
A biblical arachnid ( الإنجليزية )

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Ricinulei are often referred to as hooded tick-spiders, but I prefer a name invented by a friend of mine, the dinospiders...

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Hooded tickspiders (Order Ricinulei) ( الإنجليزية )

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Hooded tickspiders belong to the Order Ricinulei, but were referred to as Podogona. There are about 58 living species, all in the family Ricinoididae. They occur in west-central Africa (Ricinoides) and South America (Cryptocellus and Pseudocellus). There are two families and four genera of fossil species.

Ricinulei are typically about 5-10 mm long. The cuticle (or exoskeleton) of the legs and body is very thick. A "hood" (cucullus) can be raised and lowered over the head. When lowered, it covers the mouth and chelicerae. Living ricinuleids lack eyes, but there are two pairs of lateral eyes in fossils and living species retain light-sensitive areas of cuticle in this position.The heavy-bodied abdomen (opisthosoma) shows a narrow pedicel (waist), where it attaches to the prosoma. There is a complex coupling mechanism between the prosoma and opisthosoma. The front margin of the opisthosoma tucks into a corresponding fold at the back of the carapace. As the genital opening is on the pedicel, the animals must 'unlock' themselves in order to mate. The abdomen is divided dorsally into a series of large plates or tergites, each of which is subdivided into a median and lateral plate. The mouthparts (chelicerae) are composed of two segments forming a fixed and a moveable digit. Sensory organs are also associated with the mouthparts, presumably to taste the food. The chelicerae can be retracted and at rest are normally hidden beneath the cucullus.The pedipalps are complex appendages. They are typically used to manipulate food items, but also bear many sensory structures and are used as 'short range' sensory organs. The pedipalps end in pincers that are small relative to the body. There are similar pincers on the pedipalps of the extinct order Trigonotarbida. As in many harvestmen, the second pair of legs is longest and these limbs are used to feel ahead of the animal, almost like antennae. If the pedipalps are 'short range' sensory organs, the second pair of legs are the corresponding 'long range' ones. Sensilla on the tarsi at the ends of legs I and II (which are used more often to sense the surroundings) differ from those of legs III and IV. In males, the third pair of legs forms copulatory organs. The excretory system consists of Malpighian tubules and a pair of coxal glands. Females have spermathecae, presumably to store sperm. Unlike many other arachnids, ricinuleids have no book lungs and gas exchange takes place through trachea. At least one Brazilian species seems to have a plastron that may help it prevent getting wet and allow it to continue to breathe even if inundated with water.[1] Ricinuleids are predators that eat other small arthropods. Males may use their modified third leg to transfer a spermatophore to the female. The eggs are carried under the mother's hood until the young hatch into six-legged larva, as in the Acari. The larvae later molt into eight-legged adult forms. Ricinuleids are typically found in leaf mould in tropical rainforests or in caves. They seem to need dampness to survive. The first member of the Ricinulei to be discovered was a fossil, described in 1837 by William Buckland. who misinterpreted as a beetle. 15 of the 16 species of fossil ricinuleids originate from the late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Coal Measures of Europe and North America; one species, Poliochera cretacea, is known from the Cretaceous of Asia.[2] They were revised in 1992 by Paul Selden, who placed them in a separate suborder, Palaeoricinulei. The fossils are divided into two families: Curculioididae with 11 fossil species in two genera, and Poliocheridae with four species in two genera. The poliocherids are more like modern ricinuleids in having an opisthosoma with a series of three large, divided tergites. Curculioidids have an opisthosoma without obvious tergites, but with a single median sulcus - a dividing line running down the middle of the back. This resembles the elytra of a beetle. The first living ricinuleid was described from West Africa by Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville in 1838. In early studies, ricinuleids were thought to be unusual harvestmen (Opiliones). In his 1892 paper Thorell introduced the name "Ricinulei" for these animals as a suborder of the Opiliones. Ricinuleids were recognized as an arachnid order in the 1904 monograph by Hansen & Soerensen. These authors recognised a group called "Arachnida micrura", comprising spiders, whip spiders, whip scorpions and ricinuleids, which they defined as having a rather narrow join between the prosoma and opisthosoma and a small 'tail end' to the opisthosoma. Ricinuleids seem to be most closely related to the Acari (mites and ticks). L. van der Hammen placed ricinuleids in a group called "Cryptognomae",[3] with the anactinotrichid mites. Peter Weygoldt and Hannes Paulus called ricinuleids and all mites "Acarinomorpha".[4] Jeffrey Shultz used the name "Acaromorpha".[5][6] This recognises that ricinuleids and mites hatch with a larval stage with six pairs of legs, rather than the usual eight of arachnids. The additional pair of legs appears later during development. Some authors suggest that the gnathosoma, a separate part of the body bearing the mouthparts, is a unique character for ricinuleids and mites,[7] but this feature is complex and hard to interpret and other authors restrict the presence of a gnathosoma to mites only. In 1892, Ferdinand Karsch suggested that ricinuleids were the last living descendants of the extinct arachnid order Trigonotarbida.[8] This hypothesis was reintroduced by Jason Dunlop in 1996.[9] Characters shared by ricinuleids and trigonotarbids include the division of the tergites on the opisthososma into median and lateral plates and the presence of a 'locking mechanism' between the two halves of the body. The tip of the pedipalp in ricinuleids and trigonotarbids ends in a similar small claw.[10] The idea of ricinuleids as the sister group of trigonotarbids was recovered in the 2002 study by Gonzalo Giribet and colleagues.[11]
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Ricinulei ( الأفريكانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AF

Die orde Ricinulei bevat ongeveer 25 spesies en hulle kom in Afrika en die Verenigde State voor. Hulle kan tot 1 cm lank wees, maar die kenmerkendste aspek van die diere is dat daar 'n beweegbare kap aan die karapaks vasgeheg is. Die kap beskerm die kloukake wanneer dit nie gebruik word nie.

Die kloukake is van knypers voorsien en die kaaktasters (met twee klein knypers) is kleiner as die ledemate.


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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( الأفريكانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AF

Die orde Ricinulei bevat ongeveer 25 spesies en hulle kom in Afrika en die Verenigde State voor. Hulle kan tot 1 cm lank wees, maar die kenmerkendste aspek van die diere is dat daar 'n beweegbare kap aan die karapaks vasgeheg is. Die kap beskerm die kloukake wanneer dit nie gebruik word nie.

Die kloukake is van knypers voorsien en die kaaktasters (met twee klein knypers) is kleiner as die ledemate.

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Tropik hörümçəyəbənzərlər ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Tropik hörümçəyəbənzərlər (lat. Ricinulei) hörümçəkkimilər sinfinə aid heyvan dəstəsi.



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Tropik hörümçəyəbənzərlər: Brief Summary ( الأذرية )

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Tropik hörümçəyəbənzərlər (lat. Ricinulei) hörümçəkkimilər sinfinə aid heyvan dəstəsi.

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Ricinulis ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Els ricinulis (Ricinulei) són un ordre de petits aràcnids que compta amb 73 espècies,[1] tots dins d'una única família Ricinoididae. N'hi ha a l'Àfrica occidental-central (Ricinoides) i a la regió neotropical (Cryptocellus i Pseudocellus). A més dels gèneres que viuen actualment hi ha dues famílies i quatre gèneres extints amb fòssils.

La monografia més important és de l'any 1904 de Hans Jacob Hansen i William Soerensen.[2] També toquen el tema Pittard i Mitchell,[3] Gerald Legg[4][5] and L. van der Hammen.[6]


Els ricinulis típicament fan de 5 a 10 mm de llargada. La cutícula (o exoesquelet) del cos i les potes és característicament gruixuda.[7] El tret més característic és el cucullus sobre el cap que pot estar en posició baixa o alta. Quan està abaixat cobreix la boca i els quelícers. Els ricinulis actuals no tenen ulls, però en els fòssils es poden veure un parell d’ulls laterals i fins i tot les espècies vivents són sensibles a la llum.

L'opistosoma s'uniex al prosoma per un pedicel estret. Curiosament, hi ha un mecanisme complex d’acoblament entre prosoma i opistosoma. El sistema genital està en el pedicel (característica única).

Els quelícers estan formats per dos segments.[8] Els pedipalps acaben en pinces petites i són apèndixs complexos es fan servir per manipular l'aliment però també són estructures sensorials.[9]

Història natural

Els ricinuls són depredadors d'altres petits artròpodes.[10] Se sap poc dels seus hàbits d’aparellament;[11] s’ha observat als mascles transferint l’espermatòfor a la femella.

S'han fet pocs estudis ecològics,[12] però es troben a les fulles de la selva tropical i semblen necessitar superfícies inundades per a sobreviure.


El primer fòssil d’aquests aràcnids va ser descrit el 1837 pel geòleg anglès William Buckland;[13] però malinterpretat com un escarabat. Després se’n van trobar més a Europa i Amèrica del Nord.


El cladograma de Giribet et al. 2002 considera els ricinulis estretament emparentats amb els trigonotàrbids:











  1. Zhang, Z. Q. (2011). Phylum Arthropoda von Siebold, 1848. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.), Animal Biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Zootaxa, 3148, 99-103.
  2. Hansen, H. J. & Soerensen, W. 1904. On two orders of Arachnida. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 182 pp.
  3. Pittard, K. & Mitchell, R. W. 1972. Comparative morphology of the life stages of Cryptocellus pelaezi (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Graduate Studies, Texas Tech University, 1 :3–77.
  4. Legg, G. 1976. The external morphology of a new species of ricinuleid (Arachnida) from Sierra Leone. Journal of Zoology, London, 59: 1-58.
  5. Legg, G. 1976. The external morphology of immature stages of Ricinoides karschi (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Bulletin of the British arachnological Society, 3: 243-248.
  6. Hammen, L. van der 1979. Comparative studies in Chelicerata I. The Cryptognomae (Ricinulei, Architarbi and Anactinotrichida). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 174: 1-62 [1]
  7. Kennaugh, J. H. 1968. An examination of the cuticle of three species of Ricinulei (Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London 156: 393-404.
  8. Talarico, G., Palacios-Vargas, J. G. & Alberti, G. 2008. Taste while chewing? Sensory structures in the chelicerae of Pseudocellus pearsei (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938) (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Revista Ibérica de Arachnología, 15: 47-53.
  9. Talarico, G., Palacios-Vargas, J. G. & Alberti, G. 2008. The pedipalp of Pseudocellus pearsei (Ricinulei, Arachnida) – ultrastructure of a multifunctional organ. Arthropod Structure and Development, 37: 511-521.
  10. Cooke, J. A. L. 1967. Observations on the biology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with descriptions of two new species of Cryptocellus. Journal of Zoology, London, 151: 31-42
  11. Legg, G. 1977. Sperm transfer and mating in Ricinoides hanseni (Ricinulei: Arachnida). Journal of Zoology, London, 182: 51-61.
  12. Adis, J., Platnick, N. I., de Morias,, J. W. & Gomes Rodrigues, J. M. 1989. On the abundance and ecology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) from Central Amazonia, Brazil. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 97: 133-140.
  13. Buckland, W. 1837. The Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation. Treatise IV. Geology and mineralogy with reference to natural theology. 2nd Edition. William Pickering, London.
  • Harvey, Mark S. (2002): The neglected cousins: what do we know about the smaller arachnid orders? The Journal of Arachnology 30(2): 357-372. PDF

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Ricinulis: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Els ricinulis (Ricinulei) són un ordre de petits aràcnids que compta amb 73 espècies, tots dins d'una única família Ricinoididae. N'hi ha a l'Àfrica occidental-central (Ricinoides) i a la regió neotropical (Cryptocellus i Pseudocellus). A més dels gèneres que viuen actualment hi ha dues famílies i quatre gèneres extints amb fòssils.

La monografia més important és de l'any 1904 de Hans Jacob Hansen i William Soerensen. També toquen el tema Pittard i Mitchell, Gerald Legg and L. van der Hammen.

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Roztočovci ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Roztočovci (Ricinulei) jsou dravci příbuzní pavoukům, kteří se živí jinými malými členovci.[1] V prosinci roku 2011 bylo již po celém světě popsáno 58 existujících druhů roztočovců.[2]


Nejdůležitější obecný popis anatomie roztočovců stále náleží monografii Hanse Jacoba Hansena a Williama Sørensena.[3] Další užitečné studie lze nalézt například v pracích Pittarda a Mitchella,[4] Geralda Legga[5][6] a L. van der Hammena.[7]

Jsou to malí pavoukovci, velcí asi 5–10 mm. Pokožku (exoskeleton) obou nohou a těla mají mimořádně silnou.[8] Jejich nejpozoruhodnější rys je "kapuce" (cucullus), která může být zvýšena a sklopena přes hlavu. Po sklopení překrývá ústa a klepítka (chelicery). Žijící roztočovci nemají oči, na zkamenělinách ale mohou být dva páry bočních očí a dokonce i žijící druhy stále mají světločivné oblasti v těchto místech. Zadeček (abdomen) je rozdělen dorzálně do řady velkých desek (tergites), z nichž každá je rozdělena na střední a boční desku.

Klepítka jsou složena ze dvou částí, které jsou pevné a pohyblivé. Smyslové orgány jsou také spojeny s částí úst,[9] pravděpodobně k ochutnávání jídla. Klepítka mohou být zasunuta, v klidu jsou obvykle skryta pod cucullus.

Makadla (pedipalpy), jejich druhý pár končetin, obvykle používají k manipulaci s potravou. Rovněž jsou ale makadla opatřena mnoha smyslovými strukturami a jsou používány jako "krátký výběh" smyslových orgánů.[10] Makadla jsou zakončena kleštěmi, které jsou malé ve srovnání s jejich tělem.

U samců je třetí pár končetin upraven tak, aby tvořit kopulační orgány. Tvar těchto orgánů je velmi důležitý pro taxonomii a může být použit k zařazení samců různých druhů a rozlišení druhů od sebe.[11]

Vnitřní anatomie

Starší přehled vnitřní anatomie roztočovců publikoval Jacques Millot. [12] Byla popsána střeva,[13] vylučovací systém se skládá z Malpighiho trubice a páru kyčelních žláz. Nemají vzdušné vaky, dýchají trachejemi. Je zajímavé, že nejméně jeden brazilský druh vypadá, že má plastron, který může zabránit navlhnutí a umožnit jim i nadále dýchat, i když jsou zaplaveni vodou.[14]


Je známo relativně málo o jejich námluvách a návycích při páření,[15] samci ale byli pozorováni jak pomocí jejich přeměněné třetí nohy převádějí spermatofor do samice. Vejce vznikají v mateřské "kapuci", kde rostou až do stádia šestinohé larvy, která se později mění na osminohého dospělce.


Dnes se vyskytují v západní a centrální Africe (rod Ricinoides) a v Brazílii (rody Cryptocellus a Pseudocellus). Obvykle obývají tropické deštné pralesy a jeskyně. K životu potřebují vlhké prostředí.


V tomto článku byl použit překlad textu z článku Ricinulei na anglické Wikipedii.

  1. J. A. L. Cooke. Observations on the biology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with descriptions of two new species of Cryptocellus. Journal of Zoology. 1967, s. 31–42. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1967.tb02864.x. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  2. Lorenzo Prendini. Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness. Redakce Z.-Q. Zhang. Zootaxa. 2011, s. 122. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  3. Hans Jacob Hansen & William Sørensen. On two orders of Arachnida. [s.l.]: Cambridge University Press, 1904. S. 1 182. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite book}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  4. Kay Pittard & Robert W. Mitchell. Comparative morphology of the life stages of Cryptocellus pelaezi (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Graduate Studies. Texas Tech University, 1972, s. 3–77. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  5. Gerald Legg. The external morphology of a new species of ricinuleid (Arachnida) from Sierra Leone. Journal of Zoology. 1976, s. 1–58. DOI:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1976.tb01007.x. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  6. Gerald Legg. The external morphology of immature stages of Ricinoides karschi (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society. 1976, s. 243–248. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  7. L. van der Hammen. Comparative studies in Chelicerata I. The Cryptognomae (Ricinulei, Architarbi and Anactinotrichida). Zoologische Verhandelingen. 1979, s. 1–62. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  8. J. H. Kennaugh. An examination of the cuticle of three species of Ricinulei (Arachnida). Journal of Zoology. 1968, s. 393–404. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1968.tb04361.x. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  9. G. Talarico, J. G. Palacios-Vargas & G. Alberti. Taste while chewing? Sensory structures in the chelicerae of Pseudocellus pearsei (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938) (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Revista Ibérica de Arachnología. 2008, s. 47–53. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  10. G. Talarico, J. G. Palacios-Vargas & G. Alberti. The pedipalp of Pseudocellus pearsei (Ricinulei, Arachnida) – ultrastructure of a multifunctional organ. Arthropod Structure & Development. 2008, s. 511–521. DOI:10.1016/j.asd.2008.02.001. PMID 18502688. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  11. S. L. Tuxen. The African genus Ricinoides (Arachnida, Ricinulei). Journal of Arachnology. 1974, s. 85–106. Dostupné online. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  12. Jacques Millot. L'anatomie interne des Ricinulei. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie. 1945, s. 1–29. (French) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  13. Mario Ludwig, José G. Palacios-Vargas, Gerd Alberti,. Cellular details of the midgut of Cryptocellus boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei). Journal of Morphology. 1994, s. 263–270. DOI:10.1002/jmor.1052200305. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  14. Joachim Adis, Benjamin Messner & Norman Platnick. Morphological structures and vertical distribution in the soil indicate facultative plastron respiration in Cryptocellus adisi (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Central Amazonia. Studies in Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 1999, s. 1–9. DOI:10.1076/snfe. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.
  15. Gerald Legg. Sperm transfer and mating in Ricinoides hanseni (Ricinulei: Arachnida). Journal of Zoology. 1977, s. 51–61. DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1977.tb04140.x. (anglicky) Je zde použita šablona {{Cite journal}} označená jako k „pouze dočasnému použití“.

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Roztočovci: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Roztočovci (Ricinulei) jsou dravci příbuzní pavoukům, kteří se živí jinými malými členovci. V prosinci roku 2011 bylo již po celém světě popsáno 58 existujících druhů roztočovců.

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Kapuzenspinnen ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Die Kapuzenspinnen (Ricinulei) sind eine Ordnung der Spinnentiere (Arachnida) innerhalb der Kieferklauenträger (Chelicerata). Weltweit sind etwa 40 Arten bekannt, die in tropischen Wäldern Afrikas und Südamerikas leben.


Die bekannten Arten der Kapuzenspinnen sehen sich alle sehr ähnlich. Kennzeichnend ist eine starke Chitinpanzerung sowie ein beweglicher Anhang des Vorderkörperrückens, der in Ruhe über die Mundwerkzeuge gelegt wird. Von diesem Cucullus erhielten die Spinnen ihren deutschen Namen. Der sehr kurze Hinterkörper (Opisthosoma) besteht nur aus einer verminderten Anzahl von Segmenten (sichtbar sind nur vier), die vorderen Segmente sind zu einem schmalen Scharniergelenk zwischen dem Vorderkörper (Prosoma) und dem Hinterleib umgebildet, die hintersten Segmente werden teleskopartig in den Hinterleib eingezogen.

Die Kapuzenspinnen nutzen das zweite Laufbeinpaar als Taster, aus diesem Grunde ist es gegenüber den restlichen Beinen verlängert. Als Laufbeinpaare nutzen sie entsprechend nur das erste und die beiden letzten Beinpaare, auf denen sie sich sehr langsam fortbewegen. Die Kieferklauen (Cheliceren) sind zweigliedrig und bilden eine Schere. Auch der Pedipalpus bildet eine Schere. Augen sind bei den Kapuzenspinnen nicht sichtbar, allerdings reagieren sie auf Licht mit einem Totstellreflex.


Kapuzenspinnen sind, wie beinahe alle Spinnentiere, Jäger und fressen verschiedene kleine Gliederfüßer, vor allem Springschwänze. Diese werden mit dem verlängerten zweiten Laufbeinpaar ertastet und gefangen, indem sie zwischen den Fußgliedern und den Unterschenkeln eingeklemmt werden. Von den scherenbewehrten Pedipalpen und Cheliceren wird die Beute dann zerkleinert.

Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung

Die Männchen der Kapuzenspinnen besitzen speziell ausgebildete Kopulationsorgane an den Fußgliedern des dritten Beinpaares, die aus einem Spermienspeicher und einer Übertragungseinrichtung bestehen. Sie entnehmen damit das Sperma als Spermaballen (Spermatophore) aus der eigenen Geschlechtsöffnung und übertragen es in die des Weibchens, welches sie vorher bestiegen haben.

Die Eiablage der ziemlich großen Eier erfolgt einzeln, die Eier werden dann ebenfalls einzeln von der Mutter unter der Kapuze mit den Pedipalpen festgehalten und in ein Versteck getragen. Die Embryonalentwicklung der Tiere ist unbekannt, aus dem Ei schlüpft eine Larve, die wie die Milben nur drei Beinpaare besitzt und sich nach drei Häutungen zur erwachsenen Kapuzenspinne entwickelt.


Die genaue Position der Kapuzenspinnen im phylogenetischen System ist noch nicht geklärt, meist werden sie jedoch als Schwestergruppe der Milben eingeordnet. Als gute Argumente für diese Position spricht die Larve mit den nur drei Beinpaaren sowie die drei Larvenstadien. Als Begründung für eine alternative Stellung als Schwestergruppe der Weberknechte wird das verlängerte zweite Laufbeinpaar angeführt, welches allerdings bei den ursprünglichen Weberknechten nicht vorhanden ist und deshalb als Argument entkräftet wird.

Die Ordnung umfasst nur eine lebende (rezente) Familie mit den folgenden drei Gattungen.


  • Peter Weygoldt: Ricinulei, Kapuzenspinnen. In Westheide, Rieger (Hrsg.): Spezielle Zoologie Teil 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena 1997; Seiten 488–489.


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Kapuzenspinnen: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

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Die Kapuzenspinnen (Ricinulei) sind eine Ordnung der Spinnentiere (Arachnida) innerhalb der Kieferklauenträger (Chelicerata). Weltweit sind etwa 40 Arten bekannt, die in tropischen Wäldern Afrikas und Südamerikas leben.

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Buibui-kofia ( السواحلية )

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Buibui-kofia ni arithropodi wa familia Ricinoididae, familia ya pekee ya oda Ricinulei katika ngeli Arachnida. Jina lao linatoka kwa aina ya “kofia” ambayo wanaweza kutumia ili kufunika kichwa, mdomo na kelisera (chelicerae). Kwa kawaida buibui-kofia wana urefu wa mm 5-10 na wanafanana na utitiri. Wataalamu wengine wanafikiri kwamba wadudu hawa wana mnasaba na utitiri, lakini wengine wanafikiri kwamba wana mnasaba na oda ya zamani ya Trigonotarbida iliyokwisha sasa. Kefalotoraksi (cephalothorax) na fumbatio zimeungwa kwa pediseli (pedicel) nyembamba kwa umbo wa mrija kama kwa buibui. Lakini ukingo wa fumbatio unaingia katika kunjo la gamba (carapace). Wana miguu minane kama arakinida wengine lakini jozi ya pili ni mirefu kuliko mingine na hutumika kama vipapasio. Hawana macho lakini spishi za zamani zilikuwa nayo na spishi za kisasa bado zina sehemu za kuhisi nuru. Mwenendo wa buibui-kofia haujulikani sana lakini inaonekana kwamba hula arithropodi wadogo kuliko hawa wenyewe.

Crystal Project Babelfish.png Makala hiyo kuhusu "Buibui-kofia" inatumia jina ambalo halijakuwepo kwa lugha ya Kiswahili. Jina hili linapendekezwa kwa jina la mnyama huyu au wanyama hawa amba(ye)(o) ha(wa)na jina kwa sasa.

