
Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Batrachospermales LifeDesk

Type Locality: Maia, Portugal.

Distribution: Europe: Portugal, South America: Brazil

Information about Kumanoa abili on Algaebase.

Information about Kumanoa abilii on GenBank.

حقوق النشر
Johnston, Emily
Johnston, Emily
موقع الشريك
Batrachospermales LifeDesk

Morphology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Batrachospermales LifeDesk

"Plants moderately mucilaginous, delicate; branching irregular and abundant; apices straight, apical cells embedded within the fascicles; 2.0-6.0 cm high, 250-500 µm in diameter. Whorls well developed, usually distinct and separated, obconical, pear-shaped, barrel-shaped or spherical. Internode 200-750 µm long. Pericentral cells ovoid with 2-4 primary fascicles; rhizoidal filaments well developed, forming 1-2 layers of cylindrical cells. Primary fascicles straight, 7-12 cell-storeys, proximal cells cylindrical or elliptical, L/D 2.5-6; distal cells elliptical, obovoid or pear-shaped, L/D 1.5-3.5; branching di or trichotomous. Secondary fascicles abundant, covering two-thirds to the entire internode and as long as primary fascicles.

Monoecious. Spermatangia obovoid or spherical, terminal on primary or secondary fascicles, 4.0-6.0 µm in diameter. Carpogonial branches straight or curved, rarely slightly helically twisted, arising from pericentral or proximal cells of primary fascicles, rarely on secondary fascicles or intercalary cells of carpogonial branches, composed of 2-8 disc- or barrel-shaped cells; involucral filaments short, 1-5 cell-storeys; carpogonia (30-)35-60 µm long; trichogynes cylindrical, club-shaped or elongate-elliptical or bottle-shaped, unstalked or stalked, 6.0-9.0 µm in diameter. Carposporophytes 1, rarely 2 per whorl, dense, semi-spherical, lower than the whorl radius, 150-400 µm in diameter, 80-170 µm high; gonimoblast filaments 3-6 cell storeys; cells cylindrical or elliptical; carposporangia obovoid, 12.0-19.0 µm long, 7.5-12.0 µm in diameter."

Necchi, O. Jr. & Vis, M.L. 2012. Monograph of the genus Kumanoa (Rhodophyta, Batrachospermales). Bibliotheca Phycologica 116. J. Cramer. Pp. 78. ISBN 978-3-443-60043-3.

Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. Biopress Ltd. 375pp.

Reis, M. P. dos. 1965. Subsidios para o conhecimento das Rodoficeas de agua doce de Portugal. V. Bol. Soc. Brot. 32: 33-47.

حقوق النشر
Johnston, Emily
Johnston, Emily
موقع الشريك
Batrachospermales LifeDesk

Size ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors
Plants monoecious, 2-3 cm high, initially pyramidal, becoming caespitulose, extremely mucilaginous, moss green. Ramification abundant, dense, irregular, frequently unilateral, alternate, opposite or, tri-chotomous in the same axis. Main axis disappearing among the upper branches, toward the base thickened by cortical filaments, solid-terete, finally naked, terminating in a disc. Whorls contiguous, discoid, distinct before reproduction, often becoming indistinct afterwards. Secondary fascicles from the beginning numerous, immediately under whorls, gradually covering all internodes. Cortical filaments agglomerated especially at the base of plants, cylindrical and fairly coherent. Periaxial cells cylindrical, barrel-shaped, producing 2-4 secondary fascicles, with these apparently dichotomously branched, terminating in arcuate branchlets, curved or bent, consisting of cells that are either large, oblong-clavate, cylindrical, pear-shaped or pyramidal at the inner half of whorl, or small, obovoidal or ellipsoidal at the outer half of secondary fascicles. Terminal hairs rare, short, flexuose, arcuate or sharply bent, slightly inflated at the base. Spermatangia occurring on transformed peripheral branchlets of whorls and involucral filament, at maturity obovoidal, 2.5-4 μm in diameter, 3.5-6 μm long. Carpogonium-bearing branches arising from primary, rarely secondary fascicles, consisting of 2-8 cells, producing distally short, enveloping, involucral filaments; carpogonium cylindrical and 4.5-6 μm long, trichogyne obovoidal. Carposporophytes numerous, spherical, 150-300 μm in diameter, over 1/3 of the radius of whorls. Carpospores obovoidal, 8-10 μm in diameter, 13-16 μm long.
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EOL authors