
Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Arkive
The small heath is quite a conspicuous butterfly despite its size. They fly only when the sun is shining and can be seen throughout the summer months. The butterfly produces two broods, a fact that explains its long flight period, from April to October if the weather allows. Its foodplants are grasses, especially the fine grasses of the Fescue and Poa genera. The eggs are laid in June and the caterpillars are a clear green in colour with a darker green stripe down the back, which helps to camouflage them from predators. The chrysalis is yellow-green and is suspended from the underside of a grass stalk or blade. Eggs laid in June usually hatch into adults in August and provide a second population of butterflies, some of which will overwinter to breed the following spring. Some pupae, however, do not hatch until the next year.
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Conservation ( الإنجليزية )

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Perhaps because the small heath is still regarded as a common UK species, few studies of its biology have been carried out. Although we have a good idea of its foodplant preferences, the full range of grasses eaten by its caterpillars is not yet known. A number of local butterfly recorders have noted a reduction in the numbers of small heaths being seen in some parts of Britain, particularly in the south of England. This may be due to loss of its preferred short grassland habitats through agricultural intensification but, as yet, this is still not fully understood.
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Description ( الإنجليزية )

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The small heath is amongst the smallest of the butterflies found in the UK. It has pale orange upperwings bordered with brown and with brown veins radiating out from the point where the wing is joined to the thorax. There is also a small brown 'eye' on the top of the forewing. The underside of the wings differ in that the hindwing is largely grey with a prominent white flash across the middle. The underside of the forewing is similar to the upperside, complete with the 'eye' spot, the main difference being that the spot is fringed with yellow.
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Habitat ( الإنجليزية )

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This species is essentially a grassland butterfly, but it has a preference for short grazed turf and heathland. It likes sandy or well-drained soils, but can also be seen on roadsides, parks and sometimes in gardens.
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Range ( الإنجليزية )

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This butterfly has a large range and is found throughout most of the UK and Europe to latitude 69ºN. It also occurs in north Africa and eastwards to Mongolia.
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Status ( الإنجليزية )

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Common. European threat status: not threatened.
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Threats ( الإنجليزية )

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The main threat to this species seems to be loss of habitat. Although it is not thought to be under threat in the UK, this butterfly does appear to be declining in some parts of its British range.
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Associations ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Animal / predator
leaf of Drosera rotundifolia is predator of Coenonympha pamphilus
Other: unusual host/prey

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Papillons de Jardin
L'un de nos plus petits papillons de jour, le Procris butine toujours ailes repliées, ce qui ne facilite pas son identification... Peu exigeant, on le trouve un peu partout ! Il se contente de l'herbe et des fleurs qu'il trouve ... On le rencontre dans toute la France. Observation en vol : Mai à septembre. Nombre de générations par an : 1 à 3. Milieux de vie : Prairies, pelouses, friches, jardins. Description Adulte Envergure : 28-30 mm. Apparence : Mâle et femelle sont identiques. Le dessus des ailes est fauve à orangé avec une très fine bordure noire. Un petit point marque le haut des ailes avant. Le dessous des ailes avant est identique au dessus, avec son point noir caractéristique. Par contre, le dessous de l'aile arrière est marbré de gris, avec deux types de teinte : plus sombre à la base, plus clair vers le bord. Ces deux teintes sont comme séparées par une bande blanchâtre irrégulière.
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Noé Conservation
المحول البرمجي
Observatoire Papillons Jardins
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Papillons de Jardin

Life Cycle ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Papillons de Jardin
L'oeuf est sphérique, verdâtre, côtelé. Les oeufs sont pondus un à un sur les feuilles de la plante hôte. Chenille Taille : 20-25 mm au dernier stade. Apparence : La chenille est verte avec une longue bande brune sur le dos, de fines bandes blanches sur les côtés. Elle possède deux appendices en forme de fourche à l'arrière. Plantes hôtes : Diverses graminées, notamment les fétuques. Chrysalide: La chrysalide est verte, bombée sur le dos. Elle porte des lignes claires bordées d'une couleur plus sombre à l'emplacement des futures ailes.
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Noé Conservation
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Papillons de Jardin

Coenonympha pamphilus ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Coenonympha pamphilus, Ninfa de Linneo, Níspola, Linnaeus 1758, ye una caparina de la familia Nymphalidae, subfamilia Satyrinae.[1] [2][3]

Especie d'amplia distribución qu'apaez en tol Paleárticu, Eurasia, Norte d'África y Península Ibérica, donde ocupa práuticamente toa les sos árees xeográfiques. [4]

Pue ser atopada nuna amplia variedá de hábitats. Escueye árees más seques qu'otres especies de Coenonympha.

Periodu de vuelu

Presenta delles xeneraciones añales, volando de febreru a payares na Península Ibérica; en Gran Bretaña, por casu de mayu a ochobre. Dependiendo de la llatitú de distribución pueden tener una sola xeneración añal (nel norte de Eurasia) o delles (nel sur), presenta delles xeneraciones añales, volando de febreru a payares na Península Ibérica, en Gran Bretaña, por casu de mayu a ochobre. Envierna en forma de canesba.


Les gates, aliméntense de distintes especies de gramínees (Poa annua, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Agrostis sp., etc), son verdes con llinies llaterales blanques. La pupa ye verde. Los adultos o imagos aliméntense de delles fontes de néctar, n'especies de los xéneros (ente otros): Rubus sp., Ranunculus sp., Succisa sp., Pulicaria sp., Stellaria sp., Anthyllis sp., etc.)

Estatus de Proteición

N'España ye una especie ensin amenaciar, pero por casu en Reinu Xuníu si ta catalogada como “especie prioritaria”, yá que tuvo un intensu cayente poblacional por razones desconocíes.


  • C. p. lyllus Esper, 1806
  • C. p. marginata Heyne, 1894
  • C. p. fulvolactea Verity 1926
  • C. p. centralasiae Verity 1926
  • C. p. infrarasa Verity 1926
  • C. p. juldusica Verity 1926
  • C. p. ferghana Stauder 1924
  • C. p. nitidissima Verity 1924
  • C. p. asiaemontium Verity 1924
  • C. p. rhoumensis Harrison 1948[5]


  1. (n'inglés) http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/species.php?species=pamphilus Coenonympha pamphilus
  2. (en castellán) http://www.biodiversidadvirtual.org/insectarium/Coenonympha-pamphilus-Linnaeus-1758-346-cat5874.html Coenonympha pamphilus
  3. (n'inglés) http://www.eurobutterflies.com/sp/pamphilus.php Matt Rowlings
  4. (en castellán) http://www.asturnatura.com/especie/coenonympha-pamphilus.html Coenonympha pamphilus
  5. Brakefield, P.M.; Emmet, A.M. (1990), COENONYMPHA PAMPHILUS (Linnaeus). Pages 277–279 in Emmet, A.M., J. Heath et al. (Eds.) The Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. 7 parte 1 (Hesperiidae a Nymphalidae), Harley Books, Colchester, UK. 370 pp.

Bibliografía - Enllaces esternos

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Coenonympha pamphilus: Brief Summary ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Coenonympha pamphilus, Ninfa de Linneo, Níspola, Linnaeus 1758, ye una caparina de la familia Nymphalidae, subfamilia Satyrinae.

Especie d'amplia distribución qu'apaez en tol Paleárticu, Eurasia, Norte d'África y Península Ibérica, donde ocupa práuticamente toa les sos árees xeográfiques.

Pue ser atopada nuna amplia variedá de hábitats. Escueye árees más seques qu'otres especies de Coenonympha.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Lleonada comuna ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

La lleonada comuna (Coenonympha pamphilus)[2] és un lepidòpter ropalòcer de la família Nymphalidae.[3]


Es distribueix pel nord d'Àfrica, Europa i Orient Mitjà fins al centre de Mongòlia. Àmplament estesa per tota la península Ibèrica.[3]


Zones herboses de característiques molt diverses. L'eruga s'alimenta de gramínies tals com Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra, pèl de bou (Poa annua), Anthoxanthum odoratum, Cynosurus cristatus, Dactylis glomerata i Nardus stricta.[3]

Període de vol

Polivoltina; el nombre de generacions depèn de la localitat i l'altidud. Depenent d'aquests paràmetres es pot trobar entre febrer i novembre. Hiberna com a eruga.[3]


  1. «Coenonympha pamphilus» (en castellà). Catalogue of Life. [Consulta: 13 febrer 2014].
  2. «Proposta de noms comuns per a les papallones diürnes (ropalòcers) catalanes» (en català). Butlletí de la Societat Catalana de Lepidopterologia. Arrizabalaga et al., desembre 2012. [Consulta: 2 febrer 2014].
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Tolman, Tom; Lewington, Richard. Mariposas de España y Europa (en castellà). Lynx, 2011. ISBN 978-84-96553-84-2.

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Lleonada comuna: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

La lleonada comuna (Coenonympha pamphilus) és un lepidòpter ropalòcer de la família Nymphalidae.

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Gweirlöyn bach y waun ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Glöyn byw sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw gweirlöyn bach y waun, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy gweirloynnod bach y waun; yr enw Saesneg yw Small Heath, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Coenonympha pamphilus.[1] Mae i'w weld yn Ewrasia a gogledd Affrica.


Mae'n prinhau o flwyddyn i flwyddyn yn Lloegr, ac nid yw'r naturiaethwr yn deall pam.

Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnwys mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.

Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae gweirlöyn bach y waun yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

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  1. Gwefan Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Adalwyd ar 29 Chwefror 2012.
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Gweirlöyn bach y waun: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Glöyn byw sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw gweirlöyn bach y waun, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy gweirloynnod bach y waun; yr enw Saesneg yw Small Heath, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Coenonympha pamphilus. Mae i'w weld yn Ewrasia a gogledd Affrica.

 src= Oedolyn

Mae'n prinhau o flwyddyn i flwyddyn yn Lloegr, ac nid yw'r naturiaethwr yn deall pam.

Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnwys mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.

Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae gweirlöyn bach y waun yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

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Okáč poháňkový ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Okáč poháňkový (Coenonympha pamphilus, Linneaus, 1758) je zástupcem jednoho z nejpočetnějších druhů čeledi babočkovitých (podčeledi okáčů) a zároveň jedním z nejrozšířenějších denních motýlů na českém území. Jedná se o menšího motýla,velikost 25-33 mm. Na rubu křídel má jedno velké oko na předních křídlech, zadní křídla mají nevýrazný okrajový světlý pásek a jsou bez oček.


Okáč poháňkový je hojně rozšířen v palearktickém areálu, od Britských ostrovů přes Evropu až po východní Asii. Jeho přirozeným biotopem jsou louky všech možných typů – zarůstající, křovinaté i podmáčené, zároveň ho najdeme na okrajích lesů či na lesních pasekách.[1]V horách vystupuje až do 2000 m a je tam jen jednogenerační.

Okáč poháňkový, Turecko
Kopulace, Belgie
Okáč poháňkový, Německo

Chování a vývoj

Živnou rostlinou okáče poháňkového jsou různé druhy trav. Motýl je vícegenerační od jara do podzimu. Samice jsou o něco větší. Vajíčka jsou kladena jednotlivě do trsů trav. Larvy žijí samostatně, krmí se převážně v noci a rostou poměrně pomalu. Kuklí se na stejném místě do kokonu z hedvábných vláken, přeměna trvá 3 týdny. [1]

Ochrana a ohrožení

V České republice je velmi rozšířený a hojný. Pro svou nenáročnost dobře odolává vlivům prostředí. Nepatří mezi ohrožené druhy.



  1. a b Okáč poháňkový - Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758) [online]. lepidoptera.cz. Dostupné online. (česky)


  • SEVERA, František; NOVÁK, Ivo. Motýli. 1990. vyd. Praha: Aventinum, 1990. 368 s. ISBN 80-7151-210-9. S. 216.
  • BENEŠ, KONVIČKA, (eds). Motýli České republiky: rozšíření a ochrana. Praha: SOM, 2002. 857 s.

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Okáč poháňkový: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Okáč poháňkový (Coenonympha pamphilus, Linneaus, 1758) je zástupcem jednoho z nejpočetnějších druhů čeledi babočkovitých (podčeledi okáčů) a zároveň jedním z nejrozšířenějších denních motýlů na českém území. Jedná se o menšího motýla,velikost 25-33 mm. Na rubu křídel má jedno velké oko na předních křídlech, zadní křídla mají nevýrazný okrajový světlý pásek a jsou bez oček.

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Okkergul randøje ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA

Okkergul randøje (Coenonympha pamphilus) er en sommerfugl, som tilhører takvingefamilien. Den er udbredt i Eurasien og det nordvestlige Afrika, og den foretrækker mere tørre habitater end andre arter i dens slægt. Værtsplanter for larverne af denne art tilhører græs-familien, især Fåre-Svingel og Almindelig Rapgræs.

Kilder og henvisninger

  1. ^ Helsing, F. (2019), "Dagsommerfugle", i Moeslund, J.E. m.fl., Den danske Rødliste 2019, Aarhus Universitet, DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, hentet 23. januar 2020.
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Okkergul randøje: Brief Summary ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA

Okkergul randøje (Coenonympha pamphilus) er en sommerfugl, som tilhører takvingefamilien. Den er udbredt i Eurasien og det nordvestlige Afrika, og den foretrækker mere tørre habitater end andre arter i dens slægt. Værtsplanter for larverne af denne art tilhører græs-familien, især Fåre-Svingel og Almindelig Rapgræs.

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Kleines Wiesenvögelchen ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE
Ober- und Unterseite (Präparat)
Ei, Raupe und Puppe des Kleinen Wiesenvögelchens aus Richard South: The Butterflies of the British Isles

Das Kleine Wiesenvögelchen (Coenonympha pamphilus) ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter) aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae) und wird auch als Kleiner Heufalter bezeichnet.


Die Falter erreichen eine Flügelspannweite von 23 bis 33 Millimetern. Sie haben bräunliche, ockerfarbene oder leicht ins Orange gehende Flügeloberseiten mit einem nicht scharf abgegrenzten, grauen Rand und einem verwaschenen, dunklen Punkt nahe der Spitze des Vorderflügels. Die Hinterflügelunterseiten von Coenonympha pamphilus sind variabel, weißgelb, grau oder gräulich gefärbt und haben eine angedeutete helle Querbinde. Die Unterseiten der Vorderflügel sind kräftiger orange gefärbt und haben einen weiß gekernten und hell umrandeten schwarzen Augenfleck nahe der Flügelspitze, der manchmal fehlt oder reduziert sein kann.[1]

Die Eier sind abhängig vom Alter des Weibchens erst grün und dann gelb.[2] Die Raupen werden etwa 18 Millimeter lang. Sie sind hellgrün, inklusive der Kopfkapsel, und tragen am Rücken eine dunkle, hell gesäumte Längslinie. Je auf den Seiten haben sie eine weitere, gut erkennbare, weiße Linie. Am Hinterleibsende ragt ein kleiner, rosafarbener Zipfel hervor. Die hellgrüne Stürzpuppe ist stark untersetzt und trägt auf den Flügelscheiden einen oder zwei dunkle Streifen, die breit hell gesäumt sind.[1]

Ähnliche Arten


Das Kleine Wiesenvögelchen ist in fast ganz Europa weit verbreitet und häufig, es fehlt jedoch auf Orkney, Shetland, Nordnorwegen, Kreta, wo es durch Coenonympha thyrsis ersetzt wird, und den Inseln der südöstlichen Ägäis. Es wird auf der Iberischen Halbinsel mit Ausnahme des nördlichen Teils, auf den Balearen, Sardinien und im westlichen Nordafrika durch Coenonympha lyllus ersetzt. Außerdem kommt es in Nordafrika, der Türkei und dem Mittleren Osten bis in die Mongolei vor. Die nördliche Verbreitung reicht bis zum Polarkreis. In der vertikalen Verbreitung erreichen die Falter 2000 Meter Höhe (Alpen), in Nordafrika sogar 2700 Meter.[3][2]


Das Kleine Wiesenvögelchen ist gut an die hohen Temperaturen des Offenlandes angepasst und lebt auf Wiesen, Weiden, Magerrasen mit Lücken oder Fahrspuren und an anderen grasigen Stellen auf Böschungen, Weg- und Feldrändern, Sand- und Kiesgruben oder Ruderalflächen.[2]

Besonders bei niedrigen Temperaturen zeigen die größeren Männchen Territorialverhalten. Diese Territorien werden von unverpaarten Weibchen aktiv zur Balz aufgesucht und von schon verpaarten gemieden. Kleinere Männchen mit geringerer Paarungswahrscheinlichkeit halten sich außerhalb dieser Territorien auf.[2]

Die Weibchen legen ihre Eier einzeln an trockenen Stängeln nahe am Boden in niederwüchsigen Grasbeständen ab. Die Raupen entwickeln sich unterschiedlich schnell. Die Raupen können in jedem der Raupenstadien überwintern und vorher noch eine Sommerpause einlegen[2]. Die Tiere verpuppen sich nahe dem Boden an Pflanzen.[1]


Die Falter fliegen meistens in zwei oder drei Generationen (multivoltin) von Februar bis November. In klimatisch ungünstigen Regionen wie im nördlichen Skandinavien, in Schottland und den Hochlagen der Alpen entwickelt sich nur eine Generation im Sommer. Das Erscheinen der ersten Generation und ihrer Individuenzahl ist dabei sehr stark vom Klima des Lebensraums abhängig.[3][2]

Nahrung der Raupen

Als Raupennahrungspflanzen dienen Echter Schaf-Schwingel (Festuca ovina), Wiesenrispengras (Poa pratensis)[1] und andere Süßgrasarten der Gattungen Rispengräser (Poa), Schwingel (Festuca), Straußgräser (Agrostis), Schmielen (Deschampsia), Ruchgräser (Anthoxanthum), Borstgräser (Nardus), Zwenken (Brachypodium), Silbergräser (Corynephorus), Kammgräser (Cynosurus) und Traubenhafer (Danthonia).[2]


Das Kleine Wiesenvögelchen wurde von Carl von Linné 1758 in der 10. Auflage der Systema Naturae als Papilio pamphilus erstbeschrieben. Der Typenfundort ist Schweden.


  • Papilio menalcas Poda, 1761
  • Papilio procris Geoffroy, 1764
  • Papilio nephele Hufnagel, 1766
  • Coenonympha pamphiloides Reakirt, 1866


Es wurden sehr viele Unterarten beschrieben, deren Status aber unklar ist. Von vielen Autoren wird auch Coenonympha lyllus als Unterart betrachtet. Allerdings unterscheidet sich die Raupe auf der Iberischen Halbinsel durch eine schwarze statt einer grünen Kopfkapsel vom Kleinen Wiesenvögelchen und die Falter durch eine Silberlinie am Außenrand der Flügelunterseite. Entlang der Kontaktzone in Nordspanien sind keine sympatrischen Vorkommen der beiden Taxa bekannt. Die Verhältnissen im Mittleren Osten sind ungeklärt und die Präimaginalstadien bisher unbeschrieben.[2][4]

  • Coenonympha pamphilus marginata Heyne, [1894]
  • Coenonympha pamphilus orantia Fruhstorfer, 1908
  • Coenonympha pamphilus scota Verity, 1910
  • Coenonympha pamphilus australis Verity, 1914
  • Coenonympha pamphilus barcionis Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus centralis Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus londinii Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus fulvolactea Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus centralasiae Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus infrarasa Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus juldusica Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus ferghana Stauder, 1924
  • Coenonympha pamphilus nitidissima Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus asiaemontium Verity, 1926


  • Hans-Josef Weidemann: Tagfalter. Beobachten, bestimmen. Naturbuch, Augsburg 1995, ISBN 3-89440-115-X.
  • Günter Ebert, Erwin Rennwald: Tagfalter II (= Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Württembergs. Bd. 2). Ulmer, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 3-8001-3459-4.


  1. a b c d Heiko Bellmann: Der neue Kosmos-Schmetterlingsführer. Schmetterlinge, Raupen und Futterpflanzen. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-440-09330-1, S. 198.
  2. a b c d e f g h Martin Wiemers: Die Gattung Coenonympha HÜBNER, 1819, in Europa: Systematik, Ökologie und Schutz (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). In: Gesellschaft für Schmetterlingsschutz (Hrsg.): Oedippus. Nr. 25. Pensoft, 30. Juni 2007, S. 1–42 (european-butterflies.ufz.de [PDF; abgerufen am 23. Juni 2012]).
  3. a b Tom Tolman, Richard Lewington: Die Tagfalter Europas und Nordwestafrikas. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-440-07573-7, S. 238.
  4. Markku Savela – Lepidoptera and some other life forms: Coenonympha pamphilus Lineaus, (1758)
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Kleines Wiesenvögelchen: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

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 src= Paarung  src= Ober- und Unterseite (Präparat)  src= Ei, Raupe und Puppe des Kleinen Wiesenvögelchens aus Richard South: The Butterflies of the British Isles

Das Kleine Wiesenvögelchen (Coenonympha pamphilus) ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter) aus der Familie der Edelfalter (Nymphalidae) und wird auch als Kleiner Heufalter bezeichnet.

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Coenonympha pamphilius ( الألبانية )

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Coenonympha pamphilus MHNT.jpg
  • Mbreteria:Animalia
  • Tipi:Arthropoda
  • Klasa:Insecta
  • Rendi:Lepidoptera
  • Familja:Nymphalidae
  • Lloji:Coenonympha
  • Specia:C. pamphilus
  • Zbuluesi: Linnaeus, 1758
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Coenonympha pamphilus ( الإسكتلنديون )

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The Coenonympha pamphilus is a butterflee species belanging tae the faimily Nymphalidae.

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Freoaghane beg ( المنكية )

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She foillycan 'sy chynney Nymphalidae eh freoghane beg (Coenonympha pamphilus). T'eh cummal 'syn Oaraishey as yn Affrick heear hwoaie.


Ta ny skianyn 23-33mm er lheead. Ta eaghtyr s'yrdjey ruy-wuigh oc, as oirr smearit keeir-lheeah oc. Ta cowrey neuvaghtal dorraghey faggys da birr ny skianyn. Ta eaghtyr s'inshley ny skianyn jerrey daahit ayns cryssyn dy ghone dorraghey, dhone gial as keeir-lheeah. Ta eaghtyr s'inshley ny skianyn hoshee ruy as ta cowrey sooilley doo as buigh faggys da'n virr. Ny keayrtyn, cha nel eh ry-akin.[3] Cha nel yn 'oillycan rieau soie as skianyn foshlit eck, myr shen cha nel yn eaghtyr s'yrdjey ry-akin dy mennick.

Ta'n phraddag mysh 18mm er lhiurid. T'ad glass, as ta linney dorraghey er y chooyl as linney bane er dagh lhiattee. Ta kione glass eck as birr beg jiarg ec yn 'ammag.[3] T'ad gee faiyryn.


  1. (1990) "COENONYMPHA PAMPHILUS (Linnaeus)", ayns Emmet, A.M., J. Heath et al. (re.): The Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. 7: Part 1 (Hesperiidae to Nymphalidae) (Baarle). Colchester, UK: Harley Books, 277–279.
  2. http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/nymphalidae/satyrinae/coenonympha/index.html
  3. 3.0 3.1 (2003) Der Neue Kosmos Schmetterlingsführer, Schmetterlinge, Raupen und Futterpflanzen (Germaanish). Stuttgart: Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co, 198. ISBN 3-440-09330-1.

Kianglaghyn çheumooie

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Freoaghane beg: Brief Summary ( المنكية )

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She foillycan 'sy chynney Nymphalidae eh freoghane beg (Coenonympha pamphilus). T'eh cummal 'syn Oaraishey as yn Affrick heear hwoaie.

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Small heath (butterfly) ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) is a butterfly species belonging to the family Nymphalidae, classified within the subfamily Satyrinae (commonly known as "the browns"). It is the smallest butterfly in this subfamily. The small heath is diurnal and flies with a noticeable fluttering flight pattern near the ground. It rests with closed wings when not in flight.[3][4][5] It is widespread in colonies throughout the grasslands of Eurasia and north-western Africa, preferring drier habitats than other Coenonympha, such as salt marshes, alpine meadows, wetlands, and grasslands near water (i.e. streams).[6][7][8] However, habitat loss caused by human activities has led to a decline in populations in some locations.[4]

The larval host plants are grasses, found in various habitats, while adult butterflies feed on nectar from flowers.[9][10] The males of this species are territorial, which plays a large role in obtaining a female mate. To establish dominance, they partake in lekking, a mating display in which males aggregate in a competitive display to attract passing females.[11]


The small heath is one of 40 species classified within the genus Coenonympha and placed in the family Nymphalidae. It belongs to the tribe Satyrini and its Coenonymphina subtribe.[12] The small heath was first described in 1758 by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist and zoologist, in his book Systema Naturae.[13] Originally, the female C. pamphilus butterfly was referred to as the Golden Heath Eye and the male as the Selvedged Heath Eye. Entomologist Moses Harris later described it as the Small Heath or the Gatekeeper. However, the Gatekeeper now describes the Pyronia tithonus.[14]

Description in Seitz

C. pamphilus. Small butterflies which on the upper side are the colour of reddish yellow sand. Forewing beneath reddish yellow, bordered with grey and bearing a small pupilled apical ocellus; hindwing diluted with grey, with a shortened, curved, whitish median band shaded with brown. The ocelli are generally completely absent or only indicated by faint and indistinct vestiges of dots or rings. — The ground-colour of the hindwing of the Northern form, pamphilus L. (= nephele Hbn., menaleas Poda, gardetta Loche) (48 g) is mouse grey beneath; it is the only form in the North, and extends throughout North and Central Europe to Anterior Asia, Turkestan, Ferghana and Persia. — In ab. bipupillata Cosm. the apical ocellus is greatly enlarged and doubly pupilled. — marginata Stgr. (48 g) has a very broad dark distal margin on all the wings, but its underside resembles that of lyllus. (A broadening of the blackish distal margin occurs in the summer brood in many localities.) — lyllus Esp. is the summer form from Southern Europe, North Africa and the southern part of Anterior Asia. In this form the wings are broader, the apex of the forewing is more rounded, the margin of the hindwing often undulating, the underside of the hindwing not mouse-grey but also sandy yellow with a fine, curved, median line. — In Thyrsides Stgr. (48 g), from Sicily-, Dalmatia and the southern portion of Anterior Asia, of which I also found typical specimens in the valleys of the Atlas, the hindwing on both sides bears a submarginal row of ocelli, which are sometimes pupilled. — Larva bright green with a thin, double, white dorsal stripe and yellow lateral one. Head pale green; throughout the summer on grasses. Pupa stout, green, with darker markings. The butterflies are the commonest Satyrids in the whole of Europe and are on the wing from the end of April until October, everywhere on meadows and fallow fields, cornfields and bare summits of hills. They almost fly only when disturbed, and soon settle again, affecting roads and bare patches of ground, sometimes inclining their always closed wings to one side. Their flight is jumping, slow, and low. They even fly into the towns, wandering over gardens and yards, and one sometimes sees them hopping along on paved streets for traffic, and settling for a moment on the pavement.[15]


Subspecies of the Coenonympha pamphilus include:[16][17]

  • C. p. lyllus (Esper, 1806) (southern Europe and Siberia, the Crimea, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia)
  • C. p. marginata Heyne, [1894] (southern Europe and Siberia, the Crimea, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia)
  • C. p. fulvolactea Verity (1926) (middle Asia)
  • C. p. centralasiae Verity (1926) (middle Asia)
  • C. p. infrarasa Verity (1926) (middle Asia)
  • C. p. juldusica Verity (1926) (middle Asia)
  • C. p. ferghana Stauder (1924) (middle Asia)
  • C. p. nitidissima Verity (1924) (middle Asia)
  • C. p. asiaemontium Verity (1924) (Altai Mountains)
  • C. p. rhoumensis Harrison (1948)
In Poland

Similar species

The butterfly loosely resembles a small meadow brown, but the brown of the wings appears noticeably paler in flight. Unlike the meadow brown and other common members of the subfamily Satyrinae, the small heath is a lateral basker, only ever resting with its wings closed and angled at 90° to the sun.[18] It more closely resembles Coenonympha caeca (forewing without apical spots), Coenonympha tullia (forewing apical spot smaller), and Coenonympha symphita (underside of hindwing without white spot and almost always with a complete row of spots on the forewing).[19]

Distribution and habitat

A semi-natural grassland in Europe

The small heath is spread throughout the Western Palearctic, particularly in Europe where it has been reported in at least 40 different countries since 2002.[20][21] It is commonly found in the United Kingdom, largely in England and Wales. Populations are also found in southwest Siberia, regions of Asia, and north Africa.[14]

As a grasslands species, the small heath prefers open habitats with shorter grass compared to other related species. It is also found in an extensive range of environments including meadows, heaths, mountains (in the subalpine zone), and alongside railways.[3][22] It has been sighted in calcareous grasslands throughout nineteen countries in Europe.[20][23] For mating and oviposition, small heath butterflies prefer territories that are close to vegetation over areas that are open and clear.[22]

The small heath also resides in biodiverse patches of green habitats (i.e. greenways, gardens, and parks) in urban areas. These fragments create less-isolated corridors throughout cities, which help butterflies disperse throughout this habitat.[24]

Food resources


Festuca rubra, a food resource for small heath larvae

The primary food resources for small heath larvae are different varieties of grass species. These include the Anthoxanthum odoratum, Poa pratensis, Agrostis stolonifera, and Festuca rubra, which commonly appear on some calcerous grasslands.[21][9]


Yarrow, a food resource for adult small heath

Adult small heath butterflies feed on floral nectar of a variety of flowers such as bramble, yarrow, and ragwort.[3] This nectar has a high content of minerals and nutrients (particularly amino acids and sugar), and is highly important for male and female butterfly reproductive success.[10]

Parental care


The small heath is a plurivoltine butterfly, having multiple generations in a year.[25] Oviposition varies throughout the lifespan of a female small heath. The rate of oviposition is high for young females, particularly at the beginning of their reproductive life, while older females eventually lay fewer and yellower eggs.[26]

Host plant selection for egg laying

Small heath females prefer to lay eggs in grassland.[3] They use a biological adhesive to lay its eggs directly onto host plants, plants near host plants, or wilting leaves. If the eggs are laid on or near host plants, the larvae are able to feed on the host plant. If attached to the dead grasses, they are forced to find their own food immediately after hatching.[27]

Life cycle

Early stages of the life cycle


Small heath eggs are round and sometimes laid on blades of grass. The eggs are occasionally in clusters, but usually alone. Initially, the egg is a light green with a slight depression on the top and an overall ridged texture. It later gains a white hue with a brown band wrapped around the middle and irregular brown speckles on the surface.[14]

Egg color and weight changes throughout a female's lifespan. Younger females initially tend to lay heavier, greener eggs at a higher frequency. These eggs then transition to an intermediate green-yellow color. After about 100 eggs are laid, or near the end of their lifespans, older females lay lighter, yellow eggs.[26] Adult small heath butterflies have at least one or usually two broods of offspring depending on environmental factors (such as location and altitude).[21]


Butterflies like the small heath typically undergo multiple stages of development called instars, through which the insect grows noticeably larger in size. The small heath typically goes through four instars and molts three times. The third instar signals a diapause in which the larva hibernates. By the end of the fourth instar, the small heath larvae are a leafy green color with a green stripe running along its back and stripes a lighter shade of green on its sides. It has pink anal points, a protrusion at the end of the caterpillar. Larvae will sometimes undergo a fifth instar and enter diapause, which possibly signals an adapted response to environmental factors (primarily temperature). In diapause, the larva's resources are used to reinforce and strengthen its already-existing larval adult structures. These larvae then develop into larger male and smaller female pupae.[21][14]


The small heath remains in the pupae stage for approximately 3 weeks. The color of the chrysalis fully develops in four days. The pupa is light yellow-green and suspends from a plant stem with the head facing downward. The cremaster is a series of hooks at the rear of the pupa, which allows it to hang from the stem. The pupae is thick and has a length of 8.5 mm. It is slightly curved with dark dorsal stripes around the sides and light-yellow bumps on the abdomen. The wing covers along the side are a white pigment with small accents of red-brown.[3][14]


The wings of an adult small heath butterfly are light brown. Males are darker and sometimes have gray-brown hues, while females are paler and occasionally a white-brown or yellow-white color. Other variations include a redder or yellower pigment with the occasional purple-brown color. Both males and females can have a brownish-gray border circling the edge of the wing. This border varies in thickness and appears to be more common in males than in females. The forewing can have a prominent or faint dark spot or, sometimes, no spot at all near the wing tip. The hindwings may also have eyespots or white dots. A white band runs along the underside of the wing and varies in width and fullness.[14] Female small heath butterflies have a wingspan of 37 mm and tend to be larger than males, which have a wingspan of 33 mm.[3]

The small heath is diurnal, or is active in the daytime. It flies near the ground with a fluttering flight pattern.[5] Small heaths are also lateral baskers, angling their bodies 90° to the sun with their wings closed when resting.[18]


Aggression between males

Male small heath butterflies often establish their own territories and become stationary. Males with their own territories are more likely to mate successfully with females. This prompts aggressive male behavior between stationary males and wandering males who may contest territory ownership. The stationary male sometimes engages the wandering male in an attempt to determine its sex, and these interactions remain short to reduce vulnerability to predation. Longer interactions between males are typically territorial disputes. Larger males are typically more successful in territorial disputes with other males, as they have longer wing spans and are superior in size and weight to smaller males. Thus, larger males have a significantly higher chance of successfully mating a female.[22]

Temperature plays a role in male-male interactions as well. Both females and males increase vagrancy with increased temperatures, and vice versa. In low-temperature conditions, it is advantageous for a male to remain stationary in order to defend his territory as a potential mating site. This leads to longer male-male interactions when territorial disputes are more likely to occur. However, when temperatures are high, choosing not to defend territory is the preferred and advantageous strategy in mating. This is because males who become vagrant will have a higher chance of intercepting a wandering female in competition with other vagrant males. This leads to shorter male-male interactions as males are not defending territory.[3][5][22]

Interactions between males and females

Mating pair of small heaths

Mate choice

Male small heath butterflies find mates either by defending their ownership of a territory or by drifting in search for a female. Virgin females also spend time in the air to find a potential mate, but females who have already mated avoid claimed territories. Due to its longer lifespan, virgin females seek mates less urgently than, for example, females of the C. tullia species. Virgin small heaths females will allow males to pass by instead of seeking them out to begin courtship. They choose to perform a long, elaborate zig-zag flight pattern to draw attention after they reach a group of perching males, who will take part in lekking as a show of dominance. The female then selectively chooses her mate and begins a monandrous relationship.[11] Most matings occur with residents within territories than with the wandering non-residents. Females often mate with males with larger wings, as territory owners are usually larger, and generally mate only once or twice in their short overall lifetimes.[3][22]


Male small heaths aggregate and form leks often around bushes or trees, creating an elaborate visual display to attract a female's attention. The female will approach by circling the lek, which attracts the males' attention more than being stationary. There are both costs and benefits of lekking for the female. Females benefit by typically mating with the dominant male and producing offspring with beneficial, heritable genes, as a result of their free choice in mates. They also have increased survival and maintained health because males cannot force the females to copulate. A few fitness costs include lost time to obtain more resources, risk of mortality through predation, and less time for oviposition, which all lead to decreased fecundity. The leks themselves do not contain resources for the females.[28]


Copulation between male and female small heath butterflies lasts between 10 minutes and 5 hours, occurring at any time in the day.[3] In 1985, a study observed that males often mate within their own territory (86.7% of 30 matings), and these copulations are generally lengthy, lasting over 100 minutes. Otherwise, copulations lasted approximately 10–30 minutes, especially for vagrant males. The study also found that either the male or female (but generally the male) is forced to leave the territory after copulation.[22]

Nuptial gifts

During copulation, male small heath butterflies transfer a nuptial gift to a female in the form of a spermatophore, which contains both additional nutrients and sperm. Males can use amino acids found in nectar from food resources to help produce these spermatophores, which are then passed to the female when reproducing. The spermatophore increases female fitness and aids female performance in reproduction, and its nutrients are also assimilated later into the eggs that are laid, leading to heavier larvae.[29]


Small heath butterflies typically live well in dry, open landscapes with higher temperatures, in comparison to other species of satyrine butterflies. When temperatures are significantly high, lifespan is shortened but the small heath will fare better than shade-dwelling species, such as the speckled wood, Pararge aegeria. Like other butterflies, it has a small range of optimum temperatures and can regulate its temperatures in a small variety of ways, such as positioning its body to maximally absorb sunlight. In high temperature habitats, the small heath produces eggs at a relatively high rate, has good fecundity, and survives well as compared to woodland butterflies.[30] Male butterflies will also tend to drift and be vagrant in their search for females rather than perch in their territories and wait, as they would do in optimum or sub-optimum temperatures.[22]



Trogus lapidator

The Trogus lapidator (parasitic wasp) and other varieties of Ichneumoninae species will often parasitize Lepidoptera pupae as parasitoids. The parasite eventually emerges from the host pupae as an adult by slicing out a cap at the terminal end of the chrysalis and breaking through. In small heath pupae, staining can sometimes be seen around the cut site of the cap.[31]

Interactions with humans

As a grassland species, the effects of intense, widespread agriculture is a concern for the welfare of the small heath. Grassland management through periodic ecological disturbances (i.e. mowing) is considered necessary to maintain "semi-natural" grasslands. Negative effects of mowing include the loss of biodiversity, the conversion of natural grasslands into agricultural fields, mortality, and loss of nectar resources. However, a study shows that such disturbances of these habitats may actually lead to an increase in the population of grassland butterflies including the small heath.[23]


Overall, the small heath is generally common and abundant throughout its geographic distribution, particularly in Europe.[14] Urban habitats have become a significant focus in the conservation of the small heath due to the widespread green fragments forming chains of ecological biodiversity.[24] In a study of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels on development, it was determined that larval development time increased due to elevated CO2 levels, suggesting an effect of CO2 on larval performance. Additionally, it was found that food-plant preferences of larvae might also be affected, which could play a future evolutionary role, although this is an area that requires further research.[9]

Status in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the distribution of the Coenonympha tullia is significantly reduced as a result of climate change. Also satyrine species of the genus Coenonympha, the C. hero and C. arcania have gone extinct. One study shows that the small heath has adapted well to climate change and will continue to survive because it can adapt biologically to altered environments. In response to these environmental changes (i.e. temperature), the small heath can overwinter in diapause, which promotes its survival through rapid development.[32]

Status in England

The small heath, like its cousin the wall brown, has been in serious decline across much of southern England for reasons unclear, and was accordingly designated as a UK Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Species (research only) by DEFRA in 2007.[3] These butterflies typically live in colonies, which have been negatively impacted by construction, human development, and general habitat loss in recent years. In 2007, the IUCN category status listed the small heath as near threatened.[4]


  1. ^ van Swaay, C., Wynhoff, I., Verovnik, R., Wiemers, M., López Munguira, M., Maes, D., Sasic, M., Verstrael, T., Warren, M. & Settele, J. (2010). "Coenonympha pamphilus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2010: e.T174461A7076327. Retrieved 13 December 2020.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ "Coenonympha pamphilus Linnaeus, 1758". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 13 December 2020.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "UK Butterflies - Small Heath - Coenonympha pamphilus". www.ukbutterflies.co.uk. Retrieved 2017-10-02.
  4. ^ a b c "British Butterflies - A Photographic Guide by Steven Cheshire". www.britishbutterflies.co.uk. Archived from the original on 2017-06-21. Retrieved 2017-10-02.
  5. ^ a b c Wickman, Per-Clof. "The Influence of Temperature on the Territorial and Mate Locating Behaviour of the Small Heath Butterfly, Coenonympha Pamphilus (L.) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)." Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 16, no. 3, 1985, pp. 233–238., doi:10.1007/bf00310985.
  6. ^ Org, Registry-Migration.Gbif (2017). "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy". GBIF Secretariat. doi:10.15468/39omei. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  7. ^ Sei, M. (2004). "Larval Adaptation of the Endangered Maritime Ringlet Coenonympha tullia nipisiquit Mc Donnough (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) to a Saline Wetland Habitat". Environmental Entomology. 33 (6): 1535–1540. doi:10.1603/0046-225X-33.6.1535. S2CID 85755768.
  8. ^ Brau, Markus; Dolek, Matthias; Stettmer, Christian (2010). "Habitat requirements, larval development and food preferences of the German population of the False Ringlet Coenonympha oedippus (FABRICIUS, 1787) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) - Research on the ecological needs to develop management tools" (PDF). Oedippus. 26: 41–51.
  9. ^ a b c Goverde, Marcel; Erhardt, Andreas (2003-01-01). "Effects of elevated CO2 on development and larval food-plant preference in the butterfly Coenonympha pamphilus (Lepidoptera, Satyridae)". Global Change Biology. 9 (1): 74–83. Bibcode:2003GCBio...9...74G. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.2003.00520.x.
  10. ^ a b Cahenzli, Fabian; Erhardt, Andreas (2012-09-01). "Nectar sugars enhance fitness in male Coenonympha pamphilus butterflies by increasing longevity or realized reproduction". Oikos. 121 (9): 1417–1423. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20190.x.
  11. ^ a b Wickman, Per-Olof (1992). "Mating systems of Coenonympha butterflies in relation to longevity". Animal Behaviour. 44: 141–148. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(05)80763-8. S2CID 53195723.
  12. ^ "Coenonympha". ftp.funet.fi. Retrieved 2018-02-22.
  13. ^ Linné, Carl von; Lange, Johann Joachim; Linné, Carl von (1760). Caroli Linnaei ... Systema naturae: per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. LuEsther T. Mertz Library New York Botanical Garden. Halae Magdeburgicae : Typis et sumtibus Io. Iac. Curt.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g South, Richard (1906). The butterflies of the British Isles. London: F. Warne. pp. 136–138.
  15. ^ Seitz. A. in Seitz, A. ed. Band 1: Abt. 1, Die Großschmetterlinge des palaearktischen Faunengebietes, Die palaearktischen Tagfalter, 1909, 379 Seiten, mit 89 kolorierten Tafeln (3470 Figuren)Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  16. ^ "Coenonympha Hübner, [1819]" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms
  17. ^ Brakefield, P.M.; Emmet, A. M. (1990), Emmet, A. M.; Heath, J. (eds.), "Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus). Pages", The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, 7 (1 (Hesperiidae to Nymphalidae)): 277–279
  18. ^ a b Dennis, R. L. H. (20 March 1989). "Butterfly wing morphology variation in the British Isles: the influence of climate, behavioural posture and the hostplant-habitat". Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 38 (4): 323–348. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.1989.tb01581.x.
  19. ^ Tuzov, V.K. (2000). Guide to the butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). Vol. 2. Libytheidae, Danaidae, Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae. Sofia: Pensoft. ISBN 978-9546420954. OCLC 45109002.
  20. ^ a b Wallisdevries, Michiel F.; Poschlod, Peter; Willems, Jo H. (2002). "Challenges for the conservation of calcareous grasslands in northwestern Europe: Integrating the requirements of flora and fauna". Biological Conservation. 104 (3): 265–273. doi:10.1016/S0006-3207(01)00191-4.
  21. ^ a b c d Garcia-Barros, Enrique (January 2006). "Number of larval instars and sex-specific plasticity in the development of the small heath butterfly, Coenonympha pamphilus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)". European Journal of Entomology. 103: 47–53. doi:10.14411/eje.2006.007.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g Wickman, Per-Olof (1985). "TErritorial defence and mating success in males of the small heath butterfly, coenonympha pamphilus L. (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)". Animal Behaviour. 33 (4): 1162–1168. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(85)80176-7. S2CID 53165861.
  23. ^ a b Lebeau, Julie; Wesselingh, Renate A.; Dyck, Hans Van (2015-08-18). "Butterfly Density and Behaviour in Uncut Hay Meadow Strips: Behavioural Ecological Consequences of an Agri-Environmental Scheme". PLOS ONE. 10 (8): e0134945. Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1034945L. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134945. PMC 4540417. PMID 26284618.
  24. ^ a b Angold, P. G.; Sadler, J. P.; Hill, M. O.; Pullin, A.; Rushton, S.; Austin, K.; Small, E.; Wood, B.; Wadsworth, R.; Sanderson, R.; Thompson, K. (2006). "Biodiversity in urban habitat patches". Science of the Total Environment. 360 (1–3): 196–204. Bibcode:2006ScTEn.360..196A. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.08.035. PMID 16297440.
  25. ^ Besold, Joachim; Huck, Stefan; Schmitt, Thomas (2008). "Allozyme Polymorphisms in the Small Heath,Coenonympha pamphilus: Recent Ecological Selection or Old Biogeographical Signal?". Annales Zoologici Fennici. 45 (3): 217–228. doi:10.5735/086.045.0307. S2CID 54675292.
  26. ^ a b Wickman, Per-Olof; Karlsson, Bengt (1987). "Changes in egg colour, egg weight and oviposition rate with the number of eggs laid by wild females of the small heath butterfly, Coenonympha pamphilus". Ecological Entomology. 12 (1): 109–114. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1987.tb00989.x. S2CID 85045063.
  27. ^ Wiklund, Christer (1984). "Egg-Laying Patterns in Butterflies in Relation to Their Phenology and the Visual Apparency and Abundance of Their Host Plants". Oecologia. 63 (1): 23–29. Bibcode:1984Oecol..63...23W. doi:10.1007/bf00379780. JSTOR 4217346. PMID 28311161. S2CID 29210301.
  28. ^ Wickman, Per-Olof; Jansson, Peter (1997). "An estimate of female mate searching costs in the lekking butterfly Coenonympha pamphilus". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 40 (5): 321–328. doi:10.1007/s002650050348. S2CID 25290065.
  29. ^ Cahenzli, Fabian; Erhardt, Andreas (January 2013). "Nectar amino acids enhance reproduction in male butterflies" (PDF). Oecologia. 171 (1): 197–205. Bibcode:2013Oecol.171..197C. doi:10.1007/s00442-012-2395-8. PMID 22744741. S2CID 14761851.
  30. ^ Karlsson, Bengt; Wiklund, Christer (2005-01-01). "Butterfly life history and temperature adaptations; dry open habitats select for increased fecundity and longevity". Journal of Animal Ecology. 74 (1): 99–104. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2004.00902.x.
  31. ^ Shaw, Mark; Kan, Pieter; Limburg Stirum, Brigitte Kan-van (2015). "Emergence behaviour of adult Trogus lapidator (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae, Heresiarchini) from pupa of its host Papilio machaon L. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae), with a comparative overview of emergence of Ichneumonidae from Lepidoptera pupae in Europe". Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 47: 65–85. doi:10.3897/JHR.47.6508.
  32. ^ Bink, F.A. (2010). "Coenonympha species in The Netherlands (Lepidoptera)". Entomologische Berichten. 70: 37–44.

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Small heath (butterfly): Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) is a butterfly species belonging to the family Nymphalidae, classified within the subfamily Satyrinae (commonly known as "the browns"). It is the smallest butterfly in this subfamily. The small heath is diurnal and flies with a noticeable fluttering flight pattern near the ground. It rests with closed wings when not in flight. It is widespread in colonies throughout the grasslands of Eurasia and north-western Africa, preferring drier habitats than other Coenonympha, such as salt marshes, alpine meadows, wetlands, and grasslands near water (i.e. streams). However, habitat loss caused by human activities has led to a decline in populations in some locations.

The larval host plants are grasses, found in various habitats, while adult butterflies feed on nectar from flowers. The males of this species are territorial, which plays a large role in obtaining a female mate. To establish dominance, they partake in lekking, a mating display in which males aggregate in a competitive display to attract passing females.

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Coenonympha pamphilus ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Coenonympha pamphilus, ninfa de Linneo, níspola, Linnaeus 1758 es una mariposa de la familia Nymphalidae, subfamilia Satyrinae. [1][2][3]

Distribución y características

Especie de amplia distribución que aparece en todo el Paleártico (Eurasia y Norte de África). En la península ibérica ocupa prácticamente toda sus áreas geográficas.

Puede ser encontrada en una amplia variedad de hábitats. Selecciona áreas más secas que otras especies de Coenonympha.

Presenta varias generaciones anuales, volando de febrero a noviembre en la península ibérica; en Gran Bretaña, por ejemplo de mayo a octubre. Las orugas, que se alimentan de distintas especies de gramíneas (Poa annua, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Agrostis sp., etc), son verdes con líneas laterales blancas. La crisálida es verde. Dependiendo de la latitud de distribución pueden tener una sola generación anual (en el norte de Eurasia) o varias (en el sur). Inverna en forma de oruga. Los adultos o imagos se alimentan de varias fuentes de néctar, en especies de los géneros (entre otros): Rubus spp., Ranunculus spp., Succisa spp., Pulicaria spp., Stellaria spp., Anthyllis spp., etc.

Estatus de conservación

En España es una especie no amenazada, pero por ejemplo en Reino Unido si está catalogada como “especie prioritaria”, ya que ha tenido un intenso declive poblacional por razones desconocidas.



  1. http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/species.php?species=pamphilus Coenonympha pamphilus
  2. http://www.biodiversidadvirtual.org/insectarium/Coenonympha-pamphilus-Linnaeus-1758-346-cat5874.html Coenonympha pamphilus
  3. http://www.eurobutterflies.com/sp/pamphilus.php Matt Rowlings
  4. http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/nymphalidae/satyrinae/coenonympha/index.html
  5. Brakefield, P.M.; Emmet, A.M. (1990), COENONYMPHA PAMPHILUS (Linnaeus). Pages 277–279 in Emmet, A.M., J. Heath et al. (Eds.) The Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. 7 parte 1 (Hesperiidae a Nymphalidae), Harley Books, Colchester, UK. 370 pp..


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Coenonympha pamphilus: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Coenonympha pamphilus, ninfa de Linneo, níspola, Linnaeus 1758 es una mariposa de la familia Nymphalidae, subfamilia Satyrinae. ​ ​ ​

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Keltaniittyperhonen ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Keltaniittyperhonen (Coenonympha pamphilus) on täpläperhosten heimoon ja heinäperhosten alaheimoon kuuluva pieni päiväperhonen. Laji esiintyy palearktisella alueella ja siitä on kuvattu useita alalajeja ja muotoja.


Keltaniittyperhosen levinneisyysalue ulottuu Pohjois-Afrikasta lähes koko Eurooppaan pohjoisimpia alueita lukuun ottamatta sekä Vähä-Aasiaan, Libanoniin, Irakiin, Iraniin, Turkestaniin ja idässä mahdollisesti Siperiaan saakka.

Suomessa keltaniittyperhonen esiintyy runsaimmin maan etelä- ja keskiosissa, mutta lajia tavataan ajoittain Etelä-Lapissa ja satunnaisesti myös Lapin pohjoisosissa.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Parittelevia yksilöitä

Keltaniittyperhosen etusiiven pituus on yleensä 13–17 mm. Suomessa on mitattu siipien kärkiväliksi 22–33 mm. Naaraat ovat keskimäärin koiraita kookkaampia. Siipien yläpuolen pohjaväri on vaalean ruskeankeltainen. Etusiiven yläpuolella on pieni harmaa kärkisilmätäplä ja ulkoreunassa kapea harmaa reunajuova. Etusiiven alapuolella on musta, valkoteräinen ja keltarenkainen kärkisilmätäplä. Takasiiven alapuolen tyviosa on tumma ja ulkoreuna harmaa, välissä on vaalea postdiskaaliala. Etusiiven yläpuolen reunajuovan leveys ja tummuus, samoin kuin takasiiven alapuolen sävy vaihtelee eri muodoilla.


Keltaniittyperhosen elinympäristöä ovat monenlaiset ruohikkoa kasvavat avoimet alueet, niityt, kedot, pientareet ja metsänreunat.

Lentoaika ja elintavat

Lentoaika on levinneisyysalueen eteläosissa huhtikuusta alkaen, Keski-Euroopassa toukokuusta alkaen ja Pohjois-Euroopassa kesäkuusta alkaen läpi kesän useana sukupolvena, paitsi Pohjois-Euroopassa yleensä vain yhtenä sukupolvena kesä–heinäkuussa. Laji talvehtii keskenkasvuisena toukkana.


Toukan ravintokasveja ovat tuoksusimake (Anthoxanthum odoratum), nurmilauha (Deschampsia cespitosa), metsälauha (Deschampsia flexuosa), nadat (Festuca), jäkki (Nardus stricta) ja nurmikat (Poa), esimerkiksi kylänurmikka (Poa annua).


  • Olli Marttila, Tari Haahtela, Hannu Aarnio, Pekka Ojalainen: Suomen päiväperhoset. Tekijät ja Kirjayhtymä Oy, 1990. ISBN 951-26-3471-6.
  • Lionel G. Higgins, Norman D. Riley, suom. Olavi Sotavalta: Euroopan päiväperhoset. Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi, 1973. ISBN 951-30-2311-7.
  • Pertti Pakkanen: Keltaniittyperhonen. Suomen Perhostutkijain Seura.

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Keltaniittyperhonen: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Keltaniittyperhonen (Coenonympha pamphilus) on täpläperhosten heimoon ja heinäperhosten alaheimoon kuuluva pieni päiväperhonen. Laji esiintyy palearktisella alueella ja siitä on kuvattu useita alalajeja ja muotoja.

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Fadet commun ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Coenonympha pamphilus

Le Fadet commun ou Procris (Coenonympha pamphilus) est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) paléarctiques appartenant à la famille des Nymphalidae, à la sous-famille des Satyrinae et au genre Coenonympha.


Fadet commun (Coenonympha pamphilus) dans la forêt de Kampinos, en Pologne. Le fadet commun a normalement des taches blanches sur la partie inférieure des ailes arrière, ce qui n'est pas le cas pour cet individu.

Ce petit papillon de couleur ocre clair à marron clair présente d'importantes variations suivant les sous-espèces et les colonies. Le dessus, ocre présente un ocelle noir cerclé de clair et centré par un point blanc à l'apex des antérieures. Il peut, dans certaines variations, présenter une bordure foncée.

Le revers aux antérieures généralement de couleur ocre présente le même ocelle à l'apex, alors que les postérieures de couleur grisâtre à marron présentent une ligne d'ocelles vestigiaux très réduits ou absents.


Coenonympha pamphilus

Période de vol et hivernation

Il hiverne à l'état de chenille, et ce sont des chenilles de toutes les générations qui peuvent hiverner[1].

Il vole en plusieurs générations, de février à novembre, leur nombre et la date d'émergence varient suivant la localisation de sa résidence[2].

Plantes hôtes

Ses plantes hôtes sont diverses poacées (graminées) : Poa annua, Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Cynosurus cristatus, Dactylis glomerata, Nardus stricta, Deschampsia caespitosa, Deschampsia flexuosa[2],[3].

Écologie et distribution

Il est présent en Afrique du Nord, dans toute l'Europe continentale, Turquie, Moyen-Orient et le nord et le centre de l'Asie[3].

En Europe il est présent partout sauf dans certaines îles, Shetland, Orcades, Canaries, Açores, Madère, et Crête[2].

En France métropolitaine il est présent dans tous les départements[4].


Il réside dans les lieux herbus, prairies et friches jusqu'à 1 800 mètres.


L'espèce Coenonympha pamphilus a été décrite par le naturaliste suédois Carl von Linné en 1758, sous le nom initial de Papilio pamphilus[5]. La localité type est la Suède.


  • Papilio pamphilus Linnaeus, 1758 Protonyme
  • Papilio lyllus Esper, 1805[6]

Noms vernaculaires

Le Fadet commun, Procris, Petit papillon des foins ou Pamphile se nomme Small Heath en anglais, Wiesenvögelchen ou Kleiner Heufalter ou Kälberauge en allemand et Nispola en espagnol.


Liste des sous-espèces
  • Coenonympha pamphilus lyllus (Esper, 1806) — le Fadet punique.
  • Coenonympha pamphilus marginata Heyne, 1894
  • Coenonympha pamphilus fulvolactea Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus centralasiae Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus infrarasa Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus juldusica Verity, 1926
  • Coenonympha pamphilus ferghana Stauder, 1924
  • Coenonympha pamphilus nitidissima Verity, 1924
  • Coenonympha pamphilus asiaemontium Verity, 1924[3].

Le Fadet commun et l'Homme


Il ne bénéficie pas de statut de protection particulier.

Notes et références

  1. Ann Zool Fennici 45 : 217-228 (ISSN )
  2. a b et c (Tolman et Lewington 1997)
  3. a b et c funet
  4. INPN répartition
  5. Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1 : 472
  6. INPN taxonomie


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Fadet commun: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Coenonympha pamphilus

Le Fadet commun ou Procris (Coenonympha pamphilus) est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) paléarctiques appartenant à la famille des Nymphalidae, à la sous-famille des Satyrinae et au genre Coenonympha.

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Fraochán beag ( الأيرلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia GA

Is feithid é an fraochán beag. Ball d'ord na Lepidoptera atá ann.

Is síol ainmhí é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Coenonympha pamphilus ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

La ninfa minore o panfila (Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758)) è un lepidottero diurno, appartenente alla famiglia Nymphalidae, diffuso in Eurasia e Nordafrica.[1][2][3][4][5]


Esemplare fotografato vicino a Oberhausen (Germania)


Si tratta di una farfalla di piccole dimensioni, con un'apertura alare di 3-3,8 cm[3][4]. Quando è posata tiene le ali sempre chiuse, quindi è normalmente visibile solo il loro lato inferiore, arancio e con un'evidente macchia ocellata per l'ala superiore, grigio-brunastro con una banda frastagliata chiara per quella inferiore[3][4]. La faccia superiore delle ali è invece tutto arancio, con uno stretto margine grigio e un piccolo ocello apicale[3][4]. La femmina è leggermente più grande del maschio, e di colorazione un po' più chiara[4].



Il bruco è di colore verde[4].



Il bruco, svernante, si nutre principalmente di graminacee dei generi Brachypodium, Cynosurus, Festuca, Nardus e Poa[4]. Ogni anno sfarfallano due generazioni di adulti, una in aprile-maggio e un'altra in luglio-agosto, con una terza, parziale, ad ottobre[4].

Distribuzione e habitat

Esemplare fotografato vicino ad Adinkerke (De Panne, Belgio), con le ali parzialmente aperte

Predilige gli ambienti erbosi e i margini dei boschi, e può vivere fino ai 2000-2100 metri di altitudine[3][4]. È comune in tutta Europa, eccettuate l'Islanda e altre isole artiche come le Svalbard e la Novaja Zemlja[1], e anche la Sardegna, dove al suo posto si trova la congenere Coenonympha lyllus[3].


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758), su Fauna Europaea. URL consultato il 24 giugno 2017.
  2. ^ a b (EN) Coenonympha pamphilus Linnaeus, 1758, su Catalogue of Life. URL consultato il 24 giugno 2017.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Coenonympha pamphilus – Ninfa minore, su Ambiente e biodiversità. URL consultato il 24 giugno 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 marzo 2021).
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i Coenonympha pamphilus (PDF) , su Vivere Sostenibile. URL consultato il 24 giugno 2017.
  5. ^ (EN) Markku Savela, Coenonympha pamphilus, su Funet.fi, OCLC 44380563. URL consultato il 24 giugno 2017.

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Coenonympha pamphilus: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

La ninfa minore o panfila (Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758)) è un lepidottero diurno, appartenente alla famiglia Nymphalidae, diffuso in Eurasia e Nordafrica.

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Gelsvasis satyriukas ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT
Binomas Coenonympha pamphilus

Gelsvasis satyriukas (lot. Coenonympha pamphilus, angl. Small Heath, vok. Kleine Wiesenvögelchen) – pleštekių (Nymphalidae) šeimos drugys. Skraido gegužėsrugsėjo mėn (iš viso dvi generacijos) pamiškių, paežerių ir paupių pievose, laukynėse. Vikšrai maitinasi miglinių augalų lapais. Nedidelė dalis vikšrų žiemoja. Lėliukėmis virsta ant augalų stiebų.

Lietuvoje dažna rūšis.


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Gelsvasis satyriukas: Brief Summary ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT

Gelsvasis satyriukas (lot. Coenonympha pamphilus, angl. Small Heath, vok. Kleine Wiesenvögelchen) – pleštekių (Nymphalidae) šeimos drugys. Skraido gegužėsrugsėjo mėn (iš viso dvi generacijos) pamiškių, paežerių ir paupių pievose, laukynėse. Vikšrai maitinasi miglinių augalų lapais. Nedidelė dalis vikšrų žiemoja. Lėliukėmis virsta ant augalų stiebų.

Lietuvoje dažna rūšis.

Gelsvasis satyriukas, 2007-05-27.jpg Gelsvasis satyriukas1. 2007-05-27.jpg Gelsvasis satyriukas2. 2007-05-27.jpg


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Parastais sīksamtenis ( اللاتفية )

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Parastais sīksamtenis jeb samtenītis (Coenonympha pamphilus) ir raibeņu dzimtas (Nymphalidae) Latvijā dzīvojoša tauriņu suga, kas pieder pie samteņu cilts (Satyrini). Šai sugai ir plašs izplatības areāls, tā sastopama Eirāzijā līdz Mongolijai austrumos un Ziemeļāfrikā.[1] Salīdzinot ar citām sīksamteņu sugām, parastais sīksamtenis mājo sausākos biotopos: sausās pļavās un stepē, kā arī kalnu pļavās līdz 2000 metriem virs jūras līmeņa. Latvijā tas ir visbiežāk sastopamais sīksamtenis[2] un to var novērot visā teritorijā.[3]


Parastā sīksamteņa galvenā pazīme no spārnu apakšas ir dekoratīvā actiņa priekšpārnu galā

Parastais sīksamtenis ir neliels dienas tauriņš. Tā spārnu plētums 25—36 mm,[2] ķermeņa garums apmēram 10 mm.[1] Spārni no virspuses ir vienkrāsaini — oranždzeltenā krāsā, tikai uz priekšējiem spārniem galos ir neliels melns punktiņš. Parastais sīksamtenis lidojumā ir visgaišākais no Latvijas sīksamteņiem. No apakšpuses priekšspārni ir oranži ar pelēku galu, bet aizmugurējie spārni pelēki, samtaini ar blāvu, viļņainu šķērsjoslu spārna centrālajā daļā. Tā galvenā pazīme ir dekoratīva melni-balta "actiņa" uz priekšējā spārna gala. Šī iezīme uzreiz atšķir parasto sīksamteni, jo visām pārējām sugām košāki un dekoratīvāki ir aizmugurējie spārni.[2]


Parastais sīksamtenis ir vienīgais no sīksamteņiem, kuram gadā attīstās divas paaudzes.[2] Pirmās paaudzes tauriņi izšķiļas maija sākumā (visagrāk no visiem sīksamteņiem), otrās paaudzes tauriņi izlido jūlija beigās vai augusta sākumā. To var novērot dažādos biotopos: pļavās, mežmalās, norās, kāpās, izcirtumos, ceļmalās, vietās, kur bagātīgi aug graudzāles.[2] Kāpuri uz graudzālēm atrodami no jūnija līdz rudenim un pēc pārziemošanas līdz aprīlim, kad tie iekūņojas. Parastais sīksamtenis pārziemo kāpura stadijā. Kāpuri barojas ar dažādām graudzālēm, piemēram, ar aitu auzenēm, smaržzālītēm, ciņusmilgām, skarenēm un sekstainēm.[2]




  • Povilas Ivinskis, Jonas Augustauskas. Lietuvos dieniniai drugiai. Kaunas: Lututė, 2004. ISBN 9955-575-41-7

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Parastais sīksamtenis: Brief Summary ( اللاتفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LV

Parastais sīksamtenis jeb samtenītis (Coenonympha pamphilus) ir raibeņu dzimtas (Nymphalidae) Latvijā dzīvojoša tauriņu suga, kas pieder pie samteņu cilts (Satyrini). Šai sugai ir plašs izplatības areāls, tā sastopama Eirāzijā līdz Mongolijai austrumos un Ziemeļāfrikā. Salīdzinot ar citām sīksamteņu sugām, parastais sīksamtenis mājo sausākos biotopos: sausās pļavās un stepē, kā arī kalnu pļavās līdz 2000 metriem virs jūras līmeņa. Latvijā tas ir visbiežāk sastopamais sīksamtenis un to var novērot visā teritorijā.

