Acnistus és un gènere de plantes solanàcies amb distribució neotropical.
La delimitació entre els gèneres Acnistus i Witheringia és objecte de debat. El nombre d'espècies del gènere Acnistus és incert.
Les plantes d'aquest gènere són arbusts o arbrets. Els seus fruits són comestibles i de vegades aquestes plantes es cultiven. les arrels contenen cuscohygrina, hyoscyamina i tigloidina
Acnistus és un gènere de plantes solanàcies amb distribució neotropical.
La delimitació entre els gèneres Acnistus i Witheringia és objecte de debat. El nombre d'espècies del gènere Acnistus és incert.
Les plantes d'aquest gènere són arbusts o arbrets. Els seus fruits són comestibles i de vegades aquestes plantes es cultiven. les arrels contenen cuscohygrina, hyoscyamina i tigloidina
Iochroma is a genus of about 34 species of shrubs and small trees belonging to the nightshade family Solanaceae. Species are native from Mexico to south Brazil.[1] They are found in the forests of Mexico and South America. Their hummingbird-pollinated flowers are tubular or trumpet-shaped, and may be blue, purple, red, yellow, or white, becoming pulpy berries. The cupular (cup-shaped) calyx is inflated in some species. The leaves are alternate, simple, and entire.[2][3]
Iochromas are cultivated as flowering ornamentals and in cooler zones (zones 7–8/9) make useful patio shrubs for summer display or conservatory plants. The majority are not frost-hardy and must be overwintered under protection. In warmer zones (zones 9–10) they can be used as landscape plants.[4] They are commonly trained as standards (topiary) to control their size and shape. Iochroma flowers attract hummingbirds (Americas only) and bees to gardens.
Like many plants in the Solanaceae, Iochroma species contain phytochemicals with potential pharmaceutical value but the genus has not been exhaustively studied in this respect. Iochroma fuchsioides is taken by the medicine men of the Kamsa Indians of the Sibundoy valley in the Colombian Andes for difficult diagnoses, the unpleasant side effects lasting several days.[5] A variety of withanolides [6] and hydroxycinnamic acid amides [7] have been isolated from Iochroma species.
The genus Iochroma was established by George Bentham in 1845.[1] Like other plant families, the Solanaceae is divided further into subfamilies, tribes and subtribes. Iochroma is in the subtribe Iochrominae along with the genera Dunalia, Eriolarynx, Saracha and Vassobia.[2][3] As of February 2023, Acnistus, previously treated as a separate genus, was regarded as a synonym of Iochroma.[1]
The genus is currently divided into three sections. As of February 2023, Plants of the World Online accepts the following species:[1]
Section Iochroma
Section Lehmannia
Section Spinosa
Species formerly placed in the genus Iochroma include:
Several forms of Iochroma (some wild collected, some garden hybrids) have been given cultivar names. Some of the cultivars have been assigned to species but others, mainly hybrids, have not. There may be some synonymy in this list.[10]
Iochroma is a genus of about 34 species of shrubs and small trees belonging to the nightshade family Solanaceae. Species are native from Mexico to south Brazil. They are found in the forests of Mexico and South America. Their hummingbird-pollinated flowers are tubular or trumpet-shaped, and may be blue, purple, red, yellow, or white, becoming pulpy berries. The cupular (cup-shaped) calyx is inflated in some species. The leaves are alternate, simple, and entire.
Iochromas are cultivated as flowering ornamentals and in cooler zones (zones 7–8/9) make useful patio shrubs for summer display or conservatory plants. The majority are not frost-hardy and must be overwintered under protection. In warmer zones (zones 9–10) they can be used as landscape plants. They are commonly trained as standards (topiary) to control their size and shape. Iochroma flowers attract hummingbirds (Americas only) and bees to gardens.
Like many plants in the Solanaceae, Iochroma species contain phytochemicals with potential pharmaceutical value but the genus has not been exhaustively studied in this respect. Iochroma fuchsioides is taken by the medicine men of the Kamsa Indians of the Sibundoy valley in the Colombian Andes for difficult diagnoses, the unpleasant side effects lasting several days. A variety of withanolides and hydroxycinnamic acid amides have been isolated from Iochroma species.
Acnistus est un genre de plantes de la famille des Solanaceae.
Acnistus est un genre de plantes de la famille des Solanaceae.
Acnistus, monotipski rod u porodici pomoćnica. Jedina vrsta je A. arborescens, raširena po Srednjoj, Antilskoj i tropskoj Južnoj Americi[1]
A. arborescens je grm ili manje stablo koje može narasti od 3 do 6 metara, a izuzetno do 12 metara. Plod je žuta bobica, za koju Johannes Cornelius Theodorus Uphof (1959) kaže da se koristi za izradu želea, ali bez detaljnijeg opisa o tome[2]
Acnistus arborescens, Westwood, Los Angeles, Kalifornija.
Acnistus is de botanische naam van een geslacht uit de nachtschadefamilie (Solanaceae). Het geslacht wordt in het Engels 'hollowheart' genoemd.
De algemene grens tussen Acnistus en het geslacht Witheringia is onderwerp van debat, en kan een scherpere definitie gebruiken. Het aantal soorten in dit geslacht is dus heel onzeker.
De planten in dit geslacht vormen struiken of kleine bomen. De brede gaafgerande bladeren staan afwisselend. De vruchten zijn eetbaar en de planten worden soms gecultiveerd. De wortels bevatten cuscohygrine, hyoscyamine en tigloidine.
Acnistus is de botanische naam van een geslacht uit de nachtschadefamilie (Solanaceae). Het geslacht wordt in het Engels 'hollowheart' genoemd.
De algemene grens tussen Acnistus en het geslacht Witheringia is onderwerp van debat, en kan een scherpere definitie gebruiken. Het aantal soorten in dit geslacht is dus heel onzeker.
De planten in dit geslacht vormen struiken of kleine bomen. De brede gaafgerande bladeren staan afwisselend. De vruchten zijn eetbaar en de planten worden soms gecultiveerd. De wortels bevatten cuscohygrine, hyoscyamine en tigloidine.
Acnistus – rodzaj roślin z rodziny psiankowate (Solanaceae). W niektórych źródłach traktowany jest jako takson monotypowy, obejmujący tylko gatunek Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schltdl[3][4]. Według innych, do rodzaju zaliczane są dwa gatunki[5]. Zasięg rodzaju obejmuje Antyle i rozległy obszar na południe od Meksyku po równikową Amerykę Południową[5].
Krzewy lub małe drzewa. Liście pojedyncze, całobrzegie i zwykle owłosione, ułożone skrętolegle. Kwiaty osadzone są na długich szypułkach. Kielich jest dzwonkowaty, 5-działkowy. Korona biała, zrosłopłatkowa, rurkowata, 5-klapowa. Pręcików jest 5. Zalążnia jest dwukomorowa[5].
Acnistus – rodzaj roślin z rodziny psiankowate (Solanaceae). W niektórych źródłach traktowany jest jako takson monotypowy, obejmujący tylko gatunek Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schltdl. Według innych, do rodzaju zaliczane są dwa gatunki. Zasięg rodzaju obejmuje Antyle i rozległy obszar na południe od Meksyku po równikową Amerykę Południową.
Acnistus é um género de plantas com flor da família Solanaceae, presentemente considerado como monotípico, tendo como única espécie Acnistus arborescens (fruta-do-sabiá).[1][2]
Acnistus é um género de plantas com flor da família Solanaceae, presentemente considerado como monotípico, tendo como única espécie Acnistus arborescens (fruta-do-sabiá).