
Comprehensive Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من CoralReefFish

The dartfishes of the family Ptereleotridae have been taxonomically mobile in recent years and some taxonomists now include them in the wormfish family Microdesmidae. I place them here alongside the family Eleotridae because they are also gobioids and share the clearly-divided pelvic fins of the eleotrids. Larval ptereleotrids most closely resemble the "long" larvae of my Group 4 gobies. There are only two dartfishes in the region, a pair of sibling species that vary only slightly in color: their larvae are likely identical.

The sleepers of the family Eleotridae (some use Eleotrididae) are similar to gobies but have divided and well-separated pelvic fins (photograph of the separated pelvic fins in

Eleotrids are typically found in tropical freshwater habitats, but they do penetrate brackish and mangrove environments. Some species get large as adults and can even become gamefishes in the major river systems of central America. Their larvae, however, are small to medium-sized and exhibit similar body shapes and marking patterns to the larvae of their goby relatives.

Larval eleotrids share many basic characters of larval gobies. While most of the true gobies have fused pelvic fins, several genera have divided pelvic fins like the eleotrids (although they do not have the fins completely separated at the base as do the sleepers). pelvic-fin morphology is not always easily apparent on small larvae, but fortunately there are only a few species of eleotrids in the Caribbean and larval eleotrids do have a somewhat different appearance from the usual goby gestalt.

Most eleotrid larvae share a distinctive suite of characters. They have long ventral midline streaks of melanophores that extend onto the abdomen. Most also have linear internal melanophores extending up from the anal-fin base along myomere edges. Pre-transitional stages usually have odd-shaped narrowed eyeballs, some with unusual pigmented membranes over the iris that can expand to essentially cover the shiny surface completely. Also unusual is the high number of procurrent caudal-fin rays, up to 14, in several eleotrid species; true gobies almost always have 10 or fewer, often many fewer. The goby exceptions are the larvae of the river gobies of Sicydium and Awaous. Interestingly, the common factor is freshwater habitat; the high number of procurrent caudal-fin rays is likely an adaptation for living in fast-flowing streams. Eleotrid larvae also exhibit some of the more dramatic eye-shape changes during development and at transition found in larval fishes.

Eleotrid larvae tend to share basic melanophore patterns and general morphology, and fin-ray count differences are slight. There is also a marked degree of variation within species, making species identifications more difficult. Some characters common in one larval type will occur occasionally (or later in transition) in another larval type; for example, the characteristic melanophore patterns along the jaws of Eleotris amblyopsis larvae match closely those found on the late transitional larvae of Erotelis smaragdus. Typically, a suite of characters in combination serve to distinguish the larval types and unite transitional series.

The literature reports of fin-ray counts of sleepers can differ by two fin rays or more, and sometimes disagree on whether there are equal numbers of dorsal and anal-fin rays or more or less. The literature on larval sleepers is also not helpful, since features common to the entire family are typically cited as unique to one species or other and line drawings omit other diagnostic features (likely a result of inadequate sample sizes of highly-variable larvae).

Complex neuromast patterns develop on the head, body and caudal fins of late transitional eleotrid larvae. These patterns are more developed on juveniles and adults and are commonly used for taxonomic studies. Unfortunately, the neuromasts can be hard to highlight on most transitional larvae (photograph below, from the top, larval Erotelis smaragdus, Gobiomorus dormitor, and Eleotris amblyopsis).

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Gobioidei ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Los gobioideos (Gobioidei) son un suborde de pexes dientro del orde Perciformes. Son xeneralmente de vezos sedentarios y coloración de camuflaje, con güeyos más o menos saltonos y cuerpu allargáu. [1] [2]


Esisten nueve families encuadraes nesti suborde:



  1. (n'inglés) Sistema Integráu d'Información Taxonómica. «Gobioidei (TSN 171745)» (inglés)..
  2. (n'inglés) [1] Gobioidei.

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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الأستورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AST

Los gobioideos (Gobioidei) son un suborde de pexes dientro del orde Perciformes. Son xeneralmente de vezos sedentarios y coloración de camuflaje, con güeyos más o menos saltonos y cuerpu allargáu.

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Gobioidei ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The Gobiiformes /ˈɡbi.ɪfɔːrmz/ are an order of fish that includes the gobies and their relatives.[1][2] The order, which was previously considered a suborder of Perciformes, is made up of about 2,211 species that are divided between seven families. Phylogenetic relationships of the Gobiiformes have been elucidated using molecular data.[3][4] Gobiiforms are primarily small species that live in marine water, but roughly 10% of these species inhabit fresh water. This order is composed chiefly of benthic or burrowing species; like many other benthic fishes, most gobiiforms do not have a gas bladder or any other means of controlling their buoyancy in water, so they must spend most of their time on or near the bottom.[5][6] Gobiiformes means "goby-like".


The 5th Edition of the Fishes of the World reclassified the former superfamily Goboidei as the order Gobiiformes and also rearranged the families within the order compared to the previous edition. The largest change is that the Oxudercidae and the Gobiidae are split into two families, with the Oxudercidae containing the species formerly classified as the Gobiidae subfamilies Amblyopinae, Gobionellinae, Oxudercinae and Sicydiinae while merging the families Kraemeriidae, Microdesmidae, Ptereleotridae and Schindleriidae into the family Gobiidae, though no subfamilies within the Gobiidae were proposed.[1]

Phylogeny of Gobiiformes[7][2] Trichonotoidei









Oxudercidae (Gobionellidae)


Under this classification system the Gobiiformes is divided into the following families:


The loach-gobies are a small family, with only three species split between two genera, which inhabits marine and fresh water in Oceania and the western Pacific. These are thought to be among the more primitive species of the Gobiiformes.[1]


The Odontobutidae, or freshwater sleepers, contains 22 species between 6 genera from eastern Asia. This family is the sister to all the other Gobiiformes in a clade with the Rhyacichthyidae.[1]


The Milyeringidae contains two genera of cave fish, one in Western Australia and one at the other side of the Indian Ocean in Madagascar; both genera contain three recognized species. This family forms a second clade of the Gobiiformes.[1]


The sleeper gobies are a family of twenty six genera and 126 species found in freshwater and mangrove habitats throughout the tropical and temperate parts of the world as far north as the eastern United States and as far south as Stewart Island, New Zealand, except for the eastern Atlantic. Fossils of Eleotrid gobies are known from the Late Oligocene. The families Milyeringidae and Butidae were formerly classified as subfamilies of the Eleotridae but are not found to be close to the Eleotridae senus stricto in this system.[1]


The Butidae are one of the two families which are given the common name "sleeper gobies", and indeed were formerly classified as subfamily of the traditional sleeper goby family Eleotridae, although some phylogenies have placed them closer to the Oxucerdidae and the Gobiidae than to the Eleotridae. They are found in the Indo-Pacific and in West Africa, and contains 10 genera with 46 species split between them.[1]


The family Thalasseleotrididae is considered to be a sister group to the family Gobiidae and is separated as a family by the authors of this classification based on recent molecular studies. It comprises two genera of marine gobies from the temperate waters of Australia and New Zealand, with a total of three species between them.[1]


Oxudercidae is a family of gobies comprising species previously split between four subfamilies of the family Gobiidae. The family is sometimes referred to as the Gobionellidae, but Oxucerdidae has priority. The species in this family have a cosmopolitan distribution in temperate and tropical areas and are found in marine and freshwater environments, typically in inshore, euryhaline areas with silt and sand substrates. The family contains 86 genera and about 600 species. Many species in this family can be found in fresh water and a number of species are found on wet beaches; some are able to survive for extended periods out of water, most famously the mudskippers.[1]


The Gobiidae as recognized in this classification now includes the former members of several families which other classifications have regarded as valid families. As classified in this work the family remains one of the most speciose families of marine fish, as well as being one of the most numerous groups of fishes in freshwater habitats on oceanic islands. Many species have fused pelvic fins that can be used as a suction device; some island species, such as the red-tailed stream goby (Lentipes concolor), are able to use these pelvic fins to ascend rock faces alongside waterfalls, allowing them to inhabit waters far from the ocean.[10] Some of the species that are found in fresh water as adults spawn in the ocean and are catadromous, not unlike the eels of the family Anguillidae. With the blennies, the Gobiidae constitute a dominant part of the benthic, small fish fauna in tropical reef habitats. They are most diverse in the tropical Indo-West Pacific but the family is well represented in temperate waters in both the northern and southern hemispheres. They are mostly free living fishes found alone or in small schools, but some form associations with invertebrates, especially in coral reefs. About 120 species are known to form such symbiotic relationships; members of the genera Amblyeleotris and Cryptocentrus, for example, cohabit in burrows with alpheid shrimps, while other species live as cleaner fish, e.g Elacatinus. They can be sequential hermaphrodites and numerous species are known to exhibit parental care.[1]

Species status

The tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) was listed as an endangered species in 1994; it is the only species of goby in the genus Eucyclogobius. E. newberryi is native to the coastal region of California, in marshes and lagoons with brackish water, predominantly in waters where the salinity is less than 12 parts per thousand (ppt), but has been documented in waters with a salinity of 42 ppt. E. newberryi prefers water with mild temperatures (8 to 25 °C) and waters with a depth from 25 to 200 cm. These gobies often use thick patches of aquatic vegetation to hide in if threatened or disturbed. The average lifespan of E. newberryi is only one year. Spawning and reproduction is at its peak during spring and into late summer. However, in the southern region of its range where waters remain at a warmer temperature, E. newberryi will reproduce year round. The females lay between 300 and 500 eggs into a burrow dug out vertically by the male, which is 10 to 20 cm deep. Spawning locations are usually located out in the open away from any vegetation. The male then guards the eggs until they hatch, which is 9 to 11 days.

Habitat loss and modification are the main threats to E. newberryi. The brackish areas where saltwater and freshwater meet are where they live usually, such as along the coast of California; this area has been altered by development. Barriers such as dikes and levees have been built to protect residents from potential flooding, but the creation of these barriers has reduced habitat for E. newberryi. Other reasons for population declines are attributed to exotic fish and amphibians which have been introduced to the region. Many of these fish prey on E. newberryi, and others outcompete them for food and habitat. The altering of streams flow with diversions has affected the salinity of the water and changed the habitat at creek mouths where E. newberryi has historically lived. Restoration projects have been started to bring populations back to a more stable number by making more habitat available, as well as providing protective areas. Some levees have been removed and exotic species reduction programs are being initiated.[11]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k J. S. Nelson; T. C. Grande; M. V. H. Wilson (2016). Fishes of the World (5th ed.). Wiley. p. 752. ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6.
  2. ^ a b Ricardo Betancur-R; Edward O. Wiley; Gloria Arratia; Arturo Acero; Nicolas Bailly; Masaki Miya; Guillaume Lecointre; Guillermo Ortí (2017). "Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17: 162. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3. PMC 5501477. PMID 28683774.
  3. ^ Agorreta, A.; San Mauro, D.; Schliewen, U.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Zardoya, R.; Rüber, L. (2013). "Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 69 (3): 619–633. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.07.017. hdl:10261/123985. PMID 23911892.
  4. ^ Agorreta, A.; Rüber, L. (2012). "A standardized reanalysis of molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of Gobioidei". Systematics and Biodiversity. 10 (3): 375–390. doi:10.1080/14772000.2012.699477.
  5. ^ Patzner, R.A.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Kapoor, B.G., eds. (2011). The Biology of Gobies. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. p. 685. ISBN 978-1-57808-436-4.
  6. ^ Helfman, Gene (2009). The Diversity of Fishes. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 317–18.
  7. ^ a b Thacker, Christine E.; Satoh, Takashi P.; Katayama, Eri; Harrington, Richard C.; Eytand, Ron I.; Near, Thomas J. (2015). "Molecular phylogeny of Percomorpha resolves Trichonotus as the sister lineage to gobioidei (Teleostei: Gobiiformes) and confirms the polyphyly of Trachinoidei.". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 93: 172–179. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.08.001.
  8. ^ Prosanta Chakrabarty, 2010: Status and phylogeny of Milyeringidae (Teleostei: Gobiiformes), with the description of a new blind cave-fish from Australia, Milyeringa brooksi, n. sp. Zootaxa 2557: 19-28. Preview (PDF-Datei; 23 kB) online
  9. ^ Anthony C. Gill & Randall D. Mooi (2012): Thalasseleotrididae, new family of marine gobioid fishes from New Zealand and temperate Australia, with a revised definition of its sister taxon, the Gobiidae (Teleostei: Acanthomorpha). Zootaxa, 3266: 41–52. PDF
  10. ^ Ziegler, Alan (2002). Hawaiian Natural History, Ecology, and Evolution. University of Hawaii Press. p. 154.
  11. ^ "Tidewater Goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi". U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Retrieved 22 February 2013.
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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The Gobiiformes /ˈɡoʊbi.ɪfɔːrmiːz/ are an order of fish that includes the gobies and their relatives. The order, which was previously considered a suborder of Perciformes, is made up of about 2,211 species that are divided between seven families. Phylogenetic relationships of the Gobiiformes have been elucidated using molecular data. Gobiiforms are primarily small species that live in marine water, but roughly 10% of these species inhabit fresh water. This order is composed chiefly of benthic or burrowing species; like many other benthic fishes, most gobiiforms do not have a gas bladder or any other means of controlling their buoyancy in water, so they must spend most of their time on or near the bottom. Gobiiformes means "goby-like".

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Gobioidei ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Los gobioideos (Gobioidei) son un suborden de peces dentro del orden Perciformes. Son generalmente de hábitos sedentarios y coloración de camuflaje, con ojos más o menos saltones y cuerpo alargado.

Como en la mayoría de los organismos bentónicos, los gobiiformes no tienen una vejiga de gas o vejiga de natación, lo que evita que se suspendan en la columna de agua, por lo que deben permanecer en la parte inferior. [1][2]


De acuerdo al sistema de Nelson, el suborden Gobioidei se encuentra incluido en el orden Perciformes. [3]​ Estudios recientes promovieron la propuesta de ascender la categoría de suborden al orden Gobiiformes .[4]​ Las relaciones filogenéticas de los Anabantiformes se han dilucidado utilizando datos moleculares..[5]​ Existen nueve familias encuadradas en este suborden:

Estudios recientes promovieron la propuesta de escindir el suborden Gobioidea en categoría de orden, el de los Gobiiformes.[6][7]​ Las relaciones filogenéticas de los Gobiiformes se han dilucidado utilizando datos moleculares..[8][9]

A continuación se muestran las relaciones filogenéticas del orden Gobiiformes de acuerdo a Thacker (2015):[10]​ En esta clasificación, Kraemeriidae, Microdesmidae y Schindleriidae se incluyen en Gobiidae. Butidae y Milyeringidae se separan de Eleotridae. |1=
















Oxudercidae (Gobionellidae)


Gobiidae (incl. Kraemeriidae, Microdesmidae y Schindleriidae)





