
Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
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For Cunningham casuarina:
river sheoak

For Casuarina equisetifolia:
beach sheoak
horestail casuarina

For Casuarina glauca:
grey sheoak
longleaf casuarina
whistling pine

The scientific name of the sheoak genus is Casuarina (Casuarinaceae) [12,19].
Three species of sheoak are common in the United States. All will be treated
in this report because of their similar status as invader species and
across-the-board efforts to eradicate the genus from the continent.
"Sheoak" refers to the genus. The species covered in this review are:

Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq., river sheoak
Casuarina equisetifolia L., beach sheoak
Casuarina glauca Seiber, gray sheoak [6,19]

These species hybridize with each other [14].



All 3 species of sheoak are list as noxious weeds (prohibited aquatic
plants, Class 1) in Florida [16].

SPECIES: Casuarina spp.
Sheoaks were introduced to the United States near the turn of the
20th century [14]. They are widely distributed in southern Florida
and are also found in California, Arizona, and Hawaii [12,17].

Distributions of river, beach, and gray sheoak. Maps courtesy of USDA, NRCS. 2018. The PLANTS Database.
National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC [2018, June 8] [16].
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Conservation Status

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
All 3 species of sheoak are list as noxious weeds (prohibited aquatic
plants, Class 1) in Florida [16].
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Sheoaks were introduced to the United States near the turn of the
20th century [14]. They are widely distributed in southern Florida
and are also found in California, Arizona, and Hawaii [12,17].

Distributions of river, beach, and gray sheoak. Maps courtesy of USDA, NRCS. 2018. The PLANTS Database.
National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC [2018, June 8] [16].

bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Fire Management Considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: peat

Periodic fires coupled with the use of herbicides may be an effective
method of controlling sheoak. However, too frequent, intense
fires that kill overstory native pines may actually encourage Casuarina
species to establish [18]. Morton [14] warns that burning Australian
pine in peat soils may be hazardous. Elfer [3] suggests that fire may
be an effective control method for trees greater than 3 inches (8 cm) in
diameter and in dense stands. Burning could be potentially harmful if
the soil pH is changed such that native species cannot establish [3].
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Key Plant Community Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
River sheoak is listed as a component in the following vegetation

Area Classification Authority
Mariana Is, S. Pacific veg. type Falanruw & others 1989 [5]

Palau, S. Pacific veg. type Cole & others 1987 [2]
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Life Form

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: tree

bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Management considerations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Sheoak is extremely fast growing, crowding out many native
plants and creating sterile environments for both plants and animals
[10]. It forms dense roots, which deplete soil moisture and break water
and sewer lines. It is also susceptible to windthrow during hurricanes
[3]. Cutting often induces sprouting, so it is not an effective control
method. Chemicals, such as 2,4,5-T, 2,4-D, or Garlon 3A, can be used to
eradicate sheoak [10,14].
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info on this topic.

More info for the terms: fruit, seed

Sheoak can flower and fruit year-round in warm climates [3].
Its peak flowering time is between April and June, and its peak fruiting
time is between September and December. The minimum seed-bearing age is
4 to 5 years, and it produces a good seed crop annually. C.
equisetifolia usually flowers and fruits two times a year: between
February and April, and September and October. It produces fruit in
June and December. The fastest growth occurs in the first 7 years with
maximum growth reached in 20 years. The maximum lifespan of Australian
pine is 40 to 50 years [3].
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Post-fire Regeneration

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: caudex, root crown, secondary colonizer, seed

survivor species; on-site surviving root crown or caudex
off-site colonizer;seed carried by wind; postfire years 1 and 2
off-site colonizer; seed carried by animals or water; postfire yr 1&2
secondary colonizer; off-site seed carried to site after year 2
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
The scientific name of the sheoak genus is Casuarina (Casuarinaceae) [12,19].
Three species of sheoak are common in the United States. All will be treated
in this report because of their similar status as invader species and
across-the-board efforts to eradicate the genus from the continent.
"Sheoak" refers to the genus. The species covered in this review are:

Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq., river sheoak
Casuarina equisetifolia L., beach sheoak
Casuarina glauca Seiber, gray sheoak [6,19]

These species hybridize with each other [14].
bibliographic citation
Snyder, S. A. 1992. Casuarina spp. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/

Associated Forest Cover

provided by Silvics of North America
When casuarina is present through natural seeding in Florida, it tends to form pure stands that are often nearly devoid of other vegetation (4). It may coexist with vegetation such as Florida fishpoisontree (Piscidia piscipula), button-mangrove (Conocarpus erectus), myrsine (Rapanea punctata), stopper (Eugenia spp.), randia (Randia spp.), cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco), southern bayberry (Myrica cerifera), redbay (Persea borbonia), and Florida poisontree (Metopium toxiferum) (3).

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In Australia, these species grow in the tropical and subtropical north and east: C. cunninghamiana along rivers, C. glauca in swamps, and C. equisetifolia along the coast.

In Florida, C. cunninghamiana and C. glauca have a wide tolerance for moisture regimes, as they are present on sites ranging from dry to very wet but not permanently flooded. Casuarina equisetifolia performs well on dry sites only; C. glauca appears to be the most frost hardy, although it will not withstand long periods below freezing, and C. cunninghamiana is intermediate in frost tolerance. There seem to be no climatic barriers to sexual reproduction.

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Damaging Agents

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Casuarina appears to have relatively few insect problems. The twig girdler (Oncideres cingulata) is harmful only to small trees; damage by the leaf notcher weevil (Artipus floridanus) usually is inconsequential; and one species of spittlebug (Clastoptera undulata) appears to infest individual trees but causes no serious damage (2). The Australian pine borer (Chrysobothris tranquebarica) has on occasion devastated trees 5 years or less in age by girdling the stems (17).

The major biological cause of death of casuarina on well-drained, acid, sandy soils is a mushroom root rot (Clitocybe tabescens) (15); Casuarina cunninghamiana may be less susceptible than the other species. The incidence of root rot is reduced on wetter sites, with no evidence of the disease in alkaline soils.

Primary nonbiological losses are from lightning and frost. Killing lightning strikes are common to casuarina that are dominant in the south Florida landscape. Freezing temperatures can damage well-established trees; temperatures of approximately -8° C (18° F) kill trees less than 0.5 m (1.6 ft) in height.

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Flowering and Fruiting

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Casuarina species have been reported to be monoecious (13) and dioecious (6); C. glauca in Florida has not been observed to bear female flowers. Flowering occurs principally from April to June, with numerous minute narrow and terminal male flowers crowded in rings among grayish scales, and rounded and lateral female flowers occurring in light-brown clusters (9,13). Female flowers are wind pollinated. The multiple fruit, gray brown and 8 to 15 mm (0.3 to 0.6 in) in diameter, ripen from September through December. Seed bearing usually begins by age 5, and good seed crops occur annually (13).

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The geographic seed origins of casuarina in Florida are not known. Although trees characteristic of each species can be readily located, classification of individual trees is sometimes difficult because a high degree of hybridization is presumed. The three species are found together in much of south Florida and have compatible flowering times. A C. cunninghamiana x C. glauca hybrid has grown faster than any of the three species (1). Studies of individual tree collections of C. cunninghamiana and C. equisetifolia from four areas in south Florida do not indicate differences among trees, sources, or species for survival through 6 months (16).

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Growth and Yield

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Early growth is rapid, and height increments exceeding 1.5 m (5 ft) per year are common. Mature trees in stands of C. cunninghamiana and C. equisetifolia may reach 32 m (105 ft) in height and 41 cm (16 in) in d.b.h.; more commonly, heights of 25 m (82 ft) and diameters of 25 cm (10 in) are attained. Initial survival rates for planted trees are acceptable, averaging over 87 percent. One 35-year-old stand of C. glauca had a basal area of 90 m²/ha (392 ft²/acre) composed of trees averaging 19 m (62 ft) in height and 14 cm (5.5 in) in d.b.h.

Total aboveground dry biomass yields of young natural stands of C. equisetifolia have been as high as 16.6 t/ha (7.4 tons/acre) per year. Such stands, with densities up to 11,400 trees per hectare (4,600/acre), have trees ranging from 0.6 to 18 cm. (0.25 to 7 in) in d.b.h., with an average of 4.3 cm (1.7 in) at an estimated age of 7.5 years.

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Reaction to Competition

provided by Silvics of North America
Casuarina species are intolerant of shade but capable of rapidly invading new sites and forming pure stands. When young, trees are easily suppressed by some forms of competing vegetation, especially grasses and sedges, particularly if seedlings are not nodulated and cannot fix atmospheric nitrogen. On a well-prepared palmetto prairie in Florida, for example, newly planted casuarina seedlings failed to survive competition from wiregrass (Aristida stricta) that rapidly reinvaded the site. In the Philippines and in the Highlands of Papua, New Guinea, however, casuarina seedlings have been reported to compete aggressively against Imperata grass, a weed that makes large areas of the tropics useless for agriculture (12). Once casuarina trees dominate a site, however, their heavy root mat and the deep litter layer tend to reduce, even eliminate, competitors.

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Rooting Habit

provided by Silvics of North America
Casuarina has a spreading, fibrous root system that can penetrate quite deeply into the soil if subsurface moisture is available. A very dense mat of adventitious roots may be formed in response to wet conditions. The root hairs become infected by Frankia spp. and form nitrogen-fixing nodules (18).

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Seed Production and Dissemination

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The conelike fruits mature throughout the year, although heavier crops occur in the fall and winter. When the fruits dry from December to March, the samaras, which range in length from 3 to 8 mm (0.1 to 0.3 in), depending on species (14), are released and wind disseminated. Germination of the seeds is epigeal and good on moist, bare soil.

Seeds may be extracted readily from air-dried fruits. Cleaned seed yields range from 661,000 to 1,653,000/kg (300,000 to 750,000/lb) depending on species and location (13). Germination of seeds stored for 2 years under conditions ranging from 6 to 16 percent moisture content and -7° to 3° C (20° to 38° F) can be from 40 to 50 percent (7). No pregermination treatment is required (13). Broadcast sowing of seeds, followed by a thin topping of soil or other nursery medium sufficient to give 215 to 323 seedlings/m² (20 to 30/ft²), can result in outplantable seedlings within 3 months.

Seedling development is partly dependent on the presence of a symbiont, the filamentous actinomycete Frankia spp., which allows casuarina to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Inoculation of nursery-grown seedlings is therefore advisable. This can be accomplished by application of a 10 percent suspension of ground casuarina root nodules with water to the nursery medium (11,18).

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Seedling Development

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Under proper conditions, growth of casuarina seedlings is extremely rapid, with growth rates of more than 2 m (6.5 ft) possible the first year. Such rates of growth are observed only when no competing herbaceous vegetation is present and may be possible only when the seedlings have been inoculated with Frankia spp., as noted earlier (11).

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Soils and Topography

provided by Silvics of North America
All three Casuarina species prefer coarse-textured soils of the Entisol, Inceptisol, and Spodosol orders. They show wide latitude in their soil demands and range from dry, sandy beach ridges to wet lake margins, but they withstand inundation for short periods only. In southeastern Florida, the species are particularly prevalent on alkaline, lime stone-derived soils. Casuarina equisetifolia is tolerant of very saline conditions but grows best in slightly acid sandy soils. All three species tolerate low soil fertility but are quite responsive to fertilization with phosphorus or nitrogen and phosphorus. They reach maximum development in slightly depressional topography where adequate moisture is nearly always available.

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Special Uses

provided by Silvics of North America
No commercial use is made of casuarina in Florida, although its pulping properties are acceptable (5) and reputed to be better than those of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) (8). The species have been widely used for shelterbelts and in landscaping as hedges and ornamentals (1); C. glauca has been frequently planted for soil stabilization near drainage ditches and lakeshores.

The species are well suited for fuelwood because of their fast growth rates, coppicing potential, and desirable wood properties. Their wood densities of approximately 0.72 are among the highest for Florida trees, their green wood moisture content is relatively low at 60 to 88 percent on an ovendry basis, and their whole-tree energy values are considerably higher than those of other species (16). The ash content is slightly higher than that of most native American woods, averaging about 2 percent; the ash content of bark is twice this amount. The wood dries rapidly and burns well. Attempts to saw and season casuarina for use as lumber have not been satisfactory (10). Casuarina bark has been used in tanning and medicine, and the fruits have been used for novelties and decorations (13).

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Vegetative Reproduction

provided by Silvics of North America
The three species show different levels of root suckering: C. glauca root suckers prolifically; C. cunninghamiana, infrequently; and C. equisetifolia, not at all. Rooting success, as evidenced by preliminary trials with fine branches from lower to middle portions of crowns, is satisfactory for C. cunninghamiana and C. glauca but low for C. equisetifolia. Use of rootone and a sand medium typically resulted in rooting as high as 50 percent in the spring. Grafting appears to be successful (1).

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Brief Summary

provided by Silvics of North America
Casuarinaceae -- Casuarina family

D. L. Rockwood, R. F. Fisher, L. F. Conde, and J. B. Huffman

Casuarina species, native to Australia and neighboring areas, have been introduced into many countries. In the United States, three species have been established, primarily in Hawaii, California, and Florida: C. equisetifolia L. ex J. R. & G. Forst., C. cunninghamiana Miq. and C. glauca Sieber ex K. Spreng. Other common names of Casuarina are Australian-pine, beefwood, and horsetail-tree.

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provided by Silvics of North America
Casuarina equisetifolia and C. cunninghamiana are naturalized to the southwestern and southeastern coastal areas of Florida as far north as Tampa and Titusville, with C. equisetifolia particularly prevalent on beaches; C. glauca is present throughout the same general area, frequently as very dense stands along roads and fence lines. Casuarina cunninghamiana exists as planted trees as far north as Gainesville. In Hawaii, C. equisetifolia is common along sandy coasts and lowlands (9).

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Casuarina ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA
Fruit de C. equisetifolia
Casuarina sp.

Casuarina és un gènere amb 17 espècies dins la família Casuarinaceae, és originari d'Australàsia, el subcontinent indi, sud-est d'Àsia i Illes del Pacífic. Anteriorment es tractava com un gènere monotípic però s'ha dividit en tres gèneres.[1][2]

Són arbres o arbusts de fulla persistent que fan fins a 35 m d'alt.

Algunes espècies


Anteriorment ubicats en aquest gènere

La resina exsudada per algunes casuarines és comestible i va ser una font d'aliment pels aborígens australians.

Espècies invasores

C. cunninghamiana, C. glauca i C. equisetifolia s'han introduït en diversos països incloent Argentina, Cuba, Xina, Egipte, Israel, Iraq, Maurici, Kenya, Mèxic, Sud-àfrica i les Bahames[5] i el sud dels Estats Units i ara es consideren espècies invasores.[6][7]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Flora of Australia: Casuarina
  2. 2,0 2,1 Australian Plant Names Index: Casuarina
  3. 3,0 3,1 «GRIN Species Records of Casuarina». Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. [Consulta: 18 febrer 2011].
  4. Casuarina (TSN 19514) al web del Sistema Integrat d'Informació Taxonòmica. (anglès)
  5. http://www.best.bs/Documents/bahamas_nationalstrategy.doc
  6. USFS FEIS: Casuarina
  7. USDA Forest service: Casuarina

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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

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 src= Fruit de C. equisetifolia  src= Casuarina sp.

Casuarina és un gènere amb 17 espècies dins la família Casuarinaceae, és originari d'Australàsia, el subcontinent indi, sud-est d'Àsia i Illes del Pacífic. Anteriorment es tractava com un gènere monotípic però s'ha dividit en tres gèneres.

Són arbres o arbusts de fulla persistent que fan fins a 35 m d'alt.

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Přesličník ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Přesličník (Casuarina) je rod stálezelených subtropických a tropických stromů s nitkovitými větvičkami, pro které jsou typické značně redukované listy. Rod je zařazen do čeledi přesličníkovitých a rozčleněn na 14 až 17 druhů.

Původně to byl široký rod, jediný v čeledi. Po podrobnějším studiu morfologie a počtu chromozomů z něj byla většina druhů vydělena do dalších tří rodů Allocasuarina, Ceuthostoma a Gymnostoma. Klasifikace jednotlivých druhů je obtížná, protože dochází k vysokému stupni hybridizace.


Rod pochází z tropických a subtropických oblastí jižní Asie, severní Austrálie a ostrovů v Tichomoří. Přesličníky byly lidmi rozšířeny do Afriky i Ameriky, a protože se za příhodných podmínek snadno rozšiřují, jsou místy považovány za invazní rostliny. Jsou uzpůsobeny k růstu v chudých půdách, na kořenech mají hlízkové bakterie se symbiotickými bakteriemi, které umožňují rostlinám využívat vzdušný dusík. Pokud jsou ponechány k samovolnému rozmnožování, vytvoří obvykle čisté porosty bez příměsi jiné vegetace. Nesnášejí zastínění, nejsou napadány škodícím hmyzem.


Tyto neopadavé stromy, nebo ojediněle i keře, jsou převážně dvoudomé a jen zřídka jednodomé. Mají dlouhé, převislé, článkovité, tenké větvičky, které nesou zakrnělé listy velké jen několik milimetrů. Listy jsou trojúhelníkovité, šupinovité a vyrůstají v přeslenech na kolénkách větviček. Samčí květy s jedním nebo dvěma drobnými kališními lístky mají jednu tyčinku s velkým, podélně pukajícím prašníkem a bývají sestaveny do jehněd nebo klasů. Samičí květy jsou bez květního obalu, mají drobný dvoudílný semeník se dvěma vajíčky (jedno později zaniká) a krátkou čnělku. Opylovány jsou větrem.

Plodenství jsou dřevnaté šištice obsahující dvounažky s blanitými křidélky. Přesličníky se poměrně dobře rozmnožují semeny z dvounažek, která po vysetí do kypré a vlhké půdy v průběhu dvou až tří týdnů vyklíčí. Při běžných podmínkách vyrostou za rok asi 1,5 m, při optimálních až 2 m. Prvá semena se objevují průměrně ve věku pěti let. Přesličník má vydatný vláknitý kořenový systém, který může pronikat velmi hluboko do půdy.


Vysazují se v tropech a subtropech celého světa, kde se využívají ke zpevňování chudých písčitých půd nebo bývají součásti větrolamů. Pěstují se i pro kvalitní tvrdé dřevo, které se používá na nábytek, parkety, železniční pražce nebo jako palivo, vyrábí se z něho i dřevěné uhlí. Někdy rostou jako okrasné rostliny ve větších parcích, kde se i tvarují.

Externí odkazy

  • Logo Wikimedia Commons Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu přesličník ve Wikimedia Commons
  • Dendrologie.cz: Přesličník [online]. P. Horáček a J. Mencl, rev. 31.12.2006 [cit. 2014-05-12]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  • Australské rostliny: Přesličník [online]. Anigozanthos, Boleslav Jelínek, 66444 Ořechov [cit. 2014-05-12]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  • Flora of North America: Casuarina [online]. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA, USA [cit. 2014-05-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  • COLEMAN, H. R. FloraBase the Western Australian Flora: Casuarina [online]. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Western Australian Herbarium, Kensington, WA, AU, rev. 03.10.2008 [cit. 2014-05-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  • Casuarina [online]. US Forest Service, Washington, D.C., USA [cit. 2014-05-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)

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Přesličník: Brief Summary ( Czech )

provided by wikipedia CZ

Přesličník (Casuarina) je rod stálezelených subtropických a tropických stromů s nitkovitými větvičkami, pro které jsou typické značně redukované listy. Rod je zařazen do čeledi přesličníkovitých a rozčleněn na 14 až 17 druhů.

Původně to byl široký rod, jediný v čeledi. Po podrobnějším studiu morfologie a počtu chromozomů z něj byla většina druhů vydělena do dalších tří rodů Allocasuarina, Ceuthostoma a Gymnostoma. Klasifikace jednotlivých druhů je obtížná, protože dochází k vysokému stupni hybridizace.

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Kasuarinen ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
Casuarina ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Casuarina (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.
Dieser Artikel behandelt die Pflanzengattung. Für die ähnlichlautende Vogelgattung siehe Kasuare.

Kasuarinen (Casuarina) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Ordnung der Buchenartigen (Fagales). Gelegentlich wird der deutsche Begriff Kasuarine allerdings auch für die ebenfalls zu den Kasuarinengewächsen gehörenden Gattungen Allocasuarina und Gymnostoma verwendet. Dies ist vor allem darauf zurückzuführen, dass früher alle etwa 70 Arten der Familie der Kasuarinengewächse dieser Gattung zugeordnet wurden.

Beschreibung und Ökologie

Blüten der Schachtelhalmblättrigen Kasuarine (Casuarina equisetifolia)
Illustration der Schachtelhalmblättrigen Kasuarine (Casuarina equisetifolia)
Frucht und Samen von Casuarina spec.

Vegetative Beschreibung

Die Casuarina-Arten sind in Wäldern oder Trockengebieten wachsende Bäume, deren Zweige an Schachtelhalme erinnern. Die Photosynthese wurde hauptsächlich in die Sprossachse verlagert, die Laubblätter sind stark reduziert. Die feinen Blätter stehen in stängelständigen Quirlen aus fünf bis 20 Blättern, sie sind einfach, verwachsen, sitzend und membranartig. Die Blattränder sind glatt. Nebenblätter fehlen.[1]

Blütenstände und Blüten

Es werden sowohl zwittrige als auch eingeschlechtige Blüten gebildet, es gibt einhäusige (monözische) und zweihäusige (diözische) Arten. Die Bestäubung erfolgt durch den Wind. Es werden ährige oder kopfige Blütenstände gebildet. Rein männliche Blütenstände sind einfache, verlängerte Ähren, weibliche Blütenstände stehen an kurzen Seitenzweigen, deren Aussehen sich von den vegativen Zweigen unterscheidet. Die Fruchtstände sind kegelförmig.

Unter den kleinen Blüten sitzen Hoch- und Deckblätter. Eine Blütenhülle aus ein bis zwei Schuppen ist in den männlichen Blüten verkümmert zu finden, in den weiblichen Blüten fehlt sie ganz. Das Andrözeum ist unverzweigt, neigt aber dazu, sich zu teilen. Es besteht ausschließlich aus fruchtbaren Staubblättern. Die Staubbeutel sind an der Basis fixiert, sie öffnen sich über longitudinale Schlitze. Zwei Fruchtblätter sind zu einem zweikammerigen Fruchtknoten verwachsen, mit einem zugespitzten Griffel und zwei Narben. Je Fruchtblatt existieren zwei nebeneinanderliegende Samenanlagen, die nicht von einem Samenmantel umhüllt sind und aufrecht wachsen.[1]

Früchte und Samen

Die Früchte sind trockene Flügelnüsse, die an der Spitze beflügelt sind. Die Früchte springen nicht auf, die Früchte benachbarter Blüten verbinden sich zu einer Sammelfrucht. Die Teilfrüchte dieser Sammelfrucht sind jedoch nicht verwachsen. Die Samen enthalten kein Endosperm; der ungebogene Embryo ist vollständig ausgeprägt und besitzt zwei ölige Keimblätter.[1]

Casuarina pauper, blühend

Systematik und Verbreitung

Die Gattung Casuarina wurde 1759 durch Carl von Linné aufgestellt. Typusart ist Casuarina equisetifolia L. Der Gattungsname Casuarina ist vom malaiischen Kasuari abgeleitet und bezieht sich auf die Ähnlichkeit der „Blätter“ mit den Federn des Vogels Kasuar (Casuarius).[2]

Die Arten der Gattung Casuarina sind in Australien und auf den nördlich davon gelegenen Inseln beheimatet. Einzelne Arten sind heute pantropisch zu finden.

Es gibt etwa 14 Casuarina-Arten:[1][3]



  1. a b c d Casuarina in FloraBase: in FloraBase - Western Australia Flora.
  2. Umberto Quattrocchi: CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. I A-C. CRC Press, 2000, ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2, S. 456 (Casuarina auf S. 456 in der Google-Buchsuche).
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Casuarina. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 13. Januar 2015.


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Kasuarinen: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE
 src= Casuarina ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Casuarina (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.  src= Dieser Artikel behandelt die Pflanzengattung. Für die ähnlichlautende Vogelgattung siehe Kasuare.

Kasuarinen (Casuarina) sind eine Pflanzengattung aus der Ordnung der Buchenartigen (Fagales). Gelegentlich wird der deutsche Begriff Kasuarine allerdings auch für die ebenfalls zu den Kasuarinengewächsen gehörenden Gattungen Allocasuarina und Gymnostoma verwendet. Dies ist vor allem darauf zurückzuführen, dass früher alle etwa 70 Arten der Familie der Kasuarinengewächse dieser Gattung zugeordnet wurden.

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Казуарина ( Udmurt )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
Casuarina sp.

Казуарина ( лат. Casuarina ) — Casuarinaceae семьяысь Австралилэн но Океанилэн лысо писпу. Дуннеын тодмо ог 17 пӧртэм.


  • Casuarina cristata
  • Casuarina cunninghamiana
  • Casuarina equisetifolia
  • Casuarina glauca
  • Casuarina grandis
  • Casuarina junghuhniana
  • Casuarina obesa
  • Casuarina oligodon
  • Casuarina pauper
Wikipedia authors and editors

Казуарина ( Komi )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
Casuarina sp.

Казуарина ( латин Casuarina ) — казуарина котырса корья пу увтыр. Сійӧ быдмӧ Австралияын да Океанияын.


  • Casuarina cristata
  • Casuarina cunninghamiana
  • Casuarina equisetifolia
  • Casuarina glauca
  • Casuarina grandis
  • Casuarina junghuhniana
  • Casuarina obesa
  • Casuarina oligodon
  • Casuarina pauper
Wikipedia authors and editors

Казуарина ( Komi )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
Casuarina sp.

Казуарина ( лат. Casuarina ) — казуарина котырись корья пу увтыр. Казуарина увтырӧ пырöны 17 вид. Казуарина пантасьӧ Австралияын да Океанияын.


  • Casuarina cristata
  • Casuarina cunninghamiana
  • Casuarina equisetifolia
  • Casuarina glauca
  • Casuarina grandis
  • Casuarina junghuhniana
  • Casuarina obesa
  • Casuarina oligodon
  • Casuarina pauper
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Казуарина: Brief Summary ( Udmurt )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Казуарина  src= «шишка»  src= Casuarina sp.

Казуарина ( лат. Casuarina ) — Casuarinaceae семьяысь Австралилэн но Океанилэн лысо писпу. Дуннеын тодмо ог 17 пӧртэм.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Казуарина: Brief Summary ( Komi )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Казуарина  src= «шишка»  src= Casuarina sp.

Казуарина ( лат. Casuarina ) — казуарина котырись корья пу увтыр. Казуарина увтырӧ пырöны 17 вид. Казуарина пантасьӧ Австралияын да Океанияын.

Wikipedia authors and editors

Казуарина: Brief Summary ( Komi )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Казуарина  src= «шишка»  src= Casuarina sp.

Казуарина ( латин Casuarina ) — казуарина котырса корья пу увтыр. Сійӧ быдмӧ Австралияын да Океанияын.

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சவுக்கு ( Tamil )

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Casuarina sp.

சவுக்கு (தாவர வகைப்பாடு : Casuarina) கசுவரினேசியேக் குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த தாவர இனமாகும். இவ்வினத்தில் 17 துணையினங்கள் காணப்படுகின்றன. இவை அவுத்திரேலியா, தெற்காசியா, மேற்கு பசிபிக்குத் தீவுகள் என்பவற்றைத் தாயகமாகக் கொண்டவை. கசுவரினேசியேக் குடும்பத்தில் சவுக்கு மட்டுமே ஒரே ஒரு இனமெனக் கருதப்பட்டது. ஆயினும் இதில் மூன்று இனவகைகள் உள்ளன[1][2]

சவுக்கின்( C. equisetifolia) பழம்

பசுமையான செடியிலிருந்து 35 அடிவரை வளாரக் கூடிய பெரிய மரம் வரைக் காணப்படும்.


  1. Flora of Australia: Casuarina
  2. Australian Plant Names Index: Casuarina
விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

சவுக்கு: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Casuarina sp.

சவுக்கு (தாவர வகைப்பாடு : Casuarina) கசுவரினேசியேக் குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த தாவர இனமாகும். இவ்வினத்தில் 17 துணையினங்கள் காணப்படுகின்றன. இவை அவுத்திரேலியா, தெற்காசியா, மேற்கு பசிபிக்குத் தீவுகள் என்பவற்றைத் தாயகமாகக் கொண்டவை. கசுவரினேசியேக் குடும்பத்தில் சவுக்கு மட்டுமே ஒரே ஒரு இனமெனக் கருதப்பட்டது. ஆயினும் இதில் மூன்று இனவகைகள் உள்ளன

 src= சவுக்கின்( C. equisetifolia) பழம்

பசுமையான செடியிலிருந்து 35 அடிவரை வளாரக் கூடிய பெரிய மரம் வரைக் காணப்படும்.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

సరుగుడు ( Telugu )

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సరుగుడు (Casuarina) ఒక విధమైన పొడవుగా పెరిగే కలప చెట్టు. Sundharakota (v), Sarugudu( p), Nathavaram (m), visakhapatnam (dist). ma vuru chala andhamaina, challanaina, kalushya rahitha, swahamaina pradesam. Inthakumundhu ma vuru vellendhuku road sadhupayam undedhikadhu 2014 october nela nundi ma vuru ki road sadhupayam andhubatuloki vachindhi, Inka road panulu avuthoone unnayi dhaniki karanam road veyyisthunnadi prabhuthvam kadu ma vuru chuttuprakkala gramallo erupu lignet ghani undhi, dhanni oka vyakthi peru tho leeju ki thisukuni mining kosom road panulu parambiincharu. Sarugudu panchhayithi loni 8 gramalaku road sadhupayam ledu a gramalanni kondalameedhi gramale,ee 8 gramaprajalu kanisa avasaralku nosukuni unnayi. Idhivaraku ye prabhuthvam mammalni pttinchukuledu unnadhalla okka current sadhupayam me adhikuda oka nelalo roju ki 10 gntala choppuna 20 rojulaku minchi vundadu. Ma vuruki swathanthram raka mundhu nundi ante sumaru 500 samvathsarala charithra undhi kani ippatiki ma vuru prapancha patam lo kanipinchadhu adhi mana dhesha rajakaayam. Ma kondala meeda gramalannintiloni kastha padda vuru ma vure ante sundharakota, ma pallello ippatiki praaseena nagarikatha konasaguthune udi,. udaharahna : 15 nundi 18 samvatharala vallaku pellillu, ma mundhuti tharam varaku adhe paddathi, ma tharam lo adhi konchem thaggindi kani ippatiki akkadakkada mamule. Panchayathi theerpu, vuru kattubatlu, Kulam, Matham ,Bhasha, Vamsham, ani vuntayi, Kani andharu okkatigane untaru Binnathvam lo ekathvam laga. Ma pallello ippatuiki grama shabha theerpu amaluklone unnndhi ma nanna garu ma parisara pranthallo theerpu cheputhuntaru, vati abhivruddkai prajalni utthejaparuishi mundhuku nadipisthuntaru. Saruugudu panchayithi lo mottham 16 gramalunnayi, andhulo 8 gramala prajalu konda pranthallo nivashisthunnaru aa gramalannintiki raod sadhupayam ledhu. prabuthva pathakalu pravesa pedatharu kani avi amalukavadam mathram sunyam. prathi rajakeeya nayakulu , panchayathi charpanch ennikala mundhu mathrame kanipistharu, ika MLA, MP antara memu otu vesina sare ma pallelloki okka sari kuda adugu pettaru, 2004 lo oka sari CPI Party nundi ennikaina MLA sri G Demudu garu vicchesaru kani tharuvatha 5 samvathsarallo athani jade theliyadu, 2014 ennikala visayaniki vaste MLA ,MP unnaranu kovatame thappa vallu elantollo chala mandhiki theliyadhu anthati dhourbhaghyam madhi. Garbhani sthree, theevrajvaram, janthuvula dhadiki, chetla komma padi gayamaina vallandariki sarugudu varaku pandhirikatti mosuku vellalsindhe. Bavi neeti vadakam, polio mandula samayaniki andhavu, vartha pathrikalu ravu, asalu prapanchamtho sambhandham thegipoyinatlavuddanukondi ma vuru lo vunte. Prajalaku upaadhi leka jillalu dhati, rastralu dhati panulu vethukkuntaru pandakki pandakki mathrame intiki vastharu, chaduvukunna yuvatha thakkuva, udhyogulu leru, abhivruddhiki nosukunna ADHUNIKA PRAPANCHAM ma pallelu. Andharu rhythule, vyavasayam chestham, anni panulu swayangane chesukuntam, rhythu meme kooli meme ma bhandhale veru ma prapanchame veru.

Bathula Ramesh


బాయిలరులలో సరుగుడు కలపనుజీవద్రవ్య ఇంధనంగా ఉపయోగిస్తారు

వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు

సరుగుడు: Brief Summary ( Telugu )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

సరుగుడు (Casuarina) ఒక విధమైన పొడవుగా పెరిగే కలప చెట్టు. Sundharakota (v), Sarugudu( p), Nathavaram (m), visakhapatnam (dist). ma vuru chala andhamaina, challanaina, kalushya rahitha, swahamaina pradesam. Inthakumundhu ma vuru vellendhuku road sadhupayam undedhikadhu 2014 october nela nundi ma vuru ki road sadhupayam andhubatuloki vachindhi, Inka road panulu avuthoone unnayi dhaniki karanam road veyyisthunnadi prabhuthvam kadu ma vuru chuttuprakkala gramallo erupu lignet ghani undhi, dhanni oka vyakthi peru tho leeju ki thisukuni mining kosom road panulu parambiincharu. Sarugudu panchhayithi loni 8 gramalaku road sadhupayam ledu a gramalanni kondalameedhi gramale,ee 8 gramaprajalu kanisa avasaralku nosukuni unnayi. Idhivaraku ye prabhuthvam mammalni pttinchukuledu unnadhalla okka current sadhupayam me adhikuda oka nelalo roju ki 10 gntala choppuna 20 rojulaku minchi vundadu. Ma vuruki swathanthram raka mundhu nundi ante sumaru 500 samvathsarala charithra undhi kani ippatiki ma vuru prapancha patam lo kanipinchadhu adhi mana dhesha rajakaayam. Ma kondala meeda gramalannintiloni kastha padda vuru ma vure ante sundharakota, ma pallello ippatiki praaseena nagarikatha konasaguthune udi,. udaharahna : 15 nundi 18 samvatharala vallaku pellillu, ma mundhuti tharam varaku adhe paddathi, ma tharam lo adhi konchem thaggindi kani ippatiki akkadakkada mamule. Panchayathi theerpu, vuru kattubatlu, Kulam, Matham ,Bhasha, Vamsham, ani vuntayi, Kani andharu okkatigane untaru Binnathvam lo ekathvam laga. Ma pallello ippatuiki grama shabha theerpu amaluklone unnndhi ma nanna garu ma parisara pranthallo theerpu cheputhuntaru, vati abhivruddkai prajalni utthejaparuishi mundhuku nadipisthuntaru. Saruugudu panchayithi lo mottham 16 gramalunnayi, andhulo 8 gramala prajalu konda pranthallo nivashisthunnaru aa gramalannintiki raod sadhupayam ledhu. prabuthva pathakalu pravesa pedatharu kani avi amalukavadam mathram sunyam. prathi rajakeeya nayakulu , panchayathi charpanch ennikala mundhu mathrame kanipistharu, ika MLA, MP antara memu otu vesina sare ma pallelloki okka sari kuda adugu pettaru, 2004 lo oka sari CPI Party nundi ennikaina MLA sri G Demudu garu vicchesaru kani tharuvatha 5 samvathsarallo athani jade theliyadu, 2014 ennikala visayaniki vaste MLA ,MP unnaranu kovatame thappa vallu elantollo chala mandhiki theliyadhu anthati dhourbhaghyam madhi. Garbhani sthree, theevrajvaram, janthuvula dhadiki, chetla komma padi gayamaina vallandariki sarugudu varaku pandhirikatti mosuku vellalsindhe. Bavi neeti vadakam, polio mandula samayaniki andhavu, vartha pathrikalu ravu, asalu prapanchamtho sambhandham thegipoyinatlavuddanukondi ma vuru lo vunte. Prajalaku upaadhi leka jillalu dhati, rastralu dhati panulu vethukkuntaru pandakki pandakki mathrame intiki vastharu, chaduvukunna yuvatha thakkuva, udhyogulu leru, abhivruddhiki nosukunna ADHUNIKA PRAPANCHAM ma pallelu. Andharu rhythule, vyavasayam chestham, anni panulu swayangane chesukuntam, rhythu meme kooli meme ma bhandhale veru ma prapanchame veru.

Bathula Ramesh

వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు


provided by wikipedia EN

Fruit of C. equisetifolia

Casuarina is a genus of flowering plants in the family Casuarinaceae, and is native to Australia, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, islands of the western Pacific Ocean, and eastern Africa. Plants in the genus Casuarina are monoecious or dioecious trees with green, pendulous, photosynthetic branchlets, the leaves reduced to small scales arranged in whorls around the branchlets, the male and female flowers arranged in separate spikes, the fruit a cone containing grey or yellowish-brown winged seeds.


Plants in the genus Casuarina are dioecious trees (apart from C. equisetifolia that is monoecious), with fissured or scaly greyish-brown to black bark. They have soft, pendulous, green, photosynthetic branchlets, the leaves reduced to scale-like leaves arranged in whorls of 5 to 20 around the branchlets. The branchlets are segmented at each whorl with deep furrows that conceal the stomates. Male flowers are arranged along branchlets in spikes with persistent bracteoles, female flowers in spikes on short side-branches (effectively "peduncles") that differ in appearance from vegetative branchlets. After fertilisation, the female spikes develop into "cones" with thin, woody bracteoles that extend well beyond the cone body. The cones enclose grey or yellowish-brown winged seed known as samaras.[3][4][5][6][7][8]


The genus Casuarina was first formally described in 1759 by Carl Linnaeus in Amoenitates Academicae and the first species he described (the type species) was Casuarina equisetifolia.[2][9] The generic name is derived from the Malay word for the cassowary, kasuari, alluding to the similarities between the bird's feathers and the plant's foliage.[10]

Species List

The following is a list of Casuarina species accepted by Plants of the World Online as of April 2023:[11]

In 1982, Lawrence Johnson raised the genera Allocasuarina and Gymnostoma in the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, and transferred some species previously included in Casuarina to the new genera. The species of Allocasuarina previously in Casuarina are: A. acuaria, A. acutivalvis, A. campestris, A. corniculata, A. decaisneana, A. decussata, A. dielsiana, A. distyla, A. drummondiana, A. drummondiana, A. fraseriana, A. grevilleoides, A. helmsii, A. huegeliana, A. humilis, A. inophloia, A. lehmanniana subsp. lehmanniana, A. littoralis, A. luehmannii, A. microstachya, A. monilifera, A. muelleriana, A. nana, A. paludosa, A. paradoxa, A. pinaster, A. pusilla, A. ramosissima, A. rigida, A. robusta, A. striata, A. tessellata, A. thuyoides, A. torulosa, A. trichodon and A. verticillata. The species of Gymnostoma previously included in Casuarina are G. chamaecyparis, G. deplancheanum, G. intermedium, G. leucodon, G. nobile, G. nodiflorum, G. papuanum, G. poissonianum, G. rumphianum and G. sumatranum and G. webbianum.[12]

Invasive species

Casuarina on Gold Rock Beach, Grand Bahama

C. cunninghamiana, C. glauca and C. equisetifolia have become naturalized in many countries, including Argentina, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Cuba, China, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Mauritius, Kenya, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, the Bahamas,[13] and Uruguay. They are considered an invasive species[14][15] in the United States, especially in southern Florida[16] where they have nearly quadrupled in number between 1993 and 2005 and are called the Australian pine.[17] C. equisetifolia is widespread in the Hawaiian Islands where it grows both on the seashore in dry, salty, calcareous soils and up in the mountains in high rainfall areas on volcanic soils. It is also an invasive plant in Bermuda, where it was introduced to replace the Juniperus bermudiana windbreaks killed by a scale insect in the 1940s.[18]


  1. ^ "Casuarina". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 21 April 2023.
  2. ^ a b "Casuarina". APNI. Retrieved 21 April 2023.
  3. ^ Wilson, Karen L.; Johnson, Lawrence A.S. George, Alex S. (ed.). "Casuarina". Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Climate Change, the Environment and Water: Canberra. Retrieved 22 April 2023.
  4. ^ "Casuarina". FloraBase. Western Australian Government Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
  5. ^ Wilson, Karen L.; Johnson, Lawrence A.S. Wilson, Karen L. (ed.). "Genus Casuarina". Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Retrieved 22 April 2023.
  6. ^ Entwisle, Timothy J.; Walsh, Neville. "Casuarina". Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Retrieved 22 April 2023.
  7. ^ "Casuarina". Northern Territory Government. Retrieved 22 April 2023.
  8. ^ Huxley, A., ed. (1992). New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan Publishers. ISBN 0-333-47494-5.
  9. ^ Linnaeus, Carl (1759). Amoenitates academicae, seu, Dissertationes variae physicae, medicae, botanicae. p. 143. Retrieved 21 April 2023.
  10. ^ Quattrocchi, Umberto (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. Vol. I A-C. CRC Press. p. 456. ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2.
  11. ^ Govaerts R. "Casuarina L.". Plants of the World Online. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 20 April 2023.
  12. ^ Johnson, Lawrence A. (1982). "Note on Casuarinaceae II". Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. 6 (1): 73–86. Retrieved 21 April 2023.
  13. ^ BEST Commission (March 2003). "The National Invasive Species Strategy for The Bahamas". Nassau, The Bahamas: BEST. Archived from the original on 2011-07-06.
  14. ^ USFS FEIS: Casuarina
  15. ^ USDA Forest service: Casuarina
  16. ^ "GISD". www.iucngisd.org.
  17. ^ IFAS: SRFer Mapserver Archived 2007-09-07 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^ "Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia)". Department of Conservation. Government of Bermuda. Archived from the original on 2010-03-05. Retrieved 2010-10-01.

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Casuarina: Brief Summary

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Fruit of C. equisetifolia

Casuarina is a genus of flowering plants in the family Casuarinaceae, and is native to Australia, the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, islands of the western Pacific Ocean, and eastern Africa. Plants in the genus Casuarina are monoecious or dioecious trees with green, pendulous, photosynthetic branchlets, the leaves reduced to small scales arranged in whorls around the branchlets, the male and female flowers arranged in separate spikes, the fruit a cone containing grey or yellowish-brown winged seeds.

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Kasuarino ( Esperanto )

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Kasuarino (Casuarina) (PIV-proponita neologismo estas kazuareno) estas genro de arboj kaj arbustoj el la familio de kasuarinacoj. Ili estas indiĝenaj al Aŭstralio kaj insuloj en la Pacifiko.

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Casuarina ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Conos inmaduros in situ de Casuarina cunninghamiana.
'Conos' y semillas aladas.

Casuarina (nombre común casuarinas) es un género de arbustos y árboles perennes compuesto por una quincena de especies -monoicas o dioicas- aceptadas, de unas 35 descritas.

Sus esbeltas y delicadas ramas con verticilos de inconspicuas hojas escuamoides y sus infrutescencias estrobiloides les dan apariencia de pinos. Sin embargo, a pesar de lo que pueda parecer, no son Gimnospermas sino Angiospermas con caracteres morfológicos muy particulares y que tienen una familia propia (Casuarinaceae).


Son originarios de Australia y las islas del Pacífico, pero son muy comunes en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales.


Comúnmente conocidas como roble hembra (she-oak o sheoak), palo hierro (ironwood), o palo res (beefwood), las casuarinas son comúnmente cultivadas en áreas tropicales, subtropicales y templadas en todo el mundo.

Especies aceptadas


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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Conos inmaduros in situ de Casuarina cunninghamiana.  src= 'Conos' y semillas aladas.

Casuarina (nombre común casuarinas) es un género de arbustos y árboles perennes compuesto por una quincena de especies -monoicas o dioicas- aceptadas, de unas 35 descritas.

Sus esbeltas y delicadas ramas con verticilos de inconspicuas hojas escuamoides y sus infrutescencias estrobiloides les dan apariencia de pinos. Sin embargo, a pesar de lo que pueda parecer, no son Gimnospermas sino Angiospermas con caracteres morfológicos muy particulares y que tienen una familia propia (Casuarinaceae).

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Kasuariinat ( Finnish )

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Kasuariinat (Casuarina) on kasvisuku, joka kuuluu kasuariinakasvien (Casuarinaceae) heimoon. Se on heimon tyyppisuku. Kasuariinoihin kuuluu 14 lajia.[2] Niihin sisältyy muun muassa leikkokasvina käytetty jouhikasuariina (Casuarina equisetifolia).[1]



  1. a b Räty, Ella (toim.): Viljelykasvien nimistö. Helsinki: Puutarhaliiton julkaisuja nro 363, 2012. ISBN 978-951-8942-92-7.
  2. The Plant List: Casuarina (englanniksi) Viitattu 12.10.2017.

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Kasuariinat: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Kasuariinat (Casuarina) on kasvisuku, joka kuuluu kasuariinakasvien (Casuarinaceae) heimoon. Se on heimon tyyppisuku. Kasuariinoihin kuuluu 14 lajia. Niihin sisältyy muun muassa leikkokasvina käytetty jouhikasuariina (Casuarina equisetifolia).

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Casuarina ( French )

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Casuarina est un genre d'arbres de la famille des Casuarinaceae. Ce genre comprend 17 espèces originaires d'Australasie, du sud-est de l'Asie et des îles de l'ouest de l'océan Pacifique. Autrefois considéré comme le seul genre de la famille, il n'en est maintenant plus qu'un des trois genres (voir Casuarinaceae)[1],[2]. Cette essence d'arbre est résistante à la salinisation.


Casuarina sp. - Muséum de Toulouse
Fruit de C. equisetifolia

Les Casuarina sont des arbustes ou des arbres pouvant atteindre 35 mètres de haut à feuillage persistant.

Les rameaux en forme de fines brindilles vertes ou gris-vert portant de minuscules feuilles-écailles en verticilles.

Les fleurs sont regroupées en chatons ; les fleurs mâles sont de simples épis, les fleurs femelles ont un court pédoncule.

La plupart des espèces sont dioïques mais quelques-unes sont monoïques. Le fruit est ligneux, ressemblant aux cônes des conifères formés de nombreux carpelles contenant chacun une graine munie d'une petite aile[1],[3].

Les Casuarinas sont une ressource alimentaire pour les chenilles des Hepialidae ; celles du genre Aenetus (en), notamment A. lewinii et A. splendens, s'enfoncent horizontalement dans le tronc avant de descendre à la verticale. Endoclita malabaricus se nourrit aussi de Casuarina. L'agrotis se nourrit également de Casuarina.

Liste d'espèces


  1. a et b Flora of Australia: Casuarina
  2. Australian Plant Names Index: Casuarina
  3. Huxley, A., ed. (1992). New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan (ISBN 0-333-47494-5).

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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( French )

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Casuarina est un genre d'arbres de la famille des Casuarinaceae. Ce genre comprend 17 espèces originaires d'Australasie, du sud-est de l'Asie et des îles de l'ouest de l'océan Pacifique. Autrefois considéré comme le seul genre de la famille, il n'en est maintenant plus qu'un des trois genres (voir Casuarinaceae),. Cette essence d'arbre est résistante à la salinisation.

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Presličnjak ( Croatian )

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Presličnjak (kazuarina, lat. Casuarina), biljni rod sa 12 vrsta[1] drveća i grmlja iz porodice presličnjakovki, red bukvolike.

latinsko ime roda Casuarina dolazi po izgledu grana s ljuskastim lišćem koje nalikuje na perje kazuara. Ovaj rod raširen je po Novom Zelandu, Australiji, istočnoj Africi i jugoistočnoj Aziji. Casuarina equisetifolia naraste do 45 metara, i izuzetno je tvrdo. Drvo kazuarine zbog svoje čvrstoće koristi se za izradu željezničkih pragova, za izradu pokućstva, a njegova kora u medicini, kao štavilo i za bojenje.[2]


  1. Casuarina collina
  2. Casuarina cristata
  3. Casuarina cunninghamiana
  4. Casuarina equisetifolia
  5. Casuarina glauca
  6. Casuarina grandis
  7. Casuarina junghuhniana
  8. Casuarina obesa
  9. Casuarina oligodon
  10. Casuarina orophila
  11. Casuarina pauper
  12. Casuarina teres
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Presličnjak: Brief Summary ( Croatian )

provided by wikipedia hr Croatian

Presličnjak (kazuarina, lat. Casuarina), biljni rod sa 12 vrsta drveća i grmlja iz porodice presličnjakovki, red bukvolike.

latinsko ime roda Casuarina dolazi po izgledu grana s ljuskastim lišćem koje nalikuje na perje kazuara. Ovaj rod raširen je po Novom Zelandu, Australiji, istočnoj Africi i jugoistočnoj Aziji. Casuarina equisetifolia naraste do 45 metara, i izuzetno je tvrdo. Drvo kazuarine zbog svoje čvrstoće koristi se za izradu željezničkih pragova, za izradu pokućstva, a njegova kora u medicini, kao štavilo i za bojenje.

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Casuarina ( Italian )

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Casuarina L. è un genere di piante della famiglia Casuarinaceae, originarie dell'Australasia, del subcontinente indiano, dell'Asia sudorientale e delle isole dell'Oceano Pacifico occidentale.[1]


Il nome del genere deriva dal termine malese "cassowary" o "kasuari", che allude alla somiglianza tra il piumaggio dell'uccello (Casuarius) ed il fogliame della pianta.


Frutti e semi di Casuarina sp.

Le piante ad esso appartenenti sono arbusti ed alberi sempreverdi alti fino a 35 metri.
I giovani rametti sono composti da segmenti articolati.
Le foglie, da verdi a grigio-verdi, sottili, acute, biancastre, sono riunite in verticilli da 5 a 20 in corrispondenza dei nodi. La maggioranza delle specie sono dioiche.
I fiori sono a sessi separati; quelli maschili sono semplici spighe, prodotte in piccole infiorescenze ad amento; quelli femminili sono piccoli coni globosi, con valve ovate pubescenti.
Il frutto è costituito da una struttura legnosa, simile alla pigna di una conifera, composta da numerosi carpelli, ciascuno contenente un singolo seme alato.


In origine era considerato come l'unico genere della famiglia, ma attualmente è stato suddiviso in quattro generi (vedi Casuarinaceae).

Comprende le seguenti specie:[1]


  1. ^ a b (EN) Casuarina L., su Plants of the World Online, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. URL consultato il 15 gennaio 2021.

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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Casuarina L. è un genere di piante della famiglia Casuarinaceae, originarie dell'Australasia, del subcontinente indiano, dell'Asia sudorientale e delle isole dell'Oceano Pacifico occidentale.

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Casuarina ( Norwegian )

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Casuarina sp.

Casuarina eller jerntreslekten er en planteslekt av løvtrær og busker i jerntrefamilien (Casuarinaceae). Den omfatter minst 17 arter i Australia, Sørøst-Asia og øyer i Stillehavet. De har blader som minner sterkt om bladene til sneller (Equisetum), og de er eviggrønne og tåler tørke meget godt. På engelsk kalles de ofte «ironwood» eller «sheoak».

Røttene har stor evne til å fiksére nitrogen, og derfor vil disse artene i praksis øke jordens fruktbarhet i de områdene hvor de vokser.

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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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 src= Casuarina sp.

Casuarina eller jerntreslekten er en planteslekt av løvtrær og busker i jerntrefamilien (Casuarinaceae). Den omfatter minst 17 arter i Australia, Sørøst-Asia og øyer i Stillehavet. De har blader som minner sterkt om bladene til sneller (Equisetum), og de er eviggrønne og tåler tørke meget godt. På engelsk kalles de ofte «ironwood» eller «sheoak».

Røttene har stor evne til å fiksére nitrogen, og derfor vil disse artene i praksis øke jordens fruktbarhet i de områdene hvor de vokser.

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Rzewnia ( Polish )

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Owoce i nasiona

Rzewnia, kazuaryna (Casuarina L.) – rodzaj drzew lub krzewów z rodziny rzewniowatych Casuarinaceae. Występuje w południowo-wschodniej Azji i Australii. Gatunkiem typowym jest Casuarina equisetifolia (Poir.) Nutt.[2].


Gatunki z tego rodzaju mają bardzo twarde liście, przypominające strusie pióra lub igły sosny. Odporne na uszkodzenia przez termity. Uważane za najlepsze drewno opałowe na świecie (łatwopalne nawet świeże).


Pozycja systematyczna według Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (2001...)

Jeden z czterech rodzajów z rodziny rzewniowate z rzędu bukowców, należącego do kladu różowych w obrębie okrytonasiennych[1].

Pozycja w systemie Reveala 1993–1999)

Gromada okrytonasienne (Magnoliophyta Cronquist), podgromada Magnoliophytina Frohne & U. Jensen ex Reveal, klasa Rosopsida Batsch, podklasa oczarowe (Hamamelididae Takht.), nadrząd Casuarinanae Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, rząd rzewniowce (Casuarinales Lindl.), rodzina rzewniowate (Casuarinaceae R. Br. in Flinders), podrodzina Casuarinoideae J. Williams, plemię Casuarineae Colla, rodzaj rzewnia (Casuarina Rumph. ex L.)[3].

Wybrane gatunki[4]


  1. a b Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-01-08].
  2. Index Nominum Genericorum. [dostęp 2009-01-23].
  3. Crescent Bloom: Systematyka rodzaju Casuarina (ang.). The Compleat Botanica. [dostęp 2010-01-10].
  4. Casuarina (ang.). Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-01-08].
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Rzewnia: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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 src= Owoce i nasiona

Rzewnia, kazuaryna (Casuarina L.) – rodzaj drzew lub krzewów z rodziny rzewniowatych Casuarinaceae. Występuje w południowo-wschodniej Azji i Australii. Gatunkiem typowym jest Casuarina equisetifolia (Poir.) Nutt..

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Casuarina ( Portuguese )

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Cones imaturos in situ de Casuarina cunninghamiana.
Casuarina equisetifolia (fruto).
Casuarina sp. - MHNT.

Casuarina é um género que agrupa 17 espécies de árvores e arbustos da família Casuarinaceae, caracterizados por ostentarem ramos esbeltos e delicados, com folhas reduzidas a escamas, o que lhes confere um aspecto semelhante a pinheiros esbeltos. O género tem distribuição natural centrada na Australásia e ilhas do Pacífico ocidental, sendo hoje comum nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais,[1] onde algumas espécies são cultivadas como árvores ornamentais, encontrando-se naturalizado em múltiplas regiões, sendo algumas espécies consideradas localmente como plantas invasoras.


O nome genérico é derivado da palavra malaia que designa o casuar, kasuari, uma alusão à similaridade entre as penas daquela ave e a folhagem das plantas do género Casuarina.[2] Apesar dessa origem, a árvore é designada em malaio corrente por rhu, o seu nome comum naquele idioma.

O género inclui 17 espécies da família Casuarinaceae, nativas da Australásia, subcontinente indiano, sueste da Ásia e ilhas do Pacífico Ocidental. O género foi considerado como o único na família Casuarinaceae, que seria assim monotípica, mas estudos recentes levaram à divisão daquela família em três géneros distintos (ver Casuarinaceae).[1][3]

As espécies do género Casuarina são arbustos e árvores perenifólios, sendo que algumas espécies arbóreas podem atingir até 35 m de altura. Caracterizam-se pelos seus troncos esbeltos, ramificação ligeiramente decumbente e ritidoma acinzentado, rugoso e pouco espesso.

A função fotossintética é assegurada na quase totalidade por filocládios, pequenos ramos delgados, muito ramificados, de coloração verde a verde-acinzentada. A folhagem é residual, reduzida a pequenas folhas escamiformes agrupadas em tufos espirais de 5-20 escamas por cada nodo dos filocládios.

As flores são produzidas em pequenas inflorescências do tipo amentilho. As flores são simples, reduzidas a uma pequena estrutura talosa. A maioria das espécies são dióicas, sendo muito reduzido o número de espécies monóicas.

O fruto é lenhoso, de forma oval, assemelhando-se superficialmente a uma pequena pinha, sendo constituído por numerosos carpelos, cada um contendo uma única semente, a qual apresenta uma pequena asa acoplada.[3][4]

Algumas espécies de Casuarina servem de alimento a larvas de traças da família Hepialidae. Também alguns membros do género Aenetus, incluindo Aenetus lewinii e Aenetus splendens, escavam galerias horizontalmente no tronco das árvores e arbustos e depois verticalmente para baixo no seu interior. A espécie Endoclita malabaricus também se alimenta de Casuarina. A traça Agrotis segetum, da família Noctuidae, também foi observada a alimentar-se de Casuarina.

Os compostos pendunculagina, casuarictina, strictinina, casuarinina e casuariina são elagitaninos encontrados em espécies pertencentes ao género Casuarina.[5] A resina exsudada por algumas casuarinas é comestível e era utilizada como alimento pelos povos aborígenes da Austrália.

Diversas casuarinas são cultivadas nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais, e mesmo em algumas regiões temperadas menos sujeitas a geadas. A cultura destina-se essencialmente a fins ornamentais, já que aquelas árvores apresentam um fuste estreito e alongado, terminando em ramos delicados, com aspecto de plumas, o que lhe confere a aparência de elegantes coníferas. Como a maioria das espécies do género é muito resistente ao vento e à ressalga, são utilizadas na constituição de abrigos, especialmente junto à costa, embora raramente para fins agronómicos.

A espécie C. equisetifolia é utilizada com frequência para fins decorativos e de abrigo junto à costa, sendo extremamente tolerante à exposição ao vento e aos efeitos do mar. A sua madeira é aproveitada para lenha e para pequenas construções. A espécie C. oligodon tem sido cultivada na Nova Guiné desde há mais de 3 000 anos, numa forma de silvicultura praticada nas terras altas daquela ilha que assume aspectos de uma permacultura intensiva tradicional. A madeira é utilizada para construção, marcenaria, construção de ferramentas e como principal combustível dos povos daquela região. A planta apresenta nódulo nitrificantes nas suas raízes, sendo tradicionalmente utilizada para melhorar a fertilidade do solo. A abundante manta morta que gera é rica em azoto e utilizada como base para a feitura de estrume.

A espécie C. equisetifolia foi introduzida na Bermuda, onde é utilizada para abrigo e para melhoria do solo, já que para além da fixação de azoto permite baixar o pH, dado que a predominância de calcário gera solos manifestamente alcalinos. As espécies C. cunninghamiana, C. glauca e C. equisetifolia estão naturalizadas em diversas regiões, incluindo a Argentina, Estados Unidos, Cuba, China continental, Egito, Israel, Iraque, Maurícia, Quénia, México, África do Sul, Brasil, Bermuda, Havai e Bahamas.[6]

No sueste dos Estados Unidos, a espécie C. equisetifolia foi introduzida nas primeiras décadas do século XX e á actualmente considerada uma espécie invasora.[7][8] A espécie quase quadruplicou a área ocupada no sul da Flórida entre 1993 e 2005, sendo aí conhecida como pinheiro-australiano.[9]

A espécie C. equisetifolia tem grande expansão nas ilhas do Havai, onde ocorre tanto na região costeira, ocupando terrenos calcários secos e salgadiços, como nas regiões de montanha, onde cresce em áreas chuvosas de solos vulcânicos profundos. A espécie é também considerada invasora na Bermuda,[10] onde foi introduzida para substituir os abrigos de cedro Juniperus bermudiana, que foram dizimados por insectos introduzidos na ilha na década de 1940.

As casuarinas apresentam propriedades alelopáticas, demonstradas pela quase ausência de sub-bosque quando a manta morta se acumula sob as árvores da espécie.


O género Casuarina inclui as seguintes espécies:[1][3][11][12]

O género inclui as seguintes espécies, entretanto realocadas para outros géneros da família Casuarinaceae:


Em Portugal existem 2 espécies deste género, presentes apenas em Portugal Continental, onde são introduzidas:[13]


  1. a b c Australian Plant Names Index: Casuarina
  2. Quattrocchi, Umberto (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. I A-C. [S.l.]: CRC Press. p. 456. ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2
  3. a b c Flora of Australia: Casuarina
  4. Huxley, A., ed. (1992). New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. [S.l.]: Macmillan Publishers. ISBN 0-333-47494-5
  5. Okuda, T.; T. Yoshida, M. Ashida and K. Yazaki (1983). «Tannins of Casuarina and Stachyurus species. I: Structures of pendunculagin, casuarictin, strictinin, casuarinin, casuariin, and stachyurin.». Journal of the Chemical Society (8): 1765–1772 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
  6. http://www.best.bs/Documents/bahamas_nationalstrategy.doc
  7. USFS FEIS: Casuarina
  8. USDA Forest service: Casuarina
  9. IFAS: SRFer Mapserver
  10. «Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia. Department of Conservation. Government of Bermuda
  11. a b «GRIN Species Records of Casuarina». Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Consultado em 18 de fevereiro de 2011
  12. «Casuarina» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov). Consultado em 21 de fevereiro de 2010
  13. Sequeira M, Espírito-Santo D, Aguiar C, Capelo J & Honrado J (Coord.) (2010). Checklist da Flora de Portugal (Continental, Açores e Madeira). Associação Lusitana de Fitossociologia (ALFA).

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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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 src= Cones imaturos in situ de Casuarina cunninghamiana.  src= Ramos e filocládios de Casuarina equisetifolia.  src= Casuarina cunninghamiana (fruto).  src= Casuarina equisetifolia (fruto).  src= Casuarina sp. - MHNT.

Casuarina é um género que agrupa 17 espécies de árvores e arbustos da família Casuarinaceae, caracterizados por ostentarem ramos esbeltos e delicados, com folhas reduzidas a escamas, o que lhes confere um aspecto semelhante a pinheiros esbeltos. O género tem distribuição natural centrada na Australásia e ilhas do Pacífico ocidental, sendo hoje comum nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais, onde algumas espécies são cultivadas como árvores ornamentais, encontrando-se naturalizado em múltiplas regiões, sendo algumas espécies consideradas localmente como plantas invasoras.

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Casuarina ( Turkish )

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C. equisetifolia meyvesi
Casuarina sp. - MHNT
Chikhaldara, Maharashtra'da bir Casuarina equisetifolia
Casuarina cunninghamiana
Casuarina sp.

Casuarina. Gençlikte sivri, ileri yaşlarda dağınık tepe yapar. 30–40 m’ye kadar boy yapabilen ve hızlı büyüyen bir ağaçtır. Dalları at kuyruğuna benzer. Dallar gövdeden oldukça dar bir açı ile çıkar. Hep yeşil yaprakları 10–15 cm uzun,1 mm çaplıdır. Küçük, pulumsu ve çevresel biçimlidir. Birleşik fındık büyüklüğünde bir kozalakçık oluştururlar. 70-90 adet tohum içerirler. Çiçekler monoiktir. Erkek çiçekler sürgün ucundu kurul halinde, kat kat ve çevresel durumludur. Dişi çiçekler ise yanlardadır. Soğuğa karşı dayanıklı değildir. Donlara duyarlıdır. -7 c sıcaklıklara kadar dayanır. Sıcak iklim koşullarında yetişir. Sahillerde, kumluk, fakir ve çorak arazilerde ıslah ve ağaçlandırma gayeleri ile kullanılır. İyi drenajlı, nemli ve ıslak topraklarda iyi gelişir.


ad = Casuarina

Casuarina equisetifolia,


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Casuarina distribution.svg
  1. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz etiketi; foa isimli refler için metin temin edilmemiş (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  2. ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz etiketi; apni isimli refler için metin temin edilmemiş (Bkz: Kaynak gösterme)
  3. ^ a b "GRIN Species Records of Casuarina". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 20 Ocak 2009 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2011-02-18.
  4. ^ "Casuarina". Bütünleştirilmiş Taksonomik Bilgi Sistemi. Erişim tarihi: 2010-02-21.
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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Turkish )

provided by wikipedia TR
 src= C. equisetifolia meyvesi  src= Casuarina sp. - MHNT  src= Chikhaldara, Maharashtra'da bir Casuarina equisetifolia  src= Casuarina cunninghamiana  src= Casuarina sp.

Casuarina. Gençlikte sivri, ileri yaşlarda dağınık tepe yapar. 30–40 m’ye kadar boy yapabilen ve hızlı büyüyen bir ağaçtır. Dalları at kuyruğuna benzer. Dallar gövdeden oldukça dar bir açı ile çıkar. Hep yeşil yaprakları 10–15 cm uzun,1 mm çaplıdır. Küçük, pulumsu ve çevresel biçimlidir. Birleşik fındık büyüklüğünde bir kozalakçık oluştururlar. 70-90 adet tohum içerirler. Çiçekler monoiktir. Erkek çiçekler sürgün ucundu kurul halinde, kat kat ve çevresel durumludur. Dişi çiçekler ise yanlardadır. Soğuğa karşı dayanıklı değildir. Donlara duyarlıdır. -7 c sıcaklıklara kadar dayanır. Sıcak iklim koşullarında yetişir. Sahillerde, kumluk, fakir ve çorak arazilerde ıslah ve ağaçlandırma gayeleri ile kullanılır. İyi drenajlı, nemli ve ıslak topraklarda iyi gelişir.

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Казуарина ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK

Казуарина (Casuarina) — рід деревних і чагарникових рослин родини казуаринових.

Листя в мутовках, лускоподібне, . Квітки дрібні, без оцвітини, одностатеві; чоловічі з 1 тичинкою в тонких кінцевих кистях; жіночі з 1 маточкою, зібрані в кулясті суцвіття, Плід у вигляді крилатого горішка, але при дозріванні розкривається двома стулками, як коробочка. Насіння без ендосперму. Казаурина - одне з найдавніших дводольних рослин.

Казуарина надзвичайно невибаглива. У себе на батьківщині вона мешкає в таких умовах, в яких практично не можуть існувати інші, менш витривалі, рослини.

«Шишка» казуарини.

Найпоширеніші види

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Казуарина: Brief Summary ( Ukrainian )

provided by wikipedia UK
 src= Casuarina sp. - Тулузький музей

Казуарина (Casuarina) — рід деревних і чагарникових рослин родини казуаринових.

Листя в мутовках, лускоподібне, . Квітки дрібні, без оцвітини, одностатеві; чоловічі з 1 тичинкою в тонких кінцевих кистях; жіночі з 1 маточкою, зібрані в кулясті суцвіття, Плід у вигляді крилатого горішка, але при дозріванні розкривається двома стулками, як коробочка. Насіння без ендосперму. Казаурина - одне з найдавніших дводольних рослин.

Казуарина надзвичайно невибаглива. У себе на батьківщині вона мешкає в таких умовах, в яких практично не можуть існувати інші, менш витривалі, рослини.

 src= «Шишка» казуарини.
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Casuarina ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Casuarina là một chi gồm 17 loài trong họ Phi lao bản địa của châu Đại dương, tiểu Ấn, Đông Nam Á. và các đảo phía tây của Thái Bình Dương. Nó từng được xem là chi duy nhất trong họ Phi lao, nhưng sau đó được tách ra thành 3 chi (xem Casuarinaceae).[1][2]

Các loài


Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă Flora of Australia: Casuarina
  2. ^ a ă Australian Plant Names Index: Casuarina
  3. ^ “GRIN Species Records of Casuarina. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 2 năm 2011.
  4. ^ Casuarina (TSN 19514) tại Hệ thống Thông tin Phân loại Tích hợp (ITIS).

Tham khảo

Quả C. equisetifolia
Casuarina sp. - MHNT
 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Casuarina
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Casuarina: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Casuarina là một chi gồm 17 loài trong họ Phi lao bản địa của châu Đại dương, tiểu Ấn, Đông Nam Á. và các đảo phía tây của Thái Bình Dương. Nó từng được xem là chi duy nhất trong họ Phi lao, nhưng sau đó được tách ra thành 3 chi (xem Casuarinaceae).

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Казуарина ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Казуарина (лат. Casuarina) — один из четырёх родов семейства Казуариновые. Включает 17 видов. Ранее был единственным представителем семейства, но позже три подрода были выделены в отдельные роды.[2]

Родина — Юго-Восточная Азия и острова западной Океании, а также Австралийская область. При этом казуарина отсутствует в Новозеландской области и на востоке Океании.[3]


Казуарины — вечнозелёные кустарники или деревья, у некоторых видов высота достигает 35 м. Членистые побеги от ветвей у некоторых видов напоминают хвощи. Листья чешуевидные, в мутовках. Цветки мелкие, с отсутствующим околоцветником, мужские — с одной тычинкой, женские — с одним пестиком. Плод — крылатый орешек, семя без эндосперма.[4] Женские соцветия напоминают шишки у хвойных. Большинство видов — двудомны.

Многие виды казуарины выращиваются как декоративное растение. В России на Кавказе выращивают казуарину хвощевидную (Casuarina equisetifolia).[источник не указан 27 дней]

Наиболее распространены виды

По информации базы данных The Plant List, род включает 14 видов[5]:



  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Australian Plant Names Index: Casuarina
  3. Голантарктическое царство. Новозеландская область Архивная копия от 1 июня 2008 на Wayback Machine
  4. Казуарина — статья из Большой советской энциклопедии.
  5. Casuarina (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Проверено 11 августа 2016.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Казуарина: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Casuarina sp. - Тулузский музеум

Казуарина (лат. Casuarina) — один из четырёх родов семейства Казуариновые. Включает 17 видов. Ранее был единственным представителем семейства, но позже три подрода были выделены в отдельные роды.

Родина — Юго-Восточная Азия и острова западной Океании, а также Австралийская область. При этом казуарина отсутствует в Новозеландской области и на востоке Океании.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии

木麻黄属 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
Casuarina distribution.svg
Casuarina sp.



  1. ^ 中国种子植物科属词典. 中国数字植物标本馆. (原始内容存档于2012-04-11).



木麻黄属: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
 src= Casuarina sp.

