
Behavior ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

The communication and perception of striped mullet has not been reported. They are likely to use chemical and visual cues.

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; chemical

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Conservation Status ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Striped mullet are not listed as endangered or vulnerable with the World Conservation Union (IUCN), CITES, or the U.S. Endangered Species Act. These are common and abundant fish.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

The eggs are transparent and pale yellow, non-adhesive, and spherical with an average diameter of 0.72 mm. Each egg contains an oil globule, making it positively buoyant. Hatching occurs about 48 hours after fertilization, releasing larvae approximately 2.4 mm in length. These larvae have no mouth or paired fins. At 5 days of age, they are approximately 2.8 mm long. The jaws become well-defined and the fin buds begin to develop. At 16 to 20 mm in length, the larvae migrate to inshore waters and estuaries. At 35 to 45 mm, the adipose eyelid is obvious, and by 50 mm it covers most of the eye. At this time the mullet is considered to be a juvenile. These juveniles are capable of osmoregulation, being able to tolerate salinities of 0 to 35 ppt. They spend the remainder of their first year in coastal waters, salt marshes, and estuaries. In autumn, they often move to deeper water while the adults migrate offshore to spawn. However, some young mullet overwinter in estuaries. After this first year of life, mullet inhabit a variety of habitats including the ocean, salt marshes, estuaries, and fresh water rivers and creeks (Bester 2004).

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

No negative effects on humans have been reported for striped mullet.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Striped mullet are regarded as an excellent food fish. They are also used as bait for a variety of fishes, including billfish, commonly bringing a higher price as bait than as food fish. These fish are prized for their roe. Striped mullet are marketed fresh, dried, salted, and frozen with the roe sold fresh or smoked. This fish is also used in Chinese medicinal practices. It is a very important commercial fish in many other parts of the world (Bester 2004).

Positive Impacts: food ; source of medicine or drug

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Striped mullet are an ecologically important link in the energy flow within marine communities. They serve as prey for their predators. Striped mullet are hosts for many parasites including flagellates, ciliates, myxosporidians, monogenean and digenean trematodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans, leeches, argulids, copepods, and isopods (Bester 2004).

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • Flagellata
  • Ciliata
  • Myxosporidea
  • Monogenea
  • Digenea
  • Nematoda
  • Acanthocephala
  • Hirudinidae
  • Argulidae
  • Copepoda
  • Isopoda
direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Mullet are diurnal feeders, consuming mainly zooplankton, dead plant matter, and detritus. Mullet have thick-walled gizzard-like segments in their stomach along with a long gastrointestinal tract that enables them to feed on detritus.

They are an ecologically important link in the energy flow within estuarine communities. Feeding by sucking up the top layer of sediments, striped mullet remove detritus and microalgae. They also pick up some sediments which function to grind food in the gizzard-like portion of the stomach. Mullet also graze on epiphytes and epifauna from seagrasses as well as ingest surface scum containing microalgae at the air-water interface. Larval striped mullet feed primarily on microcrustaceans. One study found copepods, mosquito larvae, and plant debris in the stomach contents of larvae under 35 mm in length. The amount of sand and detritus in the stomach contents increases with length indicating that more food is ingested from the bottom substrate as these fish mature (Bester 2004).

Animal Foods: insects; aquatic crustaceans; zooplankton

Plant Foods: algae

Other Foods: detritus

Primary Diet: planktivore ; detritivore

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Mugil cephalus occurs in the coastal waters of the tropical and subtropical zones of all seas. Striped mullet are found in the western Atlantic Ocean, from Nova Scotia, Canada south to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico. They are absent in the Bahamas and the Caribbean Sea (Robins and Ray 1986). In the eastern Atlantic Ocean, striped mullet occur from the Bay of Biscay (France) to South Africa, including the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea (Thomson 1951). The eastern Pacific Ocean range includes southern California south to Chile (Eschmeyer et al. 1983).

Biogeographic Regions: indian ocean (Native ); atlantic ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Introduced , Native ); mediterranean sea (Native )

Other Geographic Terms: cosmopolitan

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Habitat ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Mugil cephalus are found in highly salty to fresh waters that are warm or temperate from 8 to 24 C. They spend a great deal of time close to shore around the mouths of streams and rivers or in brackish bays, inlets, and lagoons with sand or mud bottoms (Texas Parks 2005). They often enter estuaries and freshwater environments. Adult mullet have been found in waters ranging from 0 ppt to 75 ppt salinity. Adults form huge schools near the surface over sandy or muddy bottoms and dense vegetation (Bester 2004).

Range depth: 0 to 120 m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; tropical ; saltwater or marine ; freshwater

Aquatic Biomes: benthic ; rivers and streams; coastal ; brackish water

Other Habitat Features: estuarine

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Life Expectancy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

The lifespan of striped mullet is seven years for males and eight years for females, with a probable average lifespan of five years. The oldest striped mullet on record is one that lived 13 years (Texas Parks 2005).

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
13 (high) years.

Typical lifespan
Status: wild:
4 to 7 years.

Average lifespan
Status: wild:
5 years.

Average lifespan
Status: captivity:
11.0 years.

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

The maximum length of striped mullet is 120 cm, with a maximum weight of 8 kg. The body of striped mullet is subcylindrical and anteriorly compressed. They have a small, terminal mouth with inconspicuous teeth and a blunt nose. The lips are thin, with a bump at the tip of the lower lip. The adipose eyelid is prominent with only a narrow slit over the pupil. The body is elongate and the head is slightly wider than deep. Pectoral fins are short, not reaching the first dorsal fin. The origin of the second dorsal fin is posterior to the origin of the anal fin. The lateral line is not visible. This mullet is often confused with white mullet, Mugil curema. However, white mullet have scales extending onto the soft dorsal and anal fins while striped mullet do not. They may also be identified based on the anal ray fin counts of 8 for striped mullet and 9 for white mullet. The body is grayish olive to grayish brown, with olive-green or bluish tints and sides fading to silvery white towards the belly. Dark longitudinal lines, formed by dark spots at the center of each scale on the upper half of the body, run the length of the body. Young fish smaller than 15 cm in length lack stripes. There is a large dark blotch at the base of the pectoral fin. The pigmentation in the iris is dispersed and brown, a character that also helps to distinguish it from M. curema. The mouth is triangular in shape when viewed from above, with small, close-set teeth arranged in several rows on the jaws (Bester 2004).

Range mass: 8 (high) kg.

Range length: 120 (high) cm.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Major predators of striped mullet include larger fish, birds, and marine mammals. Spotted seatrout, Atractoscion aequidens, feed on mullet up to 13.8 to 35 cm long. Off the coast of Florida, sharks often feed on large mullet. Pelicans and other aquatic birds as well as dolphins also prey on striped mullet. Humans are also significant predators of striped mullet (Bester 2004).

Known Predators:

  • spotted seatrout (Atractoscion aequidens)
  • humans (Homo sapiens)
  • sharks (Chondrichthyes)
  • pelicans (Pelecanidae)
  • dolphins (Delphinidae)
direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( Inglês )

fornecido por Animal Diversity Web

Striped mullet are catadromous, that is, they spawn in saltwater yet spend most of their lives in freshwater. During the autumn and winter months, adult mullet migrate far offshore in large aggregations to spawn. In the Gulf of Mexico, mullet have been observed spawning 65 to 80 km offshore in water over 1,000 m deep. In other locations, spawning has been reported along beaches as well as offshore.

Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)

Estimated fecundity of striped mullet is 0.5 to 2.0 million eggs per female, depending upon the size of the individual (Bester 2004). Female mullet reach sexual maturity in their fourth year, when they are between 40 to 42 cm. Males mature in their third year, once they reach a size of 33 to 38 cm. The minimum spawning size of females is between 31 to 34 cm. Striped mullet are oviparous fish (Hill 2004). Beginning in the early fall, large schools of mullet aggregate in the lower reaches of estuaries and at river mouths in preparation for offshore migration to spawning grounds. Environmental cues such as falling water temperatures, passage of cold fronts and falling barometric pressure are thought to trigger aggregation and subsequent migration. Spawning occurs in deep, offshore waters from mid-October through late January, with peak spawning occurring in November and December. Larvae and prejuveniles then migrate to inshore estuaries where they inhabit shallow, warm water in the intertidal zone. Mugil cephalus are isochronal spawners, with all oocytes reaching maturity at the same time. However, based on the size of the female body cavity, it is unlikely that a female's entire store of eggs is hydrated at the same time in preparation for spawning. Rather, females are likely to hydrate eggs in batches and spawn on successive evenings until their supply of yolked eggs is depleted (Hill 2004).

Breeding interval: Striped mullets breed once yearly.

Breeding season: Spawning occurs in autumn and winter months.

Range number of offspring: 500,000 to 2,000,000.

Average gestation period: 48 hours.

Range time to independence: 0 to 0 minutes.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 3 years.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (External ); broadcast (group) spawning; oviparous

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
Sex: male:
730 days.

Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
Sex: female:
730 days.

Once eggs are laid, adult striped mullet do not provide any further parental care (Texas Parks 2005).

Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female)

direitos autorais
The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
citação bibliográfica
Pullukat, R. 2006. "Mugil cephalus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Mugil_cephalus.html
Roy Pullukat, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kevin Wehrly, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Tanya Dewey, Animal Diversity Web
visite a fonte
site do parceiro
Animal Diversity Web

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Body cilindrical, robust. Head broad, its width more than width of mouth cleft; adipose eyelid well developed, covering most of pupil; upper lip thin, without papillae, labial teeth of upper jaw small, straight, dense, usually in several rows; mouth cleft ending below posterior nostril. Two dorsal fins; the first with 4 spines; the second with 8-9 soft rays; origin of first dorsal fin nearer to snout tip than to caudal fin base; origin of second dorsal fin at vertical between a quarter and a half along anal fin base. Anal fin with 8 soft finrays. Pectoral fins with 16-19 rays; pectoral axillary about one-third length of fin. Pyloric caeca 2. Scales in leteral series 36-45. Colour back blue/green, flanks and belly pale or silvery; scales on back and flanks usually streaked to form longitudinal stripes; dark pectoral axillary blotch.


  • Fischer, W.; G. Bianchi (eds.). - 1984 FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Western Indian Ocean (Fishing Area 51). Prepared and printed with the support of the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Rome, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Vol. I-6: pag. var.
  • Fischer, W.; G. Bianchi; W. B. Scott (eds.). - 1981Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Atlantique centre-est; zones de pêche 34, 47 (en partie). Canada Fonds de Dépôt. Ottawa, Ministère des Pêcheries et Océans Canada, en accord avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, Vol. 1-7: pag. var. Fishbase: ICLARM .
  • Alegre, M., J. Lleonart & J. Veny. - 1992 Espècies Pesqueres d'interès comercial. Nomenclatura oficial catalana. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura, DARP, TERMCAT. 64 pp. Base de datos ICTIMED (WWW Work: D. Lloris & Justino Martínez).
  • Ben-Tuvia, A. - 1986 Mugilidae. In: P.J.P. Whitehead et al., (eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (FNAM). Unesco, Paris, vol. III: 1197-1204.
  • Lloris, D., J. Rucabado, LL del cerro, F. Portas, M. Demestre & A. Roig. - 1984Tots els peixos del mar Català. I: Llistat de Cites i de referències. Treballs Soc. Cat. Ict. Herp., 1: 1-208.
  • Thomson, J. M. - 1990 Mugilidae. In: J.C. Quero et al., (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). Unesco, Portugal, vol. II: 855-859.

Distribution ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
A cosmopolitan species from tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic (from Bay Biscay southward, also whole of Mediterranean and Black Sea), Pacific, and Indian Ocean. Introduced into Caspian Sea.

Size ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Maximum 120 cm; common 35-50 cm.

Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Occurs at temperatures ranging from 8-247deg; C in calm waters close to shore, around mouths of stream and inlets, and brackish bays and lagoons, rivers and harbors.Usually found in schools over sand ot mud bottom.Mainly diurnal, feeds on zooplancton, benthic organisms and detritus. Also takes diatom algae and small invertebrates. Feeds occasionally at the surface.

Benefits ( Inglês )

fornecido por FAO species catalogs
Caught with beach seines, gillnets, castnets, liftnets, barriernets, trammel nets, and other artisanal gear. Can be used in aquaculture if stock is collected from the sea. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 27 306 t. The countries with the largest catches were Korea, Republic of (9 678 t) and Venezuela (5 151 t). Marketed fresh dried, salted, and frozen; roe sold fresh or smoked.

Diagnostic Description ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Diagnosis: body stout, cylindrical in cross-section, slightly compressed; head broad and flattened (Ref. 57400). Well developed adipose eyelid (Ref. 40476, 57400) covering most of pupil (Ref. 57400). Upper lip thin and without papillae (Ref. 57400), with 1-2 outer rows of small, moderately close-set, unicuspid teeth and up to 6 inner rows of smaller, bicuspid teeth (Ref. 81659). Lower lip with outer row of small unicuspid teeth and sometimes 1 or more inner rows of smaller, bicuspid teeth (Ref. 81659). Hind end of upper jaw reaching a vertical line from anterior eye margin; maxillary pad not visible below corner of mouth when closed; origin of 1st dorsal fin nearer to snout tip than to caudal-fin base (Ref. 57400). Anterior parts and bases of 2nd dorsal and anal fins with a moderately dense coverage of scales (Ref. 57400, 81659). Pectoral axillary process (Ref. 57400). 13-15 scale rows between origins of dorsal and pelvic fins (Ref. 57400, 81659). Pelvic fins, anal fin, and lower lobe of caudal fin yellowish in specimens from the tropical Atlantic coast of Africa (Ref. 57400, 81659).Description: lips thin; pectoral fins short (when folded forward does not reach eye); anal spines 3 in adults, anal soft rays 8 in adults, 9 in larvae (Ref. 40476). 36-42 (usually 38 or 39) scales in longitudinal series (excluding scales on caudal fin base); 13-15 scales between pelvic and first dorsal fins; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 (rarely 9) segmented rays in adults (first spine very short and usually hidden by overlying scales), usually 2 spines and 9 soft rays in juveniles
direitos autorais
Estelita Emily Capuli
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Pararhadinorhynchus Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Ichthyophonus Disease. Fungal diseases
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dactylosoma Infection 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Sphaerospora Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Ergasilus Disease 8. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Caligus Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Caligus Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Amyloodinium Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Carassotrema Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Epitheliocystis. Bacterial diseases
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Neoechinorhynchus Infestation 5. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Haploporus Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Edwardsiellosis. Bacterial diseases
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Streptococcal Infection 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
direitos autorais
Allan Palacio
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Life Cycle ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
One spawning aggregation was observed in detail. This consisted of five fish, a female and four males. Males would press against the female, which took place as the entire group moved along slowly, facing into a fairly strong tidal flow.
direitos autorais
Armi G. Torres
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Migration ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Catadromous. Migrating from freshwater to the sea to spawn, e.g., European eels. Subdivision of diadromous. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
direitos autorais
Christine Papasissi
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Morphology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 5; Dorsal soft rays (total): 7 - 9; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 8 - 9
direitos autorais
Estelita Emily Capuli
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Trophic Strategy ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Can survive in freshwater but does not breed in it (Ref. 4967). In some areas such as Shark Bay and the Houtman Abrolhos in Western Australia, adults live in marine waters throughout the year. This behaviour seems to occur only where estuarine and freshwater habitats are limited (Ref. 28722). A small proportion (probably about 5%) (Ref. 28722) of older juveniles may leave the estuaries and migrate along the beaches in early summer. The migration may be associated with flooding of rivers and is referred to as the 'hardgut' migration because the mullets' guts are empty (Ref. 28722). Migrating sea mullet do not feed during either the 'hardgut' migration or spawning migration (Ref. 6390). Feed on zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, microalgae, and detritus (Ref. 11889). Undergo ontogenic shift in diet (Ref. 41769). Small mullet (< 4 cm SL) feed exclusively on sediment by browsing. Large mullet (< 4 cm SL) have been observed to feed by grazing on the sediment (Ref. 41769). Changes in the feeding habits from planktonic organisms and migratory zooplankton to meiobenthos which takes place between 0.1 and 0.2 cm length, and a switch from meiobenthos to microbenthos between 0.15 and 0.25 cm length (Ref. 56101). Sea mullet normally feed close to the river bed in shallow water, but do move throughout the water column in river channels and individuals often jump high out of the water (Ref. 6390). Sea mullet have a strong tendency to school as juveniles and during the spawning season as adults. Feeding schools of juveniles commonly disperse over sand and mud flats of estuaries during high tide and reform on the ebb tide (Ref. 28722). Presence of sharp pointed teeth that enable the species to select fine material (Ref. 74863).In southwestern Australia, Mugil cephalus is a dominant finfish in the middle and upper estuaries especially in winter and spring - up to 95% of frequency of occurrence (Lonengan & Potter 1990). Has a short, well-defined juvenile recruitment period; although found in freshwater, occurs in far greater numbers in all areas of estuaries and is common in the sea (Ref. 74748, 74749). Gill-raker filaments were found in the stomach captured using gill net. Mullets struggle to be free of the constricting meshes, food is often regurgitated at an early stage, subsequent gasping of oxygen would then easily cause gill-rakers, broken loose in the struggle, to be swalowed (Ref. 74739). Also Refs. 12676, 26213.
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Susan M. Luna
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Biology ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
Adults are found in coastal waters (Ref. 2850, 44894, 57400), often entering estuaries and rivers (Ref. 2847, 3573, 11230, 44894, 57400), sometimes far-up-river, lagoons and hypersaline environments (Ref. 57400). They are usually in schools over sand or mud bottom (Ref. 2850), between 0 and 10 m, occurring equally in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters (Project MUGIL). They are mainly diurnal, feeding on detritus, micro-algae and benthic organisms (Ref. 56548, 74902, 74760). Juveniles feed on zooplankton until about 3.0 cm SL (Ref. 59043). Reproduction takes place at sea, at various times of the year depending on the location (Ref. 74907, Amour). Adults form schools and migrate offshore to spawn and developing larvae migrate back inshore (Ref. 81659). There is absence of an obligatory freshwater phase in the life cycle (Ref. 74752). Females spawn 0.8 to 2.6 million eggs which develop at sea (Ref. 74912, Chen & Su 1986). Sexually mature at 3 to 4 years (Ref. 74902). Maximum length reported as 120 cm SL (Ref. 7399, 57400, 81659) remains to be confirmed (Project MUGIL). Maximum weight reported as 12 kg (Ref. 56527) seems too high for the area and remains to be confirmed (Project MUGIL). Widely cultivated in freshwater and brackish ponds (Ref. 2847, Jackson 1984, Liao 1981). Marketed fresh, dried, salted, and frozen; roe sold fresh or smoked (Ref. 9321); also used in Chinese medicine (Ref. 12166).
direitos autorais
Christine Papasissi
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Importance ( Inglês )

fornecido por Fishbase
fisheries: highly commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes; bait: occasionally; price category: very high; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
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Christine Papasissi
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Distribution ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por IABIN
Chile Central
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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分布 ( Inglês )

fornecido por The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

利用 ( Inglês )

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描述 ( Inglês )

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棲地 ( Inglês )

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Platkopharder ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die platkopharder (Mugil cephalus) kom langs die hele Suid-Afrikaanse kuslyn voor. Dit is 'n lang, silwer vis wat ietwat donkerder aan die bokant is. Dit kom normaalweg in skole voor en is 'n belangrike prooi vir roofvisse. Die gemiddelde lengte is 40 cm maar die vis kan tot 80 cm lank en 4.5 kg swaar word. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Grey mullet.

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Platkopharder: Brief Summary ( Africâner )

fornecido por wikipedia AF

Die platkopharder (Mugil cephalus) kom langs die hele Suid-Afrikaanse kuslyn voor. Dit is 'n lang, silwer vis wat ietwat donkerder aan die bokant is. Dit kom normaalweg in skole voor en is 'n belangrike prooi vir roofvisse. Die gemiddelde lengte is 40 cm maar die vis kan tot 80 cm lank en 4.5 kg swaar word. In Engels staan die vis bekend as Grey mullet.

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Mugil cephalus (Muil) ( Asturiano )

fornecido por wikipedia AST
Bálamu de muiles n'El Portús (Cartaxena, España).

El muil ye una especie de pexe marín eurihalino de la familia de los mugílidos.

Distribución mundial

El Mugil cephalus habita nes agües costeres de la mayoría de les estayes tropicales y subtropicales.[2] Nel Atlánticu occidental, alcuéntrase dende la península de Nueva Escocia hasta Arxentina, incluyendo'l Golfu de Méxicu, anque ta ausente nes Bahames|Bahames y el Caribe. Nel Atlánticu oriental, habita dende'l golfu de Vizcaya hasta'l sur d'África. Atópase tamién en tol Mar Mediterraneu y nel Mar Negru. La distribución del Pacíficu oriental abarca dende'l sur de California hasta Chile.

La so distribución xeográfica ye amplia, siendo bien común n'agües costeres por cuenta de les sos carauterístiques, que-y dexen soportar temperatures elevaes, salinos variables y ciertos niveles de contaminación orgánica.

El so llargor ye xeneralmente de 30 a 80 cm. Ye una especie d'amplia distribución mundial.

N'ocasiones remonta los ríos, dexando tras les agües salines munchos kilómetros tierra adientro, asina pueden atopase nel ríu Narcea, (Asturies), alimentándose d'algues, y algamando tamaños considerables.


Mientres los meses de seronda ya iviernu, los adultos migren al mar en grandes congregaciones pa desovar. La fecundidá estímase en 0,5–2,0 millones de güevos per fema, dependiendo de la talla adulta.La eclosión asocede al cabu de 48 hores dempués de la fertilización, lliberando bárabos de 2,4 mm de largor. Cuando los bárabos algamen los 16–20 mm, migren a agües interiores o estuarios, onde pueden recoyese pa fines acuícolas dende fines d'agostu a principios d'avientu.


El mújol ye un pexe importante que sirve d'alimentu pa munchos seres humanos en tol mundu, anque n'Asturies nun ye vezu comelu, anque na posguerra teníen bon valir los que se pescaben nos pedrales, a la contra de los que se pescaben nes ríes, que s'alimentaben nes agües fecales que vertíen a la ría les poblaciones.

La so güeva tástiase salada, seca, y estrúyese pa facer xíntes especializaes en tol mundu, como'l Wuyutsu taiwanés, myeongran jeot coreanu, karasumi xaponés, botarga italianu, y el batarekh exipciu. N'Exiptu, el mesmu pexe ye saláu, secu, y escabechado col nome de feseekh.[3] Na mariña del noroeste de Florida y Alabama, el mújol o negru, de cutiu ye una especialidá de restoranes de mariscos. Tostáu ye'l más popular, pero tamién puede comese afumáu, al fornu, y enlatado. Los pescadores locales suelen pescalu nuna nasa pequeña, anque dalgunos utilicen un gabitu. Ye un manxar nesta zona, anque tamién ye frecuente consumilo nel llar fileteado, y el restu de les sos anatomía, en sopes y guisos.[4] Sicasí, el más numberosu ye'l mújol blancu( Mugil curema ), por movese y ser reproducíu n'agües más llimpies, evitando asina l'intensu sabor a folla.[5] El mújol ye un pexe delicao pal so caltenimientu; en xelu puede ser comestible de mientres 72 hores aproximao, darréu, conviértese casi en non comestible.


  1. Freyhof, J. y Kottelat, M. (2008). «Mugil cephalus» (inglés). Llista Roxa d'especies amenazaes de la UICN 2011.2. Consultáu'l 29 de febrero de 2012.
  2. Mugil Cephalus: Distribución y hábitat
  3. Sistema Integráu d'Información Taxonómica. «Mugil cephalus (Muil) (TSN 170335)» (inglés).(inglés).
  4. Instituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti Base ambiental de la Laguna de Venecia
  5. McKee, David (2008).
  • Arthur, J.R. & Lumanlan-Mayu, S. 1997. Checklist of the parasites of fishes of the Philippines. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper Non. 369. FAO, Rome, Italy. 102 pp.
  • Badran, A.F. 1994. Preliminary investigations on streptococcosis among freshwater and marine fishes. Veterinary Medical Journal Giza, 42(1B): 257–262.
  • Chen, S.C., Liaw, L.L., El so, H.Y., Ko, S.C., Wu, C.Y., Chaung, H.C., Tsai, Y.H., Yang, K.L., Chen, Y.C., Chen, T.H., Lin, G.R., Cheng, S.Y., Lin, Y.D., Lee, J.L., Lai, C.C., Weng Y.J. & Chu, S.Y. 2002. Lactococcus garvieae, a cause of disease in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L., in Taiwan. Journal of Fish Diseases, 25:727–732.
  • FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. FAO, Rome, Italy. 41 pp.
  • Harrison, I.J. & Senou, H. 1999. Order Mugiliformes. Mugilidae. Mullets. In: K.Y. Carpenter & V.H. Niem (eds.), FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes Part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae), pp. 2069–2108. FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Oren, O.H. 1981. Aquaculture of grey mullets. (International Biological Programme Non. 26). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 507 pp.
  • Plumb, J.A. 1999. Edwardsiella Septicaemias. In: P.T.K. Woo & D.W. Bruno (eds.), Fish Diseases and Disorders, Vol. 3: Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, pp. 479–521. CABI, New York, USA.

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Mugil cephalus (Muil): Brief Summary ( Asturiano )

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 src= Bálamu de muiles n'El Portús (Cartaxena, España).

El muil ye una especie de pexe marín eurihalino de la familia de los mugílidos.

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Mugil cephalus ( Azerbaijano )

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Mugil cephalus (lat. Mugil cephalus) - kefal cinsinə aid balıq növü.


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Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijano )

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Mugil cephalus (lat. Mugil cephalus) - kefal cinsinə aid balıq növü.

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Llissa llobarrera ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

La llissa llobarrera, llissa, llisa, llíssera, llíssera llobarrera, llissal o cabeçut[2] (Mugil cephalus) és un peix teleosti de la família dels mugílids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.[3]


Pot arribar a fer 1 m de llargària total i 8 kg de pes. Cos llarg, ample (especialment a la part dorsal), amb el dors gris blavós i els costats argentats i amb línies longitudinals de color marró. Peduncle caudal alt i comprimit lateralment. Cap gros, ample (quasi rodó), amb la boca terminal i el musell curt. Llavi superior fi. Ulls coberts per una membrana adiposa molt desenvolupada. Dues aletes dorsals triangulars. Aleta caudal grossa i còncava. Presenta una taca negra a la base de les aletes pectorals.[4][5]


Té lloc entre març i setembre. Els exemplars petits de l'espècie es coneixen amb el nom de llisserones a algunes zones de Catalunya.

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Menja petits invertebrats i detritus orgànic.

Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

Hàbitat i costums

N'hi ha al litoral (fins a 10 m) a tota mena de fons. S'acosta a la costa després de fortes pluges que arrosseguen matèria orgànica cap a la mar. Freqüenta les llacunes i els estuaris i entra a la mar per a reproduir-se. És un peix gregari amb els costums similars a les altres llisses.

Aquest article o secció no cita les fonts o necessita més referències per a la seva verificabilitat.

Distribució geogràfica

N'hi ha a les costes d'aigües temperades i càlides del Pacífic oriental (des de Califòrnia fins a Xile), al Pacífic occidental (del Japó fins a Austràlia), a l'Oceà Índic occidental (de l'Índia fins a Sud-àfrica), a l'Atlàntic occidental (des de Nova Escòcia fins al Brasil) i a l'Atlàntic oriental (de la Mar Cantàbrica fins a Sud-àfrica, incloent-hi la Mar Mediterrània i la Mar Negra).[5]

Espècies relacionades


  1. «Mugil cephalus». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  2. «Institut d'Estudis Catalans». [Consulta: 1r agost 2018].
  3. The Taxonomicon (anglès)
  4. Mas Ferrà, Xavier i Canyelles Ferrà, Xavier: Peixos de les Illes Balears. Editorial Moll, Palma, maig del 2000. Manuals d'Introducció a la Naturalesa, 13. ISBN 84-273-6013-4. Plana 258.
  5. 5,0 5,1 FishBase (anglès)

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Llissa llobarrera: Brief Summary ( Catalão; Valenciano )

fornecido por wikipedia CA

La llissa llobarrera, llissa, llisa, llíssera, llíssera llobarrera, llissal o cabeçut (Mugil cephalus) és un peix teleosti de la família dels mugílids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Cípal hlavatý ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Cípal hlavatý (Mugil cephalus) je paprskoploutvá ryba, která se vyskytuje v teplých mořích celého světa (v Atlantiku tvoří severní hranici jejího rozšíření Biskajský záliv a pobřeží Nového Skotska, byla také uměle vysazena v Kaspickém moři).[2] Obývá převážně kontinentální šelf do hloubky 120 metrů, jako euryhalinní druh proniká také na dolní toky řek. Zdržuje se často v blízkosti přístavů, kde dokáže tolerovat i značně znečištěnou vodu. V období rozmnožování migruje na otevřené moře.


Dospělý cípal hlavatý dorůstá délky 50–100 cm, zprávy o rekordních jedincích měřících 120 cm a vážících 12 kg nejsou spolehlivě ověřené.[3] Má tělo proudnicovitého tvaru a robustní hlavu, která mu dala druhový název. Zbarvení je na hřbetě šedozelené, na bocích stříbrné a na břiše bílé. Jako všichni cípalové postrádá postranní čáru. Šupiny jsou cykloidní.

Je aktivní ve dne a potravu hledá poblíž dna. Živí se mořskými řasami, planktonem, korýši a drobnými rybkami. Zpravidla se zdržuje v početných hejnech. Samice klade až dva a půl milionu jiker. Cípal hlavatý se může dožít šestnácti let.

Vztahy s člověkem

Díky své rychlosti a bojovnosti je vyhledávanou sportovní rybou; dokáže se vymrštit z vody a uniknout ze sítě, proto se loví převážně na plavanou. Používá se rovněž jako návnada při lovu mečounů. Vzhledem ke značné poptávce po jeho pevném bílém mase se často pěstuje v akvakultuře (v nilské deltě se pro něj již po staletí budují umělé nádrže zvané „hoša“).[4] Cípal hlavatý se upravuje smažením nebo pečením, obvykle s citrusy, česnekem, zeleninou a bramborami, může se také vyudit. Vyhlášenou delikatesou jsou jeho nasolené a usušené jikry, známé v Itálii jako bottarga a v Japonsku pod označením karasumi.[5]


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. Marine Species Identification Portal Dostupné online
  3. Fishbase Dostupné online
  4. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Dostupné online
  5. Umami Mart Dostupné online

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Cípal hlavatý: Brief Summary ( Checo )

fornecido por wikipedia CZ

Cípal hlavatý (Mugil cephalus) je paprskoploutvá ryba, která se vyskytuje v teplých mořích celého světa (v Atlantiku tvoří severní hranici jejího rozšíření Biskajský záliv a pobřeží Nového Skotska, byla také uměle vysazena v Kaspickém moři). Obývá převážně kontinentální šelf do hloubky 120 metrů, jako euryhalinní druh proniká také na dolní toky řek. Zdržuje se často v blízkosti přístavů, kde dokáže tolerovat i značně znečištěnou vodu. V období rozmnožování migruje na otevřené moře.

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Großkopfmeeräsche ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Großkopfmeeräsche (Mugil cephalus) ist eine Meeräschenart, die weltweit an den Küsten tropischer, subtropischer und gemäßigter Meere vorkommt.


Die Großkopfmeeräsche kann eine Maximallänge von einem Meter erreichen, bleibt aber für gewöhnlich bei einer Länge von 50 cm. Sie ist damit die größte Meeräschenart. Der Körper ist torpedoförmig, der Kopf breit und zwischen den Augen abgeflacht. Das Maul ist klein, die Lippen schmal. Die Augen haben gut entwickelte Fettlider. Die Rückenseite ist olivgrün gefärbt, die Seiten silbrig, der Bauch eher weißlich. An den Flanken können sich entlang der Schuppenreihen einige schwache dunkle Streifen zeigen. Wie alle Meeräschen besitzt die Großkopfmeeräsche zwei Rückenflossen, die weit auseinanderstehen. Die erste hat 4 weiche Hartstrahlen und die zweite einen harten und 7 bis 9 weiche, die Afterflosse 3 harte und 8 (Adult) bis 9 (Larve) weiche Flossenstrahlen. Die Brustflossen sind kurz und erreichen, nach vorne geklappt, nicht die Augen. Die Bauchflossen sind brustständig.


Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Großkopfmeeräsche liegt zwischen 62°N und 57°S und reicht im östlichen Atlantik von der Biscaya bis Südafrika und schließt auch das Mittelmeer, sowie das Schwarze Meer mit ein. Im westlichen Atlantik kommt die Art von Nova Scotia bis Brasilien vor, fehlt aber in der Karibik. Im Pazifik reicht ihr Verbreitungsgebiet von Japan und Kalifornien bis Australien und Chile, im Indischen Ozean von Indien bis Südafrika.


Die Großkopfmeeräsche lebt als Schwarmfisch im küstennahen Bereich von der Wasseroberfläche bis in Tiefen von zehn, ausnahmsweise auch bis 120 Metern, wobei sie gelegentlich auch in Lagunen und Flussmündungen eindringt. Sie springt häufig und ernährt sich von Zooplankton, Detritus, einzelligen Algen und bodenbewohnenden, wirbellosen Lebewesen. Je nach Lebensraum laichen die Fische zu unterschiedlichen Jahreszeiten. Die Vermehrung findet immer im Meer statt. Ein Weibchen kann 800.000 bis 2,6 Millionen Eier legen. Die Geschlechtsreife erreicht die Großkopfmeeräsche im Alter von 3 bis 4 Jahren und kann ein Alter von 16 Jahren erreichen.


Die Großkopfmeeräsche wird in Aquakulturen mit Süß- oder Brackwasser aufgezogen. Ihr Fleisch wird frisch, getrocknet, eingesalzen, geräuchert oder eingefroren vermarktet und wird auch in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin verwendet. Ihr getrockneter Rogen (ital. Bottarga) ist eine alte Fischspezialität des Mittelmeerraums.


  • William N. Eschmeyer, Earl S. Herald, Howard Hamann: A field guide to Pacific Coast Fishes of North America. From the Gulf of Alaska to Baja California. (Peterson Field Guides; 28), Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Mass. 1983, ISBN 0-395-33188-9.


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Großkopfmeeräsche: Brief Summary ( Alemão )

fornecido por wikipedia DE

Die Großkopfmeeräsche (Mugil cephalus) ist eine Meeräschenart, die weltweit an den Küsten tropischer, subtropischer und gemäßigter Meere vorkommt.

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Aguas ( Tagalo )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang aligasin (paglilinaw).

Ang aguas[1] (pangalang pang-agham: Mugil cephalus; Ingles: flathead mullet) ay isang species ng isdang banak. Tinatawag din itong itong agwas[2], aligasin[3], asubi[4], banak[5] at talilong[6][7] Kabilang ang mga ito sa pamilyang Mugilidae (Ingles: mga mullet) sa order na Perciformes ng klaseng Actinopterygii.

Tingnan din

Mga talasanggunian

  1. Common Name of Mugil cephalus
  2. Common Name of Mugil cephalus
  3. Common Name of Mugil cephalus
  4. Common Name of Mugil cephalus
  5. Common Name of Mugil cephalus
  6. Common Name of Mugil cephalus
  7. English, Leo James. Diksyunaryong Tagalog-Ingles, Kongregasyon ng Kabanalbanalang Tagapag-ligtas, Maynila, ipinamamahagi ng National Book Store, may 1583 na mga dahon, ISBN 971910550X

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Aguas: Brief Summary ( Tagalo )

fornecido por wikipedia emerging languages
Para sa ibang gamit, tingnan ang aligasin (paglilinaw).

Ang aguas (pangalang pang-agham: Mugil cephalus; Ingles: flathead mullet) ay isang species ng isdang banak. Tinatawag din itong itong agwas, aligasin, asubi, banak at talilong Kabilang ang mga ito sa pamilyang Mugilidae (Ingles: mga mullet) sa order na Perciformes ng klaseng Actinopterygii.

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Barbun ( Albanês )

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Peshk i ujërave te kripura, me kokë të gjerë e me luspa të blu te errëta dhe te argjendta. Specia me e zakonshme e peshkimit në brigjet dhe lagunat e Shqipërisë.

Shtrirja gjeografike e vendbanimit

Specia është e përhapur kryesisht në ujërat tropikale dhe subtropikale me temperatura te ngrohta. Kufiri verior i shtrirjes në Evrope janë brigjet veriore te Spanjës. Është karakteristike për ketë specie te rritet në ujëra me kripshmëri te ndryshuashme siç janë dajlanët, kënetat, lagunat dhe grykëderdhjet e lumenjve.

Përhapja në brigjet e Shqipërisë dhe disa karakteristika te trupit

Qefulli ekziston në disa variete te ndyshme te tij. Te zakonshëm janë llojet e kësaj specie që në zhargonin e peshkatarëve te brigjeve tona quhen :

  • Qefulli gushtak - i shtrire thuajse në gjithë vijën e bregdetit tone.
  • Qefulli i lagunave - i cili rritet në ujërat e lagunave siç janë ato te Karavastasë, Butrintit, Nartës dhe në grykëderdhjet e lumenjve apo kanaleve te ndryshme.

Qefulli ka një trup thuajse cilindrik me forme te mprehte te kokës, me shume luspa. Spektri i ngjyrave te lëkurës nis nga bluja e grija e erret në kurriz vazhdon e argjende dhe përfundon e bardhe në pjesën e poshtme te trupit.

Te ushqyerit

Ushqehet me organizma jovertebrore si edhe me lende organike te dekompozuara. Ushqevet në thellësi te ujërave megjithëse takohet edhe në sipërfaqe.


Kur specia arrin 20 cm konsiderohet seksualisht e pjekur për riprodhim. Vezët lëshohen pranë kontaktit me ujërat e ëmbla te lumenjve.

Te peshkuarit

Është një nga peshqit e preferuar për peshkatarët sportive. Gjuhet me grep, rrethim (rrjete), mrexhe (rrjete therëse apo korridor), si dhe me pezevol (rrjete tip lak) në cektira 10 - 50 cm.

Vlerat ushqimore

Qefulli është përdoret shpesh në gatimet e menuve peshkatarë jo vetëm sepse është produkti me i shpështë i këtij aktiviteti por edhe pse shija e tij është e përshtatshme për disa receta gatimi siç janë ato në tave me perime dhe salce. Si çdo lloj peshku një vlere te veçante ushqimore kane vezët e tij te cilat për dorën shpesh te thara në tym dhe te kriposura në formën e një produkti i cili quhet në gjune e zakonshme te peshkatarëve si putarga.


  • Peshqit e Ujërave Tane - Me autor Meno Xhuveli 1964.
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Barbun: Brief Summary ( Albanês )

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Peshk i ujërave te kripura, me kokë të gjerë e me luspa të blu te errëta dhe te argjendta. Specia me e zakonshme e peshkimit në brigjet dhe lagunat e Shqipërisë.

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Cìfalu ( Siciliano )

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Lu cìfalu è nu pisci òssiu (Mugil cephalus) cu corpu cilìntricu e schina argintata, cumuni ntô Miditirràniu e apprizzatu pî sò carni.

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Mugil cephalus ( Napolitano )

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Mugil cephalus, canusciuto communemente comme cefaro, è nu pisce 'e mmare attuccante â famiglia d''e Mugilidae.

Addó se trova

È na specia eurialina, ca pô suppurtà granne variazione 'e salinità. Pô pure campà 'ind' ambiente nquinate, nfatte se pô trovà 'e frequente rint' 'e puorte. Campa 'n branche, se nudre 'e veggetale, plancton e mollusche piccerrile.

Comme se pare

D''o cuorpo quase celindrico, sfusato cu scame 'e culor argiento, ha dduje pinne dorsale. 'E dimensione massime suje, songo 'e 30 cm 'e luonghezza, pe mmerzo 5 Kg 'e peso.

Ciclo 'e vita

'E essemplare ca raggiungono 'e 20 cm, songo mature sessualmente, e appusano 'e ova 'n mare. Aroppo 'a schiusa 'e piccerrile, avvicinannose primma â costa, arresagliono 'e corse 'e acqua doce ca esceno 'ind'ô mare.

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Mugil cephalus ( Occitano (desde 1500) )

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Mugil cephalus.jpg

Lo muge (var. mujo, mujòu, mujòl, mulle, murle) es un peis de la familha dei Mugilidae.


Mugil cephalus s'atròba sus l'ensemble dei costièras dei zònas temperadas, tropicalas emai eqüatorialas.


Mugil cephalus est une espècia de la costiera que pòu passar dins leis graus lei rius. Es un peis gregari que viu au fons de l'aiga, sus l'arena ò la labarida, en generau a mens de 10m de fonsor.


Mugil cephalus est abalit dins l'aiga doça ò dins d'estanhs. Amb seis uòus se produsís la potarga, especialitat dau Martegue.

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Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Occitano (desde 1500) )

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Mugil cephalus.jpg

Lo muge (var. mujo, mujòu, mujòl, mulle, murle) es un peis de la familha dei Mugilidae.

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Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Napolitano )

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Mugil cephalus, canusciuto communemente comme cefaro, è nu pisce 'e mmare attuccante â famiglia d''e Mugilidae.

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Muzaru ( Corsa )

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U Muzaru (o Mazzardu) (Mugil cephalus) hè un tipu di pesciu di mare chì faci partita di a famiglia di i Mugilidae.

In Corsica

U muzaru hè cumunu in Corsica.


  • Miniconi R., Molinier R., Nouhen D., Pimort M.-J. (1980) Pesci di Corsica è di u Mediterraniu, Parcu Naturale Regiunale di Corsica (in francese)


Da vede dinù

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Muzaru: Brief Summary ( Corsa )

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U Muzaru (o Mazzardu) (Mugil cephalus) hè un tipu di pesciu di mare chì faci partita di a famiglia di i Mugilidae.

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O͘-á-hî ( Nan )

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O͘-á-hî/Sìn-hî (ha̍k-miâ: Mugil cephalus)

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Şerbot kêfal ( Curdo )

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Şerbot kêfal (bi latînî Mugil cephalus) masiyekî avên tropîk an subtropîk e. Rengê wî zeytûnî yê bi xetên boz e û zikê wî jî zîvîn e. Dirêjbûna kêfalê 30 heta 75 cm ye. Li hemû deryayên cîhanê tê dîtin.

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Κέφαλος (ψάρι) ( Grego, Moderno (1453-) )

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Ο Κέφαλος είναι ψάρι μήκους 30 – 70 εκατοστών. Φέρεται με πολλά ονόματα ανάλογα με την ηλικία και την ποικιλία τους. Όπως στειράδια (έτσι ονομάζονται οι αρσενικοί), μπάφες (οι αυγωμένες θηλυκές), μυξινάρια, χρυσόχρωμοι κ.λπ. Το επίσημο όνομά του είναι "Μουγίλος ο κέφαλος" (Mugil cephalus) και ανήκει στην οικογένεια των "μουγιλιδών" (Mugilidae).

Έχουν σταχτομόλυβη ράχη, ασημιές πλευρές και ασημόλευκη κοιλιά με σκούρες καστανόχρωμες πλαϊνές γραμμές από τα θωρακικά πτερύγια μέχρι τη βάση της ουράς. Ειδικά ο χρυσόχρωμος φέρει μια χρυσή κουκκίδα πάνω από τα βραχιακά επικαλύμματα.
Γενικά το σώμα τους είναι μακρύ με ράχη λίγο πλατιά σκεπασμένη με μεγάλα λέπια. Το στόμα τους είναι μικρό με πολλά λεπτά δόντια ενώ τα χείλη τους είναι χοντρά και σκληρά. Το κάτω σαγόνι σχηματίζει ένα είδος τριγώνου με το πάνω πολύ χαρακτηριστικό. Φέρει δύο ραχιαία πτερύγια σε απόσταση μεταξύ τους εκ των οποίων το πρώτο φέρει 4 οστέινες άκανθες ενωμένες μεταξύ τους με μεμβράνη.

Τα κυριότερα δύο είδη διακρίνονται πολύ εύκολα. Ο πλέον συνήθης σταχτής κέφαλος έχει μάτια σκεπασμένα με βλέφαρα κάθετα που αφήνουν λεπτή σχισμάδα στην κόρη του ματιού. Το πέπλο αυτό φτάνει μέχρι το βραχιακό επικάλυμμα. Αντίθετα ο χρυσόχρωμος κέφαλος δεν έχει τέτοιο πέπλο στα μάτια του.

Οι κέφαλοι ζουν κατά κοπάδια κυρίως σε ρηχά νερά, μέσα σε λιμάνια, σε λιμνοθάλασσες και καμιά φορά ανηφορίζουν και στα ποτάμια. Κύρια τροφή τους είναι τα μαλάκια, τα μικρά καρκινοειδή και σκουλήκια που βρίσκονται σε φύκια και κοντά σε πέτρες. Ο κέφαλος φθάνει σε ενηλικίωση στα 6-8 χρόνια και ο χρυσόχρωμος στα 4. Γεννούν στο πέλαγος από τον Ιούλιο μέχρι τον Οκτώβριο. Το κοινό αυγοτάραχο προέρχεται από τις αυγομένες μπάφες, ενώ από τους κέφαλους γίνονται τα περίφημα καπνιστά "νίτικα", που τ΄ όνομά τους φανερώνει την καταγωγή τους από το αινίτικα, δηλαδή την πόλη Αίνο, της Ανατολικής Θράκης.
Στις ελληνικές θάλασσες υπάρχουν άφθονοι και κυρίως στις λιμνοθάλασσες του Αμβρακικού και του Μεσολογγίου. [2]


Η αλιεία αυτών των ψαριών γίνεται με δίκτυα και καλαμωτές καθώς και από στεριά με καθετή, με κιούρτους και με πεζόβολο. Το κρέας τους, ειδικά τον χειμώνα, είναι παχύ και αρκετά νόστιμο.


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Κέφαλος (ψάρι): Brief Summary ( Grego, Moderno (1453-) )

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Ο Κέφαλος είναι ψάρι μήκους 30 – 70 εκατοστών. Φέρεται με πολλά ονόματα ανάλογα με την ηλικία και την ποικιλία τους. Όπως στειράδια (έτσι ονομάζονται οι αρσενικοί), μπάφες (οι αυγωμένες θηλυκές), μυξινάρια, χρυσόχρωμοι κ.λπ. Το επίσημο όνομά του είναι "Μουγίλος ο κέφαλος" (Mugil cephalus) και ανήκει στην οικογένεια των "μουγιλιδών" (Mugilidae).

Έχουν σταχτομόλυβη ράχη, ασημιές πλευρές και ασημόλευκη κοιλιά με σκούρες καστανόχρωμες πλαϊνές γραμμές από τα θωρακικά πτερύγια μέχρι τη βάση της ουράς. Ειδικά ο χρυσόχρωμος φέρει μια χρυσή κουκκίδα πάνω από τα βραχιακά επικαλύμματα.
Γενικά το σώμα τους είναι μακρύ με ράχη λίγο πλατιά σκεπασμένη με μεγάλα λέπια. Το στόμα τους είναι μικρό με πολλά λεπτά δόντια ενώ τα χείλη τους είναι χοντρά και σκληρά. Το κάτω σαγόνι σχηματίζει ένα είδος τριγώνου με το πάνω πολύ χαρακτηριστικό. Φέρει δύο ραχιαία πτερύγια σε απόσταση μεταξύ τους εκ των οποίων το πρώτο φέρει 4 οστέινες άκανθες ενωμένες μεταξύ τους με μεμβράνη.

Τα κυριότερα δύο είδη διακρίνονται πολύ εύκολα. Ο πλέον συνήθης σταχτής κέφαλος έχει μάτια σκεπασμένα με βλέφαρα κάθετα που αφήνουν λεπτή σχισμάδα στην κόρη του ματιού. Το πέπλο αυτό φτάνει μέχρι το βραχιακό επικάλυμμα. Αντίθετα ο χρυσόχρωμος κέφαλος δεν έχει τέτοιο πέπλο στα μάτια του.

