
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Psorthaspis bradleyi Evans
Psorthaspis bradleyi Evans, 1954, Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1662, pp. 3-5 [Type: 9, Mexico: Zacatecas: 15 km. E Sombrerete, about 7300 feet, 28-31 July 1951 (HEE) (AMNH)].
Female. — Length 16-26 mm. Black; pubescence purple, grading into bluish on the legs, apex of abdomen, and fore wing; wings fuscous, violaceous. Front, vertex, and entire thorax and propodeum, including legs to femora, with a thin covering of short, erect setae. Head 1.05 X as wide as high. Clypeus 1.4 X as wide as high, its apical margin evenly convex. Clypeo-frontal bridge narrow, round-topped, not at all depressed below level of front and clypeus. MID .70 X TFD, 1.15 X height of eye; UID 1.05 X LID. OOL about 1.5 X POL; distance from posterior ocelli to vertex crest about 1.3 X POL. In front view, vertex extending beyond a line connecting eye tops by a distance slightly greater than length of second antennal segment. Pronotum .7 as long as its maximum width; collar not depressed below level of disc medially. Propodeum with very strong rugae. Claws as in the preceding species. Abdomen weakly compressed apically.
Male. — Length 9-16 mm. Color as in female. Scape densely hairy; entire head, thorax, and propodeum with dense, long, dark hairs; coxae, trochanters, and femora densely hairy, tibiae slightly so; abdomen densely hairy, even dorsally. Head in anterior view nearly circular, very slightly wider than high; vertex elevated in an even arc above eyes. Clypeus about 1.5 X as wide as high, its apical margin convex. MID .68 X TFD; UID 1.1 X LID; OOL 1.3 X POL. Antennae elongate, segment three about 1.3 X as long as thick, segments 4-12 each about 1.7-1.9 X as long as thick. Propodeum with a short, oblique declivity. Claws bifid, the inner ray subacute. SGP long and slender, without lateral angulations, strongly keeled medially (see fig. 1 in Evans, 1954). Genitalia with the parameres squarely truncate; digiti club-shaped, the apex scarcely produced medially.
Distribution. — West-central Mexico, states of Zacatecas and Durango, at altitudes of 7300-8500 feet. (Map 18.)
Specimens examined. — 8 9 5, 10 8 8 . Zacatecas: 3 9 9, 10 8 8 , 15 km. E of Sombrerete, about 7300 feet, 28-31 July 1951 (HEE & PDH) [AMNH, USNM, CU, CIS, MCZ]. Durango: 3 9 9, Palos Colorados, 8000 feet, 5 Aug. 1947 (WG) [AMNH]; 1 9 , Coyotes, 8300 feet, 8 Aug. 1947 (MC) [AMNH]; 1 9 , 6 mi. NE El Salto, 8500 feet, 10 Aug. 1947 (R. Schrammel) [AMNH].
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA
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Memoirs of the American Entomological Society