Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 94–100.94–96 Heliodon, male genitalia: 94 Heliodon doris (holotype) 95 Heliodon tiber (holotype) 96 Heliodon gloriosus (holotype of Microdon aurivesta Hull, jun. syn.) 97–98 Hypselosyrphus amazonicus female (holotype Microdon scutellaris Shannon): 97 habitus dorsal 98 habitus lateral 99–100 Hypselosyrphus trigonus male (holotype): 99 head frontal 100 head lateral.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 5.Shape of male sterna 2–4. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 101–108.101–102 Hypselosyrphus, male genitalia: 101 Heliodon amazonicus (Peru, coll. RMNH) (cercus missing) 102 Heliodon analis (holotype) 103–106 Indascia gracilis male (holotype): 103 habitus dorsal 104 habitus lateral 105 wing 106 genitalia 107–108 Indascia gigantica male (holotype): 107 habitus dorsal 108 habitus lateral.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 14.Abdomen of female. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium D Melanostoma mellinum.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 251–259.251–252 Oligeriops iridomyrmex female (syntype): 251 head frontal 252 head lateral 253 Oligeriops dimorphon male (Australia, coll. USNM), genitalia lateral 254–255 Omegasyrphus pallipennis male (USA, California, coll. RMNH) 254 habitus dorsal 255 habitus lateral 256 Omegasyrphus coarctatus male (USA, Virginia, coll. RMNH), genitalia lateral. 257–258 Paragodon paragoides female (Costa Rica, coll. RMNH): 257 habitus lateral 258 wing.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 4.Antenna. A Melanostoma scalare, male and B Melanostoma certum, male.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 285–292.285–289 Parocyptamus sonamii male (syntype, except 290 Thailand, coll. RMNH): 285 habitus dorsal 286 habitus lateral 287 tergite 2 dorsal 288 head frontal 289 wing 290 Parocyptamus stenogaster male (holotype), genitalia lateral 291–292 Peradon bidens male (Surinam, coll. RMNH): 291 face frontal 292 head lateral.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 6.Cerci and surstyli, dorsal view and surstyli, lateral view. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 285–292.285–289 Parocyptamus sonamii male (syntype, except 290 Thailand, coll. RMNH): 285 habitus dorsal 286 habitus lateral 287 tergite 2 dorsal 288 head frontal 289 wing 290 Parocyptamus stenogaster male (holotype), genitalia lateral 291–292 Peradon bidens male (Surinam, coll. RMNH): 291 face frontal 292 head lateral.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 7.Postgonite and anterior part of hypandrium, lateral view. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 293–298.293 Peradon bidens (Surinam, coll. RMNH), habitus dorsal 294 Peradon flavofascium female (Surinam, coll. RMNH), habitus dorsal 295 Peradon trivittatum male (Surinam, coll. RMNH), habitus dorsal 296–298 Peradon, male genitalia lateral: 296 Peradon bidens (Surinam, coll. RMNH) 296 Peradon flavofascium (holotype) 298 Peradon trivittatum (Surinam, coll. RMNH).
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 8.Postgonite, lateral view. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 388–396.388–391 Stipomorpha tenuicauda female (holotype) 388 habitus dorsal 389 habitus lateral 390 head frontal 391 head lateral 392 Stipomorpha lacteipennis male (holotype), habitus dorsal 393–394 Stipomorpha goettei male (Surinam, coll. RMNH), base of abdomen: 393 lateral 394 ventral 395–396 Stipomorpha, male genitalia: 395 Spheginobaccha tenuicauda (Bolivia, coll. M. Hauser) 396 Spheginobaccha lacteipennis (Surinam, coll. RMNH).
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 9.Postgonite, ventral view. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 10.Hypandrium, lateral view. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 11.Hypandrium, ventral view, shape of postgonites A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 12.Shape of female sterna 2–4. A Melanostoma scalare, B and C Melanostoma certum D Melanostoma mellarium and E and F Melanostoma mellinum.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 13.Dorsal view of female head. Position of posterior ocellus as compared to the hind eye line of female. A Melanostoma mellarium and B Melanostoma mellinum.