Οι κέφαλοι ζουν κατά κοπάδια κυρίως σε ρηχά νερά, μέσα σε λιμάνια, σε λιμνοθάλασσες και καμιά φορά ανηφορίζουν και στα ποτάμια. Κύρια τροφή τους είναι τα μαλάκια, τα μικρά καρκινοειδή και σκουλήκια που βρίσκονται σε φύκια και κοντά σε πέτρες. Ο κέφαλος φθάνει σε ενηλικίωση στα 6-8 χρόνια και ο χρυσόχρωμος στα 4. Γεννούν στο πέλαγος από τον Ιούλιο μέχρι τον Οκτώβριο. Το κοινό αυγοτάραχο προέρχεται από τις αυγομένες μπάφες, ενώ από τους κέφαλους γίνονται τα περίφημα καπνιστά "νίτικα", που τ΄ όνομά τους φανερώνει την καταγωγή τους από το αινίτικα, δηλαδή την πόλη Αίνο, της Ανατολικής Θράκης.
Στις ελληνικές θάλασσες υπάρχουν άφθονοι και κυρίως στις λιμνοθάλασσες του Αμβρακικού και του Μεσολογγίου.

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Чоң маңдай ( Quirguiz )

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Чоң маңдай.

Чоң маңдай (лат. Mugil cephalus, L. 1758) — кефаль балыктарынын бир түрү.

Колдонулган адабияттар

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சாம்பல் நிற மடவை ( Tâmil )

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சாம்பல் நிற மடவை(Mugil Cephalus) என்பது மடவை இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த முக்கியமான உணவு மீன் இனம் ஆகும். இவை உலகம் முழுவதும் உள்ள வெப்பவலய மற்றும் மிதவெப்பவலய கடலோர நீர்ப்பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுன்றன. ref name=FB>"{{{genus}}} {{{species}}}". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. {{{month}}} 2014 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2014. இவை சராசரியாக 30 முதல் 75 செ.மீ.கள் வரை வளரக்கூடியவை ஆகும். இவற்றின் உடலில் ஆறு முதல் ஏழு நேர்க்கோடுகள் வரை காணப்படும்.


  1. Camara, K.; Carpenter, K.E.; Djiman, R. et al. (2017). "Mugil cephalus". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T135567A20682868. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T135567A20682868.en. பார்த்த நாள்: 31 October 2018.
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சாம்பல் நிற மடவை: Brief Summary ( Tâmil )

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சாம்பல் நிற மடவை(Mugil Cephalus) என்பது மடவை இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த முக்கியமான உணவு மீன் இனம் ஆகும். இவை உலகம் முழுவதும் உள்ள வெப்பவலய மற்றும் மிதவெப்பவலய கடலோர நீர்ப்பகுதிகளில் காணப்படுன்றன. ref name=FB>"{{{genus}}} {{{species}}}". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. {{{month}}} 2014 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2014. இவை சராசரியாக 30 முதல் 75 செ.மீ.கள் வரை வளரக்கூடியவை ஆகும். இவற்றின் உடலில் ஆறு முதல் ஏழு நேர்க்கோடுகள் வரை காணப்படும்.

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Senangin (nan Latèn: Mugil cephalus) nakeuh saboh jeunèh eungkôt nyang na di la’ôt Acèh. Eungkôt nyoe kayém geudrop lé ureueng keumawé keu geupeubloe.[1]

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Senangin: Brief Summary

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Senangin (nan Latèn: Mugil cephalus) nakeuh saboh jeunèh eungkôt nyang na di la’ôt Acèh. Eungkôt nyoe kayém geudrop lé ureueng keumawé keu geupeubloe.

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Flathead grey mullet ( Inglês )

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The flathead grey mullet[2] (Mugil cephalus) is an important food fish species in the mullet family Mugilidae. It is found in coastal tropical and subtropical waters worldwide.[2] Its length is typically 30 to 75 centimetres (12 to 30 in). It is known with numerous English names, including the flathead mullet, striped mullet (US, American Fisheries Society name), black mullet, bully mullet, common mullet, grey mullet, sea mullet and mullet, among others.[1][3]

The flathead grey mullet is a mainly diurnal coastal species that often enters estuaries and rivers. It usually schools over sand or mud bottoms, feeding on zooplankton, dead plant matter and detritus.[4] The adult fish normally feed on algae in fresh water. The species is euryhaline, meaning that the fish can acclimate to different levels of salinity.[5]


The back of the fish is olive-green, sides are silvery and shade to white towards the belly.[2] The fish may have six to seven distinctive lateral horizontal stripes. Lips are thin.[2] The mullet has no lateral line. A common length is about 50 centimetres (20 in), and its maximum length is 100 centimetres (39 in).[2] It can reach a maximum weight of eight kilograms (18 lb).[5]

Mugil cephalus.jpg


The flathead mullet is cosmopolitan in coastal waters of the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones of all seas,[2] as far north as the Bay of Biscay and Nova Scotia in the Atlantic Ocean.[1] It occupies fresh, brackish and marine habitats in depths ranging between 0–120 metres (0–394 ft) and with temperatures between 8–24 °C (46–75 °F).[5]


In Australia, the fish is widespread, from Far North Queensland, around southern Australia to the Kimberley region of Western Australia. They also occur in the Bass Strait area of Tasmania. They live in tropical and temperate coastal marine and estuarine waters, but are also often found in the lower reaches of rivers. They are able to live in a wide range of salinity and so may also be found in lagoons, lakes and far into estuaries, but migrate back to the sea to spawn.[6]

Western US freshwater occurrence

In freshwaters of the western United States, the striped mullet historically ranged far up the Colorado River to the vicinity of Blythe and up the Gila River to perhaps Tacna. Because of the dams and restricted flows to the Gulf of California, the range in Arizona is restricted to the Colorado River below Laguna Dam and the lower end of the Gila River when there is water present. They are often abundant in the mainstream and lateral canals in the Gila River region.[7]

In the Colorado River mullet are pelagic in larger pools, sometimes moving into currents below dams, and generally occurring in small groups.[5]

The mullet populations are currently declining in Arizona, due to periods when the Colorado River does not reach the Gulf of California.

Fisheries and aquaculture

The flathead grey mullet is an important food fish around the world, and it is both fished and farmed. The reported worldwide catches from fishing in 2012 were about 130,000 tonnes and aquaculture production was 142,000 tonnes.[8]


The ontogeny of mugilid larvae has been well studied, with the larval development of Mugil cephalus in particular being studied intensively due to its wide range of distribution and interest to aquaculture.[9] The previously understudied osteological development of Mugil cephalus was investigated in a 2021 study, with four embryonic and six larval developmental steps being described in aquaculture-reared and wild-caught specimens.[9] These descriptions provided clarification of questionable characters of adult mullets and revealed informative details with potential implications for phylogenetic hypotheses, as well as providing an overdue basis of comparison for aquaculture-reared mullets to enable recognition of malformations.[9]


Drying mullet roe in Taiwan.

The roe of this mullet is salted, dried, and compressed to make a specialty food across the world, such as Greek avgotaraho, Taiwanese Wuyutsu, Korean eoran, Japanese karasumi, Italian bottarga, French poutargue, Turkish Haviar and Egyptian batarekh. In Egypt, the fish itself is salted, dried, and pickled to make fesikh.

On the coast of Northwest Florida and Alabama, this mullet, called the striped or black mullet, is often a specialty of seafood restaurants. Fried mullet is most popular, but smoked, baked, and canned mullet are also eaten. Local fishermen usually catch mullet in a castnet, though most use a land-based seine net. Mullet is a delicacy in this area and is most often consumed in the home. Mullet are usually filleted, and the remaining frames used for fish stock, used in chowders and stews.[10] The mullet most commonly consumed in Florida however is the white mullet (Mugil curema), because its preference for cleaner water gives it a cleaner and less muddy taste.[11]


  1. ^ a b c Camara, K.; Carpenter, K.E.; Djiman, R.; et al. (2017). "Mugil cephalus". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T135567A20682868. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T135567A20682868.en.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2014). "Mugil cephalus" in FishBase. April 2014 version.
  3. ^ Common names of Mugil cephalus FishBase (2014)
  4. ^ "Mugil cephalus (Black mullet)". Animal Diversity Web.
  5. ^ a b c d Minckley, W.L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. pp. 257-258.
  6. ^ Gomon, M.F.; Bray, D.J. (2019). "Mugil cephalus". Fishes of Australia. Retrieved 22 March 2020. Resources: Australian Faunal Directory
  7. ^ Animal abstract: Mugil cephalus Archived 2016-12-31 at the Wayback Machine ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT
  8. ^ "FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Species Fact Sheets - Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)". fao.org. Archived from the original on 2015-11-05. Retrieved 2016-04-30.
  9. ^ a b c Thieme, Philipp; Vallainc, Dario; Moritz, Timo (2021). "Postcranial skeletal development of Mugil cephalus (Teleostei: Mugiliformes): morphological and life-history implications for Mugiliformes". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 192 (4): 1071–1089. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa123.
  10. ^ "Instituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti environmental database on the pool of Venice". Archived from the original on 2010-10-13. Retrieved 2007-05-23.
  11. ^ McKee, David (2008). Fishes of the Laguna Madre. College Station, Tx: Texas A&M University Press. p. 196. ISBN 978-1-60344-028-8.

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Flathead grey mullet: Brief Summary ( Inglês )

fornecido por wikipedia EN

The flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) is an important food fish species in the mullet family Mugilidae. It is found in coastal tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. Its length is typically 30 to 75 centimetres (12 to 30 in). It is known with numerous English names, including the flathead mullet, striped mullet (US, American Fisheries Society name), black mullet, bully mullet, common mullet, grey mullet, sea mullet and mullet, among others.

The flathead grey mullet is a mainly diurnal coastal species that often enters estuaries and rivers. It usually schools over sand or mud bottoms, feeding on zooplankton, dead plant matter and detritus. The adult fish normally feed on algae in fresh water. The species is euryhaline, meaning that the fish can acclimate to different levels of salinity.

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Platkapa mugilo ( Esperanto )

fornecido por wikipedia EO

Platkapa mugilo (Mugil cephalus) estas aktinopteriga fiŝo el la familio de la mugiledoj (Mugilidae). La scienca nomo de la specio por la unua fojo estis publikigita en 1758 fare de Karolo Lineo.

Ĝi fariĝas seksmatura ĉe longo de proksimume 30 cm, plenkreskaj fiŝoj averaĝe longas 50 cm. La fiŝo povas atingi longon de 100 cm. La unua dorsnaĝilo havas 5 pikilojn kaj la dua 7 ĝis 9 naĝilradiojn, la anusnaĝilo havas tri pikilojn kaj 8 ĝis 9 naĝilradiojn.

Mugil cephalus havas grandan regionon de disvastiĝo tra la tuta mondo en duontropikaj kaj tropikaj apudmarbordaj akvoj kaj riverbuŝoj, kie la fiŝo troviĝas en relative malprofunda akvo (malpli ol 10 m). Ĝi estas (kiel la plejmultaj mugiledoj) katadroma fiŝospecio.

Ekzistas ampleksa profesia fiŝkaptistaro por tiu specio de la mugiledoj kaj oni ankaŭ multe kultivas la fiŝon. La ovoj de tiu mugilo estas prilaborataj al la mediteranea nutraĵo botargo.

La specio ne estas endanĝerigita (prijuĝa jaro 2008).

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Mugil cephalus ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El mújol (o múgil, mugle, mule, llisa, muble lisa, liza, albur, cabezudo, capitón, corcón o pardete)[cita requerida] (Mugil cephalus) es una especie de pez eurihalino de la familia de los mugílidos.

Distribución mundial

El Mugil cephalus habita en las aguas costeras de la mayoría de las regiones tropicales y subtropicales.[2]​ En el Atlántico occidental, se encuentra desde la península de Nueva Escocia hasta Argentina, incluyendo el Golfo de México,[2]​ aunque está ausente en las Bahamas y el Caribe. En el Atlántico oriental, habita desde el golfo de Vizcaya hasta el sur de África. Se encuentra también en todo el Mar Mediterráneo y en el Mar Negro. La distribución del Pacífico oriental abarca desde el sur de California hasta Chile.[2]

El mújol es catádromo, encontrándoselo frecuentemente en ambientes estuarinos y de agua dulce.[2]

Su distribución geográfica es amplia, siendo muy común en aguas costeras debido a sus características, que le permiten soportar temperaturas elevadas, salinidades variables y ciertos niveles de contaminación orgánica.

Su longitud es generalmente de 30 a 80 cm. Es una especie de amplia distribución mundial.


Durante los meses de otoño e invierno, los adultos migran al mar en grandes congregaciones para desovar. La fecundidad se estima en 0,5–2,0 millones de huevos por hembra, dependiendo de la talla adulta.[2]​La eclosión ocurre al cabo de 48 horas después de la fertilización,[2]​ liberándose larvas de 2,4 mm de longitud.[2]​Cuando las larvas alcanzan los 16–20 mm, migran a aguas interiores o estuarios, donde pueden ser recolectadas para fines acuícolas desde fines de agosto a principios de diciembre.[2]

Nombres comunes

  • Capitón, Mújol - España
  • Lisa o Liza - España, Argentina, Chile y Perú
  • Mújol negro (Salmonete negro) - Cuba, Antillas Neerlandesas y sur de Estados Unidos
  • Mujol gris (Grey mullet) - Cuba, Turquía, Australia, Taiwán, Fiyi, Hong Kong, Mauricio, Antillas Neerlandesas, Nueva Zelanda, España, Tonga, Reino Unido, EE. UU., Mediterráneo, Egipto
  • Mújol Común- Reino Unido
  • Pardete - India, Filipinas (donde se le conoce, ya sea como aligasid o talilong)
  • Salmonete de los Manglares - Australia
  • Salmonete de mar - Australia, Fiyi, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Reino Unido
  • Salmonete rayado - Australia, Cuba, México, Reino Unido, EE. UU.
  • Lisa macho - Nayarit (México)
  • Llisa - Baleares, Cataluña y Valencia (España)
  • Muxo - en gallego, Galicia (España)
  • Muil - Asturias (España)
  • Mule o Muble - Cantabria (España)
  • Muble, Corcón o corrocón - País Vasco (España)
  • Albur - Provincia de Sevilla (España)
  • Lisote, Lisa y Lebrancho - Canarias (España)

Uso gastronómico

El mújol es un pez importante que sirve de alimento para muchos seres humanos en todo el mundo. Su hueva se degusta salada, seca, y se comprime para hacer comidas especializadas en todo el mundo, como el Wuyutsu taiwanés, myeongran jeot coreano, karasumi japonés, botarga italiano, y el batarekh egipcio.

En España es muy valorado desde Cataluña a Murcia, en la costa también mediterránea de Occitania y en amplias zonas costeras de Italia (Calabria, Cerdeña, Sicilia, Toscana, etc.) por su carne y, especialmente, por sus huevas, que se preparan en salazón, recibiendo éstas al estar desecadas y saladas el nombre de botarga.

En Perú se consume desde la época prehispánica. En la actualidad su consumo se realiza en conserva de filetes ahumados, y fresco en cebiches, plato destacado de la gastronomía peruana. En Piura la variedad de lisa de río se utiliza para el picau de lisas.[3]

En Egipto, el mismo pescado es salado, seco, y escabechado con el nombre de feseekh.[4]

En la costa del noroeste de Florida y Alabama, el mújol o negro, a menudo es una especialidad de restaurantes de mariscos. Frito es el más popular, pero también se puede comer ahumado, al horno, y enlatado. Los pescadores locales suelen pescarlo en una nasa pequeña, aunque algunos utilizan un gancho. Es un manjar en esta zona, aunque también es frecuente consumirlo en el hogar fileteado, y el resto de sus anatomía, en sopas y guisos.[5]​ No obstante, el más numeroso es el mújol blanco (Mugil curema), por moverse y ser reproducido en aguas más limpias, evitando así el intenso sabor a barro.[6]


El retórico romano Claudio Eliano menciona al mújol en el Libro I de su obra Sobre la naturaleza de los animales (en griego: Περὶ ζῴων ἰδιότητος Perí zóon idiótitos; en latín: De Natura Animalium o Historia animalium). De este pez destaca su templanza y control de la voracidad. Ya que nunca depreda a otros peces y animales marinos vivos, se dice que ha hecho un pacto con ellos, ya que su alimento lo encuentra exclusivamente en peces muertos que él mismo comprueba de un coletazo si lo están o no antes de comérselos.

Véase también


  1. Freyhof, J. y Kottelat, M. (2008). «Mugil cephalus». Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN 2011.2 (en inglés). ISSN 2307-8235. Consultado el 29 de febrero de 2012.
  2. a b c d e f g h Mugil Cephalus: Distribución y hábitat
  3. Acurio, Gastón (2008). Larousse de la gastronomía peruana: diccionario gatronómico ilustrado. Lima: Q.W. Editores. p. 219. ISBN 9789972589379.
  4. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Mugil cephalus (TSN 170335)» (en inglés).
  5. Instituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti Base ambiental de la Laguna de Venecia
  6. McKee, David (2008). Fishes of the Laguna Madre. Texas A&M University Press College Station, Tx. p. 196. ISBN 978-1-60344-028-8. |fechaacceso= requiere |url= (ayuda)


  • Arthur, J.R. & Lumanlan-Mayo, S. 1997. Checklist of the parasites of fishes of the Philippines. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 369. FAO, Rome, Italy. 102 pp.
  • Badran, A.F. 1994. Preliminary investigations on streptococcosis among freshwater and marine fishes. Veterinary Medical Journal Giza, 42(1B): 257–262.
  • Chen, S.C., Liaw, L.L., Su, H.Y., Ko, S.C., Wu, C.Y., Chaung, H.C., Tsai, Y.H., Yang, K.L., Chen, Y.C., Chen, T.H., Lin, G.R., Cheng, S.Y., Lin, Y.D., Lee, J.L., Lai, C.C., Weng Y.J. & Chu, S.Y. 2002. Lactococcus garvieae, a cause of disease in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L., in Taiwan. Journal of Fish Diseases, 25:727–732.
  • FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. FAO, Rome, Italy. 41 pp.
  • Harrison, I.J. & Senou, H. 1999. Order Mugiliformes. Mugilidae. Mullets. In: K.E. Carpenter & V.H. Niem (eds.), FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes Part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae), pp. 2069–2108. FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Oren, O.H. 1981. Aquaculture of grey mullets. (International Biological Programme No. 26). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 507 pp.
  • Plumb, J.A. 1999. Edwardsiella Septicaemias. In: P.T.K. Woo & D.W. Bruno (eds.), Fish Diseases and Disorders, Vol. 3: Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, pp. 479–521. CABI, New York, USA.
  • Claudio Eliano (1988). Historia de los animales (selección). Ediciones Orbis. Barcelona. ISBN 84-85471-65-2.

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Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

fornecido por wikipedia ES

El mújol (o múgil, mugle, mule, llisa, muble lisa, liza, albur, cabezudo, capitón, corcón o pardete)[cita requerida] (Mugil cephalus) es una especie de pez eurihalino de la familia de los mugílidos.

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Korrokoi bizkarbeltz ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Korrokoi bizkarbeltza edo lazuna (Mugil cephalus) Mugilidae familiako ur gaziko arraina da, ipar-ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoan, Itsaso Beltzan eta Mediterraneo itsasoan bizi dena[1][2].

Mediterraneo osoan bere arrautzak jaten dituzte, botarga izeneko platerean.



  1. Freyhof, J. & Kottelat, M. 2008 Mugil cephalus IUCNren Zerrenda Gorria
  2. Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 978-0-00-216987-5

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Korrokoi bizkarbeltz: Brief Summary ( Basco )

fornecido por wikipedia EU

Korrokoi bizkarbeltza edo lazuna (Mugil cephalus) Mugilidae familiako ur gaziko arraina da, ipar-ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoan, Itsaso Beltzan eta Mediterraneo itsasoan bizi dena.

Mediterraneo osoan bere arrautzak jaten dituzte, botarga izeneko platerean.

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Juovakeltti ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Juovakeltti (Mugil cephalus) on kelttikaloihin kuuluva kalalaji.

Juovakeltti on hopeanvärinen, pitkulainen kala, joka kasvaa noin puoli metriä pitkäksi. Juovakelttejä elää sekä merivedessä, makeassa vedessä että murtovedessä.[2]

Juovakelttejä tavataan laajoilla alueilla trooppisilla, subtrooppisilla ja lauhkeilla alueilla.[1]


  1. a b Mugil cephalus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. (englanniksi)
  2. Mugil cephalus (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). (englanniksi)
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Juovakeltti: Brief Summary ( Finlandês )

fornecido por wikipedia FI

Juovakeltti (Mugil cephalus) on kelttikaloihin kuuluva kalalaji.

Juovakeltti on hopeanvärinen, pitkulainen kala, joka kasvaa noin puoli metriä pitkäksi. Juovakelttejä elää sekä merivedessä, makeassa vedessä että murtovedessä.

Juovakelttejä tavataan laajoilla alueilla trooppisilla, subtrooppisilla ja lauhkeilla alueilla.

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Mugil cephalus ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Mulet cabot

Le Mulet cabot (Mugil cephalus) est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Mugilidae. Il est également appelé mulet à grosse tête.


Mugil cephalus est présent sur l'ensemble des côtes des zones tempérées, tropicales et équatoriales.


Le corps est gris olive sur le dos, les flancs sont argentés et le ventre est blanc. Des rayures sont parfois présentes sur les flancs. Les lèvres sont fines. Les nageoires pectorales sont courtes ; elles n'atteignent pas l'œil lorsqu'elles sont retournées vers l'avant. Les yeux sont protégés par une paupière adipeuse. La taille maximale rapportée est de 12 kg pour 120 cm[1] mais demande à être confirmée.


Mulet cabot et camélias, estampe d'Hiroshige (1832).

Mugil cephalus est une espèce côtière qui peut remonter les estuaires et les rivières. C'est un poisson grégaire qui vit sur les fonds sableux ou vaseux, souvent à moins de 10 m de profondeur. De mœurs diurnes, il se nourrit principalement d'algues mais aussi parfois de zooplancton, d'organismes benthiques, ainsi que de petits poissons.


La reproduction a lieu en mer, à des périodes qui dépendent des zones. Les femelles pondent entre 0,8 et 2,6 millions d'œufs. La maturité sexuelle est atteinte à l'âge de 3 ou 4 ans.


Mugil cephalus est couramment élevé en eau douce ou bien dans les étangs salins. Il est vendu frais, séché, fumé, salé ou congelé. Ses œufs constituent la poutargue.

Notes et références

  1. Thomson, J.M., 1990, Mugilidae, p. 855-859. In J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds.), Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA), JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris; and UNESCO, Paris. Vol. 2.

Voir aussi

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Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Francês )

fornecido por wikipedia FR

Mulet cabot

Le Mulet cabot (Mugil cephalus) est une espèce de poissons marins de la famille des Mugilidae. Il est également appelé mulet à grosse tête.

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Mugil cephalus ( Galego )

fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician

Mugil cephalus.jpg
Banco de muxes en Cartaxena, España.

O Mugil cephalus é unha especie de peixes mariños eurihalinos da familia dos muxílidos, un dos varios peixes desa familia que se chaman muxe, cabezudo ou limoso.[2]

É unha especie costeira especialmente diúrna que a miúdo entra en estuarios e ríos. Adoita formar bancos en fondos areosos ou de lama, alimentándos de zooplancto. Os peixes adultos normalmente aliméntanse de algas en auga doce. As especie é eurihalina, o que significa que o peixe pode aclimatarse a diferentes niveis de salinidade.[3]


O seu dorso é verde oliva, os laterais son prateados e degrádanse a branco cara ao ventre.[4] O peixe pode ter de seis a sete distintivas bandas horizontais laterais. Os labios son delgados.[4] Non ten liña lateral. Adoita medir uns 50 cm, e a súa lonxitude máxima é de 100 cm.[4] Pode chegar a un peso máximo de 8 kg.[3]

Área de distribución

A súa distribución xeográfica é ampla, sendo moi común en augas costeiras debido ás súas características, que lle permiten soportar temperaturas elevadas, salinidades variables e certos niveis de contaminación orgánica. O Mugil cephalus habita nas augas costeiras da maioría das rexións tropicais e subtropicais.[5] No Atlántico occidental, encóntrase desde a península de Nova Escocia ata Arxentina, incluíndo o Golfo de México,[5] aínda que está ausente das Bahamas e o Caribe. No Atlántico oriental, habita desde o golfo de Biscaia ata o sur de África. Encóntrase tamén en todo o mar Mediterráneo e no mar Negro. A distribución no Pacífico oriental abrangue desde o sur de California ata Chile.[5]

É catádromo, e pode encontrarse frecuentemente en ambientes estuarinos e de auga doce.[5] En Estados Unidos pode atoparse no río Colorado.[6]


Durante os meses de outono e inverno, os adultos migran dos estuarios ao mar en grandes congregacións para desovar. A fecundidade estímase en 0,5 a 2,0 millóns de ovos por femia, dependendo do tamaño do adulto.[5] A eclosión ocorre ao cabo de 48 horas despois da fertilización,[5] liberándose larvas de 2,4 mm de lonxitude.[5] Cando as larvas alcanzan de 16 a 20 mm, migran a augas interiores ou estuarios, onde poden ser recollidas para a acuicultura desde finais de agosto a principios de decembro.[5]

Pesca e acuicultura

É un peixe importante na alimentación humana en todo o mundo, e péscase ou cultívase en granxas de acuicultura. As capturas pesqueiras mundiais desta especie en 2012 foron de 130.000 toneladas e a produción en acuicultura foi de 142.000 toneladas.[7]

En Europa, en gran parte da costa mediterránea de España e Occitania e amplas zonas costeiras de Italia (Calabria, Sardeña, Sicilia, Toscana etc.) é moi valorado pola súa carne e, especialmente, polas súas ovas ou bragadas, que se preparan en salazón e secas, que tamén se consomen en países asiáticos. En Florida e Alabama a súa carne consómese en restaurantes de marisco.


  1. Freyhof, J. y Kottelat, M. (2008). "{{{taxon}}}". Lista Vermella de especies ameazadas. (en inglés). Unión Internacional para a Conservación da Natureza.
  2. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para muxe.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Minckley, W.L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. pp. 257-258.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel, eds. (Abril de 2014). "Mugil cephalus". FishBase (en inglés).
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,7 Mugil Cephalus: Distribución y hábitat
  6. Animal abstract: Mugil cephalus Arquivado 31 de decembro de 2016 en Wayback Machine. ARIZONA GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT
  7. "FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Species Fact Sheets - Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)". fao.org. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 2015-11-05. Consultado o 2016-04-30.

Véxase tamén

Outros artigos


  • Arthur, J.R. & Lumanlan-Mayo, S. 1997. Checklist of the parasites of fishes of the Philippines. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 369. FAO, Rome, Italy. 102 pp.
  • Badran, A.F. 1994. Preliminary investigations on streptococcosis among freshwater and marine fishes. Veterinary Medical Journal Giza, 42(1B): 257–262.
  • Chen, S.C., Liaw, L.L., Su, H.Y., Ko, S.C., Wu, C.Y., Chaung, H.C., Tsai, Y.H., Yang, K.L., Chen, Y.C., Chen, T.H., Lin, G.R., Cheng, S.Y., Lin, Y.D., Lee, J.L., Lai, C.C., Weng Y.J. & Chu, S.Y. 2002. Lactococcus garvieae, a cause of disease in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L., in Taiwan. Journal of Fish Diseases, 25:727–732.
  • FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. FAO, Rome, Italy. 41 pp.
  • Harrison, I.J. & Senou, H. 1999. Order Mugiliformes. Mugilidae. Mullets. In: K.E. Carpenter & V.H. Niem (eds.), FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes Part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae), pp. 2069–2108. FAO, Rome, Italy.
  • Oren, O.H. 1981. Aquaculture of grey mullets. (International Biological Programme No. 26). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 507 pp.
  • Plumb, J.A. 1999. Edwardsiella Septicaemias. In: P.T.K. Woo & D.W. Bruno (eds.), Fish Diseases and Disorders, Vol. 3: Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, pp. 479–521. CABI, New York, USA.

  • Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel, eds. (January de 2006). "Mugil cephalus". FishBase (en inglés).
  • Tony Ayling & Geoffrey Cox, Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand, (William Collins Publishers Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand 1982) ISBN 978-0-00-216987-5
  • Economic marine fishes of Hong Kong
  • Instituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti environmental database on the pool of Venice
  • Cita web
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    wikipedia gl Galician

    Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Galego )

    fornecido por wikipedia gl Galician
    Mugil cephalus.jpg  src= Banco de muxes en Cartaxena, España.

    O Mugil cephalus é unha especie de peixes mariños eurihalinos da familia dos muxílidos, un dos varios peixes desa familia que se chaman muxe, cabezudo ou limoso.

    É unha especie costeira especialmente diúrna que a miúdo entra en estuarios e ríos. Adoita formar bancos en fondos areosos ou de lama, alimentándos de zooplancto. Os peixes adultos normalmente aliméntanse de algas en auga doce. As especie é eurihalina, o que significa que o peixe pode aclimatarse a diferentes niveis de salinidade.

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    Cipal bataš ( Croato )

    fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian
    Cipal bataš

    Cipal bataš (lat. Mugil cephalus ) ima kod nas u upotrebi više raznih naziva kao što su mulj, glavaš, babaš, skakavac, javra. Cipal bataš je riba iz porodice cipala ili Mugilidae. To je najveći cipal koji živi u Jadranu. Najveći ulovljeni primjerak u Jadranu je bio 55 cm duljine i 6 kg[1], iako ova vrsta može narasti i do jednog metra duljine i 12 kg. Glava mu je tupasta i spljoštena, šira od ostatka duguljastog tijela, s velikim, izraženim očima i tankim usnicama na relativno malim ustima. Boja mu varira od svijetlosive, smeđkaste do maslinastozelene, sa linijama koje se prelijevaju u nijansama, a s donje strane srebrenkasto bijel.


    Cipal bataš je rasprostranjen u obalnom pojasu gotovo svuda po svijetu, osim u hladnim morima s temperaturom nižom od 8 stupnjeva Celzija, osim u području Karipskog mora, te Bahama. Najviše voli bočatu vodu, a ponekad zna ući i daleko u rijeke. Živi pri površini, na malim dubinama, a tijekom mriještenja u srpnju i kolovozu[2] zna ići dalje od obale, na dubine do 120 m. Ženka ispusti od 0,8 do 2,6 milijuna jajašaca[3]. Životni vijek mu je oko 16 godina.


    Sušenje bataša na Tajvanu.

    Mlađi primjerci se hrane zooplanktonom i sitnim beskralježnjacima, a odrasli uglavnom algama, te crvima i račićima.

    Meso bataša je vrlo ukusno i cijenjeno, može se pripremiti na razne načine. Najvažnije pri konzumaciji bataša je da je nedavno uhvaćen jer pri duljem čuvanju mijenja okus.


    1. (hrv.) Cipal bataš (nemo-hr.com)
    2. (hrv.) Cipli (riblje-oko.hr)
    3. (engl.) Flathead mullet (fishbase.org)

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    Cipal bataš: Brief Summary ( Croato )

    fornecido por wikipedia hr Croatian
     src= Cipal bataš

    Cipal bataš (lat. Mugil cephalus ) ima kod nas u upotrebi više raznih naziva kao što su mulj, glavaš, babaš, skakavac, javra. Cipal bataš je riba iz porodice cipala ili Mugilidae. To je najveći cipal koji živi u Jadranu. Najveći ulovljeni primjerak u Jadranu je bio 55 cm duljine i 6 kg, iako ova vrsta može narasti i do jednog metra duljine i 12 kg. Glava mu je tupasta i spljoštena, šira od ostatka duguljastog tijela, s velikim, izraženim očima i tankim usnicama na relativno malim ustima. Boja mu varira od svijetlosive, smeđkaste do maslinastozelene, sa linijama koje se prelijevaju u nijansama, a s donje strane srebrenkasto bijel.

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    Hausröndungur ( Islandês )

    fornecido por wikipedia IS

    Hausröndungur (fræðiheiti: Mugil cephalus) er fiskur af röndungaætt.


    Bakið á hausröndung er ólífugrænt, hliðar eru silfraðar og renna síðan út í hvítt á maganum. Fiskurinn hefur oftast sex eða sjö einkennandi láréttar rendur en enga hliðarrák. Munnur þunnur með örmjóar varir. Algeng lengd er 50 cm en getur verið á bilinu 30–100 cm. Hámarksþyngd er 8kg.[1]


    Hausröndungar geta lifað bæði í saltvatni og ferskvatniám og vötnum). Það er mismunandi eftir hvar í heiminum fiskurinn lifir hvort hann sé einungis í sjó eða líka í ferskvatni. Fullþroska hausröndungar mynda stórar torfur í grunnum sjó nær yfirborðinu, oft nálægt kóralrifum.

