
Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Arkive
The Bahamas rock iguana searches for food both on the ground and in trees. The diet is primarily herbivorous, consisting of fruit, flowers and leaves of at least 58 species, but occasionally also includes insects, molluscs, crustaceans, arachnids, lizards and carrion (1). Adult males are territorial all year round, seemingly to guard access to the food and females in their range. Mating is seasonal, taking place in May, and females produce a single clutch of two to nine eggs a year, which are laid in the nest burrow in June. Although females show no territorial behaviour during the rest of the year, they will actively defend the burrow for several days to several weeks after nesting, in order to protect their eggs from potential danger (1). The eggs hatch in September, after an incubation period of about 90 days (5). Sexual maturity is not attained until seven years of age for males, six to seven years for females, and evidence suggests that certain individuals live to at least 20 years old (1).
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Conservation ( Inglês )

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Many of the Turks and Caicos Islands are protected by being encompassed in national parks, nature reserves and sanctuaries, a number of which support Bahamas rock iguana populations. Unfortunately, many of these reserves still suffer from the effects of introduced mammals and few government resources have been allocated to maintain or enforce protection of non-marine parks (1). However, the establishment of the National Trust for the Turks and Caicos Islands in 1994 has significantly increased the conservation of terrestrial wildlife. The National Trust has been granted stewardship of Little Water Cay, and similar transfers of Little Ambergris and East Bay Cays are currently pending. On Little Water Cay, boardwalks and observation towers have been constructed at two popular landing sites to reduce the damaging impacts of tourism, and a visitation fee has been implemented with the proceeds going towards supporting conservation activities. A trapping programme to remove feral cats from Pine, Water, and (if necessary) Little Water Cays has also been established by the National Trust (5). Legislation to protect iguanas within these islands has recently been drafted, and in November 2003 a Conservation and Management Plan was drawn up, which lays out a comprehensive strategy to conserve and restore populations of the Turks and Caicos iguana within its historic range, and perpetuate it as a symbol of national pride (1). Beginning in 2000, the translocation of 218 animals was undertaken, from islands where they are currently threatened to four uninhabited cays within the Turks and Caicos reserve system. To date, the translocated iguanas have experienced a 98 percent survival rate (6). This example provides hope for similar translocations in the future to other islands where the species has dwindled or been extirpated (7) (8). On Booby Cay, the Bartsch's iguana subspecies is protected like all Bahamian rock iguanas under the Wild Animal Protection Act of 1968. Additionally, the Bahamas National Trust has proposed to the government that Booby Cay, which is also of great importance to nesting seabirds, be named a protected area under the national parks system. Most importantly, the removal of feral goats has been planned, which would effectively eliminate the main threat to this subspecies and massively help its chances of survival (5).
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Description ( Inglês )

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Bahamas rock iguanas are part of a group of large, 'dinosaur-like' lizards known as the West Indian rock iguanas (Cyclora spp.), which are widely recognised as amongst the most endangered lizards on earth (4) (5). This impressive looking species is adorned with a crest of 80 to 110 scales down the centre of its back, and rings of enlarged spiny scales around its tail (5). Body size and colour vary among island populations, with individuals ranging from grey to brown to dull green. Nine to ten vertical stripes mark the iguana's back and sides, but fade with age. Some populations bare a vermiculated pattern on the head and neck, and have pale blue dorsal crest scales and a reddish-brown tail in adult males. The Bartsch's iguana subspecies is characterised by having a yellow dorsal crest, a golden iris, and adults have a network of faint yellow-brown lines on the body (5).
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Habitat ( Inglês )

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Most abundant in rocky coppice and sandy strand vegetation habitats, with sandy habitat required for nesting. This diurnal species retreats at night into burrows it has dug or into natural crevices in or under rocks (5).
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Range ( Inglês )

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The nominate subspecies, the Turks and Caicos ground iguana (C. c. carinata), is found on 50 to 60 of the islands of the Turks and Caicos island banks, located southeast of the Bahamas, which are politically separate from the Bahamas but geologically part of the Bahama Archipelago (1) (5). The most important remaining populations are on three large cays; Big Ambergris, Little Ambergris and East Bay (1) (5). The Bartsch's iguana subspecies (C. c. bartschi) is found only on Booby Cay at the eastern end of Mayaguana Island in the southern Bahamas (1).
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Status ( Inglês )

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Classified as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)) on the IUCN Red List 2004 (1) and listed on Appendix I of CITES (3). Subspecies: Bartsch's iguana or Booby Cay ground iguana (C. c. bartschi) is classified as Critically Endangered (CR B1+2ce, C2b) and the Turks and Caicos ground iguana (C. c. carinata) is classified as Critically Endangered (CR B1+2abcde) on the IUCN Red List 2004 (1).
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Threats ( Inglês )

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At least 13 iguana subpopulations, most on relatively large islands, have disappeared over the last 20 years, predominantly due to ongoing habitat loss and the spread of introduced or feral mammal predators, with this decline apparently accelerating (1). The primary threat in the Turks and Caicos Islands is introduced mammals such as cats, dogs and rats, which managed to almost completely destroy one population of 5,000 iguanas on Pine Cay in just three years (5). Worryingly, feral cats have recently crossed a newly formed sand spit from Pine and Water Cay to Little Water Cay, an important nature reserve that was previously cat-free. Feral livestock such as goats, cows, donkeys and horses also pose a significant threat, through competing for food, altering vegetation compositions of the islands, and trampling soft substrates where these iguanas borrow and nest. Development for tourism is an increasing cause of habitat loss and an additional cause for concern. The population of the Bartsch's iguana subspecies on Booby Cay has been protected to a degree by the fact that the cay is not readily accessible from the settlements on Mayaguana, minimising disturbance. The main immediate threat to this population on Booby Cay is the presence of goats, which are over-browsing vegetation and causing extensive habitat degradation. Environmental catastrophes here, such as hurricanes or storm surges, also pose a very real danger (1). While there are no reports of poaching on Booby Cay, iguanas on the Turks and Caicos Islands are occasionally eaten by local fishermen and illegal international trade is thought likely to occur, despite being undocumented (1).
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Distribution ( Inglês )

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Continent: Caribbean
Distribution: Turks I [HR 31: 253], Caicos I [HR 31: 253], Bahama I, Mayaguana I (E Bahamas) Cyclura carinata carinata: Turks and Caicos Is.
Type locality: "Turk's Island." Cyclura carinata bartschi (HOLOTYPE USNM 81212): Bahama Is.: Booby Cay east of Mayaguana I.
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Turks and Caicos rock iguana ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Turks and Caicos rock iguana (Cyclura carinata) is a species of lizard endemic to the Turks and Caicos islands. This small iguana can reach 30 in (76 cm) and becomes mature at seven years and may live for twenty. A single clutch of up to nine eggs is laid each year, and these take three months to hatch. This iguana is mostly herbivorous, but supplements this by adding some animal matter to its diet.

At one time numerous, these iguanas have been depleted by introduced predators, mainly cats and dogs. Their habitat is being degraded by overgrazing and trampling of vegetation which reduces the availability of food for the iguanas. They have been wiped out of some islands and cling on precariously in others. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated them as endangered. Various conservation efforts are being undertaken, and some iguanas have been relocated to uninhabited islets in an effort to prevent them from becoming extinct.


The Turks and Caicos rock iguana, Cyclura carinata carinata, was first described by American Zoologist Richard Harlan in Fauna Americana in 1825.[3] Its specific name carinata means "keeled" and refers to the animal's scales. The species is endemic to 50-60 of the 200 islands and cays that make up the Turks and Caicos Islands.[1] It has one subspecies which lives on Booby Cay, Bartsch's iguana (Cyclura carinata bartschi).[1][4] Morphological and genetic data indicate that the closest living relative of C. carinata is C. ricordi of Hispaniola.

Anatomy and morphology

Measuring less than 770 millimetres (30 in) in length when full grown, the Turks and Caicos Rock iguana is one of the smallest species of Cyclura.[5][6] The lizard's basic color can range from green to brownish grey, usually patterned by darker markings.[1] The species lacks the large scales on the upper surface of its head, characteristic of other species of cyclura and possesses larger dorsal spines than other species of iguana.[7]

Like other members of the genus Cyclura, males of this species are larger than females (in this case twice as large in body mass) and have larger dorsal crests and femoral pores on their thighs making the animals sexually dimorphic.[8][9]

Habitat and distribution

Turks and Caicos rock iguana

The Turks and Caicos rock iguana inhabits small cays, but has been reduced to less than 5% of its original range largely due to the introduction of predators.[5][7]

2,000 iguanas are the only land creatures that inhabit Little Water Cay.[7] To promote tourism on Little Water Cay, a boardwalk has been built throughout the island. Tourists can take a tour of the island, along this boardwalk, but are not permitted to step off it.[7]

The Turks and Caicos rock iguana dwells in rocky areas and sandy habitats as sand is required for nesting. The Turks and Caicos iguana is diurnal and spends the night in the burrows it has dug or in natural retreats in or under the rocks.[1]

Diet and longevity

Like all Cyclura species, the Turks and Caicos rock iguana is primarily herbivorous, consuming leaves, flowers, and fruits from over 58 different plant species.[1] This diet is very rarely supplemented with insects, mollusks, crustaceans, arachnids, lizards, and carrion. It has been noted that in captivity, it eats both animal and plant food. Gerber and Iverson write that the Turks and Caicos rock iguana may live at least 20 years.[1]


Adult males are sexually mature at seven years of age and are territorial throughout the year in order to guarantee access to food and females. Females only become territorial when defending their nest site upon laying eggs and for several weeks following. The animals mate in May, and the female lays a single clutch of two to nine eggs in June. The eggs hatch in September after a 90-day incubation period.[1]

Causes of decline

Like most Cyclura species the Turks and Caicos rock iguana is in decline. In this species' case it is primarily due to its small body size which makes it vulnerable to introduced predators such as dogs and cats.[1][5] In the 1970s a population of 15,000 iguanas was completely destroyed within five years by a mere handful of dogs and cats brought to Pine Cay by hotel workers.[5] Competitive grazing with domestic and feral livestock is a secondary factor.[1][10]

Conservation measures

Iguanas on Little Water Cay

Although Little Water Cay is home to over 2,000 Turks and Caicos rock iguanas, they have been wiped out from the other cays in their former range.[1][7] Little Water Cay is now a nature reserve and neither dogs nor cats are permitted on the island to ensure the survival of the critically endangered species.[1]

In 2000 scientists from the San Diego Zoo's division of Conservation and Research for Endangered Species (CRES), under the direction of Conservation Research Fellow Dr. Glenn Gerber translocated 218 iguanas from Big Ambergris and Little Water Cay where their populations were threatened to four uninhabited cays within the Turks and Caicos reserve system.[5][11]

To date, these iguanas have experienced a 98 percent survival rate; they have adapted to new conditions and even successfully reproduced the immediate breeding season.[5][11] Yearling iguanas resulting from the reproduction of the original translocated adults from 2002 are exceeding the size of their counterparts on the source Cays from which their ancestors were translocated by as much as 400%.[5]

Legislation to protect the iguanas has been drafted by the Turks and Caicos government in 2003.[5] Additionally, the National Trust for the Turks and Caicos Islands has stewardship for the Little Water Cay to ensure that it is not mismanaged and has initiated a program to remove feral cats from Pine Cay and Water Cay.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Gerber, G.P.; Colosimo, G.; Grant, T.D. (2020). "Cyclura carinata". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T6026A3097754. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-2.RLTS.T6026A3097754.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ "Cyclura carinata Harlan, 1825". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2 February 2017.
  4. ^ Hollingsworth, Bradford D. (2004), "The Evolution of Iguanas: An Overview of Relationships and a Checklist of Species", Iguanas: Biology and Conservation, University of California Press, p. 35, ISBN 978-0-520-23854-1
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Hudson, Rick (2007), "Big Lizards, Big Problems", Reptiles Magazine, 15 (4): 54–61
  6. ^ Hudson, Richard D.; Alberts, Allison C. (2004), "The Role of Zoos in the Conservation of West Indian Iguanas", Iguanas: Biology and Conservation, University of California Press, pp. 281–285, ISBN 978-0-520-23854-1
  7. ^ a b c d e Welch, Mark E.; Gerber, Glenn P.; Davis, Scott K. (2004), "Genetic Structure of the Turks and Caicos Rock Iguana and Its Implications for Species Conservation", Iguanas: Biology and Conservation, University of California Press, pp. 58–70, ISBN 978-0-520-23854-1
  8. ^ De Vosjoli, Phillipe; David Blair (1992), The Green Iguana Manual, Escondido, California: Advanced Vivarium Systems, ISBN 1-882770-18-8
  9. ^ Martins, Emilia P.; Lacy, Kathryn (2004), "Behavior and Ecology of Rock Iguanas,I: Evidence for an Appeasement Display", Iguanas: Biology and Conservation, University of California Press, pp. 98–108, ISBN 978-0-520-23854-1
  10. ^ Hayes, William K.; Carter, Ronald L.; Cyril, Samuel; Thornton, Benjamin (2004), "Conservation of a Bahamian Rock Iguana, I; Iguanas: Biology and Conservation", Iguanas: Biology and Conservation, University of California Press, p. 245, ISBN 978-0-520-23854-1
  11. ^ a b "Turks and Caicos Iguana Restoration Program". Archived from the original on 2012-11-03.

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Turks and Caicos rock iguana: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The Turks and Caicos rock iguana (Cyclura carinata) is a species of lizard endemic to the Turks and Caicos islands. This small iguana can reach 30 in (76 cm) and becomes mature at seven years and may live for twenty. A single clutch of up to nine eggs is laid each year, and these take three months to hatch. This iguana is mostly herbivorous, but supplements this by adding some animal matter to its diet.

At one time numerous, these iguanas have been depleted by introduced predators, mainly cats and dogs. Their habitat is being degraded by overgrazing and trampling of vegetation which reduces the availability of food for the iguanas. They have been wiped out of some islands and cling on precariously in others. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated them as endangered. Various conservation efforts are being undertaken, and some iguanas have been relocated to uninhabited islets in an effort to prevent them from becoming extinct.

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