
Associations ( Anglèis )

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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Fungus / parasite
effuse colony of Mycogone anamorph of Mycogone rosea parasitises fruitbody of Agaricus

Fungus / feeder
larva of Onthophagus coenobita feeds on fruitbody of Agaricus

Plant / resting place / within
imago of Oxyomus sylvestris may be found in fruitbody of Agaricus

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Xampiñón ( Asturian )

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Col nome de xampiñón denomase xenéricamente a les especies de fongos del xéneru Agaricus, de les cuales delles cultivense como comestibles, n'especial Agaricus bisporus, el xampiñón de París.

Les especies d'Agaricus presenten de vezu fructificaciones carnoses, mayoritariamente de tamañu mediu a grande; el sombreru ye hemisféricu nún entamu, depués convexu y a la fin más o menos achapláu o lixeramente deprimíu, de color blanquecín o pardu. El pie ye cilíndricu y tanto regular como engrosáu o atenuáu haza la bas; siempres porta un aniellu, más o menos desenrolláu, que pue ser persistente o caducu y se separta con facilidá de la carne del sombreru.

Les llámines (himenóforu) son llibres, ye dicir nun fixaes al pie, denses, de color muy pálidu al aniciu (blanquecín, buxaracáu o rosáu) depués con matices rosaos, seyan fuertes o débiles, y a la fin de color marrón-negru. La carne suel ser densa y firme, de color blanquecín pero en contautu col aire alquier tonalidaes roxines o mariellaes, n'ocasiones lixeres y n'otras bastante intenses.

El golor varía d'unes especies a otres, incluyendo los selemente acidulaos, con efluvios anisaos, con reminiscencies d'almendres amargues o francamente desagradable (cual fenol) en delles especies cuya carne mariellea. La suma de golor desagradable y mariellamientu de la carne desaconseya'l so consumu.

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Şampinyon ( Aser )

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Şampinyon (lat. Agaricus) — şampinyonkimilər (aqarikkimilər) fəsiləsindən göbələk cinsi.

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Agaricus ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Agaricus és un gènere de bolets amb, aproximadament, 300 espècies comestibles i tòxiques.



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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valensian )

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Agaricus és un gènere de bolets amb, aproximadament, 300 espècies comestibles i tòxiques.

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Champignon-slægten ( Danèis )

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Champignon-slægten (Agaricus) er svampeslægt, der tilhører ordenen Agaricales, som omfatter både spiselige og giftige arter og formentlig har over 300 arter.[1][2]. Slægten omfatter både havechampignon og markchampignon.


  1. ^ Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21–24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  2. ^ Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy

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Champignon-slægten: Brief Summary ( Danèis )

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Champignon-slægten (Agaricus) er svampeslægt, der tilhører ordenen Agaricales, som omfatter både spiselige og giftige arter og formentlig har over 300 arter.. Slægten omfatter både havechampignon og markchampignon.

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Champignons ( Alman )

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Dieser Artikel behandelt die Pilzgattung. Zum gleichnamigen deutschen Politiker siehe Bodo Champignon.

Die Champignons (Agaricus, Syn.: Psalliota), zu deutsch auch Egerlinge oder Angerlinge, sind eine Pilzgattung aus der Familie der Champignonverwandten (Agaricaceae).

Die Typusart ist der Wiesen-Champignon (Agaricus campestris).[1]


„Champignon“ ist französisch für „Pilz“. Die hier beschriebene Pilzgattung wird im Französischen dagegen Agaric genannt.

Zur Gattung der Champignons gehören beliebte Speisepilze, allerdings kommen auch giftige Arten vor, und an entsprechend belasteten Standorten können einige Arten Schwermetalle anreichern. Der Zweisporige Champignon (Agaricus bisporus) ist der weltweit bedeutendste Kulturpilz, weitere Arten, wie der Brasilianische Mandelegerling, werden ebenfalls kultiviert. Kultivierte Champignons werden für eine Vielzahl von Gerichten verwendet, zum Beispiel gefüllte Champignons.


Champignons bestehen zu 91 % aus Wasser, durchschnittlich zu etwa 4 % aus Protein und zu weniger als 1 % aus Fett. Champignons gelten als energiearm; der physiologische Brennwert beträgt ca. 100 kJ/100 g (24 kcal/100 g). Des Weiteren enthalten sie essentielle Aminosäuren, Vitamine K, D (in Form von D2), E und B, Niacin, sowie die Mineralstoffe Kalium, Eisen und Zink.[2] Diese Angaben sind Durchschnittswerte und beziehen sich auf gezüchtete Champignons, die im Handel erhältlich sind. In freier Natur wachsende Exemplare können bei Standorten mit viel Tageslicht sehr reich an Vitamin D sein, während Zuchtexemplare teils vernachlässigbare Mengen enthalten.[3]


Makroskopische Merkmale

Champignons bilden in Hut und Stiel gegliederte, meist fleischige und je nach Art kleine bis sehr große Fruchtkörper. Die Huthaut ist weiß, gelblich oder braun gefärbt, bei manchen Arten auf Druck oder bei Verletzung gilbend. Die Oberfläche kann glatt, faserig oder schuppig beschaffen sein, jedoch stets trocken und nie schmierig. Der Hutrand ist ungerieft. Die Lamellen stehen frei und meist dicht gedrängt. Im jungen Zustand sind sie blass grau bis rosa, bei Reife der Sporen durch selbige schokoladenbraun bis purpurschwarz gefärbt, sind niemals weiß (wie bei den Knollenblätterpilzen, bei denen sie immer weiß sind und es auch im Alter bleiben). Die Lamellenschneide ist bisweilen ganzrandig feinflockig besetzt. Der Stiel steht zentral und lässt sich leicht vom Hut abtrennen, er ist zylindrisch oder keulig und wird im Alter häufig hohl. An der Basis kann der Stiel eine Knolle aufweisen, aber keine Volva.

Dagegen besitzen die Champignons ein Velum partiale, das als nicht verschiebbarer, manchmal doppelter, häufig leicht vergänglicher Ring oder zumindest als Velumrest am Stiel zurückbleibt. Das Hutfleisch kann unveränderlich weiß sein oder bei Verletzung mehr oder weniger gilben oder röten. Die Konsistenz des Stielfleischs ist mitunter zähfaserig. Einige Arten riechen spezifisch nach Anis, Mandeln oder Phenol. Viele Arten zeigen lebhafte Farbreaktionen mit Reagenzien wie Kalilauge oder Phenol.

Mikroskopische Merkmale

Die dünnwandigen Hyphen haben keine Schnallen an den Septen. Die Huthaut besteht aus radialliegenden Hyphen, am Scheitel bisweilen mit Palisadenfragmenten. Die Trama der Lamellen ist regulär aufgebaut und kann im Alter irregulär strukturiert sein. Cheilozystiden sind mitunter vorhanden, während Pleurozystiden fehlen. Die Basidien sind keulenförmig, relativ klein und meist 4-sporig – eine Ausnahme ist beispielsweise der Zucht-Champignon mit 2-sporigen Basidien. Das Sporenpulver ist dunkelbraun bis purpurbraun, die Sporen sind je nach Art unterschiedlich groß, meist klein, rundlich bis langellipsoid und glatt. Sie besitzen einen Keimporus, der jedoch meist nur undeutlich zu erkennen ist. Die Sporen sind inamyloid und nicht dextrinoid.


Die Champignons sind saprobiontische Bewohner von (auch gedüngtem) Boden oder Kompost, die in Wäldern, auf Wiesen, in Gärten und Steppen vorkommen können.


Für Europa werden folgende Arten angegeben beziehungsweise sind dort zu erwarten:[4]


Die Zahl der Arten in der Gattung ist umstritten, die Abtrennung der Arten ist teilweise schwierig. Weltweit existieren etwa 200 Arten, in Europa kommen etwa 60 Arten vor.

Einteilung der Sektionen nach Marcel Bon:



  1. Carl von Linné (Linnaeus): Fungi Agaricus. In: Species Plantarum. 1. Auflage. 1753, Sp. 1171 (botanicus.org). Abgerufen am 8. November 2016.
  2. Gegarte Champignons: Nährwertangaben online auf naehrwertrechner.de. Abgerufen am 8. November 2016.
  3. Pilze: Vitamin-Bomben des Waldes in Augsburger Allgemeine (Online-Ausgabe), Artikel vom 8. August 2012, abgerufen am 17. Februar 2019
  4. Eric Strittmatter: Die Gattung Agaricus. In: fungiworld.com. Pilz-Taxa-Datenbank. 7. Juli 2008, archiviert vom Original am 7. September 2013; abgerufen am 9. Juli 2012.
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Champignons: Brief Summary ( Alman )

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 src= Dieser Artikel behandelt die Pilzgattung. Zum gleichnamigen deutschen Politiker siehe Bodo Champignon.

Die Champignons (Agaricus, Syn.: Psalliota), zu deutsch auch Egerlinge oder Angerlinge, sind eine Pilzgattung aus der Familie der Champignonverwandten (Agaricaceae).

Die Typusart ist der Wiesen-Champignon (Agaricus campestris).

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Agaricus ( Antërlenga (Assossiassion Antërnassional për na Lenga Ausiliaria) )

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Agaricus es un genere de Agaricaceae.


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Agaricus ( Scossèis )

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Agaricus is a genus o mushrooms containin baith edible an poisonous species, wi possibly ower 300 members warldwide.[2][3]


  1. "Synonymy: Agaricus L., Sp. pl. 2: 1171 (1753)". Index Fungorum. CAB International. Retrieved 2013-08-29.
  2. Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21–24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  3. Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy
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Agaricus ( Aragonèis )

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Os champinyons (d'o francés champignon) son es potrecons caracteristicos d'es fongos d'o chenero Agaricus. Bellas especies d'iste chenero son cautivadas como a comestibles, d'entre ellas la una més important ye Agaricus bisporus.


As especies de champinyons tienen per l'usual fructificacions carnosas, de mida meya u gran; o chambrero ye hemisferico inicialment, dimpués se torna convexo, y a la fin remata alto u baixo aplanato, con una color blanquinosa u moderadament marrón. O piet ye celindrico, a vegadas més estreito per a basi suya; siempre tien un aniello que puet estar persistent u caduco y que separa-se a sobén con facilidat d'o potrecón.

As laminas son libres, no afixadas ent'o piet, densas y d'una color palida quan emprencipa ta medrar, que va tornando-se'n més rosada con es tiempos. A carne gosa a estar densa e firme, d'una color blanquinosa también, pero que s'oxida a escape quan se troba en contacto con l'aire, prenendo alavez colors més royencas u marronosas.

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Scossèis )

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Agaricus is a genus o mushrooms containin baith edible an poisonous species, wi possibly ower 300 members warldwide.

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Aragonèis )

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Os champinyons (d'o francés champignon) son es potrecons caracteristicos d'es fongos d'o chenero Agaricus. Bellas especies d'iste chenero son cautivadas como a comestibles, d'entre ellas la una més important ye Agaricus bisporus.

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Quncha ( quechua )

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Quncha nisqaqa huk sut'ikunayuqmi; Quncha (sut'ichana) rikuy.

Quncha (QSHKS qillqaypi Qoncha,[1] kichwapi Kuncha icha K'uncha)[2] (genus Agaricus) nisqakunaqa huk tiksicha k'allampa rikch'anam, hatun yuraq k'allampa puquyniyuq. Champiñun (Agaricus bisporus) nisqa rikch'aqninqa tukuy Tiksimuyuntinpi lliwmanta astawan puquchisqa mikhusqapas k'allampam.


  1. Qheswa simi hamut'ana kuraq suntur: Simi Taqe Qheswa - Español - Qheswa. Qusqu, Piruw 2006. p. 463. Qoncha.
  2. Consuelo Yánez Cossío: Léxico ampliado quichua-español, español-quichua. Quito 2007. p. 97. champiñón: k'uncha.

Hawa t'inkikuna

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Quncha: Brief Summary ( quechua )

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Quncha nisqaqa huk sut'ikunayuqmi; Quncha (sut'ichana) rikuy.

Quncha (QSHKS qillqaypi Qoncha, kichwapi Kuncha icha K'uncha) (genus Agaricus) nisqakunaqa huk tiksicha k'allampa rikch'anam, hatun yuraq k'allampa puquyniyuq. Champiñun (Agaricus bisporus) nisqa rikch'aqninqa tukuy Tiksimuyuntinpi lliwmanta astawan puquchisqa mikhusqapas k'allampam.

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Åbussons vraiys ( valon )

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Pol discramiaedje des årtikes avou l' mot "åbusson", loukîz cial

Les åbussons vraiys, c' est des blancs tchampions, tertos magnåves.

No e sincieus latén : Agaricus spp.

Sacwants åbussons vraiys

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Åbussons vraiys: Brief Summary ( valon )

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Pol discramiaedje des årtikes avou l' mot "åbusson", loukîz cial

Les åbussons vraiys, c' est des blancs tchampions, tertos magnåves.

No e sincieus latén : Agaricus spp.

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Аҡ көләпәрә ( Bashkir )

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Аҡ көләпәрә (лат. Agaricus, рус. шампиньон) — пластинкалы бәшмәктәр тәртибенең аҡ көләпәрә һымаҡтар ғаиләһенә ҡараған бәшмәктәр заты.

Ҡыҫҡаса белешмә

Яҡынса 70 төрө (Башҡортостанда 5‑тән ашыу төрө) билдәле, киң таралған. Эшләпәһенең диаметры 1—25 см, аҡһыл, һирәгерәк һорғолт йәки асыҡ көрән, ярым шар формаһында, итләс, тығыҙ, шыма өҫлө йәки сүсле, тәңкәле. Япмаһы айырым, бәшмәк өлгөргән ваҡытта һабында аныҡ беленеүсе балдаҡ рәүешендә. Гименофоры йәш емешлек тәндәрендә аҡ, спораларҙың өлгөрөү дәрәжәһенә ҡарап — алһыу, аҡрынлап көрәнәйә барған, һуңынан көрән-шәмәхә төҫтәге айырым пластинкалы (аҡ көләпәрәне ағыулы бәшмәктәрҙән айырыусы билдә). Һабы үҙәктә, тигеҙ, тығыҙ, һирәгерәк бушаҡ йәки ҡыуыш. Итсәһе башлыса аҡ, һынған ерендә һарғайыусан йәки ҡыҙарыусан, йыш ҡына бәшмәк йәки әнис еҫле. Спораһы йомро, эллипс формаһында йәки бөртөк һымаҡ, төҫө аҡтан ҡараға тиклем. Сапротрофтар (микоризаға инмәй).


Үҫеү урындарына ярашлы башлыса урмандарҙа (һары тиресәле аҡ көләпәрә); үҫемлектәр менән ҡапланмаған асыҡ урында (ике споралы аҡ көләпәрә), болонда (гумус гербофилдары; ябай аҡ көләпәрә һ.б.); урман, болон, көтөүлектәрҙең һ.б. асыҡ урындарында (ҡыр аҡ көләпәрәһе); татырлы тупраҡта (Бернард аҡ көләпәрәһе) һ.б. үҫеүсе аҡ көләпәрә айырып йөрөтөлә. Республиканың бөтә биләмәһендә лә үҫә, май—октябрҙә осрай. Аҡ көләпәрәнең емешлек тәне составында антибиотиктар, үҙләштерелеүсе аҡһым бар. Ашарға яраҡлы бәшмәктәр (һары тиресәле аҡ көләпәрә һәм сыбар аҡ көләпәрә башҡа), ике споралы аҡ көләпәрә күп үҫтерелә.




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Аҡ көләпәрә: Brief Summary ( Bashkir )

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Аҡ көләпәрә (лат. Agaricus, рус. шампиньон) — пластинкалы бәшмәктәр тәртибенең аҡ көләпәрә һымаҡтар ғаиләһенә ҡараған бәшмәктәр заты.

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Навоз панго ( Erzya )

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Навозпанго[1], лиякс: навоз опёнка, (лат. Agaricus, руз. шампиньон) — те пластинань буень пангось, агарикень семиясто.

Касы навозов модава, пиресэ, луга ланга. Лангозо ашо, алкосзо розовой, ребрав. Пильгезэ сэрей, ашо. Од пангонть алганзо келькс. Сон пелязь пильгинентень да лангонтень. Пангось маштови рестамс. Тантейстэ качадыця.

Тумобуень Сайнеле велесэ мерить навоз опёнка[2].



  1. Агафонова Н. А., Алёшкина Р. А., Гребнева А. М., Имайкина М. Д., Мосин М. В., Рузанкин Н. И., Тихонова Т. М., Цыганкин Д. В., Харитонова А. М., Цыпайкина В. П.; Гаврилова Т. Г. (отв. секретарь). Вейсэ, башка, тешкс вельде (Слитно, раздельно, через дефис). Словарь трудностей эрзянского языка. Саранск, 2001. - 172с. (руз.), (эрз.)
  2. Тикшень валкс Р.Н. Бузакова, - Саранск: Мордовской книжной издательствась, 1996. - 144.с. ISBN 5-7595-0963-2 (эрз.), (руз.)
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அகாரிகசு ( tamil )

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அகாரிகசு (Agaricus) எம்பது காளான்களின் பேரினமாகும். இதில் உண்ணத்தகும் காளாண்களும் நச்சுக் காளாண்கலும் அமைகின்றன. இதில் உலக முழுவதும் 300 இனங்கள் உள்ளன.[2][3] னைந்தப் பேரினத்தில் மேற்கத்திய நாடுகளில் பரவலாகப் பயிரிடப்படும் இயல்புப் பொத்தான் அல்லது குடைக் காளான் இனமான ( அகாரிகசு பைபோரசு) , வயற் காளானான ([ஆகாரிகசு கம்பெசுட்ரிசு|அ. கம்பெசுட்ரிசு]]) ஆகியனவும் அடங்கும்.

இப் பேரினத்தில் உள்ள இனங்கள் சதைப்பற்றுள்ள பொத்தான் அல்லது குடை வடிவக் கவிப்பு உச்சியில் அமையும். பொத்தான் அடியில் மெல்லிய ஆரத்தகடுகள் அல்லது விதைபைகள் வளரும். இபைகளில் விதைத்தூள்கள் உருவாகின்றன.லிந்த இனங்கள் அகாரிகேசியே குடும்பத்தின் பிஅ இனங்களில் இருந்து பழுப்புநிற விதைத்தூள்காளால் வேறுபடுகின்றன. அகாரிகசு இனங்களில் இக்குடைக்குக் கீழாக பூத்த தண்டு அவை அமைந்த பொருளில் அல்லது அடித்தளத்தில் இருந்து குடையை மேல்தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கிறது. இத்தண்டின் மேலமைந்த காப்புறை வளரும் விதைப்பைகளைக் காப்பாற்றி, பிறகு தண்டின் மேற்பகுதியில் வலயமாக மாறிவிடும்.


கைப்போபைலம் பற்றிய 1855 ஆண்டுக் களக்குறிப்புகள்.( இணைபெயர்கள்): ஓம்பாலியா , அகாரிகசு (இணைக்கப்பட்ட கையால் எழுதிய குறிப்புகளுடன்).

பல ஆண்டுகளாகவே அகாரிகசு பேரினம் சாலியோட்டா எனப் பெயரிடப்பட்டிருந்தது. இன்னமும் கூட, காளாண்களைப் பற்றிய பழைய நூல்களில் இப்பெயரைக் காணலாம். அகாரிகசு பேரினத்தை சாலியோட்டா எனவோ சாலியோட்டா பேரினத்தை அகாரிகசு எனவோ பெயரிட பரிந்துரைக்கும் அனைத்து முன்மொழிதல்களுமே மேலோட்டமானவையே எனத் தற்போது கருதப்படுகிறது.[4]

அகாரிகசுவுக்குப் பல தோற்றங்கல் கூறப்படுகின்றன. அகாரி மக்களும் அகரசு ஆறும் அமைந்த சமார்ழ்சியா ஐரோப்பாவியாவில் அகாரிகசு தோன்றியிருக்கலாம் ( இவை அனைத்துமே உக்கிரைனின் பெர்தியான்சுக் அருகில் அமைந்த அசோவ் கடலின் வட கரையில் உள்ளன).[5][6][7] " மரப் பூஞ்சைவகை" எனப் பொருள்படும் கிரேக்க மொழிச் சொல்லான ἀγαρικόν என்பதையும் இங்குக் கருதிப் பார்க்கலாம்.

தோக் இலின்னேயசுவின் பெயரீடு மதிப்பிழந்துவிட்டது எனக் கூறுகிறார் ( எனவே, சரியான ஆசிரியர் சான்றுs "L. per Fr., 1821" என அமையவேண்டும். ஏனெனில், அகாரிகசு எனும் பெயரீடு தவுர்னேபோர்த்தின் பெயரீட்டுடன் இணைக்கப்படவில்லை. மேலும், இலின்னேயசு அகாரிகசு Dill., அமனிதா Dill. இரண்டையுமே இணைபெயராகக் கொள்கிறார். ஆனால், உண்மையில் அமனிதா Dill. க்கான பதிலீடு, A. quercinus, வகைமையே தவிர, A. campestris வகைமை ஆகாது. ஏலியாசு மாக்னசு பிரைசு அகாரிகசு பெயரை இலின்னேயசுவின் பொருளிலேயேகையாள்வதால் இந்த வினா மேலும் கூடுதல் வலுவடைகிறது ( இதனால், அமனிதா சிக்கல்களையும்), அ. கம்பெசுட்ரிசு சிக்கலையும் கார்சுட்டன் அகாரிகசு பெயரில் இருந்து தனிப்படுத்துகிறார். எனவே தான் அப்போது இலெபியோட்டா பற்றி தோக் எழுதும்போது, இங்கு வகைமைபேணல் என்பது ஒரு கட்டாயமாகிறது என வற்புறுத்துகிறார்.[8]

சாலியோட்டா பேரினத்தின் மாற்றுப்பெயர் வலயம் எனப் பொருள்படும் பண்டைய கிரேக்கச் சொல்லான psalion/ψάλιον, என்பதில் இருந்து பெறப்பட்டதாகும் எனச் சாலியோட்டா இனக்குழு பற்றி பிரைசு(1821) எழுதிய நூலில் முதலில் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார், இதன் வகைமை அகாரிகசு கம்பெசுட்ரிசு ஆகும். பரவலாக இது ஏற்கப்பட்டாலும், இயர்லே அ. கிரட்டெசியசு வை வகைமைப் பெயராக முன்மொழிகிறார். பவுல் கும்மர் தான் முதலில் சாலியோட்டா இனக்குழுவை பேரின மட்டத்துக்கு உயர்த்தினார். சாலியோட்டா முன்பு அகாரிகசுவை உள்ளடக்கியது. எனவே பிரிக்கப்பட்ட பிறகு எஞ்சிய பேரினத்தின் பெயரை மாற்றிப் பெயரிடவேண்டும். ஆனால் அப்படியான மாற்றம் ஏதும் நிகழவில்லை.[9]

தொகுதி மரபியல்


  1. "Synonymy: Agaricus L., Sp. pl. 2: 1171 (1753)". Index Fungorum. CAB International. பார்த்த நாள் 2013-08-29.
  2. Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21–24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  3. Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy
  4. Wakesfield E. (1940). "Nomina genérica conservando. Contributions from the Nomenclature Committee of the British Mycological Society, III". Transactions of the British Mycological Society 24 (3–4): 282–293. doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(40)80028-4.
  5. Rolfe R. T., Rolfe F. W. (1874). "The derivation of fungus names". The Romance of the Fungus World. Courier Corporation. பக். 292–293. பன்னாட்டுத் தரப்புத்தக எண்:9780486231051. https://books.google.com/books?id=BQBNC8pABzoC&pg=PA293&dq=Agarum.
  6. R. Talbert, தொகுப்பாசிரியர் (2000). "Map 84. Maeotis". Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World. Princeton University Press.
  7. W. Smith, தொகுப்பாசிரியர் (1854). "Agari". Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Vol.I. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. பக். 72. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0064:entry=agari-geo&highlight=agarum. (on Google Books, on archive.org)
  8. Donk, M.A. (1962). "The generic names proposed for Agaricaceae". Beiheifte zur Nova Hedwigia 5: 1–320. பன்னாட்டுத் தர தொடர் எண்:0078-2238.
  9. Donk, M.A. (1962). "The generic names proposed for Agaricaceae". Beiheifte zur Nova Hedwigia 5: 1–320. ISSN 0078-2238

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விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

அகாரிகசு: Brief Summary ( tamil )

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அகாரிகசு (Agaricus) எம்பது காளான்களின் பேரினமாகும். இதில் உண்ணத்தகும் காளாண்களும் நச்சுக் காளாண்கலும் அமைகின்றன. இதில் உலக முழுவதும் 300 இனங்கள் உள்ளன. னைந்தப் பேரினத்தில் மேற்கத்திய நாடுகளில் பரவலாகப் பயிரிடப்படும் இயல்புப் பொத்தான் அல்லது குடைக் காளான் இனமான ( அகாரிகசு பைபோரசு) , வயற் காளானான ([ஆகாரிகசு கம்பெசுட்ரிசு|அ. கம்பெசுட்ரிசு]]) ஆகியனவும் அடங்கும்.

இப் பேரினத்தில் உள்ள இனங்கள் சதைப்பற்றுள்ள பொத்தான் அல்லது குடை வடிவக் கவிப்பு உச்சியில் அமையும். பொத்தான் அடியில் மெல்லிய ஆரத்தகடுகள் அல்லது விதைபைகள் வளரும். இபைகளில் விதைத்தூள்கள் உருவாகின்றன.லிந்த இனங்கள் அகாரிகேசியே குடும்பத்தின் பிஅ இனங்களில் இருந்து பழுப்புநிற விதைத்தூள்காளால் வேறுபடுகின்றன. அகாரிகசு இனங்களில் இக்குடைக்குக் கீழாக பூத்த தண்டு அவை அமைந்த பொருளில் அல்லது அடித்தளத்தில் இருந்து குடையை மேல்தூக்கிப் பிடிக்கிறது. இத்தண்டின் மேலமைந்த காப்புறை வளரும் விதைப்பைகளைக் காப்பாற்றி, பிறகு தண்டின் மேற்பகுதியில் வலயமாக மாறிவிடும்.

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விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

Agaricus ( Anglèis )

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Agaricus is a genus of mushrooms containing both edible and poisonous species, with over 400 members worldwide[2][3] and possibly again as many disputed or newly-discovered species. The genus includes the common ("button") mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and the field mushroom (A. campestris), the dominant cultivated mushrooms of the West.

Members of Agaricus are characterized by having a fleshy cap or pileus, from the underside of which grow a number of radiating plates or gills, on which are produced the naked spores. They are distinguished from other members of their family, Agaricaceae, by their chocolate-brown spores. Members of Agaricus also have a stem or stipe, which elevates it above the object on which the mushroom grows, or substrate, and a partial veil, which protects the developing gills and later forms a ring or annulus on the stalk.

The genus contains the most widely consumed and best-known mushroom today, A. bisporus, with A. arvensis, A. campestris and A. subrufescens also being well-known and highly regarded. A. porphyrocephalus is a choice edible when young,[4] and many others are edible as well, namely members of sections Agaricus, Arvense, Duploannulatae and Sanguinolenti.[5][6]

A notable group of poisonous Agaricus is the clade around the yellow-staining mushroom, A. xanthodermus.[7] One species reported from Africa, A. aurantioviolaceus, is reportedly deadly poisonous.[8]

The white form of the death cap Amanita is often mistaken for edible Agaricus, with fatal results

Far more dangerous is the fact that Agaricus, when still young and most valuable for eating, are easily confused with several deadly species of Amanita (in particular the species collectively called "destroying angels", as well as the white form of the appropriately-named "death cap" Amanita phalloides), as well as some other highly poisonous fungi. An easy way to recognize Amanita is the gills, which remain whitish at all times in that genus. In Agaricus, by contrast, the gills are only initially white, turning dull pink as they mature, and eventually the typical chocolate-brown as the spores are released.

Even so, Agaricus should generally be avoided by inexperienced collectors, since other harmful species are not as easily recognized, and clearly recognizable mature Agaricus are often too soft and maggot-infested for eating. When collecting Agaricus for food, it is important to identify every individual specimen with certainty, since one Amanita fungus of the most poisonous species is sufficient to kill an adult human – even the shed spores of a discarded specimen are suspected to cause life-threatening poisoning. Confusing poisonous Amanita with an edible Agaricus is the most frequent cause of fatal mushroom poisonings world-wide.

Reacting to some distributors marketing dried agaricus or agaricus extract to cancer patients, it has been identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a "fake cancer 'cure'".[9] The species most often sold as such quack cures is A. subrufescens, which is often referred to by the erroneous name "Agaricus Blazei" and advertised by fanciful trade names such as "God's mushroom" or "mushroom of life", but can cause allergic reactions and even liver damage if consumed in excessive amounts.[10]

Etymology and nomenclature

1855 field notes with synonymy of Hypophyllum (quoted literature) with Omphalia and Agaricus (added handwritten notes).

Several origins of genus name Agaricus have been proposed. It possibly originates from ancient Sarmatia Europaea, where people Agari, promontory Agarum and a river Agarus were known (all located on the northern shore of Sea of Azov, probably, near modern Berdiansk in Ukraine).[11][12][13]

Note also Greek ἀγαρικόν, agarikón, "a sort of tree fungus" (There has been an Agaricon Adans. genus, treated by Donk in Persoonia 1:180.)

For many years, members of the genus Agaricus were given the generic name Psalliota, and this can still be seen in older books on mushrooms. All proposals to conserve Agaricus against Psalliota or vice versa have so far been considered superfluous.[14]

Dok reports Linnaeus' name is devalidated (so the proper author citation apparently is "L. per Fr., 1821") because Agaricus was not linked to Tournefort's name. Linnaeus places both Agaricus Dill. and Amanita Dill. in synonymy, but truly a replacement for Amanita Dill., which would require A. quercinus, not A. campestris be the type. This question is compounded because Fries himself used Agaricus roughly in Linnaeus' sense (which leads to issues with Amanita), and A. campestris was eventually excluded from Agaricus by Karsten and was apparently in Lepiota at the time Donk wrote this, commenting that a type conservation might become necessary.[15]

The alternate name for the genus, Psalliota, derived from the Greek psalion/ψάλιον, "ring", was first published by Fries (1821) as trib. Psalliota. The type is Agaricus campestris (widely accepted, except by Earle, who proposed A. cretaceus). Paul Kummer (not Quélet, who merely excluded Stropharia) was the first to elevate the tribe to a genus. Psalliota was the tribe containing the type of Agaricus, so when separated, it should have caused the rest of the genus to be renamed, but this is not what happened.[16]

Systematics and taxonomy

The use of phylogenetic analysis to determine evolutionary relationships amongst Agaricus species has increased the understanding of this taxonomically difficult genus, although much work remains to be done to fully delineate infrageneric relationships. Prior to these analyses, the genus Agaricus, as circumscribed by Rolf Singer, was divided into 42 species grouped into five sections based on reactions of mushroom tissue to air or various chemical reagents, as well as subtle differences in mushroom morphology.[17] Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis demonstrated this classification scheme needed revision.[18]


As of 2018, this genus is divided into 6 subgenera and more than 20 sections:[5][19][20]

Brown field mushroom, Agaricus cupreobrunneus

Subgenus Agaricus

  • Section Agaricus
This is the group around the type species of the genus, the popular edible A. campestris which is common across the Holarctic temperate zone, and has been introduced to some other regions. One of the more ancient lineages of the genus, it contains species typically found in open grassland such as A. cupreobrunneus, and it also includes at least one undescribed species. Their cap surface is whitish to pale reddish-brown and smooth to slightly fibrous, the flesh usually without characteristic smell, fairly soft, whitish, and remaining so after injury, application of KOH, or Schäffer's test (aniline and HNO3). A. annae may also belong here, as might A. porphyrocephalus, but the flesh of the latter blushes red when bruised or cut, and it has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish when old; these traits are generally associated with subgenus Pseudochitonia, in particular section Chitonioides. The A. bresadolanus/radicatus/romagnesii group which may be one or several species is sometimes placed here, but may be quite distinct and belong to subgenus Spissicaules.

Subgenus Flavoagaricus

Traditionally contained about 20 rather large species similar to the horse mushroom A. arvensis in six subgroups. Today, several additional species are recognized – in particular in the A. arvensis species complex – and placed here, such as A. aestivalis, A. augustus, A. caroli, A. chionodermus, A. deserticola (formerly Longula texensis), A. fissuratus, A. inapertus (formerly Endoptychum depressum), A. macrocarpus, A. nivescens, A. osecanus, A. silvicola and the doubtfully distinct A. essettei, A. urinascens, and the disputed taxa A. abruptibulbus, A. albertii, A. altipes, A. albolutescens, A. brunneolus, A. excellens and A. macrosporus. It also includes A. subrufescens which started to be widely grown and traded under various obsolete and newly-invented names in the early 21st century, as well as the Floridan A. blazei with which the Brazilian A. subrufescens was often confused in the past. They have versatile heterothallic life cycles,[21] are found in a variety of often rather arid habitats, and typically have a smooth white to scaly light brown cap. The flesh, when bruised, usually turns distinctly yellow to pinkish in particular on the cap, while the end of the stalk may remain white; a marked yellow stain is caused by applying KOH. Their sweetish smell of aniseed or marzipan due to benzaldehyde and derived compounds distinguishes them from the section Xanthodermatei, as does a bright dark-orange to brownish-red coloration in Schäffer's test. Many members of this subgenus are highly regarded as food, and even medically beneficial, but at least some are known to accumulate cadmium and other highly toxic chemicals from the environment, and may not always be safe to eat.

Subgenus Minores

A group of buff-white to reddish-brown species. Often delicate and slender, the typical members of this subgenus do not resemble the larger Agaricus species at a casual glance, but have the same telltale chocolate-brown gills at spore maturity. Their flesh has a barely noticeable to pronounced sweetish smell, typically almond-like, turns yellowish to brownish-red when cut or bruised at least in the lower stalk, yellow to orange with KOH, and orange to red in Schäffer's test. Species such as A. aridicola (formerly known as Gyrophragmium dunalii), A. colpeteii, A. columellatus (formerly Araneosa columellata), A. diminutivus, A. dulcidulus, A. lamelliperditus, A. luteomaculatus, A. porphyrizon, A. semotus and A. xantholepis are included here, but delimitation to and indeed distinctness from subgenus Flavoagaricus is a long-standing controversy. Unlike these however, subgenus Minores contains no choice edible species, and may even include some slightly poisonous ones; most are simply too small to make collecting them for food worthwhile, and their edibility is unknown.
Includes A. leucocarpus.
Includes A. comtulus and A. huijsmanii.
  • Unnamed section
Includes A. candidolutescens and an undescribed relative.

Subgenus Minoriopsis

Somewhat reminiscent of subgenus Minores and like it closely related to subgenus Flavoagaricus, it contains species such as A. martinicensis and A. rufoaurantiacus.
Felt-ringed agaricus, Agaricus hondensis
Yellow-staining mushroom, Agaricus xanthoderma

Subgenus Pseudochitonia

This highly diverse clade of mid-sized to largish species makes up much the bulk of the genus' extant diversity, and this subgenus contains numerous as of yet undescribed species. It includes both the most prized edible as well as the most notoriously poisonous Agaricus, and some of its sections are in overall appearance more similar to the more distantly related Agaricus proper and Flavoagaricus than to their own closest relatives. Some species in this subgenus, such as A. goossensiae and A. rodmanii, are not yet robustly assigned to one of the sections.
Includes A. bohusii which resembles one of the dark-capped Flavoagaricus or Xanthodermatei but does not stain yellow with the standard (10%) KOH testing solution. It is a woodland species, edible when young, but when mature and easily distinguished from similar species it may be slightly poisonous. Other members of this section include A. crassisquamosus, A. haematinus, and A. pseudolangei.
A section notable for containing a considerable number of undescribed species in addition to A. bingensis, A. brunneopictus, A. brunneosquamulosus, A. chiangmaiensis, A. duplocingulatus, A. megacystidiatus, A. niveogranulatus, A. sordidocarpus, A. subsaharianus, and A. toluenolens.
Contains species such as A. bernardii and the doubtfully distinct A. bernardiiformis, A. gennadii, A. nevoi, A. pequinii, A. pilosporus and A. rollanii, which strongly resemble the members of section Duploannulatae and are as widely distributed. However, their flesh tends to discolor more strongly red when bruised or cut, with the discoloration slowly getting stronger. Their smell is usually also more pronounced umami-like, in some even intensely so. Some are edible and indeed considered especially well-tasting, while the unusual A. maleolens which may also belong here has an overpowering aroma which renders it inedible except perhaps in small amounts as a vegan fish sauce substitute.
Related to section Xanthodermatei as traditionally circumscribed, it includes such species as A. campestroides, A. lamellidistans, and A. variicystis.
  • Section Cymbiformes He, Chuankid, Hyde, Cheewangkoon & Zhao
A section proposed in 2018, it is closely related to the traditional section Xanthodermatei. The type species A. angusticystidiatus from Thailand is a smallish beige Agaricus with characteristic boat-shaped basidiospores. It has a strong unpleasant smell like members of section Xanthodermatei, but unlike these, its flesh does not change color when bruised, but turns dark reddish-brown when cut, and neither application of KOH nor Schäffer's test elicit a change in color.[20]
Traditionally often included in section Agaricus as subsection Bitorques, it seems to belong to a much younger radiation. It unites robust species, usually with a thick, almost fleshy ring, which inhabit diverse but often nutrient-rich locations. Some are well-known edibles; as they are frequently found along roads and in similar polluted places, they may not be safe to eat if collected from the wild. Their flesh is rather firm, white, with no characteristic smell, in some species turning markedly reddish when bruised or cut (though this may soon fade again), and generally changing color barely if at all after application of KOH or Schäffer's test. Based on DNA analysis of ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S sequences, the studied species of this section could be divided into six distinct clades, four of which correspond to well-known species from the temperate Northern Hemisphere: A. bisporus, A. bitorquis (and the doubtfully distinct A. edulis), A. cupressicola and A. vaporarius. The other two clades comprise the A. devoniensis (including A. subperonatus) and A. subfloccosus (including A. agrinferus) species complexes.[22] Additional members of this section not included in that study are A. cappellianus, A. cupressophilus, A. subsubensis, A. taeniatus, A. tlaxcalensis, and at least one undescribed species.[23] The cultivated mushrooms traded as A. sinodeliciosus also belong here, though their relationship to the A. devoniensis complex and A. vaporarius is unclear.
Includes A. erectosquamosus and A. pallidobrunneus; a more distant undescribed relative of these two may also belong in this section.
Traditionally included in section Xanthodermatei sensu lato, this clade may be included therein as the most basal branch, or considered a section in its own right. It includes such species as A. biannulatus, A. freirei and its North American relatives A. grandiomyces, A. hondensis, and probably also A. phaeolepidotus. They are very similar to section Xanthodermatei sensu stricto in all aspects, except for a weaker discoloration tending towards reddish rather than chrome yellow when bruised.
Includes A. biberi, A. caballeroi, A. desjardinii, A. erthyrosarx, A. fuscovelatus, A. nigrobrunnescens, A. padanus, A. pattersoniae, and probably also A. boisselettii.
Includes A. dolichopus, A. kunmingensis, A. magnivelaris, A. variabilicolor, and at least two undescribed species.
Usually found in woodland. Brownish cap with a fibrous surface, typically felt-like but sometimes scaly. The fairly soft flesh turns pink, blood-red or orange when cut or scraped, in particular the outer layer of the stalk, but does not change color after application of KOH or Schäffer's test. Some North American species traditionally placed here, such as A. amicosus and A. brunneofibrillosus, do not seem to be closely related to the section's type species A. silvaticus (including A. haemorrhoidarius which is sometimes considered a distinct species), and represent at least a distinct subsection. Other species often placed in this section are A. benesii, A. dilutibrunneus, A. impudicus, A. koelerionensis, A. langei and A. variegans; not all of these may actually belong here. They are generally (though not invariably) regarded as edible and tasty.
Includes the A. trisulphuratus species complex which is often placed in genus Cystoagaricus, but seems to be a true Agaricus closely related to the traditional section Xanthodermatei. Their stalk is typically bright yellow-orange, quite unlike that of other Agaricus, as is the scaly cap. A.trisulphuratus was the type species of the obsolete polyphyletic subgenus Lanagaricus, whose former species are now placed in various other sections.
As outlined by Singer in 1948, this section includes species with various characteristics similar to the type species A. xanthodermus.[24] The section forms a single clade based on analysis of ITS1+2.[25] They are either bright white all over, or have a cap densely flecked with brownish scales or tufts of fibers. The ring is usually large but thin and veil-like. Most inhabit woodland, and in general they have a more or less pronounced unpleasant smell of phenolic compounds such as hydroquinone. As food, they should all be avoided, because even though they are occasionally reported to be eaten without ill effect, the chemicals they contain give them a acrid, metallic taste, especially when cooked, and are liable to cause severe gastrointestinal upset. Their flesh at least in the lower stalk turns pale yellow to intensely reddish-ochre when bruised or cut; more characteristic however is the a bright yellow reaction with KOH while Schäffer's test is negative. Apart from A. xanthodermus, the core group of this section contains species such as A. atrodiscus, A. californicus, A. endoxanthus and the doubtfully distinct A. rotalis, A. fuscopunctatus, A. iodosmus, A. laskibarii, A. microvolvatulus, A. menieri, A. moelleri, A. murinocephalus, A. parvitigrinus, A. placomyces, A. pocillator, A. pseudopratensis, A. tibetensis, A. tollocanensis, A. tytthocarpus, A. xanthodermulus, A. xanthosarcus, as well as at least 4 undescribed species, and possibly A. cervinifolius and the doubtfully distinct A. infidus. Whether such species as A. bisporiticus, A. nigrogracilis and A. pilatianus are more closely related to the mostly Eurasian core group, or to the more basal lineage here separated as section Hondenses, requires clarification.

Subgenus Spissicaules

The flesh of members of this subgenus tends to turn more or less pronouncedly yellowish in the lower stalk, where the skin is often rough and scaly, and reddish in the cap. They typically resemble the darker members of subgenus Flavoagaricus, with a sweet smell and mild taste; like that subgenus, Spissicaules belongs to the smaller of the two main groups of the genus, but they form entirely different branch therein. While some species are held to be edible, others are considered unappetizing or even slightly poisonous. Also includes A. lanipes and A. maskae, which probably belong to section Rarolentes or Spissicaules, and possibly also A. bresadolanus and its doubtfully distinct relatives A. radicatus/romagnesii.
Includes A. amoenus and A. gratolens.
Includes A. albosquamosus and A. leucolepidotus.
Includes species such as A. leucotrichus/litoralis (of which A. spissicaulis is a synonym, but see also Geml et al. 2004[19]) and A. litoraloides. Most significantly, some species have a persistent and unpleasant rotting-wood smell entirely unlike the sweet aroma of Flavoagaricus, and while not known to be poisonous, are certainly unpalatable.
Includes A. brunneopilatus, A. linzhinensis and A. subrutilescens. Somewhat similar to section Sanguinolenti or the dark-capped species of section Xanthodermatei, but the flesh does not show a pronounced red or yellow color change when cut or bruised. Edibility is disputed.

Selected species

The fungal genus Agaricus as late as 2008 was believed to contain about 200 species worldwide[26] but since then, molecular phylogenetic studies have revalidated several disputed species, as well as resolved some species complexes, and aided in discovery and description of a wide range of mostly tropical species that were formerly unknown to science. As of 2020, the genus is believed to contain no less than 400 species, and possibly many more.

The medicinal mushroom known in Japan as Echigoshirayukidake (越後白雪茸) was initially also thought to be an Agaricus, either a subspecies of Agaricus "blazei"[27] (i.e. A. subrufescens), or a new species.[28] It was eventually identified as sclerotium of the crust-forming bark fungus Ceraceomyces tessulatus, which is not particularly closely related to Agaricus.

Several secotioid (puffball-like) fungi have in recent times be recognized as highly aberrant members of 'Agaricus, and are now included here. These typically inhabit deserts where few fungi – and even fewer of the familiar cap-and-stalk mushroom shape – grow. Another desert species, A. zelleri, was erroneously placed in the present genus and is now known as Gyrophragmium californicum]]. In addition, the scientific names Agaricus and – even more so – Psalliota were historically often used as a "wastebasket taxon" for any and all similar mushrooms, regardless of their actual relationships.

Species either confirmed or suspected to belong into this genus include:


  1. ^ "Synonymy: Agaricus L., Sp. pl. 2: 1171 (1753)". Index Fungorum. CAB International. Retrieved 2013-08-29.
  2. ^ Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21–24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  3. ^ Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy
  4. ^ a b Phillips 2010, p. 220.
  5. ^ a b Bon, Marcel (1987) The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North Western Europe. Hodder and Stoughton, ISBN 0 340 39935 X (paperback) ISBN 0 340 39953 8 (hardback)
  6. ^ Phillips 2010, pp. 219, 223.
  7. ^ Buczacki, Stefan; Shields, Chris; Ovenden, Denys (2012). Collins Fungi Guide: The most complete field guide to the mushrooms and toadstools of Britain & Ireland. HarperCollins UK. p. 49. ISBN 9780007242900.
  8. ^ Walleyn R; Rammeloo J. (1994). The Poisonous and Useful Fungi of Africa South of the Sahara. Scripta Botanica Belgica. Vol. 10. National Botanic Garden of Belgium. p. 10. ISBN 978-90-72619-22-8.
  9. ^ "187 Fake Cancer 'Cures' Consumers Should Avoid". U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Archived from the original on May 2, 2017. Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  10. ^ "Agaricus". Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. 2018. Retrieved 21 November 2018.
  11. ^ Rolfe R. T.; Rolfe F. W. (1874). "The derivation of fungus names". The Romance of the Fungus World. Courier Corporation. pp. 292–293. ISBN 9780486231051.
  12. ^ R. Talbert, ed. (2000). "Map 84. Maeotis". Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World. Princeton University Press.
  13. ^ W. Smith, ed. (1854). "Agari". Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Vol. I. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. p. 72. (on Google Books, on archive.org)
  14. ^ Wakesfield E. (1940). "Nomina genérica conservando. Contributions from the Nomenclature Committee of the British Mycological Society, III". Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 24 (3–4): 282–293. doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(40)80028-4.
  15. ^ Donk, M.A. (1962). "The generic names proposed for Agaricaceae". Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 5: 1–320. ISSN 0078-2238.
  16. ^ Donk, M.A. (1962). "The generic names proposed for Agaricaceae". Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 5: 1–320. ISSN 0078-2238
  17. ^ Singer, Rolf (1987). Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy. Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd. ISBN 978-3-7682-0143-8.
  18. ^ Bunyard BA, Nicholson MS, Royse DJ (December 1996). "Phylogeny of the genus Agaricus inferred from restriction analysis of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA". Fungal Genet Biol. 20 (4): 243–53. doi:10.1006/fgbi.1996.0039. PMID 9045755.
  19. ^ a b c Geml J, Geiser DM, Royse DJ (2004). "Molecular evolution of Agaricus species based on ITS and LSU rDNA sequences". Mycological Progress. 3 (2): 157–76. doi:10.1007/s11557-006-0086-8. S2CID 40265528.
  20. ^ a b He, Mao-Qiang; Chuankid, Boontiya; Hyde, Kevin D.; Cheewangkoon, Ratchadawan; Zhao, Rui-Lin (2018). "A new section and species of Agaricus subgenus Pseudochitonia from Thailand". MycoKeys. 40 (40): 53–67. doi:10.3897/mycokeys.40.26918. PMC 6160818. PMID 30271264.
  21. ^ Calvo-Bado L, Noble R, Challen M, Dobrovin-Pennington A, Elliott T (February 2000). "Sexuality and Genetic Identity in the Agaricus Section Arvenses". Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (2): 728–34. Bibcode:2000ApEnM..66..728C. doi:10.1128/AEM.66.2.728-734.2000. PMC 91888. PMID 10653743.
  22. ^ Challen MP, Kerrigan RW, Callac P (2003). "A phylogenetic reconstruction and emendation of Agaricus section Duploannulatae". Mycologia. 95 (1): 61–73. doi:10.2307/3761962. JSTOR 3761962. PMID 21156589.
  23. ^ a b c d Kerrigan RW, Callac P, Parra LA (2008). "New and rare taxa in Agaricus section Bivelares (Duploannulati)". Mycologia. 100 (6): 876–92. doi:10.3852/08-019. PMID 19202842. S2CID 25519596.
  24. ^ Singer R (1948). "Diagnoses Fungorum Novorum Agaricalium". Sydowia. 2: 26–42.
  25. ^ Kerrigan RW, Callac P, Guinberteau J, Challen MP, Parra LA (2005). "Agaricus section Xanthodermatei: a phylogenetic reconstruction with commentary on taxa". Mycologia. 97 (6): 1292–315. doi:10.3852/mycologia.97.6.1292. PMID 16722221.
  26. ^ Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford, UK: CAB International. p. 13. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8.
  27. ^ US 6120772A, Hitoshi Ito & Toshimitsu Sumiya, "Oral drugs for treating AIDS patients", issued 2000-09-19
  28. ^ Watanabe, T; Nakajima, Y; Konishi, T (2008). "In vitro and in vivo anti-oxidant activity of hot water extract of basidiomycetes-X, newly identified edible fungus" (PDF). Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 31 (1): 111–7. doi:10.1248/bpb.31.111. PMID 18175952. Retrieved 3 April 2018.
  29. ^ a b Phillips 2010, p. 219.
  30. ^ (1899). Spegazzini C. (1899). Fungi argentini novi vel critici. Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 24: 167–186.
  31. ^ Parra LA, Mua A, Cappelli A, Callac P (2012). "Agaricus biannulatus sp. nov., una nuova specie della sezione Xanthodermatei raccolta in Sardegna e Sicilia". Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea (in Italian). 26 (1): 3–30.
  32. ^ a b Thongklang N, Nawaz R, Khalid AN, Chen J, Hyde KD, Zhao R, Parra LA, Hanif M, Moinard M, Callac P (2014). "Morphological and molecular characterization of three Agaricus species from tropical Asia (Pakistan, Thailand) reveals a new group in section Xanthodermatei". Mycologia. 106 (6): 1220–32. doi:10.3852/14-076. PMID 25152000. S2CID 2119.
  33. ^ Parra LA (2005). "Nomenclatural study of the genus Agaricus L. (Agaricales, Basidiomycotina) of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands". Cuadernos de Trabajo Flora Micológica Ibérica. 21: 3–101.
  34. ^ Parra LA, Muñoz G, Callac P (2014). "Agaricus caballeroi sp. nov., una nueva especie de la sección Nigrobrunnescentes recolectada en España". Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea (in Spanish). 29 (1): 21–38.
  35. ^ a b Geml J, Laursen GA, Nusbaum HC, Taylor DL (2007). "Two new species of Agaricus from the subantarctic". Mycotaxon. 100: 193–208.
  36. ^ a b c d e Lebel T, Syme A (2011). "Sequestrate species of Agaricus and Macrolepiota from Australia: new species and combinations, and their position in a calibrated phylogeny". Mycologia. 104 (2): 496–520. doi:10.3852/11-092. PMID 22067305. S2CID 26266778.
  37. ^ Pilát A. (1951). The Bohemian species of the genus Agaricus. Prague, 142 pp.
  38. ^ a b Lebel T. (2013). "Two new species of sequestrate Agaricus (section Minores) from Australia". Mycological Progress. 12 (4): 699–707. doi:10.1007/s11557-012-0879-x. S2CID 18497645.
  39. ^ Murrill WA (1922). "Dark-spored agarics: III. Agaricus". Mycologia. 14 (4): 200–221. doi:10.2307/3753642. JSTOR 3753642.
  40. ^ Parra LA, Villarreal M, Esteve-Raventos F (2002). "Agaricus endoxanthus una specie tropicale trovata in Spagna". Rivista di Micologia. 45 (3): 225–233.
  41. ^ a b c d e f Kerrigan R (1985). "Studies in Agaricus III: New Species from California". Mycotaxon. 22: 419–434.
  42. ^ Parra LA, Arrillaga P (2002). "Agaricus laskibarii. A new species from French coastal sand-dunes of Seignosse". Doc Mycol. 31 (124): 33–38.
  43. ^ Phillips 2010, p. 223.
  44. ^ Remy L (1964). "Contribution a l'etude de la Flore mycologique Briangonnaise (Basidiomycetes et Discomycetes)". Bull. Trimestriel Soc. Mycol. France. 80: 459–585.
  45. ^ Nauta MM (1999). "The Mycoflora of the Falkland Islands: II. Notes on the genus Agaricus". Kew Bulletin. 54 (3): 621–635. doi:10.2307/4110859. JSTOR 4110859.
  46. ^ Phillips 2010, p. 224.
  47. ^ a b Tarafder, Entaj; Dutta, Arun Kumar; Acharya, Krishnendu (2022-03-29). "New species and new record in Agaricus subg. Minores from India". Turkish Journal of Botany. 46 (2): 183–195. doi:10.55730/1300-008X.2681. ISSN 1300-008X. S2CID 248936875.
  48. ^ Zhao R-L, Desjardin DE, Callac P, Parra LA, Guinberteau J, Soytong K, Karunarathna S, Zhang Y, Hyde KD (2012). "Two species of Agaricus sect. Xanthodermatei from Thailand". Mycotaxon. 122: 122–95. doi:10.5248/122.187.
  49. ^ a b Callac P, Guinberteau J (2005). "Morphological and molecular characterization of two novel species of Agaricus section Xanthodermatei". Mycologia. 97 (2): 416–24. doi:10.3852/mycologia.97.2.416. PMID 16396349.
  50. ^ Raithelhuber J (1986). "Nomina nova". Metrodiana. 14: 22.
  51. ^ Murrill, William (1922). "Dark-Spored Agarics". Mycologia. New York Botanical Garden. 14: 203.
  52. ^ Singer R, Moser M (1965). "Forest mycology and forest communities in South America". Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 26 (2–3): 129–191. doi:10.1007/BF02049773. S2CID 45170297.
  53. ^ Heinemann P (1986). "Agarici Austroamericani VI. Aperçu sur les Agaricus de Patagonie et de la Terre de Feu". Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 56 (3/4): 417–446. doi:10.2307/3668202. JSTOR 3668202.
  54. ^ Gerault A. (2005). Florule evolutive des basidiomycotina du Finistere – Homobasidiomycetes – Agaricales: 22.


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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Anglèis )

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Agaricus is a genus of mushrooms containing both edible and poisonous species, with over 400 members worldwide and possibly again as many disputed or newly-discovered species. The genus includes the common ("button") mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and the field mushroom (A. campestris), the dominant cultivated mushrooms of the West.

Members of Agaricus are characterized by having a fleshy cap or pileus, from the underside of which grow a number of radiating plates or gills, on which are produced the naked spores. They are distinguished from other members of their family, Agaricaceae, by their chocolate-brown spores. Members of Agaricus also have a stem or stipe, which elevates it above the object on which the mushroom grows, or substrate, and a partial veil, which protects the developing gills and later forms a ring or annulus on the stalk.

The genus contains the most widely consumed and best-known mushroom today, A. bisporus, with A. arvensis, A. campestris and A. subrufescens also being well-known and highly regarded. A. porphyrocephalus is a choice edible when young, and many others are edible as well, namely members of sections Agaricus, Arvense, Duploannulatae and Sanguinolenti.

A notable group of poisonous Agaricus is the clade around the yellow-staining mushroom, A. xanthodermus. One species reported from Africa, A. aurantioviolaceus, is reportedly deadly poisonous.

The white form of the death cap Amanita is often mistaken for edible Agaricus, with fatal results

Far more dangerous is the fact that Agaricus, when still young and most valuable for eating, are easily confused with several deadly species of Amanita (in particular the species collectively called "destroying angels", as well as the white form of the appropriately-named "death cap" Amanita phalloides), as well as some other highly poisonous fungi. An easy way to recognize Amanita is the gills, which remain whitish at all times in that genus. In Agaricus, by contrast, the gills are only initially white, turning dull pink as they mature, and eventually the typical chocolate-brown as the spores are released.

Even so, Agaricus should generally be avoided by inexperienced collectors, since other harmful species are not as easily recognized, and clearly recognizable mature Agaricus are often too soft and maggot-infested for eating. When collecting Agaricus for food, it is important to identify every individual specimen with certainty, since one Amanita fungus of the most poisonous species is sufficient to kill an adult human – even the shed spores of a discarded specimen are suspected to cause life-threatening poisoning. Confusing poisonous Amanita with an edible Agaricus is the most frequent cause of fatal mushroom poisonings world-wide.

Reacting to some distributors marketing dried agaricus or agaricus extract to cancer patients, it has been identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a "fake cancer 'cure'". The species most often sold as such quack cures is A. subrufescens, which is often referred to by the erroneous name "Agaricus Blazei" and advertised by fanciful trade names such as "God's mushroom" or "mushroom of life", but can cause allergic reactions and even liver damage if consumed in excessive amounts.

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Agariko ( Esperant )

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Agariko (Agaricus) estas genro de ombrelfungoj kun ringo kaj kun liberaj lamenoj unue rozaj, poste brunaj, finevolue nigraj, ne likviĝemaj; kosmopolita genro de ĉirkaŭ 200 specioj, pluraj manĝindaj, ekzemple la duspora agarikoĉampinjono (Agaricus bisporus).[1]


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Agariko: Brief Summary ( Esperant )

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Agariko (Agaricus) estas genro de ombrelfungoj kun ringo kaj kun liberaj lamenoj unue rozaj, poste brunaj, finevolue nigraj, ne likviĝemaj; kosmopolita genro de ĉirkaŭ 200 specioj, pluraj manĝindaj, ekzemple la duspora agariko aŭ ĉampinjono (Agaricus bisporus).

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Agaricus ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Agaricus (los agáricos) es un amplio género de hongos basidiomicetos que contiene tanto especies comestibles como venenosas. Se calcula que existen unas 300 especies de Agaricus en el mundo.[1][2]​ A este género pertenecen especies profusamente cultivadas, como el champiñón común (Agaricus bisporus).


Las especies de este género presentan generalmente fructificaciones carnosas, mayoritariamente de tamaño medio a grande; el sombrero es hemisférico inicialmente, después convexo y finalmente más o menos aplanado o ligeramente deprimido, de color blanquecino o parduzco. El pie es cilíndrico y tanto regular como engrosado o atenuado hacia la base; siempre porta un anillo, más o menos desarrollado, que puede ser persistente o caduco y se separa con facilidad de la carne del sombrero.

Las láminas (himenóforo) son libres, es decir no están fijadas al pie, densas, de color muy pálido al comienzo (blanquecino, grisáceo o rosáceo) después con matices rosados, sean fuertes o débiles, y finalmente de color marrón-negruzco. La carne suele ser densa y firme, de color blanquecino pero en contacto con el aire adquiere tonalidades rojizas o amarillentas, en ocasiones ligeras y en otras bastante intensas.

El olor varía de unas especies a otras, incluyendo los suavemente acidulados, con efluvios anisados, con reminiscencias de almendras amargas o francamente desagradable (cual fenol) en algunas especies cuya carne amarillea. La suma de olor desagradable y amarilleamiento de la carne desaconseja su consumo.

Cultivo en España

El municipio riojano de Pradejón constata su primer cultivo de champiñón en 1954, iniciándose el cultivo de forma profesional en 1962. En la década de 1970, se introdujo el cultivo de champiñón en la localidad conquense de Villanueva de la Jara, para evitar la emigración a las grandes ciudades españolas. En la actualidad tanto Villanueva de la Jara como el resto de la comarca de La Manchuela es la mayor productora de este hongo en toda España. También se produce gran cantidad de Champiñón en La Rioja, Navarra y en algunas comarcas de León, Zamora y Salamanca.

Especies (selección)

La mayoría de los champiñones son comestibles. Especies tóxicas como Agaricus xanthoderma se caracterizan por un cambio de color en amarillo cromo cuando se lo corta. Algunas especies de este género son:


  1. Bas, C. (1991). «A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus». En L.J.L.D. Van Griensven, ed. Genetics and breeding of Agaricus'. Pudoc, Wageningen. pp. 21-24.
  2. Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Agaricus (los agáricos) es un amplio género de hongos basidiomicetos que contiene tanto especies comestibles como venenosas. Se calcula que existen unas 300 especies de Agaricus en el mundo.​​ A este género pertenecen especies profusamente cultivadas, como el champiñón común (Agaricus bisporus).

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Agaricus ( Basch )

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Agaricus Agaricaceae familiako onddoen genero bat da. Mundu osoan banatutako 300 espezie inguruz osatuta dago, eta haien artean batzuk perretxiko jangarriak izaten dira (esaterako Agaricus campestris barrengorria), baina beste batzuk pozoitsuak dira (adibidez Agaricus xanthodermus).


Genero honetako basidiokarpoek txapela (edo pileo) haragitsua, oina (edo estipea) eta lamina askeak edukitzeagatik defini ditzakegu, adiera zabalean. Perretxiko heterogeneoak dira: laminak estipetik libre egongo dira. Lamina hauetan esporak garatuko dira, eta bertatik askatuko dira. Normalean, esporak marroi-beltz kolorekoak izango dira, eta hori dela-eta, laminak perretxikoaren heldutasunean belztu edo ilundu ohi dira[1].

Sarritan, Agaricaceae familiako kide asko bezala, perretxikoek eraztuna aurkeztu dezakete oinaren erdialdean, garapen parabelangiokarpikoaren ondorio bezala.


Genero honen barruan, Agaricus bisporus (barrengorri ere deitua) espeziea bereziki aipagarria da, komertzialki balore garrantzitsua hartu duelako. Bere jatorria Europako eta Ipar Amerikako larreetan dauka, baina gaur egun 70 herrialde baino gehiagotan dago kultibatuta eta komertzializatuta [2].

Ikusi izan da A. bisporus ale “basatiak” eta kultibatutakoek kolore desberdinak gara ditzaketela, 1926an garatu eta komertzializatu zen mutazio baten eraginez[3] .

Euskal Herrian

Euskal Herrian Agaricus generoko espezierik deigarrienak Agaricus campestris, Agaricus xanthodermus, Agaricus arvensis eta Agaricus sylvaticus dira.

A. campestris eta A. sylvaticus onddo jangarriak dira, mendian topatu daitezke. A. campestris larreetan topatu daiteke, Abuztu-Urria aldera, eta A. sylvaticus konifero-basoetan topatu daiteke, askotan taldekaturik.

Agaricus xanthodermus perretxiko toxikoa da eta ez da kontsumoa gomendatzen. Nahiz eta A. arvensis-ekin nahastu daitekeen, identifikazioa nahiko erraza da: A. xanthodermus-ek kontaktu-guneetan kolore hori bat garatzen du, bereziki estipe aldean. Gainera, usain desatsegin bat izan ohi du.


  1. «Plantas y Hongos» www.plantasyhongos.es . Noiz kontsultatua: 2019-02-05.
  2. Benkert, D. (1985-10) «Capelli, A.,Agaricus L.: FR. SS. KARSTEN (Psalliota FR.). Fungi Europaei 1. 558 S., zahlr. SW-Zeichnungen, 70 Farbtaf. Libreria editrice Biella Giovanna. Saronno, 1984» Feddes Repertorium (7-10): 650–650 doi:10.1002/fedr.4910960726 ISSN 0014-8962 . Noiz kontsultatua: 2019-02-05.
  3. Roy., Genders, (1969) Mushroom growing for everyone. Faber ISBN 0571089925 PMC 58930 . Noiz kontsultatua: 2019-02-05.

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Basch )

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Agaricus Agaricaceae familiako onddoen genero bat da. Mundu osoan banatutako 300 espezie inguruz osatuta dago, eta haien artean batzuk perretxiko jangarriak izaten dira (esaterako Agaricus campestris barrengorria), baina beste batzuk pozoitsuak dira (adibidez Agaricus xanthodermus).

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Herkkusienet ( Finlandèis )

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Herkkusienet (Agaricus) on helttasienten suku, johon saattaa kuulua yli 300 lajia. Joukossa on sekä myrkkysieniä että merkittäviä ruokasieniä. Joitakin lajeja viljellään ravinnoksi.

Suomen herkkusienet tunnetaan huonosti. Kun pyritään tarkkaan lajinmääritykseen, törmätään heti kahteen ongelmaan. Ensimmäinen on lähes kaaosmainen nimistön kirjavuus, jota ei ainakaan helpota se, että monet tutkijat yhdistelevät nimiä synonyymeiksi toisistaan poikkeavasti. Pahimmillaan saattaa yhdellä (tai useammalla?) lajilla olla jopa kahdeksan eri nimeä.[2] Toisaalta eri auktorit käyttävät samaa nimeä selvästi eri lajeista.

Alkuaan Agaricus-suku merkitsi yleensä helttasientä, kunnes Fries alkoi jakaa sitä alasukuihin, jotka on sittemmin nostettu itsenäisen suvun arvoon. (Paul Kummer oli tässä aktiivinen.) Herkkusienet Fries merkitsi Psalliota-sukuun. Nykyisten nimistösääntöjen mukaan kuitenkin nimi Agaricus pitää säilyttää entisen merkityksensä tyypillisimmän osan nimenä. Näin Psalliota-nimi on jäänyt synonyymiksi ja Agaricus on tullut merkitsemään herkkusieniä. Tosin ranskalaiset ja eräät muutkin tutkijat suosivat edelleen Psalliota-nimeä

Itiöemän rakenne

Joitakin poikkeuksia (Leucoagaricus, Stropharia, Melanophyllum) lukuun ottamatta sieni on hyvin helppo määrittää herkkusieneksi. Sukuna se on lähes yhtä selväpiirteinen kuin esimerkiksi kärpässienten suku. Yhteisiä ominaisuuksia herkkusienille ovat muun muassa kuiva, ei sateellakaan limainen lakin pinta, rengas jalassa ja jalan helppo irtoavuus lakista. Jalan tyvessä ei ole kärpässienelle tyypillistä tuppea. Kosketeltaessa tai leikattaessa herkkusieni usein värjäytyy joko keltaiseksi tai punaiseksi. Heltat ovat nuoressa sienessä vaaleat, joko harmahtavat tai lihanpunaiset. Ne tummuvat iän myötä niin, että vanhan sienen heltat ovat liki mustat. Itiöpöly on suklaanruskeaa. Nämä kaksi viimeistä ominaisuutta ovatkin varmin tapa erottaa herkkusieni tappavan myrkyllisestä valkokärpässienestä, jonka itiöpöly on valkoista ja heltat eivät vanhanakaan tummu.

Lakin halkaisija on tavallisesti 5-15 cm, kääpiöherkkusienillä vain 2-4 cm. Haju vaihtelee. Se voi olla miellyttävän sienimäinen, anista tai karvasmantelia muistuttava, mutta myös epämiellyttävä, karbolia, virtsaa, jodia tai raakaa kalaa muistuttava.


Parhaita herkkusienten kasvupaikkoja ovat vanhat puistonurmikot, suurten kuusien alustat, muurahaispesät, laidunniityt ja vastaavat. Myös rehevissä lehdoissa kasvaa oma lajistonsa.


Useimpien herkkusienten levinneisyyden pohjoisraja on Suomessa tutkimatta. Suku on kuitenkin eteläpainotteinen niin, että lajimäärä harvenee selvästi pohjoiseen mentäessä. Joitakin lajeja (esimerkiksi kuusiherkkusieni, nurmiherkkusieni ja peltoherkkusieni) voi kuitenkin löytää koko Suomesta aina Lappia myöten. Herkkusienilajeja lienee Suomessa runsaat 30.


Syötävyyden kannalta herkkusienet muodostavat ehkä kaikkein tärkeimmän sienisuvun. Läntisen maailman viljellyistä sienistä ne muodostavat edelleen leijonanosan. Luonnonvaraisistakin herkkusienistä useimmat ovat erittäin herkullisia. Myös niiden ravintoainekoostumus on herkkutatin ohella sienten parhaita. On kuitenkin vältettävä keräämästä varsinkaan kellertyviä herkkusieniä alueilta, joissa ne voivat kerätä raskasmetalleja ja muita saasteita. Lisäksi Suomessa esiintyy ainakin yksi lievästi myrkyllinen haisuherkkusieni (käytetty myös nimeä meriherkkusieni Agaricus bernardi). Sen sijaan varsinaista myrkkyherkkusientä (Agaricus xanthodermus) ei ole tavattu Suomesta.

Luettelo lajeista

Suomessa tavattavia herkkusieniä


  1. Taksonomian lähde: MycoBank Luettu 1.9.2008
  2. esim. anisherkkusienen synonyymit Index Fungorum]
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Ilkka Kytövuori, Ulla Nummela-Salo, Esteri Ohenoja, Pertti Salo ja Jukka Vauras: ”5.2 Helttasienten ja tattien ekologiataulukko”, Suomen helttasienten ja tattien ekologia, levinneisyys ja uhanalaisuus, s. 261. Suomen ympäristö 769. Helsinki: Suomen ympäristökeskus, 2005. URN:ISBN:9521119977, ISBN 952-11-1997-7 (PDF), ISBN 952-11-1996-9 (nid.). Teoksen verkkoversio (viitattu 5.5.2012). (suomeksi)
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Herkkusienet: Brief Summary ( Finlandèis )

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Herkkusienet (Agaricus) on helttasienten suku, johon saattaa kuulua yli 300 lajia. Joukossa on sekä myrkkysieniä että merkittäviä ruokasieniä. Joitakin lajeja viljellään ravinnoksi.

Suomen herkkusienet tunnetaan huonosti. Kun pyritään tarkkaan lajinmääritykseen, törmätään heti kahteen ongelmaan. Ensimmäinen on lähes kaaosmainen nimistön kirjavuus, jota ei ainakaan helpota se, että monet tutkijat yhdistelevät nimiä synonyymeiksi toisistaan poikkeavasti. Pahimmillaan saattaa yhdellä (tai useammalla?) lajilla olla jopa kahdeksan eri nimeä. Toisaalta eri auktorit käyttävät samaa nimeä selvästi eri lajeista.

Alkuaan Agaricus-suku merkitsi yleensä helttasientä, kunnes Fries alkoi jakaa sitä alasukuihin, jotka on sittemmin nostettu itsenäisen suvun arvoon. (Paul Kummer oli tässä aktiivinen.) Herkkusienet Fries merkitsi Psalliota-sukuun. Nykyisten nimistösääntöjen mukaan kuitenkin nimi Agaricus pitää säilyttää entisen merkityksensä tyypillisimmän osan nimenä. Näin Psalliota-nimi on jäänyt synonyymiksi ja Agaricus on tullut merkitsemään herkkusieniä. Tosin ranskalaiset ja eräät muutkin tutkijat suosivat edelleen Psalliota-nimeälähde?.

Toinen vaikeus on selvien tuntomerkkien epämääräisyys ja suuri vaihtelevuus. Sen seurauksena eri lajien tuntomerkit menevät osaksi päällekkäin. Tämä hankaloittaa varsinkin ns. kulttuurilajien tarkkaa määritystä. Yleensä tarkkaan lajinmääritykseen tarvitaan lisäksi mikroskooppista ja kemiallista tutkimusta.

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Agaric ( Fransèis )

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Les Agarics, aussi appelés Psalliotes[1], sont des champignons à lames basidiomycètes du genre Agaricus, appartenant à la famille des agaricacées. Il en existe de très nombreuses espèces, qui, pour la plupart, se ressemblent fortement. Certains espèces sont comestibles, mais d'autres sont toxiques, comme l'agaric jaunissant (Agaricus xanthodermus). L'espèce la plus consommée est Agaricus bisporus, cultivé de façon industrielle en champignonnière sous le nom de champignon de Paris. Les espèces « sauvages » croissent de façon souvent abondante, dès les premières pluies de l'été, dans les prés et les taillis, parfois dans les bois clairs.


Plusieurs origines du nom de genre Agaricus ont été proposées. Il provient peut-être de l'ancien pays Sarmates, où sont connus le peuple Agari (tribu des Agaragantes (en)), le promontoire Agarum et une rivière Agarus, tous situés sur la rive nord de la mer d'Azov, probablement, près de l'actuelle ville de Berdiansk (Ukraine)[2],[3],[4].

A. de Théis écrivait en 1810 :

« Comme la plupart de ces plantes croissent en Grèce, il est à croire que le nom d'Agaric n'exprime pas le lieu où on les trouvait, mais l'usage habituel qu'en faisaient les habitants d'Agarie. Les Sarmates ont de tout temps mangé un grand nombre d'espèces de champignons, même de celles qui parmi nous sont réputés vénéneuses[5]. »

On note également le grec ἀγαρικόν / agarikón, « sorte de champignon ». Il y eut aussi un genre Agaricon [Tourn.] Adans[6].

Le mot Agaricus n'a cependant aucune parenté avec Agarum (nom de genre d'algues Phaeophyceae) dont l'étymologie est tout à fait différente.


