

المقدمة من Phytokeys (archived)
Woody vining shrub or liana. Stems flexuous, glabrous; new growth minutely pubescent, the trichomes ca. 0.4 mm, simple, uniseriate, later glabrous. Bark of older stems dark reddish brown. Sympodial units plurifoliate. Leaves simple or occasionally very shallowly 3-lobed, 4.5–7 cm long, 3–5 cm wide, ovate to cordate or narrowly cordate, glabrous on both surfaces or with a few minute uniseriate simple trichomes along the midrib above; primary veins 5–7 pairs, drying reddish; base cordate or truncate and oblique; margins entire; apex acuminate; petioles 2.3–3.5 cm long, glabrous, twisting to aid in climbing up supports. Inflorescences leaf-opposed or terminal, 10–30 cm long, ovoid to ellipsoid in overall shape, branching to 5 times, with 50–100 flowers, glabrous; peduncle 1.5–9 cm long, glabrous; pedicels slender, 1.2–1.7 cm long, ca. 0.5 mm in diameter at the base, ca. 1 mm in diameter at the apex, nodding, glabrous, articulated in distal quarter just below the calyx tube leaving an elongate peg, occasionally articulated in the basal half of the pedicel, but always leaving a distinct remnant; pedicel scars widely spaced ca. 1 cm apart, appearing as a series of elongate pegs due to articulation point. Buds globose and somewhat inflated, the corolla strongly exserted from the calyx tube. Flowers all perfect, 5-merous. Calyx tube 3.5–4 mm long (to articulation), the upper part 2–2.5 mm long atop a conical receptacle-like structure, the lobes absent or mere undulations on the rim of the tube, glabrous. Corolla 2–2.3 cm in diameter, purple or violet, stellate, lobed ca. 3/4 of the way to the base, the lobes 0.8–1 mm wide, 0.4–0.6 cm wide, planar (or slightly cupped?) at anthesis, glabrous, the margins and cucullate tips densely papillose. Filament tube < 0.1 mm, glabrous; free portion of the filaments ca. 0.75 mm long; anthers 4–4.5 mm long, 2–2.5 mm wide, stout, poricidal at the tips, the pores lengthening to slits with age. Ovary conical, glabrous; style 0.8–0.9 cm long, glabrous, the stigma capitate, the surface minutely papillose. Fruit a globose berry, 1–1.2 cm in diameter, red when ripe, the pericarp thin and shiny; fruiting pedicels 1.1–1.3 cm long, ca. 0.5 mm in diameter at the base, ca. 1 mm in diameter at the apex, not particularly woody, deflexed, the basal portion of the calyx tube expanding in fruit to be clearly differentiated above the articulation point, appearing somewhat swollen. Seeds ca. 10 per berry, 3–3.5 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, flattened reniform, pale brown, the surfaces minutely pitted, the testal cells sinuate in outline. Chromosome number: not known.
حقوق النشر
Sandra Knapp
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Knapp S (2013) A revision of the Dulcamaroid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) PhytoKeys 22: 1–432
Sandra Knapp
موقع الشريك
Phytokeys (archived)


المقدمة من Phytokeys (archived)
(Figure 23). Known only from Cuba and a single collection from Haiti, at low to middle elevations. Several very old single collections seen from Jamaica (K000196458) and Puerto Rico (Plée s.n., P00549340) may mislabelled as to locality or from cultivated plants.
حقوق النشر
Sandra Knapp
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Knapp S (2013) A revision of the Dulcamaroid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) PhytoKeys 22: 1–432
Sandra Knapp
موقع الشريك
Phytokeys (archived)

Solanum cardiophyllum ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Solanum cardiophyllum (papa de tierra, de monte, güera) ye una especie de papa montés perteneciente a la familia de les Solanacees. Ye orixinaria de Méxicu y considerar una planta invasora.


Les partes vexetatives de la planta son tóxiques pola presencia de glicoalcaloides pero los tubérculos, comestible, dacuando son collechaos, anque la planta nunca se cultiva. Ye considerada nos Estaos Xuníos como una planta invasora (que ta presente en California).[1]


Toles partes de la planta Solanum cardiophyllum contienen glicoalcaloides, que la so ingestión puede suponer un riesgu pa la salú.[2]


Solanum cardiophyllum describióse por John Lindley y espublizóse en Journal of the Horticultural Society of London 3: 70. 1848.[3]


Solanum: nome xenéricu que remanez del vocablu Llatín equivalente al Griegu στρνχνος (strychnos) pa designar el Solanum nigrum (la "Yerba moro") —y probablemente otres especies del xéneru, incluyida la berenxena[4]—, yá emplegáu por Pliniu'l Vieyu nel so Historia naturalis (21, 177 y 27, 132) y, enantes, por Aulus Cornelius Celsus en De Re Melecina (II, 33).[5] Podría ser rellacionáu col Llatín sol. -is, "el sol", por cuenta de que la planta sería mesma de sitios daqué soleyeros.[6]

cardiophyllum: epítetu llatín que significa "fueyes con forma de corazón".[7]

Ver tamién


  1. (n'inglés) «Solanum cardiophyllum Lindl. Heartleaf horsenettle». Consultáu'l 16 septembre 2010.
  2. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). «Compendium of botanicals reported to contain naturally occuring substances of possible concern for human health when used in food and food supplements». EFSA Journal 10 (5). doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2663. http://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/scientific_output/files/main_documents/2663.pdf.
  3. «Solanum cardiophyllum». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 10 de febreru de 2015.
  4. Mélongène en Lécluse F., Léxique français-grec avec l'explication latine, à l'usage des classes de..., Paris, 1844
  5. F. Gafiot, Dictionnaire Latin-Français, p. 1452 y 1485, Hachette, Paris, 1934.
  6. Solanum en Flora Ibérica, RJB/CSIC, Madrid
  7. N'Epítetos Botánicos

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Solanum cardiophyllum: Brief Summary ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST
Solanum cardiophyllum

Solanum cardiophyllum (papa de tierra, de monte, güera) ye una especie de papa montés perteneciente a la familia de les Solanacees. Ye orixinaria de Méxicu y considerar una planta invasora.

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Solanum cardiophyllum ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Solanum cardiophyllum (lat. Solanum cardiophyllum) - badımcankimilər fəsiləsinin quşüzümü cinsinə aid bitki növü.


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Solanum cardiophyllum: Brief Summary ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Solanum cardiophyllum (lat. Solanum cardiophyllum) - badımcankimilər fəsiləsinin quşüzümü cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Solanum cardiophyllum ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Solanum cardiophyllum, known as cimatli, the heartleaf horsenettle[1] or heartleaf nightshade, is a North American species, found primarily in Mexico. It is also present in some parts of the SW United States, but was probably introduced. This is one of the few wild potato species that was commonly used as food. The Aztec and the Chichimeca ate S. cardiophyllum and the practice continues in some parts of Mexico today. There was at least one farm that was growing S. cardiophyllum, S. ehrenbergii, and S. stoloniferum for market in Jalisco as recently as 2010.[2]

It is listed as an invasive weed in some parts of the US.


Plants can reach a little over two feet in height, although many are much smaller in the wild. Although S. cardiophyllum has small tubers, reaching about an inch in diameter, they compensate with a rare trait in wild potatoes: palatability. The flavor is not easily distinguishable from domesticated potatoes. The level of glykoalkaloids in some accessions of this species is sometimes very low, about 2mg / 100g.[2]


  1. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Solanum cardiophyllum". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  2. ^ a b William Whitson, "Solanum cardiophyllum", Cultivariable, 2018

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wikipedia EN

Solanum cardiophyllum: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Solanum cardiophyllum, known as cimatli, the heartleaf horsenettle or heartleaf nightshade, is a North American species, found primarily in Mexico. It is also present in some parts of the SW United States, but was probably introduced. This is one of the few wild potato species that was commonly used as food. The Aztec and the Chichimeca ate S. cardiophyllum and the practice continues in some parts of Mexico today. There was at least one farm that was growing S. cardiophyllum, S. ehrenbergii, and S. stoloniferum for market in Jalisco as recently as 2010.

It is listed as an invasive weed in some parts of the US.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Solanum cardiophyllum ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Solanum cardiophyllum (papa de tierra, de monte, güera) es una especie de papa silvestre perteneciente a la familia de las Solanáceas. Es originaria de México y se la considera una planta invasora.


Las partes vegetativas de la planta son tóxicas por la presencia de glicoalcaloides pero los tubérculos, comestible, a veces son cosechados, aunque la planta nunca se cultiva. Es considerada en los Estados Unidos como una planta invasora (que está presente en California).[1]


Todas las partes de la planta Solanum cardiophyllum contienen glicoalcaloides, cuya ingestión puede suponer un riesgo para la salud.[2]


Solanum cardiophyllum fue descrita por John Lindley y publicado en Journal of the Horticultural Society of London 3: 70. 1848.[3]


Solanum: nombre genérico que deriva del vocablo Latíno equivalente al Griego στρνχνος (strychnos) para designar el Solanum nigrum (la "Hierba mora") —y probablemente otras especies del género, incluida la berenjena[4]​—, ya empleado por Plinio el Viejo en su Historia naturalis (21, 177 y 27, 132) y, antes, por Aulus Cornelius Celsus en De Re Medica (II, 33).[5]​ Podría ser relacionado con el Latín sol. -is, "el sol", debido a que la planta sería propia de sitios algo soleados.[6]

cardiophyllum: epíteto latino que significa "hojas con forma de corazón".[7]


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wikipedia ES

Solanum cardiophyllum: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Solanum cardiophyllum (papa de tierra, de monte, güera) es una especie de papa silvestre perteneciente a la familia de las Solanáceas. Es originaria de México y se la considera una planta invasora.

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Solanum cardiophyllum ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Solanum cardiophyllum est une espèce de plantes herbacées tubéreuses de la famille des Solanaceae. Cette espèce, vivace par ses tubercules, est originaire du Mexique. Elle est apparentée à la pomme de terre cultivée mais contrairement à celle-ci est diploïde (2n = 2x = 24).

Les parties végétatives de cette plante sont toxiques par la présence de glycoalcaloïdes mais les tubercules, comestibles, sont parfois récoltés, bien que la plante ne soit jamais cultivée. Certaines études montrent toutefois une teneur très élevée des tubercules en solanine et chaconine[1]. Elle est considérée aux États-Unis comme une plante envahissante (elle est présente en Californie)[2].

Notes et références

  1. (en) Angela Sotelo, Elizabeth Contreras, Hugo Sousa et Vicente Hernandez, « Nutrient Composition and Toxic Factor Content of Four Wild Species of Mexican Potato », sur John Libbey Eurotext (consulté le 16 septembre 2010)
  2. (en) « Solanum cardiophyllum Lindl. Heartleaf horsenettle », sur USDA Plants Database (consulté le 16 septembre 2010)

Voir aussi

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Solanum cardiophyllum: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Solanum cardiophyllum est une espèce de plantes herbacées tubéreuses de la famille des Solanaceae. Cette espèce, vivace par ses tubercules, est originaire du Mexique. Elle est apparentée à la pomme de terre cultivée mais contrairement à celle-ci est diploïde (2n = 2x = 24).

Les parties végétatives de cette plante sont toxiques par la présence de glycoalcaloïdes mais les tubercules, comestibles, sont parfois récoltés, bien que la plante ne soit jamais cultivée. Certaines études montrent toutefois une teneur très élevée des tubercules en solanine et chaconine. Elle est considérée aux États-Unis comme une plante envahissante (elle est présente en Californie).

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Solanum cardiophyllum ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Solanum cardiophyllum là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cà. Loài này được Lindl. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1848.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Solanum cardiophyllum. Truy cập ngày 14 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Solanum cardiophyllum: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Solanum cardiophyllum là loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cà. Loài này được Lindl. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1848.

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