Type Locality: Indonesia, Asia.
Distribution: Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia.
“Plants dioecious, richly mucilaginous, 3-9 cm high, 140-300 mm in diameter, abundantly branched, bluish green. Whorls ellipsoidal, dinstant from each other when young, afterwards pear-shaped and confluent due to development of secondary fascicles. Primary fascicles abundantly branched, 4-6 cell-storeys, cells ellipsoidal or ovoidal, 5-6 mm in diameter, 7-15 mm long, terminal hairs rare. Secondary fascicles numerous. Spermatangia spherical, 4-5 mm in diameter, terminal of primary fascicles. Carpogonium-bearing branches short, 8-15 mm long, consisting of 3-5 barrel-shaped cells, arising from periaxial cells. Involucral filaments short, consisting of ellipsoidal cells. Carpogonia with a hemispherical protuberance on one side of basal portion, 25-30 mm long, trichogyne cylindrical, distinctly stalked. Caprosporophytes indefinite in shape, gonimoblast filament irregularly branched, arising from the same side (ventral side) of a basal hemispherical protuberance of carpogonium, creeping along cortical filaments. Caprosporangia spherical, 6-8 mm in diameter.”
Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.