  1. Patzner, R.A.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Kapoor, B.G., ed. (2011). The Biology of Gobies. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. p. 685. ISBN 978-1-57808-436-4.
  2. Helfman, Gene (2009). The Diversity of Fishes. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 317–18.
  3. Thomas J. Near (2012). «Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification». PNAS 109 (34). pp. 13698-13703. doi:10.1073/pnas.1206625109.
  4. J. S. Nelson; T. C. Grande; M. V. H. Wilson (2016). Fishes of the World (5th edición). Wiley. p. 348. ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6.
  5. R. Betancur-Rodriguez, E. Wiley, N. Bailly, A. Acero, M. Miya, G. Lecointre, G. Ortí: Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes – Version 4 (2016)
  6. J. S. Nelson; T. C. Grande; M. V. H. Wilson (2016). Fishes of the World (5th edición). Wiley. p. 752. ISBN 978-1-118-34233-6.
  7. Ricardo Betancur-R; Edward O. Wiley; Gloria Arratia; Arturo Acero; Nicolas Bailly; Masaki Miya; Guillaume Lecointre; Guillermo Ortí (2017). «Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes». BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 162. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3. Archivado desde el original el 22 de marzo de 2019. Consultado el 17 de mayo de 2019.
  8. Agorreta, A.; San Mauro, D.; Schliewen, U.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Zardoya, R.; Rüber, L. (2013). «Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies». Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3): 619-633. PMID 23911892. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.07.017.
  9. Agorreta, A.; Rüber, L. (2012). «A standardized reanalysis of molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of Gobioidei». Systematics and Biodiversity 10 (3): 375-390. doi:10.1080/14772000.2012.699477.
  10. Christine E. Thacker, Takashi P. Satoh, Eri Katayama, Richard C. Harrington, Ron I. Eytand, Thomas J. Near: Molecular phylogeny of Percomorpha resolves Trichonotus as the sister lineage to gobioidei (Teleostei: Gobiiformes) and confirms the polyphyly of Trachinoidei. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, August 2015, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.08.001
  11. Error en la cita: Etiqueta no válida; no se ha definido el contenido de las referencias llamadas Thackeretal
  12. Prosanta Chakrabarty, 2010: Status and phylogeny of Milyeringidae (Teleostei: Gobiiformes), with the description of a new blind cave-fish from Australia, Milyeringa brooksi, n. sp. Zootaxa 2557: 19-28. Preview (PDF-Datei; 23 kB) online
  13. Anthony C. Gill & Randall D. Mooi (2012): Thalasseleotrididae, new family of marine gobioid fishes from New Zealand and temperate Australia, with a revised definition of its sister taxon, the Gobiidae (Teleostei: Acanthomorpha). Zootaxa, 3266: 41–52. PDF

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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Los gobioideos (Gobioidei) son un suborden de peces dentro del orden Perciformes. Son generalmente de hábitos sedentarios y coloración de camuflaje, con ojos más o menos saltones y cuerpo alargado.

Como en la mayoría de los organismos bentónicos, los gobiiformes no tienen una vejiga de gas o vejiga de natación, lo que evita que se suspendan en la columna de agua, por lo que deben permanecer en la parte inferior. ​​

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Gobioidei ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Gobioidei arrain pertziformeen azpiordena da, tartean gobidoak dituena. Azpiordenak 2.211 espezie ditu, zazpi familiatan banaturik. Gobioidei azpiordenaren barneko harreman filogenetikoak ikertzeko datu molekularrak beharrezkoak izan ziren.[1][2] Kide gehienak itsastarrak (eta batez ere bentikoak) izanda ere, %10a ur gezakoa da. Organismo bentiko gehienek moduan, ez dute igeri-maskuririk eta itsas hondoan bizi dira.[3][4]



  1. Agorreta, A.; San Mauro, D.; Schliewen, U.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Zardoya, R.; Rüber, L. (2013) «Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies» Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3): 619–633 doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.07.017 PMID 23911892.
  2. Agorreta, A.; Rüber, L. (2012) «A standardized reanalysis of molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of Gobioidei» Systematics and Biodiversity 10 (3): 375–390 doi:10.1080/14772000.2012.699477.
  3. Patzner, R.A.; Van Tassell, J.L.; Kovačić, M.; Kapoor, B.G. (2011) The Biology of Gobies Enfield, NH: Science Publishers 685. or. ISBN 978-1-57808-436-4.
  4. Helfman, Gene (2009) The Diversity of Fishes Wiley-Blackwell 317–18 or..

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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Gobioidei arrain pertziformeen azpiordena da, tartean gobidoak dituena. Azpiordenak 2.211 espezie ditu, zazpi familiatan banaturik. Gobioidei azpiordenaren barneko harreman filogenetikoak ikertzeko datu molekularrak beharrezkoak izan ziren. Kide gehienak itsastarrak (eta batez ere bentikoak) izanda ere, %10a ur gezakoa da. Organismo bentiko gehienek moduan, ez dute igeri-maskuririk eta itsas hondoan bizi dira.

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Tokkomaiset ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Tokkomaiset (Gobioidei) on ahvenkalojen (Perciformes) lahkoon kuuluva kalojen alalahko.


Alalahkoon kuuluu kahdeksan heimoa.



Tämä kaloihin liittyvä artikkeli on tynkä. Voit auttaa Wikipediaa laajentamalla artikkelia.
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Tokkomaiset: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Tokkomaiset (Gobioidei) on ahvenkalojen (Perciformes) lahkoon kuuluva kalojen alalahko.

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Gobioidei ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Les Gobioidei sont un sous-ordre de poissons osseux, dont de nombreuses espèces (notamment celles de la famille des Gobiidae) sont appelées « gobies ».

Liste des familles

Selon ITIS (19 mai 2014)[2] :

La phylogénie de ce groupe est encore peu claire, et il n'y a pas de consensus sur World Register of Marine Species.

Gobie de la mer Rouge

Sous le nom vernaculaire de « gobie de la mer Rouge » il existe une quarantaine d'espèces de gobies qui vivent en symbiose avec des crevettes du genre Alpheus[3]. Parmi ceux-ci, Amblyeleotris steinitzi (Gobie commensal) qui s'associe avec la crevette Alpheus djeddensis.

Cette symbiose se présente comme suit : le gobie commence par aménager son terrier puis s'associe à la crevette, bonne excavatrice mais aveugle, qui va s'occuper de creuser le terrier, de le nettoyer et de le réaménager en permanence. Le gobie lui offre le surplus de ses aliments. La crevette grâce à ses antennes communique avec le gobie qui lui donne l'alerte ou la rassure grâce aux mouvements spécifiques de ses nageoires.

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Les Gobioidei sont un sous-ordre de poissons osseux, dont de nombreuses espèces (notamment celles de la famille des Gobiidae) sont appelées « gobies ».

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Gobioidei ( الإيطالية )

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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Gobioidei è un sottordine di Perciformes.

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Gobioidei ( لاتينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LA

Gobioidei sunt subordo Perciformium, maximi marinorum piscium ordinis. Plerumque sunt sedentarii, coloribus occultationis, oculis exstantibus et corpore longiore. Subordo novem familias, praecipue Gobiidas, comprehendit.



Perciformes Haec stipula ad Perciformes spectat. Amplifica, si potes!
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Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( لاتينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LA

Gobioidei sunt subordo Perciformium, maximi marinorum piscium ordinis. Plerumque sunt sedentarii, coloribus occultationis, oculis exstantibus et corpore longiore. Subordo novem familias, praecipue Gobiidas, comprehendit.

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Grondelachtigen ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL


Grondelachtigen (Gobioidei) vormen een onderorde van de Baarsachtigen (Perciformes).


De onderorde wordt onderverdeeld in de volgende families[1]:

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Gobioidei volgens ITIS, juli 2009
  2. Niet in ITIS opgenomen als familie, komt wel in www.fishbase.org voor
Onderordes en families van Baarsachtigen (Perciformes)
Onderorde Acanthuroidei (Doktersvisachtigen):Acanthuridae · Ephippidae · Luvaridae · Scatophagidae · Siganidae · ZanclidaeOnderorde Anabantoidei (Labyrintvisachtigen):Anabantidae · Badidae · Datnioididae · Helostomatidae · OsphronemidaeOnderorde Blennioidei (Slijmvisachtigen):Blenniidae · Chaenopsidae · Clinidae · Dactyloscopidae · Labrisomidae · TripterygiidaeOnderorde Callionymoidei (Pitvisachtigen):Callionymidae · DraconettidaeOnderorde Channoidei:ChannidaeOnderorde Elassomatoidei:ElassomatidaeOnderorde Gobiesocoidei:GobiesocidaeOnderorde Gobioidei (Grondelachtigen):Eleotridae · Gobiidae · Kraemeriidae · Microdesmidae · Odontobutidae · Ptereleotridae · Rhyacichthyidae · Schindleriidae · XenisthmidaeOnderorde Icosteoidei:IcosteidaeOnderorde Kurtoidei (Kurtiden):KurtidaeOnderorde Labroidei (Lipvisachtigen):Cichlidae · Embiotocidae · Labridae · Odacidae · Pomacentridae · ScaridaeOnderorde Notothenioidei:Artedidraconidae · Bathydraconidae · Bovichtidae · Channichthyidae · Eleginopidae · Harpagiferidae · Nototheniidae · PseudaphritidaeOnderorde Percoidei (Baarsvissen):Cepoloidea · Cirrhitoidea · PercoideaOnderorde Scombroidei (Makreelachtigen):Gempylidae · Istiophoridae · Scombridae · Sphyraenidae · Trichiuridae · XiphiidaeOnderorde Scombrolabracoidei:ScombrolabracidaeOnderorde Stromateoidei (Grootbekachtigen):Amarsipidae · Centrolophidae · Nomeidae · Ariommatidae · Tetragonuridae · StromateidaeOnderorde Trachinoidei (Pietermanachtigen):Ammodytidae · Champsodontidae · Cheimarrichthyidae · Chiasmodontidae · Creediidae · Leptoscopidae · Percophidae · Pholidichthyidae · Pinguipedidae · Trachinidae · Trichodontidae · Trichonotidae · UranoscopidaeOnderorde Zoarcoidei (Puitalen):Anarhichadidae · Bathymasteridae · Cryptacanthodidae · Pholidae · Ptilichthyidae · Scytalinidae · Stichaeidae · Zaproridae · Zoarcidae
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wikipedia NL

Grondelachtigen: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Grondelachtigen (Gobioidei) vormen een onderorde van de Baarsachtigen (Perciformes).

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Kutlingfisker ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Kutlingfisker er en undergruppe av piggfinnefisker. De fleste artene tilhører gruppen kutlinger.


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Kutlingfisker: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Kutlingfisker er en undergruppe av piggfinnefisker. De fleste artene tilhører gruppen kutlinger.

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Babkowce ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
Gobioidei Periophthalmus modestus
Periophthalmus modestus Systematyka Domena eukarionty Królestwo zwierzęta Typ strunowce Podtyp kręgowce Gromada promieniopłetwe Rząd okoniokształtne Podrząd babkowce

Babkowce (Gobioidei) - podrząd ryb okoniokształtnych.

Zobacz wykaz rodzin zaliczanych do babkowców.

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Babkowce: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Babkowce (Gobioidei) - podrząd ryb okoniokształtnych.

Zobacz wykaz rodzin zaliczanych do babkowców.

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wikipedia POL

Gobioidei ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Gobioideii (Gobioidei), sau gobiiformele (Gobiiformes) în clasificările mai vechi, este un subordin de pești teleosteeni din ordinul perciforme. Sunt pești de obicei mici, care se caracterizează prin înotătoarele ventrale situate jugular sub cele pectorale, foarte apropiate una de alta, putând fi chiar unite între ele, pentru a forma o ventuză.

Înotătoarea ventrală au radii intens ramificate și care adesea se reunesc cu ramificațiile radiilor înotătoarei simetrice. Înotătoarele pectorale sunt rotunjite, cu radiile ramificate. Au două înotătoare dorsale separate, dintre care prima este mai scurtă și formată din radii neramificate. A doua înotătoare dorsală și înotătoarea anală cu radii neramificate în partea anterioară. Înotătoarea caudală, de cele mai multe ori, liberă, rotunjită sau ascuțită, niciodată bifurcată sau excavată.

Capul și regiunea anterioară a corpului, de obicei, lățite și turtite dorso-ventral; regiunea posterioară este comprimată. Solzii sunt ctenoizi, mai rar cicloizi sau lipsesc cu totul. Dentiția este foarte variată. Oasele palatine sunt în formă de T. Papilele genitale sunt dezvoltate la ambele sexe; ele sunt mai mari la masculi. Mezopterigoidul este rudimentar sau lipsește. Clavicula, la adulți, absentă. Omoplatul și coracoidul sunt foarte reduse, iar razele bazale ale înotătoarelor pectorale se reazemă pe cleitru. Vezica înotătoare, la adulți, de regula lipsește.

Resturile fosile se cunosc din eocen, cretacicul superior și terțiarul inferior. Acest subordin cuprinde circa 2211 specii de specii și 270 genuri, repartizate în 9 familii și răspândite în toate mările tropicale și temperate, trăind pe fund, mai ales în apropierea coastelor; unele specii s-au adaptat la viața în ape dulci. În România, trăiește o singură familie: Gobiidae.

Specii din România

În România, trăiește o singură familie: Gobiidae cu 20 specii [1] [2]:


  1. ^ Dumitru Murariu. Systematic list of the romanian vertebrate fauna. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle «Grigore Antipa». Vol. LIII, Décembre 2010
  2. ^ V. Oțel, T. Nalbant, P. Bănărescu. Neogobius eurycephalus (Kessler, 1874) (Pisces, Gobiidae), o specie nouă pentru fauna României. Analele Științifice ale Institutului de Cercetare și Proiectare Delta Dunării 1994. vol. III / No. 1, 1995


  • Petru Bănărescu, Fauna Republicii Populare Române. Vol. XIII : Pisces - Osteichtyes (Pești ganoizi și osoși). București, Editura Academiei Republicii Populare România, 1964.
  • S. Cărăușu, Tratat de ihtiologie, București, 1952.
  • Z. Feider, Al.V. Grossu, Șt Gyurko, V. Pop. Zoologia vertebratelor. Autor coordonator: Al.V. Grossu. București, Editura Didactică și pedagogică, 1967, 768 p.
  • Z. Feider, Al.V. Grossu, Șt Gyurko, V. Pop. Zoologia vertebratelor. Ediția a 3-a. București, Editura Didactică și pedagogică, 1976, 420 p.
  • Victor Pop. Curs de zoologia vertebratelor. Volumul 1. Universitatea "Victor Babes" Cluj. Litografia Învățămîntului Cluj 1957.
  • S. P. Naumov. Zoologia Vertebratelor. Editura Agro-Silvică de Stat , București, 1954, 476 p.
  • Joseph S. Nelson. Fishes of the World. Fourth Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2006.
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wikipedia RO

Gobioidei: Brief Summary ( الرومانية، المولدوفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia RO

Gobioideii (Gobioidei), sau gobiiformele (Gobiiformes) în clasificările mai vechi, este un subordin de pești teleosteeni din ordinul perciforme. Sunt pești de obicei mici, care se caracterizează prin înotătoarele ventrale situate jugular sub cele pectorale, foarte apropiate una de alta, putând fi chiar unite între ele, pentru a forma o ventuză.

Înotătoarea ventrală au radii intens ramificate și care adesea se reunesc cu ramificațiile radiilor înotătoarei simetrice. Înotătoarele pectorale sunt rotunjite, cu radiile ramificate. Au două înotătoare dorsale separate, dintre care prima este mai scurtă și formată din radii neramificate. A doua înotătoare dorsală și înotătoarea anală cu radii neramificate în partea anterioară. Înotătoarea caudală, de cele mai multe ori, liberă, rotunjită sau ascuțită, niciodată bifurcată sau excavată.

Capul și regiunea anterioară a corpului, de obicei, lățite și turtite dorso-ventral; regiunea posterioară este comprimată. Solzii sunt ctenoizi, mai rar cicloizi sau lipsesc cu totul. Dentiția este foarte variată. Oasele palatine sunt în formă de T. Papilele genitale sunt dezvoltate la ambele sexe; ele sunt mai mari la masculi. Mezopterigoidul este rudimentar sau lipsește. Clavicula, la adulți, absentă. Omoplatul și coracoidul sunt foarte reduse, iar razele bazale ale înotătoarelor pectorale se reazemă pe cleitru. Vezica înotătoare, la adulți, de regula lipsește.

Resturile fosile se cunosc din eocen, cretacicul superior și terțiarul inferior. Acest subordin cuprinde circa 2211 specii de specii și 270 genuri, repartizate în 9 familii și răspândite în toate mările tropicale și temperate, trăind pe fund, mai ales în apropierea coastelor; unele specii s-au adaptat la viața în ape dulci. În România, trăiește o singură familie: Gobiidae.

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Smörbultslika fiskar ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Smörbultlika fiskar (Gobioidei) är en underordning i ordningen abborrartade fiskar. Arterna i djurgruppen är oftast små och lever på havets botten. Den inre systematiken av underordningen är omstridd.



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Smörbultslika fiskar: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Smörbultlika fiskar (Gobioidei) är en underordning i ordningen abborrartade fiskar. Arterna i djurgruppen är oftast små och lever på havets botten. Den inre systematiken av underordningen är omstridd.

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Бичковидні ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK

Бичковидні (Gobioidei) — підряд Окунеподібних, найбільшого ряду риб. Характерною рисою бичковидних є будова черевних плавців, що мають промені, які направлені назовні, коротше за промені, направлені всередину. Як правило, черевні плавці сильно зближені та навіть зливаються між собою, утворюючи вирву.

Сюди відносяться, в своїй більшості, маленькі морські рибки, що живуть у прибережжі, головним чином тропіків. Більшість представників підряду водяться в прибережній зоні тропічних, частково помірних морів, невелика кількість видів — у солонуватих або прісних водах. Ряд видів пристосувались до життя в прісній воді.



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Бичковидні: Brief Summary ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK

Бичковидні (Gobioidei) — підряд Окунеподібних, найбільшого ряду риб. Характерною рисою бичковидних є будова черевних плавців, що мають промені, які направлені назовні, коротше за промені, направлені всередину. Як правило, черевні плавці сильно зближені та навіть зливаються між собою, утворюючи вирву.

Сюди відносяться, в своїй більшості, маленькі морські рибки, що живуть у прибережжі, головним чином тропіків. Більшість представників підряду водяться в прибережній зоні тропічних, частково помірних морів, невелика кількість видів — у солонуватих або прісних водах. Ряд видів пристосувались до життя в прісній воді.

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wikipedia UK

Phân bộ Cá bống ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Phân bộ Cá bống (danh pháp khoa học: Gobioidei) là một phân bộ, trước đây xếp trong bộ Cá vược - bộ lớn nhất trên thế giới. Tuy nhiên, một số nghiên cứu gần đây cho thấy bộ Cá vược không đơn ngành, và toàn bộ phân bộ Cá bống được tách ra để phục hồi lại thành bộ riêng là bộ Cá bống (Gobiiformes), có quan hệ họ hàng gần với bộ Kurtiformes trong cùng nhánh Gobiomorpharia[1].

Phân loại

Khi xếp trong bộ Cá vược, phân bộ này bao gồm 9 họ cá bống.

Khi tách ra thành bộ Cá bống, thì phân bộ Cá bống nghĩa hẹp không chứa 2 họ Eleotridae và Odontobutidae. Chúng được xếp tương ứng trong các phân bộ Eleotroidei (cá bống đen) và Odontobutoidei (cá bống tròn).

Đặc điểm sinh sống: Đa dạng, nước ngọt, nước lợ, nước mặn...

Chú thích

  1. ^ Ricardo Betancur-R., Richard E. Broughton, Edward O. Wiley, Kent Carpenter, J. Andrés López, Chenhong Li, Nancy I. Holcroft, Dahiana Arcila, Millicent Sanciangco, James C Cureton II, Feifei Zhang, Thaddaeus Buser, Matthew A. Campbell, Jesus A Ballesteros, Adela Roa-Varon, Stuart Willis, W. Calvin Borden, Thaine Rowley, Paulette C. Reneau, Daniel J. Hough, Guoqing Lu, Terry Grande, Gloria Arratia, Guillermo Ortí, 2013, The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes, PLOS Currents Tree of Life. 18-04-2013. Ấn bản 1, doi:10.1371/currents.tol.53ba26640df0ccaee75bb165c8c26288.
  2. ^ Anthony C. Gill & Randall D. Mooi, 2012. Thalasseleotrididae, new family of marine gobioid fishes from New Zealand and temperate Australia, with a revised definition of its sister taxon, the Gobiidae (Teleostei: Acanthomorpha). Zootaxa 3266: 41–52

Tham khảo

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết chủ đề bộ Cá bống này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Phân bộ Cá bống: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Phân bộ Cá bống (danh pháp khoa học: Gobioidei) là một phân bộ, trước đây xếp trong bộ Cá vược - bộ lớn nhất trên thế giới. Tuy nhiên, một số nghiên cứu gần đây cho thấy bộ Cá vược không đơn ngành, và toàn bộ phân bộ Cá bống được tách ra để phục hồi lại thành bộ riêng là bộ Cá bống (Gobiiformes), có quan hệ họ hàng gần với bộ Kurtiformes trong cùng nhánh Gobiomorpharia.

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Бычковидные ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
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на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 171745NCBI 8219EOL 2802023FW 266101

Бычковидные (лат. Gobioidei) — подотряд лучепёрых рыб крупнейшего отряда окунеобразных. Насчитывает около 2500 видов.

Чаще это маленькие морские донные или придонные рыбы. Самые маленькие представители Pandaka pygmaea и Schindleria brevipinguis длиной около 1 см. Самый крупный представитель Oxyeleotris marmorata достигает в длину 65 см. Вид Eviota sigillata является самым короткоживущим позвоночным животным в мире, максимальный возраст которого составляет в среднем 59 дней. Почти у всех видов имеются два спинных плавника.


В подотряд включают 9 семейств[1]:

См. также


  1. Подотряд Gobioidei (англ.) в Мировом реестре морских видов (World Register of Marine Species). (Проверено 26 июня 2017).
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Бычковидные: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию

Бычковидные (лат. Gobioidei) — подотряд лучепёрых рыб крупнейшего отряда окунеобразных. Насчитывает около 2500 видов.

Чаще это маленькие морские донные или придонные рыбы. Самые маленькие представители Pandaka pygmaea и Schindleria brevipinguis длиной около 1 см. Самый крупный представитель Oxyeleotris marmorata достигает в длину 65 см. Вид Eviota sigillata является самым короткоживущим позвоночным животным в мире, максимальный возраст которого составляет в среднем 59 дней. Почти у всех видов имеются два спинных плавника.

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鰕虎亞目 ( الصينية )

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  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Betancur-R, Ricardo; Wiley, Edward O.; Arratia, Gloria; Acero, Arturo; Bailly, Nicolas; Miya, Masaki; Lecointre, Guillaume; Ortí, Guillermo. Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2017-07-06, 17 (1): 162. ISSN 1471-2148. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3.
  2. ^ Betancur-R, R., E. Wiley, N. Bailly, M. Miya, G. Lecointre, and G. Ortí. 2014-07-31. Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes --Version 3 (https://sites.google.com/site/guilleorti/home/classification).
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Betancur-R., R., R.E. Broughton, E.O. Wiley, K. Carpenter, J.A. Lopez, C. Li, N.I. Holcroft, D. Arcila, M. Sanciangco, J. Cureton, F. Zhang, T. Buser, M. Campbell, T. Rowley, J.A. Ballesteros, G. Lu, T. Grande, G. Arratia & G. Ortí. 2013. The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes. PLoS Currents Tree of Life. 2013 Apr 18.
  4. ^ 《中国动物志. 硬骨鱼纲. 鲈形目(五). 虾虎鱼亚目》,伍汉霖,钟俊生等编著,科学出版社,2008年,ISBN 9787030213334
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:鰕虎亞目  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:鰕虎亞目 物種識別信息 规范控制 小作品圖示这是一篇關於魚類小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
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鰕虎亞目: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

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ハゼ ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語
曖昧さ回避 この項目では、魚のハゼについて説明しています。同名のウルシ科の落葉樹については「ハゼノキ」を、イネなどの穀物を干す設備であるハゼ(稲架)については「稲木」を、その他の語句については「ハゼ (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。
ハゼ亜目 Gobioidei Periophthalmus modestus.jpg
トビハゼ Periophthalmus modestus
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii : スズキ目 Perciformes 亜目 : ハゼ亜目 Gobioidei 英名 Goby 下位分類群


ハゼ(鯊、沙魚 、蝦虎魚)は、条鰭綱スズキ目ハゼ亜目(Gobioidei)に分類される魚の総称。現代中国語で「鯊」という漢字サメ「鮫」類を表す。







テッポウエビの一種Alpheus sp. と共生するダテハゼ属の一種 Amblyeleotris sp.













  • 平成14年度
1位 八幡浜漁港愛媛県
2位 柴漁港神奈川県
3位 麻生漁港茨城県
4位 美濃崎漁港大分県
5位 志戸崎漁港(茨城県)


 src= ウィキスピーシーズにハゼ亜目に関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、ハゼ亜目に関連するカテゴリがあります。
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wikipedia 日本語

ハゼ: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

ハゼ(鯊、沙魚 、蝦虎魚)は、条鰭綱スズキ目ハゼ亜目(Gobioidei)に分類される魚の総称。現代中国語で「鯊」という漢字サメ「鮫」類を表す。

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wikipedia 日本語