Prunus obtusata (Chinese: 细齿稠李, 台灣稠李) is a species of bird cherry native to Tibet, southern China and Taiwan, preferring to grow at 800–3600 m. It is a tree typically 6–20 m tall. Its flowers are borne on a raceme, with white petals. The fruit is black.[1]
Its young leaves are consumed by the endangered Guizhou snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus brelichi.[2]
Prunus obtusata (Chinese: 细齿稠李, 台灣稠李) is a species of bird cherry native to Tibet, southern China and Taiwan, preferring to grow at 800–3600 m. It is a tree typically 6–20 m tall. Its flowers are borne on a raceme, with white petals. The fruit is black.
台湾稠李(学名:Prunus obtusata)为蔷薇科梅属下的一个种。
中的日期值 (帮助)