Guidance for identification
Volvariella bombycina, tamién conocíu como volvaria sedosa,[2] ye un fungu basidiomiceto de la familia Pluteaceae.[1] Ye una especie saprófita, non bien frecuente, que crez sobre materies en descomposición, raigaños y tueros de distintes especies d'árboles caducifolios. Suel crecer sobre rama muertes de pumares, a un par de metros d'altor. La cogorda, o cuerpu granible, apruz dende finales de primavera hasta mediaos de seronda.[2] El basónimu d'esta especie ye Agaricus bombycinus Schaeff. 1774,[1] y el so epítetu específicu, bombycina, deriva de bombyx, "vierme de seda", y fai referencia al aspeutu sedosu del sombrerucu. Ye comestible, anque abondo escasa y de sabor non demasiao prestosa.[2]
La cogorda, o cuerpu granible, d'esti fungu presenta un sombreru ente 8 y 20 centímetros de diámetru, y ye de color blancu —de color mariellu claru na var. flaviceps—, cubiertu de fibres sedoses, que-y confieren un aspeutu llanudu bien característicu. N'exemplares nuevos, el sombreru tien forma ovoide o acampanada. Más tarde el sombreru estiéndese, adquiriendo una forma convexa. Les llámines son llibres, bien tupies, anches y ventrudes, de color blancu de primeres, y tomen un color arrosáu más tarde y color carne a la vieyera. El pie ye llisu y de color claru, mide ente 8 y 15 centímetros de llargor y ente 1 y 1,5 de diámetru, daqué más fino cerca del sombrerucu. Nun tien aniellu y presenta una gran volva. La esporada ye rosada y la so carne ye blanca, blanda y de sabor paecíu al del rábanu.[2]
== Variedaes estremen les siguientes variedaes de Volvariella bombycina:
Volvariella bombycina, tamién conocíu como volvaria sedosa, ye un fungu basidiomiceto de la familia Pluteaceae. Ye una especie saprófita, non bien frecuente, que crez sobre materies en descomposición, raigaños y tueros de distintes especies d'árboles caducifolios. Suel crecer sobre rama muertes de pumares, a un par de metros d'altor. La cogorda, o cuerpu granible, apruz dende finales de primavera hasta mediaos de seronda. El basónimu d'esta especie ye Agaricus bombycinus Schaeff. 1774, y el so epítetu específicu, bombycina, deriva de bombyx, "vierme de seda", y fai referencia al aspeutu sedosu del sombrerucu. Ye comestible, anque abondo escasa y de sabor non demasiao prestosa.
Der Wollige Scheidling (Volvariella bombycina) ist eine Pilzart aus der Gattung der Scheidlinge (Volvariella) in der Familie der Dachpilzverwandten (Pluteaceae).
Der Wollige Scheidling bildet große (Hutdurchmesser 5 bis 12, in Ausnahmefällen bis 20 Zentimeter) in Hut und Stiel gegliederte Fruchtkörper. Der dünnfleischige Hut ist jung halbkugelig bis kugelig und wird im Alter kegelig bis glockig-konvex, alt auch ausgebreitet mit stumpfem Buckel. Die Hutoberfläche ist weiß bis cremefarben und fein seidig, mit radial angeordneten anliegenden oder schwach abstehenden Faserschüppchen bedeckt. Die Varietät flaviceps ist schon jung gelblich gefärbt. Der Hutrand überragt die Lamellen. Die Lamellen stehen sehr gedrängt, sie werden 8 bis 10 Millimeter breit; jung sind sie weiß, im Alter rosa bis bräunlich gesprenkelt. Der Stiel ist voll und brüchig, er wird 6 bis 20 Zentimeter lang und 0,7 bis 2 Zentimeter dick, er besitzt keinen Ring, ist an der Basis keulig verdickt und erscheint wie in die Volva eingepfropft. Seine Oberfläche ist weißlich und wird im Alter leicht ockerfarben. Die aus dem Velum universale hervorgehende sackartige und häutige Volva reicht meist bis zur Mitte des Stieles, sie ist lappig aufgerissen, dauerhaft und dickhäutig, jung weißlich, später ockergelblich bis bräunlich, außen teilweise felderig aufreißend. Die Volva steckt häufig tief im Substrat.
Der Wollige Scheidling ist ein saprobiontischer bis parasitischer Bewohner von Holz noch lebender, stehender oder bereits gefällter Bäume. Er kann aus Stammwunden und Stammhöhlen in einigen Metern Höhe erscheinen. Seine Fruchtkörper treten gelegentlich auch an Wurzeln und aus morschen Stümpfen hervor. Der zur Fruktifikation wärmeliebende Pilz bewohnt natürlicherweise Auwälder. Doch wird er auch aus Parkanlagen, Friedhöfen und an Straßenrändern gemeldet. Als Substrat dienen seinem gegen Kälte angeblich sehr widerstandsfähigen Myzel verschiedene Laubhölzer, zum Beispiel Ahorn, Rosskastanie, Walnuss, Pappel, Hainbuche und andere Arten. Die Varietät maxima wächst auch an Nadelholz. Die einzeln oder in kleinen Büscheln hervortretenden Fruchtkörper erscheinen in Mitteleuropa von Juni bis Oktober.
Der Wollige Scheidling ist in Australien, Südafrika, Südamerika und der Holarktis verbreitet. In der Holarktis ist die Art in den meridonalen bis temperaten Regionen verbreitet, sie wurde im Kaukasusgebiet, Südsibirien, Japan, den USA und Kanada gefunden. In Europa kommt sie von Süd- und Südosteuropa bis zu den Beneluxländern und England, nördlich in Fennoskandien bis zum 60, gelegentlich auch bis zum 61. Breitengrad vor. In Osteuropa wird sie in Weißrussland und in Russland bis zum Ural gefunden. In Deutschland kommt die Art im gesamten Gebiet selten vor.
Der Wollige Scheidling ist essbar, sollte aber wegen seiner Seltenheit geschont werden. Er ist durch das Entfernen absterbender, toter und umgestürzter Bäume potentiell gefährdet.
Der Wollige Scheidling (Volvariella bombycina) ist eine Pilzart aus der Gattung der Scheidlinge (Volvariella) in der Familie der Dachpilzverwandten (Pluteaceae).
Volvariella bombycina, commonly known as the silky sheath, silky rosegill, silver-silk straw mushroom, or tree mushroom, is a species of edible mushroom in the family Pluteaceae. It is an uncommon but widespread species, having been reported from Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, and North America. The fruit body (mushroom) begins developing in a thin, egg-like sac. This ruptures and the stem expands quickly, leaving the sac at the base of the stem as a volva. The cap, which can attain a diameter of up to 20 centimetres (8 inches), is white to slightly yellowish and covered with silky hairs. On the underside of the cap are closely spaced gills, free from attachment to the stem, and initially white before turning pink as the spores mature. The mushroom grows singly or in clusters, often appearing in old knotholes and wounds in elms and maples. V. bombycina contains compounds with antibacterial properties.
The fruit bodies of Volvariella bombycina are initially egg-shaped when still enclosed in the universal veil. As they expand, the caps later becoming bell-shaped or convex, and finally nearly flattened in age, attaining a diameter of 5–20 centimetres (2–8 inches). The dry cap surface is covered with silky threads. Its color is white to yellowish, becoming more pale approaching the margin. The flesh is thin, soft, and white,[2] and has an odor resembling raw potatoes.[3] The gills are crowded close together, free from attachment to the stem, and initially white before turning pinkish as the spores mature. The stem measures 6–20 cm (2+1⁄2–8 in) long by 1–3 cm (1⁄2–1+1⁄4 in) thick, and is typically tapered upward or thickened below. It is white, with a smooth surface, and is often slightly curved. The universal veil is membranous, often areolate (cracked into irregularly shaped blocks) or scaly, and forms a long, saclike volva that wraps around the base of the stem. It is white to yellowish or dingy brown, and often divided into lobes.[2]
The variety V. bombycina var. flaviceps is distinguished from the main form by its smaller, bright yellow caps, up to 3.5 cm (1+1⁄2 in) in diameter, and its dirty-white, scaly volva. Murrill also noted that it developed a "peculiar sickening odor during drying".[4] V. bombycina var. microspora has smaller spores (6–7.5 by 4–5 μm), a yellow cap, and a blotched brown volva.[5] V. bombycina var. palmicola also has a yellow cap and small spores (5.9–7.5 by 4.3–5.4 μm), but can be distinguished from the previous varieties by its distantly spaced gills.[6]
Mushrooms produce a spore print with a color ranging from pinkish to salmon. Spores are elliptical, smooth, and measure 6.5–10 by 4.5–6.5 μm.[2] The basidia (spore-bearing cells) are club-shaped, four-spored, and measure 19–43 by 6–11 μm. Pleurocystidia (cystidia that occur on the gill face) are usually spindle shaped, but have a widely variable morphology; they are abundant in the hymenium, and have dimensions of 26–122 by 8–57 μm. The cheilocystidia (on the gill edge) are similar in morphology and abundance, some may feature knobs held at the end of slender projections up to 20 μm long; dimensions are in the range of 26 and 144 μm long by 8–46 μm wide. Clamp connections are absent from the hyphae of V. bombycina.[7]
The fruit bodies can be readily grown in laboratory culture.[8]
Several bioactive secondary metabolites have been isolated and identified from Volvariella bombycina fruit bodies, mycelium, or pure culture. The compounds ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraene-3-one, ergosterol peroxide, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, and indazole were found in liquid culture.[9] In 2009, the novel compound isodeoxyhelicobasidin was identified from culture broth; this compound inhibits the enzyme human elastase.[10] The fungus also produces compounds that have antioxidative activity.[11]
The combination of a silky white cap, white stem, pink gills, pink spore print, and growth on wood is characteristic of this species and make identification of Volvariella bombycina in the field relatively easy. Some Pluteus species have a general similar appearance, and also produce pinkish to pinkish-brown spore prints, but they lack a volva. Amanita species grow on the ground and make white spore prints. V. pusilla has a small cap measuring 0.5–3 cm (1⁄4–1+1⁄4 in) in diameter with silky fibers and short lines visible at the cap edge when moist; it grows in soil in gardens and greenhouses and on lawns. V. hypopithys has a medium-size white cap that is 2–5 cm (3⁄4–2 in) in diameter with silky to scaly fibers and lacks the short lines at the cap edge when moist; it grows on the ground in woods.[12] V. caesiotincta has a bluish-gray cap, while V. gloiocephala can be distinguished from V. bombycina by its smooth cap that is sticky when damp, and a white volva.[3]
The species was first described in 1774 by German naturalist Jacob Christian Schäffer as Agaricus bombycinus. Throughout its taxonomical history, it has been shuffled to several genera, including Pluteus (by Elias Fries in 1836),[13] Volvaria (Paul Kummer, 1871),[14] and Volvariopsis (William Alphonso Murrill, 1911).[15][1] Rolf Singer placed it in its current genus, Volvariella, in 1951.[16] Other names that have been applied to the species include Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's Amanita calyptrata[17] and August Johann Georg Karl Batsch's Agaricus denudatus[18] (both published in 1783), but these are illegitimate names as Schäffer's earlier 1774 name has priority.[1]
In 1949, Murrill described the variety flaviceps from collections made growing on magnolia wood in Gainesville, Florida. Although he originally described it as a new species, Volvaria flaviceps,[4] Robert Shaffer considered it a variety of V. bombycina.[7] Variety microspora was first described in 1953, was later (1961) named by Richard William George Dennis;[5] variety palmicola was originally described as a distinct species Volvaria palmicola by Belgian mycologist Maurice Beely in 1928,[19] and later as a variety of V. bombycina by the same author in 1937.[6]
The root for the generic name Volvariella (as well as Volvaria and Volvariopsis, genera in which the species had been formerly placed) derives from the Latin volva, meaning "wrapper" or "a covering".[7] The specific epithet bombycina derives from the Latin root bombyc, or "silky".[2] Common names for the mushroom include the "silky sheath",[20] the "silky rosegill", the "silver-silk straw mushroom", or the "tree mushroom".[12]
Volvariella bombycina is a saprobic species.[21] Fruit bodies grow singly or in small groups on trunks and decayed stumps of dead hardwoods. Favored species include sugar maple, red maple, silver maple, magnolia, mango, beech, oak, and elm.[7] It is often found in clefts and knotholes of dead or living tree trunks.[3] It has been noted to fruit in the same location for several years.[22] Despite its preference for hardwoods, it has been reported growing on rare instances on coniferous wood.[23][24] An uncommon species with a wide distribution, it has been reported from Asia (Iran,[25] China,[26] India,[27] Korea,[28] and Pakistan), the Caribbean (Cuba),[29] Australia, Europe, North America,[22] and South America.[30] It acquired protected status in Hungary in 2005, making it a legal offense to pick it.[31] Variety microspora is known from Venezuela,[5] while V. bombycina var. palmicola occurs in the DR Congo.[6]
The fruit bodies are edible, and usually considered of good quality. They have been called "excellent",[32] "tasty" with a "modest and pleasant flavor",[33] and "worth eating if found in large enough quantities".[22]
Alexander H. Smith related a story of how unique circumstances led to the development of a local superstition about the species:
... the members of a family here in Ann Arbor were poisoned, some fatally, as the result of eating caps of a species of Amanita. The next year Volvaria bombycina fruited on a maple tree at the home of these people, and the story was circulated that some of the spores of the poisonous fungus, which caused the deaths the year before, had escaped from the house, lodged in the tree, germinated, grew and were now producing fruiting bodies. Consequently the carpophores of the Volvaria were held in great awe by the neighbors, and soon came to be referred to as the "ghost mushroom". No one, of course, would consider eating them.[34]
Volvariella bombycina, commonly known as the silky sheath, silky rosegill, silver-silk straw mushroom, or tree mushroom, is a species of edible mushroom in the family Pluteaceae. It is an uncommon but widespread species, having been reported from Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, and North America. The fruit body (mushroom) begins developing in a thin, egg-like sac. This ruptures and the stem expands quickly, leaving the sac at the base of the stem as a volva. The cap, which can attain a diameter of up to 20 centimetres (8 inches), is white to slightly yellowish and covered with silky hairs. On the underside of the cap are closely spaced gills, free from attachment to the stem, and initially white before turning pink as the spores mature. The mushroom grows singly or in clusters, often appearing in old knotholes and wounds in elms and maples. V. bombycina contains compounds with antibacterial properties.
Volvariella bombycina, también conocido como volvaria sedosa,[2] es un hongo basidiomiceto de la familia Pluteaceae.[1] Es una especie saprofita, no muy frecuente, que crece sobre materias en descomposición, raíces y troncos de diferentes especies de árboles caducifolios. Suele crecer sobre ramas muertas de manzanos, a un par de metros de altura. La seta, o cuerpo fructífero, aflora desde finales de primavera hasta mediados de otoño.[2] El basónimo de esta especie es Agaricus bombycinus Schaeff. 1774,[1] y su epíteto específico, bombycina, deriva de bombyx, "gusano de seda", y hace referencia al aspecto sedoso del sombrerillo. Es comestible, aunque bastante escasa y de sabor no demasiado agradable.[2]
La seta, o cuerpo fructífero, de este hongo presenta un sombrero entre 8 y 20 centímetros de diámetro, y es de color blanco —de color amarillo claro en la var. flaviceps—, cubierto de fibras sedosas, que le confieren un aspecto lanoso muy característico. En ejemplares jóvenes, el sombrero tiene forma ovoide o acampanada. Más tarde el sombrero se extiende, adquiriendo una forma convexa. Las láminas son libres, muy tupidas, anchas y ventrudas, de color blanco al principio, y toman un color rosáceo más tarde y color carne a la vejez. El pie es liso y de color claro, mide entre 8 y 15 centímetros de longitud y entre 1 y 1,5 de diámetro, algo más fino cerca del sombrerillo. No tiene anillo y presenta una gran volva. La esporada es rosada y su carne es blanca, blanda y de sabor parecido al del rábano.[2]
Se distinguen las siguientes variedades de Volvariella bombycina:
Volvariella bombycina, también conocido como volvaria sedosa, es un hongo basidiomiceto de la familia Pluteaceae. Es una especie saprofita, no muy frecuente, que crece sobre materias en descomposición, raíces y troncos de diferentes especies de árboles caducifolios. Suele crecer sobre ramas muertas de manzanos, a un par de metros de altura. La seta, o cuerpo fructífero, aflora desde finales de primavera hasta mediados de otoño. El basónimo de esta especie es Agaricus bombycinus Schaeff. 1774, y su epíteto específico, bombycina, deriva de bombyx, "gusano de seda", y hace referencia al aspecto sedoso del sombrerillo. Es comestible, aunque bastante escasa y de sabor no demasiado agradable.
Puidu-tupplehik (Volvariella bombycina) on kandseente hulka kuuluv seeneliik.
Seent on leitud ka Eestist.[1]
Puidu-tupplehik (Volvariella bombycina) on kandseente hulka kuuluv seeneliik.
Seent on leitud ka Eestist.
Silkkituppisieni (Volvariella bombycina) on kellomainen ja vanhemmiten kupera tai laakea tuppisienilaji. Lakki on väriltään valkoinen tai heikosti keltainen ja silkkikarvainen. Jalka on kellanvalkea ja siinä on valkea tai vanhemmiten ruskeahko tuppi. Sieni kasvaa lehtipuilla jopa korkealla puussa. Sieni on Suomessa hyvin harvinainen. Sitä on joskus tavattu Suomessa ainakin saarnelta, vaahteralta ja pihlajalta Ouluun saakka.[2]
Silkkituppisieni (Volvariella bombycina) on kellomainen ja vanhemmiten kupera tai laakea tuppisienilaji. Lakki on väriltään valkoinen tai heikosti keltainen ja silkkikarvainen. Jalka on kellanvalkea ja siinä on valkea tai vanhemmiten ruskeahko tuppi. Sieni kasvaa lehtipuilla jopa korkealla puussa. Sieni on Suomessa hyvin harvinainen. Sitä on joskus tavattu Suomessa ainakin saarnelta, vaahteralta ja pihlajalta Ouluun saakka.
Volvariella bombycina est une espèce de champignons basidiomycètes de la famille des Pluteaceae.
Volvariella bombycina est une espèce de champignons basidiomycètes de la famille des Pluteaceae.
Volvariella bombycina adalah salah satu jenis jamur yang dapat dimakan dari famili Plutaceae. Jamur ini tidak terlalu populer namun cukup tersebar luas dan telah dilaporkan berada di Asia, Australia, Karibia, Eropa, dan Amerika Utara. Basidiokarpnya mulai berkembang dari bentuk menyerupai telur yang tipis. Lalu bentuk telur ini pecah dan batangnya berkembang cepat, menyisakan volva pada dasar jamur. Pileus atau "topi"nya dapat mencapai diameter hingga 20 cm dan berwarna putih hingga kekuningan. Struktur lamela di bawah pileus tidak tersambung dengan batangnya, serta berwarna pink ketika sporanya sudah matang. Jamur ini tumbuh secara soliter maupun dalam koloni, biasanya tumbuh pada mata kayu atau luka pada kayu pohon elm dan maple.
Spesies ini pertama kali didenskripsikan oleh Jacob Christian Schäffer pada tahun 1774 sebagai Agaricus bombycinus. Dalam sejarahnya, jamur ini telah beberapa kali berpindah genus. Pada tahun 1836 oleh Elias Fries jamur ini berada pada genus Pluteus.[2] Pada tahun 1871 berada di genus Volvaria oleh Paul Kummer.[3]. Pada tahun 1911 berada pada genus Volvariopsis oleh William Alphonso Murrill[1][4] Rolf Singer menempatkannya pada genis Volvariella pada tahun 1951.[5] Nama lain yang dimiliki oleh jamur ini yaitu Amanita calyptrata oleh Jean-Baptiste Lamarck[6] dan Agaricus denudatus oleh August Johann Georg Karl Batsch.[7] Namun keduanya tidak memiliki legitimasi.[1]
Basidiokarp jamur ini pada awalnya berbentuk telur, yang lalu pecah dengan struktur payungnya keluar dari volva. Tudungnya tertutup oleh semacam benang selembut sutra. Trama atau daging jamurnya tipis, lembut, dan berwarna putih[8] dan memiliki aroma mirip kentang.[9] Lamelanya terpisah dari batang dan berwarna putih hingga merah muda setelah spora matang. Batangnya dapat mencapai panjang 20 cm dengan ketebalan antara satu hingga 3 cm. Batang semakin tebal di bagian bawah.
Varietas flaviceps berbeda dari varietas utama dengan ukurannya yang lebih kecil dan memiliki warna kuning cerah. Varietas ini mengeluarkan bau yang tidak sedap ketika dikeringkan.[10] Varietas microspora memiliki spora yang lebih kecil (6–7.5 dan 4–5 μm), tudung berwarna kuning, dan volva berwarna coklat bintik.[11] Varietas palmicola memiliki tudung berwarna kuning, spora kecil (5.9–7.5 dan 4.3–5.4 μm), dan lamela yang jaraknya berjauhan.[12]
Jamur ini memproduksi spora dengan warna yang bervariasi antara merah muda hingga warna salmon. Bentuk sporanya elips berukuran 6.5–10 dan 4.5–6.5 μm.[8] Jamur ini dapat ditumbuhkan di laboratorium.[13]
Jamur ini dapat dimakan, dan menurut beberapa sumber memiliki rasa yang "excellent",[14] hingga sedang,[15] ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa jamur ini "lumayan untuk dimakan jika jumlahnya cukup"[16]
Volvariella bombycina adalah jamur saprofit.[17] Jamur ini tumbuh pada kayu yang matu. Spesies yang sering ditumbuhi yaitu maple, magnolia, mangga, ek, dan elm[18] dan sering ditemukan di mata kayu atau luka kayu.[9] Jamur ini pun dapat berkembang beberapa kali pada lokasi yang sama.[16] Biasanya jamur ini menyukai kayu keras, tetapi jamur ini telah ditemukan, meski jarang, tumbuh di kayu konifer.[19][20] Jamur ini tersebar begitu luas dan telah ditemukan di China,[21] India,[22] Korea,[23] Pakistan,[24] Kuba,[25] Australia, Eropa, Amerika Utara,[16] dan Amerika Latin.[26] Jamur ini dilindungi di Hungaria dan merupakan perbuatan yang melanggar hukum jika memungutnya.[27] Varietas microspora diketahui berasal dari Venezuela,[11] dan varietas palmicola ada diKongo.[12]
Senyawa ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraene-3-one, ergosterol peroksida, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, dan indazole ditemukan pada jamur ini.[28] Senyawa isodeoxyhelicobasidin ditemukan pada kaldu jamur ini dan diketahui senyawa ini memiliki kemampuan menghalangi enzim elastase yang ada pada manusia.[29] Jamur ini juga memproduksi senyawa yang memiliki kemampuan antioksidan[30]
yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link) |trans_title=
yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link) Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link) Volvariella bombycina adalah salah satu jenis jamur yang dapat dimakan dari famili Plutaceae. Jamur ini tidak terlalu populer namun cukup tersebar luas dan telah dilaporkan berada di Asia, Australia, Karibia, Eropa, dan Amerika Utara. Basidiokarpnya mulai berkembang dari bentuk menyerupai telur yang tipis. Lalu bentuk telur ini pecah dan batangnya berkembang cepat, menyisakan volva pada dasar jamur. Pileus atau "topi"nya dapat mencapai diameter hingga 20 cm dan berwarna putih hingga kekuningan. Struktur lamela di bawah pileus tidak tersambung dengan batangnya, serta berwarna pink ketika sporanya sudah matang. Jamur ini tumbuh secara soliter maupun dalam koloni, biasanya tumbuh pada mata kayu atau luka pada kayu pohon elm dan maple.
Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer, Lilloa 22: 401 (1951) [1949].[1]
La Volvariella bombycina è un fungo basidiomicete appartenente alla famiglia Pluteaceae.
Nonostante si tratti di una specie un po' rara, in alcune zone d'Italia è reperibile senza grandi difficoltà.
Da ovoidale a convesso, bianco, poi ocraceo, ricoperto di fibrille e squame più scure, generalmente umbonato, da 5 a 20 cm di diametro.
7-10 x 0,5-2 cm, slanciato, robusto, carnoso, con la base del piede bulbosa, bianco e liscio.
Fitte, libere al gambo, da biancastre a rosee e poi brunastre.
Ampia e alta, brunastra.
Tenera e bianca.
Rosa-ocracee in massa, ellittiche, lisce, 7-10 x 5-6 µm.
Specie abbastanza rara, fruttifica su legno di latifoglie in decomposizione, in estate-autunno.
Discreta, previa cottura; consigliabile consumarla nel misto. Di sospetta tossicità se consumata cruda o poco cotta.
Sicuramente una delle specie più belle e rappresentative del vasto regno dei funghi.
Dal latino bombix = baco da seta, per la presenza delle ornamentazioni setacee sul cappello.
Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer, Lilloa 22: 401 (1951) [1949].
La Volvariella bombycina è un fungo basidiomicete appartenente alla famiglia Pluteaceae.
Nonostante si tratti di una specie un po' rara, in alcune zone d'Italia è reperibile senza grandi difficoltà.
Pochwiak jedwabnikowy (Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer) – gatunek grzybów z rodziny łuskowcowatych (Pluteaceae)[1].
Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Volvariella, Pluteaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].
Po raz pierwszy takson ten zdiagnozował i opisał Jacob Christian Schäffer w roku 1774 nadając nu nazwę Agaricus bombycinus. Obecną, uznaną przez Index Fungorum nazwę nadał mu w 1949 r. Rolf Singer.
Pierwszą nazwę polską, bedłka jedwabista, podał w 1876 roku Feliks Berdau. Obecną, uznaną przez Index Fungorum nazwę pochwiak jedwabnikowy, podali w 1968 roku Barbara Gumińska i Władysław Wojewoda. Wcześniej takson ten opisywany był również jako pochwiak jedwabisty oraz bedłka jedwabnikowa[3].
Średnicy 8-20 cm, biały lub żółtawy. Za młodu jajowato-dzwonkowaty, potem wypukły, z wiekiem prawie płaski. Barwy białawej i delikatnie żółtawej w centralnej części u starszych owocników. Brzeg kapelusza nie podwinięty. Powierzchnia sucha, pokryta delikatnymi, jedwabistymi, kremowymi lub jasnobrązowymi włókienkowatymi łuseczkami, wiszącymi z brzegu kapelusza.
Blaszki barwy białej, z wiekiem przybierające kolor mięsno-różowy, szerokie, mieszane, wybrzuszone. Gęste i nie przyrośnięte do trzonu (wolne).
Pełny, 6-20 cm długości i 0,7-2 cm średnicy. Mniej więcej równy, ale zwykle zwężający się nieco ku wierzchołkowi. Często zakrzywiony w celu ustawienia kapelusza w pozycji horyzontalnej, z powodu bocznego wzrostu na drewnie. Powierzchnia sucha, biała lub żółtawa, gładka i bez pierścienia. Nasada trzonu otoczona grubą pochwą, sięgającą do połowy jego wysokości. Początkowo jest ona biaława, z wiekiem żółknie i brązowieje, gładka, matowa.
Zwarty, ale delikatny, miękki, barwy białej, nie przebarwia się po uszkodzeniu. O lekkim zapachu rzodkwi. Smak łagodny, przyjemny.
Różowy. Zarodniki 6,5-9 x 4,5-7 μm, eliptyczne i gładkie[4].
Niezbyt częsty. Owocniki wyrastają od czerwca do października na żywych i martwych pniach, kłodach i korzeniach drzew liściastych. Bardzo często w dziuplach i rozpęknięciach, nawet wysoko nad ziemią. Lubi ciepło. W zasadzie występuje pojedynczo, ale spotykany jest niekiedy gromadnie. Można go spotkać w ogrodach, parkach, wzdłuż dróg, na drzewach z rodzaju: klon, topola, wierzba, lipa, buk, dąb. Obserwowany również na gatunkach takich jak: kasztanowiec zwyczajny, jesion wyniosły, orzech włoski czy robinia akacjowa[3]. Znajduje się na Czerwonej liście roślin i grzybów Polski. Ma status R - Rzadkie (potencjalnie zagrożone)[5].
Saprotrof[6]. Nie jest pasożytem, i nawet jeśli rośnie na żywym drzewie, jest związany z martwym drewnem powstałym przez rozkład w szczelinach, dziuplach i zagłębieniach. Z powodu zapachu często wokół owocników krąży rój muszek.
Grzyb jadalny. Jednakże z uwagi na rzadkość występowania i walory smakowe nie wart konsumpcji[7].
Charakterystycznymi cechami tego gatunku są: duże rozmiary, jasnokremowy, jedwabisto-łuseczkowaty kapelusz, głęboka pochwa, występowanie na zmurszałych drzewach liściastych. Podgatunek Volvariella bombycina var. flaviceps ma żółty kapelusz[8]. Podobnym gatunkiem, również występującym na drzewach liściastych, jest pochwiak szarobrązowy Volvariella caesiotincta[4], który ma szaro-oliwkowe zabarwienie (niekiedy z błękitnym odcieniem), nieprzyjemnie ściągający smak, a jego miąższ ma zapach przypominający Geranium[9].
Pochwiak jedwabnikowy (Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer) – gatunek grzybów z rodziny łuskowcowatych (Pluteaceae).
Volvariella bombycina (Jacob Christian Schäffer ex Rolf Singer, 1951), din încrengătura Basidiomycota în familia Pluteaceae și de genul Volvariella, numită în popor burete păros[1] sau opincuță,[2] este o ciupercă comestibilă. Acest burete este o specie saprofită nu prea frecventă care crește de obicei izolată, dar de asemenea întâlnită în grupuri mici, pe cioturi și bușteni de foioase în putrefacție (în special pe acei de ulmi sau arțari, dar de asemenea sub alții), deseori și pe crăci căzute și apoi acoperite de pământ sau în interiorul scorburilor arborilor bătrâni, chiar la câțiva metri înălțime. El se dezvoltă în România, Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord de la câmpie până la munte, din (iunie) iulie până toamna târziu.[3][4]
Ordinul Agaricales este de diversificare foarte veche (între 178 și 139 milioane de ani), începând din timpul perioadei geologice în Jurasic în diferență de exemplu cu genul Boletus (între 44 și 34 milioane de ani).[5]
Această specie are un velum universale (văl universal), o membrană subțire care o învelește la începutul evoluției ei, extinzându-se de la vârful pălăriei la capătul inferior al piciorului. Scurt timp mai târziu, membranele se rup, lăsând urme de fulgi pe pălărie și o rămășiță în formă de săculeț la bază, numită volva (vagin).[6]
Ca ou sau crescând din crăci căzute și apoi acoperite de pământ sau frunziș, buretele poate fi confundat cu speciile mortale Amanita verna,[7] Amanita virosa[8] sau Amanita phalloides[9] (toate trei cu manșetă și bulb), dar de asemenea cu Amanita vaginata (comestibilă),[10] Clitocybe nebularis (comestibilă, cuticulă cenușie, fără volvă, miros intensiv)[11] sau cu acele de genul ei, ca de exemplu cu necomestibila Volvariella murinella[12] precum comestibilele Volvariella speciosa[13] sau Volvariella volvacea inclus Volvariella volvacea var. nigrovolvacea.[14]
Opincuța este comestibilă dar controversată: Unii spun că este o ciupercă foarte bună și apreciată, pe când al doilea grup, recunoscând comestibilitatea ei, declară că ar fi de o valoare culinară redusă. Într-adevăr ciuperca este gustoasă și poate fi prăjită, panată ca un șnițel sau la grătar (numai pălăria) precum adăugată unei mâncări cu alte ciuperci sau conservată. Acolo unde buretele este rar, ar fi mai recomandat a se lăsa locului.[15][16]
Pentru savoarea ciupercii vorbește cultivarea ei deja de mai mulți ani, în special soiul Volvariella volvacea, dar și Volvariella bombycina (vezi film).[17]
Volvariella bombycina (Jacob Christian Schäffer ex Rolf Singer, 1951), din încrengătura Basidiomycota în familia Pluteaceae și de genul Volvariella, numită în popor burete păros sau opincuță, este o ciupercă comestibilă. Acest burete este o specie saprofită nu prea frecventă care crește de obicei izolată, dar de asemenea întâlnită în grupuri mici, pe cioturi și bușteni de foioase în putrefacție (în special pe acei de ulmi sau arțari, dar de asemenea sub alții), deseori și pe crăci căzute și apoi acoperite de pământ sau în interiorul scorburilor arborilor bătrâni, chiar la câțiva metri înălțime. El se dezvoltă în România, Basarabia și Bucovina de Nord de la câmpie până la munte, din (iunie) iulie până toamna târziu.
Капелюшок 7-18 см у діаметрі, у молодих екземплярів дзвоникоподібний, потім плоско-опуклий, сухий, білий до світло-охряно-коричневий, з густими, притиснутими, радіально розташованими волокнистими лусочками, білуватими або ж жовтуватим відтінком. Пластинки рожевуваті, потім рожево-коричневі. Ніжка 7-19 см завдовжки та 0,2-2 см завтовшки, циліндрична, білувата, біля основи з великою, широкою, мішкоподібною піхвою брудного біло-жовтого або коричневого кольору. М'якоть біла, товста, згодом жовтіюча.
Плодові тіла гриба Volvariella bombycina спочатку є яйцеподібними, на етапі коли ще залишаються покритими мембраною[en]. Із ростом, шапинка стає дзвоникоподібною або опуклою, і згодом майже рівною при дозріванні, досягаючи діаметру в 5–20 см.
Це рідкісний, але широко поширений вид, він зареєстрований в Азії, Австралії, Європі, Північній Америці та країнах Карибського басейну. Зустрічається влітку та восени у листяних та змішаних лісах, парках тощо, на живих і відмерлих стовбурах листяних дерев.
Їстівний маловідомий гриб, його споживають тільки у свіжому вигляді.[1]
Volvariella bombycina là một loài nấm ăn được thuộc họ Pluteaceae. Đây là một loài không thường gặp nhưng có phạm vi phân bố rộng, đã được ghi nhận tại châu Á, châu Âu, Caribe, Úc, và châu Mỹ. Quả thể phát triển từ một nang dẹp, giống hình trứng. Nang nở ra và phát triển nhanh chóng, để lại xác nang tại gốc quả thể. Mũ nấm có thể đạt đường kính tới 20 cm (8 in) và có màu trắng hay hơi vàng. Quả thể mọc đơn lẽ hoặc theo đám, thường xuất hiện trên hốc, rãnh hay bọng cây du và cây phong cũ. V. bombycina chứa các hợp chất có tính kháng sinh.
Loài này được mô tả lần đầu năm 1774 bởi nhà tự nhiên học người Đức Jacob Christian Schäffer dưới tên Agaricus bombycinus. Nó từng được đặt trong nhiều chi, gồm Pluteus (bởi Elias Fries, 1836[2]), Volvaria (Paul Kummer, 1871[3]), và Volvariopsis (William Alphonso Murrill, 1911[4]).[1] Rolf Singer đặt loài này trong chi hiện tại, Volvariella, năm 1951.[5] Một số tên khác từng được gán cho loài này là Amanita calyptrata (Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, 1783)[6] và Agaricus denudatus (August Johann Georg Karl Batsch, 1783)[7] nhưng những tên này không được công nhận do tên của Schäffer đặt trước đó năm 1774 có quyền ưu tiên.[1]
Năm 1949, Murrill mô tả thứ flaviceps từ những cá thể mọc trên gỗ Magnolia tại Gainesville, Florida. Dù ban đầu được mô tả như một loài mới, có tên Volvaria flaviceps,[8] Robert Shaffer xem nó là một thứ của V. bombycina.[9] Thứ microspora được mô tả năm 1953, đặt tên bởi R.W.G. Dennis năm 1961;[10] thứ palmicola từng bị xem là một loài riêng với tên Volvaria palmicola, mô tả bởi Maurice Beely năm 1928,[11] nhưng sau đó được chuyển thành một thứ của V. bombycina bởi cùng tác giả năm 1937.[12]
Nguồn gốc của tên chi Volvariella (cũng như Volvaria và Volvariopsis, những chi mà loài này từng được đặt vào) xuất phát từ tiếng Latin volva, nghĩa là "tờ bọc" hay "giấy gói".[9] Tên loài bombycina cũng có gốc Latin bombyc, nghĩa là "mịn", "mượt".[13] Tên thường gọi trong tiếng Anh gồm "silky sheath",[14] "silky rosegill", "silver-silk straw mushroom", và "tree mushroom".[15]
Volvariella bombycina là một loài sống hoại sinh.[16] Quả thể mọc đơn hay theo đám trên rãnh hay bọng cây gỗ cứng.[17] Chúng ưa thích các loài cây như phong đường, phong hoa đỏ, phong bạc, mộc lan, xoài, cử, sồi, và du.[9] Dù thường phụ thuộc vào gỗ cứng, từng có ghi nhận V. bombycina phát triển trong trường hợp hiếm mọc trên gỗ thông.[18][19] Đây là một loài ít gặp nhưng có phạm vi phân bố rộng, với những ghi nhận từ châu Á (Trung Quốc,[20] Ấn Độ,[21] Hàn Quốc,[22] Pakistan[23]), Caribe (Cuba),[24] Úc, châu Âu, Bắc Mỹ,[25] và Nam Mỹ.[26] Tại Hungary năm 2005, nó chính thức được luật pháp bảo vệ.[27] Thứ microspora hiện diện tại Venezuela,[10] còn thứ V. bombycina var. palmicola sống ở Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo.[12]
Volvariella bombycina là một loài nấm ăn được thuộc họ Pluteaceae. Đây là một loài không thường gặp nhưng có phạm vi phân bố rộng, đã được ghi nhận tại châu Á, châu Âu, Caribe, Úc, và châu Mỹ. Quả thể phát triển từ một nang dẹp, giống hình trứng. Nang nở ra và phát triển nhanh chóng, để lại xác nang tại gốc quả thể. Mũ nấm có thể đạt đường kính tới 20 cm (8 in) và có màu trắng hay hơi vàng. Quả thể mọc đơn lẽ hoặc theo đám, thường xuất hiện trên hốc, rãnh hay bọng cây du và cây phong cũ. V. bombycina chứa các hợp chất có tính kháng sinh.
Volvariella bombycina (Schaeff.) Singer, 1951
СинонимыВольварие́лла шелкови́стая (лат. Volvariella bombycina) — гриб рода Вольвариелла семейства Плютеевые (Pluteaceae).
Шляпка 7-18 см в диаметре, у молодых экземпляров в форме колокольчика, затем плоско-выпуклая, сухая, от белого до светло-охряно-коричневого цвета, с густыми, прижатыми, радиально расположенными волокнистыми чешуйками, с беловатым или желтоватым оттенком. Пластинки розоватые, затем розово-коричневые. Ножка 7-19 см длиной и 0,2-2 см диаметром, цилиндрическая, беловатая, у основания с большой, широкой, мешотчатой вольвой грязного бело-жёлтого или коричневого цвета. Мякоть белая, толстая, впоследствии желтеющая.
Это редкий, но широко распространённый вид, который встречается в Азии, Австралии, Европе, Северной Америке и странах Карибского бассейна. Встречается летом и осенью в лиственных и смешанных лесах, парках и т.д., на живых и отмерших стволах лиственных деревьев.
Вольварие́лла шелкови́стая (лат. Volvariella bombycina) — гриб рода Вольвариелла семейства Плютеевые (Pluteaceae).
Шляпка 7-18 см в диаметре, у молодых экземпляров в форме колокольчика, затем плоско-выпуклая, сухая, от белого до светло-охряно-коричневого цвета, с густыми, прижатыми, радиально расположенными волокнистыми чешуйками, с беловатым или желтоватым оттенком. Пластинки розоватые, затем розово-коричневые. Ножка 7-19 см длиной и 0,2-2 см диаметром, цилиндрическая, беловатая, у основания с большой, широкой, мешотчатой вольвой грязного бело-жёлтого или коричневого цвета. Мякоть белая, толстая, впоследствии желтеющая.
Это редкий, но широко распространённый вид, который встречается в Азии, Австралии, Европе, Северной Америке и странах Карибского бассейна. Встречается летом и осенью в лиственных и смешанных лесах, парках и т.д., на живых и отмерших стволах лиственных деревьев.