kazi yote. Inachukua siku mbili hadi nane ili kujenga kiota kipya, lakini hii huenda inatofautiana kulingana na uzoefu wa ndege wanaohusika. Kiota kipya hujengwa kwa kila jaribio la uzazi, na kazi ya kujenga kiota kwa uzazi wa pili inaweza kuanza wakati makinda ya uzazi wa kwanza bado wanapolishwa.

Idadi ya mayai hutofautiana kulingana na spishi. Kwa kawaida mayai 3-5 hutagwa, lakini mawili ni kawaida kwa hinabuluu mwekundu, ambapo sita ni kawaida kwa hinabuluu mabawa-buluu na hinabuluu Hindi. Inadhaniwa kuwa spishi za viwango vya juu vya umbuai huwa na mayai machache zaidi, kwa sababu idadi ndogo zinahusisha safari chache za kuleta chakula ambazo zinaweza kumwangamiza mbuai kwamba kiota kiko, na idadi ndogo ni rahisi zaidi kuzibadilisha ikiwa zimepotea. Idadi ya mayai inaweza kutofautiana ndani ya spishi kulingana na latitudo. Uchunguzi wa hinabuluu wapiga-kelele uligundua kwamba ndege katika tropiki walikuwa na idadi ndogo za mayai kuliko wale katika mazingira ya wastani.

Mayai ya hinabuluu yamechongoka kidogo kwa mwisho mmoja na kuwa laini kwa kawaida (mayai yaliyo na vishimo vya kina kikubwa ya hinabuluu mrembo ni hitilafu). Ukubwa wa mayai hutofautiana kulingana na spishi, spishi ndogo zikitaga mayai madogo zaidi. Pia kuna hitilafu katika ukubwa wa mayai ndani ya spishi katika spishi zilizo na maeneo makubwa. Kwa mfano, mayai ya hinabuluu wapiga-kelele ni madogo zaidi karibu na tropiki. Kwa kawaida mayai ni meupe au yenye rangi ya maziwa, na kwa kawaida hung'aa.

Spishi za Afrika

Spishi za mabara mengine


Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
wikipedia emerging languages

Hinabuluu: Brief Summary ( 斯瓦希里語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

Hinabuluu ni ndege wa ardhi wa familia Pittidae. Ndege hawa ni wakubwa na wanene kiasi wenye miguu mirefu, mkia mfupi sana na domo lenye nguvu. Spishi nyingi zina rangi kali. Wanatokea ardhini kwa misitu minyevu ya tropiki ya Afrika, Asia na Australia. Hula makoa, wadudu na wanyama wengini kama wale. Hujenga tago la mviringo kwa manyasi na majani lenye mwingilio kwa upande wake. Jike huyataga mayai 4-5.

Waandishi wa Wikipedia na wahariri
wikipedia emerging languages

पिट्टा ( 比哈爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

पिट्टा उष्णकटिबंधीय एशियाऑस्ट्रेलिया के पैसराइन चिरई सभ के परिवार हवे जवना के पिट्टीडाई (Pittidae) के नाँव से जानल जाला। इनहन के कुछ प्रजाति अफिरका में भी पावल जालिन। पिट्टा सभ, आमतौर पर एकही नियर आकार-प्रकार आ रंगरूप अउरी आदत वाला होलें। सन् 2009 में इन्हन के तीन गो जाति (genus) में बाँटल गइल। Pitta जीनस, ErythropittaHydrornis पिट्टा नाँव, भारत के आंध्रप्रदेश में बोलल जाये वाली भाषा तेलुगु में हवे जवन सभ जगह प्रचलित हो गइल। पिट्टा के आकार आमतौर पर 15 से 25 सेमी (5.9–9.8 इंच) लंबाई वाला, बड़हन गोलाई वाला (stocky), आ लंबा टांग वाला होलें। इनहन के पोंछ बहुत छोट होले। सगरी त ना, बाकी अधिकतर पिट्टा सभ चमकीला रंग के होलें।[1]

आमतौर पर इ चिरई जंगल के निचला हिस्सा, जमीन के नजदीक, में रहे ली।[1] इन्हन के कई ठे प्रजाति माइग्रेटरी (सीजन के हिसाब से एक जगह से दूसर जगह प्रवास करे वाली) भी होलीं।

पिट्टा के कई ठो प्रजाति बिलुप्त होखे के कगार पर भी बाड़ी। इन्हन में Gurney's pitta, के आइयूसीएन के लाल सूची में खतरा में की श्रेणी में रखल गइल बाटे।[2] अउरी आठ गो प्रजाति खतरा के संभावना वाली (vulnerable) भी बतावल गइल बाड़ी।[3] जंगल के तेजी से भइल बिनास इन्हन के आवास में कमी कइले बाटे, जवन इन्हन के ऊपर खतरा के मूल कारण बनल बा।

प्रजाति सभ के लिस्ट

भारतीय पिट्टा या नवरंग
ब्लू हेडेड पिट्टा, नर बायें आ मादा दहिने, ई प्रजाति बोर्नियो में पावल जाले आ खतरा में बा।


  1. 1.0 1.1 McClure, H. Elliott (1991). Forshaw, Joseph, संपा. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. पप. 159–160. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
  2. BirdLife International (2008). "Gurney's Pitta Pitta gurneyi". IUCN Red List. IUCN. पहुँचतिथी 7 मई 2009.
  3. BirdLife International (2008). "Pittidae". Data Zone. पहुँचतिथी 7 मई 2009.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging languages

पिट्टा: Brief Summary ( 比哈爾語 )

由wikipedia emerging languages提供

पिट्टा उष्णकटिबंधीय एशियाऑस्ट्रेलिया के पैसराइन चिरई सभ के परिवार हवे जवना के पिट्टीडाई (Pittidae) के नाँव से जानल जाला। इनहन के कुछ प्रजाति अफिरका में भी पावल जालिन। पिट्टा सभ, आमतौर पर एकही नियर आकार-प्रकार आ रंगरूप अउरी आदत वाला होलें। सन् 2009 में इन्हन के तीन गो जाति (genus) में बाँटल गइल। Pitta जीनस, ErythropittaHydrornis पिट्टा नाँव, भारत के आंध्रप्रदेश में बोलल जाये वाली भाषा तेलुगु में हवे जवन सभ जगह प्रचलित हो गइल। पिट्टा के आकार आमतौर पर 15 से 25 सेमी (5.9–9.8 इंच) लंबाई वाला, बड़हन गोलाई वाला (stocky), आ लंबा टांग वाला होलें। इनहन के पोंछ बहुत छोट होले। सगरी त ना, बाकी अधिकतर पिट्टा सभ चमकीला रंग के होलें।

आमतौर पर इ चिरई जंगल के निचला हिस्सा, जमीन के नजदीक, में रहे ली। इन्हन के कई ठे प्रजाति माइग्रेटरी (सीजन के हिसाब से एक जगह से दूसर जगह प्रवास करे वाली) भी होलीं।

पिट्टा के कई ठो प्रजाति बिलुप्त होखे के कगार पर भी बाड़ी। इन्हन में Gurney's pitta, के आइयूसीएन के लाल सूची में खतरा में की श्रेणी में रखल गइल बाटे। अउरी आठ गो प्रजाति खतरा के संभावना वाली (vulnerable) भी बतावल गइल बाड़ी। जंगल के तेजी से भइल बिनास इन्हन के आवास में कमी कइले बाटे, जवन इन्हन के ऊपर खतरा के मूल कारण बनल बा।

प्रजाति सभ के लिस्ट  src= भारतीय पिट्टा या नवरंग  src= ब्लू हेडेड पिट्टा, नर बायें आ मादा दहिने, ई प्रजाति बोर्नियो में पावल जाले आ खतरा में बा। Hydrornis en:Eared pitta, Hydrornis phayrei en:Blue-naped pitta, Hydrornis nipalensis en:Blue-rumped pitta, Hydrornis soror en:Rusty-naped pitta, Hydrornis oatesi en:Schneider's pitta, Hydrornis schneideri en:Giant pitta, Hydrornis caerulea en:Blue-headed pitta, Hydrornis baudii नीला पिट्टा (Blue pitta) , Hydrornis cyanea en:Bar-bellied pitta, Hydrornis elliotii en:Javan banded pitta, Hydrornis guajana en:Malayan banded pitta, Hydrornis irena en:Bornean banded pitta, Hydrornis schwaneri en:Gurney's pitta, Hydrornis gurneyi Erythropitta en:Whiskered pitta, Erythropitta kochi en:Red-bellied pitta, Erythropitta erythrogaster en:Blue-banded pitta, Erythropitta arquata en:Garnet pitta, Erythropitta granatina en:Graceful pitta, Erythropitta venusta Black-headed pitta, Erythropitta ussheri Pitta हुडेड पिट्टा, Pitta sordida en:Ivory-breasted pitta, Pitta maxima en:Superb pitta, Pitta superba en:Azure-breasted pitta, Pitta steerii en:African pitta, Pitta angolensis en:Green-breasted pitta, Pitta reichenowi भारतीय पिट्टा, Pitta brachyura en:Fairy pitta, Pitta nympha en:Blue-winged pitta, Pitta moluccensis en:Mangrove pitta, Pitta megarhyncha en:Elegant pitta, Pitta elegans en:Noisy pitta, Pitta versicolor en:Black-faced pitta, Pitta anerythra en:Rainbow pitta, Pitta iris en:Sula pitta, Pitta dohertyi
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Pitta's ( Zea )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供

Pitta's zien een femielje uut de orde van de zangveugels (Passeriformes). De miste pitta's komm'n voe in tropische Azië en Australazië, een klein antal soôrten kom voe in Afrika. De naem pitta kom uut 't Telugu 't a hesproken wor in Andhra Pradesh in India. Pitta is den alhemeêne naem in deze tael voe een kleine veugel.


Pitta's zien middelhroôte veugels die an overwehend op de hrond leven. Ze èn dan ok stevihe poôten, een korte staert en een stevihe korte snaevel. Der kop is relatief hroôt en z'èn een korte nikke. Ze zien bieni allemille fel hekleurd. Bie sommihe soôrten zien 't ventje en 't wuufje helieke hekleurd, bie aore zien ze verschill'nd hekleurd. Pitta's worn 15 tot 28 cm lang.


Ze leven in natte tropische rehenwouden, bamboebossen, boslanschapp'n of manhroven wiran ze vruchen, wurmen, insect'n en are onhewurvelden eetn. Ze leven tot op oôgten van 2500 meter. Ze leven solitair, overdag op de bodem en 's nachs vliehen ze in de boômen om te slaepen. Ok wunnir an ze ziengen, om buvobbeld der territorium af te baeken'n, vliehen ze in de boômen. Vee soôrten zien trekveugels, tiedens de trok zien ze dan ok te ziene in tuunen dicht bie uuzen.


An 't ènde van de rehentied behunn'n de pitta's te broeien. In deze tied is der oôdvoedsel, insecten, talrieke, dus is 't er vee eetn voe de jonge. Pitta's zien monohaâm. In de meêr hematihde zoônes, wir a nie direkt spraeke is van een rehentied, plant'n de pitta's der eihen voe in de zeumer. Bie sommihe soôrten ou 't ventje een baltsdans, wibie a 'n zen kleurihe bost lit ziene an 't wuufje en ohe sprongen mik. 't Nist wor in een struuke of tussen de wortels van een boôm emikt tot op een oôgte van 2 meter. 't Nest is emikt van plantaordig materiaol. Ierin worn twi tot zeven isabelkleurihe eiers mie pèse vlekken eleit. Ni 14 tot 18 daehen komm'n de jonge, die an deur beie ouwers worn uutebroeid, uut 't ei. Ni 15 tot 17 daehen verlaeten ze 't nist, winae an ze deur de ouwers nog tien daehen evoerd worn.


Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia emerging_languages

Pitta's: Brief Summary ( Zea )

由wikipedia emerging_languages提供

Pitta's zien een femielje uut de orde van de zangveugels (Passeriformes). De miste pitta's komm'n voe in tropische Azië en Australazië, een klein antal soôrten kom voe in Afrika. De naem pitta kom uut 't Telugu 't a hesproken wor in Andhra Pradesh in India. Pitta is den alhemeêne naem in deze tael voe een kleine veugel.

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Pitta ( 英語 )

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Pittas are a family, Pittidae, of passerine birds found in Asia, Australasia and Africa. There are 44 species of pittas, all similar in general appearance and habits. The pittas are Old World suboscines, and their closest relatives among other birds are in the genera Smithornis and Calyptomena. Initially placed in a single genus, as of 2009 they have been split into three genera: Pitta, Erythropitta and Hydrornis. Pittas are medium-sized by passerine standards, at 15 to 25 cm (5.9–9.8 in) in length, and stocky, with strong, longish legs and long feet. They have very short tails and stout, slightly decurved bills. Many have brightly coloured plumage.

Most pitta species are tropical; a few species can be found in temperate climates. They are mostly found in forests, but some live in scrub and mangroves. They are highly terrestrial and mostly solitary, and usually forage on wet forest floors in areas with good ground cover. They eat earthworms, snails, insects and similar invertebrate prey, as well as small vertebrates. Pittas are monogamous and females lay up to six eggs in a large domed nest in a tree or shrub, or sometimes on the ground. Both parents care for the young. Four species of pittas are fully migratory, and several more are partially so, though their migrations are poorly understood.

Four species of pitta are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature; a further nine species are listed as vulnerable and several more are near-threatened. The main threat to pittas is habitat loss in the form of rapid deforestation, but they are also targeted by the cage-bird trade. They are popular with birdwatchers because of their bright plumage and the difficulty in seeing them.

Taxonomy and systematics

stout dull coloured bird hunched over mossy rock
The rusty-naped pitta was once placed in the genus Pitta but is now in Hydrornis.

The first pitta to be described scientifically was the Indian pitta, which was described and illustrated by George Edwards in 1764.[4] Carl Linnaeus included the species in his revised 12th edition (1766–1768) of the Systema Naturae based on Edwards' descriptions and illustrations as well as other accounts, placing it with the Corvidae as Corvus brachyurus.[5] Ten years later Statius Müller moved it and three other pittas to the thrush family Turdidae and the genus Turdus, due to similarities of morphology and behaviour.[6] In 1816 Louis Vieillot moved it to the new genus Pitta.[7] The name is derived from the word pitta in the Telugu language of South India meaning "small bird".[8]

The family's closest relatives have for a long time been assumed to be the other suboscine birds (suborder Tyranni), and particularly the Old World suboscines; the broadbills, asities and the New World sapayoa. These arboreal relatives were formerly treated as two families, and are now either combined into a single taxon or split into four. A 2006 study confirmed that these were indeed the closest relatives of the pittas.[9] The clade they form, the Eurylaimides, is one of the two infraorders of suboscines, which is one of three suborders of the passerine birds. With regards to their relationship within the Eurylaimides, another 2006 study placed the pittas as a sister clade to two clades of broadbills and asities. This same study postulated an Asian origin for the Eurylaimides and therefore the pittas.[10]

Pittidae (pittas)

Calyptomenidae (green and African broadbills)

Eurylaimidae (broadbills)

Philepittidae (asities)

Sapayoidae (sapayoa)

Phylogeny of the Eurylaimides, showing the relationship of the pittas (Pittidae), based on Selvatti et al, 2016

Two DNA studies, from 2015 and 2016, came to a different conclusion, finding that the Eurylaimides were divided into two clades and that the pittas formed a clade with the broadbills of the genera Smithornis and Calyptomena, with the remaining broadbills and asities in the other clade.[11][12] The 2016 study also disputed the earlier claims about the origin of the group, and concluded that the most likely ancestral home of the pittas and the Eurylaimides was Africa (the sapayoa having diverged before the core clades had reached Africa). The study found that the pittas diverged from the Smithornis and Calyptomena broadbills 24 to 30 million years ago, during the Oligocene. The pittas diverged and spread through Asia before the oscines (suborder Passeri) reached the Old World from Australia.[12]

The number of pitta genera has varied considerably since Vieillot, ranging from one to as many as nine. In his 1863 work A Monograph of the Pittidae, Daniel Elliot split the pittas into two genera, Pitta for the species with comparatively long tails and (the now abandoned) Brachyurus for the shorter-tailed species. Barely two decades later, in 1880/81, John Gould split the family into nine genera, in which he also included the lesser melampitta (in the genus Melampitta) of New Guinea, where it was kept until 1931 when Ernst Mayr demonstrated that it had the syrinx of an oscine bird.[13] Philip Sclater's Catalogue of the Birds of the British Museum (1888) brought the number back down to four – Anthocincla, Pitta, Eucichla, and Coracopitta.[14][15] Elliot's 1895 Monograph of the Pittidae included three genera split into subgenera Anthocincla, Pitta (subgenera Calopitta, Leucopitta, Gigantipitta, Hydrornis, Coloburis, Cervinipitta, Purpureipitta, Phaenicocichla, Monilipitta, Erythropitta, Cyanopitta, Galeripitta, Pulchripitta, Iridipitta), and Eucichla (subgenera Ornatipitta, Insignipitta).[16]




Phylogeny of the family Pittidae, based on Selvatti et al, 2016

Modern treatments of taxa within the family vary as well. A 1975 checklist included six genera, whereas the 2003 volume of the Handbook of the Birds of the World, which covered the family, placed all the pittas in a single genus.[17] Writing in 1998, Johannes Erritzoe stated that most contemporary authors considered the family to contain a single genus.[18] Before 2006 the family was not well studied using modern anatomical or phylogenetic techniques; two studies, in 1987 and 1990, each used only four species, and comparisons amongst the family as a whole had relied mostly on external features and appearances.[9]

Stout bird with bright yellow stripe on head and blue breast stands on mossy rock
In 2010 the banded pitta was split into three species, making this male a Malayan banded pitta.

A 2006 study of the nuclear DNA of the pittas was the first to examine most representatives of the family, and found evidence of three major clades of pitta. Based on the study the pittas were split into three genera. The first clade, using the genus name Erythropitta, included six species that had previously been considered closely related based on external features. They are all generally small species with small tails, extensive amounts of crimson or red on the underparts, and greenish or blueish backs.[9] The second genus, Hydrornis, includes variable Asian species. These species are unified morphologically in exhibiting sexual dimorphism in their plumage, as well as in possessing cryptic juvenile plumage (in all the species thus-far studied). This genus includes the eared pitta, which had often been placed into its own genus, Anthocincla, on account of its apparently primitive characteristics. The third genus, Pitta, is the most widespread. Most species in this genus have green upperparts with a blue wing-patch, dark upperparts and cinnamon-buff underparts. This clade contains all the migratory pitta species, and it is thought that many of the pitta species from islands are derived from migratory species.[9] This division of the pittas into three genera has been adopted by the International Ornithological Congress' (IOC) Birds of the World: Recommended English Names,[19] the Handbook of the Birds of the World's HBW Alive checklist, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (which follows the HBW Alive checklist).[20]

As with genera, there has been considerable variation in the number of accepted pitta species. The checklists of Sclater and Elliot at the end of the 19th century contained 48 and 47 species respectively. More recent checklists have had fewer than this, one from 1975 listing just 24 species. Since the 1990s, the figure has been between 30 and 32 species; the 2003 Handbook of the Birds of the World recognised 30. One species not recognised by the handbook is the black-crowned pitta, which it treated as a subspecies of either the garnet pitta or the graceful pitta.[15] Since the publication of the handbook, further splits to pitta species have been made; in 2010 the banded pitta was split into three species, one endemic to Java and Bali, one endemic to Borneo and one found in Sumatra and the Thai-Malay Peninsula.[21] A 2013 study found that the red-bellied pitta, a widespread species found from Sulawesi to Australia, was actually a species complex. The study divided it into 17 new species;[22] some authorities have recognised fewer, for example the IOC have recognised only 10.[19]


blue bird with yellow, orange and black head stands on leafy forest floor
The blue pitta is sexually dimorphic, the bright plumage of this bird means it is a male

The pittas are small to medium-sized passerines, ranging in size from the blue-banded pitta at 15 cm (5.9 in) to the giant pitta, which can be up to 29 cm (11 in) in length. In weight they range from 42 to 210 g (1.5–7.4 oz). Pittas are stout-bodied birds with long, strong tarsi (lower leg bones) and long feet. The colour of the legs and feet can vary dramatically even within a species. This may be a characteristic used by females in judging the quality of a prospective mate. The wings have ten primaries that are generally rounded and short; those of the four migratory species are more pointed. There are nine secondaries with the tenth being vestigial. Anatomically, pittas have large temporal fossae in the skull unlike typical perching birds.[23] The syrinx is tracheo-bronchial and lacks a pessulus or intrinsic muscles.[24] Pittas are behaviourally reluctant to fly, but are capable and even strong fliers. The tails range from being short to very short, and are composed of twelve feathers.[15][25]

Unlike most other forest-floor bird species, the plumage of pittas is often bright and colourful. Only one species, the eared pitta, has entirely cryptic colours in the adults of both sexes. In the same genus, Hydrornis, are three further species with drabber than average plumage, the blue-naped pitta, blue-rumped pitta and rusty-naped pitta. Like the other Hydrornis pittas they are sexually dimorphic in their plumage, the females tending towards being drabber and more cryptic than the males. In general the sexes in the family tend to be very similar if not identical. Across most of the family the brighter colours tend to be on the undersides, with patches or areas of bright colours on the rump, wings and uppertail coverts being concealable. Being able to conceal bright colours from above is important as most predators approach from above; four species have brighter upperparts.[15]

Distribution and habitat

The pittas are generally birds of tropical forests, semi-forests and scrub. Most species need forests with much cover, a rich understory, and leaf litter for feeding, and they are often found near waterways as well. Some species inhabit swamps and bamboo forests,[15] and the mangrove pitta, as its name suggests, is a mangrove specialist.[26] Several species are lowland forest specialists. For example, the rainbow pitta is not found above 400 m (1,300 ft). Other species may occur at much higher elevations, including, for example, the rusty-naped pitta, which has been found up to 2,600 m (8,500 ft). The altitudinal preferences varies in the fairy pitta across its range, it can be found up to 1,300 m (4,300 ft) in Taiwan but stays at lower altitudes in Japan.[15] As well as natural habitats, pittas may use human-altered spaces. For example, migrating blue-winged pittas and hooded pittas use parks and urban gardens in Singapore.[26]

White bird with red belly stands in dried river bed with smooth boulders
The fairy pitta migrates from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and coastal China to Borneo

The greatest diversity of pittas is found in South-east Asia. Of the three genera, the large genus Pitta is the most widespread. The two species found in Africa, the African pitta and green-breasted pitta, are from this clade, as is the most northerly species (the fairy pitta) and the most southerly (the noisy pitta, Pitta versicolor). The most remote insular endemics are in this group as well, including the black-faced pitta, which is endemic to the Solomon Islands. The pittas of the clade Erythropitta are mostly found in Asia. with one species, the Papuan pitta, reaching the north of Australia. The Hydrornis pittas are exclusively Asian.[15][9] Some pittas have large distributions, like the hooded pitta, which ranges from Nepal to New Guinea, while others have much smaller ones, like the superb pitta, which is endemic to the tiny island of Manus in the Admiralty Islands.[15][27]

The movements of pittas are poorly known and notoriously difficult to study.[28] Bird ringing studies have not shed much light on this. One study in the Philippines ringed 2000 red-bellied pittas but only recaptured ten birds, and only one of these recaptures was more than two months after the initial capture. Only four species of pitta are fully or mostly migratory, all in the genus Pitta: the Indian pitta, the African pitta, the fairy pitta and the blue-winged pitta. As well as these four, the northern subspecies of the hooded pitta is a full migrant. Other species make smaller or more local, and poorly understood, movements across small parts of their range,[15] including the noisy pitta of Australia.[29] The migration of pittas is apparently nocturnal, and pittas migrate in small loose flocks that use the same resting and foraging sites each year.[30]

Behaviour and ecology

Sociality and calls

Blue-winged pitta (Pitta moluccensis), Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
Recorded in Phuket, Thailand

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Pittas are diurnal, requiring light to find their often cryptic prey. They are nevertheless often found in darker areas and are highly secretive, though they will respond to imitations of their calls. They are generally found as single birds, even young birds not associating with their parents unless they are being fed. The only exception to their solitary lifestyle is small groups that have been observed forming during migration.[15]

The pittas are strongly territorial, with territories varying in size from 3,000 m2 (32,000 sq ft) in the African pitta to 10,000 m2 (110,000 sq ft) in the rainbow pitta. They have also been found to be highly aggressive in captivity, attacking other species and even their own; such behaviour has not been observed in the wild.[30] Pittas will perform territory-defence displays on the edges of their territories; fights between rivals have only been recorded once. One such territorial display is given by the rainbow pitta, which holds its legs straight and bows to a rival on the edge of its territory, while making a purring call. Displays like this are paired with calls made out of sight of potential rivals;[31] these territorial calls are frequent and can account for up to 12% of a bird's daylight activity.[32] Migratory species will defend non-breeding feeding territories as well as their breeding ones.[15]

The vocalisations of pittas are best described as calls, as they are generally short, mono or disyllabic, and often fluting or whirring. They are made by both sexes and throughout the year.[15] One species, the black-and-crimson pitta, was also described making a mechanical noise (sonation) in 2013. The sonation, a clapping sound, was made in flight and is hypothesised to be made by the wings.[33]

Diet and feeding

Small collection of broken snail shells next to large root on leafy forest floor
The anvil of a noisy pitta, used to smash snails against to remove the shells

Earthworms form the major part of the diet of pittas, followed by snails. Earthworms can become seasonally unavailable in dry conditions when the worms move deeper into the soil, and pittas also take a wide range of other invertebrate prey, including many insects groups such as termites, ants, beetles, true bugs, and lepidopterans. Freshwater crabs, centipedes, millipedes, and spiders are also taken.[15] Some species, such as the fairy pitta and rainbow pitta, have been recorded feeding on small vertebrate prey. This including skinks, frogs, snakes and, in the case of the fairy pitta, shrews.[15][34] There are also records of some pittas taking plant food, such as the Carpentaria palm fruits or maize seeds.[15]

Pittas feed in a thrush-like fashion, moving aside leaves with a sweeping motion of the bill. They have also been observed to probe the moist soil with their bills to locate earthworms. They have a keen sense of smell, and it has been suggested that they are able to locate earthworms this way. This suggestion was supported by a study which found that the Indian pitta has the largest olfactory bulb of 25 passerines examined.[15][35] Eight species have been recorded using stones as anvils on which to smash open snails to eat,[15] and the rainbow pitta has been observed using the root of a tree to do so.[36]


Like most birds, pittas are monogamous breeders, and defend breeding territories. Most species are seasonal breeders, timing their breeding to occur at the onset of the rainy season.[15][29] An exception to this is the superb pitta, which breeds almost year-round, as the island of Manus on which it breeds remains wet all year. The courtship behaviours of the family are poorly known, but the elaborate dance of the African pitta includes jumping into the air with a puffed-out breast and parachuting back down to the perch.[15]

The head of a bird is visible in an opening of a domed nest constructed of leaves and twigs
An incubating green-breasted pitta in its domed nest

Pittas build a rudimentary nest that is a dome with a side entrance. The structure of the nest is consistent across the whole family. The nest is as large as a rugby ball, and is usually well-camouflaged amongst vines or vegetation of some kind. The nest's appearance is also difficult to distinguish from a heap of leaves pushed together by the wind;[15] a few species create a "doormat" of sticks (sometimes decorated with mammal dung[37]) by the entrance. The nests can either be placed on the ground or in trees. Some species always nest in trees, like both African species, others nest only on the ground, and others show considerable variation. Both sexes help to build the nest, but the male does most of the work. It takes around two to eight days to build a new nest; this probably varies depending on the experience of the birds involved. A new nest is constructed for each nesting attempt,[15] and work on building a nest for a second brood may start while the chicks from the first brood are still being fed.[38]

The clutch size varies by species. Typically three to five eggs are laid, but two is typical for the garnet pitta, whereas six is more common for the blue-winged pitta and the Indian pitta.[15] It is thought that species with higher levels of predation tend to have smaller clutches, as smaller clutches involve fewer provisioning trips that might alert a predator to the presence of a nest, and smaller clutches are easier to replace if lost.[38] Clutch size may vary within a species depending on latitude. A study of noisy pittas found that birds in the tropics had smaller clutch sizes than those in more temperate environments.[29] The eggs of pittas are slightly pointed at one end, and generally smooth (the deeply pitted eggs of the superb pitta being the exception to this). The size of eggs varies by species, smaller-sized species laying smaller eggs. There is also some variation in egg size within a species in species with large ranges. For example, the eggs of noisy pittas are smaller closer to the tropics.[15] Eggs are typically white or creamy, and usually slightly glossy.[39]

A buff and green bird stands on a branch
The Indian pitta has a clutch size of six or more eggs

Both parents incubate the clutch, the period between laying and hatching being between 14 and 18 days (14 to 16 being more typical). The chicks usually hatch asynchronously, over several days, but in some species the hatching is synchronous. On hatching the Gurney's pitta parents are reported to consume the eggshells. This behaviour ensures that the calcium used to create the eggs is not lost. It is unknown if other species do this, but it is a common behaviour among birds. As with the incubation, both parents are involved in rearing the chicks. The chicks of pittas are entirely altricial, hatching both naked and blind, and dependent upon their parents for warmth, food and nest sanitation. Young chicks are brooded continuously, the female brooding alone in some species and sharing responsibilities with the male in others.[40] The males and females make regular feeding trips to the chicks;[15] one study of Gurney's pittas found a pair made 2300 feeding visits to the nest, traveling an estimated 460 km (290 mi) over the nestling stage.[41] Earthworms are important food items for many species, and the dominant item in the nestling diet of some. 73% of the parental visits of fairy pittas, 63% of rainbow pitta's, up to 79% of Gurney's pitta's visits involved bringing earthworms. Parents can and do carry more than one item in their bills during visits; in a study of breeding fairy pittas, as many as six items were observed being brought in a single visit; less than four was more typical.[34] When the chicks are small, prey may be broken up before being fed to the chicks,[15] and larger prey items like skinks and snakes are only fed to chicks who are old enough to manage them.[34]

Relationship with humans

The brilliant plumage of many pittas has resulted in considerable interest in pittas from people living within their range, scientists, aviculturists and birdwatchers, and has led to the colloquial name jewel-thrushes. Such is their attractiveness that, in Borneo, even the body of a dead pitta can be a favoured toy for local children. They have proven difficult to maintain and breed in captivity, requiring large amounts of space, humidity and sufficient vegetation of the right kind.[15] Pittas are a very popular group of birds with birdwatchers, due to the dazzling plumage of many species and the relative difficulty of seeing these retiring birds in dark forests.[15] Their desirability as birdwatching targets was the subject of the book The Jewel Hunter (2013), in which the writer Chris Goodie recounted his attempt to see every species of pitta.[42]

Status and conservation

Illustration of two birds with different plumage
Blue-headed pittas (male left, female right) are threatened by rapid deforestation in Borneo

Pittas are generally forest birds and, as such, are vulnerable to habitat loss caused by rapid deforestation.[15] They can also be difficult birds to survey and are easily overlooked.[43] Four species are assessed to be endangered, and a further nine are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. Eight species are listed as near-threatened, and one, the Louisiade pitta, is too poorly known to be assessed and is listed as data deficient.[20]

The Gurney's pitta was not seen for 34 years between 1952 and 1986, before a small population was discovered in southern Thailand.[44] This small population declined after its rediscovery, and, by 2000, it had reached a low of 10 pairs, and was listed as critically endangered. In 2003, the species was found in Burma for the first time since 1914, and in large numbers, between nine and thirty five thousand pairs. The species was considerably less threatened than thought, but it is still of considerable conservation concern, as deforestation of the habitat in Burma continues.[43] The rapid rate of deforestation in Borneo has pushed the blue-headed pitta, considered common and secure as recently as 1996, into the list of species considered vulnerable.[45]

Pittas have been targeted by poachers for the illegal wild-bird trade. They are not targeted because of their song, as many songbirds are, and may simply be captured as bycatch from collecting other species, and because of their attractive plumage. According to some trappers, they also may end up being eaten for food.[46] On Manus, locals report that predation by snakes, including the brown tree snake, is responsible for the rarity of the endangered superb pitta,[47] but the snake, the introduction of which is responsible for several extinctions of island birds across the Pacific, is native to the island, and is therefore likely a natural threat.[27]

Species of pitta

There are 44 species of pitta in three genera according to the International Ornithological Congress' (IOC) Birds of the World: Recommended English Names.[19]


  1. ^ Walter Bock credited William Swainson, 1831 as the authority for the family name Pittidae.[1] This assignment has been disputed by Storrs Olson on the grounds that Swainson used the word Pittae as the plural form of the Latin word Pitta and did not intend to introduce a family name.[2] Charles Lucian Bonaparte used "Pittidae" for the family in 1850.[3]


  1. ^ Bock, Walter J. (1994). History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. Number 222. New York: American Museum of Natural History. pp. 147, 262. hdl:2246/830.
  2. ^ Olson, Storrs L. (1995). "Reviewed Work: History and Nomenclature of Avian Family-Group Names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 222 by W.J. Bock" (PDF). The Auk. 112 (2): 539–546 [544]. doi:10.2307/4088759. JSTOR 4088759.
  3. ^ Bonaparte, Charles Lucian (1850). Conspectus Generum Avium (in Latin). Vol. 1. Leiden: E.J. Brill. p. 253.
  4. ^ Edwards, George (1764). Gleanings of Natural History, Exhibiting Figures of Quadrupeds, Birds, Insects, Plants &c. Vol. 3. London: Printed for the author. p. 242, Plate 324.
  5. ^ Linnaeus, Carl (1766). Systema naturae : per regna tria natura, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis (in Latin). Vol. 1, Part 1 (12th ed.). Holmiae (Stockholm): Laurentii Salvii. p. 158.
  6. ^ Erritzoe & Erritzoe 1998, pp. 14, 132.
  7. ^ Vieillot, Louis Jean Pierre (1816). Analyse d'une Nouvelle Ornithologie Élémentaire (in French). Paris: Deterville/self. p. 42, Num. 137.
  8. ^ Whistler, H. (1949). Popular Handbook of Indian Birds (4th ed.). Gurney and Jackson. pp. 275–277.
  9. ^ a b c d e Irestedt, M.; Ohlson, J.I.; Zuccon, D.; Källersjö, M. & Ericson, P.G.P. (2006). "Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves: Passeriformes)" (PDF). Zoologica Scripta. 35 (6): 567–580. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2006.00249.x. S2CID 84788609.
  10. ^ Moyle, Robert G.; Chesser, R Terry; Prum, Richard O.; Schikler, Peter; Cracraft, Joel (2006). "Phylogeny and evolutionary history of Old World suboscine birds (Aves: Eurylaimides)" (PDF). American Museum Novitates (3544): 1. CiteSeerX doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2006)3544[1:PAEHOO]2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/5822. S2CID 15871486.
  11. ^ Prum, Richard O.; Berv, Jacob S.; Dornburg, Alex; Field, Daniel J.; Townsend, Jeffrey P.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Lemmon, Alan R. (2015). "A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing". Nature. 526 (7607): 569–573. Bibcode:2015Natur.526..569P. doi:10.1038/nature19417.
  12. ^ a b Selvatti, Alexandre Pedro; Galvão, Ana; Pereira, Anieli Guirro; Pedreira Gonzaga, Luiz; Russo, Claudia Augusta de Moraes (2016). "An African origin of the Eurylaimides (Passeriformes) and the successful diversification of the ground-foraging Pittas (Pittidae)". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 43 (2): 483–499. doi:10.1093/molbev/msw250. PMID 28069777.
  13. ^ Mayr, Ernst (1931). "Die Syrinx einiger Singvögel aus Neu-Guinea" (PDF). Journal für Ornithologie (in German). 79 (3): 333–337. doi:10.1007/bf01953006. S2CID 26905688.
  14. ^ Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Volume 14. Vol. 14. London: British Museum. 1888. p. 412.
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab Erritzoe, J. (2017). del Hoyo, Josep; Elliott, Andrew; Sargatal, Jordi; Christie, David A.; de Juana, Eduardo (eds.). "Family Pittidae (Pittas)". Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. doi:10.2173/bow.pittid1.01. S2CID 241970288. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  16. ^ Elliot, Daniel Giraud (1895). Monograph of the Pittidae, or the family of ant-thrushes. London: Bernard Quaritch.
  17. ^ Erritzoe, J. (2003). "Family Pittidae (Pittas)". In Josep, del Hoyo; Andrew, Elliott; David, Christie (eds.). Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 8, Broadbills to Tapaculos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. pp. 106–127. ISBN 978-84-87334-50-4.
  18. ^ Erritzoe & Erritzoe 1998, p. 14.
  19. ^ a b c Gill, Frank; Donsker, David, eds. (2019). "NZ wrens, broadbills, pittas". World Bird List Version 8.2. International Ornithologists' Union. Retrieved 12 January 2019.
  20. ^ a b BirdLife International (2017). "Family Pittidae". Data Zone. Retrieved 17 July 2017.
  21. ^ Rheindt, Frank; James Easton (2010). "Biological species limits in the Banded Pitta Pitta guajana". Forktail. 26: 86–91.
  22. ^ Irestedt, M.; Fabre, P.; Batalha-Filho, H.; Jønsson, K.; Roselaar, C.; Sangster, G.; Ericson, P. (2013). "The spatio-temporal colonization and diversification across the Indo-Pacific by a 'great speciator' (Aves, Erythropitta erythrogaster)". Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280 (1759): 20130309. doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.0309. PMC 3619518. PMID 23554394.
  23. ^ Beddard, Frank E. (1898). The Structure and Classification of Birds. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. p. 181.
  24. ^ Schodde, R.; Mason, I.J. (1999). The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines. CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 978-0643100862.
  25. ^ Whitehead, John (1893). "A review of the species of the family Pittidae". Ibis. 35 (4): 488–509. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1893.tb01238.x.
  26. ^ a b Lok, A.; Khor, K.; Lim, K.; R. Subaraj (2009). "Pittas (Pittidae) of Singapore" (PDF). Nature in Singapore. 2: 155–165.
  27. ^ a b BirdLife International. "Species factsheet: Pitta superba". Data Zone. BirdLife International. Retrieved 24 January 2011.
  28. ^ Erritzoe & Erritzoe 1998, p. 21.
  29. ^ a b c Woodall, P.F. (1994). "Breeding season and clutch size of the Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor in tropical and subtropical Australia". Emu. 94 (4): 273–277. doi:10.1071/MU9940273.
  30. ^ a b Erritzoe & Erritzoe 1998, p. 22.
  31. ^ Zimmerman, Udo (1995). "Displays and postures of the Rainbow Pitta and other Australian Pittas". Australian Bird Watcher. 16 (4): 161–164.
  32. ^ Higgins, P.J.; Peter, J.M.; Steele, W.K., eds. (2001). Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds. Volume 5: Tyrant-flycatchers to Chats. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. pp. 117–125. ISBN 978-0-19-553258-6.
  33. ^ Pegan, Teresa; Hruska, Jack; M. Hite, Justin (2013). "A newly described call and mechanical noise produced by the Black-and-crimson Pitta Pitta ussheri". Forktail. 29: 160–162.
  34. ^ a b c Lin, Ruey-Shing; Yao, Cheng-Te; Pei-Fen Lee (2007). "The diet of Fairy Pitta Pitta nympha nestlings in Taiwan as revealed by videotaping" (PDF). Zoological Studies. 46 (3): 355–361.
  35. ^ Bang, B.G.; Stanley Cobb (1968). "The size of the olfactory bulb in 108 species of birds". The Auk. 85 (1): 55–61. doi:10.2307/4083624. JSTOR 4083624. S2CID 87392351.
  36. ^ Woinarski, J.C.W.; A. Fisher; K. Brennan; I. Morris; R.C. Willan; R. Chatto (1998). "The Chestnut Rail Eulabeornis castaneoventris on the Wessel and English Company Islands: Notes on unusual habitat and use of anvils". Emu. 98 (1): 74–78. doi:10.1071/MU98007E.
  37. ^ Zimmerman, Udo; Noske, Richard (2004). "Why do Rainbow Pittas Pitta iris place wallaby dung at the entrance to their nests?". Australian Field Ornithology. 21 (4): 163–165.
  38. ^ a b Zimmermann, Udo M.; Noske, Richard A. (2003). "Breeding biology of the Rainbow Pitta, Pitta iris, a species endemic to Australian monsoon-tropical rainforests". Emu. 103 (3): 245–254. doi:10.1071/MU02005. S2CID 84067407.
  39. ^ Erritzoe & Erritzoe 1998, p. 26.
  40. ^ Gulson-Castillo, Eric R.; Dreelin, R. Andrew; Fernandez-Duque, Facundo; Greig, Emma I.; Hite, Justin M.; Orzechowski, Sophia C.; Smith, Lauren K.; Wallace, Rachel T.; Winkler, David W. (2017). "Breeding biology during the nestling period at a Black-crowned Pitta Erythropitta ussheri nest". Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. 137 (3): 173–194. doi:10.25226/bboc.v137i3.2017.a2. ISSN 0007-1595.
  41. ^ Erritzoe & Erritzoe 1998, p. 27.
  42. ^ GrrlScientist (28 February 2011). "The Jewel Hunter [Book Review]". The Guardian. Retrieved 18 July 2017.
  43. ^ a b Donald, P. F.; Aratrakorn, S.; Win Htun, T.; Eames, J. C.; Hla, H.; Thunhikorn, S.; Sribua-Rod, K.; Tinun, P.; Aung, S.M.; Zaw, S.M.; Buchanan, G.M. (2009). "Population, distribution, habitat use and breeding of Gurney's Pitta Pitta gurneyi in Myanmar and Thailand". Bird Conservation International. 19 (4): 353–366. doi:10.1017/S0959270909008612.
  44. ^ Gretton, Adam; Kohler, Marcus; Lansdown, Richard V.; Pankhurst, Tim J.; Parr, John; Robson, Craig (1993). "The status of Gurney's Pitta Pitta gumeyi, 1987–1989". Bird Conservation International. 3 (4): 351–367. doi:10.1017/S0959270900002604.
  45. ^ BirdLife International (2001). "Blue-headed Pitta". Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data Book. Cambridge: BirdLife International. Archived from the original on 11 April 2016. Retrieved 2 August 2010.
  46. ^ Shepherd, Chris; Eaton, James; Serene, Chng (2015). "Pittas for a pittance: observations on the little known illegal trade in Pittidae in west Indonesia". Birding Asia. 24: 18–20.
  47. ^ Dutson, Guy C.L.; Newman, Jonathan L. (1991). "Observations on the Superb Pitta Pitta superba and other Manus endemics". Bird Conservation International. 1 (3): 215–222. doi:10.1017/S0959270900000605.

Cited texts

  • Erritzoe, L.; Erritzoe, H. (1998). Pittas of the World, A Monograph of the Pitta Family. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press. ISBN 978-0-7188-2961-2.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Pitta: Brief Summary ( 英語 )

由wikipedia EN提供

Pittas are a family, Pittidae, of passerine birds found in Asia, Australasia and Africa. There are 44 species of pittas, all similar in general appearance and habits. The pittas are Old World suboscines, and their closest relatives among other birds are in the genera Smithornis and Calyptomena. Initially placed in a single genus, as of 2009 they have been split into three genera: Pitta, Erythropitta and Hydrornis. Pittas are medium-sized by passerine standards, at 15 to 25 cm (5.9–9.8 in) in length, and stocky, with strong, longish legs and long feet. They have very short tails and stout, slightly decurved bills. Many have brightly coloured plumage.

Most pitta species are tropical; a few species can be found in temperate climates. They are mostly found in forests, but some live in scrub and mangroves. They are highly terrestrial and mostly solitary, and usually forage on wet forest floors in areas with good ground cover. They eat earthworms, snails, insects and similar invertebrate prey, as well as small vertebrates. Pittas are monogamous and females lay up to six eggs in a large domed nest in a tree or shrub, or sometimes on the ground. Both parents care for the young. Four species of pittas are fully migratory, and several more are partially so, though their migrations are poorly understood.

Four species of pitta are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature; a further nine species are listed as vulnerable and several more are near-threatened. The main threat to pittas is habitat loss in the form of rapid deforestation, but they are also targeted by the cage-bird trade. They are popular with birdwatchers because of their bright plumage and the difficulty in seeing them.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia EN

Pitedoj ( 世界語 )

由wikipedia EO提供

La Pitedoj (Pittidae) estas familio el la ordo de la Paseroformaj birdoj. Temas pri malgrandaj, kurtvostaj kaj turdo-similaj arbarloĝantoj kun bunta plumaro. El la 32 specioj kelkaj montras fortan seksdimorfismon, dum ĉe aliaj specioj la seksoj havas saman koloron. Ĉiuj specioj apartenas al la genro Pito.


La familio de la Pitedoj estas precipe orientalisa (26 specioj) kaj aŭstralazia (4 specioj). Nur du specioj apartenas al la afrotropisa ekozono.


Pitedoj konstruas grandajn ovalajn aŭ kupoloformajn nestojn en pendantaj branĉoj aŭ en arbustoj. Tiu entenas du ĝis sep brile blankajn aŭ izabelkolorajn (helflavajn) ovojn kun ruĝecaj ĝis purpurkoloraj ŝprucmakuloj kaj punktoj.


Bluflugila pito povas esti:

  • Kurtvosta pito (Pitta brachyura)
  • Moluka pito, Malgranda bluflugila pito (Pitta moluccensis)
  • Longbeka pito, Granda bluflugila pito (Pitta megarhyncha)


Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
wikipedia EO

Pitedoj: Brief Summary ( 世界語 )

由wikipedia EO提供

La Pitedoj (Pittidae) estas familio el la ordo de la Paseroformaj birdoj. Temas pri malgrandaj, kurtvostaj kaj turdo-similaj arbarloĝantoj kun bunta plumaro. El la 32 specioj kelkaj montras fortan seksdimorfismon, dum ĉe aliaj specioj la seksoj havas saman koloron. Ĉiuj specioj apartenas al la genro Pito.

Vikipedio aŭtoroj kaj redaktantoj
wikipedia EO

Pittidae ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los pítidos (Pittidae) son una familia de aves paseriformes. Comprende cuarenta y dos especies de pitas, pájaros de tamaño mediano o pequeño (de 15 a 29 cm), con el pico fuerte, la cola corta y las patas largas y fuertes. Muchas especies tienen el plumaje vivamente coloreado.

Habitan en las selvas ecuatoriales de las ecozonas afrotropical, indomalaya y de Australasia. Son bastante terrestres; se alimentan de caracoles, insectos y otros invertebrados. Suelen ser pájaros solitarios; ponen hasta seis huevos en un gran nido esférico construido en un árbol o arbusto, o a veces en el suelo. Muchas especies son migratorias, y a menudo aparecen en lugares extraños, como jardines, durante la migración.


El nombre de esta familia viene del género Pitta, transcripción latina por Vieillot de una palabra telugú que significa "pajarillo".




Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Pittidae: Brief Summary ( 西班牙、卡斯蒂利亞西班牙語 )

由wikipedia ES提供

Los pítidos (Pittidae) son una familia de aves paseriformes. Comprende cuarenta y dos especies de pitas, pájaros de tamaño mediano o pequeño (de 15 a 29 cm), con el pico fuerte, la cola corta y las patas largas y fuertes. Muchas especies tienen el plumaje vivamente coloreado.

Habitan en las selvas ecuatoriales de las ecozonas afrotropical, indomalaya y de Australasia. Son bastante terrestres; se alimentan de caracoles, insectos y otros invertebrados. Suelen ser pájaros solitarios; ponen hasta seis huevos en un gran nido esférico construido en un árbol o arbusto, o a veces en el suelo. Muchas especies son migratorias, y a menudo aparecen en lugares extraños, como jardines, durante la migración.

Autores y editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia ES

Pittidae ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Pitido (Pittidae) Paseriformeen ordenako izen bereko familiako txoriez esaten da. Itxuraz antzeko samarrak dira pitido gehienak: neurriz 15-28 cm luze izaten dira, burua handia dute eta mokoa sendoa, lepo-isatsak laburrak dituzte, eta hankak berriz luzeak. Kolore argi distiratsukoak izaten dira. Bizitzaren parterik handiena lurrean ematen dute. Intsektuak eta harrak jaten dituzte batez ere. 26 pitido mota ezagutzen dira; ezagunenetako bat pita hego-urdina da. Afrikako erdialdean eta hegoaldean, Asiako hegoaldean eta Australian bizi dira.




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Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Pittidae: Brief Summary ( 巴斯克語 )

由wikipedia EU提供

Pitido (Pittidae) Paseriformeen ordenako izen bereko familiako txoriez esaten da. Itxuraz antzeko samarrak dira pitido gehienak: neurriz 15-28 cm luze izaten dira, burua handia dute eta mokoa sendoa, lepo-isatsak laburrak dituzte, eta hankak berriz luzeak. Kolore argi distiratsukoak izaten dira. Bizitzaren parterik handiena lurrean ematen dute. Intsektuak eta harrak jaten dituzte batez ere. 26 pitido mota ezagutzen dira; ezagunenetako bat pita hego-urdina da. Afrikako erdialdean eta hegoaldean, Asiako hegoaldean eta Australian bizi dira.

Wikipediako egileak eta editoreak
wikipedia EU

Pitat ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Pitat (Pittidae) on varpuslintuihin kuuluva lintuheimo.

Pittoihin kuuluu BirdLife Suomen luokituksen mukaan yksi suku pitat (Pitta) ja 29 lajia[1]. Pitat ovat rastaan kokoisia, tukevia, pitkäjalkaisia, lyhytpyrstöisiä ja vahvanokkaisia lintuja, jotka liikkuvat pääasiassa maassa kariketta penkoen. Höyhenpuvultaan ne ovat yleensä värikkäitä. Sana pitta on alun perin Intian Andhra Pradeshissa puhuttua telugun kieltä, ja se on tarkoittanut mitä tahansa pientä lintua.

Pitat elävät trooppisessa Aasiassa, Oseaniassa, Papua-Uudessa-Guineassa ja Molukkien saaristossa sekä pari lajia Afrikassa.

Pitat syövät maassa eläviä selkärangattomia.

Pesä on matalalla pensaassa tai esimerkiksi kaatuneessa puussa. Se on suurehko, katettu tai soikionmallinen. Munia on tavallisesti 3–5, joskus jopa seitsemän. Haudonta kestää runsaat kaksi viikkoa ja poikaset lähtevät pesästä 2–3 viikon ikäisinä.



  1. Maailman lintujen suomenkieliset nimet BirdLife Suomi. Viitattu 14.3.2018.

Aiheesta muualla

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Pitat: Brief Summary ( 芬蘭語 )

由wikipedia FI提供

Pitat (Pittidae) on varpuslintuihin kuuluva lintuheimo.

Pittoihin kuuluu BirdLife Suomen luokituksen mukaan yksi suku pitat (Pitta) ja 29 lajia. Pitat ovat rastaan kokoisia, tukevia, pitkäjalkaisia, lyhytpyrstöisiä ja vahvanokkaisia lintuja, jotka liikkuvat pääasiassa maassa kariketta penkoen. Höyhenpuvultaan ne ovat yleensä värikkäitä. Sana pitta on alun perin Intian Andhra Pradeshissa puhuttua telugun kieltä, ja se on tarkoittanut mitä tahansa pientä lintua.

Pitat elävät trooppisessa Aasiassa, Oseaniassa, Papua-Uudessa-Guineassa ja Molukkien saaristossa sekä pari lajia Afrikassa.

Pitat syövät maassa eläviä selkärangattomia.

Pesä on matalalla pensaassa tai esimerkiksi kaatuneessa puussa. Se on suurehko, katettu tai soikionmallinen. Munia on tavallisesti 3–5, joskus jopa seitsemän. Haudonta kestää runsaat kaksi viikkoa ja poikaset lähtevät pesästä 2–3 viikon ikäisinä.

Wikipedian tekijät ja toimittajat
wikipedia FI

Pittidae ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Les Pittidae sont une famille de passereaux comprenant 33 espèces de brèves.


Cette famille regroupe des oiseaux de taille petite à moyenne (de 15 à 29 cm), au bec fort, à queue courte à moyenne et à longues pattes. La plupart des espèces possède un plumage richement coloré.


Famille d'oiseaux discrets, bien qu'actifs, mais difficiles à observer à cause de leur habitat forestier. Se déplace en sautillant et en voletant sur le sol. Gratte la litière forestière à la recherche de nourriture. Les vers de terre compose la plus grande part de son régime alimentaire, avec les escargots.

Habitats et répartition

On les trouve dans les forêts équatoriales de la zone afrotropicale, de la zone indomalaise et du Nord-Est de la zone australasienne.


Le nom de cette famille vient du genre Pitta, transcription latine par Vieillot, d'un nom télougou signifiant "petit oiseau". Le nom français (brève) pourrait venir de l'allure générale de ces oiseaux à la queue très courte.



Liste des espèces

D'après la classification de référence (version 5.2, 2015) du Congrès ornithologique international (ordre phylogénique) :


Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Pittidae: Brief Summary ( 法語 )

由wikipedia FR提供

Les Pittidae sont une famille de passereaux comprenant 33 espèces de brèves.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
wikipedia FR

Pite ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Pite su porodica ptica iz reda vrapčarki. Nastanjuju uglavnom tropsku Aziju i Australaziju, iako nekoliko vrsta živi u Africi. Slične su po veličini i ponašanju, i sve se svrstavaju u jedan rod, Pitta. Naziv potiče od teluguanske riječi pitta što je uobičajeni naziv za sve malene ptice.

Srednje su veličine, 15-25 cm duge, sa dugim snažnim nogama i stopalima. Imaju vrlo kratke repove, i kratke, neznatno zakrivljene kljunove. Mnoge, ali ne sve vrste imaju perje svijetlih boja.

Uglavnom su kopnene ptice koje nastanjuju vlažno tlo šuma. Jedu puževe, kukce i slične beskralježnjake. Većinom su solitarne. Mnoge vrste su selice, i često završavaju na neočekivanim mjestima poput kućnih vrtova tijekom selidbe.

Gurneyeva pita (Pitta gurneyi) je ugrožena. Još osam vrsta se smatra ranjivim. Glavna prijetnja njihovom preživljavanju je deforestacija (sječa šuma).


Pite su dnevne ptice, koje trebaju svijetlost da bi našle svoj, često prikriven, plijen. Međutim, često ih se nađe na mračnim mjestima i vrlo su plašljive, iako će odgovoriti na imitaciju njihovih glasova. Žive samotnjački, a čak i mlade ptice nisu vezane za svoje roditelje osim kada ih hrane. Promatrane su malene grupe tijekom selidba. Vrlo su teritorijalne, s teritorijama koje variraju od 3000 m² do 10000m². Brane rubove teritorije pokazujući se, a borba je zabilježena samo jednom. Vrste koje se sele brane teritorije za ishranu kao i one za parenje.

Crvi čine glavninu ishrane pita, a zatim puževi. Ali u suhim uvjetima crvi postanu nedostupni jer se zakopavaju dublje u zemlju. Da bi to nadoknadile, jedu ostale beskralježnjake, uključujući i mnoge kukce, paukove, gusjenice i stonoge.

Hrane se kao čvorci, kljunom bacakajući lišće sa strane na stranu. Također ponekada kljunom pretražuju vlažnu zemlju. Smatra se i da mogu naći crve čulom mirisa. Neke vrste koriste korjenje drveća i kamenje kao nakovanj o koji razbijaju kućice puževa.


Poput većine ptica pite su monogamne, i brane teritorije za parenje. Većina vrsta se pari prije kišne sezone. Jedina iznimka je Pitta superba koja se pari skoro cijele godine, jer otok Manus na kojem se pari ostaje vlažan tijekom cijele godine. Način udvaranja je slabo poznat. Pite grade neuredno gnijezdo oblika kupole s ulazom sa strane. Može biti i veličine lopte za ragbi, i obično je dobro kamuflirano među vegetacijom. Gnijezdo može biti sagrađeno na tlu kao i na drvetu. Oba spola pomažu u gradnji gnijezda, ali mužjak obavlja većinu posla. Nesu i do šest jaja. Oba roditelja se brinu za mladunce.

Nakovanj koji je koristila pita


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Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Pite: Brief Summary ( 克羅埃西亞語 )

由wikipedia hr Croatian提供

Pite su porodica ptica iz reda vrapčarki. Nastanjuju uglavnom tropsku Aziju i Australaziju, iako nekoliko vrsta živi u Africi. Slične su po veličini i ponašanju, i sve se svrstavaju u jedan rod, Pitta. Naziv potiče od teluguanske riječi pitta što je uobičajeni naziv za sve malene ptice.

Srednje su veličine, 15-25 cm duge, sa dugim snažnim nogama i stopalima. Imaju vrlo kratke repove, i kratke, neznatno zakrivljene kljunove. Mnoge, ali ne sve vrste imaju perje svijetlih boja.

Uglavnom su kopnene ptice koje nastanjuju vlažno tlo šuma. Jedu puževe, kukce i slične beskralježnjake. Većinom su solitarne. Mnoge vrste su selice, i često završavaju na neočekivanim mjestima poput kućnih vrtova tijekom selidbe.

Gurneyeva pita (Pitta gurneyi) je ugrožena. Još osam vrsta se smatra ranjivim. Glavna prijetnja njihovom preživljavanju je deforestacija (sječa šuma).

Autori i urednici Wikipedije
wikipedia hr Croatian

Pittidae ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Pittidi (Pittidae Swainson, 1831) sono una famiglia di uccelli passeriformi[1].


Le pitte sono uccelli di dimensioni medio-piccole, che vanno dai 15 cm di lunghezza e i 42 grammi di peso della pitta dalle bande blu ai 29 cm e 210 g della pitta maggiore[2].

Questi uccelli hanno aspetto robusto e paffuto, con tibiotarso allungato ed ali generalmente di forma arrotondata (le specie che effettuano migrazioni hanno ali più forti e allungate) provviste di dieci remiganti primarie, mentre la coda è molto corta e presenta dodici penne: la testa è grande e allungata, con becco leggermente incurvato[2].
La livrea è insolitamente sgargiante per degli uccelli che vivono nel sottobosco, e sessualmente dimorfica nella maggior parte delle specie: solo nella pitta ornata ambedue i sessi mostrano colorazione criptica, mentre nella maggior parte delle pitte l'area ventrale e la calotta sono di colore acceso (rosso, arancio, azzurro), mentre su ali e dorso prevalgono in genere i toni del bruno o del verdastro[3].


Le pitte sono uccelli diurni e molto timidi che si orientano utilizzando perlopiù la vista. Tutte le specie hanno abitudini solitarie e mostrano una spiccata territorialità nei confronti dei conspecifici, occupando e difendendo con parate ed atteggiamenti aggressivi territori di estensione variabile dai 3000 m² della pitta africana ai 10.000 m² della pitta arcobaleno. Le specie migratorie possono associarsi in gruppetti durante il volo, salvo poi ritornare ad abitudini solitarie una volta giunte a destinazione[4].


La dieta delle pitte si compone perlopiù di lombrichi, seguiti in ordine d'importanza dalle lumache, per frantumare i gusci delle quali alcune specie si servono di rocce o superfici dure contro cui sbatterle ripetutamente[5]: questi uccelli si nutrono inoltre senza problemi di molte specie d'insetti ed altri piccoli invertebrati, con alcune specie (pitta arcobaleno e pitta ninfa) che sono state osservate anche uccidere e nutrirsi di piccoli vertebrati come scinchi, rane e addirittura piccoli serpenti e topiragni[6].
La ricerca del cibo avviene utilizzando l'olfatto e in una maniera molto simile a quanto osservabile nei tordi, col becco che viene spesso inserito nel suolo umido per percepire le tracce lasciate da eventuali prede: a tale scopo, il bulbo olfattivo delle pitte appare molto sviluppato rispetto ad altre specie di passeriformi[7].


Le pitte sono uccelli monogami, che durante la stagione degli amori (che coincide con la stagione delle piogge, mentre nella sola pitta superba non è individuabile un periodo degli amori vero e proprio) abbandonano la propria vita solitaria per riunirsi in coppie, che mostrano territorialità ancora più marcata. Il corteggiamento è stato osservato nella sola pitta africana, col maschio che compie danze elaborate che comprendono fra l'altro saltelli e picchiate effettuati con le piume della testa arruffate.
Il nido è piuttosto rudimentale ma di ragguardevoli dimensioni: esso ha una forma a cupola e viene costruito indifferentemente al suolo o fra i rami (fanno eccezione le specie africane che nidificano unicamente su questi ultimi), molto ben nascosto fra la vegetazione e il fogliame, in alcuni casi con sfoggio di bastoncini e sterco nei pressi dell'entrata. Ambedue i sessi collaborano alla costruzione del nido, che viene utilizzato per una singola cova: al suo interno la femmina depone un numero di uova che va dalle 2 della pitta granatina alle 6 della pitta delle Molucche e della pitta indiana, sebbene anche nell'ambito della stessa specie il numero di uova per covata possa variare, apparendo maggiore nelle popolazioni diffuse in climi temperati e minore in quelle diffuse in climi tropicali[8]. Le uova vengono covate da ambedue i genitori per un periodo che va dai 14 ai 18 giorni a seconda della specie: alla schiusa, i nidiacei sono ciechi ed implumi, ed i gusci delle uova vengono consumati dai genitori, che collaborano anche nell'allevamento della prole. I nidiacei, anche una volta in grado di lasciare il nido, non seguono i genitori nelle loro attività fino a quando non sono completamente svezzati e quindi di fatto indipendenti.

Distribuzione e habitat

Le pitte sono uccelli dalla diffusione estremamente vasta, con la maggior parte delle specie che si concentra in Asia meridionale ed Australasia, e due specie diffuse anche in Africa.
Il loro habitat è rappresentato dalle aree di foresta con ricco sottobosco, alto tasso d'umidità e a basse altitudini. La stragrande maggioranza delle specie è sedentaria, ma alcune (pitta indiana, pitta africana, pitta ninfa, pitta delle Molucche e la sottospecie cucullata della pitta dal cappuccio) effettuano migrazioni anche di una certa entità, le cui rotte sono ancora in larga parte sconosciute e poco studiate[9].


Le pitte sono state descritte scientificamente per la prima volta da Linneo nella XII edizione del 1766 del suo Systema Naturae: lo studioso svedese ascrisse questi uccelli al genere Corvus. Dieci anni dopo essi vennero accorpati ai turdidi per le analogie morfologiche e comportamentali (soprattutto nella modalità di ricerca del cibo), ma è nel 1816 che Vieillot li classifica in un proprio genere, Pitta, ritenendone inoltre possibile l'appartenenza a una famiglia a sé stante.

Tradizionalmente, le pitte sono state considerate filogeneticamente vicine agli eurilaimi asiatici, e tale vicinanza è stata confermata nel 2006[10]: nel corso degli anni il singolo genere Pitta ascritto alla famiglia è stato frazionato in un numero di tronconi che va dai due di Daniel Elliot[11] (il quale istituiva un nuovo genere, Brachyurus, per le specie dalla coda corta, lasciando quelle dalla coda più lunga nel genere Pitta) ai nove di Gould, che ascriveva alla famiglia anche il genere Melampitta, il cui status tassonomico è ancora incerto. Ancora oggi il giudizio degli studiosi è lungi dall'essere unanime, con alcuni autori che continuano a ritenere corretta l'ascrizione alla famiglia del singolo genere Pitta[4].
Gli studi effettuati sul DNA hanno mostrato che la famiglia si divide in tre cladi principali, corrispondenti ai tre generi accettati dal Congresso Ornitologico Internazionale[1]. La classificazione della famiglia è perciò la seguente:

Illustrazione di Hydrornis caeruleus.
Illustrazione di Erythropitta granatina.
Illustrazione di Pitta versicolor.

Famiglia Pittidae


  1. ^ a b (EN) Gill F. and Donsker D. (eds), Family Pittidae, in IOC World Bird Names (ver 9.2), International Ornithologists’ Union, 2019. URL consultato il 6 maggio 2014.
  2. ^ a b Whitehead, J., A Review of the Species of the Family Pittidae, in Ibis, vol. 35, n. 4, 1893, p. 488–509, DOI:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1893.tb01238.x.
  3. ^ McClure, H. E., Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds, Merehurst Press, 1991, p. 159–160, ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
  4. ^ a b del Hoyo J., Elliott A., Christie D., Handbook of the Birds of the World, 8: Broadbills to Tapaculos, Lynx Edicions, 2003, p. 106–127, ISBN 84-87334-50-4.
  5. ^ Woinarski J.C.W, Fisher A., Brennan K., Morris I., Willan R. C., Chatto R., The Chestnut Rail Eulabeornis castaneoventris on the Wessel and English Company Islands: Notes on Unusual Habitat and Use of Anvils, in Emu, vol. 98, n. 1, 1998, p. 74–78, DOI:10.1071/MU98007E.
  6. ^ Lin R.-S., Yao C.-T. & Lee P.-F., The Diet of Fairy Pitta Pitta nympha Nestlings in Taiwan as Revealed by Videotaping (PDF), in Zoological Studies, vol. 46, n. 3, 2007, p. 355–361.
  7. ^ Bang, B.G. & Cobb, S., The Size of the Olfactory Bulb in 108 Species of Birds, in The Auk, vol. 85, n. 1, 1968, p. 55–61.
  8. ^ Woodall, P.F., Breeding Season and Clutch Size of the Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor in Tropical and Subtropical Australia, in Emu, vol. 94, n. 4, 1994, p. 273–277, DOI:10.1071/MU9940273.
  9. ^ Pittas of Thailand, su thaibirding.com, Thai Birding. URL consultato il 2011.
  10. ^ Irestedt M., Ohlson J. I., Zuccon D., Källersjö M., Ericson P. G. P., Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves: Passeriformes) (PDF), in Zoologica Scripta, vol. 35, 2006, p. 567–580, DOI:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2006.00249.x.
  11. ^ Elliot, D. G., A Monograph of the Pittidae, D. Appleton and Company, 1863, p. 332.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Pittidae: Brief Summary ( 義大利語 )

由wikipedia IT提供

I Pittidi (Pittidae Swainson, 1831) sono una famiglia di uccelli passeriformi.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
wikipedia IT

Pitiniai ( 立陶宛語 )

由wikipedia LT提供

Pitiniai (lot. Pittidae, angl. Pittas) – žvirblinių (Passeriformes) būrio paukščių šeima, kuriai priklauso labai spalvingi, kresni, gerą uoslę turintys ir bestuburiais mintantys paukščiai, paplitę Azijoje, Australijoje ir Afrikoje. Patelė deda 2-7 kiaušinius. Išsiritusius jauniklius maitina abu tėvai.

Šeimoje viena gentis, 31 rūšis. Vikiteka

Vikipedijos autoriai ir redaktoriai
wikipedia LT

Pitta's ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供


Pitta's zijn een familie van vogels uit de orde zangvogels en onderorde schreeuwvogels. De IOC World Bird List onderscheidt 33 soorten in drie geslachten, maar zowel over het aantal geslachten als over het aantal soorten bestaat geen consensus.


De meeste soorten pitta’s bezitten een felgekleurd verenkleed dat soms glinstert. Hun lichaam is eerder rond, met een korte staart, lange poten en een vrij sterke snavel. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 15 tot 29 cm.


Dankzij hun lange poten kunnen ze als het ware een opgerichte houding aannemen zodat ze roofdieren of andere bedreigingen al snel kunnen zien aankomen. Ze hebben ook sterk ontwikkelde reukzintuigen, waarmee ze efficiënt naar insecten en andere ongewervelde dieren zoals slakken kunnen zoeken op donkere bosbodem.

Ze rennen eerder weg dan dat ze vliegen. Maar er zijn soorten die vanaf een boomtak hun gefluit laten horen en veel soorten zijn ook trekvogels die soms plotseling op onverwachte plaatsen kunnen worden aangetroffen.


Het legsel bestaat uit 2 tot 7 eieren. De jongen worden door beide ouders grootgebracht.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Ze leven vooral in Zuidoost-Azië en het tropisch gedeelte van Australië en er zijn een paar soorten die in Afrika voorkomen.


Een aantal soorten worden met uitsterven bedreigd door aantasting van hun habitat, ongerept tropisch oerwoud. Verder zijn veel van de pittasoorten geliefd als siervogel, waardoor er een profijtelijke handel in gevangen vogels is ontstaan.

De Gurney's pitta is een bedreigde diersoort. De zwartmaskerpitta, blauwkoppitta, Kochs pitta, Chinese pitta, Schneiders pitta, Steere's pitta, prachtpitta en de zwartkruinpitta zijn kwetsbaar volgens de Rode Lijst van de IUCN. De reuzenpitta, Soelapitta, granaatpitta, mangrovepitta en de Sabahpitta staan als gevoelig op deze rode lijst.


Deze familie neemt een speciale positie in binnen de onderorde van de schreeuwvogels. Pitta's zijn het meest verwant aan de familie Eurylaimidae (Breedbekken en hapvogels). Samen worden ze wel gegroepeerd in de clade Eurylaimides.[1]

De indeling in geslachten soorten is geen uitgemaakte zaak. In 1863 onderscheidde Daniel Elliot in A Monograph of the Pittidae twee geslachten, en bijna 20 jaar later splitste John Gould de familie op in wel negen geslachten. In 2003 vermeldde het Handbook of the Birds of the World nog maar één geslacht (Pitta). Deze indeling wordt nog vaak aangehouden, bijvoorbeeld door de IUCN. In een onderzoek dat in 2009 werd gepubliceerd en waarbij alle soorten moleculair-genetisch werden onderzocht, bleek dat er duidelijk drie clades zijn, de drie geslachten Erythropitta, Hydrornis en Pitta.[2]

Hieronder de indelig van de IOC World Bird List.[3]


Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Tree of life, Eurylaimides (en)
  2. (en) Irestedt, M. et al, 2006. Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves, Passeriformes). Zoologica Scripta 35(6):567–580. abstract
  3. Gill, F., Wright, M. & Donsker, D. (2010). IOC World Bird Names (version 2.6). (en)
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Pitta's: Brief Summary ( 荷蘭、佛萊明語 )

由wikipedia NL提供

Pitta's zijn een familie van vogels uit de orde zangvogels en onderorde schreeuwvogels. De IOC World Bird List onderscheidt 33 soorten in drie geslachten, maar zowel over het aantal geslachten als over het aantal soorten bestaat geen consensus.

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
wikipedia NL

Pittaer ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NN提供

Pittaer er ein biologisk familie, Pittidae, av sporvefuglar, hovudsakleg i tropisk Asia og Australasia, sjølv om eit par av artane lever i Afrika. Alle pittaartar er generelt like i struktur og vanar, og er plassert i ei einskild slekt, Pitta. Namnet er avleidd av ordet 'pitta' i språket telugu i Andhra Pradesh i India, og er eit generisk, lokalt namn for alle småfuglar.

Pittaer er mellomstore av sporvefuglar, 15 til 25 centimeter i lengd, og tettbygde, med lange sterke bein og lange føter. Dei har svært kort hale og tjukk, litt nedbøygd nebb. Mange, men ikkje alle, har fargerik fjørdrakt.[1]

Desse fuglane er mykje bakkelevande fuglar på våt skogbotn. Dei et sniglar, insekt og liknande virvellause byttedyr. Pittaer lever stort sett aleine eller parvis og legg opp til seks egg i eit stort rundt reir i eit tre eller i ein busk, eller nokre gonger på bakken. Begge foreldra tar omsut for ungane.[1]

Mange artar av pittaer er trekkfuglar, og dei kviler ofte på uventa stader som hagar under trekket.

Ei rekkje artar av pittaer er truga av utrydding. IUCN har lista to av desse, gulbrystpitta og satengpitta, som truga,[2] ytterlegare sju artar er oppførte som sårbare.[3] Det største trugsmålet mot pittaer er tap av habitat i form av rask avskoging.


Hydrornis irena, Malayan Banded-Pitta
Foto: JJ Harrison
Aprikospitta, Hydrornis oatesi, hannfugl
Foto: JJ Harrison
Blåpitta, Hydrornis cyanea
Foto: JJ Harrison
Venuspitta, Erythropitta venusta
Foto: Douglas Janson
Gulbrynpitta, Hydrornis guajanus
Foto: Douglas Janson
Båvengpitta, Pitta moluccensis,
Foto: JJ Harrison
Indiapitta, Pitta brachyura
Foto: Nidhin G Poothully

Pittaer er dagaktive og krev ljos for å finne ofte kamuflerte byttedyr. Dei er likevel ofte i mørke område og er svært stille, men dei vil svare på imitasjonar av songen deira. Ein finn dei vanlegvis som einskilde individ, jamvel ungfuglar vil ikkje omgåast foreldra sine om dei ikkje blir mata. Små grupper har vore observert under trekket.[4]

Pittaer er sterkt territoriale, territoria varierer i storleik frå 3000 m² hos praktpitta til 10 000 m² for irispitta. Ein pitta vil forsvare territoriet sitt med trusseloppvisingar på grensa av territoriet, sjølv om slåstkampar mellom rivalane berre har vore registrert éin gong. Trekkjande artar vil forsvare territoriet for føda i tillegg til reirterritoriet.[4]


Meitemark dannar storparten av kosten til pittaer, etterfølgt av sniglar. I tørre omgivnader kan meitemark sesongmessing gå djupare inn i jorda, og bli utilgjengelege. I tillegg tar dei eit breitt spekter av virvellause byttedyr, inkludert mange insektgrupper som termittar, maur, biller, teger og sommarfuglar, og dessutan skolopendrar, tusenbein og kongroer.[4]

Pittaer beitar på ein trastaktig måte, slår bort blad med ei feiande nebbrørsle. Dei har òg vore observerte med å undersøkje fuktig jord med nebba sine for å søkje etter meitemark. Einkvan har ymta om at dei er i stand til å finne meitemark med luktesansen, eit framlegg som blir stødd av ein studie som fann at dei har den største luktelappen blant 25 sporvefuglar som vart undersøkte.[5] Nokre artar vil òg bruke trerøter og steinar som amboltar der dei knuser sniglehus for å ete snigelen.[6]


Som dei fleste andre fuglar, har pittaer monogam forplanting, og vernar om hekketerritoriet. Dei fleste artane er sesonghekkarar, hekkinga deira vil skje ved byrjinga av regntida. Eit unnatak frå dette er satengpitta, dei hekkar nesten året rundt fordi det er vått klima året rundt på øya Manus der dei lever. Åtferd ved spel og paringsleik i familien er dårleg kjent, men den samansette «dansen» hos praktpitta femnar om hopping opp i lufta med framskoten bryst og nedstigning til greina.[4]

Pittaer byggjer kuppelforma reir med sideinngang. Reiret har storleik som ein rugbyball, og er vanlegvis godt kamuflert blant slyngplantar eller anna vegetasjon av noko slag. Reiret kan anten plasserast på bakken eller i tre. Begge kjønn tar del i reirbygginga, men hannen gjer mesteparten av arbeidet.[4]


Taksonomien for familien Pittidae er i stor endring. Tilbake til 2003, i utgjevinga Handbook of the Birds of the World band 8,[4] skildra J. Erritzoe familien som ca. 30 artar i ei slekt Pitta. Dette var òg taksonomien nytta i Clementslista fram til utgjevinga av versjon 6.9 i august 2014, då Pitta blei splitta opp i 3 slekter Erythropitta, Hydrornis og Pitta.[7] Samstundes blei ca. 15 tidlegare underartar framstilte som nye artar. Tredelinga av familien er òg gjennomført i IOC World Bird List.[8]

Pittaer i rekkjefølgje etter EBird/Clements Checklist v2018[9] med norske namn etter Norske navn på verdens fugler:[10]

Slekt Erythropitta

  • Skjeggpitta, Erythropitta kochi, Whiskered Pitta, Brüggemann, 1876, (NT)
  • Raudbukpitta, Erythropitta erythrogaster, Blue-breasted Pitta, Temminck, 1823, (LC)
  • Sangihepitta, Erythropitta caeruleitorques, Sangihe Pitta, Salvadori, 1876, (EN)
  • Siaupitta, Erythropitta palliceps, Siao Pitta, Brüggemann, 1876, (EN)
  • Sulawesipitta, Erythropitta celebensis, Sulawesi Pitta, Müller, S & Schlegel, 1845, (LC)
  • Sulapitta, Erythropitta dohertyi, Sula Pitta, Rothschild, 1898, (NT)
  • Nordmolukkpitta, Erythropitta rufiventris, North Moluccan Pitta, Heine, 1860, (LC)
  • Sørmolukkpitta, Erythropitta rubrinucha, South Moluccan Pitta, Wallace, 1862, (LC)
  • Papuapitta, Erythropitta macklotii, Papuan Pitta, Temminck, 1834, (LC)
  • Niuailanpitta, Erythropitta novaehibernicae, New Ireland Pitta, Ramsay, 1878, (LC)
  • Tabarpitta, Erythropitta splendida, Tabar Pitta
  • Niubritenpitta, Erythropitta gazellae, New Britain Pitta
  • Rosselpitta, Erythropitta meeki, Louisiade Pitta, Rothschild, 1898, (DD)
  • Venuspitta, Erythropitta venusta, Graceful Pitta, Müller, S, 1836, (VU)
  • Sabahpitta, Erythropitta ussheri, Black-crowned Pitta, Gould, 1877, (NT)
  • Blåbandpitta, Erythropitta arquata, Blue-banded Pitta, Gould, 1871, (LC)
  • Granatpitta, Erythropitta granatina, Garnet Pitta, Temminck, 1830, (NT)

Slekt Hydrornis

  • Flettepitta, Hydrornis phayrei, Eared Pitta, Blyth, 1862, (LC)
  • Aprikospitta, Hydrornis oatesi, Rusty-naped Pitta, Hume, 1873, (LC)
  • Blånakkepitta, Hydrornis nipalensis, Blue-naped Pitta, Hodgson, 1837, (LC)
  • Blågumppitta, Hydrornis soror, Blue-rumped Pitta, Ramsay, RGW, 1881, (LC)
  • Kjempepitta, Hydrornis caeruleus, Giant Pitta, Raffles, 1822, (NT)
  • Sumatrapitta, Hydrornis schneideri, Schneider's Pitta, Hartert, 1909, (VU)
  • Koboltpitta, Hydrornis irena, Malayan Banded-Pitta, Temminck, 1836, (NT)
  • Gulbrynpitta, Hydrornis guajanus, Javan Banded-Pitta, Müller, 1776, (LC)
  • Blåbukpitta, Hydrornis schwaneri, Bornean Banded-Pitta, Bonaparte, 1850, (LC)
  • Fagerpitta, Hydrornis baudii, Blue-headed Pitta, Müller, S & Schlegel, 1839, (VU)
  • Blåpitta, Hydrornis cyaneus, Blue Pitta, Blyth, 1843, (LC)
  • Smaragdpitta, Hydrornis elliotii, Bar-bellied Pitta, Oustalet, 1874, (LC)
  • Gulbrystpitta, Hydrornis gurneyi, Gurney's Pitta, Hume, 1875, (EN)

Slekt Pitta

  • Praktpitta, Pitta angolensis, African Pitta, Vieillot, 1816, (LC)
  • Grønbrystpitta, Pitta reichenowi, Green-breasted Pitta, Madarász, 1901, (LC)
  • Indiapitta, Pitta brachyura, Indian Pitta, Linné, 1766, (LC)
  • Blåvengpitta, Pitta moluccensis, Blue-winged Pitta, Müller, 1776, (LC)
  • Nymfepitta, Pitta nympha, Fairy Pitta, Temminck & Schlegel, 1850, (VU)
  • Hettepitta, Pitta sordida, Hooded Pitta, Müller, 1776, (LC)
  • Asurpitta, Pitta steerii, Azure-breasted Pitta, Sharpe, 1876, (VU)
  • Palettpitta, Pitta versicolor, Noisy Pitta, Swainson, 1825, (LC)
  • Kvitbrystpitta, Pitta maxima, Ivory-breasted Pitta, Müller, S & Schlegel, 1845, (LC)
  • Elegantpitta, Pitta elegans, Elegant Pitta, Temminck, 1836, (LC)
  • Salomonpitta, Pitta anerythra, Black-faced Pitta, Rothschild, 1901, (VU)
  • Mangrovepitta, Pitta megarhyncha, Mangrove Pitta, Schlegel, 1863, (NT)
  • Satengpitta, Pitta superba, Superb Pitta, Rothschild & Hartert, 1914, (EN)
  • Irispitta, Pitta iris, Rainbow Pitta, Gould, 1842, (LC)



  1. 1,0 1,1 McClure, H. Elliott (1991). Forshaw, Joseph, red. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. s. 159–160. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
  2. BirdLife International (2014). «Gurney's Pitta Pitta gurneyi». IUCN Red List. IUCN. Henta 20. oktober 2014.
  3. BirdLife International (2014). «Pittidae». Data Zone. Henta 17. juli 2010.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 Del Hoyo, J.; Elliot, A. & Christie D., red. (2003). «Family Pittidae (Pittas)». Broadbills to Tapaculos. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Band 8. Barcelona: Lynx edicions. s. 106–127. ISBN 84-87334-50-4.
  5. Bang, B.G., Stanley Cobb (1968). «The Size of the Olfactory Bulb in 108 Species of Birds». The Auk 85 (1): 55–61. CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. Woinarski, J.C.W., A. Fisher, K. Brennan, I. Morris, R.C. Willan and R. Chatto (1998). «The Chestnut Rail Eulabeornis castaneoventris on the Wessel and English Company Islands: Notes on Unusual Habitat and Use of Anvils». Emu 98 (1): 74–78.
  7. Clements et al, Updates & Corrections – August 2014 Ref til side 267
  8. Gill, F & D Donsker (Eds). 2014. IOC World Bird List (v 4.3). doi : 10.14344/IOC.ML.4.3
  9. Schulenberg T. S., M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, T. A. Fredericks, og D. Roberson (august 2018), eBird/Clements Checklist v2018 (CSV), Cornell Lab of Ornithology, henta 24. februar 2019 CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. Syvertsen, P. O., Ree, V., Hansen, O. B., Syvertsen, Ø., Bergan, M., Kvam, H., Viker, M. & Axelsen, T. 2008. Virksomheten til Norsk navnekomité for fugl (NNKF) 1990-2008. Norske navn på verdens fugler. med oppdateringar i 2017. Norsk Ornitologisk Forening sin nettstad (publisert 21.12.2017)


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Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia NN

Pittaer: Brief Summary ( 挪威語 )

由wikipedia NN提供

Pittaer er ein biologisk familie, Pittidae, av sporvefuglar, hovudsakleg i tropisk Asia og Australasia, sjølv om eit par av artane lever i Afrika. Alle pittaartar er generelt like i struktur og vanar, og er plassert i ei einskild slekt, Pitta. Namnet er avleidd av ordet 'pitta' i språket telugu i Andhra Pradesh i India, og er eit generisk, lokalt namn for alle småfuglar.

Pittaer er mellomstore av sporvefuglar, 15 til 25 centimeter i lengd, og tettbygde, med lange sterke bein og lange føter. Dei har svært kort hale og tjukk, litt nedbøygd nebb. Mange, men ikkje alle, har fargerik fjørdrakt.

Desse fuglane er mykje bakkelevande fuglar på våt skogbotn. Dei et sniglar, insekt og liknande virvellause byttedyr. Pittaer lever stort sett aleine eller parvis og legg opp til seks egg i eit stort rundt reir i eit tre eller i ein busk, eller nokre gonger på bakken. Begge foreldra tar omsut for ungane.

Mange artar av pittaer er trekkfuglar, og dei kviler ofte på uventa stader som hagar under trekket.

Ei rekkje artar av pittaer er truga av utrydding. IUCN har lista to av desse, gulbrystpitta og satengpitta, som truga, ytterlegare sju artar er oppførte som sårbare. Det største trugsmålet mot pittaer er tap av habitat i form av rask avskoging.

Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia NN

Kurtaczki ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

Kurtaczki[16] (Pittidae) – monotypowa rodzina ptaków z rzędu wróblowych (Passeriformes) obejmująca około trzydziestu gatunków ptaków.


Poza kilkoma gatunkami, które zamieszkują Afrykę, kurtaczki występują w tropikach Azji i Australii[17].


Nazwa kurtaczków w języku angielskim, pittas, pochodzi z okolic Madrasu w południowych Indiach od słowa pitta i oznacza po prostu ptaka. Po raz pierwszy użyto tej nazwy w 1713 roku.

Długość ciała wynosi 15-29 cm, masa ciała od 42 do 207 g[18]. Upierzenie w większości przypadków bardzo barwne. Środowisko życia stanowią lasy wiecznie zielone, namorzyny, zarośla bambusów, zadrzewione wąwozy, lasy wtórne oraz plantacje.

Gniazdo stanowi kulista, niestaranna konstrukcja z gałązek i korzonków, często z wplecionym mchem. Posiada boczne wejście. W lęgu 1-7 jaj, zwykle 2-5. Cechuje je okrągły kształt, barwa biała do płowożółtej z szarym lub liliowym kreskowaniem albo czerwonawymi lub fioletowawymi plamkami. Masa jaja wynosi 5-10 g. Inkubacja trwa 12-21 dni, młode pozostają w gnieździe 12-21 dni, stają się samodzielne po kolejnych 5 do 24 dniach.



  • Pitta: nazwa pitta oznaczającego w języku telugu piękną błyskotkę lub zwierzę domowe[19].
  • Hydrornis: gr. ὑδρο- hudro- – wodny, od ὑδωρ hudōr, ὑδατος hudatos – woda; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos – ptak[20]. Gatunek typowy: Paludicola nipalensis Hodgson, 1837.
  • Eucichla: gr. ευ eu – ładny, piękny; κιχλη kikhlē – drozd[21]. Gatunek typowy: Turdus cyanurus Boddaert, 1783 = Turdus guajanus Statius Muller, 1776.
  • Gigantipitta: łac. gigas, gigantis – olbrzymi, od gr. γιγα gigas, γιγαντος gigantos – olbrzymi; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[22]. Gatunek typowy: Myiothera caerulea Raffles, 1822.
  • Iridipitta: gr. ιρις iris, ιριδος iridos – tęcza; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[23]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta baudii S. Müller & Schlegel, 1839.
  • Melanopitta: gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos – czarny; rodzaj Pitta VVieillot, 1816[24]. Gatunek typowy: Turdus sordidus Statius Müller, 1776.
  • Erythropitta: gr. ερυθρος eruthros – czerwony; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[25]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta macklotii Temminck, 1834.
  • Anthocincla: Rodzaj Anthus Bechstein, 1805, świergotek; łacińskie cinclus – drozd, od gr. κιγκλος kinklos – mały, niezidentyfikowany przybrzeżny ptak[26]. Gatunek typowy: Anthocincla phayrei Blyth, 1862.
  • Cervinipitta: łac. cervinus – koloru jelenia, cervus – jeleń; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[27]. Gatunek typowy: Turdus moluccensis Statius Müller, 1776.
  • Leucopitta: gr. λευκος leukos – biały; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[28]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta cyanea Blyth, 1843.
  • Purpureipitta: łac. purpureus – purpurowego koloru, od purpura – purpurowy, od gr. πορφυρα porphura – purpurowy; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[29]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta venusta S. Müller, 1836.
  • Cyanopitta: gr. κυανος kuanos – ciemno-niebieski; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[30]. Gatunek typowy: Brachyurus steerii Sharpe, 1876.
  • Calopitta: gr. καλος kalos – piękny; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[31]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta maxima S. Müller & Schlegel, 1845.
  • Galeripitta: łac. galerum – czapka, od galea – hełm; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[32]. Gatunek typowy: Turdus sordidus Statius Müller, 1776.
  • Insignipitta: łac. insignis – godny uwagi, od in – w kierunku; signum – znak, wskazówka; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[33]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta elliotii Oustalet, 1874.
  • Monilipitta: łac. monile, monilis – naszyjnik, kołnierz; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[34]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta (Phoenicocichla) arquata Gould, 1871.
  • Ornatipitta: łac. ornatus – strojny, od ornare – stroić; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[35]. Gatunek typowy: Turdus guajanus Statius Muller, 1776.
  • Pulchripitta: łac. pulcher, pulchra – piękny; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[36]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta iris Gould, 1842.
  • Austropitta: łac. australis – południowy, od auster, austri – południe; rodzaj Pitta Vieillot, 1816[37]. Gatunek typowy: Pitta strepitans Temminck, 1825 = Pitta versicolor Swainson, 1825.

Podział systematyczny

Do rodziny należy jeden rodzaj z następującymi gatunkami[16]:


  1. Pittidae, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. E. Blyth. Report for December Meeting, 1842, with Addenda subsequently appended. „The journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal”. 12 (2), s. 960, 1843 (ang.).
  3. H.G.L. Reichenbach: Avium Systema Naturale. Drezno i Lipsk: Expedition der vollständigsten naturgeschichte, 1850, s. tab. 52. (niem.)
  4. a b c C.L. Bonaparte. Conspectus Systematis Ornithologiæ. „Annales des sciences naturelles, Zoologie”. Seria 2. 1, s. 135, 1854 (fr.).
  5. C.L. Bonaparte. Conspectus Volucrum Zygodactylorum. „Ateneo Italiano”. 2, s. 317, 1854 (wł.).
  6. E. Blyth. Report of Curator, Zoological Department, February, 1862. „The journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal”. 31, s. 343, 1862 (ang.).
  7. a b Elliot 1870 ↓, s. 413.
  8. Elliot 1870 ↓, s. 416.
  9. J. Gould: Monograph of the Pittidae. John Gould, 1880, s. ryc. (8). (ang.)
  10. P.L. Sclater: Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Cz. 14. 1888, s. 419. (ang.)
  11. a b c Elliot 1895 ↓, s. xviii.
  12. a b Elliot 1895 ↓, s. xvii.
  13. G.M. Mathews. New generic names, with some notes on others. „Austral Avian Record”. 2, s. 62, 1913-1915 (ang.).
  14. Pitta, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.) [dostęp 2015-01-29]
  15. L.J.P. Vieillot: Analyse d’une nouvelle ornithologie élémentaire. Paris: Deteville, libraire, rue Hautefeuille, 1816, s. 42. (fr.)
  16. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: P. Mielczarek & M. Kuziemko: Rodzina: Pittidae Swainson, 1831 - kurtaczki - Pittas (wersja: 2015-05-27). W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 2017-04-29].
  17. F. Gill & D. Donsker (red.): NZ wrens, broadbills & pittas (ang.). IOC World Bird List: Version 7.1. [dostęp 2017-04-29].
  18. J. Erritzoe: Family Pittidae (Pittas). W: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott & D.A. Christie: Handbook of the Birds of the World. Cz. 8: Broadbills to Tapaculos. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2003, s. 135-160. ISBN 84-87334-50-4. (ang.)
  19. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Pitta.
  20. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Hydrornis.
  21. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Eucichla.
  22. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Gigantipitta.
  23. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Iridipitta.
  24. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Melanopitta.
  25. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Erythropitta.
  26. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Anthocincla.
  27. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Cervinipitta.
  28. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Leucopitta.
  29. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Purpureipitta.
  30. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Cyanopitta.
  31. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Calopitta.
  32. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Galeripitta.
  33. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Insignipitta.
  34. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Monilipitta.
  35. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Ornatipitta.
  36. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Pulchripitta.
  37. Jobling 2017 ↓, s. Austropitta.


  1. J.A. Jobling: Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology. W: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal, D.A. Christie & E. de Juana (red.): Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 2017. [dostęp 2017-04-29]. (ang.)
  2. A. Kemp & M.D. Bruce: Kurtaczki. Pittidae. W: Ptaki. Wszystkie rodziny świata. Warszawa: Buchmann, 2012, s. 656. ISBN 978-83-7670-263-6.
  3. D.G. Elliot: A monograph of the Pittidæ, or family of ant-thrushes. Londyn: B. Quaritch, 1895. (ang.)
  4. D.G. Elliot. Remarks on some lately-described Pittae, with a Synopsis of the Family as now known. „Ibis”. Nowa seria. 6, s. 408-421, 1870 (ang.).

Linki zewnętrzne

p d e
Rodziny ptaków z rzędu wróblowych (Passeriformes) Królestwo: zwierzęta • Typ: strunowce • Podtyp: kręgowce • Gromada: ptaki • Rząd: wróblowebarglikowce
(Acanthisitti) tyrankowce
(Tyranni) śpiewające
Układ filogenetyczny na podstawie Paweł Mielczarek, Marek Kuziemko: Rząd: Passeriformes - wróblowe. W: Kompletna lista ptaków świata [on-line]. Instytut Nauk o Środowisku Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. [dostęp 2017-07-18].
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Kurtaczki: Brief Summary ( 波蘭語 )

由wikipedia POL提供

Kurtaczki (Pittidae) – monotypowa rodzina ptaków z rzędu wróblowych (Passeriformes) obejmująca około trzydziestu gatunków ptaków.

Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
wikipedia POL

Pittidae ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供
Nota: Para outros significados de Pita, ver Pita (desambiguação).

Pittidae é uma família de aves passeriformes subóscines endêmicos do Velho Mundo, cuja maior expressão de biodiversidade ocorre no sudeste asiático, embora também sejam encontrados na África e na Australásia. A maioria das espécies encontram-se na zona tropical, embora um pequeno número também habite a região temperada. O espectro de hábitat em que ocorrem são: florestas, bosques, manguezais e áreas semi-cultivadas. São de hábito solitário e fortemente terrícola, caminham de modo saltitante sobre a serapilheira de solos úmidos, forrageando atrás de pequenos invertebrados, com frequência param para emitir um assobio simples ou uma ressoante vocalização.[1]


As pitas são aves de pequeno a médio porte, podendo medir, consoante a espécie, entre 15 a 29 cm de comprimento. Têm cauda curta, bicos fortes e patas relativamente altas, adaptadas para a vida junto do solo de uma floresta. A sua plumagem é geralmente colorida, à base de encarnado, azul e verde, e varia muito dentro do grupo, assim como a cor das patas. As pitas alimentam-se à base de pequenos invertebrados, que apanham na manta morta das florestas. Têm hábitos diurnos, solitários e territoriais. As espécies africanas são migratórias.

As pitas formam casais monogâmicos que se juntam após um elaborado ritual de acasalamento, onde o macho realiza complicadas exibições. A época de reprodução inicia-se com a época das chuvas da região em que habitam, o que varia bastante conforme a sua distribuição geográfica. Os ninhos são construídos por ambos os membros do casal no ou próximo do solo, no máximo a dois metros de altitude. Cada postura contém 3 a 5 ovos brancos, com manchas púrpuras ou vermelhas, e é incubada pelos dois progenitores ao longo de cerca de duas semanas. Os juvenis são alimentados no ninho cerca de um mês, à base de minhocas.



Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Pittidae: Brief Summary ( 葡萄牙語 )

由wikipedia PT提供
Nota: Para outros significados de Pita, ver Pita (desambiguação).

Pittidae é uma família de aves passeriformes subóscines endêmicos do Velho Mundo, cuja maior expressão de biodiversidade ocorre no sudeste asiático, embora também sejam encontrados na África e na Australásia. A maioria das espécies encontram-se na zona tropical, embora um pequeno número também habite a região temperada. O espectro de hábitat em que ocorrem são: florestas, bosques, manguezais e áreas semi-cultivadas. São de hábito solitário e fortemente terrícola, caminham de modo saltitante sobre a serapilheira de solos úmidos, forrageando atrás de pequenos invertebrados, com frequência param para emitir um assobio simples ou uma ressoante vocalização.

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
wikipedia PT

Juveltrastar ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Juveltrastar (Pittidae) är en familj med tättingar som består av de tre släktena Hydrornis, Erythropitta och Pitta.[1] Tidigare placerades alla arter i det enda släktet Pitta. De förekommer främst i tropiska Asien och Australasien, men några arter förekommer i Afrika, och flera av arterna är flyttfåglar. Morfologiskt påminner alla arter om varandra och de lever i liknande habitat. Det vetenskapliga namnet pitta härstammar från språket telugu som talas i delar av Indien och är ett folkligt samlingsnamn för "småfågel".

Juveltrastar är medelstora tättingar, med en längd på 15-25 centimeter, kraftigt byggda, med ganska långa starka ben och långsträckta fötter. De har en mycket kort stjärt och en kraftig, något nedåtböjd näbb. Flertalet juveltrastar har en färggrann fjäderdräkt.[2]

De är territoriella och ganska markbundna fåglar som lever på våt skogsmark. Deras föda består av maskar, sniglar, insekter och liknande ryggradslösa byten. De lägger upp till sex ägg i ett stort sfäriskt format bo placerat i ett träd, buskage, eller ibland direkt på marken. Båda föräldrarna tar han om ungarna[2] men utanför häckningstid lever de oftast ensamma.

Ett antal juveltrastar är utrotningshotade. En av dessa, blåkronad juveltrast (Hydrornis gurneyi), är kategoriserad som starkt hotad (EN) av IUCN,[3], och ytterligare åtta arter är kategoriserade som sårbara (VU).[4] De främst hotet mot juveltrastarna är habitatförluster på grund av den snabba skogsavverkningen.


Juveltrastar är dagaktiva och de behöver ljus för att födosöka. Trots detta återfinns de ofta i mörka biotoper och merparten är oftast mycket skygga, men svarar på imitationer av deras läten. De lever merparten av sina liv en och en, och inte ens juvenilerna umgås med sina föräldrar förutom när de blir matade. Mindre grupper har dock observerats under flytten.[5]

Juveltrastarna är mycket territoriella med häckningsterritorier som varierar från afrikansk juveltrast med 3000 m² till regnbågsjuvetrast med 10 000m². De försvarar sitt område genom att visa upp sig på gränsen av territoriet medan slagsmål mellan rivaler är oerhört sällsynta. Flyttande individer försvarar även sitt födosöksområde i vinterkvarteret.[5]


Ett "städ" som larmjuveltrastn använder för att slå sniglar emot för att krossa dess skal.

Deras huvudföda består av maskar och sedan följer sniglar. Dock kan maskar försvinna från menyn under torrperioder när juveltrastarna inte kan få tag på dem eftersom maskarna då gräver sig djupare ned i marken. Utöver detta lever de av en stor mängd olika ryggradslösa byten som termiter, myror, skalbaggar, halvvingar, fjärilar, tusenfotingar och spindlar.[5]

De födosöker på ett trastliknande sätt genom att med en svepande rörelse flytta på blad med näbben. De har också observerats trycka ned näbben i jorden för att finna maskar. En teori är att de kan lokalisera maskar med hjälp av lukten och detta stöds av att juveltrastarna, i en undersökning av 108 olika fåglar, hade den största luktknölen (Bulbus olfactorius).[6] Vissa arter använder sig av rötter eller stenar som en form av städ som de slår sniglar emot för att krossa skalet.[7]


Juveltrastarna lever monogamt och försvarar sitt häckningsterritorium. Merparten är säsongshäckande och påbörjar häckningen vid regnperiodens inledning. Ett undantag från detta är manusjuveltrast, som kan häcka nästan året runt då ön Manus, som den häckar på, är fuktig året runt. Familjens häckningsbeteende är dåligt känt, men den afrikanska juveltrasten genomför en komplicerad dans, då den bland annat gör höga hopp med uppburrat bröst för att sedan singla ned till marken.[5]

Juveltrastarna bygger ett enkelt sfäriskt bo med en sidoingång. Boet är oftast välkamouflerat i vegetationen och placeras i ett träd, buskage eller direkt på marken. Båda könen hjälper till att bygga boet men hanen gör det mesta av arbetet.[5]


Arter i taxonomisk ordning:

Släkte Hydrornis

Släkte Erythropitta

Släkte Pitta


Texten är till stora delar översatt från engelskspråkiga wikipedias artikel Pitta, läst 2009-09-19


  1. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2015) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter. Del 2: Tättingarna Arkiverad 14 februari 2015 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. (Version 1, 11 februari 2015), <www.sofnet.org Arkiverad 26 december 2014 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.>, läst 2015-08-22
  2. ^ [a b] McClure, H. Elliott (1991). Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. sid. 159–160. ISBN 1-85391-186-0
  3. ^ BirdLife International (2008). ”Gurney's Pitta Pitta gurneyi. IUCN Red List. IUCN. http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/species/index.html?action=SpcHTMDetails.asp&sid=4003&m=0. Läst 7 maj 2009.
  4. ^ BirdLife International (2008). ”Pittidae”. Data Zone. http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/species/index.html?action=SpcHTMFindResults.asp&hdnAction=SEARCH&hdnPageMode=0&cboFamily=103&txtGenus=&txtSpecies=&txtCommonName=&cboRegion=-2&cboCountry=-2. Läst 7 maj 2009.
  5. ^ [a b c d e] Erritzoe, J (2003), ”Family Pittidae (Pittas)”, i Josep, del Hoyo; Andrew, Elliott; David, Christie, Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 8, Broadbills to Tapaculos, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, s. 106-127, ISBN 84-87334-50-4
  6. ^ Bang, B.G. (27 april 1968). ”The Size of the Olfactory Bulb in 108 Species of Birds”. The Auk "85" (1): ss. 55-61.
  7. ^ Woinarski, J.C.W (27 april 1998). ”The Chestnut Rail Eulabeornis castaneoventris on the Wessel and English Company Islands: Notes on Unusual Habitat and Use of Anvils”. Emu "98" (1): ss. 74 - 78.


Externa länkar

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Juveltrastar: Brief Summary ( 瑞典語 )

由wikipedia SV提供

Juveltrastar (Pittidae) är en familj med tättingar som består av de tre släktena Hydrornis, Erythropitta och Pitta. Tidigare placerades alla arter i det enda släktet Pitta. De förekommer främst i tropiska Asien och Australasien, men några arter förekommer i Afrika, och flera av arterna är flyttfåglar. Morfologiskt påminner alla arter om varandra och de lever i liknande habitat. Det vetenskapliga namnet pitta härstammar från språket telugu som talas i delar av Indien och är ett folkligt samlingsnamn för "småfågel".

Juveltrastar är medelstora tättingar, med en längd på 15-25 centimeter, kraftigt byggda, med ganska långa starka ben och långsträckta fötter. De har en mycket kort stjärt och en kraftig, något nedåtböjd näbb. Flertalet juveltrastar har en färggrann fjäderdräkt.

De är territoriella och ganska markbundna fåglar som lever på våt skogsmark. Deras föda består av maskar, sniglar, insekter och liknande ryggradslösa byten. De lägger upp till sex ägg i ett stort sfäriskt format bo placerat i ett träd, buskage, eller ibland direkt på marken. Båda föräldrarna tar han om ungarna men utanför häckningstid lever de oftast ensamma.

Ett antal juveltrastar är utrotningshotade. En av dessa, blåkronad juveltrast (Hydrornis gurneyi), är kategoriserad som starkt hotad (EN) av IUCN,, och ytterligare åtta arter är kategoriserade som sårbara (VU). De främst hotet mot juveltrastarna är habitatförluster på grund av den snabba skogsavverkningen.

Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
wikipedia SV

Пітові ( 烏克蘭語 )

由wikipedia UK提供


Довжина їх тіла — від 15 до 30 см, маса — від 40 до 200 г. Тіло округле, ноги довгі, хвіст короткий; дзьоб сильний, прямий. Характерне дуже яскраве забарвлення, що поєднує насичені відтінки синього, жовтого, червоного, блакитного, зеленого, чорного та інших кольорів. У деяких видів самці і самиці розрізняються в забарвленні (самиці більш бліді), у інших же вони однакові.


32 види цих пернатих широко поширені по тропіках Старого Світу; переважна ж більшість їх живе в Південній і Південно-Східній Азії.

Спосіб життя

Ведуть піти денний спосіб життя, збираючи свій корм — комах, черв'яків та інших безхребетних, зрідка дрібних хребетних — на землі, в лісовій підстилці. Пересуваються переважно по-горобиному — стрибками; сполохані птахи злітають на дерева і затаюються. Ночують також на деревах. Більшість видів осілі, деякі роблять сезонні міграції (причому летять звичайно вночі). Гніздяться на землі в чагарниках або на невеликих деревах, споруджуючи кулеподібне гніздо з гілочок з входом збоку. У кладці 3-5 яєць.


