Carphochaete is a genus of North American flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.[1][2] They are native to Mexico and the southwestern United States.[3] They are known commonly as bristleheads.[4]
These are branching shrubs and subshrubs usually growing 20 to 45 centimeters tall, but known to well exceed one meter at times. The leaves have glandular pits. They are usually opposite but are sometimes arranged alternately. The flower heads are solitary or paired, or occasionally in arrays of several. They are just a few millimeters wide and usually contain 3 or 4 white, pink, or purple funnel-shaped disc florets, sometimes more. The hairy, ribbed cypsela is tipped with a pappus of long scales.[3]
Carphochaete is in the tribe Eupatorieae of the family Asteraceae. Like other members of this tribe, the flower heads have disc florets and no ray florets. Some authors include the genus Cronquistia in Carphochaete.[5]
Carphochaete is a genus of North American flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. They are known commonly as bristleheads.
These are branching shrubs and subshrubs usually growing 20 to 45 centimeters tall, but known to well exceed one meter at times. The leaves have glandular pits. They are usually opposite but are sometimes arranged alternately. The flower heads are solitary or paired, or occasionally in arrays of several. They are just a few millimeters wide and usually contain 3 or 4 white, pink, or purple funnel-shaped disc florets, sometimes more. The hairy, ribbed cypsela is tipped with a pappus of long scales.
Carphochaete es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. Comprende 8 especies descritas y de estas solo 6 aceptadas.[1][2][3] Es originario de México.[4]
Las plantas de este género sólo tienen disco (sin rayos florales) y los pétalos son de color blanco, ligeramente amarillento blanco, rosa o morado (nunca de un completo color amarillo).[4][5]
El género fue descrito por Asa Gray y publicado en Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Science, new series 4(1): 65. 1849.[6] La especie tipo es: Carphochaete wislizenii A. Gray.
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Carphochaete aceptadas hasta junio de 2012, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.
Carphochaete es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. Comprende 8 especies descritas y de estas solo 6 aceptadas. Es originario de México.
Carphochaete A.Gray, é um género botânico pertencente à família Asteraceae.[1]
Carphochaete A.Gray, é um género botânico pertencente à família Asteraceae.
Espécies Carphochaete bigelovii A.GrayCarphochaete là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae).[1]
Chi Carphochaete gồm các loài:
Carphochaete là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc (Asteraceae).