This was a new species for me. Very Madia like but no hairs or glands on the phyllaries. Hmmm. I quick run down of the Redbud Chapter cnps plant list for this locale made it all possible.
This was a new species for me. Very Madia like but no hairs or glands on the phyllaries. Hmmm. I quick run down of the Redbud Chapter cnps plant list for this locale made it all possible.
Cypselae photographed in Las Cruces on 11/23/16; left cypsela from ray flower (2.5 mm long); right cypsella from disc flower.
This was a new species for me. Very Madia like but no hairs or glands on the phyllaries. Hmmm. I quick run down of the Redbud Chapter cnps plant list for this locale made it all possible.