
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Antinoe uschakovi (Ibarzábal, 1988)

Antinoana uschakovi Ibarzábal, 1988:1–4, fig. 1A–I.

DISTRIBUTION.—Caribbean Sea, southwestern shelf of Cuba; in 4–6 meters.

COMPARISONS.—Antinoe uschakovi differs from A. microps Kinberg in having elytra with border papillae, rather than lacking them; tentaculophores with setae, rather than achaetous; more prominent spinous rows on the notosetae; and upper neurosetae with bifid tips, rather than tips entire.

Antinoe finmarchica Malmgren, 1867, doubtful species

Malmgren (1867:137) described A. finmarchica from off Tromsø, northern Norway, very briefly and without figures. The type has not been found in the Swedish State Museum in Stockholm (NRS, pers. com. L. Almquist). The species is considered to be indeterminable.

Antinoe sensu Malmgren, 1865 [not Kinberg, 1856; for Antinoe sarsi (Kinberg, MS) Malmgren, 1865 (= Bylgides sarsi (Malmgren, 1865))].

Bylgia Théel, 1879 [type-species: Bylgia elegans Théel, 1879, by monotypy; preoccupied by G. Muenster, 1839 (Crustacea) (= Bylgides elegans (Théel))].

Bylgides Chamberlin, 1919 [new name for Bylgia Théel, 1879, preoccupied; type species: Bylgia elegans Théel, 1879, by monotypy; gender: masculine (Int. Code Zool. Nom. Art. 30(b))].

Antinoella Augener, 1928 [as Harmothoe (Antinoella); type species: Antinoella sarsi (Malmgren, 1865), designated by Uschakov, 1955:160 (= Bylgides sarsi (Malmgren))].

Antinoana Hartman and Fauchald, 1971 [type species: Antinoana fusca Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, by original designation (= Bylgides fuscus (Hartman and Fauchald))].

DIAGNOSIS.—Segments up to 38. Elytra and elytrophores 14–15 pairs, on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, alternate segments to 23, 26, 29, and 32; elytra with papillae, with or without microtubercles. Dorsal cirri on segments lacking elytra, with cylindrical cirrophores and distal styles; nodular to digitiform dorsal tubercles on cirrigerous segments. Prostomium bilobed, with more or less distinct cephalic peaks, with 3 antennae, paired palps, and 2 pairs of eyes; median antenna with ceratophore in anterior notch; lateral antennae with ceratophores inserted ventrally. Tentaculophores of first or tentacular segment lateral to prostomium, each with aciculum, with or without few setae, and dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri. Second or buccal segment with first pair of elytrophores, biramous parapodia, and long ventral buccal cirri lateral to mouth; with or without nuchal lobe; pharynx with 9 pairs of border papillae and 2 pairs of hooked jaws. Parapodia biramous; notopodia and neuropodia well developed, extending into digitiform acicular lobes; neuropodia with longer presetal conical acicular lobe and supraacicular digitiform process and with shorter rounded postsetal lobe. Notosetae much thicker than neurosetae, with numerous rows of spinules and short, pointed to blunt, smooth tips. Neurosetae with elongate spinous regions, all with capillary tips or some with blunt acicular tips. Ventral cirri on all segments, short, tapered. Pygidium with pair of anal cirri.
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Pettibone, Marian H. 1993. "Revision of some species referred to Antinoe, Antinoella, Antinoana, Bylgides, and Harmothoe (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Harmothoinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-41. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.545
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology