
Diagnostic Description ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Diagnosis. Distinguished from all other species of Cichla except C. nigromaculata, C. intermedia, C. piquiti, and C. melaniae, by presence of bars 1a and 2a. Lateral band abbreviated in juveniles. Distinguished from its congeners with abbreviated lateral band by lateral line usually continuous (vs. discontinuous or nearly always discontinuous in orinocensis and nigromaculata; scales in E1 row (67-) 70-80 (-82) (vs. 84-93 in pleiozona); occipital bar absent or indistinct (vs. emphasized in adults of monoculus, kelberi, and pleiozona); abdominal blotches present (vs. absent in orinocensis); vertical bars present at adult size (vs. three midlateral ocellated blotches in orinocensis), except that an ocellated blotch consistently formed in dorsal portion of bar 3; absence of small black blotches on dorsum (vs. present in nigromaculata); vertical bars about equally wide across side (vs. wide, occasionally confluent dorsally, and tapering ventrad in nigromaculata, monoculus, kelberi, and pleiozona. Distinguished from C. intermedia, C. piquiti, and C. melaniae by abbreviated vs. complete juvenile lateral band, less scales in E1 row (67-82 vs. (78) 83-108), and presence of ocellated blotch in dorsal portion of bar 3 vs. absence (Ref. 57716). Description: Appears basically yellow with a dark green back and white belly; eyes reddish with several dark vertical bands extending partially down the sides of the body; males with prominent hump on the nape; distinct black "eye spot" on the tail, from which the fish got its name (Ref. 44091).
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Life Cycle ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Spawning, with rare exceptions, takes place on a flat, horizontal surface which is either bare to begin with, or cleared of algae or other vegetation during the spawning activities. The female moves forward laying a single row of eggs and the male follows exuding sperm over each row. Once the eggs have hatched, the parents transport the larvae in their mouths to one of the depression nests.
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

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Eustrongylides Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( الإنجليزية )

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Goezia Disease 5. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Allan Palacio
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Biology ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من Fishbase
Occurs in the rapids, in quiet waters with medium depth and rocky substrates (Ref. 35237). Forms schools (Ref. 9086). Feeds only on small fish, especially threadfin shad, mosquito fish, tilapia and bluegill. Not considered ideal for aquaculture due to its highly predatory habits (Ref. 1739). Reproduction occurs year-round, with a peak at the start of the rainy season. About 9,000 to 15,000 eggs per kg are released during spawning. Spawning takes place every two months on a flat stone in shallow water. The sticky eggs, measuring 1.4 mm in diameter, take 78 hours to hatch at 28°C.
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( الإنجليزية )

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fisheries: minor commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes; aquarium: commercial
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Susan M. Luna
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Cichla ocellaris ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA

Cichla ocellaris és una espècie de peix de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.


Els mascles poden assolir els 74 cm de longitud total i els 6,800 kg de pes.[3][4]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba a Sud-amèrica: Surinam, Guaiana Francesa i Guaiana.[3]


  1. Bloch, M. E. & J. G. Schneider 1801. M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo. Berolini. Sumtibus Auctoris Impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano Commissum. Systema Ichthyol.: i-lx + 1-584, Pls. 1-110.
  2. BioLib
  3. 3,0 3,1 FishBase (anglès)
  4. IGFA, 2001. Database of IGFA angling records until 2001. IGFA, Fort Lauderdale, Estats Units.


  • Axelrod, H. R., 1993. The most complete colored lexicon of cichlids. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City (Estats Units).
  • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estats Units), 1997.
  • Kullander, S.O. & H. Nijssen. 1989. The cichlids of Surinam. E.J. Brill, Leiden i altres ciutats, XXXIII+256 pp.
  • Kullander & Ferreira (2006). A review of the South American cichlid genus Cichla, with descriptions of nine new species (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, Vol. 17, Núm. 4, pp. 289-398.
  • Lowe-McConnell, R. H. 1969. The cichlid fishes of Guyana, South America, with notes on their ecology and breeding behaviour. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 48: 255-302.
  • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edició, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estats Units: Prentice-Hall (2000).
  • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edició. Nova York, Estats Units: John Wiley and Sons. Any 1994.
  • Römer U.: Cichliden Atlas, Bd. 1. Melle. 1311 p. Any 1998.
  • Stiassny, M. L. J. 1982. The relationships of the neotropical genus Cichla: a phyletic analysis including some functional considerations. J. Zool. Lond. 197: 427-453.
  • Stiassny, M. L. J. 1987. Cichlid familial intrarelationships and the placement of the neotropical genus Cichla. J. nat. Hist. 21: 1311-1331.
  • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edició, Londres: Macdonald. Any 1985.

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Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

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Cichla ocellaris és una espècie de peix de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.

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Cichlida ocasooká ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ
Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Cichlida ocasooká (Cichla ocellaris) je velký druh paprskoploutvé ryby z čeledi vrubozobcovitých. Žije v Jižní Americe v povodí Marowijne v Surinamu a v povodí Essequibo v Guyaně.[1] Dosahuje délky 45 – 55 cm a váhy 6,8kg. Je to dravý druh cichlidy, který se živí rybami. Ryby napadá ze zálohy. Své druhové jméno si vysloužila podle své oční skvrny na ocase, jako má např. vrubozubec paví (Astronotus ocellatus). Pro chov je to náročná ryba, která potřebuje mít akvárium o délce 3 metrů. Nejdelší známý jedinec měřil 74 cm.


  1. a b Milan Kořínek. BioLib.cz – Cichla ocellaris (cichlida ocasooká) [online]. BioLib.cz [cit. 2017-12-18]. Dostupné online.

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Cichlida ocasooká: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ
ikona Tento článek není dostatečně ozdrojován a může tedy obsahovat informace, které je třeba ověřit.
Jste-li s popisovaným předmětem seznámeni, pomozte doložit uvedená tvrzení doplněním referencí na věrohodné zdroje.

Cichlida ocasooká (Cichla ocellaris) je velký druh paprskoploutvé ryby z čeledi vrubozobcovitých. Žije v Jižní Americe v povodí Marowijne v Surinamu a v povodí Essequibo v Guyaně. Dosahuje délky 45 – 55 cm a váhy 6,8kg. Je to dravý druh cichlidy, který se živí rybami. Ryby napadá ze zálohy. Své druhové jméno si vysloužila podle své oční skvrny na ocase, jako má např. vrubozubec paví (Astronotus ocellatus). Pro chov je to náročná ryba, která potřebuje mít akvárium o délce 3 metrů. Nejdelší známý jedinec měřil 74 cm.

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Cichla ocellaris ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Cichla ocellaris, sometimes known as the butterfly peacock bass ("peacock bass" is also used for some of its relatives), is a very large species of cichlid from South America, and a prized game fish. It reaches 74 cm (29 in) in length.[2] It is native to the Marowijne and Essequibo drainages in the Guianas, and the Branco River in Brazil. It has also been introduced to regions outside its natural range (e.g., Florida, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico), but some uncertainty exists over the exact identity, and at least some of the introductions may involve another Cichla species or hybrids.[3] It is frequently confused with C. monoculus. Studies conclude that the introduction of Cichla ocellaris does not negatively impact fish communities in Florida, making it an effective fisheries management tool.[4]

Appearance and identification

Similarly shaped in body size compared to the largemouth bass, the butterfly peacock bass can reach lengths of up to 29 in (740 mm), but averages 12–14 in (300–360 mm) in length.[5] Body and fin colors range from yellows, greens, and light red to orange. While color is extremely variable, the most prominent physical characteristics are the three vertical black lines along the sides of the body.[6] With having the tendency to fade, these lines may not be found on some older fish. The common name of the fish originates from the black spot with a yellow halo surrounding. This spot is located on the caudal fin and resembles the feathers of a peacock.

Spawning habits and locations

Spawning season for the fish is between April and September, with a height in May and June. Like other bass, adult fish create large flat surfaces that are hardened down near the shore in order to serve as a spawn location.[6] Once the eggs are laid, both adults are responsible for protecting them from prey.

Growth and age

The growth from spawn to the average length of 12–14 inches progresses rapidly throughout the first 16–18 months of life. Upon additional growth beyond the average, a fish can potentially add up to 1.5 pounds of weight with every extra inch grown.[6] Average lifespan for the Butterfly Peacock Bass is 6–10 years.

Origins and habitat

Native to the tropical Americas, the true Cichla ocellaris is restricted to the Guianas. The species thrives in warm, slow-moving bodies of water including lakes, ponds, canals, and rock pits. Like other species of bass, they tend to inhabit shaded areas under trees, bridges, and culverts. Butterfly peacock bass cannot survive in salinities exceeding 18 ppt, nor can they live in temperatures less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit.[6]

Current distribution

In 1984, the Florida Fish and Game Commission introduced the species to the lakes and rivers of Miami-Dade County, in south Florida. Upon introduction, roughly 10,000 young fish were introduced to the Miami-Dade County area via releasing the juveniles into the lakes and canals.[3] Distribution throughout the area can be attributed to the travel of this species through the warm, freshwater canals of Florida. It is thought that these fish inhabit up to 300 miles (500 km) of canals specifically. Due to the fish's inability to tolerate salt water and low water temperatures, this species of fish is typically found only in the Miami-Dade and Broward County areas of Florida, with a few sightings in Texas and Louisiana.[3]

This species has also been introduced in large numbers to Trị An Lake in Vietnam

Ecological and feeding habits

The introduction of the butterfly peacock bass to Florida has successfully aided in managing and controlling tilapia and oscar populations that once were a threat via overpopulation. The fish primarily feeds on fish allowing for them to be roleplayers in the balancing of a habitat. These fish typically feed during daylight hours where visibility is better for hunting. Like other bass, they use their incredible speed and large mouth to capture prey.

Game fishing

Regarded as the most popular sportfish in south Florida, millions of game fishermen travel each year to fish for Butterfly Peacock Bass, spending about 8 million dollars combined in resources and efforts. The fish is available to boat fishermen along with fishermen located on the shore. The species is fished similarly to largemouth bass, with shiners used as live bait and topwater jigs and jerkbaits as suggested tackle.[6] Florida includes a daily bag limit of two fish, with a minimum length of 17 in (430 mm).[5]


The edibility of the fish is considered to be very good, as it provides a clean and flaky white filet. Many people refer to it as having a "non-fishy" taste.[7] However, they are not commonly eaten as state restrictions require the fish to be of at least a certain size.


  1. ^ "Cichla ocellaris Bloch & Schneider, 1801". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  2. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2011). "Cichla ocellaris" in FishBase. April 2011 version.
  3. ^ a b c Nico, Leo; Neilson, Matt (31 March 2020) [Peer reviewed on 3 May 2013]. "Cichla ocellaris Bloch and Schneider, 1801". Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database. Gainesville, FL: U.S. Geological Survey. Retrieved 9 March 2023.
  4. ^ Shafland, P. L. (1999). The Introduced Butterfly Peacock (Cichla ocellaris) in Florida. I. Fish Community Analyses. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 7(2), 71-94. doi:10.1080/10641269991319199
  5. ^ a b "Florida's Butterfly Peacock Bass". www.jimporter.org. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
  6. ^ a b c d e "Butterfly Peacock". Bass Fishing Florida. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
  7. ^ "Can you eat Peacock Bass?". Catch Florida Peacock Bass. Retrieved 2020-12-14.
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Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Cichla ocellaris, sometimes known as the butterfly peacock bass ("peacock bass" is also used for some of its relatives), is a very large species of cichlid from South America, and a prized game fish. It reaches 74 cm (29 in) in length. It is native to the Marowijne and Essequibo drainages in the Guianas, and the Branco River in Brazil. It has also been introduced to regions outside its natural range (e.g., Florida, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico), but some uncertainty exists over the exact identity, and at least some of the introductions may involve another Cichla species or hybrids. It is frequently confused with C. monoculus. Studies conclude that the introduction of Cichla ocellaris does not negatively impact fish communities in Florida, making it an effective fisheries management tool.

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Cichla ocellaris ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

El pavón o tucunaré (Cichla ocellaris) es una especie de pez de la familia Cichlidae.

Nombres comunes

Pavón, pavón tres estrellas, pavón mariposa, tucunare, sargento (Panamá)


Presas vivas: peces, camarones, lombrices, insectos, etc., fundamentalmente son piscívoro comúnmente atacan ranas, lagartijas e iguanas, por eso son muy apetecidos en la captura con señuelos de superficie ya a su ataque brutal que realiza al momento de su cacería...

Origen y distribución

Cuenca de los ríos Orinoco, Amazonas y afluentes; en Venezuela, Brasil, Colombia, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador y Panamá (Lago Gatún y cuenca del Canal).

Cinco especies

Hay cinco especies conocidas de "pavón".

Hay muchísimos nombres comunes para estos peces, en Brasil. El más popular es tucunaré. En castellano pavόn.

Aunque la ciencia conoce solo cinco especies, algunos ictiólogos creen que hasta hay 12 en lagos y ríos de agua dulce de Sudamérica.

La IUCN jamás investigó el estatus de conservación de ninguna especie de pavón. Por eso no aparece en ninguna Lista Roja de la IUCN.


  • Tamaño: 45 a 75 y aún 100 cm (en la naturaleza)
  • Peso: 13 a 15 kg (en la naturaleza) el récord mundial es un ejemplar capturado en Brasil por Andrea Zaccherini, pescador brasileño, propietario de los barcos del Hoteles Angatú, quién capturó un monstruosos ejemplar de Tucunaré Açu (Cichla temensis), en el Río Negro, de 13,190 gramos (29,4 lbs), a día de hoy se puede decir, que está siendo revisado por los miembros IGFA, para homologar tan increíble record[1]
  • Record Tucunaré Açu, logrado por Andrea Zaccherini.
    • Temperamento: pez sumamente inteligente y agresivo (en la pesca con caña y cebo artificial es capaz de atacar a un señuelo que lo duplique en tamaño), es territorialista, protege a la hembra y a las crías las cuales introducen en su boca en caso de algún peligro
    • Tamaño mínimo del acuario: 200 L (preferentemente 400 L; calcular 10 L por cada 3 cm de longitud del pez)
    • Temperatura: 26 - 28 °C
    • Condiciones del agua: pH = 6,5 a 7,0 DH: 6 a 8
    • Hábitos: gran depredador, en acuarios hay que mantenerlos con peces más grandes que ellos (a veces ni los toleran). Es preferible colocar a una pareja sola por acuario.
    • Espectacular pez, es capaz de decorar él solo un acuario (en cualquiera de sus variedades). La coloración varía según el estado anímico que tenga el animal y es muy variable según la edad, en los juveniles predominan los tonos grises y en los adultos el verde oliva, el anaranjado, azul, amarillo-dorado, etc. con tres ocelos negros aureolados de amarillo a lo largo del cuerpo y uno más en la base de la aleta caudal (C. ocellaris) a diferencia con el temensis los ocelos del cuerpo se convierten en tres franjas negras conservando el ocelo en la base de la aleta caudal.

    El C. nigrolineatus tiene una coloración parecida a los anteriores pero posee una franja negra en forma horizontal a lo largo del cuerpo, conservando también el ocelo en la base de la aleta caudal.

    • Decoración del acuario: no colocar plantas ya que las destroza o las saca de la arena. Básicamente la pecera deberá estar decorada con troncos (raíces) sumergidos y rocas; además hay que proporcionarles una buena filtración del agua (según el tamaño del acuario). El agua donde habitan es por lo general extremadamente cristalina y tranquila; aunque es muy común verlos en las uniones de dos ríos y ellos se colocan donde el agua está más revuelta, al acecho de sus presas, para no ser vistos por ellas.

    No se han registrado resultados de cría en acuarios; sin embargo, se han sembrado con éxito en muchísimas lagunas, represas y lagos artificiales. Para disminuir la proliferación del Caribe o piraña (Serrasalmus sp.) en Sudamérica y en Florida y Texas para la pesca deportiva con caña.

    Aunque este es un artículo de acuariofilia, vale la pena destacar que para los pescadores deportivos de agua dulce este pez, es sin duda el mejor trofeo; su astucia, su valentía y su agresividad, aparte de su exquisita carne lo hacen ser el pez más buscado en Sur América y Norteamérica. Innumerables pescadores de todas partes del mundo vienen al Amazonas Venezolano y Brasileño para pescarlos y devolverlos, hay un sin número de campamentos de pesca a las orillas de los ríos y lagunas donde habitan estos bellos animales, fomentando así un Eco-Turismo bastante importante en la zona.


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    Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia ES

    El pavón o tucunaré (Cichla ocellaris) es una especie de pez de la familia Cichlidae.

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    wikipedia ES

    Cichla ocellaris ( الباسكية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia EU

    Cichla ocellaris Cichla generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cichlidae familian.



    1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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    Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( الباسكية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia EU

    Cichla ocellaris Cichla generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cichlidae familian.

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    Cichla ocellaris ( الجاليكية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

    Cichla ocellaris é unha especie moi grande de cíclido orixinario de América do Sur. Acada os 74 cm de lonxitude.[1] Habita nos ríos Marowijne e Essequibo na Güiana, e no río Branco do Brasil. Tamén foi introducido en rexións fóra do seu hábitat natural (como en Florida, Hawai e Porto Rico).[2] É frecuentemente confundido con C. monoculus.


    1. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel, eds. (Abril de 2011). "Cichla ocellaris". FishBase (en inglés).
    2. Nico, L. (2011). Cichla ocellaris. USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL.

    Véxase tamén


    • Axelrod, H. R., 1993. The most complete colored lexicon of cichlids. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City (Estados Unidos).
    • Helfman, G., B. Collette i D. Facey: The diversity of fishes. Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts (Estados Unidos), 1997.
    • Kullander, S.O. & H. Nijssen. 1989. The cichlids of Surinam. E.J. Brill, Leiden e outras cidades, XXXIII+256 pp.
    • Kullander & Ferreira (2006). A review of the South American cichlid genus Cichla, with descriptions of nine new species (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, Vol. 17, Núm. 4, pp. 289–398.
    • Lowe-McConnell, R. H. 1969. The cichlid fishes of Guyana, South America, with notes on their ecology and breeding behaviour. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 48: 255-302.
    • Moyle, P. i J. Cech.: Fishes: An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4a edición, Upper Saddle River, Nova Jersey, Estados Unidos: Prentice-Hall (2000).
    • Nelson, J.: Fishes of the World, 3a edición. Nova York, Estados Unidos: John Wiley and Sons. Ano 1994.
    • Römer U.: Cichliden Atlas, Bd. 1. Melle. 1311 p. Ano 1998.
    • Stiassny, M. L. J. 1982. The relationships of the neotropical genus Cichla: a phyletic analysis including some functional considerations. J. Zool. Lond. 197: 427-453.
    • Stiassny, M. L. J. 1987. Cichlid familial intrarelationships and the placement of the neotropical genus Cichla. J. nat. Hist. 21: 1311-1331.
    • Wheeler, A.: The World Encyclopedia of Fishes, 2a edición, Londres: Macdonald. Ano 1985.

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    wikipedia gl Galician

    Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

    Cichla ocellaris é unha especie moi grande de cíclido orixinario de América do Sur. Acada os 74 cm de lonxitude. Habita nos ríos Marowijne e Essequibo na Güiana, e no río Branco do Brasil. Tamén foi introducido en rexións fóra do seu hábitat natural (como en Florida, Hawai e Porto Rico). É frecuentemente confundido con C. monoculus.

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    Dėmėtoji ciklė ( اللتوانية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia LT

    Dėmėtoji ciklė (lot. Cichla ocellaris, angl. Butterfly peacock bass) – daugiaspalvių ešeržuvių (Cichlidae) šeimos žuvis.

    Tai pati tipiškiausia šios genties rūšis ir yra labai panaši į ešerį. Kūnas iki 60 cm ilgio, gamtoje gali būti kiek didesni. Agresyvus grobuonis.

    Akvariumas turi būti didelis, turintis daug atviros erdvės, šiekštų ir didelių, tvirtų augalų. Tinka įvairios sudėties, bet gerai nufiltruotas vanduo. Temperatūra - 24-28 °C. Akvariume veisti sunku. Tai ant grunto neršianti rūšis, pasižyminti tipiška mailiaus globa.

    Rūšis paplitusi Pietų Amerikos centrinėje ir šiaurinėje dalyse.

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    wikipedia LT

    Pauwoogbaars ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia NL


    De pauwoogbaars (Cichla ocellaris) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van cichliden (Cichlidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De vis kan maximaal 74 centimeter lang en 6800 gram zwaar worden.

    De vis moet niet worden verward met de pauw tandbaars (Cephalopholis argus) of de pauwoogzonnebaars (Centrarchus macropterus}, die laatste wordt ook wel een pauwoogbaars genoemd, ter onderscheiding wordt de pauwoogbaars (Cichla ocellaris) dan ook wel pauwbaars genoemd. Het verschil tussen de twee is onder meer dat de pauwoogzonnebaars het oog van een pauw op de achtervin heeft terwijl de pauwoogbaars deze op de staart heeft. In Suriname wordt de vis geduid als tukunari (uitspraak: toekoenari).


    De pauwoogbaars komt voor in zoet- en brakwater. De vis prefereert een tropisch klimaat. Het verspreidingsgebied beperkt zich tot Zuid-Amerika. De diepteverspreiding is 0 tot 5 meter onder het wateroppervlak.

    Relatie tot de mens

    De pauwoogbaars is voor de visserij van beperkt commercieel belang. In de hengelsport wordt er vooral in Suriname op de vis gejaagd, daarbuiten een stuk minder. De vis wordt door de lokale bevolking veel gegeten. De soort wordt verder gevangen voor commerciële aquaria.

    Voor de mens is de pauwoogbaars potentieel schadelijk.

    Externe link

    Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
    • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
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    wikipedia NL

    Pauwoogbaars: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia NL

    De pauwoogbaars (Cichla ocellaris) is een straalvinnige vis uit de familie van cichliden (Cichlidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van baarsachtigen (Perciformes). De vis kan maximaal 74 centimeter lang en 6800 gram zwaar worden.

    De vis moet niet worden verward met de pauw tandbaars (Cephalopholis argus) of de pauwoogzonnebaars (Centrarchus macropterus}, die laatste wordt ook wel een pauwoogbaars genoemd, ter onderscheiding wordt de pauwoogbaars (Cichla ocellaris) dan ook wel pauwbaars genoemd. Het verschil tussen de twee is onder meer dat de pauwoogzonnebaars het oog van een pauw op de achtervin heeft terwijl de pauwoogbaars deze op de staart heeft. In Suriname wordt de vis geduid als tukunari (uitspraak: toekoenari).

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    wikipedia NL

    Cichla ocellaris ( النرويجية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia NO

    Cichla ocellaris er en art av ciklider. De er fisk som lever i ferskvann i Sør-Amerika, øst for Andes.

    Cichla-artene er blant de største ciklidene.

    Det er forskjeller på kjønnene hos alle artene. De er rovfisk og har øyeflekk ved haleroten.

    Arter i slekten Cichla


    Eksterne lenker

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    Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia NO

    Cichla ocellaris er en art av ciklider. De er fisk som lever i ferskvann i Sør-Amerika, øst for Andes.

