Tombusvirus is a genus of viruses, in the family Tombusviridae. Plants serve as natural hosts. There are 17 species in this genus. Symptoms associated with this genus include mosaic.[1][2] The name of the genus comes from Tomato bushy stunt virus.
The genus contains the following species:[2]
Viruses in Tombusvirus are non-enveloped, with icosahedral and spherical geometries, and T=3 symmetry. The diameter is around 28-34 nm. Genomes are linear and non-segmented, positive sense, single-stranded RNA, around 4-5.4kb in length.[1] These virions have a regular surface structure and are composed of 17% nucleic acid.
Viral replication is cytoplasmic, and is lysogenic. Entry into the host cell is achieved by penetration into the host cell. Replication follows the positive stranded RNA virus replication model. Positive stranded RNA virus transcription, using the premature termination model of subgenomic RNA transcription is the method of transcription. Translation takes place by suppression of termination. The virus exits the host cell by tubule-guided viral movement. Plants serve as the natural host. Transmission routes are mechanical, seed borne, and contact.[1]
The virus uses the cis-regulatory elements, Tombus virus defective interfering (DI) RNA region 3 and Tombusvirus 5' UTR to control expression of defective interfering RNAs and viral RNA replication.[3][4]
Tombusvirus is a genus of viruses, in the family Tombusviridae. Plants serve as natural hosts. There are 17 species in this genus. Symptoms associated with this genus include mosaic. The name of the genus comes from Tomato bushy stunt virus.
Tombusvirus est un genre de virus appartenant à la famille des Tombusviridae, sous-famille des Procedovirinae, qui contient 17 espèces acceptées par l'ICTV. Ce sont des virus à ARN à simple brin de polarité positive (ARNmc), rattachés au groupe IV de la classification Baltimore. Ces virus infectent une vaste gamme de plantes-hôtes (phytovirus).
Les particules sont des virions non-enveloppés, parasphériques, à symétrie icosaédrique (T=3), d'environ 28 à 34 nm de diamètre. La capside est composée de 180 sous-unités protéiques, formées en 30 capsomères hexamériques[2].
Le génome, non segmenté (monopartite), est un ARN linéaire à simple brin de sens positif, dont la taille varie de 4,5 à 5,4 kbases[2].
Selon ICTV[3] :
Tombusvirus est un genre de virus appartenant à la famille des Tombusviridae, sous-famille des Procedovirinae, qui contient 17 espèces acceptées par l'ICTV. Ce sont des virus à ARN à simple brin de polarité positive (ARNmc), rattachés au groupe IV de la classification Baltimore. Ces virus infectent une vaste gamme de plantes-hôtes (phytovirus).