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تسجيل الدخول
أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
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ذوات الجناحين
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مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
حديثات الأجنحة
ذوات الجناحين
طيثاريات الشكل
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
نظرة عامة
الأسماء العلمية
الأسماء المفضلة
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Catalogue of Craneflies of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Alexander 1923
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Rhabdomastix vittithorax
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikipedia NL
wikipedia VI
, and
wikipedia MIN
Rhabdomastix vittithorax
Alexander 1923
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
GBIF classification
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Rhabdomastix (Sacandaga) vittithorax Alexander
معترف بها من قبل
NMNH type specimens
Rhabdomastix vittithorax
معترف بها من قبل
BHL data coverage
Rhabdomastix vittithorax
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Rhabdomastix vittithorax Alexander 1923
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
GBIF data coverage
أسماء شائعة
لا توجد أسماء شائعة مرتبطة بهذه الأصنوفة.
التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) falcata Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) furva Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) loewi Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) lurida (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) luridoides Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) mendli Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) neolurida Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) robusta Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) setigera Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) sublurida Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) tatrica Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) almorae Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) alticola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) angusticellula Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) arnaudi Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) austrocaledoniensis Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) beckeri (Lackschewitz 1935)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brevicellula Alexander 1976
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) californiensis Alexander 1921
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) caparaoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) chilota Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) coloradensis Alexander 1917
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) corax Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) crassa Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) edwardsi Tjeder 1967
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) eugeni Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fasciger Alexander 1920
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) feuerborni Alexander 1931
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flava (Alexander 1911)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flavidula Edwards 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fumipennis Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) galactoptera (Bergroth 1888)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) georgica Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hansoni Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hirticornis (Lackschewitz 1940)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) holomelania Alexander 1935
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hudsonica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hynesi Alexander 1966
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) illudens Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) incapax Stary 2005
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) indigena Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) intermedia Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ioogoon Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) japonica Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laeta (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laetoidea Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laneana Alexander 1979
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) leonardi Alexander 1930
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) lipophleps Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) longiterebrata Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) luteola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) manipurensis Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) margarita Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mediovena Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) megacantha Alexander 1959
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mexicana Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) microxantha Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) minima Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) monilicornis Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nebulifera Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigroapicata Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigropumila Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nilgirica Alexander 1949
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nuttingi Alexander 1950
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) omeina Alexander 1932
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) optata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) otagana Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvicornis Alexander 1969
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvula Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) perglabrata Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) peruviana Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) plaumanni Alexander 1947
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) posticata Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sadoensis Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sagana Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) satipoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) schmidiana Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) septentrionalis Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shansica Alexander 1954
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shardiana Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) spatulifera Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subfasciger Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subparva Stary 1971
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) synclera Alexander 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tantilla Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) teriensis Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tonnoirana Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichiata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichophora Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trochanterata Edwards 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tugela Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) unipuncta Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ussurica Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix caudata (Lundbeck 1898)
Rhabdomastix leptodoma Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix monticola Alexander 1916
Rhabdomastix parva (Siebke 1863)
Rhabdomastix subarctica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix subcaudata Alexander 1927
19 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Rhabdomastix Skuse 1890
Rhabdomastix subgen. Rhabdomastix Skuse 1890
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) afra Wood 1952
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) almorae Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) alticola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) angusticellula Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) arnaudi Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) atrata Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) austrocaledoniensis Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) beckeri (Lackschewitz 1935)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) borealis Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brachyneura Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brevicellula Alexander 1976
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brittoni Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) californiensis Alexander 1921
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) callosa Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) caparaoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) chilota Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) coloradensis Alexander 1917
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) corax Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) crassa Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) edwardsi Tjeder 1967
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) emodicola Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) eugeni Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fasciger Alexander 1920
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) feuerborni Alexander 1931
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flava (Alexander 1911)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flavidula Edwards 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fumipennis Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) galactoptera (Bergroth 1888)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) georgica Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) glabrivena Alexander 1981
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hansoni Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) himalayensis Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hirticornis (Lackschewitz 1940)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) holomelania Alexander 1935
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hudsonica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hynesi Alexander 1966
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) illudens Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) incapax Stary 2005
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) indigena Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) intermedia Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ioogoon Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) isabella Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) japonica Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laeta (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laetoidea Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laneana Alexander 1979
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) leonardi Alexander 1930
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) leucophaea Savchenko 1976
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) lipophleps Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) longiterebrata Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) luteola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) manipurensis Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) margarita Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mediovena Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) megacantha Alexander 1959
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mexicana Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) microxantha Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) minicola Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) minima Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) monilicornis Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nebulifera Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) neozelandiae Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigroapicata Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigropumila Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nilgirica Alexander 1949
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) normalis Alexander 1972
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nuttingi Alexander 1950
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) omeina Alexander 1932
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) optata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ostensackeni Skuse 1890
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) otagana Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvicornis Alexander 1969
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvula Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) perglabrata Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) plaumanni Alexander 1947
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) posticata Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sadoensis Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sagana Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) satipoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) schmidiana Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) septentrionalis Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shansica Alexander 1954
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shardiana Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) spatulifera Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) strictivena Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subfasciger Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subparva Stary 1971
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) synclera Alexander 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tantilla Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) teriensis Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tonnoirana Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichiata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichophora Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trochanterata Edwards 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tugela Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) unipuncta Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ussurica Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) usuriensis Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) wilsoniana Alexander 1934
13 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) falcata Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) furva Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) loewi Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) lurida (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) luridoides Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) mendli Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) neolurida Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) robusta Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) setigera Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) sublurida Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) tatrica Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) almorae Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) alticola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) angusticellula Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) arnaudi Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) austrocaledoniensis Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) beckeri (Lackschewitz 1935)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brevicellula Alexander 1976
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) californiensis Alexander 1921
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) caparaoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) chilota Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) coloradensis Alexander 1917
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) corax Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) crassa Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) edwardsi Tjeder 1967
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) eugeni Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fasciger Alexander 1920
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) feuerborni Alexander 1931
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flava (Alexander 1911)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flavidula Edwards 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fumipennis Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) galactoptera (Bergroth 1888)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) georgica Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hansoni Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hirticornis (Lackschewitz 1940)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) holomelania Alexander 1935
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hudsonica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hynesi Alexander 1966
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) illudens Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) incapax Stary 2005
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) indigena Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) intermedia Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ioogoon Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) japonica Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laeta (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laetoidea Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laneana Alexander 1979
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) leonardi Alexander 1930
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) lipophleps Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) longiterebrata Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) luteola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) manipurensis Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) margarita Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mediovena Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) megacantha Alexander 1959
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mexicana Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) microxantha Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) minima Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) monilicornis Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nebulifera Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigroapicata Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigropumila Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nilgirica Alexander 1949
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nuttingi Alexander 1950
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) omeina Alexander 1932
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) optata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) otagana Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvicornis Alexander 1969
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvula Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) perglabrata Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) peruviana Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) plaumanni Alexander 1947
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) posticata Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sadoensis Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sagana Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) satipoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) schmidiana Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) septentrionalis Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shansica Alexander 1954
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shardiana Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) spatulifera Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subfasciger Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subparva Stary 1971
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) synclera Alexander 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tantilla Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) teriensis Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tonnoirana Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichiata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichophora Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trochanterata Edwards 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tugela Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) unipuncta Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ussurica Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix caudata (Lundbeck 1898)
Rhabdomastix leptodoma Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix monticola Alexander 1916
Rhabdomastix parva (Siebke 1863)
Rhabdomastix subarctica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix subcaudata Alexander 1927
19 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) falcata Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) furva Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) loewi Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) lurida (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) luridoides Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) mendli Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) neolurida Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) robusta Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) setigera Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) sublurida Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) tatrica Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) almorae Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) alticola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) angusticellula Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) arnaudi Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) austrocaledoniensis Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) beckeri (Lackschewitz 1935)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brevicellula Alexander 1976
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) californiensis Alexander 1921
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) caparaoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) chilota Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) coloradensis Alexander 1917
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) corax Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) crassa Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) edwardsi Tjeder 1967
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) eugeni Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fasciger Alexander 1920
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) feuerborni Alexander 1931
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flava (Alexander 1911)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flavidula Edwards 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fumipennis Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) galactoptera (Bergroth 1888)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) georgica Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hansoni Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hirticornis (Lackschewitz 1940)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) holomelania Alexander 1935
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hudsonica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hynesi Alexander 1966
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) illudens Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) incapax Starý 2005
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) indigena Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) intermedia Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ioogoon Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) japonica Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laeta (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laetoidea Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laneana Alexander 1979
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) leonardi Alexander 1930
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) lipophleps Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) longiterebrata Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) luteola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) manipurensis Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) margarita Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mediovena Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) megacantha Alexander 1959
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mexicana Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) microxantha Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) minima Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) monilicornis Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nebulifera Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigroapicata Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigropumila Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nilgirica Alexander 1949
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nuttingi Alexander 1950
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) omeina Alexander 1932
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) optata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) otagana Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvicornis Alexander 1969
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvula Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) perglabrata Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) peruviana Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) plaumanni Alexander 1947
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) posticata Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sadoensis Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sagana Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) satipoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) schmidiana Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) septentrionalis Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shansica Alexander 1954
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shardiana Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) spatulifera Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subfasciger Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subparva Stary 1971
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) synclera Alexander 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tantilla Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) teriensis Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tonnoirana Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichiata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichophora Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trochanterata Edwards 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tugela Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) unipuncta Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ussurica Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Unplaced) caudata (Lundbeck 1898)
Rhabdomastix (Unplaced) leptodoma Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Unplaced) monticola Alexander 1916
Rhabdomastix (Unplaced) parva (Siebke 1863)
Rhabdomastix (Unplaced) subarctica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Unplaced) subcaudata Alexander 1927
19 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) vittithorax Alexander 1923
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) falcata Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) furva Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) loewi Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) lurida (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) luridoides Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) mendli Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) neolurida Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) robusta Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) setigera Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) sublurida Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Lurdia) tatrica Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) almorae Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) alticola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) angusticellula Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) arnaudi Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) austrocaledoniensis Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) beckeri (Lackschewitz 1935)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) brevicellula Alexander 1976
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) californiensis Alexander 1921
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) caparaoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) chilota Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) coloradensis Alexander 1917
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) corax Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) crassa Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) edwardsi Tjeder 1967
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) eugeni Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fasciger Alexander 1920
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) feuerborni Alexander 1931
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flava (Alexander 1911)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) flavidula Edwards 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) fumipennis Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) galactoptera (Bergroth 1888)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) georgica Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hansoni Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hirticornis (Lackschewitz 1940)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) holomelania Alexander 1935
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hudsonica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) hynesi Alexander 1966
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) illudens Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) incapax Stary 2005
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) indigena Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) intermedia Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ioogoon Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) japonica Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laeta (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laetoidea Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) laneana Alexander 1979
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) leonardi Alexander 1930
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) lipophleps Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) longiterebrata Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) luteola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) manipurensis Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) margarita Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mediovena Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) megacantha Alexander 1959
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) mexicana Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) microxantha Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) minima Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) monilicornis Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nebulifera Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigroapicata Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nigropumila Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nilgirica Alexander 1949
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) nuttingi Alexander 1950
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) omeina Alexander 1932
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) optata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) otagana Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvicornis Alexander 1969
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) parvula Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) perglabrata Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) peruviana Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) plaumanni Alexander 1947
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) posticata Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sadoensis Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) sagana Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) satipoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) schmidiana Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) septentrionalis Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shansica Alexander 1954
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) shardiana Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) spatulifera Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subfasciger Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) subparva Stary 1971
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) synclera Alexander 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tantilla Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) teriensis Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tonnoirana Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichiata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trichophora Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) trochanterata Edwards 1928
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) tugela Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) unipuncta Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) ussurica Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix caudata (Lundbeck 1898)
Rhabdomastix leptodoma Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix monticola Alexander 1916
Rhabdomastix parva (Siebke 1863)
Rhabdomastix subarctica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix subcaudata Alexander 1927
19 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
GBIF classification
Rhabdomastix Skuse 1890
Rhabdomastix vittithorax Alexander 1923
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix afra Wood 1952
Rhabdomastix almorae Alexander 1960
Rhabdomastix angusticellula Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix arnaudi Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix atrata Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix austrocaledoniensis Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix beckeri (Lackschewitz 1935)
Rhabdomastix borealis Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix borroloola Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix brevicellula Alexander 1976
Rhabdomastix brittoni Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix californiensis Alexander 1921
Rhabdomastix callosa Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix caparaoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix collessiana Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix corax Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix crassa Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix dobrotworskyi Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix dooragana Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix edwardsi Tjeder 1967
Rhabdomastix emodicola Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix eugeni Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix falcata Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix fasciger Alexander 1920
Rhabdomastix feuerborni Alexander 1931
Rhabdomastix filata Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix flava (Alexander 1911)
Rhabdomastix flavidula Edwards 1926
Rhabdomastix galactoptera (Bergroth 1888)
Rhabdomastix georgica Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix glabrivena Alexander 1981
Rhabdomastix hansoni Alexander 1939
Rhabdomastix hirsuta Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix hirticornis (Lackschewitz 1940)
Rhabdomastix holomelania Alexander 1935
Rhabdomastix hudsonica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix hynesi Alexander 1966
Rhabdomastix illudens Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix incapax Stary 2005
Rhabdomastix indigena Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix intermedia Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix ioogoon Alexander 1948
Rhabdomastix isabella Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix japonica Alexander 1924
Rhabdomastix laetoidea Stary 2004
Rhabdomastix laneana Alexander 1979
Rhabdomastix leonardi Alexander 1930
Rhabdomastix leptodoma Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix leucophaea Savchenko 1976
Rhabdomastix lurida (Loew 1873)
Rhabdomastix luridoides Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix luteola Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix manipurensis Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix megacantha Alexander 1959
Rhabdomastix mendli Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix mexicana Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix microxantha Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix minicola Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix minima Alexander 1926
Rhabdomastix monticola Alexander 1916
Rhabdomastix nebulifera Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix neozelandiae Alexander 1922
Rhabdomastix nigroapicata Alexander 1940
Rhabdomastix normalis Alexander 1972
Rhabdomastix nuttingi Alexander 1950
Rhabdomastix omeina Alexander 1932
Rhabdomastix optata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix ostensackeni Skuse 1890
Rhabdomastix parva (Siebke 1863)
Rhabdomastix parvicornis Alexander 1969
Rhabdomastix parvula Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix perglabrata Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix ponticulus Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix posticata Alexander 1929
Rhabdomastix robusta Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix rosae Theischinger, Billingham, Martin & Growns 2019
Rhabdomastix sadoensis Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix sagana Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix satipoensis Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix schmidiana Alexander 1958
Rhabdomastix septentrionalis Alexander 1914
Rhabdomastix setigera Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix shansica Alexander 1954
Rhabdomastix shardiana Alexander 1957
Rhabdomastix strictivena Alexander 1964
Rhabdomastix subarctica Alexander 1933
Rhabdomastix subcaudata Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix subfasciger Alexander 1927
Rhabdomastix sublurida Stary 2003
Rhabdomastix subparva Stary 1971
Rhabdomastix synclera Alexander 1928
Rhabdomastix tantilla Alexander 1938
Rhabdomastix teriensis Alexander 1962
Rhabdomastix tonnoirana Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix trichiata Alexander 1923
Rhabdomastix trichophora Alexander 1943
Rhabdomastix unipuncta Alexander 1944
Rhabdomastix ussurica Alexander 1934
Rhabdomastix usuriensis Alexander 1925
Rhabdomastix wilsoniana Alexander 1934
52 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Rhabdomastix vittithorax
(هذه الصفحة)
Rhabdomastix almorae
Rhabdomastix alticola
Rhabdomastix angusticellula
Rhabdomastix atrata
Rhabdomastix beckeri
Rhabdomastix borealis
Rhabdomastix brachyneura
Rhabdomastix brevicellula
Rhabdomastix brittoni
Rhabdomastix californiensis
Rhabdomastix callosa
Rhabdomastix caparaoensis
Rhabdomastix caudata
Rhabdomastix coloradensis
Rhabdomastix corax
Rhabdomastix crassa
Rhabdomastix edwardsi
Rhabdomastix emodicola
Rhabdomastix eugeni
Rhabdomastix falcata
Rhabdomastix fasciger
Rhabdomastix feuerborni
Rhabdomastix filata
Rhabdomastix flava
Rhabdomastix fumipennis
Rhabdomastix georgica
Rhabdomastix hansoni
Rhabdomastix himalayensis
Rhabdomastix hirticornis
Rhabdomastix holomelania
Rhabdomastix hudsonica
Rhabdomastix hynesi
Rhabdomastix illudens
Rhabdomastix incapax
Rhabdomastix inclinata
Rhabdomastix indigena
Rhabdomastix ioogoon
Rhabdomastix isabella
Rhabdomastix japonica
Rhabdomastix laeta
Rhabdomastix laetoidea
Rhabdomastix laneana
Rhabdomastix leonardi
Rhabdomastix leptodoma
Rhabdomastix leucophaea
Rhabdomastix loewi
Rhabdomastix longiterebrata
Rhabdomastix lurida
Rhabdomastix luridoides
Rhabdomastix luteola
Rhabdomastix manipurensis
Rhabdomastix margarita
Rhabdomastix megacantha
Rhabdomastix mendli
Rhabdomastix mexicana
Rhabdomastix microxantha
Rhabdomastix minicola
Rhabdomastix minima
Rhabdomastix monilicornis
Rhabdomastix monticola
Rhabdomastix nebulifera
Rhabdomastix neolurida
Rhabdomastix neozelandiae
Rhabdomastix nigroapicata
Rhabdomastix nigropumila
Rhabdomastix nilgirica
Rhabdomastix normalis
Rhabdomastix nuttingi
Rhabdomastix omeina
Rhabdomastix optata
Rhabdomastix ostensackeni
Rhabdomastix otagana
Rhabdomastix parva
Rhabdomastix parvicornis
Rhabdomastix parvula
Rhabdomastix peruviana
Rhabdomastix plaumanni
Rhabdomastix posticata
Rhabdomastix robusta
Rhabdomastix sadoensis
Rhabdomastix sagana
Rhabdomastix satipoensis
Rhabdomastix schistacea
Rhabdomastix schmidiana
Rhabdomastix septentrionalis
Rhabdomastix setigera
Rhabdomastix shansica
Rhabdomastix strictivena
Rhabdomastix subarctica
Rhabdomastix synclera
Rhabdomastix tantilla
Rhabdomastix tatrica
Rhabdomastix teriensis
Rhabdomastix tonnoirana
Rhabdomastix trichiata
Rhabdomastix trichophora
Rhabdomastix tugela
Rhabdomastix unipuncta
Rhabdomastix usuriensis
21 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.