
الأسماء العلمية

الأسماء المفضلة

تم الاعتراف بالرتبة بواسطة EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Catalogue of Life in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
معترف بها من قبل Afghanistan Species List, Egypt Species List, Afghanistan Species List, Algeria Species List, Angola Species List, Austria Species List, Bailiwick of Jersey Species List, Australia Species List, Bermuda Species List, Belgium Species List, Brazil Species List, Bulgaria Species List, Canada Species List, Chile Species List, China Species List, Costa Rica Species List, Cyprus Species List, Czech Republic Species List, Denmark Species List, Faroe Islands Species List, Finland Species List, France Species List, Germany Species List, Greece Species List, Greenland Species List, Guyana Species List, Hungary Species List, Iceland Species List, India Species List, Iran Species List, Ireland Species List, Isle of Man Species List, Italy Species List, Kazakhstan Species List, Kenya Species List, Malaysia Species List, Mauritius Species List, Morocco Species List, Namibia Species List, New Zealand Species List, Nigeria Species List, Norway Species List, Poland Species List, Portugal Species List, Puerto Rico Species List, Romania Species List, Russia Species List, Seychelles Species List, Singapore Species List, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, South Korea Species List, South Africa Species List, Spain Species List, Sudan Species List, Sweden Species List, Switzerland Species List, Syria Species List, Tanzania Species List, The Netherlands Species List, Turkey Species List, United Kingdom Species List, Venezuela Species List, Uruguay Species List, Zambia Species List, Zimbabwe Species List, Argentina Species List, Japan Species List, Cuba Species List, Mexico Species List, Arabian Sea Species List, Barents Sea Species List, Bay of Biscay Species List, Bass Strait Species List, Bristol Channel Species List, Celtic Sea Species List, English Channel Species List, Great Australian Bight Species List, Greenland Sea Species List, Gulf of Bothnia Species List, Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland Species, Indian Ocean Species List, Irish Sea Species List, Kattegat Species List, North Atlantic Species List, North Pacific Species List, North Sea Species List, Skagerrak Species List, Tasman Sea Species List, South Atlantic Species List, South Pacific Species List, and United States Species List
Lichinales Henssen & Büdel 1986
تم الاعتراف بالرتبة بواسطة Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy

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التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Lichinales

Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024

Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3

EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4