Les lamelles d'un champignon de Paris

Les agarics sont des champignons dont les lamelles, libres, sont roses lorsque le champignon est jeune, puis brun-noir à noires lorsqu'il vieillit[7].
La sporée visible sur les chapeaux inférieurs, est brune noirâtre ou noire[7].
Le chapeau, charnu, généralement lisse et blanc chez les exemplaires jeunes, se recouvre ensuite de fibrilles ou de squames de couleur ocrée à mesure qu'il s'ouvre[7].
Le pied est au départ rattaché au chapeau par un voile partiel, qui se transforme ensuite en anneau. Il peut facilement se séparer du chapeau. Il ne porte pas de volve, ce qui permet, entre autres caractéristiques, de distinguer les agarics des amanites blanches mortelles. Une confusion est également possible avec certaines petites lépiotes, mais ces dernières ont des lamelles et des spores blanches[7].

Principales espèces

Boule de neige (Agaricus arvensis)
Agaricus Mushroom, Parc national Mont Cameroun
  • Agaricus arvensis : agaric des jachères. Parfois appelé boule de neige, c'est un des plus grands agarics, poussant dans les prairies et les endroits découverts. Son chapeau hémisphérique est généralement blanc. Il se distingue des espèces voisines par son odeur anisée assez prononcée et son anneau, dont le bas forme une sorte de roue d'engrenage.
  • Agaricus bisporus : agaric bispore. Rare à l'état sauvage, il est cultivé sous le nom de champignon de Paris.
  • Agaricus bitorquis : agaric des trottoirs. Connu pour percer le bitume des trottoirs urbains.
  • Agaricus campestris : agaric champêtre, appelé aussi rosé des prés. Sans doute le meilleur de tous les agarics, il pousse en groupes importants dans les prés. Le chapeau est blanchâtre, généralement fibrilleux. Les lamelles sont rose vif puis brunes. On le reconnaît en outre à sa forte odeur fongique (odeur de champignon).
  • Agaricus silvaticus : agaric sylvatique ou agaric des forêts. Rencontré essentiellement dans les forêts de conifères. Son chapeau est recouvert de nombreuses écailles brunes. Sa chair rosit fortement à la cassure ou au froissement. Forte odeur fongique. Excellent comestible.
  • Agaricus silvicola : agaric sylvicole, appelé aussi boule de neige des bois. Comme son nom l'indique, cet agaric pousse dans les bois ou les forêts de feuillus. Assez semblable à A. arvensis, il a comme lui une forte odeur d'anis et d'amande (alcool benzylique, anisaldéhyde). Son chapeau est souvent nuancé de jaune. Très bon comestible (se méfier des risques de confusion avec les amanites blanches, et donc bien vérifier la couleur des lamelles et l'absence de volve).
  • Agaricus xanthodermus : agaric jaunissant. Pourrait être confondu avec le précédent, mais son odeur de phénol, plutôt désagréable, n'évoque en rien l'anis. De plus, il jaunit fortement si on le frotte avec le dos de l'ongle. Il pousse surtout à la lisière des bois. Il contient des dérivés du phénol qui irritent le tube digestif (toxique).



Des études dites d'« estimations de l'horloge moléculaire » pour évaluer l'âge de séparation du genre Agaricus de ses plus proches parents biologiques, situent cette séparation entre 33 et 73 millions d'années[8].


L'agaric pouvait être un des multiples constituants de la thériaque de la pharmacopée maritime occidentale au XVIIIe siècle[9].


Les Agarics sont victimes de la voracité d'insectes mycophages, tels que Diaperis boleti, Ula macroptera[10].


Presque tous les agarics sont comestibles (à quelques exceptions comme l'agaric jaunissant Agaricus xanthodermus), et d'excellente réputation culinaire.

Cependant, certaines espèces peuvent être confondues avec des amanites toxiques ressemblantes (comme Amanita virosa), qui s'en distinguent cependant par le pied et quelques autres caractéristiques.


Liste de 73 espèces du genre Agaricus

Le genre Agaricus contient environ 200 espèces dans le monde[11]

Agaric des champs Agaricus campestris
Coprinellus micaceus
Macrolepiota Procera



(en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .
  1. Société mycologique de France, « Les noms français des champignons », sur Mycofrance.fr (consulté le 30 octobre 2020).
  2. >Rolfe R. T. et Rolfe F. W., The Romance of the Fungus World, Courier Corporation, 1874, 292–293 p. (ISBN 9780486231051), « The derivation of fungus names »
  3. Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Princeton University Press, 2000, « Map 84. Maeotis »
  4. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, vol. Vol.I, Boston, Little, Brown, and Company, 1854, « Agari », p. 72 (on Google Books, on archive.org)
  5. A. de Théis. Glossaire de botanique. Dictionnaire étymologique de tous les noms et termes relatifs à cette science. Paris, 1810 : lire en ligne
  6. (en) [PDF] M.A. Donk. The generic names proposed for Polyporaceae. Additions and corrections. Persoonia, Volume 2, Part 2, pp. 201-210. Rijksherbarium, Leiden, 1962 : lire en ligne
  7. a b c et d Raymond Braconnier, Jacques Glandard, Nouveau Larousse agricole, Librairie Larousse, 1958, p. 342
  8. Geml, J., Geiser, D.M & Royse, D.J., « Molecular evolution of Agaricus species based on ITS and LSU rDNA sequences. », Mycological Progress, vol. 3, no 2,‎ mai 2004, p. 157-176 (DOI , lire en ligne)
  9. D'après Maistral, in Yannick Romieux, De la hune au mortier, Éditions ACL, Nantes, 1986.
  10. Rémi Coutin, « Insectes mycophages », Insectes, vol. 3, no 138,‎ 2005, p. 4-5 (lire en ligne)
  11. (en) Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA., Dictionary of the Fungi, Wallingford, UK, CABI, 2008, 10th éd. (ISBN 978-0851998268), p. 13
  12. a et b Pilát A. (1951). The bohemian species of the genus Agaricus. Prague, 142 pp.
  13. a et b Murrill WA. (1922). Dark-spored agarics: III. Agaricus. Mycologia 14(4): 200-221.
  14. (1899). Spegazzini C. (1899). Fungi argentini novi vel critici. Anales Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 24: 167-186.
  15. Peck CH. (1895). New species of Fungi. Bull Torrey Bot Club 22: 198–211.
  16. a et b Geml J, Laursen GA, Nusbaum HC, Taylor DL. (2007). Two new species of Agaricus from the subantarctic. Mycotaxon 100: 193-208.
  17. a b c d et e (en) Lebel T, Syme A., « Sequestrate species of Agaricus and Macrolepiota from Australia: new species and combinations, and their position in a calibrated phylogeny », Mycologia,‎ 2011 (DOI )
  18. Parra LA, Villarreal M, Esteve-Raventos F. (2002). Agaricus endoxanthus una specie tropicale trovata in Spagna. Rivista di Micologia 45(3): 225–233.
  19. Parra LA, Arrillaga P. (2002). Agaricus laskibarii. A new species from French coastal sand-dunes of Seignosse. Doc Mycol 31(124): 33–38.
  20. Remy L. (1964). Contribution à l'étude de la flore mycologique briangonnaise (Basidiomycetes et Discomycetes). Bull. trimestriel Soc. Mycol. France 80: 459-585.
  21. Nauta MM. (1999). The Mycoflora of the Falkland Islands: II. Notes on the genus Agaricus. Kew Bulletin 54(3): 621-635.
  22. a et b (en) Callac P, Guinberteau J, « Morphological and molecular characterization of two novel species of Agaricus section Xanthodermatei », Mycologia, vol. 97, no 2,‎ 2005, p. 416–24 (PMID , DOI )
  23. Raithelhuber J. (1986). Nomina nova. Metrodiana 14: 22.
  24. Singer R, Moser M. (1965). Forest mycology and forest communities in South America. Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 26: 129-191.
  25. Heinemann P. (1986). Agarici Austroamericani VI. Aperçu sur les Agaricus de Patagonie et de la Terre de Feu. Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 56: 417-446.
  26. Gerault, A. 2005. Florule évolutive des basidiomycotina du Finistère - Homobasidiomycetes - Agaricales: 22.

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Agaric: Brief Summary ( Fransèis )

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Les Agarics, aussi appelés Psalliotes, sont des champignons à lames basidiomycètes du genre Agaricus, appartenant à la famille des agaricacées. Il en existe de très nombreuses espèces, qui, pour la plupart, se ressemblent fortement. Certains espèces sont comestibles, mais d'autres sont toxiques, comme l'agaric jaunissant (Agaricus xanthodermus). L'espèce la plus consommée est Agaricus bisporus, cultivé de façon industrielle en champignonnière sous le nom de champignon de Paris. Les espèces « sauvages » croissent de façon souvent abondante, dès les premières pluies de l'été, dans les prés et les taillis, parfois dans les bois clairs.

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Champiñón ( Galissian )

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Os champiñóns (do francés champignon, procedente do latín vulgar campiniolus, derivado de campania ‘do campo’)[1] chamados formalmente agáricos[2] e tamén chamados cogordas[3] son fungos do xénero Agaricus. O máis coñecido é o champiñón común Agaricus bisporus.

Trátase dun cogomelo de cor branca, co sombreiro redondo, que cando chega á súa madurez esténdese, pero sempre co bordo cara a dentro. As láminas son brancas en principio, pasando a rosadas e despois marróns. É comestíbel, e se ten as láminas de cor marrón, é mellor quitarllas.

Especies (selección)

Artigo principal: Especies do xénero Agaricus.

En Galiza existen varias especies bravas coma o fungo dos lameiros ou fungo pequeno das febras (Agaricus campestris), a bóla de neve (Agaricus arvensis) ou a bóla de neve dos bosques (Agaricus silvicola). A maioría dos champiñóns son comestíbeis. Especies tóxicas como Agaricus xanthoderma caracterízanse por un cambio de cor en amarelo cromo cando se cortan. Algunhas especies salientábeis deste xénero son:


  1. "Champiñón". Portal das Palabras. Consultado o 22 de outubro.
  2. Nome recomendado para o xénero polo Gran dicionario Xerais de lingua galega, Vigo, Xerais, 2009
    Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para agárico.
  3. Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para cogorda.
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Champiñón: Brief Summary ( Galissian )

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 src= Champiñóns

Os champiñóns (do francés champignon, procedente do latín vulgar campiniolus, derivado de campania ‘do campo’) chamados formalmente agáricos e tamén chamados cogordas son fungos do xénero Agaricus. O máis coñecido é o champiñón común Agaricus bisporus.

Trátase dun cogomelo de cor branca, co sombreiro redondo, que cando chega á súa madurez esténdese, pero sempre co bordo cara a dentro. As láminas son brancas en principio, pasando a rosadas e despois marróns. É comestíbel, e se ten as láminas de cor marrón, é mellor quitarllas.

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Agaricus ( Indonesian )

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Agaricus adalah genus dari jamur yang mengandung baik spesies yang dapat dimakan dan beracun, dengan kemungkinan lebih dari 300 anggota di seluruh dunia.[2][3] Genus ini mencakup jamur kancing (Agaricus bisporus) dan jamur field (Agaricus campestris), yang merupakan jamur yang dibudidayakan yang dominan di Barat.

Anggota Agaricus ditandai dengan tudung atau pileus berdaging, dari sisi bawah pileus tumbuh sejumlah lempeng atau insang yang memancar yang merupakan tempat memproduksi spora telanjang. Mereka dibedakan dari anggota lain dari familia mereka, Agaricaceae, dengan spora coklat mereka. Anggota Agaricus juga memiliki tangkai atau stipe, yang mengangkat jamur di atas objek tempat jamur tumbuh atau substrat, dan partial veil, yang melindungi insang yang sedang berkembang dan kemudian membentuk cincin atau anulus pada tangkai.

Lihat pula

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ "Synonymy: Agaricus L., Sp. pl. 2: 1171 (1753)". Index Fungorum. CAB International. Diakses tanggal 2013-08-29.
  2. ^ Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21–24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  3. ^ Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy

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Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag dengan nama "Rolfe_1974" yang didefinisikan di tidak digunakan pada teks sebelumnya.
Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag dengan nama "Smith_1854" yang didefinisikan di tidak digunakan pada teks sebelumnya.
Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag dengan nama "Wakesfield 1940" yang didefinisikan di tidak digunakan pada teks sebelumnya.

Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag dengan nama "Walleyn 1994" yang didefinisikan di tidak digunakan pada teks sebelumnya.

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Indonesian )

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Agaricus adalah genus dari jamur yang mengandung baik spesies yang dapat dimakan dan beracun, dengan kemungkinan lebih dari 300 anggota di seluruh dunia. Genus ini mencakup jamur kancing (Agaricus bisporus) dan jamur field (Agaricus campestris), yang merupakan jamur yang dibudidayakan yang dominan di Barat.

Anggota Agaricus ditandai dengan tudung atau pileus berdaging, dari sisi bawah pileus tumbuh sejumlah lempeng atau insang yang memancar yang merupakan tempat memproduksi spora telanjang. Mereka dibedakan dari anggota lain dari familia mereka, Agaricaceae, dengan spora coklat mereka. Anggota Agaricus juga memiliki tangkai atau stipe, yang mengangkat jamur di atas objek tempat jamur tumbuh atau substrat, dan partial veil, yang melindungi insang yang sedang berkembang dan kemudian membentuk cincin atau anulus pada tangkai.

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Kempur ( Islandèis )

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Kempur sem áður hétu ætisveppir (fræðiheiti: Agaricus) eru stór ættkvísl hattsveppa. Ættkvíslin telur yfir 200 tegundir sem margar eru ætar en þar sem sumar eru eitraðar þótti rétt að kalla þessa sveppi eitthvað annað en ætisveppi og heita þeir því kempur. Ættkvíslin telur tvo algengustu matsveppi heims, matkempu (Agaricus bisporus) og túnkempu (Agaricus campestris) en sá fyrrnefndi er algengasti ræktaði sveppur í heimi.

Einkenni kempna (ættkvíslarinnar Agaricus) eru kjötmikill hattur með fanir. Gróprentið er brúnt. Stafurinn er beinn og með leifar af hulu sem ver fanirnar á ungum sveppum en myndar síðan hring á stafnum.

 src= Þessi líffræðigrein er stubbur. Þú getur hjálpað til með því að bæta við greinina.
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Agaricus ( Italian )

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Agaricus L., 1753 è un genere di funghi basidiomiceti appartenente alla famiglia Agaricaceae che comprende specie di taglia varia.
Classico rappresentante di questo genere è il famoso "champignon", fungo coltivato per eccellenza (Agaricus bisporus).


Dal greco agarikón = campestre.

Descrizione del genere


Spesso squamoso.


Bianche prima dell'apertura dell'imenio, presto color bruno-cioccolato: i funghi che hanno questo tipo di lamelle vengono detti iantinosporei.


Sempre provvisto di anello.


Sporata bruno-cioccolato (funghi "iantinosporei").

Distribuzione e habitat

I funghi appartenenti a questo genere sono terricoli, crescono sia nei boschi che nei prati ricchi di humus.
Per la letteratura micologica classica sono saprofiti, recenti studi, tuttavia, riportano che, dopo una prima fase di sviluppo del micelio, in cui sono saprofite, molte specie di Agaricus tendono a legarsi attraverso rapporto mutualistico (simbiosi) con piante erbacee o arboree.

Commestibilità delle specie

Molte quelle commestibili, anche di elevato valore alimentare; diverse quelle non eduli, alcune più o meno tossiche (es. Agaricus xanthoderma).


Questo genere si divide in due sezioni: quella con carne e cuticola ingiallenti e quella con carne e cuticola imbrunenti.

Specie di Agaricus

La specie tipo è Agaricus campestris L. (1753); altre specie incluse sono:

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Agaricus L., 1753 è un genere di funghi basidiomiceti appartenente alla famiglia Agaricaceae che comprende specie di taglia varia.
Classico rappresentante di questo genere è il famoso "champignon", fungo coltivato per eccellenza (Agaricus bisporus).

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Agaricus ( Latin )

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Agaricus est magnum et grave fungorum genus, quod species et edules et venenatas comprehendit, fortasse plus quam 300 species per orbem terrarum habens.[1][2] Genus Agaricum bisporum communem fungum comprehendit, et Agaricum campestrem, regnantem fungum cultum Occidentis.


  1. C. Bas C., "A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus "Agaricus," in L. J. L. D. Van Griensven, ed., Genetics and breeding of 'Agaricus' (Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1991), 21–24.
  2. A. Capelli, Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.), in Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna (Saronno, Italia, 1984).

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( Latin )

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Agaricus est magnum et grave fungorum genus, quod species et edules et venenatas comprehendit, fortasse plus quam 300 species per orbem terrarum habens. Genus Agaricum bisporum communem fungum comprehendit, et Agaricum campestrem, regnantem fungum cultum Occidentis.

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Pievagrybis ( lituan )

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Pievagrybis (lot. agaricus) – pievagrybinių (agaricaceae) šeimos grybų gentis.

Grybai išaugina įvairaus dydžio vaisiakūnius, kurie yra balti, pilki, gelsvi ar rausvai rudi.
Trama mėsinga, balta, kai kurių rūšių paspaudus pakeičia spalvą į geltoną arba rausvą.
Lakšteliai laisvi, nuo subrendusių sporų nusidažo tamsiai ruda spalva.

Daugumos rūšių pievagrybiai yra valgomi.

Lietuvoje augančių pievagrybių rūšys


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Pievagrybis: Brief Summary ( lituan )

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Pievagrybis (lot. agaricus) – pievagrybinių (agaricaceae) šeimos grybų gentis.

Grybai išaugina įvairaus dydžio vaisiakūnius, kurie yra balti, pilki, gelsvi ar rausvai rudi.
Trama mėsinga, balta, kai kurių rūšių paspaudus pakeičia spalvą į geltoną arba rausvą.
Lakšteliai laisvi, nuo subrendusių sporų nusidažo tamsiai ruda spalva.

Daugumos rūšių pievagrybiai yra valgomi.

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Atmatenes ( léton )

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Atmatenes (Agaricus) ir atmateņu dzimtas sēņu ģints, kura satur ap 300 sugu. Vēsturiski atmatenēs sākumā iekļāva gandrīz visas lapiņu sēnes, pašlaik atmateņu ģintī ietilpst tikai savstarpēji ārēji un ģenētiski līdzīgas sugas. Ģints tipiskā suga ir lauka atmatene.[1] Latviskais ģints nosaukums norāda uz šo sēņu tipisku augšanas vietu — atmatu, bieži tiek lietots arī nosaukums "šampinjoni", kas franciski nozīmē vienkārši sēni. XX gadsimtā ilgstoši šo ģinti un tās sēnes latīniski apzīmēja Psalliota, tomēr tagad mikologi atgriezušies pie vecā nosaukuma.


  • Augļķermeņi: cepurīšu sēnes, lapiņu sēnes, masīvi, gaļīgi, parasti lietojami pārtikā.
  • Cepurīte: sākumā parasti olveida, tad zvanveida un pusapaļa, vēlāk izliekti izpletusies, var būt ar pauguru vidū. Sausa, gluda vai nedaudz zvīņaina ar tumšākām zvīņām, parasti balta vai bālgana līdz brūnganai.
  • Lapiņas: brīvas (nav pieaugušas kātiņam), ciešas, sākumā baltas, rozā vai pelēcīgas, sēnēm augot, sporu nogatavošanās rezultātā kļūst tumšākas līdz tumši brūnām un gandrīz melnām. Attīstības sākumā segtas ar daļējo plīvuru, kurš saplīst, cepurītei izplešoties, un tā atliekas ilgstoši paliek uz kātiņa kā gredzens un uz cepurītes malas kā nokareni lēveri.
  • Kātiņš: Viegli atdalāms no cepurītes, jo ir cietāks un šķiedraināks. Uz tā daļējā plīvura gredzens un bieži, īpaši dzeltējošo atmateņu grupai, arī otrais gredzens — ārējā plīvura atliekas.
  • Mīkstums: balts vai ar dzeltenīgu vai sārtu nokrāsu, griezuma vietā attiecīgi viegli dzeltē vai sārtojas. Vairāk šis efekts izteikts kātiņa pamatnē un cepurītes malās.
  • Sporas: dažādās brūnā nokrāsās. Ražo lielu sporu daudzumu (lauka atmatene līdz 2 miljardiem).[2][3]


Visas atmateņu sugas ir humusa, augsnes vai tās nedzīvās zemsedzes saprofītes un parasti aug trūdvielām bagātās vietās ganībās, pļavās vai pilsētu apstādījumos. Dažas atmateņu sugas izmanto meža nobiras un parasti aug mežos zem eglēm. Augļķermeņi pārsvarā parādās no jūlija līdz septembrim, labvēlīgos klimatiskos apstākļos no jūnija līdz oktobrim.

Latvijā droši atrastās atmateņu ģints sēnes

Latviskie nosaukumi Latīniskie nosaukumi Cildenā atmatene Agaricus augustus Dārza atmatene, divsporu atmatene Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus hortensis Dižsporu atmatene Agaricus urinascens, Agaricus macrosporus Dzeltējošā atmatene Agaricus sylvicola Indīgā atmatene Agaricus xanthodermus Lauka atmatene Agaricus campestris Meža atmatene Agaricus sylvaticus Milzu atmatene Agaricus subperonatus, Agaricus vaporarius Pilsētas atmatene Agaricus bitorquis Sarkanlapiņu atmatene Agaricus rusiophyllus Sarkstošā atmatene Agaricus langei, Agaricus haemorrhoidarius Sīkā atmatene Agaricus comtulus Smiltāju atmatene Agaricus devoniensis Tīruma atmatene Agaricus arvensis, Agaricus abruptibulbus Vīnsarkanā atmatene Agaricus semotus

Latvijā apstrīdami atrastās vai apstrīdami eksistējošās, bet aprakstītās kā atrastas vai ticamas atmateņu ģints sēņu sugas

Latviskie nosaukumi Latīniskie nosaukumi Bernāra atmatene Agaricus bernardii Brūnsarkanā atmatene Agaricus sagatus Krīta atmatene Agaricus cretaceus Pļavas atmatene Agaricus pratensis


Pastāv dažādi atmateņu iedalījumi pa grupām/sekcijām/apakšgrupām, taču latviski praksē atrodams tikai V.Lūkina 1981. gadā publicētais sadalījums pēc morfoloģiskajām pazīmēm. Mūsdienās, kad visu nosaka ģenētiskie pētījumi, šāda pieeja tiek uzskatīta par zinātniski novecojušu, toties tā ir ērtāka parastam sēņotājam. Latvijā atrodamās sugas viņš, vadoties no tālaika mikoloģijas uzskatiem, sadalījis šādi:

  • A) Edulis — lielākās un uzturā visvērtīgākās. Gredzens zābakveidīgs, novelkams lejup. Pieder dārza un pilsētas atmatene.
  • B) Rubescentes (1) — mežos augošās, sārtojas griezumā. Pieder meža un sarkstošā atmatene.
  • C) Rubescentes (2) — ārpus meža augošās, ar atkarenu gredzenu, sārtojas griezumā. Pieder milzu un lauka atmatene.
  • D) Flavescentes — lielas, dzeltējošas griezumā. Pieder cildenā, dzeltējošā, tīruma, krīta un dižsporu atmatene.
  • E) Minores — mazās atmatenes. Pieder sarkanlapiņu, sīkā un vīnsarkanā atmatene, kā arī smiltāju atmatene, kuru liela daļa mikologu uzskata par dažādu sugu kopumu.
  • F) Xanthodermatei — indīgo atmateņu grupa ar nepatīkamu smaku jau jaunībā. Latvijā tai pieder tikai indīgā atmatene.[4]

Cits iedalījums izvirza tīruma atmateni par tipisko sugu vienai atmateņu ģints grupai, ko tālāk iedala vēl sešās apakšgrupās,[5] saglabā indīgo atmateņu grupu, rada vēl dažas grupas un vienā no tām izveido sešas apakšgrupas, četrās no kurām par tipiskajām sugām izvēl Latvijā zināmas sugas: dārza, milzu, pilsētas un smiltāju atmatenes.[6] Vēl viens iedalījums par galveno sadales principu uzskata sēnes augteni.[7] Neviena no pašreizējām (2017.g.) iedalījuma sistēmām nav uzskatāma par galīgu.

Latvijā neatrastās atmateņu sugas (nepilns saraksts)

Līdzīgas sēnes

Atmatenes pēc silueta ir viegli sajaucamas ar bieži sastopamajām tām radniecisko ģinšu sugām — mušmirēm un makstssēnēm. Jāatceras, ka mušmiru un makstssēņu lapiņas vienmēr paliek baltas, kamēr atmateņu tādas var būt tikai agrā jaunībā un tikai dažām sugām. Vēl atmatenēm uz kātiņa pamatnes nav maksts, kas to ietver mušmirēm un makstssēnēm.

Barības vērtība

Izņemot indīgo atmateni, visas Latvijā sastopamās atmatenes ir labas ēdamās sēnes. Tomēr vajadzētu izvairīties no pāraugušām sēnēm ar gandrīz melnām lapiņām, īpaši, ja to smaka vairs nav patīkama. Jāzina arī, ka daudzas atmatenes pastiprināti no augsnes akumulē cilvēkam indīgo metālu kadmiju,[8] kurš nepieciešams to attīstībai — reāli saindēšanās gadījumi ar atmateņu kadmiju gan nav zināmi, tāpat kā vēža saslimšanas atmateņu dēļ (daži atmatenes, tāpat kā daudzas citas sēnes, tur aizdomās arī par to),[9] taču vienmēr paliek cerība kļūt par pirmo upuri pēc simtiem miljonu cilvēku, ar ko tas nav noticis. Vairākas atmateņu sugas tiek audzētas mākslīgi un šī ģints ieņem pirmo vietu pasaulē kā pārtikai pārdodamās sēnes. ASV dārza atmatene kļuva par visaudzējamāko sēni jau uz XIX gadsimta sākumu,[10] un 2010./11. gadu sezonā ASV novāca 338 tūkstošus tonnu mākslīgi audzēto atmateņu.[11]

Skatīt arī


  1. Index Fungorum: Genus Record Details
  2. A.Balodis, “Rokasgrāmata sēņotājiem”, Liesma, 1974., 44. lpp.
  3. «Грибы СССР», Мысль, Москва, 1980., 195. lpp.
  4. V.Lūkins, “Mušmires un atmatenes”, Avots, 1981., 26.—29. lpp.
  5. Calvo-Bado L, Noble R, Challen M, Dobrovin-Pennington A, Elliott T (February 2000). "Sexuality and Genetic Identity in the Agaricus Section Arvenses".
  6. Challen MP, Kerrigan RW, Callac P (2003). "A phylogenetic reconstruction and emendation of Agaricus section Duploannulatae". Mycologia. 95 (1): 61–73.
  7. Грибомания.ру
  8. Characterization Studies on Cadmium -Mycophosphatin from the Mushroom Agaricus macrosporus by Hans-Ulrich Meisch and Johannes A. Schmitt
  9. MyCoKey: about the genus Mushroom (Agaricus)
  10. Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for April 2001
  11. U.S. Agaricus mushrooms: Area, price, and sales, 1965/66-2010/11

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Atmatenes: Brief Summary ( léton )

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Atmatenes (Agaricus) ir atmateņu dzimtas sēņu ģints, kura satur ap 300 sugu. Vēsturiski atmatenēs sākumā iekļāva gandrīz visas lapiņu sēnes, pašlaik atmateņu ģintī ietilpst tikai savstarpēji ārēji un ģenētiski līdzīgas sugas. Ģints tipiskā suga ir lauka atmatene. Latviskais ģints nosaukums norāda uz šo sēņu tipisku augšanas vietu — atmatu, bieži tiek lietots arī nosaukums "šampinjoni", kas franciski nozīmē vienkārši sēni. XX gadsimtā ilgstoši šo ģinti un tās sēnes latīniski apzīmēja Psalliota, tomēr tagad mikologi atgriezušies pie vecā nosaukuma.

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Sjampinjonger ( norvegèis )

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Broom icon.svg
Opprydning: Denne artikkelen trenger en opprydning for å oppfylle Wikipedias kvalitetskrav. Du kan hjelpe Wikipedia ved å forbedre den.

Sjampinjong (champignon) – Agaricus sp. Sjampinjong kommer av det franske navnet champignon som betyr sopp. De fleste sjampinjonger i Norge er spiselig. Unntaket er gift-sjampinjong som blir hurtig gul ved håndtering. Gift-sjampinjong er hittil bare registrert i Oslo, Akershus og Telemark.


Dette er en av de hvite soppene. Hatten er slett, smålodden eller skjellet, tørr iblant glinsende, men aldri slimete. Avhengig av art kan den være fra 2-3 cm. til 25 cm. i diameter. Skivene er tynne og frie fra foten. Sporene er svartbrune, og farger skivene først grå, så mørkt brunsvart. Foten kan være fylt eller hul og har en eller to ringer. Stilkbasis er iblant litt oppsvulmet, men aldri med slire. Svak, god, anisaktig lukt.

Soppen kan forveksles med svært giftige sopper som giftig rødsporesopp [1] eller hvit fluesopp, selv om den har hvite skiver.


Sjampinjong kan dyrkes i mørke vekstrom, på sekker av kompost, hestemøkk eller sagflis. Den er blant de lettere soppene å dyrke, men man må ha en del utstyr for å få sjampinjongen til å trives i et unaturlig miljø.


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Sjampinjonger: Brief Summary ( norvegèis )

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Sjampinjong (champignon) – Agaricus sp. Sjampinjong kommer av det franske navnet champignon som betyr sopp. De fleste sjampinjonger i Norge er spiselig. Unntaket er gift-sjampinjong som blir hurtig gul ved håndtering. Gift-sjampinjong er hittil bare registrert i Oslo, Akershus og Telemark.

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Agaricus ( polonèis )

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Agaricus L. (pieczarka) – rodzaj grzybów należący do rodziny pieczarkowatych (Agaricaceae)[1]. Uprawiany i sprzedawany w sklepach jest jeden z jej gatunkówpieczarka dwuzarodnikowa.

Systematyka i nazewnictwo

Pozycja w klasyfikacji według Index Fungorum: Agaricaceae, Agaricales, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota, Fungi[1].

Zgodnie z zasadami nomenklatury botanicznej (dotyczącej także grzybów) przyjęto, że rodzaj Agaricus został poprawnie opisany po raz pierwszy przez Karola Linneusza (jako Agaricus campester) w "Species Plantarum" z 1753 r. Pieczarka jest typem nomenklatorycznym rzędu pieczarkowców (Agaricales) i rodziny pieczarkowatych (Agaricaceae), natomiast jej gatunkiem typowym jest pieczarka łąkowa (Agaricus campestris)

Synonimy naukowe: Agaricus trib. Psalliota Fr., Amanita Dill. ex Boehm., Fungus Tourn. ex Adans., Hypophyllum Paulet, Myces Paulet, Pratella (Pers.) Gray, Psalliota (Fr.) P. Kumm[2].

Nazwę polską podał Franciszek Błoński w 1889 r[3].


Grzyby wytwarzające owocniki z mięsistymi kapeluszami o suchej, nagiej lub łuskowatej powierzchni i blaszkowym hymenoforze. Blaszki u młodych owocników różowe, po dojrzeniu brązowe, nie przyrośnięte do trzonu, o regularnej tramie. Na trzonach u wielu gatunków znajduje się przyrośnięty pierścień. Zarodniki pieczarek są okrągławe lub eliptyczne, gładkie, pozbawione pory rostkowej, a ich wysyp jest barwy brązowej[4][5].

Niektóre gatunki

Wykaz gatunków (nazwy naukowe) na podstawie Index Fungorum. Obejmuje on wszystkie gatunki występujące w Polsce i niektóre inne. Uwzględniono tylko gatunki zweryfikowane o potwierdzonym statusie[6]. Nazwy polskie według checklist Władysława Wojewody[3].


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przepisy na potrawy z pieczarek

Saprotrofy[3]. Większość gatunków to smaczne grzyby jadalne, niektóre jednak są grzybami trującymi. W Europie występuje ok. 100 gatunków pieczarek, z których wiele jest trudnych do rozróżnienia. Niedoświadczeni grzybiarze mogą pomylić pieczarki ze śmiertelnie trującymi muchomorami; muchomorem jadowitym czy muchomorem zielonawym (sromotnikowym). Zasadniczo takie pomyłki nie powinny mieć miejsca, gdyż pieczarki mają blaszki różowe lub ciemnobrązowe, muchomory zawsze białe, jednak pomyłki takie zdarzają się[10].

Jeden gatunek pieczarki – pieczarka dwuzarodnikowa jest powszechnie uprawiany i sprzedawany w sklepach[10]


  1. a b Index Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 2013-03-05].
  2. Species Fungorum (ang.). [dostęp 17 stycznia 2010].
  3. a b c Władysław Wojewoda: Checklist of Polish Larger Basidiomycetes. Krytyczna lista wielkoowocnikowych grzybów podstawkowych Polski. Kraków: W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003. ISBN 83-89648-09-1.
  4. Ewald Gerhardt: Grzyby – wielki ilustrowany przewodnik. Warszawa: 2006, s. 60. ISBN 83-7404-513-2.
  5. Barbara Gumińska, Władysław Wojewoda: Grzyby i ich oznaczanie. Warszawa: 1985, s. 362. ISBN 83-09-00714-0.
  6. Index Fungorum (gatunki) (ang.). [dostęp 2013-10-20].
  7. W. Wojewoda podał nazwę polską dla synonimu Agaricus vaporarius (Pers.) Imbach
  8. W. Wojewoda podał nazwę polską dla synonimu Agaricus purpurellus (F.H. Møller) F.H. Møller
  9. W. Wojewoda podał nazwę polską dla synonimu Agaricus stramineus (Jul. Schäff. & F.H. Møller) Singer
  10. a b Andreas Gminder: Atlas grzybów. Jak bezbłędnie oznaczać 340 gatunków grzybów Europy Środkowej. 2008. ISBN 978-83-258-0588-3.
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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( polonèis )

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Agaricus L. (pieczarka) – rodzaj grzybów należący do rodziny pieczarkowatych (Agaricaceae). Uprawiany i sprzedawany w sklepach jest jeden z jej gatunkówpieczarka dwuzarodnikowa.

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Agaricus ( portughèis )

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Agaricus é um grande e importante gênero de cogumelos, contendo tanto espécies comestíveis como venenosas, possivelmente com mais de 300 membros em todo o mundo.[1][2] O gênero inclui o cogumelo comum ("botão" ou champignon de Paris, Agaricus bisporus) e o cogumelo do campo (Agaricus campestris), que é o cultivo dominante de cogumelos no Ocidente.

As espécies de Agaricus apresentam geralmente frutificações carnosas, maioritariamente de tamanho médio a grande; o chapéu é hemisférico inicialmente, depois convexo e finalmente mais ou menos aplanado ou ligeiramente deprimido, de cor esbraquecida ou parda. O pé é cilíndrico e tanto regular como engrossado ou atenuado para a base; sempre porta um anel, mais ou menos desenvolvido, que pode ser persistente ou caduco e se separa com facilidade da carne do chapéu.


O uso da análise filogenética para determinar as relações evolutivas entre as espécies do gênero Agaricus tem aumentado o conhecimento deste gênero taxonomicamente confuso, apesar de que muito trabalho ainda precise ser feito para delinear a relações infragenéricas. Antes dessa s análises, o gênero, circunscrito por Rolf Singer (1986), era dividido em 42 espécies agrupadas em cinco seções baseadas nas reações do tecido fúngico com o ar ou outros reagentes químicos, assim como diferenças na morfologia.[3] Análises de polimorfismo de longitude de fragmentos de restrição demonstraram que este esquema classificatória precisa de revisão.[4]


O gênero é dividido em várias seções:

  • Seção Agaricus
  • Seção Arvense Konrad & Maubl.
Contêm 19 espécies em seis subgrupos similares ao A. arvensis, e com ciclo de vida heterotálico.[5]
  • Seção Xanthodermatei Singer.
Definido por Singer em 1948, esta seção inclui espécies com várias características similares a espécie-tipo A. xanthodermus.[6] A seção forma um único clado baseado em análise de ITS1+2.[7]
  • Seção Chitonioides Romagn.
  • Seção Sanguinoletti (Jul. Schaff. & F. H. Möller) Singer.
  • Seção Spissicaules (Hainem.) Kerrigan
  • Seção Duploannulatae Wasser ex Wasser
Baseada em análises de sequências de DNA, a seção Duploannulatae (também conhecida como Hortenses) pode ser dividida em seis clados distintos, cinco dos quais correspondem a espécies bem definida do hemisfério norte: A. bisporus, A. subfloccosus, A. bitorquis, A. vaporarius e A. cupressicola. O sexto clado compreende o complexo de espécies A. devoniensis.[8]



  1. Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21-24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, Países Baixos.
  2. Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Itália.
  3. Singer, Rolf (1987). Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy. [S.l.]: Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd. ISBN 3-7682-0143-0
  4. Bunyard BA, Nicholson MS, Royse DJ (1996). «Phylogeny of the genus Agaricus inferred from restriction analysis of enzymatically amplified ribosomal DNA». Fungal Genet Biol. 20 (4): 243–53. doi:10.1006/fgbi.1996.0039 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  5. Calvo-Bado L, Noble R, Challen M, Dobrovin-Pennington A, Elliott T (2000). «Sexuality and genetic identity in the Agaricus section Arvenses». Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66 (2): 728–34. doi:10.1128/AEM.66.2.728-734.2000 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  6. Singer R. (1948). Diagnoses Fungorum Novorum Agaricalium. Sydowia 2: 26–42.
  7. Kerrigan RW, Callac P, Guinberteau J, Challen MP, Parra LA (2005). «Agaricus section Xanthodermatei: a phylogenetic reconstruction with commentary on taxa». Mycologia. 97 (6): 1292–315. doi:10.3852/mycologia.97.6.1292 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
  8. Challen, M.P.; Kerrigan, R.W.; Callac, P. (2003). «A phylogenetic reconstruction and emendation of Agaricus section Duploannulatae». Mycologia. 95 (1): 61-73 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( portughèis )

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Agaricus é um grande e importante gênero de cogumelos, contendo tanto espécies comestíveis como venenosas, possivelmente com mais de 300 membros em todo o mundo. O gênero inclui o cogumelo comum ("botão" ou champignon de Paris, Agaricus bisporus) e o cogumelo do campo (Agaricus campestris), que é o cultivo dominante de cogumelos no Ocidente.

As espécies de Agaricus apresentam geralmente frutificações carnosas, maioritariamente de tamanho médio a grande; o chapéu é hemisférico inicialmente, depois convexo e finalmente mais ou menos aplanado ou ligeiramente deprimido, de cor esbraquecida ou parda. O pé é cilíndrico e tanto regular como engrossado ou atenuado para a base; sempre porta um anel, mais ou menos desenvolvido, que pode ser persistente ou caduco e se separa com facilidade da carne do chapéu.

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Agaricus ( romen; moldav )

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Agaricus sin. Psalliota este un gen de ciuperci al încrengăturii Basidiomycota în ordinul Agaricales din familia Agaricaceae. Tipul de specie este Agaricus campestris (ciuperca de bălegar). În întreaga lume există mai mult de 200 de soiuri, iar în Europa se găsesc aproximativ 60 de specii. Acolo bureții sunt aproape cu toții comestibili, cu excepția lui Agaricus placomyces (ciuperca bibilicilor)[2] și Agaricus xanthodermus[3] (ciuperca albă),[4] care nu sunt foarte grav otrăvitori sau cu necomestibilul Agaricus bernardii.[5] Din Agaricus campestris a fost cultivat apoi produsul industrial Agaricus bisporus, global cel mai consumat Agaricus, cunoscut și sub denumirea de Champignon de Paris. Tipul de specie este Agaricus campestris.


Carl von Linné

În anul 1753, renumitul om de știință suedez Carl von Linné a circumscris inițial în lucrarea sa Species plantarum un mare gen de ciuperci sub numele Agaricus.[6] Micologul german Paul Kummer l-a redenumit, în dependență de Elias Magnus Fries, în cartea sa Der Führer in die Pilzkunde din anul 1871 în Psalliota.[7]

Toate celelalte denumiri ca Amanita Dill. ex Boehm. (1760), Fungus Tourn. ex Adans. (1763), Hypophyllum Paulet (1793), Myces Paulet (1808) sau Pratella (Pers.) ex Gray (1821) pot fi neglijate.[1]

În combinație cu schimbul denumirilor de soiuri ai genului Agaricus în Psalliota de către Claude Casimir Gillet (1806-1896) în primul volum al operei sale Les Hyménomycètes, ou, Description de tous les champignons (fungi), qui croissent en France, [8] această taxonomie a jucat un rol important în anii 80 și 90 al secolului a XX-lea, când mulți micologi au schimbat numele Agaricus în Psalliota, între ei și micologul italian Bruno Cetto.[9]

Între timp, genul duce din nou vechia desemnare a lui Linné.


Acest mare gen este momentan împărțit în șapte secții (precum mai multe subsecții), care sunt:

Pentru lista completă a speciilor de gen Agaricus vezi sub rubrica Legături externe nr. 2.


Agaricus, dezvoltare

În ciuda mulțimii de specii reprezentate de acest gen, bureții au câteva însușiri comune: Ei sunt eterogeni, de formă pileată (adică, cu pălărie și lamele). Cuticula pălăriei este netedă, adesea oară solzoasă sau cu fulgi datorit restului de văl parțial. Din aceeași pricină piciorul poartă la mijloc mereu un inel deseori bătător la ochi, simplu sau dublu. Tija albă sau albuie este întotdeauna conectată central cu pălăria. Lamelele sunt lungi, aglomerate, strâmte și libere, la început de culorit gri deschis sau roz, trecând apoi la brun-purpuriu, brun-negricios sau negru-violet în bătrânețe. Carnea este, cu excepția secției Minores, compactă, cărnoasă, pe măsura avansării în vârstă moale.[18]

În detaliu::[19][20][21][22][23]

  • Pălăria: Ea are un diametru de 3-20 cm, la Agaricus augustus sin. Agaricus perrarus până la 35 cm, fiind inițial convexă, semisferică, cu margine răsfrântă către interior, aplatizând destul de repede și devenind la bătrânețe aproape plană. Coloritul cuticulei diferă între alb, brun-roșiatic și maro.
  • Piciorul: El are o înălțime de 5-15 (20) cm, o lățime de 1-4 cm și este aproape cilindric, deseori ușor umflat, sfârșind uneori într-un bulb fără volvă. Deasupra, inelului este în multe cazuri neted, iar dedesubt, către bază, scămos, mătăsos-solzos. Tija este de culoare albă care uneori se îngălbenește sau înroșește ușor cu vârsta. Ciuperci galbene în bază sunt otrăvitoare.
  • Carnea: Ea este în mod general albă care se decolorează la soiurile cu miros de anason sau migdale în galben, la alte specii se înroșește.
  • Sporii: Ei sunt netezi, rotunjori până elipsoidali cu o dimensiune cuprinsă între 5,7–10 × 3,5–7 microni. Culoarea lor este mereu închisă: de la brun-purpuriu, spre brun-negricios până la negru-violet.
Soiurile neotrăvitoare și gustoase sunt ușor de diferențiat: Toate speciile care înroșesc, având un miros plăcut precum acele care îngălbenesc, emițând o mireasmă de anason sau migdale, sunt comestibile.[24]


Șampinion alb
Șampinion brun
Agaricus subrufescens

Aceste ciuperci au un conținut de apă de 91%, în timp ce conținutul de grăsime se află sub 1%, acel de proteine la 3%, iar cantitatea de zahăr la 0,8%. Ele sunt cu drept considerate sărace în calorii: 100 g conțin numai 19 kcal. De asemenea, ele conțin aminoacizi esențiali, vitaminele B, C, D, E, K, biotină precum mineralele potasiu, fier fosfor și zinc. Aceste indicații reprezintă valori medii care se referă la bureții cultivați, disponibili în comerț. Pentru bureții sălbatici contează însă valori asemănătoare.[25][26]


Agaricus bisporus este cel mai important burete comestibil cultivat în întreaga lume. El a fost crescut pentru prima dată la Paris de Olivier de Serres (1539-1619) pe vremea regelui Ludovic al XIII-lea al Franței. Au urmat Agaricus bitorquis, care efectuează carne mai tare precum șampinionul brun, derivat din Agaricus silvaticus.[27][28] Agaricus subrufescens sin. Agaricus blazei este un șampinion cultivat în Orientul Îndepărtat și America de Sud datorită proprietăților medicinale vestite, ce i se atribuie din vechi timpuri, între altele împotriva cancerului. El se folosește în medicina alternativă.[29] Dar dovezi științifice lipsesc până astăzi.[30]


  1. ^ a b Index fungorum
  2. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 3, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 74-55, ISBN 3-405-12124-8
  3. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 3, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 72-73, ISBN 3-405-12124-8
  4. ^ Agaricus_xanthodermus
  5. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 3, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 60-61, ISBN 3-405-12124-8
  6. ^ Carolus Linnaeus: „Species plantarum”, vol. 2, Editura Laurentius Salvius, Holmiae 1753, p. 1171-1176
  7. ^ Der Führer in die Pilzkunde: Anleitung zum methodischen, leichten und sicheren Bestimmen der in Deutschland vorkommenden Pilze mit Ausnahme der Schimmel- und allzu winzigen Schleim- und Kern-Pilzchen” (Ghid pentru știința micologiei, fără ciupercuțe de mucegai și prea mici mucoase și nucleici), cu 80 de ilustrații litografice, Editura E. Luppe, Zerbst 1871, p. 72
  8. ^ Claude Casimir Gillet: „Les Hyménomycètes, ou, Description de tous les champignons (fungi), qui croissent en France”, Editura Ch. Thomas, Alençon 1874, p. 139
  9. ^ Bruno Cetto: „I funghi dal vero”, vol. 4, Editura Arte Grafiche Saturnia, Trento 1983, p. 684, ISBN 88-85013-25-2
  10. ^ Secția Agaricus
  11. ^ Secția Arvenses
  12. ^ Secția Chitonioides
  13. ^ Rolf Singer: „Diagnoses Fungorum Novorum Agaricalium”, Jurnalul Sydowia, vol. 2, Editura F. Berger, Hörn (Austria de Jos) 1948, p. 26–42
  14. ^ Secția Agaricus
  15. ^ Secția Minores
  16. ^ Secția Sanguinoletti
  17. ^ Secția Xanthodermatei
  18. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 38-39, ISBN 3-405-11774-7
  19. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 34-40, 50-51, 160-173 ISBN 3-405-11774-7
  20. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 2, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 64-85, ISBN 3-405-12081-0
  21. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 3, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1980, p. 56-75, ISBN 3-405-12124-8
  22. ^ Bruno Cetto: „I funghi dal vero”, vol. 4, Editura Arte Grafiche Saturnia, Trento 1983, p. 46-59, ISBN 88-85013-25-2
  23. ^ Linus Zeitlmayr: „Knaurs Pilzbuch”, Editura Droemer Knaur, München-Zürich 1976, p. 119-125, ISBN 3-426-00312-0
  24. ^ Comestibilitate
  25. ^ Vitamine și minerale
  26. ^ Informații nutriționale
  27. ^ Bruno Cetto: „Der große Pilzführer”, vol. 1, Editura BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München, Berna, Viena 1976, p. 34-40, 164-165, ISBN 3-405-11774-7
  28. ^ Ewald Gerhardt: „BLV-Bestimmungsbuch Pilze”. Editura Weltbild, Augsburg 2003, p. 54, ISBN 3-8289-1673-2
  29. ^ Pro Vitas Pharma
  30. ^ Jurnal lunar pentru farmaciști

Legături externe

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( romen; moldav )

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Agaricus sin. Psalliota este un gen de ciuperci al încrengăturii Basidiomycota în ordinul Agaricales din familia Agaricaceae. Tipul de specie este Agaricus campestris (ciuperca de bălegar). În întreaga lume există mai mult de 200 de soiuri, iar în Europa se găsesc aproximativ 60 de specii. Acolo bureții sunt aproape cu toții comestibili, cu excepția lui Agaricus placomyces (ciuperca bibilicilor) și Agaricus xanthodermus (ciuperca albă), care nu sunt foarte grav otrăvitori sau cu necomestibilul Agaricus bernardii. Din Agaricus campestris a fost cultivat apoi produsul industrial Agaricus bisporus, global cel mai consumat Agaricus, cunoscut și sub denumirea de Champignon de Paris. Tipul de specie este Agaricus campestris.

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Pečiarka (Agaricus) ( slovach )

fornì da wikipedia SK

Pečiarka[1][2][3][4] (staršie: šampiňón [v širšom zmysle][5]; ďalšie slovenské názvy sú uvedené v článkoch pečiarka poľná a šampiňón; lat. Agaricus, staršie Psalliota, Pratella) je rod húb z čeľade pečiarkovité (Agaricaceae).

V minulosti bol rod definovaný oveľa širšie než dnes - pozri nižšie.


Rod zahŕňa jedlé a jedovaté huby; na Slovensku je väčšina jedlá, iba pečiarka páchnuca (Agaricus xanthodermus) spôsobuje ľahké otravy žalúdka.[6][7]

Do rodu patria väčšie aj menšie huby, ktoré majú spočiatku pologuľovitý a neskôr rozprestretý klobúk. Klobúk je v mladosti na okraji podvinutý, spravila biely, žltkastý až hnedastý, s hladkým alebo šupinatým povrchom. Hlúbik je ľahko vylomiteľný. Zo závoja zostáva prsteň (v niektorých prípadoch mizne). Lupene sú najprv biele, potom postupne ružovejú až hnednú; sú voľné a tenké. Výtrusný prach je čokoládovo hnedý a výtrusy sú elipsovité a hladké. Pečiarky rastú na zemi, a to najmä na hnojených miestach.[7]


Súčasnosť [1][6][7][8]

Rod zahŕňa približne 434 druhov (stav v roku 2016), z toho na Slovensku približne 37 druhov (stav v roku 1998).

Vnútorná systematika je sporná. V súčasnosti sa rod delí na viacero sekcií (konkrétne: Xanthodermatei, Bivelares, Chitonioides, Sanguinolenti, Brunneopicti, Agaricus, Spissicaules, Minores, Arvenses), z ktorých každá pozostáva z jednotlivých druhov.

Na Slovensku sa vyskytujú najmä tieto druhy:


V minulosti bol rod Agaricus definovaný oveľa širšie než dnes, zahŕňal aj [8][10][11][12][13]:

Tento článok sa zaoberá iba pečiarkami podľa súčasnej definície.


  1. a b Zoznam vyšších a nižších rastlín Slovenska
  2. pečiarka. In: Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka.
  3. NOVACKÝ, J. M. et al. Názvy tržných jedlých húb. In: Slovenské odborné názvoslovie 1954, roč. II, č. 10, strany 292 a nasl., S. 298 [1]
  4. MAJTÁNOVÁ, M.: Názvy húb v slovenských učebniciach do roku 1918. In: Kultúra slova 1974, č. 5, strany 156 a nasl., S. 160-161 [2] (Poznámky: 1. Maď. a nem. názov z diela 1871-1 je citovaný chybne. 2. Autorka síce tvrdí, že texty hovoria o rode Agaricus, pri bližšom pohľade na citované diela však minimálne jedno hovorí o pečiarke poľnej a pri ostatných je prakticky nezistiteľné, či sa myslí celý rod Agaricus alebo len druh pečiarka poľná)
  5. Pozri zdroje uvedené v článku šampiňón.
  6. a b Karunarathna SC: Mycosphere Essay 8:A review of genus Agaricusin tropical and humid subtropical regions of Asia. In: Mycosphere 7 (4): 417–439(2016)www.mycosphere.orgISSN 2077 7019 [3]
  7. a b c pečiarkovité. In: Pyramída
  8. a b Index Fungorum - Search Page [online]. indexfungorum.org, [cit. 2019-06-29]. Dostupné online.
  9. Agaricus bisporus [online]. mycobank.org, [cit. 2019-06-29]. Dostupné online.
  10. ..:: Fungal Taxonomy .org :: basids_agaricus ::.. [online]. fungaltaxonomy.org, [cit. 2019-06-29]. Dostupné online.
  11. Online-Bibliothek [online]. zeno.org, [cit. 2019-06-29]. Dostupné online.
  12. Agaricus. In:Ottův slovník naučný
  13. F. Kotlaba a Z. Pouzar: Taxonomické a nomenklatorické poznámky k některým makromycetům. In: Česká mykologie, 1972, č. 4, S. 219 [4]
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Pečiarka (Agaricus): Brief Summary ( slovach )

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Pečiarka (staršie: šampiňón [v širšom zmysle]; ďalšie slovenské názvy sú uvedené v článkoch pečiarka poľná a šampiňón; lat. Agaricus, staršie Psalliota, Pratella) je rod húb z čeľade pečiarkovité (Agaricaceae).

V minulosti bol rod definovaný oveľa širšie než dnes - pozri nižšie.

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Kukmak ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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glej besedilo

Kukmaki (znanstveno ime Agaricus) so rod gob iz družine Agaricaceae (kukmarke). Pogosto alternativno ime je tudi šampinjon.

Kukmaki igrajo veliko vlogo v prehrani človeštva, saj nekatere vrste teh gob umetno gojijo po vsem svetu. V naravi uspeva veliko različnih vrst, od katerih so nekatere tudi strupene.

Mladi kukmaki imajo vsi obroček ali zastiralce, ki pri starejših primerkih pogosto odpade. Klobuki te gobje vrste so pri mladih gobah vedno polkrožni, pri nekaterih vrstah pa se kasneje odprejo in skoraj povsem zravnajo. Razdelimo jih lahko na dve skupini, na takšne, pri katerih se zastiralce odtrga ali zatrga navzgor po betu, če ga želimo odstraniti, pri drugih pa se zatrga navzdol po betu. Torej je obroček viseč ali pa štrleč navzgor. Obstajajo tudi delitve glede na barvo mesa. Pri katerih vrstah kukmakov namreč meso pri prerezu bolj ali manj rumeni, pri drugih pa postaja na ranjenih mestih rdečkasto. Med rdečečimi kukmaki ni strupenih vrst, med rumenečimi pa so lahko nekateri strupeni. Med strupene sodi tudi Korenčasti kukmak (Agaricus romagnesii).

Vse vrste kukmakov imajo bolj ali manj temnorjave trose, tako da barva lističev z dozorevanjem trosov prehaja od rožnate, pa vse do temno rjave, skoraj črne. Zaradi temne trosovnice in specifične barve trosov kukmake zlahka ločujemo od mušnic, ki imajo vselej bele trose.

Izbor vrst

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Kukmak: Brief Summary ( Spagneul; Castilian )

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Kukmaki (znanstveno ime Agaricus) so rod gob iz družine Agaricaceae (kukmarke). Pogosto alternativno ime je tudi šampinjon.

Kukmaki igrajo veliko vlogo v prehrani človeštva, saj nekatere vrste teh gob umetno gojijo po vsem svetu. V naravi uspeva veliko različnih vrst, od katerih so nekatere tudi strupene.

Mladi kukmaki imajo vsi obroček ali zastiralce, ki pri starejših primerkih pogosto odpade. Klobuki te gobje vrste so pri mladih gobah vedno polkrožni, pri nekaterih vrstah pa se kasneje odprejo in skoraj povsem zravnajo. Razdelimo jih lahko na dve skupini, na takšne, pri katerih se zastiralce odtrga ali zatrga navzgor po betu, če ga želimo odstraniti, pri drugih pa se zatrga navzdol po betu. Torej je obroček viseč ali pa štrleč navzgor. Obstajajo tudi delitve glede na barvo mesa. Pri katerih vrstah kukmakov namreč meso pri prerezu bolj ali manj rumeni, pri drugih pa postaja na ranjenih mestih rdečkasto. Med rdečečimi kukmaki ni strupenih vrst, med rumenečimi pa so lahko nekateri strupeni. Med strupene sodi tudi Korenčasti kukmak (Agaricus romagnesii).

Vse vrste kukmakov imajo bolj ali manj temnorjave trose, tako da barva lističev z dozorevanjem trosov prehaja od rožnate, pa vse do temno rjave, skoraj črne. Zaradi temne trosovnice in specifične barve trosov kukmake zlahka ločujemo od mušnic, ki imajo vselej bele trose.

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Champinjoner ( svedèis )

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Question book-4.svg
Den här artikeln behöver källhänvisningar för att kunna verifieras. (2011-01)
Åtgärda genom att lägga till pålitliga källor (gärna som fotnoter). Uppgifter utan källhänvisning kan ifrågasättas och tas bort utan att det behöver diskuteras på diskussionssidan.

Den mykologiska karaktären hos champinjoner:

Gills icon.png

Convex cap icon.svg

Free gills icon.png

Choice toxicity icon.png

Ring stipe icon.png

Tan spore print icon.png

Saprotrophic ecology icon.png

Champinjoner (Agaricus, tidigare också Psalliota) är ett släkte av både ätliga och giftiga svampar.

Vissa arter ur släktet säljs som matsvamp i livsmedelshandeln såväl i färsk som i konserverad form. Champinjoner används mycket i matlagning.

Vissa av arterna kan vara svåra att se skillnad på. Släktet inkluderar bl.a. snöbollschampinjonen (Agaricus arvensis), som är en populär matsvamp, samt trädgårdschampinjonen (Agaricus bisporus), som är den mest odlade svampen i västvärlden.

Arterna i släktet karaktäriseras av sin köttiga hatt eller pileus, och på dess undersida växer ett antal utstrålande lameller på vilka sporerna produceras (liksom på andra skivlingar). Sporerna är chokladbrun- till svartbrunfärgade. De har också en stam som höjer upp hatten ovanför det objekt som den växer på, samt en partiell hinna som skyddar lamellerna under deras utveckling och sedan bildar en ring kring stammen.

Namnet champinjon kommer från franskans champignon (det allmänna ordet för svamp) och är en avledning av champ = fält. Champinjonens latinska namn är Agaricus (Psallio'ta).

Fruktkroppens storlek varierar mellan arterna. Ibland är den mycket stor och köttig och ibland mycket liten. Hatten är vit, gul eller brun. Den så kallade hatthuden är slät, småluden eller fjällig och är alltid torr. Hatten kan lätt lösgöras från foten. Skivorna, som finns på hattens undersida är tunna. Först på säsongen är de ljusa eller svagt rosafärgade. Senare blir de bruna eller svarta på grund av sporpulvret. Foten har ring. Fotbasen är rak eller uppsvälld. Den har ingen strumpa. Svampköttet är ljust. Det gulnar eller rodnar hos många arter efter hand samt vid brytning. Champinjonen är marksvamp. Den bildar inte mykorrhiza.

Risker vid svampplockning

Champinjoner kan till utseendet lätt förväxlas med den mycket giftiga vita flugsvampen – en svampbok bör därför noga konsulteras innan champinjoner plockas i naturen.

Champinjoner innehåller fenylhydrazin-derivat, varför man inte bör äta stora mängder av svampen. Flera av arterna anrikar kadmium, varför man bör vara noga med var man plockar dem och inte äta alltför stora mängder. Vid kommersiell hantering bör kadmiumhalterna kontrolleras.

Se även

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Champinjoner: Brief Summary ( svedèis )

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Champinjoner (Agaricus, tidigare också Psalliota) är ett släkte av både ätliga och giftiga svampar.

Vissa arter ur släktet säljs som matsvamp i livsmedelshandeln såväl i färsk som i konserverad form. Champinjoner används mycket i matlagning.

Vissa av arterna kan vara svåra att se skillnad på. Släktet inkluderar bl.a. snöbollschampinjonen (Agaricus arvensis), som är en populär matsvamp, samt trädgårdschampinjonen (Agaricus bisporus), som är den mest odlade svampen i västvärlden.

Arterna i släktet karaktäriseras av sin köttiga hatt eller pileus, och på dess undersida växer ett antal utstrålande lameller på vilka sporerna produceras (liksom på andra skivlingar). Sporerna är chokladbrun- till svartbrunfärgade. De har också en stam som höjer upp hatten ovanför det objekt som den växer på, samt en partiell hinna som skyddar lamellerna under deras utveckling och sedan bildar en ring kring stammen.

Namnet champinjon kommer från franskans champignon (det allmänna ordet för svamp) och är en avledning av champ = fält. Champinjonens latinska namn är Agaricus (Psallio'ta).

Fruktkroppens storlek varierar mellan arterna. Ibland är den mycket stor och köttig och ibland mycket liten. Hatten är vit, gul eller brun. Den så kallade hatthuden är slät, småluden eller fjällig och är alltid torr. Hatten kan lätt lösgöras från foten. Skivorna, som finns på hattens undersida är tunna. Först på säsongen är de ljusa eller svagt rosafärgade. Senare blir de bruna eller svarta på grund av sporpulvret. Foten har ring. Fotbasen är rak eller uppsvälld. Den har ingen strumpa. Svampköttet är ljust. Det gulnar eller rodnar hos många arter efter hand samt vid brytning. Champinjonen är marksvamp. Den bildar inte mykorrhiza.

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Печериця ( ucrain )

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Характерною ознакою роду печериць від інших печерицевих є колір пластинок: від рожевуватих в молодих плодових тіл, до темно-коричневих в зрілих грибів, темно-коричневим, бурувато-чорним споровим порошком та прирослим до ніжки кільцем.

Шапинка куляста, конусовидна або дзвониковидна, м'ясиста, щільна, поврехня гладка, луската, білувата, рідше коричнювата. Пластинки вільні, тонкі, вузькі, при дозріванні розпливаються. Ніжка зазвичай центральна, рівна, щільна.

Середовище існування

Ростуть на багатому органічними речовинами ґрунті та перегної. Рідко на корі відмерлих дерев, на мурашниках. На галявинах, в лісосмугах, вздовж доріг, на пасовищах, в парках, садах.

Практичне використання

Більшість видів печериць не утворюють мікоризи, що робить їх зручним об'єктом промислового грибівництва. Зокрема, у промислову культуру більш ніж у 70-ти країнах світу введено печерицю двоспорову (Agaricus bisporus). Деякі види (наприклад, печериця звичайна (Agaricus campestris)) належать до цінних їстівних грибів. Відомі також отруйні представники, як печериця рудіюча (Agaricus xanthodermus) .

Експерименти з отримання електрики

Вчені з Технологічного університету Стівенса (Нью-Джерсі) взяли печерицю, ціанобактерії та наноматеріали й змогли отримати з них електрику (65 нА).[1]


Див. також



  • Грибы СССР / М. В. Горленко, М. А. Бондрацева, Л. В. Гарибова и др.; Отв. ред. М. В. Горленко. — М.: Мысль, 1980. — 303 с., ил., 40 . пл. — (Справочники-определители географа и путешественника)
  • Костіков, І. Ю.; Джаган, В. В.; Демченко, Е. М.; Бойко, О. А.; Бойко, В. Р.; Романенко, П. О. (2006). У І. Ю., Костіков; В. В., Джаган. Ботаніка. Водорості та гриби. (вид. 2). Київ: «Арістей». с. 342. ISBN 966-8458-67-2.
Проект Віківиди має дані за темою:
 src= Вікісховище має мультимедійні дані за темою: Печериця

  1. Вчені змогли отримати електрику з грибів. Tokar.ua (uk-UA). 2018-11-21. Процитовано 2018-11-23.
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Agaricus ( vietnamèis )

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Agaricus là một chi nấm gồm cả các loài nấm lành và có độc, gồm có thể hơn 300 loài phân bố khắp toàn cầu.[2][3] Chi này gồm các loài nấm phổ biến như Agaricus bisporusAgaricus campestris.

Tham khảo

  1. ^ “Synonymy: Agaricus L., Sp. pl. 2: 1171 (1753)”. Index Fungorum. CAB International. Truy cập ngày 29 tháng 8 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21–24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  3. ^ Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy

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Agaricus: Brief Summary ( vietnamèis )

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Agaricus là một chi nấm gồm cả các loài nấm lành và có độc, gồm có thể hơn 300 loài phân bố khắp toàn cầu. Chi này gồm các loài nấm phổ biến như Agaricus bisporusAgaricus campestris.

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Шампиньон ( russ; russi )

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Научная классификация
промежуточные ранги
Домен: Эукариоты
Царство: Грибы
Подцарство: Высшие грибы
Подотдел: Agaricomycotina
Порядок: Агариковые
Семейство: Шампиньоновые
Род: Шампиньон
Международное научное название

Agaricus L., 1753, nom. cons.

Типовой вид Виды Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
NCBI 5340EOL 16518MB 17030

Шампиньо́н (лат. Agaricus) — род пластинчатых грибов семейства Шампиньоновые (Агариковые) (лат. Agaricaceae). Русское название «шампиньон» происходит от фр. champignon, означающего просто «гриб».


  • Плодовые тела различных размеров — от 3—5 (Agaricus comtulus) до 20—25 см (Agaricus arvensis).
  • Шляпка массивная, плотная, сначала округлая, с возрастом становится всё более плоской. Поверхность гладкая, либо покрыта тёмными чешуйками; цвет — от белого до буроватого и коричневого.
  • Пластинки свободные, вначале белые, затем темнеют, изменяя окраску от розоватого до почти чёрного цвета, что обусловлено изменением окраски спор. По этому признаку шампиньоны легко отличить от похожих на них ядовитых грибов рода Amanita, у которых в течение всей жизни плодового тела пластинки и споры остаются белыми, либо желтоватыми.
  • Ножка центральная, ровная, плотная, реже рыхлая или полая внутри. Всегда имеется частное покрывало, оставляющее на ножке хорошо заметное одно- или двухслойное кольцо.
  • Мякоть — различных оттенков белого цвета. На воздухе часто приобретает желтоватый или красноватый оттенок. Обычно имеет выраженный «грибной» либо «анисовый» запах.

Распространение и экология

Все шампиньоны — сапротрофы, и произрастают, в основном, на унавоженной почве, на богатом органикой лесном и луговом перегное, встречаются на коре отмерших деревьев и на муравейниках. По приуроченности к определённым типам субстрата представителей рода Agaricus подразделяют на 5 групп: растущие только в лесах (A. silvaticus, A. silvicola); почвенные сапротрофы открытых безрастительных пространств (A. bisporus, A. bitorquis, A. subperonatus); гербофилы, произрастающие только среди травы (A. campester, A. augustus и др.); растущие на открытых пространствах среди травы и в лесах (A. arvensis, A. comtulus и др.); пустынные виды, в том числе галофиты (A. bernardii, A. tabularis).
Наибольшее видовое разнообразие шампиньонов наблюдается в степях и лесостепях Евразии, в прериях, пампасах, на лугах и открытых пространствах Австралии и Африки.

Хозяйственное значение

Род Agaricus имеет большое хозяйственное значение. Небольшое число представителей можно назвать токсичными, либо неудобоваримыми — такие, как шампиньон желтокожий (Agaricus xanthodermus) или шампиньон пёстрый (Agaricus meleagris). Все остальные виды пригодны в пищу, а шампиньон двуспоровый (Agaricus bisporus) культивируется в промышленных масштабах, значительно реже выращивается шампиньон двукольцевой (Agaricus bitorquis).

Шампиньон является самым популярным культивируемым грибом в мире. На его долю приходится 37,2% от общего объёма производства[1]. Также этот гриб является самым популярным в России — здесь его доля составляет около 73%. Валовый сбор шампиньонов на территории РФ в 2015 году составил около 10,4 тыс. тонн[2].

В пищевых шампиньонах содержатся 20 аминокислот, в том числе все незаменимые для человека: метионин, цистеин, цистин, триптофан, треонин, валин, лизин, фенилаланин.

Из плодовых тел некоторых шампиньонов выделяют антибиотики.


Известно около 200 видов шампиньонов.[3] Полный список см. Виды рода Шампиньон

Кат.* Латинское название Русское название G icon.svg Agaricus abruptibulbus Шампиньон отчётливоклубеньковый, шампиньон белый, шампиньон кривой, шампиньон культурный G icon.svg Agaricus arorae G icon.svg Agaricus arvensis
(Agaricus exquisitus)
(Agaricus leucotrichus) Шампиньон полевой, шампиньон овечий G icon.svg Agaricus augustus
(Agaricus perrarus) Шампиньон августовский Agaricus bambusae G icon.svg Agaricus benesii
(Agaricus carolii)
(Agaricus squamuliferus) Шампиньон Бенеша G icon.svg Agaricus bernardii
(Agaricus ingratus)
(Agaricus maleolens) Шампиньон Бернарда, шампиньон степной VG icon.png Agaricus bisporus
(Agaricus brunnescens)
(Agaricus cookeanus)
(Agaricus hortensis) Шампиньон садовый, шампиньон двуспоровый, шампиньон культивируемый, шампиньон культурный G icon.svg Agaricus bitorquis
(Agaricus edulis)
(Agaricus rodmani) Шампиньон двукольцевой, шампиньон тротуарный TOX icon.svg Agaricus californicus G icon.svg Agaricus campester
(Agaricus campestris) Шампиньон обыкновенный, шампиньон настоящий, шампиньон луговой, печерица G icon.svg Agaricus cupreobrunneus UE icon.svg Agaricus excellens Agaricus devoniensis Agaricus dulcidulus
(Agaricus purpurellus) Agaricus fuscofibrillosus Agaricus fuscovelatus G icon.svg Agaricus haemorrhoidarius Шампиньон тёмно-красный Agaricus hondensis G icon.svg Agaricus langei
(Agaricus mediofuscus) Шампиньон Ланге, шампиньон большой лесной Agaricus lanipes Agaricus lilaceps VG icon.png Agaricus macrosporus Шампиньон крупноспоровый UE icon.svg Agaricus meleagris
(Agaricus placomyces)
(Agaricus moelleri)
(Agaricus praeclaresquamosus) Шампиньон пёстрый, шампиньон плоскошляпковый, шампиньон карболковый, шампиньон тёмно-чешуйчатый, шампиньон чешуйчатый Agaricus pattersonae Agaricus phaeolepidotus Agaricus porphyrizon G icon.svg Agaricus rusiophyllus
(Agaricus comtulus)
(Agaricus niveolutescens) Шампиньон розовопластинковый, шампиньон изящный UG icon.svg Agaricus semotus Шампиньон краснеющий, шампиньон красноватый G icon.svg Agaricus silvaticus
(Agaricus sanguinarius)
(Agaricus vinosobrunneus) Шампиньон лесной, благушка G icon.svg Agaricus silvicola
(Agaricus flavescens) Шампиньон перелесковый, шампиньон тонкий, шампиньон беловатый, шампиньон гладкий, шампиньон лесной гладенький G icon.svg Agaricus spissicaulis Шампиньон коренастый Agaricus subperonatus Agaricus subrutilescens UG icon.svg Agaricus tabularis Шампиньон таблитчатый G icon.svg Agaricus varoparius Шампиньон паровой TOX icon.svg Agaricus xanthodermus
(Agaricus pseudocretaceus) Шампиньон желтокожий, шампиньон рыжеющий, шампиньон желтеющий VG icon.png отличный съедобный гриб G icon.svg хороший съедобный гриб UG icon.svg условно-съедобный гриб UE icon.svg несъедобный нетоксичный гриб TOX icon.svg токсичный гриб Skull and crossbones.svg смертельно ядовитый гриб


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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Шампиньон: Brief Summary ( russ; russi )

fornì da wikipedia русскую Википедию

Шампиньо́н (лат. Agaricus) — род пластинчатых грибов семейства Шампиньоновые (Агариковые) (лат. Agaricaceae). Русское название «шампиньон» происходит от фр. champignon, означающего просто «гриб».

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии

伞菌属 ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科



  1. ^ Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21-24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  2. ^ Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy


 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:伞菌属  src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:伞菌属 规范控制
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伞菌属: Brief Summary ( cinèis )

fornì da wikipedia 中文维基百科


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ハラタケ属 ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語
Question book-4.svg
ハラタケ属 Agaricus campestris.jpg
分類 : 菌界 Fungi : 担子菌門 Basidiomycota : 真正担子菌綱 Agaricomycetes : ハラタケ目 Agaricales : ハラタケ科 Agaricaceae : ハラタケ属 Agaricus


ハラタケ属学名: Agaricus)はハラタケ科菌類の属の一つ。食用と有毒種の両方が含まれ、全世界で300を越す種が属している[1][2]。この属は一般的に「マッシュルーム」と呼ばれる主を含んでおり、西洋では栽培キノコとして最も一般的である。




模式種はハラタケで広く認められている。EarleはA. cretaceusを模式種にすることを提案している。



"Agaricus"の名称の由来はいくつか提案されており、"ロシアの地区であるSarmaticaのAgarica"からという説、ギリシャ語の「木のきのこの一種」という意味を持つἀγαρικ[3]όνからという説などがある。初期の扱いとしてはマリヌス・アントン・ドンクPersooniaでAgaricon Adans. genusとして扱われている。





  1. ^ Bas C. (1991). A short introduction to the ecology, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genus Agaricus, 21-24. In L.J.L.D. Van Griensven (ed.), Genetics and breeding of Agaricus. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  2. ^ Capelli A. (1984). Agaricus. L.: Fr. (Psalliota Fr.). Liberia editrice Bella Giovanna, Saronno, Italy
  3. ^ ロシアのиに似る


執筆の途中です この項目は、菌類に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますP:生き物と自然PJ生物)。
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ハラタケ属: Brief Summary ( Giaponèis )

fornì da wikipedia 日本語

ハラタケ属(学名: Agaricus)はハラタケ科菌類の属の一つ。食用と有毒種の両方が含まれ、全世界で300を越す種が属している。この属は一般的に「マッシュルーム」と呼ばれる主を含んでおり、西洋では栽培キノコとして最も一般的である。


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