Wasomaji wanaombwa kuchangia mawazo yao kwenye ukurasa wa majadiliano ya makala.
Kamusi za Kiswahili hazina jina kwa mnyama huyu au wanyama hawa.

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Ricinulei ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Ricinulei is a small order of arachnids. Like most arachnids, they are predatory, eating small arthropods. They occur today in west-central Africa (Ricinoides) and the Neotropics (Cryptocellus and Pseudocellus) as far north as Texas. As of 2021, 91 extant species of ricinuleids have been described worldwide, all in the single family Ricinoididae.[1] In older works they are sometimes referred to as Podogona. Due to their obscurity they do not have a proper common name, though in academic literature they are occasionally referred to as hooded tickspiders.

In addition to the three living genera, there are fossil species from the upper Carboniferous of Euramerica and the Cretaceous Burmese amber.


The most important general account of ricinuleid anatomy remains the 1904 monograph by Hans Jacob Hansen and William Sørensen.[2] Useful further studies can be found in, e.g., the work of Pittard and Mitchell,[3] Gerald Legg[4][5] and L. van der Hammen.[6]

Ricinoides atewa nymph from Ghana


Ricinulei are typically about 5 to 10 millimetres (0.2 to 0.4 in) long. The largest of ever existed Ricinulei was the Late Carboniferous Curculioides bohemondi with a body length of 21.77 mm (0.857 in).[7] The cuticle (or exoskeleton) of both the legs and body is remarkably thick.[8] Their most notable feature is a "hood" (or cucullus) which can be raised and lowered over the head. When lowered, it covers the mouth and the chelicerae. Living ricinuleids have no eyes, although two pairs of lateral eyes can be seen in fossils and even living species retain light-sensitive areas of cuticle in this position.

The heavy-bodied abdomen (or opisthosoma) exhibits a narrow pedicel, or waist, where it attaches to the prosoma. Curiously, there is a complex coupling mechanism between the prosoma and opisthosoma. The front margin of the opisthosoma tucks into a corresponding fold at the back of the carapace. The advantages of this unusual system are not well understood, and since the genital opening is located on the pedicel (another rather unusual feature) the animals have to 'unlock' themselves in order to mate. The abdomen is divided dorsally into a series of large plates or tergites, each of which is subdivided into a median and lateral plate.

Male Ricinoides karschii from Campo Reserve, Cameroon


The mouthparts, or chelicerae, are composed of 2 segments forming a fixed and a moveable digit. Sensory organs are also found associated with the mouthparts;[9] presumably for tasting the food. The chelicerae can be retracted and at rest they are normally hidden beneath the cucullus.

Ricinuleid pedipalps are complex appendages. They are typically used to manipulate food items, but also bear many sensory structures and are used as 'short range' sensory organs.[10] The pedipalps end in pincers that are small relative to their bodies, when compared to those of the related orders of scorpions and pseudoscorpions. Similar pincers on the pedipalps have now been found in the extinct order Trigonotarbida (see Relationships).

As in many harvestmen, the second pair of legs is longest in ricinuleids and these limbs are used to feel ahead of the animal, almost like antennae. If the pedipalps are 'short range' sensory organs, the second pair of legs are the corresponding 'long range' ones. Sensilla on the tarsi at the ends of legs I and II (which are used more frequently to sense the surroundings) differ from those of legs III and IV.[11][12] In male ricinuleids, the third pair of legs are uniquely modified to form copulatory organs. The shape of these organs is very important for taxonomy and can be used to tell males of different species apart.[13]

Internal anatomy

An older summary of ricinuleid internal anatomy was published by Jacques Millot.[14] The midgut has been described,[15] while the excretory system consists of Malpighian tubules and a pair of coxal glands. Female ricinuleids have spermathecae,[16] presumably to store sperm. The male genitalia, sperm cells and sperm production have also been intensively studied.[17][18] Gas exchange takes place through trachea, and opens through a single pair of spiracles on the prosoma.[19] At least one Brazilian species appears to have a plastron, which may help it prevent getting wet and allow it to continue to breathe, even if inundated with water.[20]


Male Pseudocellus pearsei from Grutas Tzabnah, Yucatán, Mexico

Ricinuleids inhabit the leaf litter of rainforest floors, as well as caves, where they search for prey with their elongate sensory second leg pair.[21] Ricinulei feed on other small invertebrates, although details of their natural prey are sparse.[22] Relatively little is known about their courtship and mating habits,[23] but males have been observed using their modified third pair of legs to transfer a spermatophore to the female. The eggs are carried under the mother's hood, until the young hatch into six-legged larva, which later molt into their eight-legged adult forms. The six-legged larva is a feature they share with Acari (see Relationships). Despite the scarce number of studies about the biology of this group, recent studies have reported nocturnal habits, as well as novel behaviors for this group, which include interactions between individuals different than mating.[24] Ricinuleids are often found in large congregations, the exact purpose of which is unknown.[25]

Fossil record

Ricinulei are unique among arachnids in that the first one to be discovered was a fossil, described in 1837 by the noted English geologist William Buckland;[26] albeit misinterpreted as a beetle. Further fossil species were added in subsequent years by, among others, Samuel Hubbard Scudder, Reginald Innes Pocock and Alexander Petrunkevitch.

Fifteen of the twenty species of fossil ricinuleids discovered so far originate from the late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Coal Measures of Europe and North America. They were revised in detail in 1992 by Paul Selden,[27] who placed them in a separate suborder, Palaeoricinulei. The fossils are divided into four families: Curculioididae, Poliocheridae, Primoricinuleidae and Sigillaricinuleidae. The poliocherids are more like modern ricinuleids in having an opisthosoma with a series of three large, divided tergites. Curculioidids, by contrast, have an opisthosoma without obvious tergites, but with a single median sulcus; a dividing line running down the middle of the back. This superficially resembles the elytra of a beetle and explains why Buckland originally misidentified the first fossil species. Five species: ?Poliochera cretacea, Primoricinuleus pugio, Hirsutisoma acutiformis, H. bruckschi and H. dentata, are known from the Cenomanian (~ 99 million years old) Burmese amber of Myanmar;[28][29][30] Curculioides bohemondi, the largest of all Ricinulei, was a member of the Curculioididae.[7] Monooculricinuleus incisus and M. semiglobosus from Burmese amber were originally described as members of Ricinulei, but they might belong to Opiliones instead.[31]


As of September 2022, the World Ricinulei Catalog accepts the following eleven genera:[32]


Early work

In 1665, Robert Hooke described a large crab-like mite he observed with a microscope, he published a description of it in his book; Micrographia.[34] The first living ricinuleid described using Linnaean taxonomy was from West Africa by Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville in 1838,[35] i.e. one year after the first fossil. This was followed by a second living example collected by Henry Walter Bates in Brazil and described by John Obadiah Westwood in 1874,[36] and a third from Sierra Leone by Tamerlan Thorell in 1892.[37] In these early studies ricinuleids were thought to be unusual harvestmen (Opiliones), and in his 1892 paper Thorell introduced the name "Ricinulei" for these animals as a suborder of the harvestman. Ricinuleids were subsequently recognized as an arachnid order in their own right in the 1904 monograph by Hansen & Soerensen. These authors recognised a group called "Arachnida micrura", comprising spiders, whip spiders, whip scorpions and ricinuleids, which they defined as having a rather narrow join between the prosoma and opisthosoma and a small 'tail end' to the opisthosoma.

Ricinuleids and mites

Morphological studies of arachnid relationships have largely concluded that ricinuleids are most closely related to Acari (mites and ticks) though more recent phylogenomic studies refute this.[38] [39] L. van der Hammen placed ricinuleids in a group called "Cryptognomae",[40] together with the anactinotrichid mites only. Peter Weygoldt and Hannes Paulus referred to ricinuleids and all mites as "Acarinomorpha".[41][42] Jeffrey Shultz used the name "Acaromorpha".[43][44] This hypothesis recognizes that both ricinuleids and mites hatch with a larval stage with only six legs, rather than the usual eight seen in arachnids. The additional pair of legs appears later during development. Some authors have also suggested that the gnathosoma, a separate part of the body bearing the mouthparts, is also a unique character for ricinuleids and mites,[45] but this feature is rather complex and difficult to interpret and other authors would restrict the presence of a gnathosoma sensu stricto to mites only.

Ricinuleids and trigonotarbids

In 1892, Ferdinand Karsch suggested that ricinuleids were the last living descendants of the extinct arachnid order Trigonotarbida.[46] This hypothesis was widely overlooked, but was reintroduced by Jason Dunlop in 1996.[47] Characteristics shared by ricinuleids and trigonotarbids include the division of the tergites on the opisthososma into median and lateral plates and the presence of an unusual 'locking mechanism' between the two halves of the body. A further study subsequently recognised that the tip of the pedipalp in both ricinuleids and trigonotarbids ends in a similar small claw.[48] Ricinuleids as sister group of trigonotarbids was also recovered in the 2002 study by Gonzalo Giribet and colleagues.[33]

Phylogenomic studies

Recent phylogenomic studies have recovered different relationships than those previously suggested. An analysis in early 2019 suggested the sister group of the ricinuleids may be Xiphosura, the arthropod order containing horseshoe crabs.[49] In response to this work, a more recent study placed Ricinulei and Opiliones as sister taxa.[50]


  1. ^ Valdez-Mondragón, Alejandro; Juárez-Sánchez, Alma R. (2021-02-23). "A new epigean species of ricinuleid of the genus Pseudocellus (Arachnida: Ricinulei: Ricinoididae) from a tropical sub-deciduous forest in Oaxaca, Mexico". The Journal of Arachnology. 48 (3). doi:10.1636/JoA-S-20-014. ISSN 0161-8202. S2CID 232021020.
  2. ^ Hans Jacob Hansen & William Sørensen (1904). On two orders of Arachnida. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1 182.
  3. ^ Kay Pittard & Robert W. Mitchell (1972). "Comparative morphology of the life stages of Cryptocellus pelaezi (Arachnida, Ricinulei)". Graduate Studies. Texas Tech University. 1: 3–77.
  4. ^ Gerald Legg (1976). "The external morphology of a new species of ricinuleid (Arachnida) from Sierra Leone". Journal of Zoology. 59 (1): 1–58. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1976.tb01007.x.
  5. ^ Gerald Legg (1976). "The external morphology of immature stages of Ricinoides karschi (Arachnida: Ricinulei)". Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society. 3: 243–248.
  6. ^ L. van der Hammen (1979). "Comparative studies in Chelicerata I. The Cryptognomae (Ricinulei, Architarbi and Anactinotrichida)". Zoologische Verhandelingen. 174 (1): 1–62.
  7. ^ a b Niall Whalen, Paul Selden. "A new, giant ricinuleid (Arachnida, Ricinulei), from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois, and the identification of a new, ontogenetically stable, diagnostic character". Journal of Paleontology , Volume 95 , Issue 3 , May 2021 , pp. 601 - 612 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2020.104
  8. ^ J. H. Kennaugh (1968). "An examination of the cuticle of three species of Ricinulei (Arachnida)". Journal of Zoology. 156 (3): 393–404. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1968.tb04361.x.
  9. ^ G. Talarico, J. G. Palacios-Vargas & G. Alberti (2008). "Taste while chewing? Sensory structures in the chelicerae of Pseudocellus pearsei (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938) (Ricinulei, Arachnida)". Revista Ibérica de Aracnología. 15: 47–53.
  10. ^ G. Talarico, J. G. Palacios-Vargas & G. Alberti (2008). "The pedipalp of Pseudocellus pearsei (Ricinulei, Arachnida) – ultrastructure of a multifunctional organ". Arthropod Structure & Development. 37 (6): 511–521. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2008.02.001. PMID 18502688.
  11. ^ Giovanni Talarico, Jose G. Palacios-Vargas, Mariano Fuentes Silva & Gerd Alberti (2005). "First ultrastructural observations on the tarsal pore organ of Pseudocellus pearsei and P. boneti (Arachnida, Ricinulei)". Journal of Arachnology. 33 (2): 604–612. doi:10.1636/04-110.1. JSTOR 4129861. S2CID 86221977.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  12. ^ Giovanni Talarico, José G. Palacios-Vargas, Mariano Fuentes Silva & Gerd Alberti (2008). "Ultrastructure of tarsal sensilla and other integument structures of two Pseudocellus species (Ricinulei, Arachnida)". Journal of Morphology. 267 (4): 441–463. doi:10.1002/jmor.10415. PMID 16425267. S2CID 25580911.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. ^ S. L. Tuxen (1974). "The African genus Ricinoides (Arachnida, Ricinulei)" (PDF). Journal of Arachnology. 1: 85–106.
  14. ^ Jacques Millot (1945). "L'anatomie interne des Ricinulei". Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (in French). 7: 1–29.
  15. ^ Mario Ludwig; José G. Palacios-Vargas; Gerd Alberti (1994). "Cellular details of the midgut of Cryptocellus boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei)". Journal of Morphology. 220 (3): 263–270. doi:10.1002/jmor.1052200305. PMID 29865385. S2CID 46930292.
  16. ^ P. M. Brignoli (1973). "On some Ricinulei of Mexico with notes on the female genital apparatus (Arachnida, Ricinulei)". Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. 171: 153–174.
  17. ^ Gerd Alberti & José G. Palacios-Vargas (1984). "Fine structure of spermatogenesis and mature spermatozoa in Cryptocellus boneti Bolivar y Pieltain, 1941 (Arachnida, Ricinulei)". Journal of Ultrastructure Research. 87 (1): 1–12. doi:10.1016/S0022-5320(84)90111-4.
  18. ^ G. Talarico, L. F. García Hernández & P. Michalik (2008). "The male genital system of the New World Ricinulei (Arachnida): ultrastructure of spermatozoa and spermiogenesis with special emphasis on its phylogenetic implications". Arthropod Structure & Development. 37 (5): 396–409. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2008.01.006. PMID 18539528.
  19. ^ Ricinulei — Acari | SpringerLink
  20. ^ Joachim Adis, Benjamin Messner & Norman Platnick (1999). "Morphological structures and vertical distribution in the soil indicate facultative plastron respiration in Cryptocellus adisi (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Central Amazonia". Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 34 (1): 1–9. doi:10.1076/snfe.
  21. ^ Joachim U. Adis, Norman I. Platnick, José W. de Morais & José M. Gomes Rodrigues (1989). "On the abundance and ecology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) from Central Amazonia, Brazil". Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 97 (2): 133–140. JSTOR 25009750.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  22. ^ J. A. L. Cooke (1967). "Observations on the biology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with descriptions of two new species of Cryptocellus". Journal of Zoology. 151 (1): 31–42. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1967.tb02864.x.
  23. ^ Gerald Legg (1977). "Sperm transfer and mating in Ricinoides hanseni (Ricinulei: Arachnida)". Journal of Zoology. 182 (1): 51–61. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1977.tb04140.x.
  24. ^ García, L. F.; Torrado-León, E.; Talarico, G.; Peretti, A. V. (2015-07-01). "First Characterization of the Behavioral Repertory in a Ricinuleid: Cryptocellus narino Platnick & Paz 1979 (Arachnida, Ricinulei, Ricinoididae)". Journal of Insect Behavior. 28 (4): 447–459. doi:10.1007/s10905-015-9517-1. ISSN 1572-8889. S2CID 2409069.
  25. ^ Whalen, Niall; Selden, Paul (May 2021). "A new, giant ricinuleid (Arachnida, Ricinulei), from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois, and the identification of a new, ontogenetically stable, diagnostic character". Journal of Paleontology. 95 (3): 601–612. doi:10.1017/jpa.2020.104. ISSN 0022-3360. S2CID 233301949.
  26. ^ William Buckland (1837). Treatise IV. Geology and mineralogy with reference to natural theology. The Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation. (2nd ed.). London: William Pickering.
  27. ^ P. A. Selden (1992). "Revision of the fossil ricinuleids". Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences. 83 (4): 595–634. doi:10.1017/s0263593300003333. S2CID 85945454.
  28. ^ Jörg Wunderlich (2012). "Description of the first fossil Ricinulei in amber from Burma (Myanmar), the first report of this arachnid order from the Mesozoic and from Asia, with notes on the related extinct order Trigonotarbida". In Jörg Wunderlich (ed.). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 7: Fifteen papers on extant and fossil spiders (Araneae). pp. 233–244.
  29. ^ Jörg Wunderlich (2015). "New and rare fossil Arachnida in Cretaceous Burmese Amber (Amblypygi, Ricinulei and Uropygi: Thelephonida)". In Jörg Wunderlich (ed.). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 9: Mesozoic spiders and other fossil arachnids. pp. 409–436.
  30. ^ Jörg Wunderlich (2017). "New extinct taxa of the arachnid order Ricinulei, based on new fossils preserved in mid Cretaceous Burmese amber". In Jörg Wunderlich (ed.). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 10. pp. 48–71.
  31. ^ Paul A. Selden; Dong Ren (2017). "A review of Burmese amber arachnids". Journal of Arachnology. 45 (3): 324–343. doi:10.1636/JoA-S-17-029. S2CID 90983791.
  32. ^ "World Ricinulei Catalog". World Ricinulei Catalog. Natural History Museum Bern. 2022. Retrieved 24 September 2022.
  33. ^ a b Gonzalo Giribet, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Ward C. Wheeler & Courtney Babbitt (2002). "Phylogeny and systematic position of Opiliones: a combined analysis of chelicerate relationships using morphological and molecular data" (PDF). Cladistics. 18 (1): 5–70. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2002.tb00140.x. PMID 14552352. S2CID 16833833.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  34. ^ Hooke, Robert (1665). "Of the crab-like insect". Micrographia, or Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses with observations and inquiries thereupon. London: James Allestry and John Martyn in the Royal Society. pp. 207–208.
  35. ^ Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville (1838). "Note sur l'Acanthodon et sur le Cryptostemme, nouveaux genres d'Arachnides". Revue zoologique par le Société Cuvierienne (in French). 1: 10–12.
  36. ^ John Obadiah Westwood (1874). "Class Arachnida". Thesaurus Entomologicus Oxoniensis. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 200–202.
  37. ^ Tamerlan Thorell (1892). "On an apparently new arachnid belonging to the family Cryptostemmoidae, Westw". Kungliga Svenska Ventenskaps-akademiens Handlingar. 17: 1–18.
  38. ^ Ballesteros, Jesús A.; Sharma, Prashant P. (2019). "A Critical Appraisal of the Placement of Xiphosura (Chelicerata) with Account of Known Sources of Phylogenetic Error". Systematic Biology. 68 (6): 896–917. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syz011. PMID 30917194.
  39. ^ Lozano-Fernandez, L.; et al. (2019). "Increasing species sampling in chelicerate genomic-scale datasets provides support for monophyly of Acari and Arachnida". Nature Communications. 10 (2295): 459–462. Bibcode:2019NatCo..10.2295L. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10244-7. PMC 6534568. PMID 6534568.
  40. ^ L. van der Hammen (1977). "A new classification of Chelicerata". Zoologische Mededelingen. 51 (20): 307–319.
  41. ^ Peter Weygoldt & Hannes Paulus (1979). "Untersuchungen zur Morphologie, Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Chelicerata. I. Morphologische Untersuchungen". Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung (in German). 17 (3): 85–116. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0469.1979.tb00694.x.
  42. ^ Peter Weygoldt & Hannes Paulus (1979). "Untersuchungen zur Morphologie, Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Chelicerata. II. Cladogramme und die Entfaltung der Chelicerata". Zeitschrift für zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung (in German). 17 (3): 177–200. doi:10.1111/j.1439-0469.1979.tb00699.x.
  43. ^ Jeffrey W. Shultz (1990). "Evolutionary morphology and phylogeny of Arachnida". Cladistics. 6 (1): 1–38. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.1990.tb00523.x. PMID 34933471. S2CID 85410687.
  44. ^ Jeffrey W. Shultz (2007). "A phylogenetic analysis of the arachnid orders based on morphological characters". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 150 (2): 221–265. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00284.x.
  45. ^ E. E. Lindquist (1984). "Current theories on the evolution of major groups of Acari and on their relationships with other groups of Arachnida with consequent implications for their classification". In D. A. Griffiths; C. E. Bowman (eds.). Acarology VI, Volume 1. Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd. pp. 28–62. ISBN 978-0-85312-603-4.
  46. ^ Ferdinand Karsch (1892). "Ueber Cryptostemma Guèr. als einziger recenter Ausläufer der fossilen Arachnoideen-Ordnung Meridogastra Thor". Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift (in German). 37 (1): 25–32. doi:10.1002/mmnd.18920370108.
  47. ^ Jason A. Dunlop (1996). "Evidence for a sister group relationship between Ricinulei and Trigonotarbida" (PDF). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society. 10 (6): 193–204. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-06-13. Retrieved 2010-11-11.
  48. ^ Jason A. Dunlop, Carsten Kamenz and Giovanni Talarico (2009). "A fossil trigonotarbid arachnid with a ricinuleid-like pedipalpal claw". Zoomorphology. 128 (4): 305–313. doi:10.1007/s00435-009-0090-z. S2CID 6769463.
  49. ^ Ballesteros, Jesús A.; Sharma, Prashant P. (2019). "A Critical Appraisal of the Placement of Xiphosura (Chelicerata) with Account of Known Sources of Phylogenetic Error". Systematic Biology. 68 (6): 896–917. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syz011. PMID 30917194.
  50. ^ Lozano-Fernandez, L.; et al. (2019). "Increasing species sampling in chelicerate genomic-scale datasets provides support for monophyly of Acari and Arachnida". Nature Communications. 10 (2295): 459–462. Bibcode:2019NatCo..10.2295L. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10244-7. PMC 6534568. PMID 6534568.
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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Ricinulei is a small order of arachnids. Like most arachnids, they are predatory, eating small arthropods. They occur today in west-central Africa (Ricinoides) and the Neotropics (Cryptocellus and Pseudocellus) as far north as Texas. As of 2021, 91 extant species of ricinuleids have been described worldwide, all in the single family Ricinoididae. In older works they are sometimes referred to as Podogona. Due to their obscurity they do not have a proper common name, though in academic literature they are occasionally referred to as hooded tickspiders.

In addition to the three living genera, there are fossil species from the upper Carboniferous of Euramerica and the Cretaceous Burmese amber.

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Ricinulei ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Los ricinúlidos o garrapatas encapuchadas (Ricinulei) son un orden de arácnidos considerado durante mucho tiempo como uno de los grupos invertebrados más escasos. Ahora se sabe que los ricinúlidos son localmente abundantes en determinadas áreas, como en el norte de América del Sur. Para diciembre del 2011, se habían descrito 58 especies existentes alrededor del mundo, todas pertenecientes a la familia Ricinoididae,[1]​16 de las cuales se encuentran en América del Sur (de las regiones más próximas al ecuador). La mayor diversidad para este subcontinente está en Colombia y Brasil, ambos con cuatro especies cada uno.

Incluye una sola familia actual, los ricinóididos (Ricinoididae) con tres géneros, y dos familias extintas (Poliocheridae y Curculioididae). Aparecen en el registro fósil en el Carbonífero.

Historia natural

Los ricinúlidos son depredadores de pequeños artrópodos. Se sabe poco sobre sus hábitos reproductivos, pero se han observado a los machos transferir un espermatóforo a la hembra usando su tercer par de patas, modificado a tal efecto. Los huevos son transportados por la madre hasta que eclosionan las larvas, provistas de seis patas, que luego mudan y se transforman en adultos de ocho patas. Los ácaros también tienen larvas de seis patas.

