
Description of Reticulomyxa ( الإنجليزية )

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Naked large amoebae with reticulate pseudopodial system with bidirectional movement of cytoplasm; pseudopodial system is similar to that of the Foraminifera; with green or brown pigmentation, or colourless; found in freshwater or in litter; can produce cysts.
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Brief Summary of the genus Reticulomyxa ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors

Reticulomyxa is a monospecific foraminiferal genus that contains only one described species, the type species Reticulomyxa filosa Nauss (1949). Hülsmann (1984: 56A) briefly mentions having collected a second species of Reticulomyxa from a freshwater pond in Pays de Calais, France, but it has never been formally named or described.

The type description of the genus Reticulomyxa is as follows: “Naked, multinucleate plasmodium of everchanging shape. No wall or other permanently formed enveloping membrane. Central protoplasmic area surrounded by an intricate network of very long, active, anastomosing filose pseudopodia, which arise from any point on the surface. Pseudopodia possessing a simultaneous two-way or sleeve-type of flow: out through the center, back on the periphery. Many noncontractile vacuoles while vegetating, cytoplasm thickly granular, no differentiation into ectoplasm and endoplasm.” (Nauss 1949: 162).

حقوق النشر
Susan L. Richardson
الاقتباس الببليوغرافي
Richardson, Susan L. 2014. Reticulomyxa. Brief Summary of the genus Reticulomyxa. In Encyclopedia of Life, http://eol.org/pages/2912913/details
Susan Richardson (SLRichardson)
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