Most species of
Eristalinus have very distinctive eye marking in the form of spots or banding. They are stout flies, and are nibble flyers, even compared to other hoverfly species.L: 8-11 mmbiology: nimble flyers, good pollinators, it uses Batesian mimicry to look like hymenopteran bees and scare away predators; rarest species of the genus (common but not abundant)geschickte Flieger; wichtiger Bestuber, der Bates' sche Mimikry einsetzt, um Feinde abzuschrecken; seltenste Art der Gattung (verbreitet, aber nicht hufig).Distribution: a global species [Wikipedia]: South Africa, Egypt, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, India, Java, Guam, Southern Spain, Turkey, North Africa, Iran, and coastal parts of Italy Phylum: Arthropoda LATREILLE, 1829 (arthropods, Gliederfer)Subphylum: Hexapoda BLAINVILLE, 1816Class: Insecta LINNAEUS, 1758 (insects, Insekten)Subclass: PterygotaInfraclass: Neoptera Martynov, 1923Order: Diptera Linnaeus, 1758 (true flies, mosquitoes & gnats, Fliegen & Mcken)Suborder: Brachycera Schiner, 1862Infraorder: Muscomorpha [Syn.: Cyclorrhapha]Superfamily: SyrphoideaFamily: Syrphidae SAMOUELLE, 18191 (hoverflies or flower flies?, Schwebfliegen)Subfamily: Eristalinae NEWMAN, 1834Tribus: Eristalini Newman, 1834Genus:
Eristalinus RONDANI, 1845Subgenus: Lathyrophthalmus MIK, 1897
Eristalinus megacephalus ROSSI, 1794more info:, W-Java, 10 km S Tangerang: vic. Serpong (Kampung garden), 45m asl., 11.12.2010(Img_7820)