
Amenazas ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Factores de riesgo

Al parecer no existen factores de riesgo importantes para esta especie. Sin embargo, la pérdida de su hábitat natural e importancia alimenticia y comercial sin un programa de manejo sostenible de este recurso y en general de los bosques donde habita podrían ponerla en riesgo en un futuro.

Situación actual del hábitat con respecto a las necesidades de la especie

Al ser los bosques de coníferas, incluyendo aquellos de Pinus, Abies y mixtos de Pinus-Quercus, el hábitat de esta especie, se estima que las condiciones actuales de éstos no limitan fuertemente al taxón. Sin embargo, la explotación forestal (legal e ilegal) a que todos estos bosques están siendo sometidos podría disminuir aun más su superficie, la cual ya ha sido disminuida en cerca de 60% en los últimos 20 años (SEMARNAT, 2005; INEGI, 2006). Además de la explotación forestal, los bosques de Pinus-Quercus son fuertemente explotados para obtener leña y carbón (Challenger, 1998) y son desmontados para fines pecuarios y agrícolas (SEMARNAT, 2005, 2006).
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Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J.
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Biología del taxón ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Relevancia de la especie

Este es un hongo ecológicamente importante ya que forma asociaciones ectomicorrizógenas y por tanto contribuye tanto al establecimiento y al mantenimiento de los bosques donde habita. Taxonómicamente resulta de relevancia ya que forma parte de la diversidad biológica de México. Por otro lado, es una especie comestible y se recolecta para autoconsumo y la venta en mercados locales, así como para su exportación. En general las especies de este género son altamente cotizadas a nivel nacional e internacional (Cifuentes et al., 1990; Díaz-Barriga, 1992; Guzmán, 1977; Stamets, 1993; Phillips, 1991; Villarreal y Pérez-Moreno, 1989).
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Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J.
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Descripción ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Hongo alargado y a veces incluso estrecho, salvo en casos teratológicos que son frecuentes entre esta especie, estípite más corto que el píleo, talla total hasta 18 cm, de color castaño en los ejemplares jóvenes y más claro en los adultos. Píleo de oblongo a casi cónico, 7 x 3.5 cm en un ejemplar de 11 cm, surcos claramente marcados. Costillas de color un poco más oscuro volviéndose denegridas en la senescencia, rectilíneas a todo lo alto del píleo, en número variable de 20 a 30. Alvéolos primarios conteniendo las series de alvéolos secundarios y casi todos cuadrangulares, muy numerosos a veces más de treinta en dirección a la altura y corresponden en general al número de costillas. Estípite blanco, más corto que el píleo, muy finamente furfuráceo, se caracteriza por los tricomas blancos en los estados jóvenes, No se notó furfuración por necrosis.
Esporas característicamente pequeñas y regulares, 16-19 X 10, 25-11 micras. Ascas de 360 x 20 micras en los ejemplares adultos, curvas en la base, con Melzer se torna fuerte rojo. Paráfisis septadas en la base, ramificaciones gruesas o raramente con émbolos en el ápice. Esferocistos muy regulares y de talla media. Tricomas del estípite de 30-50 mm, cilíndricos o claviformes.
Es importante señalar que existe otro homónimo Morchella costata (Vent.) Pers. 1801, que corresponde a otro taxón, y cuyo nombre correcto es Morchella hortensis (Pers.) Boud. según Hansen y Knudsen (2000).
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Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
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Distribución ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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En México esta especia ha sido registrada de los estados de Hidalgo (Frutis y Guzmán, 1983; Villarreal y Pérez-Moreno, 1989; Vovides et al., 1997), Michoacán (Díaz-Barriga et al., 1988; Villarreal y Pérez-Moreno, 1989), Estado de México y Veracruz (Vovides et al., 1997).























Esta especie también se conoce de Canadá (www.cfl.scf.rncan.gc.ca).
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Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J.
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Estado de conservación ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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A amenazada


A amenazada
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Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J.
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Hábitat ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da Conabio
El hábitat de esta especie incluye bosques de Abies (Frutis &Guzmán, 1983; Díaz-Barriga et al., 1988), de coníferas y de Pinus-Quercus (Díaz-Barriga et al., 1988; Villarreal y Pérez-Moreno, 1989a; Vovides et al., 1997), donde crece sobre el suelo a altitudes de 2300 msnm aproximadamente.


Aunque no existen datos precisos sobre el tipo de clima dominante a lo largo de la distribución de esta especie, es probable que este corresponda al tipo Cw, de acuerdo con la clasificación de Koeppen (1948), ya que según Rzedowski (1981) éste es el clima que caracteriza a las grandes masas de bosques de coníferas (incluyendo bosques de Abies, de Pinus y mixtos de Pinus-Quercus) donde se presenta esta especie. La temperatura media anual en bosque de Pinus y en aquellos de tipo mixto oscila entre los 10 y 20 °C, mientras que en los bosques de Abies éstas varían entre 1 y los 15 °C, alcanzando raramente los 20 °C. Incluso en este último tipo de vegetación, las temperaturas mínimas extremas llegan a alcanzar los -12 °C y suelen presentarse en promedio 60 heladas por año. Por su parte, la precipitación media anual en ambos ecosistemas va desde los 600 hasta 1000 mm, siendo particularmente alta en los bosques de Abies.
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Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J.
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Reproducción ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da Conabio
No existen datos sobre la época de fructificación de esta especie en México.
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sitassion bibliogràfica
Patiño-Conde V., Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J. 2010. Ficha técnica de Morchella costata. En: Cifuentes, J. (compilador). Elaboración de fichas de especies de hongos incluidas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Faculta de Ciencias, UNAM. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO. Proyecto No. DK002. México, D.F.
Patiño-Conde V.
Sánchez, M. y Cifuentes, J.
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Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

fornì da EOL authors

The true morels (Morchella spp.) are among the edible fungi most prized by mushroom hunters.As with other mushrooms, the familiar morel is merely the spore-producing "fruiting body" of a macrofungus which exists mostly undergound. A variety of morel species fruit briefly and sporadically each spring across the northern hemisphere and information on when and where to find them is often closely guarded by collectors. Much lore exists (some of it surely well founded) about the microhabitats and weather conditions associated with the appearance of morels. Morels grow throughout the northern hemisphere in regions with temperate or boreal forests, as well as in some Mediterranean and subtropical regions such as coastal California, the highlands of Central American, and the Middle East. Morels also occur in the southern hemisphere and although many of these are believed to be introduced, there are apparently endemic species as well in, for example, Australia and southern South America. Morels are harvested from the wild commercially in several parts of the world, including the United States, Turkey, China, and the Indian subcontinent, although some progress has been made toward commercial cultivation. (Pilz et al. 2007 and references therein). Pilz et al. (2007) provide an overview of the biology and ecology of morels.

In recent years, a number of researchers have used molecular genetic approaches to help resolve questions about species boundaries and species diversity within the genus Morchella (e.g., O'Donnell et al. 2011; Du et al. 2012). Du et al. (2012) recognized more than five dozen putative Morchella species. Building on this work, Kuo et al. (2012) formally described a number of new phylogenetic species from the U.S. and Canada and reviewed their current understanding of the taxonomy and nomenclature of Morchella in the U.S. and Canada (Kuo et al. 2012 includes a dichotomous identification key). Much taxonomic work remains to be done on this challenging group, but it appears that the old idea that Morchella includes just a handful of very widely distributed species is unlikely to persist in the face of much new data indicating high levels of genetic diversity within geographic regions.

Although they are widely considered to be choice edibles and large numbers are eaten each year without ill effect, morels reportedly can be toxic, especially when poorly cooked, producing both gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms. Researchers investigating reports of Morchella toxicity concluded that these cases were not simply the result of confusion with the superficially similar and poisonous False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta) or other causes, but noted the need for further study to confirm and better understand the phenomenon of morel poisoning. (Saviuc et al 2010)

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Leo Shapiro
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EOL authors

Múrgola ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Les múrgola, rabassola o morilla, és un bolet de la classe dels ascomicets i del gènere Morchella. Produeixen ascocarps molt porosos, que són molt apreciats a la cuina. Tot i que hi ha diferents espècies, el nom genèric se sol assignar a la Morchella rotunda (de l'alemany Morchel: múrgola; del llatí rotunda: rodona) la més comuna a casa nostra.


  • Té una cama blanquinosa que sosté un barret de forma esfèrica, arrodonida o ovoide, de 6 a 10 cm d'amplada, de color palla enrossida o de mel, amb alvèols ocupats per l'himeni constituïts gairebé com un vesper.
  • El peu, que també és buit, és blanquinós, engruixit cap a la part de sota i, poc o molt, solcat.
  • La carn és fràgil i molt minsa i és pràcticament inodora.


Apareix en llocs molt diversos a la primavera, però sobretot en llocs oberts, boscos aclarits o cremats i terres remogudes, i no sol aparèixer en els mateixos indrets d'un any a l'altre. Preferentment sota verns, pollancres, oms i freixes, però també en prats i pinedes sorrencoses. Es troba des del litoral fins als Pirineus.


Malgrat que es considera un excel·lent comestible, és prudent de coure'l, llençar l'aigua i afegir-lo ja cuit als guisats. Així s'eliminen alguns principis tòxics que duu, per bé que en poca quantitat. També es destrueixen si es deixa assecar enfilant-los i penjant-los, amb l'avantatge que d'aquesta manera el bolet millora la seva exquisida aroma.

No hi ha perill de confusió amb altres espècies de múrgoles, ja que totes són comestibles.

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Múrgola: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Les múrgola, rabassola o morilla, és un bolet de la classe dels ascomicets i del gènere Morchella. Produeixen ascocarps molt porosos, que són molt apreciats a la cuina. Tot i que hi ha diferents espècies, el nom genèric se sol assignar a la Morchella rotunda (de l'alemany Morchel: múrgola; del llatí rotunda: rodona) la més comuna a casa nostra.

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Smrž ( Cech )

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Tento článek je o rodu vřeckovýtrusých hub. Další významy jsou uvedeny na stránce Smrž (rozcestník).
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Můžete Wikipedii pomoci tím, že ho vylepšíte. Jak by měly články vypadat, popisují stránky Vzhled a styl, Encyklopedický styl a Odkazy.

Smrž (Morchella) je rod jedlých vřeckovýtrusých hub z čeledi smržovitých. Výrazným znakem smržů je zvláštní klobouk se sítí žeber připomínající včelí plástev.



Plodnice smržů nabývají různých tvarů, barev i velikostí, což značně stěžuje jejich klasifikaci. Jejich taxonomické zařazení je navíc ztíženo nejasnostmi ohledně toho, které druhy jsou skutečně biologicky odlišné. V anglofonním prostředí houbaři nazývají smrže jednoduše podle jejich barev, případně tvaru. Rozlišují hlavně „žlutého smrže“ (yellow morel; Morchella esculenta, smrž obecný), „bílého smrže“ (white morel; Morchella deliciosa) a „černého smrže“ (black morel; Morchella elata).


Podle některých autorů rod smrž zahrnuje pouze 3–6 druhů.[1][2] Jiní autoři však umisťují do rodu smrž až 50 jednotlivých druhů.[3][4] Fylogenetické analýzy založené na polymorfismu délky restrikčních fragmentů[5] a analýzách 28S rRNA pomocí restrikčních enzymů[6] podporují původní hypotézu o tom, že rod smrž zahrnuje jen několik druhů s množstvím fenotypových variací. Z jiné analýzy DNA rodu vyplynulo, že jen v Severní Americe je více jak 12 geneticky odlišných smržů.[7]


Všechny druhy smržů jsou vynikajícími jedlými houbami, velmi oblíbenými a vyhledávanými pro široké kuchyňské využití. V mnoha státech, např. ve Francii, USA, Itálii aj. jde o houby vysoce ceněné na trzích. Díky stejné upotřebitelnosti všech smržů není nutno v případě praktického sběru rozlišovat jednotlivé druhy.

Možné nežádoucí účinky

Stejně jako v případě dalších jedlých ascomycetů i mnoha jiných jedlých hub není radno požívat smrže syrové, je žádoucí tepelně je upravit. U smrže úzkohlavého (Morchella angusticeps Peck), z příbuzenstva smrže špičatého, byl v 60. letech podle J. W. Grovese zaznamenán případ mírné inkompatibility s alkoholem, projevivší se zvracením, průjmem a zrychleným tepem.


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Morchella na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. Overholts, L.O. (1934). The morels of Pennsylvania. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 8:108-114.
  2. Weber, N.S. (1988). In A Morel Hunter's Companion, pp. 111-67. Two Peninsula Press: Lansing.
  3. Korf, R.P. (1973). Discomycetes and Tuberales. In The Fungi (G.C. Ainsworth, F.K. Sparrow, and A.S. Sussman, Eds.), Vol. IVA, pp.249-318. Academic Press: New York.
  4. Kimbrough, J.W. (1970). Current trends in the classification of discomycetes. Bot. Rev. 36:91-161.
  5. Bunyard, B.A., Nicholson, M.S., Royse, D.J. (1994). A systematic assessment of Morchella using RFLP analysis of the 28S ribosomal gene. Mycologia 86:762-72.
  6. Bunyard B.A., Nicholson M.S., Royse D.J. (1995). Phylogenetic resolution of Morchella, Verpa, andDisciotis (Pezizales: Morchellaceae) based on restriction enzyme analysis of the 28S ribosomal RNA gene. Experimental Mycology 19(3):223-33.
  7. KUO, M. Morel Data Collection Project: Preliminary results [online]. March 2006 [cit. 2009-05-26]. Dostupné online.


  • SEMERDŽIEVA, Marta; VESELSKÝ, Jaroslav. Léčivé houby dříve a nyní. Praha: Academia, 1986. 180 s.

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Smrž: Brief Summary ( Cech )

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Smrž (Morchella) je rod jedlých vřeckovýtrusých hub z čeledi smržovitých. Výrazným znakem smržů je zvláštní klobouk se sítí žeber připomínající včelí plástev.

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Morcheln ( Alman )

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Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund von formalen oder inhaltlichen Mängeln in der Qualitätssicherung Biologie im Abschnitt „Mykologie“ zur Verbesserung eingetragen. Dies geschieht, um die Qualität der Biologie-Artikel auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu bringen. Bitte hilf mit, diesen Artikel zu verbessern! Artikel, die nicht signifikant verbessert werden, können gegebenenfalls gelöscht werden.

Lies dazu auch die näheren Informationen in den Mindestanforderungen an Biologie-Artikel.

Begründung: Angaben zur Systematik fehlen, Artenliste veraltet, Infos über den Speisewert ausbaubar, Infos über das beliebte „Morelhunting“ in den USA fehlen, Angaben über den Stand der Kultivierung wären interessant, weitere Einzelnachweise erwünscht. --Ak ccm (Diskussion) 02:56, 16. Feb. 2014 (CET)
Bitte die Hinweise zum Pilzesammeln beachten!

Die Morcheln (Morchella) sind eine Gattung der Schlauchpilze.


Die Morcheln bilden bis über 20 cm große, gestielte und hohle Fruchtkörper, die ein wabenartig gegliedertes Kopfteil besitzen. Die einzelnen Waben sind durch sterile, helle oder dunkle Rippen voneinander getrennt, das Kopfteil kann ganz oder teilweise mit dem Stiel verwachsen sein. Die Sporen der Morcheln sind etwa 20 bis 25 µm lang, glattwandig und haben kleine Granulen (Körnchen) an den Spitzen.


Die Morcheln sind überwiegend saprobiontische Bodenbewohner, die in Wäldern, unter Gebüschen, auf Holzabfällen und Brandstellen vorkommen. Darüber hinaus wurden zwischen Morcheln und Kiefern mykorrhizaähnliche Verbindungen nachgewiesen.[1]

Arten (Auswahl)

Die Gattung enthält je nach Auffassung 15 bis 28 Arten. Es existieren verschiedene Varietäten und Formen, deren taxonomischer Wert teilweise umstritten ist.

außereuropäische Arten:


Ein Korb voll Morcheln.

Einige Arten der Morcheln (z. B. die Speise-Morchel) gehören zu den begehrtesten Speisepilzen. Sie sind prinzipiell auch kultivierbar, wobei dies bisher nur im experimentellen Rahmen erfolgte. Entsprechende Pilzzuchtsets sind aber im Internet erhältlich. Die Arten der Gattung sind in Deutschland durch die Bundesartenschutzverordnung (BArtSchV) geschützt. Das Sammeln von Morcheln in freier Natur ist vorerst nur in geringen Mengen für den eigenen Bedarf erlaubt.

Die hohen Preise haben immer wieder zu Fälschungen geführt. Dabei werden die hohlen Fruchtkörper gefüllt, um so ein höheres Gewicht vorzutäuschen. Verwendet wurden hierzu neben Metall, Steinchen, Erde und zähflüssiger Zuckerlösung, sogar Teer, Ziegen- und Schafskot.[2]

Morcheln enthalten je 100 Gramm rund 5,1 g Kohlenhydrate (davon 0,6 g Zucker), 0,57 g Fett und 3,12 g Eiweiß sowie 2,8 g Ballaststoffe. Daraus ergibt sich ein Nährwert von 130 kJ (31 kcal).[3] So wie auch viele andere Pilzarten enthalten Morcheln höhere Mengen an Vitamin D. Außerdem enthalten sie einige B-Vitamine.[4]


Die Ableitung des Namens Morchella und Morchel von der althochdeutschen Bezeichnung morhel ,kleine Möhre‘, dem lateinischen Namen morum ,Maulbeere‘ und von dem vulgärlateinischen Wort mauricula ,kleine Mohrin‘ wird diskutiert. In Österreich ist er auch unter dem Namen "Mailing" bekannt, da er auch hauptsächlich im Mai zu finden ist.



  • Achim Bollmann, Andreas Gminder, Peter Reil: Abbildungsverzeichnis europäischer Großpilze. 4. Auflage. Gattungs-CD. Schwarzwälder Pilzlehrschau, Hornberg 2007, .
  • Heinrich Dörfelt, Gottfried Jetschke (Hrsg.): Wörterbuch der Mycologie. 2. Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg/Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-8274-0920-9.
  • Helmut Genaust: Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen. 3., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7, S. 379 (Nachdruck von 1996).


  1. J.L. Dahlstrom, J.E. Smith, N.S. Weber: Mycorrhiza-like interaction by Morchella with species of the Pinaceae in pure culture synthesis. Mycorrhiza 9(5), 2000, S. 279–285, doi:10.1007/PL00009992.
  2. Guido Böhler: Die Morchelsaison beginnt. In: delikatessenschweiz.ch. Dr. Guido Böhler, 26. April 2014, abgerufen am 10. Mai 2020.
  3. Nährstoffwerte Morchel. Abgerufen am 12. September 2021.
  4. Vitamingehalt Morchel. Abgerufen am 12. September 2021.
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Morcheln: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund von formalen oder inhaltlichen Mängeln in der Qualitätssicherung Biologie im Abschnitt „Mykologie“ zur Verbesserung eingetragen. Dies geschieht, um die Qualität der Biologie-Artikel auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu bringen. Bitte hilf mit, diesen Artikel zu verbessern! Artikel, die nicht signifikant verbessert werden, können gegebenenfalls gelöscht werden.

Lies dazu auch die näheren Informationen in den Mindestanforderungen an Biologie-Artikel.

Begründung: Angaben zur Systematik fehlen, Artenliste veraltet, Infos über den Speisewert ausbaubar, Infos über das beliebte „Morelhunting“ in den USA fehlen, Angaben über den Stand der Kultivierung wären interessant, weitere Einzelnachweise erwünscht. --Ak ccm (Diskussion) 02:56, 16. Feb. 2014 (CET)  src= Bitte die Hinweise zum Pilzesammeln beachten!

Die Morcheln (Morchella) sind eine Gattung der Schlauchpilze.

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Morelo ( Ido )

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Morelo esas morchella esculenta champiniono manjebla, di qua la "chapelo" esas remarkinda pro la nekontebleso di la mikra konkavaji qui igas lu aspektar quale sponjo.

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Wiksa-wiksa ( quechua )

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Wiksa-wiksa[1][2] (genus Morchella) nisqaqa huk rikch'ana k'allampakunam, mikhunallam. Wayaqacha k'allampakunamanmi kapun.

Huk rikch'aqkuna


  1. Peter Trutmann, Amarilda Luque: Los Hongos Olvidados del Perú. VI Congreso Nacional de Investigaciones en Antropología Perú, Puno, 2-5 de octubre de 2012, p. 8. Morchella (llam[a]do ‘Wijsa wijsa’).
  2. Peter Trutmann, Maria E. Holgado, Albino Quispe, Amarilda Luque: Native Mushrooms, Local Knowledge, and Potential for Food and Health in the Peruvian Andes: Update 2012. Annual Report 2012, Global Mountain Action, p. 5. Pacha Kallampa or Wijsa wij[s]a, Morchella spp. (M. elata y M. esculenta).

Hawa t'inkikuna

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Wiksa-wiksa: Brief Summary ( quechua )

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Wiksa-wiksa (genus Morchella) nisqaqa huk rikch'ana k'allampakunam, mikhunallam. Wayaqacha k'allampakunamanmi kapun.

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Wikipedia authors and editors

Суро панго ( Erzya )

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Суро панго (лиякс мерить просапанго, морчка[1], лат. Morchella, руз. Сморчок) — пангонь буе, Моршеллонь семиястонть ( лат. Morchellaceae).

Тюсонь коряс тюжа, нетьксэзэ ашола. Лангось кругловой, ал ёнов молиця. Лангонзо сероень кондямо, пек пуворявозь, менчевезь. Покшолмазо 6-10 см сэрьсэ. Суро пангонть ловить ярсыцякс, ансяк эряви кувать пидемс-лакавтомс, видстэ меремс псисэ. Ярсыть эйстэнзэ пидезь, рестазь, мариновазь, лиси соламодо мейле сеске, зярдо виресь лопавтомо[1].

Касы лопав вирьсэ.


  1. 1,0 1,1 Тикшень валкс Р.Н. Бузакова, - Саранск: Мордовской книжной издательствась, 1996. - 144.с. ISBN 5-7595-0963-2 (эрз.), (руз.)
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Wikipedia authors and editors

Җыерчалы гөмбәләр ( Tatar )

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Җыерчалы́ гөмбәлә́р (Morchella) - җыерчалылар гаиләлегеннән гөмбәләр ыругы. 15 төре билгеле, Евразия, Төньяк Америка, Австралиядә таралган. Татарстан территориясендә 2 төре: чын җыерчалы гөмбәләр (M. esculenta) һәм конуссыман җыерчалы гөмбәләр (M. conica) үсә.

Апрель-май айларында, яфраклы, ылыслы һәм катнаш урманнарда, известькә бай уңдырышлы туфракта күренә башлый. Комлы, мүкле урыннарда, урман буйларында, юл читләрендә, кисентеләрдә еш очрый. Чын җыерчалы гөмбәләр берәрләп үсә. Эшләпәсе саргылт-көрәннән көрән төскә кадәр, йомыркасыман формада, читләре төбенә ябышкан була. 3-6 см биеклектә, бормалы-җыерчалы, күзәнәкчел («җыерчыклы»). Сабы куыш, буразналы. Йомшагы балавызсыман, ак, йомшак, ватылучан, тәме һәм хуш исе бар. Споралы порошогы саргылт. Споралары эллипссыман, шома.

Конуссыман җыерчалы гөмбәләр берәрләп яки төркем булып үсә. Чын җыерчалы гөмбәләрдән конуссыман җыерчалы гөмбәләр озынча эшләпәсе белән аерыла, биеклеге 5-10 см, челтәрсыман өслекле. Эшләпәсе зәйтүн төсеннән коңгырт-көрәнгә кадәр. Сабы аксыл, куыш, ончыл кунык белән капланган.

Пешергәннән соң ашарга яраклы.


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Википедия авторлары һәм редакторлары

Җыерчалы гөмбәләр: Brief Summary ( Tatar )

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Җыерчалы́ гөмбәлә́р (Morchella) - җыерчалылар гаиләлегеннән гөмбәләр ыругы. 15 төре билгеле, Евразия, Төньяк Америка, Австралиядә таралган. Татарстан территориясендә 2 төре: чын җыерчалы гөмбәләр (M. esculenta) һәм конуссыман җыерчалы гөмбәләр (M. conica) үсә.

Апрель-май айларында, яфраклы, ылыслы һәм катнаш урманнарда, известькә бай уңдырышлы туфракта күренә башлый. Комлы, мүкле урыннарда, урман буйларында, юл читләрендә, кисентеләрдә еш очрый. Чын җыерчалы гөмбәләр берәрләп үсә. Эшләпәсе саргылт-көрәннән көрән төскә кадәр, йомыркасыман формада, читләре төбенә ябышкан була. 3-6 см биеклектә, бормалы-җыерчалы, күзәнәкчел («җыерчыклы»). Сабы куыш, буразналы. Йомшагы балавызсыман, ак, йомшак, ватылучан, тәме һәм хуш исе бар. Споралы порошогы саргылт. Споралары эллипссыман, шома.

Конуссыман җыерчалы гөмбәләр берәрләп яки төркем булып үсә. Чын җыерчалы гөмбәләрдән конуссыман җыерчалы гөмбәләр озынча эшләпәсе белән аерыла, биеклеге 5-10 см, челтәрсыман өслекле. Эшләпәсе зәйтүн төсеннән коңгырт-көрәнгә кадәр. Сабы аксыл, куыш, ончыл кунык белән капланган.

Пешергәннән соң ашарга яраклы.

drit d'autor
Википедия авторлары һәм редакторлары

Morchella ( Anglèis )

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Morchella, the true morels, is a genus of edible sac fungi closely related to anatomically simpler cup fungi in the order Pezizales (division Ascomycota). These distinctive fungi have a honeycomb appearance due to the network of ridges with pits composing their caps. Morels are prized by gourmet cooks, particularly in Catalan and French cuisine. Due to difficulties in cultivation, commercial harvesting of wild morels has become a multimillion-dollar industry in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, in particular North America, Turkey, China, the Himalayas, India, and Pakistan where these highly prized fungi are found in abundance.

Typified by Morchella esculenta in 1794, the genus has been the source of considerable taxonomical controversy throughout the years, mostly with regard to the number of species involved, with some mycologists recognising as few as three species and others over thirty. Current molecular phylogenetics suggest there might be over seventy species of Morchella worldwide, most of them exhibiting high continental endemism and provincialism.

The genus is currently the focus of extensive phylogenetic, biogeographical, taxonomical and nomenclatural studies, and several new species have been described from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Israel, Spain, and Turkey.

Early history

Morchella Dill. ex Pers. : Fr. was typified by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1794,[2] with Morchella esculenta designated as the type species for the genus. Among early pioneers who took an interest in the genus, were mycologists Julius Vincenz von Krombholz and Émile Boudier, who, in 1834[3] and 1897[4] respectively, published several species and varieties, accompanied by meticulously illustrated iconographic plates. The seminal taxon Morchella elata, whose true identity still remains unresolved,[5][6] was described by Elias Fries in 1822, from a fir forest in Sweden.[7] Other classical, early-proposed names include Morchella deliciosa, also described by Fries in 1822, Morchella semilibera, the half-free morel, originally described by de Candolle and sanctioned by Fries in 1822,[7] Morchella vulgaris, which was recombined by Samuel Gray as a distinct species in 1821[8] following a forma of M. esculenta previously proposed by Persoon, and Morchella angusticeps, a large-spored species described by American mycologist Charles Peck in 1887.[9] Morchella purpurascens, the purple morel, was first described by Boudier as a variety of M. elata in 1897 based on an 1834 plate by Krombholz, and was recombined as a distinct species in 1985 by Emile Jacquetant.[10][11] Morchella eximia, a globally-occurring fire-associated species was also described by Boudier in 1910.[12] The old, widely applied name Morchella conica,[13] featuring in many field guides and literature across several countries, has been shown by Richard and colleagues to be illegitimate.[5]

Systematic classification


Early phylogenetic analyses supported the hypothesis that the genus comprises only a few species with considerable phenotypic variation.[14][15][16] Subsequent multigenic DNA studies, however, have revealed more than a dozen genealogically distinct species in North America and at least as many in Europe.[17][18][19][5] DNA studies revealed three discrete clades, or genetic groups, consisting of the "white morels" (Morchella rufobrunnea and Morchella anatolica), the "yellow morels" (Morchella esculenta and others), and the "black morels" (Morchella elata and others).[18] The fire-associated species Morchella tomentosa, commonly known as the "gray morel", is distinct for its fine hairs on the cap ridges and sclerotia-like underground structures, and may also deserve its own clade based on DNA evidence.[20][21][22] Within the yellow and black clades, there are dozens of distinct species, many endemic to individual continents or regions.[18] This species-rich view is supported by studies in Western Europe,[23] Turkey,[24] Cyprus,[25] Israel,[26] China,[27] Patagonia,[28] and the Himalayas.[29]


The fruit bodies of Morchella species are highly polymorphic, varying in shape, color, and size. While in many cases they do not exhibit clear-cut distinguishing features microscopically, this has historically contributed to uncertainties in taxonomy.[30][31][32][6] Discriminating between the various taxa described is further hindered by uncertainty over which of these are truly biologically distinct. Remarkably, some authors in the past had suggested that the genus contains as few as 3 to 6 species,[33][34][35][36][37] while others recognised as many as 34.[4][10][38] Efforts to clarify the situation and re-evaluate old classical names (such as Morchella elata and others) in accordance to current phylogenetic data have been challenging, due to vague or ambiguous original descriptions and loss of holotype material.[5][39] In 2012, the simultaneous description of several new taxa from Europe by Clowez[38] and North America by Kuo and colleagues[40] resulted in several synonymities further complicating matters, until a transatlantic study by Richard and colleagues resolved many of these issues in 2014.[5] The genus is currently undergoing extensive re-evaluation with regards to the taxonomic status of several species.


About 80 species of Morchella were described until the turn of the 21st century (http://www.indexfungorum.org/), a number of which were later shown to be illegitimate or synonyms.[5] As molecular tools became widely available in the new millennium, a revived interest in the genus commenced and several new species were proposed. In 2008 Kuo described Morchella tomentosa from burned coniferous forests in western North America.[21] In 2010 Işiloğlu and colleagues described Morchella anatolica,[41] a basal species from Turkey later shown to be sister to Morchella rufobrunnea. A study by Clowez described over 20 new species in 2012,[38] while later in the same year, another study by Kuo and colleagues described 19 species from North America.[40] However, several of these newly proposed names later turned out to be synonyms.[5] An extensive taxonomical and nomenclatural revision of the genus provided by Richard and colleagues in 2014, applied names to 30 of the genealogical lineages recognized so far and clarified several synonymities.[5] Also in 2014, Elliott and colleagues described Morchella australiana from sclerophyll forests in Australia,[42] while Clowez and colleagues described Morchella fluvialis from riparian forests in Spain.[43]

In 2015, Loizides and colleagues clarified the taxonomy of Morchella tridentina, a cosmopolitan species described under many names, and recombined Morchella kakiicolor as a distinct species.[39] Later in the same year, Clowez and colleagues described Morchella palazonii from Spain,[44] while Voitk and colleagues described Morchella laurentiana from Canada and Morchella eohespera, a cosmopolitan species present in several continents.[45] In an extensive phylogenetic and morphological study from Cyprus in 2016, Loizides and colleagues added two more Mediterranean species, Morchella arbutiphila and Morchella disparilis, and resurrected Morchella dunensis as an autonomous species.[25] In the same year, Taşkın and colleagues described four of the previously unnamed phylospecies from Turkey: Morchella conifericola, Morchella feekensis, Morchella magnispora and Morchella mediteterraneensis.[46]

Section Rufobrunnea

Section Morchella

Section Distantes

Unresolved classification

Evolutionary history and ancestral reconstructions

Early ancestral reconstruction tests by O'Donnell and collaborators postulated a western North American origin of morels and the genus was estimated to have diverged from its closest genealogical relatives Verpa and Disciotis in the early Cretaceous, approximately 129 million years ago (Mya).[18] This date was later revised by Du and collaborators, placing the divergence of the genus in the late Jurassic, approximately 154 Mya.[27] However, neither of these reconstructions had included Morchella anatolica in the analyses, whose phylogenetic placement remained at the time unresolved. Following genetic testing of isotype collection of M. anatolica by Taşkın and colleagues, this species was shown to nest in the ancestral /Rufobrunnea clade, together with the transcontinental Morchella rufobrunnea.[19] This cast doubts over the accuracy of the original reconstructions, since both species of the ancestral /Rufobrunnea clade are present in the Mediterranean, while M. anatolica is altogether absent from North America.[39][25] Updated ancestral area reconstructions by Loizides and colleagues using an expanded 79-species data set, have in 2021 refuted the previous hypothesis and designated the Mediterranean basin as the most probable place of origin of morels.[48]

Ecology, phenology and distribution

Yellow morels in West Virginia, USA

The ecology of Morchella species is not well understood. Many species appear to form symbiotic or endophytic relationships with trees,[49][50][51][52] while others appear to act as saprotrophs.[20][51] Yellow morels (Morchella esculenta and related species) are more commonly found under deciduous trees rather than conifers, while black morels (Morchella elata and related species) are mostly found in coniferous forests, disturbed ground and recently burned areas.[38][25][53][54] Morchella galilaea,[55] and occasionally Morchella rufobrunnea,[26][56][39] appear to fruit in the autumn or winter months rather than spring, which is the typical fruiting season for morels.

Tree species associated with Morchella vary greatly depending on the individual species, continent, or region. Trees commonly associated with morels in Europe and across the Mediterranean include Abies (fir), Pinus (pine), Populus (poplar), Ulmus (elm), Quercus (oak), Arbutus (strawberry trees), Castanea (chestnut), Alnus (alder), Olea (olive trees), Malus (apple trees), and Fraxinus (ash).[38][25][39][19][48] In western North America morels are often found in coniferous forests, including species of Pinus (pine), Abies (fir), Larix (larch), and Pseudotsuga (Douglas-fir), as well as in Populus (cottonwood) riparian forests.[57][40] Deciduous trees commonly associated with morels in the northern hemisphere include Fraxinus (ash), Platanus (sycamore), Liriodendron (tulip tree), dead and dying elms, cottonwoods, and old apple trees (remnants of orchards).[40] Due to their springtime phenology (March–May), morels are hardly ever found in the vicinity of common poisonous mushrooms such as the death cap (Amanita phalloides), the sulphur tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare), or the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria).[58] They can, however, occur alongside false morels (Gyromitra and Verpa species) and elfin saddles (Helvella species), which also appear in spring.

Efforts to cultivate morels at a large scale have rarely been successful and the commercial morel industry relies on the harvest of wild mushrooms.[57]

Association with wildfire

Longneck morel in Indiana, USA

Certain Morchella species (M. eximia, M. importuna, M. tomentosa and others) exhibit a pyrophilic behaviour and may grow abundantly in forests which have been recently burned by a fire.[59][60] Moderate-intensity fires are reported to produce higher abundances of morels than low- or high-intensity fires.[22] This is caused by the soil becoming more alkaline as the result of wood ash combining with water and being absorbed into the soil which triggers the morels to fruit. Alkaline soil conditions which trigger fruiting have been observed and exploited with small-scale commercial cultivation of morels.[61][20][59] Where fire suppression is practiced, morels often grow in small numbers in the same spot, year after year. If these areas are overrun by wildfire they often produce a bumper crop of black morels the following spring. Commercial pickers and buyers in North America target recently burned areas for this reason. These spots may be closely guarded by mushroom pickers, as morels are widely regarded as a delicacy and often a cash crop.[57]

Transcontinental species

Black morel in Washington (state), USA

Although many species within Morchella exhibit continental endemism and provincialism,[18] several species have been phylogenetically shown to be present in more than one continent. So far, the list of transcontinental species includes M. americana, M. eohespera, M. eximia, M. exuberans, M. galilaea, M. importuna, M. populiphila, M. pulchella, M. rufobrunnea, M. semilibera, M. sextelata, M. steppicola, and M. tridentina.[27][5][25][6] The reasons behind the widespread, cosmopolitan distribution of these species, are still puzzling. Some authors have hypothesized that such transcontinental occurrences are the result of accidental anthropogenic introductions,[24][18] but this view has been disputed by others, who suggested an old and natural distribution, at least for some of these species which appear to be linked to indigenous flora.[39][25][48] Long-distance spore dispersal has also been suggested as a possible dispersal mechanism for some species, especially those belonging to fire-adapted lineages.[62] It has been suggested that the widespread but disjunct distribution of some morel species, especially early diverging lineages like M. rufobrunnea and M. tridentina, may be the result of climatic refugia from the Quaternary glaciation.[48]

In popular culture

Morel hunting is a common springtime activity. Mushroom collectors may carry a mesh collecting bag, so the spores can scatter as one carries the harvest.[63]

Every spring, hundreds of morel enthusiasts gather in Boyne City, Michigan for the National Morel Mushroom Festival, a century-old event.[64] As one observer stated, "if there is a modern, North American reenactment of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales this is it."[65] Other festivals and hunting competitions in North America include the Illinois State Morel Mushroom Hunting Championship, the Ottawa Midwest Morel Fest and the Mesick Michigan Mushroom Festival.[66]

In the survival horror video game Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, morel mushrooms are featured as one of the many edible items that the survivors can gather in the forests. They typically can be picked from underbrushes during summer and autumn, and can be boiled, fried, or preserved via drying.

Vernacular names

Morchella species have been called by many local names; some of the more colorful include dryland fish, because when sliced lengthwise then breaded and fried, their outline resembles the shape of a fish;[67] hickory chickens, as they are known in many parts of Kentucky; and merkels or miracles, based on folklore, of how a mountain family was saved from starvation by eating morels. In parts of West Virginia, they are known as molly moochers, muggins, or muggles. Due to the partial structural and textural similarity to some species of Porifera (sponges), other common names for any true morel are sponge mushroom and waffle mushroom. In the Appalachian woodlands, morels have also been called haystacks, or snakeheads.[63] The Finnish vernacular name huhtasieni, refers to huhta, area cleared for agriculture by the slash and burn method.[68]

The scientific name of the genus Morchella itself, is thought to have derived from morchel,[69] an old German word close to "Möhre", carrot or beet, due to similarity in shape.

Hunting and foraging

Morels, “almost universally associated with spring,” can be found in many habitats. Morel may be more likely to fruit during a period of increasing heat following a chilly period, a preference which is credited for their abundance in areas with cold winters.[70]

Black morels (Morchella elata) are often found on land that has been disturbed by logging burning.[70]


Due to the mushroom's prized fruit bodies, several attempts have been made to grow the fungus in culture. In 1901, Repin reported successfully obtaining fruit bodies in a cave in which cultures had been established in flower pots nine years previously in 1892.[71]

More recently, small-scale commercial growers have had success growing morels by using partially shaded rows of mulched wood. The rows of mulch piles are inoculated with morel mushroom spores in a solution of water and molasses which are poured over the piles of mulch and then they are allowed to grow undisturbed for several weeks. A solution of wood ashes mixed in water and diluted is subsequently poured over the rows of wood mulch which triggers fruiting of the morels. Morels are known to appear after fires and the alkalinity produced by wood ash mixed with water initiate fruit body formation for most species of morels.[61]

In 2021 it was announced that indoor cultivation of Black Morel mushrooms had been successfully achieved after decades of research and experimentation with methods by The Danish Morel Project. The project has been able to cultivate 20 lbs of morels per square yard or around 10kg per square metre with cost estimates expected to be similar to producing white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus). Previous attempts at cultivation had managed to produce sclerotia but encountered issues in getting them to reliably fruit. One of the breakthroughs with this project was growing them in a climate controlled environment in conjunction with grass which is involved in stimulating fruiting in the morel mycelium. Cultivation in this manner has been noted to produce superior morels for culinary uses since they can be assured to be insect, slug and dirt free and therefore do not need to be washed and cleaned like foraged morels. Since washing morels can negatively impact the texture, reliable cultivation may result in more versatility with this ingredient in the kitchen as well as making the delicacy more affordable and accessible.[72][73]


Raw morel mushrooms are 90% water, 5% carbohydrates, 3% protein, and 1% fat. A 100 gram reference amount supplies 31 calories, and is a rich source of iron (94% of the Daily Value, DV), manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin D (34% DV, if having been exposed to sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light). Raw morels contain moderate levels of several B vitamins (table).

Gastronomical value and culinary uses

Known as "prized delicacies...they are so esteemed in Europe that people used to set fire to their own forests in hopes of eliciting a bountiful morel crop the next spring!"[70]

Morels are a feature of many cuisines, including Provençal.[74] Their unique flavor is prized by chefs worldwide, with recipes and preparation methods designed to highlight and preserve it.[75] As with most edible fungi, they are best when collected or bought fresh. One of the simplest ways to enjoy morels is by gently sauteeing them in butter, cracking pepper on top and sprinkling with salt. They are good additions to meat and poultry dishes and soups, and can be used as pasta fillings.[76] However, as morels are known to contain thermolabile toxins, they must always be cooked before eating.

Morels can be preserved in several ways: They can be 'flash frozen' by simply running under cold water or putting them in a bucket to soak for a few minutes, then spread on a baking tray and placed into a freezer. After freezing, they keep very well with the frozen glaze for a long time in airtight containers. However, when thawed they can sometimes turn slightly mushy, so they are best frozen after steaming or frying. Due to their natural porosity, morels may contain trace amounts of soil which cannot be easily washed out. Any visible soil should be removed with a brush, after cutting the body in half lengthwise, if needed. Mushroom hunters sometimes recommend soaking morels in a bowl of salt water briefly prior to cooking, although many chefs would disagree.[63]

Drying is a popular and effective method for long-term storage, and morels are widely available commercially in this form. Any insect larvae which might be present in the fruit bodies usually drop out during the drying process.[77] Dried morels can then be reconstituted by soaking for 10–20 minutes in warm water or milk, and the soaking liquid can be used as stock.[78]

The supreme flavor of morels is not just appreciated by humans; in Yellowstone National Park, black morels are also known to be consumed by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis).[79]


Morchella species are thought to contain small amounts of hydrazine[80] toxins or an unknown toxin that is destroyed through cooking (the presence of hydrazine is controversial since there are no primary references of hydrazine having been detected in the species); because of this, morels should never be eaten raw.[81] It has been reported that even cooked morels can sometimes cause symptoms of upset stomach when consumed with alcohol.[82]

When eating this fungus for the first time it is wise to consume a small amount to minimize any allergic reaction. As with all fungi, morels for consumption must be clean and free of decay. Morels growing in old apple orchards previously treated with the now-banned insecticide lead arsenate may accumulate levels of toxic lead and arsenic that are unsuitable for human consumption.[83]

False morels

When gathering morels for the table, care must be taken to distinguish them from the poisonous "false morels", a term loosely applied to describe Gyromitra esculenta, Verpa bohemica, and other morel lookalikes. Although false morels are sometimes eaten without ill effect, they can cause severe gastrointestinal upset, loss of muscular coordination (including cardiac muscle), or even death.[84][85] Incidents of poisoning usually occur when they are eaten in large quantities, inadequately cooked, or over several days in a row. False morels contain gyromitrin, an organic carcinogenic poison, hydrolyzed in the body into monomethylhydrazine (MMH).[86] Gyromitra esculenta in particular, has been reported to be responsible for up to 23% of mushroom fatalities each year in Poland.[87]

The key morphological features distinguishing false morels from true morels are as follows:

  • Gyromitra species often have a "wrinkled" or "cerebral" (brain-like) appearance to the cap due to multiple wrinkles and folds, rather than the honeycomb appearance of true morels due to ridges and pits.
  • Gyromitra esculenta has a cap that is usually reddish-brown in colour, but sometimes also chestnut, purplish-brown, or dark brown.
  • Gyromitra species are typically chambered in longitudinal section, while Verpa species contain a cottony substance inside their stem, in contrast to true morels which are always hollow.
  • The caps of Verpa species (V. bohemica, V. conica and others) are attached to the stem only at the apex (top of the cap), unlike true morels which have caps that are attached to the stem at, or near the base of the cap. The easiest way to distinguish Verpa species from Morchella species is to slice them longitudinally.[88][65]


See also


  1. ^ "Morchella Dill. ex Pers". Species Fungorum. CAB International. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  2. ^ Persoon CH. (1794). "Neue Versuch einer Systematischen Einteilung der Schwämme". Neues Magazin für die Botanik (in German). 1: 63–128.
  3. ^ Krombholz JV von. (1834). Naturgetreue Abblidungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, schädlichen und verdächtigen Schwämme, Heift 3. G. Calve, Praha J, 36 p., pl. XV-XXII.
  4. ^ a b Boudier E. (1897). "Révision analytique des morilles de France". Bulletin Trimestriel de la Société Mycologique de France. 13: 130–150.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i Richard F, Bellanger JM, Clowez P, Hansen K, O'Donnell K, Urban A, Sauve M, Courtecuisse R, Moreau PA (2015). "True morels (Morchella, Pezizales) of Europe and North America: evolutionary relationships inferred from multilocus data and a unified taxonomy". Mycologia. 107 (2): 359–382. doi:10.3852/14-166. PMID 25550303.
  6. ^ a b c Loizides, M. (2017). "Morels: the story so far". Field Mycology. 18 (2): 42–53. doi:10.1016/j.fldmyc.2017.04.004.
  7. ^ a b Fries EM. (1822). Systema Mycologicum. Vol. 2. Lundin, Sweden: Ex Officina Berlingiana. p. 8.
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  9. ^ Peck CH. (1879). "Report of the Botanist (1878)". Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History. 32: 44.
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  13. ^ Persoon CH. (1818). Traité sur les Champignons Comestibles (in French). p. 257.
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  17. ^ Kuo, M. (March 2006). "Morel Data Collection Project: Preliminary results". Retrieved 2009-05-26.
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  19. ^ a b c Taşkın H, Büyükalaca S, Hansen K, O'Donnell K (2012). "Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of true morels (Morchella) reveals high levels of endemics in Turkey relative to other regions of Europe". Mycologia. 104 (2): 446–461. doi:10.3852/11-180. PMID 22123659. S2CID 207685509.
  20. ^ a b c Stefani FO, Sokolski S, Wurtz TL, Piché Y, Hamelin RC, Fortin JA, Bérubé JA (2010). "Morchella tomentosa: a unique belowground structure and a new clade of morels" (PDF). Mycologia. 102 (5): 1082–1088. doi:10.3852/09-294. PMID 20943507. S2CID 6103729. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2011-03-15.
  21. ^ a b Kuo M. (2008). "Morchella tomentosa, a new species from western North America, and notes on M. rufobrunnea" (PDF). Mycotaxon. 105: 441–446.
  22. ^ a b McFarlane EM, Pilz D, Weber NS (2005). "High-elevation gray morels and other Morchella species harvested as non-timber forest products in Idaho and Montana" (PDF). Mycologist. 19 (2): 62–68. CiteSeerX doi:10.1017/S0269915X0500203X.
  23. ^ Harald Kellner; Carsten Renker & François Buscot (2005). "Species diversity within the Morchella esculenta group (Ascomycota: Morchellaceae) in Germany and France" (PDF). Organisms, Diversity & Evolution. 5 (2): 101–107. doi:10.1016/j.ode.2004.07.001. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-19. Retrieved 2011-03-15.
  24. ^ a b Hatıra Taşkın; Saadet Büyükalacaa; Hasan Hüseyin Doğanb; Stephen A. Rehnerc; Kerry O'Donnell (Aug 2010). "A multigene molecular phylogenetic assessment of true morels (Morchella) in Turkey". Fungal Genetics and Biology. 47 (8): 672–682. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2010.05.004. PMID 20580850.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g Loizides M, Bellanger JM, Lowez P, Richard F, Moreau PA (2016). "Combined phylogenetic and morphological studies of true morels (Pezizales, Ascomycota) in Cyprus reveal significant diversity, including Morchella arbutiphila and M. disparilis spp. nov". Mycological Progress. 15 (4): 39. doi:10.1007/s11557-016-1180-1. S2CID 15163613.
  26. ^ a b Masaphy S, Zabari L, Goldberg D (2009). "New long-season ecotype of Morchella rufobrunnea from northern Israel" (PDF). Micologia Aplicada International. 21 (2): 45–55. ISSN 1534-2581.
  27. ^ a b c Du XH, Zhao Q, O'Donnell K, Rooney AP, Yang ZL (2012). "Multigene molecular phylogenetics reveals true morels (Morchella) are especially species-rich in China". Fungal Genetics and Biology. 49 (6): 455–469. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2012.03.006. PMID 22503770.
  28. ^ Pildain MB, Visnovsky SB, Barroetavena C (2014). "Phylogenetic diversity of true morels (Morchella), the main edible non-timber product from native Patagonian forests of Argentina". Fungal Biology. 118 (9–10): 755–763. doi:10.1016/j.funbio.2014.03.008. PMID 25209634.
  29. ^ Kanwal HK, Acharya K, Ramesh G, Reddy MS (2010). "Molecular characterization of Morchella species from the Western Himalayan region of India". Current Microbiology. 62 (4): 1245–1252. doi:10.1007/s00284-010-9849-1. PMID 21188589. S2CID 1394087.
  30. ^ Kimbrough JW. (1970). "Current trends in the classification of discomycetes". Botanical Review. 36 (2): 91–161. doi:10.1007/bf02858958. S2CID 11463562.
  31. ^ Korf RP. (1972). "Synoptic key to the genera of the Pezizales". Mycologia. 64 (5): 937–994. doi:10.2307/3758070. JSTOR 3758070.
  32. ^ Masaphy S, Zabari L, Goldberg D, Jander-Shagug G (Spring 2010). "The complexity of Morchella systematics: A case of the yellow morel from Israel" (PDF). Fungi Magazine. 3 (2): 14–18.
  33. ^ Overholts LO. (1934). "The morels of Pennsylvania". Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 8: 108–114.
  34. ^ Seaver FJ. (1942). The North American cup-fungi (Operculates). Hafner Publishing C. New York. 377 p.
  35. ^ Dennis RWG. (1978). Bristish Ascomycètes. Ed. Cramer, Vaduz, 585 p.
  36. ^ Breitenbach J, Kränzlin F. (1984). Fungi of Switzerland, Volume 1: Ascomycetes. Verlag Mykologia, Luzern, Switzerland. 314 p.
  37. ^ Weber, N.S. (1988). In A Morel Hunter's Companion, pp. 111-67. Two Peninsula Press: Lansing.
  38. ^ a b c d e Clowez P. (2012). "Les morilles. Une nouvelle approche mondiale du genre Morchella". Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France (in French). 126 (3–4): 199–376 (see p. 238).
  39. ^ a b c d e f Loizides M, Alvarado P, Clowez P, Moreau PA, de la Osa LR, Palazon A (2015). "Morchella tridentina, M. rufobrunnea, and M. kakiicolor: a study of three poorly known Mediterranean morels, with nomenclatural updates in section Distantes". Mycological Progress. 14 (13). doi:10.1007/s11557-015-1030-6. S2CID 16132175.
  40. ^ a b c d Kuo M, Dewsbury DR, O'Donnell K, Carter MC, Rehner SA, Moore JD, Moncalvo JM, Canfield SA, Stephenson SL, Methven AS, Volk TJ (2012). "Taxonomic revision of true morels (Morchella) in Canada and the United States". Mycologia. 104 (5): 1159–1177. doi:10.3852/11-375. PMID 22495449. S2CID 45219627.
  41. ^ Işiloğlu M, Alli H, Spooner BM, Solak MH (2010). "Morchella anatolica (Ascomycota), a new species from southwestern Anatolia, Turkey". Mycologia. 102 (2): 455–468. doi:10.3852/09-186. PMID 20361512. S2CID 34185312.
  42. ^ Elliott TF, Bougher NL, O'Donnell K, Trappe JM (2014). "Morchella australiana sp. nov., an apparent Australian endemic from New South Wales and Victoria". Mycologia. 106 (1): 113–118. doi:10.3852/13-065. PMID 24603835. S2CID 42830021.
  43. ^ Clowez P, Alvarado P, Becerra M, Bilbao T, Moreau PA (2014). "Morchella fluvialis sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Pezizales): A new but widespread morel in Spain". Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid. 38 (2): 251–260.
  44. ^ Clowez, Philippe; Bellanger, Jean-Michel; de la Osa, Luis Romero; Moreau, Pierre-Arthur. (2015). Morchella palazonii sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Pezizales) : une nouvelle morille méditerranéenne. Clé des Morchella sect. Morchella en Europe. Documents Mycologiques XXXVI: 71–84.
  45. ^ Voitk A, Beug M, O'Donnell K, Burzynski M (2016). "Two new species of true morels from Newfoundland and Labrador: cosmopolitan Morchella eohespera and parochial M. laurentiana". Mycologia. 108 (1): 31–37. doi:10.3852/15-149. PMID 26553777. S2CID 21363047.
  46. ^ Taşkın, H.; Doğan, H.; Büyükalaca, S.; Clowez, P.; Moreau, P.-A.; O'Donnell, K. (2016). "Four new morel (Morchella) species in the elata subclade (M. sect. Distantes) from Turkey". Mycotaxon. 131 (2): 467–482. doi:10.5248/131.467.
  47. ^ Clowez, P.; Marcos Martinez, J.; Sanjaume, R.; Marques, G.; Bellanger, J. M.; Moreau, P. A. (2020). "A survey of half-free morels in Spain reveals a new species: Morchella iberica sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Pezizales)". Ascomycete.org. 12 (1): 11–18. doi:10.25664/art-0291.
  48. ^ a b c d Loizides M, Gonou Z, Fransuas G, Drakopoulos P, Sammut C, Martinis A, Bellanger JM (2021). "Extended phylogeography of the ancestral Morchella anatolica supports preglacial presence in Europe and Mediterranean origin of morels". Mycologia. 113 (3): 559–573. doi:10.1080/00275514.2020.1869489. PMID 33734016. S2CID 232298567.
  49. ^ Buscot F, Roux J (1987). "Association between living roots and ascocarps of Morchella rotunda". Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 89 (2): 249–252. doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(87)80162-6.
  50. ^ Buscot F (1992). "Mycorrhizal succession and morel biology". In Read DJ, Lewis DH, Fitter AH, Alexander IJ (eds.). Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems. Wallingford, United Kingdom: CAB International. pp. 220–224. ISBN 978-0-85198-786-6.
  51. ^ a b Dahlstrom JL, Smith JE, Weber NS (2000). "Mycorrhiza-like interaction by Morchella with species of the Pinaceae in pure culture synthesis". Mycorrhiza. 9 (5): 279–285. doi:10.1007/PL00009992. S2CID 36119264.
  52. ^ Tedersoo L, May TW, Smith ME (2010). "Ectomycorrhizal lifestyle in fungi: global diversity, distribution, and evolution of phylogenetic lineages". Mycorrhiza. 20 (4): 217–263. doi:10.1007/s00572-009-0274-x. PMID 20191371. S2CID 3351967.
  53. ^ Lincoff GH. (1981). The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms. p. 326.
  54. ^ Du XH, Zhao Q, Yang ZL (2015). "A review on research advances, issues, and perspectives of morels". Mycology. 6 (2): 78–85. doi:10.1080/21501203.2015.1016561. PMC 6106076. PMID 30151316.
  55. ^ Taşkın H, Doğan HH, Büyükalaca S (2015). "Morchella galilaea, an autumn species from Turkey". Mycotaxon. 130: 215–221. doi:10.5248/130.215.
  56. ^ Loizides M. (2011). "Morchella rufobrunnea, η μορχέλλα της πόλης" [Morchella rufobrunnea, the urban morel]. Μυκητολόγος [Mycologist] (in Greek). 5: 10–13.
  57. ^ a b c Pilz, D.; R. McLain; S. Alexander; L. Villarreal-Ruiz; S. Berch; T.L. Wurtz; C.G. Parks; E. McFarlane; B. Baker; R. Molina; J.E. Smith (March 2007). Ecology and management of morels harvested from the forests of western North America. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-710. Portland, OR: U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.
  58. ^ Mihail JD, Bruhn JN, Bonello P (2007). "Spatial and temporal patterns of morel fruiting". Mycological Research. 111 (3): 339–346. doi:10.1016/j.mycres.2007.01.007. PMID 17363234.
  59. ^ a b Greene DF, Hesketh M, Pounden E (2010). "Emergence of morel (Morchella) and pixie cup (Geopyxis carbonaria) ascocarps in response to the intensity of forest floor combustion during a wildfire". Mycologia. 102 (4): 766–773. doi:10.3852/08-096. PMID 20648745. S2CID 28400225.
  60. ^ Wurtz TL, Wiita AL, Weber NS, Pilz D (2005). Harvesting morels after wildfire in Alaska (Report). Research Note RN-PNW-546. Portland, Oregon: U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. Archived from the original on 2011-09-28. Retrieved 2009-05-26.
  61. ^ a b Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: "YouTube". YouTube Growing Morels. 2019-11-08. Retrieved 2019-11-11.
  62. ^ Du XH, Zhao Q, Yang ZL, Hansen K, Taşkın H, Büyükalaca S, Dewsbury D, Moncalvo JM, Douhan GW, Robert VA, Crous PW, Rehner SA, Rooney AP, Sink S, O'Donnell K (2012). "How well do ITS rDNA sequences differentiate species of true morels (Morchella)?". Mycologia. 104 (6): 1351–1368. doi:10.3852/12-056. PMID 22802394. S2CID 6740906.
  63. ^ a b c Excerpts from the book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, by Barbara Kingsolver.' Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Harper Perennial. pp. 77–80.
  64. ^ "National Morel Mushroom Festival". bcmorelfestival.com. Retrieved 2018-08-10.
  65. ^ a b Kuo M. (2005). Morels. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. p. 173. ISBN 978-0-472-03036-1.
  66. ^ "Annual Mesick Mushroom Festival".
  67. ^ Lincoff G. (2011). The Complete Mushroom Hunter: An Illustrated Guide to Finding, Harvesting, and Enjoying Wild Mushrooms. Quarry Books. p. 57. ISBN 978-1-61058-099-1.
  68. ^ Cunningham AB, Yang X (2012). Mushrooms in Forests and Woodlands: "Resource Management, Values and Local Livelihoods". Routledge. p. 180. ISBN 978-1-136-53817-9.
  69. ^ Burnett GT. (1835). Outlines of Botany: Including a General History of the Vegetable Kingdom, in which Plants are Arranged According to the System of Natural Affinities. John Churchill. p. 241.
  70. ^ a b c Arora, David (1986). Mushrooms demystified : a comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi (2nd ed.). Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. pp. 785–793. ISBN 0-89815-170-8. OCLC 13702933.
  71. ^ Repin C. (1901). "Sur la culture de la Morille". Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. 12: 595–96. Retrieved 2010-03-21.
  72. ^ "The Morel Project - The Danish Morel Project". 2021-11-16. Retrieved 2022-07-12.
  73. ^ Gamillo, Elizabeth (2022-05-02). "Danish Biologists Cultivate Morel Mushrooms Year-Round With New Indoor Technique". Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved 2022-07-12.
  74. ^ Olney R. (1995). A Provencal Table. London: Pavilion. pp. 31–32. ISBN 978-1-85793-632-2.
  75. ^ Acton J, Sandler N (2007). Mushroom. Watermill Books. p. 160. ISBN 978-1856267397.
  76. ^ Wright J. (2007). Mushrooms: River Cottage Cookbook 1. Bloomsbury. p. 256. ISBN 9780747589327.
  77. ^ Wild About Mushrooms: Morels. Mssf.org. Retrieved on 2012-04-17.
  78. ^ Carluccio A. (2003). The Complete Mushroom Book. London, UK: Quadrille. pp. 37–38, 96–97. ISBN 978-1-84400-040-1.
  79. ^ Mattson DJ, Podruzny SR, Haroldson MA (2002). "Consumption of fungal sporocarps by Yellowstone grizzly bears". Ursus. 13: 95–103. JSTOR 3873191.
  80. ^ Stamets P. (2005). Mycelium Running. Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. p. 344.
  81. ^ Hall IR, Buchanan PK (2003). Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of the World. Timber Press. ISBN 978-0-88192-586-9.
  82. ^ Groves JW. (1964). "Poisoning by morels When taken with alcohol". Mycologia. 56 (5): 779–780. doi:10.2307/3756634. JSTOR 3756634.
  83. ^ Shavit E, Shavit E (Spring 2010). "Lead and arsenic in Morchella esculenta fruitbodies collected in lead arsenate contaminated apple orchards in the northeastern United States: A preliminary study" (PDF). Fungi Magazine. 3 (2): 11–18.
  84. ^ Michelot D, Toth B (1991). "Poisoning by Gyromitra esculenta—a review". Journal of Applied Toxicology. 11 (4): 235–243. doi:10.1002/jat.2550110403. PMID 1939997. S2CID 7994829.
  85. ^ Bresinsky A, Besl H. (1990). A colour atlas of poisonous fungi. Wolfe Publishing Ltd, London.
  86. ^ Karlson-Stiber C, Persson H (2003). "Cytotoxic fungi—an overview". Toxicon. 42 (4): 339–349. doi:10.1016/S0041-0101(03)00238-1. PMID 14505933.
  87. ^ Lampe KF. (1979). "Toxic fungi". Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 19 (1): 85–104. doi:10.1146/annurev.pa.19.040179.000505. PMID 378111.
  88. ^ Kuo M. (2007). 100 Edible Mushrooms. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. pp. 55–58. ISBN 978-0-472-03126-9.

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Morchella, the true morels, is a genus of edible sac fungi closely related to anatomically simpler cup fungi in the order Pezizales (division Ascomycota). These distinctive fungi have a honeycomb appearance due to the network of ridges with pits composing their caps. Morels are prized by gourmet cooks, particularly in Catalan and French cuisine. Due to difficulties in cultivation, commercial harvesting of wild morels has become a multimillion-dollar industry in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, in particular North America, Turkey, China, the Himalayas, India, and Pakistan where these highly prized fungi are found in abundance.

Typified by Morchella esculenta in 1794, the genus has been the source of considerable taxonomical controversy throughout the years, mostly with regard to the number of species involved, with some mycologists recognising as few as three species and others over thirty. Current molecular phylogenetics suggest there might be over seventy species of Morchella worldwide, most of them exhibiting high continental endemism and provincialism.

The genus is currently the focus of extensive phylogenetic, biogeographical, taxonomical and nomenclatural studies, and several new species have been described from Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Israel, Spain, and Turkey.

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Morkelo ( Esperant )

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Morkelo (Morchella) estas genro de grandaj askofungoj[1] kun granda, fragile karneca fruktokorpo, havante kvazaŭ pufe kavan stipon kaj nesimetrie rondforman aŭ konusforman ĉapelon, kies surfaco havas mallarĝajn laŭlongajn kaj laŭlarĝajn listelojn, inter kiuj troviĝas kavoj. Surteraj fungoj estas manĝeblaj.

manĝebla morkelo


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Morkelo: Brief Summary ( Esperant )

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Morkelo (Morchella) estas genro de grandaj askofungoj kun granda, fragile karneca fruktokorpo, havante kvazaŭ pufe kavan stipon kaj nesimetrie rondforman aŭ konusforman ĉapelon, kies surfaco havas mallarĝajn laŭlongajn kaj laŭlarĝajn listelojn, inter kiuj troviĝas kavoj. Surteraj fungoj estas manĝeblaj.

manĝebla morkelo[mankas fonto] (Morchella esculenta) pinta ĉapelo kun abelĉelsimila surfaco bohemia morkelo[mankas fonto] (Vepra bohemica) sonorilego-simila ĉapelo, kiu nur pinte kunkereskis kun la stumpo. manĝebla morkelo
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Morchella ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Morchella, conocidas como colmenillas, cagarrias, morillas o múrgoles, son hongos ascomicetos comestibles, caracterizados por poseer ascocarpos de aspecto reticulado. Son muy apreciadas por los gourmets franceses y españoles.


Formadas por un tronco blanquinoso que sostiene un sombrero en forma esférica, redondeada u ovoide, de 6 a 10 cm de ancho, de color paja rosado o de la miel, con una forma característica semejante a un avispero. El tronco, que también está vacío, es blanquinoso. La carne es frágil y muy escasa y prácticamente inodora.

Ascosporas de la colmenilla.

La morilla es una de las especies comestibles de hongos que crecen en la Patagonia andina. El hongo en general es de color dorado-marrón con sombrero alargado, similar al árbol, con consistencia esponjosa.

Estos hongos son muy difíciles de hallar, pues se encuentran en forma aislada y es muy difícil distinguirlos a simple vista. Sólo con la vista aguda y experta de un buen recolector de hongos se logra hallarlos.

Las colmenillas no se pueden consumir en crudo por su toxicidad (contienen hemolisinas termolábiles (TLH), proteínas que rompen las membranas celulares de eritrocitos, leucocitos y plaquetas, y que se alteran o descomponen por acción del calor), según los expertos hay que combinar el secado y la cocción, así que si son frescas, primero deben secarse, después rehidratarse (desechando el agua) y a continuación cocinarse unos 30 minutos a una temperatura entre 70 y 90º C.

De esta manera constituyen un excelente comestible por su delicado sabor y aroma exquisito, especial para salsas y saborizar comidas.


Sección Rufobrunnea

Section Morchella

Sección Distantes

Clasificación incierta


  1. Elliott TF, Bougher NL, O'Donnell K, Trappe JM. (2014). «Morchella australiana sp. nov., an apparent Australian endemic from New South Wales and Victoria». Mycologia (en inglés) 106 (1): 113-8. doi:10.3852/13-065.

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

fornì da wikipedia ES

Morchella, conocidas como colmenillas, cagarrias, morillas o múrgoles, son hongos ascomicetos comestibles, caracterizados por poseer ascocarpos de aspecto reticulado. Son muy apreciadas por los gourmets franceses y españoles.

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Mürkel ( Éston )

fornì da wikipedia ET

Mürkel (Morchella) on kottseente perekond liudikulaadsete seltsist mürkliliste sugukonnast.

Eesti liigid

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Mürkel: Brief Summary ( Éston )

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Mürkel (Morchella) on kottseente perekond liudikulaadsete seltsist mürkliliste sugukonnast.

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Karraspina ( Basch )

fornì da wikipedia EU

Karraspina (Morchella) Ascomycota taldean sailkatzen den onddo jangarrien genero baten izen arrunta da. Abaraska antzeko kukula dute.


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Karraspina: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Karraspina (Morchella) Ascomycota taldean sailkatzen den onddo jangarrien genero baten izen arrunta da. Abaraska antzeko kukula dute.

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Morchella ( Fransèis )

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Les morilles sont un genre (Morchella) de champignons ascomycètes de la famille des Morchellaceae.

La famille des Morchellaceae offre généralement des spécimens toxiques à l'état cru, comestibles après cuisson[1].


Le nom du genre Morchella est dérivé de morchel, un ancien mot allemand pour désigner les champignons, tandis que morille et l'anglais morel sont dérivés du latin maurus : brun.


Espèces charnues, humicoles, sylvestres ou praticoles, à l'ascocarpe creux, formé d'un réceptacle (chapeau) ou partie fertile, rond, conique ou cylindrique, creusé d'alvéoles assez profonds, ronds, anguleux ou irréguliers, disposés sans ordre ou en rangées verticales, séparés ou non par des côtes saillantes, au pied adhérant directement à la base du chapeau ou séparé par une dépression ou vallécule profonde ou faible et aux asques cylindriques.[précision nécessaire]

Ce sont des champignons printaniers, pouvant apparaître dès la fonte des neiges et dont le pied et le chapeau sont creux.

Les morilles vraies sont toutes caractérisées par un sporophore totalement creux, aussi bien le chapeau que le pied.

Le pied s'insère à la base du chapeau, soit directement sans espace, soit en un espace déprimé plus ou moins large et profond en forme de couronne appelé vallécule.

Les morilles coniques (Morchella conica, Morchella elata, Morchella costata, Morchella hortensis, Morchella deliciosa) sont des champignons assez petits : même s'il y a des exceptions, leur taille ne dépasse généralement pas 10 cm (maximum 20 cm). Leur pied, de couleur blanche, est creux. Leur chapeau est alvéolé, de consistance un peu caoutchouteuse[2].

Deux groupes peuvent être distingués par leur couleur et leur forme : les morilles blondes, au chapeau assez semblable à une éponge ronde, et les morilles brunes, aux alvéoles moins profondes et au chapeau conique[réf. nécessaire].

Principales espèces européennes

  • Morchella rotunda : morille ronde. Le chapeau et le pied ont à peu près la même longueur. Elle fait partie des morilles blondes, avec un chapeau dont les couleurs varient du jaune pâle au brun clair. Les alvéoles sont profondes et disposées de façon irrégulière.
  • Morchella esculenta : morille commune. À peu près identique à la précédente (certains font de M. rotunda une variante de M. esculenta), son chapeau est un peu plus brun et les côtes séparant les alvéoles plus épaisses.
  • Morchella costata : morille côtelée. Le chapeau, brun pâle à grisâtre, porte des côtes verticales brun sombre, épaisses, qui donnent l'impression de loin que le champignon est noir. Les alvéoles, moins profonds que dans les espèces précédentes, sont également délimités par des côtes horizontales moins épaisses. Il est difficile de différencier cette espèce à d'autres qui lui sont à peu près semblables, Morchella elata et Morchella deliciosa (Morille délicieuse).
  • Morchella conica : morille conique. Espèce voisine de la précédente, mais qui affectionne la montagne (bois de conifères) et a un chapeau plus conique.
  • Mitrophora semilibera : on doit aussi rattacher aux morilles le morillon, (classé parmi les morilles brunes), au pied beaucoup plus long et au chapeau très court, conique, brun, à côtes longitudinales et transversales.

Assez semblable au morillon, la verpe (Verpa conica) s'en distingue par son chapeau couleur miel et son absence d'alvéole, mais c'est un très médiocre comestible[réf. nécessaire].

Confusions possibles

L'aspect des gyromitres frais est très différent de celui des morilles.

Il existe plusieurs genres proches, certains comestibles comme les mitrophores, parfois appelées morillons, d'autres sans intérêt comme les verpes, voire vénéneux comme les gyromitres appelés souvent « fausses morilles »[réf. nécessaire].

Les gyromitres sont parfois confondus avec les morilles et vendus sur les marchés sous l'appellation de « morilles rondes ». Ceci constitue un délit en France, cette dénomination ayant été interdite par décret en 1991[3]. Le chapeau du Gyromitre évoque plus une cervelle. On n'y trouve aucune alvéole dite clôturée[précision nécessaire]. Il est également plus foncé que celui de la plupart des morilles.

Attention : malgré les dires de certains amateurs qui ont pu consommer des gyromitres sans problèmes particuliers[réf. nécessaire], ces champignons peuvent être hautement toxiques, voire mortels. Il est donc plus prudent de ne pas les ramasser en cas de doute et de se limiter uniquement à la cueillette de morilles identifiées sans doute possible.

Écologie et habitat

Les morilles occupent des niches écologiques variées selon un mode de vie saprotrophe (dans les composts, les prairies, avec un caractère pyrophile très marqué) mais aussi biotrophe (interactions avec les racines des plantes et la possibilité d'associations ectomycorhiziennes avec celles des épicéas communs (Picea abies))[4].

Elles aiment les terrains frais, les terrains calcaires, les vergers, les décombres, ou encore les lieux récemment brûlés[réf. nécessaire]. Les mécanismes impliqués dans la fructification des morilles après les feux de forêts restent flous[5]. Poussant rarement seules, on les trouve souvent sous les frênes en lisière de bois. Elles poussent au printemps dans les fraxinetum, forêts de frênes spécifiques d'une flore sur sol calcaire comme l'indique leur origine génétique datée vers le Crétacé[réf. nécessaire] (dernière époque des grands dinosaures, synonyme de craie, de -145Ma à -75Ma). Constituant les derniers dépôts calcaires en France alors largement immergée, ils sont d'une part facilement reconnaissables car ils sont tendres et clairs et sont d'autre part riches en carbonate de calcium qu'apprécient les morilles, de nature calcicole. Aussi les espèces de montagne apprécient particulièrement certains sols de nature plus ancienne (-350Ma+/-15Ma, carbonifère inférieur, à l'époque des insectes géants et des premiers reptiles) abondamment à jour au bord immédiat des massifs cristallins externes, typiquement en balcons de Belledonne près de Grenoble, et en aucun cas, alors, dans les massifs préalpins (Charteuse, Bauges, Vercors…) très riches en revanche en calcaire crétacé propice à d'autres espèces moins spécifiques.

Dans l'hémisphère nord les morilles sont des champignons printaniers. Aux États-Unis, on les trouve dès janvier dans le sud de la Californie, au Texas et en Géorgie, en février au centre des USA et dès mars de l'Oregon au Michigan. En Europe, elles se développent plus tardivement, soit en mars en France et jusqu'en mai en Belgique.[réf. nécessaire]

Classification et taxinomie

Morchella rufobrunnea, MRCA
Morchella prava
Morchella steppicola


Le genre a été créé par Dillenius en 1718 et validé par Persoon en 1794 autour de l'espèce type Phallus esculentus L., décrite par Linné en 1753. Le nom du genre a été sanctionné par Fries en 1822 et comprenait 12 espèces. De nombreux taxons ont été ajoutés au genre Morchella depuis, bien que la taxonomie et la délimitation du genre reste mal comprise et qu'il continuait jusqu'il y a peu à présenter de nombreux problèmes bientôt résolus par la phylogénétique. En tout, plus d'une centaine d'espèces et de nombreux noms subspécifiques renvoient au taxon Morchella.[précision nécessaire]

Le genre Morchella a été divisé en deux branches dès 1897[6] : le clade elata, c'est-à-dire les morilles brunes[7] ; et le clade esculenta : les morilles blondes. Cette classification a été confirmée par plusieurs études phylogéniques menées jusqu'en 2012 sur différents continents[8]. Ces analyses génétiques ont permis d'établir un phylogramme en deux branches autour de Morchella elata et Morchella esculenta et une origine commune dans l'évolution à partir des zones tropicales calcaires du Crétacé.

Émile Boudier en distingue vingt espèces en 1897, Emile Jacquetant trente en 1984[9] et Philippe Clowez trente 41 en 2012[10].

La classification classique propose près de 200 espèces et les travaux de classification menés sur la base des études phylogéniques en identifient 66 en 2014[réf. souhaitée], dont une partie seulement a pu être rattachée avec certitude aux espèces proposées précédemment.

Arbre phylogénétique

Clade elata
Morilles noires
Clade esculenta
Morilles blondes

Les études phylogénétiques identifient trois grands clades de morchella et de nombreuses variations morphologiques qui peuvent être autant d'espèces (ou de taxons de rang inférieur)[11],[12].

