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الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
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تسجيل الدخول
أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
ذباب القمص
حقيقيات النوى
مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
حديثات الأجنحة
ذباب القمص
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
نظرة عامة
الأسماء العلمية
الأسماء المفضلة
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من ITIS Global in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Polyplectropus mindamelea
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikipedia NL
wikipedia VI
Polyplectropus mindamelea
Mey 1998
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Polyplectropus mindamelea
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
أسماء شائعة
لا توجد أسماء شائعة مرتبطة بهذه الأصنوفة.
التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus acuminatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus acutus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus aiolos Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus alkyone Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus alleni (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus alpheios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera McFarlane ex McFarlane & Cowie 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus amphion Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakpungut Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus antinoos Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus baring Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus boas Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus brachyscolus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus bradleyi Kimmins 1957
Polyplectropus bravoae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus bredini Flint 1968
Polyplectropus carolae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus costalis (Banks 1913)
Polyplectropus curvatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus dairi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus deltoides (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus dhinkari Malicky 1979
Polyplectropus diastictis Mey 1998
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus dubitatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus epitychmus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus eubolus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus evocatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus flavicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus fuscatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus greenwoodi Mosely 1941
Polyplectropus hamatiformis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus hamatus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus herrerai Bueno-Soria & Hamilton 1990
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus javanicus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus jonam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus joram Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus kristyantoi Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus lacusalbinae Kimmins ex Mosely & Kimmins 1953
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus maiyarap Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manni Banks 1936
Polyplectropus matadapaya Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus monticola Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus nam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus nangajna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nanjingensis Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus narifer Flint 1974
Polyplectropus nayaritensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus oaxaquensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus orientalis (McLachlan 1866)
Polyplectropus parakrama Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus perspersus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus prapat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus protensus Ulmer 1908
Polyplectropus puerilis (McLachlan 1868)
Polyplectropus pugiunculatus Botosaneanu ex Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo 1993
Polyplectropus puhia McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus recurvatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus rehabeam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus robacki (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus san Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus sitahoan Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sourya Schmid 1960
Polyplectropus squalus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus tachiaensis Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus thilus (Denning 1962)
Polyplectropus torrenticola Kimmins 1955
Polyplectropus ulmeriana Flint 1983
Polyplectropus umbonatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus unicolor Banks 1931
Polyplectropus waitakerensis (Wise 1962)
44 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Hydropsychoidea Curtis 1835
Polycentropodidae Ulmer 1903
Polycentropodinae Ulmer 1903
Polyplectropus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus admin Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus ahas Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus alienus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus alkyone Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus alpheios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera McFarlane ex McFarlane & Cowie 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus analis Banks 1931
Polyplectropus annulicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus antinoos Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus assimulans Mey 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus bay Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus brachyscolus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus bradleyi Kimmins 1957
Polyplectropus bravoae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus buchwaldi (Ulmer 1911)
Polyplectropus cardinis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus costalis (Banks 1913)
Polyplectropus curvatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus cuspidatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus deltoides (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus denticulus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus elongatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus epitychmus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus exallus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus hamatus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus inarmatus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus inusitatus Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus involutus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus joram Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jotham Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus maiyarap Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manasse Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus matadapaya Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus matthatha Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus menna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus misolja Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus monticola Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus nahor Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus nangajna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nanjingensis Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus nubigenus (Hagen 1859)
Polyplectropus oaxaquensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus obed Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus orientalis (McLachlan 1866)
Polyplectropus panamensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus perspersus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus philippinensis Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus prapat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus puerilis (McLachlan 1868)
Polyplectropus pugiunculatus Botosaneanu ex Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo 1993
Polyplectropus puhia McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus ranauensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus recurvatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus rehabeam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus santiago (Ross 1947)
Polyplectropus simei Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sitahoan Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus spiculifer Flint 1971
Polyplectropus squalus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus tachiaensis Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus tam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus tharah Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus thilus (Denning 1962)
Polyplectropus trilobatus Flint 1981
Polyplectropus ulmeri Banks 1937
Polyplectropus ulmeriana Flint 1983
Polyplectropus unicolor Banks 1931
Polyplectropus waitakerensis (Wise 1962)
Polyplectropus zaragozai Bueno-Soria 1990
44 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus acuminatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus acutus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus aiolos Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus alkyone Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus alleni (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus alpheios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera McFarlane ex McFarlane & Cowie 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus amphion Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakpungut Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus antinoos Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus baring Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus boas Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus brachyscolus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus bradleyi Kimmins 1957
Polyplectropus bravoae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus bredini Flint 1968
Polyplectropus carolae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus costalis (Banks 1913)
Polyplectropus curvatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus dairi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus deltoides (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus dhinkari Malicky 1979
Polyplectropus diastictis Mey 1998
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus dubitatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus epitychmus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus eubolus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus evocatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus flavicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus fuscatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus greenwoodi Mosely 1941
Polyplectropus hamatiformis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus hamatus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus herrerai Bueno-Soria & Hamilton 1990
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus javanicus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus jonam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus joram Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus kristyantoi Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus lacusalbinae Kimmins ex Mosely & Kimmins 1953
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus maiyarap Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manni Banks 1936
Polyplectropus matadapaya Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus monticola Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus nam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus nangajna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nanjingensis Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus narifer Flint 1974
Polyplectropus nayaritensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus oaxaquensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus orientalis (McLachlan 1866)
Polyplectropus parakrama Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus perspersus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus prapat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus protensus Ulmer 1908
Polyplectropus puerilis (McLachlan 1868)
Polyplectropus pugiunculatus Botosaneanu ex Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo 1993
Polyplectropus puhia McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus recurvatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus rehabeam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus robacki (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus san Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus sitahoan Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sourya Schmid 1960
Polyplectropus squalus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus tachiaensis Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus thilus (Denning 1962)
Polyplectropus torrenticola Kimmins 1955
Polyplectropus ulmeriana Flint 1983
Polyplectropus umbonatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus unicolor Banks 1931
Polyplectropus waitakerensis (Wise 1962)
44 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus acuminatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus acutus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus aiolos Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus alkyone Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus alleni (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus alpheios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera Mc Farlane ex Mc Farlane & Cowie 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus amphion Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakpungut Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus antinoos Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca Mc Farlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus baring Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus boas Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus brachyscolus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus bradleyi Kimmins 1957
Polyplectropus bravoae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus bredini Flint 1968
Polyplectropus carolae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus costalis (Banks 1913)
Polyplectropus curvatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus dairi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus deltoides (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus dhinkari Malicky 1979
Polyplectropus diastictis Mey 1998
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus dubitatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus epitychmus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus eubolus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus evocatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus flavicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus fuscatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus greenwoodi Mosely 1941
Polyplectropus hamatiformis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus hamatus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus herrerai Bueno-Soria & Hamilton 1990
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus javanicus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus jonam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus joram Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus kristyantoi Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus lacusalbinae Kimmins ex Mosely & Kimmins 1953
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus maiyarap Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manni Banks 1936
Polyplectropus matadapaya Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus monticola Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus nam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus nangajna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nanjingensis Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus narifer Flint 1974
Polyplectropus nayaritensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus oaxaquensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus orientalis (Mc Lachlan 1866)
Polyplectropus parakrama Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus perspersus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus prapat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus protensus Ulmer 1908
Polyplectropus puerilis (Mc Lachlan 1868)
Polyplectropus pugiunculatus Botosaneanu ex Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo 1993
Polyplectropus puhia Mc Farlane 1956
Polyplectropus recurvatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus rehabeam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus robacki (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus san Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus sitahoan Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sourya Schmid 1960
Polyplectropus squalus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus tachiaensis Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus thilus (Denning 1962)
Polyplectropus torrenticola Kimmins 1955
Polyplectropus ulmeriana Flint 1983
Polyplectropus umbonatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus unicolor Banks 1931
Polyplectropus waitakerensis (Wise 1962)
44 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus acuminatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus acutus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus aiolos Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus alkyone Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus alleni (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus alpheios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera McFarlane in McFarlane & Cowie 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus amphion Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakpungut Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus antinoos Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus baring Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus boas Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus brachyscolus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus bradleyi Kimmins 1957
Polyplectropus bravoae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus bredini Flint 1968
Polyplectropus carolae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus costalis (Banks 1913)
Polyplectropus curvatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus dairi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus deltoides (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus dhinkari Malicky 1979
Polyplectropus diastictis Mey 1998
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus dubitatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus epitychmus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus eubolus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus evocatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus flavicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus fuscatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus greenwoodi Mosely 1941
Polyplectropus hamatiformis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus hamatus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus herrerai Bueno-Soria & Hamilton 1990
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus javanicus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus jonam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus joram Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus kristyantoi Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus lacusalbinae Kimmins in Mosely & Kimmins 1953
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus maiyarap Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manni Banks 1936
Polyplectropus matadapaya Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus monticola Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus nam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus nangajna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nanjingensis Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus narifer Flint 1974
Polyplectropus nayaritensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus oaxaquensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus orientalis (McLachlan 1866)
Polyplectropus parakrama Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus perspersus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus prapat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus protensus Ulmer 1908
Polyplectropus puerilis (McLachlan 1868)
Polyplectropus pugiunculatus Botosaneanu in Botosaneanu & Alkins-Koo 1993
Polyplectropus puhia McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus recurvatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus rehabeam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus robacki (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus san Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus sitahoan Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sourya Schmid 1960
Polyplectropus squalus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus tachiaensis Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus thilus (Denning 1962)
Polyplectropus torrenticola Kimmins 1955
Polyplectropus ulmeriana Flint 1983
Polyplectropus umbonatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus unicolor Banks 1931
Polyplectropus waitakerensis (Wise 1962)
44 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
GBIF classification
Polyplectropus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus acuminatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus acutus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus admin Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus ahas Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus aiolos Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera Mc Farlane 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus amphion Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakpungut Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus assimulans Mey 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca Mc Farlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus baring Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus bay Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus bredini Flint 1968
Polyplectropus buchwaldi (Ulmer 1911)
Polyplectropus cardinis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus carolae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus chapmani Kumanski 1979
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus convexus
Polyplectropus curvatus Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus deimos Malicky 2000
Polyplectropus denticulus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus dhinkari Malicky 1979
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus dubitatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus elmadam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus evocatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus exallus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus flavicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus fuscatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus herrerai Bueno-Soria & Hamilton 1990
Polyplectropus himachalica Pandher & Parey 2018
Polyplectropus impluvii Wise 1962
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus inarmatus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus inusitatus Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jotham Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus lacusalbinae Kimmins 1953
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus matthatha Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus menna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus mignonae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nanjingensis Li & Morse 1997
Polyplectropus narifer Flint 1974
Polyplectropus nayaritensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus nubigenus (Hagen 1859)
Polyplectropus obed Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus orientalis (Mc Lachlan 1866)
Polyplectropus perspersus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus philippinensis Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus prapat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus profaupar RW Holzenthal & GL de Almeida 2003
Polyplectropus protensus Ulmer 1908
Polyplectropus puerilis (Mc Lachlan 1868)
Polyplectropus pugiunculatus Botosaneanu 1993
Polyplectropus puhia Mc Farlane 1956
Polyplectropus sainii Pandher & Parey 2018
Polyplectropus san Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus santiago (Ross 1947)
Polyplectropus simei Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sitahoan Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus sourya Schmid 1960
Polyplectropus spiculifer Flint 1971
Polyplectropus squalus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus tachiaensis Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus tharah Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus thilus (Denning 1962)
Polyplectropus torrenticola Kimmins 1955
Polyplectropus trilobatus Flint 1981
Polyplectropus ulmeri Banks 1937
Polyplectropus ulmeriana Flint 1983
Polyplectropus umbonatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus unicolor Banks 1931
Polyplectropus vanuatu
Polyplectropus waitakerensis Wise 1962
96 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Hydropsychoidea Curtis 1835
Polycentropodidae Ulmer 1903
Polycentropodinae Ulmer 1903
Polyplectropus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus mindamelea Mey 1998
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus admin Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus africanus Marlier 1943
Polyplectropus ahas Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus aiolos Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus akrisios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus alienus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus alkyone Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1997
Polyplectropus alleni (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus alpheios Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus altera McFarlane ex McFarlane & Cowie 1981
Polyplectropus amarawathi Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus amphion Malicky 1997
Polyplectropus anakempat Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakgugur Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakjari Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus anakpungut Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus analis Banks 1931
Polyplectropus annulicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus antinoos Malicky 1998
Polyplectropus arni Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus assimulans Mey 1998
Polyplectropus aurifusca McFarlane 1956
Polyplectropus banksianus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus baring Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus basimaculatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus bay Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus beutelspacheri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus boas Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus brachyscolus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus bradleyi Kimmins 1957
Polyplectropus bravoae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus bredini Flint 1968
Polyplectropus buchwaldi (Ulmer 1911)
Polyplectropus cardinis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus carolae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus chapmani Kumanski 1979
Polyplectropus charlesi (Ross 1941)
Polyplectropus chin Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus costalis (Banks 1913)
Polyplectropus crocallis Mey 1998
Polyplectropus cuspidatus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus dairi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus deltoides (Yamamoto 1967)
Polyplectropus denticulus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus dhinkari Malicky 1979
Polyplectropus didactylus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus directus Mey 1990
Polyplectropus dubitatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus elmadam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus elongatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus epitychmus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus evocatus Mey 1998
Polyplectropus exallus Neboiss 1989
Polyplectropus fijianus Banks 1936
Polyplectropus flavicornis Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus fuscatus Flint 1983
Polyplectropus gedehensis Ulmer 1951
Polyplectropus grandis Banks 1937
Polyplectropus greenwoodi Mosely 1941
Polyplectropus hamatiformis Mey 1990
Polyplectropus hamatus Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus hamulus Flint 1972
Polyplectropus herrerai Bueno-Soria & Hamilton 1990
Polyplectropus impluvii (Wise 1962)
Polyplectropus inaequalis Ulmer 1927
Polyplectropus inarmatus Flint 1971
Polyplectropus inusitatus Hsu & Chen 1996
Polyplectropus irroratus Banks 1931
Polyplectropus jannai Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus javanicus Ulmer 1905
Polyplectropus jonam Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus joram Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jorim Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus josaphat Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus jotham Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus karsholti Malicky 1994
Polyplectropus kingsolveri Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus lacusalbinae Kimmins ex Mosely & Kimmins 1953
Polyplectropus laminatus (Yamamoto 1966)
Polyplectropus maiyarap Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manasse Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus manni Banks 1936
Polyplectropus matadapaya Schmid 1958
Polyplectropus mathisi Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus matthatha Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus melchi Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus melea Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus menna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus mignonae Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus misolja Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus monticola Ulmer 1930
Polyplectropus nahor Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus nam Malicky 1995
Polyplectropus nangajna Malicky & Chantaramongkol 1993
Polyplectropus narifer Flint 1974
Polyplectropus nayaritensis Bueno-Soria 1990
Polyplectropus nocturnus Arefina 1996
Polyplectropus nubigenus (Hagen 1859)
Polyplectropus obed Malicky 1993
Polyplectropus orientalis (McLachlan 1866)
44 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Polyplectropus mindamelea
(هذه الصفحة)
Polyplectropus admin
Polyplectropus africanus
Polyplectropus alatespinus
Polyplectropus alkyone
Polyplectropus alleni
Polyplectropus amazonicus
Polyplectropus anakempat
Polyplectropus anakgugur
Polyplectropus analis
Polyplectropus andinensis
Polyplectropus assimulans
Polyplectropus aurifusca
Polyplectropus bacphanensis
Polyplectropus basimaculatus
Polyplectropus blahniki
Polyplectropus boas
Polyplectropus bolivianus
Polyplectropus brachyscolus
Polyplectropus brasilensis
Polyplectropus bravoae
Polyplectropus brborichorum
Polyplectropus cardinis
Polyplectropus charlesi
Polyplectropus chin
Polyplectropus colombianus
Polyplectropus corniculatus
Polyplectropus coronivia
Polyplectropus cressae
Polyplectropus cubitalis
Polyplectropus cuzcoensis
Polyplectropus daimong
Polyplectropus didactylus
Polyplectropus dinhdan
Polyplectropus dolabriformis
Polyplectropus dubitatus
Polyplectropus ecuadoriensis
Polyplectropus elongatus
Polyplectropus exilis
Polyplectropus flavicornis
Polyplectropus flintorum
Polyplectropus gaesum
Polyplectropus giandi
Polyplectropus grandis
Polyplectropus guyanae
Polyplectropus hamatiformis
Polyplectropus hamulus
Polyplectropus hollyae
Polyplectropus hystricosus
Polyplectropus inarmatus
Polyplectropus insularis
Polyplectropus involutus
Polyplectropus iphicles
Polyplectropus jalan
Polyplectropus juliae
Polyplectropus kanukarum
Polyplectropus kylistos
Polyplectropus maculatus
Polyplectropus manuensis
Polyplectropus matatlanticus
Polyplectropus mathisi
Polyplectropus matthatha
Polyplectropus minensium
Polyplectropus nam
Polyplectropus nangajna
Polyplectropus narifer
Polyplectropus nicaraguensis
Polyplectropus novafriburgensis
Polyplectropus pairavatika
Polyplectropus palma
Polyplectropus parangularis
Polyplectropus perpendicularis
Polyplectropus peruvianus
Polyplectropus petrae
Polyplectropus polydoros
Polyplectropus pratherae
Polyplectropus profaupar
Polyplectropus protensus
Polyplectropus puerilis
Polyplectropus puhia
Polyplectropus puyoensis
Polyplectropus rectangulus
Polyplectropus robertsonae
Polyplectropus rodmani
Polyplectropus rondoniensis
Polyplectropus subteres
Polyplectropus tam
Polyplectropus tharah
Polyplectropus tianmushanensis
Polyplectropus tragularius
Polyplectropus tridentatus
Polyplectropus tripunctatum
Polyplectropus vanda
Polyplectropus vanua
Polyplectropus vanuatu
Polyplectropus venezolanus
Polyplectropus wainimbuk
Polyplectropus waitakerensis
Polyplectropus woldai
Polyplectropus zamoranoensis
Polyplectropus zuliae
137 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.