
Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Phytokeys
(Figs 18, 19, 20). Growth habit decumbent, trailing subshrubs, shrubs or small trees 0.1–6.0(–8.0) × 2.0–6.0(–8.0) m. For specimens with a tree habit, crown widely spreading, often arching to somewhat pendulous. For specimens found around active fumaroles or on open, geothermally heated ground, growth habit varying from completely decumbent and densely branched, with stems sprawling across ground, to semi-erect, densely branched, widely spreading, often pendulous. Trunk in tree forms (1–)4–6 arising from base, 0.1–0.6 m d.b.h., these branching from close to base, with branches thinning in close canopies only; in decumbent plants trunk virtually indistinguishable, 0.01–0.10 m diam., trailing to semi-erect, curved and somewhat sinuous, in erect plants at first erect, soon widely spreading and curving to somewhat sinuous. Bark early bark greyish brown to brown, initially firm, somewhat sinuous-fluted, elongate, over time cracking transversely (especially on branch flanges and decurrent leaf bases), and with margins gradually detaching and rolling-in to present as easily detached, papery, narrowly short to long, somewhat irregular-margined flakes; old bark grey-brown to grey, chartaceous to mildly corky, flaking readily in short to long, usually narrow and slightly sinuous to irregular, tabular shards, these usually remaining attached in several places with the spaces between detached, cracked and more or less raised, upper bark surface often with much secondary peeling and transverse cracking, crumbling in hand easily. Branches numerous, rather narrow and long, often weakly flexuose, in decumbent plants prostrate, trailing, otherwise initially ascending, soon suberect to widely spreading, and arching, often pendulous; branchlets numerous, very leafy, rather slender, quadrangular, sericeous, with dense, silky indumentum; hairs persistent, divergent, weakly flexuose, 0.03–0.06(–0.08) mm, hyaline to translucent (appearing white when young maturing grey), hair apices more or less straight. Vegetative buds inconspicuous, usually obscured by surrounding foliage; at resting stage 0.5–1.0(–1.6) mm diam.; scales scarious, deciduous, (0.3–)0.8(–1.3) mm long, red-brown to dark brown, initially broadly ovate grading through to broadly lanceolate; midrib prominent, strongly keeled, prolonged to cuspidate tip, with 1–2 lateral veins either side, and two prominent rows of 3–8 oil glands straddling midrib, margins and keel apex ciliate. Leaves heterophyllous, seedling and subadult leaves flat or involute, ± spreading to recurved; 0.9–3.0(–4.5) × 0.2–0.4(–0.6) mm, red-green or pale green suffused with red, rarely bright green; lamina finely linear-lanceolate, long persistent in stressed habitats (in damaged plants reversion shoots bearing juvenile foliage frequent); adult leaves ± spreading to patent; lamina (1.1–)4.0(–10.0) × (0.8–)1.3(–2.8) mm, dark glossy green, red-green, to bronze-green, narrowly oblanceolate, oblanceolate, obovate to obovate-rostrate; usually recurved from about half of total length, apex usually obtuse, rounded, rarely subacute, cuspidate; base attenuate; adaxial surface convex, finely glandular punctate; oil glands up to 590, more evident when dry, midrib slightly raised to depressed near base, otherwise depressed for entire length, glabrous, very rarely with fine antrorse hairs near base; abaxial surface slightly concave, finely glandular punctate, oil glands less obvious, up to 280, these more evident when dry; midrib depressed, finely and sparsely covered with sericeous, deciduous, antrorse-appressed hairs, these increasing in density toward base; lamina margin sparsely to densely, finely sericeous, hairy; hairs weakly flexuose, appressed to weakly spreading, antrorse to subantrorse, up to 0.1 mm, hyaline to translucent, appearing as white to naked eye, aligned in 1 row not quite meeting at cuspidate leaf apex. Perules scarious, basal ones usually persistent, these 0.4–1.0 mm long, pale brown to brown, broadly oblong to oblong-lanceolate, margins involute especially in upper third, midrib strongly keeled, prolonged as a cuspidate apex, with one row of 4–8 oil glands on each side of midrib, glabrous except for finely ciliate margin and apex; remaining perules deciduous, chartaceous, (0.6–)0.8(–1.4) mm long, pink to pinkish-white when fresh, drying apricot to apricot-brown, ovate to broadly oval, apex obtuse often appearing acute due to apical infolding, ± cuspidate, glabrous except for sparsely ciliate margin, strongly keeled, keel ± prolonged. Inflorescence usually a compact, (1–)6(–10)-flowered corymbiform botryum up to 25 mm long, borne on alternate brachyblasts up to 15 mm long, with those near branchlet apex usually subopposite; inflorescences at the ultimate branchlet tips rarely elongated, in which case these are invariably surmounted with terminal vegetative growth. Inflorescence axis densely invested with divergent hairs. Pherophylls deciduous (falling very early), tightly clasping pedicels to ± spreading, 0.5–1.0 mm long, initially foliose soon squamiform; foliose pherophylls pale green, oblong, oblong-obovate to oblanceolate, margins and apex finely ciliate; squamiform pherophylls brown or pink, drying apricot-brown or amber, broadly deltoid to oblong-ovate, margins involute especially in upper one-third, midrib strongly keeled, prolonged as cuspidate apex, with one row of 4–8 oil glands on each side; glabrous except for the finely ciliate margin and apex; similar to perules in size and shape at apex. Pedicels (1.0–)2.1(–2.4) mm long at anthesis, elongating slightly after anthesis, terete, copiously invested in slightly flexuose, antrorse to subantrorse sericeous hairs. Flower buds clavate to pyriform, apex distinctly domed (due to thickened calyx lobes) prior to bud burst with calyx valves ± meeting. Fresh flowers when fully expanded (3.3–)5.5(–9.0) mm diam. Hypanthium (1.8–)2.5(–3.3) × (1.7–)2.4(–3.1) mm, with free portion 0.3–0.8(–1.0) mm long, dark green often basally mottled or flushed with red when fresh, drying brown to grey; narrowly cupular to campanulate terminating in a slightly thicker rim bearing five persistent calyx lobes; surface smooth, finely gland-dotted, and puberulent, with weakly defined ridges leading up to calyx lobes (these becoming more distinct upon drying); hairs shortly subantrorse to antrorse. Calyx lobes 5, upright (not spreading), firmly fleshy, 0.4(–0.8) × 0.4(–1.0) mm, persistent, oblong, oblong-ovate to broadly triangular, in longitudinal-section distinctly thicker at base, ± subtended by a faint to prominent groove at the external junction with the hypanthium, otherwise tapering to apex, scarcely keeled (the keel if evident recognisable as a darker green or pink, thicker central prolongation of the hypanthium ridges), margins cream to pale pink, gland-dotted, oil glands usually colourless sometimes pink; otherwise glabrate except for ciliate margins; cilia widely spreading. Receptacle green or pale pink at anthesis, darkening to crimson-red or magenta after fertilisation. Petals 5(–6), 1.4–1.6(–2.0) × 1.4–1.6(–2.0) mm, white or pinkish white, usually basally flushed pink, very rarely completely pink, orbicular, sometimes cuneate, apex obtuse to rotund, margins plane or finely crimped 3–12 times, oil glands not evident when fresh, drying colourless. Stamens 10–24(–32) in 1(–2) weakly defined whorls, arising from receptacular rim, filaments white often tinged rose-pink toward base. Antipetalous stamens 2(–3), antisepalous 1(–4). Outermost antipetalous stamens usually weakly to strongly incurved, on filaments 0.9–2.2 mm long; inner stamen, if present, 0.6–0.8 mm, strongly incurved; very rarely a further 1–2 strongly incurved stamens, 0.4–0.7 mm long, may be present at the base of the outermost antipetalous pair. Antisepalous stamens much shorter than outermost antipetalous stamens, 0.3–0.8 mm, incurved, rarely outcurved or in mixtures of both. Anthers dorsifixed, 0.04–0.08 × 0.02–0.04 mm, testiculate, latrorse. Pollen white (12.8–)14.7(–16.6) μm. Anther connective gland prominent, orange when fresh, drying pale brown, spheroidal, distinctly papillate. Ovary (3–)4(–5) locular, each with 15–18(–22) ovules in two rows on each placental lobe. Style 2.0–2.6(–3.6) mm long at anthesis, often elongating slightly after anthesis, white basally flushed with pink; stigma capitate, scarcely wider than style, domed along margins with a central depression, pale cream to pink, surface papillate to distinctly rugulose. Fruits ± persistent, (1.0–)2.3(–3.3) × (1.6–)2.2(–3.2) mm, light brown to grey, usually barrel-shaped, rarely cupular, splits concealed by dried, suberect to erect, free portion of hypanthium. Seeds 0.80–1.00 × 0.45–0.50 mm, narrowly oblong, oblong, oblong-obovate to falcate-oblong, curved near apex, laterally compressed, 2–3-angled with convex to flattened faces, apex rounded, base cuneate to oblique, ± flattened; testa semi-glossy, orange-brown, surface coarsely reticulate. FL: (Aug–)Sep–Oct(–Mar) FT: Jan–May(–Nov). Chromosome Number n = 11II, 2n = 22 (de Lange and Murray 2004).
حقوق النشر
Peter J. de Lange
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
de Lange P (2014) A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex PhytoKeys (40): 1–185
Peter J. de Lange
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Phytokeys
(Fig. 7). Endemic, New Zealand, North Island, Bay of Plenty to the Central North Island (40–580 m a.s.l.). Confined to active geothermal fields (i.e. those with surface expression) of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (for geology see Healy 1992; Houghton et al. 1995; Wilson et al. 1995; Neall 2001) from the vicinity of Kawerau (Parimahana Geothermal Field) and Lake Rotoiti (Tikitere) south to Tokaanu and the hills above Waaihi, Lake Taupo (Figs 20A–C, 21).
حقوق النشر
Peter J. de Lange
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
de Lange P (2014) A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex PhytoKeys (40): 1–185
Peter J. de Lange
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك