
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Rosa gallica L> Sp PI. 492. 1753
Stems from rootstocks, erect, 5-10 dm. high, round, armed with various prickles, some flat, curved or straight, others bristle-like, often glandular at the end; floral branches densely glandular-hispid; stipules adnate, about 2 cm. long, pubescent and glandular, copiously glandular-ciliate, the free portions lanceolate, acute, more or less spreading; petiole and rachis glandular-hispid and bristly ; leaflets usually 5, seldom 3 or 7, leathery, 2-6 cm. long, somewhat persistent, broadly oval or rounded-ovate, rounded or subcordate at the base, rounded or abruptly acute at the apex, more or less doubly glandular-toothed, dark-green and glabrous above, pale and appressed-hairy beneath, nervose; flowers solitary, seldom 2 or 3; pedicels rather long, densely glandular; hypanthium globose or ellipsoid, glandular-hispid, in fruit about 12 mm. broad; sepals lanceolate, acuminate, glandular-hispid on the back and the margins, after flowering reflexed and deciduous; petals pink or crimson, about 15 mm. long; styles not exserted, or slightly so, distinct, densely villous.
Type locality: France.
Distribution: New Hampshire to Missouri; Mexico; introduced from Europe and sparingly naturalized.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Per Axel Rydberg. 1918. ROSACEAE (conclusio). North American flora. vol 22(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora