Description: Deutsch: Habitus Taxonym: Cerastium pumilum s. str. ss Letz D. R., Dančák M., Danihelka J. & Šarhanová P., 2012: Taxonomy and distribution of Cerastium pumilum and C. glutinosum in Central Europe. – Preslia 84: 33–69, vgl. Korrekturen in Neilreichia 7, S. 238 Fundort: Bahnhof Wien-Floridsdorf, Wien-Floridsdorf - ca. 160 m ü. A. Standort: Gleisschotter/Ruderalfläche English: Habitus Taxonym: Cerastium pumilum s. str. ss Letz D. R., Dančák M., Danihelka J. & Šarhanová P., 2012: Taxonomy and distribution of Cerastium pumilum and C. glutinosum in Central Europe. – Preslia 84: 33–69, vgl. Korrekturen in Neilreichia 7, S. 238 Location: Floridsdorf rail station, Vienna-Floridsdorf - ca. 160 m a.s.l. Habitat: ballast/ruderal area. Date: 22 April 2016, 16:07:22. Source: Own work. Author:
Stefan.lefnaer. Camera location
48° 15′ 31.45″ N, 16° 24′ 14.03″ E View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 48.258736; 16.403896.