
Associations ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Foodplant / sap sucker
Cavariella aegopodii sucks sap of live Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: autumn-spring

Foodplant / feeds on
adult of Chrysolina oricalcia feeds on pollen of Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: (3-)5-6(-10)
Other: uncertain

Foodplant / miner
larva of Cryptaciura rotundiventris mines leaf of Aegopodium podagraria

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
cleistothecium of Erysiphe heraclei parasitises live Aegopodium podagraria

Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Liophloeus tessulatus feeds on root of Aegopodium podagraria

Foodplant / spot causer
mostly hypophyllous, immersed, scattered or congregated pycnidium of Phyllosticta coelomycetous anamorph of Mycosphaerella podagrariae causes spots on fading leaf of Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: 6-7

Foodplant / open feeder
adult of Oomorphus concolor grazes on leaf of Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: 4-2

Foodplant / open feeder
larva of Phaedon tumidulus grazes on live leaf of Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: -late 8
Other: uncertain

Foodplant / miner
larva of Phytomyza obscurella mines leaf of Aegopodium podagraria
Other: sole host/prey

Foodplant / parasite
hypophyllous colony of sporangium of Plasmopara crustosa parasitises live leaf of Aegopodium podagraria

Foodplant / gall
embedded chlamydospore of Protomyces macrosporus causes gall of live stem of Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: 3-10

Foodplant / gall
clustered telium of Puccinia aegopodii causes gall of leaf (nerve) of Aegopodium podagraria
Remarks: season: 4-8

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors

Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria), also known as bishop's-weed and snow-on-the-mountain, is an herbaceous perennial plant, one of several species of Aegopodium native to Europe and Asia. Most leaves are basal, with the leafstalk attached to an underground stem, or rhizome. The leaves are divided into three groups of three leaflets, making it "triternate." The leaflets are toothed and sometimes irregularly lobed. Foliage of the "wild" type is medium green in color; a commonly planted variegated form has bluish-green leaves with creamy white edges. Sometimes reversion back to solid green or a mixture of solid green and the lighter variegated pattern occurs within a patch.

Small, white, five-petaled flowers are produced in mid-summer. Flowers are arranged in flat-topped clusters (called compound umbels) and are held above the ground on a leafy stem up to about 3 feet tall. The seeds are small and elongate, similar in size and shape to carrot seeds, and ripen in late summer. In contrast to the dense foliage cover produced by goutweed, flowering shoots are uncommon in densely shaded areas.

The rhizomes of goutweed are long, white, and branching, superficially resembling those of quackgrass (Elytrigia repens, also known as Agropyron repens). Patches of goutweed typically form a dense canopy and can exclude most other herbaceous vegetation. Because of this, it is often used as a low-maintenance ground cover.

Goutweed is an aggressive invasive plant that forms dense patches, displaces native species, and greatly reduces species diversity in the ground layer. Goutweed patches inhibit the establishment of conifers and other native tree species as well. An ecologically versatile species, Goutweed is found in old gardens and flowerbeds, around shrubs and other plantings, and in a variety of other disturbed habitats such as felled forests, abandoned fields, and pastures. In Eurasia, goutweed is primarily a species of deciduous and southern boreal forests, and it expands aggressively in similar habitats in North America. Goutweed appears to do best on moist soil and in light to moderate shade, but is highly shade-tolerant and capable of invading closed-canopy forests.

Goutweed is currently known to occur in twenty-nine states in the mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Northwest (USDA PLANTS map) and is reported to be invasive in natural areas in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin (WeedUS Database).

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EOL authors

Common Names ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: herb

bishop's goutweed

bishop's weed



ground elder

herb Gerard
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Conservation Status ( الإنجليزية )

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Information on state-level noxious weed status of plants in the United States is available at Plants Database.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: adventitious, herb, hypocotyl, rhizome, seed, umbel

This description covers characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (e.g., [28,52,58,71,74,76,92]).

Aboveground: Bishop's goutweed is a perennial ([52,62], review by [15]) herb [52,56,59,79,92,95] with erect, hollow stems (review by [14]). One review from the upper Great Lakes region indicated that bishop's goutweed grows from 4 to 12 inches (10-30 cm) tall [15], but it may grow to as tall as about 3 feet (1 m) in the northeastern United States [28]. In the Netherlands, bishop's goutweed grows from 1.5 feet (.47 m) [39] to 3 feet (1 m) tall ([59], review by [14]). Individual compound leaves are 1 to 3 inches (3-8 cm) long ([28], review by [15]). They are typically variegated but are occasionally all green [79], especially on plants established from seed [92]. Bishop's goutweed's inflorescence is a compound umbel [71,76] 2 to 4.7 inches (6-12 cm) wide [28]. Its seeds are about 1.4 mm wide [31].

Belowground: Information pertaining to bishop's goutweed's belowground morphology comes primarily from Europe. Bishop's goutweed has an extensive root system [41] that includes a main root and lateral roots. During early development, adventitious thick storage roots and thin feeding roots emerge from the hypocotyl. Eventually, additional adventitious roots form at rhizome nodes (review by [27]).

Bishop's goutweed has horizontal rhizomes [52,56,92] that may transition to vertical shoots at the end of the growing season (review by [27]). Reports of bishop's goutweed's rhizome length vary from 2 to 118 inches (5-300 cm) ([41,56], review by [27]). One study indicated that rhizomes are about 2 mm in diameter [56]. Nothing specific had been reported on how deep bishop's goutweed's rhizomes are buried in the soil as of 2009, but one review indicated that bishop's goutweed has a "weak shallow rhizome system" [34]. "Total" rhizome length may shorten as connections between ramets decay (review by [27]).

Stand structure: Bishop's goutweed exhibits clonal growth [59,62,74] and spreads by producing ramets ([59], review by [27]). In Massachusetts, bishop's goutweed forms dense mats (review by [95]). In Russia, bishop's goutweed's spatial distribution is nonrandom, and populations grow in clusters, presumably because of bishop's goutweed's rhizomatous nature [54].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: invasive species

Bishop's goutweed was introduced in North America from Europe [82]. In the United States, bishop's goutweed occurs from Maine south to South Carolina and west to Minnesota and Missouri. It also occurs in the Pacific Northwest from Montana to Washington and Oregon. It occurs in all the Canadian provinces excepting Newfoundland and Labrador, and Alberta. Plants Database provides a distributional map of bishop's goutweed.

Globally, bishop's goutweed occurs primarily in the northern hemisphere, particularly in Europe, Asia Minor ([28,36,58,92], reviews by [14,27]), and Russia (review by [27,63]). Bishop's goutweed's native distribution is unclear. It may have been introduced in England (review by [2]) and is considered a "weed" in the former Soviet Union, Germany, Finland (Holm 1979 cited in [14]), and Poland [44]. It is nonnative in North America [82] and Australia including Tasmania (reviews by [2,14]).

Bishop's goutweed is grown as an ornamental (reviews by [13,72]) and occasionally escapes cultivation ([28,58,71], review by [95]). Little information has been published on its rate and direction of spread in North America. Darlington (1859 cited in [50]) considered bishop's goutweed invasive in the eastern United States by 1859, but bishop's goutweed was still considered uncommon in New England in the early 1980s [76]. Subsequent reviews on invasive species in New England indicate that bishop's goutweed may be becoming more widespread in Vermont [91] and Massachusetts [55]. A flora from Nova Scotia indicates that bishop's goutweed was locally abundant and becoming common in North America by the late 1960s [74]. In the early 1970's Swink [82] described bishop's goutweed as an "occasional weed" in northern Illinois, and an Illinois flora states bishop's goutweed is infrequent and rarely escapes cultivation [58].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Fire Management Considerations ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: fire suppression, invasive species, prescribed fire, restoration, seed

Preventing postfire establishment and spread: Although there may be potential for bishop's goutweed to establish either vegetatively or by seed after fire (see Fire adaptations), as of this writing specific information on preventing its postfire establishment and spread was lacking. In general, however, the best way to prevent the spread and establishment of invasive species is through early detection and eradication, careful monitoring and follow-up, and limiting dispersal of invasive plant seed into burned areas. General recommendations for preventing postfire establishment and spread of invasive plants include:
  • Incorporate cost of weed prevention and management into fire rehabilitation plans
  • Acquire restoration funding
  • Include weed prevention education in fire training
  • Minimize soil disturbance and vegetation removal during fire suppression and rehabilitation activities
  • Minimize the use of retardants that may alter soil nutrient availability, such as those containing nitrogen and phosphorus
  • Avoid areas dominated by high priority invasive plants when locating firelines, monitoring camps, staging areas, and helibases
  • Clean equipment and vehicles prior to entering burned areas
  • Regulate or prevent human and livestock entry into burned areas until desirable site vegetation has recovered sufficiently to resist invasion by undesirable vegetation
  • Monitor burned areas and areas of significant disturbance or traffic from management activity
  • Detect weeds early and eradicate before vegetative spread and/or seed dispersal
  • Eradicate small patches and contain or control large infestations within or adjacent to the burned area
  • Reestablish vegetation on bare ground as soon as possible
  • Avoid use of fertilizers in postfire rehabilitation and restoration
  • Use only certified weed-free seed mixes when revegetation is necessary
For more detailed information on these topics see the following publications: [5,10,29,86].

Use of prescribed fire as a control agent: As of this writing, no information was available on the use of prescribed fire to manage bishop's goutweed.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Fire Regime Table ( الإنجليزية )

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الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Fuels and Fire Regimes ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cover, fire regime, fuel, shrubland

Fuels: As of this writing (2009) no information was available on bishop's goutweed's fuel characteristics.

FIRE REGIMES: With one exception, no published information was available at this time (2009) on North American plant communities where bishop's goutweed occurs, making it difficult to infer what FIRE REGIMES may be associated with bishop's goutweed. On one site in Illinois, bishop's goutweed occurred in a shaded ravine with box elder and slippery elm. FIRE REGIMES on this site may be similar to those described for wooded draws and ravines of the Great Plains. Surface or replacement fires may occur every 40 to 95 years, depending on moisture patterns and on the FIRE REGIMES of adjacent mixed-grass prairie and shrubland. Because native ungulates tend to concentrate in woody draws and ravines for food and cover, grazing may influence FIRE REGIMES and stand regeneration in these communities [48]. Find further fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Germination ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: fresh, seed, stratification

Seeds dispersed by bishop's goutweed plants in wildlands may have low germination rates [6], but in germination tests, bishop's goutweed seeds have shown moderate to high germination rates. In laboratory tests, 5% to 100% of bishop's goutweed seeds germinated after chilling at 41 °F (5 °C) [31,68,88].

At the time of seed dispersal, bishop's goutweed embryos are immature [25,68,88] and undergo a period of morphological and physiological dormancy before they germinate [68,88]. In Norway, 83% of bishop's goutweed seeds contained immature embryos, 15% contained endosperm but no embryos, and 2% were empty [25]. Before morphological dormancy can be broken, immature embryos must grow to full size; in the field, this process is triggered by cold temperatures in fall and early winter. An additional cold stratification period in the spring may be necessary to break physiological dormancy [88]. Several studies report that chilling of seeds induced bishop's goutweed germination. In the laboratory, exposure to temperatures of 41 °F (5 °C) for at least 16 weeks induced germination of bishop's goutweed seed [88]. In another study, no bishop's goutweed seeds germinated when fresh, but nearly all seeds germinated when exposed to 41 °F (5 °C) for 12 months [31]. A 3rd study [68] also induced bishop's goutweed germination at a temperature of 41 °F (5 °C) but obtained higher germination rates in a shorter time at 32 °F (0 °C). Vandelook and others [88] found that, once dormancy was broken, seeds germinated at constant and alternating temperatures ranging from 50 to 73 °F (10-23 °C).

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification) ( الإنجليزية )

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More info on this topic.

More info for the term: geophyte

Raunkiaer [73] life form:
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Habitat characteristics ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cover, forest, herbaceous, litter

Information about site characteristics where bishop's goutweed is invasive in North America is limited (2009). Information on sites where bishop's goutweed occurs comes primarily from European studies.

Climate: Bishop's goutweed occurs in temperate climates (see General Distribution). In Europe, mean precipitation on sites where bishop's goutweed occurred ranged from 19.5 [70] to 32.8 [26] inches (495-832 mm). Mean annual temperature was typically around 44 °F (7 °C), except where bishop's goutweed occurred in central Sweden, where average annual temperatures were as low as 42 °F (5.6 °C) [59].

Elevation: As of this writing (2009) no information is available on bishop's goutweed's elevational distribution in North America. Publications from Europe indicate that bishop's goutweed occurs at altitudes from 31 feet (10 m) [90] to nearly 3,488 feet (1,063 m) [33,45]. In one study from Sweden, bishop's goutweed was most common at altitudes from 1,030 to 1,120 feet (315-340 m) [33].

General habitat and moisture: Available evidence suggests that bishop's goutweed prefers moist conditions and may tolerate saturated soils. In the northeastern United States, bishop's goutweed is associated with moist sites [28]. In the upper Great Lakes region bishop's goutweed occurs on moist, well-drained soils [15]. In Australia, bishop's goutweed growth is "most prolific" in moist conditions and semishade (review by [14]). One review indicated that bishop's goutweed survives "very wet" conditions [72], and in Sweden, bishop's goutweed occurred on a site that was regularly flooded by an adjacent stream [33].

Leuschner and Lendzion [49] investigated microhabitat conditions for various herbaceous species in a beech forest in Germany and speculated that bishop's goutweed's occurrence was most influenced by relatively low soil moisture. On sites where bishop's goutweed occurred (i.e., open and sheltered valley sites, shallow and steep north-facing slopes) moisture content ranged from 33.2% to 36.4%; moisture content ranged from 25.2% to 28.1% on sites where bishop's goutweed was absent (i.e., rapid drying south-facing slopes) [49].

Microclimate and soil variables at 6 sites in a beech forest in Germany from March to May [49]



Valley North-facing slopes South-facing slopes open sheltered shallow steep shallow steep Bishop's goutweed cover (%) 15-25 15-25 3-5 1-3 0 0 Temperature (°C) 13.1 11.4 12.1 12.7 15.3 16.2 Relative humidity (%) 69.3 89.4 76.5 74.4 64 59.6 Vapor pressure deficit of air (Pa) 527 153 363 385 669 750 Photosynthetic active radiation (µmol/m²/s) 451 434 305 339 470 508 Soil moisture (volume %) 34.7 36.4 36.1 33.2 28.1 25.2 pH 7.3 7.1 7.2 7.4 7.3 7.3

In North America, bishop's goutweed is associated with anthropogenically influenced habitats like roadsides and the sides of buildings [74,76]. In Canada, bishop's goutweed has escaped cultivation primarily to roadsides and "waste places" in southwestern British Columbia and from southern Manitoba to Nova Scotia [62,75]. Bishop's goutweed occurs in grasslands, forests, roadsides, "waste places", and gardens in the upper Great Lakes region [15] and in Michigan, it occurs on forest borders [92]. On 1 site in Illinois, it occurred in a shaded ravine [82]. In Connecticut, bishop's goutweed occurs in floodplains and on the edges of wildlands (review by [13]). In Vermont it occurs in riparian and upland forests (review by [91]), and in Massachusetts it occurs on uplands, wetlands, and on floodplains (review by [95]). In North Carolina and South Carolina, the all-green type of bishop's goutweed occurs on the edges of bogs [71].

Bishop's goutweed occurs on similar sites throughout Europe. It occurs in managed or abandoned grasslands [83,84] or in fields where mowing or grazing has occurred [26,65,66]. Its occurrence has been associated with gardens [6]. It occurs in wildlands, especially in open forests, forest edges [39,67,83,88], and riparian areas [83,88].

Substrate: In regions outside North America, bishop's goutweed is considered a nitrophilous species ([42,53,83,88], Ellenberg 1979 cited in [22]). Soil pH, however, may influence bishop's goutweed's distribution more than nitrogen concentrations [23,90].

Available evidence from Europe indicates that bishop's goutweed occurs in soil pH ranging from 3.1 [24] to 9 [94], but several publications indicate it is most commonly found in weakly acidic [23,24,33,61,66] to weakly basic soils ([49,102], Ellenberg and others 1992 cited in [89]). In Sweden, bishop's goutweed occurred in a forest on sites with soil pH from 4.0 to 7.0. Over a 30- to 35-year period, bishop's goutweed cover increased more rapidly on sites where pH was >6.5 than in more acidic soils [22]. In a greenhouse, bishop's goutweed occurred in soil pH ranging from 3.17 to 4.5 but was most frequent on soils in the higher portion of that range (less acidic) [23]. In Britain, bishop's goutweed's nitrogen uptake was greatest in soils of pH 7 [3]. Two publications from Europe indicate that bishop's goutweed occurs on limestone [49,93].

Information on other substrate characteristics associated with bishop's goutweed is patchy. In Belgium, bishop's goutweed occurred in a flat, low-lying forest on sandy loam and silty loam. A layer of sandy clay occurred at approximately a 3-foot (1 m) depth and impeded drainage [90]. In Sweden, bishop's goutweed occurred in soils covered with a thin layer of litter that persisted from autumn to spring and decomposed by summer. There was no or only a thin layer of humus below the litter layer [21].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Impacts and Control ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cover, invasive species, natural, nonnative species, prescribed fire, rhizome, seed, shrub, tree

Impacts: Reports on bishop's goutweed's impacts in North America are limited and anecdotal in nature. Reviews have described bishop's goutweed as an "aggressive" invader in the upper Great Lakes region [15], Vermont [91], and Massachusetts [55]. In New England, bishop's goutweed persists in wildlands and is locally abundant (review by [13]). It is considered invasive in northern Illinois [37] and Massachusetts [95]. The most detailed information comes from Vermont, where bishop's goutweed threatens forested and open areas and dominates the ground layer in some areas. It is a particular threat to native vegetation in floodplain forests (review by [91]). Reports on bishop's goutweed's impacts in Canada vary. Catling [11] considers bishop's goutweed to be a high-priority nonnative species in need of control because of its "major impacts" to wildlands in Canada. Others [62,97] consider bishop's goutweed a minor threat to native plant communities in Canada; however, White [97] cautioned that it may become locally abundant.

Bishop's goutweed invades native ecosystems outside North America (review by [72]). In the United Kingdom, it is considered a nuisance species [16]. A review from Australia describes bishop's goutweed as the "worst" of garden weeds. It spreads rapidly under favorable growing conditions; a single plant can cover an area of 10 feet² (3 m²) in 1 year [2].

Control: Regardless of what control method is employed, control of bishop's goutweed may be complicated by its rhizomatous nature. Reviews indicate that sprouting occurs if any rhizomes remain [95].

All-green bishop's goutweed may be more persistent [74] and spread more rapidly than variegated bishop's goutweed (see Seedling establishment and plant growth), making the all-green type particularly difficult to control [79].

Fire: As of this writing (2009), no information was available on the use of prescribed fire to control this species.

Prevention: It is commonly argued that the most cost-efficient and effective method of managing invasive species is to prevent their establishment and spread by maintaining "healthy" natural communities [51,78] (e.g., avoid road building in wildlands [85]) and by monitoring several times each year [38]. Preventing the establishment and spread of bishop's goutweed may be facilitated by preventing its escape from cultivation. One review from the upper Great Lakes region recommended planting bishop's goutweed only on sites not adjacent to wildlands and in gardens where root spread can be restricted (e.g., between a sidewalk and a house) (review by [15]).

Cultural control: No information was available as of this writing (2009).

Physical or mechanical control: A couple of reviews recommend hand pulling, raking, and digging followed up by monitoring to control bishop's goutweed [2,95]; however, caution must be taken to remove the entire rhizome and root system (reviews by [2,15,95]). Removing flowers before seed set may help control bishop's goutweed (reviews by [2,15]). Because bishop's goutweed's starch reserves are typically depleted by spring, Meyer [56] speculated that bishop's goutweed might be killed if it was prevented from photosynthesizing in the spring. Tree and shrub cutting, root trenching [102], hay making [26], and cattle grazing [65,66] may also reduce bishop's goutweed cover, but these methods have been developed for agricultural fields and may not be applicable to wildlands.

Biological control: No information was available as of this writing (2009).

Chemical control: One review from the Great Lakes region indicated that glyphosate could be applied to bishop's goutweed's foliage in spring or summer [15], but details on its effectiveness where not provided.

Integrated management: Attempts to combine herbicide with landscape cloth, bark mulch, and hand weeding to control bishop's goutweed in a garden were unsuccessful because sprouting occurred from either rhizomes or root fragments left in the soil (review by [13]).
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Importance to Livestock and Wildlife ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: cover

As of this writing (2009), little was known about bishop's goutweed's IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE in North America. The flowers of the Apiaceae family as a whole attract numerous insects with their nectar ([9], review by [103]). In Russia, bishop's goutweed is one of the most common plants and a "basic" source of nectar (review by [63]). In Switzerland, bishop's goutweed was 1 of only 2 plants out of 11 tested that were considered an "optimal" food source for parasitic wasps that have an important agricultural role [93]. In Sweden, 2 beetle species known to pollinate other plants were found on bishop's goutweed during anthesis [19]. In Poland, a patch of bishop's goutweed was completely eaten by a slug (Arion lusitanicus) [44].

Palatability and/or nutritional value: No information is available on this topic.

Cover value: In the Netherlands, a snail (Cepaea nemoralis) was found on bishop's goutweed leaves but did not eat them [99].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Key Plant Community Associations ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: codominant, cover, cover type, forbs, forest, grassland, hardwood, herbaceous, woodland

Little is known about bishop's goutweed's plant associates in North America, particularly where it may be most invasive. In Illinois [82] and the Northeast [28,76,91], bishop's goutweed occasionally occurs in wildlands. In Vermont, bishop's goutweed occurs in upland hardwood forests [91]. At one location in northern Illinois, bishop's goutweed occurred with boxelder (Acer negundo), slippery elm (U. rubra), black walnut (Juglans nigra), black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis), bristly greenbrier (Smilax tamnoides), great ragweed (Ambrosia trifida), eastern waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginianum), and woodland lettuce (Lactuca floridana), and [82]. Based on its plant community associates in Europe, in North America bishop's goutweed may potentially occur in deciduous and coniferous woodland or forest communities and in plant communities with tall herbs.

Information from Europe indicates that bishop's goutweed most commonly occurs in deciduous woodlands and forests [21,24,53,67,101,102], especially in riparian areas [98]. It also occurs in shrublands, wetlands [46], and grasslands [26]. It typically occurs in plant communities characterized by tall herbs [83,84,98]. Bishop's goutweed sometimes dominates or codominates the herbaceous layer in plant communities and is a characteristic species for some plant communities outside of North America. In Sweden, it is a characteristic species for 2 plant community types, both dominated by buttercup (Ranunculaceae) species [67]. In Germany, there is a bishop's goutweed cover type that contains other tall herbs such as nettle (Urtica spp.) [83,84]. In the Czech Republic, bishop's goutweed dominated an abandoned grassland with tall grasses and forbs such as colonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris), meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), red fescue (Festuca rubra), and white bedstraw (Galium album) [26] and was codominant in a nitrophilous (species that prefer sites rich in nitrogen) plant community with stinging nettle (U. dioica) that occurs on anthropogenically altered sites (e.g., along roads, hedges, walls) [42]. In Estonia, bishop's goutweed dominates a wetland community type [46].

Throughout its European range, bishop's goutweed occurs with a mix of deciduous trees that include ash (Fraxinus spp.) [53,67,84,102], oak (Quercus spp.) [21,24,53,67,101,102], beech (Fagus spp.) [24,33,49,67], maple (Acer spp.) [33,84,101], and elm (Ulmus spp.) [33]. It also occurs in coniferous forests. In Norway, bishop's goutweed occurred at the edge of a spruce (Picea spp.) forest bordered by a meadow [32] and in Russia, it occurred in a Norway spruce forest (P. abies) with either European aspen (Populus tremula) or littleleaf linden (Tilia cordata) [54]. In much of its northern European range, bishop's goutweed occurs in woodlands and shrublands characterized by willow (Salix spp.) [20,77], birch (Betula spp.) [20,77,101], common filbert (Corylus avellana) [33,53,101,102], and alder (Alnus spp.) [20,33,45]. In Europe, bishop's goutweed occurs with various forbs and grasses including stinging nettle [6,33,83], Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) [6,60], bedstraw (Galium spp.) [26,84], and quackgrass (Elymus repens) [6,26,60].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Life Form ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: forb

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Other uses and values ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the term: cover

In North America, bishop's goutweed has been used as a ground cover (reviews by [13,95]).

Extracts from bishop's goutweed's roots have been used worldwide for their purifying and antiinflammatory properties [7]. There is evidence it has been used for treatment of gout in the past [69].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Phenology ( الإنجليزية )

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Literature pertaining to bishop's goutweed's phenology is sparse and comes primarily from locations outside North America. A few North American floras have reported flowering periods for bishop's goutweed. In Illinois, bishop's goutweed flowers from May to August [58], and a review from the Great Lakes region states that bishop's goutweed blooms in June [15]. In the northeastern United States, bishop's goutweed flowers from July to August [76]. In Nova Scotia, bishop's goutweed flowers and fruits from June through July [74].

The remainder of information, primarily from Europe, suggests a phenology that begins in early spring with seedling emergence, stem growth, and leaf development and culminates with plant senescence in fall after the first frost. In a garden in Belgium, bishop's goutweed seedlings emerged throughout the spring, but most emergence occurred in March and April [88]. In an outdoor experiment in Japan, cotyledons emerged by late April [68]. In Europe, bishop's goutweed seeds germinated in May or early June, and cotyledons photosynthesized for 1 to 2 months before dying. Primary rosette shoots develop soon after the cotyledons die (review by [27]). In Italy, optimal stem growth of bishop's goutweed occurred after mid-April [1]. In Germany, bishop's goutweed leaves begin to develop in early spring but are not fully expanded until May, when anthesis begins. Leaves stay green until August, when they begin to yellow, but they do not die until the first frost [56]. In Australia, bishop's goutweed's flowering stems emerge in midsummer [2].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Pollination and breeding system ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: monocarpic, polycarpic

In Switzerland [93], bishop's goutweed is insect pollinated, and it may be insect pollinated throughout its range. Bishop's goutweed emits a "strong" fragrance [9] and contains nectar on its nondeciduous floral parts (i.e., sepals, receptacle, gynoecium) [80]. It contains a number of volatile compounds that are suspected to influence insect-plant interactions [9,63], particularly those between bees and nectar-bearing plants [63]. In Sweden, pollinating beetles visited bishop's goutweed plants with fully developed flowers [19], although it is unclear whether beetles were acting as pollinators or just visiting the plants.

Bishop's goutweed has been described as both monocarpic [9] and polycarpic [8], but no details were given on how these determinations were made.

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Regeneration Processes ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: breeding system, seed

Although bishop's goutweed produces by seed and rhizomes (review by [15]), reproduction from seed may be rare [6,101], especially in wild populations [59].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Seed banking ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cover, density, seed

Research pertaining to the longevity, density, and vertical distribution of bishop's goutweed seed in the soil seed bank is limited. Available evidence suggests that bishop's goutweed seeds form a seed bank, but seed longevity in the soil seed bank is unclear. In Denmark, 2 bishop's goutweed seedlings emerged from soil samples collected March to May at a depth of 3.9 inches (10 cm) [4]. In Poland, viable bishop's goutweed seed (collected to a 1.2-inch (3 cm) depth) occurred in an abandoned field, but bishop's goutweed did not occur in the aboveground vegetation until year 15 of the study [20]. Because bishop's goutweed does not likely have a long-range seed dispersal mechanism, it is possible bishop's goutweed established from soil-stored seed. In year 15, bishop's goutweed made up less than 10% of the aboveground vegetation cover [20]. Although bishop's goutweed's aboveground cover ranged from 11% to 50% over the next 5 years, no viable bishop's goutweed seeds were found in the soil seed bank after year 15 [20].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Seed dispersal ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: seed, umbel

Bishop's goutweed seed is dispersed by gravity [31,101], and a few bishop's goutweed seeds may be dispersed short distances by wind. In an experiment in the Netherlands, 12% of bishop's goutweed seeds disseminated when a ripe umbel was held up to a fan at wind speeds lower than 10 m/second. This compares with dissemination rates of 40% to 89% for other Apiaceae species tested. On a platform, bishop's goutweed seeds were dispersed up to 1.9 feet (0.58 m) at a wind speed of 3.7 m/second [39]. As of this writing (2009), no information is available on how animals may aid in the dispersal of bishop's goutweed seeds, but its seeds are ribbed [52,76], suggesting they might adhere to animal coats.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Seed production ( الإنجليزية )

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As of this writing (2009), no information is available on seed production in bishop's goutweed, but anecdotal evidence suggests bishop's goutweed may not be a prolific seed producer. Smirnova (review by [27]) indicated that bishop's goutweed only flowers and fruits on sunny sites. The flora of Nova Scotia [74] indicated that variegated bishop's goutweed plants rarely produce fruit.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Seedling establishment and plant growth ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: forest, rhizome, seed

Bishop's goutweed seedlings are most likely to establish and survive under the forest canopy on well-lit sites where ground disturbance has occurred (e.g., animal digging) and on sites void of other plants (review by [27]). Because recruitment from seed is seldom seen in wild populations [59], seedling establishment may be rare. Even seedlings establishing in sunlight may die the same year they emerge because they compete poorly for water and nutrients compared to surrounding mature plants (review by [27]).

Gastuk [27] provides a detailed review of the process of bishop's goutweed development. Experiments in Japan indicate that bishop's goutweed cotyledons emerge in early spring after snowmelt and quickly develop primary rosette shoots [68]. A review from Europe indicates that during the next 5 to 7 years, lateral roots sprout from the main root, and horizontal rhizomes develop from axillary buds on the primary rosette shoot. Plants may reach reproductive stage 5 to 7 years after germination (review by [27]). Growth may be more rapid for clones that maintain rhizome connections, because connections allow for resource sharing between ramets in the sun and ramets in the shade [59]. Mature plants grow "vigorously" but eventually show signs of senescence and transition to a "post reproductive period" (review by [27]).

Some [74,79] consider bishop's goutweed plants with all-green foliage more "vigorous", spreading more rapidly than the variegated type. Higher photosynthetic rates in all-green plants may account for differences in growth. In a nursery, photosynthetic rates for variegated and all-green bishop's goutweed plants were comparable in full sun. However, in shade, photosynthetic rates for the all-green type were more than 50% higher than rates for the variegated type [79].

الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Successional Status ( الإنجليزية )

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More info for the terms: cover, forest, seed, succession, woodland

Throughout its range, bishop's goutweed prefers partial shade ([18,28,79,88], reviews by [14,15]) but tolerates deep shade ([18,49,76,82], review by [55]) with up to 90% canopy cover [33].

Although bishop's goutweed has some attributes of early successional species (e.g., establishes on disturbed sites), available evidence suggests it is not typically associated with early succession. Bishop's goutweed has limited regeneration from seed and its seed dispersal may limit its ability to establish on new sites. In Canada, bishop's goutweed does not normally grow in full sun. Photosynthetic tissue of the all-green type may be harmed if exposed to full sunlight; however, tissue on variegated plants may not be affected [79]. One review from Massachusetts indicated that bishop's goutweed grows in full sunlight [55] but provided no further details on its growth potential on such sites. In a previously mowed meadow in Poland, bishop's goutweed did not establish until year 15 of a 20-year-study even though viable seeds were collected from the soil during previous years of the study. Bishop's goutweed established only after the meadow had transitioned to a willow scrub community with a high proportion of sedges (Carex spp.) [20]. In Germany, bishop's goutweed occurred only on the floor of a deciduous forest and not in a newly vegetated patch of ground with pioneer species [17].

Outside of North America, bishop's goutweed occurs in mid- [90,101] to late-successional stages ([77,101], De Keersmaeker and Muys 1995 cited in [89], Pysek 1977 cited in [70]), and based on its affinity for shade, it may occur in similar successional stages in North America. Bishop's goutweed's abundance tends to increase over time ([20,24,53], Pysek 1977 cited in [70]), and it may become more abundant in late succession. For example, bishop's goutweed was common in a 100- to 130-year-old German beech forest [49] and in Poland, it attained greatest cover on woodland sites in late succession [100].

Verheyen and Hermy [89] speculated that bishop's goutweed's occurrence may only be moderately correlated with forest age (r² =0.51). Other factors, such as habitat quality, pH [89], nitrogen availability [24], and distance to an undisturbed population of bishop's goutweed [89], may influence the distribution of bishop's goutweed more than forest age.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Synonyms ( الإنجليزية )

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Aegopodium podagraria var. podagraria [71]

Aegopodium podagraria var. variegatum Bailey [40,71]
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Taxonomy ( الإنجليزية )

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The scientific name of bishop's goutweed is Aegopodium podagraria L. (Apiaceae) [40].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Vegetative regeneration ( الإنجليزية )

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Population expansion of bishop's goutweed likely occurs primarily by vegetative means [6,101] from rhizomes (see Botanical description). Its vegetative reproduction has been described as "vigorous" [76]. It can produce new ramets from even small segments of rhizomes (review by [13]). Dense shading does not appear to restrict vegetative regeneration [101]. Two reviews recommend digging up bishop's goutweed's entire root system to control bishop's goutweed [2,15], but provided no details on the root sprouting capabilities of bishop's goutweed other than adding that the root system could be "rejuvenated" if not entirely removed [15].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Waggy, Melissa, A. 2010. Aegopodium podagraria. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/aegpod/all.html
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Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من North American Flora
Aegopodium podagraria L-. Sp. PI. 265. 1753
Liguslicum Podagraria Crantz, Stirp. Austr. 3: 84. 1767.
Seseli Aegopodium Scop. Fl. Cam. ed. 2. 1: 215. 1772.
Slum Podagraria Weber; Wiggers, Prim. Fl. Holsat. 24. 1780.
Podagraria Aegopodium Moench, Meth. 90. 1794.
Sison Podagraria Spreng. Umbell. Prodr. 35. 1813.
Pimpinella Podagraria Lestib. f. Bot. Belg. 2: 269. 1827.
Carum Podagraria Roth, Enum. PI. Germ. 1: 946. 1827.
Apium Podagraria Caruel in Pari. Fl. Ital. 8: 467. 1889.
Selinum Podagraria E. H. L. Krause in Sturm, Fl. Deuts. ed. 2. 12: 57. 1904. Erect, alternately branching above, 4.5-9 dm. high, glabrous throughout; leaves deltoid in general outline, excluding the petioles 3-20 cm. long. 3-30 cm. broad, the leaflets 2.5-8 cm. long, 1-4 cm. broad, acute to acuminate at the apex, rounded, caudate, or decurrent at the base, sessile to short-petiolulate, the margins sharply mucronate-dentate; petioles 3-6 dm. long, slightly sheathing at the base; cauline leaves reduced upwards, usually ternate, subsessile with conspicuous sheaths; peduncles terminal, 5-30 cm. long, exceeding the leaves; rays 15-25, ascending, subequal, 1.5-7 cm. long; pedicels 1-7 mm. long; fruit oblong-ovoid, rounded at the apex and base, 3-4 mm. long, 1.5-3 mm. broad, glabrous, the ribs filiform, inconspicuous.
Type locality: "In Europa ad sepes inque pomariis," collector unknown.
Distribution: Eurasia; introduced in waste places: Quebec, eastern Massachusetts, south to central Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Albert Charles Smith, Mildred Esther Mathias, Lincoln Constance, Harold William Rickett. 1944-1945. UMBELLALES and CORNALES. North American flora. vol 28B. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Aegopodium podagraria ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Aegopodium ye una especie de planta melecinal perteneciente a la familia Apiaceae. Ye orixinaria d'Eurasia.



Tien un color variáu de verde y blancu que dacuando se vuelve verde dientro d'un parche. Les flores son pequeñes, de color blancu, con cinco pétalos y salen percima de les fueyes, en grupos planos.

Forma parches trupos y ye considerada como una amenaza ecolóxica, ye invasivo y amenorga la diversidá d'especies na capa de suelu. Por esti motivu utilízase, de cutiu, pal caltenimientu de la cubierta vexetal.


Principio activos

Contién Vitamina C (fueyes)


Utilízase como sedante, diuréticu (frutos), arumosu, estimulante, escuédigu, vulnerario. Usáu pal reuma y la gota, varices, enfermedaes de la piel. Los frutos en fervinchu o cocimientu usar pa enfermedaes intestinales, renales o de la vesícula.[1]

Preparación, Recetes

Utilizense les fueyes fresques pa la gota y seques en fervinchu pa la reuma. Les fueyes esmagayaes pueden emplegase pa enfrescar la piel tres la picadura d'inseutos. Les fueyes fresques cortaes finamente con carne picao y puré d'avena pa facilitar la dixestión.[1]


Aegopodium podagraria ye nativa d'Europa y Asia.


Aegopodium podagraria describióse por Carlos Linneo y espublizóse en Species Plantarum 2: 265. 1753.[2]


Aegopodium: nome xenéricu que deriva de les pallabres griegues: αἴγειος (Aigeos = "cabra") y πούς-ποδός (pous-podos = "pie") y refierse a la forma de les fueyes, que recuerda a un pie de cabra.

podagraria: epítetu


Ver tamién

Nome común

  • Castellanu: pie de cabra, podagraria, yerba de San Gerardo.[5]


Ver tamién


  1. 1,0 1,1 «Aegopodium podagraria». Plantes útiles: Linneo. Consultáu'l 13 d'ochobre de 2009.
  2. «Aegopodium podagraria». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 16 d'ochobre de 2012.
  3. Aegopodium podagraria en PlantList
  4. Sinónimos en Tela Botánico
  5. «Aegopodium podagraria». Real Xardín Botánicu: Proyeutu Anthos. Consultáu'l 13 d'ochobre de 2009.


  1. Bailey, L.H. & Y.Z. Bailey. 1976. Hortus Third i–xiv, 1–1290. MacMillan, New York.
  2. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
  3. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Choripetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 2. 655 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. O.S.. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
  4. Gleason, H. A. & A.J. Cronquist. 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.Y. O.S. (ed. 2) i–910. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
  5. Radford, A. Y., H. Y. Ahles & C. R. Bell. 1968. Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas i–lxi, 1–1183. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
  6. Scoggan, H. J. 1979. Dicotyledoneae (Loasaceae to Compositae). Part 4. 1117–1711 pp. In Fl. Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa.
  7. Small, J. K. 1933. Man. S.Y. Fl. i–xxii, 1–1554. Published by the Author, New York. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  8. Voss, Y. G. 1985. Michigan Flora. Part II Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. 59. xix + 724.

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Aegopodium ye una especie de planta melecinal perteneciente a la familia Apiaceae. Ye orixinaria d'Eurasia.

 src= Ilustración  src= Tarmos  src= Protomyces macrosporus na planta.  src= Fueyes
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Aegopodium podagraria ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Aegopodium podagraria és una espècie de planta apiàcia perenne que creix en llocs a l'ombra. És l'espècie tipus del gènere Aegopodium. És planta nativa d'Euràsia i ha estat introduïda arreu del món com planta ornamental, de vegades es considera planta invasora exòtica.[1]

També es troba en els Països Catalans


A. podagraria arriba a fer 100 cm d'alt i té rizomes. les seves flors són blanques i disposades en umbel·la terminal.[2]

Ús ornamental

La forma variegada és cultiva com planta ornamental.

Ús alimentari i medicinal

Les fulles tendres són comestibles[3]

Com medicinal s'ha usat contra la gota i artritis. Ingerides, les fulles són laxants i lleugerament sedants, El seu ús medicinal està en declivi. Aquesta planta es troba asilvestrada en els voltants de molts monestirs antics i Hildegard von Bingen l'anomenava Physica.


  1. «Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group: Goutweed».
  2. Webb, D.A., Parnell, J. and Doogue, D. 1996. An Irish Flora. Dundalgan Press Ltd, Dundalk. ISBN 0-85221-131-7
  3. «Ground Elder - Bishops Weed (Aegopodium podagraria)». Edible Plants, 2009. [Consulta: 15 febrer 2010].

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Aegopodium podagraria és una espècie de planta apiàcia perenne que creix en llocs a l'ombra. És l'espècie tipus del gènere Aegopodium. És planta nativa d'Euràsia i ha estat introduïda arreu del món com planta ornamental, de vegades es considera planta invasora exòtica.

També es troba en els Països Catalans

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Llysiau'r gymalwst ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Planhigyn blodeuol ydy Llysiau'r gymalwst sy'n enw lluosog. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Apiaceae yn y genws Aegopodium. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Aegopodium podagraria a'r enw Saesneg yw Ground-elder. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Llys y gymalwst, Dail yr esgob, Llysiau'r droedwst, Llysiau'r gymalwst, Pla'r amaethwr a Throed yr afr.

Mae'r dail gyferbyn a'i gilydd ac mae gan y blodyn 5 petal.

Gweler hefyd


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Llysiau'r gymalwst: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Planhigyn blodeuol ydy Llysiau'r gymalwst sy'n enw lluosog. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Apiaceae yn y genws Aegopodium. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Aegopodium podagraria a'r enw Saesneg yw Ground-elder. Ceir enwau Cymraeg eraill ar y planhigyn hwn gan gynnwys Llys y gymalwst, Dail yr esgob, Llysiau'r droedwst, Llysiau'r gymalwst, Pla'r amaethwr a Throed yr afr.

Mae'r dail gyferbyn a'i gilydd ac mae gan y blodyn 5 petal.

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Bršlice kozí noha ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Bršlice kozí noha (Aegopodium podagraria), známá též jako kerhák, pěťour, kerhátek či husí packa[1], je plevel z čeledi miříkovitých, který činí potíže zejména na zanedbaných zahradách. Mimo to jde o nitrofilní rostlinu prosazující se v podrostu smíšených a listnatých lesů, lužních lesů a stinných pasekách.

Vzhled rostliny

Bršlice kozí noha vytváří rozsáhlou síť oddenků s vysokou regenerační schopností, které navíc slouží jako prostředek vegetativního rozmnožování. (Při rytí je třeba oddenky z půdy vybírat, jinak rostliny vyrostou znovu). Jde o vytrvalou rostlinu – první rok vytváří přízemní růžici listů a kořenový systém, další vyžene až 100 cm dlouhou dutou, hranatou a rýhovanou lodyhu, na konci chudě větvenou. Listy jsou 1× až 2× trojčetné, podlouhle vejčité a ostře pilovité. Lodyžní listy jsou střídavé. Květenství je uspořádáno do strukturovaného okolíku – terminální okolík a postranní okolíčky prvního řádu jsou složeny z oboupohlavních květů, okolíčky druhého řádu tvoří samčí květy. Květy mají asi 3 mm v průměru, okvětní lístky jsou bílé. Plody jsou dvounažky.


Rostlina je využívána jako léčivá, sbírá se oddenek a listí. Obklad z listí má zklidňující účinek, používal se mimo jiné při dně nohou (viz jméno: dna = podagra) a dalších bolestivých onemocněních.

Použití v kuchyni

Rostlina má vysoký obsah vitamínu C a její listí bylo občas používáno na saláty a zeleninovou polévku.



  1. Kozí noha neboli husí packa. www.bioteta.cz [online]. [cit. 2019-04-07]. Dostupné online.

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Bršlice kozí noha: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Bršlice kozí noha (Aegopodium podagraria), známá též jako kerhák, pěťour, kerhátek či husí packa, je plevel z čeledi miříkovitých, který činí potíže zejména na zanedbaných zahradách. Mimo to jde o nitrofilní rostlinu prosazující se v podrostu smíšených a listnatých lesů, lužních lesů a stinných pasekách.

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Skvalderkål ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA

Skvalderkål (Aegopodium podagraria) er en 30-100 cm høj flerårig urt med tæppedannende vækst.


De grundstillede blade er 2-3 dobbelt fjersnitdelte og uligefinnede. Småbladene er skævt hjerteformede med skarpt savtakket rand. Oversiden er mat mørkegrøn, mens undersiden er noget lysere. Stængelbladene er trekoblede med noget mere smalle småblade.

Blomstringen sker i juni-august, hvor de små, hvide blomster ses samlede i skærme, der atter danner større, endestillede skærme på særlige stængler. Frøene modner godt og spirer (for) villigt.

Rodnettet består af trævlerødder, der sidder på lange, forgrenede jordstængler. Jordstænglerne bærer desuden både grundstillede blade og bladbærende blomsterstængler.
Højde x bredde og årlig tilvækst: 0,5 x 2 m (50 x 20 cm/år).


Indikatorværdier Skvalderkål L = 5 T = 5 K = 3 F = 6 R = 7 N = 8

Planten er almindeligt naturaliseret her i landet.

Den stammer fra skovbunden i Central- og Østeuropæiske løvskove, hvor den foretrækker voksesteder i halvskygge og med en jordbund, som er fugtig og næringsrig, dvs. muldbund. Under disse forhold danner plantesamfund i skovbryn, læhegn, plantager, hække og på grøftekanter sammen med f.eks. majblomst, angelik, fruebær, skovpadderok og vårfladbælg.

I Tjekkiet findes mange områder med høj grundvandstand. Det ses langs floder og vandløb og i kildeområder i 150-530 m.o.h. Her er busklaget veludviklet, og her vokser arten sammen med bl.a. almindelig ask, almindelig guldstjerne, almindelig hyld, almindelig hæg, gul anemone, hulrodet lærkespore, hvid anemone, navr, plettet tvetand, skovstilkaks, skærmelm, småbladet elm, stilkeg, stor nælde og vorterod[1]


De lange, forgrenede jordstængler, som bevarer overlevelsesevnen selv i bittesmå stykker gør Skvalderkål til et frygtet ukrudt. Dertil kommer, at planten er svær at bekæmpe ved skygning fra andre planter på grund af dens skovbundsniche.


Planten er spiselig, og de unge skud er ganske velsmagende i f.eks. salater. Hele planten har en svagt krydret lugt og smag. Den blev tidligere anset for et virksomt middel mod gigt, især podagra – deraf navnet "podagraria".

Skvalderkål kan bruges til farvning af uldgarn. Farven kan forventes at blive lys strå-gul (grumset gullig) eller lys gul-grøn på alunbejdset uldgarn.


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Skvalderkål: Brief Summary ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA

Skvalderkål (Aegopodium podagraria) er en 30-100 cm høj flerårig urt med tæppedannende vækst.

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Giersch ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Giersch (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.

Gewöhnlicher Giersch (Aegopodium podagraria) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Aegopodium in der Familie der Doldenblütler (Apiaceae). Sie ist die einzige in Europa vorkommende Aegopodium-Art. Giersch gilt allgemein als lästiges Unkraut; er wuchert und lässt sich wegen seiner unterirdischen Triebe nur schwer bekämpfen. Andererseits ist Giersch ein wohlschmeckendes Wildgemüse.


Doppeldoldiger Blütenstand
Gefiedertes Laubblatt

Vegetative Merkmale

Der Giersch wächst als ausdauernde krautige Pflanze und erreicht Wuchshöhen von 30 bis 100 Zentimeter. Da der Giersch aus einem stark wuchernden Rhizom entspringt, können die Ausläufer Kolonien bilden. Der kahle Stängel ist kennzeichnend kantig-gefurcht.[1]

Die wechselständig am Stängel angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Die Blattspreite ist doppelt dreizählig oder zweifach gefiedert. Die Fiederblätter sind eiförmig-länglich und besitzen einen gesägten Rand. Die Fiedern 1. Ordnung sind oft nur zweispaltig.[1]

Generative Merkmale

Der doppeldoldige Blütenstand ist flach und 12- bis 25-strahlig.[1] Es fehlen sowohl Hüllblätter als auch die Hüllchenblätter.[1] Die unscheinbaren, weißen Blüten sind zwittrig und fünfzählig. Die Blütezeit reicht meist von Juni bis Juli.

Die ungeflügelte kümmelähnliche, zweiteilige Spaltfrucht, auch Doppelachäne genannt, ist bei einer Länge von 3 bis 4 Millimeter eiförmig.

Die Art hat die Chromosomenzahl 2n = 42, 44 oder 22.[2]


Der Giersch ist ein Hemikryptophyt. Mit unterirdischen Ausläufern verbreiten sich einzelne Pflanzen binnen weniger Jahre über große Flächen. Vegetative Vermehrung ist vorherrschend, sie erfolgt durch die weithin und tief kriechenden, weißen, brüchigen, unterirdischen Ausläufer, die eine Mindestlänge von 20 cm und einen Durchmesser von 2 mm erreichen.[3] Er wurzelt bis 50 Zentimeter tief.[2]

Die bodennahen Blätter überdauern in milden Wintern; der Giersch ist damit teilwintergrün.[3] Blütenökologisch handelt es sich um „Nektar führende Scheibenblumen vom Heracleum-Typ“.[3] Spezielle Ausbreitungsmechanismen sind nicht bekannt; es findet aber unbeabsichtigte Ausbreitung durch den Menschen statt.[3]

Der Giersch wird vom Rostpilz Puccinia aegopodii mit Telien befallen.[4] Der Pilz Protomyces macrosporus erzeugt Gallen an Blattstielen und -nerven.[5] Der Blattfloh Trioza flavipennis verursacht ebenfalls Pflanzengallen.[6]


Der Giersch ist in fast ganz Europa und den gemäßigt-kontinentalen Gebieten des eurasischen Laubwaldgürtels verbreitet. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Europa, die Türkei, den Kaukasusraum, Kasachstan, Kirgisistan und Sibirien.[7] In Nordamerika wurde er eingeschleppt. Er liebt stickstoffreiche Böden und tritt häufig in Gärten, schattig-feuchten Gebüschen und Wäldern auf. Er gedeiht auf grundfrischen oder sickerfrischen, nährstoffreichen und basenreichen, lockeren, tiefgründigen, mild bis mäßig sauren, humosen Ton- und Lehmböden.[2] Er ist eine schwache Charakterart des Urtico-Aegopodietum, kommt aber in Mitteleuropa auch in Gesellschaften des Convolvulion, Alno-Ulmion oder feuchter Querco-Fagetea vor.[2]

Er steigt in den Allgäuer Alpen im Tiroler Teil im Höhenbachtal, nahe der Vorderen Schochenalpe, bis 1360 Meter über Meereshöhe auf.[8]

Giersch-Bestand am Wegesrand


Im Mittelalter, aber auch in neuerer Zeit wurde Giersch als Gemüse wie auch als Heilpflanze angebaut.

Traditionelle Heilpflanze

Der Trivialname Podagrakraut oder Zipperleinskraut weist darauf hin, dass Giersch als ein Mittel gegen Gicht galt. Er soll auch gegen Rheuma und Arthritis, krampflösend, entgiftend und blutreinigend wirken. Da keine Belege für die genannten Indikationen gefunden wurden, wird der Giersch in neuen Arzneibüchern nicht mehr aufgeführt.[9]


Im Gegensatz zu allen ungenießbaren, ähnlich aussehenden Pflanzen haben die Blätter des Giersch einen dreikantigen Stiel

Roh erinnert Giersch in Geruch und Geschmack ein wenig an Petersilie gemischt mit dem harzigen Aroma einer Mango, gekocht hingegen an Spinat. Da Giersch im Gegensatz zu den meisten Gemüsesorten über viele Monate zur Verfügung steht und nur geringe Ansprüche an Boden, Wasser und Lichtversorgung stellt, sicherte er beispielsweise während der Weltkriege vielen Menschen die Vitaminzufuhr.

Die jungen, grünen Blätter enthalten (je 100 g) etwa: 200 mg Vitamin C, 5 mg Carotin, 130 mg Calcium, 5 mg Magnesium, 3 mg Eisen und 2 mg Kupfer.[10]

Giersch kann als Salat oder Gemüse zubereitet werden. Als Salat eignen sich vor allem die jungen, kaum entfalteten Blätter. Rohe Blätter können auch in Aufstriche und Suppen gegeben werden. Nach der Blüte wird der Geschmack kräftiger und eine leicht abführende Wirkung kann eintreten. Durch das Entfernen der Blüten kann dies teilweise verhindert werden. Ältere Blätter eignen sich als Tee oder zum Kochen bzw. Dünsten. Die bitteren Stiele sind zäh und sollten entfernt werden.

Beim Sammeln ist eine Verwechslung mit ungenießbaren und giftigen Arten, wie Gefleckter Schierling oder Breitblättriger Merk, zu vermeiden. Giersch lässt sich gut am dreikantigen Blattstiel erkennen, wobei eine Kante abgerundet und die gegenüberliegende Seite konkav eingezogen ist.

Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen fressen den Giersch sehr gerne.


Rhizome mit Neuaustrieben
Die Reaktion von Giersch auf das Besprühen mit einer Lösung von Maleinsäurehydrazid und Pelargonsäure im 100 fachen Zeitraffer.

„Im Kampf gegen den Giersch zeigt sich die Vergeblichkeit des menschlichen Tuns.“[11] Auch wenn die Wurzeln gehackt werden, regeneriert sich die Pflanze meist schnell. Herkömmliche, für Haus- und Kleingärten zugelassene Herbizide sind gegen Giersch weitgehend wirkungslos, da sie nicht das gesamte Wurzelwerk vernichten.[12] Auch Glyphosat vernichtet Giersch nicht vollständig. Nach etwa zwei Jahren Abdeckung sind die Pflanzen abgestorben – nicht jedoch die Samen. Giersch kann durch jahrelange regelmäßige Entfernung der Blätter so geschwächt werden, bis er abstirbt. Kartoffeln können den Giersch unterdrücken, da sie schneller wachsen und ihm Licht und Nährstoffe nehmen.

Im Handel sind Wachstumsregulatoren auf der Basis von Maleinsäurehydrazid und Pelargonsäure, die speziell zur Bekämpfung von Giersch angeboten werden.[13][14]


Der botanische Gattungsname Aegopodium leitet sich ab von griechisch αἰγοπόδης aigopódēs „ziegenfüßig“ (von αἴξ aix [Gen. αἰγός aigós] „Ziege“ und πούς pous [Gen. ποδός podós] „Fuß“), und bezieht sich auf die Gestalt der Blätter, die an einen Ziegenfuß erinnern. Das Artepitheton podagraria weist darauf hin, dass diese Pflanzenart seit Jahrhunderten in der Volksmedizin zur Linderung der Schmerzen bei Rheumatismus und Gicht (Podagra) Verwendung fand.

Trivialnamen für den Giersch sind Dreiblatt, Geißfuß, Ziegenkraut, Schettele, Zaungiersch, Baumtropf. Weil die Blätter dem Hollerbusch (Holunder) ähneln, wird er auch Wiesenholler genannt. Regional sind folgende Bezeichnungen gebräuchlich: Ackerholler (Kärnten), Erdholler oder Wilder Holler (Steiermark, Nordbaden), Angelken (Norddithmarschen), Bomkraut (hochdeutsch Baumkraut; von den starken Verwurzlungen), Oberschwäbische Alb, Baumtropfe (Aargau, Bern, Zürich), Baumtröpfli (Aargau, Bern, Zürich), Cheeßeln [(ch wie in ich) Uslar, Ostfalen], Dreifuss (Daun, Eifel), Kleine wilde Engelwurz, Fearkenfaite (in der Bedeutung von „Ferkelfüsse“) (Iserlohn), Gäse (Grafschaft Mark), Gese (Grafschaft Mark), Garta (Iborig, St. Gallen), Geersch (Pommern), Geerseln (Unterweser), Geesche (Braunschweig), Geesel (Unterweser), Geeske (Ostfriesland), Geesekohl (Hümmling), Geisfüssel, Geisfuss, Gere (Berg), Gerhardskraut, Gerisch (Mark Brandenburg), Gersse, Gerzel (Altmark), Gesch (Mecklenburg), Geseln (Göttingen), Gezeln (Göttingen), Geszenkielm (Marsburg), Gierisch (Schlesien), Giers (Mecklenburg), Gierts (Mecklenburg), Giersa, Gierschke, Giersick, Giersig (Schlesien), Giesseln (Unterweser), Girsch (Ulm), Girschke, Gösch (Lübeck, Mecklenburg), Griessbart (Schlesien), Gurisch (Leipzig), Gysch, Härsch (Ostfriesland), Hasenschätteln (Memmingen), Hasenscherteln (Augsburg), Heerke (Unterweser), Heersch (Dithmarschen, Oldenburg), Herske (Ostfriesland), Hinfuss (Ulm), Hinlauf, Hirs (Mecklenburg), Jesche (Fallersleben), Jessel, Jorisquek (Hamburg), Jörsquek (Holstein), Jörs (Holstein, Lübeck), Jösk (Mecklenburg), Jürs (Mecklenburg), Kaninchenfutter oder Karnickelfutter (Erfurter Umgebung), Krafues (Kärnten), Krahhaxen (Steiermark), Maienkraut (Bern), Negenstärke, Nebensterke, Podagramskraut, Rutzitzke (Niederlausitz), Schnäggachrut (St. Gallen), Strenzel, Wasserkraut (Kärnten), Wetscherlewetsch, Witscherlenwertsch (Ulm), Wuchchrut (Appenzell, Oberrheintal), Wuttscherch (Oberlausitz), Wilde Angelika (Ulm), Ziegenkraut (Leipzig), Zipperleinskraut, Zipperlikraut (Bern).[15]


Der Lyriker und Leipziger Buchpreisträger von 2015 Jan Wagner widmete in den Regentonnenvariationen dem Giersch ein Gedicht.[16]


  • Heinz Ellenberg: Vegetation Mitteleuropas und der Alpen, UTB, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 3-8001-3430-6
  • Manfred A. Fischer, Karl Oswald, Wolfgang Adler: Exkursionsflora für Österreich, Liechtenstein und Südtirol. 3., verbesserte Auflage. Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, Linz 2008, ISBN 978-3-85474-187-9.
  • Elisabeth Mayer: Wildfrüchte, Wildgemüse, Wildkräuter. Stocker, 2001, ISBN 3-7020-0835-7, Seite 38–40.
  • Giersch. FloraWeb.de (Abschnitt Beschreibung)
  • Eckehart J. Jäger (Hrsg.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Springer Spektrum, 21. Auflage, 2016, ISBN 978-3662497074.


  1. a b c d Giersch. FloraWeb.de
  2. a b c d Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. 8. Auflage. Stuttgart, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, 2001. Seite 711–712. ISBN 3-8001-3131-5
  3. a b c d Ruprecht Düll, Herfried Kutzelnigg: Taschenlexikon der Pflanzen Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder. Die häufigsten mitteleuropäischen Arten im Porträt. 7., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2011, ISBN 978-3-494-01424-1.
  4. Peter Zwetko: Die Rostpilze Österreichs. Supplement und Wirt-Parasit-Verzeichnis zur 2. Auflage des Catalogus Florae Austriae, III. Teil, Heft 1, Uredinales. (PDF; 1,8 MB).
  5. Hermann Roß: Praktikum der Gallenkunde "Cecidologie". Springer-Verlag, 2013 - 314 Seiten; Seite 29. Online
  6. Trioza flavipennis auf Psyl'list, abgerufen am 29. Januar 2015.
  7. Aegopodium im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 8. Mai 2018.
  8. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 2, IHW, Eching 2004, ISBN 3-930167-61-1, S. 274.
  9. Ingrid und Peter Schönfelder: Das neue Handbuch der Heilpflanzen, Franckh-Kosmos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011, ISBN 3-440-09387-5
  10. Waldemar Ternes, Alfred Täufel, Lieselotte Tunger, Martin Zobel (Hrsg.): Lebensmittel-Lexikon. 4., umfassend überarbeitete Auflage. Behr, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-89947-165-2, S. 701 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
  11. Susanne Wiborg: Unkraut gewinnt. Die Zeit, 9. Juni 2005, abgerufen am 4. Juli 2015.
  12. Folkert Siemens: Giersch erfolgreich bekämpfen. In: Mein schöner Garten. Burda Senator Verlag GmbH, 8. April 2009, abgerufen am 18. April 2013.
  13. Finalsan® Konzentrat GierschFrei. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) In: neudorff.de. Archiviert vom Original am 17. Juni 2015; abgerufen am 4. Juni 2015.  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.neudorff.de
  14. Pflanzenschutzmittel Wirkstoff Maleinsäurehydrazid. In: proplanta.de. Abgerufen am 4. Juni 2015.
  15. Carl Jessen: Die deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen, Verlag von Philipp Cohen Hannover 1882, Seite 11 f.
  16. Jan Wagner liest Giersch. Kulturzeitvideo auf zdf.de, 27. Oktober 2017, (verfügbar bis 3. April 2024).


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Giersch: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

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 src= Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Giersch (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt.

Gewöhnlicher Giersch (Aegopodium podagraria) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Aegopodium in der Familie der Doldenblütler (Apiaceae). Sie ist die einzige in Europa vorkommende Aegopodium-Art. Giersch gilt allgemein als lästiges Unkraut; er wuchert und lässt sich wegen seiner unterirdischen Triebe nur schwer bekämpfen. Andererseits ist Giersch ein wohlschmeckendes Wildgemüse.

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Beeshop's weed ( الإسكتلنديون )

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Aegopodium podagraria L. commonly cried beeshop's weed, is a perennial plant in the carrot faimily (Apiaceae) that growes in shady places.


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Beeshop's weed: Brief Summary ( الإسكتلنديون )

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Aegopodium podagraria L. commonly cried beeshop's weed, is a perennial plant in the carrot faimily (Apiaceae) that growes in shady places.

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Flanèle (plante) ( البيكاردية )

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El flanèle (Aegopodium podagraria) (in frinsé Égopode podagraire), ch'est eune plante èrbachée vivace deul famille des Apiaceae.

  • variantes: flanèle, frannel, feinnel, èrbe à chés goutteux, tiote angélique, èrbe ed saint Gérard
Ombelle del flanèle

Notes pi référinches

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Flanèle (plante): Brief Summary ( البيكاردية )

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El flanèle (Aegopodium podagraria) (in frinsé Égopode podagraire), ch'est eune plante èrbachée vivace deul famille des Apiaceae.

variantes: flanèle, frannel, feinnel, èrbe à chés goutteux, tiote angélique, èrbe ed saint Gérard  src= Ombelle del flanèle

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Gäisekool ( Stq )

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Gäisekool Gäisekool (Aegopodium podagraria)
Gäisekool (Aegopodium podagraria) Systematik Familie: Apiaceae Unnerfamilie: Apioideae Sleek: Aegopodium Oard: Gäisekool (Aegopodium podagraria)
Gäisekool skäl me sicher nit blöie läite!!

Die Gäisekool (Aegopodium podagraria, dt. Giersch, nl. Zevenblad, wfr. Hoannepoaten) is n läip Jood, dät sik truch sien loange Wuttelstokke immer wier foutsätte kon. Dät wäd uk as Ietelsweere bruukt. FOARSICHT: WÄKKE DOODELKE GIFTPLONTEN SJO GANS ÄÄNELK UUT.

Me skäl fon Gäisekool goud Soppe fon sjoode konne. Nit bloot Soppe, uk Truchnunner-Ieten, af Gäisekool insteede fon Spinoat. Dät smoaket ful Moanske beeter as Spinoat, man Bäidene wollen dät maasttied nit iete, uumdät jo kweede: "Dät is Jood!"

Do Blöiten kon man uk wäil moal nieme, uum n Bloumendruust tousoamentousteeten as Sloierkruud. Do Blöiten sunt noch nit so läip foar ju Fermeerenge as do loange Wuttele. Wan me sun Plonte uutrit un kricht nit dän ganse Wuttel mee, kumt jo Plonte uumso krüüdiger wier toun Foarskien. Gäisekool lät sik nit so eenfach fernichtje. Sogoar Gift hälpt nit, uumdät do loange Wuttele annewaine wier aplieuwje.

Ferbiendenge ätter buten

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Gäisekool: Brief Summary ( Stq )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Gäisekool skäl me sicher nit blöie läite!!

Die Gäisekool (Aegopodium podagraria, dt. Giersch, nl. Zevenblad, wfr. Hoannepoaten) is n läip Jood, dät sik truch sien loange Wuttelstokke immer wier foutsätte kon. Dät wäd uk as Ietelsweere bruukt. FOARSICHT: WÄKKE DOODELKE GIFTPLONTEN SJO GANS ÄÄNELK UUT.

Me skäl fon Gäisekool goud Soppe fon sjoode konne. Nit bloot Soppe, uk Truchnunner-Ieten, af Gäisekool insteede fon Spinoat. Dät smoaket ful Moanske beeter as Spinoat, man Bäidene wollen dät maasttied nit iete, uumdät jo kweede: "Dät is Jood!"

Do Blöiten kon man uk wäil moal nieme, uum n Bloumendruust tousoamentousteeten as Sloierkruud. Do Blöiten sunt noch nit so läip foar ju Fermeerenge as do loange Wuttele. Wan me sun Plonte uutrit un kricht nit dän ganse Wuttel mee, kumt jo Plonte uumso krüüdiger wier toun Foarskien. Gäisekool lät sik nit so eenfach fernichtje. Sogoar Gift hälpt nit, uumdät do loange Wuttele annewaine wier aplieuwje.

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Haonepoot (Aegopodium podagraria) ( Nds Nl )

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Haonepoot of hoendepoot (Latien: Aegopodium podagraria) is een vaste plant uut de schaarmbloemefemilie (Apiaceae). 't Is een beruchte ruutsoort, umdat 't krupende, oendergroendse uutlopers het. De plant greuit op beschaoduwde plekken in hegen, tunen, baarmen op vochtige of bemeste groend. De stengels bin hol en egreufd. Haonepoten worren 60 tot 90 cm hoog.


De bloempjes bin meestentieds wit, mar soms oek wat roze en hen een deursnee van 1 mm. Der bin vuuf kroonblaodjes mit naor binnen ekrulde punten.


Haonepoten bleuien as samen-esteld schaarm mit 12 tot 20 straolen en der bin gien umwiendsels. De bleuitied is van mei tot augustus.


De blaojen bin drietallig bovenan en tweetallig onderan en hen een dik umhulsel.


Haonepoot draagt een eivormig, eribd vruchjen van 4 mm lang, waorvan de blievende stielen terug-esleugen bin en de ribben mar minnig uutsteken. De vrucht is een tweedelige splitvrucht, waorvan de roende deelvruchjes mar één zaodjen hen.


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Haonepoot (Aegopodium podagraria): Brief Summary ( Nds Nl )

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 src= Haonepoten  src= Haonepoten

Haonepoot of hoendepoot (Latien: Aegopodium podagraria) is een vaste plant uut de schaarmbloemefemilie (Apiaceae). 't Is een beruchte ruutsoort, umdat 't krupende, oendergroendse uutlopers het. De plant greuit op beschaoduwde plekken in hegen, tunen, baarmen op vochtige of bemeste groend. De stengels bin hol en egreufd. Haonepoten worren 60 tot 90 cm hoog.

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Αιγοπόδιο το ποδάγριο ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

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Εικόνα του φυτού από το Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz του Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1885)

Το αιγοπόδιο το ποδάγριο (Aegopodium podagraria) είναι ένα από τα λίγα είδη του γένους φυτών αιγοπόδιο, της οικογένειας των σκιαδοφόρων. Φυτρώνει σε σκιερούς τόπους της Ευρασίας, από τη Σιβηρία, τον Καύκασο και τον Πόντο μέχρι τα Βρετανικά Νησιά. Στην Ελλάδα απαντάται στα βόρεια της χώρας.


Το αιγοπόδιο το ποδάγριο είναι πολυετής πόα, που φθάνει σε ύψος το 1 μέτρο. Ο βλαστός της είναι κατακόρυφος, κοίλος και χωρίς διακλαδώσεις, ενώ έχει υπόγειες παραφυάδες (ριζώματα). Τα κατώτερα φύλλα του έχουν μακρύ μίσχο, ενώ αντιθέτως τα ανώτερα είναι άμισχα, στενόμακρα και οδοντωτά με άνισες σχισμές. Η περιφέρειά τους είναι κίτρινη ή εμφανίζουν κίτρινες κηλίδες στην επιφάνειά τους. Τα άνθη του βγαίνουν σε ακτινωτή ταξιανθία, με 15 ως 20 μικρά λουλούδια με άσπρα πέταλα. Οι καρποί είναι επίσης μικροί.[1][2] Τα άνθη προσελκύουν πολλά γένη εντόμων, χαρακτηριζόμενα έτσι από ένα γενικευμένο σύστημα επικονίασης.[3]

Το αιγοπόδιο καλλιεργείται ως διακοσμητικό φυτό για υγρά και σκιερά μέρη. Πολλαπλασιάζεται εύκολα με σχίσιμο του βλαστού. Εισάχθηκε έτσι σε όλο τον κόσμο, αλλά σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις αποτελεί οικολογική απειλή ως εισβάλλον είδος.


  1. Webb, D.A., Parnell, J., Doogue, D.: An Irish Flora, Dundalgan Press Ltd, Dundalk 1996, ISBN 0-85221-131-7
  2. Parnell, J. & Curtis, T.: Webb's An Irish Flora, Cork University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-185918-4783
  3. Van Der Kooi, C. J.; Pen, I.; Staal, M.; Stavenga, D.G.; Elzenga, J.T.M. (2015). «Competition for pollinators and intra-communal spectral dissimilarity of flowers». Plant Biology. doi:10.1111/plb.12328.


  • Το λήμμα «Αιγοπόδιον το ποδάγριον» στη Νέα Ελληνική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια «Χάρη-Πάτση», τόμος 2 (1968), σελ. 577.
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Αιγοπόδιο το ποδάγριο: Brief Summary ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Εικόνα του φυτού από το Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz του Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1885)

Το αιγοπόδιο το ποδάγριο (Aegopodium podagraria) είναι ένα από τα λίγα είδη του γένους φυτών αιγοπόδιο, της οικογένειας των σκιαδοφόρων. Φυτρώνει σε σκιερούς τόπους της Ευρασίας, από τη Σιβηρία, τον Καύκασο και τον Πόντο μέχρι τα Βρετανικά Νησιά. Στην Ελλάδα απαντάται στα βόρεια της χώρας.

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Aegopodium podagraria ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Aegopodium podagraria, commonly called ground elder, is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family Apiaceae that grows in shady places. The name "ground elder" comes from the superficial similarity of its leaves and flowers to those of elder (Sambucus), which is not closely related. Other common names include herb gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed, gout wort, snow-in-the-mountain, English masterwort[2] and wild masterwort.[2] It is the type species of the genus Aegopodium. It is native to Europe and Asia, but has been introduced around the world as an ornamental plant, where it occasionally poses an ecological threat as an invasive exotic plant.[3]


This herbaceous perennial grows to a height of 100 cm (39 in) from underground rhizomes. The stems are erect, hollow, and grooved. The upper leaves are ternate, broad and toothed. It flowers in spring and early summer. Numerous flowers are grouped together in an umbrella-shaped flowerhead known as a compound umbel. The main umbel is further divided into several secondary umbels known as umbellets or umbellules. Each umbellet has 15 to 20 rays (pedicels) that are each topped with a single, small, five-petaled white flower.[4][5][6] They are visited by many types of pollinating insects.[7]

The fruits, produced in late summer and autumn, are small and have long curved styles.[8][9]


Aegopodium podagraria is distributed widely in the temperate zone of western Asia and the whole of mainland Europe.[10] It has been introduced elsewhere, including Ireland,[11] the United Kingdom,[12] the United States,[13] Canada,[13] Australia (including Tasmania),[14] New Zealand,[15] and Japan.[16]

Invasive habit

Seed dispersal and seedling establishment are typically limited by shading, and new establishments from seed are restricted to disturbed areas. However Aegopodium podagraria readily spreads over large areas of ground by underground rhizomes. Once established, the plants are highly competitive, even in shaded environments, and can reduce the diversity of ground cover and prevent the establishment of tree and shrub seedlings. Because of its limited seed dispersal ability, short-lived seed bank and seedling recruitment, the primary vector for dispersal to new areas is human plantings as an ornamental, medicinal or vegetable plant, as well as by accidentally spreading rhizomes by dumping of garden waste. It spreads rapidly under favorable growing conditions.[17] Because of this it has been described as a nuisance species,[18] and been labelled one of the "worst" garden weeds in perennial flower gardens.[17]

Status as an invasive exotic plant

A. podagraria has been introduced around the world, including in North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, most commonly as an ornamental plant. It readily establishes and can become naturalized in boreal, moist-temperate and moist-subtropical climates. It is an aggressive invader in the upper Great Lakes region and northeastern North America, Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand.[14] It can pose an ecological threat owing to its invasive nature, with potential to crowd out native species.[3] Because of its potential impacts on native communities and the difficulty of controlling it, it has been banned or restricted in some jurisdictions outside its native range, including in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Vermont in the USA.[13]


Rhizomes developing new shoots

Once established, goutweed is difficult to eradicate. The smallest piece of rhizome left in the ground will quickly form a sturdy new plant. All-green goutweed may be more persistent and spread more rapidly than ornamental, variegated goutweed varieties, making the all-green type particularly difficult to control. And all-green, wild type forms are known to reappear from seeds of variegated varieties.

Integrative management strategies that combine herbicide with landscape cloth, bark mulch, and hand weeding to control goutweed in a garden are largely unsuccessful because sprouting occurs from either rhizomes or root fragments left in the soil.[19] Hand pulling, raking, and digging followed by monitoring to control goutweed may be effective; however, caution must be taken to remove the entire rhizome and root system. Removing flowers before seed set may help control the spread of goutweed.[20] Because goutweed's starch reserves are typically depleted by spring, removal of leaves in spring could be effective in starving the plant. Once goutweed has been removed, the patch should be carefully monitored periodically for a few years. New shoots should be dug up and destroyed. Revegetation with other plant materials is recommended.

Systemic herbicides such as glyphosate are recommended because A. podagraria will regrow if merely defoliated.[21][22]

The most effective means of control is to prevent its establishment in natural communities. It is thus recommended to plant goutweed only on sites not adjacent to wildlands and in gardens where root spread can be restricted (e.g., between a sidewalk and a house).[18] However, the aggressive nature of this plant makes even this strategy risky. Several states have banned sales of goutweed (also known as bishop's weed).[23]

Ornamental use

An ornamental form with variegated leaves

A variegated form is grown as an ornamental plant. However it is banned in several states owing to its invasiveness. Seeds from the variegated form may revert to the more aggressive green form.[23]


Phyllopertha horticola beetle on goutweed flowers

In Eurasia, it is used as a food plant by the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera, including dot moth, grey dagger and grey pug, although A. podagraria is not the exclusive host to any of these species.

Uses as food and medicine

The tender leaves have been used since antiquity as a spring leaf vegetable, much as spinach is used. It is commonly used for soup. Young leaves are preferred as a pot herb. It is best picked from when it appears (as early as February in the UK and other parts of northern Europe) to just before it flowers (May to June). If it is picked after this point it tastes pungent and has a laxative effect. However it can be stopped from flowering by pinching out the flowers, ensuring the plant remains edible if used more sparingly as a pot herb.[24]

It also had a history as a medicinal herb to treat gout and arthritis,[25] applied in hot wraps externally upon boiling both leaves and roots together. Ingested, the leaves have a diuretic effect and act as a mild sedative. Its use as a medicinal herb has largely declined.

The plant is said to have been introduced into Great Britain by the Romans as a food plant and into Northern Europe as a medicinal herb by monks. It is still found growing in patches surrounding many monastic ruins in Europe, and descriptions of its use are found among monastic writings, such as in Physica by Hildegard von Bingen.

Do not confuse with extremely toxic poison hemlock and hemlock water-dropwort.



  1. ^ "Aegopodium podagraria L.". World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 5 December 2014 – via The Plant List. Note that this website has been superseded by World Flora Online
  2. ^ a b Grieve, Maud (1931). "Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria)". A Modern Herbal – via Botanical.com.
  3. ^ a b "Goutweed (Aegopodium podgraria)". Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group. Archived from the original on 2017-04-02.
  4. ^ "Aegopodium podagraria". Go Botany. New England Wildflower Society. Retrieved 15 January 2019.
  5. ^ Hilty, John. "Goutweed, Aegopodium podagraria". Illinois Wildflowers. Retrieved 15 January 2019.
  6. ^ "Monographs Details: Aegopodium podagraria L." World Flora Online. Retrieved 15 January 2019.
  7. ^ Van Der Kooi, C. J.; Pen, I.; Staal, M.; Stavenga, D. G.; Elzenga, J. T. M. (2015). "Competition for pollinators and intra-communal spectral dissimilarity of flowers". Plant Biology. 18 (1): 56–62. doi:10.1111/plb.12328. PMID 25754608.
  8. ^ Webb, D.A.; Parnell, J.; Doogue, D. (1996). An Irish Flora. Dundalk: Dundalgan Press. ISBN 0-85221-131-7.
  9. ^ Parnell, J.; Curtis, T. (2012). Webb's An Irish Flora. Cork University Press. ISBN 978-185918-4783.
  10. ^ "Aegopodium podagraria L." Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 2019-01-15.
  11. ^ Scannell, M. P.; Synott, D. M. (1972). Census Catalogue of the Flora of Ireland. Dublin: Stationery Office.
  12. ^ Clapham, A. R.; Tutin, T. G.; Warburg, E. F. (1968). Excursion Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-04656-4.
  13. ^ a b c USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Aegopodium podagraria". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 15 January 2019.
  14. ^ a b Waggy, Melissa A. (2010). "Aegopodium podagraria". Fire Effects Information System (FEIS). US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service (USFS), Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory.
  15. ^ "Aegopodium podagraria". New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. Retrieved 15 January 2019.
  16. ^ Mito, T., and T. Uesugi. 2004. Invasive Alien Species in Japan: The Status Quo and the New Regulation for Prevention of their Adverse Affects. Global Environmental Research. 8(2). 171-191 p.
  17. ^ a b Agronomy Division (1969). "Ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria)". Tasmanian Journal of Agriculture. 40 (30): 190.
  18. ^ a b Dawson, F. Hugh; Holland, David. (1999). "The distribution in bankside habitats of three alien invasive plants in the U.K. in relation to the development of control strategies". Hydrobiologia. 15: 193–201. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-0922-4_27. ISBN 978-90-481-5404-3.
  19. ^ Clark, Frances H.; Mittrick, Chris; Shonbrun, Sarah. (1998). "Rogues gallery: New England's notable invasives". Conservation Notes of the New England Wild Flower Society. 2 (3): 19–26.
  20. ^ Czarapata, Elizabeth J. (2005). Invasive plants of the Upper Midwest: An illustrated guide to their identification and control.
  21. ^ "Fact Sheet: Goutweed" (PDF). Invasive.org (Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia).
  22. ^ "Ground elder". Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 2021-02-23.
  23. ^ a b "Bishop Weed: Most Hated Plants". 2 September 2021.
  24. ^ "Ground Elder - Bishops Weed (Aegopodium podagraria)". Edible Plants. 27 January 2011. Archived from the original on 10 July 2011.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  25. ^ Hill, John (1812). The Family Herbal. Bungay: C. Brightly and T. Kinnersley. p. 157.

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Aegopodium podagraria, commonly called ground elder, is a species of flowering plant in the carrot family Apiaceae that grows in shady places. The name "ground elder" comes from the superficial similarity of its leaves and flowers to those of elder (Sambucus), which is not closely related. Other common names include herb gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed, gout wort, snow-in-the-mountain, English masterwort and wild masterwort. It is the type species of the genus Aegopodium. It is native to Europe and Asia, but has been introduced around the world as an ornamental plant, where it occasionally poses an ecological threat as an invasive exotic plant.

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Egopodio ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

La egopodio (Aegopodium podagraria) estas planto el la familio de apiacoj (Apiaceae). Ĝi estas fifama trudplanto, ĉar ĝi havas rampantajn subterajn stolonojn. La planto kreskas en ombroriĉaj lokoj sub heĝoj, en ĝardenoj sur vojflankoj sur humida sterkita grundo. Ĝi fariĝas 60 ĝis 90 cm alta.

En egopodio troviĝas vitamino C, vitamino A kaj kalio, kalcio, magnezio, silikacido. Ĝi estas manĝebla, la folioj povas esti preparataj kvazaŭ spinaco. Sekigita la gusto similas iom al petroselo. Jam la antikvaj romianoj manĝis ĝin.

En la popolkuracarto oni uzas egopodion por flegi podagron kaj reŭmaton. Kompresoj el kontuzitaj folioj de egopodio havas mildigan efikon je doloraj artikoj.

Folio de egopodio

Vidu ankaŭ

Okcident-siberiaj subborealaj arbaroj
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Egopodio: Brief Summary ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO

La egopodio (Aegopodium podagraria) estas planto el la familio de apiacoj (Apiaceae). Ĝi estas fifama trudplanto, ĉar ĝi havas rampantajn subterajn stolonojn. La planto kreskas en ombroriĉaj lokoj sub heĝoj, en ĝardenoj sur vojflankoj sur humida sterkita grundo. Ĝi fariĝas 60 ĝis 90 cm alta.

En egopodio troviĝas vitamino C, vitamino A kaj kalio, kalcio, magnezio, silikacido. Ĝi estas manĝebla, la folioj povas esti preparataj kvazaŭ spinaco. Sekigita la gusto similas iom al petroselo. Jam la antikvaj romianoj manĝis ĝin.

En la popolkuracarto oni uzas egopodion por flegi podagron kaj reŭmaton. Kompresoj el kontuzitaj folioj de egopodio havas mildigan efikon je doloraj artikoj.

 src= Egopodio  src= Egopodio  src= Folio de egopodio
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Aegopodium podagraria ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Aegopodium podagraria es una especie de planta medicinal perteneciente a la familia Apiaceae. Es originaria de Eurasia.

Protomyces macrosporus en la planta.


Tiene un color variado de verde y blanco que a veces se vuelve verde dentro de un parche. Las flores son pequeñas, de color blanco, con cinco pétalos y salen por encima de las hojas, en grupos planos.

Forma parches densos y es considerada como una amenaza ecológica, es invasivo y reduce la diversidad de especies en la capa de suelo. Por este motivo se utiliza, a menudo, para el mantenimiento de la cubierta vegetal.


Principios activos

Contiene Vitamina C (hojas)

Usos en medicina popular

Se utiliza como sedante, diurético (frutos), aromático, estimulante, resolutivo, vulnerario. Usado para el reuma y la gota, várices, enfermedades de la piel. Los frutos en infusión o cocimiento se usan para enfermedades intestinales, renales o de la vesícula.[1]

Preparación, recetas

Se utilizan las hojas frescas para la gota y secas en infusión para el reuma. Las hojas trituradas se pueden emplear para refrescar la piel tras la picadura de insectos. Las hojas frescas cortadas finamente con carne picada y puré de avena para facilitar la digestión.[1]


Aegopodium podagraria es nativa de Europa y Asia.


Aegopodium podagraria fue descrita por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 265. 1753.[2]


Aegopodium: nombre genérico que deriva de las palabras griegas: αἴγειος (Aigeos = "cabra") y πούς-ποδός (pous-podos = "pie") y se refiere a la forma de las hojas, que recuerda a un pie de cabra.

podagraria: epíteto

  • Aegopodium latifolium Turcz. [1844, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou, 17 : 711]
  • Ligusticum podagraria Roth & T.Lestib.
  • Tragoselinum angelica Lam. [1779, Fl. Fr., 3 : 449] [nom. illeg.]
  • Sium podagraria (L.) Weber in F.H.Wigg. [1780, Prim. Fl. Holsat. : 24]
  • Sison podagraria (L.) Spreng. [1813, Pl. Umb. Prodr. : 35]
  • Seseli podagraria (L.) Weber
  • Seseli aegopodium Scop. [1771, Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 1 : 215] [nom. illeg.]
  • Selinum podagraria (L.) E.H.L.Krause in Sturm [1904, Fl. Deutschl., ed. 2, 12 : 57]
  • Podagraria erratica Bubani [1899, Fl. Pyr., 2 : 351] [nom. illeg.]
  • Podagraria aegopodium Moench [1794, Meth. : 90]
  • Pimpinella podagraria (L.) T.Lestib. [1828, Botanogr. Belg., 2 (2) : 269]
  • Pimpinella angelicifolia Lam. [1785, Encycl. Méth. Bot., 1 : 451]
  • Carum podagraria (L.) Roth [1827, Enum. Pl. Phan. Germ., 1 (1) : 946]
  • Apium podagraria (L.) Caruel in Parl. [1889, Fl. Ital., 8 : 467]
  • Aegopodium angelicifolium Salisb.
  • Aegopodium simplex Lavy
  • Aegopodium ternatum Gilib.
  • Aegopodium tribracteolatum Schmalh.
  • Apium biternatum Stokes
  • Sium vulgare Bernh.[3][4]

Nombre común

  • Castellano: pie de cabra, podagraria, yerba de San Gerardo.[5]



  1. a b «Aegopodium podagraria». Plantas útiles: Linneo. Archivado desde el original el 1 de diciembre de 2009. Consultado el 13 de octubre de 2009.
  2. «Aegopodium podagraria». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 16 de octubre de 2012.
  3. Aegopodium podagraria en PlantList
  4. Sinónimos en Tela Botánica
  5. «Aegopodium podagraria». Real Jardín Botánico: Proyecto Anthos. Consultado el 13 de octubre de 2009.

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Aegopodium podagraria es una especie de planta medicinal perteneciente a la familia Apiaceae. Es originaria de Eurasia.

 src= Ilustración  src= Tallos  src= Protomyces macrosporus en la planta.  src= Hojas
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Harilik naat ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET

Harilik naat (Aegopodium podagraria L.) on sarikaliste sugukonna naadi perekonda kuuluv mitmeaastane rohttaim.

Sarnased taimed

Tiheputk Zizia, Jaapani paelputk Cryptotaenia canadensis.[3]


Rahvapärased nimetused naadileht, püdseleht, sarapuunaat, varesjalg, pojokõnõ.

Eri maade kultuurides on naati kutsutud veel härrakapsaks, preestrikapsaks, ametnikukapsaks, piiskopitaimeks jne. Taime venekeelne nimetus on snõt. Arvatavasti sai taim selle nimetuse 13. sajandil, tatari-mongoli ikke ajal, kui osa elanikke oli sunnitud metsadesse varjuma ja korjama sealt toitu – snet, hilisem nimetus – snõt.[4] Sõnda snõd on kasutatud naadi kohta ka eesti keeles.

Levila ja kasvukohad

Liik on pärismaine Euraasias ja Ida-Siberis. Naat kasvab Albaanias, Austrias, Belgias, Bulgaarias, Taanis, Soomes, Prantsusmaal, Saksamaal, Hollandis, Ungaris, Itaalias, Norras, Poolas, Rumeenias, Balti riikides, Ukrainas, Rootsis, Inglismaal, Iirimaal, Islandil, Kaukasusel, Siberis, Põhja-Koreas, Lõuna-Koreas, Jaapanis, Austraalias, Türgis jpt riikides, kus on naturaliseerunud või nii hästi kohanenud, et paiguti peetakse teda invasiivseks taimeliigiks[5].

Ameerika Ühendriikidesse viisid naadi Euroopa immigrandid, aastaks 1863 oli taim seal laialt levinud. USA-s: Ameerika idaosas Maine'i ja Georgia osariigis; läänes Minnesota ja Missouri osariigis, ka Washingtoni, Oregoni, Idaho, Montana osariikides.[6]

Eestis kasvab naat Eestis salumetsades, on tüüpiline aiaumbrohi ja vohab ka elamute ümbruses asuvatel maalappidel.



Naadi juured moodustavad juurestiku, koosnedes nii pea- kui külgjuurtest. Risoomid on 5 cm kuni 3 m pikkused, harunevad ja valge värvusega ja moodustavad igas sõlmekohas juuri, kuid ei elune mullas väga sügaval (kuni 15 cm sügavusel). Risoomid levivad peamiselt 2–10 cm sügavuses mullakihis. Risoomivõsundid võivad juurduda igas sõlmekohas ja anda uue naaditaime.[7] Soodsatel tingimustel hakkavad kompostihunnikusse või peenravahele visatud juuretükid kiiresti kasvama ja paljunema.

Lehed ja varred

Lehed on kinnitunud otse risoomile. Ülemised lehed on kolmetised ja lühirootsulised ning alumised kahelikolmetised[8], ovaalse kuju ja terava lehetipuga. Leheroots on ristlõikes kolmnurkjas ja lehelaba pikkus ja laius on 10–20 cm, leheroots aga 20– 40 cm pikkune. Lehe värvus: ülakülje värvus on kollakas- kuni rohuroheline, alakülg on hallikasroheline. Sügisel, öökülmade saabudes, varisevad lehed maapinnale.

Naadi üsna jämedad varred on enamasti seest õõnsad. Õievars võib kasvada, olenevalt geograafilisest asukohast, maist kuni augustini. Naat võib kasvatada uue varre risoomi või juure segmendist.


Õis on naadil lühiajaline sugulise paljunemise organ. Õisikutega varred kasvavad taimele kolmandal aastal. Naat on putuktolmleja, naadi tolmeldamisel on abiks mitmed mardikalised ja mesilased. Naadi õied on sugukonnale iseloomulikult valged, väiksed ja koondunud sarikakiirte tippudesse. Liitsarika kiiri on 20–25.[8] Õied on enamasti mõlemasugulised. Õiekate on kaheli. Kroonlehed on valged, äraspidimunajad, sügavalt pügaldunud tipuga, umbes 1,5 mm pikad. Naadi õisik on liitsarikas, harilikult nii katis kui osakatis puuduvad, kui esinevad, siis koosnevad vaid mõnest väikesest lehekesest.[9]


Kaksikseemnised on paljad, pruunikad, pikliku kujuga, külgedelt lamendunud, kuni 3 mm pikad ja meenutavad porgandiseemneid. Osaseemnised on naadil teravate madalate kollakate ribidega, sirged või pisut kõverdunud, 3,5–4 mm pikad ja 1–1,5 mm laiad. 1000 vilja mass on 1,5–2 g. Valminud seemned varisevad taimelt maapinnale. Üks õitsenud ja viljastatud naaditaim annab 2000–3000 seemet, nende idanevus säilib mulla 5–8 aastat. Sügisel tärkavad seemnest taimed, kes talvituvad ja kasvatavad teisel aastal 20 cm sügavuseni ulatuva harunemata sammasjuure ja lehekodariku.Kevadel seemnest tärganud taim aga kasvatab sügiseks 40 cm pikkuse harunenud peajuure, mille kaelast arenevad juured ja lühivõrse sõlmedest mitu risoomi.[10]

Nomenklatuur ja süstemaatika

COLis liigitatase harilikul naadil kaks alamliiki:[11]

  • Aegopodium podagraria subsp. nadeshdae N. V Stepanov
  • Aegopodium podagraria subsp. podagraria.

Fülogeneetilise süstemaatika järgi liigitatakse naat sarikalaadsete seltsi sarikaliste sugukonda.


Keskajal kasvatati taime Kesk -ja Lääne-Euroopas juurvilja ja ravimtaimena kloostriaedades. Podagrahaiged on temast leevendust leidnud, samuti reuma ja liigesepõletike käes vaevlejad.[12]

Harilik naat õitsemise ajal


Kevaditi on naati inimtoiduks tarvitanud mitmed rahvad. Ka Eesti vanarahvas teadis rääkida, et kui naat nina mullast välja pistab, on näljahäda kadunud.[12] Naati ei söödud pelgalt toortoiduna ja naadilehed polnud põhitoit. Kaks põhilist rooga, kus naadilehti nälja korral kasutati, olid roheline leem ja näljaaja hädaküpsetised. Leeme kirjeldab tollane rahvapärimus järgmiselt: Nüüd need naadid nopitakse, orjal leenta keedetakse, ei peal old piima piisakesta, ei sees old rasva raasukesta.

Naati lisati karaskitele mitte leibadele. Kevadise toidulisana on kevaditi kasutatud mitmete taimede rohelisi osi: ohakaid, paju-, sõnajala- ja sõstralehti, nõgeseid, põldosje jne. Korjatud taimeosad pesti puhtaks, raiuti pudiks ja hautati vees pehmeks. Sakste menüüs oli naat tervise turgutaja.[13]

Noored naadilehed on söödavad ja sobivad salatisse. Naaditoitudes kasutatakse harilikult naadilehti kas hapendatult, marineeritult, soolatult või kuivatatult. Naadilehtedest valmistatakse suppe, püreesid, vormiroogasid, kotlette ja omlette.Varakevadel kogutud naadilehti kasutatakse pirukate, pannkookide, pitsade, võileibade jne. täidiste või katetena.

Naat on toiduks paljudele kodu- ja metsloomadele, ka osadele tigudele ja mitmetele putukatele.

Toiteväärtus ja biokeemiline koostis

Energiat andvaid põhitoitaineid leidub naadis vähe. Naadilehtede biomassis leidub süsivesikuid (peamiselt tselluloos) ja valke, aminohappeid, rasvollust leidub naadilehtedes vaid jälgedena. Mikrotoitainetest saab naadisööja mineraalaineid, eeskätt kaaliumi- ja magneesiumiühendeid, samuti mõningaid vitamiine, vesilahutuvatest C-vitamiini, rasvlahustuvatest vähesel määral E-vitamiini eri vorme ehk tokoferoole. Muu hulgas sisaldab naat pigmente: klorofülle ja karotenoide, peale selle eeterlikke õlisid ja orgaanilisi happeid. Flavonoididest: hüperosiidi, isokvertsitriini, kempferoolramnoglükosiidi. Naat sisaldab kumariini. Naadijuured sisaldavad rohkelt lektiini.[14]


Naate pole soovitatav süüa kõhunäärme- ega sapipõiepõletike korral.[13]


Droogiks on ürt Aegopodii podagrarie herba (herba Podagrariae). Droogina tarvitatakse ka lehti ja risoome. Droogi kogutakse suve alguses ja kuivatatakse.

Inimesed kasutavad maapealseid taimeosireumaatiliste haiguste korral. Sellesse haigusrühma kuuluvad autoimmuunhaigused, mille toimepaigaks on liigesed ja pehmed koed, näiteks podagra ja artriit. Kasutatakse ka hemorroidide ja neeru-, põie- ja sisehaiguste korral.[15] Naat on nõrgalt uriinieritust soodustav, põletikuvastane ja rahustava toimega. James A. Duke'i meditsiinilise toimega taimede käsiraamatu "Handbook of Medicinal Herbs" kohaselt on taime tarbimine näidustatud lisaks veel artroosi, unetuse, nefroosi, ishiase, närvilisuse, valu, kasvajate ja vedelikupeetuse korral.[16]

Ravimi toorainena

Katsed laborihiirtega, kellele manustati naadi juuri, lehti ja õisi kas tinktuuri, ekstrakti või bioloogiliselt aktiivsete molekulide näol ja ravimiga Silibor (silimariin) 3 päeva enne ja 2 tundi peale mürgistuse esile kutsumist teatud keemiliste ainetega. Peale katse lõppemist mõõdeti eutaneeritud laborihiirte maksa ja neerude kaalu ja AST/ALT suhtarve. Tulemused näitavad naadi juurte, lehtede ja õite ekstrakti ja tinktuuri ja bioloogliselt aktiivsete ainete hepatoprotektiivset toimet katses kasutatud kemikaali poolt indutseeritud maksakahjustuse korral. Naadi lehtedest valmistatud ravimid (ekstrakt, tinktuur ja bioloogiline aines) ja trifoliin toimisid ka tsütolüüsile inhibeerivalt ning alandasid maksa raskust. Kasutatud fütopreparaatide toime oli võrreldav katseravimi silibori (200 mg/kg) toimega.[17]


Sageli ei anna naadi niitmine ja väljajuurimine soovitud tulemusi. On proovitud katta naadivaipa musta, õhku ja valgust mitte läbilaskva kilega, mitmekordselt ajalehtede või põhumultsiga, arvates, et taime maapealsete fotosünteesivate osade kahjustamine kahjustab ka taime juuri ja mullas "uinuvaid" seemneid. Keemiliseks tõrjeks on kasutatud glüfosaati sisaldavat Rounduppi, mida tuleb kasutada korduvalt, kuna kontaktherbitsiidid tapavad üksnes taime maapealseid osi ning taim taasloob oma maaluse risoomivõrgu juba 2 kuu jooksul.

Bioloogilisi tõrjemeetodeid ei tunta, kuna taimel endal mingeid taimehaigusi ega looduslikke vaenlasi tuvastatud ei ole. Arvatakse, et kui tema asurkonda istutada teisi hea kasvu ja levikuga rühma või suure konkurentsiga taimi nagu mungalill, maikelluke, peiulill, kobar-lursslill, roomav metsvits, harilik varemerohi, mõõljas valdsteinia, pajulill[18] jt võib naadist ruttu lahti saada, aga pole teada, kas see toimib, kuivõrd on teadmata on tema seemnete eluiga ja toimed mullapinnas.[19]


  1. The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  2. Peter Hanelt, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: (Except Ornaentals), 1. osa, Springer-verlag Berin Hidelberg, lk 1293, 2001, Googe'i raamatu veebiversioon (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  3. Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  4. Toivo Niiberg, Enn Lauringson, "Umbrohud tüliks ja tuluks", Maalehe Raamat, lk 125, 2007
  5. Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group: Goutweed (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  6. Susan L. Woodward, Joyce A. Quinn, Encyclopedia of Invasive Species: From Africanized Honey Bees to ..., 1. köide, k 376–379, 2011. Vvaadatud 12.06.2016)
  7. Naat (Aegopodium podagraria). Bio.edu.ee. Vaadatud 12.06.2016.
  8. 8,0 8,1 Ain Raal, "Maailma ravimtaimede entsüklopeedia", Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, lk 33, 2010
  9. (harilik) naat (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  10. Toivo Niiberg, Enn Lauringson, "Umbrohud tüliks ja tuluks", Maalehe Raamat, lk 126, 2007
  11. Sissekanne COL-is (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  12. 12,0 12,1 Astrid Lepik, "Naadist vabaks", Aed 397
  13. 13,0 13,1 Urmas Kokassaar, Naat on aednikule nuhtlus, nälgijale väljapääs, artiklid EL 2011/03 (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  14. Peumans WJ, Nsimba-Lubaki M, Peeters B, Broekaert WF., http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24249502 Isolation and partial characterization of a lectin from ground elder (Aegopodium podagraria) rhizomes., Planta. mai 1985 ;164(1):75–82. doi: 10.1007/BF00391028 (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  15. Find a Vitamin or Supplement GOUTWEED (vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  16. James A. Duke, Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, Second Edition, lk 346, CRC Press, 2002. Vaadatud 12.06.2016)
  18. Toivo Niiberg, Enn Lauringson, "Umbrohud tüliks ja tuluks", Maalehe Raamat, lk 127, 2007
  19. Susan L. Woodward, Joyce A. Quinn, Encyclopedia of Invasive Species: From Africanized Honey Bees to ..., 1. köide, k 376–379, 2011. Vaadatud 12.06.2016)



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Harilik naat: Brief Summary ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET

Harilik naat (Aegopodium podagraria L.) on sarikaliste sugukonna naadi perekonda kuuluv mitmeaastane rohttaim.

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Vuohenputki ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Vuohenputki (Aegopodium podagraria) on monivuotinen, hyönteispölytteinen sarjakukkaiskasvi. Vuohenputki on kauppayrtti.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Vuohenputki kasvaa 30–100 cm korkeaksi. Kasvilla on voimakas maavarsi, josta se versoo joka kevät varsin aikaisin. Lehdet ovat kahteen kertaan kolmisormiset eli lehti jakautuu kolmeen osaan, joista kukin jakaantuu kolmeen lehdykkään, kukinto on kerrannainen sarja ja kukat vihertävän valkoiset. Pikkusarjoissa ei ole suojuslehteä. Lehtiruodin kouru erottaa sen muun muassa myrkkykeisosta.

Vuohenputki muodostaa tiheitä yhtenäisiä kasvustoja ja tukahduttaa muut kasvit ympäristöstään. Pelkän maanpäällisen osan kitkeminen ei yleensä kasvia hävitä vaan se uusiutuu tehokkaasti maavarren palasista.[1] Pienetkin juurenpätkät versovat helposti, ja varmin keino kasvin hävittämiseksi onkin multien vaihtaminen kokonaan.


Vuohenputki kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Euroopassa, mutta se on levinnyt rikkaruohona Pohjois-Amerikkaan. Suomessa se on alkuperäinen ja yleinen varjoisten ja multavien lehtojen ja puronvarsien kasvi Etelä- ja Keski-Suomessa Suomenselän eteläpuolella. Se on hyötynyt asutuksesta leviämällä metsittyville pelloille, pellonpientarille ja puutarhoihin luontaisella esiintymisalueellaan ja myös Pohjois-Suomessa.


Vuohenputki kasvaa rehevässä lehtomaassa ja kesannolle jätetyillä pelloilla. Puutarhassa se saattaa olla tehokkaan leviämisensä vuoksi kiusallinen ja vaikeasti hävitettävä rikkaruoho.


Vuohenputken nuoria lehtiä voi käyttää villivihanneksena[1], mutta lajinmäärityksessä pitää olla tarkkana: muun muassa myrkylliset myrkkykatko, myrkkykeiso ja hukanputki näyttävät hieman samanlaisilta.[2] Vuohenputki muistuttaa kuitenkin ehkä eniten yleisenä kasvavaa vaaratonta karhunputkea (Angelica sylvestris).


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Vuohenputki: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Vuohenputki (Aegopodium podagraria) on monivuotinen, hyönteispölytteinen sarjakukkaiskasvi. Vuohenputki on kauppayrtti.

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wikipedia FI

Égopode podagraire ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Aegopodium podagraria

L'égopode podagraire (Aegopodium podagraria), aussi appelé herbe aux goutteux, podagraire, petite angélique ou herbe de saint Gérard[1] ou encore Pied-de-chèvre[2], est une plante herbacée vivace, glabre, de la famille des Apiaceae. Elle apprécie les lieux frais et ombragés. Elle est comestible[2].


Le nom scientifique Aegopodium est formé sur le grec aïx, aïgos, « chèvre », et podion « pied », allusion aux folioles latérales habituellement divisées en deux comme les sabots d'une chèvre. L'épithète podagraria fait référence à la « podagre », goutte affectant les pieds due à une accumulation d'acide urique. Diurétique, elle permettrait de lutter contre cette goutte[3].


Appareil végétatif

Cette plante à croissance rapide peut atteindre 30 à 100 cm de hauteur[1] (60 à 80 cm selon Rodet et Baillet (1872)[2].

La tige est dressée, robuste, creuse, fistuleuse, ramifiée vers le haut, rameuse au sommet, glabre et cannelée en surface[2].

Les feuilles ont une couleur vert gai au dessus, plus pâles en dessous et présentent une bordure inégalement dentée, parfois lobées, à dents aiguës, mucronées. Les inférieures sont longuement pétiolées, et présentent généralement trois lobes ; celles situées plus haut sur la tige sont disposées par lot de trois qui chacun se divise en trois folioles (feuilles triséquées)[2]. Chaque feuille ou segment de feuille a une forme pennée à ovale, à l'extrémité formant un angle aigu. Les pétioles ont une section triangulaire.

Les feuilles froissées ont une odeur qui évoque celles du céleri, de la carotte ou du persil.

Ses racines, nombreuses et profondes lui permettent de résister aux conditions de sous-bois, elles ont une odeur de carotte.

Appareil reproducteur

L'inflorescence (floraison de mai à août, plutôt en juin-juillet) est une ombelle régulière à environ 20 rayons portant de petites fleurs blanches (parfois rosées), d’environ 3 mm de diamètre chacune[1].

Le fruit est un schizocarpe produisant des akènes de 3 à 5 mm de long[1]. De forme ovale, ces akènes brun plus ou moins foncé à maturité sont parcourus de sillons.

Répartition et habitat

C'est une plante des lieux ombragés (sous-bois frais) qui était autrefois fréquemment présente dans les vergers et au bord des eaux (selon Rodet et Baillet, 1872)[2].

Elle est parfois utilisée en sous-bois, ou dans les massifs ombragés comme plante couvre-sol relativement résistante à la sécheresse et à la concurrence avec les systèmes racinaires d'arbres mûrs[4].

Dans certaines régions du monde, c'est l'une de plantes sauvages comestibles que l'on peut aussi trouver (spontanée ou sur-spontanée) en ville[5]

Plante localement envahissante

Comme beaucoup d'autres plantes de sous-bois, Là et quand ses conditions de croissance sont optimales, souvent en sous-bois ou lisière elle s'étend en format de larges taches monospécifiques. Là où elle est bien installée, elle peut se révéler tenace, se propageant ou se maintenant par ses rhizomes

Là où elle a été introduite hors de son aire naturelle de répartition elle est parfois devenue invasive (comme au Canada)[6].

Si on l'arrache en laissant son système racinaire en place, elle repousse. Un petit morceau de racine oublié peut redonner une nouvelle plante [7]. Cette plante se reproduit également par graines. Un pied peut donner des centaines de graines…

Pour éviter la prolifération, planter des plantes compétitives (ex. : capucines). On pourra également profiter de sa présence pour la consommer, plutôt que tenter de l'éradiquer.

Mesures d'éradication

Bâchage du sol

Recouvrir le sol est un notre moyen de lutte contre l'herbe aux goutteux. Posez un carton ou une toile anti-mauvaises herbes sur la surface concernée et recouvrez de 10 cm de mulch. Il faut toutefois faire preuve de beaucoup de patience : deux années environ sont nécessaires pour que le manque de lumière et d'oxygène vienne complètement à bout des racines de l'herbe aux goutteux. Par ailleurs, il faut bien examiner la surface traitée pendant une longue période, car les graines conservent leur capacité de germination durant de nombreuses années et peuvent repartir, une fois la couverture retirée. Sur les surfaces plantées, la suppression mécanique est un travail de longue haleine et demande énormément de rigueur. Il ne s'agit pas de débarrasser uniquement le sol des racines principales de l'herbe aux goutteux, mais également la plantation du massif : ôtez d'abord les plantes d'ornement, supprimez de la motte les racines étrangères puis réinstallez les plantes d’ornement[7].

Élimination chimique

On ne peut quasiment pas garantir un nettoyage complet du massif, surtout en cas de forte végétalisation et d'enracinement intensif. L’emploi d’un désherbant est un moyen sûr et efficace pour éradiquer l'herbe aux goutteux[7].


Usages médicinaux

Comme son nom l'indique, la plante était utilisée pour soigner la goutte[8], mais sans efficacité selon Rodet et Baillet (1872). Toutefois, des études scientifiques récentes ont permis d'isoler des principes actifs de la plantes, ayant des propriétés anti-inflammatoires, dermo-protectrices, anti-microbiennes et diurétiques[9],[10],[11].

Usages alimentaires

Sapide, elle peut être consommée crue, en salade (jeunes pousses) ; ou cuite, comme les épinards, avec une « saveur chaude, agréable, analogue à celle de l'Angélique » selon Rodet et Baillet (1872)[2]. Selon François Couplan, à la fois la feuille et la fleurs sont ainsi consommables ; la tige se mange aussi, mais uniquement jeune[12].

Selon Rodet et Baillet (1872) « les animaux mangent les parties herbacées de cette plante, que l'on considère comme fournissant une assez bonne alimentation »[2].


Comme de nombreuses plantes de la même famille (carotte y compris), l'Égopode produit des substances photosensibilisantes ; les personnes allergiques aux plantes de cette famille devraient le manipuler avec des précautions particulières et/ou ne pas s'exposer au soleil après l'avoir manipulé ou mangé cru[13].

Notes et références

  1. a b c et d (fr) HYPPA ; Unité de Malherbologie & Agronomie INRA-Dijon, « Aegopodium podagraria L. », sur http://www2.dijon.inra.fr, INRA (consulté le 8 décembre 2011)
  2. a b c d e f g et h Henri Jean Antoine Rodet et Casimir Célestin Baillet, Botanique agricole et médicale: ou Etude des plantes qui intéressent principalement les médecins, les vétérinaires et les agriculteurs, P. Asselin, 1872 (lire en ligne)
  3. François Couplan, Les plantes et leurs noms. Histoires insolites, Éditions Quae, 2012 (lire en ligne), p. 56
  4. Nolet, M. (1998). Coup de jeune au jardin: pelouse et vivaces, premières partie. Continuité, (78), 50-53. |URL=https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/continuite/1900-v1-n1-continuite1056374/16329ac.pdf
  5. de Hody C (2017) Cueilleur urbain. À la découverte des plantes sauvages et comestibles dans la ville. Arthaud.
  6. (en) D. R. Clements et P. M. Catling, Invasive species issues in Canada - How can ecology help?, 19 mars 2011 (DOI , lire en ligne)
  7. a b et c kgrosselanwer, « Voici comment supprimer durablement l'herbe aux goutteux », sur www.gesal.ch (consulté le 28 avril 2022)
  8. Jean-Claude Rameau, Dominique Mansion, Gérard Dumé et al., Flore forestière française, guide écologique illustré : montagnes, Paris, Nancy, Institut pour le développement forestier : Direction de l'espace rural et de la forêt ; École nationale du génie rural des eaux et forêts, 1989, 2434 p. (OCLC , lire en ligne), p. 911.
  9. (en) Katarzyna Jakubczyk; Katarzyna Janda-Milczarek; Daniel Styburski; Agnieszka Lukomska, « Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria L.) – botanical characteristics and prohealthy properties », sur Researchgate.net, février 2020
  10. (en) Nizioł-Łukaszewska Zofia, Zagórska-Dziok Martyna, Ziemlewska Aleksandra, Bujak Tomasz, « Comparison of the Antiaging and Protective Properties of Plants from the Apiaceae Family », sur Pubmed (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), septembre 2020
  11. (en) Nizioł-Łukaszewska Zofia, Zagórska-Dziok Martyna, Ziemlewska Aleksandra, Bujak Tomasz, « Bioactive Compounds in Aegopodium podagraria Leaf Extracts and Their Effects against Fluoride-Modulated Oxidative Stress in the THP-1 Cell Line », sur Pubmed (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), décembre 2021
  12. Brunel J.C ; flore gourmande (voir le tableau intitulé : Inventaire des urbaines indigènes comestibles) |URL=http://floregourmande.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/AMCEV.pdf
  13. Michel Botineau, Guide des plantes comestibles de France, Humensis, 5 septembre 2014 (ISBN 978-2-7011-8885-0, lire en ligne)

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Égopode podagraire: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Aegopodium podagraria

L'égopode podagraire (Aegopodium podagraria), aussi appelé herbe aux goutteux, podagraire, petite angélique ou herbe de saint Gérard ou encore Pied-de-chèvre, est une plante herbacée vivace, glabre, de la famille des Apiaceae. Elle apprécie les lieux frais et ombragés. Elle est comestible.

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Lus an easpaig ( الأيرلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia GA

Planda ilbhliantúil atá dúchasach don Eoraip is an Áise mheasartha, ach a tugadh isteach i Meiriceá Thuaidh. Táirgeann na gais fhada dreaptha faoin talamh an iliomad buinneán duilleogach agus gas suas le 1 m ar fhad. Na duilleoga roinnte i dteascáin ubhchruthacha fhiaclacha suas le 8 cm ar fhad. Na bláthanna bána in umbail 2-6 cm ar leithead. Fiaile sheasmhach i ngairdíní. Uaireanta, itear na duilleoga úra, cosúil le spionáiste. D'úsáidtí é tráth mar chóireáil ar an ngúta, agus thugtaí fiaile (lus) an ghúta air.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Aegopodium podagraria ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

Aegopodium é unha especie de planta medicinal pertencente á familia Apiaceae. É orixinaria da Eurasia.


Ten unha cor variada de verde e branco que ás veces se torna verde dentro dun parche. As flores son pequenas, de cor branca, con cinco pétalos e saen por encima das follas, en grupos planos.

Forma parches densos e é considerada como unha ameaza ecolóxica, é invasiva e reduce a diversidade de especies na capa de solo. Por este motivo utilízase para o mantemento da cuberta vexetal.


Principios activos

Contén Vitamina C nas follas.


Emprégase como sedante, diurético (froitos), aromático, estimulante, resolutivo, vulnerario. Usado para a reuma e a gota, varices, enfermidades da pel. Os froitos en infusión ou cocemento úsanse para enfermidades intestinais, renais ou da vesícula.[1]


Utilízanse as follas frescas para a gota e secas en infusión para a reuma. As follas trituradas pódense empregar para refrescar a pel tras a picadura dun insecto. As follas frescas cortadas finamente con carne picada e puré de avea para facilitar a dixestión.[1]


Aegopodium podagraria é nativa de Europa e Asia.


Aegopodium podagraria foi descrita por Carl von Linné e publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 1003. 1753.[2]

  • Aegopodium latifolium Turcz. [1844, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou, 17 : 711]
  • Ligusticum podagraria Roth & T.Lestib.
  • Tragoselinum angelica Lam. [1779, Fl. Fr., 3 : 449] [nom. illeg.]
  • Sium podagraria (L.) Weber in F.H.Wigg. [1780, Prim. Fl. Holsat. : 24]
  • Sison podagraria (L.) Spreng. [1813, Pl. Umb. Prodr. : 35]
  • Seseli podagraria (L.) Weber
  • Seseli aegopodium Scop. [1771, Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 1 : 215] [nom. illeg.]
  • Selinum podagraria (L.) E.H.L.Krause in Sturm [1904, Fl. Deutschl., ed. 2, 12 : 57]
  • Podagraria erratica Bubani [1899, Fl. Pyr., 2 : 351] [nom. illeg.]
  • Podagraria aegopodium Moench [1794, Meth. : 90]
  • Pimpinella podagraria (L.) T.Lestib. [1828, Botanogr. Belg., 2 (2) : 269]
  • Pimpinella angelicifolia Lam. [1785, Encycl. Méth. Bot., 1 : 451]
  • Carum podagraria (L.) Roth [1827, Enum. Pl. Phan. Germ., 1 (1) : 946]
  • Apium podagraria (L.) Caruel in Parl. [1889, Fl. Ital., 8 : 467]
  • Aegopodium angelicifolium Salisb.
  • Aegopodium simplex Lavy
  • Aegopodium ternatum Gilib.
  • Aegopodium tribracteolatum Schmalh.
  • Apium biternatum Stokes
  • Sium vulgare Bernh.[3][4]

Nome común

  • Castelán: "pé de cabra", "podagraria", "herba de San Xerardo".[5]



  1. 1,0 1,1 "Aegopodium podagraria". Plantas útiles: Linneo. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 01 de decembro de 2009. Consultado o 13 de outubro de 2009.
  2. "Aegopodium podagraria". Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado o 16 de outubro de 2012.
  3. Aegopodium podagraria en PlantList
  4. Sinónimos en Tela Botánica Arquivado 03 de xullo de 2011 en Wayback Machine.
  5. "Aegopodium podagraria". Real Jardín Botánico: Proyecto Anthos. Consultado o 24 de setembro de 2013.

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

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Aegopodium é unha especie de planta medicinal pertencente á familia Apiaceae. É orixinaria da Eurasia.

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Podagrasti jarčevac ( الكرواتية )

المقدمة من wikipedia hr Croatian

Podagrasti jarčevac (jarčevac trojnolistni, regoča, kozja noga,sedmerolist lat. Aegopodium podagraria), vrsta višegodišnje biljke iz porodice kimovki, raširena po Europi i Aziji.

Šuplja glatka stabljika naraste do 100cm visine, pri vrhu je razgranata. Rizomi su dugački i razgranati . [1] Biljka je ljekovita i jestiva, te se koristi i u kulinarstvu (začin) i za liječenje, diuretik.[2]. Jela sa njom olakšavaju rad želuca i sprečavaju upale organa za varenje, smanjuje masnoću u krvi, regulira cirkulaciju i izlučivanje mokraćne kiseline, liječi reumatizam, išijas, kostobolju. Sasvim mladi proljetni listovi mogu se jesti sirovi ili kuhani.

U Hrvatskoj je jedina vrsta iz roda jarčevca.


Sadrži do 100 mg% C vitamina,limunsku i jabučnu kiselinu,holin,glukozu,fruktozu,mineralne soli,karotenoide.[3]

Dodatna literatura

Grlić,Lj. Samoniklo jestivo bilje,Zagreb 1980.

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Podagrasti jarčevac: Brief Summary ( الكرواتية )

المقدمة من wikipedia hr Croatian

Podagrasti jarčevac (jarčevac trojnolistni, regoča, kozja noga,sedmerolist lat. Aegopodium podagraria), vrsta višegodišnje biljke iz porodice kimovki, raširena po Europi i Aziji.

Šuplja glatka stabljika naraste do 100cm visine, pri vrhu je razgranata. Rizomi su dugački i razgranati . Biljka je ljekovita i jestiva, te se koristi i u kulinarstvu (začin) i za liječenje, diuretik.. Jela sa njom olakšavaju rad želuca i sprečavaju upale organa za varenje, smanjuje masnoću u krvi, regulira cirkulaciju i izlučivanje mokraćne kiseline, liječi reumatizam, išijas, kostobolju. Sasvim mladi proljetni listovi mogu se jesti sirovi ili kuhani.

U Hrvatskoj je jedina vrsta iz roda jarčevca.

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Geitakál ( الآيسلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IS

Geitakál (fræðiheiti Aegopodium podagraria) er jurt af sveipjurtaætt sem áður fyrr var notuð til lækninga og sem grænmeti. Geitakál var ræktað við klausturgarða og hefur breiðst út frá þeim en núna er litið á það sem illgresi. Geitakál finnst á Íslandi. [1] Fyrr á tímum var jurtin notuð til að lækna þvagsýrugigt og er er nafnið Podagraria komið af því. Geitakál getur viðhaldið sér og fjölgað með rótarskotum og erfitt er að uppræta það þar sem það hefur náð að festa sig í sessi. Það er talið illgresi og ágeng tegund í sumum löndum.


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  1. Slæðingar nema land – Náttúrufræðingurinn, 4. Tölublað (01.01.1960), Bls. 227-230
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Geitakál: Brief Summary ( الآيسلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IS

Geitakál (fræðiheiti Aegopodium podagraria) er jurt af sveipjurtaætt sem áður fyrr var notuð til lækninga og sem grænmeti. Geitakál var ræktað við klausturgarða og hefur breiðst út frá þeim en núna er litið á það sem illgresi. Geitakál finnst á Íslandi. Fyrr á tímum var jurtin notuð til að lækna þvagsýrugigt og er er nafnið Podagraria komið af því. Geitakál getur viðhaldið sér og fjölgað með rótarskotum og erfitt er að uppræta það þar sem það hefur náð að festa sig í sessi. Það er talið illgresi og ágeng tegund í sumum löndum.

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Paprastoji garšva ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT

Paprastoji garšva (Aegopodium podagraria) – garšvos (Aegopodium) genties augalas.

Užauga iki 50-120 cm aukščio, turi šakniastiebius ir jais dauginasi vegetatyviškai. Stiebas tuščiaviduris, su briaunuotomis vagelėmis. Žiedynas gana didelis, turintis apie 15-20 maždaug vienodo ilgio stipinų. Žydi gegužėsrugsėjo mėn.

Auga miškuose, krūmuose, pamiškėse, soduose. Sodininkai žino garšvą kaip vieną iš įkyriausių piktžolių, nes ji sugeba ataugti iš smulkių šaknies fragmentų. Seniau liaudies medicinoje buvo vartojamas podagrai gydyti.

Auga Lietuvoje.


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Podagras gārsa ( اللاتفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LV

Podagras gārsa (latīņu: Aegopodium podagraria) - daudzgadīgs 50 - 100 cm augsts čemurziežu dzimtas lakstaugs. Ļoti bieži sastopams mežos, krūmājos, dārzos. Stumbrs stāvs, dobs, kails vai ar ļoti īsiem matiņiem, mazliet rievains, augšdaļā nedaudz zarains. Lapas pamīšus, vienkāršas. Apakšējās lapas ar 20 - 40 cm gariem kātiem, plati trīsstūrainas, 10 - 20 cm garas un apmēram tikpat platas, virspusē kailas, tikai uz dzīslām raupjas, apakšpusē sevišķi uz dzīslām un uz lapas ass daudz matiņu, lapas plātne divkārt trīsstaraina - pirmās pakāpes plūksnas savukārt šķeļas parasti trīs daļās; otrās pakāpes plūksnas iegareni olveidīgas, smailas, 4 - 12 cm garas, 1,5 - 7 cm platas, mala zāģzobaina, kātiņi īsi. Augšējās lapas daudz mazākas, trīsstūrainas, ar īsiem kātiem vai sēdošas, pie pamata ar maksti. Zied no maija līdz augustam. Ziedkopa - salikts čemurs stumbra galotnē ar 15 - 25 īsiem stariem, kas blīvi segti raupjiem matiņiem. Ziedi divdzimumu. Čemuri zaru žāklēs, stumbra sānos daudz mazāki un parasti neauglīgi, ar vīrišķiem ziediem. Vīkala un vīkaliņa nav, reti ir vīkals ar 1 - 3 lapiņām. Kauslapas 5, saaugušas, kausa zobiņi nemanāmi. Vainaglapas 5, brīvas, baltas, galotnē ar dziļu jomu, ieliekušās. Auglis iegarens, līdz 0,4 cm garš, mazliet no sāniem plakans, gaiši brūns, ar gaišākām ribām. Tautas medicīnā lieto pret hipovitaminozēm, kuņģa un zarnu trakta, nieru un urīnpūšļa slimību ārstēšanai, ārīgi lieto pret locītavu sāpēm, it īpaši podagru.

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Zevenblad ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Zevenblad (Aegopodium podagraria) is een vaste plant uit de schermbloemenfamilie (Umbelliferae of Apiaceae). De plant groeit op beschaduwde plaatsen in heggen, tuinen, wegbermen en akkerranden op vochtige of bemeste grond. De plant wordt ook hanenpoot, tuinmansverdriet en heers genoemd.[1]

De stengels zijn hol en gegroefd. Zevenblad wordt 60–90 cm hoog. De plant heeft kruipende, ondergrondse uitlopers (rizomen). De plant wordt beschouwd als een onkruid, omdat de wortelstok makkelijk afbreekt en het zodoende moeilijk te verwijderen is. Een beukenhaag kan een natuurlijke barrière vormen.

Zeventallig blad van zevenblad

De bladeren zijn onder aan de stengel zeventallig (vandaar de naam) en hebben drie blaadjes bovenaan en twee maal twee blaadjes onderaan het blad. Ze hebben een bladsteel met een buikige schede. Hoger aan de stengel zijn de bladeren vaak vijftallig.

Zevenblad bloeit met een samengesteld scherm met twaalf tot twintig stralen zonder omwindsels. De bloeitijd is van mei tot augustus. De bloemen zijn meestal wit, maar soms enigszins roze en hebben een doorsnede van 1 mm. Er zijn vijf kroonblaadjes met naar binnen gekrulde punten.

Zevenblad draagt een eivormig, geribd vruchtje van 4 mm lang, waarvan de blijvende stijlen teruggeslagen zijn en de ribben maar weinig uitsteken. De vrucht is een tweedelige splitvrucht, waarvan de ronde deelvruchtjes maar één zaadje bevatten.

Zevenblad bevat vitamine C, caroteen en kalium, calcium, magnesium, kiezelzuur. Zevenblad is eetbaar, de bladeren kunnen bereid worden als spinazie. Gedroogd smaakt het naar peterselie.

In de volksgeneeskunde gebruikte men zevenblad bij de behandeling van jicht en reuma. De naam (podagra) verwijst daar ook naar. Omslagen van gekneusde bladeren van zevenblad werken pijnstillend op pijnlijke gewrichten.

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Zevenblad: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Zevenblad (Aegopodium podagraria) is een vaste plant uit de schermbloemenfamilie (Umbelliferae of Apiaceae). De plant groeit op beschaduwde plaatsen in heggen, tuinen, wegbermen en akkerranden op vochtige of bemeste grond. De plant wordt ook hanenpoot, tuinmansverdriet en heers genoemd.

De stengels zijn hol en gegroefd. Zevenblad wordt 60–90 cm hoog. De plant heeft kruipende, ondergrondse uitlopers (rizomen). De plant wordt beschouwd als een onkruid, omdat de wortelstok makkelijk afbreekt en het zodoende moeilijk te verwijderen is. Een beukenhaag kan een natuurlijke barrière vormen.

 src= Zeventallig blad van zevenblad

De bladeren zijn onder aan de stengel zeventallig (vandaar de naam) en hebben drie blaadjes bovenaan en twee maal twee blaadjes onderaan het blad. Ze hebben een bladsteel met een buikige schede. Hoger aan de stengel zijn de bladeren vaak vijftallig.

Zevenblad bloeit met een samengesteld scherm met twaalf tot twintig stralen zonder omwindsels. De bloeitijd is van mei tot augustus. De bloemen zijn meestal wit, maar soms enigszins roze en hebben een doorsnede van 1 mm. Er zijn vijf kroonblaadjes met naar binnen gekrulde punten.

Zevenblad draagt een eivormig, geribd vruchtje van 4 mm lang, waarvan de blijvende stijlen teruggeslagen zijn en de ribben maar weinig uitsteken. De vrucht is een tweedelige splitvrucht, waarvan de ronde deelvruchtjes maar één zaadje bevatten.

Zevenblad bevat vitamine C, caroteen en kalium, calcium, magnesium, kiezelzuur. Zevenblad is eetbaar, de bladeren kunnen bereid worden als spinazie. Gedroogd smaakt het naar peterselie.

In de volksgeneeskunde gebruikte men zevenblad bij de behandeling van jicht en reuma. De naam (podagra) verwijst daar ook naar. Omslagen van gekneusde bladeren van zevenblad werken pijnstillend op pijnlijke gewrichten.

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Skvallerkål ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NN

Skvallerkål (Aegopodium podagraria) er ei fleirårig plante i skjermplantefamilien. Arten er utbreidd i Europa og Asia. Planta vert kring 60 cm høg, men kan nå 100 cm.[1] Ho er bladrik og veks oftast i tett bestand. Skvallerkål har krypande jordstengel som blir brukt til formeiring. Nedre blad er delte to-tre gonger, øvre blad er enkelt trekopla. Blomane er kvite, av og til raudlege, og sit på skjermar. Skvallerkål blomstrar frå juni til september.[1]

Botanisk illustrasjon av skvallerkål.

Skvallerkål føretrekk næringsrik jord og halvskugge.[1] Planta stammar frå Mellom-Europa, og er blitt spreidd av menneske til andre delar av Europa, Asia, Nord-Amerika og Oseania. Ho veks gjennom heile Noreg, men er sjeldan i nord.[2]

Skvallerkål kan etast og har tradisjonelt blitt brukt til urtemedisin. Han blei dyrka i klosterhagar i mellomalderen. Planta kan verka urindrivande og betennelseshemmande. Det vitskaplege namnet podagraria viser til den historiske bruken som middel mot podagra. I dag er skvallerkål helst rekna som eit ugras som lett kan ta over eit område og er vanskeleg å bli kvitt.[1]


Andre namn på planta er bygras, embetsmannskål, grisekål, gåselabb, hanefot, skaldergras, svenskekål, tyskarkål og tysskål. Eit islandsk namn er geitakál. På dansk blir ho kalla skvallerkål og på svensk kirskål, kers, qualler eller skvallerkål. Det vanlegaste engelske namnet er ground elder, andre namn er bishop's elder, bishop's goutweed, bishopsweed, bishopswort, goutweed, ground ash, herb gerard, Jack-jump-about, pigweed, English masterwort eller wild masterwort. Tyske namn er Giersch, Geissfuss, Podagrakraut og Zipperleinskraut. På fransk heiter planta egopode podagraire eller herb-aux-goutteux.[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 «SKVALLERKÅL», Urtekildens planteleksikon
  2. Art Aegopodium podagraria, artsdatabanken.no
  • Johannes Lid: Norsk-svensk-finsk flora. Det Norske Samlaget, 1985.

  • Svensk Wikipedia.


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Skvallerkål: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NN

Skvallerkål (Aegopodium podagraria) er ei fleirårig plante i skjermplantefamilien. Arten er utbreidd i Europa og Asia. Planta vert kring 60 cm høg, men kan nå 100 cm. Ho er bladrik og veks oftast i tett bestand. Skvallerkål har krypande jordstengel som blir brukt til formeiring. Nedre blad er delte to-tre gonger, øvre blad er enkelt trekopla. Blomane er kvite, av og til raudlege, og sit på skjermar. Skvallerkål blomstrar frå juni til september.

 src= Botanisk illustrasjon av skvallerkål.

Skvallerkål føretrekk næringsrik jord og halvskugge. Planta stammar frå Mellom-Europa, og er blitt spreidd av menneske til andre delar av Europa, Asia, Nord-Amerika og Oseania. Ho veks gjennom heile Noreg, men er sjeldan i nord.

Skvallerkål kan etast og har tradisjonelt blitt brukt til urtemedisin. Han blei dyrka i klosterhagar i mellomalderen. Planta kan verka urindrivande og betennelseshemmande. Det vitskaplege namnet podagraria viser til den historiske bruken som middel mot podagra. I dag er skvallerkål helst rekna som eit ugras som lett kan ta over eit område og er vanskeleg å bli kvitt.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia NN

Skvallerkål ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Skvallerkål (Aegopodium podagraria) er en flerårig plante i skjermplantefamilien, som blir 30-100 cm høy og har hvite blomster i skjermer. Stilken er glatt, hul innvendig, og har langsgående furer. Bladene sitter på en forgrenet bladstilk i grupper av oddetall, ofte 3 eller 7 blader. Bladene er lansettformede og svakt taggete. De dukker ofte opp allerede i april, mens planten gjerne blomstrer i mai–juni.

Skvallerkål er svært utbredt og sprer seg raskt. Den liker skyggefullt kratt, veigrøfter, skogbryn, hager, parker og strandvoller. Den er relativt vanlig i Norge i lavlandet, og går opp til om lag 750 moh. I Nord-Norge finnes den bare svært spredt.

Planten er et problem i hager og parker der man ønsker at andre vekster skal vokse og blomstre.


De underjordiske røttene er omfattende og planten lar seg vanskelig utrydde. Mekanisk fjerning er vanskelig. Selv korte rotrester spirer raskt. Gjentatt fjerning av plantedelene over jordflata vil over tid (typisk over en hel vekstsesong) fjerne planten. Skvallerkål i plen er mulig å bekjempe effektivt ved å klippe plenen kort, regelmessig og hyppig over lang tid. Kulturplanter er som regel mer følsomme for Roundup enn skvallerkål, og må derfor skjermes godt mot sprøyting[1]

Skvallerkål er en spiselig plante, de unge bladene er gode i salat eller i omelett. I gamle dager ble omslag av planten brukt mot podagra, derav plantens vitenskapelige navn.


  1. ^ Garske, Steve, Schimpf, David. Fact sheet: Goutweed PCA Fact Sheet, 2005, pp. 1-4 (pdf) Fact sheet: Goutweed.

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wikipedia NO

Skvallerkål: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Skvallerkål (Aegopodium podagraria) er en flerårig plante i skjermplantefamilien, som blir 30-100 cm høy og har hvite blomster i skjermer. Stilken er glatt, hul innvendig, og har langsgående furer. Bladene sitter på en forgrenet bladstilk i grupper av oddetall, ofte 3 eller 7 blader. Bladene er lansettformede og svakt taggete. De dukker ofte opp allerede i april, mens planten gjerne blomstrer i mai–juni.

Skvallerkål er svært utbredt og sprer seg raskt. Den liker skyggefullt kratt, veigrøfter, skogbryn, hager, parker og strandvoller. Den er relativt vanlig i Norge i lavlandet, og går opp til om lag 750 moh. I Nord-Norge finnes den bare svært spredt.

Planten er et problem i hager og parker der man ønsker at andre vekster skal vokse og blomstre.

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Wikipedia forfattere og redaktører
النص الأصلي
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wikipedia NO

Aegopodium podagraria ( Pms )

المقدمة من wikipedia PMS
Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Pianta erbosa ch'a viv sempe, con un risòma da anté a-i nass la gamba àuta fin a 1 méter, veuida, sempia o ramificà an su. Le feuje al pé a son divise an tre part, e minca part a pòrta tre feuje. A man a man ch'a ven-o su a son pi sempie. La fior a l'é un parapieuva fàit a soa vira da 10 o vint cit parapieuva, le fiorin-e a son bianche o rosà.


A chërs ant ij pòst fresch, ant le sev e ij giardin.


Diurétiche e depurative.


Le feuje tëndre a son mës-cià, com depurativ, a le salade.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

Aegopodium podagraria L.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia PMS

Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( Pms )

المقدمة من wikipedia PMS

Pianta erbosa ch'a viv sempe, con un risòma da anté a-i nass la gamba àuta fin a 1 méter, veuida, sempia o ramificà an su. Le feuje al pé a son divise an tre part, e minca part a pòrta tre feuje. A man a man ch'a ven-o su a son pi sempie. La fior a l'é un parapieuva fàit a soa vira da 10 o vint cit parapieuva, le fiorin-e a son bianche o rosà.


A chërs ant ij pòst fresch, ant le sev e ij giardin.


Diurétiche e depurative.


Le feuje tëndre a son mës-cià, com depurativ, a le salade.


Arlong na sev


Le fior


Le feuje


Le feuje da sota

حقوق النشر
Wikipedia authors and editors
النص الأصلي
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موقع الشريك
wikipedia PMS

Podagrycznik pospolity ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
Commons Multimedia w Wikimedia Commons
Podagrycznik pospolity często występuje przy ogrodzeniach
Odmiana ozdobna 'Variegatum'
Przekrój ogonka liściowego i spodnia strona liści
Kwiatostan i chrząszcze wyjadające pyłek

Podagrycznik pospolity (Aegopodium podagraria L.)[2]gatunek rośliny należący do rodziny selerowatych. Nazwa polska pochodzi od tego, że dawniej leczono nim chorobę dna moczanowa, potocznie zwaną podagrą[3]. Nazwy zwyczajowe: barszlica, ger, giersz, kozia stopa, srocyna, śnitka, krzemionka[4].

Rozmieszczenie geograficzne

Rodzimy obszar jego występowania to Europa i Azja Zachodnia[3]. Rozprzestrzenił się jednak i obecnie jako gatunek zawleczony występuje pospolicie na terenie USA i Kanady w Ameryce Północnej, w Azji poprzez obszary Rosji sięga po wyspy japońskie, zawleczony został także do Australii i Nowej Zelandii[5]. W Polsce jest rośliną bardzo pospolitą. Status we florze Polski: gatunek rodzimy[6].


Wzniesiona, górą rozgałęziająca się, naga lub krótko owłosiona, w środku pusta (dęta) i bruzdowana. Osiąga wysokość 50-100 cm. Pod ziemią czołgające się, silne kłącze o zgrubiałych węzłach, wytwarzające liczne rozłogi[3].
Odziomkowe i dolne łodygowe są długoogonkowe, podwójnie trójlistkowe; środkowy listek jest największy. Poszczególne listki są niesymetrycznie jajowate, zaostrzone, pojedynczo lub podwójnie piłkowane, ogonkowe. Dolne liście pochwiasto osadzone na łodydze. Liście górne są pojedynczo trójdzielne. Charakterystyczną cechą gatunkową pozwalającą na rozróżnienie tego gatunku od innych, podobnych gatunków jest budowa ogonków liściowych. Na przekroju poprzecznym mają proste, lub słabo na zewnątrz wysklepione brzegi, rdzeń w środku i zawsze są gładkie[3].
Drobne kwiaty tworzą duże, baldachy złożone, 12–13 szypułkowe, bez pokryw i pokrywek. W poszczególnych baldaszkach jest 12–20 pojedynczych kwiatów na równej długości szorstkich szypułkach. Kwiaty są obupłciowe lub męskie. Płatki korony białe lub jasnoróżowe, o wierzchołkach zagiętych do środka[3][7].
Rozłupnia rozpadająca się łatwo na dwie rozłupki o długości 3–5 mm i szerokości 1,2 mm. Mają one brunatną barwę i dwa, jaśniejsze żebra[3].

Biologia i ekologia

Bylina, geofit i hemikryptofit[6]. Kwitnie od czerwca do lipca, kwiaty przedprątne, owadopylne[8]. Na jego kwiatostanach zwykle przebywa wiele chrząszczy odżywiających się pyłkiem[4]. Silnie rozmnaża się wegetatywnie za pomocą kłączy[3]. Nasiona kiełkują słabo. Masa 1000 owoców wynosi 2,4 g. Na jednej roślinie wyrasta średnio 2800 owoców.
Wilgotne i świeże zarośla, lasy liściaste, ogrody, przydroża, nad brzegami wód. Często rośnie przy płotach. W uprawach rolniczych i ogródkach jest uporczywym chwastem, gdyż odtwarza się nawet z niewielkich fragmentów kłącza. Odznacza się przy tym ogromną siłą konkurencyjną w stosunku do innych gatunków, dzięki czemu szybko opanowuje teren. Często tworzy całe łany. Jest gatunkiem wskaźnikowym gleb bogatych w próchnicę i azot. Lubi miejsca zacienione[3]. W klasyfikacji zbiorowisk roślinnych gatunek charakterystyczny dla Cl. Querco-Fagetea i All. Aegopodion podagrariae[9].
Liczba chromosomów 2n=22 (rzadko), 42, 44[6].
Korelacje międzygatunkowe
Na podagryczniku pospolitym pasożytują niektóre gatunki grzybów: Erysiphe heraclei powodujący chorobę zwaną mączniakiem prawdziwym, Mycosphaerella podagrariae wywołujący plamistość liści, szpetczak Protomyces macrosporus powodujący zniekształcenie liści, grzybopodobny lęgniowiec Plasmopara crustosa wywołujący mączniaka rzekomego i Puccinia aegopodii wywołująca rdzę. Na nadziemnych pędach żeruje pluskwiak Cavariella aegopodii, chrząszcze Chrysolina oricalcia, Phaedon tumidulus i Oomorphus concolor, liście minowane są przez larwy muchówek Phytomyza obscurella i Cryptaciura rotundiventris, w korzeniach żeruje larwa chrząszcza Liophloeus tessulatus[10].


Roślina ozdobna
Gatunek czasami uprawiany, głównie jako roślina okrywowa. Może rosnąć w miejscach zacienionych (np. pod drzewami). Używa się do tego celu przeważnie odmian ogrodowych o ozdobnych, plamistych liściach. Dzięki bardzo ekspansywnemu wzrostowi szybko pokrywa teren, utrudniając rozwój chwastów[11].
Roślina jadalna
Jako pożywienie wykorzystywali go starożytni Rzymianie, zjadany był w Szwecji, Szwajcarii, także w Polsce. Z młodych liści można na wiosnę sporządzać sałatkę o aromatycznym, nieprzyjemnym i gorzkim smaku, ale zawierającą cenne witaminy. Starsze liście można gotować. Według Łukasza Łuczaja nadaje się do spożycia tylko w ostateczności[12].
Roślina kosmetyczna
Ze świeżego ziela można sporządzać oczyszczające maseczki kosmetyczne. Działają one rozgrzewająco i poprawiają oddychanie skóry[4].
Roślina lecznicza
Dawniej leczono zielem dnę moczanową. Okładano nim także rany[3].
  • Surowiec: ziele i korzeń zawierające m.in.: białka, tłuszcze, flawonoidy, karoteny, kwasy organiczne, sole mineralne, terpeny, olejki eteryczne, prowitaminę A, witaminę C[4].
  • Działanie i zastosowanie: słabe uspokajające, moczopędne, przeciwzapalne[12]. Herbatę z suszonych liści podagrycznika stosowano w leczeniu dny moczanowej, stanów zapalnych nerek i pęcherza, żylaków odbytu, pomocniczo w kamicy nerkowej oraz na poprawę przemiany materii. Świeże liście przyspieszają gojenie się ran[4].
Roślina paszowa
Pasza z tej rośliny jest nieszkodliwa dla zwierząt, jednak mało pożywna i wodnista. Bydło zjada ją niechętnie[8].
Inne zastosowania
Z wysuszonych kwiatostanów sporządzano dawniej barwnik do farbowania tkanin na cytrynowo[4].

Szkodliwość i zwalczanie

Podagrycznik jest trudnym do zwalczenia chwastem w cienistych ogrodach. Zachwaszcza zwłaszcza rośliny wieloletnie: truskawki, krzewy owocowe, ogrody warzywne i kwiatowe, parki, klomby. Rozplenia się szybko za pomocą kłączy i rozłogów. Plewienie jest mało skuteczne, gdyż kłącza są łamliwe i łatwo odrastają z nich nowe rośliny[4]. Usuwanie go jest czasochłonne, wymaga dwukrotnego przekopania grządki (w odstępie 2 tygodni) i dokładnego wybrania wszystkich fragmentów kłączy[11].


Podagrycznik pospolity może być uprawiany pod drzewami, jako roślina okrywowa. Uprawia się go też na rabatach, nie należy jednak sadzić go w ziemi w sąsiedztwie innych roślin ozdobnych, gdyż ze względu na swój ekspansywny wzrost łatwo zagłuszy je, a za pomocą kłączy szybko rozprzestrzenia się i wkrótce może zająć całą działkę. Z tego względu zaleca się uprawianie go na miejscach, gdzie nie zagraża innym roślinom (np. pod drzewami), uprawę w pojemnikach, a jeśli w ziemi to na odrębnych rabatach, lub odizolowanie go od innych roślin zakopanymi w glebie pasami izolującymi. Jest bardzo łatwy w uprawie, ale stosowanie go w roli rośliny okrywowej wymaga dużej rozwagi, łatwiej bowiem założyć jego uprawę, niż ją zlikwidować. Wymaga raczej wilgotnego podłoża, nie ma specjalnych wymagań co do gleby. Rozmnaża się łatwo poprzez podział i kłącza[11].


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-05-01].
  2. Zbigniew Mirek, Halina Piękoś-Mirkowa, Adam Zając, Maria Zając: Flowering plants and pteridophytes of Poland. A checklist. Krytyczna lista roślin naczyniowych Polski. Instytut Botaniki PAN im. Władysława Szafera w Krakowie, 2002. ISBN 83-85444-83-1.
  3. a b c d e f g h i František Činčura, Viera Feráková, Jozef Májovský, Ladislav Šomšák, Ján Záborský: Pospolite rośliny środkowej Europy. Jindřich Krejča, Magdaléna Záborská (ilustracje). Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1990. ISBN 83-09-01473-2.
  4. a b c d e f g Notatnik rolnika. Podagrycznik pospolity. [dostęp 2018-03-04].
  5. Discover Life Maps. [dostęp 2018-03-04].
  6. a b c Lucjan Rutkowski: Klucz do oznaczania roślin naczyniowych Polski niżowej. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14342-8.
  7. Marian Nowiński: Chwasty łąk i pastwisk. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1966.
  8. a b Olga Seidl, Józef Rostafiński: Przewodnik do oznaczania roślin. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1973.
  9. Władysław Matuszkiewicz: Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14439-4.
  10. Malcolm Storey: Aegopodium podagraria L. (Ground Elder, Ground-elder, Goutweed, Bishop’S Weed). W: BioInfo (UK) [on-line]. [dostęp 2018-03-04].
  11. a b c Geoff Burnie i inni: Botanica. Rośliny ogrodowe. Könemann, 2005. ISBN 83-8331-1916-0.
  12. a b Łukasz Łuczaj: Dzikie rośliny jadalne Polski. Przewodnik survivalowy. Chemigrafia, 2004. ISBN 83-904633-5-0.
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wikipedia POL

Podagrycznik pospolity: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
 src= Podagrycznik pospolity często występuje przy ogrodzeniach  src= Liść  src= Odmiana ozdobna 'Variegatum'  src= Przekrój ogonka liściowego i spodnia strona liści  src= Kwiatostan i chrząszcze wyjadające pyłek

Podagrycznik pospolity (Aegopodium podagraria L.) – gatunek rośliny należący do rodziny selerowatych. Nazwa polska pochodzi od tego, że dawniej leczono nim chorobę dna moczanowa, potocznie zwaną podagrą. Nazwy zwyczajowe: barszlica, ger, giersz, kozia stopa, srocyna, śnitka, krzemionka.

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wikipedia POL

Aegopodium podagraria ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Aegopodium é uma espécie de planta medicinal pertencente à família Apiaceae. É originária da Eurásia.

Protomyces macrosporus na planta.


Tem uma cor variada de verde e branco que às vezes se torna verde dentro de uma zona. As flores são pequenas, de cor branca, com cinco pétalas e saem acima das folhas, em grupos planos.

Forma manchas densas e é considerada como uma ameaça ecológica, é invasivo e reduz a diversidade de espécies na superfície do solo. Por este motivo utiliza-se, com frequência, para a manutenção do cobertura vegetal.


Princípios activos

Contém Vitamina C (folhas)


Utiliza-se como sedativo, diurético (frutos), aromático, estimulante, resolutivo, cicatrizante. Usado para o reuma e a gota, varizes, doenças da pele. Os frutos em infusão ou decoção usam-se para doenças intestinais, renais ou da vesícula.[2]

Preparação, receitas

Utilizam-se as folhas frescas para a gota e secas em infusão para o reuma. As folhas trituradas podem-se empregar para refrescar a pele depois da picada de insetos. As folhas frescas cortadas finamente com carne picada e puré de aveia para facilitar a digestão.[2]


Aegopodium podagraria é nativa da Europa e Ásia.


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental e no Arquipélago dos Açores.

Em termos de naturalidade é nativa da primeira região e é introduzida na segunda.


Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.


Aegopodium podagraria foi descrita por Carolus Linnaeus e publicado em Species Plantarum 2: 265. 1753.[3]


Aegopodium: nome genérico que deriva das palavras gregas: αἴγειος (Aigeos = "cabra") e πούς-ποδός (pous-podos = "pé") e refere-se à forma das folhas, que recorda a um pé de cabra.

podagraria: epíteto

  • Aegopodium latifolium Turcz. [1844, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou, 17 : 711]
  • Ligusticum podagraria Roth & T.lestib.
  • Tragoselinum angelica Lam. [1779, Fl. Fr., 3 : 449] [nom. illeg.]
  • Sium podagraria (L.) Weber in F.h.wigg. [1780, Prim. Fl. Holsat. : 24]
  • Sison podagraria (L.) Spreng. [1813, Pl. Umb. Prodr. : 35]
  • Seseli podagraria (L.) Weber
  • Seseli aegopodium Scop. [1771, Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 1 : 215] [nom. illeg.]
  • Selinum podagraria (L.) E.h.l.krause in Sturm [1904, Fl. Deutschl., ed. 2, 12 : 57]
  • Podagraria erratica Bubani [1899, Fl. Pyr., 2 : 351] [nom. illeg.]
  • Podagraria aegopodium Moench [1794, Meth. : 90]
  • Pimpinella podagraria (L.) T.lestib. [1828, Botanogr. Belg., 2 (2) : 269]
  • Pimpinella angelicifolia Lam. [1785, Encycl. Méth. Bot., 1 : 451]
  • Carum podagraria (L.) Roth [1827, Enum. Pl. Phan. Germ., 1 (1) : 946]
  • Apium podagraria (L.) Caruel in Parl. [1889, Fl. Ital., 8 : 467]
  • Aegopodium angelicifolium Salisb.
  • Aegopodium simplex Lavy
  • Aegopodium ternatum Gilib.
  • Aegopodium tribracteolatum Schmalh.
  • Apium biternatum Stokes
  • Sium vulgare Bernh.[4][5]

Nome comum

  • Português: pequena-angélica, angélica menor.[6]


Ver também


  1. «The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species». Consultado em 5 de dezembro de 2014
  2. a b «Aegopodium podagraria». Plantas útiles: Linneo. Consultado em 22 de novembro de 2016. Arquivado do original em 1 de dezembro de 2009
  3. «Aegopodium podagraria». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden
  4. Aegopodium podagraria
  5. Sinônimos em
  6. «Aegopodium podagraria». PlantaMed. Consultado em 22 de novembro de 2016


  1. Bailey, L.H. & E.Z. Bailey. 1976. Hortus Third i–xiv, 1–1290. MacMillan, New York.
  2. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
  3. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Choripetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 2. 655 pg. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. Ou.S.. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
  4. Gleason, H. A. & A.J. Cronquist. 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.E. Ou.S. (ed. 2) i–910. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
  5. Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell. 1968. Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas i–lxi, 1–1183. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
  6. Scoggan, H. J. 1979. Dicotyledoneae (Loasaceae to Compositae). Part 4. 1117–1711 pg. In Fl. Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa.
  7. Small, J. K. 1933. Man. S.E. Fl. i–xxii, 1–1554. Published by the Author, New York. View in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  8. Voss, E. G. 1985. Michigan Flora. Part II Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae). Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. 59. xix + 724.

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Aegopodium é uma espécie de planta medicinal pertencente à família Apiaceae. É originária da Eurásia.

 src= Talos  src= Protomyces macrosporus na planta.  src= Folhas
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Aegopodium podagraria ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Aegopodium podagraria, cunoscută tradițional și ca piciorul caprei, este o plantă perena și face parte din familia Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), fiind înrudită cu morcovul. Crește în locurile umbrite. Este specia tip al genului Aegopodium. Specia este nativă Eurasiei, și a fost introdusă în restul lumii ca să fie plantă ornamentală.[1]


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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Aegopodium podagraria, cunoscută tradițional și ca piciorul caprei, este o plantă perena și face parte din familia Umbelliferae (Apiaceae), fiind înrudită cu morcovul. Crește în locurile umbrite. Este specia tip al genului Aegopodium. Specia este nativă Eurasiei, și a fost introdusă în restul lumii ca să fie plantă ornamentală.

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Kirskål ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Kirskål (Aegopodium podagraria) är en av de mer storväxta flockblommiga växterna,


Två gånger tre-fingrade blad

Kirskål kan bli upp till 80 cm hög. De bredbladiga bladen är två gånger 3-fingrade med tandad kant. Dom små vita blommorna sitter samlade i flockar, och pollineras framförallt av flugor och skalbaggar. [1][2]

Genom krypande jordstam och sina långa rötter blir kirskål lätt ett svårutrotat ogräs, på sina håll rent av invasivt. Den kan bekämpas genom odling av potatis ett eller ett par år på det område, där man vill begränsa kirskålens framfart. Även regelbunden gräsklippning bekämpar kirskålen, som inte tål att bli nedklippt på samma sätt som gräs.[3]


I Sverige är kirskålen begränsad till den sydliga hälften av floraområdet. Är där vanlig i parker och gamla trädgårdar, men mindre vanlig i lundskogar och på inägor.


Växer gärna i skugga med god jord, men klarar sig någorlunda även på soliga områden.


Späda ätbara kirskålblad

Späda blad kan anrättas som kål – därav de vanliga namnen kirskål, skvallerkål och svallerkål – eller på samma sätt som spenat till stuvning, i omelett med mera[4]. De är även användbara i sallader och i pesto. Stjälkar och äldre blad är beska.


Kirskålen sägs ofta felaktigt ha införts av munkarna under medeltiden. Arkeologiska fynd visar emellertid att den odlades i Sverige redan under förromersk järnålder (500 f. Kr. – år 0), långt innan klosterväsendet etablerats i Skandinavien. [5] Munkarna odlade kirskål som läkeört och grönsak.

Även på svenska slott och herrgårdar för några sekler sedan odlades kirskål som grönsak, och det är därifrån den spritt sig till nuvarande omfattning.

Vetenskapliga synonymer

Aegopodium angelicifolium Salisb.
Aegopodium latifolium Turcz.
Apium podagraria (L.) Caruel in Parl.
Carum podagraria (L.) Roth
Ligusticum podagraria (L.) Crantz
Ligusticum podagraria Roth & T.Lestib.
Pimpinella angelicifolia Lam. nom. illeg.
Pimpinella podagraria (L.) T.Lestib.
Podagraria aegopodium Moench
Podagraria erratica Bubani nom. illeg.
Selinum podagraria (L.) E.H.L.Krause in Sturm
Seseli aegopodium Scop. nom. illeg.
Seseli podagraria (L.) Weber
Sison podagraria (L.) Spreng.
Sium podagraria (L.) Weber in F.H.Wigg.
Tragoselinum angelica Lam. nom. illeg.


Namn Trakt Referens Not
Kers Kirs KärsBohuslän, Västergötland,

Halland, Småland

Kerskål Uppland, Östergötland [6] Kirskål Riiskål Uppland [7] Skvallerkål [7] Svallerkål [7] Svallerlört [7]
Ej att förväxla med Svalört.


  1. ^ ”Den virtuella floran: Aegopodium podagraria L. - Kirskål”. linnaeus.nrm.se. http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/di/apia/aegop/aegopod.html. Läst 3 mars 2019.
  2. ^ ”Flockblommiga växter” (på sv-SE). Insektsväxter. 15 februari 2019. http://insektsvaxter.dreamhosters.com/flockblommiga-vaxter/. Läst 3 mars 2019.
  3. ^ ”3 starka vapen mot KIRSKÅL” (på sv-SE). Gör Det Själv. 5 april 2018. https://gds.se/tradgaarden/vaxter/ogras/3-starka-vapen-mot-kirskaal. Läst 3 mars 2019.
  4. ^ Odlaren, 2/2007 Arkiverad 19 juni 2012 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.
  5. ^ Rbkultur 2012, nr1 Kulturväxter med ”djupa rötter.”
  6. ^ Kers-kål i Johan Ernst Rietz, Svenskt dialektlexikon (1862–1867)
  7. ^ [a b c d] Svenska Akademiens ordbok: Skvallerkål

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Kirskål (Aegopodium podagraria) är en av de mer storväxta flockblommiga växterna,

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Яглиця звичайна ( الأوكرانية )

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Опис рослини

Рослина з повзучим кореневищем, що рясно галузиться, тому яглиця звичайно утворює великі зарості в тінистих лісах. На початку літа з'являється порожнисте квітконосне стебло, 50—100 см заввишки, борозенчасте, голе або короткоопушене.

Листки двічі трійчасті або трійчастоперисті. Листя великі: верхні — трійчасті, нижні — двічі трійчасті. Квітки дрібні, білі, зібрані в складні парасольки. Цвіте в червні і липні дрібними білими квітками[1].

Плід двосім'янка — завдовжки 1—4 мм. Добрий медонос.

Рослина розростається на культурних землях і вважається бур'яном, якого важко позбутися, оскільки під землею яглиця розвиває розгалужене кореневище.


Характеристична рослина наших широколистяних лісів. Повсюдна в Україні, більше в дубових гаях, в Криму — дуже рідко в горах. Росте по лісах, чагарниках, у садах, парках і на сміттєвих купах.

Хімічний склад

Листя, стебла і квіти яглиці містять: Ефірні олії, переважно лімонен (такий же, як у лимоні), він має бактерицидні властивості, феландрен, що має фунгіцидними властивості; стероїди, азотовмісні сполуки, великі кількості вітаміну С (200 мг на свіжої рослини) та провітаміну А (каротин) до 12 мг у 100 г, мінерали: залізо, мідь, марганець, титан, бор, кальцій, магній і калій, антиоксидантні флавоноїди, сапоніни, які мають сечогінні та відхаркувальні властивості, смоли.

Корені містять вуглеводи, ефірну олію, азотовмісні сполуки, поліацетиленові сполуки (фалькаринолон, фалькаринон, фалькариндіол та ін.), фенолкарбонові кислоти, кумарини та вищі аліфатичні вуглеводи.

Практичне використання

Застосування в медицині

Зауважте, Вікіпедія не дає медичних порад!
Якщо у вас виникли проблеми зі здоров'ям, зверніться до лікаря.

Городники вважають яглицю бур'яном, якого надзвичайно важко позбутися. Проте якраз серед них є така приказка: «Бур'ян — це рослина, властивості якої ще не досить вивчені.» З давніх давен яглиця застосовується в народі як харчова та лікарська рослина. Це знайшло своє відображення у польській назві цієї рослини — подагричник. Латинська назва так і перекладається: «лікуючий подагру», англійська — «подагричне зілля», За археологічними даними яглиця використовувалася для лікування захворювань суглобів ще неандертальцями. У Середньовіччі вирощувалася у монастирських садах як овочева рослина чи приправа. Активніше почала застосовуватись в медицині з кінця ХІХ сторіччя, коли відомий швейцарський фітотерапевт Йоган Кюнцлє (Johann Künzle) почав застосовувати яглицю для лікування різноманітних хвороб, зокрема також суглобів.

В наш час яглиця застосовується в лікуванні подагри та артритів, іноді ішіасу. Тут має значення її сильна протизапальна дія, а також позитивний вплив на нормалізацію порушеного обміну речовин, зокрема, видалення надміру сечової кислоти. Препарати яглиці мають фунгіцидну, протзапальну, діуретичну та занозагоювальну дію. Наявність фалькаринолу та фалькариндіолу робить яглицю важливим засобом лікування грибкових захворювань шкіри. Яглицю застосовують при рожистому запаленні та ексудативному діатезі.

Сприяє нормалізації функцій кишківника, що виявляються у чергуванні проносів та закрепів, пришвидшує травлення.

Застосовується при сечокам'яній хворобі та каменях сечового міхуря. Завдяки цим різноманітним властивостям має детоксикаційний та очищувальний вплив на організм.

Спиртова настоянка яглиці сповільнює ріст золотистого стафілококу (Staphylococcus aureus) та клебсіели пневмонії (Klebsiella pneumoniae), також сповільнює ріст деяких патогенних грибів.

З яглиці роблять сік, що перешкоджає закисленню організму.

Застосування в кулінарії

Молоді свіжі листочки застосовують у кулінарії, вони мають 90 мг вітаміну C на 100 г сирої маси. Зі свіжих весняних пагонів готують салат, додаючи молоде листя кульбаби та жерухи. Сушене зілля застосовують в якості приправи. Варять також суп, додаючи молоде листя кропиви та подорожника. В Центральній Росії весною листки яглиці додають в щі замість капусти. Це улюблена овочева рослина на Південному Уралі, в Башкирії, Татарії та Мордовії.[2]

Черешки листя, а також молоді листя і соковиті пагони можуть заміняти капусту; їх квасять в бочках, заготовляючи про запас.[1]

У яглиці приємний запах, і в старі часи торговці зеленню перекладали яглицею овочі для надання їм своєрідного аромату[1]

Застосування в промисловості

Яглиця фарбує тканини в зелений та жовтий кольори.


Див. також


  1. а б в Верзилин Николай Михайлович // «По следам Робинзона», «Сады и парки мира» — Ленинград, 1964, — 574 с. Формат 84Х108 1/16 Уч.-изд. л. 39,98 + 16 вклеек = 43,39 Тираж 50 000 екз.
  2. М. Л. Рева, Н. Н. Рева Дикі їстівні рослини України / Київ, Наукова думка, 1976—168 с. — С. 37


  • Енциклопедія українознавства : Словникова частина : [в 11 т.] / Наукове товариство імені Шевченка ; гол. ред. проф., д-р Володимир Кубійович. — Париж ; Нью-Йорк : Молоде життя ; Львів ; Київ : Глобус, 1955—2003.
  • Рандушка Д., Шомшак Л., Габерова И. Цветовой атлас растений. Серия: Картинки природы. / Пер. со словац. Фото Д. Рандушка. 1-е русское изд. «Обзор» Братислава 1990 г. 416 с., илл. 25. ISBN 80-215-0068-9 (рос.)
  • М. Л. Рева, Н. Н. Рева «Дикі їстивні рослини України» К., «Наукова думка», 1976, с. 17, 29, 35, 52, 76.
  • Л. В. Пастушенков та ін. «Лекарственные растения» Лениздат, «Человек», 1990, с. 244—245.
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Aegopodium podagraria ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Aegopodium podagraria là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa tán. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Aegopodium podagraria. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Aegopodium podagraria: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Aegopodium podagraria là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa tán. Loài này được L. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1753.

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Сныть обыкновенная ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
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Эта отметка установлена 15 января 2019 года.
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Asteranae
Семейство: Зонтичные
Подсемейство: Сельдерейные
Триба: Тминовые
Род: Сныть
Вид: Сныть обыкновенная
Международное научное название

Aegopodium podagraria L., 1753

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 29567NCBI 40902EOL 581940IPNI 837329-1TPL kew-2623499

Сныть обыкнове́нная (лат. Aegopódium podagrária) — многолетнее травянистое растение; вид рода Сныть семейства Зонтичные (Apiaceae).

Ботаническое описание

Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги О. В. Томе Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885

Корневище горизонтальное, ползучее.

Стебель прямой, полый бороздчатый, наверху несколько ветвистый, высотой до 1 м.

Нижние листья дважды тройчатые, листочки заострённые, продолговато-яйцевидные до 8 см длиной, по краю остропильчатые; верхние листья тройчатые на коротких черешках, мелкие. Листья сверху почти голые, снизу опушённые. Жилкование перистое.

Соцветие — сложный зонтик с 20—30 лучами, зонтички (10—15 мм в диаметре) из 15—20 цветков, без обёрток и обёрточек. Верхушечный зонтик плодущий, боковые — бесплодные. Цветки мелкие, белые. Тычинок пять, пестик один.

Плод — продолговатая сплюснутая коричневая двусемянка, длиной 3—4 мм.

Распространение и экология

Растёт на богатых почвах в лиственных и смешанных лесах, на вырубках, среди кустарников, нередко как сорное в садах и парках. Теневынослива. В сильно затенённых местах может сильно разрастаться, но не цвести.

В России распространена широко почти по всей европейской части от Карелии до Пермского края и Саратовской области, а также в южной полосе Сибири до Байкала, на Северном Кавказе.

Практическое использование

Пищевое, витаминное, медоносное, лекарственное, кормовое растение.

Молодые листья сныти и солёные черешки пригодны для употребления в пищу в виде салата. Их протирают на пюре; зелень сныти отличается приятным запахом и используется в качестве приправы к разнообразным кушаньям. Черешки листков можно мариновать с уксусом, из них готовят икру и гарниры. Неразвернувшиеся листья и молодые листовые черешки употребляют вместо капусты для приготовления щей, борща и ботвиньи[2].

В надземной части сныти содержатся витамин С (0,044—0,1 %), каротин (до 0,008 %), белковые вещества (до 22 %), кальций, кобальт.[источник не указан 31 день] Используется как противоцинготное средство.[источник не указан 31 день]

Сныть — хороший медонос, ценится наравне с таким высокопродуктивным медоносом, как иван-чай. В те годы, когда иван-чай не даёт достаточно нектара, его заменяет сныть. Пчёлы охотно посещают эти растения, особенно в первой половине дня. Нектаропродуктивность цветков сныти зависит от затенённости леса: при затенённости 0,3 нектаропродуктивность 100 цветков за день составляет 12,8 мг, при полноте 0,5—0,8 одного растения соответственно 134 и 62,9 мг сахара.[источник не указан 31 день]

В народной медицине сныть используют от подагры и ревматизма.[источник не указан 31 день]

Сныть имеет значение как кормовое растение. В её листьях содержится значительное количество белка и относительно немного клетчатки. В опытах на кроликах сныть обыкновенная показала высокую питательную ценность.[источник не указан 31 день] Из-за сильного запаха она поедается в незначительном количестве — крупным рогатым скотом, овцами, козами, конями. Лучше всего её поедают овцы.[источник не указан 31 день] А в запаренном виде или в виде сечки сныть поедается свиньями. Сныть хорошо отрастает после срезания, но на выпас реагирует негативно.[источник не указан 31 день] Она пригодна для силосования.

Aegopodium podagraria - stem profile.jpg
Aegopodium podagraria young.jpg
Aegopodium podagraria1 ies.jpg
Zevenbladbloem R01.jpg
Слева направо: срез побега, молодой побег, листья, цветки


Aegopodium podagraria L., 1753, Sp. Pl. 1: 265.


  • Aegopodium angelicifolium Salisb.
  • Aegopodium podagraria subsp. nadeshdae Stepanov
  • Aegopodium simplex Lavy
  • Aegopodium ternatum Gilib.
  • Aegopodium tribracteolatum Schmalh.
  • Apium biternatum Stokes
  • Apium podagraria (L.) Caruel
  • Carum podagraria (L.) Roth


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Келлер, 1941.
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Сныть обыкновенная: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию

Сныть обыкнове́нная (лат. Aegopódium podagrária) — многолетнее травянистое растение; вид рода Сныть семейства Зонтичные (Apiaceae).

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wikipedia русскую Википедию

宽叶羊角芹 ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Aegopodium latifolium

宽叶羊角芹学名Aegopodium latifolium)是伞形科羊角芹属的植物。分布于俄罗斯以及中国大陆新疆等地,生长于海拔1,000米的地区,多生在山麓草丛湿润处,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。


  • 昆明植物研究所. 宽叶羊角芹. 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
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宽叶羊角芹: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

宽叶羊角芹(学名:Aegopodium latifolium)是伞形科羊角芹属的植物。分布于俄罗斯以及中国大陆新疆等地,生长于海拔1,000米的地区,多生在山麓草丛湿润处,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。

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イワミツバ ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
イワミツバ Illustration Aegopodium podagraria0.jpg 分類APG III : 植物界 Plantae 階級なし : 被子植物 angiosperms 階級なし : 真正双子葉類 eudicots 階級なし : コア真正双子葉類 core eudicots 階級なし : キク類 asterids 階級なし : キキョウ類 campanulids : セリ目 Apiales : セリ科 Apiaceae : エゾボウフウ属 Aegopodium : イワミツバ A. podagraria [1] 学名 Aegopodium podagraria
L. (1753) [1][2] 英名 bishop's gout-weed,[2]


イワミツバ (Aegopodium podagraria) は日陰に生えるセリ科草本の一つ。




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  1. ^ a b 米倉浩司・梶田忠 (2003-). “Aegopodium podagraria L.”. BG Plants 和名−学名インデックス(YList). ^ a b c d "'Aegopodium podagraria L.". Tropicos. Missouri Botanical Garden. 2012年8月12日閲覧.
  2. ^ Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria) in the Encyclopedia of Life


 src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、イワミツバに関連するメディアがあります。  src= ウィキスピーシーズにイワミツバに関する情報があります。


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wikipedia 日本語

イワミツバ: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

イワミツバ (Aegopodium podagraria) は日陰に生えるセリ科草本の一つ。



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