    Hins vegar hrygnir hann í dýpri sjó, hrygning fer fram á mismunandi tíma ársins eftir svæðum. Kvenkyns fiskurinn hrygnir 0,8 til 2,6 milljón eggjum og um er að ræða ytri frjóvgun. Seiði færast síðan með straumi af mjög grunnum sjó þangað til þau verða um 5cm löng og færast þá í dýpri sjó. Fiskurinn verður svo fullþroska um 3–4 ára.[1]


    Aðalfæða hausröndunga eru ýmiskonar svifdýr. Fullþroska fiskar borða einnig þörunga þegar þeir lifa í ferskvatni. Hausröndungar hafa langan meltingarveg og hluti af maganum þar sem veggur hans er mjög þykkur líkt og fóarn sem gefur þeim kleift að borða bergmylsnu.[2]

    Heimkynni og útbreiðsla

    Hausröndungar lifa víða um heiminn á strandsvæðum, nánar tiltekið í fjörðum, ármótum við sjó og í víkum, lónum og höfnum. Einnig finnast þeir í ám og í vötnum, aðallega á hitabeltis- og heittempruðum svæðum. Fiskurinn finnst þó einnig á kaldari svæðum. Oftast á 0–10 m dýpi en hefur fundist á allt að 120 m dýpi og í 8–24°C.[1]

    Í Vestur-Atlantshafi finnst hann frá Nova Scotia í Kanada suður að Brasilíu, þar á meðal í Mexíkóflóa. Hausröndungur hefur þó ekki fundist í Karíbahafinu. Í Austur-Atlantshafinu finnst hann frá Frakklandi og suður að Suður-Afríku. Enn fremur finnst fiskurinn bæði í Miðjarðarhafi og Svartahafinu.

    Hausröndungar er þó algengastur í Indlands- og Kyrrahafinu, þar sem fiskurinn finnst á flestum strandasvæðum.[3]

    Veiðar og eldi

    Kínverjar tilkynntu veiðar á hausröndungi fyrst árið 1995 og eru þeir í dag lang mesta veiðiþjóðin í veröldinni með rúm 127.000 tonn árið 2015. Hausröndungar eru veiddir víða um heim, nánast allstaðar þar sem þeir finnast í einhverju magni. Stærstu löndin í hausröndunga veiðum 2010–2015 voru Kína, Suður-Kórea og Taívan. Heimsafli og eldi á undanförnum árum hefur verið um og yfir 50.000 tonn og fer hækkandi. Veitt er með voðir, fallneti, tálkneti og ýmiss konar handfærum.[2]

    Töluvert hefur verið um hausröndungaeldi bæði á landi og í sjó í tugi ára. Helstu eldissvæðin eru miðjarðahafslönd, Suðaustur-Asía, Taívan, Japan og Hawaii. Í dag er Taívan og Ítalía stærst í landeldi og Kórea stærst í sjóeldi.[2] Aðferðir í eldi hausröndunga hafa verið að þróast mikið, þá sérstaklega á Ítalíu.[1] Mest af eldinu er enn háð seiðum sem er safnað í náttúrunni, þar sem það er enn ódýrara en að reka seiðaeldisstöðvar.[3]

    Vinnsla og markaðir

    Hausröndungur er venjulega seldur heill eða slægður, sjaldan flakaður en þó stundum. Stærsti markaðurinn fyrir hausröndunga er miðjarðahafssvæðið, aðallega Egyptaland. Þar er hann mestmegnis seldur ferskur eða ísaður. Eldisfiskurinn er mest seldur ferskur á uppboðsmörkuðum á hverjum degi. Venjulega er að fiskurinn ekki lengur í ís en einn dag. Þar sem fiskurinn er seldur ferskur er lítill markaður fyrir frystan hausröndung. Þó er hausröndungur stundum blautsaltaður eða marineraður, þetta er lúxusmatur í Egyptalandi og nokkrum Arabaríkjum.

    Einnig er fiskurinn vinsæll í sumum Asíulöndum en þar er sagt að hann hefur verið veiddur og borðaður frá fornu fari. Líklega vegna þess að hausröndungurinn lifði í grunnum sjó eða vatni og í stórum torfum þannig auðvelt var að veiða mikið án þess að hafa stóra báta eða veiðarfæri. Í Vestur- og Norður-Evrópu og Norður-Ameríku er lítill markaður fyrir hausröndung. Smá markaður er í Bandaríkjunum en þar er fiskurinn aðallega notaður sem beita.[3]

    Ekki er mikið útflutt af hausröndungi þar sem nær allur fiskurinn sem er annars vegar veiddur eða hins vegar alinn er neytt í framleiðslulandinu þar sem eftirspurn hefur aukist.[3] Enn fremur eru hrogn seld fersk eða reykt og notuð í kínverskum lækningum.[2]


    1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Musschoot, Musschoot, Tobias. „Mugil cephalus, Linnaeus, 1758“. Fish base. Sótt 17. febrúar 2018.
    2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 „Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)“. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Sótt 17. febrúar 2018.
    3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Towers, Lucy. „How to Farm Flathead Grey Mullet“. The Fish Site. Sótt 17. febrúar 2018.
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    Hausröndungur: Brief Summary ( Islandês )

    fornecido por wikipedia IS

    Hausröndungur (fræðiheiti: Mugil cephalus) er fiskur af röndungaætt.

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    Mugil cephalus ( Italiano )

    fornecido por wikipedia IT

    Il cefalo o volpina o muggine[2] (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuto comunemente come cefalo comune, è un pesce appartenente alla famiglia Mugilidae. La maturità sessuale viene raggiunta tra il 2º e il 3º anno di età, alla taglia di circa 30 cm per i maschi e di 35 cm per le femmine. Il periodo riproduttivo va da febbraio ad aprile.

    Denominazioni dialettali italiane e in lingue minoritarie

    Il cefalo è conosciuto, nelle varie regioni e aree dello stato italiano, con termini diversi a seconda dei dialetti e lingue minoritarie:[3]

    Distribuzione e habitat

    Il suo areale è vastissimo, infatti vive in tutte le acque tropicali e temperate calde del mondo (distribuzione circumtropicale). In Europa è diffuso a nord fino al Golfo di Guascogna.
    È una specie eurialina, in grado di sopportare ampie variazioni di salinità, tanto che si ritrova regolarmente in acque marine, dolci o salmastre. È in grado di vivere anche in ambienti inquinati, infatti si trova frequentemente all'interno dei porti. Vive in banchi, abitudine propria soprattutto degli esemplari più giovani. Lo si incontra soprattutto dove ci siano fondi duri o manufatti, ma non disdegna neanche i fondi completamente molli, purché la profondità dell'acqua sia sufficientemente scarsa.


    Si presenta con un corpo quasi cilindrico, grandi squame, due pinne dorsali separate ed inserite a metà del dorso, pinne ventrali poco più indietro delle pettorali, bocca e denti piccoli. Il colore è grigio-azzurro superiormente, biancastro sul ventre con striature nere.[4] Si riconosce facilmente dagli altri Mugilidae a causa della testa larga e massiccia e della palpebra trasparente che copre l'occhio, due caratteri assolutamente tipici della specie. Le sue dimensioni massime sono di 100 cm di lunghezza per circa 4,5 kg di peso. Il peso varia da razza a razza di cefali perché esiste una razza di nome Mazzone che raggiunge anche gli 8 kg.


    Particolare della testa
    Banco di cefali

    Si nutre di ogni tipo di invertebrato bentonico ed anche di materiale organico in decomposizione. Si alimenta sul fondo anche se è comune incontrarlo in superficie.


    La maturità sessuale viene raggiunta nelle acque interne al 2º anno di età dai maschi ed al 3° dalle femmine, seguita dal ritorno al mare. Il periodo riproduttivo va da luglio a settembre. L’accoppiamento avviene in gruppi composti solitamente da 1 femmina e 3-5 maschi; le uova fecondate, direttamente nella colonna d’acqua, vengono poi trasportate dalle correnti in quanto provviste di una goccia oleosa che ne facilita il galleggiamento (uova pelagiche).

    Le uova di 0,7 mm di diametro, danno vita a delle larve di 2,5 mm che crescono molto velocemente.[5]


    Pesce insipido e dallo scarso valore commerciale. In genere vengono usate esche come vermi, sardine spezzettate o impasti di pane, formaggio, pasta d'acciughe, bigattini, ecc. in varie proporzioni. La pesca professionale lo insidia sia con reti da posta che con nasse ed altre trappole. È uno dei pesci che più di frequente vengono pescati ed allevati nelle lagune costiere e nelle valli di pesca. Con le sue uova si prepara la bottarga di muggine.


    1. ^ (EN) Mugil cephalus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
    2. ^ Mipaaft - Decreto Ministeriale n°19105 del 22 settembre 2017 - Denominazioni in lingua italiana delle specie ittiche di interesse commerciale, su www.politicheagricole.it. URL consultato il 19 agosto 2018.
    3. ^ dissapore.com [1]
    4. ^ Grande enciclopedia universale delle lettere, delle scienze, delle arti / diretta da Armando Curcio - Milano Roma
    5. ^ Alessandro Minelli, Il grande dizionario illustrato degli animali, Firenze, Edizioni primavera, 1992, p. 93, ISBN 8809452445.


    • Costa F. Atlante dei pesci dei mari italiani Mursia 1991 ISBN 88-425-1003-3
    • Louisy P., Trainito E. (a cura di) Guida all'identificazione dei pesci marini d'Europa e del Mediterraneo. Milano, Il Castello, 2006. ISBN 88-8039-472-X

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    Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Italiano )

    fornecido por wikipedia IT

    Il cefalo o volpina o muggine (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuto comunemente come cefalo comune, è un pesce appartenente alla famiglia Mugilidae. La maturità sessuale viene raggiunta tra il 2º e il 3º anno di età, alla taglia di circa 30 cm per i maschi e di 35 cm per le femmine. Il periodo riproduttivo va da febbraio ad aprile.

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    Mugil cephalus ( Latin )

    fornecido por wikipedia LA

    Mugil cephalus (a Graecis antiquis κέφαλος, ab antiquis autem Romanis capito appellatus) est piscis generis Mugilis, in omnibus tropicis et subtropicis aquis litoralibus inventus. Longitudinem habet fere 30 ad 75 centimetra (12 ad 30 uncias). Species in paene omnibus maribus et oceanis habitat, sicut attestantur vulgaria eius nomina Anglica:

    Ars coquinaria

    Ova mugilis Taivaniae siccantur.

    Mugil cephalus est multis culturis gravis piscis cibarius, qui homines et piscantur et colent. Ova huius mugilis, sale condita, siccata, compressa, fiunt praecipuus cibus, sicut myeongran jeot in Corea, karasumi in Iaponia, botargo in Italia, et batarekh in Aegypto, ubi piscis ipse, sale conditus, siccatur ut fiat feseekh.

    Litore Floridae septentrionalis et occidentalis et Alabamae, hic mugil, ibi appellatus striped mullet et black mullet, saepe est praecipuus diversoriorum marinorum cibus. Mugiles fricti sunt populo gratissimi, sed mugiles fumigati, tosti, et conditi etiam eduntur. Loci piscatores mugiles retibus usitate capiunt, sed nonnulli hamis utuntur.



    • Ayling, Tony, et Geoffrey Cox. 1982. Collins Guide to the Sea Fishes of New Zealand. Auckland Novae Zelandiae: William Collins Publishers Ltd. ISBN 978-0-00-216987-5.

    Nexus interni

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    Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Latin )

    fornecido por wikipedia LA

    Mugil cephalus (a Graecis antiquis κέφαλος, ab antiquis autem Romanis capito appellatus) est piscis generis Mugilis, in omnibus tropicis et subtropicis aquis litoralibus inventus. Longitudinem habet fere 30 ad 75 centimetra (12 ad 30 uncias). Species in paene omnibus maribus et oceanis habitat, sicut attestantur vulgaria eius nomina Anglica:

    Black mullet (Civitates Foederatae, Cuba) Bully mullet (Australia, Vietnamia) Callifaver mullet (Antillae Nederlandiae, Cuba,Civitates Foederatae) Common grey mullet (Regnum Britanniarum) Common mullet (Cuba, Antillae Nederlandiae, Civitates Foederatae) Flathead grey mullet (India, Philippinae, Regnum Britanniarum) Flathead mullet (Civitates Foederatae, Consociatio Nationum, Europa, FAO,?) Grey mullet (Aegyptus, Antillae Nederlandiae, Australia, Civitates Foederatae, Civitates Mediterraneae, Cuba, Hispania, Hong Kong, Mauritia, Nova Zelandia, Regnum Britanniarum, Samoa, Samoa Americana, Tonga, Taivania, Viti) Hardgut mullet (Australia) Mangrove mullet (Australia) Sea mullet (Australia, Papua Nova Guinea, Regnum Britanniarum, Viti) Striped mullet (Australia, Civitates Foederatae, Cuba, Foederatio Russica, Havaii, Mexicum, Regnum Britanniarum)
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    Didžiagalvė kefalė ( Lituano )

    fornecido por wikipedia LT
    Binomas Mugil cephalus

    Didžiagalvė kefalė, arba kefalė (lot. Mugil cephalus, angl. Flathead mullet) – kefalinių (Mugilidae) šeimos žuvis. Užauga iki 90 cm ilgio.


    Didžiagalvė kefalė yra svarbi pasaulyje maistinė žuvis, ji yra žvejojama ir auginama. 2012 m. buvo sužvejota apie 130 000 tonų kefalių, o užauginta 142 000 tonų.[1]


    1. „FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Species Fact Sheets - Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)“. fao.org. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2015-11-05. Nuoroda tikrinta 2016-04-30.


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    Didžiagalvė kefalė: Brief Summary ( Lituano )

    fornecido por wikipedia LT

    Didžiagalvė kefalė, arba kefalė (lot. Mugil cephalus, angl. Flathead mullet) – kefalinių (Mugilidae) šeimos žuvis. Užauga iki 90 cm ilgio.

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    Ikan Andapong ( Malaio )

    fornecido por wikipedia MS

    Ikan Andapong atau nama saintifiknya Mugil cephalus, adalah sejenis spesies ikan laut dan banyak terdapat di pesisir pantai dalam famili Mugilidae. Ikan Andapong termasuk dalam aturan Mugiliformes dan keluarga Mugilidae. native

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    Ikan Andapong: Brief Summary ( Malaio )

    fornecido por wikipedia MS

    Ikan Andapong atau nama saintifiknya Mugil cephalus, adalah sejenis spesies ikan laut dan banyak terdapat di pesisir pantai dalam famili Mugilidae. Ikan Andapong termasuk dalam aturan Mugiliformes dan keluarga Mugilidae. native

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    Mugil cephalus ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

    fornecido por wikipedia NL


    Mugil cephalus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van harders (Mugilidae).[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1758 door Linnaeus.


    Mugil cephalus wordt bij ongeveer 30 cm lengte geslachtsrijp. Volwassen vissen zijn gemiddeld 50 cm lang. De vis kan een lengte van 100 cm bereiken. De eerste rugvin bevat 5 stekels en de tweede 7 tot 9 vinstralen, de aarsvin drie stekels en 8 to 9 vinstralen.

    Verspreiding en leefgebied

    Mugil cephalus heeft een groot verspreidingsgebied over de hele wereld in subtropische en tropische kustwateren en riviermondingen, waar de vis zich ophoudt in relatief ondiep water (minder dan 10 m). Het is (zoals bij de meeste harders) een katadrome vissoort.

    Betekenis voor de mens

    Er bestaat een uitgebreide beroepsvisserij op deze soort harder en de vis wordt ook veel gekweekt. De eitjes van deze harder worden verwerkt tot het mediterrane voedingsmiddel bottarga.

    De soort wordt niet bedreigd in zijn voortbestaan (beoordelingsjaar 2008).[1]

    Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
    1. a b (en) Mugil cephalus op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
    2. (en) Mugil cephalus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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    Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Neerlandês; Flamengo )

    fornecido por wikipedia NL

    Mugil cephalus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van harders (Mugilidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1758 door Linnaeus.

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    Ekte multe ( Norueguês )

    fornecido por wikipedia NO

    Ekte multe (Mugil cephalus) er en fiskeart.

    Utseende og levevis er ganske likt andre multer. Den har velutviklede fettfolder rundt øynene. Overleppa er smal og uten vorter. Ryggen er blågrønn, og sidene og buken er sølvfarget. Den har som regel langsgående striper. Arten kan bli 100 cm lang, og vanlig lengde er rundt 50 cm.

    Ekte multe har en kosmopolitisk utbredelse i varme hav og finnes blant annet i Øst-Atlanteren fra Biscayabukta til Sør-Afrika og i Middelhavet og Svartehavet. Den ble satt ut i Det kaspiske hav i 1902, men utsettingen var mislykket fordi vannet er så lite salt at eggene synker til bunns.

    Dette er den økonomisk viktigste multearten. I 2012 ble det fisket 130 139 tonn, og landene med størst fangst er Sør-Korea og Venezuela. Ekte multe er også viktig i akvakultur med en produksjon i 2012 på 141 730 tonn.


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    Ekte multe: Brief Summary ( Norueguês )

    fornecido por wikipedia NO

    Ekte multe (Mugil cephalus) er en fiskeart.

    Utseende og levevis er ganske likt andre multer. Den har velutviklede fettfolder rundt øynene. Overleppa er smal og uten vorter. Ryggen er blågrønn, og sidene og buken er sølvfarget. Den har som regel langsgående striper. Arten kan bli 100 cm lang, og vanlig lengde er rundt 50 cm.

    Ekte multe har en kosmopolitisk utbredelse i varme hav og finnes blant annet i Øst-Atlanteren fra Biscayabukta til Sør-Afrika og i Middelhavet og Svartehavet. Den ble satt ut i Det kaspiske hav i 1902, men utsettingen var mislykket fordi vannet er så lite salt at eggene synker til bunns.

    Dette er den økonomisk viktigste multearten. I 2012 ble det fisket 130 139 tonn, og landene med størst fangst er Sør-Korea og Venezuela. Ekte multe er også viktig i akvakultur med en produksjon i 2012 på 141 730 tonn.

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    Cefal ( Polonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia POL
    Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons

    Cefal[2][3], cefal pospolity[4], łoban[3], mugil cefal[3](Mugil cephalus) – ryba z rodziny mugilowatych (Mugilidae).


    Przybrzeżne wody południowej Europy od ujścia Loary po Morze Czarne i Azowskie. Żyje stadnie w morskich wodach przybrzeżnych. Często spotykany w przyujściowych odcinkach rzek.


    Osiąga długość ciała 60–70 cm i masę 2–4 kg. Ciało wydłużone, lekko bocznie spłaszczone. Otwór gębowy przedni, niewielki. Łuski duże, linia boczna przerywana. Oczy zaopatrzone w dobrze rozwinięte powieki tłuszczowe. Płetwa grzbietowa dwudzielna. Przednia płetwa krótka, z 4 twardymi promieniami, tylna dłuższa tylko z dwoma pierwszymi twardymi promieniami.

    Grzbiet szary, ze złotym lub niebieskim połyskiem. Pokrywy skrzelowe ze złotym i srebrnym połyskiem. Wzdłuż boków ciała 9–10 ciemnych smug.


    Skorupiaki, małe mięczaki, robaki i inne organizmy żyjące w mule. Pokarm rozciera zębami gardłowymi[potrzebny przypis].


    Trze się wiosną w ujściach rzek. Ikra jest zaopatrzona w kroplę tłuszczu, dzięki czemu unosi się w wodzie. Żyje w ławicach, ikrę składa w wodach słodkich.

    Znaczenie gospodarcze

    Łoban jest masowo poławiany jako ryba konsumpcyjna, tak przez zawodowych rybaków, jak i przez wędkarzy amatorów.

    W kulturze

    W starożytnym Rzymie ryba zwana mugil (lub alternatywnie mugilis), zwykle identyfikowana z tym gatunkiem, była używana jako tradycyjne narzędzie karania złapanych na gorącym uczynku cudzołożników. Kara polegała na związaniu delikwenta i włożeniu mu ryby głową naprzód w odbytnicę. Wybór tego a nie innego gatunku podyktowany był faktem, że płetwa grzbietowa mugila zawiera, jak wspomniano powyżej, cztery bardzo twarde kolce, które układają się wzdłuż jej ciała, gdy ryba przechodzi przez ciasny otwór głową do przodu, ale mają silną tendencję do stawania na sztorc przy ruchu w przeciwnym kierunku. W związku z tym rybę łatwo jest włożyć, natomiast wyciągnięcie jej z powrotem jest trudne i przede wszystkim bolesne[5].


    1. Mugil cephalus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
    2. G. Nikolski: Ichtiologia szczegółowa. Tłum. Franciszek Staff. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1970.
    3. a b c FritzF. Terofal FritzF., ClausC. Militz ClausC., Ryby słodkowodne, HenrykH. Garbarczyk (tłum.), EligiuszE. Nowakowski (tłum.), JacekJ. Wagner (tłum.), Warszawa: Świat Książki, 1997, ISBN 83-7129-441-7, OCLC 830128659 .
    4. Stanislav Frank: Wielki atlas ryb. Przekład: Henryk Szelęgiewicz. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1974.
    5. Robinson Ellis: A commentary on Catullus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1889, s. 58.


    1. Josef Reichholf, Gunter Steinbach, Claus Militz: Wielka encyklopedia ryb : słodkowodne i morskie ryby Europy. Wiśniewolski Wiesław (tłum.). Warszawa: Muza, 1994. ISBN 83-7079-317-7.
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    wikipedia POL

    Cefal: Brief Summary ( Polonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia POL

    Cefal, cefal pospolity, łoban, mugil cefal(Mugil cephalus) – ryba z rodziny mugilowatych (Mugilidae).

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    wikipedia POL

    Mugil cephalus ( Português )

    fornecido por wikipedia PT
    Mugil cephalus.
    Mugil cephalus na província de Grosseto, na Toscana, na Itália.
    Banco de M. cephalus e uma boga em El Portús (Cartagena, Espanha).

    Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) é uma espécie de peixe nerítico eurialino, com distribuição natural nas águas costeiras das regiões tropicais e subtropicais de todos os oceanos, pertencente à família Mugilidae, conhecida pelos nomes comuns de curimã, tainha-olhalvo, tainhota, tapuji, tamatarana e urichoa. A espécie atinge 60–80 cm de comprimento adulto,[2] sendo alvo de pesca comercial e lúdica e produzida em aquicultura com fins comerciais.


    A espécie Mugil cephalus atinge um comprimento corporal padrão de 60 a 80 cm, com corpo fusiforme com um marcado achatamento na região cefálica. A espécie apresenta coloração corporal prateada, com marcas mais escuras ao longo dos flancos.

    É uma espécie com ampla distribuição mundial, estando presente nas águas costeiras tropicais e subtropicais de todos os oceanos,[3] alargando mesmo a sua distribuição às águas temperadas das costas continentais. A espécie é muito comum em águas costeiras pouco profundas em áreas de forte insolação devido às suas características de adaptação a águas com temperatura elevada, salinidade variável e níveis elevados de enriquecimento em matéria orgânica.

    No Atlântico ocidental, ocorre desde a Nova Escócia (Canadá) ao Brasil, incluindo o Golfo do México.[3] Está ausente das Bahamas e do Caraíbas. No Atlântico oriental ocorre desde o Golfo da Biscaia até à África do Sul, incluindo o Mar Mediterrâneo e o Mar Negro. A distribuição no Pacífico oriental vai desde as costas da Califórnia ao Chile.[3]

    A espécie tem um ciclo de vida catádromo, ocorrendo frequentemente em ambientes estuarinos e de água doce.[3] Durante os meses de outono e inverno, os adultos migram para o mar em grandes cardumes para desovar. A fecundidade estima-se em 0,5–2,0 milhões de ovos por fêmea, dependendo do seu tamanho corporal.[3] A eclosão ocorre decorridas 48 horas depois da fertilização,[3] libertando larvas de 2,4 mm de comprimento.[3] Quando as larvas alcançam os 16–20 mm migram para as águas interiores, especialmente para os estuários e troços finais dos cursos de água. Nestas águas os juvenis são recolhidos em grande número para aquicultura desde fins de Agosto a princípios de Dezembro.[3]

    A espécie é objecto de importantes pescarias, sendo muito procurada em múltiplas regiões costeiras, fazendo parte do património gastronómico de muitas delas. Particularmente apreciadas são as suas ovas, em geral consumidas após serem salgadas, secas ao e comprimidas, produzindo diversas comidas especializadas.

    A espécie é muito valorizada para fins culinários, em especial na costa mediterrânica ibérica, desde a Catalunha a Múrcia, na costa da Occitânia e em amplas zonas costeiras da Itália (Calábria, Sardenha, Sicília e Toscana), sendo aí pela sua carne e, especialmente, pelas suas ovas, que se preparam em salga. Na costa mediterrânica europeia as ovas dessecadas e salgadas são conhecidas pelo nome de butarga. Na costa mediterrânica do Norte de África, as ovas são conhecidas por batarekh no Egipto, país onde, para além das ovas, o pescado também é salgado, seco e descabeçado, sendo comercializado como feseekh.[4]

    Nas costas do Extremo Oriente as ovas são usadas em diversas especialidade, como o wuyutsu (烏魚子) taiwanês, o myeongran jeot coreano e o karasumi japonês.

    No Brasil o nome da espécie apresente uma rica etimologia, sendo que o nome "curimã" provém do tupi ku'rema[2] e "tamatarana" vem da junção dos termos tupis tamua'tá (coridora) e rana (semelhante)[5]. No estado de Pernambuco, a espécie é criada em viveiros, sendo consumida especialmente na Semana Santa[2].

    Na costa noroeste da Flórida e na costa do Alabama, a espécie é considerada uma especialidade local, servida em restaurantes de mariscos, consumido frito (a forma mais popular), mas também fumado, no forno e em sopas e guisados.[6] Apesar disso, a espécie Mugil curema é preferida nas costas norte-americanas por habitar águas mais límpidas, não tendo o sabor a lodo que por vezes ocorre em M. cephalus.[7] A espécie é um pescado delicado, de difícil conservação, mantendo-se em gelo por apenas aproximadamente 72 horas, após o que fica quase não comestível, sendo por isso melhor consumido em fresco.


    1. «Mugil cephalus». Lista Vermelha da IUCN de espécies ameaçadas da UICN 2022 (em inglês). ISSN 2307-8235
    2. a b c FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.512
    3. a b c d e f g h Mugil Cephalus: Distribución y hábitat
    4. «Mugil cephalus» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov). Consultado em 18 April 2006 Verifique data em: |acessodata= (ajuda)
    5. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. pp.1 644,1 645,1 449
    6. «Instituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti Base ambiental de la Laguna de Venecia». Consultado em 22 de setembro de 2014. Arquivado do original em 13 de outubro de 2010
    7. David McKee (2008). Texas A&M University Press College Station, Tx, ed. Fishes of the Laguna Madre. [S.l.: s.n.] 196 páginas. ISBN 978-1-60344-028-8 |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)


    • Arthur, J.R. & Lumanlan-Mayo, S. 1997. Checklist of the parasites of fishes of the Philippines. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 369. FAO, Rome, Italy. 102 pp.
    • Badran, A.F. 1994. Preliminary investigations on streptococcosis among freshwater and marine fishes. Veterinary Medical Journal Giza, 42(1B): 257–262.
    • Chen, S.C., Liaw, L.L., Su, H.Y., Ko, S.C., Wu, C.Y., Chaung, H.C., Tsai, Y.H., Yang, K.L., Chen, Y.C., Chen, T.H., Lin, G.R., Cheng, S.Y., Lin, Y.D., Lee, J.L., Lai, C.C., Weng Y.J. & Chu, S.Y. 2002. Lactococcus garvieae, a cause of disease in grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L., in Taiwan. Journal of Fish Diseases, 25:727–732.
    • FAO. 1995. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. FAO, Rome, Italy. 41 pp.
    • Harrison, I.J. & Senou, H. 1999. Order Mugiliformes. Mugilidae. Mullets. In: K.E. Carpenter & V.H. Niem (eds.), FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 4. Bony fishes Part 2 (Mugilidae to Carangidae), pp. 2069–2108. FAO, Rome, Italy.
    • Oren, O.H. 1981. Aquaculture of grey mullets. (International Biological Programme No. 26). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. 507 pp.
    • Plumb, J.A. 1999. Edwardsiella Septicaemias. In: P.T.K. Woo & D.W. Bruno (eds.), Fish Diseases and Disorders, Vol. 3: Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections, pp. 479–521. CABI, New York, USA.

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    wikipedia PT

    Mugil cephalus: Brief Summary ( Português )

    fornecido por wikipedia PT
     src= Mugil cephalus.  src= Mugil cephalus na província de Grosseto, na Toscana, na Itália.  src= Banco de M. cephalus e uma boga em El Portús (Cartagena, Espanha).

    Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) é uma espécie de peixe nerítico eurialino, com distribuição natural nas águas costeiras das regiões tropicais e subtropicais de todos os oceanos, pertencente à família Mugilidae, conhecida pelos nomes comuns de curimã, tainha-olhalvo, tainhota, tapuji, tamatarana e urichoa. A espécie atinge 60–80 cm de comprimento adulto, sendo alvo de pesca comercial e lúdica e produzida em aquicultura com fins comerciais.

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    wikipedia PT

    Glavati cipelj ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

    fornecido por wikipedia SL

    Glavati cipelj (znanstveno ime Mugil cephalus) je gospodarsko pomembna riba iz družine cipljev, ki je razširjena po obalnih tropskih in subtropskih vodah po celem svetu.[2]


    Odrasli glavati ciplji dosežejo telesno dolžino med 30 in 75, izjemoma celo do 100 cm[2] ter lahko tehtajo do 8 kg.[3] Poseljuje tako morja, kot tudi brakične in sladke vode. Običajno se zadržuje od vodne površine do 120 metrov globine. Najbolj mu ustrezajo temperature vode med 8 in 24 ºC.[3]


    1. Kottelat, M. & Freyhof, J. 2012. Mugil cephalus The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. Dostopano 1. novembra 2014.
    2. 2,0 2,1 »{{{genus}}} {{{species}}}«. FishBase, ur. Froese, Ranier & Pauly, Daniel. Različica: {{{month}}} 2014.
    3. 3,0 3,1 Minckley, W.L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. pp. 257-258.
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    wikipedia SL

    Glavati cipelj: Brief Summary ( Espanhol; Castelhano )

    fornecido por wikipedia SL

    Glavati cipelj (znanstveno ime Mugil cephalus) je gospodarsko pomembna riba iz družine cipljev, ki je razširjena po obalnih tropskih in subtropskih vodah po celem svetu.

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    wikipedia SL

    Dubar ( Turco )

    fornecido por wikipedia TR

    Dubar (Mugil cephalus), Mugilidae familyasından bütün tropik ve ılıman denizlerde yaygın olan bir kefal türü.

    Fiziksel özellikleri

    Ortalama 30-50, en çok 75 cm boyda olabilir. Kafası yassı, vücudu dolgundur ve iki adet üçgen şekilli sırt yüzgeçleri vardır. Sırtı koyu gri ile yeşilimsi bir renk arası değişir. Karın kısmı gümüş beyazıdır.

    Yaşam şekli

    Bütün kefaller gibi ürkek ve çevik bir balıktır. Açık denizle sahiller arasında gidip gelir. Bazen beslenmek için sürüler halinde acı sulara, lagünlere, hatta kilometrelerce nehirlerin içine girerler. Deniz dibi bitkileri ve yumuşakçalarla beslenir.

    Yaz aylarında üreyip 150 bin - 1 milyon yumurta verir. Beyaz etinin lezzeti ve mumlanarak pazarlanan "havyar" yumurtasıyla ekonomik değeri çok yüksektir.

    Dış bağlantılar

    Stub icon Balık ile ilgili bu madde bir taslaktır. Madde içeriğini geliştirerek Vikipedi'ye katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.
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    wikipedia TR

    Dubar: Brief Summary ( Turco )

    fornecido por wikipedia TR

    Dubar (Mugil cephalus), Mugilidae familyasından bütün tropik ve ılıman denizlerde yaygın olan bir kefal türü.

    direitos autorais
    Wikipedia yazarları ve editörleri
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    site do parceiro
    wikipedia TR

    Лобань (риба) ( Ucraniano )

    fornecido por wikipedia UK


    Широко розповсюджений у тропічних морях у берегів Азії, Африки, Австралії, Америки, у островів Океанії. Також зустрічається у берегів Європи, в Україні — у Чорному та Азовському морях.

    Будова та спосіб життя

    Довжина до 75 см, вага до 7 кг. Тіло торпедоподібне, голова велика, вкрита лускою, яка доходить майже до вершини рила. Лоб широкий, на очах жирові повіки. Бічна лінія відсутня. Спина темна, боки та черево сріблясті, по боках 12 повздовжніх смуг бурого кольору. Спинних плавця — два, перший складається з 4 колючих променів. Хвостовий плавець великий. Зграйна дуже рухлива риба, може розвивати велику швидкість, при короткочасних ривках до 6,5 м/сек. Також може вистрибувати з води, зокрема перестрибуючи риболовецькі сітки. Живиться детритом, збираючи його лопатоподібною нижньою щелепою.


    Статевої зрілості досягає на 6 — 8 році. Нерест у декілька етапів у травні — вересні, як у відкритому морі, так і біля берегів. Ікра та личинки пелагічні. Плодючість самок до 7 тисяч ікринок.


    Цінна промислова риба. М'ясо жирне, має дуже гарні смакові якості. У деяких регіонах світу штучно вирощується. Також є об'єктом лову рибалок-аматорів.



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    Cá đối đầu dẹt ( Vietnamita )

    fornecido por wikipedia VI

    Cá đối đầu dẹt hay cá đối nục, cá đối mục[2], tên khoa học Mugil cephalus, là một loài cá trong chi Mugil thuộc họ Mugilidae, được tìm thấy ở cá vùng nước nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới trên khắp thế giới. Chúng có chiều dài điển hình 30 đến 75 xentimét (12 đến 30 in).

    Cá đối đầu dẹt là loài sinh sống ven biển hoạt động chủ yếu là ban ngày thường đi vào cửa sông và các con sông. Cá đối đầu dẹt thường bơi thành đàn trên đáy cát hoặc bùn, ăn động vật phù du. Cá đối đầu dẹt trưởng thành thường ăn tảo ở nước ngọt. Kích thước tối đa Cá đối đầu dẹt có thể đạt được là khoảng 120 cm, với trọng lượng tối đa khoảng 8.000 g. Loài là euryhaline có nghĩa là cá có thể thích nghi với các mức độ khác nhau của độ mặn, điều này kết hợp với sự thích nghi của Cá đối đầu dẹt chưa trưởng thành đối với nhiệt độ nước cao dường như là một lợi thế chọn lọc.[3]

    Chú thích

    1. ^ Kottelat, M. & Freyhof, J. 2012. Mugil cephalus The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. Downloaded on ngày 1 tháng 11 năm 2014.
    2. ^ Thái Thanh Dương (chủ biên), Các loài cá thường gặp ở Việt Nam, Bộ Thủy sản, Hà Nội, 2007. Tr.15.
    3. ^ Minckley, W.L. 1973. Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. pp. 257-258.

    Tham khảo

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    wikipedia VI

    Cá đối đầu dẹt: Brief Summary ( Vietnamita )

    fornecido por wikipedia VI

    Cá đối đầu dẹt hay cá đối nục, cá đối mục, tên khoa học Mugil cephalus, là một loài cá trong chi Mugil thuộc họ Mugilidae, được tìm thấy ở cá vùng nước nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới trên khắp thế giới. Chúng có chiều dài điển hình 30 đến 75 xentimét (12 đến 30 in).

    Cá đối đầu dẹt là loài sinh sống ven biển hoạt động chủ yếu là ban ngày thường đi vào cửa sông và các con sông. Cá đối đầu dẹt thường bơi thành đàn trên đáy cát hoặc bùn, ăn động vật phù du. Cá đối đầu dẹt trưởng thành thường ăn tảo ở nước ngọt. Kích thước tối đa Cá đối đầu dẹt có thể đạt được là khoảng 120 cm, với trọng lượng tối đa khoảng 8.000 g. Loài là euryhaline có nghĩa là cá có thể thích nghi với các mức độ khác nhau của độ mặn, điều này kết hợp với sự thích nghi của Cá đối đầu dẹt chưa trưởng thành đối với nhiệt độ nước cao dường như là một lợi thế chọn lọc.

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    Лобан ( Russo )

    fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию
    Запрос «Лобан» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения.
    Царство: Животные
    Подцарство: Эуметазои
    Без ранга: Вторичноротые
    Подтип: Позвоночные
    Инфратип: Челюстноротые
    Группа: Рыбы
    Группа: Костные рыбы
    Подкласс: Новопёрые рыбы
    Инфракласс: Костистые рыбы
    Надотряд: Колючепёрые
    Серия: Перкоморфы
    Подсерия: Ovalentaria
    Инфрасерия: Мугиломорфы
    Отряд: Кефалеобразные (Mugiliformes Günther, 1880)
    Семейство: Кефалевые
    Вид: Лобан
    Международное научное название

    Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758

    на Викивидах
    на Викискладе
    ITIS 170335NCBI 48193EOL 206857FW 246483

    Лобан[1][2], или кефа́ль-лобан[1], или чёрная кефаль[1] (лат. Mugil cephalus) — промысловая рыба, самая крупная из серых кефалей.


    Тело удлинённое, спереди несколько приплюснутое, покрыто крупной чешуёй. Спина сине-серая, брюхо серебристое. На боках буроватые продольные полосы. Боковая линия отсутствует. На глазах широкие жировые веки, доходящие до зрачков. Рот маленький, нижняя губа тонкая с заострённым краем. Над основанием грудных плавников удлинённая чешуйка (лопастинка). Хвостовой плавник сильно выемчат.

    Достигает длины 90 см и массы более 6 кг.


    Стайная, очень подвижная рыба. Обладает способностью выпрыгивать из воды при испуге, легко перепрыгивает через выставленные ставные сети. Половозрелым становится на 6—8-м годах жизни при длине 30—40 см. Нерестится в мае-сентябре как в открытых, так и в прибрежных водах. Плодовитость до 7 тыс. икринок и более. Икра и личинки пелагические. В летний период интенсивно питается детритом, растительным обрастанием подводных субстратов, реже червями, рачками и мелкими моллюсками. Кормящийся лобан передвигается над грунтом под углом около 45° ко дну и соскабливает с него верхний слой ила, используя для этого плоскую поверхность лопатовидной нижней челюсти. В осенний период, в конце октября-ноября, лобан заходит в солоноватую воду устьев рек и бухт.


    Ценная промысловая рыба. Образует значительные скопления, нередко вместе с кефалью пиленгасом, во время зимовки и нагула. Добывается ставными и закидными неводами, сетями, вентерями и другими орудиями лова. Лобан является объектом спортивного и любительского рыболовства. Может рассматриваться как перспективный объект лагунного товарного выращивания в Южном Приморье.


    1. 1 2 3 Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 232. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
    2. Богуцкая Н. Г., Насека А. М. Каталог бесчелюстных и рыб пресных и солоноватых вод России с номенклатурными и таксономическими комментариями. — М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2004. — 389 с. ISBN 5-87317-177-7
    direitos autorais
    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    Лобан: Brief Summary ( Russo )

    fornecido por wikipedia русскую Википедию

    Лобан, или кефа́ль-лобан, или чёрная кефаль (лат. Mugil cephalus) — промысловая рыба, самая крупная из серых кефалей.

    direitos autorais
    Авторы и редакторы Википедии

    鯔魚 ( Chinês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科
    二名法 Mugil cephalus
    Linnaeus, 1758











    觀之烏魚,兩眼從額頭突出,看起來非常威嚴,全身都是深綠色斑點,喜歡身居海水清濁之間,在海中蛇行迴游環繞,好動刁鑽,圍入網中遇驚嚇會奮不顧身往上跳躍,至死不屈,不易捕獲,老一輩的人稱之為「鮡烏」。臺海采風圖考云:「鮡魚黑色如鰍,長不盈尺,二目突出於額,身多綠斑。志稱多在海邊泥塗中,善跳躍,土人以為美味。置於地上能跳,亦能行數步。」(花跳?) 如畜池中,有跳石上斃者。



    1. ^ 羅德禎; 李俊賢(攝影). 來自海洋的「烏金」——烏魚子. 農訓雜誌Vol.300 第32卷第2期. 2015-02-01. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助):52



     src= 维基物种中的分类信息:鯔魚 规范控制
    direitos autorais
    visite a fonte
    site do parceiro
    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    鯔魚: Brief Summary ( Chinês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 中文维基百科


    direitos autorais
    visite a fonte
    site do parceiro
    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    ボラ ( Japonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
    曖昧さ回避 この項目では、魚について説明しています。その他の用法については「ボラ (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。
    曖昧さ回避オボコ」はこの項目へ転送されています。漫画作品については「おぼこ (漫画)」をご覧ください。
    ボラ Mucep u0.gif
    分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii : ボラ目 Mugiliformes : ボラ科 Mugilidae : ボラ属 Mugil : ボラ M. cepphalus 学名 Mugil cephalus
    Linnaeus, 1758 和名 ボラ 英名 Flathead mullet
    Gray mullet

    ボラ(鰡、鯔、鮱、学名Mugil cephalus)は、ボラ目・ボラ科に分類される魚の一種。ほぼ全世界の熱帯温帯に広く分布する大型魚で、辺では身近な魚の一つである。食用に漁獲されている。















    • 関東 - オボコ→イナッコ→スバシリ→イナ→ボラ→トド
    • 関西 - ハク→オボコ→スバシリ→イナ→ボラ→トド
    • 高知 - イキナゴ→コボラ→イナ→ボラ→オオボラ
    • 東北 - コツブラ→ツボ→ミョウゲチ→ボラ




    イナ(鯔)は、ボラ(鯔)の幼魚 18~30cmのもの。「名吉(みょうきち・みょうぎち・なよし)」などとも。 オオボラ(鮱)は、ボラ(鯔・鰡)の成長しきったものを指す。












     src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ボラに関連するメディアがあります。
    direitos autorais
    visite a fonte
    site do parceiro
    wikipedia 日本語

    ボラ: Brief Summary ( Japonês )

    fornecido por wikipedia 日本語
     src= 焼津市・小石川の河口付近にて

    ボラ(鰡、鯔、鮱、学名Mugil cephalus)は、ボラ目・ボラ科に分類される魚の一種。ほぼ全世界の熱帯温帯に広く分布する大型魚で、辺では身近な魚の一つである。食用に漁獲されている。

    direitos autorais
    visite a fonte
    site do parceiro
    wikipedia 日本語

    숭어 ( Coreano )

    fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

     src= 슈베르트의 가곡 중 〈숭어〉가 있는데 이는 잘못된 번역이다. 원래 제목은 〈송어〉이다.
     src= 비슷한 이름의 송어에 관해서는 해당 문서를 참조하십시오.

    숭어(영어: flathead grey mullet)는 숭어과의 바닷물고기이다. 어린 개체는 모쟁이, 동어, 또는 살모치라 부른다.[1][2][3] 하지만 민물에서도 살 수 있고, 먹이를 구하기 위해서 민물에 올라온다. 조선시대 기록에는 숭어(崇魚), 수어(秀魚), 수어(水魚) 등으로 표기했다. 한국 및 전 세계의 온대와 열대 지방에 분포한다. 연안이나 강의 하구에서 무리를 이루며 생활한다. 연어과의 물고기인 송어와 이름이 비슷하지만 다른 물고기이다.

    먹이로는 식물성 플랑크톤, 유기물 등이 있다. 숭어과에 속한 물고기로는 숭어이외에도 가숭어, 등줄숭어등이 있는데, 등이 청색이며 배는 은색이다. 양식을 한다.

    몸길이 55-80cm이며 몸은 가늘고 길다. 몸빛깔은 등쪽이 회청색이고 배쪽이 은백색이다. 머리가 둥글고 무디며 입이 작다. 민물과 바다에 살며, 이가 매우 약하거나 없다. 각 비늘 중앙에 흑색 반점이 있어 여러 줄의 작은 세로줄이 있는 것처럼 보인다. 위턱은 아래턱보다 약간 짧다. 늦가을부터 점차 피하지방이 많아지고 지방질의 눈꺼풀이 생기며 겨울철에는 이것이 발달하여 시력이 극히 떨어진다. 옆줄은 없다. 어린 물고기는 바닷물과 민물이 서로 섞이는 곳이나 담수역에 살다가 몸길이 25cm 내외가 되면 바다로 내려간다. 세계의 온대와 열대지방에 널리 분포한다. 신선한 것은 생선회로 애용하고 있다.[4]


    1. “모쟁이”. 《국립국어원》. 표준국어대사전. 2018년 4월 8일에 확인함.
    2. “동어”. 《국립국어원》. 표준국어대사전. 2018년 4월 8일에 확인함.
    3. “살모치”. 《국립국어원》. 표준국어대사전. 2018년 4월 8일에 확인함.
    4. 글로벌 세계대백과사전》,
    direitos autorais
    Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

    숭어: Brief Summary ( Coreano )

    fornecido por wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
     src= 슈베르트의 가곡 중 〈숭어〉가 있는데 이는 잘못된 번역이다. 원래 제목은 〈송어〉이다.  src= 비슷한 이름의 송어에 관해서는 해당 문서를 참조하십시오.

    숭어(영어: flathead grey mullet)는 숭어과의 바닷물고기이다. 어린 개체는 모쟁이, 동어, 또는 살모치라 부른다. 하지만 민물에서도 살 수 있고, 먹이를 구하기 위해서 민물에 올라온다. 조선시대 기록에는 숭어(崇魚), 수어(秀魚), 수어(水魚) 등으로 표기했다. 한국 및 전 세계의 온대와 열대 지방에 분포한다. 연안이나 강의 하구에서 무리를 이루며 생활한다. 연어과의 물고기인 송어와 이름이 비슷하지만 다른 물고기이다.

    먹이로는 식물성 플랑크톤, 유기물 등이 있다. 숭어과에 속한 물고기로는 숭어이외에도 가숭어, 등줄숭어등이 있는데, 등이 청색이며 배는 은색이다. 양식을 한다.

    몸길이 55-80cm이며 몸은 가늘고 길다. 몸빛깔은 등쪽이 회청색이고 배쪽이 은백색이다. 머리가 둥글고 무디며 입이 작다. 민물과 바다에 살며, 이가 매우 약하거나 없다. 각 비늘 중앙에 흑색 반점이 있어 여러 줄의 작은 세로줄이 있는 것처럼 보인다. 위턱은 아래턱보다 약간 짧다. 늦가을부터 점차 피하지방이 많아지고 지방질의 눈꺼풀이 생기며 겨울철에는 이것이 발달하여 시력이 극히 떨어진다. 옆줄은 없다. 어린 물고기는 바닷물과 민물이 서로 섞이는 곳이나 담수역에 살다가 몸길이 25cm 내외가 되면 바다로 내려간다. 세계의 온대와 열대지방에 널리 분포한다. 신선한 것은 생선회로 애용하고 있다.

    direitos autorais
    Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자

    Description ( Inglês )

    fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
    Occurs at temperatures ranging from 8-24°C (Ref. 4944) in calm waters close to shore, around mouths of streams and inlets, and brackish bays and harbors. Usually found in schools over sand or mud bottom (Ref. 2850). Mainly diurnal, feeds on zooplankton, benthic organisms and detritus. Also takes diatom algae and small invertebrates (Ref. 9072). Feeds occasionally at the surface (Ref. 9987). Can be used in aquaculture if stock is collected from the sea (Ref. 4967). Marketed fresh, dried,salted, and frozen; roe sold fresh or smoked (Ref. 9312).


    Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

    direitos autorais
    WoRMS Editorial Board
    Edward Vanden Berghe [email]

    Diet ( Inglês )

    fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
    Feeds on zooplankton, benthic organisms, detritus


    North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

    direitos autorais
    WoRMS Editorial Board
    Kennedy, Mary [email]

    Distribution ( Inglês )

    fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
    Western Atlantic: Nova Scotia, Canada to Brazil; Cape Cod to southern Gulf of Mexico; absent in the Bahamas and most of West Indies and Caribbean


    North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

    direitos autorais
    WoRMS Editorial Board
    Kennedy, Mary [email]

    Habitat ( Inglês )

    fornecido por World Register of Marine Species


    North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

    direitos autorais
    WoRMS Editorial Board
    Kennedy, Mary [email]

    Habitat ( Inglês )

    fornecido por World Register of Marine Species
    Occasionally found in Canadian Atlantic waters. Coastal species, found to depths of 120 m and often enter estuaries and rivers.


    North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)

    direitos autorais
    WoRMS Editorial Board
    Kennedy, Mary [email]