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Hooibeestje ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL


Het hooibeestje (Coenonympha pamphilus) is een kleine vlinder uit de onderfamilie van de zandoogjes en erebia's (Satyrinae) van de familie Nymphalidae. Het is een standvlinder.


De voorvleugellengte bedraagt ongeveer 15 millimeter. De bovenzijde is licht oranjebruin met een, vooral bij de vrouwtjes, opvallende kleine zwarte vlek aan de punt van de voorvleugel. Zittend is vaak alleen de bruingrijze onderkant te zien. De mannetjes bezetten een territorium en maken patrouillevluchten.

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Het hooibeestje komt in heel Europa voor; ook in Nederland en België is de soort algemeen. Verder ook in noordelijk Afrika en Azië.

Grasland met een niet te hoge vegetatie, bermen en heidegebieden worden als leefgebied door de vlinder gebruikt, hij is vooral te zien in mozaïekvormige begroeiingen. De vliegtijd is van februari tot en met oktober. Het hooibeestje is een slechte vlieger en daardoor vaak laag boven het maaiveld te zien.


Er zijn jaarlijks twee generaties van deze vlinder. De eerste generatie is in mei en juni te zien. De eitjes die dan gelegd worden zullen, afhankelijk van de grassoort waarop ze zich bevinden en waarmee ze zich voeden, langzaam of sneller groeien. De snel volgroeide rupsen verpoppen zich nog hetzelfde jaar en vliegt als tweede generatie van eind juli tot ver in oktober. Hun nageslacht overwintert als jonge rups en vliegt in juni en juli van het daarop volgend jaar. De rupsen de langzamer groeien brengen de winter als volgroeide rups door en zijn vanaf de maand mei als vlinder te zien. De verpopping gebeurt aan een stevige grasstengel kort boven de grond.


Waardplanten van het hooibeestje zijn verschillende soorten grassen, zoals zwenkgras, schapengras en beemdgras. De soort overwintert als rups.


De soort heeft in Nederland in 1991 te maken gehad met een grote terugval in aantal. Dit kwam doordat de rupsen uit hun diapauze waren gekomen in een warme periode in april, waarna enige tijd later weer een koude periode met zelfs nachtvorst kwam, die veel diertjes fataal werd. Daarna zijn de aantallen weer behoorlijk hersteld.[1]

Externe links

Coenonympha pamphilus-02 (xndr).jpg
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Baaijens, A. et al. (ed.) (2003) Dagvlinders in Zeeland, Oost-Souburg, Heinkenszand, Goes: Vlinder- en Libellenwerkgroep Zeeland, Het Zeeuwse Landschap, De Koperen Tuin, pp. 108-109.
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Hooibeestje: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Het hooibeestje (Coenonympha pamphilus) is een kleine vlinder uit de onderfamilie van de zandoogjes en erebia's (Satyrinae) van de familie Nymphalidae. Het is een standvlinder.

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Engringvinge ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Engringvinge (Coenonympha pamphilus) er en sommerfugl som tilhører gruppen ringvinger (Satyrinae) i den artsrike familien flikvinger (Nymphalidae). Denne vesle, okergule sommerfuglen er vanlig de fleste steder i lavlandet i Sør-Norge og er gjerne en av de tallrikeste dagsommerfuglene.


En ganske liten ringvinge (vingespenn 24 – 37 mm), oversiden ensfarget okergul med en liten øyeflekk med forvingens spiss. Forvingens underside er okergul med en litt større øyeflekk enn på oversiden, bakvingens underside grå med et utydelig, hvitt tverrbånd. I motsetning til de andre norske Coenonympha-artene mangler den øyeflekker på undersiden av bakvingene. Larven er grønn med tre mørkere grønne ryggstriper, to brede, lyse sidelinjer og to brunrøde spisser bakerst.


Engringvingen fly ofte tallrikt på blomsterenger og i veikanter i juni – august. Den finnes i hele Sør-Norge opp til ca. 1000 moh. Larven lever på forskjellige slags gress. Den kan muligens av og til ha en delvis, andre generasjon i Norge, dette er det vanlige lenger sør i Europa. Den overvintrer som larve.


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Engringvinge: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Engringvinge (Coenonympha pamphilus) er en sommerfugl som tilhører gruppen ringvinger (Satyrinae) i den artsrike familien flikvinger (Nymphalidae). Denne vesle, okergule sommerfuglen er vanlig de fleste steder i lavlandet i Sør-Norge og er gjerne en av de tallrikeste dagsommerfuglene.

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Coenonympha pamphilus ( Pms )

المقدمة من wikipedia PMS
Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Doe generassion a l'ann. Ël parpajon a vòla da avril a stèmber.


A viv an tuta Italia da la pian-a a 2000 méter.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Coenonympha pamphilus L.
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Coenonympha pamphilus: Brief Summary ( Pms )

المقدمة من wikipedia PMS

Doe generassion a l'ann. Ël parpajon a vòla da avril a stèmber.


A viv an tuta Italia da la pian-a a 2000 méter.

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Strzępotek ruczajnik ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Strzępotek ruczajnik (Coenonympha pamphilus) – motyl dzienny, jeden z najpowszechniej występujących w Polsce. Można go spotkać zarówno na polach i ugorach, jak też na polanach śródleśnych i skrajach lasów oraz na wilgotnych łąkach.


Wierzch skrzydeł: Tło u obu płci jest jasnopomarańczowe do miodowego. U samca przy wierzchołku przedniego skrzydła znajduje się dobrze widoczna ciemna plamka. U samicy na górnym skrzydle przy wierzchołku plamka jest mniej wyraźna. Ponadto brzegi obu par skrzydeł są obwiedzione na brunatno, przy czym u samca to obwódka jest wyraźniejsza.

Spód skrzydeł: Tło skrzydeł przednich takie samo jak wierzchu. U obu płci czarne oczko z białą źrenicą w białej obwódce. Wierzchołek skrzydła przedniego przyprószony na szaro. Tło skrzydła tylnego szarobrunatne. Czasami występują tam jaśniejsze i ciemniejsze plamki. Dodatkowo przy brzegu górnym może wystąpić kremowa niewyraźna plamka.

Rozpiętość skrzydeł wynosi 30-36 mm.

Tryb życia

Motyle dorosłe latają w dzień nisko nad ziemią, zarówno przy ładnej jak i brzydkiej pogodzie. Lot motyla jest powolny i spokojny. Motyl bardzo często odpoczywa, siadając na ziemi lub liściach roślin.


Gąsienica budzi się ze snu zimowego wiosną, po wyszukaniu rośliny pokarmowej wznawia żerowanie. Żeruje do końca kwietnia, kiedy to udaje się na przepoczwarczenie, które następuje na roślinie żywicielskiej. Poczwarki wiszące barwy zielonej, są grube i beczułkowate. Dorosłe motyle wylęgają się w połowie maja. Samica składa jaja po jednym na źdźbłach traw. Po kilku dniach wylęgają się gąsienice. Są barwy zielonej, pokryte licznymi drobnymi szczecinkami. Ciało jest pokryte niezbyt wyraźnymi ciemniejszymi pręgami. Koniec ciała jest wyciągnięty w widełkowaty wyrostek. Żerują do początku lipca a następnie udają się na przepoczwarczenie. Motyle dorosłe drugiego pokolenia pojawiają się pod koniec lipca i można je spotkać aż do końca września. Samice drugiego pokolenia składają jaja podobnie jak samice pierwszego pokolenia. Gąsienice drugiego pokolenia żerują aż do pierwszych chłodów, przy czym linieją kilkakrotnie a następnie larwy udają się na zimowanie, które następuje w warstwie przyziemnej roślinności lub w ściółce.

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Strzępotek ruczajnik: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Strzępotek ruczajnik (Coenonympha pamphilus) – motyl dzienny, jeden z najpowszechniej występujących w Polsce. Można go spotkać zarówno na polach i ugorach, jak też na polanach śródleśnych i skrajach lasów oraz na wilgotnych łąkach.

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Coenonympha pamphilus ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Coenonympha pamphilus é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de borboletas conhecidas por Nêspera[1] pertencente à família Nymphalidae.[2]

A autoridade científica da espécie é Linnaeus, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1758.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.


  1. Pinto, B. (2010). Guia de campo – Dia B, 22 Maio de 2010, bioeventos.
  2. «Coenonympha pamphilus». Sistema Global de Informação sobre Biodiversidade (em inglês). Consultado em 14 de agosto de 2019


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Coenonympha pamphilus: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Coenonympha pamphilus é uma espécie de insetos lepidópteros, mais especificamente de borboletas conhecidas por Nêspera pertencente à família Nymphalidae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é Linnaeus, tendo sido descrita no ano de 1758.

Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português.

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Kamgräsfjäril ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Kamgräsfjäril, Coenonympha pamphilus, är en fjärilsart i familjen praktfjärilar. Vingspannet varierar mellan 24 och 33 millimeter, på olika individer.[1]


Ovansidan på kamgräsfjärilen.

Denna fjäril är på ovansidan orange till brunorange. Ytterkanten är brun, på honan i en något ljusare nyans och ibland finns en liten brun fläck i framhörnet av framvingen. Undersidan på framvingen är orange till brunorange med en bredare gråbrun ytterkant. Mot framhörnet finns en svart fläck med vit mittprick och denna fläck är omgiven av en gulvit ring. Sådana fläckar kallas ögonfläckar, och syftet med dem är att skrämma rovdjur som vill äta upp fjärilen. Bakvingens undersida är brun närmast kroppen. Tvärs över vingen finns ett oregelbundet vit-beige band och den yttre delen av vingen är grå och brun, ibland med diffusa bruna fläckar med vit mittpunkt.[2]

Larven är grön med en gul sidolinje och smala mörkare gröna rygglinjer. Den blir upp till 20 millimeter lång.[2]


Värdväxter, de växter larven lever på och äter av, är olika gräs, bland annat arter i svingelsläktet, gröesläktet och skaftingsläktet.[3]

Flygtiden, den period när fjärilen är fullvuxen, imago, infaller i maj-september och ofta i flera generationer. Kamgräsfjärilens habitat, den miljö den finns i, är torrare marker där det finns gräs till exempel ängar.[2]


Kamgräsfjärilen finns i stora delar av den palearktiska regionen.[3] I Norden finns den i Danmark, i hela Sverige utom i fjällen, i hela Finland utom längst i norr samt i södra halvan av Norge. Den är en av Sveriges vanligaste dagfjärilar.[2]


  1. ^ Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna. Fjärilar: Dagfjärilar. Hesperiidae - Nymphalidae. (2005) sid 335-336. ArtDatabanken, SLU, Uppsala. ISBN 91-88506-51-7
  2. ^ [a b c d] Sterry, Paul; Mackay, Andrew (2006). Bonniers naturguider Fjärilar sid 97. Albert Bonniers förlag. ISBN 9789100105136
  3. ^ [a b] nic.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life Coenonympha pamphilus, läst 18 september 2008

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Kamgräsfjäril: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Kamgräsfjäril, Coenonympha pamphilus, är en fjärilsart i familjen praktfjärilar. Vingspannet varierar mellan 24 och 33 millimeter, på olika individer.

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Прочанок памфіл ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK

Походження назви

Видовий епітет Pamphilus (грецька, «улюблений») дано на честь — Памфіла, учня Платона, якого слухав Епікур або ж може означати жителя Памфілії — країни на півдні Малої Азії[1].


Нижня сторона крил

Вид відрізняється великою індивідуальною та сезонною мінливістю і представлений широким діапазоном більш або менш різних форм. Довжина переднього крила 14 — 17 мм.


Позатропічна Євразія. Звичайний і поширений вид, який, за винятком зони північних тундр, зустрічається по всій території Східної Європи.

Населяє луки різних типів, лісові узлісся, узбіччя доріг, лісові вирубки, галявини, береги річок, степу, пустирі, пасовища, сільськогосподарські угіддя, сади, парки, території населених пунктів і т. д. Відзначено також на малопридатних для розвитку булавоусих лускокрилих біотопах — піщаних морських узбережжях Чорного моря і супутніх солончаках.


Імаго зрідка харчуються нектаром різних чагарникових і трав'янистих медоносів. За рік розвиваються кілька поколінь, кількість яких залежить від широти ареалу і сезонних умов. На півночі розвивається в одному поколінні і час льоту метеликів припадає на липень. У середній смузі розвивається зазвичай два покоління і час льоту імаго припадає із середини травня до третьої декади червня, а також із середини липня до середини вересня. На півдні ареалу, а також у роки із жарким літом і теплою осінню буває до трьох поколінь, і строки льоту метеликів двох останніх можуть перекриватися і затягуватися до початку жовтня. Гусениці розвиваються дуже нерівномірно[2], внаслідок чого чіткі межі часу літа окремих поколінь можуть бути відсутніми. На Кавказі метеликів, що тільки що вийшли з лялечки, можна зустріти з початку травня до середини листопада.

Життєвий цикл

Пара метеликів

Самки відкладають яйця на злакові поблизу від поверхні грунту. Яйця діаметром 0,9 мм, при висоті 1,1 мм. Стадія яйця близько 6 днів. Гусениці останнього покоління розвиваються із зимівлею з липня-вересня по квітень-травень наступного року, харчуються переважно вночі. Гусениці можуть бути салатного, зеленого і буро-зеленого кольору[3]. Стадія гусениці триває 19-21 день.

Заляльковуються на стеблах травинок низько над землею. Кормові рослини: пахуча трава звичайна, куцоніжка (Brachypodium sp.), гребінник звичайний (Cynosurus cristatus), грястиця збірна, грястиця (Dactylis sp.), Deschampsia cespitosa, щучник звивистий, щучник, костриця овеча, костриця червона, вівсяниця, біловус, тонконіг однорічний, тонконіг.

Лялечки, переважно, зеленого кольору, але зрідка зустрічаються також бурого кольору з білими смугами.


  • Моргун Д. В., Довгайло К. Е., Рубин Н. И., Солодовников И. А., Плющ И. Г. Дневные бабочки (Hesperioidea и Papilionoidea, Lepidoptera) Восточной Европы. CD определитель, база данных и пакет программ «Lysandra». — Минск, Киев, М.: 2005.
  • Коршунов Ю. П. Булавоусые чешуекрылые Северной Азии. — М. : КМК, 2002. — С. 289—290. — 419 с.



  1. Некрутенко Ю. П. 1990.
  2. Bellman H. 2003.
  3. Савчук В. В. Атлас бабочек и гусениц Крыма. — Симферополь: Бизнес-Информ, 2013. — 296 с.
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Coenonympha pamphilus ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Coenonympha pamphilus là một loài bướm thuộc Họ Bướm giáp, (phân họ Satyrinae). Loài này phổ biến rộng rãi ở Âu Á và tây bắc châu Phi, thích môi trường sống khô hơn các loài thuộc Coenonymphae khác. Các cây chủ của ấu trùng là cỏ, đặc biệt là cừu của cây roi nhỏ và đồng cỏ cỏ Poa trivialis. Loài này gần giống như loài Maniola jurtina nhưng màu nâu của cánh xuất hiện đáng chú ý nhạt màu trong chuyến bay. Ấu trùng có tuổi thọ của chiều dài khác nhau, thậm chí trong cùng một khí hậu, do đó hình ảnh của một thế hệ có thể được nhìn thấy qua một thời gian dài. Bướm thường có 2, thỉnh thoảng ba, con non và cánh từ giữa tháng năm đến đầu tháng Mười (cuối tháng sáu đến giữa tháng Tám ở vùng khí hậu lạnh hơn). Các côn trùng trải qua mùa đông trong giai đoạn ấu trùng của nó. Loài này cũng giống như loài Lasiommata megera, đã bị suy giảm nghiêm trọng ở hầu khắp miền Nam nước Anh vì lý do không rõ ràng, và phù hợp được chỉ định là một loài ưu tiên BAP Anh quốc (chỉ nghiên cứu) bởi DEFRA trong năm 2007.

Coenonympha pamphilus-02 (xndr).jpg

Phân loài

Loài này có các phân loài[1]

  • C. p. lyllus (Esper, 1806)
  • C. p. marginata Heyne, [1894]
  • C. p. fulvolactea Verity (1926)
  • C. p. centralasiae Verity (1926)
  • C. p. infrarasa Verity (1926)
  • C. p. juldusica Verity (1926)
  • C. p. ferghana Stauder (1924)
  • C. p. nitidissima Verity (1924)
  • C. p. asiaemontium Verity (1924)
  • C. p. rhoumensis Harrison (1948)[2]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Coenonympha”. Truy cập 26 tháng 10 năm 2015.
  2. ^ Brakefield, P.M.; Emmet, A.M. (1990), COENONYMPHA PAMPHILUS (Linnaeus). Pages 277–279 in Emmet, A.M., J. Heath et al. (Eds.) The Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. 7 Part 1 (Hesperiidae to Nymphalidae), Harley Books, Colchester, UK. 370p.

Tham khảo

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wikipedia VI

Coenonympha pamphilus: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Coenonympha pamphilus là một loài bướm thuộc Họ Bướm giáp, (phân họ Satyrinae). Loài này phổ biến rộng rãi ở Âu Á và tây bắc châu Phi, thích môi trường sống khô hơn các loài thuộc Coenonymphae khác. Các cây chủ của ấu trùng là cỏ, đặc biệt là cừu của cây roi nhỏ và đồng cỏ cỏ Poa trivialis. Loài này gần giống như loài Maniola jurtina nhưng màu nâu của cánh xuất hiện đáng chú ý nhạt màu trong chuyến bay. Ấu trùng có tuổi thọ của chiều dài khác nhau, thậm chí trong cùng một khí hậu, do đó hình ảnh của một thế hệ có thể được nhìn thấy qua một thời gian dài. Bướm thường có 2, thỉnh thoảng ba, con non và cánh từ giữa tháng năm đến đầu tháng Mười (cuối tháng sáu đến giữa tháng Tám ở vùng khí hậu lạnh hơn). Các côn trùng trải qua mùa đông trong giai đoạn ấu trùng của nó. Loài này cũng giống như loài Lasiommata megera, đã bị suy giảm nghiêm trọng ở hầu khắp miền Nam nước Anh vì lý do không rõ ràng, và phù hợp được chỉ định là một loài ưu tiên BAP Anh quốc (chỉ nghiên cứu) bởi DEFRA trong năm 2007.

Coenonympha pamphilus-02 (xndr).jpg
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Сенница памфил ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
Спаривающаяся пара

Самки откладывают яйца на злаковые вблизи от поверхности почвы. Яйца диаметром 0,9 мм, при высота 1,1 мм. Стадия яйца около 6 дней. Гусеницы последнего поколения развиваются с зимовкой с июля — сентября по апрель — май следующего года, предпочитают питаться ночью. Гусеницы могут быть салатного, зелёного и буро-зелёного цвета[3]. Стадия гусеницы длится 19—21 день. Окукливаются на стеблях травинок низко над землей. Кормовые растения: пахучеколостник, коротконожка (Brachypodium sp.), гребенник обыкновенный (Cynosurus cristatus), ежа сборная, ежа (Dactylis sp.), Deschampsia cespitosa, луговик извилистый, луговик, овсяница овечья, овсяница красная, овсяница, белоус торчащий, мятлик однолетний, мятлик.

Куколки, преимущественно, зелёного цвета, но изредка встречаются также бурого цвета с белыми полосами.


  1. Некрутенко Ю. П. 1990. Дневные бабочки Кавказа. Определитель. Семейства Papilionidae, Satyridae, Danaidae. Киев: Наукова думка. — 215 с.
  2. Bellman H. 2003. Der neue Kosmos Schmetterlingsfurer. Stuttgart. - 445 s
  3. Савчук В. В. Атлас бабочек и гусениц Крыма. — Симферополь: Бизнес-Информ, 2013. — 296 с. — ISBN 978-966-648-331-0
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wikipedia русскую Википедию

Сенница памфил: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Спаривающаяся пара

Самки откладывают яйца на злаковые вблизи от поверхности почвы. Яйца диаметром 0,9 мм, при высота 1,1 мм. Стадия яйца около 6 дней. Гусеницы последнего поколения развиваются с зимовкой с июля — сентября по апрель — май следующего года, предпочитают питаться ночью. Гусеницы могут быть салатного, зелёного и буро-зелёного цвета. Стадия гусеницы длится 19—21 день. Окукливаются на стеблях травинок низко над землей. Кормовые растения: пахучеколостник, коротконожка (Brachypodium sp.), гребенник обыкновенный (Cynosurus cristatus), ежа сборная, ежа (Dactylis sp.), Deschampsia cespitosa, луговик извилистый, луговик, овсяница овечья, овсяница красная, овсяница, белоус торчащий, мятлик однолетний, мятлик.

Куколки, преимущественно, зелёного цвета, но изредка встречаются также бурого цвета с белыми полосами.

حقوق النشر
Авторы и редакторы Википедии
النص الأصلي
زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك
wikipedia русскую Википедию