L'arbre phylogénétique du clade Elata est le suivant[13] :


Morchella tomentosa (Mel-1)

Morchella tridentina (Mel-2)

Morchella semilibera (Mel-3)

Morchella punctipes (Mel-4)

Morchella populiphila (Mel-5)

Morchella quercus-ilicis (Mel-11)

Morchella dunalii (Mel-25)

Morchella sextelata (Mel-6)

Morchella eximia (Mel-7)

Morchella exuberans (Mel-9)

Morchella importuna (Mel-10)

Morchella snyderi (Mel-12)

Morchella deliciosa (Mel-26)

Morchella purpurascens (Mel-20)

Morchella brunnea (Mel-22)

Morchella inamoena

Morchella pulchella (Mel-31)

Morchella septentrionalis (Mel-24)

L'arbre phylogénétique du clade Esculenta est le suivant[13] :


Morchella steppicola (Mes-1)

Morchella diminutiva (Mes-2)

Morchella sceptriformis (Mes-3)

Morchella ulmaria (Mes-11)

Morchella castaneae

Morchella vulgaris (Mes-17)

Morchella prava (Mes-7)

Morchella americana (Mes-4)

Morchella galilaea (Mes-16)

Morchella esculenta (Mes-8)

Liste des espèces

Selon Index Fungorum (5 mai 2020)[14] :

Histoire évolutive

Le groupe le plus basal est celui des Rufobrunnea sensu Clowez 2012, actuellement représenté par Morchella rufobrunnea, trouvée au Mexique, et Morchella anatolica (Işiloğlu et al. 2010, Taşkın et al. 2012). L'ancêtre commun le plus récent remonterait au Jurassique tardif[13]. Les autres morilles se répartissent en deux clades :

  • le clade Elata des morilles noires (à l'origine 24 espèces appelées Mel 1 à 24, aujourd'hui 36 identifiées génétiquement) ;
  • le clade Esculenta des morilles jaunes (à l'origine 16 espèces, appelées Mes 1 à 16, aujourd'hui 27 identifiées génétiquement)[15].

Ces deux derniers clades auraient divergé il y a environ 125 Ma au début du Crétacé.





Originaires du Mexique, ces deux clades se seraient séparés au Crétacé, il y a 100 millions d'années. Ils ne se sont divisés en plusieurs espèces qu'au Paléocène, il y a 55 Ma (millions d'années). On distingue deux clades :

  • le clade Esculenta s'est d'abord dispersé sur la Côte Est de l'Amérique du Nord, puis, par le pont Nord-Américain, il a rejoint l'Europe au Paléocène (il y a 55 Ma) et l'Asie au Miocène (il y a 10 Mo d'années) ;
  • le clade Elata s'est épanoui sur la côte Ouest de l'Amérique du Nord (où se sont développées de nombreuses espèces), puis a rejoint l'Europe par le pont de Bering à la fin du Miocène (il y a 5 Ma), avant de gagner les Indes[16] et la Chine[17].

Usages humains


Toutes les espèces de morilles sont d'excellents comestibles, à condition toutefois d'être suffisamment cuites. Elles sont en effet toxiques à l'état cru, contenant de l'hémolysine[18]. On les conserve surgelées, séchées ou mises en bocaux[réf. nécessaire].

Les morilles ne doivent en aucun cas être consommées crues ou insuffisamment cuites. Elles contiennent en effet de l'hémolysine, une toxine entraînant un syndrome hémolytique et urémique (destruction de globules rouges) détruite à la cuisson et à la dessication[19]. Même bien cuites, consommées en grande quantité (plus de six grosses morilles) les morilles peuvent provoquer une intoxication neurologique qui entraîne des troubles digestifs, de l'équilibre et de la vue, qui disparaissent spontanément au bout d'un jour[19].


Les essais de culture des morilles remontent au moins aux années 1870.

Le marc de pomme serait le meilleur support pour cette culture[20]. Une note de M. Molliard, lue à l’Académie des sciences [Quand ?], constate qu’il a réussi à donner naissance à des morilles parfaitement constituées en partant de cultures préparées en tubes Pasteur semées sur de la terre additionnée de compote de pomme. Il a été constaté que les morilles poussent volontiers sous les pommiers.

Les morilles ont besoin d’une substance sucrée, l’inuline, présente dans la pomme mais aussi dans les topinambours et dans l’armoise qui se trouve en bord de ruisseaux. Comme de nombreux champignons, la morille a également besoin de bois en décomposition. La nature du terrain de prédilection est argilo-sablonneux.

Un brevet a été déposé en 2005 pour la culture d'ascocarpes du genre Morchella (sans précision de l'espèce).[réf. nécessaire]

Depuis 2017, avec l'arrivée sur le marché d'acteurs tel que France Morilles, la production de masse sous serre en pleine nature est possible. À partir de semis et de techniques venues de Chine, on enregistre dès 2016 une production moyenne de 2 tonnes de morilles par hectare. Les serres permettent ainsi de reproduire des conditions de production et un climat optimal[21].


De grande qualité culinaire, toutes les vraies morilles présentent une consistance à la fois souple, ferme, à peine élastique et un parfum très particulier qui saura encore plus se mettre en valeur dans toutes préparations à base de crème. Autre avantage important des morilles, elles sèchent aisément tout en gardant leur parfum. Les morilles peuvent être séchées, et trempées ensuite deux bonnes heures dans de l'eau tiède ou du lait. Elles peuvent être surgelées puis dégelées lentement au réfrigérateur. Elles sont vendues également sous forme de conserve dans le commerce. Il ne faut pas les dégeler avant cuisson.[réf. nécessaire]

La morille est un excellent champignon qui, lorsque la récolte est peu abondante, sera parfait pour aromatiser une omelette. Elle est exquise à la crème, avec un peu de porto ou de banyuls. Les morilles séchées peuvent être utilisées toute l'année, soit pour relever une blanquette de veau, soit pour accompagner un poulet ou un coq au vin jaune, soit pour farcir les chapons et poulardes de Noël. On peut également faire une sauce avec des morilles et de la crème fraîche pour accompagner des tournedos de filet de bœuf.


Blason d'Hellikon

Blason et héraldique

La morille fait partie du blason (héraldique) de la commune d'Hellikon en Suisse.

Calendrier républicain

Notes et références

  1. Voir McNeil R., Le grand livre des champignons du Québec et de l'est du Canada, Montréal, Éditions Michel Quintin, 2006, p.89.
  2. Jakob Schlittler, Jean-Pierre Bendel, Les champignons sans lamelles, éditions Silva, 1972, p. 8
  3. Journal Officiel de la République française, 11 octobre 1991.
  4. (en) F. Buscot, I. Kottke, « The association of Morchella rotunda with roots of Picea abies », New Phytol, vol. 116, no 3,‎ 1990, p. 425-430 (DOI )
  5. Stefani 2010, Abstract
  6. E. Boudier, « Révision analytique des Morilles de France », 'Bull Soc Mycol Fr, vol. 13,‎ 1897, p. 129-153
  7. en anglais black and yellow morels.
  8. « Les especes de morilles en Europe occidentale ou en sommes-nous »
  9. Emile Jacquetant, Les morilles, Bibliothèque des arts, 1984, 114 p.
  10. Philippe Clowez, « Les morilles. Une nouvelle approche mondiale du genre Morchella », Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, vol. 126, nos 3-4,‎ 2012, p. 199-376
  11. (en) Britt A Bunyard, Michael S. Nicholson et Daniel J. Royse, « 'Phylogenetic Resolution of Morchella, Verpa, and Disciotis [Pezizales: Morchellaceae] Based on Restriction Enzyme Analysis of the 28S Ribosomal RNA Gene », Experimental Mycology, vol. 19, no 3,‎ septembre 1995, p. 223-233
  12. (en) Frank OP Stefani, Serge Sokolski, Trish L. Wurtz, Yves Piché, Richard C Hamelin, J. André Fortin et Jean A. Bérubé, « Morchella tomentosa: a unique belowground structure and a new clade of morels », Mycologia, vol. 102, no 5,‎ 2010, p. 1082–1088 (lire en ligne)
  13. a b et c Franck Richard et al., True morels (Morchella, Pezizales) of Europe and North America: evolutionary relationships inferred from multilocus data and a unified taxonomy, 2015.
  14. Index Fungorum, consulté le 5 mai 2020
  15. (en) Kerry O’Donnell, Alejandro P. Rooney, Gary L. Mills, Michael Kuo, Nancy S. Weber et Stephen A. Rehner, « Phylogeny and historical biogeography of true morels (Morchella) reveals an early Cretaceous origin and high continental endemism and provincialism in the Holarctic », Fungal Genetics and Biology, vol. 48,‎ 2011, p. 252–266 (lire en ligne)
  16. (en) H.K. Kanwal, K. Acharya, G. Ramesh et M.S. Reddy, « Molecular characterization of Morchella species from the Western Himalayan region of India », Curr Microbiol., vol. 62, no 4,‎ avril 2011, p. 1245-1252 (lire en ligne)
  17. (en) Lan Wang et Zhu-Liang Yang, « Wild edible fungi of the hengduan mountains southwestern China », Biodivers Conserv,‎ 2010, p. 3545-3563 (lire en ligne)
  18. Encyclopédie visuelle des champignons, Éditions Artémis (2 août 2005) Auteur : Jean-Louis Lamaison, Jean-Marie Polese page 340
  19. a et b « Trop de morilles, même cuites, sont toxiques », 17 avril 2013 (consulté le 2 avril 2018).
  20. « Les champignons dans la nature » de J.Jaccottet (Delachaux & Nieslé) citant un article paru dans le Journal d’Agriculture Pratique (1872)
  21. « France Morilles : la récolte, c’est maintenant ! | Relations-Publiques.Pro : Agence RP & Attachée de presse », sur www.relations-publiques.pro (consulté le 24 février 2021)
  22. Ph. Fr. Na. Fabre d'Églantine, Rapport fait à la Convention nationale dans la séance du 3 du second mois de la seconde année de la République Française, p. 25.

Voir aussi

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Les morilles sont un genre (Morchella) de champignons ascomycètes de la famille des Morchellaceae.

La famille des Morchellaceae offre généralement des spécimens toxiques à l'état cru, comestibles après cuisson.

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Morchal ( Irlandèis )

fornì da wikipedia GA
Morchella conica', speiceas de mhorchal

Fungas inite is ea an morchal. Cuimsíonn an cholainn thorthaithe gas mílítheach (an stíp) agus ceann scothdhonn ubhchruthach le dromchla pollta nó droimneach. Faightear ina n-aonar nó uaireanta i bhfáinní in ithreacha saibhre alcaileacha i gcoillte iad, ar thalamh féaraigh agus ag ionaid tinte cnámh.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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Morchella ( Galissian )

fornì da wikipedia gl Galician

Morchella é un xénero de fungos ascomicetos comestíbeis, caracterizados por posuír ascocarpos de aspecto reticulado. Son moi apreciados polos cociñeiros franceses e españois. O nome culinario en francés é morille; en galego coñécense como cogomelos de coresma[1], especialmente a especie Morchella esculenta.


Formadas por un esteo abrancazado que sostén un chapeu en forma esférica, arredondada ou ovoide, de 6 a 10 cm de largo, da cor da palla rosada ou do mel, cunha forma característica semellante a un avespeiro. O pé, que tamén está baleiro, é abrancazado. A carne é feble e moi escasa e practicamente inodora.

Ascosporas do cogomelo de coresma.

O cogomelo de coresma é unha das especies comestíbeis de fungos que medran na Patagonia andina. O fungo en xeral é de cor dourada-marrón con chapeu alongado, semellante á árbores, con consistencia esponxosa.

Estes cogomelos son moi difíciles de atoparen, pois áchanse de xeito illado e é moi difícil distinguilos a simple vista. Só coa vista aguda e experta dun bo apañador de cogomelos se logra achalos.

Estes cogomelos non se poden consumir crus pola súa toxicidade (conteñen hemolisinas termolábiles (TLH), proteínas que creban as membranas celulares de eritrocitos, leucocitos e plaquetas, e que se alteran ou descompoñen por acción da calor), segundo os expertos cómpre combinar o enxugado e a coza, así que se son frescos, primeiro deben enxugarse, despois rehidratarse (desbotando a auga) e a seguir cociñárense uns 30 minutos a unha temperatura entre 70 e 90 °C.

Deste xeito constitúen un excelente alimento polo seu delicado sabor e recendo exquisito, especial para mollos e saborizar comidas.


  1. Guía da alimentación Santiago de Compostela, Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades, 1995; Vocabulario de ciencias naturais, Santiago de Compostela, Xunta de Galicia, 1991

Véxase tamén

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( Galissian )

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Morchella é un xénero de fungos ascomicetos comestíbeis, caracterizados por posuír ascocarpos de aspecto reticulado. Son moi apreciados polos cociñeiros franceses e españois. O nome culinario en francés é morille; en galego coñécense como cogomelos de coresma, especialmente a especie Morchella esculenta.

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Smrčci ( Croat )

fornì da wikipedia hr Croatian
Vidi predložak mikomorfokvir koji generira sljedeći popis
Mikološke karakteristike src= gladak himenij src=  src= klobuk je stožast ili jajast src= himenijski dodatak je nepravilan ili neprikladan  src= nedostaje stručak  src=  src= otisak spora je kremastobijel ili žut src=  src= ekologija je mikorizalna ili saprotrofna src= jestivost: odlična

Smrčci (Morchella) su rod jestivih i vrlo cijenjenih gljiva. Ove neobične gljive imaju saćastu strukturu. U francuskoj kuhinji su vrlo cijenjeni. Tisuće ljudi ih svake godine beru zbog okusa i zadovoljstva u berbi.


M. deliciosa

Smrčci imaju mnoge narodne nazive, a i sami naziv roda Morchella potiče od riječi "morchel", što je u starom Njemačkom jeziku značilo "gljiva". Sve su vrste sličnog izgleda, zbog čega dolazi do komplikacija u njihovoj taksonomiji. Po nekim autorima, ovaj rod se sastoji od samo 3-6 vrsta, dok neki tvrde da postoji oko 50 vrsta. Također se tvrdi da rastu u simbiozi sa nekim drvećem, no to nije dokazano. Drveće često povezano sa smrčcima su javori, topole i stare jabuke. Meso je bjelkaste do oker boje i vrlo ugodnog mirisa i okusa. Stručak je nepravilnog oblika i šupalj. Klobuk je jajast ili stožast. Spore ostavljaju trag žute ili krem boje, a himenij je gladak. Rastu u proljeće uglavnom u šumama. Mnogi smrčci su u sirovom stanju otrovni, tj. sadrže termolabilne toksine koji se kuhanjem raspadaju. Zato nemojte jesti sirove smrčke.

Dodatna literatura

  • Grlić,Lj. Samoniklo jestivo bilje,Zagreb 1980.
  • Božac,R. Gljive,Zagreb 2007.
  • Focht,I. Ključ za gljive,Zagreb 1986.

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Smrčci: Brief Summary ( Croat )

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Smrčci (Morchella) su rod jestivih i vrlo cijenjenih gljiva. Ove neobične gljive imaju saćastu strukturu. U francuskoj kuhinji su vrlo cijenjeni. Tisuće ljudi ih svake godine beru zbog okusa i zadovoljstva u berbi.

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Morchella ( Indonesian )

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Morchella (nama lain: guchhi, jamur spons, atau morel) adalah jamur saprofit yang dapat dikonsumsi.[1] Jamur ini memiliki habitat di tanah kaya humus, daun yang sudah mati, dan batang pohon meranggas.[1] Beberapa karakteristik dari jamur ini adalah banyak bercabang, saling terkait, hifa septat dan multinuklet.[1] Setelah musim hujan, tubuh buah (askokarp) dari jamur ini terbentuk pada permukaan bagian dasar (susbtratum).[1] Tubuh buah yang sudah matang memiliki panjang 3–13 cm.[1] Dalam siklus hidupnya, Morchella memiliki sklerotium yang membantu dalam menghadapi tekanan lingkungan yang kurang menguntungkan, seperti suhu rendah di musim dingin.[2] Selain itu, sklerotium juga digunakan dalam kultivasi atau budidaya jamur tersebut untuk kebutuhan komersial.[2]


  1. ^ a b c d e (Inggris)V. Singh, P.C. Pande, D.K. Jain (2010). Diversity of Microbes and Cryptogamsv. Rastogi Publications. ISBN 81-7133-745-7.Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: authors list (link) Page.315-317
  2. ^ a b (Inggris)Philip G. Miles, Shu-ting Chang (1997). Mushroom biology: concise basics and current developments. World Scientific Publishing Company. ISBN 978-981-02-2877-4.Page.136-137
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Morchella: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Morchella (nama lain: guchhi, jamur spons, atau morel) adalah jamur saprofit yang dapat dikonsumsi. Jamur ini memiliki habitat di tanah kaya humus, daun yang sudah mati, dan batang pohon meranggas. Beberapa karakteristik dari jamur ini adalah banyak bercabang, saling terkait, hifa septat dan multinuklet. Setelah musim hujan, tubuh buah (askokarp) dari jamur ini terbentuk pada permukaan bagian dasar (susbtratum). Tubuh buah yang sudah matang memiliki panjang 3–13 cm. Dalam siklus hidupnya, Morchella memiliki sklerotium yang membantu dalam menghadapi tekanan lingkungan yang kurang menguntungkan, seperti suhu rendah di musim dingin. Selain itu, sklerotium juga digunakan dalam kultivasi atau budidaya jamur tersebut untuk kebutuhan komersial.

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Morchella ( Italian )

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Morchella è un genere di funghi appartenenti alla famiglia delle Morchellaceae. Volgarmente questi funghi sono noti come "spugnole". In tutto nel genere Morchella sono state descritte 15 specie, di cui 6 si trovano in Europa e la cui differenziazione è tuttavia molto incerta.

In questo genere figurano specie con le seguenti caratteristiche.

Descrizione del genere

Corpo fruttifero (Ascocarpo)

Cappello (Mitra)

Completamente saldato al gambo, di altezza variabile da 4 a 12 cm, cavo e brunastro, a forma di spugna, costituito da circonvoluzioni cerebriformi dette "alveoli".
La superficie della mitra è percorsa da una tipica campitura a forma di nido d'ape, nei cui recessi si formano le spore.
La forma può essere ovale, a pera o a cono appuntito; il colore va dal marroncino all'olivastro passando per l'ocra.

Gambo (Stipite)

Cavo, cartilagineo.


Color crema oppure giallo-ocra in massa.

Illustrazione di spugnola


Bianco-sporco, spesso fragile e di consistenza cartilaginea.

  • Odore: quasi sempre spermatico, talvolta fungino; grato.
  • Sapore: dolciastro, amabile.


Spesso gregarie, le spugnole crescono in primavera in Europa, India, Pakistan, Turchia e Canada, sia nei boschi di conifere che di latifoglie, su terreni ghiaiosi o sabbiosi, ma anche su terreno bruciato.
Alcune specie possono essere coltivate.


Eccellente, con riserva.
Tutte le specie sono eduli solo dopo bollitura e velenose da crude. La tossina in esse contenuta è nota come Acido elvellico e può essere distrutta tramite bollitura oppure essiccazione.
Tra i funghi commestibili, le spugnole sono al primo posto per quantità di acido fosforico e al secondo posto per ossido di calcio.

Specie di Morchella

La specie tipo è la Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. (1794), altre specie sono:

Trattamento di spugnole essiccate

Spugnole in vendita in un mercato spagnolo di Barcellona

Le spugnole essiccate devono essere ammorbidite per un tempo che va dalle 3 alle 6 ore. In questo tempo l'acqua per l'ammorbidimento assume una quantità notevole di aroma di spugnola: per questo, non deve essere assolutamente eliminata (non è velenosa e può essere tranquillamente riutilizzata senza pericolo); invece viene passata attraverso carta da filtro e quindi viene liberata dalla sabbia. Dopo l'ammorbidimento, i funghi vengono più volte lavati a fondo e pressati per liberarli dalla sabbia rimanente e/o dalla sporcizia. In seguito vanno cotti per circa 40 minuti senza coperchio e riprendono così molto dell'aroma perduto con l'ammorbidimento; l'acqua della morchella diventa un liquido ristretto ed altamente aromatico. L'acqua per ammorbidire viene prima leggermente speziata con sale e pepe e in seguito addizionata di 1-2 cucchiaini di porto, madera o vermuth non secco per far sì che il dolce della bevanda alcolica rafforzi il sapore proprio delle spugnole.

Confondibili con

Durante la raccolta delle spugnole è importante fare attenzione alla possibile confusione con le specie del genere Gyromitra, in particolare con Gyromitra esculenta, chiamata anche falsa spugnola. La sua mitra rosso-marroncina ricorda però piuttosto delle circonvoluzioni della corteccia cerebrale e non mostra la tipica struttura a favo della spugnola. Le Gyromiytra possono provocare la Sindrome da Gyromitra, che in caso di consumi eccessivi può anche portare alla morte.


Negli USA, a Boyne (Michigan), ha luogo in primavera un festival della spugnola.[1]

Galleria d'immagini


  1. ^ (EN) https://bcmorelfestival.com/ National Morel Mushroom Felstivsl

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Morchella è un genere di funghi appartenenti alla famiglia delle Morchellaceae. Volgarmente questi funghi sono noti come "spugnole". In tutto nel genere Morchella sono state descritte 15 specie, di cui 6 si trovano in Europa e la cui differenziazione è tuttavia molto incerta.

In questo genere figurano specie con le seguenti caratteristiche.

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Briedžiukas ( lituan )

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Briedžiukas (lot. Morchella) – briedžiukinių (Morchellaceae) šeimos ausūniečių (Pezizales) eilės grybų gentis.

Tai vieni iš vertingiausių pavasarinių valgomų grybų, vartojami virti ir džiovinti.

Lietuvoje auga 5 rūšys:

Į Lietuvos raudonąją knygą įrašyti šie briedžiukai:


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Lāčpurni ( léton )

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Lāčpurni (Morchella) ir Latvijā samērā reti sastopamu ēdamo sēņu ģints,[1] kura 21. gadsimta sākumā saturēja vairāk kā 70 sugu ar ātri pieaugošu skaitu, no kurām Latvijā atrastas sešas.[2] Lāčpurni ir pavasara mēnešos sastopamas sēnes, kuras viegli atpazīstamas pēc to cepurīšu šūnveidīgās, šķautņainās struktūras. Lāčpurni pasaulē tiek uzskatīti par kulināri vērtīgu sēni. Tā kā lāčpurni ir grūti kultivējami, mērenās joslas valstīs, kurās tie sastopami lielos daudzumos, organizēta savvaļas lāčpurnu, līdzīgi kā gaileņu, ievākšana ir ienesīga saimniecības nozare.


Stepes lāčpurns ievērojami atšķiras no citiem.
  • Augļķermeņi: asku sēnes, apotēciji lieli, 2—15 cm augsti, sastāv no kātiņa un cepurītes, gaļīgi vai vaskoti gaļīgi, parasti lietojami pārtikā.
  • Cepurīte: olveidīga vai eliptiska, pie pamatnes saaugusi ar kātiņu, ar garenisku un šķērsenisku kroku tīklu, kas veido neregulārus, šķautņainus, šūnveidīgus iedobumus. Parasti brūna vai brūngana no dzeltenīgas līdz pelēcīgai. Atgādina sūkli vai bišu šūnas.[3]
  • Kātiņš: cilindrisks, gluds vai svītraini krokots, pie pamatnes resnāks. Gaišā krāsā, nav atdalāms no cepurītes. Gan kātiņš, gan pārējais augļķermenis ar dobumu.
  • Sporas: bezkrāsainas vai dzeltenīgas.[4][5]


Vairums lāčpurnu, ieskaitot visas Latvijā atrastās sugas, mērenajā joslā aug pavasaros, īpaši maijā, parasti lapu koku un jauktos mežos, dārzos, biežāk izvēloties saulainas un smilšainas vietas un kaļķainas augsnes. Daudzas lāčpurnu sugas veido mikorizālas attiecības ar ar dažādiem kokiem, taču bieži ir saprotrofas. Pastāv hipotēzes, ka lāčpurni ik divus gadus cikliski maina savu barošanās veidu vai lieto abus vienlaicīgi.[6] Labi aug dārzos ābolu pūšanas vietās.[7] Dažas sugas novērotas ugunskuru vietās un izdegumos. 2013. gadā tika konstatēts, ka vairākas lāčpurnu sugas veido simbiozi ar baktērijām, kas ļauj tiem augt arī neatkarīgi no kokiem. Šajā gadījumā lāčpurni bieži maina savu augšanas vietu, ātri iztērējot barības vielas.[8]

Latvijā atrastās lāčpurnu ģints sēnes

Latviskie nosaukumi Latīniskie nosaukumi Augtenes Augstais lāčpurns Morchella elata Lapukoku un jauktos mežos ar bagātīgu augsni, dārzos. Parastais lāčpurns Morchella esculenta Parasti grupās lapu koku mežos, krūmājos, parkos, kapsētās, reizēm ielu zālienos. Skaistais lāčpurns Morchella deliciosa Jaukto mežu zāļainos laukumiņos, dārzos, tīrumu malās. Latvijā atrasts tikai vienreiz Rīgā dārzā. Smailais lāčpurns Morchella conica Parasti grupās jauktos mežos, dārzos, zālienos. Stepes lāčpurns Morchella steppicola Parastā augtene - stepju zona. Latvijā un arī pasaulē ļoti rets. Zvana lāčpurns, arī hibrīdais lāčpurns un plaisainais lāčpurns Morchella semilibera, Morchella hybrida, Morchella rimosipes Dārzos, arī jauktos un lapu koku mežos ar bagātīgu augsni.[2][9]


Ja stepes un zvana lāčpurni acīmredzami atšķiras no citām Latvijā augošajām sugām, tad pārējie Eiropas lāčpurni ir atšķirami daudz grūtāk. Turklāt tie bieži aug kopā vienā teritorijā. Pašlaik lāčpurnu, tāpat kā citu sēņu, klasifikācija atrodas nenoteiktā stāvoklī, jo nav skaidrības, kur ir atsevišķa suga un kur pasuga vai varietāte, un to savstarpējā radniecība.[8] Čehu zinātnieki 2019. gadā publicēja rakstu par lāčpurnu filoģenētisko izpēti savā zemē, no kuras izrietēja, ka viņi pēc Čehijā esošajiem paraugiem konstatējuši 11 lāčpurnu sugas, no kurām tikai 6 esot atbilstošas esošajiem sugu aprakstiem. Vairāki paraugi atbilda vienlaikus vairākām sugām.[10] Kamēr pasaulē nav izstrādāta un nostabilizējusies jauna terminoloģija un klasifikācija, plašai publikai pašlaik tiek lietota XX/XXI gadsimtu mijā pieņemtā sistemātika. Līdz 1997. gadam lāčpurnu ģints bija iekļauta rumpuču dzimtā (Helvellaceae), tāpēc vecākos izdevumos sastopams arī šāds iedalījums.

Pašlaik neoficiāls iedalījums ir gaišajos lāčpurnos ar gaišāku un apaļīgāku cepurītes formu un tumšajos ar tumšāku un koniskāku, kuru pārstāvji Latvijā ir skaistais, stepes un parastais no gaišajiem, un augstais, zvana un smailais lāčpurns no tumšajiem. Atsevišķi tiek nodalīta suga Morchella rufobrunnea. Saskaņā ar pašreizējiem filoģenētiskajiem pētījumiem, lāčpurnu rašanās laiks ir ap pirms 250 miljoniem gadu triasa ērā un sadalīšanās starp abām šīm grupām notikusi ap 130 miljonu gadu atpakaļ ±30%.[11]

Līdzība ar citām sugām

Tā, kā Latvijā sastopamie lāčpurni augļķermeņus veido pavasarī, tie reti kad sastopami vienlaicīgi ar vasarā un rudenī augošajām indīgajām sēnēm. Tomēr, tie bieži ir sastopami vienā laikā ar giromitrīnu saturošajām indīgajām parasto un dižo bisīti (Gyromitra ģints) un ēdamajiem, bet mazāk vērtīgajiem ķēvpupiem (Verpa bohemica), kuri arī atrodamas pavasarī, un ar kuriem tos sēņotāji mēdz jaukt. Šīs biežās jaukšanas dēļ tiek ieteikts visas asku sēnes pirms lietošanas novārīt un noliet ūdeni, kas varētu vājināt bisīšu indi, ja tā iekļūtu starp lāčpurniem. Tomēr atšķirības starp ģintīm ir visai redzamas: ja lāčpurni ir tīkloti šūnaini, tad bisīšu virsmas krokas ir lokani viļņotas, bez redzamām šūnām.[12] Lāčpurni arī ir pēc kopējās formas redzami regulārāki. Ķēvpupi pēc formas atgādina lāčpurnus, bet to virsma arī ir viļņota kā bisītēm.

Daļēji jucekli starp bisītēm un lāčpurniem radījušas svešvalodas. Krievu valodā to nosaukumi "Stročok" un "Smorčok" ir grūti atšķirami, un arī vietējie iedzīvotāji par atšķirību maz satraucas.[13] Latvijā (un arī Igaunijā) savukārt vāciskais lāčpurnu apzīmējums "Morcheln" ne tikai transformējies par "murķeli", bet ar šo vārdu sākuši apzīmēt bisītes. Līdzīgas problēmas ir arī angļu valodā, kur bisītes dēvē par viltus lāčpurniem (false morel).

Audzēšanas mēģinājumi

Mēģinājumi rūpnieciskos apmēros kultivēt lāčpurnus līdz šim ir bijuši ne pārāk sekmīgi, un tirgū pieejamās lāčpurnu ģints sēnes pārsvarā tiek ievāktas dabā. Labākajās Ķīnas audzētavās ieguve 2016. gadā bija mazāk kā 8 tonnas uz hektāru.[14] Galvenās lāčpurnu eksportētājvalstis ir ASV, Indija, Meksika, Turcija, un Ķīna, kas gadā eksportē ap 900 tonnu žāvētu lāčpurnu.[15] Arī Francijā sadarbībā ar ķīniešiem organizē lāčpurnu audzētavas.[16]Lāčpurnus var izdoties ieaudzēt mežā smilšmāla vai mālsmilts augsnēs, dobēs iestrādājot ābolus, vai to pārstrādes atkritumus, papildus tās mēslojot ar pelniem un salmiem. Nākamajā pavasarī dobēs "iesēj" sasmalcinātas lāčpurnu cepurītes, pārklājot ar skuju nobiru kārtu. Svarīgi neļaut dobēm izkalst, pirmo sēņu ražu var gaidīt jau pēc gada.[17] Alternatīvi, izdeguša ugunskura vietā bagātina augsni ar zāģu skaidām un smalcinātiem nobriedušiem lāčpurnu augļķermeņiem, pēc tam apsējot apstrādāto teritoriju ar savvaļas graudzālēm.[18] Tomēr līdz šim nav apstiprinātu ziņu par veiksmīgiem un un atkārtojamiem mēģinājumiem kultivēt Latvijā sastopamās lāčpurnu sugas. Pašlaik šādi mēģinājumi ir bijuši relatīvi veiksmīgi divos gadījumos ar M.importuna un M. rufobrunnea Ķīnā un ASV.[19]

Dienvidu Čīlē kopš 2012. gada tiek veikti mēģinājumi degumos audzēt Latvijā sastopamo smailo lāčpurnu; nogāja līdz tam, ka mežu īpašnieki dedzināja savus mežus, lai izdegās saaugtu lāčpurni.[20] Līdzīgas idejas par lāčpurnu audzēšanu meža nodegās pacēluši arī ASV Lauksaimniecības departamenta darbinieki.[21]

Lietošana pārtikā

Lāčpurni pārdošanā.
Franču delikatese: Burgundijas eskargo, gliemeži ar lāčpurniem un desu.

Vēsturiski lāčpurni pazīstami jau no antīkajiem laikiem, tos aprakstījis Teofrasts. Novgorodas Republikas laikos lāčpurnus lietoja acu ārstniecībai, arī mūsdienās no tiem tiek gatavotas acu zāles.[8]

Lāčpurnus izmanto daudzu valstu, sevišķi franču, virtuvēs.[22] Vairums to pagatavošanas metožu paredzētas, lai izceltu un saglabātu to īpatnējo garšu.[23] Līdzīgi kā ar vairumu ēdamo sēņu, to kvalitāte ir visaugstākā, kamēr tās vēl ir svaigas, tomēr lāčpurniem vienmēr nepieciešama iepriekšēja termiska apstrāde. Viens no vienkāršākajiem veidiem lāčpurnu sagatavošanai ir izcept tos sviestā, pievienojot nedaudz sāls un svaigi maltu melno piparu. Tos lieto kā papildinājumu gaļas ēdieniem, kā arī zupās, vai kā pildījumu pastas izstrādājumiem.[24] Lāčpurnu ģints sēņu sastāvā ir dažādi antioksidanti.[25]

Lāčpurnus iespējams uzglabāt dažādi. Tos var ātri sasaldēt, tos paturot 10 minūtes aukstā ūdenī, un pēc tam plāni izklātus ievietojot saldētavā. Šādi, mitri sasaldētus, tos var ilgu laiku uzglabāt sasalušus slēgtos traukos. Tomēr pēc atkausēšanas tie mēdz zaudēt sev raksturīgo konsistenci, tādēļ vislabāk tos ir saldēt jau pēc termiskas apstrādes, piemēram cepšanas vai tvaicēšanas. Cepurīšu porainuma dēļ, tie bieži vien satur dažādas augsnes paliekas, kuras ir grūti izmazgāt. Augsnes paliekas no lāčpurniem vēlams notīrīt ar birstītes palīdzību, sēni pārgriežot gareniski. Lāčpurnus pirms gatavošanas var iemērkt sālsūdenī.[26]

Otrs iecienīts lāčpurnu uzglabāšanas paņēmiens ilgākai uzglabāšanai ir žāvēšana. Augļķermeņos esošie kukaiņu kāpuri žāvēšanas laikā parasti tos pamet.[27] Žāvētos lāčpurnus pirms lietošanas 10—20 minūtes mērcē pienā vai ūdenī, kuru pēc tam var izmantot kā buljona sastāvdaļu. Arī žāvētus lāčpurnus un to mērcēšanas šķidrumus lieto ar sekojošu termisku apstrādi.[28]

Potenciālais indīgums

Lāčpurni, visi vai daļa no tiem, satur nelielu daudzumu nenoskaidrotu toksīnu, kas, veicot sēņu termisko apstrādi, daļēji sadalās. Šī iemesla dēļ lāčpurnus nav vēlams lietot svaigā veidā. 1964. gadā tika apgalvots, ka pat pareizi pagatavoti lāčpurni, tos lietojot kopā ar alkoholu, varot izraisīt saindēšanos,[29] taču šis apgalvojums netiek atkārtots mūsdienu literatūrā un sēņu sarakstā, kuras ir bīstamas tieši kopā ar alkoholu, lāčpurnu nav.[30] No alternatīvajām teorijām pieminams apgalvojums, ka saindēšanos (pat nāvējošu) var izraisīt arī tvaiku ieelpošana, kas izdalās, gatavojot lāčpurnus.[18] Līdzīga problēma tiešām pastāv, bet ar stipri indīgākajām bisītēm, nevis lāčpurniem. Arī šeit acīmredzami tiek jauktas dažādas sēņu ģintis. Tāds pats sajaukums redzams arī bieži sastopamajā ieteikumā, ka pēc sešu mēnešu žāvēšanas lāčpurni kļūstot nekaitīgi, taču pie tam tiek aprakstīta bisīšu saindēšanās klīniskā aina.[31]

Francijā, kur ir īpaši liels lāčpurnu patēriņš, 30 gados tika fiksēti ap 300 vieglas saindēšanās gadījumi ar lāčpurniem, kad tie bija pareizi termiski apstrādāti. Vairumam saslimušo bija gremošanas traucējumi, citiem galvenokārt nervu darbības traucējumi. Visos šajos gadījumos cietušie bija ēduši salīdzinoši lielus lāčpurnu daudzumus.[32] Analoģiska aina tika novērota arī ASV. Pie nepietiekamas apstrādes vai svaigu sēņu ēšanas šādi simptomi parādījās arī no nelieliem lāčpurnu daudzumiem. Pētnieki sniedza rekomendāciju pagatavojot karsēt lāčpurnus vismaz 10 minūtes un, ja tiek pārsniegts 100 apēsto gramu daudzums, būt gataviem uz lai gan reti notiekošām, bet iespējamām fizioloģiskām sekām. Visiem cietušajiem simptomi izzuda maksimums pēc diennakts.[33]

Vēl 1980. gadā Latvijas sēņu noteicēji ieteica visus lāčpurnus pirms cepšanas nenovārīt.[34] Taču par saindēšanos ar lāčpurniem Latvijā šajā laikā nav datu, ja neskaita acīmredzami lāčpurnus un bisītes jaucošus avotus. No otras puses, tā kā saindēšanās ar lāčpurniem parasti ir viegla, iespējamie cietušie to varēja arī nepamanīt vai ignorēt. Arī pašlaik dažādi avoti Latvijā bieži apgalvo, ka lāčpurni nav indīgi,[35] vai ka novārīšana žāvētiem lāčpurniem vairs nav vajadzīga.[36] Arī Latvijā biežais Lesoe sēņu noteicējs neatzīst lāčpurnus par indīgiem, gan vienai no to sugām pieminot, ka dažiem cilvēkiem tā varot izraisīt gremošanas traucējumus.[37]

Uz lāčpurniem attiecas arī tie paši drošības noteikumi, kas uz visām citām sēnēm: lietojot uzturā pirmoreiz, ieteicams vispirms ēst nelielā daudzumā, lai mazinātu alerģiskas reakcijas riskus. Vecas sēnes arī var būt bīstamas (turklāt lāčpurniem nav viegli pēc izskata noteikt vecumu). Sēnēs, kas ievāktas ekoloģiski netīrās vietās, ieskaitot ķīmiski apstrādātus ābeļdārzus, var būt uzkrājies vērā ņemams daudzums smago metālu vai citu inžu, un tad tās arī nav piemērotas lietošanai pārtikā.[38] Turklāt lāčpurni bieži aug ķīmijas bojātos rajonos, kur flora ir cietusi.[6]

Daļa avotu, īpaši Krievijas, iesaka lāčpurnus drošības pēc pirms cepšanas novārīt un noliet ūdeni, t.i. veikt dubultu termisko apstrādi. Par iemeslu norāda, ka "šī sēne atsevišķām personām var izraisīt vieglu saindēšanos."[17] Tomēr pašā Krievijā, kur lāčpurnu tirdzniecību vietējā vara reizēm aizliedz, pret to vērstie rīkojumi tiek izdoti galvenokārt bisīšu un lāčpurnu biežās sajaukšanas dēļ.[8]


Lāčpurni Šveices Helikonas komūnas ģerbonī.

Skatīt arī


  1. Vimba E., Kundziņš M. "Sēnes" Izdevniecība Liesma, Rīgā, 1970.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Mikologu biedrība: Latvijā konstatētās sēņu sugas
  3. Š. Evansa, Dž. Kibijs. Rokas Grāmata Dabā. Sēnes. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. 283. lpp. ISBN 9984-37-648-6.
  4. «Грибы СССР», Мысль, Москва, 1980., 80.-81. lpp.
  5. Mycobank - description
  6. 6,0 6,1 Mycorrhiza-like interaction by Morchella with species of the Pinaceae in pure culture synthesis J.L. Dahlstrom, J.E. Smith, N.S. Weber (1999)
  7. Dabas muzejs: Parastais lāčpurns Morchella esculenta
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 Михаил Вишневский, Трюфели и другие деликатесные грибы России
  9. Senes.lv: Pavasara visagrākās sēņu sugas
  10. How useful is the current species recognition concept for the determination of true morels? Insights from the Czech Republic. Petrželová I, Sochor M. PMID: 31139008 PMCID: PMC6522463 DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.52.32335
  11. Phylogeny and historical biogeography of true morels (Morchella) reveals an early Cretaceous origin and high continental endemism and provincialism in the Holarctic Kerry O’Donnell, Alejandro P. Rooney, Gary L. Mills, Michael Kuo, Nancy S. Weber, Stephen A. Rehner (2010)
  12. LVM Sēņotāja ceļvedis, 11.-13. lpp.
  13. В.Солоухин, "Третья охота". «Современник», Москва, 1986.
  14. Artificial cultivation of true morels: current state, issues and perspectives. Liu Q, Ma H, Zhang Y, Dong C. PMID: 28585444 DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1333082
  15. D. Pilz, R. McLain, S. Alexander, L. Villarreal-Ruiz, S. Berch, T.L. Wurtz, C.G. Parks, E. McFarlane, B. Baker, R. Molina, J.E. Smith. Ecology and management of morels harvested from the forests of western North America. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-710. Portland, OR : U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, March 2007.
  16. Des morilles cultivées en Eure-et-Loir, ça marche ! Anne Lepais 2013
  17. 17,0 17,1 E.Vimba: Pavasara sēnes
  18. 18,0 18,1 Stamets P. Mycelium Running. Berkeley : Ten Speed Press, 2005. 344. lpp.
  19. Xi-Hui Du. «A review on research advances, issues, and perspectives of morels». PMC PMC6106076 Jāpārbauda |pmc= vērtība. PMID 30151316 Jāpārbauda |pmid= vērtība. doi:10.1080/21501203.2015.1016561. Skatīts: 2018-12-20.
  20. Morchella, el hongo chileno que causa furor en el extranjero
  21. Harvesting morels after wildfire in Alaska.
  22. Olney R. A Provencal Table. London : Pavilion, 1995. 31–32. lpp. ISBN 978-1-85793-632-2.
  23. Acton J, Sandler N. Mushroom. Watermill Books, 2007. 160. lpp. ISBN 978-1856267397.
  24. Wright J. Mushrooms: River Cottage Cookbook 1. Bloomsbury, 2007. 256. lpp. ISBN 9780747589327.
  25. Li L., Cai C., Mehmood S et.al, (2018). Polysaccharide FMP-1 from Morchella esculenta attenuates cellular oxidative damage in human alveolar epithelial A549 cells through PI3K/AKT/Nrf2/HO-1 pathway International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 120 (A): 865—875. doi:[1]10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.08.148
  26. Excerpts from the book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, by Barbara Kingsolver.' Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. Harper Perennial. pp. 77–80.
  27. Wild About Mushrooms: Morels. Mssf.org. Retrieved on 2012-04-17.
  28. Carluccio A. The Complete Mushroom Book. London, UK : Quadrille, 2003. 37–38, 96–97. lpp. ISBN 978-1-84400-040-1.
  29. Groves JW. (1964). "Poisoning by morels When taken with alcohol". Mycologia 56 (5): 779–780. doi:10.2307/3756634. JSTOR 3756634.
  30. Latvijas.daba: Indīgo sēņu toksīni - Saindēšanās ar ceturtās grupas toksīniem
  31. Trop de morilles, même cuites, sont toxiques Šveices paraugs, kā tiek kopā jauktas saindēšanās ar bisītēm un lāčpurniem.
  32. Can morels (Morchella sp.) induce a toxic neurological syndrome? Saviuc P1, Harry P, Pulce C, Garnier R, Cochet A.
  33. Mushrooms traded as food. Vol II sec 2, 311.-312. lpp. Jørn Gry, Christer Andersson
  34. A.Balodis, “Sēņotāja rokasgrāmata”, Avots, 1980., 44. lpp.
  35. LA: Hospitalizēts jau otrais cilvēks, kurš saindējies ar murķeļiem.
  36. M.Eipure, “Lielā rokasgrāmata - Sēnes”, Nordik, 2005., 28. lpp., ISBN 9984-751-86-4
  37. T.Lesoe, “Sēnes”, Zvaigzne ABC, 1998., 209.-210. lpp. ISBN 9984-22-283-7.
  38. Shavit E, Shavit E. (Spring 2010). "Lead and arsenic in Morchella esculenta fruitbodies collected in lead arsenate contaminated apple orchards in the northeastern United States: A preliminary study". Fungi Magazine 3 (2): 11–18.
  39. Hellikon Wappen
  40. Rapport fait à la Convention nationale, dans la séance du 3 du second mois de la seconde année de la République Française, au nom de la Commission chargée de la confection du Calendrier Fabre d'Églantine, Imprimerie Nationale, 1793

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Lāčpurni: Brief Summary ( léton )

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Lāčpurni (Morchella) ir Latvijā samērā reti sastopamu ēdamo sēņu ģints, kura 21. gadsimta sākumā saturēja vairāk kā 70 sugu ar ātri pieaugošu skaitu, no kurām Latvijā atrastas sešas. Lāčpurni ir pavasara mēnešos sastopamas sēnes, kuras viegli atpazīstamas pēc to cepurīšu šūnveidīgās, šķautņainās struktūras. Lāčpurni pasaulē tiek uzskatīti par kulināri vērtīgu sēni. Tā kā lāčpurni ir grūti kultivējami, mērenās joslas valstīs, kurās tie sastopami lielos daudzumos, organizēta savvaļas lāčpurnu, līdzīgi kā gaileņu, ievākšana ir ienesīga saimniecības nozare.

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Morielje ( olandèis; flamand )

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Een morielje (Morchella) of morille is een sponsachtig type zakjeszwam met een hoed en een holle steel. De hoed heeft raatvormige lijsten, de zo gevormde holtes zijn bekleed met hymenium. De vrij algemeen voorkomende soorten gewone morielje, kapjesmorielje en kegelmorielje kunnen in Nederland en Vlaanderen in april en mei worden gevonden. De zwammen komen voor in loofbossen, parken en tuinen op kalkhoudende mineraalrijke bodems. Ook op oude brandplekken worden ze gezien.

Rauwe morieljes zijn giftig en pas na verhitten eetbaar[1]. Verwarring is mogelijk met de potentieel dodelijk giftige voorjaarskluifzwam (Gyromitra esculenta). Morillesaus draagt de naam van de morielje. De zwam wordt dan verwerkt in een champignonsaus die voornamelijk wordt geserveerd bij wildgerechten.


Een volledige lijst van soorten die behoren tot het geslacht Morchella:

  • Morchella americana
  • Morchella angusticeps
  • Morchella castaneae
  • Morchella conica (kegelmorielje)
  • Morchella costata
  • Morchella crassipes
  • Morchella diminutiva
  • Morchella deliciosa
  • Morchella dunensis
  • Morchella elata
  • Morchella esculenta (gewone morielje)
  • Morchella fluvialis
  • Morchella galilaea
  • Morchella gigas
  • Morchella palazonii
  • Morchella pragensis (Praagse morielje)
  • Morchella prava
  • Morchella sceptriformis
  • Morchella semilibera (kapjesmorielje)
  • Morchella spongiola
  • Morchella steppicola
  • Morchella ulmaria
  • Morchella vulgaris


Kegelmorielje in het Poolse Woud van Białowieża
Kapjesmorielje bij de Douwelerkolk te Deventer
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. antigifcentrum, Morieltjes (Morchella sp). Geraadpleegd op 30-09-2017.
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Morielje: Brief Summary ( olandèis; flamand )

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Een morielje (Morchella) of morille is een sponsachtig type zakjeszwam met een hoed en een holle steel. De hoed heeft raatvormige lijsten, de zo gevormde holtes zijn bekleed met hymenium. De vrij algemeen voorkomende soorten gewone morielje, kapjesmorielje en kegelmorielje kunnen in Nederland en Vlaanderen in april en mei worden gevonden. De zwammen komen voor in loofbossen, parken en tuinen op kalkhoudende mineraalrijke bodems. Ook op oude brandplekken worden ze gezien.

Rauwe morieljes zijn giftig en pas na verhitten eetbaar. Verwarring is mogelijk met de potentieel dodelijk giftige voorjaarskluifzwam (Gyromitra esculenta). Morillesaus draagt de naam van de morielje. De zwam wordt dan verwerkt in een champignonsaus die voornamelijk wordt geserveerd bij wildgerechten.

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Morchella ( polonèis )

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przepisy na potrawy ze smardzów

Morchella Dill. ex Pers. (smardz) – rodzaj grzybów należący do rodziny smardzowatych (Morchellaceae)[1]. W Polsce występuje 5 gatunków[2].

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Morchellaceae, Pezizales, Pezizomycetidae, Pezizomycetes, Pezizomycotina, Ascomycota, Fungi[1].

Synonimy nazwy naukowej: Boletus Tourn. ex Adans., Boletus Tourn., Eromitra Lév., Mitrophora Lév., Morchella sect. Mitrophorae (Lév.) S. Imai, Morilla Quél., Phalloboletus Adans[3].

Nazwa polska według checklist A. Chmiel[2].


Saprotrofy rozwijające się w glebie. Wytwarzają owocniki z kulistymi, jajowatymi lub stożkowatymi kapeluszami w formie główek o warstwie hymenialnej wewnątrz wnęk (alweoli) rozmieszczonych na całej ich powierzchni. Kapelusze umieszczone są na pustych w środku trzonach. Zarodniki smardzów są eliptyczne, gładkie, a ich wysyp jest kremowy[4][5].

Niektóre gatunki

Wykaz gatunków (nazwy naukowe) na podstawie Index Fungorum. Obejmuje on wszystkie gatunki występujące w Polsce i niektóre inne. Uwzględniono tylko gatunki zweryfikowane o potwierdzonym statusie[6]. Nazwy polskie według checklist[2] oraz B. Gumińskiej i W. Wojewody[7] .

  1. a b Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2013-11-12].
  2. a b c Maria Alicja Chmiel: Checklist of Polish Larger Ascomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów workowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006. ISBN 978-83-89648-46-4.
  3. Species Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2015-12-16].
  4. Ewald Gerhardt: Grzyby – wielki ilustrowany przewodnik. Warszawa: 2006, s. 624. ISBN 83-7404-513-2.
  5. Barbara Gumińska, Władysław Wojewoda: Grzyby i ich oznaczanie. Warszawa: 1985, s. 125. ISBN 83-09-00714-0.
  6. Index Fungorum (gatunki) (ang.). [dostęp 2013-10-20].
  7. Barbara Gumińska, Władysław Wojewoda: Grzyby i ich oznaczanie. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1985. ISBN 83-09-00714-0.
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Morchella: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Morchella Dill. ex Pers. (smardz) – rodzaj grzybów należący do rodziny smardzowatych (Morchellaceae). W Polsce występuje 5 gatunków.

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Morchella ( portughèis )

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Morchella é um género de fungos comestíveis bastante aparentados com os anatomicamente mais simples Pezizaceae. A parte superior do corpo frutífero destes fungos tem uma distinta aparência de colmeia, sendo muito apreciados sobretudo na culinária francesa.



Os corpos frutíferos de Morchella têm uma aparência altamente polimórfica, exibindo variações na forma, cor e tamanho; este facto tem contribuído para as incertezas que existem sobre a sua taxonomia. A distinção entre as várias espécies é complicada pela incerteza sobre quais espécies são verdadeiramente distintos biologicamente. Os colectores de cogumelos referem-se-lhes pela sua cor, pois as espécies podem ser muito similares na aparência e variar consideravelmente dentro duma espécie e com a idade do espécime. As espécies mais bem conhecidas são Morchella esculenta (amarelo); M. deliciosa (branco); e M. elata (negro). Outras espécies são M. conica, M. semilibera e M. vulgaris.


Alguns autores sugerem que o género contém apenas entre 3 a 6 espécies,[1][2] enquanto outros incluem até 50 espécies neste género.[3][4] Análises filogenéticas baseadas em análises PCFR [5] e da enzima de restrição[6] do gene 28S do ARN ribossómico suportam a primeira hipótese, i.e., a de que o género inclui apenas umas poucas espécies com considerável variação fenotípica. Outros trabalhos sobre o ADN destas espécies sugerem a existência de mais de uma dúzia de grupos distintos em Morchella da América do Norte.[7]

Habitat e ecologia

Habitats favoráveis à frutificação

Morchella amarelo em Tauberland, Alemanha

As espécies de Morchella não formam simbioses micorrízicas mas são geralmente encontradas debaixo de certas árvores. As árvores normalmente associadas a estas espécies no hemisfério norte incluem freixo, plátano, tulipeiro, ulmeiros mortos e moribundos, alguns choupos e macieira velhas. Morchella esculenta é geralmente mais frequente debaixo de árvores decíduas que de coníferas e Morchella elata pode ser encontrada em bosques de decíduas, carvalho e choupo.[8] As espécies da América do Norte são muitas vezes encontradas em florestas de coníferas incluindo árvores dos géneros Pinus, Abies, Larix, e Pseudotsuga, além de choupos em bosques ripários.[9]

Associação com incêndios florestais

M. elata pode crescer abundantemente em habitats que foram queimados por incêndios florestais.[10] O mecanismo por detrás disto é desconhecido. Onde não ocorrem fogos florestais os cogumelos crescem em pequenas quantidades, no mesmo local, ano após ano.[9]

Os esforços feitos até ao momento para cultivar estes cogumelos são raramente bem-sucedidos e a indústria do seu comércio está baseada na apanha de cogumelos silvestres.[9]

Risco de confusão com espécies venenosas

Quando se apanham estes cogumelos, deve ter-se o devido cuidado para distingui-los de vários cogumelos semelhantes mas venenosos, incluindo Gyromitra esculenta, Verpa bohemica, e outros. Apesar de estes cogumelos semelhantes serem por vezes ingeridos crus sem causarem efeitos nefastos, eles podem causar distúrbios gastrointestinais severos e perda de coordenação muscular (incluindo músculo cardíaco) se ingeridos em grandes quantidades ou por por vários dias seguidos. Eles contêm uma toxina semelhante à giromitrina (um veneno orgânico e carcinogénico).

Estes cogumelos problemáticos podem ser distinguidos de Morchella por uma observação cuidadosa do chapéu, o qual é muitas vezes enrugado, com aspecto de cérebro, em vez de colmeados ou reticulares. Gyromitra esculenta tem um chapéu geralmente mais escuro e maior que os de Morchella. Os chapéus de Verpa estão ligados ao estipe apenas no ápice, enquanto no caso de Morchella os chapéus estão ligados ao estipe na parte mais inferior. A maneira mais fácil de distinguir estas espécies das de Morchella, é simplesmente verificar o interior do estipe. As variedades de Morchella têm o estipe oco, enquanto as espécies venenosas têm no interior do estipe uma substância com aspecto algodoado.


Estes cogumelos contêm pequenas quantidades de hidrazina,[11] que é removida por cozedura; estes cogumelos nunca devem ser comidos crus.[12] Mesmo quando bem cozidos estes cogumelos podem por vezes provocar sintomas de intoxicação ligeira quando consumidos com bebidas alcoólicas.[13]


  1. Overholts, L.O. (1934). The morels of Pennsylvania. Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 8:108-114.
  2. Weber, N.S. (1988). In A Morel Hunter's Companion, pp. 111-67. Two Peninsula Press: Lansing.
  3. Korf, R.P. (1973). Discomycetes and Tuberales. In The Fungi (G.C. Ainsworth, F.K. Sparrow, and A.S. Sussman, Eds.), Vol. IVA, pp.249-318. Academic Press: New York.
  4. Kimbrough, J.W. (1970). Current trends in the classification of discomycetes. Bot. Rev. 36:91-161.
  5. Bunyard, B.A., Nicholson, M.S., Royse, D.J. (1994). A systematic assessment of Morchella using RFLP analysis of the 28S ribosomal gene. Mycologia 86:762-72.
  6. Bunyard B.A., Nicholson M.S., Royse D.J. (1995). Phylogenetic resolution of Morchella, Verpa, andDisciotis (Pezizales: Morchellaceae) based on restriction enzyme analysis of the 28S ribosomal RNA gene. Experimental Mycology 19(3):223-33.
  7. Kuo, M. (2006). «Morel Data Collection Project: Preliminary results». Consultado em 26 de maio de 2009
  8. Lincoff, Gary H., The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms (1981) p 326.
  9. a b c Pilz, D.; R. McLain, S. Alexander, L. Villarreal-Ruiz, S. Berch, T.L. Wurtz, C.G. Parks, E. McFarlane, B. Baker, R. Molina, J.E. Smith (2007). Ecology and management of morels harvested from the forests of western North America. Col: General Technical Report PNW-GTR-710. Portland, OR: U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
  10. Wurtz, Tricia L.; Wiita, Amy L.; Weber, Nancy S.; Pilz, David (2005). Harvesting morels after wildfire in Alaska. Col: Research Note RN-PNW-546. Portland, OR: U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. Consultado em 22 de setembro de 2010. Arquivado do original em 28 de setembro de 2011 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
  11. Paul Stamets Mycelium Running pg 271. (2005)
  12. Ian R. Hall, Peter K. Buchanan (2003). Edible and poisonous mushrooms of the world. Timber Press. ISBN 0881925861
  13. J. Walton Groves. Poisoning by Morels When Taken with Alcohol. Mycologia, Vol. 56, No. 5 (Sep. - October, 1964), pp. 779-780

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Morchella é um género de fungos comestíveis bastante aparentados com os anatomicamente mais simples Pezizaceae. A parte superior do corpo frutífero destes fungos tem uma distinta aparência de colmeia, sendo muito apreciados sobretudo na culinária francesa.

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Zbârciog ( romen; moldav )

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Morchella, numită în popor zbârciog, este un gen de ciuperci din familia Morchellaceae ordinul Pezizales și încrengătura Ascomycota care cuprinde în prezent, conform filogeneticii moleculare moderne, global aproximativ 70 de specii, în Europa mult mai puține (28-35 de soiuri).[1] Genul este în prezent în centrul de studii filogenetice, biogeografice, taxonomice și de nomenclatură. Tip de specie este (în prezent) Morchella conica.


Pălăria are formă rotundă, ovoidală sau conică, de colorit gălbui, ocru, brun-deschis sau brun-negricios. Suprafața ei este prevăzută cu numeroase alveole sinuoase, neregulate. Regiunea himenaică este individualizată în adânciturile alveolare de la suprafața pălăriei. Pălăria are formă de căciulă, goală în interior și concrescută cu piciorul. Piciorul alb este cilindric, bine dezvoltat și gol în interior. Carnea bureților este tare, ceva elastică, cu miros și gust plăcut.

Zbârciogii apar timpuriu în primăvară, din martie până la începutul lui iunie. Ei sunt saprofiți, în mod predominant locuitori de sol, crescând în grupuri mici sau solitari. Ciupercile apar în păduri de conifere și de foioase, dar de asemenea în lunci, prin tufișuri, pe deșeuri de lemn și urme de arsuri sau chiar pe rumeguș. Mai departe au fost detectate caracteristici de simbiont micoriza (formează micorize pe rădăcinile arborilor) între ele și de exemplu pini.[2][3]


Sub numele românesc de „zbârciog” se tratează aproape mereu patru mari genuri de ciuperci: Gyromitra, Helvella, Morchella și Verpa. Între primele două se găsesc multe specii otrăvitoare sau restrâns comestibile, pe când cele două din urmă sunt comestibile. Cu toate că cele patru genuri sunt goale pe interior, ele pot fi deosebite destul de ușor: Morchella și Verpa sunt unicamerale, pe când Gyromitra și Helvella sunt multicamerale, prezentând o încrengătură de goluri în interiorul lor.[4][5]

Specii (selecție)

Ciuperci de genul Morchella


Scoici cu zbârciogi

Trebuie menționat, că ciuperci de genul 'Morchella nu pot fi mâncate crude, pentru că conțin puțină hidrazină (care se dizolvă în timpul fierberii).[6]

Teza lui J. Walton Groves, că zbârciogii, deși gătiți, ar cauza simptome unei intoxicări slabe atunci, când sunt consumate cu alcool[7] nu s-a aprobat, ci a fost constatat, că bureții, consumați în porții mari, fiind cam greu de digerat, pot provoca reacții neplăcute la persoane sensibile.[8][9]

Toți bureții acestui gen sunt comestibili și de savoare, fiind aproape niciodată atacați de larve. Ei sunt foarte apreciați nu numai în bucătăria franceză (de exemplu Coquilles Saint-Jacques aux morilles pe imaginea din dreapta).[6] Uscați și preparați după înmuiat, ei dezvoltă un gust și miros mai intensiv, rămânând însă relativ tari și elastici.


  1. ^ Science direct
  2. ^ J. L. Dahlstrom, J. E. Smith, N.S. Weber: „Mycorrhiza-like interaction by Morchella with species of the Pinaceae in pure culture synthesis”, în magazinul „Mycorrhiza” nr. 9, Editura Springer, Berlin 2000, p. 279-285
  3. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 586-587, ISBN 3-405-11774-7
  4. ^ Till E. Lohmeyer & Ute Künkele: „Pilze – bestimmen und sammeln”, Editura Parragon Books Ltd., Bath 2012, p. 226, ISBN 978-1-4454-8404-4
  5. ^ Jean-Louis Lamaison & Jean-Marie Polese: „Der große Pilzatlas“, Editura Tandem Verlag GmbH, Potsdam 2012, p. 220-221, ISBN 978-3-8427-0483-1
  6. ^ a b Jean-Louis Lamaison & Jean-Marie Polese: „Der große Pilzatlas“, Editura Tandem Verlag GmbH, Potsdam 2012, p. 224-225, ISBN 978-3-8427-0483-1
  7. ^ J. Walton Groves. Poisoning by Morels When Taken with Alcohol. Mycologia, Vol. 56, No. 5 (Sep. - Oct., 1964), pp. 779-780
  8. ^ Jean-Louis Lamaison & Jean-Marie Polese: „Der große Pilzatlas“, Editura Tandem Verlag GmbH, Potsdam 2012, p. 224-225, ISBN 978-3-8427-0483-1
  9. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 68, ISBN 3-405-11774-7


  • Marcel Bon: “Pareys Buch der Pilze”, Editura Kosmos, Halberstadt 2012, ISBN 978-3-440-13447-4
  • Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 34-40, 50-51, 56-57 ISBN 3-405-11774-7
  • Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 2, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 28-99, ISBN 3-405-12081-0
  • Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 3, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 24-25, ISBN 3-405-12124-8
  • Bruno Cetto: „I funghi dal vero”, vol. 4, Editura Arte Grafiche Saturnia, Trento 1983, p. 10-11, ISBN 88-85013-25-2
  • Rose Marie și Sabine Maria Dähncke: „700 Pilze in Farbfotos”, Editura AT Verlag, Aarau - Stuttgart 1979 și 1980, ISBN 3-85502-0450
  • Jean-Louis Lamaison & Jean-Marie Polese: „Der große Pilzatlas“, Editura Tandem Verlag GmbH, Potsdam 2012, ISBN 978-3-8427-0483-1
  • Meinhard Michael Moser: „Kleine Kryptogamenflora der Pilze - Partea a.: „Höhere Phycomyceten und Ascomyceten”, Editura G. Fischer, Jena 1950

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Zbârciog: Brief Summary ( romen; moldav )

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Morchella, numită în popor zbârciog, este un gen de ciuperci din familia Morchellaceae ordinul Pezizales și încrengătura Ascomycota care cuprinde în prezent, conform filogeneticii moleculare moderne, global aproximativ 70 de specii, în Europa mult mai puține (28-35 de soiuri). Genul este în prezent în centrul de studii filogenetice, biogeografice, taxonomice și de nomenclatură. Tip de specie este (în prezent) Morchella conica.

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Morchella ( svedèis )

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Den mykologiska karaktären hos Morchella:

Smooth icon.png

Conical cap icon.svg

NA cap icon.svg

Choice toxicity icon.png

NA cap icon.svg
inte tillämpbart

Tan spore print icon.png

Mycorrhizal ecology icon.png

Morchella är ett släkte av svampar. Morchella ingår i familjen Morchellaceae, ordningen skålsvampar, klassen Pezizomycetes, fylumet sporsäcksvampar, och riket svampar.[1][2]

Arten Morchella conica, toppmurkla, är en av de svampar som på svenska kallas murklor.




Morchella vaporaria

Morchella smithiana

Morchella patula

Morchella angusticeps

Morchella deliciosa

Morchella costata

Morchella elata

Morchella crassipes

Morchella esculenta

Morchella hortensis

Morchella vulgaris

Morchella ambigua

Morchella conica






  1. ^ Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (27 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Arkiverad från originalet den 18 juni 2012. https://web.archive.org/web/20120618223324/http://www.catalogueoflife.org/services/res/2011AC_26July.zip. Läst 24 september 2012.
  2. ^ Dyntaxa Morchella

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Morchella ( turch )

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( turch )

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Morchella, Morchellaceae ailesinden mantar cinsi.

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Зморшок ( ucrain )

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Плодові тілаапотеції великі, 2-15 см висотою, складаються із шапинки та ніжки, м'ясисті. Все плодове тіло порожнисте. Шапинка яйцевидна, еліпсоїдна або конічна, з мережею поздовжніх і поперечних складок з комірками, поверхня яких всетелена гіменієм, знизу приросла до ніжки. Має колір коричневих відтінків.

Ніжка циліндрична, порожниста, гладка або складчаста. Аски циліндричні.

Спори еліпсоїдні, гладенькі, одноклітинні, безбарвні. Парафізи розгалужені.


Відомо 15 видів. Найбільш розповсюдженим є зморшок їстівний (Morchella esculenta).

Деякі з них:

Поширення та середовище існування

Сапротрофи, на ґрунті у хвойних та листяних лісах, степах, на галявинах, в парках і садах. Переважно весняні гриби.

Практичне використання

Їстівні або умовно-їстівні.


  • Смицкая М. Ф. Флора грибов Украины. Оперкулятные дискомицеты / М. Ф. Смицкая. — К. : Наукова думка, 1980. — 224 с.
  • Костіков І. Ю.; Джаган В. В.; Демченко Е. М.; Бойко О. А.; Бойко В. Р.; Романенко П. О. Ботаніка. Водорості та гриби: Навчальинй посібник, 2-ге видання, переробл. - К.: Арістей, 2006. - 476 с.
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Morchella ( vietnamèis )

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Morchella (Morel) là một chi gồm các loài nấm ăn được liên quan chặt chẽ với nấm tách đơn giản hơn về. Chúng có bề ngoài trông như tổ ong rong đó phần trên bao gồm các rãnh và các lỗ giữa chúng.

Tai nấm được đánh giá cao bởi các đầu bếp sành ăn, đặc biệt đối với các món ăn Pháp. Ngoài giá ttrị thương mại, nấm Morel còn bị hàng ngàn người săn tìm mỗi năm chỉ vì hương vị và niềm vui của cuộc săn tìm.

Morchella (Morel) giàu đạm, giàu vitamin D (D2 và D3), A & B6. Ngoài ra, nó còn chứa nhiều chất khoáng – kể cả các chất vi lượng: Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, P, K, Se, Na, Zn, đặc biệt Fe (sắt): 68%. Calo và chất béo thấp nên rất tốt cho việc ăn kiêng cùng công dụng giải độc, bảo vệ gan đặc trưng của loài nấm hoang dại này.

Morchella (Morel) tươi bảo quản khoảng 3 ngày trong tủ mát (không rửa), Morel khô thông dụng hơn. Tuyệt đối không ăn nấm sống và vì là nấm dại nên phải kiểm tra kỹ để đảm bảo tính an toàn.

Chú thích

Tham khảo

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Morchella: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Morchella (Morel) là một chi gồm các loài nấm ăn được liên quan chặt chẽ với nấm tách đơn giản hơn về. Chúng có bề ngoài trông như tổ ong rong đó phần trên bao gồm các rãnh và các lỗ giữa chúng.

Tai nấm được đánh giá cao bởi các đầu bếp sành ăn, đặc biệt đối với các món ăn Pháp. Ngoài giá ttrị thương mại, nấm Morel còn bị hàng ngàn người săn tìm mỗi năm chỉ vì hương vị và niềm vui của cuộc săn tìm.

Morchella (Morel) giàu đạm, giàu vitamin D (D2 và D3), A & B6. Ngoài ra, nó còn chứa nhiều chất khoáng – kể cả các chất vi lượng: Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, P, K, Se, Na, Zn, đặc biệt Fe (sắt): 68%. Calo và chất béo thấp nên rất tốt cho việc ăn kiêng cùng công dụng giải độc, bảo vệ gan đặc trưng của loài nấm hoang dại này.

Morchella (Morel) tươi bảo quản khoảng 3 ngày trong tủ mát (không rửa), Morel khô thông dụng hơn. Tuyệt đối không ăn nấm sống và vì là nấm dại nên phải kiểm tra kỹ để đảm bảo tính an toàn.

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Сморчок ( russ; russi )

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Гриб сморчок
Самый большой сморчок. Morchella sp.

Сморчо́к (лат. Morchella) — съедобный гриб семейства сморчковых (или моршелловых), к которому относятся пецицевые с крупными, варьирующимися по форме апотециями, часто в виде шляпки на ножке. Тело очень пористое, внутри полое. Окраска обычно коричневатая.


Сморчки растут весной в лесах, парках, садах. В больших количествах их можно встретить на третий, иногда на четвёртый год после лесных пожаров. На старых пожарищах могут регулярно расти каждый год, хотя и в меньших количествах. Считается, хотя это и не доказано, что сморчки могут образовывать микоризу с определёнными видами деревьев (особенно с ясенем). Сморчки являются сапрофитами, поэтому существует теоретическая возможность разведения сморчков как культуры.


Используется в варёном и жареном виде. Вариантов довольно много. Можно просто обжарить — целиком или порезанными на кусочки — на сливочном или растительном масле с добавлением репчатого лука, чеснока и зелени. Можно грибы сначала обжарить, а потом смешать со сметаной и запечь в духовке. Можно приготовить отличный соус на сливочной основе — в обжаренные сморчки влить сливки. Сморчки хорошо сочетаются с мясом, так что этот соус подойдет к любому мясному блюду. [1]


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Сморчок: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

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 src= Гриб сморчок  src= Самый большой сморчок. Morchella sp.

Сморчо́к (лат. Morchella) — съедобный гриб семейства сморчковых (или моршелловых), к которому относятся пецицевые с крупными, варьирующимися по форме апотециями, часто в виде шляпки на ножке. Тело очень пористое, внутри полое. Окраска обычно коричневатая.

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アミガサタケ属 ( Giaponèis )

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アミガサタケ属 アミガサタケ Morchella esculenta
分類 : 菌界 Fungus : 子嚢菌門 Ascomycota : チャワンタケ綱 Pezizomycetes : チャワンタケ目 Pezizales 亜目 : チャワンタケ亜目 Pezizineae : アミガサタケ科 Morchellaceae : アミガサタケ属 Morchella 学名 Morchella Dill.: Fr. タイプ種 アミガサタケ 和名 アミガサタケ属

アミガサタケ属(アミガサタケ、学名 Morchella)は子嚢菌門アミガサタケ科の属の一つ。タイプ種アミガサタケである。


キノコに網目状の模様があり、胞子はそこで作られる。ほとんどの種がフランス料理に使われているが、生食すると中毒する。さらに一部の種からはシャグマアミガサタケにも含まれるギロミトリン (ジロミトリン)が検出されている。ギロミトリン は肝臓毒の一種で、加水分解によりモノメチルヒドラジンが生成する。



  • 日本の毒キノコ(学研、2009年)


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、アミガサタケ属に関連するカテゴリがあります。 執筆の途中です この項目は、菌類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますP:生き物と自然PJ生物)。
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アミガサタケ属: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

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アミガサタケ属(アミガサタケ、学名 Morchella)は子嚢菌門アミガサタケ科の属の一つ。タイプ種アミガサタケである。

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곰보버섯속 ( Corean )

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폴란드의 블랙 모렐

곰보버섯속(Morchella)은 주발버섯목 주발버섯과와 밀접한 관련이 있는 식용 자낭균의 속이다. 곰보버섯속은 프랑스 요리의 요리책에서 귀중히 다뤄진다. 경작이 어렵기 때문에 야생 곰보버섯속 버섯들의 상업적인 경작은 버섯이 풍부한 온난한 북반구, 특히 북아메리카, 터키, 중국, 히말라야산맥, 인도, 파키스탄에서 수백만 달러 산업으로 성장했다.

1794년 곰보버섯을 통해 정형화된 이 속은 수년에 걸쳐 상당한 분류학적 논란의 출처가 되고 있으며 여기에 대부분 수많은 종이 수반되는데 일부 균학자들은 3개 종만이 이에 속한다고 생각하는 반면 다른 균학자들은 30개종이 넘는 것으로 보고 있다.


  • Morchella anatolica
    • synonym: Morchella lanceolata
  • Morchella rufobrunnea


  • Morchella americana
    • synonyms: Morchella californica, Morchella claviformis, Morchella esculentoides, Morchella populina
  • Morchella castaneae
    • synonyms: Morchella brunneorosea, Morchella brunneorosea var. sordida
  • Morchella diminutiva
  • Morchella dunensis
    • synonyms: Morchella esculenta f. dunensis, Morchella andalusiae
  • Morchella esculenta
    • synonyms: Morchella pseudoumbrina, Morchella pseudoviridis
  • Morchella fluvialis
  • Morchella galilaea
  • Morchella palazonii
  • Morchella prava
  • Morchella sceptriformis
    • synonym: Morchella virginiana
  • Morchella steppicola
  • Morchella ulmaria
    • synonym: Morchella cryptica
  • Morchella vulgaris
    • synonyms: Morchella acerina, Morchella anthracina, Morchella lepida, Morchella robiniae, Morchella spongiola


  • Morchella angusticeps
  • Morchella arbutiphila
  • Morchella australiana
  • Morchella brunnea
  • Morchella conifericola
  • Morchella deliciosa
    • synonym: Morchella conica
  • Morchella disparilis
  • Morchella dunalii
    • synonym: Morchella fallax
  • Morchella elata
  • Morchella eohespera
  • Morchella eximia
    • synonyms: Morchella anthracophila, Morchella carbonaria, Morchella septimelata
  • Morchella eximioides
  • Morchella exuberans
    • synonym: Morchella capitata
  • Morchella feekensis
  • Morchella iberica[1]
  • Morchella importuna
  • Morchella kakiicolor
    • synonym: Morchella quercus-ilicis f. kakiicolor
  • Morchella laurentiana
  • Morchella magnispora
  • Morchella mediteterraneensis
  • Morchella populiphila
  • Morchella pulchella
  • Morchella punctipes
  • Morchella purpurascens
    • synonyms: Morchella elata var. purpurascens, Morchella conica, Morchella conica var. purpurascens, Morchella conica var. crassa
  • Morchella semilibera
    • synonyms: Morchella gigas, Morchella gigas var. tintinnabulum, Morchella hybrida, Morchella undosa, Morchella varisiensis, Morchella esculenta var. crassipes, Phallus gigas, Eromitra gigas, Phallus undosus, Phallus crassipes, Mitrophora hybrida, Mitrophora hybrida var. crassipes, Ptychoverpa gigas, Helvella hybrida
  • Morchella septentrionalis
  • Morchella sextelata
  • Morchella snyderi
  • Morchella tomentosa
  • Morchella tridentina
    • synonyms: Morchella quercus-ilicis, Morchella frustrata, Morchella elatoides, Morchella elatoides var. elagans, Morchella conica var. pseudoeximia

미해결 분류

  • Morchella anteridiformis
  • Morchella apicata
  • Morchella bicostata
  • Morchella conicopapyracea
  • Morchella crassipes
  • Morchella deqinensis
  • Morchella distans
  • Morchella guatemalensis
  • Morchella herediana
  • Morchella hetieri
  • Morchella hortensis
  • Morchella hotsonii
  • Morchella hungarica
  • Morchella inamoena
  • Morchella intermedia
  • Morchella meiliensis
  • Morchella miyabeana
  • Morchella neuwirthii
  • Morchella norvegiensis
  • Morchella patagonica
  • Morchella patula
  • Morchella pragensis
  • Morchella procera
  • Morchella pseudovulgaris
  • Morchella rielana
  • Morchella rigida
  • Morchella rigidoides
  • Morchella smithiana
  • Morchella sulcata
  • Morchella tasmanica
  • Morchella tatari
  • Morchella tibetica
  • Morchella umbrina
  • Morchella umbrinovelutipes
  • Morchella vaporaria


  1. Clowez, P.; Marcos Martinez, J.; Sanjaume, R.; Marques, G.; Bellanger, J. M.; Moreau, P. A. (2020). “A survey of half-free morels in Spain reveals a new species: Morchella iberica sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Pezizales)”. 《Ascomycete.org》 12 (1). doi:10.25664/art-0291.
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