
Biology ( الإنجليزية )

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As a recent discovery, little is currently known about the biology of Cyanea magnicalyx (3).
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Conservation ( الإنجليزية )

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Hawaii's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy lists Cyanea magnicalyx as a “Species of Greatest Conservation Need” (4). Currently, significant efforts are being made to preserve this species. In the wild, weed control is being used in the vicinity of the remaining individuals (5), and they are continuously monitored for threats such as disease or insect damage (3). In addition, using material from wild Cyanea magnicalyx, cultivated plant stocks are being established, which will be used to expand existing populations of Cyanea magnicalyx, and to introduce new populations to safer habitats (3) (5).
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

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Discovered as recently as 2004, this extremely rare species is, as of 2008, only known from fewer than ten individuals. Cyanea magnicalyx is a relatively large, tree-like shrub, which can reach up to three metres in height. Its long, shiny green leaves, though superficially resembling palm fronds, have a more unusual shape. The base of the leaf is divided into opposite pairs of elongated leaflets, which branch from either side of the central stem, but towards the end of the leaf, the leaflets become partially fused. Cyanea magnicalyx produces striking yellowish-white flowers striped with purple, which are borne on stalks connected to a central stem called a raceme. A single raceme can bear as many as 15 flowers which, after fertilisation, develop into large, bright yellow berries (3).
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Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

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Cyanea magnicalyx is found in moist forests at elevations of around 500 metres (3).
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Range ( الإنجليزية )

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Cyanea magnicalyx is endemic to the Hawaiian island of Maui, where it is known from a small number of localities in the western region of the island (3).
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Status ( الإنجليزية )

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Not yet assessed by the IUCN (2)
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Threats ( الإنجليزية )

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Although Cyanea magnicalyx has not yet been assessed by the IUCN, because of its tiny population, it is in an extremely vulnerable position. Within its limited range, numerous threats to this species exist, such as damage from feral pigs, predation of its fruit by rats, and competition from invasive plant species. These biological factors, in combination with the threat of floods and landslides, mean that the extinction of this species is a very real possibility (3).
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Cyanea magnicalyx ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Cyanea magnicalyx ist eine extreme seltene Pflanzenart aus der Unterfamilie der Lobeliengewächse (Lobelioideae) innerhalb der Familie der Glockenblumengewächse (Campanulaceae).


Cyanea magnicalyx ist ein Strauch, der schon im unteren Bereich verzweigt. Diese Art erreicht eine Wuchshöhe von 1,5 bis 3 m. Die elliptischen Laubblätter sind an der Oberseite grün und an der Unterseite hellgrün. Der Blattrand ist in Richtung Spitze fiederspaltig und zum Blattgrund hin verbunden gefiedert.

Der traubige Blütenstand enthält sechs bis 15 Blüten. Die Blumenkrone ist gelblichweiß mit violetten Längsstreifen. Alle fünf Staubbeutel haben Haarbüschel. Die Früchte sind gelbliche Beeren.

Vorkommen und Status

Cyanea magnicalyx ist endemisch im Westen der Insel Maui. Diese Art kommt in halbtrockenen Wäldern oder Feuchtwäldern in Höhenlagen bis 490 Metern vor. Es gibt zwei Populationen mit einem Gesamtbestand von sechs Exemplaren. Ein ausgewachsener Strauch existiert in der Kaluanui-Schlucht, zwei ausgewachsene Sträucher und drei junge Pflanzen kommen im ʻIao Valley State Park vor.

Als Hauptgefährdung gilt die Verdrängung durch invasive Pflanzenarten wie der Erdbeer-Guave (Psidium cattleianum), Rubus rosifolius, Oplismenus hirtellus, Rubus argutus, Tibouchina herbacea und dem Afrikanischen Tulpenbaum (Spathodea campanulata). Weitere Ursachen für die Seltenheit sind Erdrutsche, Plünderung der Früchte durch Ratten und verwilderte Schweine, Überflutungen sowie die stark verminderte Vermehrungsaktivität aufgrund der wenigen verbliebenen Individuen.


Die Art Cyanea magnicalyx wurde 2004 durch Thomas G. Lammers (geb. 1955) erstbeschrieben.


  • Cyanea magnicalyx fact sheet from Hawaii's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (PDF, Online).


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Cyanea magnicalyx: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
 src= Blütenstand

Cyanea magnicalyx ist eine extreme seltene Pflanzenart aus der Unterfamilie der Lobeliengewächse (Lobelioideae) innerhalb der Familie der Glockenblumengewächse (Campanulaceae).

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Cyanea magnicalyx ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Cyanea magnicalyx là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa chuông. Loài này được Lammers mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 2004.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Cyanea magnicalyx. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Cyanea magnicalyx: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Cyanea magnicalyx là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa chuông. Loài này được Lammers mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 2004.

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