
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Hygrophorus fragrans Murrill, Mycologia 4: 210. 1912
Pileus convex to depressed, not umbonate, gregarious, decidedly fragrant when dry, 8-10 cm. broad; surface smooth, glabrous, viscid, roseous to incarnate, with white margin and somewhat darker center: context rather thick and fleshy, white; lamellae adnate, distant, inserted, white : spores ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, averaging 8 X 5 /x : stipe long, equal, solid, furfuraceous, whitish to cremeous or ochraceous, pimctate with reddish-brown dots in dried specimens and turning reddish-brown where handled, reaching 10 cm. long and 2 cm. thick.
Type locality: Corvallis, Oregon. Habitat: In low coniferous woods. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
William Alphonso MurrilI, Gertrude Simmons BurIingham, Leigh H Pennington, John Hendly Barnhart. 1907-1916. (AGARICALES); POLYPORACEAE-AGARICACEAE. North American flora. vol 9. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora