Pleurotus nebrodensis, commonly known as funcia di basilicu "fungus of basilisk" or carduncieddu di macchia "macchia carduncieddu(?)", is a fungus that was declared by the IUCN as critically endangered in 2006.[1] This fungus only grows on limestone in northern Sicily in association with Cachrys ferulacea (family Apiaceae).[1] The characteristics of the mushroom are its creamy white to yellow colour, its diameter of between 5 and 20 centimeters (2 and 8 in), its extremely angled gills, and the breaking apart of the cap surface at maturity.
The first record of the mushroom was in 1866 by Italian botanist Giuseppe Inzenga, who named it Agaricus nembrodensis; it was described as "the most delicious mushroom of the Sicilian mycological flora".[2] This was widely agreed upon, which has led to widespread cultivation, by professionals and amateurs. In 1886, French mycologist Lucien Quélet transferred the species to the genus Pleurotus. Recent research has shown that P. nebrodensis is closely related to, but unique from, Pleurotus eryngii, which also occurs in the Mediterranean Basin and is also associated with plants in the family Apiaceae.[3]
Pleurotus nebrodensis was classified as critically endangered is because it is found in an area of less than 100 square kilometers (39 sq mi), and the population has become fractured.[1] In addition, there are not as many mature fungi, and it is losing its natural habitat. An additional reason for the decline is that collectors are now picking unripe specimens. It is currently estimated that fewer than 250 Pleurotus nebrodensis reach maturity every year.[4]
Currently there are no laws to protect Pleurotus nebrodensis.[1] Even in protected areas there has not been a ban on picking of unripe specimens. However, a draft of rules has been created, and could be approved. This draft proposes protecting all ages of the Pleurotus nebrodensis in one part of Madonie Park, a sanctuary, while in another section of the park it will protect any non-mature mushroom. In addition to this, this fungus is being grown, like a crop, to reduce the strain on the wild population.[1] These fungi that are cultivated for conservation are produced in tunnels that are covered by black nets. These cultivated fungi have the same flavor and aroma as the wild specimens.[1]
Pleurotus nebrodensis, commonly known as funcia di basilicu "fungus of basilisk" or carduncieddu di macchia "macchia carduncieddu(?)", is a fungus that was declared by the IUCN as critically endangered in 2006. This fungus only grows on limestone in northern Sicily in association with Cachrys ferulacea (family Apiaceae). The characteristics of the mushroom are its creamy white to yellow colour, its diameter of between 5 and 20 centimeters (2 and 8 in), its extremely angled gills, and the breaking apart of the cap surface at maturity.
Pleurotus nebrodensis (Inzenga) Quél., 1886 è un fungo basidiomicete della famiglia delle Pleurotaceae.
4-12 (20) cm, di forma irregolare, carnoso.
Fitte, bianco-grigiastre o bianco-crema, decorrenti sul gambo, con filo intero.
Centrale o eccentrico, assottigliato alla base, breve, biancastro.
Bianca, soda e consistente.
Bianche in massa, lisce, ellittiche.
Fruttifica dalla primavera a tutto giugno esclusivamente sulle radici di ombrellifere (Cachrys ferulacea).
È una specie molto diffusa nelle Murge ed in Valle d'Itria nella Puglia meridionale. In Sicilia è una specie molto rara e ricercata.
Pleurotus nebrodensis (Inzenga) Quél., 1886 è un fungo basidiomicete della famiglia delle Pleurotaceae.
Com ël Pleurotus eryngii, ma a l'é pì ciàir e a chërs an montagna.
A chërs an dzora a Ombrelliferae.
A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
Com ël Pleurotus eryngii, ma a l'é pì ciàir e a chërs an montagna.
AmbientA chërs an dzora a Ombrelliferae.
Comestibilità A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
Pleurotus nebrodensis je grzib[3], co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Inzenga, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Lucien Quélet 1886. Pleurotus nebrodensis nŏleży do zorty Pleurotus i familije Pleurotaceae.[4][5] Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.[4]
Pleurotus nebrodensis je grzib, co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Inzenga, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Lucien Quélet 1886. Pleurotus nebrodensis nŏleży do zorty Pleurotus i familije Pleurotaceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.
Pleurotus nebrodensis (Inzenga) Quél., 1886
Охранный статусPleurótus nebrodénsis — вид грибов, входящий в род Вёшенка (Pleurotus) семейства Вёшенковые (Pleurotaceae). Имеет ограниченный ареал на севере острова Сицилия.
Впервые гриб Pleurotus nebrodensis был описан в 1863 году итальянским микологом Джузеппе Инценгой под названием Agaricus nebrodensis. Инценга назвал этот вид «самым вкусным грибом микологической флоры Сицилии».
Видовой эпитет nebrodensis происходит от названия горного хребта Неброди, располагающегося на севере Сицилии.
Гриб съедобен, однако не рекомендуется к употреблению в пищу из-за редкости.
Ареал этого вида ограничен горами Мадоние в северной части Сицилии. Встречается на богатых известью почвах, где произрастает растение Прангос феруловидный (Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl.) из семейства Зонтичные.
Самый близкий к Pleurotus nebrodensis вид — Pleurotus eryngii, произрастающий на других растениях из семейства зонтичных.
Pleurótus nebrodénsis — вид грибов, входящий в род Вёшенка (Pleurotus) семейства Вёшенковые (Pleurotaceae). Имеет ограниченный ареал на севере острова Сицилия.
Agaricus nebrodensis Inzenga, 1863basionym Dendrosarcus nebrodensis (Inzenga) Kuntze, 1898白靈側耳(學名Pleurotus nebrodensis),俗名白靈菇,是一種處於極危的真菌。[1]它們生長在西西里島北部的石灰岩。[1]它們呈奶白色至白色,直徑闊5-12厘米,菌褶起角,菌蓋成熟時會斷開。
白靈側耳最初是於1866年由義大利植物學家Giuseppe Inzenga所描述及將之分類到蘑菇屬。他更指白靈側耳是西西里島中最美味的真菌。[2]這得到廣泛的接納,白靈側耳於是被大量種植。法國真菌學家Lucien Quélet後來於1886年將白靈側耳重置到側耳屬中。