
Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من ReptileDB
Continent: Australia
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, North Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria,West Australia)
Type locality: Tasmania, Baie des Chiens marins (now: Shark Bay), Australia.
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Peter Uetz
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Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من ReptileDB
Continent: Australia
Distribution: Australia
Type locality: SW-Australia
حقوق النشر
Peter Uetz
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Gehyra variegata ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Gehyra variegata gehört zur Familie der Geckos und kommt ausschließlich auf dem australischen Festland vor.[1]

Herkunft und Verbreitung

Der Ursprung der Gattung Gehyra ist umstritten. Wahrscheinlich stammt sie aus Melanesien[2] und nicht von Gondwana, wie die meisten anderen Gattungen in der Familie der Geckos.[3] Heute findet man sie weitverbreitet auf dem ganzen australischen Festland, außer in einigen Gebieten im Nord-Westen und Süd-Osten. Feldstudien haben ergeben, dass es Metapopulationen innerhalb der verschiedenen geographischen Regionen gibt.[1]


Sie leben in trockenen bis halb-feuchten Gebieten[4] in Bäumen (arboreal) oder zwischen Steinen (saxicol). Häufig findet man sie unter losen Rindenstücken, in Löcher von Bäumen, auf absterbenden Holzstämmen, in Erdspalten oder zwischen Steinen.[5]

Sie besitzen die Fähigkeit auch in kleinen und von Menschen stark beeinflussten Landflächen zu überleben, da sie ihren Lebensraum an veränderte Umweltbedingungen anpassen können. Population im Naturreservat leben beispielsweise in Eukalypten, im Vergleich zu Population in Landwirtschaft geprägten Lebensraum, welche mehr in abgestorbenen Baumstämmen leben.[1]


Die verschiedenen Farbausprägungen von Gehyra variegata.

Die Kopf-Rumpf-Länge eines Adulten Gehyra variegata beträgt zwischen 50 mm und 55 mm. Die Färbung variiert von grau bis dunkelbraun. Die Musterung, welche sich netzförmig über die ganze Körperoberfläche zieht, reicht von kariert über weiß bis hell-braun gepunktet zu marmoriert. Einzig zwei oder drei dunklere Linien ziehen sich immer von der Schnauze zum Nacken.[6]

Sie besitzen fünf Zehen an jedem Fuß, dabei haben bis auf jeweils die innersten Zehen alle Krallen.[7] Große Polster mit Lamellen sorgen für eine gute Haftung, so dass sie sich auch, wie allgemein von Geckos bekannt ist, überhängend gut fortbewegen können.[8]


Wie alle Reptilien gehört Gehyra variegata zu den Kaltblütern. Dabei gehören sie zu der Gruppe, welche vom Wärmeaustausch zum Substrat abhängig sind. Die saxicol lebenden Individuen beziehen die Wärme von den Steinen, zwischen denen sie sich verstecken. Die in Bäumen lebenden Individuen beziehen ihre Wärme von der durch die Sonne aufgewärmte Rinde. Sie wechseln dabei ihre Position unter der Rinde passend zum Sonnenstand.[9] Wahrscheinlich hat diese Verhaltensweise einen Zusammenhang mit den hohen Temperaturen, welche für die Verdauung gebraucht werden.

Bei einem Angriff können sie ihren Schwanz abwerfen, um ihren Gegner zu verwirren. Dieser bewegt sich dann noch einige Minuten weiter und gibt so dem Tier die Gelegenheit zu fliehen. Der Schwanz wächst später wieder nach, meist jedoch nicht mehr so lang wie zu vor. Eine weitere Besonderheit ist der schrille Schrei, welcher auch als Abwehrmechanismus dient.[6]

Ventrale Seite von Gehyra variegata mit den vier Krallen und Lamellen an den Zehen.


Die Ernährung besteht hauptsächlich aus Käfer, Termiten, Grashüpfer, Kakerlaken und Spinnen.[4] Sie jagen vor allem während der Dämmerung und bleiben dabei in einem zehn Meter Radius ihres Territoriums.[10]


Die Lebenserwartung beträgt ungefähr fünf Jahre. Die Geschlechtsreife wird nach dem dritten Lebensjahr erreicht. Männchen sind territorial, wobei sich mehrere Weibchen mit einem Männchen den Lebensraum teilen.[6]

Gehyra variegata ist ovipar. Die Eier sind hartschalig und werden geschützt unter Rinde, alten Baumstämmen oder in Löcher zwischen Steinen gelegt. Das Gelege besteht aus einem einzelnen Ei.[8] Die Ablagestellen werden oft gemeinschaftlich genutzt, es wurden schon Gelege bis zu 35 Eier beobachtet.[4] Die Eiablage geschieht zweimal in einem Abstand von einem Monat während der Fortpflanzungszeit. Das erste hartschalige Ei (~10 mm) wird Ende November gelegt. Nach ungefähr zwei Monaten (~ 61 bis 79 Tage) schlüpfen die Jungtiere, welche bereits um die 45 mm lang sind.[10]


  1. a b c Michael, D., Lindenmayer, D. (2010). Reptiles of the NSW Murray Catchment: A Guide to Their Identification, Ecology and Conservation. Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing
  2. M. Sistrom, M. Hutchinson, T. Bertozzi, S. Donnellan: Evaluating evolutionary history in the face of high gene tree discordance in Australian Gehyra (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). In: Heredity. Band 113, Nr. 1, 1. Juli 2014, ISSN 0018-067X, S. 52–63, doi:10.1038/hdy.2014.6 (nature.com [abgerufen am 5. April 2016]).
  3. Paul M. Oliver, Kate L. Sanders: Molecular evidence for Gondwanan origins of multiple lineages within a diverse Australasian gecko radiation. In: Journal of Biogeography. Band 36, Nr. 11, 1. November 2009, ISSN 1365-2699, S. 2044–2055, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02149.x.
  4. a b c Swan, G. (1990). A Field Guide to the Snakes and Lizards of New South Wales. Winmalee: Three Sisters Productions, Pty Ltd
  5. Wilson, S., Swan, G. (2003). A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia. Sydney: Reed New Holland
  6. a b c Mallee CMA (Hrsg.): Mallee Lizzards Fieldguide. 2013, ISBN 978-1-920777-26-5.
  7. Michael Swan and Simon Watharow: Snakes, Lizzards and Frogs of the Vitorian Mallee. Hrsg.: Royal Melbourne Zoo. 2005, ISBN 0-643-09134-3.
  8. a b Harold G. Cogger: Reptiles & Amphibians of Australia. 7. Auflage. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood 2014, ISBN 978-0-643-10035-0.
  9. Heatwole, H. F., Taylor, J. (1987). Ecology of Reptiles. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd.
  10. a b Cronin, L. (2001). Australian Reptiles and Amphibians: Key Guide. Annandale: Envirobook
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wikipedia DE

Gehyra variegata: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Gehyra variegata gehört zur Familie der Geckos und kommt ausschließlich auf dem australischen Festland vor.

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wikipedia DE

Gehyra variegata ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Gehyra variegata, the tree dtella, variegated dtella or varied dtella, is a species of gecko in the genus Gehyra, native to inland Australia.[1]

Evolutionary history

The family Gekkonidae to which G. variegata belongs to are of Gondwanan origin.[2] When the land mass of Australia split from Gondwana, it contained early agamids and diplodactlyds,[2] the latter encompassing geckoes. During the evolutionary history of lizards the family Gekkonidae and Gekkoninae subfamily developed in the Scleroglossa group, which use their jaws rather than tongues when eating.[2] The Scleroglossan group includes the clade Gekkota consisting of three families, including Gekkonidae.[2]


The tree dtella's body (snout-vent) reaches a length of 55mm and a tail length of 70mm. The tree dtella has a highly variable dorsal colour which can likely be attributed to there being more than one species under the current name.[3] Colours range from population to population from grey to brown with chequered dark and pale blotches and marbling in the eastern populations [4] with western populations being marked with white to pale brown spots with dark bars.[5] These patterns form an irregular reticulate pattern over the entire dorsal surface.[3]


The scales on the body of the tree dtella are small and uniform,[3] with the inter-orbital scales on its head are much smaller than the loreal scales.[6] The rostral scale on its nose has steeply sloping upper edges.[5]

There are several dark lines on the sides of the head of the tree dtella, with a whitish underside of the body. It has a long tail which tapers to a point and is generally 55% of the snout-vent length.[4]

The fingers and toes of the tree dtella are clawed with large pads at the tips, enabling it to climb.[7] All inner digits are claw-free, a trait of the genus Gehyra. The fingers and toes have divided subdigital lamellae and the third and fourth toes do not feature webbing.[3]


The tree dtella lives in arid to sub-humid areas, including woodland, shrubland and rocky environments where dry conditions are common.[4] It is both arboreal and saxicolous, found under loose bark and hollows on trees, and in crevices and under exfoliating rock.[5] In trees, the tree dtella prefers sheltered sites greater than 1 metre from the ground [7] and can also be found under ground debris.[5]


Inland Australia, except in the north-west and south-east.[3] Field studies have shown that the tree dtella exhibits metapopulation structure within its geographical region.[1]


The tree dtella has the ability to survive in small patches of disturbed land, due to its ability to alter its habitat use in response to changes in the environment. Examples of this are seen in population in nature reserves populating shrubs, while populations in small fragmented remnant vegetation sheltering in logs and eucalyptus trees.[1]

The tree dtella is an ectotherm, falling into the subgroup of thigmotherms that depend on heat exchange with the substrate for maintenance of body temperature.[8] The arboreal dwelling tree dtella exhibits this trait by changing its location under the bark of trees as the sun warms different parts of the tree throughout the day. This behavioural thermoregulation is believed to be related to high thermal requirements for digestion.[8]


The diet of the tree dtella consists of beetles, termites, grasshoppers, cockroaches and spiders.[4] The tree dtella forages in the first 3 hours after dark and tends to stay within 10 metres of its home.[7]

Lifespan and reproduction

The tree dtella has a lifespan of at least 5 years [4] reaching maturity at the age of 3.[7] It is oviparous [7] with one hard shelled egg being laid beneath cover, usually bark, logs and holes under rocks twice in a breeding season usually 1 month apart.[4] These eggs measure 10 by 11 mm [7] with the first egg laid during late November.[4] The gestation period for the eggs is approximately slightly longer than 2 months with hatching occurring after 61–79 days.[7] ). Hatchlings are 45mm in total length.[4] Nests are often communal, with 35 eggs in one nest having been found.[7]


Although a nocturnal animal, in the cooler months it basks in the sun and is also active under cover during the day.[4] Males are territorial [7] with several females and one male often sharing a site.[4] The tree dtella also lives in human dwellings and can be seen around street lights at night hunting insects. The tree dtella can also emit a shrill squeak.[4]


  1. ^ a b c Michael, D., Lindenmayer, D. (2010). Reptiles of the NSW Murray Catchment: A Guide to Their Identification, Ecology and Conservation. Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing
  2. ^ a b c d Pianka, E. R., Vitt, L. V. (2006). Lizards: Windows to the Evolution of Diversity. California: University of California Press
  3. ^ a b c d e Cogger, H. G. (1975). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. Terry Hills: Reed
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Swan, G. (1990). A Field Guide to the Snakes and Lizards of New South Wales. Winmalee: Three Sisters Productions, Pty Ltd
  5. ^ a b c d Wilson, S., Swan, G. (2003). A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia. Sydney: Reed New Holland
  6. ^ Johansen, T. (2012). A Field Guide to the Geckoes of Northern Territory. Author House.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Cronin, L. (2001). Australian Reptiles and Amphibians: Key Guide. Annandale: Envirobook
  8. ^ a b Heatwole, H. F., Taylor, J. (1987). Ecology of Reptiles. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd.
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wikipedia EN

Gehyra variegata: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Gehyra variegata, the tree dtella, variegated dtella or varied dtella, is a species of gecko in the genus Gehyra, native to inland Australia.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Gehyra variegata ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU
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wikipedia EU

Gehyra variegata: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Gehyra variegata Gehyra generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Gekkonidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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Lepidodactylus pusillus ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU
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wikipedia EU

Lepidodactylus pusillus: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Lepidodactylus pusillus Lepidodactylus generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Gekkonidae familian sailkatuta dago.

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wikipedia EU

Lepidodactylus pusillus ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Gehyra variegata est une espèce de geckos de la famille des Gekkonidae[1].


Cette espèce est endémique d'Australie[1]. Elle se rencontre au Victoria, en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, au Queensland, au Territoire du Nord, en Australie-Méridionale et en Australie-Occidentale.

Publication originale

  • Duméril & Bibron, 1836 : Erpetologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Librairie Encyclopédique Roret, Paris, vol. 3, p. 1-517 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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wikipedia FR

Lepidodactylus pusillus: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Gehyra variegata est une espèce de geckos de la famille des Gekkonidae.

حقوق النشر
Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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wikipedia FR

Gehyra variegata ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Lepidodactylus lugubris là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Gekkonidae. Loài này được Duméril & Bibron mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1836.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ Gehyra variegata. The Reptile Database. Truy cập ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2013.

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Gehyra variegata: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Lepidodactylus lugubris là một loài thằn lằn trong họ Gekkonidae. Loài này được Duméril & Bibron mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1836.

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나무네발톱도마뱀붙이 ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

나무네발톱도마뱀붙이(Gehyra variegata)는 트리 디텔라(tree dtella), 배리게이트 디텔라(variegated dtella), 배리 디텔라(varied dtella)라 불리며, 호주 내륙에 고유한 도마뱀붙이류의 일이다.[1]


나무네발톱이 속한 도마뱀붙이과는 곤드와나 초대륙에서 기원했다.[2] 호주 대륙이 곤드와나에서 떨어져나갈 때, 원시 아가마도마뱀류(agamids), 돌도마뱀붙이류(diplodactlyds)가 서식하고 있었고,[2] 일부는 훗날 도마뱀붙이류로 진화한다. 도마뱀의 진화의 역사가 흐르는 동안 도마뱀붙이과, 도마뱀붙이아과는 먹을 때 혀보다 턱을 주로 쓰는 Scleroglossa group에서 발달하였다.[2] Scleroglossa group은 도마뱀붙이과를 포함한 세 과로 이루어진 도마뱀붙이아목을 포함한다.[2]


나무네발톱은 주둥이에서 항문까지 55mm, 꼬리는 70mm 에 달한다. 나무네발톱의 등은 상당히 다양한 색깔을 띄는데, 어쩌면 여러 종이 지금의 이름으로 불리는 데 기여했을지도 모른다.[3] 색깔은 개체군마다 다양하여 회색에서 갈색 바탕에 검고 흰 반점무늬가 체커 모양으로 나있고, 동부 개체군의 경우 대리석 무늬를,[4] 서부 개체군의 경우 검은 줄무늬와 흰색, 연갈색 점무늬를 띈다.[5] 이러한 무늬들은 등 표면 전체에 특이한 그물무늬를 이룬다.[3]

나무네발톱의 몸의 비늘은 작고 균일하며,[3] 머리의 눈사이비늘(inter-orbital scale)은 눈코사이비늘(loreal scale)보다 훨씬 작다.[6] 주둥이비늘(rostral scale)은 윗부분의 경계는 기울기가 가파르다.[5]

나무네발톱의 머리의 측면에는 검은 줄이 몇 개 있고, 몸뚱이의 밑부분은 흰색이다. 어떤 물체를 휘감을 수 있는 긴 꼬리가 있으며, 일반적으로 주둥이-항문 길이의 55%에 달한다.[4]

나무네발톱의 발가락에는 발톱이 달려있고, 끝부분에 큰 빨판이 달려있어서 기어오를 수 있다.[7] 모든 엄지발가락에는 발톱이 없는데, 네발톱도마뱀붙이류의 특징이다. 발가락에는 반으로 나뉜 subdigital lamellae이 나있고 세 번째, 네 번째 발가락 사이에는 물갈퀴가 없다.[3]

분포와 서식지

나무네발톱은 삼림지대, 덤불지대, 대개 건조한 바위로 뒤덮인 환경 따위의 건조에서 아습윤에 이르는 지대에서 서식한다.[4] 나무나 바위에서 살아가며, 느슨한 나무껍질이나 나무의 구멍, 틈새와 박리된 바위 밑에서 발견된다.[5] 나무네발톱은 나무에서는 지면에서 1m 이상 떨어져 있는 곳에 은신하기를 선호하지만[7] 지면의 잔해 밑에서도 발견된다.[5]

북서부와 남동부를 제외한 호주 내륙에 서식한다.[3] 현장 연구를 통해 나무네발톱이 지리학적 분포범위 안에서 메타개체군(metapopulation) 구조를 보인다는 것이 밝혀졌다.[1]


나무네발톱은 교란된 지역의 아주 좁은 구역에서 살아남을 수 있는 능력이 있는데, 환경이 바뀜에 따라 서식지를 바꿀 수 있기 때문이다. 예시로 자연보전구역에 서식하는 나무네발톱의 개체군들은 조각난 초지의 쓰러진 나무와 유칼립투스 나무에서 숨어산다.[1]

나무네발톱은 외온동물이며, 체온 유지를 외부 물질과의 열 교환에 의존하는 접온동물(thigmotherm)의 소집단으로 분류된다.[8] 나무네발톱은 수목성이며, 낮에 햇빛이 나무의 다른 부분을 데우면 낮에 나무껍질 밑에서 기어나와 위치를 바꾸는 것으로 이러한 습성을 보여준다. 이러한 체온조절행위는 소화에 필요한 높은 열에너지와 관련이 있다고 여겨진다.[8]


나무네발톱은 딱정벌레, 흰개미, 메뚜기, 바퀴벌레, 거미 따위를 먹는다.[4] 나무네발톱은 해가 지고 나서 세 시간 동안 먹이 구하기에 나서며, 집에서 10m 이상 떨어지지 않는다.[7]


나무네발톱의 수명은 5년 이상이고[4] 부화한지 3년이 지나면 성숙한다.[7] 난생하며[7] 한 번에 한 개의 껍질이 단단한 알을 나무껍질, 나뭇가지, 바위 밑의 구멍 따위에 낳으며, 보통 번식기에 한 달 간격으로 두 번 낳는다.[4] 알의 긴지름은 10 - 11 mm 이고[7] 첫 산란은 11월 말에 이루어진다.[4] 부화에는 61–79 일이 소요된다.[7] 유체는 꼬리까지 45mm이다.[4] 알을 공동으로 낳는 일이 흔해서, 둥지 하나에서 35 개까지의 알이 발견되었다.[7]


야행성이긴 하지만 추운 계절에는 햇빛을 쬐거나, 그늘진 곳에서 돌아다닌다.[4] 수컷은 영역을 지키는 경향이 있으며[7] 한 마리의 수컷이 몇 마리의 암컷과 은신처를 공유한다.[4] 나무네발톱은 인간 거주지에서도 살아가며, 밤에 거리의 불빛에 이끌린 동물들을 사냥하는 모습을 볼 수 있다. 나무네발톱은 짹짹댈 수 있다.[4]


  1. Michael, D., Lindenmayer, D. (2010). Reptiles of the NSW Murray Catchment: A Guide to Their Identification, Ecology and Conservation. Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing
  2. Pianka, E. R., Vitt, L. V. (2006). Lizards: Windows to the Evolution of Diversity. California: University of California Press
  3. Cogger, H. G. (1975). Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia. Terry Hills: Reed
  4. Swan, G. (1990). A Field Guide to the Snakes and Lizards of New South Wales. Winmalee: Three Sisters Productions, Pty Ltd
  5. Wilson, S., Swan, G. (2003). A Complete Guide to Reptiles of Australia. Sydney: Reed New Holland
  6. Johansen, T. (2012). A Field Guide to the Geckoes of Northern Territory. Author House.
  7. Cronin, L. (2001). Australian Reptiles and Amphibians: Key Guide. Annandale: Envirobook
  8. Heatwole, H. F., Taylor, J. (1987). Ecology of Reptiles. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd.
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Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
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wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

나무네발톱도마뱀붙이: Brief Summary ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

나무네발톱도마뱀붙이(Gehyra variegata)는 트리 디텔라(tree dtella), 배리게이트 디텔라(variegated dtella), 배리 디텔라(varied dtella)라 불리며, 호주 내륙에 고유한 도마뱀붙이류의 일이다.

حقوق النشر
Wikipedia 작가 및 편집자
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
wikipedia 한국어 위키백과