Tor putitora és una espècie de peix de la família dels ciprínids i de l'ordre dels cipriniformes.
Els mascles poden assolir els 275 cm de longitud total i els 54 kg de pes.[3][4][5]
Es troba a l'Afganistan, Pakistan, Índia, Nepal, Bangladesh,[6] Bhutan[7] i Birmània.[8][3]
Mahsír obří (Tor putitora), starším českým názvem veleparma himálajská, je kaprovitá ryba žijící v prudce tekoucích horských řekách indického subkontinentu. Patří k největším sladkovodním rybám: v minulosti byly uloveny exempláře dlouhé přes dva metry a vážící až 80 kg, v důsledku intenzivního rybolovu však mahsírů ubývá a vzácností jsou kusy o váze mezi třiceti a čtyřiceti kilogramy.[2] Druh je populární sportovní rybou, pro fyzickou náročnost lovu bývá srovnáván s tarponem.[3] Název mahsír znamená v hindštině „velká hlava“. Impozantní ryba je námětem řady domorodých legend.
Mahsír obří (Tor putitora), starším českým názvem veleparma himálajská, je kaprovitá ryba žijící v prudce tekoucích horských řekách indického subkontinentu. Patří k největším sladkovodním rybám: v minulosti byly uloveny exempláře dlouhé přes dva metry a vážící až 80 kg, v důsledku intenzivního rybolovu však mahsírů ubývá a vzácností jsou kusy o váze mezi třiceti a čtyřiceti kilogramy. Druh je populární sportovní rybou, pro fyzickou náročnost lovu bývá srovnáván s tarponem. Název mahsír znamená v hindštině „velká hlava“. Impozantní ryba je námětem řady domorodých legend.
Tor putitora (auch Putitor Mahseer, Golden Mahseer oder Himalayan Mahseer genannt) ist einer der größten Vertreter der Familie der Karpfenfische.
Tor putitora kommt in der Himalaya-Region sowie in Südasien (vom Iran im Westen, Sri Lanka im Süden bis Thailand im Osten) vor. Er lebt in schnell strömenden Gewässern, Flussbecken und Seen. Der Fisch ist ein beliebter Angelfisch. Er erreicht eine Länge von 2,75 m sowie ein Gewicht von 54 kg. Die Art gilt als bedroht.[1] Wichtige Ursachen sind der Verlust von Lebensraum infolge wasserbaulicher Maßnahmen sowie Überfischung. Tor putitora ernährt sich von Fisch, Zooplankton, Insektenlarven sowie Wasserpflanzen. Zum Laichen wandert der Karpfenfisch von den Unterläufen der Flüsse hinauf zu deren Mittelläufe. Dort laicht er üblicherweise, wenn die Flüsse geringere Abflüsse aufweisen.[2] Die Jungfische halten sich zwischen Steinen und am Randbereich der Gewässer auf.
Tor putitora (auch Putitor Mahseer, Golden Mahseer oder Himalayan Mahseer genannt) ist einer der größten Vertreter der Familie der Karpfenfische.
Tor putitora kommt in der Himalaya-Region sowie in Südasien (vom Iran im Westen, Sri Lanka im Süden bis Thailand im Osten) vor. Er lebt in schnell strömenden Gewässern, Flussbecken und Seen. Der Fisch ist ein beliebter Angelfisch. Er erreicht eine Länge von 2,75 m sowie ein Gewicht von 54 kg. Die Art gilt als bedroht. Wichtige Ursachen sind der Verlust von Lebensraum infolge wasserbaulicher Maßnahmen sowie Überfischung. Tor putitora ernährt sich von Fisch, Zooplankton, Insektenlarven sowie Wasserpflanzen. Zum Laichen wandert der Karpfenfisch von den Unterläufen der Flüsse hinauf zu deren Mittelläufe. Dort laicht er üblicherweise, wenn die Flüsse geringere Abflüsse aufweisen. Die Jungfische halten sich zwischen Steinen und am Randbereich der Gewässer auf.
Iwak Tambra (Tor spp., syn. Labeobarbus, suku Cyprinidae; uga kanggo iwak saka génus Neolissochilus) ya iku iwak banyu tawa kang asalé saka Indo-Ostrali lan anak bawana India. Jeneng liya iwak iki kaya ta Kancra (Sundha), Sapan (Kalimantan)[3], Ihan Batak utawa Curong (basa Toba)[4], Mahseer utawa Kelah (Malaysia). Uga dijenengi "semah" tumrapé wong Sumatra sisih tengah munggah ing sisih kidul.
Iwak tambra isih raket karo iwak mas kang lumrah dibudidaya kanggo bahan pangan ing Indonésia lan Malaysia, kaya ta Tor douronesis (tambra biyasa utawa kancra bodas), T. tambra (tambra), T. tambroides (tambra), lan T. soro (kancra)[5]. Iwak tambra bisa nganti samèter dawané[6], déné kang umum tinemu lan ana ing pasaran racaké 30 cm.
Iki iwak urip ing kali-kali kang mili banter ing gunung-gunung lan cacahé muwatiri bakal tumuju cures amarga akèh kang dicekel. Tengerané saka arang tinemu lan manawa tinemu ukurané uga saya cilik lan sebarané sethithik.
Spésies tambra biyasa (Tor douronesis) lan kancra (Tor soro) tinemu urip mapan ing blumbang, sawah, lan kali-kali ing Jawa Kulon. Amarga langka, wong Sundha nganggep iwak iki suci utawa kramat lan minangka "iwak déwa"; kang banjur kanthi cara adat nyegah iwak iki dipatèni utawa dipangan. Iki iwak bisa ditemokaké ing padusan ing laladan Gunung Ceremai; kalebu Cibulan, Cigugur, Pasawahan, Linggajati, lan Darmaloka ing Kabupatèn Kuningan.[7][8]
Génus Tor, kalebu:[9]
Génus Neolissochilus kalebu:[10]
Iwak Tambra (Tor spp., syn. Labeobarbus, suku Cyprinidae; uga kanggo iwak saka génus Neolissochilus) ya iku iwak banyu tawa kang asalé saka Indo-Ostrali lan anak bawana India. Jeneng liya iwak iki kaya ta Kancra (Sundha), Sapan (Kalimantan), Ihan Batak utawa Curong (basa Toba), Mahseer utawa Kelah (Malaysia). Uga dijenengi "semah" tumrapé wong Sumatra sisih tengah munggah ing sisih kidul.
Iwak tambra isih raket karo iwak mas kang lumrah dibudidaya kanggo bahan pangan ing Indonésia lan Malaysia, kaya ta Tor douronesis (tambra biyasa utawa kancra bodas), T. tambra (tambra), T. tambroides (tambra), lan T. soro (kancra). Iwak tambra bisa nganti samèter dawané, déné kang umum tinemu lan ana ing pasaran racaké 30 cm.
सहर बग्ने पानीमा बस्न रुचाउने माछाको एक प्रजाति हो, जुन तीव्र गतिमा बगेको पानीको धारमा अत्यधिक रमाउँछ। यो फिरन्ता स्वभावको माछा हो, एकै ठाउँमा बसिरहँदैन। अन्य माछाका तुलनामा ठूलो टाउको हुने भएकाले यसको नाम महाशीर भएको हो तर पश्चिम नेपालमा यो महाशेर भनेरै चिनिन्छ। यस्को 'टर पटिटोरा'(tor putitora ) र 'टरटर' गरी महाशेरका दुई प्रजाति छन्। टर पटिटोरा पहेँलो रंगको हुन्छ, जसलाई सुनौलो महाशेर पनि भनिन्छ। टरटर प्रजाति सेतो रंगको हुन्छ, जो सहर वा मन्सारका नामले चिनिन्छ। महाकाली, कर्णाली र बबईलगायतका पश्चिम नेपालका ठूला नदीमा सुनौला महाशेर धेरै पाइन्छन्। पूर्वी नेपालमा धेरै पाइनेचाहिँ सेतो कत्ला भएको महाशेर वा सहर माछा हो।
नेपालका सबैजसो ठूला नदीको एक मुख्य बासिन्दा हो महाशेर माछा। कर्णाली र महाकाली नदी आसपासका बासिन्दामाझ यसको बेग्लै महत्त्व छ। नेपाल-भारत सीमाको धार्चुलादेखि महेन्द्रनगरसम्मको करबि दुई सय किलोमिटर दूरीको महाकाली नदीमा जहाँतहीँ पाइन्छ यो। त्यसमा पनि पञ्चेश्वर महाशेर पाइने मुख्य स्थान हो। कर्णालीमा चाहिँ सेती र कणरालीको संगमदेखि तलैसम्म पाइन्छ।
महाशेरले बाढीमा अन्डा फालिदिन्छ, जसलाई स्थानीयहरू महाशेरको अन्डा फाल्ने समय भन्छन्। यस्तो समय असार पहिलो सातादेखि सुरु हुन्छ। अङ्ग्रेजी महिनाको सेप्टेम्बर र अक्टोबर महाशेरको प्रजननको मुख्य समय मानिन्छ। बग्दै गएर फुल फुट्दै भुरा निस्किँदै जान्छन्। कर्णाली नदीमा भेरी र कर्णाली तथा सेती र कर्णालीको संगम क्षेत्र महाशेरको प्रजनन क्षेत्र हो। त्यहाँका भुरा कर्णाली नदी र भारततर्फको घाघरा नदीसम्म पुग्छन्। खासगरी यो प्रजातिका माछाले पानीको बहाव राम्रो भएका ठूला नदीमा गएर प्रजनन गर्छन्। त्रिशूलीको सहायक तादी नदी महाशेरले अन्डा पार्ने एक विन्दु हो, त्यहाँबाट भुरा त्रिशूली र नारायणी नदीमा हुर्किन्छन्। यस्तै, पूर्वी नेपालका सुनकोसी र अरूण नदीको संगम, तमोर र अरुण नदीको संगम तथा अरूण नदीका सहायक नदीहरू सभा र पिलुवा लगायतका नदीनालामा पुगेर प्रजनन गर्छन् सहर माछाले।
नेपालमा ८२ किलो तौलसम्मका महाशेरको रेकर्ड छ। अरुण, तमोर, सुनकोसी, सप्तकोसी, सप्तगण्डकी, नारायणी, बबई, कर्णाली, महाकालीलगायतका नदीमा यस जातका माछा पाइन्छन्। यसबाहेक पोखरा आसपासका विभिन्न तालमा समेत भेटिन्छन्।
Tor putitora, the Putitor mahseer, Himalayan mahseer, or golden mahseer, is an endangered species of cyprinid fish that is found in rapid streams, riverine pools, and lakes in the Himalayan region. Its native range is within the basins of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers.[1] It was reported to be found in the Salween river, the natural border between Thailand and Myanmar as well, but the number is very rare, only three times in 28 years.[2]
This omnivorous species is generally found near the surface in water that ranges from 13–30 °C (55–86 °F).[3] It is a popular gamefish, once believed to be the largest species of mahseer, and can reach up to 2.75 m (9.0 ft) in length and 54 kg (119 lb) in weight, though most caught today are far smaller.[4]
The official IGFA (International Game Fishing Association) All-Tackle World Record is 29.94kg (66lb), caught by British angler - Greg Iszatt from the Mahakali River in June 2017. Greg Iszatt was assisted by mahseer guide - Christopher Oldmeadow.
Its caudal, pelvic, and anal fins show tint of reddish-golden colour. While the body above its lateral line is generally golden in colour at adulthood, the gold colour might be absent in young specimens.
Hamilton's original description says "The head is blunt, oval, small, and smooth". He goes on to say "The mouth is small" and "the lateral line is scarcely distinguishable".[5] However, the largest head of any mahseer species, with a large mouth and prominent lateral line stripe, are features considered to be important in the correct identification of this species.
The Himalayan Golden Mahaseer is the National fish of Pakistan.[6][n 1] It is also the state fish of the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhyapradesh and the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.[7]
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature - Rudyard Kipling, wrote: "There he met the mahseer of the Poonch, beside whom the tarpon is a herring, and he who catches him can say he is a fisherman.” (Rudyard Kipling - "The Day's Work" 1898 - "The Brushwood Boy" 1899).
It is threatened by habitat loss, habitat degradation and overfishing, and it already has declined by more than an estimated 50%.[1] The prospect of large-scale dam building across the distribution range gives cause for concern reflected by the current Red Listing status.
Most researchers believe this fish is in a population decline, hence the Red Listing status of Endangered. Some, however, have noted that Tor putitora is "quite abundant",[8] which also raises questions about the status of ongoing stock augmentation programmes.
Recent releases of artificially bred stock have been into the Irrawaddy River basin in Nagaland, India and, through the Indo-German Biodiversity Programme [9] releases into the Hira Bambai reservoir and small streams around Melghat Tiger Reserve, part of the Tapti River basin.[10] The effect of releasing fish from a different river basin, well outside its native range is uncertain. That these fish are being released over a ten-year period, with as many as 10,000 in each batch, must be considered a huge threat to the native mahseer and other fish species.[11] According to Dr Ogale, former scientist leading the fish breeding programme for Tata Power: "When these mature, there will be more fingerlings which will be then introduced in river Tapi".[12] River Tapi is a west-flowing river of the central Indian state of Maharashtra. Golden mahseer from Lonavala hatchery in Maharashtra, India were supplied to the government of Papua New Guinea[13][14] where the fish escaped into the local Sepik river system after release into the Yonki reservoir. There are fears about the decline of native species following these introductions.[15]
Tor putitora, the Putitor mahseer, Himalayan mahseer, or golden mahseer, is an endangered species of cyprinid fish that is found in rapid streams, riverine pools, and lakes in the Himalayan region. Its native range is within the basins of the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. It was reported to be found in the Salween river, the natural border between Thailand and Myanmar as well, but the number is very rare, only three times in 28 years.
This omnivorous species is generally found near the surface in water that ranges from 13–30 °C (55–86 °F). It is a popular gamefish, once believed to be the largest species of mahseer, and can reach up to 2.75 m (9.0 ft) in length and 54 kg (119 lb) in weight, though most caught today are far smaller.
The official IGFA (International Game Fishing Association) All-Tackle World Record is 29.94kg (66lb), caught by British angler - Greg Iszatt from the Mahakali River in June 2017. Greg Iszatt was assisted by mahseer guide - Christopher Oldmeadow.
Its caudal, pelvic, and anal fins show tint of reddish-golden colour. While the body above its lateral line is generally golden in colour at adulthood, the gold colour might be absent in young specimens.
Hamilton's original description says "The head is blunt, oval, small, and smooth". He goes on to say "The mouth is small" and "the lateral line is scarcely distinguishable". However, the largest head of any mahseer species, with a large mouth and prominent lateral line stripe, are features considered to be important in the correct identification of this species.
The Himalayan Golden Mahaseer is the National fish of Pakistan. It is also the state fish of the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhyapradesh and the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature - Rudyard Kipling, wrote: "There he met the mahseer of the Poonch, beside whom the tarpon is a herring, and he who catches him can say he is a fisherman.” (Rudyard Kipling - "The Day's Work" 1898 - "The Brushwood Boy" 1899).
El masheer (Tor putitora) es una especie de peces de la familia Cyprinidae en el orden de los Cypriniformes.
Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 275 cm de longitud total y los 54 kg de peso.[1][2][3]
Es un pez de agua dulce.
Se encuentra en Afganistán, Pakistán, India, Nepal, Bangladés, Malasia y Birmania .
El masheer (Tor putitora) es una especie de peces de la familia Cyprinidae en el orden de los Cypriniformes.
Tor putitora Tor generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.
Tor putitora Tor generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.
O Tor putitora é unha especie de peixe da familia Cyprinidae da orde dos Cypriniformes. Tor putitora é o peixe nacional de Paquistán.[2]
Os machos poden chegar ós 275 cm de lonxitude total e os 54 kg de peso.[3][4][5]
Atópase en Afganistán, Paquistán, a India, o Nepal, Bangladesh e Myanmar .
O Tor putitora é unha especie de peixe da familia Cyprinidae da orde dos Cypriniformes. Tor putitora é o peixe nacional de Paquistán.
Pailgažvyniai (Tor) – karpinių (Cyprinidae) šeimos žuvų gentis.
Pailgažvyniai (Tor) – karpinių (Cyprinidae) šeimos žuvų gentis.
Ikan Kelah (bahasa Inggeris: Mahseer) adalah ikan kap dalam keluarga Cyprinidae yang bersisik besar, dan merupakan ikan sukan yang digilai dan banyak terdapat di India dan secara amnya di Asia Selatan.
Ikan ini digambarkan pada asalnya oleh Hamilton pada tahun 1822, dan pertama kali disebut dalam cabaran memancing dalam Majalah Oriental Sporting pada tahun 1833, dan kemudiannya menjadi buruan kegemaran pemancing British yang menetap di India. Spesies Golden Mahseer diketahui mencapai 2.75 meter (9 kaki) panjangnya dan 54 kilogram (118 paun) beratnya, walaupun spesimen sebesar ini jarang dinampak pada hari ini.
Ikah Kelah mendiami di sungai serta tasik, dan naik ke anak sungai yang pantas serta dasar sungai yang berbatu-batan untuk membiak. Serupa dengan jenis ikan kap yang lain, mereka merupakan omnivor dan makan bukan sahaja alga, krustasia, serangga, katak, dan ikan yang lain, tetapi juga buah-buahan yang jatuh daripada pokok-pokok di atas.
Selain daripada ditangkap untuk sukan, ikan kelah juga merupakan sebahagian perikanan komersil di India.
Terdapatnya banyak jenis ikan kelah:
Ikan Kelah (bahasa Inggeris: Mahseer) adalah ikan kap dalam keluarga Cyprinidae yang bersisik besar, dan merupakan ikan sukan yang digilai dan banyak terdapat di India dan secara amnya di Asia Selatan.
Ikan ini digambarkan pada asalnya oleh Hamilton pada tahun 1822, dan pertama kali disebut dalam cabaran memancing dalam Majalah Oriental Sporting pada tahun 1833, dan kemudiannya menjadi buruan kegemaran pemancing British yang menetap di India. Spesies Golden Mahseer diketahui mencapai 2.75 meter (9 kaki) panjangnya dan 54 kilogram (118 paun) beratnya, walaupun spesimen sebesar ini jarang dinampak pada hari ini.
Ikah Kelah mendiami di sungai serta tasik, dan naik ke anak sungai yang pantas serta dasar sungai yang berbatu-batan untuk membiak. Serupa dengan jenis ikan kap yang lain, mereka merupakan omnivor dan makan bukan sahaja alga, krustasia, serangga, katak, dan ikan yang lain, tetapi juga buah-buahan yang jatuh daripada pokok-pokok di atas.
Selain daripada ditangkap untuk sukan, ikan kelah juga merupakan sebahagian perikanan komersil di India.
Tor putitora is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de eigenlijke karpers (Cyprinidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1822 door Hamilton.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesTor himalajski[3] (Tor putitora) – zagrożony wyginięciem azjatycki gatunek dużej słodkowodnej ryby karpiokształtnej z rodziny karpiowatych (Cyprinidae). W Himalajach jest najpospolitszym przedstawicielem rodzaju Tor. Lokalnie ma istotne znaczenie gospodarcze. Jest zagrożony wyginięciem.
Gatunek szeroko rozprzestrzeniony w południowej i południowo-wschodniej Azji, na obszarze Afganistanu, Pakistanu, Indii, Nepalu, Bangladeszu, Bhutanu, Sri Lanki, Mjanmy, zachodniego Iranu po wschodnią Tajlandię[2][4]. Zasiedla górskie i podgórskie strumienie i rzeki, rozlewiska rzeczne i jeziora[2].
Przeciętna długość ciała wynosi 183 cm, a maksymalna 275 cm. Maksymalna odnotowana masa ciała to 55 kg[4].
Gatunek migrujący. Żeruje w rozlewiskach i jeziorach. Na okres rozrodu wpływa do strumieni. Ikrę składa na żwirowatym lub kamienistym dnie[3]. Po tarle wraca do spokojniejszych wód. Ryba wszystkożerna[2].
Jest poławiany komercyjnie oraz w wędkarstwie jako ryba konsumpcyjna. Hodowany w akwakulturach. Prezentowany w akwariach publicznych[4].
Tor himalajski jest gatunkiem poważnie zagrożonym przez przełowienie, utratę siedlisk, spadek jakości siedlisk, w wyniku utraty terenów rozrodczych, a także z powodu innych czynników antropogenicznych, które bezpośrednio doprowadziły do spadku liczebności populacji w wielu miejscach. Ponadto kilka zapór planowanych do budowy w przyszłości w regionie Himalajów może mieć bardziej drastyczny wpływ na populacje ryb tego gatunku, blokując ich drogi migracji i wpływając na ich rozród. Szacuje się, że w przeszłości nastąpił 50% spadek liczebności i jeśli obecne tendencje się utrzymają i nowe tamy będą budowane, populacja może zmniejszyć się nawet do 80%[2].
Tor himalajski (Tor putitora) – zagrożony wyginięciem azjatycki gatunek dużej słodkowodnej ryby karpiokształtnej z rodziny karpiowatych (Cyprinidae). W Himalajach jest najpospolitszym przedstawicielem rodzaju Tor. Lokalnie ma istotne znaczenie gospodarcze. Jest zagrożony wyginięciem.
Cá Mahseer vàng (Danh pháp khoa học: Tor putitora) hay còn gọi là Putitor mahseer, Himalaya mahseer là một loài cá trong họ cá chép Cyprinidae, thuộc về chi Tor và được gọi là các loài Cá Mahseer, phân bố ở khu vực Himalaya và Nam Á, từ Iran về phía nam tới Sri Lanka, và về phía đông tới Thái Lan. Chúng là một loài nguy cấp, có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng do mất môi trường sống và đánh bắt quá mức.
Cá Mahseer vàng được phát hiện ở các dòng suối có nước chảy mạnh, các hồ ven sông. Chúng loài lớn nhất trong các loài cá Mahseer, và có thể dài tới 2,75 mét và nặng 54 ký, nhưng những cá thể cá bắt được ngày nay nhỏ hơn nhiều. Giống như những loài cá chép khác, nó là loài ăn tạp, nó ăn không chỉ rong tảo, giáp xác, côn trùng, ếch nhái, cá khác, mà còn ăn trái cây rụng từ trên xuống.
Nó là loài cá câu thể thao nổi tiếng, hiện nó bị đe dọa bởi mất môi trường sống, sự ô nhiễm môi trường và đánh bắt quá mức, và được đánh giá là suy giảm 50%. Cá mahseer có giá cao, và là loài cá có tiềm năng để nuôi như một loài cá thực phẩm được ưa thích. Ngoài việc được đánh bắt thể thao, nó cũng là một phần của đánh bắt cá thương mại và ngành nuôi cá cảnh. Đây là một trong những loài cá câu thể thao được săn đuổi bởi các tay câu từ khắp thế giới.
Cá Mahseer vàng (Danh pháp khoa học: Tor putitora) hay còn gọi là Putitor mahseer, Himalaya mahseer là một loài cá trong họ cá chép Cyprinidae, thuộc về chi Tor và được gọi là các loài Cá Mahseer, phân bố ở khu vực Himalaya và Nam Á, từ Iran về phía nam tới Sri Lanka, và về phía đông tới Thái Lan. Chúng là một loài nguy cấp, có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng do mất môi trường sống và đánh bắt quá mức.
黄鳍结鱼(学名:Tor putitora)俗稱金吉羅,为輻鰭魚綱鯉形目鲤科结鱼属的鱼类,被IUCN列為瀕危保育類動物。分布于亞洲阿富汗、尼泊爾、缅甸、印度、不丹以及龙川江等。该物种的模式产地在印度。[1] 棲息於溪流與湖,屬雜食性,以魚、浮游動物、昆蟲的幼蟲與植物,可做為食用魚、養殖魚類及觀賞魚,大型體長可達2.75米長,重54公斤,足以和同為鯉科最大的魚種巨暹羅鯉媲美。
與其同屬的物種紅吉羅產於砂勞越林夢(Limbang)、拉讓江上流(Rejang River)、加帛(Kapit)、巴當埃依水庫(Batang Ai)及巴南河(Baram)上游,學名為 Tor tambroides (又名 Malayan mahsheer、馬來西亞结鱼,東馬當地俗稱 Empurau 或忘不了,西馬則稱其為 紅吉羅、吉羅魚) ,其肉質鮮美帶有特殊果香(此魚以風車果為食也因此使其肉質細緻和芳香),因此在當地有著淡水魚裡「河中皇」的美稱。而於當地語之相似物種有同屬的Tor tambroides、Tor tambra、Tor soro、Tor douronensis亦被稱為吉羅魚。近幾年來經媒體不斷報導,因此業者便從砂勞越原產地傳入半島,但價格在大馬當地仍比起其他名貴海魚類如老鼠班、蘇眉魚等貴出1至2倍價格。然而,該物種之野生族群卻也因大馬地區森林之過度開發、集水區被清除、非法捕撈、生態水域破壞、環境污染及過度捕捉而對該物種之生息造成極大傷害,也因此大馬高等學府及非政府組織開始保護水域天然資源運動,進行了「社區領養」計畫拯救其瀕臨絕種之命運,此外砂勞越內陸漁業局以及沙巴漁業局亦分別在沙巴及砂勞越各河流域資助居民擔負起保護河川生態與繁殖計畫。
黄鳍结鱼(学名:Tor putitora)俗稱金吉羅,为輻鰭魚綱鯉形目鲤科结鱼属的鱼类,被IUCN列為瀕危保育類動物。分布于亞洲阿富汗、尼泊爾、缅甸、印度、不丹以及龙川江等。该物种的模式产地在印度。 棲息於溪流與湖,屬雜食性,以魚、浮游動物、昆蟲的幼蟲與植物,可做為食用魚、養殖魚類及觀賞魚,大型體長可達2.75米長,重54公斤,足以和同為鯉科最大的魚種巨暹羅鯉媲美。
與其同屬的物種紅吉羅產於砂勞越林夢(Limbang)、拉讓江上流(Rejang River)、加帛(Kapit)、巴當埃依水庫(Batang Ai)及巴南河(Baram)上游,學名為 Tor tambroides (又名 Malayan mahsheer、馬來西亞结鱼,東馬當地俗稱 Empurau 或忘不了,西馬則稱其為 紅吉羅、吉羅魚) ,其肉質鮮美帶有特殊果香(此魚以風車果為食也因此使其肉質細緻和芳香),因此在當地有著淡水魚裡「河中皇」的美稱。而於當地語之相似物種有同屬的Tor tambroides、Tor tambra、Tor soro、Tor douronensis亦被稱為吉羅魚。近幾年來經媒體不斷報導,因此業者便從砂勞越原產地傳入半島,但價格在大馬當地仍比起其他名貴海魚類如老鼠班、蘇眉魚等貴出1至2倍價格。然而,該物種之野生族群卻也因大馬地區森林之過度開發、集水區被清除、非法捕撈、生態水域破壞、環境污染及過度捕捉而對該物種之生息造成極大傷害,也因此大馬高等學府及非政府組織開始保護水域天然資源運動,進行了「社區領養」計畫拯救其瀕臨絕種之命運,此外砂勞越內陸漁業局以及沙巴漁業局亦分別在沙巴及砂勞越各河流域資助居民擔負起保護河川生態與繁殖計畫。