У Червону Книгу МСОП занесено 13 видів родини. Найменш чисельною є піта чорночерева (Hydrornis gurneyi): чисельність її оцінюється менш ніж у 100 особин і з причини вирубок лісів, де проживає вид, поступово зменшується. З 1952 птаха вважалася вимерлою, але в 1986 р. відкрита знов; нині вона є найбажанішим об'єктом для більшості спостерігачів за птахами, які приїжджають до Таїланду.


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Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
wikipedia UK

Họ Đuôi cụt ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Chim đuôi cụt là tên gọi chung để chỉ khoảng 33 loài chim trong siêu họ Pittoidea (Liên họ Đuôi cụt) chỉ chứa một họ với danh pháp Pittidae (họ Đuôi cụt) trong bộ Sẻ, chủ yếu sinh sống trong khu vực nhiệt đới châu ÁAustralasia, mặc dù có một ít loài sống ở châu Phi.

Tất cả các loài chim trong họ Đuôi cụt này tương tự như nhau về hình dáng và hành vi chung, và được đặt trong cùng một chi (Pitta). Tuy nhiên, số lượng chi trong họ này vẫn còn là vấn đề đang tranh cãi, trong khi đó một nghiên cứu năm 2006 đã đề cập họ này gồm 3 chi: Erythropitta (6 loài), Hydrornis (13 loài), và Pitta (14 loài)[1].

Đuôi cụt là chim dạng sẻ kích thước trung bình với thân hình chắc nịch, các chân hơi dài nhưng khỏe, mỏ to và đuôi rất ngắn (vì thế mà có tên gọi đuôi cụt). Nhiều loài (nhưng không phải tất cả) có màu sặc sỡ. Tên gọi khoa học của siêu họ/họ/chi này có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Telugu (từ pitta) ở Andhra Pradesh (Ấn Độ) và nó cũng là tên gọi tại địa phương này để chỉ các loài chim nhỏ đó.

Chúng là những loài chim sinh sống nhiều trên mặt đất tại các khu rừng ẩm ướt, với thức ăn là sên, sâu bọ nhỏ và các động vật không xương sống tương tự. Chúng chủ yếu sống đơn độc, đẻ tới 6 trứng trong các tổ lớn hình cầu trên cây hay trong bụi rậm, hoặc đôi khi ngay trên mặt đất.

Nhiều loài đuôi cụt là chim di cư.

Bảo tồn

Một số loài đang bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng do môi trường sống bị phá hủy. Hơn nữa, rất nhiều các loài trong họ này được nuôi làm cảnh phổ biến, tạo ra một thương mại có lợi nhuận trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt.

Các loài

Trước đây người ta chỉ công nhận 1 chi là Pitta, nhưng một nghiên cứu năm 2006 đã tách Pitta thành 3 chi riêng biệt trong họ của nó[1].

Đuôi cụt Sula (Pitta dohertyi hay Erythropitta dohertyi) hiện nay được coi là phân loài của đuôi cụt bụng đỏ (Erythropitta erythrogaster), do thiếu các khác biệt về tiếng kêu[4].

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă Irestedt, M., Ohlson, J. I., Zuccon, D., Källersjö, M. & Ericson, P. G. P. (2006). “Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves: Passeriformes)” (PDF). Zoologica Scripta 35: 567–580. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.2006.00249.x.
  2. ^ a ă â b c d đ e ê Có ở Việt Nam.
  3. ^ a ă Rheindt F.E., J.A. Eaton (2010), Biological species limits in the Banded Pitta Pitta guajana, Forktail 26, 86-91.
  4. ^ Rheindt F.E., F. Verbelen, D.D. Putra, A. Rahman, M. Indrawan (2010), New biogeographic records in the avifauna of Peleng Island (Sulawesi, Indonesia), with taxonomic notes on some endemic taxa, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club 130, 181-207.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Họ Đuôi cụt
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wikipedia VI

Họ Đuôi cụt: Brief Summary ( 越南語 )

由wikipedia VI提供

Chim đuôi cụt là tên gọi chung để chỉ khoảng 33 loài chim trong siêu họ Pittoidea (Liên họ Đuôi cụt) chỉ chứa một họ với danh pháp Pittidae (họ Đuôi cụt) trong bộ Sẻ, chủ yếu sinh sống trong khu vực nhiệt đới châu ÁAustralasia, mặc dù có một ít loài sống ở châu Phi.

Tất cả các loài chim trong họ Đuôi cụt này tương tự như nhau về hình dáng và hành vi chung, và được đặt trong cùng một chi (Pitta). Tuy nhiên, số lượng chi trong họ này vẫn còn là vấn đề đang tranh cãi, trong khi đó một nghiên cứu năm 2006 đã đề cập họ này gồm 3 chi: Erythropitta (6 loài), Hydrornis (13 loài), và Pitta (14 loài).

Đuôi cụt là chim dạng sẻ kích thước trung bình với thân hình chắc nịch, các chân hơi dài nhưng khỏe, mỏ to và đuôi rất ngắn (vì thế mà có tên gọi đuôi cụt). Nhiều loài (nhưng không phải tất cả) có màu sặc sỡ. Tên gọi khoa học của siêu họ/họ/chi này có nguồn gốc từ tiếng Telugu (từ pitta) ở Andhra Pradesh (Ấn Độ) và nó cũng là tên gọi tại địa phương này để chỉ các loài chim nhỏ đó.

Chúng là những loài chim sinh sống nhiều trên mặt đất tại các khu rừng ẩm ướt, với thức ăn là sên, sâu bọ nhỏ và các động vật không xương sống tương tự. Chúng chủ yếu sống đơn độc, đẻ tới 6 trứng trong các tổ lớn hình cầu trên cây hay trong bụi rậm, hoặc đôi khi ngay trên mặt đất.

Nhiều loài đuôi cụt là chim di cư.

Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên
wikipedia VI

Питтовые ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供

В семейство включают следующие таксоны[5][1]:


  1. 1 2 Русские названия даны по источнику: Бёме Р. Л., Флинт В. Е. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Птицы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский / Под общ. ред. акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., «РУССО», 1994. — С. 235—236. — 2030 экз.ISBN 5-200-00643-0.
  2. 1 2 McClure, H. Elliott. Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds / Forshaw, Joseph. — London : Merehurst Press, 1991. — P. 159–160. — ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
  3. BirdLife International Gurney's Pitta Pitta gurneyi (неопр.). IUCN Red List. IUCN (2008). Проверено 7 мая 2009.
  4. BirdLife International Pittidae (неопр.). Data Zone (2008). Проверено 7 мая 2009.
  5. Семейство Pittidae в Списке птиц мира Международного союза орнитологов (IOC World Bird List version 5.2)
  6. Ушастая питта · Hydrornis phayrei · (Blyth, 1862)
  7. Непальская питта · Hydrornis nipalensis · (Hodgson, 1837)
  8. Синепоясничная питта · Hydrornis soror · (Ramsay, RGW, 1881)
  9. Коричневоголовая питта · Hydrornis oatesi · Hume, 1873
  10. Питта Шнейдера · Hydrornis schneideri · (Hartert, 1909)
  11. Синегрудая питта · Hydrornis baudii · (Müller, S & Schlegel, 1839)
  12. Синяя питта · Hydrornis cyaneus · (Blyth, 1843)
  13. Полосатобрюхая питта · Hydrornis elliotii · (Oustalet, 1874)
  14. Синехвостая питта · Hydrornis guajanus · (Statius Müller, 1776)
  15. Суматранская синехвостая питта · Hydrornis irena · (Temminck, 1836)
  16. Питта Герни · Hydrornis gurneyi · (Hume, 1875)
  17. Лузонская питта · Erythropitta kochi · (Brüggemann, 1876)
  18. Краснобрюхая питта · Erythropitta erythrogaster · (Temminck, 1823)
  19. Красноголовая питта · Erythropitta arquata · (Gould, 1871)
  20. Гранатовая питта · Erythropitta granatina · (Temminck, 1830)
  21. Изящная питта · Erythropitta venusta · (Müller, S, 1836)
  22. Саравакская питта · Erythropitta ussheri · (Gould, 1877)
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Питтовые: Brief Summary ( 俄語 )

由wikipedia русскую Википедию提供
 src= Pitta brachyura  src= Pitta sordida  src= Hydrornis cyaneus  src= Erythropitta granatina

В семейство включают следующие таксоны:

Род Pitta Vieillot, 1816 — питты Pitta anerythra Rothschild, 1901 — чернолицая питта Pitta angolensis Vieillot, 1816 — ангольская питта Pitta brachyura Linnaeus, 1766 — синекрылая питта Pitta elegans Temminck, 1836 — стройная питта Pitta iris Gould, 1842 — радужная питта Pitta maxima S. Muller et Schlegel, 1845 — питта-великан Pitta megarhyncha Schlegel, 1863 — мангровая питта Pitta moluccensis Statius Muller, 1776 — молуккская питта Pitta nympha Temminck et Schlegel, 1850 — питта-нимфа Pitta reichenowi Madarasz, 1901 — зеленогрудая питта Pitta sordida Statius Muller, 1776 — черноголовая питта Pitta steerii Sharpe, 1876 — питта Стеера, синебрюхая питта Pitta superba Rothschild et Hartert, 1914 — черноспинная питта Pitta versicolor Swainson, 1825 — крикливая питта Род Hydrornis Blyth, 1843 Hydrornis phayrei (Blyth, 1862) — ушастая питта Hydrornis nipalensis (Hodgson, 1837) — непальская питта Hydrornis soror (Ramsay R.G.W., 1881) — синепоясничная питта Hydrornis oatesi Hume, 1873 — коричневоголовая питта Hydrornis schneideri (Hartert, 1909) — питта Шнейдера Hydrornis caeruleus (Raffles, 1822) — большая питта Hydrornis baudii (Müller, S & Schlegel, 1839) — синегрудая питта Hydrornis cyaneus (Blyth, 1843) — синяя питта Hydrornis elliotii (Oustalet, 1874) — полосатобрюхая питта Hydrornis guajanus (Statius Müller, 1776) — синехвостая питта Hydrornis irena (Temminck, 1836) — суматранская синехвостая питта Hydrornis schwaneri (Bonaparte, 1850) — борнеоская синехвостая питта Hydrornis gurneyi (Hume, 1875) — питта Гёрни Род Erythropitta Bonaparte, 1854 Erythropitta kochi (Brüggemann, 1876) — Лусонская питта Erythropitta erythrogaster (Temminck, 1823) — Краснобрюхая питта Erythropitta arquata (Gould, 1871) — Красноголовая питта Erythropitta granatina (Temminck, 1830) — Гранатовая питта Erythropitta venusta (Müller S., 1836) — Изящная питта Erythropitta ussheri (Gould, 1877) — Саравакская питта
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

八色鸫科 ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供



wikipedia 中文维基百科

八色鸫科: Brief Summary ( 漢語 )

由wikipedia 中文维基百科提供


wikipedia 中文维基百科

ヤイロチョウ科 ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供
ヤイロチョウ科 インドヤイロチョウ 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 鳥綱 Aves : スズメ目 Passeriformes 亜目 : タイランチョウ亜目 Tyranni 下目 : ヒロハシ下目 Eurylaimides : ヤイロチョウ科 Pittidae 学名 Pittidae Swainson, 1831 タイプ属 Pitta Vieillot, 1816 和名 ヤイロチョウ(八色鳥) 英名 Pitta 属
  • Hydrornis
  • Erythropitta
  • Pitta
 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ヤイロチョウ科に関連するカテゴリがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにヤイロチョウ科に関する情報があります。

ヤイロチョウ科(ヤイロチョウか、学名 Pittidae)は、鳥類スズメ目タイランチョウ亜目の科である。ヤイロチョウ(八色鳥)と総称されるが、狭義にはヤイロチョウは1種 Pitta nympha を意味する。
















タイランチョウ亜目 ヒロハシ下目

ヒロハシ科 Eurylaimidae








国際鳥類学会議 (IOC) による[2][3]。3属32種からなる。

全てをヤイロチョウ属 Pitta 1属とすることもある。ただし Hydrornis 属の一部の種は、属を Pitta とする場合、種小名の語尾を女性形にしなければならない。


属名 Pitta、および英語名 pitta はインド南部で鳥を指す言葉に由来する。



  1. ^ Irestedt, M.; Ohlson, J. I.; et al. (2006), “Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves, Passeriformes)”, Zool. Scripta 35: 576–580
  2. ^ Gill, Frank; Donsker, David, eds. (2010), “NZ wrens & pittas to ovenbirds”, IOC World Bird Names (version 2.5), オリジナルの2011年5月22日時点によるアーカイブ。, https://web.archive.org/web/20110522065025/http://www.worldbirdnames.org/n-wrens.html
  3. ^ IOC World Bird Names Version 2.5 には一部の種小名の性に間違いがあるので Version 2.6 (DRAFT) Archived 2010年8月13日, at the Wayback Machine. に従い訂正


  • 『原色ワイド図鑑4 鳥』、学習研究社1984年、49頁。
  • 黒田長久監修 C.M.ペリンズA.L.A.ミドルトン編 『動物大百科9 鳥類III』、平凡社1986年、20–23、152頁。
  • 高野伸二 『フィールドガイド 日本の野鳥 拡大版』、日本野鳥の会1989年、216頁。
  • 小原秀雄浦本昌紀太田英利松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ1 ユーラシア、北アメリカ』、講談社2000年、103、201頁。
  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ4 インド、インドシナ』、講談社、2000年、91、185–186頁。
  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ5 東南アジアの島々』、講談社、2000年、100、184頁。
  • 小原秀雄・浦本昌紀・太田英利・松井正文編著 『レッド・データ・アニマルズ7 オーストラリア、ニューギニア』、講談社、2000年、192–193頁。
  • 『小学館の図鑑NEO 鳥』、小学館2002年、83、139頁。
執筆の途中です この項目は、鳥類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますポータル鳥類 - PJ鳥類)。
wikipedia 日本語

ヤイロチョウ科: Brief Summary ( 日語 )

由wikipedia 日本語提供

ヤイロチョウ科(ヤイロチョウか、学名 Pittidae)は、鳥類スズメ目タイランチョウ亜目の科である。ヤイロチョウ(八色鳥)と総称されるが、狭義にはヤイロチョウは1種 Pitta nympha を意味する。

wikipedia 日本語

팔색조과 ( 韓語 )

由wikipedia 한국어 위키백과提供

팔색조과(八色鳥科, Pittidae)는 참새목에 속하는 조류 과이다. 열대 지방에서 주로 서식하는 소형 조류로, 색이 화려하다. 총 34종이 있으며, 한국에는 팔색조푸른날개팔색조 두 종이 여름에 찾아온다.

하위 속

계통 분류

다음은 2019년 올리버로스(Oliveros) 등의 연구에 의한 산적딱새아목 계통 분류이다.[1]

산적딱새아목 넓적부리새하목
(구대륙 명금류사촌)    










(신대륙 명금류사촌) 화덕딱새소목    
























  1. Oliveros, C.H.; 외. (2019). “Earth history and the passerine superradiation”. 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America》 116 (16): 7916–7925. doi:10.1073/pnas.1813206116. PMC 6475423. PMID 30936315.
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
wikipedia 한국어 위키백과