
Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors
Oreochromis mossambicus, commonly known as the Mozambique tilapia, blue or Kurper bream, and by many other common names, is a cichlid fish native to southern Africa. Because of its success as a food fish bred through aquaculture, O. mossambicus has been spread to tropical and subtropical countries around the world. This hardy fish tolerates wide water temperatures, has a broad, omnivorous diet, rears easily and its firm texture and mild taste make it very popular for eating. The Mozambique tilapia breeds quickly and is fecund; females protect and transport their young by mouthbrooding. Because it easily establishes itself outside of its native range O. mossambicus has become an impossible to irradicate invasive pest in many countries, damaging ecosystems and biodiversity and threatening native fish (for example the striped mullet Mugil cephalus in Hawai’i and the endangered desert pupfish Cyprinodon macularius in California’s Salton Sea. Oreochromis mossambicus (along with closely the related O. aureus, with which O. mossambicus easily hybridizes) is on the list of the world’s 100 worst invasive species put out by the Invasive Species Specialist Group. (Global Invasive Species Database, Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG); Nico 2012; Wikipedia 2011)

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EOL authors

Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Freshwater and brackish water inhabitants. Lives in warm, weedy pools of sluggish stream, canals, and ponds. Is mainly diurnal.Occurs at temperatures ranging from 8º to 42º C. The female usually incubates the spawn; the male should be removed as soon after spawning as possible. May form schools.Omnivorous, feeds on almost anything from algae to insects but also crustaceans, and fishes.Can be reared under hypersaline conditions. Spawn all year around when kept in warm water (above 20º C).
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FAO species catalogs

Size ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
To 36 cm.
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FAO species catalogs

Distribution ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Native of East Africa to Natal; Illovo, Mazoe, and Zambezi Rivers, Mozambique, Rhodesia, Natal. Brought into Japan from Thailand in 1954; distributed in hot spring areas from Hokkaido to Kyushu and Okinawa, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and India.
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Body compressed; caudal peduncle longer than deep. Scales cycloid. A knob-like protuberance present behind upper jaw on dorsal surface of snout. Upper jaw length shows sexual dimorphism, and mouth of male larger than that of female. First gill arch with 20 to 22 gillrakers. Lateral line interrupted. Spinous and soft ray parts of dorsal fin continuous. Dorsal fin with 15 to 18 spines and 10 to 13 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 9-10 rays. Caudal fin truncated. Colour in spawning season, pectoral, dorsal and caudal fins becoming reddish; colour male shows much brighter orange tail than female.


  • Rainboth, W.L. - 1996FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong. Rome, FAO. 1996: 265 pp.
  • Uyeno, T. & E. Fujii. - 1984 Cichlidae. In: H. Masuda; K. Amaoka; C. Araga; T. Uyeno; T. Yoshino (eds.). The Fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Tokai. Univ. Press. 190-191.

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FAO species catalogs

Benefits ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من FAO species catalogs
Important food fish in Southeast Asia. Caught with seines, set-nets, traps, and gillnets. The total catch reported for this species to FAO for 1999 was 20 500 t. The countries with the largest catches were Indonesia (18 190 t) and Papua New Guinea (2 310 t). Marketed fresh and frozen.Imported for the purposes of fish culture and now forms wild populations.
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FAO species catalogs

Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Trichodinella Infection 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Goezia Disease 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Transversotrema Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
False Fungal Infection (Epistylis sp.). Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Cryptobia Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Dactylogyrus Gill Flukes Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
حقوق النشر
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Fish louse Infestation 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
حقوق النشر
Susan M. Luna
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Pentastoma Infection 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
حقوق النشر
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
White spot Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
حقوق النشر
Susan M. Luna
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Dolops Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Fish Tuberculosis 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Diplostomum Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Spinning Tilapia Syndrome. Viral diseases
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Gnathostoma Disease (larvae). Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
حقوق النشر
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Gnathostoma Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Contracaecum Disease (larvae). Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Rhabdochona Infestation 6. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Saccocoelioides Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Epitheliocystis. Bacterial diseases
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Allan Palacio
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Trophic Strategy ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Inhabits lower Zambezi, Limpopo and eastern rivers southwards. Prefers sheltered banks provided with vegetation. The adult tilapia mainly occupy deeper terraces which surround the lake at high-water levels. Feeds on detritus, plankton, and algae (Ref. 11889). Small fish fed initially on zoobenthos and zooplankton, but fish with a mass of over 4 g fed increasingly on Microcystis aeruginosa and detritus (Ref. 43783). Increased in rainfall improved the quality of diet, as level of protein, energy and organic matter in the diet increased in quantity (Ref. 52847). Utilized in rice fish culture (Ref. 26236).
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Belen Acosta
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Morphology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 15 - 18; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 13; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 7 - 12; Vertebrae: 28 - 31
حقوق النشر
Susan M. Luna
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Migration ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Amphidromous. Refers to fishes that regularly migrate between freshwater and the sea (in both directions), but not for the purpose of breeding, as in anadromous and catadromous species. Sub-division of diadromous. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.Characteristic elements in amphidromy are: reproduction in fresh water, passage to sea by newly hatched larvae, a period of feeding and growing at sea usually a few months long, return to fresh water of well-grown juveniles, a further period of feeding and growing in fresh water, followed by reproduction there (Ref. 82692).
حقوق النشر
Susan M. Luna
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Life Cycle ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Spawns at the edge of the littoral terrace of lakes (Ref. 1, 2, 87, 6465), in sandy or muddy bottoms (Ref. 57425). Displays a lek mating system; territorial males establish breeding territories where they dig spawning pits, assume a dark coloration, defend a breeding territory and actively court females; sneaking males intrude into nests during a spawning episode, exhibiting quivering behavior which is usually an indicator of sperm release; sneaking is predominantly performed by subordinate males, which may adopt pseudo-female behavior (Ref. 57425). Only territorial males produce sounds, during all phases of courtship but especially during the late stages, including spawning (Ref. 49830). Territorial male excavates and defends a basin-shaped pit in the center of his territory, where female deposits 100-1700(1800) eggs (Ref. 44894, 52307). Eggs and milt are sucked up by the female (Ref. 2, 44894). Fertilization is reported to sometimes occur in the mouth of the female (Ref. 6028). Females incubate eggs alone (Ref. 12501, 52307). It is possible, albeit rare, that males take up some eggs after spawning (Ref. 2, 5726, 52307, 57895), but they almost always eat them soon after (Ref. 52307). Females school together while mouthbrooding (Ref. 40035), they cease to feed and subsist on food reserves stored in their body (Ref. 1). Females may spawn a full clutch with just one male, or may spawn with several different males in a series (Ref. 52307). Water is circulated over the eggs by chewing movements of the jaws (Ref. 12501, 12522). Fry hatch in the female's mouth after 3-5 days (Ref. 2, 12501, 12522, 44894, 52307), depending on the temperature (Ref. 52307). The young are released from the mouth in 10-14 days, but remain near the female and enter the mouth if threatened until about 3 weeks old (Ref. 2, 44894, 52307). Fry and juveniles shoal in shallow water (Ref. 6465, 7248, 57895) where they feed during the day, and retreat to deep water at night (Ref. 87, 6465). Females raise multiple broods during a season (Ref. 7248, 57895).
حقوق النشر
Susan M. Luna
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Edwardsiellosis. Bacterial diseases
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Euclinostomum Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
HTRLO Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Lernaea Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Trichodinosis. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Turbidity of the Skin (Freshwater fish). Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Cichlidogyrus Infestation 4. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Fish Louse Infestation 3. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Ichthyophthirius Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Cichlidogyrus Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Orientocreadium Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Amyloodinium Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Trichodina Infection 5. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Ichthyobodo Infection. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
حقوق النشر
Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Trichodina Infection 1. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Ambiphyra Infestation 2. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Velvet Disease 2 (Piscinoodinium sp.). Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Diagnosis: snout long; forehead with relatively large scales, starting with 2 scales between the eyes followed by 9 scales up to the dorsal fin (Ref. 3058, 3060). Adult males develop a pointed, duckbill-like snout (Ref. 52307) due to enlarged jaws, often causing the upper profile to become concave (Ref. 2, 7248, 12524, 13337, 52307), but upper profile convex in smaller specimens (Ref. 1870, 6460). Pharyngeal teeth very fine, the dentigerous area with narrow lobes, the blade in adults longer than dentigerous area; 28-31 vertebrae; 3 anal spines; 14-20 lower gill-rakers; genital papilla of males simple or with a shallow distal notch; caudal fin not densely scaled; female and non-breeding male silvery with 2-5 mid-lateral blotches and some of a more dorsal series; breeding male black with white lower parts of head and red margins to dorsal and caudal fins (Ref. 2). Description: moderately deep-bodied (Ref. 7248, 52307), but very variable according to food availability (Ref. 5214). Head profile straight in juveniles and females (Ref. 7248). Mouth large (Ref. 1870, 2989, 53262, 52307, 54167). Lower jaw prominent; lips thick (Ref. 3058, 3060). Maxillary ending between nostril and eye in females and immature males (Ref. 2), in breeding males (Ref. 2) mouth reaching to below anterior border of eye (Ref. 1870, 2989, 53262, 54167, 54759) or a little beyond (Ref. 1870, 2989, 53262, 54167). Eye with yellow ring around pupil (Ref. 57960). Otoliths: sulcus with nearly straight crista inferior at the transition between ostium and cauda (thus no ventralward widening of the ostium is present) (Ref. 56279). 2-3 series of scales on cheek (Ref. 2, 552, 1870, 2989, 3058, 3060, 6460, 53262, 54167). Scales cycloid (Ref. 1870, 2989, 3058, 4904, 5728, 53262, 54167). Scales on belly small, breast scales even smaller (Ref. 3058). Large scales on opercle (Ref. 1870, 53262), in 3 rows (Ref. 54759). 17-23 scales in upper part of lateral line, 10-17 in lower part (Ref. 1870, 2989, 3058, 54167). 9-12 predorsal scales (Ref. 57928). 15 precaudal vertebrae; 15-16 caudal vertebrae; 12-13 pairs of pleural ribs; 2 pairs of epineurals; 6 pairs of epipleurals; ventral vertebral apothysis on third vertebra (Ref. 57928). Gill-rakers short (Ref. 1870, 2989, 5214, 6465, 12524, 13337, 54167) and thick (Ref. 54167). Dorsal fin spines subequal from the sixth; dorsal soft rays a little longer than longest spines (Ref. 54167). Last dorsal spine the longest (Ref. 1870, 54167). Soft part of dorsal and anal fin long and pointed (Ref. 1870, 3058, 3060, 4904, 53262), especially in males (Ref. 44586). Dorsal fin with 25-28 pterygiophores (Ref. 57928). Pectoral fin (nearly) as long as head (Ref. 1870, 2989, 53262, 54167), pointed (Ref. 1870, 6460, 53262, 54759), reaching to vent (Ref. 6460, 54167) or to a little beyond origin of anal fin (Ref. 1870, 2989, 53262, 54167, 54759). 4-6 scales between bases of pectoral and pelvic fins (Ref. 2). Anal fin with 11-12 pterygiophores (Ref. 57928). Outer rays of pelvic fins slightly produced, reaching to vent (Ref. 1870, 54167) or beyond origin of anal (Ref. 1870, 2989). Caudal fin scaly in the basal half (Ref. 1870, 6460, 53262), the angles sometimes rounded (Ref. 2, 54167). Central caudal fin skeleton with 3 epurals, 5 hypurals and 2 pairs of uroneurals (Ref. 57928). No genital tassel (Ref. 55077). Coloration: basic melanin pattern of 2 horizontal and 6-7 vertical bars never fully realized; more commonly, at least in preserved specimens, females and sexually inactive males have no bands, but may have the intersection points of the facultative bands represented by 3-4 upper and 2-5 mid-lateral blotches, or some or all of these may be present (Ref. 2). Basic body coloration silvery grey (Ref. 2, 52307) to greenish grey, sometimes a more bluish colored head (Ref. 52307). Belly greyish (Ref. 4904, 5214, 54167). Spiny part of dorsal fin light with dark mottling (Ref. 3058). Soft dorsal and anal, and caudal and pelvic fins blackish (Ref. 2989, 3058, 3060, 54167). Pectoral fins colorless (Ref. 3058, 3060). Indistinct, dark opercular spot present (Ref. 1870, 2989, 3058, 3060, 53262, 54167, 54759). Vertical fins uniform (Ref. 54167), blackish with more or less distinct whitish spots(Ref. 552) or with large or small, fused or non-fused, dark spots on a pale background (Ref. 6460, 54167), given a darker aspect to these fins (Ref. 6460). 3 black blotches present in juveniles but possibly obscured in adults due to the dark body coloration of breeding males or old adults (Ref. 12524, 13337). Female and non-breeding male: dirty yellowish-olive (Ref. 12522) or silvery-gray, with 2-5 mid-lateral blotches and some of a more dorsal series (Ref. 2, 52307). Sometimes a series of more or less distinct spots along the side of the body above and below the upper lateral line (Ref. 54167). Breeding male: uniform dark olive-brown (Ref. 4904, 54167), deep blue-black (Ref. 2) or black, with white lower parts of head (Ref. 2, 4904, 7248, 54167), including throat, lower lips, lower parts of cheeks and opercles, but with a dark blue to black base to the throat (Ref. 12501, 52307), and red margins to dorsal and caudal fins (Ref. 2, 7248, 12522, 12501, 12524, 13337, 52307). Dorsal fin with light coloured spots on membrane between spinous and soft rays (Ref. 12524, 13337). Caudal fin olive-green with light coloured spots on anterior section (Ref. 12524, 13337), but may sometimes appear totally red (Ref. 52307). Tip of dorsal and extremity of caudal lobes yellowish (Ref. 4904, 54167). Anal fin dark gray (Ref. 52307) or olive-green (Ref. 12524, 13337), sometimes with a thin red/orange margin (Ref. 12501, 12522, 12524, 13337, 52307). Unpaired fins normally exhibit greenish to silvery iridescent dots (Ref. 52307). Pectoral fin rays red (Ref. 2). Pectoral and pelvic fins olive-yellow (Ref. 12524). Juveniles: body silvery (Ref. 2, 5214, 6465, 7248, 12524, 13337, 55020, 57960) or olive-brown, light on belly (Ref. 54167). Scales with dark outer edge (Ref. 54167). Usually 5-8 or more indistinct dark cross bars on body (Ref. 2, 6460, 7248, 39866, 54167, 55020), often in addition to the 2 series of blackish spots (Ref. 54167), but with no horizontal stripes (Ref. 2). Dark opercular spot (Ref. 6460, 54167), on posterior dorsal edge of operculum (Ref. 55020). Black spot at base of anterior rays of soft dorsal (Ref. 552, 54167) and 1-2 whitish spots enclosed by dark streaks (Ref. 54167). Oblique streaks (Ref. 6460) or translucent round spots (Ref. 55020) on soft dorsal. Anal dark at base with a light outer half (Ref. 54167), with oblique streaks (Ref. 6460). Caudal dark at base, light in centre, a black outer ridge (Ref. 54167), with 2-3 bars across the fin (Ref. 6460). Tilapia-spot present (Ref. 2, 5214, 6465, 12501), conspicuous in younger fish persisting albeit faintly to 8cm (Ref. 55020). Fins flesh coloured (Ref. 12524, 13337), all except soft dorsal immaculate (Ref. 55020).
حقوق النشر
Susan M. Luna
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زيارة المصدر
موقع الشريك

Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Adults thrive in standing waters (Ref. 7248, 12501). Inhabits reservoirs, rivers, creeks, drains, swamps and tidal creeks; commonly over mud bottoms, often in well-vegetated areas (Ref. 44894). Also found in warm weedy pools of sluggish streams, canals, and ponds (Ref. 5723). Most common in blind estuaries and coastal lakes (Ref. 32693), but usually absent from permanently open estuaries and open sea (Ref. 6465) and from fast-flowing waters (Ref. 7248, 12501). Normally not found at high altitudes (Ref. 6465). Able to survive extreme reduction of temporary water bodies (Ref. 2, 27445). Highly euryhaline (Ref. 2, 3, 23, 58, 61, 6465, 12501, 12522, 12524, 13337, 27445, 55352). Grows and reproduces in fresh-, brackish and seawater (Ref. 2, 21, 23, 61, 5214, 27445, 36683, 54362). Can be reared under hyper-saline conditions (Ref. 4537, 44894, 52307). Tolerates low dissolved oxygen levels (Ref. 3, 23, 6465) and can utilise atmospheric oxygen when water oxygen levels drop (Ref. 61, 6465). Mainly diurnal. May form schools (Ref. 3, 4537, 44894). Omnivorous (Ref. 21, 12524), feeds mainly on algae and phytoplankton (Ref. 4537, 7248, 12501, 12522, 12524, 13337, 36683, 44894, 52307) but also takes some zooplankton, small insects and their larvae (Ref. 4537, 7248, 12524, 13337, 44894, 52307), shrimps (Ref. 12524, 13337), earthworms (Ref. 12501) and aquatic macrophytes (Ref. 6465). Juveniles carnivorous/omnivorous, adults tend to be herbivorous or detritus feeders (Ref. 2, 6465, 13517). Large individuals have been reported to prey on small fishes (Ref. 2, 6465, 12501, 12522), and occasionally cannibalise their own young (Ref. 2, 6465). Exhibits considerable plasticity in feeding habits (Ref. 6465, 13544) as well as in reproductive biology (Ref. 13544). Polygamous (Ref. 12524, 13337), maternal mouthbrooder (Ref. 1, 5214, 12524, 13337). Reaches sexual maturity at 15 centimeter length (Ref. 44894), but stunted fish may breed at 6-7 centimeters and at an age of just over 2 months (Ref. 52307). Fecundity high (Ref. 55352). Extended temperature range 8-42 °C, natural temperature range 17-35°C (Ref. 3), with salinity-dependent difference in temperature tolerance (Ref. 2, 23). Somewhat aggressive toward other species (Ref. 36683). Marketed fresh and frozen (Ref. 9987). Excellent palatability (Ref. 6465), with small head and large dress-out weight (Ref. 61), and filets without small bones (Ref. 57960). Used extensively in biological, physiological and behavioural research (Ref. 7248). Translocated and introduced for aquaculture, sport fishing, stocking man-made lakes and biological control of nuisance plants and animals (Ref. 6465). Eurytopic; a most successful and vagile invader (Ref. 6465).
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
fisheries: highly commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes; aquarium: commercial
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Susan M. Luna
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分布 ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من The Fish Database of Taiwan
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The Fish Database of Taiwan

利用 ( الإنجليزية )

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The Fish Database of Taiwan

描述 ( الإنجليزية )

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The Fish Database of Taiwan

棲地 ( الإنجليزية )

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The Fish Database of Taiwan

Bloukurper ( الأفريكانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AF

Die Bloukurper (Oreochromis mossambicus) is 'n varswatervis wat voorkom in suidoostelike Afrika. Dit staan ook bekend as die Grootbekkurper, die Mosambiekkurper, die Rooivinkurper en in Engels as die Mozambique tilapia.


Die bloukurper is donker olyfgroen van kleur met rooi rante aan die stert en dorsale vin. Die onvolwasse visse het ses vertikale strepe oor die lyf. Bloukurpers word 40 cm lank en 3,2 kg swaar. Die Suid-Afrikaanse hengelrekord is 3,265 kg, die Zimbabwe rekord is 2,181 kg en die Malawi rekord is 0,64 kg.


Bloukurpers leef in staande of stadigvloeiende riviere. Hulle kan 'n groot verskil in temperatuur oorleef. In die kouer dele van ons land gaan bloukurpers in ‘n soort winterslaap, en selfs ook in die warmer streke soos die Hartbeespoortdam, maar navorsing het getoon dat bloukurpers in water van ongeveer 10 °C (50 °F) begin doodgaan, veral as die water vinnig afkoel. Hulle begin eers lekker byt (veral aan kunsaas) as die watertemperatuur gereeld hoër as 21 °C (70 °F) is. Bloukurpers is nie sensitief vir soutgehalte nie. Hulle word daarom ook in riviermondings en selfs die see gevind. Bloukurpers vreet krappe, insekte, fyn alge en erdwurms.


Die wyfie dra die eiers in haar mond totdat hulle uitbroei.

Bloukurpers in Suid-Afrika

Òf 'n mens die eenvoudigste manier van hengel – ‘n bos erdwurms onder ‘n rooi-en-wit dobber – òf meer gevorderde kunsaastegnieke toepas, bly kurperhengel ‘n genot.

Alhoewel bloukurpers al vanaf September gevang word is Februarie tot April in die warmer, noordelike en oostelike dele van die land primakurpertyd. Bloukurpers van een kilogram en swaarder is veral die teiken in talle riviere en damme in Mpumalanga, Noordwes, Limpopo en KwaZulu-Natal.

Omrede die bloukurper so ‘n uithaler-sportvis op ligtegerei is, en ook omdat hy ‘n voortreflike tafelvis is, is hy lankal onwettig verplaas na ander dele van die land waar die winters nie te koud is nie. So byvoorbeeld is daar ‘n lewenskragtige bevolking bloukurpers in Zeekoeivlei op die Kaapse Skiereiland, asook in verskeie plaasdamme in die wynland.

Omdat die bloukurper in soutwater aanpasbaar is, word hy ook deur verbaasde hengelaars in verskeie getyriviere en -mondings soos byvoorbeeld die St. Luciameer teëgekom waar hengelaars eintlik vir knorders hengel.[1]

Sien ook

Eksterne skakel



  1. Tips 'n Tricks vir Kurper, besoek op 29 Mei 2013
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Bloukurper: Brief Summary ( الأفريكانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AF

Die Bloukurper (Oreochromis mossambicus) is 'n varswatervis wat voorkom in suidoostelike Afrika. Dit staan ook bekend as die Grootbekkurper, die Mosambiekkurper, die Rooivinkurper en in Engels as die Mozambique tilapia.

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Oreochromis mossambicus ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Oreochromis mossambicus és una espècie de peix de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes que habita al riu Limpopo (Província de Transvaal i Cap Oriental) i riu Zambezi.[2] Els mascles poden assolir els 39 cm de longitud total.[2]


  1. BioLib
  2. 2,0 2,1 FishBase (anglès)


  • Axelrod, H. R., 1993. The most complete colored lexicon of cichlids. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City (Estats Units).
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall (2000).
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Römer U.: Cichliden Atlas, Bd. 1. Melle. 1311 p. Any 1998.
  • Trewavas, E., 1982. Tilapias: taxonomy and speciation. p. 3-13. A R.S.V. Pullin i R.H. Lowe-McConnell (eds.) The biology and culture of tilapias. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 7.
  • Trewavas, E., 1983. Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia. British Mus. Nat. Hist., Londres (Regne Unit).
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985

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Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Oreochromis mossambicus és una espècie de peix de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes que habita al riu Limpopo (Província de Transvaal i Cap Oriental) i riu Zambezi. Els mascles poden assolir els 39 cm de longitud total.

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Mosambik-Buntbarsch ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Mosambik- oder Weißkehl-Buntbarsch (Oreochromis mossambicus, Syn.: Sarotherodon mossambicus, Tilapia mossambica) ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Buntbarsche (Cichlidae), die im südöstlichen und südlichen Afrika vorkommt. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst den unteren Sambesi und unteren Shiré, den Limpopo und die Gewässer der Küstenebene vom Sambesidelta bis zur Algoa-Bucht bei Port Elizabeth in Südafrika. Als Speisefisch wird er in Aquakulturen in vielen anderen Ländern gezüchtet, ist in vielen Ländern entkommen und hat frei lebende Populationen gegründet.


Oreochromis mossambicus kann maximal 39 cm lang und über 1 kg schwer werden. Sein Körper ist von Cycloidschuppen bedeckt und gemäßigt hochrückig, die Körperhöhe beträgt 36 bis 49,5 % der Standardlänge. Der Kopf erreicht bei Weibchen 32,3 bis 37 % der Standardlänge, bei Männchen ist er etwas länger (34 bis 39 % der Standardlänge). Die Oberseite des Kopfes wird von relativ großen Schuppen bedeckt, zwei zwischen den Augen, gefolgt von einer Reihe von neun Schuppen bis zum Beginn der Rückenflosse. Die Schnauze ist lang, besonders ältere Männchen entwickeln eine deutlich zugespitzte, entenschnabelartige Schnauze mit einem konkaven Schnauzenprofil und vorstehenden Zähnen. Die Kiefer sind mit drei bis fünf Reihen schlanker Zähne besetzt. Bei Jungfischen sind die Zähne der äußeren Reihe zweispitzig, die der inneren Reihen dreispitzig. Mit fortschreitendem Wachstum werden die Zähne der äußeren Reihe durch einspitzige Zähne ersetzt, bei sehr großen Individuen können auch die der inneren Reihen einspitzig sein. Die Zähne auf der Pharyngealia sind sehr fein und zugespitzt. Bei ausgewachsenen Fischen ist der unbezahnte Bereich der Pharyngealia länger als der bezahnte. Die Anzahl der Rechen auf dem unteren Kiemenbogenknochen liegt zwischen 14 und 20.

Jungfische sind silbrig mit 6 bis 7 Querbändern und drei Flecken auf den Flanken. Ein hell umkränzter Tilapiafleck zeigt sich bis zu einer Länge von 8 cm. Ausgewachsene Weibchen und Männchen, die keine Brut bewachen, sind silbrig-oliv oder tief blaugrau. Ihre Querbänder sind verschwunden oder in drei oder vier Flecken auf den oberen Körperseiten und zwei bis fünf an den mittleren Körperseiten aufgelöst. Rücken- und Schwanzflosse haben rote Ränder. Brütende Männchen sind schwarz bis blauschwarz, mit einer weißen Kopfunterseite, einer scharlachrot geränderten Rücken- und Schwanzflosse und roten Brustflossen.


Der Mosambik-Buntbarsch kommt in Süß- und Brackwasser vor allem in geschützten Flussmündungen und Küstenseen vor. Bekannt ist er aber auch aus marinen Lagunen und Atollen.[1] Er meidet schnell fließende Gewässer, Gewässer in großer Höhe über NN, große Seen und offene Flussmündungen. Er kann auch mit einem niedrigen Sauerstoffgehalt des Wassers auskommen.

Normalerweise wird der Mosambik-Buntbarsch mit 15 cm Länge geschlechtsreif, Kümmerlinge, die unter schlechten Bedingungen aufwachsen, können sich schon im Alter von zwei Monaten bei einer Länge von 6 bis 7 cm fortpflanzen. Wie alle Oreochromis-Arten ist der Mosambik-Buntbarsch ein ovophiler Maulbrüter, bei dem das Brutgeschäft nur vom Weibchen ausgeübt wird. Die Fruchtbarkeit ist hoch.

Der Mosambik-Buntbarsch gilt als aggressiver Raubfisch, der andere Fischarten jagt.[1]


  • Melanie Stiassny, Guy Teugels & Carl D. Hopkins: The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa. Band 1, ISBN 9789074752206


  1. a b Helen K. Larson, Duncan Buckle, Jessica Lynas, Andrew Storey, Chris Humphrey: Additional records of freshwater fishes from Timor-Leste, with notes on the fish fauna of the unique closed Irasiquero River system, The Beagle, Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, 2007 23: 131–135.
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Mosambik-Buntbarsch: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Der Mosambik- oder Weißkehl-Buntbarsch (Oreochromis mossambicus, Syn.: Sarotherodon mossambicus, Tilapia mossambica) ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Buntbarsche (Cichlidae), die im südöstlichen und südlichen Afrika vorkommt. Sein Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst den unteren Sambesi und unteren Shiré, den Limpopo und die Gewässer der Küstenebene vom Sambesidelta bis zur Algoa-Bucht bei Port Elizabeth in Südafrika. Als Speisefisch wird er in Aquakulturen in vielen anderen Ländern gezüchtet, ist in vielen Ländern entkommen und hat frei lebende Populationen gegründet.

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Iwak mujaèr ( الجاوية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Iwak mujaèr kalebu jinis iwak kang urip ing banyu kang tawa. Iwak iki uga diarani tilapia Mozambik utawa Oreochromis mossambicus. Iwak mujaèr asliné asalé saka Afrika sisih kidul lan iwak iki kalebu iwak tilapiine cichlid. Iwak mujaèr populèr diingu kanggo aquakultur lan saiki bisa tinemu saindhenging donya ing laladan tropis lan subtropis. Iwak iki akèh dadi spésies invasif. Ing Afrika Kidul iwak iki diarani Blue Kurper[1] Iwak iki urip kanthi alami ing perairan Afrika lan ing Indonésia.[2][2]

Iwak iki asring dikonsumsi déning masarakat. Iwak mujaèr lumrahé diolah kanthi digawé masakan.[2] Iwak mujaèr dimasak kanthi cara digoréng, digodhog, lan diwénéhi bumbu-bumbu kang kas saben laladan.[2]

Iwak mujaèr ing Tanah Jawa

Iwak mujaèr kang sepisanan tinemu karo Pak Mujair ing muara Kali Serang pasisir selatan Blitar, Jawa Wétan nalika taun 1939.[2] Sanajan isih dadi misteri kepriyé carané iwak iku bisa tekan muara cilik ing selatan Blitar.[2] Iwak kang tinemu Pak Mujair banjur diarani Mujaèr kanggo ngenang jeneng wong kang nemokak iwak mujaer.[2] Jeneng ngèlmiahé ya iku Oreochromis mossambicus, ing basa Inggris kaloka kanthi jeneng Mozambique tilapia,utawa kadhang-kadhang diarani Java tilapia.[2]


Iwak mujaèr ukurané ora gedhé ya ora cilik. Iwak iki paling dawa ukurané 40 cm.[3] Wujud awaké trépés lan wernané ireng rada klawu, utawa coklat rada kuning.[3] Sirip ing gegeré (dorsal) duwé kurang luwih 15-17 eri kang landhep lan 10-13 jari-jari ya iku eri kang pucuké empuk; lan sirip dubur (anal) kang duwé eri cacahé 3 lan 9-12 jari-jari.[3] Iwak mujaèr duwé toléransi tumrap kadar uyah utawa salinitas, saéngga iwak mujaèr bisa urip ing banyu payau.[3] Jinis iwak iki bisa thukul kanthi rikat, nanging sawie diwasa kabisan kanggo tambah gedhé bakal saya kurang.[3] Iwak mujaèr bisa ngendhog nalika umuré kurang luwih 3 sasi, lan sawisé iku bisa manak saben 1½ sasi.[3]

Cathetan sikil

  1. Big Bass
  2. a b c d e f g h [Soeseno, S. 1984. Perkenalkan: Ikan (Pak) Mujair. dalam Dari Kutu sampai ke Gajah. PT Gramedia, Jakarta.]
  3. a b c d e f [ Kottelat, M.; A.J. Whitten; S.N. Kartikasari & S. Wirjoatmodjo. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonésia and Sulawesi. Periplus Edition (HK).]
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Iwak mujaèr: Brief Summary ( الجاوية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Iwak mujaèr kalebu jinis iwak kang urip ing banyu kang tawa. Iwak iki uga diarani tilapia Mozambik utawa Oreochromis mossambicus. Iwak mujaèr asliné asalé saka Afrika sisih kidul lan iwak iki kalebu iwak tilapiine cichlid. Iwak mujaèr populèr diingu kanggo aquakultur lan saiki bisa tinemu saindhenging donya ing laladan tropis lan subtropis. Iwak iki akèh dadi spésies invasif. Ing Afrika Kidul iwak iki diarani Blue Kurper Iwak iki urip kanthi alami ing perairan Afrika lan ing Indonésia.

Iwak iki asring dikonsumsi déning masarakat. Iwak mujaèr lumrahé diolah kanthi digawé masakan. Iwak mujaèr dimasak kanthi cara digoréng, digodhog, lan diwénéhi bumbu-bumbu kang kas saben laladan.

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Mujaér ( السوندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Mujaér atawa Jaér nyaéta lauk cai anu biasa didahar ku jalma, wangun awakna gepéng, warnana hawuk, coklat atawa hideung.[1] Ieu lauk asalna ti Afrika sarta mimiti kapanggih di Indonesia ku bapa Mujair di muara walungan Sérang basisir kidul Blitar Jawa Timur dina taun 1939.[1] Lauk mujaér gancang badagna.[1] Panjang total awak panggedéna nyaéta 40 cm, loba dibudidayakeun di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sumatera, jeung Kalimantan.[1]
Mujaer kaasup sato omnivor, di alamna muajer biasa ngadahar tutuwuhan cai, diatom, chlorophycéae, dinophycéae jeung crustaséa, sedengkeun anakna dahar fitoplankton jeung zooplankton.[2] Ciri-ciri mujaér bikangna nyaéta aya 3 liang dina urogenetial nyaéta bool, liang kaluarna endog sarta liang kaluarna urin.[3] Tungtung cécépét boga warna beureum sepa, warna beuteung leuwih bodas, warna gado ogé bodas, sarta lamun beuteungna distriping henteu ngaluarkeun cairan.[3] Sedengkeun ciri-ciri mujaér jaluna nyaéta dina pakakas urogenetial ngan aya dua liang nyaéta; bool, sarta liang kaluarna spérma sakaligus liang kaluarna urin.[3] Tungtung cécépét boga warna beureum caang, warna beuteung jeung gado leuwih poék, sarta lamun beuteung distriping baris ngaluarkeun cairan.[3]


  1. a b c d Mujair(id)(Diakses ping 17 Oktober 2011)
  2. Kordi, Ghufran. 2010. Panduan Lengkap Memelihara Ikan Air Tawar di Kolam Terpal. Yogyakarta:Lili Publisher.Hal. 17
  3. a b c d Mujair (id) (Diakses ping 1 November 2011)
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Mujaér: Brief Summary ( السوندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Mujaér atawa Jaér nyaéta lauk cai anu biasa didahar ku jalma, wangun awakna gepéng, warnana hawuk, coklat atawa hideung. Ieu lauk asalna ti Afrika sarta mimiti kapanggih di Indonesia ku bapa Mujair di muara walungan Sérang basisir kidul Blitar Jawa Timur dina taun 1939. Lauk mujaér gancang badagna. Panjang total awak panggedéna nyaéta 40 cm, loba dibudidayakeun di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sumatera, jeung Kalimantan.
Mujaer kaasup sato omnivor, di alamna muajer biasa ngadahar tutuwuhan cai, diatom, chlorophycéae, dinophycéae jeung crustaséa, sedengkeun anakna dahar fitoplankton jeung zooplankton. Ciri-ciri mujaér bikangna nyaéta aya 3 liang dina urogenetial nyaéta bool, liang kaluarna endog sarta liang kaluarna urin. Tungtung cécépét boga warna beureum sepa, warna beuteung leuwih bodas, warna gado ogé bodas, sarta lamun beuteungna distriping henteu ngaluarkeun cairan. Sedengkeun ciri-ciri mujaér jaluna nyaéta dina pakakas urogenetial ngan aya dua liang nyaéta; bool, sarta liang kaluarna spérma sakaligus liang kaluarna urin. Tungtung cécépét boga warna beureum caang, warna beuteung jeung gado leuwih poék, sarta lamun beuteung distriping baris ngaluarkeun cairan.

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Oreochromis mossambicus ( اللغة الفريزية الشمالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
Amrum.pngTekst üüb Öömrang

Oreochromis mossambicus (of uk Tilapia mossambica) as en slach fasker uun det kategorii faan a Cichliformes. Hi lewet uun a struumer Sambesi, Shiré, Limpopo an bi a küst tesken at Sambesidelta an Port Elizabeth uun Süüdafrikoo. Hi woort uk aptaanj tu iidjen.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia emerging languages

Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( اللغة الفريزية الشمالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Oreochromis mossambicus (of uk Tilapia mossambica) as en slach fasker uun det kategorii faan a Cichliformes. Hi lewet uun a struumer Sambesi, Shiré, Limpopo an bi a küst tesken at Sambesidelta an Port Elizabeth uun Süüdafrikoo. Hi woort uk aptaanj tu iidjen.

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Τιλάπια της Μοζαμβίκης ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Η Τιλάπια της Μοζαμβίκης (Oreochromis mossambicus) είναι θαλάσσιο ψάρι της οικογένειας των Κιχλίδων που προέρχεται από τη νότια Αφρική. Είναι ένα διάσημο ψάρι για Ιχθυοτροφεία. Λόγω των ανθρώπινων παρεμβάσεων, βρίσκεται τώρα σε πολλά τροπικά και υποτροπικά κλίματα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, όπου μπορεί να γίνει ένα διεισδυτικό είδος λόγω της ισχυρής φύσης του. Είναι γνωστό ως Μαύρη Τιλάπια στην Κολομβία [1] και ως Μπλε Κούπερ στη Νότια Αφρική. [2]


Η Τιλάπια της Μοζαμβίκης είναι συμπιεσμένη πλευρικά και έχει βαθύ σώμα με μακριά ραχιαία πτερύγια, το εμπρόσθιο τμήμα των οποίων έχουν άκανθες. Τα ενήλικα φτάνουν σε μήκος περίπου 35 cm και έως 1,13 kg. Το μέγεθος και ο χρωματισμός μπορεί να ποικίλλουν σε πληθυσμούς αιχμαλωτισμένους ή στη φύση λόγω των περιβαλλοντικών και αναπαραγωγικών πιέσεων. Μπορεί να ζήσει 11 χρόνια.

Χρήση σε ιχθυοτροφεία

Οι Τιλάπιες της Μοζαμβίκης είναι ανθεκτικά ψάρια που αναπτύσσονται εύκολα και γρήγορα, κάνοντάς τα ένα καλό είδος υδατοκαλλιέργειας. Έχουν μια ήπια, λευκή σάρκα που προσελκύει τους καταναλωτές. Το είδος αυτό αποτελεί περίπου το 4% της συνολικής παραγωγής υδατοκαλλιέργειας παγκοσμίως.[3] Οι τιλάπιες είναι πολύ ευαίσθητες σε ασθένειες όπως η περιστροφική ασθένεια και η ιχθυοπάθεια. Λόγω αυτών των δυνατοτήτων χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ως οργανισμοί βιοανάλυσης για τη δημιουργία δεδομένων τοξικότητας μετάλλων για την εκτίμηση επικινδυνότητας των τοπικών ειδών γλυκού νερού στα ποτάμια της Νότιας Αφρικής.[4]


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Τιλάπια της Μοζαμβίκης: Brief Summary ( اليونانية الحديثة (1453-) )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Η Τιλάπια της Μοζαμβίκης (Oreochromis mossambicus) είναι θαλάσσιο ψάρι της οικογένειας των Κιχλίδων που προέρχεται από τη νότια Αφρική. Είναι ένα διάσημο ψάρι για Ιχθυοτροφεία. Λόγω των ανθρώπινων παρεμβάσεων, βρίσκεται τώρα σε πολλά τροπικά και υποτροπικά κλίματα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, όπου μπορεί να γίνει ένα διεισδυτικό είδος λόγω της ισχυρής φύσης του. Είναι γνωστό ως Μαύρη Τιλάπια στην Κολομβία και ως Μπλε Κούπερ στη Νότια Αφρική.

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Mozambique tilapia ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is an oreochromine cichlid fish native to southeastern Africa. Dull colored, the Mozambique tilapia often lives up to a decade in its native habitats. It is a popular fish for aquaculture. Due to human introductions, it is now found in many tropical and subtropical habitats around the globe, where it can become an invasive species because of its robust nature. These same features make it a good species for aquaculture because it readily adapts to new situations. It is known as black tilapia in Colombia[2] and as blue kurper in South Africa.[3]


The native Mozambique tilapia is laterally compressed, and has a deep body with long dorsal fins, the front part of which have spines. Native coloration is a dull greenish or yellowish, and weak banding may be seen. Adults reach up to 39 cm (15 in) in standard length and up to 1.1 kg (2.4 lb).[4] Size and coloration may vary in captive and naturalized populations due to environmental and breeding pressures. It lives up to 11 years.[4]

Distribution and habitat

An adult male in breeding condition

The Mozambique tilapia is native to inland and coastal waters in southeastern Africa, from the Zambezi basin in Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe to Bushman River in South Africa's Eastern Cape province.[1][5] It is threatened in its home range by the introduced Nile tilapia. In addition to competing for the same resources, the two readily hybridize.[1][6] This has already been documented from the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, and it is expected that pure Mozambique tilapia eventually will disappear from both.[1]

Otherwise it is a remarkably robust and fecund fish, readily adapting to available food sources and breeding under suboptimal conditions. Among others, it occurs in rivers, streams, canals, ponds, lakes, swamps and estuaries, although it typically avoids fast-flowing waters, waters at high altitudes and the open sea.[1][4] It inhabits waters that range from 17 to 35 °C (63–95 °F).[4][7]


The Mozambique tilapia or hybrids involving this species and other tilapia are invasive in many parts of the world outside their native range, having escaped from aquaculture or been deliberately introduced to control mosquitoes.[8] The Mozambique tilapia has been nominated by the Invasive Species Specialist Group as one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world.[9] It can harm native fish populations through competition for food and nesting space, as well as by directly consuming small fish.[10] In Hawaii, striped mullet Mugil cephalus are threatened because of the introduction of this species. The population of hybrid Mozambique tilapia x Wami tilapia in California's Salton Sea may also be responsible for the decline of the desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius.[11][12][13]


As with most species of tilapia, Mozambique tilapia have a high potential for hybridization. They are often crossbred with other tilapia species in aquaculture because purebred Mozambique tilapia grow slowly and have a body shape poorly suited to cutting large fillets. However, Mozambique tilapia have the desirable trait of being especially tolerant of salty water.[14] Also, hybrids between certain parent combinations (such as between Mozambique and Wami tilapia) result in offspring that are all or predominantly male. Male tilapia are preferred in aquaculture as they grow faster and have a more uniform adult size than females. The "Florida Red" tilapia is a popular commercial hybrid of Mozambique and blue tilapia.[15]



Mozambique tilapia are omnivorous. They can consume detritus, diatoms, phytoplankton,[16] invertebrates, small fry and vegetation ranging from macroalgae to rooted plants.[17][18] This broad diet helps the species thrive in diverse locations.

Due to their robust nature, Mozambique tilapias often over-colonize the habitat around them, eventually becoming the most abundant species in a particular area. When over-crowding happens and resources get scarce, adults will sometimes cannibalize the young for more nutrients. Mozambique tilapia, like other fish such as Nile tilapia and trout, are opportunistic omnivores and will feed on algae, plant matter, organic particles, small invertebrates and other fish.[19] Feeding patterns vary depending on which food source is the most abundant and the most accessible at the time. In captivity, Mozambique tilapias have been known to learn how to feed themselves using demand feeders. During commercial feeding, the fish may energetically jump out of the water for food.[20]

Social structure

Mozambique tilapias often travel in groups where a strict dominance hierarchy is maintained. Positions within the hierarchy correlate with territoriality, courtship rate, nest size, aggression, and hormone production.[21] In terms of social structure, Mozambique tilapias engage in a system known as lek-breeding, where males establish territories with dominance hierarchies while females travel between them. Social hierarchies typically develop because of competition for limited resources including food, territories, or mates. During the breeding season, males cluster around certain territory, forming a dense aggregation in shallow water.[22] This aggregation forms the basis of the lek through which the females preferentially choose their mates. Reproductive success by males within the lek is highly correlated to social status and dominance.[23]

In experiments with captive tilapias, evidence demonstrates the formation of linear hierarchies where the alpha male participates in significantly more agonistic interactions. Thus, males that are higher ranked initiate much more aggressive acts than subordinate males. However, contrary to popular belief, Mozambique tilapias display more agonistic interactions towards fish that are farther apart in the hierarchy scale than they do towards individuals closer in rank. One hypothesis behind this action rests with the fact that aggressive actions are costly. In this context, members of this social system tend to avoid confrontations with neighboring ranks in order to conserve resources rather than engage in an unclear and risky fight. Instead, dominant individuals seek to bully subordinate tilapias both for an easy fight and to keep their rank.[24]

Communication and aggression

Urine in Mozambique tilapias, like many freshwater fish species, acts as a vector for communication amongst individuals. Hormones and pheromones released with urine by the fish often affect the behavior and physiology of the opposite sex. Dominant males signal females through the use of a urinary odorant. Further studies have suggested that females respond to the ratio of chemicals within the urine, as opposed to the odor itself. Nevertheless, females are known to be able to distinguish between hierarchical rank and dominant vs. subordinate males through chemicals in urine.

Urinary pheromones also play a part in male – male interaction for Mozambique tilapias. Studies have shown that male aggression is highly correlated with increased urination. Symmetrical aggression between males resulted in an increase in the release of urination frequency. Dominant males both store and release more potent urine during agonistic interactions. Thus, both the initial stage of lek formation and the maintenance of social hierarchy may highly depend on the males’ varying urinary output.[25]

Aggression amongst males usually involve a typical sequence of visual, acoustic, and tactile signals that eventually escalates to physical confrontation if no resolution is reached. Usually, conflict ends before physical aggression as fights are both costly and risky. Bodily damage may impede an individual's ability to find a mate in the future. In order to prevent cheating, in which individual may fake his own fitness, these aggressive rituals incur significant energetic costs. Thus, cheating is prevented by the sheer fact that the costs of initiating a ritual often outweigh the benefits of cheating. In this regard, differences between individuals in endurance plays a critical role in resolving the winner and the loser.[26]


In the first step in the reproductive cycle for Mozambique tilapia, males excavate a nest into which a female can lay her eggs. After the eggs are laid, the male fertilizes them. Then the female stores the eggs in her mouth until the fry hatch; this act is called mouthbrooding.[27] One of the main reasons behind the aggressive actions of Mozambique tilapias is access to reproductive mates. The designation of Mozambique tilapias as an invasive species rests on their life-history traits: Tilapias exhibit high levels of parental care as well as the capacity to spawn multiple broods through an extended reproductive season, both contributing to their success in varying environments.[28] In the lek system, males congregate and display themselves to attract females for matings. Thus, mating success is highly skewed towards dominant males, who tend to be larger, more aggressive, and more effective at defending territories. Dominant males also build larger nests for the spawn.[22] During courtship rituals, acoustic communication is widely used by the males to attract females. Studies have shown that females are attracted to dominant males who produce lower peak frequencies as well as higher pulse rates. At the end of mating, males guard the nest while females take both the eggs and the sperm into their mouth. Due to this, Mozambique tilapias can occupy many niches during spawning since the young can be transported in the mouth.[29] These proficient reproductive strategies may be the cause behind their invasive tendencies.

Male Mozambique tilapias synchronize breeding behavior in terms of courtship activity and territoriality in order to take advantage of female spawning synchrony. One of the costs associated with this synchronization is the increase in competition among males, which are already high on the dominance hierarchy. As a result, different mating tactics have evolved in these species. Males may mimic females and sneak reproduction attempts when the dominant male is occupied. Likewise, another strategy for males is to exist as a floater, travelling between territories in an attempt to find a mate. Nevertheless, it is the dominant males who have the greatest reproductive advantage.[30]

Parental care

Typically, Mozambique tilapias, like all species belonging to the genus Oreochromis and species like Astatotilapia burtoni, are maternal mouthbrooders, meaning that spawn is incubated and raised in the mouth of the mother. Parental care is, therefore, almost exclusive to the female. Males do contribute by providing nests for the spawn before incubation, but the energy costs associated with nest production is low relative to mouthbrooding. Compared to nonmouthbrooders, both mouthbrooding and growing a new clutch of eggs is not energetically feasible. Thus, Mozambique tilapias arrest oocyte growth during mouthbrooding to conserve energy.[31] Even with oocyte arrest, females that mouthbrood take significant costs in body weight, energy, and low fitness. Hence, parental-offspring conflict is visible through the costs and benefits to the parents and the young. A mother caring for her offspring carries the cost of reducing her own individual fitness. Unlike most fish, Mozambique tilapias exhibit an extended maternal care period believed to allow social bonds to be formed.[32]

Use in aquaculture

An albino strain has been developed in captivity

Mozambique tilapia are hardy individuals that are easy to raise and harvest, making them a good aquacultural species. They have a mild, white flesh that is appealing to consumers. This species constitutes about 4% of the total tilapia aquaculture production worldwide, but is more commonly hybridized with other tilapia species.[33] Tilapia are very susceptible to diseases such as whirling disease and ich.[27] Mozambique tilapia are resistant to wide varieties of water quality issues and pollution levels. Because of these abilities they have been used as bioassay organisms to generate metal toxicity data for risk assessments of local freshwater species in South Africa rivers.[34]

Other names

The species is known by a number of other names including:

  • Mujair in Indonesia, the name derived from a Javanese inventor Moedjair.
  • Daya in Pakistan


  1. ^ a b c d e Bills, R. (2019). "Oreochromis mossambicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T63338A174782954. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T63338A174782954.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Listado oficial de especies invasoras para Colombia | Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia".
  3. ^ Big Bass
  4. ^ a b c d Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2019). "Oreochromis mossambicus" in FishBase. September 2019 version.
  5. ^ "GISD".
  6. ^ Waal 2002
  7. ^ Ford, A.G.P.; et al. (2019). "Molecular phylogeny of Oreochromis (Cichlidae: Oreochromini) reveals mito-nuclear discordance and multiple colonisation of adverse aquatic environments" (PDF). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 136: 215–226. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.04.008. PMID 30974200. S2CID 109938635.
  8. ^ Moyle 1976
  9. ^ Courtenay 1989
  10. ^ Courtenay et al. 1974
  11. ^ Courtenay and Robins 1989
  12. ^ Swift et al. 1993
  13. ^ Riedel, R.; B.A. Costa-Pierce (2002). "Review of the Fisheries of the Salton Sea, California, USA: Past, Present, and Future". Reviews in Fisheries Science. 10 (2): 77–112. doi:10.1080/20026491051686. S2CID 214614676.
  14. ^ Wan, Z.Y.; G. Lin; G. Yue (2019). "Genes for sexual body size dimorphism in hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp. x Oreochromis mossambicus)". Aquaculture and Fisheries. 4 (6): 231–238. doi:10.1016/j.aaf.2019.05.003.
  15. ^ "Culture of Hybrid Tilapia: A Reference Profile". 2018-11-21.
  16. ^ https://sta.uwi.edu/fst/lifesciences/sites/default/files/lifesciences/documents/ogatt/Oreochromis_mossambicus%20-%20Mozambique%20Tilapia.pdf
  17. ^ Mook 1983
  18. ^ Trewevas 1983
  19. ^ "Biology and ecology of Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)" (PDF). feral.org.au. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  20. ^ De Peaza, Mia. "Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique Tilapia)" (PDF). UWI. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  21. ^ Oliveira, Rui F.; Vitor C. Almada; Adelino V. M. Canario (1996). "Social Modulation of Sex Steroid Concentrations in the Urine of Male Cichlid Fish Oreochromis mossambicus". Hormones and Behavior. 30 (1): 2–12. doi:10.1006/hbeh.1996.0002. hdl:10400.1/3206. PMID 8724173. S2CID 1951640.
  22. ^ a b Amorim, M. Clara P.; Almada, Vitor C. (1 March 2005). "The outcome of male–male encounters affects subsequent sound production during courtship in the cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus". Animal Behaviour. 69 (3): 595–601. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2004.06.016. hdl:10400.12/1440. S2CID 34065315.
  23. ^ Barata, Eduardo N.; Fine, Jared M.; Hubbard, Peter C.; Almeida, Olinda G.; Frade, Pedro; Sorensen, Peter W.; Canário, Adelino V. M. (1 April 2008). "A Sterol-Like Odorant in the Urine of Mozambique Tilapia Males Likely Signals Social Dominance to Females". Journal of Chemical Ecology. 34 (4): 438–449. doi:10.1007/s10886-008-9458-7. PMID 18379847. S2CID 33463442.
  24. ^ Oliveira, R.F.; V.C. Almada (1996). "Dominance hierarchies and social structure in captive groups of the Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Teleostei Cichlidae)". Ethology Ecology & Evolution. 8: 39–55. doi:10.1080/08927014.1996.9522934. hdl:10400.12/1330.
  25. ^ Barata, Eduardo N; Hubbard, Peter C; Almeida, Olinda G; Miranda, António; Canário, Adelino VM (1 January 2007). "Male urine signals social rank in the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)". BMC Biology. 5 (1): 54. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-5-54. PMC 2222621. PMID 18076759.
  26. ^ Ros, Albert F.H.; Klaus Becker; Rui F. Oliveira (30 May 2006). "Aggressive behaviour and energy metabolism in a cichlid fish, Oreochromis mossambicus". Physiology & Behavior. 89 (2): 164–70. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2006.05.043. hdl:10400.12/1299. PMID 16828128. S2CID 920011.
  27. ^ a b Popma, 1999
  28. ^ Russell, D. J.; Thuesen, P. A.; Thomson, F. E. (1 May 2012). "Reproductive strategies of two invasive tilapia species Oreochromis mossambicus and Tilapia mariae in northern Australia". Journal of Fish Biology. 80 (6): 2176–2197. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03267.x. PMID 22551176.
  29. ^ Amorim, M. C. P.; Fonseca, P. J.; Almada, V. C. (1 March 2003). "Sound production during courtship and spawning of Oreochromis mossambicus: male-female and male-male interactions" (PDF). Journal of Fish Biology. 62 (3): 658–672. doi:10.1046/j.1095-8649.2003.00054.x. hdl:10400.12/1452. S2CID 28236698. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 February 2021.
  30. ^ Oliveira, R. F.; Almada, V. C. (1 June 1998). "Mating tactics and male-male courtship in the lek-breeding cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus". Journal of Fish Biology. 52 (6): 1115–1129. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1998.tb00959.x. hdl:10400.12/1340.
  31. ^ Smith, Carol Johnson; Haley, Samuel R. (1 January 1988). "Steroid profiles of the female tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, and correlation with oocyte growth and mouthbrooding behavior". General and Comparative Endocrinology. 69 (1): 88–98. doi:10.1016/0016-6480(88)90056-1. PMID 3360291.
  32. ^ Russock, Howard I. (March 1986). "Preferential Behaviour of Sarotherodon (Oreochromis) mossambicus (Pisces: Cichlidae) Fry to Maternal Models and Its Relevance to the Concept of Imprinting". Behaviour. 96 (3/4): 304–321. doi:10.1163/156853986x00531.
  33. ^ Gupta and Acosta 2004
  34. ^ Mashifane, TB; Moyo, NAG (29 October 2014). "Acute toxicity of selected heavy metals to Oreochromis mossambicus fry and fingerlings". African Journal of Aquatic Science. 39 (3): 279–285. doi:10.2989/16085914.2014.960358. S2CID 85396607.
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Mozambique tilapia: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

The Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is an oreochromine cichlid fish native to southeastern Africa. Dull colored, the Mozambique tilapia often lives up to a decade in its native habitats. It is a popular fish for aquaculture. Due to human introductions, it is now found in many tropical and subtropical habitats around the globe, where it can become an invasive species because of its robust nature. These same features make it a good species for aquaculture because it readily adapts to new situations. It is known as black tilapia in Colombia and as blue kurper in South Africa.

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Oreochromis mossambicus ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Oreochromis mossambicus es una especie de peces de la familia Cichlidae en el orden de los Perciformes. Está incluido en la lista 100 de las especies exóticas invasoras más dañinas del mundo[1]​ de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 39 cm de longitud total.[2]​ Peces omnívoros, su dieta incluye tanto plancton como insectos.[3]

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentran en África: río Limpopo (Transvaal y Cabo Oriental) y río Zambeze. En Venezuela se introdujo como pez forrajero en 1959 e incluso se liberaron ejemplares en el Lago de Valencia (estados Carabobo y Aragua) y la laguna de Los Patos (estado Sucre).[4]​ Además ha sido introducida en Colombia.


  1. Lowe S., Browne M., Boudjelas S., De Poorter M. (2000). 100 de las Especies Exóticas Invasoras más dañinas del mundo. Una selección del Global Invasive Species Database. Publicado por el Grupo Especialista de Especies Invasoras (GEEI), un grupo especialista de la Comisión de Supervivencia de Especies (CSE) de la Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza (UICN), 12pp. Primera edición, en inglés, sacada junto con el número 12 de la revista Aliens, diciembre de 2000. Versión traducida y actualizada: Noviembre de 2004.
  2. Luna, Susan. «Oreochromis mossambicus». Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2017. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 5 de agosto de 2011. Consultado el 21 de diciembre de 2017. «Max length : 39.0 cm SL male/unsexed;».
  3. «Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia)». Small scale aquaculture in sub-saharian Africa. (en inglés). Archivado desde el original el 8 de mayo de 2002. Consultado el 21 de diciembre de 2017. «Omnivorous. Adults opportunistic, feeding predominantly on detritus and plankton but also on macrophytes, terrestrial flying insects and planktonic crustacea.»
  4. Castillo González, Otto Enrique (8 de enero de 2011). «Desarrollo y Perspectivas de la Piscicultura Continental en Venezuela». Archivado desde el original el 7 de mayo de 2017. Consultado el 21 de diciembre de 2017. «En el año 1959 se introdujo la tilapia negra Oreochromis mossambicus, con la finalidad de utilizarla como pez forrajero en ensayos preliminares con el pavón Cichla orinocensis en la Estación de Piscicultura El Limón, del estado Aragua. Ese mismo año se liberaron ejemplares adultos en el Lago de Valencia, en los estados Carabobo y Aragua. En 1964 se sembraron algunos ejemplares de O. mossambicus en la laguna de Los Patos del estado Sucre.»


  • Eschmeyer, William N., ed. 1998. Catalog of Fishes. Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, núm. 1, vol. 1-3. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos. 2905. ISBN 0-940228-47-5.
  • Fenner, Robert M.: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Neptune City, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos : T.F.H. Publications, 2001.
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette y D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos , 1997.
  • Hoese, D.F. 1986: . A M.M. Smith y P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlín, Alemania.
  • Maugé, L.A. 1986. A J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse y D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Bruselas; MRAC, Tervuren, Flandes; y ORSTOM, París, Francia. Vol. 2.
  • Moyle, P. y J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a. edición, Upper Saddle River, Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall. Año 2000.
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a. edición. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Año 1994.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a. edición, Londres: Macdonald. Año 1985.

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Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

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Oreochromis mossambicus ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Oreochromis mossambicus Oreochromis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cichlidae familian.



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Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EU

Oreochromis mossambicus Oreochromis generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cichlidae familian.

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Oreochromis mossambicus ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Le Tilapia du Mozambique (Oreochromis mossambicus) est une espèce du genre Oreochromis. C'est une espèce de poissons de la famille des Cichlidae, appartenant au groupe des tilapias. Ce tilapia est nommé aussi parfois tilapia de Java[1] ou tilapia noir[2] et en créole lapia ou tilapya [3]. C'est un poisson endémique de l'Afrique où il a été introduit dans de nombreux cours d'eau et rivières, souvent pour occuper une niche vide ou bien pour l'alimentation des populations locales.

Espèce invasive, le tilapia du Mozambique Oreochromis mossambicus a contribué, au même titre que la perche du Nil Lates niloticus, mais à moindre échelle, à la disparition d'espèces autochtones.


Dans son milieu, Oreochromis mossambicus se nourrit de différents types de nourriture selon sa localité géographique, suivant l'habitat et la niche écologique qu'il peuple.

Utilisation par l'homme

Le tilapia est robuste et sa chair est délicieuse. Il est donc l'objet d'aquaculture dans diverses régions tropicales et subtropicales à travers le monde mais des spécimens élevés à l'origine en vivier ont été introduits volontairement ou accidentellement dans les rivières et les fleuves. En 1939, quelques spécimens alors appelés Ikan Mudjair ou poissons de Mudjair sont découverts près de Pak Mudjair dans l'est de l'île de Java : on ignore comment ils sont arrivés là ; en 1943, des tilapia du Mozambique sont introduits en Indonésie et en Malaisie ; en 1949, des spécimens malais sont pêchés aux Antilles ; en 1951, d'autres spécimens malais sont capturés à Ceylan puis introduits en Inde et au Pakistan ; en 1954, on trouve des tilapias du Mozambique au Japon ; en 1955, des spécimens à l'origine élevés en Thaïlande depuis 1944 sont introduits en Égypte ; on trouve ensuite le tilapia du Mozambique dans les années 1980 en Floride et au Texas[4]. C'est actuellement, au XXIe siècle, une des espèces invasives les plus nuisibles à la biodiversité.

Cependant, il ne faut tout de même pas oublier que Oreochromis mossambicus est une espèce qui est présente sur la liste des espèces de l'IUNC[5] et est donc pour cette raison une espèce à maintenir dans les meilleures conditions possibles, afin de la reproduire et de la diffuser de manière exemplaire.

Maintenance en aquarium

Oreochromis mossambicus est une espèce agréable à maintenir en aquarium à condition qu'elle soit hébergée dans des bacs suffisamment spacieux (400 ou 500 litres) et en compagnie d'espèces ayant le même type de comportement. C'est une espèce territoriale, principalement pendant la reproduction. En aquarium, c'est une espèce qui accepte à peu près tous types de nourritures fraîches ou sèches. Il se maintient à des températures comprises entre 16 et 26 degrés C, mais préfère vivre dans une eau aux alentours des 20 degrés.


Notes et références

  1. Tilapia sur passeportsante.net
  2. Aucune recette de poissons de Tilapia ne peut faire sans lui
  3. Noms communs de Oreochromis mossambicus
  4. Collectif (trad. André Delcourt et Hervé Douxchamps), Tous les animaux de l'univers, Unide (no 17), 1982, 1732 p., Tilapia page 1585 et 1586
  5. (en) Référence UICN : espèce Oreochromis mossambicus

Références externes

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Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Le Tilapia du Mozambique (Oreochromis mossambicus) est une espèce du genre Oreochromis. C'est une espèce de poissons de la famille des Cichlidae, appartenant au groupe des tilapias. Ce tilapia est nommé aussi parfois tilapia de Java ou tilapia noir et en créole lapia ou tilapya . C'est un poisson endémique de l'Afrique où il a été introduit dans de nombreux cours d'eau et rivières, souvent pour occuper une niche vide ou bien pour l'alimentation des populations locales.

Espèce invasive, le tilapia du Mozambique Oreochromis mossambicus a contribué, au même titre que la perche du Nil Lates niloticus, mais à moindre échelle, à la disparition d'espèces autochtones.

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Oreochromis mossambicus ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

O Oreochromis mossambicus é unha especie de peixe cíclido nativo do sur de África. É un peixe moi popular na acuicultura. De cor morada, esta especie chega a vivir até unha década no seu hábitat orixinal. Por mor das introdución humana, tamén é posible atopala en hábitats tropicais e subtropicais de todo o mundo, onde se converteu nunha especie invasora pola súa natureza robusta. Estas mesmas características fan desta especie un peixe moi aprezado na acuicultura debido á súa facilidade para adaptarse a novas situacións. É coñecida como tilapia negra en Colombia[2] e kurper azul en Suráfrica.[3]


  1. Cambray, J. & Swartz, E. 2007. Oreochromis mossambicus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. www.iucnredlist.org. Descargado o 10 de maio de 2013.
  2. http://www.parquesnacionales.gov.co/portal/especies-exoticas-con-potencial-invasor/listado-oficial-de-especies-invasoras-para-colombia/
  3. Big Bass
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wikipedia gl Galician

Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

O Oreochromis mossambicus é unha especie de peixe cíclido nativo do sur de África. É un peixe moi popular na acuicultura. De cor morada, esta especie chega a vivir até unha década no seu hábitat orixinal. Por mor das introdución humana, tamén é posible atopala en hábitats tropicais e subtropicais de todo o mundo, onde se converteu nunha especie invasora pola súa natureza robusta. Estas mesmas características fan desta especie un peixe moi aprezado na acuicultura debido á súa facilidade para adaptarse a novas situacións. É coñecida como tilapia negra en Colombia e kurper azul en Suráfrica.

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wikipedia gl Galician

Mujair ( الإندونيسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ID

Mujair adalah sejenis ikan air tawar yang biasa dikonsumsi. Penyebaran alami ikan ini adalah perairan Afrika dan di Indonesia pertama kali ditemukan oleh Pak Mujair di muara Sungai Serang pantai selatan Blitar, Jawa Timur pada tahun 1939. Meski masih menjadi misteri, bagaimana ikan itu bisa sampai ke muara terpencil di selatan Blitar, tak urung ikan tersebut dinamai ‘mujair’ untuk mengenang sang penemu.[1]

Nama ilmiahnya adalah Oreochromis mossambicus, dan dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai Mozambique tilapia, atau kadang-kadang secara tidak tepat disebut "Java tilapia".


Ikan berukuran sedang, panjang total maksimum yang dapat dicapai ikan mujair adalah sekitar 40 cm. Bentuk badannya pipih dengan warna hitam, keabu-abuan, kecoklatan atau kuning.

Sirip punggungnya (dorsal) memiliki 15-17 duri (tajam) dan 10-13 jari-jari (duri berujung lunak); dan sirip dubur (anal) dengan 3 duri dan 9-12 jari-jari.


Ikan mujair mempunyai toleransi yang besar terhadap kadar garam (salinitas), sehingga dapat hidup di air payau. Jenis ikan ini memiliki kecepatan pertumbuhan yang relatif cepat, tetapi setelah dewasa kecepatannya ini akan menurun.

Mujair juga sangat peridi. Ikan ini mulai berbiak pada umur sekitar 3 bulan, dan setelah itu dapat berbiak setiap 1½ bulan sekali. Setiap kalinya, puluhan butir telur yang telah dibuahi akan ‘dierami’ dalam mulut induk betina, yang memerlukan waktu sekitar seminggu hingga menetas. Hingga beberapa hari setelahnya pun mulut ini tetap menjadi tempat perlindungan anak-anak ikan yang masih kecil, sampai anak-anak ini disapih induknya.

Dengan demikian dalam waktu beberapa bulan saja, populasi ikan ini dapat meningkat sangat pesat. Apalagi mujair cukup mudah beradaptasi dengan aneka lingkungan perairan dan kondisi ketersediaan makanan.

Tidak mengherankan apabila ikan ini dianggap invasif dan menimbulkan berbagai masalah baru di perairan yang didatanginya, seperti halnya di Singapura, dan di California Selatan, Amerika Serikat. Tidak luput pula adalah berbagai waduk dan danau-danau di Indonesia yang 'ditanami' ikan ini, seperti misalnya Danau Lindu di Sulawesi Tengah.

Lihat pula

Lihat pula informasi kerabat dekat ikan ini, ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus).


Sumber bacaan lainnya

  • Kottelat, M.; A.J. Whitten; S.N. Kartikasari & S. Wirjoatmodjo. 1993. Freshwater Fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi. Periplus Edition (HK).
  • Nagl, S.; H. Tichy; W.E. Mayer; I.E. Samonte; B.J. McAndrew & J. Klein. 2001. Classification and Phylogenetic Relationships of African Tilapiine Fishes Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 20(3): 361–374.
  • Soeseno, S. 1984. Perkenalkan: Ikan (Pak) Mujair. dalam Dari Kutu sampai ke Gajah. PT Gramedia, Jakarta.
  • Whitten, A.J; M. Mustafa. 1984. Ekologi Sulawesi. Gadjah Mada Univ. Press, Yogyakarta.

Pranala luar

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Mujair: Brief Summary ( الإندونيسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ID

Mujair adalah sejenis ikan air tawar yang biasa dikonsumsi. Penyebaran alami ikan ini adalah perairan Afrika dan di Indonesia pertama kali ditemukan oleh Pak Mujair di muara Sungai Serang pantai selatan Blitar, Jawa Timur pada tahun 1939. Meski masih menjadi misteri, bagaimana ikan itu bisa sampai ke muara terpencil di selatan Blitar, tak urung ikan tersebut dinamai ‘mujair’ untuk mengenang sang penemu.

Nama ilmiahnya adalah Oreochromis mossambicus, dan dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai Mozambique tilapia, atau kadang-kadang secara tidak tepat disebut "Java tilapia".

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wikipedia ID

Oreochromis mossambicus ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852), noto in italiano come tilapia del Mozambico[2] o tilapia[3] è un pesce osseo d'acqua dolce della famiglia Cichlidae.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è originaria dell'Africa sudorientale nel basso bacino idrografico dello Zambesi e dello Shire nonché nei corsi d'acqua costieri nelle zone adiacenti al delta dello Zambesi. È presente inoltre in Sudafrica nei fiumi Brak e Limpopo[4].

O. mossambicus è stato introdotto in tutti i continenti tranne l'Antartide e ha stabilito popolazioni naturalizzate in moltissimi Paesi tropicali e subtropicali. In Europa la specie non è riuscita a naturalizzarsi se non in ambienti termali o artificialmente riscaldati[5]. È inserito nell'elenco delle 100 delle specie invasive più dannose al mondo[6].

La tilapia del Mozambico è un pesce estremamente adattabile a vari tipi di ambienti: predilige acque ferme o a corrente molto lenta, con fondi fangosi e buona presenza di vegetazione acquatica. Essendo molto eurialino si può trovare in stagni costieri e in estuari non comunicanti con il mare, può sopravvivere e perfino riprodursi anche a salinità marine mentre in acque iperaline (salinità> del 50‰) può sopravvivere ed essere allevato ma non riesce a portare a termine la riproduzione. Resiste anche a tenori bassissimi di ossigeno disciolto (può assumere aria atmosferica) e in ambienti molto piccoli. Non popola invece le acque correnti, le foci aperte a mare e le acque montane. Sopporta un intervallo di temperature tra 8 e 42 °C[4].


Oreochromis mossambicus ha corpo appiattito lateralmente, di forma ovale e piuttosto alto. Il muso è piuttosto allungata, con bocca abbastanza grande, terminale e labbra carnose. La mascella inferiore è più sporgente della superiore. La pinna dorsale è unica, con la parte anteriore, leggermente più bassa, formata da raggi spinosi. La pinna anale ha solo 3 raggi spiniformi, la parte con raggi molli è simile alla parte molle della dorsale. La pinna dorsale e la pinna anale hanno la parte posteriore allungata in un lobo appuntito. Il peduncolo caudale è relativamente massiccio. Le scaglie sono grandi, si diradano sul peduncolo caudale[2][4].

La livrea ha un fondo grigio argento più scuro sul dorso e bianco giallastro sul ventre, con riflessi azzurri, giallastri o verdastri. Sono di solito presenti delle macchie scure sui fianchi che spesso formano delle fasce verticali indistinte. Di solito è presente una macchia scura sull'opercolo. Sulla pinna dorsale e la pinna anale sono presenti macchiette chiare disposte in linee inclinate[2][4].

I maschi adulti hanno un muso particolarmente appuntito e, spesso, profilo frontale concavo. Nel periodo degli amori i maschi presentano una livrea con colori più accesi, con riflessi blu sul capo e bordi rosso vivo alle pinne caudale e dorsale[2].

La taglia massima è di 39 cm per 1,1 kg[4].


Può vivere fino a 11 anni. Ha abitudini diurne[4]. Forma banchi eccetto che nel periodo di frega[2].


È una specie onnivora, molto versatile per quanto riguarda l'alimentazione. Si ciba soprattutto di materiale vegetale (sia alghe che piante terrestri che detrito) e di fitoplancton. In misura minore si alimenta anche di zooplancton e di vari invertebrati come insetti sia adulti che larve, crostacei e vermi terrestri. I grandi individui catturano anche piccoli pesci, talvolta anche giovanili della loro specie. I giovani tendono a consumare più materiale di origine animale, gli adulti più vegetali e detrito[4].


Questa specie ha una notevole fecondità. Le uova vengono incubate in bocca dalla madre. Normalmente la maturità sessuale viene raggiunta ad una lunghezza di 15 cm ma in casi particolari la tilapia del Mozambico si può riprodurre a 2 mesi di età e una lunghezza di pochi centimetri. È una specie poligama.[4].

Pesca e importanza per l'uomo

In vari paesi europei la specie viene introdotta nei laghetti per la pesca sportiva nella stagione estiva per rimpiazzare le trote iridee. Rappresenta un'importantissima risorsa alimentare per le popolazioni indigene dell'areale di origine[2] e viene estesamente allevata in acquacoltura. La carne è ottima e povera di lische. Viene inoltre impiegata per la lotta biologica nei confronti di specie di piante e animali dannose o indesiderate. Viene usata molto spesso come organismo modello per studi biologici[4].


Talvolta è allevata negli acquari domestici nonostante le grandi dimensioni che può raggiungere. Può essere aggressiva nei confronti di pesci di altre specie[4].


Nonostante la sua ampia diffusione come specie introdotta O. mossambicus è classificata nella Lista Rossa pubblicata dalla IUCN come "prossima alla minaccia". La fonte di rischio è soprattutto l'estesa introduzione per la piscicoltura del congenere Oreochromis niloticus con cui si ibrida con facilità. L'ibridazione è particolarmente frequente nella parte settentrionale dell'areale; il bacino più affetto da questo problema è quello del Limpopo[1].


  1. ^ a b (EN) Oreochromis mossambicus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Scheda dal sito Ittiofauna.org
  3. ^ Denominazione obbligatoria in Italia ai sensi del DM 31 gennaio 2008 in cui è inserita con il sinonimo di Tilapia mossambica.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j (EN) Oreochromis mossambicus, su FishBase. URL consultato il 24.07.2014.
  5. ^ (EN) sommario delle introduzioni da Fishbase
  6. ^ (EN) Lowe S. J., M. Browne e S. Boudjelas, 100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species (PDF), Auckland, IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG), 2000.

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Oreochromis mossambicus: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters, 1852), noto in italiano come tilapia del Mozambico o tilapia è un pesce osseo d'acqua dolce della famiglia Cichlidae.

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wikipedia IT

Natalbaars ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL


De natalbaars of rode tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van cichliden (Cichlidae), orde baarsachtigen (Perciformes), die voorkomt in Afrika.


De natalbaars kan maximaal 39 centimeter lang en 1130 gram zwaar worden. De hoogst geregistreerde leeftijd is 11 jaar. De kop is duidelijk concaaf.

De vis heeft één rugvin en één aarsvin. Er zijn 15 - 17 stekels en 10 vinstralen in de rugvin en 3 stekels en 7 vinstralen in de aarsvin.


Het is een zoet- en brakwatervis die voorkomt in tropische wateren. De soort is voornamelijk te vinden in meren en ondiepe wateren op een diepte van maximaal 10 meter.

Het dieet van de vis bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit planten en detritus.

Relatie tot de mens

De natalbaars is voor de visserij van groot commercieel belang. Bovendien wordt er op de vis gejaagd in de hengelsport. De soort wordt tevens gevangen voor commerciële aquaria. Voor de mens is Oreochromis mossambicus potentieel niet schadelijk.

De soort staat niet op de Rode Lijst van de IUCN.

Externe link

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
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wikipedia NL

Natalbaars: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

De natalbaars of rode tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van cichliden (Cichlidae), orde baarsachtigen (Perciformes), die voorkomt in Afrika.

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Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Тиляпія мозамбікська ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK


  • Oreochromis mossambicus at FishBase
  • Courtenay W.R., Jr. 1989. Exotic fishes in the National Park System. Pages 237–252 in: Thomas L.K. (Ed) . Proceedings of the 1986 conference on science in the national parks, volume 5. Management of exotic species in natural communities. U.S. National Park Service and George Wright Society, Washington, DC.
  • Courtenay W.R., Jr., and C.R. Robins. 1989. Fish introductions: Good management, mismanagement, or no management? CRC Critical Reviews in Aquatic Sciences 1:159-172.
  • Courtenay W.R., Jr., Sahlman H.F, Miley W.W., II, and D.J. Herrema. 1974. Exotic fishes in fresh and brackish waters of Florida. Biological Conservation 6:292-302.
  • Gupta M.V. and B.O. Acosta. 2004. A review of global tilapia farming practices. WorldFish Center P.O. Box 500 GPO, 10670, Penang, Malaysia.
  • Mook D. 1983. Responses of common fouling organisms in the Indian River, Florida, to various predation and disturbance intensities. Estuaries 6:372-379.
  • Moyle P.B. 1976. Inland fishes of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 330 p.
  • Popma, T. Tilapia Life History and Biology 1999 Southern Region Aquaculture Center
  • Swift C.C., Haglund T.R., Ruiz M., and R.N. Fisher. 1993. The status and distribution of the freshwater fishes of southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 92:101-167.
  • Trewevas E. 1983. Tilapiine Fishes Of The Genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis And Danakilia. British Museum Of Natural History, Publication Number 878.Comstock Publishing Associates. Ithaca, New York. 583 p.
  • Waal, Ben van der, 2002. Another fish on its way to extinction?. Science in Africa.


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Тиляпія мозамбікська: Brief Summary ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK
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Cá rô phi đen ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Cá rô phi đen hay còn gọi là cá rô phi Mozambique hay còn gọi là cá phi, cá phi cỏ (Danh pháp khoa học: Oreochromis mossambicus) là một loài cá rô phi có nguồn gốc từ châu Phi ở Mozambique. Đây là một trong những loài cá có giá trị kinh tế, được con người du nhập đi nhiều nơi và ở một số nơi, chúng trở thành loài xâm hại cho các loài bản địa, chúng đang trở thành kẻ xâm lấn thành công ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới, đe dọa đến hệ thống sinh thái nước ngọt ở sông, hồ.

Phân bố

Chúng có nguồn gốc từ các nước Đông Châu Phi. Cá phân bố rất rộng ở nhiều môi trường nước (ngọt, lợ, mặn) ở châu Phi, Indonesia, Philipin, Thái Lan, Malaixia. Đến nay đã di sang các nước Nhật Bản, Trung Quốc, Đài Loan và một số nước Đông Nam Á. Ở Việt Nam có ở hầu hết các tỉnh, đây là là một trong những loài cá được di nhập sớm nhất từ năm 1951.

Cá được phổ biến, du nhập vào nhiều nước trên thế giới để nuôi làm thực phẩm. Các quần thể đã thích nghi của loài này trong tự nhiên là kết quả của việc cố tình thả ra hoặc để xổng từ các trang trại nuôi chúng. Đây là một loài ăn tạp và chúng ăn gần như mọi thứ từ tảo đến côn trùng. Chúng tạo thành các quần thể đông đặc và thiếu thức ăn trong các thủy vực sinh sống.

Đặc điểm

Mô tả

Cá rô phi đen có thân hình thoi và dẹp bên rõ rệt, mõm tròn mắt nhỏ. Chiều dài kể cả đuôi bằng 2,7 lần chiều dài đầu và bằng 2,5 lần chiều cao thân. Vây ngực lớn dài bằng chiều dài đầu. Thân màu xám tro hoặc nâu nhạt, bụng xám trắng, mép rìa vây lưng. Miệng khá rộng, hướng lên trên, chúng có 4-8 hàng răng. Răng hàm ngắn và nhiều. Có hai tấm răng hầu ở trên và một tấm ở dưới. Que mang ngắn, tia gai cứng cuối cùng của vây lưng dài nhất. Chiều dài vây ngực bằng chiều dài đầu, đạt đến hoặc vượt quá một ít khởi điểm của vây hậu môn.

Vây đuôi tròn ở cá trưởng thành, cắt thẳng đứng ở cá con. Toàn thân phủ vảy tròn, đường bên không liên tục. Có vảy hơi đen ở phần lưng, phần bụng màu sáng, vây có màu phớt hồng. Cá đực có 2 lỗ (lỗ niệu chung với lỗ sinh dục và lỗ hậu môn). Cá cái có 3 lỗ (lỗ niệu, lỗ sinh dục và lỗ hậu môn màu đỏ, không có các vằn ngang trên thân. Chiều dài lớn nhất 30 cm, thông thường 10 – 25 cm. Sau 4 tháng tuổi con đực nặng 30 – 40g, con cái 25 – 30g, sau 8 tháng con đực đạt 250 – 300g, con cái 150 – 200g tuy nhiên cỡ lớn nhất chỉ đạt 1,7–2 kg/con.

Sinh sản

Cá sinh trưởng rất nhanh, cá đực lớn nhanh hơn cá cái. Chúng sinh sản quanh năm, mỗi năm cá cái đẻ 5 – 6 lứa. Khi đẻ chúng đào ổ dưới đáy ao. Trứng sau khi đẻ và thụ tinh được cá mẹ hút vào miệng để ấp. Cá bột cũng được hút vào miệng khi gặp nguy hiểm trong 15 – 20 ngày đầu. Do sinh sản tự nhiên rất nhanh và nhiều (có thể đẻ 10 lần/con) do đó rất khó khống chế mật độ nuôi rô phi loại này trong ao. Mật độ cá cao và cung cấp thức ăn không đủ trong ao đã làm cho cá chậm lớn, cỡ cá nhỏ, năng suất thấp và giá trị thương phẩm thấp, do thành thục sớm và chu kỳ sản ngắn khiến cho mật độ cá nuôi trong ao trở nên dày đặc, cá giảm tăng trưởng, kích thước nhỏ và sản lượng thấp.

Nước tiểu của cá rô phi đực Mozambique khả năng thu hút bạn tình. Cá rô phi đực biết đào tổ trong cát và coi đó là lãnh thổ của riêng mình. Chúng sẽ bảo vệ trọn vẹn lãnh thổ và chỉ để những chú cá rô phi cái đủ tiêu chuẩn được vào đó. Cá rô phi đực ra sức tiểu vào vùng lãnh thổ của mình, nước tiểu có chứa pheromone (chất được sử dụng như tín hiệu hóa học giữa các cá thể cùng loài) chứa một lượng khá lớn steroid - tương tự như progesterone - một hormone sinh dục nữ tại vùng đất của cá rô phi đực. Cá rô phi cái ẩn nấp gần đó sẽ có thể ngửi thấy mùi pheromone và dựa vào đó để kiếm tìm bạn tình phù hợp.

Cá đực còn tạo những chiếc bụng lớn, chúng sẽ mở rộng bàng quang để có thể lưu trữ lượng nước tiểu nhiều hơn. Khi tiếp cận được mục tiêu, chúng sẽ dồn ép số lượng nước tiểu này ra ngoài. Lượng nước tiểu này sẽ mang theo một lượng lớn kích thích tố steroid để thu hút. cá đực có chiếc bụng nhỏ sẽ khó có thể trữ lượng nước tiểu lớn cùng lượng kích thích tố cần thiết để có thể tìm ra bạn tình ưng ý. Lượng kích thích tố này quan trọng bởi đó sẽ là nhân tố giúp kích thích giải phóng trứng ở cá rô cái. Khi tinh trùng của cá đực kết hợp hài hòa cùng với trứng ở cá cái, sẽ giúp cá rô phi dễ thụ tinh hơn

Chú thích

  1. ^ Cambray, J. & Swartz, E. 2007. Oreochromis mossambicus. In: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on ngày 10 tháng 5 năm 2013.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cá rô phi đen
  • Thông tin "Oreochromis mossambicus" trên FishBase, chủ biên Ranier Froese và Daniel Pauly. Phiên bản tháng 2 năm 2007.
  • Oreochromis mossambicus (TSN 170015) tại Hệ thống Thông tin Phân loại Tích hợp (ITIS).
  • Courtenay W.R., Jr. 1989. Exotic fishes in the National Park System. Pages 237–252 in: Thomas L.K. (ed.). Proceedings of the 1986 conference on science in the national parks, volume 5. Management of exotic species in natural communities. U.S. National Park Service and George Wright Society, Washington, D.C.
  • Courtenay W.R., Jr., and C.R. Robins. 1989. Fish introductions: Good management, mismanagement, or no management? CRC Critical Reviews in Aquatic Sciences 1:159–172.
  • Courtenay W.R., Jr., Sahlman H.F, Miley W.W., II, and D.J. Herrema. 1974. Exotic fishes in fresh and brackish waters of Florida. Biological Conservation 6:292–302.
  • Gupta M.V. and B.O. Acosta. 2004. A review of global tilapia farming practices. WorldFish Center P.O. Box 500 GPO, 10670, Penang, Malaysia.
  • Mook D. 1983. Responses of common fouling organisms in the Indian River, Florida, to various predation and disturbance intensities. Estuaries 6:372–379.
  • Moyle P.B. 1976. Inland fishes of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 330 p.
  • Popma, T. Tilapia Life History and Biology 1999 Southern Region Aquaculture Center
  • Swift C.C., Haglund T.R., Ruiz M., and R.N. Fisher. 1993. The status and distribution of the freshwater fishes of southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 92:101–167.
  • Trewevas E. 1983. Tilapiine Fishes Of The Genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis And Danakilia. British Museum Of Natural History, Publication Number 878.Comstock Publishing Associates. Ithaca, New York. 583 p.
  • Waal, Ben van der, 2002. Another fish on its way to extinction?. Science in Africa.
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wikipedia VI

Cá rô phi đen: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI

Cá rô phi đen hay còn gọi là cá rô phi Mozambique hay còn gọi là cá phi, cá phi cỏ (Danh pháp khoa học: Oreochromis mossambicus) là một loài cá rô phi có nguồn gốc từ châu Phi ở Mozambique. Đây là một trong những loài cá có giá trị kinh tế, được con người du nhập đi nhiều nơi và ở một số nơi, chúng trở thành loài xâm hại cho các loài bản địa, chúng đang trở thành kẻ xâm lấn thành công ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới, đe dọa đến hệ thống sinh thái nước ngọt ở sông, hồ.

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Мозамбикская тиляпия ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию

Первым шагом в репродуктивном цикле мозамбикской тиляпии является откапывание самцом ямки, куда самка может выметать икру. После того, как икра отложена, самец оплодотворяет её. Затем самка прячет икру в рот. Икра инкубируетсяruen во рту самки до вылупления личинок[13].

В аквакультуре

Мозамбикские тиляпии — выносливые рыбы, которых легко вырастить, и имеют пищевую ценность, что делает их хорошим видом для аквакультуры. Они имеют мягкое, белое мясо, привлекающее потребителей. Этот вид составляет 4 % от общего числа тиляпий, выращиваемых в аквакультуре, однако чаще выращивают его гибриды[14]. Они очень чувствительны к ихтиофтириозу и к миксоспоридиям Myxobolus cerebralis[13].


  1. Мозамбикская тиляпия (англ.) на сайте Национального центра биотехнологической информации (NCBI).
  2. Богуцкая Н. Г., Насека А. М. Каталог бесчелюстных и рыб пресных и солоноватых вод России с номенклатурными и таксономическими комментариями. — М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2004. — С. 209. — 389 с. — 1000 экз.ISBN 5-87317-177-7.
  3. issg Database: Ecology of Oreochromis mossambicus (неопр.). Проверено 28 апреля 2013. Архивировано 1 мая 2013 года.
  4. Waal, Ben van der, 2002. Another fish on its way to extinction? Архивная копия от 7 февраля 2012 на Wayback Machine. Science in Africa.
  5. Mook D. 1983. Responses of common fouling organisms in the Indian River, Florida, to various predation and disturbance intensities. Estuaries 6:372-379.
  6. Trewevas E. 1983. Tilapiine Fishes Of The Genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis And Danakilia. British Museum Of Natural History, Publication Number 878.Comstock Publishing Associates. Ithaca, New York. 583 p.
  7. Moyle P.B. 1976. Inland fishes of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 330 p.
  8. Courtenay W.R., Jr. 1989. Exotic fishes in the National Park System. Pages 237—252 in: Thomas L.K. (Ed) . Proceedings of the 1986 conference on science in the national parks, volume 5. Management of exotic species in natural communities. U.S. National Park Service and George Wright Society, Washington, DC.
  9. Courtenay W.R., Jr., Sahlman H. F, Miley W. W. II, and D. J. Herrema. Exotic fishes in fresh and brackish waters of Florida // Biological Conservation : journal. — 1974. — Vol. 6, № 4. — P. 292—302. — DOI:10.1016/0006-3207(74)90008-1.
  10. Courtenay W.R., Jr., and C.R. Robins. 1989. Fish introductions: Good management, mismanagement, or no management? CRC Critical Reviews in Aquatic Sciences 1:159-172.
  11. Swift C.C., Haglund T.R., Ruiz M., and R.N. Fisher. 1993. The status and distribution of the freshwater fishes of southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 92:101-167.
  12. CIR1051/FA012: Culture of Hybrid Tilapia: A Reference Profile (неопр.). Проверено 28 апреля 2013. Архивировано 1 мая 2013 года.
  13. 1 2 Popma, T. Tilapia Life History and Biology 1999 Southern Region Aquaculture Center
  14. Gupta M.V. and B.O. Acosta. A review of global tilapia farming practices (неопр.) (2004). Проверено 27 апреля 2013. Архивировано 1 мая 2013 года. на сайте WorldFish Center (Проверено 27 апреля 2013)
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Мозамбикская тиляпия: Brief Summary ( الروسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia русскую Википедию
 src= Мальки

Первым шагом в репродуктивном цикле мозамбикской тиляпии является откапывание самцом ямки, куда самка может выметать икру. После того, как икра отложена, самец оплодотворяет её. Затем самка прячет икру в рот. Икра инкубируетсяruen во рту самки до вылупления личинок.

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wikipedia русскую Википедию

莫三比克口孵非鯽 ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

莫三比克口孵非鯽Oreochromis mossambicus)是口孵非鯽屬的一種魚類,原產於非洲南部。它是一種重要的水產,通常叫做羅非魚,但現在很多同科的魚類也被叫做羅非魚。在被人類引入到其他地區的天然水域之後,因為其適應性很強,也引入臺灣各河川湖泊,所以成為了入侵物種,又名莫三比克吳郭魚在來吳郭魚土種吳郭魚南洋鯽(仔),體長可達35-40公分。



 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:莫三比克口孵非鯽 物種識別信息
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

莫三比克口孵非鯽: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

莫三比克口孵非鯽(Oreochromis mossambicus)是口孵非鯽屬的一種魚類,原產於非洲南部。它是一種重要的水產,通常叫做羅非魚,但現在很多同科的魚類也被叫做羅非魚。在被人類引入到其他地區的天然水域之後,因為其適應性很強,也引入臺灣各河川湖泊,所以成為了入侵物種,又名莫三比克吳郭魚、在來吳郭魚、土種吳郭魚、南洋鯽(仔),體長可達35-40公分。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

모잠비크틸라피아 ( الكورية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

모잠비크틸라피아농어목 시클리드의 물고기이다.


기본 몸색깔은 흐린 녹색 또는 노란색이고, 약간의 줄무늬가 있을수 있다. 성체의 몸길이는 약 35cm에 이르고 몸무게는 1.13kg에 이른다. 최대 11년 동안 산다. 또 알을 입에 넣어 새끼를 기른다.


모잠비크틸라피아는 잡식동물이다. 모잠비크틸라피아는 해조류에서 뿌리 식물에 이르기까지 쇄설물, 규조류, 무척추동물, 치어와 식물을 먹는다.

외부 링크

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Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من World Register of Marine Species
Occurs at temperatures ranging from 8°-42°C (Ref. 3). Lives in warm, weedy pools of sluggish streams, canals, and ponds (Ref. 5723). Is mainly diurnal. May form schools. Omnivorous, feeds on almost anything from algae to insects. Can be reared under hypersaline conditions (Ref. 4537). Marketed fresh and frozen (Ref. 9987).


Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).

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WoRMS Editorial Board
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World Register of Marine Species