in thorny shrub thicket on sandy, igneous, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain. SYN: A. virgata
in thorn shrub thicket on sandy, igneous, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain. SYN: A. brandegeei
in thorn shrub thicket on sandy, igneous, alluvial soils of gently sloping coastal plain. SYN: A. virgata
Fruit view. thorny shrub in the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve. SYN: A. virgata
Fruit view. thorny shrub in the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve. SYN: A. virgata
Fruit and foliage view. thorny shrub in the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve. SYN: A. virgata
thorny shrub in the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve. SYN: A. virgata
in thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain. SYN: A. virgata
in thorn scrub thicket on coarse granitic soil of gently sloping coastal plain. SYN: A. virgata