Los ricinúlidos viven típicamente entre la hojarasca de las selvas lluviosas tropicales o en cuevas, donde la humedad es elevada, ya que la necesitan para sobrevivir. A pesar de que su historia natural es poco conocida, en algunas especies se han descrito hábitos principalmente nocturnos, así como distintos tipos de interacciones entre individuos.[2]


  1. Lorenzo Prendini (2011). Order Ricinulei Thorell, 1876 (PDF). En Z.-Q. Zhang, ed. «Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness». Zootaxa 4138: 122.
  2. García, L. F.; Torrado-León, E.; Talarico, G.; Peretti, A. V. (1 de julio de 2015). «First Characterization of the Behavioral Repertory in a Ricinuleid: Cryptocellus narino Platnick & Paz 1979 (Arachnida, Ricinulei, Ricinoididae)». Journal of Insect Behavior (en inglés) 28 (4): 447-459. ISSN 1572-8889. doi:10.1007/s10905-015-9517-1. Consultado el 23 de octubre de 2020.

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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Los ricinúlidos o garrapatas encapuchadas (Ricinulei) son un orden de arácnidos considerado durante mucho tiempo como uno de los grupos invertebrados más escasos. Ahora se sabe que los ricinúlidos son localmente abundantes en determinadas áreas, como en el norte de América del Sur. Para diciembre del 2011, se habían descrito 58 especies existentes alrededor del mundo, todas pertenecientes a la familia Ricinoididae,​16 de las cuales se encuentran en América del Sur (de las regiones más próximas al ecuador). La mayor diversidad para este subcontinente está en Colombia y Brasil, ambos con cuatro especies cada uno.

Incluye una sola familia actual, los ricinóididos (Ricinoididae) con tres géneros, y dos familias extintas (Poliocheridae y Curculioididae). Aparecen en el registro fósil en el Carbonífero.

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Ricinulei ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Les Ricinulei, ricinules ou ricinulides, sont un ordre d'arthropodes de la classe des arachnides.

On connaissait, en 2018, 88 espèces actuelles et 22 espèces fossiles connues depuis le Crétacé.


Ce sont de petits arachnides des régions tropicales mesurant entre 5 et 10 millimètres, qui vivent dans les matières en décomposition et se nourrissent de petits arthropodes. Ils se caractérisent par la présence d'un petit couvercle, le cucullus, qui peut être soulevé et abaissé sur la tête. Lorsqu'il est abaissé, il recouvre les chélicères.


Selon The World Spider Catalog (version 18.5, 2018)[1] :

Publication originale

  • Thorel, 1876 : Sopra alcuni Opilioni (Phalangidea) d'Europa e dell'Asia occidentale, con un quadro dei generi europei di quest'ordine. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, vol. 8, p. 452-508 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Les Ricinulei, ricinules ou ricinulides, sont un ordre d'arthropodes de la classe des arachnides.

On connaissait, en 2018, 88 espèces actuelles et 22 espèces fossiles connues depuis le Crétacé.

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Ricinuleos ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

A dos ricinuleos (Ricinulei) é unha orde de arácnidos, que foi considerado durante moito tempo como un dos grupos de invertebrados máis escasos.

Apareceron no rexistro fósil no carbonífero.[1]


Porén, agora sábese que os ricinuleos son localmente abundantes en determinadas rexións, como no norte de América do Sur.

En decembro de 2011, describíranse 58 especies, todas elas pertencentes á familia dos Ricinoididae,[2] única con espécimes actuamente viventes, 16 das cales se encontran en Sudamérica, nas zonas máis próximas ao ecuador).

A maior diversidade para este subcontinente está en Colombia e Brasil, con catro especies en cada un destes países.

Historia natural

Os ricinuleos son depredadores de pequenos artrópodos. Sábese pouco sobre os seus hábitos reprodutivos, pero observouse aos machos transferir un espermatóforo á femia usando o seu terceiro par de patas, modificado para tal efecto. Os ovos son transportados pola nai até que eclosionan as larvas, provistas de seis patas, que logo mudan transformándose en adultos de oito patas. Os ácaros tamén teñen larvas de seis patas.

Os Riricinlei viven tipicamente entre a follaxe caída no chan das selvas tropicais chuviosas, ou en covas onde a humidade é elevada, xa que a necesitan para sobreviviren.



A orde foi descrita en 1876 polo aracnólogo sueco Tord Tamerlan Teodor Thorell, na súa obra:

Thorel,T. T. (1876): "Sopra alcuni Opilioni (Phalangidea) d'Europa e dell'Asia occidentale, con un quadro dei generi europei di quest'ordine". Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria, vol. 8, pp. 452-508. Ler en liña.


O termo do latín científico Ricinulei é o diminutivo plural do latín ricinus 'carracha', debido á semellanza con estes outrois arácnidos, pero de menor tamaño ca eles.[3]


A clase comprende unha soa familia actual, a dos ricinóididos (Ricinoididae) con tres xéneros, e dúas familias extintas, as dos Poliocheridae e os Curculioididae.[4][5]

Segundo o ITIS e J. Hallan (2005),[6] a clasificación actual da orde é a seguinte:

Orde Ricinulei Thorell, 1876 [7]

Suborde Neoricinulei Selden, 1992 [8]


Segundo Giribet et al. (2002), as relacións filoxenéticas dos Ricinulei son as seguintes:[11]





















  1. Order Ricinulei Thorell 1876 en Fossilworks.
  2. Lorenzo Prendini (2011). Z.-Q. Zhang, ed. "Order Ricinulei Thorell, 1876" en Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness" (PDF). Zootaxa 4138: 122.
  3. Ricinulei no Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  4. Jason A. Dunlop (Berlin), David Penney (Manchester) & Denise Jekel (Berlin) (2017): "A summary list of fossil spiders and their relatives". En: Ler en liña.
  5. order Ricinulei Thorell, 1892 en BioLib.cz (en inglés).
  6. Clasificación de Hallan Arquivado 16 de febreiro de 2015 en Wayback Machine..
  7. Ricinulei no ITIS.
  8. Neoricinulei no ITIS.
  9. Ricinoidoidea Ewing, 1929 no ITIS.
  10. Ricinoididae no ITIS.
  11. Gonzalo Giribet, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Ward C. Wheeler & Courtney Babbitt (2002). "Phylogeny and systematic position of Opiliones: a combined analysis of chelicerate relationships using morphological and molecular data" (Resume). Cladistics. 18 (1): 5–70.

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Ricinuleos: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

A dos ricinuleos (Ricinulei) é unha orde de arácnidos, que foi considerado durante moito tempo como un dos grupos de invertebrados máis escasos.

Apareceron no rexistro fósil no carbonífero.

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Ricinulei ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

I Ricinulei (THORELL, 1876) costituiscono un ordine di Aracnidi (subphylum Chelicerata).

Fino al 2008 erano state descritte nel mondo 60 specie, appartenenti tutte alla famiglia delle Ricinoididae.[1]


  1. ^ Piotr Naskrecki, A new ricinuleid of the genus Ricinoides Ewing (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Ghana (PDF), in Zootaxa, vol. 1698, 2008, pp. 57–64.

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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

I Ricinulei (THORELL, 1876) costituiscono un ordine di Aracnidi (subphylum Chelicerata).

Fino al 2008 erano state descritte nel mondo 60 specie, appartenenti tutte alla famiglia delle Ricinoididae.

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Ricinulėjos ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT

Ricinulėjos – (lot. Ricinulei) – nedidelis bestuburių gyvūnų būrys, priklausantis voragyvių klasei.


Ricinulėjos – nedideli, 5-10 mm ilgio voragyviai. Kūnas padengtas tvirta danga. Neįprasta jų savybė – paslanki galvakrūtinės skydo priekinė dalis, paprastai dengianti burną ir cheliceras. Pats galvakrūtinės dangalas vientisas. Cheliceros trumpos, dviejų segmentų, gale turi savotišką nagelį. Pedipalpai ilgesni, palyginti su skorpionais ir pseudoskorpionais, turintys mažas žnyples. Ricinulėjos neturi akių. Pilvelis trumpas, baigiasi labai trumpa metasoma. Pilvelyje yra trys segmentai, gali būti matomas vienas nepilnas, dar du nepastebimi ir nėra iki galo išsivystę. Patinų trečioji kojų pora virtusi kopuliacijos organais. Ricinulėjos neturi plaučių, kvėpuoja gerai išvystytomis trachėjomis. Šalinimo organai susideda iš Malpigijaus vamzdelių ir šalinimo liaukų.


Ricinulėjos – plėšrūnai, mintantys kitais nariuotakojais. Jos labai lėtai juda, analizuodamos aplinką priekinėmis kojomis. Paliestos ilgam apmiršta.


Nedaug žinoma apie jų dauginimosi ypatumus. Patinai perneša spermatoforą savo modifikuotomis trečiosios poros kojomis patelei. Kiaušinius motina nešioja su savimi. Iš kiaušinių išsirita šešiakojės lervos, vėliau atsiranda ir ketvirtoji pora (tuo ricinulėjos panašios į erkes).

Geografinis paplitimas

Ricinulėjos randamos Pietų ir Šiaurės Amerikoje, Afrikoje. Jos mėgsta drėgmę, gyvena po lapais, miško paklote, žieve, o kai kurios rūšys randamos olose.


Šiuo metu žinomos maždaug 55 rūšys, sujungtos į vieną Ricinoididae šeimą ir suskirstytos į tris gentis. Taip pat rasta ir fosilinių rūšių.

  • Šeima Ricinoididae
    • Gentis Cryptocellus
    • Gentis Pseudocellus
    • Gentis Ricinoides


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Ricinulėjos: Brief Summary ( اللتوانية )

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Ricinulėjos – (lot. Ricinulei) – nedidelis bestuburių gyvūnų būrys, priklausantis voragyvių klasei.

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Ricinulei ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De Ricinulei zijn een orde van geleedpotige dieren die tot de klasse spinachtigen (Arachnida) behoren. Het is een vrij onbekende groep die door enkele tientallen soorten wordt vertegenwoordigd – een klein aantal in vergelijking met andere ordes van spinachtigen. In de Nederlandse taal worden de soorten soms aangeduid als pantserspin of kapucijnspin maar een algemeen geaccepteerde naam voor deze groep is er nog niet.


De Ricinulei hebben een maximale lichaamslengte van ongeveer 1 centimeter maar de meeste soorten blijven aanmerkelijk kleiner. Aan de voorrand van het rugschild is een beweegbare klep bevestigd, ter bescherming van de monddelen, die als een vizier kan neergeklapt worden. Morfologisch lijken ze op een kruising tussen een teek en een spin. Biologisch gezien ligt het wat moeilijker: de relatie van de Ricinulei met andere spinachtigen is onduidelijk.


De Ricinulei leven waarschijnlijk van insecten en andere arachniden, daar ze cheliceren of gifkaken hebben.[1]

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Alle soorten leven in de tropen en in West-Europa komen geen soorten voor. De Ricinulei staan bij biologen bekend om hun zeldzaamheid.[1]


Enkele bekendere geslachten zijn Pseudocellus en Cryptocellus. Deze geslachtsnamen betekenen respectievelijk nep-ogen (pseudo) en verborgen ogen (crypto),[bron?] maar in werkelijkheid beschikt geen enkele moderne vertegenwoordiger over functionele ogen; deze zijn bij alle soorten volledig gedegenereerd.


Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. a b Bernhard Grzimek, Het Leven der Dieren Deel I: Lagere Dieren, Kindler Verlag AG, 1971. ISBN 90 274 8662 X.
  • (nl) Bernhard Grzimek - Het Leven der Dieren Deel I: Lagere Dieren - 1971 - Kindler Verlag AG - ISBN 902748662X
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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

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De Ricinulei zijn een orde van geleedpotige dieren die tot de klasse spinachtigen (Arachnida) behoren. Het is een vrij onbekende groep die door enkele tientallen soorten wordt vertegenwoordigd – een klein aantal in vergelijking met andere ordes van spinachtigen. In de Nederlandse taal worden de soorten soms aangeduid als pantserspin of kapucijnspin maar een algemeen geaccepteerde naam voor deze groep is er nog niet.

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Ricinulei ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Ricinuler (Ricinulei) er en lite kjent gruppe av edderkoppdyr.


Middelsstore (5-10 mm), litt flate edderkoppdyr med svært tykt, skulpturert skall. Foran forkroppen sitter den en hettelignende struktur (cucullus) som kan heves og senkes og dekke munndelene når den er senket. De nålevende artene mangler øyne men dette fantes hos noen fossile arter. Chelicerene er forholdsvis små, to-leddete og sakselignende. Pedipalpene er beinlignende men ender i en klosaks. Det andre beinparet er lengre enn de øvrige, med haker for å gripe byttet. Det tredje beinparet hos hannene er omdannet til parringsorganer. Bakkroppen er tydelig ledd-delt, det er en markert innsnevring mellom forkropp og bakkropp.


Ricinuler er funnet mellom løvstrø og i huler. Ellers er lite kjent om hvordan de lever. De er rovdyr som spiser små leddyr, kanskje særlig spretthaler.


I likhet med edderkoppene har ricinulene utviklet sekundære kjønnsorganer hos hannene, men her er det det tredje beinparet, ikke pedipalpene, som har fått denne funksjonen. Disse beina har en utvekst på fotleddet med en fure som hannen fyller med sperm fra kjønnsåpningen før parringen. Under parringen omfavner hannen hunnen bakfra og fører det spesialiserte beinet inn i hennes kjønnsåpning. Hunnen legger ganske store egg som hun bærer med seg under hetten og som klekker til seks-beinte larver, et trekk de har felles med middene. Det andre stadiet (nymfer) har åtte bein som de voksne.


Gruppen er utbredt i tropisk Afrika og i varme områder av Amerika.

Fossile arter

Det er kjent fossiler av gruppen fra så langt tilbake som Karbon-tiden.

Systematisk inndeling

Inndelingen følger [1]. Ricinulenes søstergruppe er sannsynligvis den utdødde ordenen Trigonotarbida.



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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

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Ricinuler (Ricinulei) er en lite kjent gruppe av edderkoppdyr.

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Kapturce ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Kapturce (Ricinulei) - rząd pajęczaków obejmujący ślepe zwierzęta zamieszkujące ściółkę i szczeliny skalne w strefie tropikalnej. Cechą charakterystyczną kapturców jest obecność ruchomej płytki zasłaniającej otwór gębowy i szczękoczułki, które są zakończone przydatkami w kształcie szczypiec. Nogogłaszczki krótkie. Larwy kapturców mają trzy pary odnóży lokomocyjnych.


Wyróżnia się ok. 60 gatunków w jednej rodzinie:

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Kapturce: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Kapturce (Ricinulei) - rząd pajęczaków obejmujący ślepe zwierzęta zamieszkujące ściółkę i szczeliny skalne w strefie tropikalnej. Cechą charakterystyczną kapturców jest obecność ruchomej płytki zasłaniającej otwór gębowy i szczękoczułki, które są zakończone przydatkami w kształcie szczypiec. Nogogłaszczki krótkie. Larwy kapturców mają trzy pary odnóży lokomocyjnych.

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Ricinulei ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Ricinulei é uma ordem que pertence à classe Arachnida. O grupo foi durante muito tempo considerado como um dos invertebrados mais raros conhecidos[1]. Entretanto sabe-se hoje que os Ricinulei possuem uma distribuição limitada, porém são localmente abundantes em determinadas áreas, como por exemplo, ao Norte da América do Sul[2]. A maior diversidade de Ricinulei está na Colômbia e no Brasil[1]. A ordem possui uma família (Ricinoididae) com três gêneros (Cryptocellus, Pseudocellus e Ricinoides) e mais de 55 espécies descritas. Ricinoides é encontrado apenas na África. A maioria abriga-se em ambientes úmidos, em florestas tropicais e secas e são animais com hábitos noturnos. Como a maioria dos aracnídeos, eles não possuem glândulas de veneno[1][2].


O nome Ricinulei provavelmente deriva de uma espécie de carrapato chamado “ricinus”[2].


Ricinulei assim como todos os aracnídeos possui o seu corpo dividido em dois tagmas: prossoma e opistossoma. São animais pequenos, geralmente o comprimento do dorso deles não ultrapassam 10 mm[2]. Eles não possuem olhos, nem tricobótrios – estrutura amplamente utilizada em outros aracnídeos como aranhas e escorpiões, que funcionam como mecanorreceptores[2]. No prossoma encontram-se as quelíceras, pedipalpos e apêndices locomotores – 4 pares[2]. Os dois tagmas são duros e grossos e possuem grande diversidade de tubérculos que são encontrados nas partes esclerotizadas do corpo[2][3]. As quelíceras possuem dois segmentos que são móveis. Elas são usadas para capturar quando a presa é muito pequena e para macerar, mas, possivelmente podem ser utilizadas para escavar (3). Há também indícios de que possuem uma função gustativa (4).

Uma das principais características de destaque em Ricinulei é o cuculo (sinapomorfia). Essa estrutura tem uma forma de capuz, é móvel e protege a pré-oral a boca e as quelíceras quando articulados[2][3]. Os pedipalpos possuem palpos acoplados com uma pequena quela que funde-se em um dedo curto que é fixo e um dedo que é maior e móvel (o tarso) que são dorsais (sinapomorfia do grupo)[2]. Os pedipalpos possuem seis segmentos entre eles dois trocanteres (também são os únicos aracnídeos que possuem dois) e o fêmur que pode rotacionar 180° dando ao animal uma grande mobilidade[2]. Os pedipalpos como para a maioria dos aracnídeos são usados para captura de presas, são usados por machos na manipulação na cópula e usados por fêmeas para ovipor os ovos[2]. Além do dorso as pernas também possuem tubérculos, além disso, possuem espinhos e cerdas com diversas formas e possivelmente diversas funções, entre elas quimiorrecepção, termorregulação, mecanorrecepção, porém para algumas cerdas não se sabe ao certo a sua funcionalidade [2][4]. O segundo par de pernas além de serem consideradas “anteniformes”, pois funcionam como apêndice sensorial de longo alcance, elas são primariamente utilizadas para locomoção[2]. O terceiro par de pernas dos machos é modificado para a transferência de espermatozoides e são utilizados para a identificação de espécies[2]. Foi encontrado em Ricinulei o órgão poro tarsal e possivelmente possui uma função olfativa (7). Nas pernas também foram encontradas alguns órgãos em fendas, que apesar da sua função ser desconhecida provavelmente é responsável pela percepção da vibração no substrato assim como para outros aracnídeos [2][5]. O opistossoma possui 10 segmentos e possui um pedicelo[2]. Há um forte ligamento do prossoma com o opistossoma no ventre de Ricinulei[2]. A abertura genital está dentro deste espaço fechado, então quando necessário (por exemplo, para a cópula e a oviposição) este ligamento é desfeito, expondo este orifício[2]. Ricinulei possuem um par de estigmas traqueados para a respiração que se encontram no prossoma e que ficam escondidos também com o ligamento dos tagmas[2].

Ilustração do corpo de Ricinulei. Adaptada do livro Beccaloni, J. (2009) “Arachnids” University of California Press, 1ª edição.

Taxonomia e Diversidade

A ordem Ricinulei possui apenas uma família (Ricinoididae) com três gêneros (Cryptocellus, Pseudocellus e Ricinoides) e pouco mais de 58 espécies descritas[6]. A maioria possui cor marrom avermelhada[2]. Acredita-se que Ricinulei aparentemente seja relacionado com Ácaros, por ter em comum larvas hexápodes[2].

Distribuição geográfica e ambientes de ocorrências

Ricinulei possui uma distribuição limitada, sendo encontrados na América Central e do Sul e na África Ocidental e Central. Ricinoides é encontrado apenas na África. A maioria é encontrada em ambientes úmidos (por exemplo, serapilheira) com hábitos no período noturno em florestas tropicais e secas.[1][2].


Ainda são poucos conhecidos os hábitos de acasalamento de Ricinulei, no entanto, sabe-se que assim que um macho encontra uma fêmea receptiva, ele o acaricia com suas pernas II[2]. Esse comportamento pode ser responsável pela fêmea sentir a sua presença [2]. Logo depois, o macho se posiciona acima da fêmea, segurando-a com o seu quarto par de pernas (3). O macho sobe no opistossoma da fêmea para expor a abertura genital, tateia ela e move uma das pernas III para frente, ejetando o espermatozoide diretamente no gonóporo da fêmea [2]. O macho continua mexendo o tarso e o metatarso dentro do gonóporo da fêmea garantindo a transferência de espermatozóides [2]. O ciclo de vida inclui uma larva, três ninfas e o instar adulto. As larvas são facilmente reconhecidas por possuírem três pares de pernas [2].

Hábitos alimentares

Ricinulei é um predador que se alimenta de pequenos invertebrados, como colêmbolas, Díptera, além de larvas [2]. Para captura de presas sensillas do primeiro e segundo par de pernas tem uma importante função para detecção de presas [2]. As quelíceras e os pedipalpos são os principais apêndices responsáveis pela captura ao dar o bote [2]. Quando a presa é grande eles partem em pequenos pedaços [2]. Depois de capturar a presa, os animais liberam suco digestivo diluindo-as e o líquido resultante é aspirado [2].


  1. a b c d U, ADIS; PLATNICK, N. I. J; DE MORAIS W; RODRIGUES, J. M. G. (1989). On the Abundance and Ecology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) from Central Amazonia, Brazil. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, vol. 97, p. 133-140.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af Beccaloni, J. (2009) “Arachnids” University of California Press, 1ª edição.
  3. a b Savory, T. (1964) “Arachnida” Academic Press inc , 1ª edição.
  4. Talarico, G; Palacios-Vargas, J.G; Silva, M.F; Albert, G. (2006). Ultrastructure of tarsal sensilla and other integument structures of two Pseudocellus species (Ricinulei, Arachnida). Journal of Morphology, v. 267, p. 441-463.
  5. Barth, F.C; Stagl, J. (1976). The slit sense organs of Arachnids. A comparative study of their topography on the walking legs (Chelicerata, Arachnida). Zoomorphologie, v. 86, 1-23.
  6. Lorenzo, P. (2011). Order Ricinulei Thorell, 1876. In Z.-Q. Zhang. "Animal biodiversity: an outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness". Zootaxa, v. 4138, p. 122.
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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Ricinulei é uma ordem que pertence à classe Arachnida. O grupo foi durante muito tempo considerado como um dos invertebrados mais raros conhecidos. Entretanto sabe-se hoje que os Ricinulei possuem uma distribuição limitada, porém são localmente abundantes em determinadas áreas, como por exemplo, ao Norte da América do Sul. A maior diversidade de Ricinulei está na Colômbia e no Brasil. A ordem possui uma família (Ricinoididae) com três gêneros (Cryptocellus, Pseudocellus e Ricinoides) e mais de 55 espécies descritas. Ricinoides é encontrado apenas na África. A maioria abriga-se em ambientes úmidos, em florestas tropicais e secas e são animais com hábitos noturnos. Como a maioria dos aracnídeos, eles não possuem glândulas de veneno.

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Ricinulei ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Ricinulei reprezintă un ordin de arahnide care se evidențiază prin prezența cucullus-ului – o glugă ce acoperă orificiul bucal și chelicere. O altă deosebire constituie corpul blindat cu o cuticulă groasă, modificarea celei de a treia pereche de picioare și prin mecanismul de cuplarea a prosomei cu opistosoma. Până în 2010 au fost identificate circa 67 de specii.

Morfologie externă

Corpul ricinuleidelor este divizat în două regiuni: prosomă (cefalotorace) și opistosomă (abdomen). Ricinuleidele au aproximativ 5 - 10 mm în lungime [1], cel mai mare este Ricinoides atewa[2].

Cuticula (exoscheletul) care acoperă corpul este deosebit de dură[1], având o grosime de 0,5 mm. Partea dorsală este acoperită cu tergite, iar cea ventrală - cu sclerite. Motivul pentru care cuticula este atât dură la ricinuleide nu este cunoscut. La prima vedere, grosimea ei ar reprezenta un dezavantaj, lipsind ricinuleidele flexibilitatea necesară pentru dilatarea opistosomei, după o masă bogată sau când femela este fecundată, de exemplu. Totuși, aceasta nu prezintă o problemă, opistosoma se poate extinde în lateral și între tergite.

Suprafața cuticulei prezintă mai multe tipuri de tuberculi, fisuri, perișori și alte proeminențe tegumentare. Unele specii (de exemplu, genul Ricinoides) sunt în întregime acoperite cu tuberculi, în timp ce altele (de exemplu, unele din genul Pseudocellus) sunt aproape lipsite de ei [3]. După fiecare năpârlirea, tuberculii migrează spre marginea carapacei.

Prosoma este acoperită cu o carapace divizată în două părți laterale de către un mic șanț median. La multe specii de Ricinulei, la marginea laterală a prosomei, deasupra coxei celei de a doua perechi de picioare, este câte o pată fotosensibilă, lipsită de tuberculi. În acestă zonă la ricinuleidele fosile se aflau ochii [4]. În partea anterio-dorsală a prosomei se află o excrescență, numită cucullus, ce poate fi ridicat și coborât vertical peste chelicere și orificiul bucal. Cucullus-ul îndeplinește diverse funcții: protecția aparatului bucal, capturarea și reținerea prăzii, transportul ouălelor. În exterior, aparatul bucal este înconjurat de buza superioară (labrum) și buza inferioară (labium). Prosoma portă câte o pereche de chelicere și pedipalpi, și patru perechi de picioare.

Chelicerele sunt compuse din două articole: unul fix și altul mobil. Articolul fix este mult mai mic decât cel mobil. Chelicerele sunt acoperită cu perișori senzitivi [5].

Pedipalpii sunt alcătuiți din următoarele segmente: coxă, trohanterul, femurul, patelă, tars și gheare. Articolul terminal - tarsului (fix) și ghearele (mobile) formează o chelă (clește). Pedipalpii sunt folosiți la manipularea hranei, dar și ca ogane senzitive datorită abudenții a perișorilor senzitivi [6].

Picioarele – apendicele ambulatoare – sunt alcătuite din 7 articole: coxă, trohanter, femur, patela, metatars (bazitars) și tars, plus gheare tarsale. Primele trei perechi de apendice sunt fixat rigid de corp, iar ultima pereche - mobil. La masculi, a treia pereche de picioare sunt modificate în gonopode, adaptate pentru transferul spermei în timpul acuplației [3]. Forma gonopodelor este utilizată le determinarea speciei. Primele două perechi de picioare sunt utilizate și ca „organe” senzitive[7][8] .

Opistosoma este alcătuită din 10 segmente, primele două formează pedicelul îngust și ultimele patru – pigidiu: inel în jurul anusului. Opistosoma se acordă cu prosoma printr-un pedicel îngust, deși, aparent, prosoma și opistosoma se unesc printr-o formațiune foarte largă. Acestă aparență se datorează faptului că marginea dorso-anterioară a opistosomei alunecă sub partea posterioară a carapacei, iar coxele ultimilor picioare acoperă pedicelul în regiunea ventrală. Pe pedicel este situat orificiul genital, ceva neîntâlnit la alte arahnide. Segmentele pigidiul pot fi retrase unul în altul, ca un telescop, iar apoi întreg pigidiu retras în opistosomă.


Sistemul nervos este puternic comasat, reprezintă o masă ganglionară străbătută de esofag. Organele se simț sunt reprezentate, în principal, de perișori și orificiii cuticulare senzitive. Organele de văz lipsesc, dar cu excepția petelor fotosensibile. Însă ele posedă o gamă largă de receptori care furnizează informația necesară. Cercetările au ddescoperit la aceste arahnide 11 tipuri de organe senzitive specializate în: chemorecepție, mecanorecepție, termorecepție etc. Aceste organe pot fi distribuite pe suprafața corpului solitar sau în grupuri.

Aparatul cardio-vascular include o inimă și o aortă cefalic scurtă, ce alimentează masa ganglionară [9]. Respirația are loc prin trahei ramificate, care se deschid prin stigme situate pe partea dorsală a prosomei. Cel puțin o specie braziliană are un „plastron” care împiedică pătrunderea apei în trahei în timpul ploilor [10]. Tubul digestiv cuprinde: orifciul bucal, faringe, esofag, intestin mediu și diverticuli, intestin posterior și anus. Intestinul mediu prezintă diverticuli în care au loc procesele digestive și depozitarea nutrienților [11]. Excreția se realizează prin tuburile lui Malpighi – în opistosomă și de glandele coxale – în prosomă.

Glandele sexuale se găsesc în opistosomă. Femelele posedă o spermatecă pentru depozitarea spermei [12].


Dimorfismul sexual se manifestă prin dimensiunile mai mari ale femelei și prezența gonopodelor la masculi. Ricinuleidele sunt animale unisexuate, cu fecundare internă. Împerecherea este inițiată de un comportament special de curtare de către mascul. Masculii introduc sperma în orificiul genital femel cu ajutorul gonopodelor [13]. Femele depun 1 – 2 ouă care sunt ținute cu ajutorul cucullus-ului. Larvele eclozate din ouă se deosebesc de adulții prin prezența a numai 3 perechi de picioare, și organe genitale slab dezvoltate. După prima năpârlire, larvele devin nimfe cu toate picioarele dezvoltate - în așa fel are loc procesul de metamorfoză incompletă, similar unor acarieni. Ricinuleidele ajung la maturitate la 1 - 2 ani, trăiesc în jur de 10 ani.


În prezent, ricinuleidele cunoscute habitează doar în litiera pădurilor tropicale și peșteri. Ele preferă zonele umede cu o temperatură constantă. Ricinuleidele sunt animale prădătoare, dieta lor include diverse artropode, precum termite, larve ale insectelor, păienjni tineri etc [14]. În general, aceste arahnide sunt slab studiate[15] și puțin se cunoaște despre comportamentul lor. Multe specii de ricinulei pot fi considerate vulnerabile, din cauza defrișărilor pădurilor.


Ricinulei sunt unici printre arahnide, deoarece primul reprezentat din acest ordin (Curculioides ansticii) a fost găsit fosilizat, descris în 1837 de geologul englez William Buckland, deși l-a interpretat greșit ca un coleopter [16] .

Toate cele 15 ricinuleide fosile descoperite până în prezent provin din Carboniferul târziu. Ele au fost răspândite pe teritoriul actual al Americii de Nord (Pennsylvania) și Europei Centrale. Ricinuleidele fosile au fost revizuite în detaliu în 1992 de Paul Selden, care le-a grupat în subordinul Palaeoricinulei [17]. Fosilele sunt clasificate în două familii: Curculioididae cu 11 specii și 2 genuri, și Poliocheridae cu 4 specii și, la fel, două genuri. Ricinuleidele din familia Poliocheridae seamănă cel mai bine cu ricinuleidele moderne. Aceștia au opistosoma cu tergite divizate și evidente, iar tergitele celor din Curculioididae sunt contopite având un singur șanț median – o linie longitudinală. Acestea seamănă superficial cu elitrele unui gândac, prin ce și se explică faptul de ce Buckland inițial a identificat greșit prima specie fosilă.


Au fost descrise aproximativ 67 de specii (2010), grupate într-o singură familie: Ricinoididae [18]. Ele sunt răspândite în Africa Centrală de Vest (gen. Ricinoides) și în America tropicală (gen. Cryptocellus și Pseudocellus) [19]. Pe continentul american, limita de nord al arealul de răspâdire trece prin nordul Mexicului - sudul statului Texas și la sud prin Peru - bazinul Amazonului [20]. În prezent ordinul este divizat în două subordine: Neoricinulei – cu speciile actuale și Palaeoricinulei – ricinule extincte.


  1. ^ a b J. H. Kennaugh (1968). „An examination of the cuticle of three species of Ricinulei (Arachnida)”. Journal of Zoology. 156 (3): 393–404. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1968.tb04361.x.
  2. ^ Piotr Naskrecki (2008). „A new ricinuleid of the genus Ricinoides Ewing (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Ghana” (PDF excerpt). Zootaxa. 1698: 57–64.
  3. ^ a b S. L. Tuxen (1974). „The African genus Ricinoides (Arachnida, Ricinulei)” (PDF). Journal of Arachnology. 1: 85–106.
  4. ^ Jason A. Dunlop (1996). „Evidence for a sister group relationship between Ricinulei and Trigonotarbida” (PDF). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society. 10 (6): 193–204.
  5. ^ G. Talarico, J. G. Palacios-Vargas & G. Alberti (2008). „Taste while chewing? Sensory structures in the chelicerae of Pseudocellus pearsei (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1938) (Ricinulei, Arachnida)”. Revista Ibérica de Arachnología. 15: 47–53.
  6. ^ G. Talarico, J. G. Palacios-Vargas & G. Alberti (2008). „The pedipalp of Pseudocellus pearsei (Ricinulei, Arachnida) – ultrastructure of a multifunctional organ”. Arthropod Structure & Development. 37 (6): 511–521. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2008.02.001. PMID 18502688.
  7. ^ Giovanni Talarico, Jose G. Palacios-Vargas, Mariano Fuentes Silva & Gerd Alberti (2005). „First ultrastructural observations on the tarsal pore organ of Pseudocellus pearsei and P. boneti (Arachnida, Ricinulei)”. Journal of Arachnology. 33 (2): 604–612. doi:10.1636/04-110.1. JSTOR 4129861.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
  8. ^ Giovanni Talarico, José G. Palacios-Vargas, Mariano Fuentes Silva & Gerd Alberti (2008). „Ultrastructure of tarsal sensilla and other integument structures of two Pseudocellus species (Ricinulei, Arachnida)”. Journal of Morphology. 267 (4): 441–463. doi:10.1002/jmor.10415. PMID 16425267.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
  9. ^ Firstman, B (1973). „The relationship of the chelicerate arterial System to the evolution of the endosternite” (PDF). Journal of Arachnology. 1: 1–54.
  10. ^ Joachim Adis, Benjamin Messner & Norman Platnick (1999). „Morphological structures and vertical distribution in the soil indicate facultative plastron respiration in Cryptocellus adisi (Arachnida, Ricinulei) from Central Amazonia”. Studies in Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 34 (1): 1–9. doi:10.1076/snfe.
  11. ^ Mario Ludwig, José G. Palacios-Vargas, Gerd Alberti, (1994). „Cellular details of the midgut of Cryptocellus boneti (Arachnida: Ricinulei)”. Journal of Morphology. 220 (3): 263–270. doi:10.1002/jmor.1052200305.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
  12. ^ P. M. Brignoli (1973). „On some Ricinulei of Mexico with notes on the female genital apparatus (Arachnida, Ricinulei)”. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. 171: 153–174.
  13. ^ Gerald Legg (1977). „Sperm transfer and mating in Ricinoides hanseni (Ricinulei: Arachnida)”. Journal of Zoology. 182 (1): 51–61. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1977.tb04140.x.
  14. ^ J. A. L. Cooke (1967). „Observations on the biology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) with descriptions of two new species of Cryptocellus”. Journal of Zoology. 151 (1): 31–42. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1967.tb02864.x.
  15. ^ Adis, J., Platnick, N. I., de Morias,, J. W. & Gomes Rodrigues, J. M. 1989. On the abundance and ecology of Ricinulei (Arachnida) from Central Amazonia, Brazil. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 97: 133-140.
  16. ^ William Buckland (1837). Treatise IV. Geology and mineralogy with reference to natural theology. The Bridgewater treatises on the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation. (ed. 2nd). London: William Pickering.
  17. ^ P. A. Selden (1992). „Revision of the fossil ricinuleids”. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences. 83: 595–634.
  18. ^ T. Blick; M. S. Harvey (2011). „Worldwide catalogues and species numbers of the arachnid orders (Arachnida)”. Arachnologische Mitteilungen. 41: 41–43. doi:10.5431/aramit4108.
  19. ^ M. Judson; J. D Hardy jr. (2001). „First Record of Ricinulei (Arachnida) from the Lesser Antilles” (PDF). Caribbean Journal of Science. Vol. 37, No. 3-4: 290–29.
  20. ^ Coddington, J. A; S. IF. Larchcr, and J. C. Cokendolpher (1990). „The Systematic status of Arachnida, exclusive of Acari, in North America north of Mexico”. Systematics of the North American Insects and Arachnids: Status and Need. 90–1: 5–20.Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)

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Ricinulei: Brief Summary ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Ricinulei reprezintă un ordin de arahnide care se evidențiază prin prezența cucullus-ului – o glugă ce acoperă orificiul bucal și chelicere. O altă deosebire constituie corpul blindat cu o cuticulă groasă, modificarea celei de a treia pereche de picioare și prin mecanismul de cuplarea a prosomei cu opistosoma. Până în 2010 au fost identificate circa 67 de specii.

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Рицинулеї ( الأوكرانية )

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Це невеликі арахніди, 5-10 мм завдовжки, з твердим панцирним покривом. Головогрудний щит цільний, але його передній відділ перетворився на рухому кришечку, що прикриває ротові кінцівки. Черевце коротке, зовні на ньому помітні межі трьох сегментів, два-три передніх сегменти недорозвинені. На кінці черевця є маленьке черевце (залишок метасоми) з анальним отвором. Хеліцери короткі 2-членикові, зі своєрідною клешнею. У самців ноги третьої пари перетворилися у копулятивні органи. Дихають добре розвиненими трахеями. З яйця виходить шестинога личинка, яка потім перетворюється на восьминогу форму.


Поширені рицінулеї в Західній Африці і Південній Америці.

Спосіб життя

Відомо, що вони вологолюбні, живуть приховано, під опалим листям, під корою, деякі виявлено в печерах. Рухаються рицінулеї дуже повільно, обмацуючи дорогу передніми ногами, на дотик відповідають завмиранням і довго залишаються нерухомими.


Перелік родин згідно з працею Dunlop, Penney & Jekel, 2011[1]:


Argiope bruennichi (white background).png Це незавершена стаття з арахнології.
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Рицинулеи ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Подтип: Хелицеровые
Отряд: Рицинулеи
Международное научное название

Ricinulei Thorell, 1876

  • Rhinogastra Cook, 1899
  • Podogona Cook, 1899
Современные роды Wikispecies-logo.svg
на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 82712NCBI 58139EOL 8312FW 211984

Рицинулеи[1] (лат. Ricinulei) — отряд паукообразных, в котором описаны более 72 современных и 17 ископаемых видов[2]. Мелкие паукообразные длиной 5—10 мм. Единственное современное семейство Ricinoididae насчитывает 3 рода: Ricinoides (распространены в Западной Африке от Гамбии до Габона), Cryptocellus (Южная и Центральная Америка) и Pseudocellus (Северная и Центральная Америка от юга США до Панамы)[3]. Встречаются в пещерах и лесной подстилке.


Покровы рицинулей сильно склеротизированы.

Характерная особенность отряда — наличие кукуллюса, или клобучка (лат. cucullus — капюшон), подвижного придатка стернита просомы, прикрывающего ротовые органы. Под ним самка переносит яйца (по одному). Ноги II пары удлинены, расположены горизонтально и служат в качестве щупалец и орудия для отлова пищи (ногохвосток и других мелких членистоногих). Жертва зажимается между голенью (лат. tibia) и предлапкой, затем передаётся на мелкие педипальпы с клешнями, которые отправляют её на мелкие двучлениковые клешневидные хелицеры. У рицинулей также наблюдались копро- и некрофагия. Средние части тазиков педипальп в преддверие рта срослись в камаростом (желобок).

Соединённая с просомой широким основанием опистосома короткая, состоит из 10 сегментов (включая 3 сегмента метасомы), на ней находятся 4 тергита и 4 стернита (с IV по VII сегменты опистосомы), часто разделённые двумя боковыми бороздами. I сегмент опистосомы редуцирован, II и III уменьшены. При этом в поперечную борозду тергита IV сегмента опистосомы упирается задний край карапакса, а за кармановидные выросты стернита того же сегмента цепляются края тазиков IV пары ходильных ног. Присутствует небольшая втягивающаяся метасома, образованная 3 последними сегментами тела.

Органы чувств представлены чувствительными щетинками и щелевидными органами. Трихоботрии (осязательные волоски) и выраженные глаза отсутствуют. Тем не менее, рицинулеи реагируют на свет, рефлекторно поджимая ножки и принимая «позу трупа» (танатоз).

Органы выделения представлены парой мальпигиевых сосудов и коксальных желёз (последние расположены в V сегменте просомы). Анус располагается на последнем сегменте метасомы. Дыхание обеспечивает пара ситовидных трахей, стигмы которой находятся на задней стенке просомы над тазиками IV пары ног. В сердце присутствует лишь одна пара остий.

Мужские копулятивные органы — пряжковидные структуры на предлапках и лапках III пары ходильных ног. Во время спаривания самец забирается на спину самки и копулятивным органом вводит комочек спермы в женское половое отверстие. При этом он не плетёт спермальную сеть (в отличие от пауков) . Сравнительно крупные яйца (1—2 мм) самка откладывает по одному с долговременными перерывами. Из яиц выходят личинки с 3 парами ходильных ног, которые становятся взрослыми особями после 3 стадий нимф. Вероятно, продолжительность жизни рицинулей составляет несколько лет.


Отряд рицинулеи делится на три подотряда: 1 современный и 2 ископаемых[2]:


  1. Ланге А. Б. Подтип Хелицеровые (Chelicerata) // Жизнь животных. Том 3. Членистоногие: трилобиты, хелицеровые, трахейнодышащие. Онихофоры / под ред. М. С. Гилярова, Ф. Н. Правдина, гл. ред. В. Е. Соколов. — 2-е изд. — М.: Просвещение, 1984. — С. 44. — 463 с.
  2. 1 2 Dunlop J. A., Penney D., Jekel D. A summary list of fossil spiders and their relatives // World Spider Catalog. — Version 18.0. — Natural History Museum Bern, 2017.
  3. Fernández R., Giribet G. Unnoticed in the tropics: phylogenomic resolution of the poorly known arachnid order Ricinulei (Arachnida) // Royal Society Open Science. — 2015. — Vol. 2, № 6. — DOI:10.1098/rsos.150065.
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Рицинулеи: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию

Рицинулеи (лат. Ricinulei) — отряд паукообразных, в котором описаны более 72 современных и 17 ископаемых видов. Мелкие паукообразные длиной 5—10 мм. Единственное современное семейство Ricinoididae насчитывает 3 рода: Ricinoides (распространены в Западной Африке от Гамбии до Габона), Cryptocellus (Южная и Центральная Америка) и Pseudocellus (Северная и Центральная Америка от юга США до Панамы). Встречаются в пещерах и лесной подстилке.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии
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クツコムシ目 ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
クツコムシ目 Cryptocellus goodnighti.jpg
Cryptocellus goodnighti
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda 亜門 : 鋏角亜門 Chelicerata : クモ綱 Arachnida : クツコムシ目 Ricinulei 下位分類 本文参照

クツコムシ目(口籠虫目) は、節足動物門鋏角亜門クモ綱に属する分類群である。節腹類とも言う。小さなクモ類に似た姿で、硬い体を持つ。最大の特徴は、前端部に頭蓋(とうがい)と呼ばれる、自動車のボンネットに似た可動式の蓋を持つことである。この蓋は口と鋏角を上から覆うことができる。

分布域は非常に限られており、アフリカ中西部と熱帯アメリカからのみから知られ、2005年までに確認された現生種は全部で1科3属57種と、種類数も大変少ない小さな一群である。和名は、頭蓋を口籠(くつこ:牛馬などが噛み付かないように口にかぶせるカゴ)に見立てたもの。学名はラテン語マダニ類を表す ricinus に縮小辞を付けたもので「小さなマダニ」の意という[1]





クモ綱の呼吸器官としては書肺気管が主要なものとして知られており、分類群によってそのどちらか、もしくは両方を具えているのが一般的であるが、クツコムシ目では気管のみを具えている。またクモ目をはじめとするクモ綱の多くでは後体に呼吸器官の開口部があるが、クツコムシでは前体の第3脚の付け根近くの上方に開口していて、そのすぐ内側で無数の細い気管に分かれている。排出はマルピーギ氏管と第3脚基部後方にある基節腺(coxal gland)による。神経系は各神経節に分かれることなく、全体に融合した中枢神経系になっている。





クモ綱内での系統関係は必ずしも明確ではないが、一般にはダニ目の姉妹群として位置付けられている。かつてはクモ綱の中でも原始的な存在と見られた時期もあったが、頭蓋その他の派生的な形質が多いことから、むしろ新しい群であると考えられるようになった。Selden (1992)は化石種と現生種とをそれぞれ別亜目として分けて2亜目を創設したが、この分類によれば現生種はシンクツコムシ亜目のクツコムシ科のみからなる。さらにクツコムシ科はかつては西アフリカ産のRicinoides属と中南米産のCryptocellusの2属に分けられていたが、 Platnick (1980)が中米産の一部をPseudocellusという新属として分けたことで3属とされるようになった。一方、化石種はムカシクツコムシ亜目に属する2科からなり、長らく2属とされてきたが、Selden(1992)が新たに2属を創設して4属となっている。しかし研究者自体が少なく、分布域が限られることや、小型であることなどもあって生態学的にも分類学的にも研究は十分ではなく、今後の研究の進展によって種数や分類の内容、他のクモ綱との系統関係、生態学的知見などが大幅に追加修正される可能性もある。

以下は2005年時点までに知られている分類の概要である。 (Superfamily=上科、Family=科、Genus=属)

Order Ricinulei クツコムシ目 (現生種:3属57種・化石種:4属16種)

  • Suborder Neoricinulei Selden 1992 シンクツコムシ亜目 (全て現生)
    • Superfamily Ricinoidoidea クツコムシ上科
      • Family Ricinoididae Ewing, 1929 クツコムシ科 (3属57種)
        • Genus Cryptocellus Westwood, 1874 (28種:パナマ、コスタリカ、ブラジルほか)
        • Genus Pseudocellus Platnick, 1980 (19種:テキサス、メキシコ、パナマ、グァテマラほか)
        • Genus Ricinoides Ewing, 1929 (10種:ギニア、カメルーン、コンゴなどアフリカ中西部)
  • Suborder Palaeoricinulei Selden 1992 ムカシクツコムシ亜目
    • Superfamily Curculioidoidea
      • Family Curculioididae Cockerell, 1916 (2属11種)
        • Genus Amarixys Selden, 1992 (3種)
        • Genus Curculioides Buckland, 1837 (8種)
      • Family Poliocheridae Scudder, 1884 (2属5種)
        • Genus Poliochera Scudder, 1884 (4種)
        • Genus Terpsicroton Selden, 1992 (1種)


  1. ^ 日本産クモ類』p.12


  • Harvey,Mark S., 2002. The neglected counsis:What do we know about the smaller arachnid orders? The Journal of Arachnology 30: 357-372. PDF
  • Selden,P.A., 1992. Revision of the fossil ricinuleids. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,Earth Sciences 83: 595-634.
  • 内田亨 『動物系統分類学』第7巻 中 A、中山書店、ISBN 4-521-07111-2。
  • 小野展嗣 『日本産クモ類』 東海大学出版会、ISBN 978-4-486-01791-2。


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クツコムシ目: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

クツコムシ目(口籠虫目) は、節足動物門鋏角亜門クモ綱に属する分類群である。節腹類とも言う。小さなクモ類に似た姿で、硬い体を持つ。最大の特徴は、前端部に頭蓋(とうがい)と呼ばれる、自動車のボンネットに似た可動式の蓋を持つことである。この蓋は口と鋏角を上から覆うことができる。

分布域は非常に限られており、アフリカ中西部と熱帯アメリカからのみから知られ、2005年までに確認された現生種は全部で1科3属57種と、種類数も大変少ない小さな一群である。和名は、頭蓋を口籠(くつこ:牛馬などが噛み付かないように口にかぶせるカゴ)に見立てたもの。学名はラテン語マダニ類を表す ricinus に縮小辞を付けたもので「小さなマダニ」の意という。

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wikipedia 日本語