بنك الصفات
تسجيل الدخول
أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
بنك الصفات
تسجيل الدخول
أنشئ حسابًا
Português do Brasil
الأسماء في صفحات التنقل
مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
سوسية حقيقية
حقيقيات النوى
مفصليات الأرجل
سداسيات الأرجل
حديثات الأجنحة
سوسيات الشكل
سوسية حقيقية
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
نظرة عامة
الأسماء العلمية
الأسماء المفضلة
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
مرجع الأصنوفة من Electronic Catalogue of Weevil names (Curculionoidea) in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Hypothenemus samoanus
Bright & Skidmore 1997
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
تم الاعتراف بالنوع بواسطة
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
أسماء شائعة
لا توجد أسماء شائعة مرتبطة بهذه الأصنوفة.
التسلسل الهرمي المختار لـ Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
(هذه الصفحة)
Hypothenemus abdominalis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus adscitus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aequaliclavatus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus aethiops Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus africanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus alternans Browne 1970
Hypothenemus amakusanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus argentinensis Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus ascitus Wood 1971
Hypothenemus asiminae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus baloghi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bauhaniae Schedl 1950
Hypothenemus bezaziani Peyerimhoff 1935
Hypothenemus bicolor Eggers 1919
Hypothenemus bidens Browne 1973
Hypothenemus birmanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus brevicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus camerunus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson 1935
Hypothenemus comosus Bright 1972
Hypothenemus concavifrons Bright & Torres 2006
Hypothenemus corni Kurenzov 1941
Hypothenemus costatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer & G. W. F. 1791)
Hypothenemus cryphalomorphus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus cuneolus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dimorphus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dipterocarpi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dissimilis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dolichocola Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dolosus Wood 1974
Hypothenemus dorsosignatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dubiosus Schedl 1940
Hypothenemus emmi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus erectus Le Conte 1876
Hypothenemus eruditus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus euphorbiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson 1940
Hypothenemus flavosquamosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus ghanaensis Schedl 1962
Hypothenemus glabratellus Schedl 1953
Hypothenemus hamamelidis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus hampei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus heterolepis Costa Lima 1928
Hypothenemus hirsutus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus hopkinsi Browne 1963
Hypothenemus impressifrons Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus indigens Wood 1974
Hypothenemus inermis Browne 1984
Hypothenemus interstitialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus koebeli Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus laevigatus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus lamuensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus lefevrei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus longipennis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus machnovskii Sokanovskii & B. V. 1954
Hypothenemus macrolobii Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus mali Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus mateui Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus melasomus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus meridensis Wood 2007
Hypothenemus multidentatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus muticus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus myristicae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus natalensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus oahuensis Schedl 1941
Hypothenemus obscuriceps Schedl 1952
Hypothenemus obscurus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus opacus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pallidus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus parvulus Browne 1984
Hypothenemus perappositus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus perhispidus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus peritus Blandford 1894
Hypothenemus perpunctatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pilosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus praecellens Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pusillus Eggers 1927
Hypothenemus quadridens Browne 1984
Hypothenemus ritchiei Sampson 1918
Hypothenemus robustus Blackman 1922
Hypothenemus rufopalliatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus rugifer Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sacchari Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus schedli Browne 1963
Hypothenemus scutiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus socialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sparsus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus spinicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus styrax Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subacuminatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subelongatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus teretis Wood 1971
Hypothenemus tredli Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus trinitatis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus tristis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus vafer Blandford 1896
Hypothenemus validus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus vitis Browne 1970
Hypothenemus xanthophloeae Wood & Bright 1992
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Curculionidae Latreille & P. A. 1802
Hypothenemus Westwood & J. O. 1834
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
(هذه الصفحة)
Hypothenemus asiminae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus ater Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aterrimulus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aterrimus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus atomus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus atratus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aulmanni Bright & Skidmore 2002
Hypothenemus balachowskyi Menier 1971
Hypothenemus baloghi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bambusae Browne 1980
Hypothenemus bauhaniae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus beameri Wood 1954
Hypothenemus bezaziani Peyerimhoff 1935
Hypothenemus bicinctus Schedl 1959
Hypothenemus bicolor Eggers 1919
Hypothenemus bidens Browne 1973
Hypothenemus birmanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus biseriatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bolivianus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bradfordi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus brevicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus brownei Beaver 1991
Hypothenemus brunneipennis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus brunneus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus californicus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus camerunus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson 1935
Hypothenemus carbonarius Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus cassavaensis Schedl 1938
Hypothenemus ceibae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus chamaecipariae Nobuchi 1985
Hypothenemus citri Ebeling 1935
Hypothenemus colae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus columbi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus concavifrons Bright & Torres 2006
Hypothenemus concolor Hagedorn 1909
Hypothenemus confusus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus cosmoderoides Murayama 1961
Hypothenemus costatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus criticus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer & G. W. F. 1791)
Hypothenemus cryphaloides Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus cryphalomorphus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus cuneolus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus curtipennis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus cylindraceus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus cylindricus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus cylindripennis Schedl 1957
Hypothenemus cynometrae Schedl 1957
Hypothenemus deprecator Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dexter Browne 1970
Hypothenemus dimorphus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dipterocarpi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dissimilis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus distinctus Wood 1954
Hypothenemus dolichocola Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dolosus Wood 1974
Hypothenemus donisi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dorsosignatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dubiosus Schedl 1940
Hypothenemus dubius Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus ebenus Wood 2007
Hypothenemus emarginatus Schedl 1942
Hypothenemus emmi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus erectus Le Conte 1876
Hypothenemus euphorbiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson 1940
Hypothenemus eximius Schedl 1951
Hypothenemus expers Blandford 1894
Hypothenemus externedentatus Schedl 1959
Hypothenemus farinosus Blandford 1896
Hypothenemus ferrugineus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus flavipes Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus flavosquamosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus flavus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus furukawai Nobuchi 1985
Hypothenemus fuscicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus ghanaensis Schedl 1962
Hypothenemus glabratulus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus glabratus Schedl 1942
Hypothenemus glabripennis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus gossypii Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus grandis Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus griseus Blackburn 1885
Hypothenemus guadeloupensis Schedl 1951
Hypothenemus hamamelidis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus heathi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus heterolepis Costa Lima 1928
Hypothenemus hirsutus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus hirtipennis Schedl 1952
Hypothenemus hystrix Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus impressifrons Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus incognitus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus indigenus Bright & Peck 1998
Hypothenemus inermis Browne 1984
Hypothenemus ingens Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus insignis Browne 1984
Hypothenemus insulanus Bright & Skidmore 2002
Hypothenemus insularis Perkins 1900
Hypothenemus insularum Krivolutskaya 1968
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
(هذه الصفحة)
Hypothenemus abdominalis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus adscitus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aequaliclavatus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus aethiops Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus africanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus alternans Browne 1970
Hypothenemus amakusanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus argentinensis Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus ascitus Wood 1971
Hypothenemus asiminae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus baloghi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bauhaniae Schedl 1950
Hypothenemus bezaziani Peyerimhoff 1935
Hypothenemus bicolor Eggers 1919
Hypothenemus bidens Browne 1973
Hypothenemus birmanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus brevicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus camerunus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson 1935
Hypothenemus comosus Bright 1972
Hypothenemus concavifrons Bright & Torres 2006
Hypothenemus corni Kurenzov 1941
Hypothenemus costatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer & G. W. F. 1791)
Hypothenemus cryphalomorphus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus cuneolus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dimorphus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dipterocarpi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dissimilis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dolichocola Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dolosus Wood 1974
Hypothenemus dorsosignatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dubiosus Schedl 1940
Hypothenemus emmi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus erectus Le Conte 1876
Hypothenemus eruditus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus euphorbiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson 1940
Hypothenemus flavosquamosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus ghanaensis Schedl 1962
Hypothenemus glabratellus Schedl 1953
Hypothenemus hamamelidis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus hampei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus heterolepis Costa Lima 1928
Hypothenemus hirsutus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus hopkinsi Browne 1963
Hypothenemus impressifrons Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus indigens Wood 1974
Hypothenemus inermis Browne 1984
Hypothenemus interstitialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus koebeli Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus laevigatus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus lamuensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus lefevrei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus longipennis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus machnovskii Sokanovskii & B. V. 1954
Hypothenemus macrolobii Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus mali Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus mateui Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus melasomus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus meridensis Wood 2007
Hypothenemus multidentatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus muticus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus myristicae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus natalensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus oahuensis Schedl 1941
Hypothenemus obscuriceps Schedl 1952
Hypothenemus obscurus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus opacus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pallidus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus parvulus Browne 1984
Hypothenemus perappositus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus perhispidus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus peritus Blandford 1894
Hypothenemus perpunctatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pilosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus praecellens Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pusillus Eggers 1927
Hypothenemus quadridens Browne 1984
Hypothenemus ritchiei Sampson 1918
Hypothenemus robustus Blackman 1922
Hypothenemus rufopalliatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus rugifer Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sacchari Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus schedli Browne 1963
Hypothenemus scutiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus socialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sparsus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus spinicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus styrax Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subacuminatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subelongatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus teretis Wood 1971
Hypothenemus tredli Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus trinitatis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus tristis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus vafer Blandford 1896
Hypothenemus validus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus vitis Browne 1970
Hypothenemus xanthophloeae Wood & Bright 1992
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
(هذه الصفحة)
Hypothenemus abdominalis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus adscitus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aequaliclavatus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus aethiops Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus africanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus alternans Browne 1970
Hypothenemus amakusanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus argentinensis Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus ascitus Wood 1971
Hypothenemus asiminae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus baloghi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bauhaniae Schedl 1950
Hypothenemus bezaziani Peyerimhoff 1935
Hypothenemus bicolor Eggers 1919
Hypothenemus bidens Browne 1973
Hypothenemus birmanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus brevicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus camerunus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson 1935
Hypothenemus comosus Bright 1972
Hypothenemus concavifrons Bright & Torres 2006
Hypothenemus corni Kurenzov 1941
Hypothenemus costatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer & G. W. F. 1791)
Hypothenemus cryphalomorphus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus cuneolus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dimorphus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dipterocarpi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dissimilis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dolichocola Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dolosus Wood 1974
Hypothenemus dorsosignatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dubiosus Schedl 1940
Hypothenemus emmi (Hagedorn 1913)
Hypothenemus erectus Leconte 1876
Hypothenemus eruditus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus euphorbiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson 1940
Hypothenemus flavosquamosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus ghanaensis Schedl 1962
Hypothenemus glabratellus Schedl 1953
Hypothenemus hamamelidis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus hampei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus heterolepis Costa Lima 1928
Hypothenemus hirsutus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus hopkinsi Browne 1963
Hypothenemus impressifrons Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus indigens Wood 1974
Hypothenemus inermis Browne 1984
Hypothenemus interstitialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus koebeli Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus laevigatus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus lamuensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus lefevrei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus longipennis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus machnovskii Sokanovskii & B. V. 1954
Hypothenemus macrolobii Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus mali Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus mateui Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus melasomus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus meridensis Wood 2007
Hypothenemus multidentatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus muticus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus myristicae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus natalensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus oahuensis Schedl 1941
Hypothenemus obscuriceps Schedl 1952
Hypothenemus obscurus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus opacus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pallidus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus parvulus Browne 1984
Hypothenemus perappositus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus perhispidus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus peritus Blandford 1894
Hypothenemus perpunctatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pilosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus praecellens Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pusillus Eggers 1927
Hypothenemus quadridens Browne 1984
Hypothenemus ritchiei Sampson 1918
Hypothenemus robustus Blackman 1922
Hypothenemus rufopalliatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus rugifer Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sacchari Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus schedli Browne 1963
Hypothenemus scutiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus socialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sparsus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus spinicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus styrax Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subacuminatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subelongatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus teretis Wood 1971
Hypothenemus tredli Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus trinitatis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus tristis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus vafer Blandford 1896
Hypothenemus validus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus vitis Browne 1970
Hypothenemus xanthophloeae Wood & Bright 1992
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Hypothenemus samoanus Bright & Skidmore 1997
(هذه الصفحة)
Hypothenemus abdominalis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus adscitus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus aequaliclavatus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus aethiops Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus africanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus alternans Browne 1970
Hypothenemus amakusanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus argentinensis Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus ascitus Wood 1971
Hypothenemus asiminae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus baloghi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus bauhaniae Schedl 1950
Hypothenemus bezaziani Peyerimhoff 1935
Hypothenemus bicolor Eggers 1919
Hypothenemus bidens Browne 1973
Hypothenemus birmanus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus brevicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus camerunus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus capitalis Beeson 1935
Hypothenemus comosus Bright 1972
Hypothenemus concavifrons Bright & Torres 2006
Hypothenemus corni Kurenzov 1941
Hypothenemus costatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus crudiae (Panzer & G. W. F. 1791)
Hypothenemus cryphalomorphus Schedl 1939
Hypothenemus cuneolus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dimorphus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dipterocarpi Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dissimilis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dolichocola Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus dolosus Wood 1974
Hypothenemus dorsosignatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus dubiosus Schedl 1940
Hypothenemus emmi Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus erectus Le Conte 1876
Hypothenemus eruditus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus euphorbiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus eupolyphagus Beeson 1940
Hypothenemus flavosquamosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus ghanaensis Schedl 1962
Hypothenemus glabratellus Schedl 1953
Hypothenemus hamamelidis Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus hampei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus heterolepis Costa Lima 1928
Hypothenemus hirsutus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus hopkinsi Browne 1963
Hypothenemus impressifrons Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus indigens Wood 1974
Hypothenemus inermis Browne 1984
Hypothenemus interstitialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus koebeli Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus laevigatus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus lamuensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus lefevrei Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus longipennis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus machnovskii Sokanovskii & B. V. 1954
Hypothenemus macrolobii Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus mali Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus mateui Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus melasomus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus meridensis Wood 2007
Hypothenemus multidentatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus muticus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus myristicae Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus natalensis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus oahuensis Schedl 1941
Hypothenemus obscuriceps Schedl 1952
Hypothenemus obscurus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus opacus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pallidus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus parvulus Browne 1984
Hypothenemus perappositus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus perhispidus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus peritus Blandford 1894
Hypothenemus perpunctatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pilosus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus praecellens Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus pusillus Eggers 1927
Hypothenemus quadridens Browne 1984
Hypothenemus ritchiei Sampson 1918
Hypothenemus robustus Blackman 1922
Hypothenemus rufopalliatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus rugifer Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sacchari Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus schedli Browne 1963
Hypothenemus scutiae Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus socialis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus sparsus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus spinicollis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus styrax Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subacuminatus Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus subelongatus Hopkins 1915
Hypothenemus teretis Wood 1971
Hypothenemus tredli Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus trinitatis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus tristis Wood & Bright 1992
Hypothenemus vafer Blandford 1896
Hypothenemus validus Blandford 1904
Hypothenemus vitis Browne 1970
Hypothenemus xanthophloeae Wood & Bright 1992
192 أقرباء إضافيين مقطوعين للإيجاز.
ملف المصدر
للحصول على قائمة كاملة.