    Cichla-artene er blant de største ciklidene.

    Det er forskjeller på kjønnene hos alle artene. De er rovfisk og har øyeflekk ved haleroten.

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    Cichla ocellaris ( البرتغالية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia PT

    Cichla ocellaris, popularmente conhecido como tucunaré, tucunaretinga, lucunari e lacunari, é peixe teleósteo, perciforme, da família Cichlidae. Seu habitat natural é a Amazônia. É prateado, com o dorso negro. No Brasil, existem pelo menos 12 espécies de tucunarés, sendo cinco descritas. O colorido, a forma e o número de manchas variam bastante de espécie para espécie; porém, todos os tucunarés apresentam uma mancha redonda, chamada de ocelo, no pedúnculo caudal.[1]


    "Tucunaré" provém do termo tupi tukuna'ré.[1] "Tucunaretinga" vem do termo tupi para "tucunaré pequeno ".[2]


    Os tucunarés são peixes de médio porte com comprimentos entre 30 centímetros e um metro. Todos apresentam como característica um ocelo redondo no pedúnculo caudal e são peixes ósseos. Possui nadadeira caudal homocerca, nadadeira dorsal, sendo duas dorsais contíguas, nadadeira peitoral, ventral e um tronco torácico. Possui três faixas negras transversais ao corpo. A nadadeira dorsal é escura com manchas amareladas. A base da nadadeira caudal possui uma mancha negra marginada de amarelo.



    Seus hábitos alimentares variam ao longo da vida. Nos primeiros 30 dias de vida, as larvas se alimentam de plâncton. A partir do segundo mês, começam a ingerir larvas de insetos. Quando os alevinos chegam ao terceiro mês, já se alimentam de pequenos peixes e camarões. A partir do quinto ou sexto mês se alimenta exclusivamente de peixes vivos.


    O processo de reprodução começa antes do acasalamento, pois o macho costuma limpar cuidadosamente o local escolhido para a desova, com o auxílio da boca e de suas nadadeiras. Quando as larvas nascem, os pais possuem cuidados parentais, fazendo ninhos e cuidando dos filhotes, comportamento incomum entre outras espécies.


    Esse peixe é espécie sedentária, que não realiza migrações, e vive em lagos, lagoas e na boca e beira dos rios. Durante a cheia, é comum encontrá-los na mata inundada. Ele é originário das Bacias Amazônicas e Araguaia-Tocantins e foi introduzido nos reservatórios da Bacia da Prata, em algumas áreas do Pantanal, no Rio São Francisco e nos açudes do Nordeste.


    1. a b FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 725
    2. FERREIRA, A. B. H. Novo Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Segunda edição. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986. p.1 678
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    wikipedia PT

    Cichla ocellaris: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia PT

    Cichla ocellaris, popularmente conhecido como tucunaré, tucunaretinga, lucunari e lacunari, é peixe teleósteo, perciforme, da família Cichlidae. Seu habitat natural é a Amazônia. É prateado, com o dorso negro. No Brasil, existem pelo menos 12 espécies de tucunarés, sendo cinco descritas. O colorido, a forma e o número de manchas variam bastante de espécie para espécie; porém, todos os tucunarés apresentam uma mancha redonda, chamada de ocelo, no pedúnculo caudal.

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    wikipedia PT

    Cá vược công ( الفيتنامية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia VI

    Cá vược công hay cá hoàng đế bảo yến hay cá phi Hoàng đế (Danh pháp khoa học: Cichla ocellaris) là một loài cá trong họ cá Cichlidae. Chúng phân bố tại Nam Mỹ ở Suriname và Guyana. Ở Việt Nam, chúng là một loài xâm lấnhồ Trị An.

    Đặc điểm

    Nhiều nơi còn gọi là cá Hoàng Đế bởi cái vây lưng trên của chúng có trông như chiếc vương miện của một vị vua, những chiếc gai cứng nhô cao so với phần màng vây. Cá có thân dài và sâu, vây lưng hình chữ V, miệng lớn, hàm dưới kéo dài, vượt cả hàm trên. Có một vòng tròn bao quanh mắt, ba vạch màu đen trên thân của cá Hoàng Bảo Yến. Phần chốt đuôi có một vòng tròn đen được bao bọc bởi viền vàng, nhiều cá thể trong loài có những chấm đen viền vàng nhỏ leo từ khấu đuôi tới gần nắp mang, những chấm đen này có khi lan sang cả vây đuôi và vây hậu môn. Cá Đực nhiều tuổi thường xuất hiện một hoa văn lớn trên cơ thể, tuy nhiên để phân biệt đực cái, người ta thường phải dựa vào quá trình sinh sản để nhận biết.

    Cá vược công có tốc độ lớn nhanh và kích thước lớn, cá dữ có thể ăn cá mồi, thường được nuôi chung với cá rồng. Chúng sống được ở nhiều tầng nước. Cá bắt cặp sinh sản, đẻ trứng dính lên giá thể được dọn sẵn, cá bố mẹ chăm sóc trứng và cá con trong khoảng 9 tuần. quá trình sinh sản diễn ra ở nhiệt độ 79 tới 82 độ F, và trứng được đặt trên một nền đá cứng ở vùng nước nông. Mỗi lần cá cái đẻ hơn 10.000 trứng, và cả cá bố và cá mẹ sẽ bảo vệ trứng nở trong khoảng thời gian 1 tháng. Thức ăn chủ yếu là cá con và con mồi sống, chúng săn mồi nhờ tốc độ tuyệt vời của mình, chúng ăn hầu hết các loại thực phẩm chế biến sẵn, sâu đông lạnh, sâu tươi, super worm, tubifex, thức ăn viên. Cá khỏe và dễ nuôi, sống được trong môi trường nước ngọt đến lợ. Trong nuôi nhốt, vì bản chất ăn thịt, chúng nên được nuôi trong bể cá cùng loài, hoặc những bể có cá thể có kích thước tương đương hoặc lớn hơn.

    Chú thích

    Tham khảo

    •  src= Dữ liệu liên quan tới Cá vược công tại Wikispecies
    • Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2011). "Cichla ocellaris" in FishBase. April 2011 version.
    • Nico, L. (2011). Cichla ocellaris. USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL.

    Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết chủ đề bộ Cá vược này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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    Cá vược công: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia VI

    Cá vược công hay cá hoàng đế bảo yến hay cá phi Hoàng đế (Danh pháp khoa học: Cichla ocellaris) là một loài cá trong họ cá Cichlidae. Chúng phân bố tại Nam Mỹ ở Suriname và Guyana. Ở Việt Nam, chúng là một loài xâm lấnhồ Trị An.

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    眼點麗魚 ( الصينية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科
    二名法 Cichla ocellaris
    Bloch & Schneider, 1801

    眼點麗魚(學名:Cichla ocellaris),又稱皇冠三間,為輻鰭魚綱鱸形目隆頭魚亞目慈鯛科的其中一,分布於南美洲蘇利南蓋亞那法屬圭亞那埃塞奎博河、Marowijne河流域,體長可達74公分,棲息在岩石底質的深水域,成群活動,屬肉食性,以昆蟲魚類為食,生活習性不明,可作為食用魚、觀賞魚及養殖魚。


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    wikipedia 中文维基百科

    眼點麗魚: Brief Summary ( الصينية )

    المقدمة من wikipedia 中文维基百科

    眼點麗魚(學名:Cichla ocellaris),又稱皇冠三間,為輻鰭魚綱鱸形目隆頭魚亞目慈鯛科的其中一,分布於南美洲蘇利南蓋亞那法屬圭亞那埃塞奎博河、Marowijne河流域,體長可達74公分,棲息在岩石底質的深水域,成群活動,屬肉食性,以昆蟲魚類為食,生活習性不明,可作為食用魚、觀賞魚及養殖魚。

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    wikipedia 中文维基百科